


广东省初三英语中考单选题PRACTICE 1

1.British people eat _____a lot and they are usually cooked in different ways.

A. chicken

B. beef

C. fish

D. potatoes

2.— _________ have your parents been abroad? — Only once.

A. How long

B. How far

C. How many times

D. How often

3. Some people plan to _____ a volunteer project to help the disabled children.

A. put up

B. think up

C. set up

D. cheer up

4. — I can’ affordt the white dress. Can you show me something cheaper?

— What about the orange one? The price is a little


A. cheaper

B. lower


D. more expensive

5.— What a surprise it is that you’ vehiked on Mount Tai!

— I didn ’ t believe I could do it ___ I got to the top.

A. unless

B. after

C. until

D. as

6.Mike could ______ hear what the teacher said because he kept on thinking of his sick dog.

A. easily

B. hardly

C. really

D. mostly

7.— Would you like to eat dinner with my family tomorrow?

—______Because I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.

A. That would be great!

B. I wish I could, but I can

C. I’ d love to come.

D. It’ s kind of you.

8.— Father ’ s Day is coming. Please give my best wishes to your father.—_________.

A. That ’ sa good idea

B. I don’ tcare

C. That ’ s OK

D. I will, thanks

9.— What would some students like to do after finishing

their education?

—They would like to start to work _____ they needn’ t depend on their parents completely.

A. as soon as

B. so that

C. before

D. while

10.—I wonder_________.—I’ m afraid we’ ll be late.

A. how can we be on time

B. when they ’ ll reach the cinema

C. why they got to school late

D. whether we will arrive at the meeting on time

11.You should think it over _____ you make your own decision.

A. before

B. after

C. though

D. until

12. — Speak ______, please, because I can’heart a word from the back.—Well, it’ s ______ enough.

A. loudly, loudly

B. louder, loud

C. loud, louder

D. loud, too loud

13.He has tried on two more blue sweaters, but he still thinks the green one fits him ______.

A. best

B. better

C. well

D. good

14. — Let ’ s go to ask the teacher about the math problems. —Why not work them out all by ______?

A. ourselves

B. himself

C. themselves

D. myself

15.Lots of people in our city ____ the old and the disabled.

They usually offer their seats to them on buses or help them cross the road.

A. care for

B. take care

C. agree with

D. take pride in

16.I overslept this morning. _____my father ____ my mother woke me up on time.

A. Either, or

B. Both, and

C. Neither, nor

D. Not only, but also

17._____ the rain, the farmers had a good harvest.

A. Thanks for

B. Thanks to

C. Because

D. Without

18.—Where are you going for the summer vacation?

—I ____ visiting Australia. But it costs too much money.

I ____________.

A. consider, don’ t decide

B. am considering, haven’ t decided

C. am going to consider, won’ tdecide

D. considered, didn’idetdec

19.If you want to keep your room clean and tidy, it ____ every day. (2006)

A. will clean

B. will be clean

C. is cleaned

D. must be cleaned

20.More and more people have realized we won’ thave cleaner water to drink unless something ________ soon. (2008)

A. Was done

B. will be done

C. to be done

D. is done

21. ---Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?

---If I had to choose, David would be ______ choice.

A. good

B. better

C. the better

D. the best

22.______ spending our vacation in a hotel, why not try hiking in the country?

A. Instead of

B. Because of

C. Thanks to

D. As for

23. A World Without Thieves is a very moving film. I

_______ it twice already.

A. will see

B. see

C. had seen

D. have seen

24.---What did your pen pal say in the letter?

---She said that she ________ the Disneyland the next day.

A. will visit

B. is going to visit

C. has visited

D. would visit

25.We should have _______ in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.

A. success

B. confidence

C. progress

D. knowledge

26. — Would you please ____ the TV a little? Jack is doing

his homework. — Terribly sorry. I will.

A. turn down

B. turn up

C. turn on

D. turn off

27. I find ___ necessary ____ more about other countries.

A. this, know

B. it, to know

C. that, to know

D. it, know

28.---Tom prefers ______ to ______. ---Let ’ask him to take part in our dancing club!

A. singing, dancing

B. dancing, singing

C. to sing, dance

D. to dance, sing

29. —Would your sister like to go sightseeing with us next Sunday morning?—If I don’ t go, ________.

A. so does she

B. so she will

C. neither will she

D. neither does she

30.Nobody noticed what the young man _____ at that moment.

A. will do

B. was doing

C. has done

D. had done


1. ---- Millie, could you give me some advice? I don’ t know _____. ---- Why don’ t you wear this red shirt?

A. when to wear

B. what to wear

C. how to wear

D. where to wear

2.Half of the class ________ most of the work. Some

of the work ____ really difficult.

A. have done; is

B. has done; are

C. has done; is

D. have done; are

3.He ate _________food ________he couldn ’got to sleep quickly.

A. such much, as

B. so many, that

C. so much, that

D. such much, that

4.—I _______ your recorder. It works now.—Thank you very much.

A. have been repaired

B. will repair

C. have repaired

D. was repaired

5. I ’ dlike to study law at university ________ my cousin prefers geography.

A. though

B. as

C. while

D. for

6. — How is people ’lifes in the earthquake areas?—They are living a much better life than we ________.

A. suggested

B. expected

C. noticed

D. supported

7. It's too late to go out now and _____, it's starting to rain.

A. though

B. besides

C. however

D. instead

8.— Would you please tell Miss Li that she _____ as a

volunteer for the 2008 Olympic games?

— Of course. I will tell her tomorrow.

A. choose

B. chose

C. has chosen

D. is chosen

9.—Could you finish the task in two days?

—________. I have something else to do these days.

A. I could not

B. Yes, I think so

C. I ’ m afraid so

D. I ’ m afraid not

10. --– I ’ m thinking of tomorrow’ s math test. I’ m can ’ t pass it. ---- __________. I’ m sure you’ ll make it.

A. No problem

B. Good luck

C. Give up

D. Take it easy

Practice 3

1、Lin Tao can’ t help __________ the trees, for he is busy writing a letter now.

A. to plant

B. planting


D. to be planted

2.The teacher is examining the composition I have just

finished __________ the mistakes in it.

A. correcting

B. to correct

C. correct

D. corrected

3、 The teacher did all she could __________ us.

A. help

B. to help

C. helping

D. helped

4.China has a larger population than __________ country

in Europe.

A. any

B. any other

C. other

D. all

5. There is __________ sheep in the field over there.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

6. __________ is the population of China.

A. How much

B. How many

C. How big

D. What

7. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’agreet with __________ you said.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

8. The price of book is __________ than before.

A. more expensive

B. very expensive

C. much higher

D. more higher

9.---How about your new school? --- I couldn ’feelt

__________ about it. All my teachers are helpful.

A. better

B. worse

C. best

D. worst

10.---Have you known each other for long? --- Not very long. __________ we moved to this city, actually.

A. After

B. Before

C. When

D. Since

11.--- I will not take an umbrella with me today. ---

__________ it rains later in the day?

A. How

B. What

C. How about

D. What if

12. ---Alice, why didn ’ yout come yesterday?--- I __________, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had

B. would

C. was going to

D. did

13.--- Do you have any idea what Paul does every day?

---As I know, he spends at least as much time playing

as he __________.

A. writes

B. is writing

C. does write

D. does writing

14. Don't forget to__________“ Thank you” when so has helped you.

A. speak

B. tell

C. say

D. talk

15.--- It ’ s been a wonderful party. Thank you very much.

--- __________.

A. I ’ mglad you enjoy it

B. No, thanks

C. It doesn ’ t matter

D. With pleasure

16.-- I greatly appreciate for your kind donation.--


A. For pleasure

B. with pleasure

C. My pleasure

D. Take great pleasure

17.--- Have you packed __________ you need for the vacation?--- Not yet. I only packed my camera and an umbrella.

A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

D. everything

18.The medicine should be _________ instead of putting

it in the humid (潮湿的) place.

A. keep clean

B. kept hot

C. keep wet

D. kept dry

19.--- Tony, ______ you ______ smoking? --- Yes. Drinking tea is my favorite now.

A. will, stop

B. did, stop

C. would, stop

D. have stopped

20. --- Excuse me, where ’thes museum? Is it ______ the library? --- Yes, they’ re opposite to each other.

A. next to

B. across from

C. in front of

D. after

21.Either of them can take this job, but what I ’ m interested in is who is ______.

A. the most careful

B. more careful

C. careful

D. even careful

22.It ’said in the newspaper that 215 more new schools

_______in Zhejiang by 2020.

A. are building

B. had built

C. will build

D. will be built

23. . ---________does it take to get to the hospital?---It ’ s ______walk.

A. How long, five minutes ’

B. How far, five-minute

C. How long, five-minutes

D. How far, five minutes

24. ____ of the teachers in our school is 118, ______ of them are women teachers.

A. The number, first fourth

B. The number,one fourth

C. A number, one second

D. A number, three quarters

25. I’ d like to know ________ Chinese.

A. when he began to learn

B. when did he begin to learn

C. when did he begin learning

D. for how long he began to learn

26. Do you know?

A. when will they come

B. when would they come

C. when they will come

D. when did they come

27. Father asked Bob.

A. which one did he like best

B. which one he liked best

C. which one he likes best

D. which one does he like best

28. Do you know at the moment?

A. what are they doing

B. what they do

C. what they are doing

D. what do they do

29. Tony asked Mary.

A. where she lived

B. where did she live

C. where does she live

D. where she lives

30. I want to know.

A. who is she looking for

B. who she is looking

C. who is she looking

D. who she is looking for

31. I don’ t know where.

A. works Mr. Brown

B. does Mr. Brown work

C. worked Mr. Brown

D. Mr. Brown works

32. Have you decided for Canada?

A. when will you leave

B. when you will leave

C. when are you leaving

D. when you leaving

33. The shopkeeper told Lily.

A. that we would help them

B. that we can help them

C. that we help them

D. that would we help them

34. Would you please tell me?

A. if he came back

B. when did he came back

C. whether would he come back

D. when will he come back

35. Can you tell your mother?

A. what time do you arrive home

B. what time did you arrive home

C. when you arrived home

D. when you arrive home

36. Andy really didn ’knowt to help the dying old woman.

A. what to do

B. how could he do

C. whether he can do

D. what can he did

37. I wonder next time.

A. what can I do

B. how can I do

C. what to do it

D. how to do it

38. Jim asked Lucy feed their cat.

A. didn’ t forget to

B. isn’ t forget to

C. not to forget to

D. not forget to

39. I don’ t know that book.

A. where we can find

B. can we find where

C. where can we find

D. we can find where

40. Can you make sure ___________?

A. that he will come here today

B. when he will come here today

C. will he come here today

D. whether will he come here today

41. Do you happen to know ________?

A. where is her address

B. in which place is her address

C. what her address is

D. the place her address is

42. Excuse me, but can you tell me ___________?

A. where can I get to the library

B. where I can get to the library

C. how can I get to the library

D. how I can get to the library

43.John asked me _______ to visit his uncle ’farms with him.

A. how would I like

B. if or not would I like

C. whether I would like

D. which I would like









