
提出具有创意的活动主题和活动传播口号,并详细阐释活动 主题的内涵。
现场勘测——拍照——画规划图——设定人流及活动 总规图——现场布置——物料分配。
执行事项 执行时间
1 空飘
2 背景板
3 彩旗 4 空中舞星 5 绶带 6 音响设备、麦克风 7 礼仪小姐 8 礼炮
9 钢琴租赁及演奏
价格折扣、广告补偿、免 费产品、贸易展览会和集 会、销售竞赛、纪念品等。
买赠活动 抽奖活动
PR:public relations,中文翻译为公共关系,它是指为维护和促进
广告 直接营销
SP:sales promotion,中文翻译为销售促进,简称促销。
常见的促销活 动类型。
赠送样品、优惠券、特价 包、赠品、奖品、竞赛、 抽奖、游戏、交易积分、 免费试用、产品保证、联 合促销、交叉促销、售点 陈列或商品示范。

市场营销专业术语中英文对照标准翻译本文为市场营销中经常用到的一些中文与英文互译的标准用语,希望对市场营销从业人员有所帮助.《财富》杂志Fortune案头调研Desk Research奥美公司Ogilvy &Mather白色商品White Goods百乐门Parliament百威啤酒Budweiser包裹销售法Banded Pack宝洁公司Procter &Gamble宝丽来Polaroid宝马BMW边际成本Marginal Cost边际收益Marginal Benefit标准差,均差Standard Deviation别克Buick波立兹调查公司Alfred Politz Research, Inc波旁王朝Ancient Age Bourbon波特福洛分析Portefolio Analysis产品差异Product Differentiation产品生命周期Product Life Cycle产品系列Product Line产品组合Product Mix阐述Presentation超级市场Supermarket成对比较法Paired Comparisons成功的理想主义者Successful Idealist承诺型消费者Committed Buyer程度测试Tachistoscope橙色商品Orange Goods冲动购买Impulse Buying重叠率Duplication抽样Sampling传销Pyramid Selling传阅发行量Pass-on Circulation词语联想法Word Associaton刺激营销Incentive Marketing促销Promotion达彼思广告公司Ted Bates & Copany大卫·奥格威David Ogilvy戴比尔斯De Beers丹尼尔·斯塔奇公司Danile Starch &Staff 弹性Elasticity到达率Reach道奇Dodge第三者法Third-Person Technique第一提及Top of Mind电话访问Telephone Interview电通广告公司Dentsu电子售点数据EPOS Data定量研究Quantitative Research定位Positioning定性研究Qualitative Research动机研究Motivation Research读者Readers读者人数Readership独特销售主张Unique Selling Proposition杜邦公司Du Pont多方面衡量Multi-dimensional Scaling多品牌战略Multi-brand Strategy惰性销售Inertia Selling恩格尔曲线Engel Curves二手资料Secondary Data发行量Circulation发行量稽核组织ABC仿造Me Too访问Interview访问员Interviewer非处方药OTC菲力普·莫里斯公司Philip Morris Company 菲亚特FIAT肥皂剧Soap Opera分刊测试Split—run Test分销Distribution丰田TOYATA缝隙分析Gap Analysis浮动插播Floating Spot辅助回想Aided Recall付费发行量Paid Circulation复核Back Checking复核Validation富豪汽车VOLVO富可视Infocus富士胶卷FUJI FILM覆盖率Coverage盖凡尼克皮肤反应测试仪Galvanic Skin Response Meter盖洛普暨罗宾逊调查公司Gallup &Robinson,Inc概念测试Concept Testing高度介入产品High Invovement Procuct革新消费者Innovators葛瑞广告Grey Advertising公众调查公司Audience Research,Inc贡献Contrubution购买周期Buying Cycle孤独守巢人Empty Nesers鼓动销售Hard Sell故事板/分镜头表Storyboard故事完成法Story Completion观察调研法Obseravtion Study广告Advertising广告/销售比率Advertising/Sales Ratio广告比重Advertising Weight广告标准Advertising Standard广告调查基金会(美国)Advertising Research Foundation广告概要Advertising Brief广告口号Slogan广告目标即广告效果评测Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results 国际商用机器公司IBM过度杀伤Overkill过滤审查Screening哈佛商学院Harvard Business School红色商品Red Goods互补品Complements花旗集团Citigroup华尔街Wall Street黄金时段Prime Time辉瑞Pfizer混合调查Omnibus Research混和调研Omnibus Research基本读者Primary Reader稽核Audit吉芬商品Giffen Goods吉列Gillette集团购买Organizational Buying集中度Affinity集中市场细分Concentrated Segmentation计算机辅助的电话采访Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing记忆测试Recall Test记忆性Memorability佳能Canan家乐福Carrefour家庭(户)House Hold家庭稽核Home Audit家庭生活周期Family Life Cycle甲壳虫Bettle价格分析Values Analysis价格敏感Price Sensitive价格歧视Price Discrimination价格战Price War间接调研Off-the-research建议价格Recommended Price箭牌口香糖Wrigley讲究派头的诉求Snob Appeal交叉销售Cross—selling交替需求Alternate Demand焦点小组(讨论) Focus group (Discussion)角色扮演Role Playing阶式渗透Cascading结构化访问Structured Interview金佰利Kimberly-Clark浸透策略Penetration Strategy精工SEIKO句子完成法Sentence Completion决策群Decision Making Unit决定性调研Conclusive Research卡通测试Cartoon Tests开放题Open—ended Question开机率Homes Using TV柯达Kodak壳牌Shell可变价格Variable Pricing可口可乐Coca-Cola可丽舒Kleenex可信度Believability克莱斯勒Chrysler克劳德·霍普金斯Claude Hopkins客观看法Outside View肯德基炸鸡Kentucky Fried Chicken口碑广告Word-of-mouth Advertising快流量消费品Fast—moving Consumer Goods 拉力Pulling Power拦截访问Intercept Interview乐观奔命者Optimistic Striver离差Deviation李奥·贝纳Leo Burnett李佛兄弟公司Lever Brothers力士Lux连带外部效应Network Externality联合调研/辛迪加Syndicated Research联合分析Conjoint Analysis联合利华公司Unilever联想Association Techniques练习性预演Dry Run两步收费Two-part Tariff量表Scale劣等商品Inferior Goods零售周期Wheel of Retailing零头定价法Odd—even Pricing漏斗深入法Funnel Approach露华浓Revlon乱数表Random—number Table罗塞·瑞夫斯Rosser Reevse罗夏测试Rorschach Test骆驼Camal马丁·迈耶Martin Mayer麦当劳McDonald’s麦肯爱里克森广告公司Mccann—Erickson麦氏威尔咖啡Maxwell House Coffee卖方市场Seller’s Market满意购买者Satisfied Buyer盲测Blind Test毛评点Gross Ratting points媒体分析Media Analysis每千人(户)成本Cost Per Thousand Figure每千人成本Cost Per Mille美孚Mobil美国报纸发行人协会American Newspaper Publisher's Association 美国电报电话公司AT&T美国广播公司ABC美国广告代理商协会4A'sThe American Association of Advertising Agencies美国民意研究中心American Institute of Public Opinion美国营销协会American Marketing Association美国运通American Express描述性调研Descriptive Research民意测验Opinion Poll明尼苏达矿务及制造业公司3M模似Simulation姆姆巧克力M&M耐克Nike尼尔逊公司A. C. Nielsen尼尔逊全国电视指数Nielsen National Television Index 尼尔逊受众测定器Nielsen audiometer尼尔逊指数Nielsen Index欧宝OPEL欧洲民意测验和市场调研协会ESOMAR帕累托原理Pareto Principle派生需求Derived Demand攀比效应Bandwagon Effect判断性抽样Judgement Sampling旁氏Pond’s陪伴购物Accompanied Shopping配额Quota配额抽样Quota Sampling频率分布Frequency Distribution品牌Brang品牌测试Brang Test品牌估价Brang Valuation品牌管理Brang Management品牌偏好Brang Preference品牌认知Brang Awareness品牌形象Brang Image品牌性格Brang Personalities品牌忠诚度Brang Loyalty品牌转换成本Switching Cost品质认知度Perceived Quality七喜7UP期望值Expectations期望值Expected V alue其他指导人Other—directed Person企业标志Corporate Logo企业识别Corporate Identity前导性研究Pilot Study潜意识广告Subliminal Advertising强生公司Johnson & Johnson乔治·格里宾George Gribbin情感购买者Like Friend情感象征Emotional Symbol渠道冲突Channel Conflict全国性涵盖度Blanket人口统计学特征Demographics人员推销Personal Selling认识差距Cognitive Dissonance认知Awareness认知图表Perceptual Mapping日后记忆Day-after—recall入户访问Door—to—door Interview软性促销Soft Sell萨奇公司Saatchi &Saatchi三维营销3-D商店稽核Store Audit社会等级Social Grading社会接受度Social Acceptability社会营销Social Marketing深度访谈Depth Interview生存者Survivor生活方式Lifestyle声音比例SOV声音份额Share of V oice施乐Xerox时代华纳Time Warner时机感Sense of Timing时间档次Time Slot时序分析Time—Series analysis识阈效应Threshold Effect使用与态度Usage and Attitude市场策略的利润效果Profit Impact of Market Strategy 市场调研Market Research市场调研/营销调研Marketing Research市场细分Market Segmentation市场占有率Market Share视听众暴露度Impession收获战略Harvesting Strategy收入效应Income Effect收视(听)率Ratings收视率Television Rating售点POP售点POS斯塔奇数字Starch Figure斯坦利·里索Stanley Resor斯沃琪Swatch四点分析SWOT Analysis随机抽样Random Sampling索尼SONY态度Attitude探索性调研Exploratory汤橱浓汤Campbell’s Soup特许经营Franchise替代品Substitutes替代效应Substitution Effect天美时Timex听众调查Audience Research通用汽车General Motor同类相食Cannibalisation投射研究Projective Research图片响应法Picture Response Techniques推拉战略Push and Pull Strategies推力Push Power完成法Completion Techniques完全竞争市场Perfectly Competitive Market 万宝路Marlboro万事达卡Master Card威廉·伯恩巴克William Bernbach威士卡VISA维持者Sustainer伟哥Viagra胃溃疡峡谷Ulcer Gulch稳定插播Anchored Spot问卷Questionnaire沃尔玛Wal-Mart Stores无品牌忠诚度No Brand Loyalty无提示认知Unaided Awareness无准备调查访问Cold Calling西门子SIEMENS习惯购买者Habitual Buyer习惯性购买Habit Buying喜力Heineken系统销售System Selling细流战Drip Campaign显著特征Salient Attribute现场调研Field Research现场督导Conductor现场督导Field Supervisor现场工作Field Work现场人员Field Force线上活动Above—the—line线下活动Below-the-line相关群体Reference Group象牙牌香皂Ivory消费者购物固定样本Consumer Purchase Panel 消费者内在需求Consumer Insight消费者偏好Consumer Preferences消费者剩余Consumer Surplus消费者形象描述Consumer Profile销售定额Sales Quota销售反馈功能Sales Response Function销售领域Sales Territory销售预测Sales Forecast销售专集Sales Literature销售组合Sales Mix小组讨论Group Discussion心理图案学Psychographics心理戏剧Motivational Theater心智索引Mindex心智占有率Share of Mind新奇士Sunkist新人训练Orientation Training形象Image虚荣效应Snob Effect选择性分销Selective Distribution雪佛兰Chevrolet雅皮YUPPY眼睛轨迹研究Eye Tracking Research扬雅广告公司Young & Rubicam样品Sample一次性购物One—stop Shopping一手资料Primary Data伊莱克斯Electrolux宜家IKEA移情作用Empathy意见领导Opinion Leader因果性调研Causal Research营销会计稽核Marketing Audit营销近视Marketing Myopia营销组合10P’s营销组合4C’s’营销组合4P's营销组合Marketing Mix营业额/到达率增长指数Turnover影响力等级Hierarchy of Effects佣金制Commission System由报纸决定(刊登位置)Run-of—paper邮购Mail Order有提示认知Aided Awareness有效贮藏期限Shelf Life诱导转向法Bait and Switch语义差异法Semantic Differential预检验Pre-testing原创性Originality原子状测试Atomistic Test岳母研究Mother-in-law Research载波技术ZAP赞助Sponsorship詹姆士·韦伯扬James Webb Young展览会Exhibition争夺经营Scrambled Merchandising正常商品Normal Goods直递Direct Mail直销Direct Marketing智威汤逊J。
市场营销导论复习笔记 英文原版(中文翻译)

Introductory Marketing Review Notes • Marketing: The process of determining customer needs and wants and then developing goods and services that meet or exceed these expectations. 。
市场营销:寻找消费者的消费需求,然后提供产品和服务来满足或者超越消费者需求的过程• MICRO marketing: is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization‘s objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client. 微观市场营销:通过对消费者或顾客消费需求的了解,提供能够满足消费者或顾客需求的商品或者服务。
• MACRO marketing: is a social process that directs an economy‘s flow of goods and services from producers to consumers in a way that effectively matches supply and demand and accomplishes the objectives of society. 宏观市场营销:通过引导整个社会经济的运作,从而有效地满足整个社会的供求平衡。
Marketing‘s Role Has Changed a lot Over the Years 市场营销的角色在过去的若干年中发生了很大变化• The Five Stages in The Evolution of Marketing 市场营销变革的五个阶段• 1. The Simple Trade Era 自由贸易的时期• 2. The Production Era, Industrial Revolution; 1880s until 1920 产品时期(工业革命)• 3. The sales Era, until 1950 推销时期• 4. The Marketing Department Era, 营销部门出现的时期• 5. The Marketing Company Era, since 1960 营销公司出现的时期 What Does The Marketing Concept Mean? 营销理念的含义?• Marketing Concept: an organization which aim s all it‘s efforts toward its customers , for a profit. 营销理念:组织或企业为了获得利益而去满足消费者需求• Production orientation; making whatever products are easy to produce and then trying to sell them. 产品生产导向:压缩成本,销售出去• Marketing Orientation; trying to carry out the marketing concept. 营销导向:践行营销理念• Three Ideas of The Marketing Concept 营. Customer Satisfaction 满足消费者需求• 2. Total Company Effort 企业的付出• 3. Profit, not just Sales as the objective. 利润,不仅仅在销售方面销理念的三个概念• Micro-macro dilemma; What is good for the firm may not be good for society. 宏观市场的窘境:对企业好的并不一定对社会好。

its unique fea-
tures.EGP’S translation principles should be applied and updated in order to translate Marketing English properly under the instruction of pragmatic translation theory.This paper discusses the of marketing English translation based
表由著名营销专家Philip Kotler提出的营销组
b.This product occupies
合(杨露、欧秋耘,2009:133),即product,price, place和promotion(产品、定价、分销和促销), 但如果谈到营销的具体战略,4P也可以代表
portunity and
share意为市场份额,是市场营销英语中一个固 定表达。 (3)a.You bution.(EGP)
are about to handle the sift distri-

外文原文[1]Sales IncentivesThe enthusiasm and drive required in most types of sales work demand that sales employees be highly motivated. This fact, as well as the competitive nature of selling, explains why financial incentives for salespeople are widely used. These incentive plans must provide a source of motivation that will elicit cooperation and trust. Motivation is particularly important for employees away from the office who cannot be supervised closely and who, as a result, must exercise a high degree of self-discipline.Unique Needs of Sales Incentive PlansIncentive systems for salespeople are complicated by the wide differences in the types of sales jobs. These range from department store clerks who ring up customer purchases to industrial salespeople from McGraw-Edison who provide consultation and other highly technical services. Salespeople's performance may be measured by the dollar volume of their sales and by their ability to establish new accounts. Other measures are the ability to promote new products or services and to provide various forms of customer service and assistance that do not produce immediate sales revenues.Performance standards for sales employees are difficult to develop, however, because their performance is often affected by external factors beyond their control. Economic and seasonal fluctuations, sales competition, changes in demand, and the nature of the sales territory can all affect an individual's sales record. Sales volume alone therefore may not be an accurate indicator of the effort salespeople have expended.In developing incentive plans for salespeople, managers are also confronted with the problem of how to reward extra sales effort and at the same time compensate for activities that do not contribute directly or immediately to sales. Furthermore, sales employees must be able to enjoy some degree of income stability.[2]360-degree performance assessmentEnterprises exist mainly in the pursuit of profit, the pursuit of growth, and achieve sustainable business purposes. But in the course of business of raw materials, capital and equipment are required by the "person" can operate. Therefore, how to let the limited raw materials, equipment, and funds created endless profits, human resources play a very important role. A lot of human resources in enterprises, "manager" towards the success of the enterprise is at stake. The manager must often make many in the management decision-making, although the correct decision-making enterprises to be another peak, but it may be the wrong decision based company accumulated overnight. Therefore, how to understand the manager in an appropriate manner to the management, development and recognition of their request on a corporate human resources management a very important task.What is an assessmentComprehensive assessment, also known as the "360-degree performance appraisal system," the earliest known "symbol of the United States forces" model enterprise Intel first proposed and implemented. It refers to the staff themselves, supervisors, direct subordinates, peers, colleagues and even customers, the all-round perspective of the performance of individual understanding : communication skills, interpersonal, leadership and administrative capabilities : : Through this ideal performance assessment, the assessment was not only from those who own, supervisors, subordinates, colleagues and even customers to obtain feedback from a variety of angles. The feedback from these can be clearly aware of their different shortcomings, strengths and development needs, so that future career development more smoothly. I personally think : to assess the way many managers, but "360-degree evaluation - management skills" may be the best.What is self-evaluationThe so-called self-evaluation means : Let the manager's performance against its own performance in the period, or to assess their performance based on the performance and capacity of the future and set goals accordingly. When employees to do their own assessment, usually lower self-defense awareness and thereby understand his own shortcomings and thereby to strengthen, develop or add to their own inadequacies.Generally speaking, employees are usually the result of self-assessment and evaluation of different supervisors. And the evaluation of supervisors or colleagues compared regular staff will give their own high scores. Therefore, the use of self-assessment should be particularly careful. In return for the higher self-assessment, evaluation and staff should know that their self-assessment may have differences, and may form the rigid positions of the two sides, and this is the use of self-assessment should pay particular attention to the matter.Members of the evaluationMembers of the evaluation is to assess the performance of each of my colleagues that the way to achieve performance evaluation purposes. For some work, sometimes with the superior and subordinate time and communication opportunities, but not between subordinate. In such superior and subordinate contacts are short of time, have very little communication between the cases, superior to the performance assessment will be very difficult to establish. But on the contrary, among subordinates work together for a long time, they will understand each other more than superior and subordinate. At this time, among them mutual assessment, but can more objective. Moreover, the return on each other between, let them know that they can be in interpersonal communication capacity in this respect. For example, the foreign invested enterprises in Beijing a performance evaluation methods, it contains a peer evaluation. According to the company's Human Resources Manager said that in assessing the accuracy of the appraisal method, and not higher than the appraisal results for the poor. And peer evaluation forms can also fill his subordinates to assess mistakes. And the assessment results, but also for my colleagues in the eyes of their subordinates understand themselves in teamwork, interpersonal, how performance. In addition the company also said that if performanceassessment results for selected personnel, peer evaluation in this way often meet people convinced that the results.Subordinate evaluationBy the Ministry to evaluate supervisors, the traditional concept of human resources, workers seem to be a bit incredible. However, as the development of the knowledge-based economy, a growing number of companies allow employees to assess their level of competence performance, the process known as upward feedback (positive feedback). This approach to performance assessment of the development potential for the development of superior, particularly valuable. Feedback through subordinate managers, clearly aware of their need to strengthen local management capacity what? If their own understanding and direction for the evaluation of the gap between too much, can address this gap competent, in-depth understanding of these reasons. Therefore, some experts believe that human resources management, subordinate to the higher authorities for the assessment of its management will be a great benefit to the development.Customer evaluationClients in the evaluation of services, marketing, personnel of particular importance. Because only the most clear customer relations staff in customer service, marketing skills and attitude to performance. Therefore, in similar related industries, the performance assessment system in the evaluation could be included in the assessment system customers.In fact, the number of services (for example : the financial industry, catering industry, etc.) often use such performance assessment (such as the selection of best service personnel). Because service quality of service, customer service attitude by most clearly. As far as I know, many renowned domestic companies customer service department will periodically to sample the way, please assess the customer service performance of the company customer service personnel. For the evaluation ofFor the assessment of our performance evaluation is the most common way that performance is assessed by a competent implementation. As for the need to become familiar with the assessment methods, and use of performance assessment results as guidance units, the development potential of important commands weapons.[1] George Bohlander sott snell Managing Human Resources[M]. Dongbai University of Finance& Economics press 2003.10 P437-438[2] George Bohlander sott snell Managing Human Resources[M]. Dongbai University of Finance& Economics press 2003.10 P343-345外文译文[1]销售人员的激励各种类型的销售工作所必需的热情与动力要求销售人员得到高度激励。

目标市场营销又称STP营销或STP三步曲,这里S指Segmenting market,即市场细分;T指Targeting market,即选择目标市场;P为Positioning,亦即定位。
FAB法则,即属性,作用,益处的法则,FAB对应的是三个英文单词:Feature、Advantage 和Benefit,按照这样的顺序来介绍,就是说服性演讲的结构,它达到的效果就是让客户相信你的是最好的。
实际上,在销售中把A (Advantage)翻译成作用会更好一些,作用(Advantage)就是能够给客户带来的用处。

Passage 3
双赢或多赢 Win-win or multi-win 讲析:有些汉语表达方式在英语中未必都有相对应的翻译, 在这种情况下,可以依据英语的表达习惯和构词规则将汉 语的意思传达出来,如“multi-win”。
Passage 4
Passage 5
Passage 2
1.创新营销:Creative Marketing 创新是企业成功的关键,企业经营的最佳策略就是抢在 别人之前淘汰自己的产品,这种把创新理论运用到市场营 销中的新做法,包括营销观念的创新、营销产品的创新、 营销组织的创新和营销技术的创新。要做到这一点,市场 营销人员就必须随时保持思维模式的弹性,让自己成为 “新思维的开创者”。 2.消费联盟:Consumer Union 以消费者加盟和企业结盟为基础,以回报消费者利益为 驱动机制的一种新型营销方式。
Passage 3
1.refer to:指的是;称作 例1:Does your remark refer to all of us? 你的评论是针对我们所有人的吗? 例2:It is no wonder that our missile men refer to guided missiles as “birds”. 我们的导弹发射手称 制导导弹 为“鸟”一点也不奇怪的。 2. No one could be a marketer without having completed the requisite training and having the certificate on the wall. 要成为一个推销员必须经过培训并取得合格的证书。 讲析:英译汉时,通常使用反译法把句子按照与英语相反的语序或 表达方式译成汉语。如: Please withhold the document for the time being. 请暂时扣下这份文件。 请暂时不要发这份文件。

alternative evaluation:可选性衡量
cognitive dissonance:不平衡感
evoked set:应激集合
information search:信息搜寻
need recognition:确认需求
postpurchase behavior:购后行为
句子翻译 2.那么,就可以通过强化或增加产品,服务,人员和利益供应来增加顾客总价值。 It can try to increase total customer value by strengthening or augmenting the product, services, personnel, or image benefits of the offer. 4.相对于购买者的期望值来说,顾客的满意度更依赖于产品的性能。 Customer satisfaction with a purchase depends on the product’s performance relative to a buyer’s expectations. 5.顾客总价值通常包括消费者预先付出的时间,体力和精神价值。 Total customer cost also includes the buyer’s anticipated time, energy, and psychic costs. 8.这样,营销就不再是指销售的概念。在新的观念下,营销是为设计和管理一个高级的价值
让渡系统以达到目标顾客细分而存在的。 Thus marketing no longer means “selling.” Under the new view, marketing is responsible for designing and managing a superior value delivery system to reach target customer segments. Unit4

第一章Marketing市场营销 Needs需要 Wants欲望 Demands需求 Market offering市场供应Marketing myopia营销短视 Exchange交换Market市场 Marketing management市场营销管理Production concept生产概念Product concept产品观念 Selling concept推销概念Marketing concept市场营销观念Societal marketing concept社会营销概念Customer relationship management顾客关系管理Customer-perceived value顾客认知价值Customer satisfaction顾客满意度 Consumer-generated marketing消费者产生的营销Partner relationship management伙伴关系管理Customer lifetime value顾客终生价值Share of customer顾客份额 Customer equity顾客资产 Internet互联网第二单元Strategic planning 战略规划 mission statement 使命陈述 business portfolio业务组合portfolio analysis 组合分析growth-share matrix 增长一份额矩阵product/market expansion grid产品/市场扩张矩阵market penetration 市场渗透 market development 市场开发product development 产品开发diversification 多元化downsizing 精简战略value chain 价值链 value delivery network 价值递送网络marketing strategy 市场营销战略 market segmentation市场细分 market segment 细分市场market targeting 市场营销战略positioning 定位differentiation 差异化marketing mix 市场营销组合 SWOT analysis SWOT分析 marketing implementation 市场营销执行 marketing control 营销控制 return on marketing investment 市场营销投资回报率第3章Marketing environment 市场营销环境 microenvironment微观环境Macroenvironment 宏观环境 marketing intermediaries营销中介Public公众 demography人口统计Baby boomers婴儿潮 generation X一代Millennials(generation Y) Y一代 economic environment经济环境Engel’s laws恩格尔定律 natural environment自然环境Environmental sustainability环境的可持续发展technological environment技术环境Political environment 政治环境cultural environment人文环境第四章Customer insights 顾客洞察力(见解) marketing information system 市场营销信息系统internal databases内部报告系统marketing intelligence营销情报系统marketing research 市场营销调研 Exploratory research探测性调研descriptive research描述性调研 Secondary data 二手资料commercial online databases在线商业数据库 Observational research 观察调研 ethnographic research 人种调研 Survey research调查研究 experimental research实验调研 Focus group interviewing 焦点小组访谈online focus groups在线焦点小组访谈Sample样本customer relationship management客户关系管理第五章Consumer buyer behavior 消费者购买行为Consumer market 消费者市场 Culture 文化Subculture 亚文化 Social class 社会阶层 Group 群体 Opinion leader 意见领袖Online social networks 在线社交网络Lifestyle 生活方式Personality 个性 Brand personality 品牌个性 Motive (drive) 动机Perception 认知过程 Learning学习Belief 信仰Attitude 态度Complex buying behavior 复杂购买行为Dissonance-reducing buying behavior 不和谐的购买行为Habitual buying behavior 习惯性的购买行为Variety-seeking buying behavior 追求多样化的购买行为Need recognition 需求识别Information search 信息搜索Alternative evaluation 另类评估Purchase decision 购买决策Postpurchase behavior 购后行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调New product 新产品Adoption process开发过程第一章Marketing市场营销 p29The process by which companied create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.企业为消费者创造价值并建立良好的顾客关系,以此从消费者身上获取利益作为回报的过程。
市场营销双语 科特勒 亚洲版 术语翻译 英汉互译

advertising strategy
Affordable method
age and life-cycle segmentation
Alternative evaluation
Baby boomers
administered VSM
Adoption process
advertising agency
advertising budget
advertising media
advertising objective
cost-plus pricing
creative concept
cultural environment
customer database
Customer equity
Customer lifetime value
generation X
Geographic segmentation
Geographical pricing
good-value pricing
商务英语翻译Unit 15 市场营销_OK

national markets, total advertising can be reducted
significantly. ( )
2. The creative presentation is what the advertisers say .( ) 3. MarketinFg ideas that worked in one country may work in
sentences and paragraphs relating the marketing. 4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
Passage One
Standardized Marketing Strategy
Passage One Notes
5. The most significant disadvantages of standardization is simply that cultural, political, and economic differences among countries may make it all but impossible to use a single standardized marketing strategy:标准化最大的劣势就是,由于不同国家 的文化、政治和经济差异,导致几乎不可能使一 个单一的标准化市场战略。“all but impossible”, 应译成“几乎不可能”。
市场营销学 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 市场营销

Marketing(From: Sun Kun of Accounting English, 2008.)Marketing is a group of interrelated activities designed to identify consumer needs and to develop,distribute,promote,and price goods and services to satisfy these needs at a profit.Whether an organization is large or small,whether it produces a product or provides a service,its long-range future is linked to successful markting practices.The old saying "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door"is not true. "They" must need the product,know about it,be able to get it when and where they want it,and be able to afford it.Marketing provides the means to make the organization successful in the long run.1.The Marketing ConceptMarketing was unheard of in the early 1900s. This period can best be described as one where far more people needed consumer goods than companies were able to manufacture.This intense demand on manufacturing led to organizations dominated by production management. Companies had a production orientation: where the number one priority is to produce a good to keep up with demand. All energies and talents were laced in the production function. Selling a good was incidental; determining consumer needs was unheard of.As manufacturers increased their production capabilities,the supply of goods available increased and inventories of goods developed. An emphasis on selling occurred. This need to sell led to a sales-dominated company-a sales orientation,whereby the energy of the company is focused on selling the products produced. The salespersio's job:(1)to make the desires of the consumers "fit"the products the company manufactures and (2)to convince the consumer to buy. The company's goal:to"send the out full and bring it back empty."As more producers began competing for consumer dollars by making such high-demand products as automobiles,vacuum cleaners,and refrigerators,the supply of goods began to exceed the demand. Companies had to find a way to identify consumer demand.Company profits.Companies that are marketing oriented have adopted a philosophy for the firm known as the marketing concept.The marketing concept is a belief that the companyshould adopt a companywide consumer orientation directed at long-range profitability.It includes the belied that all efforts of the organization should be directed at identifying and satisfyingProduction OrientationCompanies were essentially production-oriented from the latter part of the nineteenth century to about 1920. Emphasis was placed on filling the demand for basic commodities. The typical family had little discretionary income and there was little demand for products not associated with filling those basic family requirements.Demand was usually supplied by the producer's perception of what consumers needed. Product design and product line decisions were heavily influenced by manufacturing considerations.Management attention was directed primarily toimproving production methods,increasing output,and lowering costs. Sales OrientationThe period of sales orientation covered roughly the years from 1920 to 1950.With the exception of the years of the Grat Depression ,this period was characterized by gradually rising discretionary income,emerging demand for products,increasing competition,and the expansion of distribution channels.Although product decisions continued to be dominated by what the manufacturing department wanted to make ,the role of sales became increasingly important. With the production department capable of tuning out increasing quantities of goods through mass production techniques,company success began to turn on the ability of the sales force to move inventories.Market OrientationCovering the years from about 1950 to 1970 ,this period was characterized by a continuing shift in business emphasis to understanding and reacting to changing markets.The dramatic rise in consumer discretionary income following World War II created demand for new products and services. The mobility provided by mass ownership of automobiles encouraged the development of suburbs, new shopping patterns, and changes in distribution methods. Markets became more segmented and more complex. Product life cycles shortened.With these conditions,production people no longer were in a position to determine accurately what would sell. Selling skills were no longer sufficient to overcome the problems created when products were not attuned to a more discriminant market demand. In order to provide a better fit between marketdemand and company offerings-and in order to provide for better coordination of marketing activities-companies reorganized and assigned increased responsibilities to the marketing department.Marketing took on the role of analyzing markets and interpreting the needs, and manufacturing departments. More sophisticated aproaches were developed to fulfill the traditional marketing roles of product promotion and the management of distribution channels. The role of marketing in pricing increased.And finally, the marketing department became the focal point for the development of corporate strategies needed to adjust to market change.Societal OrientationWhen managements adopted the marketing concept, they could not foresee the environmental problems or the changes in society's values that would raise questions about the market orientation philosophy. In terms of what we now know about pollution, the finiteness of raw materials, and the apparent inability of our economic system to eliminate poverty, some people question whether what is good for the individual consumer is always good for society.Increasingly, national policy-and, in turn, business policy-is tempering concern for the consumer with concern for society as a whole. Thomas A. Murphy, chairman of General Motors, addressed this dilemma when he said , "We may have let ourselves grow out of touch with the customer's need for continued satisfaction in a time of heightened expectations and the society's concern for environmental improve-ment and energy conservation."Marketing policies attuned to serving the market as the market wants to be served continue to represent modern company policy. But we are also seeing market-oriented decisions modified by societal concerns, as a result both of law and of responsible management policies.2.Channels of distributionEfficient production methods, coupled with skilful marketing ,may have ensured that we can produce goods or services cheaply and that there is a market for them. There remains the vitally important question of how we actually get our goods and services to the customer.Direct sales to CustomersThis ,of course, is the oldest form of distribution and in many trades it remains the most important. However, it can be a very awkward one in somebusinesses such as manufacturing. Customers especially private buyers, are unlikely to go to a factory to buy what they want, and manufacturing firms , at least one company seeking to sell its chains of petrol filling stations in the mid 1980s.There are other trades where producers sell directly to customers. In some cases this is because producers find it advantageous to control the final retail stage and be in a position to offer a complete service, including after-sales service,to the customer.In other industries producers may sell directly to consumers through factory shops, farm shops ,"pick-your-own" arrangements at farms,by mail order or any other scheme that business ingenuity may devise.Organized MarketsAfter direct selling ,markets represent the oldest form of trade from producer to consumer. Here we have in mind not the ratail mardets found in many towns on "market days" but the markets where producers and traders, especially the traders in commodities make their deals . These markets , located in many of the world's major trading centers , including London where most of the main British commodity exchanges are found ,bring together producers and traders who wish to buy in bulk for onward Distribution to the final customer.By commodities we mean goods such as tin, copper , zinc and other metals or bulk foodstuffs like tea, coffee, wheat and cocoa. What distinguishes commodities is that they tend to be sold on the basis of objective descriptions , such as " Brazilian coffee" or "Sri Lankan tea", rather than according to some brand name, though, of course, the experienced buyer will be able to distinguish high and low quality goods according to their source or to a wholesaler.WholesalingThe markets we have just outlined are wholesale markets . Wholesaling involves purchasing goods in large quantities from the producer or importer and selling in smaller quantities to the retailer, or sometimes, to another wholesaler or dealer. A service is provided as the producer prefers to deal with large orders and the retailer in smaller purchases. There are ,however, other services provided by wholesaling besides this 'breaking bulk.Conventional wholesaling has declined in importance in recent decades. The functions of wholesaling still have to be undertaken but are now often less important than in the past and where they remain essential are often carried out by manufacturers, or, more noticeably, by retailers. The growth of large chains inretailing has often been made possible by the incorporation of wholesaling and retailing within the one organization.Develoments in production methods, in transport and communications have all contributed to this process . When flour was sold by millers in large sacks, breaking bulk was a necessary service for small shops selling to ordinary households. Modern machines have no difficulty in packing flour in paper bags at the end of the production line. Motorway transport, the telephone and telex have brought retailer and manufacturer closer together and the wholesaler's warehousing is not always essential to bridge the gap between them. AgentsAgents may offer an alternative to wholesalers. An agent acts on behalf of another, the principal. The role of the agent in distribution is to take over the work of distribution from the manufacturer. In some ways agents may act much like a wholesaler; in other ways they may act like a retailer and sell to the final customer. Agents can be particularly important in servicing foreign markets where they have special local knowledge.FranchisingThis is a growing form of distribution. A franchise gives the sole right to serve a locality with a particular good or service. Agents often hold sole franchises.The modern trend in franchising is for producers carefully to develop and market the product, including the organization of advertising,and then to leave the retail stage to a franchised independent firm. The franchise holder normally has to pay for the franchise. In return they receive a wide range of services from the producer. The shop will be laid out according to a distinctive pattern. Special equipment will be provided,training given and exclusive supplies of materials provided.Franchising has been particularly important in some service trades such as fast foods. Its supporters claim that it combines the individual'entrepreneurship' of the independent franchise holder with the economies of large scale production, advertising and so on. It also provides a role for small firms and personal initiative in an economy which often seems to be dominated by large organizations . The system's critics claim that large producers favor it as it gives them retail outlets and retail management at very low cost. It can also lead to frustrated expectations among the franchise holders who will never truly be 'their own bosses.The marketing MixAs with all business decisions, there is no one right form of distribution andno one right approach to marketing a firm's products. Indeed a single firm may choose different ways of marketing different products. Marketing and distribution managers must choose a combination of different strategies in response to an environment in which a number of forces, many of them beyond their control, are at work. The chosen marketing mix (or market mix) of price, distribution channel, advertising and product promotion must be the result of careful analysis of the environment, the available strategies and the nature of the firms product.市场营销市场营销是一组相互关联的活动,用于确定消费者的需求并对商品和服务进行开发、分销、促销和给产品和服务定价,从而在赢利的前提下满足这些需求。
新职业英语市场营销英语Unit5 Personal Selling--Products

- 7 - 2020/3/10
Reading A
» Master Tip 1: Dig for sales opportunities. » Today, sales professionals need to uncover opportunities
themselves rather than wait for leads or for customers to come to them. The best performers recognize that even if there are many leads in their sales pipeline, they need to invest part of their time regularly in finding and developing new sales opportunities. Think of buyers as partners—partners who may be able to refer you to a steady stream of new business. Ask for a referral at the close of every sale. Contact individuals who have benefited from your products in the past. Become involved in organizations that may include prospective customers. In sales, it’s who you know that counts.
- 11 - 2020/3/10
Reading A: Task 2

第十一章Maket-skimming pricing市场撇脂定价Market-penetration pricing市场渗透定价法Product Line Pricing产品线定价Optional-Product Pricing备选产品定价Captive-Product Pricing附属产品定价法By-Product Pricing副产品定价法Product Bundle Pricing一揽子定价法Discount 折扣Allowance津贴Segmented pricing市场细分定价法Psychological pricing心理定价Reference prices参考价格Promotional pricing促销定价法Geographical pricing地理定价FOB-original pricing FOB原产地定价法Uniform-delivered pricing统一交货定价法Zone pricing地区定价法Basing-point pricing基点定价法Freight-absorption pricing 减免运费定价法Dynamic pricing 动态定价法第十二章Value delivery network marketing channel(distribution channel ) channellevelDirect marketing channel indirect marketing channel channel conflict Conventional distribution channel vertical marketing system(VSM) corporate VSM contractual VSM franchise organization administered VSMHorizontal marketing system multichannel distribution system disintermediationMarketing channel design intensive distribution exclusive distribution selective distribution selective distribution marketing channel managementMarketing logistics(physical distribution) supply chain management distribution center intermodal transportation integrated logistics managementThird-party logistics provider第十三章Retailing 零售 retailer 零售商 specialty 专用商品店 department store 百货商店supermarket 超市 convenience 便利店 superstore 超级商店 category killer 品类杀手 service retailer 零售商店 discount store 折扣商店 off-price retailer 低价商店independent off-price retailer 仓储商店 factory outlet 厂家直营店 warehouse club仓储俱乐部chain store 连锁店franchise 特许经营shopping center 购物中心wheel-of-retailing concept 零售轮转理论wholesaling 批发wholesaler批发商merchant wholesaler 独立批发商 broker 经纪人 agent代理商 manufacturers' sales branches and offices 制造商及零售商的分店和销售办事处第十四章Promotion mix (or marketing communications mix )促销组合又称营销沟通组合Advertising广告Sales promotion销售促进Sales promotion销售促进Personal selling人员销售public relations公共关系Direct marketing直复营销Integrated marketing communications(IMC)整合营销沟通Buyer-readiness stages购买者准备阶段Personal communication channels人际沟通渠道Word-of-mouth influence 口碑影响Buzz marketing 蜂鸣营销Nonpersonal communication channels非人际沟通渠道Affordable method量入为出法Percentage-of-sales method销售比例法Competitive-parity method竞争对等法Objective-and-task method目标任务法Push strategy“推’式战略Pull strategy”拉“式战略第十五章Advertising 广告 advertising objective 广告目标advertising budget 广告预算advertising strategy 广告策略Madison & Vine 广告、娱乐结合 creative concept 创新概念 execution style 执行方式 advertising media 广告媒体return on advertising investment 广告投资回报advertising agency 广告代理 public relations公共关系第十章价格 price:the amount of money charged for a product of service,or the sum of the values that suing the product or service.(价格是顾客为获得、拥有或使用某种产品或服务的利益而支付的价值。
Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译

第三课SWOT分析【A】Before entering the marketplace it is essential(必要)to carry out(进行)a SWOT analysis. This identifies(识别,标识)the strengths and weaknesses of a product, service or company, and the opportunities and threats facing it. Strengths and weakness refer(指,参考,见,提到)to the product itself and considered as internal factors. The external factors, referring to the marketplace, are opportunities and threats.在进入市场之前开展SWOT分析是必不可少的。
This is a SWOT analysis of PetraServe, a company which runs motorway service stations.这是一家名叫PetraServe的运作高速服务站的企业的SWOT分析。
Strengths:优势Superior(高级)distribution network – we have one of the best.高级分销网络- 我们有最好的之一。
We are the specialist(专业,专门)in long-distance petrol(汽油)needs for lorry (货车)and truck drivers – we have experience, knowledge and skill.我们在为货车和卡车司机在长途中提供汽油方面很专业- 我们有经验,知识和技能。

目标市场营销又称STP营销或STP三步曲,这里S指Segmenting market,即市场细分;T指Targeting market,即选择目标市场;P为Positioning,亦即定位。
FAB法则,即属性,作用,益处的法则,FAB对应的是三个英文单词:Feature、Advantage 和Benefit,按照这样的顺序来介绍,就是说服性演讲的结构,它到达的效果就是让客户信托你的是最好的。
实际上,在销售中把A 〔Advantage〕翻译成作用会更好一些,作用〔Advantage〕就是能够给客户带来的用处。

Idea ScreeningThe primary function of the ideas screening process is twofold:first,to eliminate ideas of new products that could not be profitably marketed by the firm,and second,to expand viable ideas into full product concepts.New product ideas may be eliminated either because they are outside the fields of the firm’s interest or because the firm does not have the necessary resources or technology to produce the product at a profit.Generally speaking,the organization has to consider three categories of risk(and its associated risk tolerance)in the idea screening phase prior to reaching a decision: 1.Strategic risk.Strategic risk involves the risk of not matching the role or purpose of a new product with a specific strategic need or issue of the organization.If an organization feels it necessary to develop certain types of radical innovations or products new to the company in order to carry out long-term strategies,then management must be willing to dedicate necessary resources and time to pursue these type projects.2.Market risk.Market risk is the risk that a new product won’t meet a market need in a value-added,differentiated way.As products are being developed,customer requirements change and new technologies evolve.Management must be willing and able to shift its new product efforts to keep pace with change.3.Internal risk.Internal risk is the risk that a new product won't be developed within the desired time and budget. Up front,management must decide the level of commitment it will extend in terms of time and budgetary expenditures to adequately ensure the completion of specific projects. Concurrently,progress goals must be established so that "proceed" or "do not proceed" decisions can be reached regarding continuation of projects.In evaluating these risks,firms should not act hastily in discounting new product ideas solely because of a lack of resources or expertise.Instead,firms should consider forming joint or strategic alliances with other firms.A strategic alliance is a long-term partnership between two organizations designed to accomplish the strategic goals of both parties. Potential benefits to be gained from alliances include (1) increased access to technology,funding,and information;(2)market expansion and greater penetration of current markets;and(3)de-escalated competitive rivalries.Motorola is a company that has prospered by forming numerous joint ventures with both American and foreign companies.Ideas that appear to have adequate profit and offer the firm a competitive advantage in the market should be accepted for further study.创意筛选创意筛选过程的主要功能是双重的:首先,消除不能由公司来销售获利的新产品理念,二是扩大可行的理念融入到整个产品的概念中。

外文原文MarketingMcCarthy (E.J.Mccarthy) ,in 1960, also under the micro-marketing definition: Marketing is the responsibility of business activities, products and services will be directly from the producer towards the consumer or user in order to meet customer needs and the achievement of the company profits, but also a process of socio-economic activities with the aim to meet the social or human needs, to achieve social goals. this definition than in the United States, although the definition of marketing association a step forward that meet customer needs and realize the company's operating profit as a goal, but two definitions that marketing activities are production activities in the beginning of the end of the middle after a series of business sales activities, when the commodity to the user the hands of the end, the enterprise marketing activities and therefore is limited to the narrow scope of circulation, rather than operating as a business for sale throughout the entire process, including marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, advertising, publicity reports, sales promotion, marketing staff, after-sales service and so on. Christian Grnroos to the definition and emphasized the purpose of marketing: Marketing is in the interests of a whole, through mutual exchange and commitment to establish, maintain, consolidate and consumers and other participants in the relationship between the parties to achieve the purpose.the new definition of①Jiang Taiwan through song in the "line of your marketing will not do," stressed the changes in marketing, the use of marketing of the English made the following definition: "What is marketing?" On the literal, the "marketing" in English is " Marketing ", if the word is split into Marketing of the Market (the market) and ing (English-style method is carried out) This two-part, and that marketing can be used" when the market is now "to express the product, price, promotion, access lead to changes in supply and demand of the delicate relationship between the two sides.②2004 years 8 months, in Boston. In the AMA (American Marketing Association)summer workshop on teaching marketing, AMA opened a new definition of marketing on the veil in order to update the past 20 years the official AMA definition of marketing. Since then, on the new definition of marketing in the U.S. sector marketing theory, practice sector has generated considerable discussion. The publication of a new definition of marketing is in integrating the theory from the global community and the practice of community contribution to many marketers based on the amendment out.Business School of Rennin University of China Professor Guo Guoqing proposed that the new definition of the complete expressed as: Marketing is an organizational function, but also to organize themselves and the interests of stakeholders and the creation, dissemination, forwarding, customer value, a range of customer relationship management process.To promote re-examine and amend the AMA on the official definition of marketing is one of the major forces from the AMA's CEO Dennis • Alison. On the marketing of the first edition of the official definition in 1935 by the predecessor of AMA - American Marketing Association, used by teachers in 1948, formally adopted by AMA. In 1960, when the first edition of the AMA to re-examine the definition of the decision remained unchanged, not any changes. In this way, on the marketing of the original definition has been used for 50 years until 1985, when the re-amended. The revised definition is also seen on the market today, the most common definition of marketing: Marketing is the planning and execution on the goods, services and innovative concepts, pricing, promotion and distribution in order to create individual and organizational goals in line with the exchange of a process.This definition has been in use ever since, until the summer of 2004 was revised. The new definition is nearly 20 years on the marketing of the first amendment to the definition, no wonder the majority of marketers attracted universal attention. Of course, a matter of concern is also the status of AMA. Thus, by her to make such amendments, naturally give rise to all sides.Marketing theoryThe development of marketing theory has the following four stages:The first stage: start-up phase. Marketing in the late 19th century to 20 in the United States the world's creation of 20, due to industrial development and marketing at this time by a very narrow scope of the study, but research and commercial advertising network settings. Island in Illinois and other related courses at the universities. By the "Association of American Advertising" to "National Advertising and Marketing Association of Science Teachers", to marketing research to ensure the organization. At this time of marketing research is characterized by: a. focus on marketing and advertising techniques, modern marketing theory, concepts, principles had yet to emerge; b. University research activities are basically confined to the classroom and a professor of the study, and also society and the business community did not receive attention.Phase II: Application stage. During the 20th century to the end of World War II 20 for the application stage, begun to take shape at this time, the United States began large-scale domestic enterprises to use marketing to operate businesses, open overseas markets, European countries have to follow. Established in 1931, "American Marketing Association" Marketing preach, and in 1937 merged the two organizations, academia and the business community to absorb a wide range to join the Marketing from the University of the rostrum to the community. This stage of the development of marketing in the applications. The capitalist world in 1929 due to the outbreak of an unprecedented economic crisis, the economy of the Great Depression, large shrinkage in the purchasing power of a sharp decline in the community, the unprecedented sharp market. The whole capitalist economic crisis dealt a serious blow. This stage, marketing research is characterized by: a. there is no product to sell out of this narrow concept of; b. at a deeper study on the basis of a broader marketing and advertising technique; c. study in favor of selling the business organization set; d. beginning of the study of marketing theory to society, paying attention to the general business community.The third phase: the formation period of development. The 20th century, the 50's to 80's for the marketing stage of development, the U.S. military-industrial economy hasbegun to shift the public economic, social goods, the sharp increase in social productivity improved significantly, while the corresponding consumption level of residents has not been much improvement, market began to emerge in a state of oversupply. At this point the U.S. marketing expert R. Cox and W. Aderson the "broad sense of Marketing is to promote the potential producers and consumers of goods or services of any transaction activity." This point of view to make the start into the new marketing stage. Previously that the market is the end of the production process, is now considered to be the starting point of the production process; the original that is marketing to sell products, now that marketing through the investigation to understand the needs and desires of consumers, and production in line with consumer needs and desires goods or services, which meet the needs and desires of consumers; so that from the marketing companies to enter the framework of social vision and a clear management guidance.Phase IV: the mature stage. Since the 80's for the marketing of the mature stage, in: a. associated with other disciplines such as economics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc.; b. theory began to form their own system; 80 is the age of marketing revolutionary period, begun to enter the field of modern marketing, so marketing the new look.Marketing conceptThe evolution of the concept of marketing and development, can be summarized into five, namely, the production concept, product concepts, marketing concepts, marketing concepts and the concept of social marketing.(1) The production of the concept ofProduction concept guiding the conduct of sales of the concept of one of the oldest. This concept stems from the 20th century during the first 20. Business philosophy is not a departure from the consumer demand, but production from the start. The main performance is "what I produce, what to sell." Production concept that, like consumers everywhere who might be able to buy and cheap products, enterprises should aim to upgrade production efficiency and distribution efficiency, expandproduction, reduce costs to expand the market. For example, Fort Pierce United States Flour Company, from 1869 to 20 during the 20th century has been the guiding concept of the use of production enterprises, when the company raised the slogan of "The Company seeks to create flour." • U.S. auto magnate Henry Ford, has arrogantly declared: "No matter what the color of the needs of customers cars, I have only a black." Is a typical example. Clearly, the production concept is a re-production, and light commercial marketing philosophy.Production concept is generated by a seller's market conditions. Capitalist industrialization in the early and end of World War II and post-war period, due to shortage of materials, market products in short supply, production in the enterprise management concept was quite popular. China's planned economy under the old system, due to the shortage of market products, businesses do not worry about sales of its products, industrial and commercial enterprises in their operation and management concepts are also pursuing the production of specific performance: focus on the development of industrial enterprises in production, too little marketing, the implementation of a production; business enterprises focus on sourcing efforts, what the acquisition of industrial production for what, how much the acquisition of industrial production number, not attention to marketing.In addition to the shortage of materials, products, demand is outstripping supply, some enterprises in the product under conditions of high cost, its management is also affected by marketing products that dominate the concept. For example, Henry Ford • early in this century has been an all-out effort in the mass production of motor vehicles, and strive to reduce costs so that consumers can afford to buy in order to enhance the market share of Ford Motor.(2) Product conceptIt is a business concept earlier. Product concept of the view that most consumers prefer high-quality, multi-functional and have some characteristics of products, enterprises should be dedicated to the production of high-value products, and continue to be improved. Products it produces in short supply in the market of "seller's market" situation. The concept of breed products most likely to occasion is when the companyinvented a new product. At this point, the enterprises most likely to lead to "marketing myopia", that is improper to focus on products rather than on the needs of the market, in marketing management lack of vision, only to see the quality of their products, and do not see the market demand is changing, with the result that troubled business.中文译文市场营销麦卡锡(E.J.Mccarthy)于1960年也对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。
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专心翻译 做到极致文献翻译原文Marketing theoryMcCarthy (E.J.Mccarthy) ,in 1960, also under the micro-marketing definition: Marketing is the responsibility of business activities, products and services will be directly from the producer towards the consumer or user in order to meet customer needs and the achievement of the company profits, but also a process of socio-economic activities with the aim to meet the social or human needs, to achieve social goals. this definition than in the United States, although the definition of marketing association a step forward that meet customer needs and realize the company's operating profit as a goal, but two definitions that marketing activities are production activities in the beginning of the end of the middle after a series of business sales activities, when the commodity to the user the hands of the end, the enterprise marketing activities and therefore is limited to the narrow scope of circulation, rather than operating as a business for sale throughout the entire process, including marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, advertising, publicity reports, sales promotion, marketing staff, after-sales service and so on.Christian Grnroosto the definition and emphasized the purpose of marketing: Marketing is in the interests of a whole, through mutual exchange and commitment to establish, maintain, consolidate and consumers and other participants in the relationship between the parties to achieve the purpose.This definition has been in use ever since, until the summer of 2004 was revised. The new definition is nearly 20 years on the marketing of the first amendment to the definition, no wonder the majority of marketers attracted universal attention. The development of marketing theory has the following four stages:The first stage: start-up phase. Marketing in the late 19th century to 20 in the United States the world's creation of 20, due to industrial development and marketing at this time by a very narrow scope of the study, but research and commercial advertis ing network settings. Island in Illinois and other related courses at the universities. By the "Association of American Advertising" to "National Advertising and Marketing Association of Science Teachers", to marketing research to ensure the organization. At this time of marketing research is characterized by: a. focus on marketing and advertising techniques, modern marketing theory, concepts, principles had yet to emerge; b. University research activities are basically confined to the classroom and a professor of the study, and also society and the business community did not receive attention.Phase II: Application stage. During the 20th century to the end of World War II 20 for the application stage, begun to take shape at this time, the United States beg an large-scale domestic enterprises to use marketing to operate businesses, open overseas markets, European countries have to follow. Established in 1931, "American Marketing Association" Marketing preach, and in 1937 merged the two organizations, academia and the business community to absorb a wide range to join the Marketing from the University of the rostrum to the community. This stage of the development of marketing in the applications. The capitalist world in 1929 due to the outbreak of an unprecedented economic crisis, the economy of the Great Depression, large shrinkage in the purchasing power of a sharp decline in the community, the unprecedented sharp market. The whole capitalist economic crisis dealt a serious blow. This stage, marketing research is characterized by: a. there is no product to sell out of this narrow concept of; b. at a deeper study on the basis of a broader marketing and advertising technique; c. study in favor of selling the business organization set; d. beginning of the study of marketing theory to society, paying attention to the general business community.The third phase: the formation period of development. The 20th century, the 50's to 80's for the marketing stage of development, the U.S. military-industrial economy has begun to shift the public economic, social goods, the sharp increase in social productivity improved significantly, while the corresponding consumption level of residents has not been much improvement, market began to emerge in a state of oversupply. At this p oint the U.S.专心翻译 做到极致 marketing expert R. Cox and W. Aderson the "broad sense of Marketing is to promote the potential producers and consumers of goods or services of any transaction activity." This point of view to make the start into the new marketing stage. Previously that the market is the end of the production process, is now considered to be the starting point of the production process; the original that is marketing to sell products, now that marketing through the investigation to understand the needs and desires of consumers, and production in line with consumer needs and desires goods or services, which meet the needs and desires of consumers; so that from the marketing companies to enter the framework of social vision and a clear management guidance.Phase IV: the mature stage. Since the 80's for the marketing of the mature stage, in: a. associated with other disciplines such as economics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc.; b. theory began to form their own system; 80 is the age of marketing revolu tionary period, begun to enter the field of modern marketing, so marketing the new look.译文市场营销理论麦卡锡(E.J.Mccarthy)于1960年对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。