




一、选择题(请将你认为的正确的答案填涂在答题卡上,每小题3分,满分24分) 1、下列有关有理数大小的比较中,正确的是( )A 、23->-B 、3121->- C 、32->- D 、()()2223+>- 2、下列计算正确的是( )A 、()()515-=-⨯-B 、()623-=- C 、()1212=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯- D 、()1243=-⨯ 3、下列变形正确的是( )A 、()b a b a +-=--B 、ab b a 22=+C 、422523a a a =+D 、()b a b a +-=+- 4、已知a 、b 两数在数轴上对应的位置如图所示,下列结论正确的是( )A 、0>⋅b aB 、b a >C 、0>+b aD 、0>-b a5、方程042=-+a x 的解是2-=x ,则a 等于( )A 、8-B 、0C 、2D 、8 6、若8422+=+-x A y x ,则A 所表示的代数式为( )A 、82+xB 、822++y xC 、y 28+D 、822++-y x 7、若A ∠的余角是 70,则A ∠的补角是( )A 、160 B 、110 C 、70 D 、20 8、如图,下列关系式中,与该图不相符的是( )A 、BC AB CD AD +=- B 、BD AD BC AC -=- C 、BD AC BC AC +=- D 、BC BD AC AD -=-9、某车间加工一批产品,甲组单独完成需要30天,乙组单独完成需要20天。


若设乙组加工的时间为x 天,下面所列方程正确的是( )A 、()120125301=+-x x B 、()125201301=-+x x C 、()130120125301=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++-x x D 、()125201301=-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x 10、有理数a 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简a a -+-12的结果是( )A 、32-aB 、a 23-C 、1-D 、1二、填空题(请将你认为的正确的答案写在答题卡上,每小题3分,满分30分) 11、计算:()()=---47 。



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.'着落*"'+ 蒓斜,-



湖南师大附中教育集团!"#$%!"!"学年度第一次七年级联考语文第* 页!共&页"
&有一天#二姨看着我那稀稀拉拉盛着几个麦穗的篮子说*(大雁#告诉 二姨#你捡麦穗做啥+)我大言不惭地说*(我要备嫁妆哩')
' 二 姨 贼 眉 贼 眼 地 笑 了#还 向 围 在 我 们 周 围 的 姑 娘$婆 姨 们 眨 了 眨 眼 睛*(你要嫁谁呀')
#)'京房规劝君主#为什么要从周幽王*厉王说起/ 上面两段文字都提及治
国的问题#请简要概括它们共同反映了怎样的治国主张/ !+分"



湖南师大附中教育集团2017-2018学年度第二学期期末联考七年级数学注意事项:1. 答题前,请考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号、考室和座位号;2. 必须在答题卡上答题,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效;3. 答题时,请考生注意各大题题号后面的答题提示;4. 请勿折叠答题卡,保持字体工整、笔迹清晰、卡面清洁;5. 答题卡上不得使用涂改液、涂改胶和贴纸;6. 本学科试卷共26个小题,考试时量120分钟,满分120分。

一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题3分,共36分)1. 36的算术平方根是()A. 6B. 6±C.D.2. )A. 点AB. 点BC. 点CD. 点D3. 点P位于x轴上方,y轴左侧,距离x轴4个单位长度,距离y轴2个单位长度,那么点P的坐标是()A. ()4,2- C. ()2,4-- D. ()2,44,2- B. ()4. 等腰三角形的一边长是8,另一边长是12,则周长为()A. 28B. 32C. 28或32D. 30或325. 下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查方式的是()A. 调查俄罗斯世界杯足球赛阿根廷队对法国队在长沙市区的收视率B. 了解全班同学参加暑假社会实践活动的情况C. 调查某品牌奶粉的蛋白质含量D. 了解一批手机电池的使用寿命6. 下列判断不正确的是()A. 若a b >,则a b -<-B. 若67a a >,则0a <C. 若a b >,则22ac bc >D. 若22ac bc >,则a b >7. 若关于x 、y 的二元一次方程组25245x y k x y k +=+⎧⎨-=-⎩的解满足9x y +=,则k 的值是( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 48. 如果一个多边形的每个内角都相等,且内角和为1440︒,那么该多边形的一个外角是( ) A. 30︒B. 36︒C. 60︒D. 72︒9. 若ABC ∆≌DEF ∆,60,50A B ∠=︒ ∠=︒,那么F ∠的度数是( ) A. 120︒B. 80︒C. 70︒D. 60︒10. 如图,直角ADB ∆中,90D ∠=︒,C 为AD 上一点,且ACB ∠的度数为()510x -︒,则x 的值可能是( ) A. 10 B. 20C. 30D. 4011. 同学们,足球是世界上第一大运动,你热爱足球运动吗?已知在足球比赛中,胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分,一队共踢了30场比赛,负了9场,共得47分,那么这个队胜了( ) A. 10场B. 11场C. 12场D. 13场12. 如图所示,90E F ∠=∠=︒,B C ∠=∠,AE AF =,有以下结论:①EM FN =;②CD DN =;③FAN EAM ∠=∠;④ACN ∆≌ABM ∆。





1. 在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的填空题:“实验过程一:从___ 号烧瓶倒入—烧瓶……”“显微镜的取镜和放置:右手紧握左手托住……”这说明韩老师A. 教学理念偏失B.教学态度不端C.教学评价不当D.教育行为失当【参考答案】A(实验课的目的主要是使学生获取间接经验,需要教师具有素质教育的观念,而韩老师则是以学生做题为目的,所以属于应试教育的观念。

)2. 综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查。


对于段老师的法,下列评价不恰当的是A. 尊重了学生的学习需要B.培养了学生的探究意识C.激发了学生的学习兴趣D.纠正了学生的研究方法【参考答案】D(段老师在整个教学环节中,启发诱导学生独立完成课题,并没有将自己的意识强加在学生的学习之上。

)3. 下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是A. “你读得很响亮,若再有感情一点就好了。


”B. “刚才这位同学概括得不准确,还是我来吧。

”C. “这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,有自己的观点,非常好!”D. “请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同”【参考答案】B(B选项中的教师主动帮助学生回答问题,忽略了学生的主观能动性。


)4. 多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表、学习日志或成长记录袋等多种方法来记录学习过程,并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法A. 忽视了学生的发展性B.忽视了学生的差异性C.尊重了学生的创造性D.尊重了学生的自主性【参考答案】D(首先判断曾老师的做法是正确的,所以排除A.B两项。



2020年湖南师大附中教育集团初中七年级学生学科素养综合评价数 学总分:150分 时量:120分钟第一试(100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共27分)1.下列等式变形;①若a b =,则a b x x =;②若a b x x =,则a b =;(③若47a b =,则74a b =;④若74a b =则74a b =.其中一定正确的个数是( )A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个2.把一张对面互相平行的纸条折成如图所示那样,EF 是折痕,若32EFB ∠=,则FGC ∠为( )A.32B.48C.52D.643.不等式50x --<的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.设■,●,▲分别表示三种不同的物体,如图所示,前两架天平保持平衡,如果要使第三架天平也平衡,那么以下方案不正确的是( )A.▲▲▲▲B.▲▲▲▲▲C.●●▲D.●▲▲▲5.方程组2,3.x y M x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩的解为1,.x y N =⎧⎨=⎩则被遮盖的两个数M 、N 分别为( ) A.4,2 B.1,3 C.2,3 D.2,46.元旦那天,6位朋友均匀地围坐在圆桌旁共度佳节.圆桌半径为60cm ,每人离圆桌的距离均为10cm ,现又来了两名客人,每人向后挪动了相同的距离,再左右调整位置,使8人都坐下,并且8人之间的距离与原来6人之间的距离(即在圆周上两人之间的圆弧的长)相等.设每人向后挪动的距离为x ,根据题意,可列方程( ) A.()()260102601068x ππ+++= B.()26026086x ππ+⨯= C.()()2601062608πππ+⨯=+⨯ D.()()26082606x x ππ-⨯=+⨯7.如图,点()6,0A -和点()0,4B ,点C 、D 分别为线段AB 、OB 的中点,点P 为OA 上一动点,当PC PD +最小时,点P 的坐标为( )A.()3,0-B.()6,0-C.3,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭D.5,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭8.关于x 的方程()16326x x a x ⋅=--无解,则a 的值是( ) A.1 B.1- C.1± D.1a ≠9.如图,45AOB ∠=,点M 、N 分别在射线OA 、OB 上,6MN =,OMN ∆的面积为12,P 是直线MN 上的动点,点P 关于OA 对称的点为1P ,点P 关于OB 对称的点为2P ,当点P 在直线NM 上运动时,12OPP ∆的面积最小值为( )A.6B.8C.12D.18第7题图 第9题图 第11题图二、填空题(共9小题,27分)10.()224x -互为相反数,那么2x y -的平方根是________. 11.如图,ABC ACB ∠=∠,AD 、BD 、CD 分别平分ABC ∆的外角EAC ∠、内角ABC ∠、外角ACF ∠.以下结论:①//AD BC ;②2ACB ADB ∠=∠,③90ADC ABD ∠=-∠;④12BDC BAC ∠=∠.其中正确的结论有________.(填序号)12.若533m x y +与21n y y +是同类项,则()2017m n mn ++=________.13.找出下列各个图形中数的规律,依此,a 的值为________.14.我们知道下面的结论:若m n a a =(0a >,且1a ≠),则m n =.利用这个结论解决下列问题:设23m =,26n =,212p =.现给出m ,n ,p 三者之间的三个关系式:①2m p n +=,②23m n p +=-,③22n mp -=.其中正确的是________.(填编号)15.如图,把ABC ∆沿EF 翻折,叠合后的图形如图.若60A ∠=,180∠=,则2∠的度数为________.16.如果a ,b 为定值,关于x 的一次方程2236kx a x bk +--=,无论k 为何值时,它的解总是1,则2a b +=________. 17.如图,长方形ABCD 中,6AB CD ==,10BC AD ==,E 为CD 边上,且3CD CE =,点P 、Q 为BC 边上两个动点,且2PQ =,当BP =________时,四边形APQE 的周长最小.第15题图 第17题图18.我们称使2323a b a b ++=+成立的一对数a 、b 为“相伴数对”,记为(),a b .如:当0a b ==时,等式成立,记为()0,0,若(),3a 是“相伴数对”,则a 的值为________.三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共46分,10,12,12,12分)19.如图,在33⨯的方阵图中,填写了一些数和代数式(其中每个代数式都表示一个数),使得每行的3个数、每列的3个数、斜对角的3个数之和均相等.(1)求x ,y 的值;(2)在备用图中完成此方阵图.20.某体育彩票经销商计划用45000元从省体彩中心购进彩票20扎,每扎1000张,已知体彩中心有A 、B 、C 三种不同价格的彩票,进价分别是A 彩票每张1.5元,B 彩票每张2元,C 彩票每张2.5元.(1)若经销商同时购进两种不同型号的彩票20扎,用去45000元,请你设计进票方案;(2)若销售A 型彩票一张获手续费0.2元,B 型彩票一张获手续费0.3元,C 型彩票一张获手续费0.5元。



湖南师大附中教育集团第十二届初中生学科素养与能力竞赛八年级 数学(攀登杯)时间:120分钟 满分:150分第一试 满分100分一、填空题(每小题4分,共52分)1. 若则y x x xy =-+--=14146,_________.2. 若关于x 的一元二次方程k x x -+-=2(1)220有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是________.3. 若t 是一元二次方程ax bx c ++=20的根,△b ac at b 44,(2)22=-=+=_______.4. 如图,点B . C 分别在直线y x =2和直线y kx =上,点A 、D 分别是x 轴上的两点,四边形ABCD 是正方形,则k 的值为_________5. 用数字0,1,2,3,4,5组成没有重复的六位数,能被25整除的六位数有______个.6. 定义:点A x y (),为平面直角坐标系内的点,若满足x =y ,则把点A 叫做“平衡点”,例如:M (1,1) ,N (−2,−2)都是“平衡点”,当x -13时,直线y x m =+2上有“平衡点”,则m 的取值范围是_____________7. 宽与长的比等于长与长宽之和的比的矩形叫做黄金矩形,黄金矩形蕴藏着丰富的美学价值,给我们以协调和匀称的美感.我们可以用这样的方法画出黄金矩形:作正方形ABCD ,分别取AD 、BC 的中点E 、F ,连接EF ,以点F 为圆心,以FD 为半径画弧,交BC 的延长线于点G ;作GH ⊥AD ,交AD 的延长线于点H ,则图中下列矩形是黄金矩形的是__________第四题图 第七题图8.在直角坐标系内,等腰直角三角形A1B1O、A B B、A3B3B2、…、A n B n B n−1按如图所示的221方式放置,其中点A1、A2、A3、…、A n均在一次函数y kx b=+的图象上,点B1、B2、…、B n、的坐标为(3,0),点A n的坐标为____________.均在x轴上,若点B1的坐标为(1,0),点B29.在教室掉了东西,经过调查最后肯定是四个同学中的一个,询问这四个同学,得到的回答是:A说:“是B偷得”B说:“是D偷得”C:“不是我偷得”D:“B在说谎”已知其中只有一个同学说了真话,则偷东西的同学是__________.第8题图11.在四边形ABCD中,AB=15二试第4题图 ) x x x +--++34188.如图,已知D 、E 、F 分别是△ABC 的三边BC 、CA 、AB 上的点,且AD 、BE 、CF 相交于点P ,AP BP CP ===2,设PD x PE y PF z ===,,,若x y z ++=3,求x y z ++333的最小值.。



2018湖南师大附中博才实验中学七年级上阶段性测试满分:120分 时间120分钟一. 填空(每小题3分,共10小题,总计30分)1. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)若向东走10m 记作10m ,那么向西走50m 记作 .2. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)长沙市某天上午的温度是25℃,中午又上升了3℃,下午由于冷空气南下,夜间又下降了8℃,则这天夜间的温度是 ℃3. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)3的相反数是 ,-2的绝对值是 .4. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)化简下列各数:-4+3= ;-(-6)= ;--2= .5. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)一个点从原点开始向右运动3个单位,再向左运动7个单位,这时该点对应的数是 .6. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)比较大小:(1)-1 2 (2)4-5 5-6 7. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)计算:(1) (-5)+(-3)= (2)8-(-5)=8. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)绝对值小于2的整数有 .9. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)已知120,=x y x y -++=+则 .10. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)如图是某车间的1~12月的产量图表,记月份为n ,1至5月的产量为为20+an,6至12月份的产量为bn -2,则bn= .二,解答题(总计90分)11. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)计算题(每小题5分,共6小题,共30分)(1)(+8)+4+(-4)+(-8)(2)20+3-(-5)-7327.40.30.6+-++-()()()()2124+335(-3)-2.4(-)-(-4)41-54⨯⨯⨯(5)56()12+-2+3-10.533(6)16.512(2018博才七年级阶段性测试)(8分)把下列各数表示在数轴上,再按从小到大的顺序用“<”号把这些数连接起来。

(用铅笔和直尺画图)5, 0,(1.5),,()-1---3-+213(2018博才七年级阶段性测试)(10分)某检修小组乘车沿东西方向公路检修线路,约定向东为正,从A地出发到晚上收工时,汽车所走线路为(单位:千米)+10,-3,+4,+2,-8,+13,-2,+12,+8,+5(1)问收工时距A地多远?在A的哪边?(2)在哪次记录时距A地最远?最远距离A多远?(3)若每千米耗油0.2升,从A地出发到收工时共耗油多少升?14. (2018博才七年级阶段性测试)(10分)若a,b互为相反数,m的绝对值是2,且m>0,求20182018a bcd m++-的值。










































2018年湖南师大附中教育集团七年级学科综合素养测评数学一试2018年5月一、填空题(每题3分共45分)1.已知单项式322018-y x m -与n y x 273-可以合并同类项,则=-n m 222_________2.若02122=-+-b a )(,则b a =________3.在同一平面内的三条直线,最多可以形成的对顶角的对数为_________4.已知2a -1的算术平方根是3,3a +b -1的平方根4±,则a +2b 的平方根为_______5.计算:[]=÷⨯+⨯1-2-3-221-414-3222)()((__________6.点()1,2-p 是坐标系中的一点,已知PQ ∥x 轴,并且PQ =3,则Q 点的坐标为_______7.为了响应国家“节约资源,循环利用”的号召,湖南师大食堂小卖部处在售出某品牌豆奶后,对玻璃瓶进行回收,某日,小卖部老板以1.5元/瓶的价格总共进货500瓶豆奶,早上以305元/瓶的价格售出a 瓶(a >320),中午以8折的价格继续售出余下的豆奶,并且所有的豆奶喝完将空瓶以0.2元/个的价格回收,假设空瓶回收率为80%,则小卖部在售卖这批豆奶的过程中盈利___________元8.在数轴上,有三个点A 、B 、C ,A 、B 分别表示数1,3,其中,A 点事线段BC 的中点,则点C 表示的数为__________9.近日,湖南师大附中为加强学生体育锻炼,新购置一批排球和足球(足球比排球多).已知每个排球价格30元,每个足球价格40元,总共花费460元,则足球、排球总共买了________个.10.关于x 的不等式组⎩⎨⎧--010>>x a x 的整数解共有7个,则a 的取值范围是________11.已知方程组____________::,0432032=⎩⎨⎧=+-=+-z y x z y x z y x 则12.附中高二某信息课上,廖同学设计了一道小程序,如下图,若开始输入x 为正数,最后输出结果为906,则满足条件的所有x 的值的和为_________13.如果多项式x x -22的值等于1,那么1344234--+-x x x x 的值等于____________14.已知)2(+a a A 、为平面直角坐标系中第一象限内的一点,将点A 向右平移三个单位、向下平移6个单位长度后得到点B ,若点B 不在坐标抽上且与A 点不在同一象限内,则a 的取值范围为__________15.定义:),12)(1(61321222232++=++++=∑=n n n n x n x ,例如:=+++=++++=∑∑∑===100822221032222210121043,10321x x x x x x 则 ___________二、解答题(10+10+10+10+15=55分)16.就宫格最早出现在我国古代数学名著《九章算术》,金庸先生在其经典小说《射雕英雄传》中,就出现过女主角黄蓉计算九宫格.(1)如左图,将1-9中剩下的数字填到九宫格中,使每一行之和,每一列之和,对角线上数的和都相等.(2)如右图,将1-17中的奇数填到九宫格中使每一行之和,每一列之和,对角线上数的和都相等.18.把一个长方形纸片ABCD的一角折起来(如图所示),折痕为AE,使∠EAB′=∠B′AD.(1)求∠EAD的度数;(2)再沿AC对折长方形ABCD(如图所示),使B点落在F上,若∠EAF=84°,求∠B′AC的度数19.为改善学校体育环境,师大附中正在投入改建体育场.改建过程中,为了运送渣土,现学校基建处计划租用A型和B型两种渣土运送车共10辆,现已知A型车1辆,B型车2辆,每天运送渣土40吨;A型车2辆,B型车1辆每天可运送35吨(1)求A型车和B型车每辆每天可各运送多少吨?(2)已知A型车每辆每天的租金是300元,B型车每天每辆租金是500元,为了赶工期,现在必须两天运送出校内所有渣土,预计渣土为230吨,若基建处预计租车总费用不高于8400元,则有几种购车方案?那种方案总费用最少?最少总费用是多少?21.已知a 为有理数,b ,c 为质数,若a <c <b ,且ca bc ab a c c b b a ++=++222,求a +c 的值.22.某日,湖南师大小郭老师在学校科技处兑换了一张面额为100元以内的发票,兑换员不小心将支票上的元与角、分数字看倒置了(例如,把12.34元看成34.12元),并按看错的数字支付,小郭老师出门后在路口小卖部花3.50元购买一瓶绿茶之后,发现其余额恰为发票面额的2倍,于是急忙到学校科技处将多余的款额退回,那么,你能帮忙算一下小郭老师应退回的款额是多少钱吗?以后的真题将在统一分享在公众号里,二试(50分)一、填空题(每小题4分,共20分)23.夏天来了,碎碎冰和雪糕都是同学们的最爱,小谭同学带12元去超市,他发现某品牌雪糕和碎碎冰价格都为整数,且雪糕比碎碎冰贵了3元一个,若她将钱全部买雪糕,则刚好用完不用找零,若全部买碎碎冰也刚好全部用完不用找零,则雪糕每个______元.24.所有分母不超过10的正的真分数的和等于___________.25.若方程组⎩⎨⎧=++=+ay x a y x 32453的解x 与y 的和为3,则a 的值为___________.26.三个质数p ,q ,r 满足p +q =r ,且p <q ,那么P 等于____________.27.湖南卫视快乐大本营某期节目玩了这样一个游戏:将A ,B ,C ,D 四个盒子中分别放有6,5,4,3个球,第一个小朋友找到放球最少的盒子,从其它的盒子中各取1个球放入这个盒子中,然后第二个小朋友又找到一个放球最少的盒子,从其它的盒子中各取1个球放入这个盒子中,…如此进行下去,当第368个小朋友放完后,A ,B ,C ,D 四个盒子中的球数依次是______.二、解答题(10+10+10=30分)28.家润多某种高端品牌的家用电器,若按标价打八折销售该电器一件,则可获利润500元,其利润率为20%.现如果按同一标价打九折销售该电器一件,那么获得的纯利润为多少元?29.若a ,b ,c 均为非负数,.,355,,17372的范围求若且S c b a S c b a c b a b a ++=≤≤⎩⎨⎧=++=+30.如图,四边形ABCD ,BEFG ,MNHF 是正方形,AE =NH +7,GH =AD +4,求四边形DENG 的面积.。

















湖南省长沙市师大附中集团七年级下学期学科素养综合评价英语试题一、单项选择1.Zhang Jiacheng, a one-arm ________ country boy, is famous for a video clip showing him playing ________ basketball.A.13-years-old; /B.13-year-old; the C.13-year-old; /2.— Do you know the girl _________ short brown hair in the picture?— She is Liu Yuxin — one of the ________ in the TV show Youth With you.A.has; competitors B.with; competitors C.with; competitor3.— Is the dress a new arrival for the season?— Yes, madam. It feels ________ and sells ________.A.nicely; well B.nice; well C.nice; good4.Dave, ________ to the teacher carefully in class!A.listen B.listens C.listening5.It's my daughter's dream ________ the Young Pioneers(少先队).A.to join B.joining C.join6.— Mom, It's too hot today. Can I swim in the lake?— No, you ________. That's too dangerous.A.needn't B.won't C.mustn't7.— Which one do you prefer, the apple or the orange?— ________ is OK. I love all kinds of fruits.A.Either B.Both C.Neither8.—Your nose ________, Jack. Do you have a cold?—Exactly! A bad cold!A.runs B.is running C.ran9.Because of the coming exam, I don't have ________ time for sports.A.too much B.too many C.much too10.—Can you tell me _________?—About five minutes' walk.A.how can I get to Wuyi SquareB.how far it is from here to Wuyi SquareC.how long it takes to get to Wuyi Square二、完形填空Mr. White is a millionaire(百万富翁). He likes 11 food. He had a good cook, Mr. Black. The cook could make all kinds of food. Last month, Mr. White's wife asked Mr. Black to 12 her to cook. Now she thinks she's 13 at cooking. So she doesn't want Mr. Black to work 14 them anymore.Mrs. White begins to cook for her family. But Mr. White does not like her 15 at all. He says he won't eat anything at home if she doesn't 16 cooking. The woman says that she'll look for another cook. Mr. White has to 17 .This morning, Mr. White broke(打破) the windows in a shop. The police took 18 to the station. The policeman said: "I'm sorry to 19 you, Mr. White, I have to fine(罚款) you $10, 20 you'll be in jail(监狱) for 10 days. What do you want?""I want to go to jail," answered the millionaire."Why?""Because my wife won't find a new cook in 10 days!"11.A.hard B.soft C.delicious12.A.see B.help C.teach13.A.good B.slow C.easy14.A.with B.for C.about15.A.food B.habit C.housework16.A.keep B.finish C.stop17.A.enjoy B.wait C.decide18.A.him B.it C.them19.A.ask B.tell C.call20.A.but B.and C.or三、阅读理解Su Shun lives in America and he has a restaurant in New York. He plans to turn his restaurant into a special place for celebrating the coming Dragon Boat Festival this week. People can eat rice dumplings, drink realgar wine(雄黄酒) and watch dragon boat races. "I miss my family more on every festival day," said Su. He told us in this way he would like to let the world know more about Chinese culture.This week he hopes to show Chinese acrobatics(杂技) in his restaurant. Chinese acrobatics has a history of more than three thousand years. You can watch traditional(传统) acrobatic shows such as turning a fish into a dragon and swallowing knives(吞刀). Music is important in Chinese acrobatics. Right music can make the actors relaxed. And most of the clothes in acrobatics are traditional and comfortable. People must start training when they are only 6 or 7 years old.Su Shun finds lots of Americans are interested in Chinese culture, and he hopes to use his way to show Chinese culture to the world.21.What cannot people do in the restaurant according to Paragraph 1?A.Watch dragon boat races.B.Write to their parents.C.Eat rice dumplings.22.Su plans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in his restaurant to ________.A.spread(传播) Chinese cultureB.let more Americans enjoy Chinese foodC.remember his family23.What can we know about Chinese acrobatics?A.You may see someone swallow a fish in the show.B.It has a long history of two thousand years.C.People should learn it at a very young age.24.We can learn from the passage that ________.A.Su is an actor to show Chinese acrobaticsB.lots of foreigners like Chinese cultureC.acrobatics need no music25.In which part of a newspaper can we see the passage?A.Traditional Culture.B.Healthy life.C.Famous Singers.Language students often think they have memory(记忆) problems. They worry because they can't remember words. In fact, the problem usually isn't with their memory. The problem is with how they study.To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear, or read something, it goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, it's organized(有条理的). When you put away a book or memory, you can't just leave it anywhere. You have to choose a place where you can find it again.How can you do this with vocabulary? The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences that include it. Even better, you can make up a little story about the word, with people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is "height", you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All of these activities are good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory. And they give a way to find a word when you need it.26.According to the passage, students forget words easily because ________.A.they don't study in the right wayB.they have a poor memoryC.they don't like to remember words27.What can we know about memory according to the passage?A.Students never use short-term memory.B.What we see goes into long-term memory first.C.We will forget a word soon if it goes into short-term memory.28.From the paragraph two, we can infer(推断) that ________.A.we can solve(解决) memory problems by understanding how memory worksB.short-term memory is bad for students' studyC.both long-term memory and a library are organized29.How can you work with the word and think about the word in new ways?A.Making up a little story about the word.B.Reading the word when you see it.C.Drawing a picture of the word on paper.30.The writer wrote the passage mainly to ________.A.discuss how to understand every word when we readB.tell us how to remember words wellC.talk about students' problem in English learningThe COVID-19 pandemic has made our lives very different. Some of us have had better hygiene(卫生) habits. Others have learned how to cook. And more people have fallen in love with cycling(骑自行车).Yang Xiaomeng lives 11 km away from her workplace in Beijing. She has been cycling to work for the last three months. "I used to take the subway before the COVID-19 outbreak. But now riding a bike seems to be a safer choice(选择)," she said.Yang has found that cycling is more relaxing and enjoyable than taking the crowded (拥挤的) subway."There's more fresh(新鲜的) air on the road. It's also a good way to stay fit. I'll keep cycling as my new habit," she said.According to Xinhua, many people turned from public transportation(交通) to cycling during the pandemic. The number of cyclists on Beijing's bike-only lane(车道) from Huilongguan to Shangdi has gone up by 17.6 percent, for example.In other cities around the world, biking is also becoming more popular. London has closed large parts of the city to cars so that people can cycle safely. New York, Berlin and Montreal have built new, wider bike lanes for people to cycle. These cities believe that if there are safer and more comfortable (舒适的) places for cycling, more people will ride bikes in the future instead of driving. This will make the cities greener and cleaner, and their people happier and healthier. 31.In Paragraph 1, the writer tries to ________.A.explain what she did during the outbreakB.show us better ways to stay healthyC.show the changes the pandemic has brought to our lives32.How does Yang Xiaomeng go to work now?A.By subway.B.By bike.C.By bus.33.According to the story, Yang might agree that ________.A.cycling is relaxing and healthyB.bike-only lanes are often crowdedC.there is no fresh air on the subway34.There underlined word "safely" in the last paragraph probably means "________" in Chinese.A.有把握地B.安全地C.自由自在地35.According to the story, which of the following statements is not true?A.Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people start cycling.B.New York, Berlin and Montreal have provided(提供) better places for people to cycle.C.Some cities in the world will make their cities greener and cleaner to promote(促进)cycling."Whaaaat's uppppp?" Have you ever seen anyone write like this? 36 .Younger people especially like using stretchable words (可拉伸单词) because they sound playful and fun. 37 .For example, one of the most common stretchable words is "ha". 38 . If something is just kind of funny, you might just type "haha". But if something is really funny, you might type "hahahahaha".Another example is "yeeeesssss". When you type "yes", it might sound like you are just fine with a certain idea. But if you use "yeeeesssss", you show that you are very excited about it.Although stretchable words are popular on social media, there are worries that it will be hard for students to use more formal(正式的) writing when in school. Stretching out too many words can be annoying (烦人的). 39 .A.So if you like using them when texting with friends, remember not to use them in your homework!B.People use stretchable words for different reasons.C.Because it's short, it can be easily stretched.D.They can allow(允许) the young to show strong feelings without using emojis(表情符号). E.So-called "stretchable" words are being used more often in text messages and online posts.四、短文填空V olunteering(做志愿活动) lets us make 40 world better. I like 41 (help) children, the elderly and the environment.Last year, I volunteered at a recycling(回收) center in Indonesia. As soon as I arrived, I saw many plastic(塑料) 42 (bottle) on the ground.I wondered, "What are we going to do with those?"A group of workers welcomed us. One person said that bottles and caps(瓶盖) were made43 different kinds of plastic, so we needed to separate(分离) 44 (they) for different uses. So with my mask and gloves on, I started to take the caps off the plastic bottles 45 (quick)."There 46 (be) straws(吸管) and trash(垃圾) inside the bottles, so you have to take these things out," another worker in the center told us. Some of my friends didn't like this work. To be honest, I didn't like it either. But it was important and good for the environment. After a while, we crushed(压碎) all the plastic bottles 47 put them all in a large box.After a long day, we finally finished 48 (do) our work. Though it was a simple job, it would have a lasting influence (影响) on our lives and our environment. That's what volunteering is about. How 49 (meaning) it is!五、翻译With our eyes, we can see colors and enjoy the world. 1. But sometimes, we use our eyes so much that they don't work well.You can see that from some of your classmates with glasses. About 60 percent of Chinese students were shortsighted(近视的) in 2013, according to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. 2. If you are shortsighted, then there are a lot of things you can do.Wearing glasses can't make our eyesight(视力) become normal(正常的) again. 3. 但眼镜能帮助我们放松眼睛。














2020年湖南师大附中教育集团初中七年级学生学科素养综合评价数 学总分:150分 时量:120分钟第一试(100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共27分)1.下列等式变形;①若a b =,则a b x x =;②若a b x x =,则a b =;(③若47a b =,则74a b =;④若74a b =则74a b =.其中一定正确的个数是( )A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个2.把一张对面互相平行的纸条折成如图所示那样,EF 是折痕,若32EFB ∠=,则FGC ∠为( )A.32B.48C.52D.643.不等式50x --<的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.设■,●,▲分别表示三种不同的物体,如图所示,前两架天平保持平衡,如果要使第三架天平也平衡,那么以下方案不正确的是( )A.▲▲▲▲B.▲▲▲▲▲C.●●▲D.●▲▲▲5.方程组2,3.x y M x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩的解为1,.x y N =⎧⎨=⎩则被遮盖的两个数M 、N 分别为( ) A.4,2 B.1,3 C.2,3 D.2,46.元旦那天,6位朋友均匀地围坐在圆桌旁共度佳节.圆桌半径为60cm ,每人离圆桌的距离均为10cm ,现又来了两名客人,每人向后挪动了相同的距离,再左右调整位置,使8人都坐下,并且8人之间的距离与原来6人之间的距离(即在圆周上两人之间的圆弧的长)相等.设每人向后挪动的距离为x ,根据题意,可列方程( ) A.()()260102601068x ππ+++= B.()26026086x ππ+⨯= C.()()2601062608πππ+⨯=+⨯ D.()()26082606x x ππ-⨯=+⨯7.如图,点()6,0A -和点()0,4B ,点C 、D 分别为线段AB 、OB 的中点,点P 为OA 上一动点,当PC PD +最小时,点P 的坐标为( )A.()3,0-B.()6,0-C.3,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭D.5,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭8.关于x 的方程()16326x x a x ⋅=--无解,则a 的值是( ) A.1 B.1- C.1± D.1a ≠9.如图,45AOB ∠=,点M 、N 分别在射线OA 、OB 上,6MN =,OMN ∆的面积为12,P 是直线MN 上的动点,点P 关于OA 对称的点为1P ,点P 关于OB 对称的点为2P ,当点P 在直线NM 上运动时,12OPP ∆的面积最小值为( )A.6B.8C.12D.18第7题图 第9题图 第11题图二、填空题(共9小题,27分)10.()224x -互为相反数,那么2x y -的平方根是________. 11.如图,ABC ACB ∠=∠,AD 、BD 、CD 分别平分ABC ∆的外角EAC ∠、内角ABC ∠、外角ACF ∠.以下结论:①//AD BC ;②2ACB ADB ∠=∠,③90ADC ABD ∠=-∠;④12BDC BAC ∠=∠.其中正确的结论有________.(填序号)12.若533m x y +与21n y y +是同类项,则()2017m n mn ++=________.13.找出下列各个图形中数的规律,依此,a 的值为________.14.我们知道下面的结论:若m n a a =(0a >,且1a ≠),则m n =.利用这个结论解决下列问题:设23m =,26n =,212p =.现给出m ,n ,p 三者之间的三个关系式:①2m p n +=,②23m n p +=-,③22n mp -=.其中正确的是________.(填编号)15.如图,把ABC ∆沿EF 翻折,叠合后的图形如图.若60A ∠=,180∠=,则2∠的度数为________.16.如果a ,b 为定值,关于x 的一次方程2236kx a x bk +--=,无论k 为何值时,它的解总是1,则2a b +=________. 17.如图,长方形ABCD 中,6AB CD ==,10BC AD ==,E 为CD 边上,且3CD CE =,点P 、Q 为BC 边上两个动点,且2PQ =,当BP =________时,四边形APQE 的周长最小.第15题图 第17题图18.我们称使2323a b a b ++=+成立的一对数a 、b 为“相伴数对”,记为(),a b .如:当0a b ==时,等式成立,记为()0,0,若(),3a 是“相伴数对”,则a 的值为________.三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共46分,10,12,12,12分)19.如图,在33⨯的方阵图中,填写了一些数和代数式(其中每个代数式都表示一个数),使得每行的3个数、每列的3个数、斜对角的3个数之和均相等.(1)求x ,y 的值;(2)在备用图中完成此方阵图.20.某体育彩票经销商计划用45000元从省体彩中心购进彩票20扎,每扎1000张,已知体彩中心有A 、B 、C 三种不同价格的彩票,进价分别是A 彩票每张1.5元,B 彩票每张2元,C 彩票每张2.5元.(1)若经销商同时购进两种不同型号的彩票20扎,用去45000元,请你设计进票方案;(2)若销售A 型彩票一张获手续费0.2元,B 型彩票一张获手续费0.3元,C 型彩票一张获手续费0.5元。






















(共5小题,计5分)( )1. What can the girl do?A. She can sing.B. She can dance.C. She can swim.( )2. How far is it from Jenny’s home to the library?A. One kilometerB. Two kilometers.C. Three kilometers( )3. What is the relationship (关系) between the two speaker?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.C. Sister and brother( )4. What does Jane think of tiers?A Fun. B. Cute. C. Smart.( )5. What is the girl's favorite season in Beijing?A. SummerB. AutumnC. Winter第二节听下面6段对话或独白。







评价过程采用10分制,最后折算成等级,即每个维度满分10分, 8分(含8分)以上为A等,6至8分为B等,6分以下(不含6分)为C等。
















湖南省长沙市师大附中集团七年级下学期学科素养综合评价英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.Zhang Jiacheng, a one-arm ________ country boy, is famous for a video clip showing him playing ________ basketball.A.13-years-old; / B.13-year-old; the C.13-year-old; /2.— Do you know the girl _________ short brown hair in the picture?— She is Liu Yuxin — one of the ________ in the TV show Youth With you.A.has; competitors B.with; competitors C.with; competitor 3.— Is the dress a new arrival for the season?— Yes, madam. It feels ________ and sells ________.A.nicely; well B.nice; well C.nice; good 4.Dave, ________ to the teacher carefully in class!A.listen B.listens C.listening5.It's my daughter's dream ________ the Young Pioneers(少先队).A.to join B.joining C.join6.— Mom, It's too hot today. Can I swim in the lake?— No, you ________. That's too dangerous.A.needn't B.won't C.mustn't7.— Which one do you prefer, the apple or the orange?— ________ is OK. I love all kinds of fruits.A.Either B.Both C.Neither8.—Your nose ________, Jack. Do you have a cold?—Exactly! A bad cold!A.runs B.is running C.ran9.Because of the coming exam, I don't have ________ time for sports.A.too much B.too many C.much too10.—Can you tell me _________?—About five minutes' walk.A.how can I get to Wuyi SquareB.how far it is from here to Wuyi SquareC.how long it takes to get to Wuyi Square二、完型填空Mr. White is a millionaire(百万富翁). He likes 11 food. He had a good cook, Mr. Black. The cook could make all kinds of food. Last month, Mr. White's wife asked Mr. Black to 12 her to cook. Now she thinks she's 13 at cooking. So she doesn't want Mr. Black to work 14 them anymore.Mrs. White begins to cook for her family. But Mr. White does not like her 15 at all. He says he won't eat anything at home if she doesn't 16 cooking. The woman says that she'll look for another cook. Mr. White has to 17 .This morning, Mr. White broke(打破) the windows in a shop. The police took 18to the station. The policeman said: "I'm sorry to 19 you, Mr. White, I have to fine(罚款) you $10, 20 you'll be in jail(监狱) for 10 days. What do you want?""I want to go to jail," answered the millionaire."Why?""Because my wife won't find a new cook in 10 days!"11.A.hard B.soft C.delicious12.A.see B.help C.teach13.A.good B.slow C.easy14.A.with B.for C.about15.A.food B.habit C.housework 16.A.keep B.finish C.stop17.A.enjoy B.wait C.decide18.A.him B.it C.them19.A.ask B.tell C.call20.A.but B.and C.or三、阅读单选Su Shun lives in America and he has a restaurant in New York. He plans to turn his restaurant into a special place for celebrating the coming Dragon Boat Festival this week. People can eat rice dumplings, drink realgar wine(雄黄酒) and watch dragon boat races. "I miss my family more on every festival day," said Su. He told us in this way he would like to let the world know more about Chinese culture.This week he hopes to show Chinese acrobatics(杂技) in his restaurant. Chinese acrobatics has a history of more than three thousand years. You can watch traditional(传统) acrobatic shows such as turning a fish into a dragon and swallowing knives(吞刀). Music is important in Chinese acrobatics. Right music can make the actors relaxed. And most of theclothes in acrobatics are traditional and comfortable. People must start training when they are only 6 or 7 years old.Su Shun finds lots of Americans are interested in Chinese culture, and he hopes to use his way to show Chinese culture to the world.21.What cannot people do in the restaurant according to Paragraph 1?A.Watch dragon boat races. B.Write to their parents. C.Eat rice dumplings. 22.Su plans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in his restaurant to ________. A.spread(传播) Chinese cultureB.let more Americans enjoy Chinese foodC.remember his family23.What can we know about Chinese acrobatics?A.You may see someone swallow a fish in the show.B.It has a long history of two thousand years.C.People should learn it at a very young age.24.We can learn from the passage that ________.A.Su is an actor to show Chinese acrobaticsB.lots of foreigners like Chinese cultureC.acrobatics need no music25.In which part of a newspaper can we see the passage?A.Traditional Culture. B.Healthy life. C.Famous Singers.Language students often think they have memory(记忆) problems. They worry because they can't remember words. In fact, the problem usually isn't with their memory. The problem is with how they study.To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear, or read something, it goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, it's organized(有条理的). When you put away a book or memory, you can't just leave it anywhere. You have to choose a place where you can find it again.How can you do this with vocabulary? The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences that include it. Even better, you can make up a little story about the word, with people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is "height", you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All ofthese activities are good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory. And they give a way to find a word when you need it. 26.According to the passage, students forget words easily because ________.A.they don't study in the right wayB.they have a poor memoryC.they don't like to remember words27.What can we know about memory according to the passage?A.Students never use short-term memory.B.What we see goes into long-term memory first.C.We will forget a word soon if it goes into short-term memory.28.From the paragraph two, we can infer(推断) that ________.A.we can solve(解决) memory problems by understanding how memory worksB.short-term memory is bad for students' studyC.both long-term memory and a library are organized29.How can you work with the word and think about the word in new ways?A.Making up a little story about the word.B.Reading the word when you see it.C.Drawing a picture of the word on paper.30.The writer wrote the passage mainly to ________.A.discuss how to understand every word when we readB.tell us how to remember words wellC.talk about students' problem in English learningThe COVID-19 pandemic has made our lives very different. Some of us have had better hygiene(卫生) habits. Others have learned how to cook. And more people have fallen in love with cycling(骑自行车).Yang Xiaomeng lives 11 km away from her workplace in Beijing. She has been cycling to work for the last three months. "I used to take the subway before the COVID-19 outbreak. But now riding a bike seems to be a safer choice(选择)," she said.Yang has found that cycling is more relaxing and enjoyable than taking the crowded (拥挤的) subway."There's more fresh(新鲜的) air on the road. It's also a good way to stay fit. I'll keep cycling as my new habit," she said.According to Xinhua, many people turned from public transportation(交通) to cycling during the pandemic. The number of cyclists on Beijing's bike-only lane(车道) from Huilongguan to Shangdi has gone up by 17.6 percent, for example.In other cities around the world, biking is also becoming more popular. London has closed large parts of the city to cars so that people can cycle safely. New York, Berlin and Montreal have built new, wider bike lanes for people to cycle. These cities believe that if there are safer and more comfortable (舒适的) places for cycling, more people will ride bikes in the future instead of driving. This will make the cities greener and cleaner, and their people happier and healthier.31.In Paragraph 1, the writer tries to ________.A.explain what she did during the outbreakB.show us better ways to stay healthyC.show the changes the pandemic has brought to our lives32.How does Yang Xiaomeng go to work now?A.By subway. B.By bike. C.By bus. 33.According to the story, Yang might agree that ________.A.cycling is relaxing and healthyB.bike-only lanes are often crowdedC.there is no fresh air on the subway34.There underlined word "safely" in the last paragraph probably means "________" in Chinese.A.有把握地B.安全地C.自由自在地35.According to the story, which of the following statements is not true?A.Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people start cycling.B.New York, Berlin and Montreal have provided(提供) better places for people to cycle. C.Some cities in the world will make their cities greener and cleaner to promote(促进) cycling.四、补全短文5选4"Whaaaat's uppppp?" Have you ever seen anyone write like this? 36..Younger people especially like using stretchable words (可拉伸单词) because they sound playful and fun. 37..For example, one of the most common stretchable words is "ha". 38.. If something is just kind of funny, you might just type "haha". But if something is really funny, you might type "hahahahaha".Another example is "yeeeesssss". When you type "yes", it might sound like you are just fine with a certain idea. But if you use "yeeeesssss", you show that you are very excited about it.Although stretchable words are popular on social media, there are worries that it will behard for students to use more formal(正式的) writing when in school. Stretching out too many words can be annoying (烦人的). 39..A.So if you like using them when texting with friends, remember not to use them in your homework!B.People use stretchable words for different reasons.C.Because it's short, it can be easily stretched.D.They can allow(允许) the young to show strong feelings without using emojis(表情符号).E.So-called "stretchable" words are being used more often in text messages and online posts.五、语法填空Volunteering(做志愿活动) lets us make 40.world better. I like 41.(help) children, the elderly and the environment.Last year, I volunteered at a recycling(回收) center in Indonesia. As soon as I arrived, I saw many plastic(塑料) 42.(bottle) on the ground.I wondered, "What are we going to do with those?"A group of workers welcomed us. One person said that bottles and caps(瓶盖) were made 43.different kinds of plastic, so we needed to separate(分离) 44.(they) for different uses. So with my mask and gloves on, I started to take the caps off the plastic bottles 45.(quick)."There 46.(be) straws(吸管) and trash(垃圾) inside the bottles, so you have to take these things out," another worker in the center told us. Some of my friends didn't like this work. To be honest, I didn't like it either. But it was important and good for the environment. After a while, we crushed(压碎) all the plastic bottles 47.put them all in a large box.After a long day, we finally finished 48.(do) our work. Though it was a simple job, it would have a lasting influence (影响) on our lives and our environment. That's what volunteering is about. How 49.(meaning) it is!六、语篇翻译With our eyes, we can see colors and enjoy the world. 1. But sometimes, we use our eyes so much that they don't work well.You can see that from some of your classmates with glasses. About 60 percent of Chinese students were shortsighted(近视的) in 2013, according to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. 2. If you are shortsighted, then there are a lot of things you can do.Wearing glasses can't make our eyesight(视力) become normal(正常的) again. 3. 但眼镜能帮助我们放松眼睛。

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数学 一试 2018年5月
1. 已知单项式322018-y x
m -与n y x 273-可以合并同类项,则=-n m 222_________
2. 若02122=-+-b a )(,则b a =________
3. 在同一平面内的三条直线,最多可以形成的对顶角的对数为_________
4. 已知2a -1的算术平方根是3,3a +b -1的平方根4±,则a +2b 的平方根为_______
5. 计算:[]=÷⨯+⨯1-2-3-22
6. 点()1,2-p 是坐标系中的一点,已知PQ ∥x 轴,并且PQ =3,则Q 点的坐标为_______
7. 为了响应国家“节约资源,循环利用”的号召,湖南师大食堂小卖部处在售出某品牌豆奶后,对玻璃瓶进行回收,某日,小卖部老板以1.5元/瓶的价格总共进货500瓶豆奶,早上以305元/瓶的价格售出a 瓶(a >320),中午以8折的价格继续售出余下的豆奶,并且所有的豆奶喝完将空瓶以0.2元/个的价格回收,假设空瓶回收率为80%,则小卖部在售卖这批豆奶的过程中盈利___________元
8. 在数轴上,有三个点A 、B 、C ,A 、B 分别表示数1,3,其中,A 点事线段BC 的中点,则点C 表示的数为__________
9. 近日,湖南师大附中为加强学生体育锻炼,新购置一批排球和足球(足球比排球多).已知每个排球价格30元,每个足球价格40元,总共花费460元,则足球、排球总共买了________个.
10. 关于x 的不等式组⎩⎨
10>>x a x 的整数解共有7个,则a 的取值范围是________ 11. 已知方程组____________::,0432032=⎩
⎨⎧=+-=+-z y x z y x z y x 则
12. 附中高二某信息课上,廖同学设计了一道小程序,如下图,若开始输入x 为正数,最后输出结果为906,则满足条件的所有x 的值的和为_________
13. 如果多项式x x -22的值等于1,那么1344234--+-x x x x 的值等于____________
14. 已知)2(+a a A 、为平面直角坐标系中第一象限内的一点,将点A 向右平移三个单位、向下平移6个单位长度后得到点B ,若点B 不在坐标抽上且与A 点不在同一象限内,则a 的取值范围为__________
15. 定义:
),12)(1(61321222232++=++++=∑=n n n n x n x ,例如: =+++=++++=∑∑∑===1008222210
32222210121043,10321x x x x x x
则 ___________ 二、解答题(10+10+10+10+15=55分)
16. 就宫格最早出现在 我国古代数学名著《九章算术》,金庸先生在其经典小说《射雕英雄传》中,就出现过女主角黄蓉计算九宫格.
21. 已知a 为有理数,b ,c 为质数,若a <c <b ,且ca bc ab a c c b b a ++=++222,求a +c 的值.
22. 夏天来了,碎碎冰和雪糕都是同学们的最爱,小谭同学带12元去超市,他发现某品牌雪糕和碎碎冰价格都为整数,且雪糕比碎碎冰贵了3元一个,若她将钱全部买雪糕,则刚好用完不用找零,若全部买碎碎冰也刚好全部用完不用找零,则雪糕每个______元.
23. 所有分母不超过10的正的真分数的和等于___________.
24. 若方程组⎩⎨
y x a y x 32453的解x 与y 的和为3,则a 的值为___________.
25. 三个质数p ,q ,r 满足p +q =r ,且p <q ,那么P 等于____________.
26. 湖南卫视快乐大本营某期节目玩了这样一个游戏:将A ,B ,C ,D 四个盒子中分别放有6,5,4,3个球,第一个小朋友找到放球最少的盒子,从其它的盒子中各取1个球放入这个盒子中,然后第二个小朋友又找到一个放球最少的盒子,从其它的盒子中各取1个球放入这个盒子中,…如此进行下去,当第368个小朋友放完后,A ,B ,C ,D 四个盒子中的球数依次是______.
27. 家润多某种高端品牌的家用电器,若按标价打八折销售该电器一件,则可获利润500元,其利润率为20%.现如果按同一标价打九折销售该电器一件,那么获得的纯利润为多少元?
28. 若a ,b ,c 均为非负数,.,355,,17
372的范围求若且S c b a S c b a c b a b a ++=≤≤⎩⎨⎧=++=+
29. 如图,四边形ABCD ,BEFG ,MNHF 是正方形,AE =NH +7,GH =AD +4,求四边形DENG 的面积.。
