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talk with their doctors about(13,~pers。nal matters as seXual
辽 宁大学 ⒛ 17年
攻 读硕 士学位研 究生 招生考 试 试题
招 生专业 :外 国话言学及应用话言学考试科 目:英 语基础课
试题种类 : B卷 考试 时间: 12月 25日 上 午
(请 将答案写在答题纸上,写 在试题纸上无效)
1.Choose the best choice£ or the foIlowiⅡ g(20points)
culmre upon health搬 旧 related outcomes,he耐th care@λ ____shou1d be culturally competent in order to pro呐 de o,~health care to patients。
Cu1tural competency means considering1nany opuons and being more careful
their present
A。 summit B。 submit c。 suΙ …ise
D。 summate
5. To obtain a satisfactory result,one lnust apply two~of paint on a clean
A。 cOats
B。 levels
C。 times
D。 courses
6,The small mountain“ llage w灬 ~by the snow for more than one month。
A。 cut back B.cut out
C。 cut off
D.cut away
7.M沁 s Green was $lO0for driving after drinki11g。
D。 honed
3. My△ iend~ˉ ˉ~ˉˉˉ-atrne to come over to her quickly。
A。 hoⅡered B。 huⅡed
c。 hoⅡer
4. 氓 no ne、vs from 曲e explorers we Gan only pos`i伍tion。
The second,and far more compl忆 ated,challenge、 (11λ___=This
deals with everything from仇 e need for interpreters to nuances of Words h
____to various languages。 Many pat忆 nts,even in westem cultures,are(1勾
l。 He is
to help the、 voman lvho was robbed。
A。 choleras
B。 chicOries
c。 chivalrous
D。 chinless
2. she
her piano playing by practicing eight hours a day。
A。 horde B。 h灿ged C。 hinted
direrent cultures。
culmral competency in healthcare σ)_____士 0ur m刂 or challenges for
providers。 The fIrst is the straightfonvard cha1lenge of recognizing cⅡ nical
about making judgements。 “辶___0scars and b雨 ∞s that suggest abuse in
weste1η culture could(5)
be symbols of accepted heaⅡ ng Fnethods or
sacred Ⅱtuals.“ 辶___,dfferent parts of the body are consⅡ ered sacred h
G)~among people of different ethno and raoal groups,e。 g.,hgher
(9,-of hyperten⒍ on in Afr℃ an Amer忆ans and(10)~dhbetes in
certain Nauve American groupຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu.
共 (1o)页 第 (1)页
Directons:Dε cjJe w肋 jc勿 o/砀 εc肋ojces g” e刀 3c`@wl,,o″ ″ 3esr co″
四g召 r加 ser招d切 砌 ec@rr召spo刀 泷 P9g3助 刀泌 .″7'佗 砀 召 3εsJ c饧 @氵c纟 `/`oe'比ε 曰c乃
A。 fnned
B。 charged
c。 punished
D。 posed
8. Jhnmy eams his living by~ˉ____works ofaH in the rnuseum.
A。 recovering B。 restoring C。 renewing
D。 reviving
9. I couldn’t sleep last because night the tap in the bathroon1、vas~_ˉ ~_r
`D`a曰町刀庀oP9`° 〃r'£ NsⅣERs刀 zε 21
Culture inⅡuences an individuaI’ s health beⅡ efs, behaviours, activities
and medical treatment outcomes。 (l)
the signif1cant influonce of
A draining B。 dropping
C。 spⅡ Ⅱng
10.The book gives a brief~ofthe c。 urse ofhis research up tnl n。 ⒕
A。 outline B.reference C。 frame
IⅠ。CIOzE(∶ ·:O points,one Point each)