[考研类试卷]2012年武汉大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷一、单项选择题1 中国古代传统文化中“岁寒三友”和“四君子”实际上是指()种植物。
(A)7(B)6(C)5(D)42 提出“宇宙便是吾心,吾心便是宇宙”的哲学家是()。
(A)陆九渊(B)王守仁(C)孟子(D)周敦颐3 清廷一度重用西方传教士,但因为罗马教廷颁布针对中国的“禁约”,西方传教士活动在()年间被禁止。
(A)康熙(B)雍正(C)乾隆(D)嘉庆4 下列书籍中属于徐光启的著作是()。
(A)《齐名要术》(B)《农书》(C)《农政全书》(D)《农学丛书》5 四书五经的“四书”是()。
(A)《论语》、《尔雅》、《孟子》、《中庸》(B)《论语》、《孟子》、《中庸》、《大学》(C)《论语》、《中庸》、《大学》、《礼记》(D)《孟子》、《中庸》、《大学》、《礼记》6 起草美国《独立宣言》的是()。
(A)麦迪逊(B)杰斐逊(C)汉密尔顿(D)华盛顿7 1781年,在美国的约克镇英军投降,在()年被迫承认美国独立。
(A)1774(B)1781(C)1783(D)17768 美国独立战争的转折点是()大捷。
(A)盖兹堡(B)约克城(C)特伦顿(D)萨拉托加9 中国常把一个人遭到挫折或失败称为“走麦城”,西方常称为人生的“滑铁卢”。
(A)路易十六(B)罗伯斯庇尔(C)拿破仑(D)克伦威尔10 下列叙述在历史上不可能发生的是()。
(A)18世纪末,瓦特坐在电灯下研究蒸汽机图纸(B)第二次工业革命后,德国人可以开汽车上班(C)第三次科技革命期间,美国人可以坐飞机去旅游(D)20世纪第一个春节,人们可以通过电话拜年二、填空题11 严复参照古代翻译佛经的经验,根据自己翻译的实践,在《天演论》卷首的________中提出了著名的________翻译标准。
12 ________在其专著《当代西方翻译理论》中,根据________以来西方翻译理论发展态势和研究方法,把当代译论分为五大流派。
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(文学艺术)历年真题试卷汇编2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 名词解释 4. 简答题单项选择题1.下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )。
知识模块:文学艺术2.我国第一部文学理论评论专著是( )。
知识模块:文学艺术3.儒家思想在后世不断发展,下列主张哪个具有民主启蒙色彩?( )A.民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻B.制天命而用之C.天人感应,君权神授D.为天下之大害者,君而已矣正确答案:D解析:A项“民贵君轻”思想是战国时期孟子的思想;B项“制天命而用之”是战国时期荀子的唯物主义思想;C项“天人感应,君权神授”是西汉董仲舒为神化君权提出的主张;D项“为天下之大害者,君而已矣”是明末清初黄宗羲的反对君主专制的民主启蒙思想。
知识模块:文学艺术4.“孟母三迁”的故事说明了( )因素对人发展的影响。
知识模块:文学艺术5.《清明上河图》,中国十大传世名画之一,是北宋画家( )的杰作。
Part Ⅰ.vocabulary & Grammar(共30题,每小题1分,共30分)A. Complete each of the following sentences with the best choice.1. Have you ever been in a situation _________ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?A. by which B that C. in where D. where2. He has many pen-friends. No week passes _________ he receives several letters.A. thatB. whichC. thanD. but3. That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness _________by his lack of talentA. so much asB. rather thanC. asD. than4. The physicist has made a discovery, _________ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.A. I think which isB. that I think isC. which I think isD. which I think it is5. Things, _________ is often the case, will turn out to be contrary to one’s wishes.A. asB. whichC. thatD. it6. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than _________ in the public mind today.A. existB. existsC. existingD. to exist7. _________ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.A. Had it not beenB. Were it notC. Be it notD. Should it not be8. People thinking about the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion that it developed gradually as a system of grants, hisses and cries and _________ a very simple affair in the beginning.A. must beB. must have been C, ought to be D, should be9. It was as a physician that he represented himself, and _________ he was warmly received.A. as thatB. such asC. as suchD. so that10. China has hundreds of islands, _________ is Taiwan Island.A, among them the largest B. and the largest of whichC. and the largest of themD. but among which the largest11. If the weather is fine, we will go. If _________ , _________ .A. not, noB. no, noC. not, notD. no, not12. To define love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know its flavor. So it is _________ love.A. toB. inC. tooD. with13. Susan doesn’t even know that angles of less than 90 degrees are called _________angles.A. convergingB. focalC. acuteD. obtuse14. Those battered old trousers of his are a _________ joke to all his friends.A. steadyB. standingC. stableD. persisting15. He tries to _________ his lessons by telling an interesting anecdote about the president.A. cheer upB. inspireC. stimulateD. liven up16. The soldiers in the platoon shined their bayonets in _________ of the inspection by the general.A. contemplationB. anticipation C, preconception D. meditation17. The early white settlers in America maltreated the Indians in two ways: first, they appropriated the Indians’ property and treated them with contempt; secondly, the writers of that period deprecated the character of the Indians and justified _________ .A. those who persecuted themB. those who supported themC. their claims to the landD. their rights as individuals18. American cities, with few exceptions, resemble each other greatly. It is true that some of them may be constructed chiefly of wood, while others are chiefly brick, but in every other respect they are markedly _________ .A. uniformB. advancedC. beautifulD. unique19. A hundred times a day we laugh at ourselves when we laugh at our neighbors, and we detest in others the faults that in ourselves are _________ .A. much more glaringB. totally absentC. seldom to be foundD. positive virtues20. Before making a decision, we should seek out both sides of a question and form the habit of having suspended judgment and an open mind receptive to _________ .A. changeB. good authorityC. radio reportsD. new evidencePart Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 questions. Read the passages and then mark or write down the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.TEXT ACampaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself. Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts in any other portion of the globe. Valley walls rise steeply five or six thousand feet on every side. The columns crawl through a maze of giant corridors down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass. Amid these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to harmonize with their environment. Except at harvest time, whenself-preservation requires a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or public war. Every man is a warrior, a politician and a theologian. Every large house is a real feudal fortress made, it is true, only of sun-baked clay, but with battlements, turrets, loopholes, drawbridges, etc. complete. Every village has its defence. Every family cultivates its vendetta; every clan, its feud. The numerous tribes and combinations of tribes all have their accounts to settle with one another. Nothing is ever forgotten, and very few debts are left unpaid. For the purposes of social life, in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honour has been established and is on the whole faithfully observed. A man who knew it and observed it faultlessly might pass unarmed from one end of the frontier to another. The slightest technical slip would, however, be fatal. The life of the Pathan is thus full of interest; and his valleys, nourished alike by endless sunshine and abundant water, are fertile enough to yield with little labour the modest material requirements of a sparse population.Into this happy world the nineteenth century brought two new facts: the rifle and the British Government. The first was an enormous luxury and blessing; the second, an unmitigated nuisance. The convenience of the rifle was nowhere more appreciated than in the Indian highlands. A weapon which would kill with accuracy at fifteen hundred yards opened a whole new vista of delights to every family or clan which could acquire it. One could actually remain in one’s own house and fire at one’s neighbour nearly a mile away. One could lie in wait on some high crag, and at hitherto unheard of ranges hit a horseman far below. Even villages could fire at each other without the trouble of going far from home. Fabulous prices were therefore offered for these glorious products of science.Rifle-thieves scoured all India to reinforce the efforts of the honest smuggler. A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.The action of the British Government on the other hand was entirely unsatisfactory. The great organizing, advancing, absorbing power to the southward seemed to be little better than a monstrous spoil-sport. If the Pathan made forays into the plains, not only were they driven back (which after all was no more than fair), but a whole series of subsequent interferences took place, followed at intervals by expeditions which toiled laboriously through the valleys, scolding the tribesmen and exacting fines for any damage which they had done. No one would have minded these expeditions if they had simply come, had a fight and then gone away again. In many cases this was their practice under what was called the "butcher and bolt policy" to which the Government of India long adhered. But towards the end of the nineteenth century these intruders began to make roads through many of the valleys, and in particular the great road to Chitral. They sought to ensure the safety of these roads by threats, by forts and by subsidies. There was no objection to the last method so far as it went. But the whole of this tendency to road-making was regarded by the Pathans with profound distaste. All along the road people were expected to keep quiet, not to shoot one another, and above all not to shoot at travellers along the road. It was too much to ask, and a whole series of quarrels took their origin from this source.1. The word "debts" in "very few debts are left unpaid" in the first paragraph means _________ .[A] loans[B] accounts[C] killings[D] bargains2. Which of the following is NOT one of the geographical facts about the Indian frontier?[A] Melting snows.[B] Large population.[C] Steep hillsides.[D] Fertile valleys.3. According to the passage, the Pathans welcomed _________ .[A] the introduction of the rifle[B] the spread of British rule[C] the extension of luxuries[D] the spread of trade4. Building roads by the British _________ .[A] put an end to a whole series of quarrels[B] prevented the Pathans from carrying on feuds[C] lessened the subsidies paid to the Pathans[D] gave the Pathans a much quieter life5. What would be a suitable title for the passage?TEXT BA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination,shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the card of his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian, a white palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the other building like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny, Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand lights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress (five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to the table in the far comer. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such was the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were all there. It steamed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some highmid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, where an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, s sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: "For one, sir? This way, please, " Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.6. That "behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel" suggests that _________ .[A] modem realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance[B] there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the card[C] the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials[D] the caré was based on physical foundations and real economic strength7. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPT _________ .[A] ". . . turned Babylonian"[B] "perhaps a new barbarism"[C] "acres of white napery"[D] "balanced to the last halfpenny"8. In its context, the statement that "the place was built for him" means that the café was intended to _________ .[A] please simple people in a simple way[B] exploit gullible people like him[C] satisfy a demand that already existed[D] provide relaxation for tired young men9. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?[A] The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.[B] The café was both full of people and full of warmth.[C] The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.[D] It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.I0. What comparisons are made by the author in the second paragraph?TEXT CFor office innovators, the unrealized dream of the "paperless" office is a classic example ofhigh-tech hubris (傲慢). Today’s office drone is drowning in more paper than ever before.But after decades of hype, American offices may finally be losing their paper obsession. The demand for paper used to outstrip the growth of the US economy, but the past two or three years have seen a marked slowdown in sales — despite a healthy economic scene.Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair."Old habits are hard to break, " says Merilyn Dunn, a communications supplies director. "There are some functions that paper serves where a screen display doesn’t work. Those functions are both its strength and its weakness. "In the early to mid-1990s, a booming economy and improved desktop printers helped boost paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year. The convenience of desktop printing allowed office workers to indulge in printing anything and everything at very little effort or cost.But now, the growth rate of paper sales in the United States is flattening by about half a percent each year. Between 2004 and 2005, Ms. Dunn says, plain white office paper will see less than a 4 percent growth rate, despite the strong overall economy. A primary reason for the change, says Dunn, is that for the first time ever, some 47percent of the workforce entered the job market after computers had already been introduced to offices."We’re finally seeing a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace, " says John Maine, vice president of a pulp and paper economic consulting firm. "More information is being transmitted electronically, and more and more people are comfortable with the information residing only in electronic form without printing multiple backups. "In addition, Mr. Maine points to the lackluster employment market for white-collar workers —the primary driver of office paper consumption for the shift in paper usage.The real paradigm shift may be in the way paper is used. Since the advent of advanced and reliable office-network systems, data storage has moved away from paper archives. The secretarial art of "filing" is disappearing from job descriptions. Much of today’s data may never leave its original digital format.The changing attitudes toward paper have finally caught the attention of paper companies, says Richard Harper, a researcher at Microsoft. "All of a sudden, the paper industry has started thinking, ’We need to learn more about the behavioural aspects of paper use, ’" he says. "They had never asked, they’d just assumed that 70million sheets would be bought per year as a literal functionof economic growth. "To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities. For example, Xerox Corp. is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Notations can be erased or saved digitally.Another idea, intelligent paper, comes from Anoto Group. It would allow notations made with a stylus on a page printed with a special magnetic ink to simultaneously appear on a computer screen.Even with such technological advances, the improved capabilities of digital storage continue to act against "paperlessness. " argues Paul Saffo, a technology forecaster. In his prophetic and metaphorical 1989 essay, "The Electronic Piñata (彩罐), " he suggests that the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.The information industry today "is like a huge electronic piñata, composed of a thin paper crust surrounding an electronic core, " Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust "is most noticeable, but the hidden electronic core that produces the crust is far larger — and growing more rapidly. The result is that we are becoming paperless, but we hardly notice at all. "In the same way that digital innovations have increased paper consumption, Saffo says, so has video conferencing — with its promise of fewer in-person meetings — boosted business travel."That’s one of the great ironies of the information age, " Saffo says. "It’s just common sense that the more you talk to someone by phone or computer, it inevitably leads to a face-to-face meeting. The best thing for the aviation industry was the Internet. "11. What function does the second sentence in the first paragraph serve?[A] It further explains high-tech hubris.[B] It confirms the effect of high-tech hubris.[C] It offers a cause for high-tech hubris.[D] It offers a contrast to high-tech hubris.12. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the slowdown in paper sales?[A] Workforce with better computer skills.[B] Slow growth of the US economy.[C] Changing patterns in paper use.[D] Changing employment trends.13. The two innovations by Xerox Corp. and Anoto Group feature _________ .[A] integrated use of paper and digital form[B] a shift from paper to digital form[C] the use of computer screen[D] a new style of writing14. What is the author’s attitude towards "paperlessness"?[A] He reviews the situation from different perspectives.[B] He agrees with some of the people quoted in the passage.[C] He has a preference for digital innovations.[D] He thinks airlines benefit most from the digital age.15. What does the author mean by "irony of the information age"?TEXT DStratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, Shakespeare’s birthplace and the other sights.The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. It’s all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus -and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side - don’t usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford. However, the playgoers do manage a little sight-seeing along with their play going. It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town’s revenue because they spend the night (some of them four or five nights) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall.The townsfolk don’t see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.Anyway, the townsfolk can’t understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. (The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1, 431 seats were 94 per cent occupied all year long and this year they’ll do better. ) The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford’s most attractive clientele. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights. They all seem to look alike (though they come from all over) -lean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10:30 a. m.16. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that _________ .[A] the townsfolk deny the RSC’s contribution to the town’s revenue[B] the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stage[C] the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms[D] the townsfolk earn little from tourism17. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that _________ .[A] the sightseers cannot visit the Castle and the Palace separately[B] the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers[C] the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers[D] the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater18. By saying "Stratford cries poor traditionally" (Line 2-3, Paragraph 4), the author implies that_________ .[A] Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects[B] Stratford has long been in financial difficulties[C] the town is not really short of money[D] the townsfolk used to be poorly paid19. From the text we can conclude that the author _________ .[A] is supportive of both sides[B] favors the townsfolk’s view[C] takes a detached attitude[D] is sympathetic to the RSC20. According to the townsfolk, what is the reason that the RSC deserves no subsidy?Part Ⅲ.Writing(共1题,每题30分,共30分)The global economic crisis has made a significant impact on the lives of many around the world. Cuts in social services, rising unemployment, insurmountable debts have resulted in protests across Europe and in the Americas. Compose an essay of about 400 words describing your understanding about some of the primary causes of this crisis and discussing in what ways this crisis has affected you and/or your friends and family and what steps should be taken to avoid a similar situation in the future.。
A. 骚塞
B. 华兹华斯
C. 柯勒律治
D. 拜伦
23. 《仙后》(1590-1596)采用中古骑士传奇的体裁,以寓言为主要手法, 传达了正在兴起的清教主义的严峻的道德观。它的作者是:____。
A. 弥尔顿
B. 斯宾塞
C. 邓恩
D. 乔叟
24. 凯尔特人是_____的祖先。 A. 英格兰人、苏格兰和爱尔兰人 C. 英格兰、威尔士人和爱尔兰人
二、名词解释(10分) 26 日,俄罗斯国家杜马进行了一次不同寻常的讨论会,主题是为卡廷事件做出 一个历史性的结论。1940 年春,大约 2.2 万名波兰军人、知识分子、政界人士 和公职人员在前苏联卡廷森林、加里宁、哈尔科夫等地被苏联军队杀害。事后 苏军宣称屠杀是德国纳粹所为。这一事件随后被史学家称为“卡廷惨案”。 世界己进入后全融危机时期,我们面临的形势、肩负的责任决定了中美两国唯 有沟通才能增进互信,难有开展合作才能实现双赢.唯有加强协调才能化解挑 战,唯有继续同舟拭济才能使中美关系这艘大船乘风破浪,不断前行。中方强 调,中美不可能在所有问题上意见一致,关键是要遵循中美三个联合公报《中 美联台声明》确定的精神和原则,尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切,妥善 处理相互分歧和敏感问题,不断增强互信的基础,双方就能克服干扰和困难, 不断推动两国关系发展。
考试科目:除去全国统考的政治外,备战 MTI 的同学们还有三门专业课需要复习:150 分的百科 知识与中文写作,100 分的基础英语,以及 150 分的英汉互译。
考试目的 本考试是全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生的入学资格考试之专业基础课,各语种考生统一用汉 语答题。各招生院校根据考生参加本考试的成绩和其他三门考试的成绩总分来选择参加第二轮,即 复试的考生。 性质范围 本考试是测试考生百科知识和汉语写作水平的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括大纲规定的 百科知识和汉语写作水平。 基本要求 ①具备一定中外文化,以及政治经济法律等方面的背景知识。 ②对作为母语的现代汉语有较强的基本功。 ③具备较强的现代汉语写作能力。 百科写作书目 卢晓江,《自然科学史十二讲》,中国轻工业出版社(2007) 叶朗,《中国文化读本》, 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社 (2008) 杨月蓉,《实用汉语语法与修辞》,重庆:西南师范大学出版社(1999) 白延庆,《公文写作》,对外经贸大学出版社(2004) 专家解读:50 分的百科知识,大家不必一味地纠结于百科知识的“广” ,而应该“有针对性 地”复习。关于中文写作,是有一定的形式和规律可循的,在专业老师的指导下,练习、修改、再 练习,努力精益求精,即可面面俱到。 2.基础英语大纲 考试目的 翻译硕士英语作为全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试的外国语考试,其目的是考察考生 是否具备进行 MTI 学习所要求的外语水平。 性质范围 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括 MTI 考 生应具备的外语词汇量、语法知识以及外语阅读与写作等方面的技能。 基本要求 ① 具有良好的外语基本功,认知词汇量在 10,000 以上,掌握 6000 个以上(以英语为例)的 积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 ② 能熟练掌握正确的外语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 ③ 具有较强的阅读理解能力和外语写作能力。 基础英语书目 姜桂华,《中式英语之鉴》,外语教学与研究出版社(2000)
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(政治)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题单项选择题1.下列哪个国家不是联合国常任理事国之一?( )A.英国B.法国C.中国D.德国正确答案:D解析:联合国5大常任理事国包括美国、俄罗斯、中国、法国、英国。
知识模块:政治2.我国的根本政治制度是什么?( )A.人民民主专政制度B.民主集中制C.人民代表大会制度D.多党执政制度正确答案:C解析:人民代表大会制度是中国的根本政治制度,是中国人民民主专政政权的组织形式,是中国的政体,是社会主义上层建筑的重要组成部分。
知识模块:政治3.国际法院设在哪个国家?( )A.英国B.荷兰C.法国D.美国正确答案:B解析:荷兰海牙国际法庭的正式名称是国际法院,是联合国六大机构之一,成立于1946年。
知识模块:政治4.重庆直辖市的设置是由下列哪个机构通过的?( )A.国务院B.全国人民代表大会常务委员会C.全国人民代表大会D.国家主席正确答案:C解析:根据《宪法》第六十二条的规定,全国人民代表大会有权批准省、自治区和直辖市的设置。
知识模块:政治5.某地有一些无经济来源的孤寡残幼,政府关心并对他们提供基本的生活保障,这种情况应属于( )。
2012年全国53所高校MTI真题(网友回忆版)汉语写作和百科知识单元目录1. 对外经贸大学 (1)2. 北京大学 (2)3. 北二外 (2)4. 北京外国语学院 (3)5. 北林 (3)6. 首师大 (3)7. 北京科技大学 (5)8. 北京师范大学 (5)9. 北京交通大学 (6)10. 中石油(北京) (6)11. 北京航空航天大学 (6)12. 北京语言大学 (7)13. 复旦大学 (7)14. 上海交通大学 (8)15. 同济大学 (8)16. 郑州大学 (9)17. 上海外国语大学 (9)18. 上海大学 (14)19. 上海东华大学 (16)20. 华东师范 (16)21. 华中师范 (16)22. 华中科技大学 (17)23. 东南大学 (17)24. 西安外国语 (17)25. 南京农业大学 (18)26. 南京大学 (18)27. 南京师范大学 (19)28. 大连海事大学 (19)29. 天津外国语 (19)30. 天津大学 (20)31. 南开大学 (20)32. 广外 (21)33. 暨南大学 (21)34. 湖南师大 (21)35. 四川外国语 (22)36. 四川大学 (22)37. 山东大学 (23)38. 青岛大学 (23)39. 苏州大学 (23)40. 吉林大学 (24)41. 西工大 (25)42. 西财 (25)43. 浙江大学 (25)44. 重庆大学 (26)45. 武汉大学 (26)46. 贵州大学 (27)47. 扬州大学 (27)48. 福师大 (28)49. 中国海洋大学 (28)50. 中南大学 (28)51. 上海海事大学 (29)52. 云南师范大学 (29)53. 湖南大学 (29)1. 对外经贸大学百科:史记包含的五类,初唐四杰,初唐四大书法家,最大规模农民战争,唐代山水诗派代表,苦吟诗人,“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”是哪首诗的,中国画祖之类,看过一遍中国文化的应该都问题不大,但明年就说不定了。
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(文学艺术)历年真题试卷汇编3(总分:70.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:18,分数:36.00)1.“少妇今春意,良人昨夜情”属于汉语特殊表现手段的哪一种?( )(分数:2.00)A.对偶√B.叠景C.联边D.重言解析:解析:这是明显的对偶手法,“少妇”对“良人”,“今春意”对“昨夜情”,对仗工整。
2.在中国现代文坛上,以诗歌为主的作家是( )。
”出自哪一位现代作家的作品?( )(分数:2.00)A.周作人B.老舍C.钱钟书D.梁实秋√解析:解析:题中句子出自梁实秋的散文《衣裳》。
全书包括( )五大部分。
[考研类试卷]2012年南开大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷一、单项选择题1 在古希腊罗马神话的诸神中,被称为“爱神”的是( )。
(A)宙斯(B)维纳斯(C)阿西娜(D)阿波罗2 古希腊神话有别于其他西方宗教神话的最大特点是( )。
(A)神与人外形相同,生命无限,具有无上智慧,具有人的情感乃至弱点(B)神与人外形相同,生命无限,具有无上智慧,没有人的缺点,是至善至美的道德化身(C)神与人外形相同,生命有限,具有无上智慧,具有人的情感或者弱点(D)神与人外形不同,生命无限,具有无上智慧,不具有人的情感乃至弱点3 下列哪一组服饰和配件,最有可能是中国古代“女子”的打扮?( )(A)端章甫(B)羽扇纶巾(C)鞋汗衫(D)云鬓花黄4 文学作品往往呈现作者不同的思想倾向,下列叙述哪一项不正确?( )(A)“安得不死药,高飞向蓬瀛”,表达追求涅槃永生的佛教思想。
5 请问下列哪一项关于梁启超的说法是错误的?( )(A)梁启超,字卓如,号任公(B)别号冰果室主人(C)曾参与戊戌变法(D)是近代著名的政治家与学者6 文学作品中经常以自然界的景物透露季节的信息。
下列诗句,不是描写“秋天”的是( )。
(A)采菊东篱下,悠然见南山(B)海棠开笑靥,杨柳展颦眉(C)水风轻、苹花渐老;月露冷、梧叶飘黄(D)杜翠白露苍苍之侯,殊深伊人渺渺之思7 美国民主党主张政府干涉,代表自由主义;共和党则反对政府干涉,拥护自由市场,代表保守主义。
两党代表的自由主义与保守主义有所不同,对此,下列表述不正确的是( )。
翻译硕士《汉语写作与百科知识》样题第一部分百科知识(50’)请简要解释以下段落中划线部分的知识点1. 这次股市波动在全球都有一定的关联影响,这说明全球化在逐步进展。
2. 端午原是个防病防灾的日子,却因大诗人屈原增添了纪念层面的意义,增添了爱国情怀和报国无门的悲情、齐心协力救助生命的悲壮;因了陶渊明酷爱重阳,因了他酷爱的菊的勾连,重阳节衍生了“颂陶”的文化意蕴,歌颂他“人淡如菊”的精神境界,“重阳无酒”也成了知识分子安贫乐道的形象写真。
3. 1994年起,比尔•盖茨开始了他的收藏爱好。
4. 2009年3月的全国“两会”上,吴邦国提出,今年要着力加强社会领域立法,继续完善经济、政治、文化领域立法。
[考研类试卷]翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(应用文写作)历年真题试卷汇编2一、应用文写作1 【北京外国语大学2014翻译硕士】所谓旅游广告,就是风景名胜游览地的某些企事业单位,为了广泛介绍本地的名胜景致和独特的风光,招揽更多的旅游者,增加由旅游带来的各种经济收益,通过广播电视、报刊杂志等媒体进行广泛宣传的一种应用文体。
2 【首都师范大学2012翻译硕士】根据所给提示写一则翻译公司的招聘广告:(限450字以内)1.公司主要从事人文社会科学类文本的英汉互译;2.对译员的基本要求。
(其它相关内容不限)3 【北京科技大学2012翻译硕士】以下是某外语培训机构的人才理念:我们深谙人才是企业坚若磐石的百年根基、决胜市场的制胜法宝。
4 【暨南大学2011翻译硕士】阅读以下关于iPhone的简介及相关信息,然后自拟题目,写一篇iPhone的广告词,字数不超过400字。
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(科技)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题单项选择题1.“千年虫”问题是指( )。
知识模块:科技2.E—mail邮件本质上是( )。
知识模块:科技3.Intemet的缺点是( )。
A.不够安全.B.不能传输文件C.不能实现即时对话D.不能传送声音正确答案:A解析:我们平时用E—mail就是通过Intemet来传输文件,用QQ、MSN等即时通讯工具可实现即时对话、传送声音,可见BCD三项提到的功能Intemet 都具备。
知识模块:科技4.计算机鼠标是一种( )。
知识模块:科技5.与针式打印机和喷墨打印机相比,不属于激光打印机特点的是( )。
知识模块:科技6.计算机系统的下列设备中,既可作输入设备又可作输出设备的是( )。
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(科技生活)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:78.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:29,分数:58.00)1.现代乒乓球运动以( )为一局。
2.我国医疗卫生机构分为三级(一、二、三级)二等(甲、乙等),其中( )最高。
3.下列( )不属于西方世界四大通讯社之一。
4.索尼公司创始人之一是( )。
5.英国的传播媒介比较丰富,其中每周评论是英国出版业的重要组成部分,( )是历史最悠久的周刊。
6.英国首都伦敦的地铁是世界上最早的地铁,它建成于( )。
翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识(环境、自然地理、科技)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:74.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:14,分数:28.00)1.冰岛首都雷克雅未克是世界上著名的“无烟城市”,满足当地居民的能源需求主要靠利用( )资源。
(南京航空航天大学2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.煤B.地热C.石油D.核动力2.2009年12月的联合国气候变化大会在哪里召开?( )(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.日内瓦B.巴黎C.哥本哈根D.伦敦3.“世界环境日”是( )。
(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.3月5日B.4月5日C.5月5日D.6月5日4.什么是低碳生活?( )(湖南大学2010翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.是指生活作息时要注意保护环境,要少用碳、煤等有污染的燃料B.是指生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放C.是指生活作息时要节约用水.要保护地球的水资源D.是指生活作息时要注意身心健康,要多到大自然去呼气新鲜空气,以减少体内的二氧化碳5.英国最长的河流是( )。
(对外经贸201l翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.赛文河B.泰晤士河C.克莱德河D.莱茵河6.五大湖指的是( )。
(对外经贸2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、伊利湖、休伦湖、安大略湖B.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、伊利湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖C.密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、谢湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖D.密歇根湖、奇安湖、伊利湖、尼斯湖、安大略湖7.美国的新英格兰地区不包括下面哪个州?( )(对外经贸2011翻译硕士)(分数:2.00)A.缅因州B.新罕布什尔州C.佛蒙特州D.北卡罗莱纳州8.美洲最高峰为高达6187米的麦金利山峰,该山峰位于( )。
2012年厦门大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 4. 简答题5. 应用文写作8. 命题作文简答题1.英美陪审制度中,小陪审团的主要功能是什么?正确答案:英美陪审制度中,小陪审团主要负责审理,做出裁决,决定被告是否有罪。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1 英美陪审制度中,小陪审团的主要功能是什么?
2 请写出中国三大木版年画产地中的两个。
3 人体的呼吸系统由哪两部分组成?
4 中国南宋著名学者“二陆”是谁?
5 请写出有“新疆三宝”之称的新疆三大著名物产中的两个。
6 中国古代书法家郑板桥独特的书体名称是什么?
7 世界上最软和最硬的石头分别是什么?
8 世界上第一部茶叶专著《茶经》的作者是谁?
9 请列出两种专利类型。
10 现任国际奥委会主席是谁?
11 世界上第一部成文法典的名称是什么?
12 中国1840年代成书的名著《瀛环志略》的作者是谁?
13 世界著名雕塑《思想者》的雕塑家是谁?
14 请写出日本明治维新三杰中的两位。
15 20l1年诺贝尔文学奖获得者是谁?
16 中国明代经济思想家丘浚的主要观点是什么?
17 中国汉代桑弘羊是以哪两个经济学说而出名的?
18 中国最早的一部具有百科全书性质的典籍是哪一部?
19 英国国会两院制正式始于哪个世纪?
20 请列出美国《联邦派文集》(The Federalist Papers)作者中的两位。
21 电视技术的发明人是谁?
22 中国清朝赐封的西藏喇嘛教的两大活佛名称是什么?
23 英国现任首相是谁?
24 16世纪马丁.路德宗教改革的主要内容是什么?
25 管理学中“青蛙现象”的基本内容是什么?
26 根据所提供的信息和场景写一篇应用文,要求格式完整、正确,语言清楚、流畅,字数约450个汉字。
27 根据所给题目及要求写一篇不少于800词的现代汉语短文。