
3. The school library is open to all the students from Monday to Friday.
5. You can find my house easily. You’ll _h_a_v_e _n_o_ t_ro__u_b_le_ finding my house.
6. Luckily, the weather was good, so our journey was comfortable.
Beijing is the capital city of China and has a long history of over 3,000 years.
Part two
1. 标新立异 :
We all have the same chance. We all o__w_n__/ _p_o_s_s_e_s_s_the same chance.
Ex.1:(2012湖南高考书面表达) 第第二二天天我我找找回回了了那那本本朋朋友友送送我我的的书书 。。 I got back the book. The next day, I got back the book given by my friend.
北京是中国的首都,有3000多年的悠久历史。 Beijing is the capital city of China with a long history of over 3,000 years.

成语名称:遣词造句(qiǎn cí zào jù)

1、不要再用more and more了;该词组被评为中国恶俗词组榜第一!!老师说。
可以用a growing number of..2、inevitable。
4、physically beneficial身体健康;副词+形容词的表达方式,比较好看,接下来也会有举例;5、worldwide/globly/internationally famous 举世闻名6、科技类作文;科技发展。
outlineFOR:Convenient&efficient 方便、高效Enrich lifestyle 丰富生活Environmentlly friendly(副词修饰形容词)绿色环保AGAINST:Physically harmful/detrimental 危害健康Negative impact on the youth 危害青少年Insecurity of information 信息不安全7、开头方法一:BackgroundCon troversy (2 different/opposite ideas)As/Being a controversial issue,。
Now days,the issue on。
is highly debatable,and ideas vary from person to person。
(不要用different people 。
)Some would claim 。
,while some others may suggest。
Some would claim。
,while the idea。
is still held by some others。

A:I forgot my keys in the car.(F)B:I left my keys in the car.(T)(2)我的梦想实现了。
A:My dream has become true.(F)B:My dream has come true.(T)2.选词多样写作中要恰当得体地使用高中学习的较为高级一些的词汇。
A:I can not open my eyes.(一般)B:I can hardly keep my eyes open.(优秀)(2)他是个新手。
A:He is a new one.(一般)B:He is a green hand.(优秀)3.短语优先多使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。
A:I can no longer bear the way he speaks to me.(一般)B:I can no longer put up with the way he speaks to me.(优秀) (2)他对我在课堂上所说的置若罔闻。
A:He didn't listen to what I said in the class.(一般)B:He turned a deaf ear to what I said in the class.(优秀)4.避免重复尽量避免过多地使用某一个单词,必要时选择使用其他恰当的同义词或词组来代替。
A:I like reading while my brother likes watching football matches.(一般)B:I like reading while my brother enjoys watching football matches.(优秀)(2)杰克是我们学校的学生。

文。 因此 , 作 练 习应 该 重 心放 在 遣 词 造 句上 。 写 关键 词 : 英语 写作 遣 词 造 句 高 分作 文
3交 通 : 共 汽 车 1 、9 5 等 路 , . 公 7 6 、9 地铁 2 线 ; 号 4特 色 : 行 街 、 当车 、 馆 、 院 等 。 . 步 当 茶 剧 如 果 将 要 点 简单 地转 换 为 下 面 的 英 语 句 子 :
英 语 写 作 中 的 遣 词 造 句 与 高 分 作 文
魏 华
040 ) 5 0 1
( 台学 院 , 北 邢 台 邢 河
摘 要 : 英语 写作 主要 考 查 的 是 考 生 能 否 写 出地 道 的 句 子 ,有 了漂 亮 的 句子 ,用 适 "的 连接 词 和 过 渡 语 将 其连 句 成 3 - 段 ,再 D_ - 些 亮点 词 汇 的 点 缀 ,就 可 以 组 成 一 篇 完 整 的 作 V _


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8、有些事,不可避免地发生,阴晴圆缺皆有规律,我们只能坦然地接受;有些事,只要你愿意努力,矢志不渝地付出,就能慢慢改变它的轨迹。 9、与其埋怨世界,不如改变自己。管好自己的心,做好自己的事,比什么都强。人生无完美,曲折亦风景。别把失去看得过重,放弃是另一种拥有;不要经常艳羡他人,人做到了,心悟到了,相信属于你的风景就在下一个拐弯处。 10、有些事想开了,你就会明白,在世上,你就是你,你痛痛你自己,你累累你自己,就算有人同情你,那又怎样,最后收拾残局的还是要靠你自己。 11、人生的某些障碍,你是逃不掉的。与其费尽周折绕过去,不如勇敢地攀登,或许这会铸就你人生的高点。 12、有些压力总是得自己扛过去,说出来就成了充满负能量的抱怨。寻求安慰也无济于事,还徒增了别人的烦恼。 13、认识到我们的所见所闻都是假象,认识到此生都是虚幻,我们才能真正认识到佛法的真相。钱多了会压死你,你承受得了吗?带,带不走,放,放不下。时时刻刻发悲心,饶益众生为他人。 14、梦想总是跑在我的前面。努力追寻它们,为了那一瞬间的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。 15、懒惰不会让你一下子跌倒,但会在不知不觉中减少你的收获;勤奋也不会让你一夜成功,但会在不知不觉中积累你的成果。人生需要挑战,更需要坚持和勤奋! 16、人生在世:可以缺钱,但不能缺德;可以失言,但不能失信;可以倒下,但不能跪下;可以求名,但不能盗名;可以低落,但不能堕落;可以放松,但不能放纵;可以虚荣,但不能虚伪;可以平凡,但不能平庸;可以浪漫,但不能浪荡;可以生气,但不能生事。 17、人生没有笔直路,当你感到迷茫、失落时,找几部这种充满正能量的电影,坐下来静静欣赏,去发现生命中真正重要的东西。 18、在人生的舞台上,当有人愿意在台下陪你度过无数个没有未来的夜时,你就更想展现精彩绝伦的自己。但愿每个被努力支撑的灵魂能吸引更多的人同行。 8、世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。要始终保持敬畏之心,对阳光,对美,对痛楚。 9、别再去抱怨身边人善变,多懂一些道理,明白一些事理,毕竟每个人都是越活越现实。 10、山有封顶,还有彼岸,慢慢长途,终有回转,余味苦涩,终有回甘。 11、人生就像是一个马尔可夫链,你的未来取决于你当下正在做的事,而无关于过去做完的事。 12、女人,要么有美貌,要么有智慧,如果两者你都不占绝对优势,那你就选择善良。 13、时间,抓住了就是黄金,虚度了就是流水。理想,努力了才叫梦想,放弃了那只是妄想。努力,虽然未必会收获,但放弃,就一定一无所获。 14、一个人的知识,通过学习可以得到;一个人的成长,就必须通过磨练。若是自己没有尽力,就没有资格批评别人不用心。开口抱怨很容易,但是闭嘴努力的人更加值得尊敬。 15、如果没有人为你遮风挡雨,那就学会自己披荆斩棘,面对一切,用倔强的骄傲,活出无人能及的精彩。 16、成功的秘诀在于永不改变既定的目标。若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有一天它会找到你。 17、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。你在希望中享受到的乐趣,比将来实际享受的乐趣要大得多。 18、无论是对事还是对人,我们只需要做好自己的本分,不与过多人建立亲密的关系,也不要因为关系亲密便掏心掏肺,切莫交浅言深,应适可而止。 8、不要活在别人眼中,更不要活在别人嘴中。世界不会因为你的抱怨不满而为你改变,你能做到的只有改变你自己! 9、欲戴王冠,必承其重。哪有什么好命天赐,不都是一路披荆斩棘才换来的。 10、放手如拔牙。牙被拔掉的那一刻,你会觉得解脱。但舌头总会不由自主地往那个空空的牙洞里舔,一天数次。不痛了不代表你能完全无视,留下的那个空缺永远都在,偶尔甚至会异常挂念。适应是需要时间的,但牙总是要拔,因为太痛,所以终归还是要放手,随它去。 11、这个世界其实很公平,你想要比别人强,你就必须去做别人不想做的事,你想要过更好的生活,你就必须去承受更多的困难,承受别人不能承受的压力。 12、逆境给人宝贵的磨炼机会。只有经得起环境考验的人,才能算是真正的强者。自古以来的伟人,大多是抱着不屈不挠的精神,从逆境中挣扎奋斗过来的。 13、不同的人生,有不同的幸福。去发现你所拥有幸运,少抱怨上苍的不公,把握属于自己的幸福。你,我,我们大家都可以经历幸福的人生。 14、给自己一份坚强,擦干眼泪;给自己一份自信,不卑不亢;给自己一份洒脱,悠然前行。轻轻品,静静藏。为了看阳光,我来到这世上;为了与阳光同行,我笑对忧伤。 15、总不能流血就喊痛,怕黑就开灯,想念就联系,疲惫就放空,被孤立就讨好,脆弱就想家,不要被现在而蒙蔽双眼,终究是要长大,最漆黑的那段路终要自己走完。 16、在路上,我们生命得到了肯定,一路上,我们有失败也有成功,有泪水也有感动,有曲折也有坦途,有机遇也有梦想。一路走来,我们熟悉了陌生的世界,我们熟悉了陌生的面孔,遇人无数,匆匆又匆匆,有些成了我们忘不掉的背影,有些成了我们一生的风景。我笑,便面如春花,定是能感动人的,任他是谁。 17、努力是一种生活态度,与年龄无关。所以,无论什么时候,千万不可放纵自己,给自己找懒散和拖延的借口,对自己严格一点儿,时间长了,努力便成为一种心理习惯,一种生活方式! 18、自己想要的东西,要么奋力直追,要么干脆放弃。别总是逢人就喋喋不休的表决心或者哀怨不断,做别人茶余饭后的笑点。

1. 为了准备这次演讲比赛,他挖空心思地遣词造句,力求表达准确、生动。
2. 这位作家为了追求作品的完美,挖空心思地遣词造句,反复修改,不放过任何一个细节。
3. 在写作文时,我们应该挖空心思地遣词造句,避免使用过于简单或平淡的语言。
4. 她在面试中挖空心思地遣词造句,展示了自己扎实的语言功底和思维能力,成功地赢得了职位。
5. 编辑在修改文章时,总是挖空心思地遣词造句,以提高文章的质量和可读性。
6. 诗人在创作时,常常挖空心思地遣词造句,以寻找最贴切的词汇来表达内心的情感。
7. 他在写作过程中,总是挖空心思地遣词造句,希望通过精确的语言来传达自己的思想。
8. 为了在谈判中占据优势,她挖空心思地遣词造句,用巧妙的言辞说服了对方。
9. 这位学生在学习英语时非常用心,总是挖空心思地遣词造句,以提高自己的语言表达能力。
10. 在广告行业,创意人员常常挖空心思地遣词造句,以吸引消费者的注意力。

翻译下列句子 1.我前面有辆公交车,一些大学生坐在车顶上。 In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. 2.我们都国着厨房的桌子忙碌,而妈妈在拍摄这个一年一度的活动。 All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table, with my mom filming the annual event.
第二节 非谓语
读后续写作为记叙文,一定会使用大量的动词。为了避免文章从头到尾都 是只有一个谓语动词的简单向,我们就必须学会使用非谓语。非谓语非常 强大,同时也非常灵活。续写中非谓语应用频率最高的是作状语的情况, 以下列举一些典型的非谓语结构的使用范例(在本部分第二章的“动作描 写” 中,我们会继续展开讲解用非谓语构建动作描写的思路)。
5.你很容易在从忙碌的人群中走过时,迷失在自己的世界里,拒绝与陌生人目光接触, 尽管周国有几百个和你一样的人,却感到孤独。
It's so easy to walk past a busy crowd, lost in your own world, refusing to make eye-contact with strangers, and feeling alone despite being surrounded by hundreds of people just like you.
翻译下列句子 4.她总是在拐杖的帮助下一瘸一拐地走路 She had always limped, helped with a cane. 5.孩子们无视 Susan 的话,兴奋地冲向地下室。 Ignoring Susan’s words, the children raced to the basement excitedly.
作文之 遣词造句

问题1. 词汇词汇是英语写作必不可少的基本要素,要写好一篇作文表达自己的思想必须以足够的词汇量为基础。
学生在写作中的语法不规范、句子结构混乱、含义不清楚等情况屡见不鲜,Chinese English现象更是不乏其中。

GRE作文的遣词造句:ETS的6分标准paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and demonstrates mastery of the elements of effective writing.--develops a position on the issue with insightful reasons and/or persuasive examples--sustains a well-focused, well-organized discussion--expresses ideas clearly and precisely--uses language fluently, with varied sentence structure and effective vocabulary--demonstrates superior facility with the conventions (grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard written English but may have minor flaws回应一些同学:前面三点都是再说文章的思想分析性的重要性!毕竟!我们写的是analytical 的东。


作文遣词造句有深度英文回答:Language is a powerful tool that allows us to express ourselves and communicate with others. The choice of words and sentence structure can greatly impact the depth and impact of our writing. In order to create a powerful and profound essay, it is important to carefully select our words and construct thoughtful sentences.One way to add depth to our writing is through the use of vivid and descriptive language. By choosing words that evoke strong emotions and create vivid imagery, we can engage our readers and make our writing more memorable. For example, instead of saying "the sunset was beautiful," we can say "the sky was ablaze with hues of fiery red and golden orange as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil sea."Another way to add depth to our writing is through theuse of figurative language, such as metaphors and similes. These literary devices can help to convey complex ideas and create a deeper understanding for the reader. For instance, instead of saying "he was very tall," we can say "he towered over the crowd like a mighty oak, his presence commanding attention and respect."Furthermore, sentence structure plays a crucial role in conveying depth and complexity in our writing. Varying sentence lengths and structures can create a sense of rhythm and flow, adding depth to our prose. By using both long and short sentences, we can create a dynamic and engaging writing style. For example, "The wind whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves and carrying with it the scent of freshly bloomed flowers. The world seemed to come alive, as if nature itself was celebrating the arrival of spring."In conclusion, the depth of our writing lies in the careful selection of words, the use of vivid anddescriptive language, the incorporation of figurative language, and the variation of sentence structure. Bypaying attention to these elements, we can create powerful and profound essays that leave a lasting impact on our readers.中文回答:语言是一种强有力的工具,它使我们能够表达自己,与他人交流。

例如,当我们想要表达一个人的兴奋时,可以使用动词 "急切" 或 "兴高采烈" 而不是简单地使用 "高兴"。
二、如何提升遣词造句的能力1. 扩大词汇量。
2. 学习句式和修辞手法。
3. 不断练习写作。
当描述一个场景时,可以使用形容词来展现细节,例如 "碧绿的草坪上飘落着橘黄色的树叶";当表达自己的观点时,可以使用恰当的动词和副词,例如 "毫不犹豫地支持" 或 "坚决地反对";当进行比较和对比时,可以使用适当的连接词和句式结构,例如 "与其追求物质财富,不如追求内心的富足"。

We should learn English well.===>There is no doubt that we modern individuals are supposed to master English, the most widely used international language in the world, so that a better future will be not only possible but also inevitable.【英语作文升级技巧】“通”● 前面添一添:黄金圣衣句型(增强语气)⏹It is that...很明显... 清⏹It is that...很明显... 明⏹There is no that...毫无疑问... 疑⏹No one can ...不容否认... 否⏹ to say, ... 不用说... 不用⏹It without saying that...不用说... 走● 后面补一补:白银裤衩句型(增加内容)⏹口诀:因为/以防/所以/为了/如果/只要/这件事⏹用法:后面必须补齐(主谓齐全)⏹..., for... ..., in that... ..., considering that...⏹..., in case... ..., for fear that...⏹... therefore ... ... as a result ....⏹... accordingly ... ... consequently ....⏹..., so that... ..., in order that...⏹..., if... ..., as long as...eg:There is no doubt that we are supposed to master English,. As for the reasons, first and foremost, it is obvious that we can go to better universities,. Additionally, no one can deny we may go abroad in the future. Last but certainly not least, needless to say, we will be able to communicate with international friends.● 中间变一变:变主语/变句式/换词/添词(三)中间变一变1. 换词大法:换词大法的思想,就是把太ordinary 的单词换成更高级的单词,特别是以下21 个高考英语“最常见恶心词汇”,一定要想办法换掉,才能使你的作文跟竞争对手与众不同。

Above of all , I congradulate all the students to happirer ,body is more healthier.(这样的句子里有语法错误和短语错误,如果作文是这样的句子,就是胡说=想到哪里写到哪里=逐字翻译,最多得7--8分)心花怒放:heart flower angry open(错误)1.造句五步法中文---完整的中文----简单的中文-----英文-----升级英文今天来了很多人。
--- Today so many people have come.你妈妈对你好。
----Your mom cares about you.-----(如果不会说care about)你妈妈爱你。
-----Your mom loves you.----(升级英文)There is no doubt that your mom loves you.写作文真正的难点:1.想到简单的内容2.造出完整的句子3.合情合理的逻辑你得知某报社“Global Mirror”创刊周年,征集读者意见,请根据以下提示给编辑写封信。
----I like your newspaper very much.----I am crazy about your newspaper.------Iam undoubtedly crazy about your newspaper.-----Iam undoubtedly crazy about your newspaper which is not only meaningful but also entertaining.(题外话:高考作文中的关于校园活动的作文肯定是既有意义,又有娱乐性)(2)兼顾国内外新闻。

要求: (1)请你从以上两个题目中任选一个写作。 (2)文章生动,有趣味。
• 有人表情很严肃或者是看上去有种冰冷感,你看到之 后会怎么说呢? • 参考: • 1你表情的严肃性,好像是在拟定攻打伊拉克做准备。 • 2.你微笑一下,没人把你当做非洲草原上的雄狮。 • 3.你要是因为我欠你的一毛钱没有还而保持对我这样 的态度,我可以把欠你的债务和利息一起结算了,对 了,我给你拿计算机。 • 4.这个夏天跟你住在一个屋子里不用开空调了。
在作文中怎样用好动词? “活” 准确 多样性
• 阅读P44页的《我的同桌》两个片段: 你更喜欢哪一段文字?为什么? • 思考:怎样使文章生动? • 有恰当事例突出人物特点。 • 运用多种描写方法。 • 灵活运用修辞手法和句式。
• 活用词语
例1:我们其他兄弟也都一致认为,王强是个 爱惜“羽毛”的家伙,他决不会忍痛割爱 把一头呕心沥血才养起来的长发剃掉。 ——《光头行动》 例2:每天晚上睡觉,蚊香蚊帐齐上阵,正当 我睡意正酣的时候,蚊子仍然会吹着骄傲的 小喇叭围在我的身边,时不时地来一次“
• 巧学巧用,善于改编
……”一阵迅猛的掌声过后,蚊子一只也不见了。死 蚊子,缩头乌龟!算什么英雄好……蚊!你有种,就出 来,咱们单打独斗。 ——《灭 蚊记》
课考试!”哎,多难的题!我又到了“山重水复疑无路” 的地步。这“牛顿”和“焦耳”急得我“顿”脚、抓 “耳”。我与一张铅印试卷照着面,它不认识我,我 也不认识它。只见同学们无不“伸颈”“侧目”。望 着巡逻的“老班”,我们既要警惕,又要合作,这考 试真是一场不同寻常的“战斗”啊!终于挨到铃声响, 告别“牛顿”,我们这群“鸥鹭”终于飞出教室。此 时,叹息声,责怪声,怨恨声,“一时齐发”,“凡 所应有,无所不有”,中间还夹杂着经自己改编的歌 谣:“作业最多的人是我,书包最重的人是我,休息 最少的人是我,挨骂最多的人是我……” ——《补课》
高考英语作文 遣词造句与谋篇布局

高考英语作文遣词造句与谋篇布局一.英语作文常用的高级写作词汇1.sad(depressed; upset)2.happy(cheerful; delighted; thrilled)eg. I’m absolutely delighted to hear from you.3.bad(annoying; awful; unpleasant)eg. Smoking in public is an annoying habit.4.important(vital;; essential; significant; be of great importance )eg. Education is of much importance.A balanced diet is absolutely essential for\to everyone.Parents play an important role in children’s learning.Chinese parents attach much importance to children’s education.5.surprising(astonishing; amazing; extraordinary)6.necessary(a must; essential)eg. A raincoat is a must in the rainy season.7.good(amazing; fantastic; impressive; splendid)eg. The view from my bedroom window was absolutely fantastic.This is a unique opportunity to learn about American culture.8.can(be capable of; have the ability to do sth)eg. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself.He has the ability to finish the task on time.e(take advantage of; make good\full of)eg. You are supposed to make good use of your time to improve yourself.10.do one’s best(spare no effort to do)eg. We should spare no effort to make our city more and more beautiful.11.influence(have /make a +adj+effect/influence on)eg. The mother’s behavior has a profound effect on the developing child.12.be good for(do sb good; be beneficial to)eg. A bit more exercise can do you good.We will benefit a lot from the activity.13.remember(keep sth in mind)Eg. You must always keep the rule in mind.You must keep it in mind that you should study hard.14.in order to do(with the intention of; with the aim of;)eg. He wrote the letter with the intention of asking for some advice.We started a campaign with the aim of helping those homeless children.15.I firmly believe that(I was convinced that; I have the firm/strong belief that)Eg. I firmly believe that you will be admitted into a key university.16.be bad for(be harmful to; do harm/damage to.)17.attract(appeal to; fascinate;)Eg. The idea of working abroad really appeals to me.The children were attracted by the toys in the shop.What fascinated/attracted me most was the beautiful scenery.18.cause(lead to; result in; account for; contribute to)Eg. His actions could lead to his failure.Several reasons may account for the strange phenomenon.His carelessness contributed to the accident.19.want to do(intend to; would like to do; feel like doing; have a strong desire to do)Eg. I intend to study abroad next month.The boy has a strong desire to win the match.20.decide(make up one’s mind to do; make a decision to do)Eg. He made up his mind to study harder than before.21.pay attention to(attach much/great importance to; lay/put great stress on) 重视,关注……Eg. Everyone should pay more attention to his own behavior in public places.The whole society should attach importance to protecting the environment.22.pay no attention to(overlook; neglect; turn a blind eye to)Eg. People always overlook/turn a blind eye to the problem.23.about(concerning; regarding; with regard to)Eg. I wrote a letter to him about/concerning/regarding/with regard to the problem.24.because of(thanks to/owing to/as a result of/as a consequence of+n/doing)Eg. Thanks to your help, we’ve reached our goal.The fishes in the river have died as a result/consequence of water pollution.25.Many(many a+单数名词;a large number of+复数名词; a great/good many +复数名词)Eg. Many a student is addicted to playing computer games.A good many students are crazy about playing computer games.26.In this way(by doing so; by this means; with this method)Eg. By doing so, we can face challenges from all aspects.Only in this way/by this means/with this method can we improve our ability.27.If(as long as/ provided/providing that/ on condition that/supposing that+句子) Eg. I will help you with your English as long as/provided that I have enough time.We shall go on condition that the weather is fine.28.not(by no means; in no way; under no circumstances; on no account)Eg. By no means/on no account should we lose heart when we face failures.29.many kinds of(various; a variety of; a wide range of)Eg. There are various/a wide range of after-class activities in our school.30.support(be for; be in favor/support of; subscribe to )31.oppose(be against; be opposed to; object to)32.very+(extremely; absolutely; considerably;more than; nothing but; anything but) Eg. Self-confidence is extremely vital to our success.Earthquakes are absolutely/considerably difficult to predict.The film we saw last night was nothing but/anything but interesting.33.thing(matter; affair)34.more and more+adj(increasingly+adj)Eg. Nowadays, studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular in China.35.should(be supposed to; be expected to)Eg. We are supposed to study hard in order to be admitted to a key university.重要句式1. 表示“重要性”1)It is important for sb to do 2)It is important/essential that sb should do sth.Eg. It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life.It is essential that we should learn a foreign language.3)Sth/Doing sth is essential to sth/doing sth.Eg. Memorizing words is essential to i mproving our reading ability.4)Sth undoubtedly plays an important/essential role/part inEg. Computers undoubtedly play an essential part in our daily life.5)Sth +be of great/much importance.6)Nothing is more important than +n/to doEg .Nothing is more important than to receive education.2. 表示“益处”1)Sth is beneficial to sb/sth 2) Sth does good to sb/sth3) Sth +contribute to sth eg. Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.4)Sb benefit a lot/a great deal from sth eg. We benefited a lot from the activity.5)As we know, cellphones bring many benefits and convenience to us.3. 表示“危害”1) Sth is harmful to sb eg. It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.2) Sth dose harm/damage to eg. Reading in bed will do harm to your eyes.4. 表示“原因”Eg. There are many reasons why teenagers are addicted to playing computers games.Eg. The reasons why teenagers are addicted to playing computers games are as follows.Eg. The reason why we have to grow trees is that t hey can supply fresh air for us.5) 句子(结果);that is because+句子(表示原因)Eg.Tom was late for work this morning. That is because he overslept.6)Because/As/Since+句子,主句5. 表示“结果”1)句子(表示原因);as a result/consequence,句子(结果)Eg. He didn't work hard; as a result,he failed in his exam.2)句子(表示原因);that is why + 句子(表示结果)Eg. Tom overslept ; that is why he was late for work this morning3)句子(表示结果)+ because of/ as a result of/ on account of +n/doing6. 表示“目的”1)In order to do sth, sb should do sth/ sb did sthEg.In order to do great things, we have to perfect the small things.2) Sb should do sth/ sb did sth in order that/ so that……Eg. My son saved his money in order that he might buy a new car.3) The aim of sth is to do sthEg. The aim of the activity is to encourage students to read more books.4)Sb do sth/did sth with the aim/intention of doing sthEg. We started it mainly with the aim of helping lonely people.5) Sth is intended to do sth7. 表示“号召”“希望”1)I sincerely hope that +句子 eg.I sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight.2) It is advocated that +句子Eg. It is advocated in China that a couple has two childen.3) I would like to appeal to sb to do sthEg. I would like to appeal to everyone to save electricity and water.8. 表示“建议”1) You had better/ should/be supposed to/be expected toEg. You are supposed to be responsible for them.2) I think it is a good idea to do sthEg. I think it would be a good idea to ask your mother for advice.3) Why not do sth? / Why don’t you do sth?4) If I were you, I would do sth.Eg. If I were you, I should tell him the truth.5) I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you.9. 表示“感谢”1)Thank you for doing sth.Eg. Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting2) I would like to express my thanks/gratitude to you.3) I would appreciate it if you could do sth.10. 表示“歉意”1)I am sorry to do/ that + 句子Eg. I am sorry to say I cannot come to the party.I am sorry that you failed in the examination.2)I would like to apologize to you for doing sthEg. I would like to apologize to you for the inconvenience that I have caused you11. 表示“真实条件”1)If +条件句,主句(主将从现)2)主句+on condition that/ providing that/ supposing that/as long as+句子12. 表示“尽管”“虽然”1)Although/Though+句子,主句Eg. Although he failed, he has done his best.2)Despite/ In spite of+名词,句子或句子+despite/ in spite of+名词Eg. Despite/ In spite of the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.I went shopping in spite of the rain.3) 形容词/名词+as+sb/sth is/was, 主句Eg. Young as he is, he knows a lot.13. 表示“时间”1)This is/was the first/last time that sb have done/had done sth’Eg. This is the first time that our whole class have gone out together for a picnic.2) It is high time that sb should do/did sthEg. It is time that the government took/should take measures to protect the rare birds and animals.3) There was a time when+句子Eg. There was a time when this song was very popular.4)It is/has been+时间段+since sb did sthEg. It’s / has been three months since we met last time.5) It was not until+n/句子+that+sb did sthEg. It was not until he got seriously ill that he knew the importance of health.6) It will(not)be +时间段+before+句子(现在时)Eg. It will not be long before we meet again.14. 表示“比较”1)Compared to/with+ sb/sth, 句子Eg. Compared to/with his classmates, he studies much harder.2)句子+while/whereas+句子Eg. Some students are in favor of it, whereas others are against it.3)In contrast to/with+ sb/sth, 句子Eg. In contrast to his brother, he looks healthier.4) On one hand,句子. On the other hand, 句子(矛盾的两方面)Eg. On the one hand, they’d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don’t want to give up theirfreedom.15. 表示“列举”“举例”1)for example/for instance,句子(可换成插入语) 一般只以“一个”为例,可置于句首、句中和句末Eg. Noise, for example,is a kind of pollution.There are many kinds of pollution ,air pollution, for example.2)句子(最后一个单词是名词复数)+such as/like+(两个或三个)名词、动名词Eg. There are many kinds of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution and light pollution.16. 表示“要求”“请求”1)Sb are requested/asked to do sthEg. You are requested to come on time.2)I wonder if/whether you would like to do/can doEg. I wonder if you would like to give a performance to us.17. 表示“遗憾”“懊悔”1)To one’s regret, 句子eg. To my regret, I can’t attend your birthday.2)I regret to tell you that+句子Eg. I regret to tell you that I can’t attend your birthday.3)It is a pity/shame that+句子Eg.It is a pity/shame that I can’t attend your birthday.4)I feel ashamed of myself/that.Eg. I feel ashamed of myself that I made such a foolish mistake.18. 表示“最……”1)Nothing is +比较级+than+n/doing sth.Eg. Nothing is more interesting than reading books.2)What impressed/ attracted/disappointed me most is/was +n/that+句子Eg. What impressed me most is the beautiful scenery .3)Sth is the+最高级+n+that sb have ever doneParis is the most romantic/beautiful city that I have ever visited.19. 表示“兴趣爱好”1)I like/enjoy/am fond of /am interested in/am addicted to/am crazy about doing2) I have/great interest in sth/doing3) I have a preference for sth eg. I have a preference for playing football.20.表示“花费时间、金钱”1)Sth cost sb some money.2) Sb spend/spent some time/money on sth/in doing sth3) It takes/took sb some time to do21. 表示“变化、发生、出现”1)A problem came up.2) Sth occur/happen/break out +(地点+时间)3)Great changes have taken place in my hometown/city/school in the past 10 years. 22. 表示“影响”1)Sth/Sb +have a +adj+ effect/influence on sthEg. Your words had a deep effect on me./Your words made a big difference to me.2)It doesn’t matter/ makes no difference to me (+whether+句子)Eg. It makes on difference to me whether you will come or not.3)Sth makes/made a big difference to sb/sthEg. Changing schools made a big difference to my study and life.23. 表示“责任”1)It is one’s duty to do sth.Eg. It is our duty to make our school clean and beautiful.2)The most important duty for sb is to do sthEg. The most important duty for us is to make our school clean and beautiful.3)Sb feel it his duty to do sth\Eg. We feel it our duty to make our school clean and beautiful.4) Sb should be responsible for sth/ to do sth24. 表示“代表、欢迎”1)You are welcome to China!2) On behalf of sb, I would like to express our warm welcome to you.25. There be句型1) There +be/will be/used to be+n+地点状语/时间状语Eg. There will be an important speech in our school next week.2)There be+n(doing/done后置定语/定从)+地点状语/时间状语Eg. There are a large number of students addicted to playing games in our school.There are a large number of students who are addicted to playing games in our school.A large number of students are addicted to playing games in our school.There are a large quantity of foreigners visiting The Great Wall every year.There are a large quantity of foreigners who visit The Great Wall every year.A large quantity of foreigners visit The Great Wall every year.3)There is no need to do 没有必要做什么Eg. There is no need for you to worry about this.4)There is a rise/an increase in……在……方面有增长Eg. There is a rise/an increase in the number of the students who are addicted to playing games.5)There is no point doing……做……没有意义6)There is no doubt/ There is no denying that……毫无疑问……句型篇(几种重要句式)1. 强调句:可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句。
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Teaching aims
• 1. Grasp the methods of translating simple sentences
• 2. Use some advanced words to translate some sentences.
• 3. Use grammatical structure to form a sentence
• 4. Practise writing.
Part One Ttranslate simple sentences:
E.g. 让我们感到欣慰的是,那个迷路的小孩十天后回来了,疲惫不堪却很健康。
Ex.2:In how many ways can you translate this sentence?
Part Two Learn to use the advanced words or phrases:
1. 标新立异:
We all have the same chance.
→ We all ______________ the same chance.
2. 短语优先:
I cannot bear it. →I cannot _______________________it.
We want peace. →We are ______________________ peace.
I like reading while my brother likes watching foootball matches.
I like reading while my brother_______ watching foootball matches.
Ex. Transform the sentences by using the advaned words or phrases :
1. As a result the plan was a failure.
The plan _____ _____ to be a failure.
2. Some students complained that they had a lot of / much homework to do every day. Some students complained that they had ________homework to do every day.
3. The school library is open to all the students from Monday to Friday.
All the students _____ ______ __ the school library from Monday to Friday.
4. In our school, there are twenty-six classrooms.
Our school ____ _____ ___ ___ twenty–six classrooms.
5. You can find my house easily.
You’ll _______ ______ finding my house.
6. Luckily, the weather was good, so our journey was comfortable.
______ ___ the good weather, our journey was comfortable.
Part Three Polish the sentences
1. As soon as I noticed it,I returned to the library.(介词+v-ing形式).
_______________,I returned to the library.
2. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句)
____________________ is that the girl knows so many things.
3. The teacher came in and there was a book in his hand. (用with结构)
The teacher came in ,______________________
4. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited.(使用句型结构)
_____ _____ he spoke,____ ____ excited he felt.
5.We didn’t finish planting all the trees until 3 oclock.
1) 强调句型:
2) 倒装句型:
6.We were very tired, but we benefited from the activity. (使用as引导让步状语从句)
__________________,we benefited from the activity.
7. He is the most considerate person, and he knows exactly what I need. (使用定语从句) He is the most considerate person ____________________________.
8. I was delighted when I found my watch. (感叹句)
_________________ when I found my watch.
Part Four Practice
Ex1. Complete the passage(2013湖南高考书面表达)
Once there is a winner, there will be a loser--- such is the result of almost every match. In my life, there is an experience making me lost in thought.
Last month, I, together with my teammates, had a basketball match against another basketball team ,①______________________________________________________ (希望赢得比赛的胜利、为我们队赢得荣誉。
非谓语动词). Having put all our effforts to practice playing basketball whenever we had time, we were strongly desired to be the winner. However, ②_________________________________________________. (直到比赛结束我们才意识到我们失败了。
倒装句).All of us felt disappointed, believing that honor never belonged to us. ③___________________________________________ (教练的话使我们受到了极大的教育。
强调句). He claimed that instead of being focused on the result, we should focus more on the process and correct our mistake, ④__________________________________________________(这才会帮助我们以后得到更大的提升。
From this experience, I am convinced that a result is not everything. ⑤__________________________________________________________(只有把重点放在纠正错误上我们才能变得更优秀。
Ex.2 Writing
tree-planting awareness benefit nature