2 维度2 1
维度1 表示在纵轴、横轴所构成的坐标图上置结构要素图解展示技法
2 3 客户 系统 分类、连接相结合 4
5 调 查 设 计 应 用 评 估 配置 连接
三者 结合
分 类
旧有的 现状
基本设计 调查分析
资料整理 活动再建
应用 应用
无 评估
1 2 3 1 表示整体的结构与关系 3 2 4
1 2 3
1 1
1 表示分静态连接关系, 同等地位 2 3
2 表示以1为中心进行的 活动 7 6 1 5 4
二、常见的人才测评工具1. 能力测试能力测试是一种常见的人才测评工具,用于评估候选人的基本能力和技能水平。
2. 个性测评个性测评是用于评估候选人的性格特点和行为方式的工具。
3. 职业能力评估职业能力评估是一种针对具体职业需求的测评工具。
4. 情绪智力测评情绪智力测评是用于评估候选人情绪管理能力和社交互动能力的工具。
三、人才测评工具的优势1. 有效提高招聘效率人才测评工具通过科学化的数据分析和评估,可以提高招聘的效率。
2. 提供客观的数据支持人才测评工具提供客观的数据支持,避免了主观因素对招聘决策的干扰。
招聘面试 人力资源部招聘面试百宝箱(个)
![招聘面试 人力资源部招聘面试百宝箱(个)](
招聘面试人力资源部招聘面试百宝箱(个)Section 1 启动1.Did you have any trouble finding us?2.How do you know about this job and organization?3.What kind of work do you want to do?4.How would your friends describe you? Your professors?5.What else should I know about you?6.What are your expectations of your future employer?7.What two or three things are important to you in yournew position?8.What goals have you set for yourself and how are youplanning to achieve them?9.Who has had the greatest influence on the development ofyour career interests?10.Would your supervisor be surprised to learn that youare seeking new employment?11.How long have you been looking for a job?12.Why do you want to leave your current position?13.Have you received any offers so far?14.How far can you advance with your current employer?15.If you are so happy where you are, why are youlooking for another job?16.Do you know much about our company, department, team?17.Why would you like to work for us?18.How does this job compare with others you’ve appliedfor?19.What is the ideal position for you in any company?20.Based on what you know about our industry right now,how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you’re applying for?21.If you could make a wish, what would be you perfectjob?22.What causes you to lose your temper?23.What two adjectives best describe you?24.What are your best professional skills?25.If you were in my position, would you hire you?Section 2 历史1.In your capacity as a _____ at _____ company, what didyou actually do? Please provide details.2.What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing thisfield? This industry?3.Tell me about your last (or present) job.4.What do you think it takes for a person to be successfulin your particular area?5.How long have you been looking for a position?6.How have previous jobs equipped you for greaterresponsibility?7.What aspects of your current job would you consider tobe crucial to the success of the business? Why?8.What was the least relevant job you have held?9.How long will it take for you to make a contribution?10.What did you enjoy most about your last job?11.What did you enjoy least about your last job?12.What was the biggest pressure on your last job?13.Have you held other positions like the one you areapplying for today? If yes, describe how you expect the positions to be the same.14.In what ways do you expect them to differ?15.What is the most important thing you learned fromyour previous experience that you would bring to this job?16.If there were two things you could change in your lastjob, what would they be and how would you change them?17.Why did you leave your last job?18.Why do you think you were successful in your lastjob?19.How has you r last job changed since you’ve held it?20.Please describe your last supervisor’s managementstyle.21.If you could make one constructive suggestion to yourlast CEO, what would it be?22.Of all the work you have done, where have you beenthe most successful?23.Describe to me how your job relates to the overallgoals of your department and company.24.What are the most repetitive tasks in your job?25.To what extent have you automated your last job?26.What technical decisions did you have to make?27.What decisions or judgment calls did you have to makein these areas?28.What were the most important projects you worked onat your last job?29.Can you give a ratio for the amount of time youworked alone to the amount of time you worked with others?30.How effectively did your boss handle evaluations?31.Tell me about a method you’ve developed toaccomplish a job. What were its strengths and weaknesses?32.How many hours a week, on the average, do you find itnecessary to work to get your job done?33.Can you describe a situation where a crisis occurredand you had to shift priorities and workload quickly?34.How do you feel about your present workload?35.How do you feel about your manager contributed toyour choosing to leave your present job?36.How do you think your supervisor will react when youtender your resignation?37.Describe the most significant report or presentationyou had to prepare.38.What idea have you developed and implemented that wasparticularly creative or innovative?39.Take me through a project where you demonstrated_____skills.40.Tell me about a team project of which you areparticularly proud and your specific contribution.41.Tell me about a difficult decision you had to make.42.What made it difficult? What did you learn?43.Describe the way your department is currentlyorganized.44.What was the hardest decision you ever had to make,and how did you handle it?45.What are the most difficult aspects of your currentjob, and how do you approach them?46.What has been your most important work-relatedinnovation or contribution?47.What caused you the most problems in executing yourtasks?48.How do you organize and plan for major projects?Recall for me a major project you worked on. How did you organize and plan for it?49.What would you say are some of the basic factors thatmotivate you in your work?50.You’ve had little experience in _____, how do youintend to learn what you need to know to perform well in this job?第三章工作能力1.Please take me through your professional career.2.Why have you chosen this particular field?3.What aspects of your education do you rate as mostcritical?4.What would your greatest business champion say aboutyou?5.What would your greatest business adversary say aboutyou?6.What are your long-range goals?7.If we hired you, what are the top three goals you wouldlike to see this company achieve?8.What can you do for us that someone else cannot?9.Have you done your best work yet?10.What do you like most about this job?11.What aspect of this job is the least appealing?12.How do you plan your time?13.What are three reasons for your success?14.What kind of leader are you? Please provide anexample.15.What is the title of the person you report to andwhat are his or her responsibilities?16.Think back to a time when you trained a new employee.Tell me exactly what you did to train that employee and bring the person up to the job’s performance standards.17.What were the biggest decisions you made in the pastsix months?18.How did you go about making them and whatalternatives did you consider?19.Can you describe a major project with which youencountered problems?20.How did you resolve them and what were the results?21.Describe one of the best ideas you have ever sold toa peer or supervisor. What were your approach andresult?22.What kinds of obstacles to completing assignments ontime do you most frequently encounter at work?23.What strategies have you devised to handle suchobstacles?24.How do you know you are doing a good job?25.How do you prefer to measure performance?26.Can you recall a time when you were less than pleasedwith your performance?27.Can you describe some projects that were a result ofyour own initiative?28.What prompted you to begin such projects? How didthey end up?29.What qualifications do you have to make yousuccessful in this field?30.Do you prefer to speak with someone or send a memo?31.How do you motivate people?32.Give an example of a situation in which you failed,and how you handled it.33.What characteristics are the most important in a goodmanager? How have you displayed these characteristics? 34.What two or three accomplishments have given you themost satisfaction?35.Describe a leadership role of yours and tell me whyyou committed your time to it.36.Have you been in charge of budgeting, approving expenses,and monitoring departmental progress against financial goals?37.What suggestions did you make in your last job to cutcosts, increase profits, improve morale, increase output, etc.?38.What results did you get? How do you know? How didyou measure results?39.What would you like to have done more of in your lastjob?40.What specifics strengths did you bring to your lastjob?41.What would you consider the three most significantaccomplishments in your business life?42.Think of something that you consider a failure inyour career. What did you learn from it?43.Can you think of an example of a lesson you learnedfrom someone else’s mistake?44.What risks did you take in your last few jobs? Whatwas the result of those risks?45.What languages do you speak?46.What do you think differentiates you from the otherapplicants for this job? Why?47.Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job?48.What do you do when you are having trouble solving aproblem?49.What interests you most about this position?50.Have you ever hired anyone?51.On what basis do you select a new hire?52.Describe the people that you hired on your last job.Did they work out(工作进展)? How long did they remain at their jobs?53.Have you ever fired anyone? On what basis did youfire them?54.How would you describe your management philosophy?55.What kind of references do you think your previousemployer will give you? Why?56.If you have complaints about your present employers, andthey think so highly of you, why haven’t you brought your concerns to their attention?57.The successful candidate for this position will beworking with some highly trained individuals who have been with the company for a long time.58.What is the most difficult situation you have faced?How did you handle it?59.How did your supervisor get the best performance outof you?60.How do you use deadlines in your work?61.How would you do this hob differently from other people?62.What personality traits do you think are necessary tosucceed in this field?63.Have you thought about why you might prefer to work withour firm as opposed to one of the other firms to which you’ve applied?64.When some managers make a decision, they often feel aneed to defend it. Can you describe a time when you changed a stated decision or opinion because you were persuaded you were wrong?65.What would you do differently in your life? Your career?66.If you could eliminate one responsibility from your lastjob, what would it be?67.After being with the same company for so long, do youthink it will be hard to adapt to a new organization? 68.Some people feel that spending so much time at one jobdemonstrates a lack of initiative. How do you respond to that?69.What are the advantages of staying at one job a longtime/70.Since you were in the same job for such a long time,you’ve probably grown very comfortable in it — maybe even a bit stale. How would you cope with a new job in a company such as ours?71.You’ve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we knowyou’ll stick around if we hire you?72.How do you explain the diversity of jobs you’ve had?The positions don’t seem to be in a logicalprogression.73.You’ve been with your current employer for only ashort amount of time. Is this an indication that you’ll be moving around a lot throughout your career?74.How long will you stay here at this company?75.What strategies have you found to be successful inmanaging unfair criticism?76.Can you describe a time when you pushed too hard for aproject to the detriment of the project?77.Give me some examples of different approaches youhave used when persuading someone to cooperate with you.78.How do you cope with the inevitable stresses andpressures of any job?79.Worked effectively under pressure.80.Handled a difficult situation with a coworker.81.Were creative in solving a problem.82.Were unable to complete a project on time.83.Persuaded team members to do things your way.84.Had to take a stand on an unpopular position.85.Wrote a program (or report or strategic plan) thatwas well received.86.Anticipated potential problems and developed a proactiveresponse.87.Had to make an important decision with limited facts.88.Were forced to make an unpopular decision.89.Had to implement an unpopular decision.90.Were tolerant of an opinion that was radicallydivergent from your own.91.Were disappointed in your behavior.ed your political savvy to push through a programyou really believed in.93.Had to deal with an irate customer.94.Delegated a project effectively.95.Surmounted a major obstacle.96.Set your sights too high.97.Set your sights too low.98.Prioritized the elements of a complicated project.99.Lost (or won) an important contract or sale.100.Hired (or fired) the wrong person.10佳问题1.Tell me about yourself using only one-word adjectives.The first question cuts through the creative writing of the resume and the stage acting of the interview (noneof which is bad, merely obfuscating). The order of the adjectives is as much of a window as the adjectives themselves. The candidate will hit a very detectable pause after he or she has offered up the pertinent ones (usually three to six) and them it’s time to move on toa discussion of “why” to each one of those adjectives.Follow-up questions might include: have you always been that way? For example (name one of the adjectives), have you always been like that? If not, what caused you to change? What are the highs and lows that each of those adjectives have brought you?2.What have been the biggest success and biggest mistakeof your career?3.What was the most useful criticism you ever received?4.Describe the best person you ever worked for or whoworked for you.5.If your last boss were able to wave a magic wand overyour head, what aspect of your performance would he or she fine-tune?6.If you had the opportunity to do the last ten years ofyour career over again, what would you do differently? 7.Describe the most difficult decision you ever had tomake. Reflecting back, was your decision the best possible choice you could have made? Why or why not?8.If I were to speak with your current supervisor, whatwould he or she say are your current strengths and weaknesses?9.Take as a given that you got this job, and that you havebeen doing it for three to six months, but things are just not working out. We are sitting here discussing the situation. What do you think you would say about what went wrong?10.When you’ve had a really good day at work and you gohome and kick back and you feel satisfied, what was it about that day that made you feel really good? When you have had a really bad day at work and you go home and feel upset, what was it about that day that made you feel really upset?第四章求职动机1.What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?2.Describe your “dream” job.3.What is the most important feature to you in a job?4.Please rank the following from most important to least:job duties, hours, distance from work, pay, work environment.5.What has been your greatest accomplishment in a workenvironment and why?6.How important are external deadlines in motivating you?7.How do you feel about your present workload?8.Give me an example of a situation where you had to goabove and beyond the call of duty to get something done.9.What do you do when things are slow at work?10.What have you learned from your mistakes?11.What two or three accomplishments have given you themost satisfaction? Why?12.How can we best reward you for doing a good job?13.Why do you think you’ll be successful in this job?14.What makes you proud of your work?15.Tell me about a time when you went “out on a limb”in a job.16.How do you like to be managed?17.What kind of supervisor is likely to get the bestperformance out of you?18.How important is it for you to learn new skills?19.What new skills would you like to learn?20.Do you consider yourself successful?21.What are the most important rewards you expect out ofyour career?22.What is more important to you: the salary or thechallenge?23.What do you think determines a person’s success in afirm?24.Tell me about a project that really got you excited.25.Do you generally cleat your desk at the end of eachday?第五章背景1.What distinguishes a great employee from a good one?2.Do you set performance standards for yourself?3.How do you cope with stress on the job?4.How do you know if you’re doing a good job?5.What do you need from your supervisor?6.How will you communicate your frustration when thoseneeds go unmet?7.Would you rather formulate a plan or carry it out?8.What was the last business or management book you readand what did you learn?9.Where or to whom do you turn for help? What resources doyou look for in completing a task?10.What strategies do you use when you have a great dealof work to accomplish and not much time to do it?11.Describe a time when you used your intuition to goodresult in support of a project.12.Where would you like to go from here in your career,and how do you plan to accomplish your goals?13.In what ways do you and your supervisor think alike?14.How did you handle a relationship important to yourorganization when it was threatened?15.How do you react when someone criticizes you?16.What do you do when you have to make an importantdecision?17.What does the word “success” mean to you?18.What does the word “failure” mean to you?19.How do you of about making important decisions?20.What have you learned about working well underpressure?21.Do you anticipate problems or react to them?22.Would you describe yourself as a risk taker orsomeone who plays it safe?23.What problems do you have getting along with others?24.Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.25.What is your greatest strength?第六章团队工作1.Define cooperation.2.What kinds of people do you prefer to work with?3.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to workwith?4.Tell me about a time when you said no to someone whoasked you to drop everything to help them out.5.Tell me about a time when a team fell apart. Why did ithappen and what did you learn?6.Tell me about a job or project where you had to gatherinformation from many different sources and then synthesize the information in support of a business challenge.7.How do you operate as a team player?8.How do you deal with people with different backgroundsand value systems different from your own?9.How do you schedule and commit to quiet time?10.Do you prefer working with others or working alone?11.What good or bad work habits did you pick up fromyour first job?12.How do you know when a team has met its objectives?13.Describe your approach to evaluating risk.14.What is one thing a teammate can say to you that areguaranteed to make you lose confidence in him or her?15.How do you get along with superiors?16.How do you get along with coworkers?17.How do you get along with people you’ve supervised?18.What are your team-player qualities? Please bespecific.19.What have you learned about guarding against“group-think”?20.Have you developed any special techniques forbrainstorming?21.Are you able to predict a people’s behavior based onyour reading of them?22.Tell me about a specific accomplishment you haveachieved as a participant in a team.23.Tell me about a time when your team made emotionaldecisions about the project. What happened and how did you handle it?24.Tell me about an occasion when the team objected toyour ideas. What did you do to persuade the team of your point of view?25.As a team leader how much tolerance do you have formistakes or false steps? In other words, if a team member wanted to do something in a way you were convinced were mistake, how would you weigh the team member’s learning experience against protecting the project?26.Have you ever been in a team where people overrule youor won’t let you get a word in edgewise? How do you handle it?27.In any team, there will always be a range ofaptitudes. Not only is the spread of talents obvious, but also team members are in remarkable agreement about the distribution. Put any tem people in room and they will sort themselves out from top to bottom in short order. My question is, do you believe it is useful to the organization to formally rank team members?28.As a member of a team, how do you see your role?29.As a member of a team, how do you handle a teammember who is not pulling his or her weight?30.Tell me about a time when you had to confront a teammember.第七章压力1.What cherished management belief have you had to five upin order to get where you are?2.Tell me about a time when your employer was not happywith your job performance.3.Who is the toughest employer you ever had and why?4.Have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfairto you, or was just plain hard to work with? Please give details.5.What’s more important to you, truth or comfort?6.At what time is it better to ask for forgiveness than toask for permission?7.Have you learned more from your mistakes or yoursuccesses?8.Is honesty always the best policy?9.How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from yoursubordinates changed over the years?10.You want to go swimming in a pool. The water is alittle colder than comfortable. Are you the type of person who jumps in or do you wade in?11.Where do you think the power comes from in yourorganization? Why?12.How will you handle the least interesting or leastpleasant tasks of this job?13.What have you heard about the company or departmentthat you don’t like?14.If you were going to be fired, how would you likeyour supervisor to handle it?15.On what occasions are you tempted to lie?16.How have you been an agent for change in your current(or last) position?17.Your supervisor tells you to do something in a manneryou are convinced is dead wrong. What would you do?18.What would you do if everyone in your departmentcalled in sick?19.Say your supervisor left an assignment for you inyour In-box, then left town for a week, you can’t reach him and you don’t fully understand the assignment. What do you do?20.There are two applicants for one job. They haveidentical qualifications is every respect. How do you decide?21.What do you want to hear first, the good news or thebad news?22.What are some of the things your supervisor did thatyou disliked?23.If you were on a magazine cover, what would themagazine be and what would the headline say?24.What kinds of things do you worry about?25.Finish this sentence,” I know I an taking a riskwhen…”10大难题1.What cherished management belief have you had to give upin order to get where you are?2.What’s more important to you, truth or comfort?3.Have you learned more from your mistakes or yoursuccesses?4.Is honesty always the best policy?5.How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from yoursubordinates changed over the years?6.Where do you think the power comes from in yourorganization? Why?7.On what occasions are you tempted to lie?8.Is the customer always right?9.If you could organize the world in one of three ways—noscarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it?10.Should all business relationships have fixed terms,that is, expiration dates?第八章富含思想的问题1.What was the last product or service you saw that tookyour breath away?2.What’s the most significant compliment anyone has everpaid you?3.How has your perspective of quality evolved over yourcareer?4.Is the customer always right?5.How would you finish this sentence: “most people arebasically…”6.If you could organize the world in one of three ways—no scarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it?7.Who has been a major influence in your life?8.How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from yoursubordinates changed over the years?9.Have you learned more from your mistakes or yoursuccesses?10.What’s the unwritten contract between you and thepeople who report to you?11.How have you benefited from your disappointments?12.Can you suggest three reasons why manhole covers areround?13.We are sending you on an assignment in Santa Barbara,California. You have an unlimited expense account. What kind of car are you going to rent?14.Are you the type of person who likes to make lists orstrike items off lists?15.What would you do if your boss gave you a directorder to pursue a policy that you disagreed with?16.What if the board of directors was reviewing a policythat would make such an activity improper but hadn’t ratified it yet?17.What would you do if you saw a peer taking officesupplies home?18.Describe a situation where your work or an idea wascriticized.19.The business world is full of euphemisms. What’syour current favorite?20.Should all business relationships have fixed terms,that is, expiration dates?21.Is there anything positive to be said aboutconventional wisdom?22.What did you accomplish at work the day beforeyesterday—in detail?23.What’s the difference between a manager and aleader?24.What is your philosophy of mentoring?25.This is a role-play question. You are a consultanthired to assess me and the organization. Based on your observations at this interview, describe my operating style and those of all the other people you have met.Finally, tell me how I could improve the organization.第九章钱的问题1.Can you review your salary history for me?2.What salary, excluding benefits, are you making now?3.How can we best reward you?4.What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expectin this company?5.In your professional opinion, how much do you think ajob like this should pay?6.What do you think you’re worth?7.Why do you think you’re worth that?8.How do you think your compensation should be determined?9.What value can you add to our organization?10.How much money do you want to be making five yearsfrom now?11.How much did you make on your last job?12.What sort of salary are you looking for?13.Would you be willing to work for less?14.What was the last raise you got? Were you satisfied?15.How would you justify a raise to your currentsupervisor?16.The salary you’re asking for is near the top of therange for this job, why should we pay this much?17.How would you feel if a person reporting to you mademore money than you?18.Is money the most important aspect of the job foryou?19.What do you think of a process where subordinateshave a say in the compensation of their supervisor?20.What salary do you expect to make in this position?What do you base that figure on?21.Have you ever worked on commission? Tell me about it?22.Why aren’t you making more money at this point inyour career?23.On what criteria do you believe you should beevaluated and compensated?24.How important are stock options or deferred paymentplans to you?25.What noncash aspects of your compensation areimportant to you?第十章评估具体技能1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in?What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why?2.What led you to select your major? Your minor?3.Which of your courses did you like the least?4.Was there a course you found particularly challenging?5.If you were to start college over again tomorrow, what。
一对一面试中应用的测评方法有:结构化面试、行为事件面谈(B EI)、半结构化面试。
招聘人员和 HR 专属的招聘工具各类实用清单、表格、模板和技巧,让招聘工作事半功倍人才招聘全能 工具包2019优质人才日益成为企业业务成功的关键,这对企业的一线招聘人员提出了更大的挑战。
为了帮助您更轻松地应对这项越来越重要的工作,领英特别打造了2019 精装招聘工具包,为您提供各类招聘神器,包括:便利清单 职位模板 招聘资源 专家贴士 更多资源无论您是第一次招聘,还是经验丰富的招聘专家,这一工具包都能在招聘过程的每个阶段——从筛选前到招聘后——助您一臂之力,让您在工作中领先一步。
欢迎使用 2019 全能人才招聘工具包本书表格的两种使用方法下载并打印,可在会议上使用直接在电子表格中输入信息,并打印出来12目录1与用人经理建立更好的关系明确用人需求4审阅职业档案和简历甄别候选人绩效高低3搜寻最佳人才高质量候选人的主要来源2撰写出色的职位描述吸引顶尖人才的小窍门领英招聘解决方案让您的招聘工作更轻松更高效福利:5开始主动联络撰写有效的 InMail6在社交平台上打造雇主品牌彰显企业文化7进行电话筛选初步评估契合度8准备面试最佳实践和准备清单9面试后跟进实用电子邮件模板10帮助新人入职入职实用清单与用人经理建立更好的关系要招到正确的候选人,先要与用人经理建立起强有力的关系。
通过表中列出的问题类型,您可以: •收集职位关键信息 •确定时间表 •制定执行策略明确用人需求1职位 经理核心职责 必备技能地区级别 (初级、高级等)是否需要行业经验?加分技能部门入职后 90 天内取得成功的两大驱动因素 职位信息职责范围 / 技能要求人才标准续下页 →目标入职日期其他备注或考虑因素用人原因 (填补空缺、新职位需求)职业发展道路示例与本团队有效协作的性格特点本团队最优秀员工名单 是否有考虑的内部人选? 目标公司院校职位头衔面试流程 (如: 集中面试日期、小组面试,就如何向候选人进行面试前后的介绍和总结达成一致) 必须到场的面试官关键阶段和时间点入职后跟进面谈频率是否需要对候选人做满意度调查?目标 NPS (净推荐值,如适用)优先级 (1–5)预期回复时间反馈预期 (质量和时间)能否使用领英企业招聘帐号中的文件夹愿意用于填补这一职位的时间比例后续跟进项目工资待遇团队合作后续任务股票奖金范围时间安排面试流程招聘进度沟通方式 (定期会议、电子邮件、电话、短信等) 能否查看和使用内推资料撰写出色的职位描述职位描述是您与潜在候选人的第一接触点。
表20 招聘面试常用问句26问。
金九银十,人才简历很多,不过招聘并非追求数量,人才质量水平才决定着招聘工作的成败。另外,时间成本也是现代社会一种很重要的成本,相信每一个招聘团队都希望能够降低招聘成本,缩短招聘时间。这个时候,用好专业的招聘工具,比如薪人薪事人力云资源系统,来指导HR招聘实践,高效挑选候选人,才能事半功倍地完成招聘任务。还是那句话,招聘工具选的好,招聘烦恼就变少 。
发几个工作种常用的招聘工具本帖最后由redkema 于2009-11-3 14:03 编辑描述:招聘工具共享,学习,提高结构化面试的步骤及技巧面试准备的技巧浏览简历时,你会发现一些不太明确的地方,记录下来,在面试计划中写出这些疑点。
招聘流程图 考核面谈表格 录用通知书 背景调查电话交流记录表 招聘统计分析 新员工综合信息登记表 现代企业薪资福利设计与操作 工具表单 人员补充申请表 招聘需求申报表 报到程序单 应征人员登记表 兼职面试录用检查表 职位分析面谈表 模拟应聘评估表 操作人员工作应聘表 招聘面试管理制度 临时工人员雇用资料表 员工离职结算 面试人员测评表 招聘面试记录表 招聘事项表 内部人员求职申请表 员工每月工作状况考核表 新员工甄选报告表 操作人员工作应证表 新员工试用申请核定表 面谈构成表 面试评价记录表 新员工试用申请核定表格 录用报道通知书 公司面试评价表 人事文员专业知识考核试卷 面试评分要点 招聘工作流程 个性特质测量表 企业员工中途录用调查表 人员招募作业办法 应聘个人情况表 聘约人员任用核定表格 委托招聘申请表 面试评分标准表 面谈构成表 教育状况确认书 人员录用制度 公司技术能力的知识检查表 录用通知单 任职同意书 应聘报名申请表 人员甄选录用管理制度 录用员工报到通知书 员工引荐担保书 面试约见时间表 年度招聘计划报批表 应聘人员复试表 面试评价表 面试评估表 年度招聘计划报批表 招聘事项表 录用决定 招聘申请执行单 办公室主任面试评价表 面试测评问题表 招聘启事的写作格式和内容 应聘人员登记审批表 人员征募申请表 高级费用成本会计岗位手册 企业聘用人员任用表 企业保证条件规定表 招聘人员职位描述表 面谈考评用表 招聘录用应届毕业生制度 招聘渠道评估表 关于应聘者情况的电话交流记录 吸烟政策 招聘人员测评表 招聘进程表 员工甄选及任用管理办法 人事部年度招聘计划报批表 不录用通知 招聘申请表 求职者基本情况登记表 面谈记录表 面试表 招聘面试综合分析报告
综合能力考核表格 公司绩效管理制度 设计部绩效考核指标 工程合同预结算考核指标 规划部部长考核指标 总工程师考核指标 总经济师考核指标 行政副总经理考核指标 供应部考核分值表 生产计划部考核分值表 生产管理指标 员工绩效改进计划表 员工工作能力评估表 分厂月度绩效考核管理办法 部门绩效考评管理办法 员工考核管理办法 资金财务部总监绩效评估表 总经理绩效评估表 秘书的绩效标准 职务岗位考核要素表 人力资源考核指标 KPI 表 关键职能设计标准 企业员工升等条件表 销售公司用户服务中心考核关 系表 业务单位公司职员的人事表 中高层经理绩效评价表 作业员考绩表 标准作业时间评定表 销售实绩统计表 会计部门能力分析表 公司管理人员评分表 部属行为意识分析表格 保安员绩效考评方案 转正评估审批表 职员品行评定表格 绩效考核实施办法 绩效管理操作手册 预算合同部部长考核指标 市场部部长考核指标 总建筑师考核指标 销售副总经理考核指标 常务副总经理考核指标 品质管理部考核分值表 职员具体工作能力考核表 财务会计指标 员工绩效考核结果处理表 员工工作业绩评估表 BOM 考核管理办法 每周自我鉴定 关键绩效考评指标分解表 生产管理部总监绩效评估表 销售公司 KPI 组成表 中小企业诊断表 办事处工作人员季度考核表 工人年度考核表 合理化建议反馈信息单 销售公司 KPI 组成表 员工综合考评表 制造业成绩与效率增长率考核 表典范 主管人员绩效评价表 目标执行追踪卡 外务员成绩表 业务说明书 联想集团绩效考核用表(部门经 理用) 未参加考核人员情况 普通员工评定表 员工专项评定表 外聘专业技术管理人员年度绩效评 价标准 销售部门绩效考核指标 总工办主任考核指标 技术审核考核指标 分公司经理考核指标 总会计师考核指标 副总经理(租赁、拆迁)考核指标 分厂考核分值表 技术开发部考核分值表 公司部门中层领导年度工作考核表 500 强名企的 KPI 绩效管理操作手册 员工工作态度评估表 干部绩效考核办法 本厂保安人员考核办法 从业人员服务成绩考核表 技术质量部总监绩效评估表 市场营销部总监绩效评估表 系统工程师季度考核表 职等加给与绩效奖金基数表 在职员工培训测试成绩表 党政机关工作人员年度考评表 企业员工平时考绩记录表 通信品管办岗位 KPI 构成表 营销员工业绩评价样
人力资源顶级工具之招聘工具大全目录第一章能力素质模型 (3)一、销售人员能力素质模型 (3)二、市场人员能力素质模型 (3)三、采购人员能力素质模型 (4)四、生产人员能力素质模型 (4)五、质检人员能力素质模型 (4)六、客服人员能力素质模型 (5)七、财务人员能力素质模型 (5)八、行政人员能力素质模型 (6)九、人力资源人员能力素质模型 (6)第二章人力资源规划 (7)一、经验预测法 (7)二、德尔菲法 (8)三、定员定额法 (9)四、回归分析法 (10)五、人力资源规划表 (11)六、人力需求预测表 (12)七、人力供给预测表 (13)八、人员编制增减表 (14)九、人员增补申请表 (14)第三章人员招聘管理 (17)一、人员需求申请表 (17)二、人员招聘申请表 (18)三、人员招聘计划表 (19)四、招聘工作计划表 (19)五、招聘职位申请表 (21)六、员工应聘登记表 (22)七、招聘费用估算表 (23)八、公司人员招聘制度 (23)九、员工招聘实施细则 (26)十、内部竞聘管理制度 (29)十一、外部招聘管理制度 (31)十二、新进人员任职细则 (32)第四章笔试与面试 (34)一、销售人员笔试试题 (34)二、行政秘书笔试试题 (36)三、行政人事笔试试题 (40)四、基层管理人员笔试试题 (43)五、销售人员面试试题 (45)六、采购人员面试试题 (46)七、管理人员面试试题 (47)八、文秘助理人员面试试题 (49)九、客户服务人员面试试题 (49)十、面试评估表 (51)十一、面试综合考核表 (53)十二、招聘笔试管理制度 (54)十三、面试实施管理细则 (55)第五章合同与试用 (58)一、员工入职登记表 (58)二、新员工试用表 (59)三、试用期鉴定表 (60)四、新员工转正表 (61)五、合同签收备案表 (62)............................................................................................................................................................第一章 能力素质模型一、 销售人员能力素质模型某公司通过对销售岗位进行研究,并参考外部相关单位构建能力素质模型,得出该公司销售人员的能力模型如下。
希望了解应聘者对管理经营、技术等专业基础理论的认识以及 应聘者在一般情况下将会采取的行为。
• 引导性问题
留心别人说话 利用提问方式获取事实 保持开放态度 做笔记 利用转换求职者说话的方法或总结来测
3.技能(Skill):技能是经理赖以开展工作必要手段。 只有知识,没有技能,也是寸步难行。试想,一个经理 如果不具备沟通的技能,怎么与人沟通,怎么开展工作,没 有人际交往技能,怎么与同事合作,怎么和下属建立和谐的 人际关系? 技能的锻炼应该提高到与知识同等的高度,高度重视, 不断将知识转化为技能,转化为能力。
最后,关注结果。每项任务在采取了 行动之后的结果是什么,是好还是不 好,好是因为什么,不好又是因为什 么。
背景问题(S)——这件事发生在什么时间? 还有谁参与?你的角色是什么? 你们要达到的目标是什么?
任务问题(T)——你要从事的工作任务是什么? 需要达到怎样的效果?
无论哪一项工作都离不开PDCA的循环,每一项工作都需要经过 计划、执行计划、检查计划、对计划进行调整并不断改善这样四个 阶段。
对经理来说,这是一个有效控制管理过程和工作质量 的工具。采用PDCA可以使你的管理向良性循环的方向 发展,通过实施并熟练运用,经理一定能在工作中不 断提高效率,更加有效地驾御工作,获得更大的 成功。
招聘职位及该职位描述的了解 应聘人的情况了解
面试环境的要求 面试人的要求 面试气氛的要求 不符合条件的应聘人员的态度
• 房间(比较安静独立) • 室温、光线 • 座位(位置、椅子) • 公司资料、职位描述 • 表格/文具的准备 • 时间(通知时间、面试时间等) • 求职者的资料、准备的问题等
(分享)招聘面试工具一、工作兴趣姓名:_______ 申请职位:__________________你认为工作(职位)包含什么?______________________________你为什么申请这一工作(职位)?______________________________你为什么具有工作的资格条件?______________________________你的工资要求多少?______________________________你对我们公司了解些什么?______________________________你为什么要为我们工作?______________________________二、当前工作状况你现在工作吗?_____是_____否。
如果不,你失业多久了?______________________________你为什么失业? ______________________________如果你在工作,为什么申请本职位?______________________________你什么时候能开始和我们一起工作?______________________________三、工作经历(从求职者的当前或最后职位开始往前,所有时期都应当计算。
(分享)招聘面试工具一、工作兴趣姓名:_______ 申请职位:__________________ 你认为工作(职位)包含什么?______________________________你为什么申请这一工作(职位)?______________________________你为什么具有工作的资格条件?______________________________你的工资要求多少?______________________________你对我们公司了解些什么?______________________________你为什么要为我们工作?______________________________二、当前工作状况你现在工作吗?_____是_____否。
如果不,你失业多久了?______________________________你为什么失业? ______________________________如果你在工作,为什么申请本职位?______________________________你什么时候能开始和我们一起工作?______________________________三、工作经历(从求职者的当前或最后职位开始往前,所有时期都应当计算。
( )2、高级文案面试题库。
...( )3、高级文案笔试试题....。
.( )4、经理助理面试题库..。
..( )5、培训专员面试题库.。
( )6、财务人员面试题库。
( )10、员工离职面谈题库..。
( )11、员工转正面谈题库.。
..( )12、现场招聘及电话应答标准。
2、除了简历上的工作经历,您还会去关注哪些领域(或有没有其它潜在的兴趣或是否想过去尝试、从事的其它职业)?——(若有,继续发问)您觉得这跟您目前要从事的职业有哪些利、弊关系?—-(若无,继续发问)您不觉得您的知识结构有些狭窄或兴趣较贫乏,说说未来的改善计划?3、您在选择工作中更看重的是什么?4、您觉得您在以前的岗位上的工作经历中有哪些方面做得不足?(若答有,问)——您打算在以后的工作中采取哪些改善措施? (若答无,问)——您好像不太连续去追求卓越,您认为您能胜任我们提供给您的这份工作吗?5、如果我们录用了您,您将会怎样展开自己的工作?6、工作中您和同事或者上司相处得不是很愉快,这时您该怎么办?三、责任感与归属意识1、您的下属未按期完成您所布置给他的任务,如果您的上司责怪下来,您认为这是谁的责任,为什么?2、当您所在的集体处于竞争劣势时,您有什么想法和行动?3、您每一次离职时有没有过失落感?跟过去公司的同事有联系吗?四、影响他人的能力1、假设你发现你的一位同事做了不道德的事情,你会采取什么样的方法来使这位同事来改正他的不道德行为?2、假如管理层要对工作程序进行调整,这会对你的工作造成危害。
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招聘面试常用工具箱目录电话访谈计划表 (4)电话面试:关键是4W+1H (4)电话面试三步曲 (5)电话面试实用小技巧 (7)提高你的电话面试技巧 (8)面试程序 (14)人员的招聘、筛选与录用 (15)销售经理当地人员招聘制度 (18)招聘方法与程序 (20)招聘分析报告 (22)招聘计划的程序和内容 (24)招聘流程制度 (26)招聘录用流程(二) (28)招聘录用流程(三) (29)招聘录用应届毕业生制度 (29)招聘录用制度(二) (32)招聘录用制度(六) (34)第二章招聘 (34)招聘录用制度(七) (35)招聘录用制度(三) (38)招聘录用制度(四) (40)招聘录用制度(五) (42)招聘录用制度(一) (44)招聘录用制度(八) (45)招聘面试管理制度 (48)招聘面试四步 (49)招聘启事的写作格式和内容 (50)招聘业务的基础建设——工作分析 (51)职位说明书编写的目的与作用 (52)众多名企用人标准 (53)专业技术人员职位任用办法 (56)HR经理怎样筛选应聘简历 (57)读透简历——如何通过简历获得有效信息 (57)关注简历细节,锤炼你的火眼金睛 (59)简历筛选模块导读 (60)乐百氏挑选简历的三道工序 (61)如何分析简历及确定部分面试问题 (62)如何筛选应届生简历 (64)筛选简历的八大妙招 (65)筛选简历的标准 (66)“筛选”应聘者的四种招数 (69)招聘企业挑选简历的6个标准 (69)咨询业简历筛选标准(简化版) (70)面试评价量表 (87)面谈构成表 (89)面谈记录表 (91)面谈考评表 (92)模拟应聘评估表 (92)企业招聘的事后评估 (93)人才素质模型和面试评估要点 (95)人才招聘评价的定量分析 (98)新员工甄选比较表 (99)员工招聘录用审批表 (100)招聘结果评估表:财会员 (101)招聘结果评估表:秘书 (102)招聘进程表 (103)招聘面试记录表 (103)招聘面试评估表(技术类) (104)招聘面试评估表(销售类) (105)招聘面试评估表(行政类) (107)招聘面试综合分析报告 (109)招聘人员测评表 (110)甄询记录表 (111)专业技能的级别描述及需求识别 (111)BEI面试注意事项 (112)H R实战:面试不能这样做 (113)HR主管必备5原则 (116)IBM经典面试题:考察逻辑分析能力 (118)标准化面试笔试编制过程图 (119)传统面试的七处硬伤 (120)创造力测试 (122)典型的面试方法——结构化面试 (127)非常规的面试方法 (128)结构化面试的组织实施程序 (133)结构化面试实例及评析 (135)典型的结构化面试题本及测评要点(样例二) (136)典型的结构化面试题本及评分标准(样例一) (138)跨国公司面试特点集锦 (140)面试操作实务步骤 (142)面试的13种提问方式 (143)面试的方式 (145)面试的过程 (146)面试的组织:观察与聆听 (150)面试发问的十四准则 (151)面试分类 (154)面试技巧101招 (157)面试交流——“行为事件访谈法” (162)面试时如何与应聘者谈薪资 (164)面试试题的编制设计程序 (166)面试中识别谎言的技巧 (182)面试主管常犯的八大错误 (186)名企面试鲜招迭起 (188)名企招聘怪题 (189)某著名IT外企招聘过程 (190)内部招聘应注意的六个问题 (195)招聘面试题 (196)人事部年度招聘计划报表 (198)企业招聘面试中的六个陷阱 (199)企业招聘中几种新的面试方法 (201)企业中层干部的选拔策略 (205)情景面试试题的设计技术 (205)情景面试样题点评分析 (206)情景模拟的操作程序 (208)情景模拟的七种形式 (210)人才招聘中的望闻问切 (214)标准制定模块导读 (216)MBTI倾向性与职位类别的匹配介绍 (219)标准化面试笔试编制过程图 (227)岗位评估方法简介 (227)面试实施的重点 (230)企业各层级岗位基本任职资格参考 (230)网络招聘与传统招聘方式的比较分析 (232)以能力为核心的人力资源盘点 (233)应聘面试谈话样本 (235)员工推荐表样本 (238)公司技术能力的知识检查表 (239)求职人员登记表 (241)人员需求估计表 (246)招聘计划下达及进度 (257)工作申请表范例 (258)大学求职者结构化面试表 (259)调动员工情况登记表 (260)关于应聘者情况的电话交流记录 (261)结构化面试模式 (262)面试时的100个关键问题 (267)聘任书 (271)校园招聘流程及面试题 (274)应聘人员复试表 (276)营销人员素质测评表 (277)员工报到通知书 (278)职业评估测验 (281)电话访谈计划表电话面试:关键是4W+1H按照字典中的解释,“phoneinterview”可以指对申请工作者或申请学校的人进行电话面谈、会谈,我们这里是指用人单位派人对应聘者通过电话进行交流沟通或者电话面试等。