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一. 词汇升级


1.It occurred to sb. that … / it dawned on me that… 替换think / sb. have an idea that …

I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my check book at home. 我买完东西要付钱时,才突然发现我把支票簿留在家里了。

Suddenly it dawned on me that they couldn't possibly have met before.



He devotes (spends) all his spare time to reading.

3.seek替换want / look for

They sought(wanted) to hide themselves behind the trees.

4.nothing but替换only

It is the audience that support the stars, but some of them insist that their achievements result from nothing but their own efforts. 是观众支撑着那些明星,但有些明星认为其成功完全来自自己的努力。

5.get seated / seat oneself 替换sit down

Hardly had the experts got seated / seated themselves (sat down) when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang started.


6.appreciate 替换thank

We really appreciate (thank you for) all the help you gave us last weekend.


I appreciate your making the effort to come.你能拨冗前来,我深表感激。

I would appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will be coming.



After covering(walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.

8.contribute to / facilitate / be conducive to替换be helpful / useful / beneficial to

The new trade agreement should contribute to / facilitate (be helpful / useful / beneficial to) more rapid economic growth. 新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。

9.around the corner / approach 替换coming soon

The summer vacation is around the corner / approaching (coming). Do you have any plans?

10.bright ... to light / come to light替换discover / become known

This evidence did not come to light until after the trial.


The mistake was only brought to light some years later.


11. come up with替换think of

Jack is very clever. He often come up with (thinks of) new ideas.

12.a handful of替换a little / some

Tom grabbed up a handful of (some) snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.

13.more often than not替换usually

More often than not(Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.

14.frown upon 替换to oppose to

At first he frowned upon (was opposed to) the scheme, but we managed to argue him round.

15.long for sth. /long to do sth. 替换want to do sth. / wish for

She longed (wanted) to see him again. 她很想再见到他。

16.be keen on / be crazy about / be addicted to替换be interested in

He is keen on / crazy about / addicted to (interested in) collecting stamps.
