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Heading 两大解题方法:
1.文章着手: 抓住文章每段的主题句,(特殊: 把握具体名词的所属类别)
2.选项着手: A:抓住每个heading中的KEY WORDS B:判断heading的语法逻辑关系
一般都是文章主 题句的改写或浓缩
Part 2
Part 3
1 Section A 2 Section B
3 Section C
4 Section D
Practice 1
Questions 1-5 The following passage titled Government Role in Environmental Management has six sections A-F. Choose the correct heading for sections A-D and F from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-ix in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
More examples

See paragraph v in Page 9
Example: Part 1
Questions 1 – 4 Reading Passage 1 has four sections, A-D. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-viii in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
文章具体,选项更抽象概括 2. 文章措辞更难
Method 1: 查找 topic sentence
1. read the 1st, 2nd and last sentence of every paragraph to find the topic sentence
2. check which heading corresponds with the topic sentence
3. 以同义词/近义词/ 同类词形式出现

Sydney is home to the state Art Gallery of New South Wales, the Sate Conservatorium of Music, the Australian Opera, the Sydney Dance Company, and the Australian Ballet. The world-class Sydney Symphony Orchestra offers great classical music all year round. Local theatre is creative and well supported, and large-scale overseas productions tour regularly.
特例: no topic sentence

某些段落主题句不明显,是一系列细节的罗列, 此时需要归纳出它们所属的类别。 Paragraph C: There is a toaster oven, a blender, and a can opener on one counter. I have a microwave oven on another. In my cupboard, you can find a mixer and a hot air popcorn popper. On the far side of the kitchen, there is a coffee machine and coffee grinder. Heading 4 kitchen utensils
Most suitable heading
v Governments and management of the environment
Section B

No activity affects more of the earth's surface than farming. It shapes a third of the planet's land area, not counting Antarctica, and the proportion is rising. World food output per head has risen by 4 per cent between the 1970s and 1980s mainly as a result of increases in yields from land already in cultivation, but also because more land has been brought under the plough. Higher yields have been achieved by increased irrigation, better crop breeding, and a doubling in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in the 1970s and 1980s.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Section A Section B Section C Section D Example Section E 5. Section F
Answer vi
Section A

The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, however, governments act in an even more harmful way. They actually subsidise the exploitation and consumption of natural resources. A whole range of policies, from farmprice support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and (often) make no economic sense. Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus: a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy. Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to confront the vested interest that subsidies create.
Tຫໍສະໝຸດ BaiduREE 小标题
First things first

基础较好,List of heading 则一般先做 List of heading 题出现在文章前,要特 别注意不要漏做 在真实考试中,每个标题只用一次 例子中已经选过的段落可以直接去掉 注意不要写串答案
3 possibilities
Follow the following procedure
List of Headings
The 1st, 2nd & the Last Sentences
Topic Sentence
Main Idea
Most suitable Heading
III 主题句与支持句练习

In a growing number of hotels and skyscrapers across the nation, steel walls have replaced the foot-thick brick and mortar walls once used. Tests show that a steel wall four inches thick has better insulating qualities than a 12-inch thickness of masonry. In addition, steel-curtain wall panels save both time and labor. And the floor space conserves red by use of the thin wall as against the thick wall in a big office building can mean a couple of hundred dollars a year in rentals.

Mastery of theme


Topic是段落的中心,是整段描述的重点。 Feature: 1. 某特定单词反复出现 2. 以指代词形式出现 3. 以同义词/ 近义词/ 同类词的形式出现

1. 某特定单词反复出现

Animals can move form place to place, but plants cannot. When an animal is under attack, it can run away or fight back. Plants certainly cannot run away, and they lack teeth and claws. But plants can defend themselves by using both physical and chemical means.
Topic sentence and supporting details? Topic sentence: a growing number of hotels and skyscrapers use steel walls instead of brick-and-mortar walls. Supporting ideas: 1) A steel wall has better insulating properties. 2) Steel wall panels save time and labor. 3) A steel wall conserves floor space.

定义句型: A is defined as … / is known as… A is … / Namely / That is … / This is …

find topic sentences See P110
特例: no topic sentence

Some Shortcuts

主题句一定是包含性最强的句子 1. 例句不是主题句 2. 问句不是主题句 3. 从句不是主题句 4. 明显包含细节的句子不是主题句 5. however 出现后看后半句 6. sb believe/hold/ imply 等引导的宾从是主句 7. In spite of/despite, 看后半句 8. 平行关系的段落没有主题句
2. 以指代词形式出现

Tropical fish are becoming increasingly popular. Varied in color, they are decorative for homes, offices and even store windows. The rising of such fish is recommended as a relaxing hobby for people in jobs involving much tension. Many hobbyists have made money by breeding those fish varieties for which there is a special demand.