
关键词:青钢集团企业文化提升学习型组织AbstractCorporate culture is a people-oriented management theory on rallying employees’ sense of belonging、enthuslasm、ereativity.Ethic and enterprlse’s spirit is the core of corporate culture and register as enterprise systems and material phenomenon.It is a set of fine style of work,behavior and values.Nowadays,while the market economic system in China is getting matured and Chinese industrialization is developing continually and there is the trend of internationalization,Qingdao Iron And Steel Group is facing with a series of problems in building its corporate culture.This will do research in and analyze Qingdao Iron And Steel Group is existing corporate culture base on its reallstic situation.This will make great sense in building a continuing and efficient corporate culture and strengthening its competitive strength.Keyword: QIS Corporate culture Promote Tutorial Organization目录摘要 (I)Abstract (I)1 国内外企业文化理论概述 (1)1.1 国内外企业文化的定义 (1)1.1.1 国内企业文化定义 (1)1.1.2 国外企业文化定义 (1)1.2 企业文化结构 (2)1.3 企业文化对企业的影响 (4)1.3.1 企业文化对企业人的影响 (4)1.3.2 企业文化对企业家的影响 (4)1.3.3 企业文化对企业营销的影响 (4)1.3.4 企业文化对企业战略的影响 (5)2 青钢集团企业文化形成轨迹 (6)2.1 青钢集团企业文化形成背景 (6)2.2 青钢集团企业氛围 (7)2.2.1 青钢集团企业环境氛围 (7)2.2.2 青钢集团企业精神氛围 (7)2.2.3 青钢集团企业制度氛围 (8)3 青钢集团企业文化现状 (10)3.1 青钢集团企业文化理念 (10)3.1.1 核心理念 (10)3.1.2 经营管理理念 (11)3.2 青钢集团塑造企业文化的途径 (12)3.3 青钢集团企业文化存在的问题 (13)3.3.1 部分员工依然存在“大锅饭”思想 (13)3.3.2 青钢集团内部文化难统一、难深入 (13)3.3.3 青钢集团企业文化建设执行力较弱 (14)3.3.4 领导层对企业文化内涵理解存在误区 (14)3.3.5 员工对集团企业文化的认识存在一定的误区 (14)4 青钢集团企业文化的提升建议 (16)4.1 完善企业文化管理制度 (16)4.2 树立“包容”的集团企业文化理念 (16)4.3 增强企业文化渗透的执行力 (17)4.4 构建“学习型组织”企业文化 (18)4.4.1 树立学习型价值观 (18)4.4.2 创建有利于领导和员工学习的人文环境 (18)4.4.3 创建鼓励学习的组织体系 (19)5 结束语 (21)参考文献 (22)1 国内外企业文化理论概述1.1 国内外企业文化的定义1.1.1 国内企业文化定义“企业文化”这个术语是在20世纪80年代随着企业文化理论的传入才开始在中国出现的。

企业文化的一种经济学解释卜金涛(本文字数:3375) 《商业时代》2005年第36期字号:【大中小】内容摘要:企业文化实际上是员工追求个人效用最大化的过程中逐步形成某些共性的行为惯例,企业和社会推崇的“损己利人”的企业文化对员工个人而言是非均衡解,即使建成这种文化也会被员工逐渐放弃和偏离。


Corporate CultureThe concept of enterprise cultureEnterprise culture is formed in the long-term of the venture and development process among the enterprise staf. They cultivate the common goal, the highest value standard, basic beliefs and behavior. It contains a very rich content, including business philosophy, value concept, the spirit of enterprise, enterprise morality, group consciousness, enterprise image, enterprise system. Its core is the spirit of the enterprise and values.The value of enterprise culture1.Enterprise culture affects the enterprise’s lifeCulture is informal. But it exist everywhere and every time. In the developing of an enterprise, things informal is more important than that of formal, software is usually more important the hardware. This is not only the character of modern economy, but also the outcome of enterprise culture’s effect in long time. Enterprise culture is the spirit of the enterprise, is the power that drives the enterprise developing, and is the best way for the enterprise to get the growth of its economy. The development needs culture and the culture can support the development. In any case, there will be no long time development without culture’ support.2.Enterprise culture builds the enterprise’s core competenceThe 1960’s the core content of enterprise competition is technology , in the 70 s, it is management, in the 80’ s, it is marketing, in the 90’s, it is the brand, and the21’st century the core competition between enterprises is the culture. Enterprise's short-term prosperity can get in so many ways, but the enterprise long time growth can be only from the power of the excellent enterprise culture, the effect of suitable culture on the development and growth of enterprises is huge, because it has infinite driving force on the staff.The spirit and ideas is the core of the enterprise’s culture. When a good enterprise culture establishment, it brings the wisdom of the group, the spirit of collaboration, fresh vitality, this is equivalent to for enterprise with a powerful engine for enterprise innovation and development, and can uninterruptedly supply spiritual power for the enterprise.Culture the best way to mobilize the staff of an enterprise. It brings staff home feeling in their work. It is the resource of the cohesive power inside and the expansionary force outside of the enterprise.The concept of brand cultureBrand culture is the core of brand value, it include the value concept, grade, appeal, express feelings of the brand, the value of the brand culture is that it brings items of the brand to the flourish spirit world of human being. Brand culture not only can bring people good feeling but also improve the core competence of the brand. Brand culture mainly has three level content: the first level is the brand value system, which is made up of a series of concept of brand owners and operators, including the pursuit of quality concept, management concept, service concept, social concept and so on; The second level is the behavior model of the brand,includi ng the operator’s management and marketing strategy, market development means, transmission channels, service mechanism and attitude, etc. The third level is the brand in the visual image level. This aspect mainly includes the name of the brand, brand appeal, brand identification, product external image and so on. The brand culture construction is the process to adapt to the consumer demand, realize the brand image, maintenance for goals, and complete the heart contract between the brand and the consumer.The concept of culture marketing powerCulture marketing power is that enterprises, through the cultural marketing, get strong marketing idea, super marketing image, a new marketing model, and so get strong marketing power.企业文化企业文化的概念企业文化是指企业全体员工在长期的创业和发展过程中培育形成,并共同遵守的最高目标,价值标准,基本信念及行为规范。
企业文化解说: 西方现代经济学的观点

经济学家科斯(R. Coase)从交易费用的概念出发,引发了对企业认识上一次革命。

企业文化中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)The Corporate Culture Rebuilding of E-business With the development of large-scale e-business, The E-commerce culture comes into being. It is an enterprise that produces a new value. The new integration of internal resources of the enterprises, which reduces transaction costs and improves efficiency. And it can short the cycle of production, and get many other benefits. Also it challenges on the existing corporate culture. The rise of e-commerce is a means of rapid development of technology that leads business models change. The survival of traditional economic activities, the means of operation and the management mechanisms have changed completely. The traditional corporate culture also faces a big strike.First, the Contribution to the Enterprise Value of Corporate CultureCultural phenomenon is a symbol of civilized country and a major witness of the nation. Broader culture includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and every person as a member of the social to obtain ability and habit, including the complex whole. The survival and development of the enterprise plays an important role as a "sub culture" of the corporate culture. Corporate culture is the product of a market economy and commodity economy, embodying the objective laws of market economy. It reflects the company's competitive practices, competitive spirit and overall image. The enterprise culture is the company's management philosophy, enterprises face in which the social and business environment in the long-term production of business activities. And it gets all employees accept and agree to honor, which fights for a set of informal rules of success. It shows a kind of management philosophy and business practice to achieve through what kind of target. It is an important part of economic management. Corporate culture means a company's value, and these values become a norm of behavior of employees’ activities.How to increase profits, reduce costs and expenses is the origin of the corporate culture. Its meaning is how to enable enterprises to effectively integrate resources in order to achieve external flexibility and realize sustainable development in the competition. Corporate culture for the enterprises to develop cultural managementindicates a clear direction. The foreign competition environment for building highly adaptable and responding quickly to change is the final purpose of enterprise culture, according to environmental behavior capacities, which in fact is the company, owned by the external competitive environment by the needs of internal resources the ability to integrate and use. Corporate culture should promote the formation of the capacity of the system and maintain a good system. Many Chinese companies, for example, Haier, Lenovo, and so on, the secret of enterprise success is to develop a set of corporate and business philosophy that forms its own unique corporate culture.1, the corporate culture reflects the company's image and spirit. Establishing a good corporate image needs support of Modern business, from leadership to staff quality, from product quality to management facilities, from the environment to the product development, infiltrating cultural factors, and all reflecting the corporate image. Good corporate image (the "goodwill") is an intangible wealth and assets to display the "brand effect", which wins the social and public support, in line with modern public relations and marketing theory. From the modern management theory, it reflects the spirit of enterprise groups and the ideal goal, showing the direction of development of enterprises and business purposes. It is on behalf of the company's future prospects; so that every member company can voluntarily contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, from the enterprises in the fierce competition in technology press "beautiful and fragrant flowers."2, the corporate culture as in the business as a new management theory to play an extremely rebuilding role.First, creating a environment for flexible coordination of business operations, the corporate social systems as a subsystem, continuously with the surrounding environment material, energy and information exchange, social environment is relatively more objective. And enterprises need to adapt to environmental changes, researching the laws and requirements of environmental change, a clear tendency of economic development compatible with the social needs and potential demand, which improve the enterprise's various weaknesses and adjust to business strategy, creating a new corporate culture, and environment interaction to achieve dynamic balance thatcreates a cycle of market environment, promoting the restructuring of joint-stock company into the future state of healthy function.Second, it is conducive to the formation of the values of their all operation. The development of corporate culture as the underlying motivation, its values is the core of corporate culture. And it is a business organization and the basic concepts and beliefs. For enterprises, the core task is how the market to survive and provide consumers with appropriate products and services. The core mission of business does not automatically guarantee a corporate member with a common objective. Values established by the company code of conduct for employees defined in an extremely successful and the objective pursuit.Third, it helps to improve the all quality and foster corporation. The composition of the corporate culture includes ideology, culture, technology, culture, management culture, quality culture and entertainment culture. On the one hand, the culture of integration promotes the improvement of the quality of the entire staff. Because the influence of a common culture, the formation of a common awareness and behavior-oriented preserves and maintains the unity, cooperation, the harmony between employee relations, the objective to strengthen the unity, the overall development of the performance.3, the business culture is a kind of meaning. It is different from the surrounding environment of the enterprise as a system. Its internal mechanisms of the coordinated operation of the corporate culture can not be separated. On the one hand, a direct effect on corporate culture, employee code of conduct, professional ethics and clip point, nurture and develop the corporate culture, which improves the cohesion and solidarity, increasing employee’s satisfaction, sense of identity and belonging. On the other hand, the corporate culture of the major decisions of business, the company's long-term goals and strategies as well as the implementation of rules and regulations have not be underestimated.Second, the Building of Corporate Culture, the Need for ChangeIn the 21st century, the enterprise culture of Chinese business faces multiple challenges: the arrival of knowledge economy, the corporate culture, the question ofhow to enhance the value of knowledge, knowledge workers how to deal with new issues; market-oriented reform, making the planned economy era the formation of corporate culture and old ways, old routines often fail; and the rise of network technology, but also for the birth of a new corporate culture provides a weapon. Sentence: mechanism changed, times have changed, technology has changed, so many companies are faced with reshaping corporate culture. Gerstner saved Big Blue, the first is to explicitly change the corporate culture of IBM's basic values, the creation of IBM's culture, which is "strive to win (Win)" "fast execution (Execute)" and "team spirit (Team) ". Gerstner said, " as IBM's leaders, of course you need to lead the planning and specific projects, but your responsibilities also include leading the staff, the establishment of work teams, and the creation of high-performance corporate culture." GE Jack Welch, former CEO also said: "Our vitality curve is able to function effectively, because we spent a decade in our enterprise to establish a performance culture."From our point of view of corporate culture development status, can only say that the end is still in a relatively level, the "corporate culture strategy" did not receive due attention, the cultivation of corporate culture, lack of guidance systems theory, corporate culture, most of the traditional culture in the enterprise the epitome of such enterprises often lack vitality, dead, suffering from a lack of excellent sense, may be severe centrifugal serious. Overall there are more defects in our corporate culture phenomenon with error, our corporate culture common errors are:1, the phenomenon of cultural obscurantism. Such phenomenon is common in those autocratic leaders or operational problems of the enterprise. Performance of the leaders of the extreme stress on certain cultural values, education and means to promote radical. It is because the causes of most of the leaders hope to achieve within the enterprise.2, no cultural phenomenon. Usually presents companies have a very strict system and the various rules and regulations. The system provides for employees to do and not do, but there is no clear cultural ideas and values advocate, neglect of education and training of employees. Such phenomena generate up to industrial manufacturingcompanies, most of the causes of quality is not high because the leaders themselves, or lack of understanding of corporate culture. Or want to cover up some kind of cult of the individual facts. Such enterprises are usually easy to produce leaders of the blind worship or silent on the situation.3, the ideal culture phenomenon. It is common in those with young people as the main force of the emerging entrepreneurial companies. Manifestations of these companies will make some unrealistic ambitions and cultural ideals, its advocacy of the concept will be a kind of beyond the enterprise to transform the world's sense of mission. "Great and empty," the slogan of the people beyond the reach; grand, lofty goals often lack a unified real objective basis. Most of the causes of such phenomena is that leaders have too lofty ideals and the lack of work basket for fruits of the spirit. Performance of the majority of such employees are passionate emotion, but may have overlooked the immediate situation and today what to do evil.In addition, many corporate culture inhibits the human personality, in the enterprise is only concerned about people's "collective", denied the people's imagination and creativity, produced under the concept of small-scale production of "collectivism", it is difficult to form business cohesion.Now the competition is intense, and survival of the fittest as the new rules of the game, our company's corporate culture than the United States, Japan has lagged behind many, if not catch up now, defeat in the competition will be inevitable. Therefore, the new corporate culture and change the shape of a project is China's enterprises not wait for new topics.Third, the age of electronic commerce to shape and change our corporate culture, the idea of1, analysis of internal and external factors, refined culture and a culture of innovation speedIn the era of e-commerce business to choose what kind of a core value is to create the most important issue of corporate culture. Information economy is the "speed economy", the speed has become a tool to improve competitiveness. The emergence of the Internet makes the world changes faster and faster, can be described by leapsand bounds. Internet-based e-commerce can thus quickly understand market information, quickly and easily collect customer needs, extensive product information, complete the online transactions in real-time settlement, a large number of business activities can be instantaneous, the production efficiency has been greatly to improve. In short, information technology and network technology makes extensive use of e-commerce enterprises to enter the market, the threshold can be greatly reduced. Now the world is talking about innovation, because in today's economic environment, the only constant rule is everything is changing. In this regard, any organization or business if you do not always change and innovation, it is impossible to maintain their competitive advantage. "No innovation, on the death", innovation has become a corporate existence and development of important, and that only through its own innovation and certainty in order to deal with the uncertainty of rapid change. In the information context, the role of innovation has been an unprecedented strengthening, and sublimated into a social theme. In the age of electronic commerce, innovation has become the source of the vitality of enterprises, the traditional production scale, cost advantages and other factors will not decide the future, companies only through continuous innovation to survival and development. Conservative and conservative, is simply not in the fierce market competition based on the enterprise in the future in order to have a place in the global competition, we must break through the traditional idea of imprisonment and mindset, bold innovation, firmly grasp the ever-changing business opportunities.2, new ideas, to shape employee behavior.Shaping the behavior of employees is a corporate culture an important part. For those who play the leading role in e-commerce companies, the most is neither a shortage of raw materials, nor money; neither the technology nor the emerging markets, but lack of talent. The twinkling of an eye and talent for the future to plug the wings of imagination. • McKinsey & Company, president of the United States Ed Michaels said: "is not difficult to raise funds, a smart business strategy can be imitated. Technology half-life has been shortened for many of today's companies, talent is the primary competitive advantage factor. " Today, managers realize that in today'seconomic globalization, e-commerce and network speed of the global market, ownership of talent from the established elite business decisions quickly is critical. E-commerce businesses depend on employees' ingenuity and initiative to make closer to consumers, the decision to market faster response.E-commerce, focusing on service, but electronic means. E-commerce can also be said of electronic services, the Internet to the service of humanity, the core service is not technology, but the corporate culture, quality of the staff; Internet economy is the service economy, rather than the technical and economic, the network platform for consumer transactions, environment is not a merchandise display; manufacturers not simply suppliers or vendors, but service providers, who have better service than anyone else, who earn more money.In the new e-commerce environment, the most successful companies in the past only to give new employees to enjoy the respect of customers: their equality through the creation of an elite management system to meet the employees engaged in meaningful work and the desire to create wealth. They generously reward employees for good performance, not just cash, but also allow them to have ownership of enterprises,3, the leader personally, keep valuesIn decision-making behavior in e-commerce businesses, innovation is very important. First, the organizational structure to be from the original pyramid, top-down, hierarchical control structure of the network to the new organizational structure transformation. Second, the management focus from capital management to knowledge management. Knowledge management is the use of collective wisdom to improve responsiveness and innovation. Third, the new management ideas and methods are emerging. In the information age and network conditions, the new economy and created many new management ideas and management methods, such as flexible manufacturing, distributed manufacturing, agile manufacturing, business process reengineering, learning organizations, manufacturing resource planning and other new ideas and new methods .The founder of e-business and business operations will encounter variousunexpected difficulties and frustrations: such as financial risk, trading risk, and increasingly competitive market, if subjected to any eventuality, no toughness will completely collapse. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be afraid of failure, afraid of setbacks and indomitable courage, devotion to the cause should be, afraid of risk, risk-taking spirit.电子商务企业文化重建随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业产生一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。

经济学术语外文翻译澳新紧密经济关系协定ANZCERTA:Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement摆脱亚洲金融危机的影响shake off the impact of the financial crisis帮助人才脱颖而出help excellent talents find way to distinction备件spare parts部长级会议ministerial meeting采取积极财政政策proactive fiscal policy出口创汇型/外向型产业export-oriented industry垂直兼并vertical merger倒爷profiteer抵免offset东盟自由贸易区AFTA:ASEAN Free Trade Area东南亚国家联盟ASEAN:Association of South-East Asian Nations对外项目承包foreign project contracting反倾销措施anti-dumping measures against ……防伪标志anti-fake label放松银根ease monetary policy非配额产品quota-free products非生产性投资investment in non-productive projects风险管理/评估risk management/ assessment风险基金venture capital风险准备金loan loss provision/ provisions of risk岗位培训on-the-job training港元的联系汇率制the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar搞活国有大中型企业revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises工程项目engineering project工业增加值industrial added value公正合理equitable and rational固定资产投资investment in the fixed assets广开就业门路increase employment opportunities; create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment规模经济scale economy/ economies of scale国合企业(即国有合作社)state-owned cooperatives国际清算international settlement国际收支平衡balance of international payments/ balance of payment国际收支不平衡disequilibrium of balance of payment国家补贴public subsidies国家鼓励项目projects listed as encouraged by the state国家科技创新体系State Scientific and Technological Innovation System国家现汇结存state foreign exchange reserves合理引导消费guide rational consumption横向兼并horizontal merger坏帐、呆帐、死帐bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ badloan货币市场money market机构臃肿overstaffing in (government) organizations机构重叠organizational overlapping技工贸结合的科技型企业scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with industrial and trade development季节性调价seasonal price adjustments既成事实established/accomplished facts减免债务reduce and cancel debts建材building materials进口环节税import linkage tax经常项目current account经常性的财政收入regular revenues竟价投标competitive bidding就业前培训pre-job training控股公司holding company垃圾融资junk financing劳动密集性企业labor-intensive enterprises劳务合作labor service cooperation累计实现顺差143.4美元accumulatively realizing trade surplus利改税substitution of tax payment for profit delivery流动人口floating population龙头产品lagship product乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises慢性萧条chronic depression农业技术合作ATC:Agricultural Technical Cooperation盘活存量资产revitalize stock assets配件accessories皮包公司flying-by-night company; bogus company平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针pursuing practical results, adopting various waysand seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and mutual development瓶颈制约“bottleneck”restrictions企业的自我约束机制self-regulating mechanism of enterprises企业技术改造technological updating of enterprises企业亏损补贴subsidies to cover enterprise losses企业所得税corporate income tax千年问题、千年虫millennium bug抢得先机take the preemptive opportunities清理、修订screen and modify求同存异overcome differences and seek common ground商住和公益设施建设commercial, residential and public utility construction申报制度reporting system; income declaration system实行股份制enforce stockholding system实行国民待遇grant the national treatment to, treat foreign investors as quals to the Chinese counterparts市场准人的行政管理措施AAMA Administrative Aspects of Market Access适销对路的产品readily marketable products双重轨制two-tier system / double-track system水利water conservation所有制形式forms of ownership贪图安逸crave comfort and pleasure通货紧缩deflation通货膨胀inflation同步增长increase in the same pace外援方式modality of foreign aid无氟冰箱freon-free refrigerator无纸交易paperless transaction现代企业制度modern corporate system消费膨胀inflated consumption协议投标negotiated bidding信息化informationize形成统一、开放和竞争有序的市场establish an unified, open market with orderly competition亚欧会议ASEM:Asia-Europe Meeting亚太法定计量论坛APLMF:Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum亚太工商咨询理事会ABAC:APEC Business Advisory Council亚太计量程序APMP:Asia Pacific Metrology Program亚太经合组织部长级会议AMM:APEC MinisteriaI Meeting亚太经合组织经济领导人会议AELM:APEC Economic Leaders Meeting亚太经济合作组织APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太能源研究中心APERC:Asia Pacific Energy Research Center亚太商业论坛ABF:APEC Business Forum亚太商业网络APB-Net:Asia-Pacific Business Network亚太实验室认可合作APLAC:Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation亚太通讯与数据系统ACDS:APEC Communications and Database System亚太信息基础设施APII:Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure亚太中小企业技术交流与培训中心ACTETSME:APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises亚洲开发银行ADB: Asian Development Bank以试点的形式实行外贸权自动登记制度implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis营业税turnover tax在巩固公有制主体地位的同时,促进多种所有制经济共同发展alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay, it is also encouraged to witness common development of different systems of ownership债转股debt-to-equity swap中华人民共和国保护台湾同胞投资实施条例Implementation Rules of the P.R.C. on the Protection of Investments by Compatriots from Taiwan中介服务组织intermediary service organization注入新的生机与活力bring new vigor and vitality into转化经营机制change the method of operation资本项目capital account自1999年1月1日起实行come into official enforcement as of January 1, 1999自由浮动汇率free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate自驻经营,自负盈亏responsible for their own management decisions, profits and losses走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progressshipping service company 船务公司generic products非商标(非专利)产品prudent monetary policy稳健的货币政策deficit spending超前消费run on banks(到银行)挤兑domestic support to agriculture 对农业的国内支持special bonds特种债券economy of abundance 富裕经济Animal-based protein动物源性蛋白dual purpose exports军民两用品出口dual-use goods and technology 军民两用产品和技术NAFTA North American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区global quota全球配额grandfather clause祖父条款Animal-derived food动物源食品EVSL (Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization)部门提前自愿自由化TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)贸易和投资自由化和便利化文章发布:/index.html。

The Evolution of the Culture of EnterpriseAbstractAt the top echelons of contemporary business, managers are becoming concerned with the unsustainability of the way companies now operate. A transformation of basic business strategies appears more and more indicated. For such transformation to be effective, the culture of the enterprise--the goals it pursues and the vision of these goals entertained by managers and collaborators--needs to change. Consequently there is a growing questioning of the viability of the typical culture of today's enterprise, and a search for more functional and timely concepts for creating anew and more timely cultural pattern.The leading edge of the globally operating world of business is becoming keenly concerned with changes in today's social, economic, and ecologic environment. At the top echelons of management an intense search is under way for up-to-date modes of thinking and acting. It comes to the fore in the emphasis managers place on corporate strategy, corporate identity, corporate philosophy, even corporate ethics. An organizational revolution is underway, as managers seek to communicate their vision with their collaborators. The importance of communication among all branches and levels of the enterprise is becoming recognized. It is also recognized that the company can only function when people under-stand what goals management pursues, and what their own role is in the achievement of the goals.Enterprise cultureThe ongoing transformation of the enterprise culture is a positive factor in our changing and unpredictable world. It means that companies are becoming moresensitive to the changes that obtain in their environment, and more ready to respond to them. The new emphasis on management and company ethics also suggests that businesses are willing to assume the responsibility that goes with their larger role in society. Global enterprises wield unprecedented power and influence, and the transformation of their culture will be a critical factor in deciding the evolution of our interdependent socio-economic and ecologic systems–and therewith our individual and collect future.The transformation of the enterprise culture is timely: the company culture dominant for most of this century became obsolete. It focused on the workings of the enterprise without much regard for its social and ecologic environment; it operated on the premise that the business of business is business--if it comes up with good products or services, it fulfills all its obligations vis-a-vis society and nature. The self-centered methods of the traditional management philosophy no longer produce acceptable results--they are like concentrating all one's skills on flying an airplane and paying scant attention to the airspace in which one is flying. The captains of contemporary business cannot be solely concerned with the internal functioning of their aircraft: they must also set a course in reference to climatic conditions, current position and projected destination, and the traffic on the network of routes criss-crossing the globe. That traffic is diversified and complex. It includes, in addition to customers, suppliers, distributors, R&D partners, technology subcontractors, and governmental departments and ministries, and numerous other cooperative and competitive aircraft, together with the social, ecologic, and even cultural milieu of the various bases of operation.Global companies no longer resemble a giant mechanism, controlled by those on top. This is new in the history of modern business. For most of the 20th century, top management could command the company structures without being influenced by, or even much concerned with, its lower echelons. Motivation for task-fulfillment wascreated by material incentives bolstered by threats; individual creativity and initiative were dismissed as unnecessary nuisance. Power was concentrated, together with responsibility and overview; middle management had access only to the information that was immediately relevant to its tasks. Following the recipes prescribed in Frederick Taylor's "scientific management", the distribution of tasks was established at headquarters and the company's functions were divided into individual work components. Planning was based on a belief in control and predictability, effects were traced to causes, and causes were quantitatively analyzed. Company operations based on cause-effect chains were given value independent of time and place: as in a machine, it was held that the same input would always produce the same output. This was the philosophy of the leading companies of the 20th century; the model for success at General Motors and Standard Oil, and the rest of the Fortune 500 group.The economic growth-environment of the post-war period did not provide grounds to modify, or even question, this philosophy. Almost anything an enterprising manager would try had a knack of succeeding; he could even engage in personal bravado. Technological progress seemed assured, and expanding markets seemed to distribute the benefits of growth. The post-war economy welcomed all entrepreneurs; they could grow as the economy did. Long-term costs, if any, were hidden in the long term. In that regard businessmen were fond of quoting Keynes: in the long term we shall all be dead. If things get better and better, why bother to look further than one's nose? There was no need to worry whether or not there would be progress, it was enough to guess what shape it would take, and how the company could benefit from it.In the 1970s and '80s the situation had changed. The economic growth curve flattened out and optimistic extrapolations failed to come true. Social alienation and anomie rose, and technology produced unexpected side-effects: scares and catastrophes at Three Mile Island, Bhopal, and Chernobyl, the ozone hole over theAntarctic, recurrent instances of acid rain and oil spill, and worsening environmental pollution in cities and on land. Belief in progress was shaken. Intellectuals and youth groups found it necessary, and some segments of society fashionable, to espouse the view that technological advance is dangerous and should be halted. Environmental effects and social value-change began to enter as factors in the equations of corporate success, and leading managers, together with consultants and management theorists, began to reexamine their operative assumptions.By the late 1980s further changes occurred in the operating environment. Environmental concerns moved from the fringes of society into the marketplace; people proved amenable to paying higher prices for products they deemed environmentally friendly; and they were known to boycott companies that remained environmentally polluting or unresponsive. New information and communication technologies came on line, markets became integrated and internationalized, product cycles became shorter and product lines diversified, and clients and consumers demanded shorter delivery times and higher quality. Competition moved into the global arena. Under these circumstances classically run hierarchical enterprises proved unable to cope. The centralization of information and its slow one-way penetration to lower echelons produced fatal mistakes-and then terminal rigidity. The companies that survived did so by transforming themselves into team-oriented multi-level decision-making and implementation structures, often in the nick of time.In the late 1990s the diffusion of information and the growth in the intensity and number of interfaces between people, departments, and divisions have radically changed the company's operative structures. Not only information, also people emerged as the key resource of the enterprise; teamwork proved to be the best way this resource could be tapped. The boundary between the company and its economic, social, and ecologic environment turned fuzzy. Within the business sphere fusions, alliances, and partnerships became commonplace. In many cases the core activities ofthe enterprise came to be sub-contracted, and work relations with other firms became as operative as company-based organizational structures. Reliance on distributors and suppliers, and linkage to local communities and ecologies turned into standard parameters of corporate functioning.Under these circumstances, there is a dire need for new and adapted management concepts. There is no dearth of advice. Theorists speak of activity bundling and the company' capacity to sustainably capture the highest portion of the total industry value-added chain's profit margin; strategy specialists emphasize the need for management to focus on dynamic competitive positioning and customer-driven processes; technology consultants stress the importance of anticipatory R&D in both products and processes; and organizational experts insist on the need for learning within net-worked teams operating beyond established company structures. Leading managers realize that their vision of the company's functioning within its global environment, and its adaptability to changes and trends in that environment, is at least equal in importance to their ability to formulate strategy and carry out operations.Management guru Tom Peters called intellectual capital a company's greatest resource, and consultants Gary Hamel and named future vision its greatest competitive advantage, more valuable than a large bank account or a lean organization. Managers who possess intellectual capital and future vision have a sense of purpose, avoid wasting time on useless experiments and dead-ends, and elicit deep commitment from their collaborators. In today's world effective leadership calls for a sound knowledge not only of current company operations and resources, but of its ability to reach strategic, financial, and organizational objectives in the years ahead. This requires considerable acumen. Because the future, as Charles Handy pointed out, could be most anything, but is not likely to be a continuation of the past.Though the enterprise needs a new and different culture, that culture must be efficient: it must enable executives to cope with ever less predictable economic conditions; offer sufficient flexibility to use new technologies as they come on line; develop adaptability for the company to enter new fields of activity and leave old ones as the opportunities present themselves; and keep track of the growing interdependence of the company with its partners and competitors and its economic and financial environment. But the new culture must also be ethical. It must recognize the impacts of the enterprise on society and on nature, and even on the conditions that we bequeath on future generations. And it must be ready to accept responsibility for these impacts.Accepting responsibility in the sphere of society and nature is not only good common sense, it is also good business sense. There are no longer definite boundaries where where a company ends and society and nature begins. The basic enduring interests of the enterprise and its social and ecological environment coincide. What is good for society and for nature is also good for the company--hence what is ultimately good for the company must also be good for society and for nature. This coincidence of interests will not change in the future; on the contrary, it will become more pronounced. The successful managers of the future will be those that recognize this fact and act on it. They will be effective as well as ethical: leaders of responsible corporate citizens in the global socio-economic-ecological system that is already emerging worldwide.Corporate cultureCorporate culture is the glue, if you will, that holds an organization together. It incorporates an organization’s values, its norms of behavior, its policies and its procedures. The most important influence on corporate culture is the national culture of the country in which the corporation is based. That may seem obvious, but thereare other factors that also help to shape a corporation’s culture—its views of and its interactions with the “outside world.” The ownership structure of the company will go a long way in defining a corporate culture. For example, the culture of a family-owned firm is likely to be quite different from that of a publicly held company. Also, the industry that the corporation is part of will help shape its cultural values. For example, a high-tech computer software firm (a relatively young industry) is likely to have a much more informal and entrepreneurial culture than say that of an investment bank (a mature industry). And, likewise, an organization in a service industry will have a different culture than that of a manufacturing or mining company. Differences in the corporate culture of organizations in the same home culture and industry may still be profound—sometimes as profound as the differences between national cultures themselves.Corporate-culture componentsLike national culture, corporate culture has some basic components that make up the whole. While national cultural components include such things as language, religion, and humor, the components of corporate culture tend to be more utilitarian. No one single component can reveal the true internal make-up of a corporation but when they are taken as a whole, they present a clear picture of a company’s values and goals. The key corporate cultural components are:●The system of rewardsWhat type of employee behavior is appreciated and rewarded? Do risk takers move up in management ranks or does the corporation reward loyalty and long-term service instead?●Hiring decisionsThe type of individual a company hires says much about its culture. Is a company ready to grow and accept new ideas by hiring a diverse workforce or is it content tokeep hiring the same type of individual to build a homogeneous workforce?●Management structureDoes the corporation have a rigid hierarchical structure? Is it managed by an executive committee or a dominating chairman?●Risk-taking strategyWhat is the corporation’s view of risk? Does it encourage taking chances, trying new products and markets? Or is it content with well-established markets and products?●Physical settingIs the office an open plan that encourages communication and a sense of egalitarianism? Or are management offices segregated from the staff workplace? Is headquarter a monument to ownership or a functional working environment?National cultural influencesAs explained previously, Asians place a high value on concept associated with social harmony, while Westerners put greater emphasis on individuals’ rights and responsibilities. It is no surprise to find that Japanese corporations almost always place great emphasis on group harmony in their corporate cultures. They design a system that rewards conformity, hire staff that is relatively homogeneous and tend to shy away from risk-taking and the entrepreneurial spirit. By the same token, it should be no surprise that many American corporations are likely to hire an entrepreneurial type and reward risk. There is no escaping the fact that a national culture shapes corporate responsibilities, practices and traditions.A pair of studies, one regarding six Asian nations completed in 1996 by Wirthlin Worldwide, and one regarding North America conducted in 1994 by David I. Hitchcock of the center for strategic and International Studies, revealed striking differences between the most cherished values of Asian and North American businessexecutives. These studies underscore the point that national cultures do have paramount influence on the formation of corporate cultures.In Asia the top seven values listed by executives were:1.hard work2.respect for learning3.honesty4.openness to new ideas5.accountability6.self-discipline7.self-relianceThe top seven north American (United States and Canada)values were:1.freedom of expression2.personal freedom3.self-reliance4.individual rights5.hard work6.personal achievement7.thinking for one’s selfCause and effectIf you look at the traits emphasized by the business executives, you can begin to build a corporate culture—albeit a stereotype—of an Asian firm and a North American firm and to understand the differences in management technique and skills between Asian corporations and North American ones. In Asia, there is no mention of individual rights or any hint of reward for “thinking for one’s self.” Hence, the type of organizational structure that5 has emerged across Asia is one of a very hierarchical, bureaucratic corporation that values such int angibles as “respect for learning” and“honesty.” By the same token, taking the values stressed by North American executives, you would expect to find corporations that are less structured and more entrepreneurial than Japanese ones—and, in general, that is very much the case. Remember, though, that within the same home culture, you still get vast differences in corporate culture. While IBM and Compaq may be in the same country and in the same industry, their corporate cultures in many ways are different.One interesting footnote from these studies was that female Asian executives had a value profile that more closely resembled that of North American. Asian women focus more on independence and self-reliance while Asian men focus more on harmony and order. This difference may be due to the fact that women have been shut out of the “old boys’ network” and have been forced to rely more on entrepreneurial skills than Asian males to succeed.Profitable corporate cultureThe concept of corporate culture is all well and good but does the concept have any measurable impact on a corporation’s bottom line or on staff behavior? It certainly does, though the impact is difficult to quantify. Having a strong corporate culture provides a clear sense of identity for staff, clarifies behavior and expectations and usually makes decision making fairly easy because so much is already defined. People know where they stand and what is expected of them. However, a strong corporate culture also has a downside. Any corporation that has an entrenched culture will find change difficult. The inabilities to be flexible, to act quickly and to change rapidly are all competitive disadvantages in the global market economy. A weak corporate culture will simply have little influence on employee behavior.Then it comes to the bottom line, it is important for a corporation to have a culture of accountability. With a strong accountability culture, a corporation can avoid imposing a costly monitoring system which often hurts employee morale anddiminishes productivity.Finally, if you have a weak or mistrusting corporate culture, employees will vote “with their feet.” In a tight labor market the bad workers will drive out the good and the situation gets even worse. A corporation will always need some type of controls but the goal is to have as few controls as possible—just enough to ensure that people don’t violate the rules.Employee reactionsIn truth, measuring the positive or negative impact of a corporate culture on a company’s bottom line re mains an elusive goal. Most companies do not quantify the effects of corporate culture. According to a 1996 global survey of business executives in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, the United Kingdom and the United states done by the consultants Proudfoot PLC, only38 percent of companies indicated that they measured the effects of their efforts to change corporate culture. Yet 86 percent claimed their culture change programs are successful. Methods of measurement included employee surveys the most common practice overall), meetings, independent surveys and informal feedback. Despite the inability to measure impact, more than half of all executives surveyed (52percent) felt that corporate culture contributes a great deal to the success of their companies. They just couldn’t say how much with any great amount of certainty.Views of successThe main goal of any corporation is to be successful. But how you define success will, of course, have an impact on how you organize our business and its culture. Again, the influence of national culture and local expectations play a paramount role in determining the corporate view. Wirthlin Consulting’s Worldwide Monitor finds what consumers in 13 countries view as for a corporation. Most consumers saidproducing the very best products and services defined success (indicating their individualistic cultures). However, in Japan, the most notable attribute was caring about the country’s social and environmental needs—a throwback to the culture’s emphasis on the importance of the group over the individual. In Italy, if a company was well run and well managed, then it was thought to be successful--an indication of concern about that culture’s history of chaotic politics and business management. In Mexico, a stable and profitable corporation was the benchmark of success. From these responses you can see the difficulties of attempting to set up a corporate culture that can effectively move across borders and meet the diverse needs of consumers in different countries.The ideal corporate cultureIt would be impossible to give precise detail on what the perfect type of corporate culture should be for a global company. It depends so much on the cultures you are operating in, the subject industry and the basic cultural components. However, there are some basic traits:Any culture needs to develop a sense of accountability among staff and employees.It needs to be coherently transmitted across cultures. If it is too akin to the headquarters’ culture, employees simply won’t accept it.Think locally, act consistently. While flexibility is important, there must be a consistent application of principles across cultures.It must be attuned to the competitive requirements of the world market and be able to change to adapt to new market conditions.Ervin Laszlo, The Journal of General Evolution. 1998, Vol. 52. pp. 181-186.企业文化的变革艾尔文.拉兹洛在当代商业的高层阶级中,经理们开始考虑不能保持公司现在的运行模式。

1企业经营业绩评价系统的理论基础(1) 资本保全理论在市场经济条件下,企业是出资者的企业,是一个资本集合体,所有者是惟一的剩余风险承担者和剩余权益享受者,出资者利益是企业最高利益。



现代商业MOD RN BUS IN S S56Swe eping over the M ana gement管理纵横工作动机。

企业可持续发展研究外文文献翻译2014年译文3000多字XXX essential for its sustained。
and healthy growth。
as well as for prolonging XXX。
it is vital for the development of the enterprise and the improvement of the natural environment。
leading to the n of social development。
This article XXX enterprises。
analyzes the XXX。
XXX.Key words: Enterprise XXX。
key factors。
countermeasures.n:Enterprises in the process of development must adhere toXXX will increase market share and guarantee profit growth。
At the same time。
it is XXX。
By using natural resources and energy in a reasonable way。
enterprises XXX increase profits and expand their scale。
This will XXX.Enterprise XXX。
it XXX。
It is essential to ensure the sustained use of natural resources and energy while also XXX。
and every enterprise must walk the path of XXX.The assurance of long-term economic benefits is possible only through XXX development。


Abstract: The content, form and activity of enterprise culture are all related to the economic activities of enterprises. Its starting point and foothold are embodied in the production and economic development of enterprises, and it is an important source of strengthfor the realization and improvement of the economic benefit of the enterprise.The construction of enterprise culture benefits from theacquisition and promotion of enterprise economic benefits. It can be said that enterprise culture is established on the basis of enterprise economy, and there is a close relationship between the path of enterprise culture construction and economy.【关键词】企业;经济效益;企业文化;关系Keywords: enterprises; economic benefit; enterprise culture; relationship【作者简介】赵雪(1983-),女,山东济南,陕西师范大学工商管理专业,硕士研究生学历,中级经济师,经济管理。
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本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文An Economic Analysis of Corporate Culture Corporate culture is an important part of an enterprise’s soft strength. Lack of sound and active corporate culture will greatly affect livingness, cohesion and operational efficiency of an enterprise, as well as the ability of survival and development in a long term especially. Currently, the ideas and the practice of corporate culture construction in domestic enterprises lag behind greatly compared with the ones in many successful foreign big companies. The distance in this aspect is one of the main factors which actually impair operational efficiency, ability of stable development and international competition of the enterprises in our country. The lag of idea and practice in corporate culture construction in the enterprises in our country is naturally related with the short period during which our country began to develop market economy and during which the enterprises operate, especially in the condition of market economy. But at the same time, this lag is also highly related with our insufficient research about the theory of corporate culture. Today, in our country, the research in this field is not only deficient, but also remain in the analysis about some superficial problems such as concepts, roles, modes and experience study. It is greatly lack of the analysis which goes deep into the micro-behavior of economic agents, especially via economic tools like the nature and key features of corporate culture, the process and mechanism to establish and develop corporate culture, the environmental conditions and relevant strategies of forming corporate culture, and so on.Consequently, considering the imperious demand in current research and arming at the existing problems of corporate culture in our country, this paper uses analytical tools in economics, especially game theory and evolutionary game theory, to study corporate culture deeply. The first chapter in this paper firstly introduces, induces and analyzes the practice and academic situation in the study about corporate cultureinside and outside of China, especially the distance between the international advanced level of practice and research and the situations in our country. At the same time, it also gives the main point, the analytical ideas and methods of this paper. The second chapter clarifies some problems such as the intension, feature, structure, type and functional mechanism and other aspects of corporate culture. The third chapter gives a general theoretical analysis and a summary of market environments and internally game relationship in the face of corporate culture, and explores the interaction between owners of human resource and enterprises in the market environment, which prepares for the deeply theoretical analysis about corporate culture via the methods of economics in the following chapters. Under the assumption that enterprises and employees act according to “utility maximization” and “free contract”, the fourth to the sixth chapters go deep into exploring the interacti on driven by interest among the agents related with formation and development of corporate culture as well as the internally evolutionary mechanism of collective behaviors ,by using game theory to analyses the relationships between employees inside enterprises and enterprises and between the employees in the aspects of competition and cooperation. These studies reveal the essential rules of formation and development of corporate culture and the restriction in internal environment to play its role. Based on the above study, the last chapter concludes and further discusses the problems such as the rules and the constructive ways of corporate culture, gives some suggestion for the enterprises in our country to construct good corporate culture, and summarizes the theoretic significance of this paper.There are several main conclusions obtained in this paper. First of all, corporate culture exists in the marker environment. Owners of human resource entering the enterprises via contract as potential employees or exiting the enterprises is highly related with the real situations in markets. Secondly, corporate culture should be constructed aiming at and suiting the rationally economic behaviors of enterprises and employees. The interest relationship between enterprises and employees and between employees can directly influence their working ways. While enterprises keep their confidence in employees and increase productivity via establishing reasonablepayment system, the employees can strengthen the degree of enterpr ises’ trust by some ways such as sending “signals”. And for the cooperation and competition between the employees, enterprises can have an influence on the relevant actions via certain methods. Consequently, the internal game relationship should be analyzed in the economic points like income and cost, in order to adopt effective ways to construct corporate culture. Thirdly, the construction of corporate culture should base on the real and detailed situations inside enterprises. Each enterprise has its own character, and differs in many aspects such as the level of income, cooperative cost and discount rate. So, if a successful way of corporate culture construction in other enterprise is simply transferred to this enterprise, it could lose its role because it can not adapt to the real situation in this enterprise. Fourthly, the repeated game about corporate culture between enterprises or employees and between employees finds that the action of enterprises or employees is decided by the discounted net income in a period of time rather than the net income in one time. Time has an important influence on the construction of corporate culture. A stable relationship in a longer time is beneficial to enterprises and employees. Finally, the analysis shows that if there are enough employees in the enterprises and some of them act irrationally, the best time for the corporate culture construction is the early time after the establishment of enterprises in some time, and in other time, this construction should been be done in a long-term angle, depending on the different equilibrium between the employees.There are five aspects suggested in this paper that should be emphasized when the enterprises in our country construct their corporate culture, including the comparative advantage between corporate culture and competition for persons with ability, the equilibriums of benefit between enterprises and employees, taking full advantage of economic ways such as strategy, system and contract, the incentive for employees’ long-term working, and looking corporate culture construction as a process of systems engineering. This paper also shows that introducing the methods of economic analysis, especially the analytical tools of game theory and evolutionary game theory into the research about corporate culture, can greatly deepen the study in this field, making this kind of research deeper and more systemic and getting morescientific and robust conclusions. It will bring theoretic inspiration and can be used for reference both for the research of corporate culture itself and the research about other social problemsSource:Public Choice,volume译文企业文化的经济学分析企业文化是企业软实力的重要组成部分。