浪漫情人节Valentine's day 及花语

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Speaking of Flower
• Do you know the language of flowers? Each kind of flower has a unique meaning. When you give flowers to somebody, you are telling them something, even if you do not speak a word. Take pink carnations for example. There is a story that tells of Mary, the mother of Jesus, crying for her son as he carried the cross. Pink carnations grew from where her tears fell on the ground, and became the symbol of a mother's love. People often give roses to the people they love, but different colors have different meanings. For example, white roses are a symbol of innocence. Red roses mean deep love, and pink roses are for happiness. As for yellow roses, they mean envy, so always be careful which color you choose. You just might be sending the wrong message!
给力告白 forceful love announcement
• It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. • 迷上一个人需要一分钟,喜欢上一个人需要一小时,爱上 一个人需要一天。而忘记一个人却耗尽一生。 • It's better to love someone who's far and craves to be with you than to love someone who's near yet doesn't even care to see you. • 与其爱一个近在身边,却不愿见你的人,还不如爱个远在 天涯,却只想和你在一起的人。 • “You couldn't see my tears cause I am in the water.”Fish said to water. “But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water. • 鱼对水说,你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水对鱼说, 我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。

你懂得花语吗?每种花都有独特的含意。当你送某人 花的时候,即使你一字不说,你也在表明着一些事情。 以粉红色的康乃馨为例吧。有一则故事讲述,圣母玛 丽亚因她的儿子背负着十字架而流泪。粉红色的康乃馨从 她的眼泪滴落的土地上开出来,并成了母爱的象征。 人们通常会送玫瑰给他们所爱的人,但不同的颜色具 有不同的含意。例如,白玫瑰是天真无邪的象征。红玫瑰 意味着深深的爱,而粉红色的玫瑰是表示幸福快乐。至于 黄玫瑰,意思是嫉妒,因此要始终当心你选择的颜色。你 很可能会传递错误的信息哦!
1. What’s the key sentence of this passage?
2. Retell the story in this passage.
3. Why does the author tell us to be careful which color weFra Baidu bibliotekchoose?
4. Filling the following blanks: – White roses are a symbol of _____ – Red roses mean ______ – Pink roses are for _____ – Yellow roses mean _____
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Propose 求婚 Valentine Cards 情人节卡片 Candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐 Heart-Shaped/Cordate 心形的 Truelove 真爱 Enamored 倾心的 The Chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉 Sweet Bitterness 甜蜜的痛苦 A Doomed Couple 天生一对 Sweetheart 甜心 Lover 爱人 Cupid 爱神丘比特 Admirer 仰慕者 Romance 浪漫
• In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. • 人的一生,总有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不 到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 • 1 Universe, 9 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you. • 1个宇宙,9大行星,204个国家,809个岛屿,7个大洋, 我竟如此幸运,可以遇见你! • I will always be with you until the end of time if you'd never leave me. • 你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。
Happy Valentine's Day
We fell in love that year.
Relative Words
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Valentine's Day 情人节 Rose 玫瑰 Date 约会 Bunch 花束 Candy 糖果 Chocolate 巧克力 Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我(花) Puppy Love/First Love 初恋 Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅 Fall In Love 坠入爱河 Love At The First Sight 一见钟情 Promise/Pledge/Vow 誓言 Infatuation (for somebody)醉心 Courtship 求爱