初中英语易错题 必做100题含答案

中学英语易错题训练选择题1.—Haveyoufoundthebook?——.A.No,notevenonceB.NotyetC.No,alreadyD.Yes,Idid2.Ididn’tquiteunderstandhowtheygotthebooksbackso.A.quickB.morequicklyC.quickerD.quickly3.Iusedonmyown.A.toliveB.liveC.livingD.toliving4.—youevertoBeijing?—Yes,once.A.Have;goneB.Did;goC.Do;goD.Have;been5.Sorry,butyouraddressagain,please.Icatchit.A.didn’tB.don’tC.won’tD.wouldn’t6.——IsawKateagreendressatthemeeting.——Ithinkshelooksbetterred.A.dressed;inB.puton;wearC.wearing;inD.wear;puton7.Whatyouangrywith?A.haveB.willC.areD.do8.Thedirtyriver.A.issmeltbadB.smellsbadlyC.issmeltbadlyD.smellsbad9.Theradioistoonoisy.Willyouplease?A.turnoffitB.turnitonC.turnitupD.turnitdown10.There’sgoingtoafilmshowmodernartinthelibrary.A.be;atB.have;ofC.have;onD.be;about11.Wouldyoupleaseyourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping12.Wheredoesyoursisterhermeals?A.hasB.haveC.havingD.had13.Mikeandhissisterhereamomentago.A.isB.areC.wereD.be14.ItwasNewYear’sEve.XiaoMingwasbusysomenewpicturesonthewall.A.putupB.putsupC.puttingupD.puttingon15.Ioftenporridgeforbreakfastthosedays.A.havingB.haveC.hasD.had16.TeaisinthesouthofChina.A.growB.growsC.growingD.grown17.Howaboutoutforawalk?A.goB.togoC.goingD.goes18.Iheardherthatshewastoofat.A.saysB.tosayC.saidD.say19.Shallweattheschoolgate?A.meetB.tomeetC.metD.meeting20.It’smuchbetterthanTVathome.A.watchB.watchesC.watchingD.watched21.Look!LiLeiandLinFengkiteoverthere.A.isflyingB.areflyingC.fliesD.flew22.YouthehouseatonceorIthepolice.A.leave;callB.leave;willcallC.willleave;callD.willleave;will23.Thetrainfortenminuteswhenwereachedthestation.A.hadgoneB.hadleftC.wentawayD.hadbeenaway24.TheKingsTVwhenItoseethem.A.werewatching;wentB.waswatching;wentC.arewatching;aregoingD.watched;wasgoing25.MyuncleforHong Kongnextweek.A.isgoingB.isleavingC.willgoD.left26.Howmanymachinesinthelastfewweeks?A.didtheymakeB.willtheymakeC.havetheymadeD.aretheymaking27.Whathedoassoonashefreetomorrow?A.does;isB.will;willbeC.will;isD.does;willbe28.IthoughtheussomethinginterestingaboutFrancebecausehethere.A.wouldtell;hadbeenB.hadtold;wouldgoC.willtell;wentD.wouldtell;hadgone29.Wewillhaveasportsmeetingifitraintomorrow.A.won’tB.isn’tC.doesn’tD.has30.—WherewereyouinJulylastyear?—ThistimelastyearmyfamilyandIgrandparentsinNewYork.A.wasvisitingB.visitedC.hadvisitedD.werevisiting31.Couldyoutellmeifsheatalktomorrow?A.wouldgiveB.hasgivenC.willgiveD.gives32.Hehardlyhurthimselfintheaccident,he?A.doesn’tB.didn’tC.didD.does33.HowlongtheTVplay?A.has;beganB.did;openC.did;lastD.has;watched34.MrSmithwithhisparentsChinasincetwoyearsago.A.havebeeninB.havegonetoC.hasbeentoD.hasbeenin35.ofthetwogirlsisfromBeijing.A.AllB.BothC.NoneD.Neither36.Wewenttotravelwithsomefriendsof. Bours C.our D.ourselves37.Whynotlookupthenewwordinadictionary youdon’tknowit?A.ifB.thatC.thoughD.whether38.allthepassengersarehere,whydon’twestartatonce?A.AssoonasB.AfterC.NowthatD.When39.—I’mgoingtoHangzhouforaholidaythisweekend.—youarethere,canyoubuymesomegreentea?A.BecauseB.WhileC.IfD.Though40.I can’tunderstandthispassagetherearenonewwordsinit.A.ifB.becauseC.thoughD.and41.thenightbeforeChristmasDay,parentsfilltheirchildren’sstockingwit hsmallpresents.A.InB.AtC.ToD.On42.ThebookwaswrittenEnglish.A.inB.withC.fromD.by43.—Sorry,MissZhang.I’mlateagain.—Ohno,Meimei.You’rejustintimeclass.A.forB.atC.ofD.on44.Youdon’tneedtolookeverynewwordinyourdictionarywhilereading.A.forB.atC.afterD.up45.Thecoatboughtlastweekistoobigforme.I’dliketochangeitforaone.A.smallrgeC.nicerD.smaller46.Ofallthesesubjects,IlikeChinese.A.moreB.betterC.wellD.best47.Thingsareonthemoonontheearth.A.muchlighter;thanB.muchheavier;thanC.asheavy;asD.notsolight;as48.—I’vehadenoughbread.Wouldyoulike?—No,thanks.A.afewmoreB.onemoreC.anothermoreD.somemore49.Theiceinthelakeisaboutonemeter .It’sstrongenoughtoskateon.A.longB.highC.thickD.wide50.—willMrGreengobacktoLondon?—Intwoweeks.A.Howoften BHowlong C.Howsoon D.Howfar51.—Wearegoingtoseeafilmthisevening.Whynotgowithus?—Ihavetodomanythingsthisevening.I’m,yousee.A.freeB.gladC.sorryD.busy52.Look!beautifulthatlakeis!A.WhatB.HowC.HowaD.Whata53.I’mstillhungry.CouldIhavetwopiecesofbread,please?A.muchB.manyC.moreD.most54.—Whodiditbetter,BillorHenry?—IthinkBilldidjustHenry.A.aswellasB.asgoodasC.asbetterasD.morebadlythan55.MrSmith’splane.Let’swaitforhimhere.A.hasn’tarrivedB.didn’tarriveC.doesn’tarriveD.couldn’tarrive56.Almostallthewater gone.Pleasesavewater!A.areB.isC.haveD.were57.MrLiisout.Butheheretenminutesago.A.wasB.isC.willbeD.wouldbe58.—Look!Thebusiscoming.—Butit’sfullofpeople.We can’tit.A.getoffB.getdownC.getonwithD.geton59.JaneanewdresseverymonthwhenshewasinShanghai.A.buysB.isbuyingC.boughtD.willbuy60.A.talkonChinesehistoryintheschoolhallnextweek.A.isgivenB.hasbeengivenC.willbegivenD.willgive61.Iwilltellyouhowtogettotheplace,you’dbetterit.A.try;onB.get;offC.take;downD.pick;up62.GermanyandGreat Britainarecountries,butChinaandIndiaareones.A.developing;developedB.developed;todevelopC.developed;developingD.todevelop;developing63.—MustIfinishmyhomeworknow?—No,you.Youdoitthisevening.A.mustn’t;canB.needn’t;mayC.can’t;mustD.needn’t;must64.TheVIPS(VeryImportantPersons)from21countrieswilltheAPECinShanghaithisautumn.A.holdB.takepartinC.joinD.attend65.Thegovernmentwillsomenewcollegesformorestudent’storeceivehighereducation.A.setupB.setoutC.putdownD.puton66.—Excuseme.Willyoupleasetellmethewaytotherailwaystation?—Oh,sorry,butIdon’tknow.Yougoandaskthatpoliceman.A.mayB.mustC.wouldD.should67.—It’salovelyday,it?—Yes.Let’sgooutforawalk.A.doesn’tB.haven’tC.aren’tD.isn’t68.—WecanuseMSNtowitheachotheronthenet.—Really?Willyoushowmehowtouseit?A.speakB.talkC.sayD.tell69.—Whatdoesthe sentence“Don’ttroubletilltroubleyou”mean? —Sorry,Ihavenoidea.A.troubleB.troublesC.troubledD.willtrouble70.—Didyouworkouttheproblem,Tom?—Yes,ofcourse.Itotheteacher’s.A.havejustbeenB.havejustgotC.havejustcomeD.havejustgone71.—doyouaboutspring?—Theflowersandthegreentrees.A.How;likeB.How;thinkC.What;thinkD.What;like72.—Mikewantstoknowifapicnictomorrow.—Yes.Butifit,we’llvisitthemuseuminstead.A.youhave;willrainB.youwillhave;willrainC.youwillhave;rainsD.willyouhave;rains73.Weusuallyhavesixlessonsaday,andeachofthem45minutes.ststsC.haveD.need74.IttenyearssincetheytoFrance.A.was;movedB.was;havemovedC.is;havemovedD.is;moved75.Today,theforestshavealmostgone.Peoplemustdowntoomanytrees.A.stoptocutB.stopfromcuttingC.bestoppedtocutD.bestoppedfromcutting76.Thedoctordidwhathecouldthatchild.A.saveB.tosaveC.savedD.saving77.Mothersaidthatcookingmuchtimeeveryday.A.paidB.spentC.madeD.took78.I can’tunderstandtheboyalone.A.whysheleftB.whydidsheleaveC.whyhadsheleftD.whydidsheleave79.You’dbetteryourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping80.—Yourcoatlooksnice.Isitcotton?—Yes.It’sShanghai.A.madeof;madebyB.madeof;madeinC.madefor;madebyD.madefrom;madein81.—SoyouwenttoseethefilmwithTom.—Yes.Bobwithme.A.won’tgoB.isn’tgoingC.doesn’tgoD.wouldn’tgo82.—Excuseme.WhereistheScience Museum?—TakeNo.3busandatthefourthstop.A.getonB.getoffC.getupD.getto83.—Yournameagain?Iquitecatchit.—FedericoMacAdam.A.didn’tB.don’tC.wouldn’tD.won’t84.ThisisanoldphotoofminewhenI.A.haveshorthairsB.hadshorthairsC.haveshorthairD.hadshorthair85.—CanIthisbook?—Yes,butyoumustn’tittoothers.A.lend;borrowB.borrow;keepC.borrow;lendD.lend;keep86.—WhichofShanghaidoyoucomefrom?—Letmeshowyouonthemap.A.cityB.villageC.countryD.part87.Canyoutellus?A.wherehaveyougoneB.whereyouhavegoneC.wherehaveyoubeenD.whereyouhavebeen88.Therearefewpeopleontheplayground,?A.arethereB.aretheyC.aren’tthereD.aren’t they89.—Theyhaven’tpaidfortheirtickets,havethey?—.Theydidn’tpayanymoney.A.Yes,theyhaveB.No,theyhaven’tC.Yes,theydidD.No,theydidn’t90.—Ihaven’tseenyouforalongtime.Howiseverything,Kate?—.ANottoobad B.Verywell C.Notatall D.I’mallright 91.—Ihopeyoudon’tmindmypointingoutyourmistakes.—.A.NotatallB.You’rewelcomeC.OfcourseD.It’s apleasure92.—DoyoumindifIopenthedoor?—.A.No,ofcoursenotB.Yes,pleaseC.Yes,youcanD.No,you can’topenit93.—Mike,I’llgoforthefootballmatch.—Ihopeyouwinthegame.A.Verywell.B.Seeyou.C.Goodluck!D.congratulations!94.—Ilostmynewbikeyesterday.—.A.Don’tworry.Youcanbuyanotherone.B.I’msorrytohearthat.C.Nevermind.D.Whodidit?95.“Let’sgoforalongwalkintothecountrythismorning.”“,butIthink I’mcatchingacold.”A.IcertainlycouldusetheexerciseB.Yes,let’sgoC.Sure.I’dliketogoforalongwalkD.No,Iwon’t96.,butIcan’ttellyouaboutthat.A.ExcusemeB.I’msorryC.AllrightD.Bytheway97.—?—It’seight.A.WhatdayisitB.What’sfiveandthreeC.HowoldareyouD.What’syourtelephonenumber98.—Whatanicemeal!Thankyouforhavingus.—.A.Itdoesn’tmatterB.ItwasapleasureC.NotniceenoughD.Withpleasure99.—.—Yes,please.I’dlikehalfakiloofmeat.A.WouldyoulikesomemeatorfishB.WhataboutsomethingtoeatC.HowdoyoulikethisD.CanIhelpyou100.Howlonghashe?A.diedB.beendeathC.beendeadD.dead 参考答案:1-5 BDADA6-10CCDDD11-15BBCCD16-20DCDAC21-25BBDAB26-30CCACD31-35CCCDD36-40BACBC41-45DAADD46-50DADCC 51-55DBCAA56-60BADCC61-65CCBDA66-70ADBBA71-75DCBDD 76-80BDABB81-85DBADC86-90DDABB91-95AACBA96-100ABBDC。

初中语法易错 100 题1. Some students were afraid in class because they thought their classmates might laugh at them.A of speakB to speakC speakD to speaking2. I found difficult to learn English grammar.A itB thatC it isD that is3. He decided _school late again.A to comeB don‘t comeC come not toD not to come to4. She needs a partnerA to practice English withB practicing EnglishC to practicing English withD practice English with5. Stop chatting. I have to tell you.A anything importantB something importantC important anythingD important something6. I t‘s good that have their own ideas about life as well as about being cool.A the youngB youthC the young manD young7. My grandfather me stories when I was young.A was used to tellB is used to tellingC used to tellD used to telling8. When I was a student, I was used to at six.A get upB getting upC gets upD got up9. It is of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A moreB littleC lessD much10. My brother is to carry the heavy box by himself.A old enoughB enough oldC enough strongD strong enough11. I must get my homework ,A doneB doesC doD did12. People are not allowed in the cinema, but they will allow in the rest room.A to smoke, smokeB smoking, to smokeC to smoke, smokingD smoking, smoke13. The music soundsA wellB nicelyC goodD beautifully14. to improve our English?A What do you think we should doB Do you think what do we shouldC What do you think should weD Do you think what should we do15. His bike is broken. It needs _soon.A be repairB to mendC to be repairedD being mend16. Three more men to do the work every day.A were neededB needC are needingD are needed17. He is against computer games.A playingB playsC playD to play18. He was too hungry, so he ate in the evening.A plenty ofB a lot ofC manyD a lot19. I don‘t know .A what to do itB how to doC what to doD to do what20. ---I don‘t know if I anyone at the party this evening.---If I anyone, I will get nervous.A will know, won‘t knowB will know, don‘t knowC know, won‘t knowD know, don‘t know21. Tom is unwilling to speak in public.A theB aC anD /22. The professor always has good solutions others‘ p roblems.A ofB toC withD about23. If you take my , please don‘t tell about it.A advice, anyB advices, someC advices, someoneD advice, anyone24. They are hardly ever tired, they?A areB aren‘tC willD won‘t25. I‘l l have a test writing next week.A atB ofC onD in26. If you have any ideas , please return them to him.A whose gloves are theseB whose gloves is thisC whose gloves these areD whose gloves this is27. has been found out oil food is bad for our healthA That, thatB That, whatC It, whatD It, that28. I prefer music that great lyrics.A haveB hasC there isD there are29. I only eat food that tastes .A wellB nicelyC goodD deliciously30. The Green family would like to for about three weeks.A leave homeB go outC come to ChinaD be away31. I hope _have a happy year in our class.A you toB or youC to youD you32. The two men walked the forest and got to a small house.A acrossB throughC crossingD over33. The girl her mother. I know her mother likes reading, too.A takes afterB looks afterC similarD takes care34. Don‘t put off to see the doctor when you are ill.A goB to goC goingD gone35. He spent every Sunday morning in an old people‘s home.A to workB workingC workedD works36. He to read, so he always puts his to good use by working in the after- school care center at his elementary school.A love, lovesB loves, loveC loving, lovingD loves, loves37. The sudden rain made for the singers to put on performances.A that possibleB that impossibleC it possibleD it impossible38. ill, I can‘t go to school today.A Because ofB AsC BeingD With39. This watch China.A was made inB was made byC was made fromD was made of40. our football team won.A By the endB In the endC At the end ofD Final41. The headmaster announced that there would an English speech contest next month.A haveB hasC to haveD be42. Did you go to the movie with Lucy? No, IA didn‘t inviteB wasn‘t invitedC hadn‘t invitedD wasn‘t inviting43. –Excuse me, could you tell me ? ---Of courseA when had the train left the stationB where is the nearest the hospitalC if it will be windy tomorrowD how much did the car cost44. ---Must I do my homework?--- No you .A mustn‘tB can‘tC needn‘tD won‘t45. ---I don‘t know the homework.---You could ask your teacher for help.A how to doB what to doC why to doD who to do46. Tom asked his friend .A not to be so angryB that knowledge is power.C when did he come backD where was he born47. I think it is a little difficult to remember the English words.A thatB whichC thisD them48 What are you nervous , Jenny?A inB atC onD about49. We should that.A thinking ofB thought ofC have thought ofD have thinking of50. Don‘t get when you listen to the old.A boredB boringC tiringD excited51. I don‘t like the people who always keep me .A waitB waitingC to waitD waited52. ---Do you like loud music?---I am often want to leave by it.A madeB made toC makingD making to53. The pen doesn‘t work. I need to buy a new one to writeA with Bin C on D /54. ---You want to improve your spoken English. Why an English language club?---Good idea.A don‘t joinB not joinC not to joinD not you join55.If you have some trouble the railway station, please ask the police for help.A findingB finding outC looking forD discovering56. ---I don‘t know I should do with so many eggs.---You can sell them.A howB whyC whatD when57. There used an old church here, but now we can see a park here.A to haveB wasC to beD had58. Everyone is to find that the little boy can play the piano so well. He is only 5 years old.A interestedB surprisedC excitedD frustrated59. My calculator is more expensive than yours.A fairlyB veryC quiteD much60. I‘d like to go there by bike by car.A. not B instead C than D rather than61. At last, Mr. Li a good idea, everyone felt happy.A thoughtB thought ofC came up withD thought about62. ---Why hasn‘t Tom come here?---He ill at home.A maybeB may beC wasD can‘t be63. --- does the book ?---Linda. She bought it this morning.A Whose, beB How much, costC Whose, belong toD Who, belong to64. The girl is too shy, she some time with her friends.A doesn‘t need spendingB needn‘t spendC needs to spendD needed spending65. I learn English by watching English – language videos .A sometimesB sometimeC some timeD some times66. Just now I saw some young children together on the playground.A are playingB playingC to playD have played67. –The boy cannot speak Chinese, ? –No, He‘s been in China for only a few weeks.A can heB can‘t heC does heD doesn‘t he68. I t‘s very impolite you in line.A of, to cutB for, cutC of, cutD for, to cut69. My life a lot in the last few years.A changeB has changedC changedD changes70. At that time, I was only _ 11-year-old boy, I was a ‗problem chil d‖.A aB anC theD /71. My friend Jenny has moved to city, I miss her oftenA otherB anotherC othersD the others72. This guitar might Alice. She plays the guitar.A beB hasC comes fromD belong to73. ----Do you prefer grapes bananas?----I prefer grapes bananas.A to, orB or, toC than, toD or, than74. Why can‘t we _to have more time to relax?A. are allowed B to allow C be allowed D allow75. Nobody except Lily and Linda the man in a white T-shirt.A knowB is knowingC have knownD knows76. She speak in class because she thought her classmates would laugh at her.A was afraid ofB is afraid toC was afraid toD is not afraid of77. I have the English club for three terms.A joinedB been inC taken part inD become a member of78. You to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A needn‘t to comeB don‘t need to comeC needn‘t comingD didn‘t need coming79. ---May I go swimming now, Mum?---No, you . You must finish your homework first.A mustn‘tB may notC couldn‘tD needn‘t80. The bridge in my hometown is about meters long.A two hundred ofB two hundreds ofC two hundredD two hundreds81. If he his father, he‘d spend more time studying English.A isB wasC wereD will be82 Thanks to the _English course, I can live in the USA easily.A six-monthsB six- mont hs‘C six-monthD six months83. ---The fish smells so .---Thanks. Mum cooks fish very .A good, goodB well, goodC well, wellD good, well84. What you most? ---Basketball does. I like it best.A interestB interestsC interestingD interested85. How I miss you! I you to come here to see me. (which is wrong)A hopeB expectC likeD want86. ---Do you know when the calculator ?---Yes, in 1876.A inventedB inventingC was inventingD was invented87. Did you notice him out of the house?A to leaveB leaveC leftD leaves88. When your homework , you can watch TV.A is finishedB finishesC finishedD is finishing89. At last the man a woman who was two years older than him.A married withB got marriedC marriedD get married with90. As soon as the bell for break rang, the boys to the playground.A ran intoB ran out ofC ran afterD ran out91. We should only obey all the school rules, we?A don‘tB aren‘tC can‘tD shouldn‘t92. I t‘s good for you not to eat tha t‘s been cooked in oil.A anythingB somethingC everythingD nothing93. Last night I listened to a CD Heart Strings.A which callsB that calledC calledD calls94. Le t‘s try to be honest person.A aB anC theD /95. I think you will look more beautiful if you wear shoes adjustable heals.A haveB hasC withD there are96. Sometimes, when it‘s rainy, I go to school_my fathe r‘s car.A inB onC byD from97. I was because I didn‘t go to bed until 3o‘clock a.m. last night.A embarrassedB amazedC excitedD exhausted98. Yesterday I received a card that ―Happy New Year‖.A saysB tellsC speaksD writes99. Can you tell me you can come to my birthday party on Friday or not?A thatB ifC whenD whether100. ―Help to some chi cken.‖Mrs. Smith said to us as soon as the chicken was served.A yourselfB youC yourselvesD yours1. Some students were afraid ____ in class because they thought their classmates might laugh at them.A of speakB to speakC speakD to speaking【答案】B【考点】短语be afraid of doing sth.和be afraid to do sth.,两个短语都有表示害怕做某事。

初中英语易错题归纳总结(一)一、名词、冠词1.-What can I do for you? -I'd like two _______.A. box of appleB. boxes of applesC. box of applesD. boxes of apple答案:B.(选择其他3项的同学要注意仔细看题。
)2. Help yourself to _________.A. some chickensB. a chickenC. some chickenD. any chicken答案:C.(选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数。
)3. ________ it is today!A. What fine weatherB. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weatherD. How fine a weather答案:A.(选择B的同学要注意weather不可数。
)4. Which is the way to the __________?A. shoe factoryB. shoes factoryC. shoe's factoryD. shoes' factory答案:A.(选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格,而是名词作形容词的用法。
类似的用法如:pencil box;school bag等。
)5. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are studyingB. is studyingC. be studyingD. studying答案:A. (选择B的同学要注意,当这种概念名词当“人”讲的时候要做复数处理。
类似的还有:the police are running after the thief等。

第一类:冠词错误1. She is a teacher, and she likes her job very much.答案:去掉"a"解析:此处表示职业,应使用零冠词。
2. He goes to school the bus every day.答案:去掉"the"解析:在表示乘坐交通工具时,通常不用冠词。
3. I saw a lion in the street yesterday.答案:将"a"改为"the"解析:此处特指在街道上看到的狮子,应使用定冠词"the"。
第二类:名词单复数错误4. The children is playing in the park.答案:将"is"改为"are"解析:主语"children"是复数,谓语动词应使用复数形式。
5. There are many sheeps on the hill.答案:将"sheeps"改为"sheep"解析:"sheep"为不可数名词,没有复数形式。
6. My sister has two book on her desk.答案:将"book"改为"books"解析:此处表示不止一本书,应使用复数形式。
第三类:动词时态错误7. I am going to the movies last night.答案:将"am going"改为"went"解析:句子描述的是过去的事情,应使用一般过去时态。
8. They have finished their homework and go home.答案:将"go"改为"went"解析:根据上下文,这里应该使用过去时态,与前面的"finished"保持一致。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bedA.fromB.onC.throughD.across【解析】月光透过玻璃照射过来,用through,答案为C。
2、The United States_____up its satellite until January ,A. sentB. didn’t sendC. hasn’t sentD. wasn’t sent【解析】Not....until 直到....才过去发生的事,用过去时。
3、A third of the population of the city _______ their own carsA.hasB.haveC.hadD.is【解析】population做主语时,如果主语表示人口的百分之几,几分之几时,谓语动词用复数。
4、---There can be no life on the earth without water ---That’s rightWater _____ everywhereA.needsB.is needingC.is neededD.needed【解析】本题是没水就没有生命,水在任何地方都被需要,被动语态,答案为C。
5、We can’t buy ( ) much mutton with ( ) little moneyA. so,muchB.such,soC.so,soD.such,such【解析】such...that,such修饰名词,但是当名词前有many,much,little,few等修饰时,用so代替such.答案为C。
6、_____noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quietA.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a【解析】children 是复数形式,C.D可排除,此句的中心词是名词,用what修饰,答案为B。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、We can’t buy ( ) much mutton with ( ) little moneyA. so,muchB.such,soC.so,soD.such,such【解析】such...that,such修饰名词,但是当名词前有many,much,little,few等修饰时,用so代替such.答案为C。
2、---Excuse me,______ I don’t think you can smoke here ----Sorry I didn’t know this is none-smoking zoneA. andB.butC.soD.then【解析】对不起,---我认为你不能在这里抽烟。
B 表示转折。
答案为B.3、All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classesA.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost【解析】left 留下,forgot 留下,忘记 missed 错过 lost 丢失答案为C。
4、 Tom ______ there for months since he ______ back to his hometownA. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got【解析】Tom自从回到他的家乡,他已经在那生活了10个月了。
since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时从句用一般过去式答案选B5、She doesn’t know the school, but it’s ( ) to be quite a good oneA. toldB.spokenC.talkedD.said【解析】It’s said to ...据说她不知道这个学校,但是据说是相当好的一个。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、Be careful when the streetA. to crossB. crossC. you crossD. you’ll cross【解析】当你通过马路时要当心。
2、The book ______ you want is on the desk Which of the following isn’t right?A.thatB.whichC./D.it【解析】请注意,是让你选哪个不正确。
3、 Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroomA. to sitB. satC. sitingD. sitting see【解析】sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。
see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事。
sit 现在分词形式为sitting.故答案选D4、----Don’t play the dangerous game any more ----Sorry! I _____ do it againA.can’tB.don’tC.won’tD. mustn’t【解析】表示将来用will,否定形式为won’t,答案为C。
5、 ---The rain came to a stop the night before The fields are still full of water ---It_____ for nearly a weekA. has rainedB. had rainedC. would rainD. was raining【解析】came to a stop“停止”the night before"前一个晚上"for+一段时间用于完成时,而came 表明是过去时,所以后面用过去完成时。

7初中英语易错100题(含答案)1.It’s very _nice_____ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.A. for, ofB. of, forC. of, toD. to, for2.How many teachers are there in your school?______, I think. But I don’t know the exact number.A. hundredB. HundredsC. Hundreds ofD. Hundreds or thousands3.Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn’tB.I can’tC.I needn’tD.I won’t4.When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A. wouldB. shouldC. had betterD. might5.There ______ no hurry, need there?A. need beB. need to beC. doesn’tD. needs6.______ the sports meeting might be put off.Yes, it all depends on the weather.A.I’ ve been toldB. I’ve toldC. I’m toldD.I told7.Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing8.We don’t allow ______ in this room.A. smokingB. to smokeC. people smokingD. people to smoking9.I haven’t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me?A. to sitB. to sit inC. for sittingD. sitting on10.It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ______ all the night.A. burningB. to burnC. burnD. burnt11.She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A. looked forB. looked upC. looked afterD. looked like12.Every morning, WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures.A .if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA. the other; other fiveB. the other; another fiveC. other; five moreD. other; more five14.I called you just now, but you weren’t inSorry, I ______ the reading room.A. was inB. have gone toC. studiedD. had been to15.The family ______ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at ______.A. were sitting; Mr BrownB. were sitting; Mr Brown’sC. was sitting; Mr BrownD. was sitting; Mr Brown’s16.Have you ______ your father recently?No. He doesn’t often write to me.A. heard aboutB. heard ofC. heard fromD. got from17.______did you sleep last night?I was reading too late to fall asleep.A. How longB. was doingC. How soon D, How18.as Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea, But he ______ it the whole afternoon.A. would doB. was doingC. didD. had done19.He’s never stolen anything before, ______ he?______. It’s his third time to be taken to police station.A. hasn’t; YesB. is; YesC. has; YesD. has; No20.I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.A. can go overB. can to go overC. can going overD. go over21._____ you the truth, she knows nothing about it.A. To tellB. TellingC. To tellD. Told22.The old man walked in the street, ______.A. followed by his sonB. followed his sonB. and following his son D. and followed by his son23.Jim’s family went to visit ______ family last night.A. Miss Sun’sB. the Suns’C. the WhiteD. Miss Suns’24.They stopped ______ and ______ out to play when they ______ the bell ring or rest.A. working; went; heardB. work; to go; hearC. working; go; hearingD. working; going; heard25.I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.______ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A. IfB. WhileC. SinceD. As soon as26.That woman has a bag in her right hand. What’s in her ______ hand?A. anotherB. otherC. oneD. The other27.Could you give me ______ second chance please?A. anB./C. theD. a28.Black, ______ father of ______ Tom, lost his new watch.A./,/B. the, theC. the,/ D/,the29.Do you know Susan’s address?Yes. She lives ( ) 201,Dongchang Road, Dalian City.A. inB. atC. alongD. on30.What do you think of the report on the UFO?Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the end of the meetingA. untilB. inC. onD. about31.The book ______ you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?A. thatB. whichC./D. it32.I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.A. whichB. on whichC. when D, on that33.Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. who34.The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.A. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are35.The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.A. thatB. whichC. to whichD. where36.I have the same pen ______.A. which you haveB. as yoursC. that you areD. as you37.The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.A. thatB. on thatC. by whichD. on which38.The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,A. those whoB. thatC. whoD. which39.______ has questions is welcome to ask.A. WhoB. AnyoneC. ThoseD. Anyone who40.Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.A. fromB. likeC. withD. as41.The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.A. theB. hisC. someD. us42.______ either you or I good at drawing?A. AmB. AreC. IsD. Do43.The room ______ as a meeting room.A. used to being usedB. was used to being usedC. used to be usedD. was used to be used44.The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.A. to playB. playC. playingD. playedst month Miss Han ______ a doctor.A. married withB. married toC. was married withD. got married to46.It’s time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.A.I goingB.I to goC. me goingD. me to go47.______ a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.A .How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times48.There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.A. choose from; whichB. choose from; whatC. choose; whichD. choose ;what49.It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. in which50.The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A. spokeB. spokenC. was spokenD. were spoken51.I’m afraid I won’t come ______ 7 and 9. I will be at work then.A. untilB. betweenC. duringD. for52.Butter and cheese ______ in price.A. has gone upB. is gone upC. have gone upD. are gone up53.______ neither you nor he enjoy fast food?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are54.In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are55.A man of words and not of deeds ______ a garden full of weed.A. likeB. likesC. is likeD. are like56.Would you like some coffee?Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee ______ milk.A. fromB. withC. toD. for57.These Germans want to have some ______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______ now.A. fish; manyB. fishes; muchC. fish; muchD. fishes; many58.What do you think of his surfing?Oh, no one does ______.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best59.Aren’t you tired, Kate?______. I like going shopping.A. Not at allB. I’m so sorryC. You’re welcomeD. Yes, of course60.Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.______A.I don’tB.I won’tC.I can’tD.I haven’t61.John plays football ______, if not better than David.A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as62.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ______ go and do the oppsite!A. mayB. canC. mustD. should63.______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr.Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.A. The;/B. The;theC./;aD. The;a64.To tell you the truth, I became a college student at 15.______.A. You must beB. Thank goodnessC. You don’t say soD.It doesn’t matter65.Excuse me, can you show me ______ to run the machine?A. whatB. ifC.whetherD. where66.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ______ a camera.A. asB. forC. likeD. of67.I felt it is right ______ you should know.A. whetherB. andC. thatD. how68.A fool has gained nothing from the time ______, for he ______ nothing.A. passing; has paidB. passed; has been paidC. passing; has been paidD. passed; has paid69.This kind of T-shirt is ______.A. easily worn outB. easy worn outC. easy to worn outD. easily to be worn out70.Jim’s father said to him,“I h ope you ______ what I ______ you to buy.A. didn’t forget, toldB. not to forget, have toldC. won’t forget, have toldD. haven’t forgotten, will tell71.English people ______ use Mr before a man’s first name.A. neverB. usuallyC. oftenD. sometimes72.I enjoy learning English ______ it takes me a lot of time.A. unlessB. thoughC. becauseD. for73.I wonder ______ you would like to come to my birthday party.A. thatB. whetherC. that if D .that whether74.All the teachers thought _______ of the hard-working student.A. highlyB. manyC. goodD. more75.A third of the population of the city _______ their own cars.A, has B. have C. had D. is76.His bag is nicer than _______ in his class.A, any other student B. the other students’ C. any other students D. any student’s77.He _______ a good plan which we all agree.A. thought hardB. thought out C thought more of D. thought about78.I think swimming can make me very _______.A. goodB. healthC. comfortableD. well79.The buses _______ over 2 thousand people a day.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. sent80.The coductor kept _______ hot water to us.A. giveB. bringC. takingD. giving81.It’s your turn to be on duty. _______A. So am IB. So it isC. So I amD. So it is82.The TV needs .A. to repairB. repairedC. being repairedD. to be repaired83.They are _______ there.A. nearB. to nearC. near toD. nearly84.The boy said he wouldn’t eat _______.A. any longerB. no longerC. any more D, no more85.Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______.A. put outB. turn out a C .give out D. go out86.The days are short, _______ it is noe December.A. becauseB. forC. goesD. want87.The education in China has developed _______ these days.A. quickB. highC. highlyD. wildly88.Will you tell me a story?OK. Shall I _______ it in English or in Chinese?A. tell, tellB. speak, tellC. tell, speakD. tell, say89.The lady is always _______ in white at the party.A. wearingB. dressingC. wornD. dressed]90.They _______ 3000 English words by the end of next month.A. learnedB. had learnedC. will learnD. have learned91.Mr.Black, some boys are going to flight.You’d better _______ the police.A. send forB. send toC. look forD. look over92.Many ( ) trees must be planted every year.A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousands ofD. thousand93.The post office is not far from here. It’s only ten ( ) by bike.A. minuteB. minutesC. minute’sD. minutes’94.She doesn’t know the school, but it’s ( ) to be quite a good one.A. toldB. spokenC. talkedD. said95.You must leave here now ( ) your mother can get some more rest.A. becameB. thoughC. so thatD. so96.Lucy, ( ) all your things on the desk.A. puts awayB. put awayC. takes awayD. take away97.(At the doctor’s) It’s nothing serious, doctor?No, ( ).A. you’ll be all right soonB. You won’t be all right soonB. There’s some trouble with you D.It’s very serious98.We can’t buy ( ) much mutton with ( ) little money.A. so, muchB. such, soC. so, soD. such, such99.There is ( ) W in the word woman ,and ( ) M is the third letter of the word.A. a; anB. an; /C. an; the D .a; the100.Need he come a little earlier?Yes, he ( ).can B. must C. need D. needn’t1~ 10 CC B A A A D A B A11~20 B A A A B C D B C A21~ 30 A A A A B B D A B A31~40 D A C B A D D A D D41~50 D B C C D D D A B D51~60 B C A A C B A C A B61~70 B C D C D C B D A C71~ 80 A A B A B B B D C D81~90 B D D C D B C A D C。

1. What do you think ____ solve the problem?A. you can doB. can you doC. you can do toD. can you doto2. In the past he often made his sister ____, but now he is often made ____ byhis sister.A. to cry; to cryB. cry; cryC. to cry; cryD. cry; to cry3. The teacher told us that the sun ____ in the east.A. risesB. roseC. raisesD. raised4. He lives in a village ____ there are a lot of trees.A. thereB. whereC. thatD. which5. He ____ Alice for ten years.A. married toB. has married toC. has marriedD. has been marriedto6. We need fifteen more people ____ our team to do the job.A. butB. exceptC. as wellD. besides7. They won't allow us ____ at this beach.A. swimmingB. to swimC. swamD. swim8. Is this factory ____ you visited last week?A. thatB. whereC. the oneD. in which9. Thereason ____ hewas absent fromthemeetingwas ____ his car brokedownon the way.A. that; becauseB. why; thatC. that; thatD. for; that10. Is the river ____ through that town very large?A. which flowsB. flowsC. that flowingD. whose flows11.The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen ____ football on the playground just now.A. playingB. to be playingC. playD. toplay12. The red rose is the only one ____ I real like.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. whom13. All the apples ____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A. thoseB. whichC. whatD. that14. Don`t forget the day ____ you were received into the Youth League.A. whenB. thatC. at whichD. where15. I prefer ____ at home to ____ outside.A. staying, playingB. to stay, playC. staying, playD. tostay, playing16. The box is ____ what I saw in the shop.A. same asB. the same likeC. the same thatD. the same as17. The pen ____ she writes letters is broken.A. whichB. thatC. with whichD. by which18. Would you like to ____ us in our discussion.A. take part inB. joinC. taking part inD. joining19. I'm sure the red team will ____ the game.A. winB. beatC. defeatD. succeed20. Ahead of me I saw a woman ____ I thought was my aunt.A. whoB. whomC. of whomD. whose21. ____ your help, everything in the room is in good order now.A. SinceB. BecauseC. thanks forD. Thanks to22. He is known to the world and has a lot of friends ____.A. in and out of abroadB. at home and abroadC. at home and at abroadD. in home and out of abroad23. --Are you going there with them? --If you go, ____.A. I also goB. so do IC. so I willD. sowill I24. --The flower is beautiful. --____.A. So is itB. So it isC. It is soD. So it is25. The number of people invited ____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons.A. were; wasB. was; wasC. was; wereD. were; were26. We haven`t had any success ____.A. before longB. so longC. by farD. so far27. Travellers ____ our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou and many other places of interest.A. forB. toC. tillD. by28. If a man ____ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A. willB. shouldC. is going toD. is to29. --I am sorry I didn`t do a good job.--Never mind. ____ you have tried your best.A. Above allB. In allC. At allD. After all30. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ____ healthy eating habits.A. findB. createC. developD. prepare31. We have spent ____ money on English books.A. a great deal ofB. a good manyC. a plenty ofD. a number of32. ____ met, it won`t be easily forgotten.A. If onlyB. When ifC. OnceD. Once you were33. The differences ____ these two pictures ____ colour are easy to see.A. in, ofB. from, ofC. between, inD. of, in34. Y ou shouldput ____ s“”at the endof this word.A. aB. /C. anD. the35. --What`s ____ population of China?--China has ____ population of 1.2 billion.A. a; theB. the; aC. /; /D. the; the36. It`s ____ here. We can`t work long hours here.A. very much coldB. much coldC. much too coldD. toomuch cold37. ____ terrible weather we`ve been having these days!A. How aB. What aC. HowD. What38. --Have you decided when ____?--Y es, tomorrow morning.A. will you leaveB. to be leavingC. are you leavingD. toleave39. The song ____ My heart will go on is liked by the young people.A. callB. callingC. calledD. tocall40. Train services are now back to ____ after three days of typhoon.A. usualB. commonC. ordinaryD. normal41. He is the best ____ English in our class. A. at B. in C. for D. to42. The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____ the head.A. in theB. on hisC. on theD. in his43. Did John hit Bob ____ eye?A. in theB. on theC. in hisD. on his44. There is ____ interesting ____ today`s newspaper.A. anything … inB. nothing … inC. something … onD. nothing … on45. Has your teacher given you any advice ____ your study?A. inB. toC. onD. with46. It`s bad manners to laugh ____ others when they are ____ trouble.A. at, inB. over, atC. with, onD. to, with47. Betty doesn`t have enough money to buy that coat. It`s very ____.The price is too ____.A. high, highB. expensive, expensiveC. expensive, highD. high, expensive48. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ____ comfortably.A. wearingB. wearC. wearsD. is worn49. The diamond is ____.A. very valuableB. of great valueC. great valueD. A or B50. Behind the dancer there was a woman ____ a large diamond ring.A. carryingB. dressingC. wearingD. having51. The young teacher who has a ____ face can make his classes ____ and interesting.A. lovely, livelyB. lovely, lovelyC. likely, friendlyD. uglily, lively52 They were still ____ their friends after their child`s long illness.A. in debt toB. in the debt toC. in debt withD. in the debt with53. ____, my brother passed the exam.A. To my great joyB. To my great surprisedC. With my joyD. With my surprise54. I am all tears, ____, I am listening to you with all attention.A. in another words B . in the other words C. with other words D. in other words55. He started early ____ he could get there before nine.A. in order thatB. becauseC. so as toD. in order to56. As you know, whether the person will be electedpresident is matter of ____ interest.A. generalB. commonC. ordinaryD. mostly57. I ____ by his story that he made up.A. was taken onB. was taken outC. was taken inD. amtaken in58. He didn`t go into detail on the subject, he spoke ____.A. in generalB. in particularC. in commonD. in short59. We designed the machine ____ the purpose ____ production.A. for, of increasingB. with, of increasingC. for, toincreaseD. A or B60. Hospital doctors don`t go out very often as their work ____ all their time.A. takes awayB. takes inC. takes overD. takes up61. We offered him our congratulation ____ his passing the entrance exam.A. onB. forC. withD. at62. My mother ____ classical music while I am ____ rock music.A. is fondof, inB. likes, likeC. is interested in; intoD. interests; enjoy63. We each ____ strong points and each of us on the other hand ____ weak points.A. have, haveB. has, haveC. has, hasD. have, has64. He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do ____ best.A. hisB. one`sC. myD. their65. The police ____ determined to bring back the missing boy when his family ____almost given hope.A. is, hasB. are, haveC. are, hasD. is, have66. More than one girl ____ late for class this morning.A. areB. isC. wasD. were67. Many a student ____ in the exam.A. have failedB. had been failedC. has failedD. will be failed68. What he says and what he does ____.A. is not agreeB. are not agreeC. does not agreeD. donot agree69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words, ____ is important.A. English, as well as politicsB. English as well as politicsC. both politics and EnglishD. politics, as well as English70. It was at the very beginning ____ Mr.Smith made a decision ____ we should sendfor a doctor.A. what, thatB. that, whichC. which, thatD. that, that71. On the way back home fromthe ball, she suddenly foundher necklace____.A. missedB. losingC. goneD. be stolen72. He didn't go to the party not ____ the time but ____ he was ill.A. because of, becauseB. because, becauseC. because, because ofD. because of, because of73. The teacher gave me a piece of paper ____.A. to write onB. to be written onC. to write inD. to be written74. I can`t believe he could jump ____ high.A. very muchB. suchC. thatD. this75. --The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they? --____.A. I guess not soB. I don`t guess soC. I don`t guessD. I guess not76. The magazine is ____ reading, so he advised me ____ it.A. well worth; to buyB. very worth; buyingC. worthing, buyingD. worthy, tobuy77. She is on a special ____ to lose ____ weight.A. food; herB. food; / D. diet; her D. diet; /78. Jenny ____ a rich man. She has ____ him for 5 years.A. married with; married withB. married; marriedC. married to; been marriedD. married; been married to79. I am ____ hungry. Give me ____ of milk.A. a bit; a littleB. not a little; a bitC. little; a litD. not a little; a little80. A good friend is someone ____ makes you ____.A. which; happyB. who; happilyC. who; happyD. whose; happily81. He was about ____ when suddenly the telephone rang.A. to leaveB. to startingC. leavingD. settingoff82. This task is ____ difficult for us. We need ____ people.A. much too; another threeB. too much; other threeC. much too; more threeD. too much; three more83. He seems to ____ to Jane. He knows her well.A. have been introducedB. be introducedC. have introducedD. introduced84. This is a film ____ Spielberg used real actors instead of stunt men.A. whichB. whoseC. in whichD. of which85. He ____ much of his success and happiness ____ his wife and children.A. thanks; toB. owes; toC. owns; toD. thinks; highly of86. He will never forget the days ____ he spent with you in Japan.A. whenB. thatC. on whichD. in which87. Which sentence is incorrect?A. I feel interested in classical musicB. I take interest in classical musicC. I am not into classical musicD. I don`t fond of classical music88. No one likes ____ in ____ public.A. to be laughed at; theB. laughing at; theC. being laughed at; /D. to be laughing at; /89. We are considering ____ a sports meet next month.A to holdB holdingC to be heldD as holding90. Which sentence is incorrect?A. He devoted himself to the work of children`s health care.B. He is devoted to his work.C. He devoted all his life to work hard in people`s interests.D. He is determinedto make more money for his family.91. He doesn`t like classical music and ____ I.A. so doB. nor doC. or doD. nor am92. Friends should ____ happiness and sorrow ____ each other.A. share, withB. solve, withC. share, fromD. share, to93. --I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.--Y ou ____ home half an hour earlier.A. should have leftB. must have leftC. should leaveD. must leave94. The storm died away at last with the golden waves ____ the shore in peace.A. beatenB. beatC. to beatD. beating95. The whites are ____ holiday ,but I don`t know where they have gone ____their holidays.A. in, forB. on, forC. for, inD. at, on96. The river ____ are covered with trees is very long.A.which banksB. of which banksC. whose the banksD. the banks of which97. She likes to use words ____ clear to her.A. of which the meaningB. of which meaningC. whose of meaningD. meaning of which98. The price of this washing machine has been increased ____ 15%.A. upB. toC. byD. from99. ____ someone`s health, you raise your glass.A. Drink toB. Todrink toC. If you drinkD. If drink to 100. Please ____ me about the interview ____ I forget.A. remind; in caseB. remember; in caseC. remember, in case ofD. remindof; in case of参考答案:1-5 C D A B D 6 -10D B C B A 11-15 A C D A A 16-20 D C B AA21-25 D B D B C26-30D B D D C 31-35 A C C C B 36-40 C D D C D41-45 B C A B C46-50A C C D C 51-55 A A A D A 56-60 A C A D D61-65 A C D D B66-70C C D B D 71-75 C A A C D 76-80 A D D B C81-85 A A A C B 86-90B DC B C 91-95 B A AD B 96-100 D A C BA。

(完整版)初中英语易错题精选(附答案)1. I spend much more time playing basketball than IA. spend to prepareB. spend prepare2. ——What did the woman ask just now?——She asked B. where I live D. whether she could help to find the post office3. the day went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As4. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially Father was away in France.A. asB. thatC. duringD. if5. It is that we 'd like to go out for a walk.A. a lovely dayB. too lovely a dayC. so lovely a dayD. such lovely a day6. Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at Paris ' Charles De Gaulle Airport the whole roof fell down.A. whileB. as soon asC. whenD. after7. No one runs as fast as John in his class." The sentence meansA. John runs faster than any student in his classB. John runs more slowly than any other student in his classC. John runs as fast as other student in his classD. John runs fastest in his class8. Little boy he was, he had learned advanced mathematics.D. because9. She is one of the workers who hard.A. workB. worksC. workingD. is working10. Is the toy you bought in Shanghai for your little brother?A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. /11. There is no dictionary you can find everything.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. in that12. He doesn't know is he was born.A. that; whereB. that; whatC. where; thatD. what; where13. we have seen is quite different from we have heard.A. That; thatB. What; thatC. That; whatD. What; what14. Wait a moment, please. I'm checking if Mr. Smith free tomorrow.A. isB. beingC. to beD. will be15. You are the person I'm looking for.A. very16. Jack seems than you ready for the exam.A. busy; to getB. much busier; gettingC. busier; to getD. more busier; getting17. ——do you call chicks before they 're born?——Eggs, I think.for my lessons. C. do to prepare D. do preparingA. who was I waiting forC. how she can get to the post officeA. WhatB. HowC. WhyD. When18. Remember: all the stories for the English writing competition be given a title.A. mustB. canC. mightD. need19.It is any wonder that his friend doesn't like watching television much.A. noB. almostC. nearlyD. hardly20. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn 't always much to do. A. such B. that C. moreD. very21. He was caught something from the shop yesterday.A. stolenB. to stealC. to be stolenD. stealing22. After class, the students went out of the classroom one by one, but only Mary.D. was leaving23. It was the third time that she him at the same place.A. had metB. has metC. would meetD. met24. UN report says that the world 's population is over six billion now.A. /B. TheC. AnD. A25. Why do you like your English teacher? Because he always treat us his friends.A. withB. forC. asD. like26. They are going to have a picnic next week.A. sometimeB. some timeC. sometimesD. some times27. He's already well again, he?A. hasn' tB. wasn' tC. isn'tD. doesn't28. How about going to school by boat, Li Lei? Good idea. It is!A. How a great funB. How great funC. What a great funD. What great fun29. She is going to get married John on New Year's Day. They are their twenties.D. with; at30. We should do the teacher told us.A. becauseB. likeC. asD. since31. of art can you see on the wall! .A. How much work; NoneB. How many works; NoneC. How much work; No oneD. How many works; No one32. ——Do you want to the English Club?——Yes. I want to you in different activities to make my English better.A. join; joinB. join in; join inC. join; join inD. join in; join。

历年中考英语易错选择题100题+答案1.It's very warm-hearted of you to get the tickets for theWorld Cup.2.How many teachers are there in your school。
I think。
But I don't know the ___.3.Will you stay for lunch。
I ___ see me.4.When he was there。
he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.5.There needn't be any hurry。
need there?6.The sports meeting might be put off。
I've been told it all depends on the weather.7.Shirley wrote a book about China last year。
but I don't know whether she has finished it.8.___.9.I haven't got a chair to sit on。
Could you make room for me。
10.It was so cold that the travelers had to keep the fireburning all night。
11.She looked up his number in the phone book to make sure she had it right。
12.Every morning。
we are asked if we have ___13.I will give the other students another five minutes to finish their exercise。

143.Therearefourpairsofsocksto______,butthewomandoesn’tknow______tobuy.A.choosefrom;whichB.choosefrom;whatC.choose;whichD.choose;w hat【解析】答案:Achoosefrom从……中选;which是有选择的范围,而what是没有选择的范围。
144.Nobabynoticedthethiefslipintotheshop,becausethelight shappenedto_______.DA.putoutB.turnoutaC.giveoutD.goout【解析】答案:Dputout扑灭;turnout结果是,结果被证明是;giveout放出,发出(声音、光等);goout(灯或为)自动熄灭。
145.--_____thesportsmeetingmightbeputoff.--Yes,italldependsontheweather.A.I’ vebeentoldB.I’vetoldC.I’mtoldD. Itold【解析】答案:A根据题意是被动,被告知,而且用现在完成时最好,所以havebeendone.146.Theteachersaid_____wantedtogotothecinemamustbethe rebefore6:00,A.thosewhoB.thatC.whoD.which【解析】答案:A根据意思是指人,所以用who引导,那些人直接用those。

1. My father went to Shanghai yesterday. He ______ back in two weeks.A. esB. has eC. will eD. came答案:C. (选择D的同学要注意in +时间段,表示在未来的一段时间里,应用将来时。
)2. It's spring now. The students ________ trees these weeks. A. plant B. are planting C. will plant D. planted 答案:B.(选择A的同学要注意 these weeks 并不表示经常做某事,而是强调这几个星期同学们一直在种树。
)3. -______you _____ your book to the library?- Yes. I returned it yesterday.A. Did, returnB. Have, returnedC. Will, returnD. Do, return答案:B. ( 选择A的同学过分注意回答用了一般过去时,但在上一句中,并没有给出过去的时间,强调你现在是否还书了,应用现在完成时。
)4. -Must I finish it now? -No, you ________.A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. can'tD. shouldn't答案:B.(选择A的同学要注意mustn't意思指不允许, needn't 指的是不必要。
)5.Though it's cloudy now, it _________ get sunny later.A. canB. mayC. mustD. need答案:B.( 选C的同学要注意语境,这里强调过些时候也许会晴天,表示推测性。

中考英语精选单项选择题错题100题1 What do you think ______solve the problemA you can doB can you doC you can do toD can you do to2 In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister.A to cry; to cryB cry; cryC to cry; cryD cry; to cry3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.A risesB roseC raisesD raised4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees.A thereB whereC thatD which5 He _________ Alice for ten years.A married toB has married toC has marriedD has been married to6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.A butB exceptC as wellD besides7 They won’t allow us ________ at this beach.A swimmingB to swimC swamD swim8 Is this factory ______you visited last weekA thatB whereC the oneD in which9 The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way.A that; becauseB why; thatC that; thatD for; that10 Is the river_____ through that town very largeA which flowsB flowsC that flowingD whose flows11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.A playingB to be playingC playD toplay12 The red rose is the only one _____I real like.A whichB whoC thatD whom13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A thoseB whichC whatD that14 Don’t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.A whenB thatC at whichD where15 I prefer________ at home to ______outside.A staying, playingB to stay, playC staying, playD to stay, playing16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop.A same asB the same likeC the same thatD the same as17 The pen _______she writes letters is broken.A whichB thatC with whichD by which18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.A take part inB joinC taking part inD joining19 I’m sure the red team will ______the game .A winB beatC defeatD succeed20 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.A whoB whomC of whomD whose21 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.A SinceB BecauseC thanks forD Thanks to22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_______A in and out of abroadB at home and abroadC at home and at abroadD in home and out of abroad23 ---Are you going there with them----If you go,__________.A I also goB so do IC so I willD so will I24 -----The flower is beautiful.---____________A So is itB So it isC It is soD So it is25 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent fordifferent reasons.A were; wasB was ; wasC was; wereD were; were26 We haven’t had any success _______A before longB so longC by farD so far27 Travellers ____our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou andmany other places of interest.A forB toC tillD by28 If a man ______succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A willB shouldC is going toD is to29 ----I am sorry I didn’t do a good job.-----Never mind. ______ you have tried your best.A Above allB In allC At allD After all30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to____healthy eating habits.A findB createC developD prepare31 We have spent _____money on English books .A a great deal ofB a good manyC a plenty of Da number of32 _______met, it won’t be easily forgotten.A If onlyB When ifC OnceD Once you were33 The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.A in, ofB from, ofC between ,inD of ,in34 You should put_____ “s〞at the end of this word.A aB /C anD the35----What’s ______population of China----China has_____ population of 1.2 billion.A a; theB the; aC /;/D the; the36 It`s _______here. We can’t work long hours here.A very much coldB much coldC much too coldD too much cold37 _______terrible weather we’ve been having these days!A How aB What aC HowD What38 ----Have you decided when_____-----Yes, tomorrow morning.A will you leaveB to be leavingC are you leavingD to leave39 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.A callB callingC calledD to call40 Train services are now back to ______after three days of typhoon.A usualB commonC ordinaryD normal41 He is the best ____English in our class.A atB inC forD to42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____the head.A in theB on hisC on theD in his43 Did John hit Bob _____eyeA in theB on theC in hisD on his44There is ____ interesting ____ today’s newspaper.A anything …inB nothing. .inC something. .onD nothing.. on45 Has your teacher given you any advice______ your studyA inB toC onD with46 It’s bad manners to laugh _____ others when they are_____ trouble.A at ,inB over ,atC with ,onD to, with47 Betty doesn’t have enough money to buy that coat. It’s very ___.The price is too_____.A high, highB expensive, expensiveC expensive, highD high, expensive48 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______comfortably.A wearingB wearC wearsD is worn49 The diamond is _________.A very valuableB of great valueC great valueD A or B50 Behind the dancer there was a woman _______a large diamond ring.A carryingB dressingC wearingD having51 The young teacher who has a ____face can make his classes ____and interesting.A lovely, livelyB lovely, lovelyC likely, friendlyD ugly, lively52 They were still _____their friends after their child’s long illness.A in debt toB in the debt toC in debt withD in the debt with53 _______, my brother passed the exam.A To my great joyB To my great surprisedC With my joyD With my surprise54 I am all tears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.A in another wordsB in the other wordsC with other wordsD in other words55 He started early _______he could get there before nine.A in order thatB becauseC so as toD in order to56 As you know, whether the person will be elected president is matter of ___interest.A generalB commonC ordinaryD mostly57 I _______ by his story that he made up.A was taken onB was taken outC was taken inD am taken in58 He didn’t go into detail on the subject ,he spoke ______.A in generalB in particularC in commonD in short559 We designed the machine _____the purpose_______production.A for, of increasingB with, of increasingC for, to increaseD A or B60 Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work ____all their time.A takes awayB takes inC takes overD takes up61 We offered him our congratulation ____his passing the entrance exam.A onB forC withD at62 My mother _____classical music while I am ____rock music.A is fond of, inB likes, likeC is interested in; intoD interests; enjoy63 We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____weak points.A have, haveB has, haveC has, hasD have, has64 He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do ____ best.A hisB one’sC myD their65 The police ____determined to bring back the missing boywhen his family____almost given hope.A is, hasB are, haveC are, hasD is, have66 More than one girl ____ late for class this morning.A areB isC wasD were67 Many a student _____ in the exam.A have failedB had been failedC has failedD will be failed68 What he says and what he does _______.A is not agreeB are not agreeC does not agreeD do not agree69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.A English, as well as politicsB English as well as politicsC both politics and EnglishD politics, as well as English70 It was at the very beginning____ Mr.Smith made adecision ___we should send for a doctor.A what, thatB that, whichC which, thatD that, that71 On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace____.A missedB losingC goneD be stolen72 He didn’t go to the party not ______the time but _____he was ill.A because of, becauseB because, becauseC because, because ofD because of, because of73 The teacher gave me a piece of paper________.A to write onB to be written onC to write inD to be written74 I can’t believe he could jump _____high.A very muchB suchC thatD this75 -----The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they------_____________.A I guess not soB I don’t guess soC I don’t guessD I guess not76 The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ____it.A well worth; to buyB very worth; buyingC worthing , buyingD worthy, to buy77 She is on a special _____to lose _____weight.A food; herB food;/ D diet; her D diet;/78 Jenny_____ a rich man. She has____ him for 5 years.A married with; married withB married; marriedC married to; been marriedD married; been married to79 I am _____hungry. Give me _______of milk.A a bit; a littleB not a little; a bitC little; a litD not a little; a little80 A good friend is someone _____makes you ______.A which; happyB who; happilyC who; happyD whose; happily81 He was about ____when suddenly the telephone rang.A to leaveB to startingC leavingD setting off82 This task is _____difficult for us. We need ______people.A much too; another threeB too much; other threeC much too; more threeD too much; three more83 He seems to ______to Jane. He knows her well.A have been introducedB be introducedC have introducedD introduced84 This is a film ______Spielberg used real actors instead of stunt men.A whichB whoseC in whichD of which85 He ____- much of his success and happiness _____his wife and children.A thanks; toB owes; toC owns; toD thinks; highly of86 He will never forget the days ______he spent with you in Japan.A whenB thatC on whichD in which87 Which sentence is incorrectA I feel interested in classical musicB I take interest in classical musicC I am not into classical musicD I don’t fond of classical music88 No one likes _______in _____public.A to be laughed at; theB laughing at; theC being laughed at; /D to be laughing at; /89 We are considering _______a sports meet next month.A to holdB holdingC to be heldD as holding90 Which sentence is incorrectA He devoted himself to the work of children’s health care.B He is devoted to his work.C He devoted all his life to work hard in people’s interests.D He is determined to make more money for his family.91 He doesn’t like classical music and_______ I .A so doB nor doC or doD nor am92 Friends should ______happiness and sorrow _____each other.A share, withB solve, withC share, fromD share, to93 ---I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.----You ________home half an hour earlier.A should have leftB must have leftC should leaveD must leave94 The storm died away at last with the golden waves ____the shore in peace.A beatenB beatC to beatD beating95 The whites are ___holiday ,but I don’t know where they have gone __their holidays.A in ,forB on ,forC for, inD at, on96 The river ____are covered with trees is very long.A which banksB of which banksC whose the banksD the banks of which97 She likes to use words ______clear to her.A of which the meaningB of which meaningC whose of meaningD meaning of which98 The price of this washing machine has been increased____15%.A upB toC byD from99 _____someone’s health, you raise your glass.A Drink toB To drink toC If you drinkD If drink to100 Please ______me about the interview____ I forget.A remind; in caseB remember; in caseC remember, in case ofD remind of; in case of参考答案:1-5 CDABD 6-10 DBCBA11-15 ACDAA 16-20 DCBAA21-25 DBDBC 26-30 DBDDC31-35 ACCCB 36-40 CDDCD41-45 BCABC 46-50 ACCDC51-55 AAADA 56-60 ACADD61-65 ACDDB 66-70 CCDBD71-75 CAACD 76-80 ADDBC81-85 AAACB 86-90 BDCBC91-95 BAADB 96-100 DACBA。

中考易错题100道一、单项选择1.Which is the way to the __________?A. shoe factoryB. shoes factoryC. shoe’s factoryD. shoes’ factory2.________ it is today!A. What fine weatherB. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weatherD. How fine a weather3.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are studyingB. is studyingC. be studyingD. studying4.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.A. two monthB. two-monthC. two month’sD. two-months 5.There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table.A. placeB. roomC. floorD. ground6.We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; aD. the; the7.— Are you ________ American or English?— English. We are working in Wuhu.A. aB. \C. theD. an8.You like playing basketball, and he likes running, ____?A. don’t youB. doesn’t heC. do youD. does he9.— Why not take ________ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”?It is _____ useful umbrella?— What _______ good advice it is!A. an; an; aB. an; a; \C. a; an; aD. \; an; a10.— When shall we meet again next week?—_______ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.A. EitherB. NeitherC. EveryD. Any11.Robert has gone to _________ city and he’ll be back in a week.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. any other12.— A latest magazine, please.— Only one left. Would you like to have ________?A. itB. oneC. thisD. that13.— Which book would you like to borrow?— ________ of the two books is OK with me.A. EitherB. BothC. AnyD. None 14.Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her.A. weB. usC. ourD. ours 15.There are many trees on ________ side of the street.A. eitherB. anyC. allD. both 16.________ is the population of the city?A. How manyB. WhatC. How many peopleD. How much17.—Why don’t we take a little break?—Didn’t we just have _______?A. itB. thatC. oneD. this 18.The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered ___ of them.A. someB. lotsC. eachD. few 19.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.A. two thousand ofB. two thousandC. thousand ofD. two thousands of20.— How many apples do I have?— You can have ______. I want none of them.A. oneB. allC. bothD. some 21.Japan is ________ the east of China. Fujian is ____ the southeast of China.A. in; inB. to; inC. on; toD. in; to 22.The postman shouted, “Mr. Green, here is a letter ________ you.”A. toB. fromC. forD. of 23.He hasn’t heard from his friend _________ last month.A. sinceB. by the end ofC. forD. until 24.— Jimmy lost his key yesterday.—________? It’s his third time in just one month.A. Has heB. Did heC. Was heD. Does he 25.You’ve passed the exam. I’m happy ______ you.A. onB. atC. inD. for26.I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time.A. whyB. howC. whenD. where 27.— Ought I to go right now?— ________.A. That’s very bad.B. Yes, you go ought toC. Yes, you oughtD. No, you ought not to28.I don’t know when he ________. When he _______ here, I’ll call you in a minute.A. will come; will arriveB. comes; arrivesC. will come; arrivesD. comes; will arrive29.He turned ________ the radio a little because his father was asleep.A. onB. downC. upD. off30.I don’t know the homework _______ today.A. onB. inC. ofD. for 31.— Would you like some coffee?— Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee ____ milk.A. withB. toC. ofD. on 32.They each ___ a book. Each of them ___ from China.A. has; areB. have; isC. are having; areD. is having; is 33.— ________ you ________ your book to the library?— Yes. I returned it yesterday.A. Did, returnB. Have, returnedC. Will, returnD. Do, return 34.Though it’s cloudy now, it ________ get sunny later.A. canB. mayC. mustD. need35.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly.A. may notB. can’tC. needn’tD. mustn’t 36.If anyone wants to say something in class, you ______ put up your hands first.A. mustB. mayC. shouldD. can 37.The pen _________ him ten yuan.A. paidB. costC. tookD. spent 38.The train _________ for twenty minutes.A. leftB. has leftC. is leavingD. has been away39.— How many books _____ they ________?—Five. But they haven’t finished reading even one。

初中英语易错题精选(配详细讲解)1. —I hear the snow will for another two days.—I hope so. I like playing snow with my classmates.A. fallB. lastC. getD. keep2. —Do you know ?—At two this afternoon.A. what time does the bus leaveB. what time the bus will leaveC. when the bus would leaveD. what time would the bus leave3. —Some people have really bad in clothes.—I’m sorry to hear that.A. smellB. tasteC. soundD. look4. Jim’s sister was badly ill. So he had tohis home at once.A. arrive inB. see offC. leave forD. go back5. —What do you prefer, basketball or football?—I like but baseball.A. bothB. eitherC. neitherD. none6. Kate suddenly and hurt herself when she was skating on the ice.A. fell offB. fell overC. fell intoD. fell behind.7. —How do you like the pants?—I’m afraid they’re too small. You should try a bigger .A. oneB. copyC. pieceD. pair8. —Shall we start the work from the beginning again?—No, we needn’t. Let’s pick upwe left off.A. whatB. howC. whereD. when9. —J im, if you lend me a story book. I’ll treat you next time.—Oh, no, I won’t your story.A. buyB. receiveC. getD. read10. —Is OK, Lucy?—No, my math is not as good as English.A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything11. —Look at Bill! He is wearing new trousers.—But they don’t his new coat.A. go withB. put onC. do withD. get together12. —Look! How beautiful the building over there is!—Yes, it is. It’s our city’s stadium. It has many wonderful matches.A. madeB. metC. seenD. appeared13. —What about Japanese cars?—The cars made in Japan are cheaper than made in America.A. onesB. thoseC. thatD. it14. —How can I find him?—You can usually him on this telephone number.A. meetB. seeC. catchD. reach15. —Shall I close the door?—No, it open.A. makeB. tryC. pushD. leave16. —What do you think make Mary so upset?— her new bicycle.A. As he lostB. LostC. LosingD. Because of losing17. —I suppose we’ll go to play football next week.—Terrific! Playing football is a lot of fun.I’d like to you.A. visitB. joinC. followD. meet18. —Can you give me a cigarette? —Sorry. My cigarettes have .A. run outB. finished offC. smoked outD. stayed away from19. —Harbin is very cold in winter. You’d better warm clothes if you gothere.—Thanks, I will.A. put onB. wearC. packD. buy20. —What did the doctor say?—He me not to eat too much meat. A. stopped B. suggestedC. warnedD. allowed21. She sent me an e?鄄mail for information about the final exam.A. askedB. asksC. askingD. ask22. I met my old friend in the street .A. one dayB. some dayC. some daysD. a day23. —Jim, it’s so nice of you to help me. — .A. You’re rightB. My pleasureC. No problemD. It’s my turn24. —Did you have any one the trees? —Yes, I have the trees .A. to water; waterB. to water; wateredC. water; to be waterD. water; watered25. That watch me lots of time to mend.A. spentB. paidC. tookD. cost26. There’s cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the supermarket and get ?A. little; someB. little; anyC. few; someD. few; any27. —When shall we go to the park? —Let’s it tomorrow, OK?A. takeB. getC. makeD. have28. Last year, our company earned dollars.A. four millionsB. four millions ofC. millions ofD. million of29. Can you give me a to the station?A. handB. driveC. ringD. lift30. —How are you getting on with your cousin? —Great, if we are free, we often drop ato each other.A. wordB. letterC. lineD. talk31. I don’t know if he tomorrow. Please let me know if he .A. comes; comesB. will come; comesC. comes; will comeD. will come; will come32. —Look, there’s man at the door. —Oh, that’s my old friend.A. someB. anyC. noD. other33. —We never know he is.—They say he is a doctor.A. whomB. whatC. whichD. where34. —Could you help me with my English? — .A. No wayB. It’s a pleasureC. Out of questionD. Out of the question35. —Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?—No, dear. They don’t well. Putthem in the fridge instead.A. keepB. fitC. getD. last36. —The medicine tastes so bad.—It surely does. But it will yougood.A. giveB. wantC. doD. help37. —I’m going to buy another skirt.—Hey, you’d better be with your money.A. busyB. kindC. carefulD. free38. —How much will I pay for the meal? —Thirty dollars will all you wantto have.A. useB. coverC. costD. spend39. —Did anybody go out?—. I didn’t see anybody go out.A. I can’t sayB. I guess soC. I hope notD. I don’t think so40. —How do you go to school every day? —I on my bicycle.A. rideB. driveC. takeD. walk41. —When shall we meet again?—Make it day you like, it’s all the same to me.A. oneB. anotherC. someD. any42. —We had a that the one who lost the game must sing a song.—But we lost the game.A. ruleB. goalC. wayD. notice43. —Shall we go to the concert tonight? —Sorry, I can’t the time for doing that.A. spendB. costC. affordD. pay44. Did you enjoy the days you spent in Beijing during the Spring Festival?A. thatB. whenC. whatD. where45. —You must finish this work by nineo’clock this evening.—Sure, but you ought to help for me.A. provideB. offerC. affordD. give46. —Her death is a mystery.—I think the police will make it tous soon.A. certainB. trueC. clearD. correct47. The story was so funny that all of uscouldn’t laughing.A. helpB. stopC. continueD. finish48. —Why did you all go swimmingTom?—Because he was ill at home.A. withB. besidesC. exceptD. beside49. —I can’t open this jar.—Well, let me have a .A. handB. openC. toothD. go50. —In western countries when people eat inthe restaurant, they usually thecost.—Yeah. This is called “Going Dutch.”A. payB. costC. pay forD. share.1. 与时间段连用应使用延续性动词,从句意“我听说雪还将持续两天”可知选B。

中考英语易错题100道及答案1.Because he was ill yesterday,so he didn't go to work. (×)Because he was ill yesterday,he didn't go to work. (√)He was ill yesterday,so he didn't go to work. (√)[析] 用though,but表示“虽然……,但是…… ”或用because,so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。
2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×)The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√)[析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home,here,there 等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。
3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×)The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√)[析] the box既是这句话的主语,也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。
4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×)Each of the boys has a pen. (√)[析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of,one of,every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of,none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。
5.例:那是你心软!我不就是一个例子吗?Neither he nor you is good at English. (×)Neither he nor you are good at English. (√)[析] either…… or……,neither…… nor……,not only……,but also……等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”,即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。

11.That pen _____ 10 yuan .A. spendsB. takesC. costsD. pays 1.答案:C 四个词虽都为花费,但spend 主语必须为人,故剔除,take 后跟双宾语,故也剔除,pay 的意思多为付款,支付,与本语境不符,cost 又可翻译为“值”所以此题选C2.We _____ supper last night.A. haveB. hasC. hadD. are having 2.答案:C “last night last night””表示为过去时,故A 排除,再因为是点动词,故D 排除,时态选择一般过去时,have 过去式为had 故选C3.Tom studies _____ Jack.A. as carefully asB. so carefully asC. as careful asD. so careful as 3.答案:A 固定句型,as......as 中必须加形容词或副词原级,中必须加形容词或副词原级,意为意为意为“和……一样”“和……一样”故选A4.There is _____ in today 4.There is _____ in today’’s newspaper, and you should read it.A. important somethingB. important nothingC. nothing importantD. something important 4.答案:D 当多个形容词修饰名词的时候,当多个形容词修饰名词的时候,观点形容词排在事实形容词之前,观点形容词排在事实形容词之前,观点形容词排在事实形容词之前,故故排除AB ,根据语境”you should read it you should read it””意为你应该读它,说明有一些重要的事情,故选D5.Please remember _____ the door when you leave.A. closeB. to closeC. closingD. Closed 5.答案:B 本题考查动词不定式,首先语法上排除AD ,remember to do sth 意为记得去做某事,remember doing sth 意为记得做过某事,本题译为:请当你离开的时候记得去关门,故选B6.I think collecting model cars will _____ more space.A. take upB. take offC. take inD.take down 6.答案:A 本题考查翻译,本题译为我认为收集模型车将会_____更多的空间take up 意为占用,take off 意为脱下,take in 意为吸收,take down 意为记录,故选A7.They are still playing. They _____ ready for their coming exam now. A. get B. got C. has gotD. should get 7.答案:D get ready for 意为准备做某事,本题翻译为:他们仍然在玩,他们_____现在准备考试,所以根据翻译选D ,应该准备,应该准备8.He _____ four hours _____ the house two days ago.A. Spend; cleaningB. Spend; to cleanC. Spent; cleaningD. spent; to clean 8.答案C “two days ago two days ago””体现时态为过去时,排除AB ,固定句型spent doing sth 故选C9.Look, some boys are playing football, and _____ are playing basketball.A. othersB. otherC. the otherD. another9.答案:B 本题考查几个“另外几个”的辨析,the other 意为特指的另外一个,another 指再一个,other 意为泛指的另外一个,others 为other 的复数形式,指另外几个,本题,some boys 为泛指,又因为为复数be 动词are 故选A10.My grandma often _____ interesting stories.A. saysB. talksC. speaksD. tells10.答案:D say侧重说话的内容,talk侧重双方交谈,speak则主要指说话的动作,tell主指讲述,后常跟双宾语,故选D11.Please _____ me when you get to America.A. write toB. write forC. hear fromD. hear of11.答案:A write意为写,hear意为听,原题翻译为,请写信给我,故排除CD,write to意为写给某人意为写给某人 write for意为为某人写信意为为某人写信 故选A12..He isn’’t from Japan _____ the Republic of Korea.12..He isnA. soB. orC. butD. so12.答案:B so表示所以,or表示或者,but表示但是,and表示和表示和 题目翻译为他不是来自日本或者韩国,故选B13.You should tell her _____ come back home late.A. toB. not toC./D. to not13.答案:B 根据语境“你应该告诉她不要太晚回家”排除AC,动词不定式,动词前加“to”故选B14.--- _____ students are there in the classroom?--- 30.A. How longB. How muchC. How manyD. How often14.答案:C 提问“有多少学生在教室”对数量提问,排除AD,much修饰不可数名词,many修饰可数名词,student为可数名词,故选C15.You can _____ to Shanghai.A. take trainB. by a trainC. by trainD. take a train15.答案:D 根据词组by train ;take a train排除AB,由于选项在题目中做谓语,故选D16.Please remember _____ down your mistakes.A. writeB. to writeC. writingD. wrote16.答案:B 本题考查动词不定式,根据语法排除AD,remember to do sth 意为记得去做某事,remember doing 意为记得做过某事,题目翻译为:请记得写下你的错误,故选B17.I have _____ this bike.A. paid forB. paidC. costD. spent17.答案:A 首先cost主语必须跟物,故排除,paid语法不对,排除,词组,人spent 钱 东西,人 钱paid for 东西,故选A东西 ,人18.It’’s very hot outside. You can wear a _____ coat.18.ItA. BrightB. darkC. heavyD. light18.答案:D 题目翻译:外面非常热,你可以穿上_____大衣,根据语境,应该是light coat 薄大衣,故选D19.Please _____ the application form.A. check outB. call inC. fill outD. hand out19.答案:C 题目翻译为请填写这张申请书,故选C,词组意思为填写,词组意思为填写20.Find old friends and _____ .A. stay in touchB. keep in touchC. in touchD. both A and B20.答案:D stay in touch=keep in touch 意为保持联系,故选D21.I like tennis, _____ I’’m good at it.21.I like tennis, _____ IA. soB. andC. orD. but21.答案:B 本题考查连词,本题并列,我喜欢网球,我也很擅长它,故选B 22.--- Must I tidy up my room?--- No, you _____ . A. mustn A. mustn’’t B. needn B. needn’’t C. can C. can’’t D. must22.答案:B 本题考查情态动词,题为我必须整理我的房间么,不你不需要,故选B23.Camping is one of _____ .A. more interesting activitiesB. interesting activityC. the most interesting activityD. the most interesting activities 23.答案:D 露营是最有趣的事情之一,用最高级,排除AB ,由于是之一,说明有很多有趣的事情,故用复数形式,排除C ,选择D24.It is a good way _____ about American culture. A. to learn B. learn C. learningD. learnt 24.答案:A 固定词组,way to do sth 用某种方法或技巧做某事用某种方法或技巧做某事25.John _____ maths and he often helps Kate with her maths.A. does well inB. are good atC. is weak atD. do well in 25.答案:A 题目翻译为,约翰的数学很优秀,他经常帮助凯特学习数学,先排除C ,be good at 意为擅长做某事,do well in 意为在某方面做的好,这里应为做的好,而不是指约翰擅长数学,故排除B ,often 提示为一般现在时动词应改为三单形式故选A26.The English course _____ 1000 yuan a month.A. spendsB. takesC. paysD. costs 26.答案:D spend 前主语必须为人,故排除A ,take 后常跟双宾语,故排除B ,根据翻译,英语课程费用1000元一月,pay 意为付钱买某物,cost 意为费用,故D 为最佳选项为最佳选项27.--- _____ does the course last?--- It lasts for four weeks. A. When B. How soon C. How long D. How often 27.答案:C 问你在这门课上上多长时间了,选择C ,多长时间,多长时间28.She can hardly hear anything in such a noisy restaurant, _____ ?A. can sheB. can B. can’’t sheC. can itD. can D. can’’t it 28.答案:A 本题考查反义疑问句,她几乎在嘈杂的餐厅里听不见任何声音,主语是否定句,后面要用肯定句型,故排除BD ,主语是she ,故选择A29.Jim asked me _____ .A. what was the matterB. what the matter areC. what is the matterD. what the matter is 29.答案:A 本题考查宾语从句,what 代指主语,宾语从句永远为陈述语序,所以后跟动词,故排除BD ,asked 表明主语为过去时,从句也要变为过去时,故选A30.I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me _____ in bed for a good rest.A. stayingB. staysC. stayD. to stay 30.答案:D 固定词组ask sb to do sth 意为让某人做某事意为让某人做某事31.Mr Wang suggested _____ a class meeting after school.A. to haveB. haveC. havingD. to stay31.答案:C 固定词组suggest doing sth 意为建议某人做某事意为建议某人做某事 32.I like the jacket very much, but it is _____ dear.A. much tooB. too muchC. very muchD. too many 32.答案:A 我非常喜欢那个夹克,但是亲爱的,它太贵了,语法上排除C ,修饰不可数名词排除D ,much too 后接形容词后接形容词too much 后接名词,故选择A 33.--- Excuse me, how can I get to the bus stop?--- Please walk _____ this street, then turn left, and you will find it. A. along B. over C. aloneD. with 33.答案:A 沿着这条街走,along this street34.Why don 34.Why don’’t we _____ the answers again?A. to checkB. checkC. checkingD. checked34.答案:B 陈述事实,用一般现在时,故选B35.I believe _____ my dream will come true one day.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. that35.答案:D 本题考查宾语从句,从句无缺失部分,故选that 无实意无实意36.He knows _____ he can finish the task by himself.A. howB. whatC. thatD. Who 36.答案:C 本题考查宾语从句,从句无缺失部分,故选that 无实意无实意37.In the park, we can hear the birds _____ .A. singingB. songC. to singD. sang 37.答案:A 固定词组:hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事38.I think _____ you can improve your EnglishA. whichB. whatC. howD. / 38.答案:D 简单句中无需加连词39.It’It’s _____ dark _____ we cans _____ dark _____ we can s _____ dark _____ we can’’t see anything. A. such a; that B. so; that C. such a; thatD. so a; that 39.答案:B so 后直接加形容词后直接加形容词40.Kate is _____ kind girl _____ we all like her. A. so; that B. so a; that C. such a; thatD. such; that 40.答案:C such 后加冠词,再后加名词,故选C41.We don 41.We don’’t allow people _____ in the cinema.A. smokeB. smokedC. smokingD. to smoke 41.答案:D 固定词组:allow sb to do sth 意为允许某人做某事意为允许某人做某事42.Tony _____ about Beihai Park so far.A. didn A. didn’’t hearB. doesn B. doesn’’t hearC. hasn C. hasn’’t heardD. has hear 42.答案:C 本题翻译为,托尼还没有听说过北海公园,到目前为止没听说过,不代表以后没听说过,所以用现在完成时,故选C43.The teacher told us _____ alone by the lake.A. to not campB. not campC. not to campD. not camping 43.答案:C 固定词组,tell sb do sth 故排除BD ,若是否定句,否定词要加在不定式之前,故选C44.The boss did not tell me _____ to do next.A. whatB. whichC. whenD. That 44.答案:A 宾语从句,老板没有告诉我下一步做什么,所以连词选择what45.Some people are taking photos and _____ are enjoying the beautiful views in the parkA. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. other 45.答案:A 本题考查几个“另外几个”的辨析,the other 意为特指的另外一个,another 指再一个,other 意为泛指的另外一个,others 为other 的复数形式,指另外几个,另外一些人再踢足球,指的是泛指的复数,故选A46.My sister likes hiking _____ I enjoy staying at homeA. soB. forC. whileD. or 46.答案:C 本题翻译为:我妹妹喜欢徒步旅行,而我喜欢待在家里,连词表转折,故选while 而47.My parents promise _____ me to Hong Kong this summer holiday.A. tookB. takeC. takingD. to take 47.答案:D 首先出现动词promise 后接动词必须有不定式,故排除AB ,promise doing 和promise to do 都表示承诺做某事,但前者代表正在做,后者代表还未做,本题翻译:我父母承诺这个暑假带我去香港,还没有去,故选D48.I 48.I’’m sure _____ he can overcome the difficulties.A. thatB. howC. whereD. if 48.答案:A 考查宾语从句,从句无缺失,故选that 占位占位49.Jack knows _____ his father won 49.Jack knows _____ his father won’’t let him camp alone.A. whenB. whereC. /D. what 49.答案:C 本句为简单句,无须连词,故选C50.---Why don 50.---Why don’’t we _____ for a swim?---Good idea. A. to go B. go C. goingD. goes 50.答案:D 本题翻译:我们为什么不去游泳呢?本题翻译:我们为什么不去游泳呢?用一般现在时,故选B 51.I am a teacher _____ she is doctor.A. orB. soC. aboutD. while 51.答案:D 本题翻译为我是个教师而她是个医生,连词表转折,故选while 而 52.This question is _____ hard for me _____ answer.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. very; that 52.答案:C too...to...意为太难……以至于……本题翻译为这道题对我来说太困难了53.I made the baby _____ .A. cryB. cryingC. criedD. to cry 53.答案:A 固定句型,made sb do sth 让某人做某事让某人做某事54.I have made _____ others since I came to this school.A. friends withB. a friend withC. friends toD. a friend to 54.答案:A 固定句型,made friends with 和某人交朋友和某人交朋友55.I don 55.I don’’t know _____ Tim is asleep. A. what B. who C. howD. If 55.答案:D 考查宾语从句连词,题目翻译为我不知道Tim 睡着没有,所以选if56.I don 56.I don’’t know _____ he will come tomorrow. _____ he comes, I t know _____ he will come tomorrow. _____ he comes, I’’ll tell you.A. if; WhetherB. whether; WhetherC. if; ThatD. if; If 56.答案:D 题目翻译为我不知道他明天是否来,如果他来了,我将告诉你,第一个if 为宾语从句的连词,表是否,第二个if 译为如果,故选D57.Look, the baby is smiling _____ you.A. atB. withC. forD. of57.答案:A 考查介词,smile at sb 译为对…微笑(smile to sb :给…一个微笑,smile on sb :上级对下级的微笑):上级对下级的微笑)58. He refuses _____ anything.A. explainB. ExplainingC. to explainD. explains58.答案:C 固定词组:refuse to do sth 译为拒绝做某事译为拒绝做某事59.I often hear my mother _____ .A. songB. to singC. singsD. Singing 59.答案:D 考查动词不定式,语法上排除ABC ,故本题选D (hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事)听到某人正在做某事)60._____ doesn 60._____ doesn’’t matter _____ Mr Smith will come or not.A. That; whetherB. It; whetherC. That; ifD. It; if 60.答案:B 宾语从句,我不知道史密斯先生是否来,有whether 就不选if 故排除CD ,主语为形式主语,代指“Mr Smith will come or not ”故选it61.Do you know what _____ the little boy?A. happened has toB. happened withC. has happened toD. have happened 61.答案:C 翻译为你知道那个小男孩么?宾语从句主语做疑问词,故排除AB ,本题应用过去时,故选C62.She _____ the work very dull (无聊的).A. found outB. looked forC. foundD. discovered62.答案:C look for 译为寻找 discover 译为碰见 故都排除,found out ;found 都译为发觉,但前者更强调过程而后者更强调结果,故选C63.Nobody knows _____ to visit our school.A. when will he comeB. when does he comeC. when he would comeC. when he comes 63.答案:D 选项为宾语从句,必须为陈述语序,故AB 排除,本题翻译为没人知道他什么时候参观我们学校,还没有参观,故不能选过去时,C 排除,选D64.Please tell us _____ to the science museum.A. how can we reachB. how we can reachC. how can we getD. how we can get 64答案:D 宾语从句永远为陈述语序,排除AC ,reach 为及物动词,故排除选D65.Bob didn ’t go to bed _____ he finished his work.A. untilB. sinceC. whileD. when65.答案:A 题目翻译为Bob 没有睡觉直到他完成了工作,故选until 直到66.--- What about _____ this mistake again.--- Good idea. A. making B. to make C. goingD. went 66.答案:C 介词之后只加doing 故选C67.Our school football team will play _____ his school football team tomorrow.A. withB. inC. onD. against 67.答案:D against 译为反对,对抗,本题译为我校足球队明天将对抗他校足球队68.Could you tell me _____ she is looking for?A. thatB. whoseC. whoD. which68.答案:C 宾语从句,你能告诉我她是谁么?69.I don’ know if my uncle _____ . If he _____ , I will be very happy.A. comes; will comeB. will come; will comeC. comes; comesD. will come; comes69.答案:D 考查时态,第一空,我不知道我叔叔是否来,还没有来,故选择将来时,排除AC,第二空,如果他来了,这里说的是已经来了,故用一般现在时,选D70.He asked me _____ we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane.A. thatB. ifC. howD. what70.答案:B 题目翻译为他问我外面是否乘飞机去北京看比赛,故选if 是否71.We want to know _____ .A. what is his nameB. what his nameC. what his name isD. that his name is71.答案:D 宾语从句永远陈述语序,排除A,从句缺乏宾语,排除D,B项缺乏代词,排除,故选D。
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初中英语易错题100题含答案【】1、It’s very _nice_____ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.A、for,ofB、of,forC、of,toD、to,for【】2How many teachers are there in your school?______,I think.But I don’t know the exact number.A、hundredB、HundredsC、Hundreds ofD、Hundreds or thousands【】3、Will you stay for lunch?Sorry,______.My brother is coming to see me.A、I mustn’tB、I can’tC、I needn’tD、I won’t【】4、When he was there,he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A、wouldB、shouldC、had betterD、might【】5、There ______ no hurry,need there?A、need beB、need to beC、doesn’tD、needs【】6、______ the sports meeting might be put off.Yes,it all depends on the weather.A、I’ ve been toldB、I’ve toldC、I’m toldD、I told【】7、Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A、has writtenB、wroteC、had writtenD、was writing【】8、We don’t allow ______ in this room.A、smokingB、to smokeC、people smokingD、people to smoking 【】9、I haven’t got a chair ______.Will you make room for me?A、to sitB、to sit inC、for sittingD、sitting on【】10、It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ______ all the night.A、burningB、to burnC、burnD、burnt【】11、She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A、looked forB、looked upC、looked afterD、looked like【】12、Every morning,WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures.A、if we haveB、if have weC、if we hadD、if had we【】13、I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA、the other; other fiveB、the other; another fiveC、other; five moreD、other; more five 【】14、I called you just now,but you weren’t inSorry,I ______ the reading room.A、was inB、have gone toC、studiedD、had been to【】15、The family ______ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at______.A、were sitting; Mr BrownB、were sitting; Mr Brown’sC、was sitting; Mr BrownD、was sitting; Mr Brown’s【】16、Have you ______ your father recently?No.He doesn’t often write to me.A、heard aboutB、heard ofC、heard fromD、got from【】17、______did you sleep last night?I was reading too late to fall asleep.A、How longB、was doingC、How soonD、How 【】18、as Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea,But he ______ it the whole afternoon.A、would doB、was doingC、didD、had done 【】19、He’s never stolen anything before,______ he?______.It’s his third time to be taken to police station.A、hasn’t; YesB、is; YesC、has; YesD、has; No 【】20、I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.A、can go overB、can to go overC、can going overD、go over 【】21、_____ you the truth,she knows nothing about it.A、To tellB、TellingC、To tellD、Told【】22、The old man walked in the street,______.A、followed by his sonB、followed his sonB、and following his son D、and followed by his son【】23、Jim’s family went to visit ______ family last night.A、Miss Sun’sB、the Suns’C、the WhiteD、Miss Suns’【】24、They stopped ______ and ______ out to play when they ______ the bell ring or rest.A、working; went; heardB、work; to go; hearC、working; go; hearingD、working; going; heard【】25、I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.______ you are there,would you please buy some books for me?A、IfB、WhileC、SinceD、As soon as 【】26、That woman has a bag in her right hand.What’s in her ______ hand?A、anotherB、otherC、oneD、The other 【】27、Could you give me ______ second chance please?A、anB、/C、theD、a【】28、Black,______ father of ______ Tom,lost his new watch.A、/,/B、the,theC、the,/D、/ the【】29、Do you know Susan’s address?Yes.She lives201,Dongchang Road,Dalian City.A、inB、atC、alongD、on【】30、What do you think of the report on the UFO?Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the end of the meetingA、untilB、inC、onD、about 【】31、The book ______ you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?A、thatB、whichC、/D、it【】32、I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.A、whichB、on whichC、whenD、on that【】33、Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?A、thatB、whichC、the oneD、who【】34、The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.A、hasB、haveC、there isD、there are【】35、The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.A、thatB、whichC、to whichD、where【】36、I have the same pen ______.A、which you haveB、as yoursC、that you areD、as you【】37、The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.A、thatB、on thatC、by whichD、on which【】38、The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,A、those whoB、thatC、whoD、which【】39、______ has questions is welcome to ask.A、WhoB、AnyoneC、ThoseD、Anyone who 【】40、Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.A、fromB、likeC、withD、as【】41、The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.A、theB、hisC、someD、us【】42、______ either you or I good at drawing?A、AmB、AreC、IsD、Do【】43、The room ______ as a meeting room.A、used to being usedB、was used to being usedC、used to be usedD、was used to be used【】44、The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.A、to playB、playC、playingD、played【】45、Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.A、married withB、married toC、was married withD、got married to 【】46、It’s time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.A、I goingB、I to goC、me goingD、me to go【】47、______ a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.A、How oftenB、How soonC、How longD、How many times 【】48、There are four pairs of socks to ______,but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.A、choose from; whichB、choose from; whatC、choose; whichD、choose ;what 【】49、It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A、whenB、thatC、whichD、in which【】50、The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A、spokeB、spokenC、was spokenD、were spoken 【】51、I’m afraid I won’t come ______ 7 and 9.I will be at work then.A、untilB、betweenC、duringD、for【】52、Butter and cheese ______ in price.A、has gone upB、is gone upC、have gone upD、are gone up【】53、______ neither you nor he enjoy fast food?A、DoB、DoesC、IsD、Are【】54、In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education.A、hasB、haveC、isD、are【】55、A man of words and not of deeds ______ a garden full of weed.A、likeB、likesC、is likeD、are like 56.Would you like some coffee?Yes,please.By the way,do you have any milk?I prefer coffee ______ milk.A、fromB、withC、toD、for【】57、These Germans want to have some ______ for supper,so they decide to catch ______ now.A、fish; manyB、fishes; muchC、fish; muchD、fishes; many【】58、What do you think of his surfing?Oh,no one does ______.A、goodB、wellC、betterD、best【】59、Aren’t you tired,Kate?______.I like going shopping.A、Not at allB、I’m so sorryC、You’re welcomeD、Yes,of course 【】60、Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.______A、I don’tB、I won’tC、I can’tD、I haven’t【】61、John plays football ______,if not better than David.A、as wellB、as well asC、so wellD、so well as【】62、Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter ______ go and do the oppsite!A、mayB、canC、mustD、should【】63、______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now.Mr.Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.A、The;/B、The;theC、/;aD、The;a【】64、To tell you the truth,I became a college student at 15.______.A、You must beB、Thank goodnessC、You don’t say soD、It doesn’t matter 【】65、Excuse me,can you show me ______ to run the machine?A、whatB、ifC、whetherD、where【】66、Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ______ a camera.A、asB、forC、likeD、of【】67、I felt it is right ______ you should know.A、whetherB、andC、thatD、how【】68、A fool has gained nothing from the time ______,for he ______ nothing.A、passing; has paidB、passed; has been paidC、passing; has been paidD、passed; has paid【】69、This kind of T-shirt is ______.A、easily worn outB、easy worn outC、easy to worn outD、easily to be worn out 【】70、Jim’s father said to him,“I hope you ______ what I ______ you to buy.A、didn’t forget,toldB、not to forget,have toldC、won’t forget,have toldD、haven’t forgotten,will tell【】71、English people ______ use Mr before a man’s first name.A、neverB、usuallyC、oftenD、sometimes【】72、I enjoy learning English ______ it takes me a lot of time.A、unlessB、thoughC、becauseD、for73.I wonder ______ you would like to come to my birthday party.A、thatB、whetherC、that ifD、that whether【】74、All the teachers thought _______ of the hard-working student.A、highlyB、manyC、goodD、more【】75、A third of the population of the city _______ their own cars.A,has B、have C、had D、is【】76、His bag is nicer than _______ in his class.A,any other student B、the other students’C、any other students D、any student’s【】77、He _______ a good plan which we all agree.A、thought hardB、thought outC、thought more ofD、thought about【】78、I think swimming can make me very _______.A、goodB、healthC、comfortableD、well【】79、The buses _______ over 2 thousand people a day.A、takeB、bringC、carryD、sent【】80、The coductor kept _______ hot water to us.A、giveB、bringC、takingD、giving【】81、It’s your turn to be on duty._______A、So am IB、So it isC、So I amD、So it is【】82、The TV needs.A、to repairB、repairedC、being repairedD、to be repaired【】83、They are _______ there.A、nearB、to nearC、near toD、nearly【】84、The boy said he wouldn’t eat _______.A、any longerB、no longerC、any moreD、no more【】85、Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop,because the lights happened to _______.A、put outB、turn out aC、give outD、go out【】86、The days are short,_______ it is noe December.A、becauseB、forC、goesD、want【】87、The education in China has developed _______ these days.A、quickB、highC、highlyD、wildly【】88、Will you tell me a story?OK.Shall I _______ it in English or in Chinese?A、tell,tellB、speak,tellC、tell,speakD、tell,say【】89、The lady is always _______ in white at the party.A、wearingB、dressingC、wornD、dressed] 【】90、They _______ 3000 English words by the end of next month.A、learnedB、had learnedC、will learnD、have learned 【】91、Mr.Black,some boys are going to flight.You’d better _______ the police.A、send forB、send toC、look forD、look over 【】92、Many____________trees must be planted every year.A、thousandB、thousand ofC、thousands ofD、thousand 【】93、The post office is not far from here.It’s only ten____________by bike.A、minuteB、minutesC、minute’sD、minutes’【】94、She doesn’t know the school,but it’s____________to be quite a good one.A、toldB、spokenC、talkedD、said【】95、You must leave here now____________your mother can get some more rest.A、becameB、thoughC、so thatD、so【】96、Lucy,____________all your things on the desk.A、puts awayB、put awayC、takes awayD、take away 【】97、(At the doctor’s) It’s nothing serious,doctor?No,____________.A、you’ll be all right soonB、You won’t be all right soonB、There’s some trouble with you D、It’s very serious【】98、We can’t buy____________much mutton with____________little money.A、so,muchB、such,soC、so,soD、such,such 【】99、There is W in the word woman,and M is the third letter of the word.A、a; anB、an; /C、an; theD、a; the【】100、Need he come a little earlier?Yes,he_____________.A、canB、mustC、needD、needn’t1~ 10CCBAAADABA 11~20BAAABCDBCA 21~ 30AAAABBDABA 31~40DACBADDADD 41~50DBCCDDDABD 51~60BCAACBACAB 61~70BCDCDCBDAC 71~ 80AABABBBDCD 81~90BDDCDBCADC。