梦的解析(Dream analysis)In order to better understand Floyd, I also found out a lot about his presentation, Floyd was born in Vienna, economic constraints, ten of them can only live in cramped apartments, but the Floyd outstanding talent is still subject to parental cultivation, but as a Jew, in the limited occupation, he finally choose medicine. Twenty-six years old, graduated from University of Vienna, four years later, is a very talented lecturer in the school. Since then, most of his time has been spent on the construction of his psychoanalytic theory. When he was faced with serious emotional problems, he was at the height of his creativity. Around age forty, he has a physical or mental incongruity, a sense of fear about death and other things. Therefore, he devotes himself to the analysis of himself, and explores the implication of the dream, and gets the inspiration of the dynamic development of personality. Later, Freud by perspective analysis patients and construct its clinical theory. Even in old age, oral cancer still remains constant. In his later years, he underwent thirty-three surgeries, fought with his illness and died in London in 1939.Freud, a Austria psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, founder of the psychoanalysis school, he had to create a new world of psychoanalysis, and with wisdom and fame in the world, because of his efforts to understand human behavior, with new technology, personality theory and psychotherapy, thus laying a sound basis for.In the book, dreams are a strange phenomenon, and dreams are shared by others. The psychological explanation of dreams: dreams are a spontaneous mental activity occurring in sleep,at a certain stage of the conscious state. In this psychological activity, the whole process of individual physical and mental changes is called dreaming. Children's dreams, adult dreams, colorful dreams, black and white dreams... Different dreams have their special meanings. Floyd believed that dreams represent the ways of thought. Or subconscious desire, the content of the dream is for the satisfaction of this desire to change.With the dream of the meaning in Freud's words, cover and contain everything, the heart is like a vast expanse of water in the tip of an iceberg, the volume of 8/9 is hidden under the water, and the person's mental activity is mostly hidden in the unconscious, so he thinks, only to understand the unconscious unfathomable, and then can we truly understand the heart with the character of man; he has asserted that the human mind is unconscious, only occasionally is the conscious and unconscious activities; the source is mental illness, because people always want to not happy memory and desire of his own subconscious has existed in the temporary "storage". For the future, the source of chaos.After reading this book, I have a better understanding of psychology. Psychology is closely related to our life. It comes from life and is a good guide to life. In life, we deal with psychology almost everywhere. Whether it's business, networking, work, or learning, you can't live without psychology. Therefore, learning to guide life with psychology can not only help you to know yourself. Understanding other people can help you clear your mind, relieve stress, and make life healthier and better. Understanding psychology hasmastered the golden key to open the door of happiness, so that all the troubles and puzzles that perplex people can be solved, and help people dissolve all kinds of psychological crisis, and get the health and comfort of the mind. So that all the troubles and confusion that troubled people can be solved, helping people to defuse all kinds of psychological crisis, and to achieve the health and well-being of the mindThe analysis of dreams is juxtaposed with Darwin's the theory of origin of species and Copernicus's theory of celestial movement as the books of the three great ideological revolutions of mankind. We all know that the "origin of species" is actually tell people that humans are actually from chimps or apes evolved, "celestial bodies" theory is to tell people that the earth is round and will automatically rotate. These two great theories are now relegated to entry-level scientific knowledge,Although the theory in the analysis of dreams is not as familiar as the theories expounded in the previous two great works, it is more important than it is. Because as far as an ordinary person is concerned, I just need to know that I'm hungry, eating, sleepy and sleeping, and I don't really need to know what human ancestors are or why the earth exists. However, everyone dreams, and some dreams make people anxious, confused and frightened. Nightmares can make people eat, sleep, and affect basic survival needs. We can say "the interpretation of dreams" is a book for everyone to be able to influence the book, a sign of his theory can help people understand the dream is not something is not a forecast for the future, it systematically discusses "the dream is a wish to achieve this point of view,that is to say" all is a dream wish people with a deep meaning".Most people should be a dream that you usually is convenient in the urine, a wish this convenient dream is actually a dreamer, but have not been able to achieve in reality, because the dream of sleeping, the body needs to have this dream. But the dream is very convenient, sometimes it can help us to realize the reality of desire, which is why we will wet the bed."Dreams" is Freud's psychoanalysis in a very important book, which describes Freud for the dream and dream in view of the analytic method of psychological counseling.Throughout the book the theory of Freud can be divided into six parts, respectively is: first, the research on children's dream; two, to investigate the effect of examination dream; three, to investigate the symbolic role of dream; four, dream analysis operation; five, for example, analysis of several real dreams; six, dream is the role of desire. Freud never disguise or disguise children less dream start until "beyond recognition" of the adult dream, the key factor of the dream is to unravel the dream in disguiseThe 1934 edition of the "dream analysis" one, at that time is not accepted by people, the main reason is that the theory is Freud himself in the treatment of some patients with perceptual experience summary, theoretical data support. On the other hand, it was unacceptable for psychologists to apply the conclusions drawn by Freud to the normal people in the case of individual mental patients. So, when the book was first published, it was badly neglected and blamed. Although it is found today that thebook has its great value, and the status of Freud's great psychologist is gradually being recognized, but his views are not fully accepted. There are some defects that can not be ignored in the analysis of dreams.。
《梦的解析》(德语:Die Traumdeutung,英文:The Interpretation of Dreams)是奥地利心理学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)创作的心理学理论著作,又译做《解梦》。
书籍信息全书名:《梦的解析》英文名:《The Interpretation of Dreams》作者名:[奥]西格蒙德·弗洛伊德译者名:殷世钞前言睡觉是人身体最基本的一种生理活动,我们每个人都要睡觉。
一、梦的构成和来源1.1 梦与清醒状态我们如果回想曾经做过的梦,会发现有些梦跟我们的现实生活,好像一点关系也没有。
有一个大厅里宾客云集,伊玛就在人丛中,我走近她,责问她为什 么迄今仍未接受我的“办法”, 她回答道:“你可知道我最近喉咙、肚
始为自己以前疏忽了某些问题而担心。于是把她带到窗口检查她的喉咙, 结果发现在喉咙有多出白斑。我便很快地叫M医师来再做一次检查。M 医师今天看来不同于往常。我的朋友奥图也站在伊玛旁边,苍白、微跛,
• 自古以来,古人曾试图将梦分成两类:一种是真 正有价值的梦,他能给梦者警告或预卜;而另一 种是无价值、空洞的梦,只能带来困惑或将人引 入歧途。
• 亚里士多德提出梦是心理问题,是按照梦者本身 深度睡眠产生的不同的精神多动,并非得有自然。
第二章 梦的解析方法
本章以著名的“伊玛的梦”为例,向读者清晰详 细地展示了如何解析梦境这一问题。
第一部解开人类 梦胡境光的照百科全书 29120042
梦的解析(The Interpretation of Dreams), 又译做《释梦》,经典的心理学书籍,是西格蒙德·弗 洛伊德的一本著作。这本书开创了弗洛伊德的“梦的解 析”理论,被作者本人描述为“理解潜意识心理的捷 径。”该书引入了本我的概念,描述了弗洛伊德的潜意 识理论,用于解释梦的来源、运作、形成与程序心理。
西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856.5.6- 1939.9.23),犹太人,精神病医生及精神分析学家,精 神分析学派的创始人。他认为被压抑的欲望绝大部分是 属于性的,性的扰乱是精神病的根本原因。著有《性学 三论》、《梦的解析》、《图腾与禁忌》、《日常生活 的心理病理学》、《精神分析引论、新论》等
作者简介保罗・埃克曼(Paul Ekman, 1934- ),美国心理学家,加州大学医学院心理学教授,1991年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖,并被列为二十世纪百位最有影响力的心理学家之一。
美国联邦调查局、中央情报局、执法部门、反恐怖小组等政府机构,皮克斯(Pixar)、工业光魔(Industrial Light and Magjc)等著名动画工作室常常请他作情绪表情的顾问。
3、《梦的解析》弗洛伊德《梦的解析》(德语:Die Traumdeutung 英文:The Interpretation of Dreams),又译做《解梦》,商务印书馆最早译作《释梦》,经典心理学书籍,第一版出版于1899年11月。
The Uncanny
Definition p. heimlich-- "familiar," "homely," to "secret and hidden" to "dangerous and dreaded" unheimlich (p. 934) What are the two kinds of of the uncanny according to Freud? The examples of each?
Freudian Psychoanalysis
Interpretation of Dreams, the Uncanny and Fetishism
Freud’s Major Concepts
The Unconscious & Structure of the psyche the child's sexual development-a. polymorphous sexuality, three stages, fixation b. Oedipal stage--gendering process, Oedipus complex, castration fear dream analysis--condensation, substitution, symbolization repression and pyschological diseases: psychological or physical abnormalities as symptoms (or covert expressions of desire) Art as Daydreaming Psychobiography
梦的解析(The Interpretation of Dreams)简介
梦的解析(The Interpretation of Dreams)简介:The Interpretation of Dreams is a book by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. The first edition was first published in German in November 1899 as Die Traumdeutung (though post-dated as 1900 by the publisher). The publication inaugurated the theory of Freudian dream analysis, which activity Freud famously described as "the royal road to the understanding of unconscious mental processes".At the beginning of Chapter One, Freud describes his work thus:In the following pages, I shall demonstrate that there is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams, and that on the application of this technique, every dream will reveal itself as a psychological structure, full of significance, and one which may be assigned to a specific place in the psychic activities of the waking state. Further, I shall endeavour to elucidate the processes which underlie the strangeness and obscurity of dreams, and to deduce from these processes the nature of the psychic forces whose conflict or co-operation is responsible for our dreams.The book introduces Freud's theory of the unconscious with respect to dream interpretation. Dreams, in Freud's view, were all forms of "wish-fulfillment" —attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recessess of the past (later in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud would discuss dreams which did not appear to be wish-fulfillment). However, because the information in the unconscious is in an unruly and often disturbing form, a "censor" in the preconscious will not allow it to pass unaltered into the conscious. During dreams, the preconscious is more lax in this duty than in waking hours, but is still attentive: as such, the unconscious must distort and warp the meaning of its information to make it through the censorship. As such, images in dreams are often not what they appear to be, according to Freud, and need deeper interpretation if they are to inform on the structures of the unconscious.Freud makes his argument by first reviewing previous scientific work on dream analysis, which he finds interesting but inadequate. He then describes a number of dreams which illustrate his theory. Many of his most important dreams are his own —his method is inaugurated with an analysis of his dream "Irma's injection" —but many also come from patient case studies. Much of Freud's sources for analysis are in literature, and the book is itself as much a self-conscious attempt at literary analysis as it is a psychological study. Freud here also first discusses what would later become the theory of the Oedipus complex.The initial print run of the book was very low —it took many years to sell out the first 600 copies. Freud revised the book at least eight times, and in the third edition added an extensive section which treated dream symbolism very literally, following the influence of Wilhelm Stekel. Later psychoanalysts have expressed frustration with this section, as it encouraged the notion that dream interpretation was a straightforward hunt for symbols of sex, penises, etc. (Example: "Steep inclines, ladders and stairs, and going up or down them, are symbolic representations of the sexual act.") These approaches have been largely abandoned in favor of more comprehensive methods.[citation needed]Widely considered to be his most important contribution to psychology, Freud said of this work, "Insight such as this falls to one's lot but once in a lifetime."梦的解析(德语:Die Traumdeutung)是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的一本著作,第一版出版于1899年11月。
梦的解析作文模板英语Title: Essay Template for Dream Interpretation。
Introduction:Dreams have always been a fascinating subject for people around the world. Many cultures believe that dreams carry hidden messages and meanings that can provide insights into our subconscious thoughts and emotions. Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols, themes, and emotions in our dreams to uncover their significance. In this essay, we will explore the art of dream interpretation and provide a template for analyzing and understanding dreams.Body:1. Understanding the Basics of Dream Interpretation。
Dream interpretation is based on the idea that dreams are the mind's way of processing emotions, experiences, and thoughts.Different symbols in dreams can represent various aspects of our lives, such as fears, desires, or unresolved issues.The interpretation of dreams can vary from person to person, as each individual's experiences and emotions are unique.2. Key Elements of Dream Analysis。
世界十大心理学经典书籍分享世界十大心理学经典书籍1、《弗洛伊德与荣格》 by 艾伦伯格“解读神话般的人物,诠释精神动力学的演进。
”2、《论人的成长》 by 罗杰斯“生命的过程就是做自己、成为自己的过程。
”3、《人心:善恶天性》 by 弗洛姆“人必须在善与恶、祝福与诅咒、生与死之间做出选择。
”4、《人类的破坏性剖析》 by 弗洛姆“阿道夫是个疯子吗?”5、《人性能达到的境界》 by 马斯洛“自我实现,是当你真正升华为一个人时所体验到的那种状态。
”6、《自我与自性》 by 荣格“人不仅仅是男人或女人,人的心灵具有潜在的完整性。
”7、《移情心理学》 by 荣格“男人因女人而完整,女人因男人而完整。
”8、《父性》 by 鲁格·肇嘉“全世界有无数的孩子,是在没有‘父亲’的生活中长大的。
”9、《心灵的激情》 by 欧文·斯通“爱情如火,工作似柴。
”10、《占有还是存在》 by 弗洛姆“去体验,去创造,去给予,去接受新鲜的思想和变化。
4.《人格心理学》美国 Jerry M. Burger重视理论联系实际,善于把高深的理论结合人们关心的个人心理问题问题娓娓道来;介绍的六个人格流派,力求不偏不倚,实事求是。
Freud's idea about the essence of the dream
Dream interpretation is about not taking the images we see in dreams literally, but as a representation of something else in our lives. Dream interpretation allows us to analyse and understand the hidden messages that our dreams are sending us about our emotional lives in the waking world.
————Explore the deepest secret of human
What is the dream
• The science of dreaming is based on aspects of physiology, neuro-biology, cognition and information processing. • dreaming is no more than spontaneous, self activation of the brain during sleep.
you have full consciousness It is a miraculous state; and yet you are somehow in a different reality. Lucid dreams become just as ‘lifelike’ as the waking world.
梦的解析(德语:Die Traumdeutung 英文:The Interpretation of Dreams),又译做《释梦》,经典的心理学书籍,是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的一本著作,第一版出版于1899年11月。
他在书中引用的许多最重要的梦是他人的,他的方法开始于分析他的梦“Irma's injection” —但是也有许多来自病人的个案研究。
该书是他对心理学最重要的贡献,弗洛伊德这样说到他的作品,“Insight such as this falls to one's lot but once in a lifetime”。
解析梦境的演讲稿英文作文Dreams are a mysterious realm where our subconscious mind takes over and creates a world of its own. It's like being in a movie that you have no control over, and sometimes it can be quite a wild ride.I believe that dreams are a reflection of our inner thoughts and emotions. They can be a window into our deepest desires, fears, and anxieties. It's like our mind's way of processing the events and emotions of the day.Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, you woke up feeling disoriented and confused? I think that's the power of our minds to create such vivid and lifelike experiences while we sleep.Some people believe that dreams can have symbolic meanings, like a message from our subconscious trying to tell us something. Whether it's true or not, it's fascinating to think about the possibility of our dreamsbeing more than just random images and thoughts.Dreams can be so strange and nonsensical at times, like a jumbled mix of random events and people. It's like our mind is playing a game of free association, connecting unrelated things in a bizarre and unpredictable way.I think it's amazing how our dreams can sometimes be so creative and imaginative, like a work of art that our mind creates while we sleep. It's like a glimpse into the untapped potential of our creativity.In the end, dreams are a fascinating and enigmatic part of the human experience. They may not always make sense, but they never fail to intrigue and captivate us with their unpredictability and mystery.。
对噩梦的理解英语作文Title: Understanding Nightmares。
Nightmares are often regarded as the unsettlingvisitors of our sleep, leaving us startled, anxious, and sometimes even terrified. These nocturnal disturbances can vary in intensity and content, but they share a common trait: they disrupt our peaceful slumber and leave a lingering impact on our waking minds. Understanding nightmares entails delving into their origins, manifestations, and potential psychological implications.Firstly, nightmares originate from a complex interplay of various factors, including stress, trauma, anxiety, and even certain medications or substances. They often serve as manifestations of our subconscious fears, anxieties, and unresolved emotions. For instance, individuals experiencing high levels of stress in their waking lives may find themselves plagued by nightmares depicting scenarios of failure, loss, or danger. Similarly, individuals grapplingwith past traumas may find their nightmares echoing fragments of their distressing experiences.Moreover, nightmares often manifest themselves in a myriad of forms, ranging from realistic scenarios tosurreal and bizarre sequences. They may involve familiar settings and characters from our everyday lives or delve into the realm of the fantastical, where logic and reason seem to dissolve. Regardless of their form, nightmares tend to evoke intense emotions, such as fear, helplessness, and despair, which can linger long after we awaken.Furthermore, nightmares can have profound psychological implications, extending beyond their immediate impact on our sleep. Recurrent nightmares, in particular, can significantly disrupt our overall well-being, leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in severe cases. Moreover,persistent nightmares may interfere with our ability to function effectively during the day, impairing cognitive processes, concentration, and mood regulation.However, it is essential to recognize that nightmares, despite their distressing nature, serve a purpose in the realm of psychology. They provide a window into our subconscious minds, offering insights into our deepest fears, unresolved conflicts, and emotional struggles. By examining the themes and symbols recurrent in our nightmares, we can gain a better understanding of our innermost thoughts and emotions, paving the way forpersonal growth and healing.In addressing nightmares, various therapeutic approaches can be employed to alleviate their frequency and intensity. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be particularly effective in treating nightmaresby identifying and challenging negative thought patterns associated with them. Additionally, relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, thereby decreasing the likelihood of experiencing nightmares.In conclusion, nightmares constitute a fascinating yet enigmatic aspect of human experience, reflecting theintricate workings of our subconscious minds. While they may disturb our sleep and evoke intense emotions, nightmares also offer valuable insights into our inner psychological landscape. By understanding the origins, manifestations, and psychological implications of nightmares, we can navigate these nocturnal disturbances with greater resilience and insight, ultimately reclaiming a sense of peace and tranquility in our sleep.。
我对噩梦的理解英语作文Title: Understanding Nightmares: Exploring the Depthsof Fear。
Nightmares, those haunting experiences that disturb our sleep and leave us in a state of fear and confusion, have fascinated and terrified humanity for centuries. While some dismiss them as mere figments of the imagination, others delve deeper into their significance, recognizing them as windows into the subconscious mind. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted nature of nightmares and theirrole in shaping our understanding of fear, trauma, and the human psyche.First and foremost, nightmares are vivid anddistressing dreams that evoke strong negative emotions,such as fear, anxiety, and despair. Unlike ordinary dreams, which often fade from memory upon waking, nightmares linger, leaving a profound impact on the dreamer's psyche. They can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stress,trauma, unresolved conflicts, and even certain medications. Despite their unsettling nature, nightmares serve a crucial purpose in the realm of psychology and mental health.One of the primary functions of nightmares is to act as a form of emotional release. Just as the body purges toxins through physical processes like sweating or crying, the mind may purge negative emotions through the medium of nightmares. By confronting and processing these emotions in the safe space of the dream world, individuals can gain insight into their innermost fears and anxieties. In this sense, nightmares serve as a therapeutic tool, allowing the dreamer to confront and ultimately overcome their psychological demons.Moreover, nightmares often reflect underlying psychological conflicts and unresolved traumas. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, believed that dreams, including nightmares, were manifestations of repressed desires and anxieties. According to Freudian theory, nightmares provide a symbolic outlet for the subconscious mind to express and grapple with taboo thoughts andforbidden impulses. By analyzing the imagery and symbolism present in nightmares, psychoanalysts can uncover hidden layers of meaning and assist patients in resolving their inner conflicts.Furthermore, nightmares can serve as a warning sign of underlying mental health issues, such as anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. Chronic nightmares, characterized by frequent and intense episodes of disturbing dreams, are often associated with these conditions. For individuals struggling with mental illness, nightmares can exacerbate symptoms and contribute to a vicious cycle of sleep disturbance and psychological distress. As such, addressing the root causes of nightmares is essential for promoting overall well-being and mental health.In addition to their psychological significance, nightmares have captivated artists, writers, and thinkers throughout history, inspiring works of literature, art, and film. From Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" to Stephen King's "The Shining," nightmares have served as fertile ground forexploring themes of fear, mortality, and the supernatural. In the realm of visual arts, artists like Francisco Goya and Henry Fuseli have depicted the horrors of the night in their paintings, tapping into the collective unconscious and stirring the imagination of viewers.In conclusion, nightmares are complex and enigmatic phenomena that offer valuable insights into the human psyche. From their role as emotional purges to their symbolic significance in psychoanalytic theory, nightmares continue to intrigue and unsettle us, challenging our understanding of fear, trauma, and the subconscious mind. By embracing and exploring the depths of our nightmares, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the inner workings of the human psyche.。
Nightmares are a common occurrence for many people,especially during the early teenage years.They can be quite distressing,causing feelings of fear,anxiety,and sometimes even physical discomfort.Understanding nightmares is essential for managing them effectively and ensuring a good nights sleep.What Are Nightmares?A nightmare is a vivid,unpleasant,or frightening dream that can disrupt sleep and cause emotional distress upon waking.They typically occur during the rapid eye movement REM stage of sleep,which is when most dreaming takes place.Common Themes in NightmaresWhile the content of nightmares can vary widely,some common themes include:Fear of the unknown:This can manifest as dreams of being chased,trapped,or in a dangerous situation.Loss of control:Nightmares may involve scenarios where the dreamer feels powerless or unable to influence the outcome of events.Death or injury:Dreams involving the death of a loved one or personal injury can be particularly distressing.Embarrassment or humiliation:Nightmares may involve situations where the dreamer feels exposed or ridiculed.Causes of NightmaresThe exact causes of nightmares are not fully understood,but they are often linked to: Stress and anxiety:High levels of stress can lead to more frequent and vivid nightmares. Traumatic experiences:Past traumas can resurface in nightmares,particularly if they have not been fully processed.Sleep disorders:Conditions such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome can disrupt sleep and lead to nightmares.Mental health issues:Depression,anxiety disorders,and posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD can all contribute to the occurrence of nightmares.Coping StrategiesDealing with nightmares can be challenging,but there are several strategies that can help:Establish a regular sleep routine:Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day can help regulate your sleep cycle and reduce the likelihood of nightmares.Create a calming bedtime routine:Engaging in relaxing activities before bed,such as reading or taking a warm bath,can help prepare your mind for sleep.Limit exposure to stressors before bed:Avoiding stimulating activities,such as watching horror movies or engaging in intense discussions,can help reduce the chance of nightmares.Practice good sleep hygiene:Keeping your sleeping environment dark,quiet,and comfortable can contribute to better sleep quality.Seek professional help:If nightmares are frequent and causing significant distress,it may be helpful to consult with a mental health professional or a sleep specialist.ConclusionNightmares,while unpleasant,are a natural part of the human experience.By understanding their potential causes and implementing effective coping strategies, individuals can reduce the impact of nightmares on their sleep and overall wellbeing.Its important to remember that while nightmares can be frightening,they are not a direct reflection of reality and are often a manifestation of deeper emotional or psychological issues that can be addressed with the right support and care.。
梦的诠释 英语版
Roman Era –罗马时期
the Roman Senate --罗马元老院
In action—在活跃
Transition period—过渡时期 Sleep state—睡眠状态 cerebral cortex—大脑皮层 nerve cells –神经细胞 hypnosis--催眠状态 Inhibit—抑制 in physiology –在生理学上 All sorts of stimulation—各种刺激
extreme psychological disorder--极度 心理紊乱
External stimuli—外界刺激 Dream Incorporation—梦境融合 Be bombarded with—be received
4. You can have four to seven dreams in one night.
5. Dream Incorporation
Dream Incorporation—梦境融合 Be bombarded with—be received External stimuli—外界刺激
in physiology –在生理学上 All sorts of stimulation— 各种刺激
1. You Forget 90% of Your Dreams
2. Blind People also Dreamxtreme psychological disorder-极度心理紊乱
Dreams----How much do you know?
Roman Era –罗马时期
the Roman Senate --罗马元老 院
In action—在活跃
《梦的解析》读书心得英文回答:The Interpretation of Dreams: A Journey into the Unconscious Mind。
Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams is a seminal work in the field of psychoanalysis, offering a comprehensive exploration of the unconscious mind and its significance in shaping our waking lives. Through his analysis of dreams, Freud uncovers the hidden dynamics that drive our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.Dreams, according to Freud, are the "royal road to the unconscious," providing a glimpse into the repressed desires, fears, and conflicts that lie beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. By analyzing the content and symbolism of dreams, we can gain insight into our own psychological makeup and uncover the underlying motivations that shape our actions.Freud's theory of dream interpretation is based on the idea that dreams are a form of wish fulfillment. The manifest content of a dream, or the surface story, often disguises a latent content, or the underlying wish or desire that the dream is expressing. Through the use of dream analysis techniques such as free association and transference, the analyst can uncover these hidden meanings and help the individual understand the unconscious forces that are influencing their life.The Uncanny。
梦的解析读后感interpretationofdreamsInterpretation of Dreams------Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 at Freiburg in Moravia and died in London in 1939. He embarked on medical studies in Vienna, working at the same time at the Institute for Cerebral Anatomy. Financial circumstances compelled him to postpone his prime interest, pure research, and he became a clinical neurologist. In 1884 he was introduced by Dr. Josef Breuer, a Viennese physician, to the "cathartic" method of treatment of hysteria, which was the starting point of what later became psychoanalysis. Studies in Hysteria was the result of Freud's and Breuer's collaboration in this area. Freud then went on alone to work at "psychoanalysis," examining the structure, nature, and diseases of the mind. As a result of his studies in literature, art, mythology, and religion, he found further evidence to support the revolutionary theories he had discovered in therapeutic practice.Freud's own review of the scientific literature of the time suggests that he has not contributed as much as we might think. The content of dreams was already seen by pre-Freudians as determined by previous experiences and as arising in what Ludwig Strumpell referred to as "almost memory-less isolation" from those experiences. Dreams were already seen as bizarre and chaotic, driven, as Freud described the theories of Wilhelm Wundt, by "internal... excitations of the sensory organs." The views of this pre-Freudian scientific community were remarkably similar to those held by neurobiologists and cognitive neuroscientists today.What, then, did Freud add to the study of dreams? Beautifulliterature, but mostly bad theory and methodology. Dreams serve to discharge pent-up energy associated with unsatisfied infantile wishes. Dream construction follows a tortured path, with the condensation of many ideas into one and the displacement of their "energies" to unrelated images, all to keep the forbidden wishes from reaching consciousness. Freud's interpretations are stunning: a woman's dream about going to Italy reflects a hidden wish concerning genitals. Why? Because it is obvious. One is reminded of Plato's "proof" in the Republic that the philosopher-king leads a life that is 729 times more pleasant than that of a tyrant.All in all, Freud's theory of dreams can probably best be described as 50 percent right and 100 percent wrong. Many of his observations about dreams are insightful. If viewed as a historical work, perhaps metaphorically, The Interpretation of Dreams can be enjoyable and thought-provoking. But those looking for a scientific explanation of dreaming had best look elsewhere. Even those seeking to use dream interpretation as a clinical tool deserve a more useful model, one more consonant with modern scientific theory. A hundred years after Freud, we seem to be back where he started.In Dreaming Souls, Flanagan seeks to answer philosophical questions about dreaming in the light of what we know about neurobiology. Still, when he talks about dreaming, he is referring specifically to the conscious experience of dreaming, with or without subsequent recall on waking, and not to the underlying physiology of thedreaming state. Although this minimal and somewhat naive attention to physiology is disappointing, it does not make his book uninteresting. Consciousness, he proposes, evolved tosolve specific problems, such as how to permit the selective allocation of limited brain resources to just one of many competing sensory inputs -- what we call "attention." What, one might ask, does consciousness offer that the underlying neurophysiology could not handle equally well? Perhaps, Flanagan seems to suggest, consciousness just happened to appear before a "mindless" physiologic alternative did, and it worked well enough. Maybe consciousness and emotions represent just one of many solutions that could have evolved to deal with these problems. Perhaps consciousness could just as easily not have evolved.What about dreaming? This, Flanagan argues, is merely an unintended side effect of waking consciousness; evolution forgot to turn the conscious mind off at night, resulting in dreams that "neither help nor hinder fitness." For Flanagan, the neurobiologic processes underlying consciousness in both waking and sleeping states are of only passing interest and may be, in the end, unimportant. He clearly feels that cognitive processing during sleep serves no evolutionary value, a position that flies in the face of most recent research.What, then, is sleep for? Flanagan seems to fall back on an old suggestion of Allan Hobson's, that sleep merely serves to allow stockpiles of neurotransmitters in the brain to be replenished. Such an explanation woefully underestimates both the cost and the value of sleep.What is the role of sleep in cognitive and emotional processing? How do we integrate these physiologic processes with the phenomenology of dreaming? The time is ripe to address these questions. What might answers to these questions look like? Over the past 10 to 15 years, cognitive neuroscience has proved the existence of multiple, physically distinct memorysystems, including working-memory, episodic-memory, and semantic-memory systems. As a consequence, the old idea of consolidating short-term memories into long-term memories has expanded to include concepts of transferring memories from one system to another and then integrating them into complex associative networks. New research suggests that these activities may depend on sleep and might even be the main function of sleep.Processes of memory transfer and integration occur both intentionally and automatically. These processes are more complex and more time-consuming than simpler forms of memory consolidation, and they appear to use the same brain regions required for sensory processing. Taken together, they beg for a state in whic h sensory input is blocked and conscious control of cognitive and affective processing is turned off. Although such a state would be optimal for the automatic reactivation and reprocessing of ensembles of preexisting memories, it would leave the organism dissociated from its environment and unable to interact with it safely. By adding immobility to these other conditions, sleep makes this state of "off-line" memory reprocessing both safe and effective; herein lies the evolutionary pressure for sleep.This, perhaps, is the beginning of a theory worth consideration by neurobiologists, cognitive scientists, and philosophers alike, and the questions it raises are both important and exciting. How would the reliable changes in chemical neuromodulation that are dependent on the stage of sleep, sensory-input gating,generation of electroencephalographic waves, and regional brain activation facilitate off-line memory reprocessing? Whichcomponent parts of such a memory-reprocessing system would each sleep stage support? For example, during rapid-eye-movement sleep, distant and unpredictable cortical associations, but not episodic memories, appear to be preferentially activated, leading to the bizarre, symbolic, and hyperemotional narratives found in classic dreams. In contrast, during non-REM sleep, mentation is generally more linear and thoughtlike. How and why would the brain modulate memory-reprocessing systems in these ways? And, finally, what function, if any, might our conscious awareness of this reprocessing -- what we call dreaming -- serve? I hope that the answers to these questions are not too far away.。