《宏观经济学》练习题一、名词解释1、投资乘数:收入的变化与带来这种变化的投资支出变化的比率,用公式表示为K i=△y/△i。
精选word第十二章国民收入核算二、单项选择题1、下列哪—项不列入国内生产总值的核算中( )A、出口到国外的一批货物B、政府发放给贫困家庭的救济金C、经纪人从旧房买卖中收取的佣金D、保险公司收到的家庭财产保险费2、“面粉是中间产品”这一命题( )A、一定是对的B、一定是不对的C、可能对,也可能不对D、以上三种说法全对3、下列哪一项计入GDP 中? ( )A、购买一辆用过的旧自行车B、购买普通股票C、汽车制造厂买进10吨钢板D、银行向某企业收取一笔贷款利息4、某国的资本品存量在年初为10000亿美元,本年度生产了2500亿美元的资本品,资本消耗折旧为2000亿美元,则该国在本年度的总投资和净投资分别是( )A、2500亿美元和500亿美元B、12500亿美元和10500亿美元C、2500亿美元和2000亿美元D、7500亿美元和8000亿美元5、以下正确的统计恒等式为( )A、投资= 储蓄B、投资= 消费C、储蓄= 消费D、总支出- 投资= 总收入- 储蓄6、下列项目中,( ) 不是要素收入A、总统薪水B、股息C、公司对灾区的捐献D、银行存款者取得的利息7、以下( ) 不能计入国内生产总值A、企业的库存B、家庭主妇的家务劳务折合成的收入C、拍卖毕加索作品的收入D、为他人提供服务所得收入8、安徽民工在南京打工所得收入应该计入到当年( ) 中A、安徽的国内生产总值(GDP)B、安徽的国民收入(NI)C、南京的国民生产总值(GNP)D、南京的国内生产总值(GDP)9、通货膨胀时,GNP价格矫正指数( )A、大于1B、小于IC、大于0D、小于010、一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值,说明该国公民从外国取得的收入( ) 外国公民从该国取得的收入A、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于11、如果:消费额= 6亿元,投资额= 1亿元,间接税= 1亿元,政府用于商品和劳务的支出额= 1.5亿元,出口额= 2亿元,进口额= 1.8亿元,则( )A、NNP = 8.7亿元B、GDP = 7.7亿元C、GDP = 8.7亿元D、NNP = 5亿元12、用收入法计算的GDP等于( )A、消费+投资+政府支出+净出B、工资+利息+租金+利润+间接税C、工资+利息+中间产品成本+间接税+利润D、工资+利息+租金+利润+间接税+折旧13、如果当期价格水平低于基期价格水平,那么( )A、实际GDP等于名义GDPB、实际GDP小于名义GDPC、实际GDP与名义GDP 相同D、实际GDP大于名义GDP14、如果钢铁、油漆、绝缘材料以及所有用来制造一个电烤炉的原料价值在计算GDP时都包括进去了,那么这种衡量方法( )A、因各种原料都进入市场交易,所以衡量是正确的。
A.大于B.小于C.等于D.不能确定3、“面包是最终产品,而面粉是中间产品”这一命题()A.一定是对的B.一定是不对的C.可能是对的,也可能是不对的D.在任何情况下都无法判断4、按百分比计算,如果名义GDP上升( )价格上升的幅度,则实际GDP将( )A.小于,下降B.超过,不变C.小于,不变D.超过,下降5、在计算GDP的政府支出部分的规模时,正确的选项为( ).A.计入政府用于最终商品和劳务的支出B.计入政府用于商品的支出,不计入用于劳务的支出C.计入政府用于最终商品和劳务的支出,以及政府的全部转移支付D.计入政府的转移支付,不计入政府用于商品和劳务的支出E.以上都不对6、用支出法计算的GDP的公式为A GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)B GDP=C+S+G+(X-M)C GDP=C+I+T+(X-M)D GDP=C+S+T+(M-X)四、多项选择题1、下列说法中,()不是GDP的特征。
A.它是用价值量测度的B它测度的是最终产品和劳务的价值C.它只适用于给定的时点D.它测度的是销售的产品价值E.它是从地域角度衡量的2、今年的名义GDP大于去年的名义GDP,说明()A.今年物价水平比去年高了B.今年生产的商品和劳务的数量比去年多了C.今年物价水平和实物产量水平都比去年提高了D.A、B、C三种情况都有可能,但无法确定到底是哪一项E.若今年与去年相比, 物价水平没变, 则表明今年的实物产量水平比去年提高了3、下列项目中,()属于政府购买.A.地方政府投资兴建一所小学B.政府购买电脑和轿车C.政府给公务员加薪D.政府给低收入者提供一笔住房补贴E.政府支付的公债利息4、煤炭具有多种用途,作为最终产品的是().A.家庭用于做饭B.餐馆用于做饭C.供热公司用于供应暖气 D.化工厂作为化工原料E.居民用于取暖5、用支出法核算GDP时,应包括的项目有A 居民消费支出B 政府转移支付C 政府购买D 居民对债券的支出6、下列产品中不能计入当年GDP的有A 纺纱厂购入的棉花B 某人花10万元买了一幢旧房C 家务劳动D 某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品7、以下可以计入GDP的有A 购买一辆用过的卡车B 居民购买粮食第二章简单国民收入决定理论一、名词解释消费函数储蓄函数平均消费倾向边际消费倾向乘数二、判断是非题1、在简单国民收入决定理论中,均衡产出是指与总需求相等的产出。
宏观经济学练习题一、填空题:在题目中的空格上填入正确答案 (每一空格1分,共12分)1. 宏观经济学的中心理论是国民收入决定理论。
1. 宏观经济学要解决的解决问题是资源利用问题。
2. 国内生产总值(GDP)是指一个国家领土内在一定时期内所生产的全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值。
2. 国民生产总值(GNP)是指一国在某一给定时期内所生产全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值。
3 边际消费倾向是指消费增量和收入增量之比,它表示每增加一个单位的收入时消费的变动情况。
3. 数是指自发总需求的增加所引起的国民收入增加的倍数,在二部门模型中乘数的大小取决于边际消费倾向。
5. IS曲线是描述产品市场上实现均衡时,利率与国民收入之间关系的曲线。
5. LM曲线是描述货币市场上实现均衡时,利率与国民收入之间关系的曲线。
6. 总需求曲线是描述产品市场和货币市场同时达到均衡时,价格水平与国民收入间依存关系的曲线。
6. 总需求曲线是描述产品市场和货币市场同时达到均衡时,价格水平与国民收入之间依存关系的曲线。
7. 当就业人数为1600万,失业人数为100万时,失业率为 5.9% 。
7. 若价格水平1970年为80,1980年为100,则70年代的通货膨胀率为 25% 。
8. 经济周期的中心是国民收入的波动。
8. 经济周期是指资本主义市场经济生产和再生产过程中出现的周期性出现的经济扩张与经济衰退交替更迭循环往复的一种现象。
9. 针对单纯经济增长造成的问题,罗马俱乐部的第一个报告麦都斯的《增长的极限》提出零经济增长论。
9. 针对单纯经济增长造成的问题,1967年英国经济学家米香首先对经济增长提出是否值得向往问题。
宏观经济学练习题试卷1一、名词解释国内生产总值摩擦失业收入乘数潜在GDP边际消费倾向二、单项选择题1.下列哪项不列入国内生产总值的核算()A. 出口到国外的一批货物B.政府给贫困家庭发放的一笔救济金 C. 经纪人为一座旧房买卖收取的一笔佣金 D. 保险公司收到一笔家庭财产保险费2.一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值,说明该国公民从外国取得收入()外国公民从该国取得的收入A.大于B.小于C.等于D.可能大于也可能小于3.今年的名义国内生产总值大于去年的名义国内生产总值,说明()A.今年物价水平一定比去年高了B.今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了 C.今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了 D.以上三种说法都不一定正确4.已知某国的资本品存量在年初为10000亿美元,它在本年度生产了2500亿美元的资本品,资本消耗折旧是2000亿美元,则该国在本年度的总投资和净投资分别是()A.2500亿美元和500亿美元B.12500亿美元和10500亿美元C.2500亿美元和2000亿美D.7500亿美元和8000亿美元5.当消费函数为C=a+bY,a>0,0<b<1,这表明,平均消费倾< p="">向()A.大于边际消费倾向B.小于边际消费倾向C.等于边际消费倾向 D.以上三种情况都可能6.如果边际储蓄倾向为0.3,投资支出增加60亿元,可以预期,这将导致均衡水平GDP增加()A.20亿元B.60亿元C.180亿元D.200亿元7.边际消费倾向是指()A.在任何收入水平上,总消费对总收入的比率B.在任何收入水平上,由于收入变化而引起的消费支出的变化C.在任何收入水平上,当收入发生微小变化时,由此导致的消费支出变化对收入水平变化的比率D.以上答案都不正确8.边际消费倾向和边际储蓄倾向的关系为()A.等于1B.等于现期收到的可支配收入的总额C.他们之间的比例一定表示平均消费倾向 D.等于09.一个家庭当期收入为0时,消费支出为2000元;而当期收入为6000元时,其消费支出为6000元,在图形上,消费和收入之间成一条直线,则其边际消费倾向为()A.2/3B.3/4C.4/5D.110.经验表明长期消费函数是一条过原点的直线,所以()A.边际消费倾向小于平均消费倾向B.边际消费倾向等于平均消费倾向 C.边际消费倾向大于平均消费倾向 D.平均储蓄倾向等于111.“面粉是最终产品”这一命题()A.一定是对的B.一定是不对的C.可能是对的,也可能不对 D.无法判断12.下列项目中()不属于要素收入,但要计入个人收入之中A.房租B.养老金C.红利D.银行存款利息13.在四部门经济中,GDP是指()的总和。
学》习题一、填充题1. 凯恩斯认为流动偏好的基本心理规律是利率。
2. 按照终身收入假说,在收入预期不变的情况下,若预期寿命延长,则APC 。
3. 设由资本边际效率等于利率的原则决定的投资需求为1000,而信贷配给为800,则实际的投资需求800。
4. 在简单凯恩斯模型中,有效需求和均衡产出的关系是。
5. 若收入提高5%,利息率提高5%,则货币需求量。
6. 准备率是指。
7. 垂直的LM曲线表示货币需求对利息率弹性(绝对值)= 。
8. 在浮动汇率情况下,顺差时LM曲线移动。
9. 根据新古典增长理论,若投资大于人均资本占有的减少,则人均资本占有。
10. 若本期就业等于充分就业,下期就业大于充分就业,则下期工资。
11. 凯恩斯认为消费倾向的基本心理规律是。
12. 按照终身收入假说,在收入预期不变情况下,若工作期延长,则APC 。
13. 若投资为500,加速数为2,则生产能力的增量为。
14. 若边际消费倾向增加,则有效需求。
15. 根据平方根定律,利息率提高3%,取款次数不变,则货币需求量减少量为。
16. 中央银行提高再贴现率,商业银行向中央银行的借款。
17. 在LM曲线上方的组合表示货币市场的供求关系是。
18. 由工资提高导致通货膨胀的通胀类型是。
19. 边际消费倾向为0.75,总额税制,政府转移支付增加100,有效需求增加400。
20. 扩张财政对总需求的影响是各个价格上的总需求水平。
21. 熊彼特第一个长周期的标志创新产业为。
22. 根据绝对收入假说框架,APC不变的原因是提高。
23. 根据由总量生产函数导出的投资函数,在其他不变情况下,平均折旧变为加速折旧,则合意资本存量。
24. 消费需求是投资增加导致有效需求按乘数方式增加的原因。
25. 市场利息率导致证券即期价格提高。
26. 法定准备率提高使货币乘数。
27. 考虑货币市场,若利息率高于均衡水平则利息率下降而有效需求。
28. 在充分就业时,供给价格弹性0。
A .一定是对的;B.一定是不对的;C.可能是对的,也可能是不对的;D.以上三种说法全对。
3. 下列哪一项计入GDP?()A.购买一辆二手自行车;B.购买普通股股票;C. 汽车制造厂购进10吨钢板;D. 银行向某企业收取一笔贷款利息;4.下列项目中,()不是要素收入。
A.总统薪水; B.股息; C.公司对灾区的捐赠; D.银行存款者取得的利息;5.下列第()项不属于要素收入但被居民收到了。
A.租金;B.银行存款利息;C.红利;D.养老金;6.下列命题不正确的是()项A.国民生产净值减去直接税等于国民收入;B.国民生产净值加上资本消耗等于国民生产总值;C.总投资等于净投资加上折旧;D.个人收入等于个人可支配收入加上直接税;7.如果个人收入=570元,而个人所得税=90元,消费=430元,利息支付总额=10元,个人储蓄=40元,个人可支配收入为()A.500元;B.480元;C.470元;D.400元8. 一国的国民生产总值小于国内生产总值,说明该国公民从外国取得的收入()外国公民从该国取得的收入。
A、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于9. 今年的名义国内生产总值大于去年的名义国内生产总值,说明()。
10. 下列哪一项不列入国内生产总值的核算?()A、出口到国外的一批货物;B、政府给贫困家庭发放的一笔救济金;C、经纪人为一座旧房买卖收取的一笔佣金;D、保险公司收到一笔家庭财产保险。
11. 经济学上的投资是指:()A、企业增加一笔存货;B、建造一座住宅;C、企业购买一台计算机;D、以上都是。
A、⼤于B、⼩于C、等于D、可能⼤于也可能⼩于3、“⾯粉是中间产品”这⼀命题()A、对B、不对C、可能对也可能不对4、经济学上的投资是指( )A、企业增加⼀笔存货B、建造⼀座住宅C、企业购买⼀台计算机D、以上都是5、下列哪⼀项不是公司间接税?( )A、销售税B、公司利润税C、货物税D、公司增值税6、下列项⽬中,()不是要素收⼊?A、总统薪⽔B、股息C、公司对灾区的捐献D、银⾏存款者取得的利息7、在下列项⽬中,()不属于政府购买?A、地⽅政府办三所中学B、政府给低收⼊者提供⼀笔住房补贴C、政府订购⼀批军⽕D、政府给公务⼈员增加薪⽔8、在统计中,社会保险税增加对()有影响?A、GDPB、NDPC、NID、PI9、下列哪⼀项计⼊GDP?A、购买⼀辆⽤过的旧⾃⾏车B、购买普通股票C、汽车制造⼚买进10吨钢板D、银⾏向某企业收取⼀笔贷款利息10、下列第()项不属于要素收⼊但被居民领到了?A、租⾦B、银⾏存款利息C、红利D、养⽼⾦11、已知某国年初资本品存量为10000亿美元,它在本年度⽣产了2500亿美元的资本品,资本消耗折旧是2000亿美元。
则该国在本年度的总投资和净投资分别为()A、2500和500B、12500和10500C、2500和2000D、7500和800012、下列哪个命题不正确?( )A、NDP减去直接税等于NIB、NDP加上折旧等于GDPC、总投资等于净投资加上折旧D、个⼈收⼊等于个⼈可⽀配收⼊加上个⼈所得税以及⾮税社会⽀出13、某国的GNP⼤于GDP,说明该国居民从外国获得的收⼊与外国居民从该国获得的收⼊相⽐的关系是( )A、等于B、⼩于C、⼤于零D、⽆法确定14、下列哪⼀种情况可能使国民收⼊增加最多()A、政府增加转移⽀付100亿元B、政府增加基础设施投⼊100亿元C、政府减少个⼈所得税100亿元D、在税率33.33%的情况下,政府增加购买和税收各100亿元⼆、名词解释GDP GNP 个⼈可⽀配收⼊三、计算题根据统计表1-1,计算国内⽣产总值(GDP),国内⽣产净值(NDP),国民收⼊(NI)(12分)统计表1-1单位:亿元净投资125出⼝30进⼝15储蓄25资本折旧50政府转移⽀付120企业间接税75政府购买200个⼈消费⽀出500社会保险⾦150第⼆章简单国民收⼊决定理论⼀、选择:1、根据凯恩斯绝对收⼊假说,随着收⼊增加()。
解答: IS与LM两条曲线相交决定的均衡收入不一定就是充分就业的
平衡预算乘数:KTK Tt1 r 1 1 1 0 . 8 00. .88 44
K B K G K T 5 ( 4 ) 1
由 IS=LM可知:1300-25r=1K0G00,得 r=12,则此时I=140-5×12=80
(3)从上述可知,当政府支出增加△G=20时,投资△I=-20,存在“挤出效应”。 (4)草图表示上述情况如下所示:
在IS和LM两条曲线相交时所形成的均衡收入是否就是充分就业的国 民收入?为什么?
(3)IS 曲线图形:
4. 假定货币需求为L=0.2Y-5r。
8.设某一三部门的经济中,消费函数为C=200+0.75Y,投资函数为I= 200-25r,货币需求函数为L=Y-100r,名义货币供给是1 000,政府购买 G=50,求该经济的总需求函数。
1、在以下三种情况中,可称为通货膨胀的是( B )。
A、物价总水平的上升持续了一个星期之后又下降了B、物价总水平上升而且持续了一年C、一种物品或几种物品的价格水平上升而且持续了一年2、一般用来衡量通货膨胀的物价指数是指( A )。
A、消费物价指数B、批发物价指数C、国民生产总值折算数D、其他3、失业率是( A )。
A、需求管理B、供给管理C、需求管理和供给管理并举D、国际经济政策6、当经济中存在失业时,应该采取的财政政策是( A )。
A、增加政府支出B、减少政府支出C、提高个人税收D、减少政府转移支付7、属于紧缩性财政政策工具的是( A )。
A、减少政府支出和增加税收B、减少政府支出同时减少税收C、增加政府支出和减少税收D、增加政府支出同时增加税收8、属于内在稳定器的财政政策工具是( B )。
宏观经济学习题宏观经济学习题1一、计算题:1、假设经济中的消费函数C=150+0.6Y,投资函数为I=100-6r,政府支出为50;货币需求函数为L=0.2Y-2r, 货币供给为100,价格水平为1。
2、假设一个只有家庭和企业的两部门经济中,消费C=100+0.8Y, 投资I=150-600r, 货币供给m=150, 货币需求L=0.2Y-400r,价格为1.(1)求IS和LM曲线方程;(2)求产品市场和货币市场同时均衡时的利率和收入;(3)若扩展为三部门经济,其中税收t=0.25Y, 政府支出G=100, 货币需求为L=0.2Y-200r, 货币供给为150,求IS、LM曲线方程及均衡利率和收入。
3、假定货币需求为L = 0.2y,实际货币供给为M=200,消费C = 90 + 0.8Y d,税收T =50,投资I = 140 - 5r,政府购买支出G = 50,求:(1)导出IS和LM方程,并求均衡收入、利率和投资(2)若其他情况不变,政府支出g增加20,则收入、利率和投资有什么变化?4、假设货币需求L=0.2Y-10r,实际货币供给M=200,消费C=60+0.8 Y d,税收T=100,投资I=150,政府购买支出G=100,求:(1)IS和LM方程、收入、利率和投资。
如果储蓄率为28%,人口增长率为1%,技术进步速率为2%,折旧率为4%,该国稳定状态的产出是多少?如果储蓄率下降到10%,而人口增长率上升到4%,其他不变,那么该国新的稳定状态产出是多少?6、假定一个两部门经济中的消费函数为C= 100 + 0.6Y,投资I = 50 。
一、单项选择题1 、两部门的均衡是 ( )。
A.I=SB.I+G=S+TC.I+G+X=S+T+MD.AD=AS2 、三部门的均衡是 ( )。
A.I=SB.I+G=S+TC.I+G+X=S+T+MD.AD=AS3 、开放经济的四部门的均衡是 ( )。
A.I=SB.I+G=S+TC.I+G+X=S+T+MD.AD=AS4 、一个国家在本国(或地区)领土上,在一定时期内生产的全部产品和劳务的市场价值的总和是指 ( )。
A.国民生产总值B.国内生产总值C.国内生产净值D.国民收入5、一个国家或地区的领土上,在一定时期内所生产的最终产品和劳务按市场价格计算的净值是指 ( )。
A.国民生产总值B.国内生产总值C.国内生产净值D.国民收入6 、一个国家一定时期内用于生产的各种生产要素所得到的实际收入,即工资、利息、地租和利润的总和扣除间接税净额和对企业转移支付后的余额是指( )。
A.国民生产总值B.国内生产总值C.国内生产净值D.国民收入7、从使用角度考察,国民生产总值是指在一个国家或地区的领土上,在一定时期内居民、厂商、政府和国外部门购买最终产品和劳务的支出总额上,这种方法是 ( )。
A.支出法B.收入法C.生产法D.无法确定8 、从分配的角度考察,国民生产总值是指在一个国家或地区的领土上,在一定时期内生产要素所有者得到的报酬总和,这种方法是 ( )。
A.支出法B.收入法C.生产法D.无法确定9 、从生产角度考察,国民生产总值是指在一个国家或地区的领土上,在一定时期内各部门的增值的总和,这种方法是 ( )。
A.支出法B.收入法C.生产法D.无法确定10 、国内生产净值等于 ( )。
A.国内生产总值—折旧B.国民生产总值—国外要素净收入C.国民收入—公司所得税—公司未分配利润—社会保险税+政府转移支付和利息支出D.国内生产总值+本国公民在国外的资本和劳务所创造的价值或收入—外国公民在本国的资本和劳务所创造的价值或收入11 、国民收入等于 ( )。
第一章国民收入核算一、名词解释1. 国内生产总值2. 实际国内生产总值3. 国民收入4. 个人可支配收入二、单项选择题1. 用支出法核算GDP时,应包括的项目有( )。
A. 居民消费支出B. 政府转移支付C. 政府税收D. 居民对债券的支出2. 以下不能计入国民收入的有( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 工资C. 资本折旧D. 间接税3. 宏观经济学研究的中心是( )。
A. 收入与增长分析B. 收入与就业分析C. 失业与通货膨胀分析D. 通货膨胀与增长分析4. 下列产品中能够计入当年GDP的有( )。
A. 纺纱厂购入的棉花B. 某人花10万元买了一幢旧房C. 家务劳动D. 某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品5. 属于GDP但不属于NI的项目有(或按收入法计入GDP的有)( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 企业转移支付C. 间接税D. 直接税6. GDP与NDP之间的差别是( )。
A. 间接税B. 折旧C. 直接税 D. 净出口7. 国民收入核算体系中不包括如下哪个变量( )。
A. 国内生产总值B. 国内生产净值C. 政府税收D. 个人收入8. 用收入法核算的GDP应包括()。
A. 工资、利息、租金和非企业主收入B. 公司税前利润C. 企业转移支付及企业间接税D. 资本折旧9. 已知C=6亿,I=1亿,间接税=1亿,g=1.5 亿,X=2 亿,M=1.8亿,则( )。
A. NNP=8.7亿B. GDP=7.7 亿C. GNP=8.7亿D. NNP=5亿10. 用支出法计算的GDP的公式为( )。
A. GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)B. GDP=C+S+G+(X-M)C. GDP=C+I+T+(X-M)D. GDP=C+S+T+(M-X)11. 以下可以计入GDP的有( )。
A. 购买一辆用过的卡车B. 居民购买粮食C. 政府转移支付D. 政府购买办公用品12. 用收入法核算GDP时,应包括()。
A. 政府转移支付B. 间接税C. 政府投资兴建一所学校D. 企业投资13. 用支出法核算GDP时,应包括( )。
宏观经济学习题第一章导论一、选择题2.下列变量都是流量,除了( C )A.个人可支配收入B.消费支出C.个人财富D.国内生产总值3.下面各种现象都会降低失业率,除了:CA.失业人口数减少。
根据奥肯定律,下面哪项陈述是错误的:D A.如果这一年的失业率不变,实际GDP将会升高3%。
6.如果一个美国公民被一家在巴西经营的美国公司雇用,那么她的收入:D A.是美国GDP的一部分,巴西GNP的一部分。
C C C AD D二、名词解释1.经济周期2.失业3.失业率4.结构性失业5.摩擦性失业6.周期性失业7.充分就业 8.自然失业率 9.经济增长 10.流量 11.存量1.经济周期:经济周期指的是经济运行过程中出现的阶段性的不规则的上下波动。
宏观经济学习题参考答案第一部分国民收入核算 (1)第二部分简单国民收入决定理论 (16)第三部分 IS-LM模型及政策分析与实践 (27)第四部分总供求+失业与通胀+经济周期与经济增长 (38)第一部分国民收入核算一、判断正误并改正1.国内生产总值等于各种最终产品和中间产品的价值总和。
(错)包括:物质产品与劳务(goods and services)3.不论是商品数量还是商品价格的变化都会引起实际国内生产总值的变化。
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Exercise and answerNote: These are based on Principle of Macroeconomics, helping tounderstand basic concepts. Some contents such as those of Chap 7, 8, 10, may not be covered here.For your final review, please aid also with questions and problemsof the Macroeconomics textbook.Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____ 1. Suppose that an apartment complex converts to a condominium where the renters are now owners of their former apartments. Suppose that an estimate of the value of the condominium owners' housing services isnow the same as their former rent.a. GDP necessarily increases.b. GDP necessarily decreases.c. GDP is unaffected because neither the rent nor the estimate of the value of housingservices is included in GDP.d. GDP is unaffected because previously rent was included in GDP, and now it is replaced bythe estimate of the value of housing services.____ 2. GDPa. includes the value of intermediate goods so we can get a measure of sales.b. excludes the value of intermediate goods because they are too difficult to measure.c. excludes the value of intermediate goods because their value is already counted in thevalue of final goods.d. None of the above are correct.____ 3. Which of the following is included in U.S. GDP?a. goods produced by foreign citizens working in the United Statesb. the difference in the price of the sale of an existing home and its original purchase pricec. known illegal activitiesd. None of the above are correct.____ 4. A firm produces consumer goods and adds some to inventory in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter the firm sells the goods at a retail outlet which leaves their inventory diminished. As a result of these actions,what component(s) of real GDP change in the fourth quarter?a. only investment and it decreases.b. only consumption and it increases.c. Investment decreases and consumption increases.d. None of the above is correct.____ 5. Which of the following is included in the investment component of GDP?a. purchases of newly constructed homesb. purchases of foreign capital goods such as industrial equipmentc. changes in inventoryd. All of the above are correct.____ 6. Which of these things would NOT be included in the components listed after them?a. Ruth buys a motorcycle made in Japan to ride on her weekends off-U.S. consumption andU.S. import.b. Shirley owns her own home which has an estimated rental value-U.S. consumption.c. Beverly buys a newly issued stock in a U.S. corporation-U.S. investment.d. Samantha produces some art work but doesn't sell them all in the current quarter and soadds them to her inventory-investment.____ 7. If in a given year an economy has consumption of $3000, investment of $2000, government purchases of $1500, exports of $500, imports of $600, taxes of $1200, transfer payments of $400, and depreciation of $300, then GDP will equala. $6400.b. $7000.c. $7600.d. $8900.e. $9500.____ 8. Which statement represents most correctly the relationship between nominal GDP and real GDP?a. Nominal GDP measures base-year production using base-year prices, while real GDPmeasures current production using current prices.b. Nominal GDP measures current production using base-year prices, while real GDPmeasures current production using current prices.c. Nominal GDP measures current production using current prices, while real GDP measurescurrent production using base-year prices.d. Nominal GDP measures current production using current prices, while real GDP measuresbase-year production using base-year prices.____ 9. The GDP deflator can be used to identify thea. increase in nominal GDP that is due to an increase in prices rather than an increase inproduction.b. increase in real GDP that is due to an increase in prices rather than an increase inproduction.c. increase in the cost of living for typical U.S. consumers.d. reduction in government spending required to balance the federal budget.____ 10. The information below was reported by the World Bank. On the basis of this information, which list below contains the correct ordering of GDP per person from highest to lowest?a. Japan, Switzerland, United Statesb. Japan, United States, Switzerlandc. United States, Switzerland, Japand. United States, Japan, Switzerland____ 11. Suppose that over the last twenty-five years a country's nominal GDP grew to three times its former size. In the meantime population grew 50 percent and prices rose 100 percent. What happened to real GDP perperson?a. It more than doubled.b. It rose, but less than doubled.c. It was unchanged.d. It fell.____ 12. The inflation rate is defined as thea. price level.b. change in the price level.c. price level divided by the price level in the previous period.d. percentage change in the price level from the previous period.____ 13. The market basket used to calculate the CPI in Aquilonia is 4 loaves of bread, 6 gallons of milk, 2 shirts and 2 pants. In 2001 bread cost $1.00 per loaf, milk cost $1.50 per gallon, shirts cost $6.00 each and pants cost$10.00 per pair. In 2002 bread cost $1.50 per loaf, milk cost $2.00 per gallon, shirts cost $7.00 each and pantscost $12.00 per pair. What was the inflation rate, as measured by the CPI, for Aquilonia between 2001 and2002?a. 30 percentb. 24.4 percentc. 21.6 percentd. It is impossible to determine without knowing the base year.____ 14. The price index is 180 in one year and 210 in the next. What was the inflation rate?a. 16.7 percentb. 14.3 percentc. 11.1 percentd. None of the above are correct.____ 15. By far the largest category of goods and services in the CPI basket isa. housing.b. recreation.c. transportation.d. food and beverages.____ 16. Which of the following is not a widely acknowledged problem with the CPI as a measure of the cost of living?a. substitution biasb. introduction of new goodsc. unmeasured quality changed. unmeasured price change____ 17. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the effects of quality change on the CPI?a. Even though the BLS adjusts prices of products in the CPI basket when the quality of theproducts change, changes in quality are still a problem, because quality is so hard tomeasure.b. Because the BLS adjusts prices of products in the CPI basket when the quality of theproducts change, changes in quality are no longer a problem for the CPI.c. the BLS does not adjust the CPI for quality changes.d. Most economists believe that changes in the quality of goods included in the CPI basketdo not bias the CPI as a measure of the cost of living.____ 18. Suppose that lawn mowers are part of the market basket used to compute the CPI. Then suppose that the quality of lawn mowers improves while the price of lawn mowers stays the same. If the Bureau of LaborStatistics precisely adjusts the CPI for the improvement in quality, then, other things equal,a. the CPI will rise.b. the CPI will fall.c. the CPI will stay the same.d. lawn mowers will no longer be included in the market basket.____ 19. In 1931, President Herbert Hoover was paid a salary of $75,000. The price index for 1931 is 15.2, and the price index for 2001 is 177. The President's salary today is $400,000.a. President Hoover's salary equivalent in 2001 dollars is much smaller than that of thecurrent U.S. president.b. President Hoover's salary equivalent in 2001 dollars is about the same as that of thecurrent U.S. president.c. President Hoover's salary equivalent in 2001 dollars is much larger than that of the currentU.S. president.d. One cannot make a meaningful comparison of 2001 salaries and 1931 salaries.The following questions are based on the following information:Scenario 11-1Grant Smith was a doctor in 1944 and made about $12,000 a year. His daughter Lisa Smith also is a doctorand last year she made about $175,000 in 2001. The price index in 1950 was 17.6 and the price index was 177 in 2001.____ 20. Refer to Scenario 11-1. What is Lisa's income in 1945 dollars?a. $15,667b. $17,401c. $19,322d. None of the above are correct.____ 21. Ingrid takes a university teaching job as an assistant professor in 1974 at a salary of $10,000. By 2003, she has been promoted to full professor, with a salary of $50,000. If the price index in 1974 is 50, and the priceindex in 2003 is 180, what is Ingrid's 2003 salary in 1974 dollars?a. $13,889b. $18,000c. $26,000d. $36,000____ 22. Which is the most accurate statement about the relationship between inflation and interest rates?a. There is no relationship between inflation and interest rates.b. The interest rate is determined by the rate of inflation.c. In order to fully understand inflation, we need to know how to correct for the effects ofinterest rates.d. In order to fully understand interest rates, we need to know how to correct for the effectsof inflation.____ 23. In the United States, as measured by real GDP per person, average income is about how many times as high as average income a century ago?a. 2b. 4c. 6d. 8____ 24. Which of the following is true?a. Although levels of real GDP per person vary substantially from country to country, thegrowth rate of real GDP per person is similar across countries.b. Productivity is not closely linked to government policies.c. The level of real GDP per person is a good gauge of economic prosperity, and the growthrate of real GDP per person is a good gauge of economic progress.d. Productivity may be measured by the growth rate of real GDP per person.____ 25. Which of the following does the level of real GDP measure?a. total real incomeb. productivityc. the standard of livingd. All of the above are correct.____ 26. In 2002 real GDP per person in Olympus was 4,500. In 2001 it was 4,250. What was the growth rate of real GDP per person?a. 5.6 percentb. 5.9 percentc. 6.5 percentd. None of the above are correct to the nearest tenth.____ 27. In 2002 real GDP in Oceania was 561.0 billion and the population was 2.2 million. In 2001 real GDP was 500.0 billion and the population was 2.0 million. What was the approximate growth rate of real GDP perperson?a. 12 percentb. 10 percentc. 4 percentd. 2 percent____ 28. Which of the following is NOT correct?a. Countries that have had higher output growth per person have typically not done so withhigher productivity growth.b. A country's standard of living and its productivity are closely related.c. Productivity refers to output produced per hour of work.d. Increases in productivity can be used to increase output or leisure.____ 29. Human capital is thea. knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and experience.b. stock of equipment and structures that is used to produce goods and services.c. total number of hours worked in an economy.d. same thing as technological knowledge.____ 30. Your company discovers a better way to produce mousetraps, but your better methods are not apparent from the mousetraps themselves. Your knowledge of how to more efficiently produce mousetraps isa. common technological knowledge.b. common, but not technological, knowledge.c. proprietary technological knowledge.d. proprietary, but not technological, knowledge.____ 31. If your firm has constant returns to scale, then if you doubled all your inputs your firm's output woulda. not change.b. increase, but by less than double.c. double.d. more than double.____ 32. Other things equal, relatively poor countries tend to growa. slower than relatively rich countries; this is called the poverty trap.b. slower than relatively rich countries; this is called the Malthus effect.c. faster than relatively rich countries; this is called the catch-up effect.d. faster than relatively rich countries; this is called the constant-returns-to-scale effect.____ 33. The logic behind the catch-up effect is thata. workers in countries with low incomes will work more hours than workers in countrieswith high incomes.b. the capital stock in rich countries deteriorates at a higher rate because it already has a lotof capital.c. new capital adds more to production in a country that doesn't have much capital than in acountry that already has much capital.d. None of the above are correct.____ 34. An organization that tries to encourage the flow of investment to poor countries is thea. World Bank.b. Organization of Less Developed Countries.c. Alliance of Developing Countries.d. International Development Alliance.____ 35. Which of the following is generally an opportunity cost of investment in human capital?a. future job securityb. forgone wages at presentc. increased earning potentiald. All of the above are correct.____ 36. Gary Becker has proposed programs like Mexico's Progressa to reduce child labor and increase educational levels.a. If successful, these programs will raise productivity by increasing human capital.b. In Mexico these programs have decreased differences in the level of education obtained bygirls and boys.c. Such programs might be funded by reducing money spent on universities and education ofthe elite.d. All of the above are correct.____ 37. Which of the following statements is FALSE?a. The catch-up effect is based on the assumption of diminishing returns to capital.b. Investment in poor countries from rich countries is one way poor countries can learn newtechnologies.c. Malthus argued that charity and government aid was an effective way to reduce poverty.d. Adam Smith argued that peace, light taxes and a tolerable administration of justice are thekeys to growth.____ 38. Which of the following is an observation made by Kremer?a. World growth rates increased as the population increased.b. Technological progress allows for increasing population because of advances inagriculture.c. World population is growing so rapidly that soon it will outstrip natural resources and ourstandard of living will decline.d. All of the above are correct.____ 39. Typically, countries in Africaa. have high tax rates.b. have laws and geography that encourage trade.c. had low but positive growth of real GDP per person between 1978 and 1994.d. All of the above are correct.____ 40. If the government's expenditures exceeded its receipts, it would likelya. lend money to a bank or other financial intermediary.b. borrow money from a bank or other financial intermediary.c. directly buy bonds from the public.d. directly sell bonds to the public.____ 41. Compared to long-term bonds, other things the same, short-term bonds generally havea. more risk and so pay higher interest.b. less risk and so pay lower interest.c. less risk and so pay higher interest.d. about the same risk and so pay about the same interest.____ 42. Papa Mario's Pizza Company sells common stock.a. They are using equity financing and the return shareholders earn is fixed.b. They are using equity financing and the return shareholders earn depends on howprofitable the company is.c. They are using debt financing and the return shareholders earn is fixed.d. They are using debt financing and the return shareholders earn depends on how profitablethe company is.____ 43. Compared to bonds, stocks offer the holdera. lower risk.b. partial ownership.c. the likelihood of a lower return.d. All of the above are correct.____ 44. Which of the following is not an important stock exchange in the United States?a. New York Stock Exchangeb. American Stock Exchangec. Chicago Mercantile Exchanged. NASDAQ____ 45. Stock indexes area. the average of a group of stock prices.b. the average of a group of stock yields.c. reports in the newspaper that report on the price of the stock and earnings of thecorporation.d. measures of the risk relative to the profitability of corporations.____ 46. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now based on the prices of the stocks ofa. 30 major U.S. corporations.b. 100 major U.S. corporations.c. 500 representative U.S. corporations.d. 1000 representative U.S. corporations.____ 47. Stock in Synergyistic Corporation is selling at $25 per share. It had earnings of $5 a share and a dividend yield of 5 percent. What is the dividend and the price-earnings ratio?a. $.25, 5b. $.25, 6.7c. $1.25, 5d. $1.25, 6.7____ 48. A mutual funda. is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raisefunds.b. is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest inprojects that are mutually beneficial to the firm and community.c. sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise haveto pay high interest to obtain credit.d. is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection ofvarious types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.____ 49. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy?a. S = I - Gb. I = Y - C + Gc. Y = C + I + Gd. Y = C + I + G + NX____ 50. If the nominal interest rate is 10 percent and the inflation rate is 4 percent, then the real interest rate isa. 14 percent.b. 6 percent.c. 2.5 percent.d. 4/10 percent.____ 51. If Congress reduced the tax rate on interest income, investmenta. would increase and saving would decrease.b. would decrease and saving would increase.c. and saving would increase.d. and saving would decrease.____ 52. Suppose the U.S. government allowed taxpayers to earn their first $5,000 of interest income tax free. This would shift thea. supply for loanable funds right making interest rates fall.b. supply of loanable funds left making interest rates rise.c. demand for loanable funds right making the interest rate rise.d. demand for loanable funds left making the interest rate fall.____ 53. Interest rates fall and investment falls. Which of the following could explain these changes?a. the government goes from a surplus to a deficitb. the government repeals an investment tax creditc. the government replaces a consumption tax with an income taxd. None of the above are correct.____ 54. From 2000 to 2002 the U.S. national debt has been abouta. 10 percent of GDP.b. 35 percent of GDP.c. 50 percent of GDP.d. 75 percent of GDP.____ 55. A few years ago, based on concepts similar to those used to estimate U.S. employment figures, the Canadian adult non-institutionalized population was 24 million, the labor force was 16 million, and the number ofpeople employed was 14 million. According to these numbers, the Canadian labor-force participation rate andunemployment rate were abouta. 67 percent and 8.3 percent.b. 67 percent and 12.5 percent.c. 58 percent and 8.3 percent.d. 58 percent and 12.5 percent.____ 56. An increase in the minimum wage woulda. increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b. decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c. increase the quantity of labor demanded while decreasing the quantity supplied.d. decrease the quantity of labor demanded while increasing the quantity supplied.____ 57. If the minimum wage was currently above the equilibrium wage, than a decrease in the minimum wage woulda. increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b. decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c. increase the quantity of labor demanded and decrease the quantity supplied.d. decrease the quantity of labor demanded and increase the quantity supplied.____ 58. Samantha, the CEO of a corporation operating in Uganda, decides to raise the wages of her workers even though she faces an excess supply of labor. Her decisiona. might increase profits if it means that the wage is high enough for her workers to eat anutritious diet that makes them more productive.b. will help eliminate the excess supply of labor if she raises it sufficiently.c. will cause unemployment to fall.d. All of the above are correct.____ 59. When the Federal Reserve conducts open market transactions, ita. issues Federal Reserve notes.b. buys or sells government bonds from the public.c. lowers the discount rate.d. increases its lending to member banks.____ 60. Suppose a bank has $10,000 in deposits and $8,000 in loans. It has a reserve ratio ofa. 2 percent.b. 12.5 percent.c. 20 percent.d. 80 percent.____ 61. If you deposit $3,000 into First Hawkeye Bank, thea. bank's required reserves increase by the reserve ratio times $3,000.b. bank will be able to lend out $3,000 times the reserve ratio.c. bank initially sees reserves increase by $0.d. All of the above are correct.____ 62. If a bank uses $100 of reserves to make a new loan when the reserve ratio is 20 percent, this action by itself initially makes the money supplya. and wealth increase by $100.b. and wealth decrease by $100.c. increase by $100 while wealth does not change.d. decrease by $100 while wealth decreases by $100.____ 63. If the reserve ratio is 10 percent, the money multiplier isa. 100.b. 10.c. 9/10.d. 1/10.____ 64. If the reserve ratio is 15 percent, an additional $1,000 of reserves will increase the money supply, to the nearest dollar, bya. $1176.b. $1275.c. $5667.d. $6667.____ 65. Which list contains only actions that decrease the money supply?a. raise the discount rate, make open market purchasesb. raise the discount rate, make open market salesc. lower the discount rate, make open market purchasesd. lower the discount rate, make open market sales____ 66. Which list contains only actions that decrease the money supply?a. make open market purchases, raise the reserve requirement ratiob. make open market purchases, lower the reserve requirement ratioc. make open market sales, raise the reserve requirement ratiod. make open market sales, lower the reserve requirement ratio____ 67. If reserve requirements are decreased, the reserve ratioa. decreases, the money multiplier increases, and the money supply decreases.b. increases, the money multiplier increases, and the money supply increases.c. decreases, the money multiplier increases, and the money supply increases.d. increases, the money multiplier increases, and the money supply decreases.____ 68. Which of the following statements about U.S. inflation is false?a. Low inflation was viewed as a triumph of President Carter's economic policy.b. There were long periods in the nineteenth century during which prices fell.c. The U.S. public has viewed inflation of even 7 percent as a major economic problem.d. The U.S. inflation rate has varied over time, but international data shows even morevariation.____ 69. When the value of money rises, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goodsa. increases, and so the price level rises.b. increases, and so the price level falls.c. decreases, and so the price level rises.d. decreases, and so the price level falls.____ 70. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the price level causes aa. shift to the right of the money demand curve.b. shift to the left of the money demand curve.c. movement to the left along the money demand curve.d. movement to the right along the money demand curve.____ 71. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply shifts the money supply curve to thea. right, lowering the price level.b. right, raising the price level.c. left, raising the price level.d. left, lowering the price level.____ 72. The price level is aa. relative variable.b. actual variable.c. real variable.d. nominal variable.____ 73. Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation?a. If velocity is stable, an increase in the money supply creates a proportional increase innominal output.b. If velocity is stable and money is neutral, an increase in the money supply creates aproportional increase in the price level.c. With constant money supply and output, an increase in velocity creates an increase in theprice level.d. With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a proportionalincrease in the price level.____ 74. Suppose that velocity and output are constant, and that the quantity theory and Fisher effect are both correct.If nominal interest rates are 6 percent and inflation is 2.5 percent, it follows that thea. money supply growth rate is 2.5 percent.b. real interest rate is 8.5 percent.c. real interest rate is 2.5 percent.d. money supply growth rate is 6 percent.____ 75. High and unexpected inflation has a greater costa. for those who borrow than those who save.b. for those who hold a little money than for those who hold a lot of money.c. for those whose wages increase by as much as inflation, than those who are paid a fixednominal wage.d. for savers in high income tax brackets than for savers in low income tax brackets.____ 76. Which of the following would be U.S. foreign direct investment?a. Your U.S. based mutual fund buys stock in Eastern European companies.b. A U.S. citizen opens a guitar store in Hong Kong.c. A Swiss bank buys a U.S. government bond.d. A German tractor factory opens a plant in Peoria.____ 77. The U.S. sells machinery to a South African country that pays them with South African currency (the rand).a. This increases U.S. net capital outflow because the U.S. acquires foreign assets.b. This decreases U.S. net capital outflow because the U.S. acquires foreign assets.c. This increases U.S. net capital outflow because the U.S. sells capital goods.d. This decreases U.S. net capital outflow because the U.S. sells capital goods.____ 78. Suppose the real exchange rate is 4/5 pounds of Chilean beef per pound of U.S. beef, a pound of U.S. beef costs $2 and the nominal exchange rate is 600 Chilean pesos per dollar. It follows that Chilean beef costsa. 960 pesos per pound.b. 1,200 pesos per pound.c. 1,500 pesos per pound.d. None of the above is correct.____ 79. If the nominal exchange rate e is foreign currency per dollar, the domestic price is P, and the foreign price is P*, the real exchange rate is defined asa. e(P*/P).b. e(P/P*).c. e + P/P.d. e - P/P*.____ 80. The introduction of the euro hasa. eliminated the possibility of arbitrage within Europe.b. eliminated the possibility of arbitrage based on exchange-rate differences within Europe.c. increased the possibilities for arbitrage within Europe.d. not affected the possibilities for arbitrage within Europe.Use the (hypothetical) information in the following table to answer the following questions.____ 81. Refer to Table 18-1. In real terms, U.S. goods are less expensive than goods in which country(ies)?a. Brazil and Mexicob. Japan, Sweden, and Thailandc. Japan and Swedend. Thailand____ 82. Which of the following events would be consistent with purchasing-power parity?a. The price level in the United States rises more rapidly than that in Ireland and the realexchange rate defined as Irish goods per unit of U.S. goods stays the same.b. The money supply in the United States rises more rapidly than in Egypt and the nominalexchange rate defined as Egyptian pounds per dollar falls.c. Earl, a worldwide traveler, looks at exchange rates and worldwide breakfast prices onemorning and finds that whatever country he decides to go to he can convert $5 into enoughlocal currency to buy the same breakfast.。