
中美奢侈品消费行为差异背后的文化影响研究A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural CommunicationOn the Linguistic Features of English and Chinese News Headlines解读艾丽斯•沃克《紫色》中的家庭A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music中英爱情谚语的隐喻研究及其翻译The Importance of the Translators’Overall Qualities In Translation《看管人》下的“品特式”生存与对话—浅析《非笑之事》英语电影片名的汉译研究《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格分析论跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际的重要性跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养文化负载词的翻译策略英汉基本颜色文化内涵对比浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法委婉语探究:起源、构成、交际功能《哈利波特》系列小说的浪漫主义情节分析浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习A Comparison between Tess and Hester’s Tragic Destiny仿拟在广告中的运用商务谈判中的语言技巧A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights简析比喻在《围城》中的运用Reread Shylock from a Tragic V iewpoint相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter中式思维模式对初中生英语写作的影响文体学视觉下的英语商务信函的礼貌表现《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析An Analys is of David Copperfield’s Dual Character唯美主义与奥斯卡王尔德童话浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰从《一个干净明亮的地方》看极简主义在短篇小说中的应用论奥斯卡•王尔德《道林格雷的画像》中的死亡结局与唯美主义女性主义视野下林黛玉与简•爱的比较研究An Analysis of Middlemarch from the Perspective of Ethics中学英语课堂中的情感教育从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观以赫索格为代表的索尔贝娄作品中知识分子的困境与出路约瑟夫•康拉德《进步前哨》的象征主义分析分析《等待》的悲剧数字口译及其训练策略高中英语任务型语法教学初探论《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中象征主义和意识流的运用The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray中英身势语中的文化差异《呼啸山庄》和《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的女性意识的对比从目的论看电影《音乐之声》中对白的汉译习语及习语的汉英翻译中美商务谈判的风格差异英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响从生长环境看林黛玉与简爱的反抗性格之差异Pursuit and Disillusionment of American Dream—On Sister Carrie’s Tragedy弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》的写作技巧剖析《生活大爆炸》言语幽默语用分析论英语新课标下高中生跨文化意识的培养论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观国际商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略从《阿甘正传》中看美国梦对比研究《珊瑚岛》和《蝇王》主题的冲突性宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现Analysis of the Factors that Influence News Listening Comprehension浅析对信用证软条款的防范西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同爱情描写与《》核心主题的关系论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质论口译中的跨文化意识中西方传统女权主义思想异同比较——王熙凤与简爱之人物性格对比分析从中西方节日看中西文化差异从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义“黑人会飞”——托妮•莫里森小说《所罗门之歌》中的黑人神话研究对外新闻的导语编译研究与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》分析女性语言特点在英语委婉语中的体现——以《绝望主妇》为例中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响浅析《飘》中女性主义的萌发论《老人与海》所表现的人与自然的关系英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究从认知的角度看委婉语《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶莎士比亚悲剧人物的海明威式英雄特征——以《哈姆雷特》与《奥赛罗》为例从小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公看当代大学毕业生的迷惘《十日谈》中的乡村意象A Comparison of the English Color TermsThe Narrative Strategies of O. Henry’s Short Stories互联网时代的语言帝国主义论英语电影片名的翻译英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究Colonialist Ideology in The Last of the Mohicans商务交际中的模糊语言策略海明威《雨中猫》的文体分析Inheritance and Development of Gothic Literary Tradition in Jane Eyre中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究迪斯尼动画《木兰》中的中美文化融合分析从福斯特《天使不敢涉足的地方》看英国转型期中产阶级价值观论《围城》的幽默语翻译《苔丝》与《呼啸山庄》中复仇主题的生态女性主义解读《小妇人》的结局中所包含的清教主义与个人主义的冲突与融合Feminism in The A wakeningOn the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation挣脱世俗枷锁,定义自我人生意义——解读毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的人生哲学做最好的自己—论斯佳丽形象对现代女性的教育意义中美时间观念的跨文化研究从《小妇人》看男性缺失时十九世纪美国女性的成长英汉语复合词结构特征比较探析照进黑暗的光--电影《弱点》主题阐释论英语听力难点及解决方法《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意福克纳《我弥留之际》中达尔形象解析《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读从译者的读者意识看童话英汉翻译从社会达尔文主义的角度分析《野性的呼唤》中的巴克魔鬼之子:论《呼啸山庄》和《呼唤》中的男主人公形象浅议中西方餐桌礼仪的文化差异及翻译从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响电影片名翻译的研究从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物On the Female Influences on Pip’s Character in Great Expectations非智力因素与英语学习的关系-以xx大学学生为例从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合A Humanistic Study on Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities迷惘一代的英雄:厄内斯特海明威与弗雷德里克亨利从北京奥运会简析宝洁营销策略中西饮食文化的比较Christ Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin游戏教学在小学英语课堂中的运用浅谈中国经济发展中的问题浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品On the Absurdity in Waiting for GodotOn the Manifold Functions of the Scene of Parties in The Great Gatsby 论翻译的艺术“It be adj for sb to do sth”中形容词制约研究汉英翻译中文化传递的可接受度论女性主义对翻译标准的影响中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用英汉被动意义表达比较研究翻译呼啸山庄的感想(英译中)初中英语的传统教学与现代教学的差异On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese 《等待戈多》的荒诞色彩女性主义翻译视角下《紫色》汉译本对比研究儒家文化与和谐世界的构建解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》浅析美国高等教育的创新《林湖重游》中的静态美分析通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想论《简爱》对《灰姑娘》的继承与颠覆An Eco-Critical Approach to Moby Dick商务策略研究——论沃尔玛的营销策略中外英语教师的优劣势比较:从中学生视角盖斯凯尔夫人工业小说研究论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现从生态视野解读狼图腾读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色《爱玛》中的女权思想解读论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究从功能对等的角度论英语习语翻译论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗英语中源于希腊罗马神话主要神祇姓名词汇的认知探索车贴中的语言污染现象研究从关联理论分析辛弃疾的诗词翻译论英语新闻中的模糊语言从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异论《喜福会》中女性的反抗精神从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性论《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘一代”的反叛与抗争高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究从《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》看美国个人主义价值观通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同艾米丽狄金森和李清照自然诗写作风格对比分析论《野性的呼唤》的多重主题林肯话语中幽默特征的分析Double Vision in Characterization in The Great Gatsby《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义群体隐私和个体隐私——中美家庭中隐私观念的对比研究从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异从新历史主义视角解读杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格《麦田里的守望者》语境与商务英语信函写作A Comparison of the English Color Terms浅谈汉语成语的英译论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives 浅论《洛丽塔》主人公悲剧命运的根源从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异从跨文化交际角度论委婉语的翻译。
《律政俏佳人》单词列表——by 帅熊

GPA 各科成绩的平均绩点,这里 Elle 所得的 4.0 是满分。 Button n. 爸爸对 Elle 的昵称,相当于宝贝。
Day 4 sorority n. 女生联谊会,是由一群住在同一幢楼里的女大学生组成,她们一起做很多社 会活动。 be skilled at 擅长 command v. 博得 issue n. 问题 come to one's attention 引起...的注意 maintenance n. 维修 staff n. 工作人员 switch v. 转换 Charmin n. 一个卫生纸品牌,这里代指品牌的卫生纸 generic adj. 一般的(卫生纸) oppose v. 反对 chafe v. 摩擦 recall vt. 回想起 hundreds of adj. 数以百计的 neither adv. 两个都不 opera n. 歌剧 on sale (打折)出售 soul n. 灵魂乐 identity
adv. 单独地 march n. 游行示威 Lesbian n. 女同性恋者 Drunk Driving 醉驾 Princeton n. 美国普林斯顿大学 Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬·霍金(英国著名物理学家) steal v. 抄袭 Brief History of Time 《时间简史》,1988 年出版的最佳畅销书,霍金的成名作。 Gemini n. 双子座(星座) vegetarian n. 素食者 bachelor's degree 学士学位 fashion merchandising 时尚营销 CULA 加利福利亚大学洛杉矶分校 Zeta Lambda Nu Elle 所在学校男生会的名字 sweetheart 甜心 president n. 主席 sorority n. (美国大学里的)女生联谊会 Delta Nu Elle 所在学校女生会的名字 homecoming queen 返校节皇后 Cameron Diaz 卡梅隆·迪亚兹,美国女影星,好莱坞“霹雳娇娃”, 凭借她调皮的笑容和惊艳 容貌为人们所熟知。 Fred Segal 弗雷德·西格尔,洛杉矶经营的地标性精品店,是美国地区第一家销售迪赛品牌 昂贵裤子的商店。 heinous
Legally and Blonde律政俏佳人

Legally and BlondeB:Girls, this is it, In a few hours... I’ll be the future Mrs.Warner. Huntington lll.A: Wow, you look so beautiful.B: So do you!A:let’s get out of here.B:Must be strange having such perfect eyes.A: God, you’re so wonderful. Elle, thank you!Here’s to use.B:To us.A: Elle, one of reason I want to come here tonight...... was to discuss our futureB:And I am fully amenable to that discussionA:Good, you know how we’ve been having all kinds of fun lately? Well, Harvard is gonna be different. Law school is a completely different world, and I need to be serious.B:of courseA:My family expects a lot from me.B:rightA:I expect a lot from me. I plan on running for office somedayB:I fully support that. You know thatB:Absolutely, But the thing is...if I’m going to be a senator by thetime I’m thirty... I need to stop dicking around.A:Warner, I completely agree.B: That’s why I think it’s time for us... Elle, pooh bear...A:I doB: I think we should break up. I’ve being thinking, and it’s right thing to do.A: You’re breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing. B:proposing? Haha... Elle, if I’m going to be a senator... I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.A: You’re breaking up with me because I’m too blonde?B:No, That’s not entirely true.A:Then what? My boobs are too big?B:Elle, your boobs are fine.A:So when you said that you would always love me...you were just dicking around?B:Elle, I do love you. enh...I just can’t marry you. You have no idea of the pressure that I am under. My family has five generations of senators. My brother’s in the top three Yale Law. He just got engaged to a Vanderbilt, for Christ’s sake.(crying loudly=screaming) Bad salad. Sweetie...pooh bear? It’s not like I have a choice here, sweetheart! Ok, you get the car, I’ll get the check.(I won’t be having the salad.)Come on, let me take you homeA:No!B:Elle, believe me, I never expect to do this...but I think it’s the right thing.A:How can it be the right thing when we’re not together?B:I have to think of my future, and what family expects of meA:Because you’re afraid your family won’t like me? Everybody likes me!B: Wow, East Coast people are different.A:Because I ‘m not a Vanderbilt. Suddenly I’m white trash? I grew up Bel Air. Across the street from Aaron Spelling! I think most people would agree that’s a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!B:I told you I need someone serious.A:But I’m seriously in love with you. Isn’t that enough?B:Pooh bear, just get in the car.A:NoB:You’ll ruin your shoes.A:Ok。
律政俏佳人 ( 英语电影赏析)ppt

Matthew Davis is the youngest man (only 23) between these leading actors. He has performed some famous films including Urban Legends:The Final Cut (都市传奇 终极版) 珍珠港) 终极版)and Pearl Harbour (珍珠港).
Congratulations, Class of 2004, we did it!"
One aspect of filmmaking
The movie was really hot at that time.It is just as easy as honey.The little girl's small mind and colorful dream world can always evoke your heart of innocence and the yearning for beautiful things.The most unforgettable thing is that----the colour of pink.The hat, clothes, skirt,high-heeled shoes, telephone, car, laptop and even the clothes of the pet dog are pink which blot out the sky and cover up the earth. Every girl’s eyes lit up watching the film. It’s just a dream world. It not only make Reese Witherspoon popular, but also drive the tide of pink.
The devil wears prada台词(中英对照)之欧阳与创编

Good luck. 祝好运啦。
Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton? 嗨我与艾密莉查尔顿有约。
Andrea Sachs? Yes. -安德雅沙奇。
Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. 真够了人事部也太幽默了吧。
Follow me. 跟我来。
Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant... 我是米兰达的第二特助。
but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first. 但他的第一特助最近升官了所以就是我啦。
Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying. -喔所以你自己自动调职啦。
Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. 前两个女孩才过没几星期就被米兰达炒了。
We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们要找个能生存下来的明白吗。
Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda? 当然米兰达是谁啊。
Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that. 天啊我会装作没听见你刚这问题。
She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend. 他是Runway杂志的总编辑更是个传奇人物。
You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. 只要能为他工作过一年哪个杂志都会抢着要你的。
穿蔻驰的女王 台词中英字幕

穿蔻驰的女王台词中英字幕- Setting: A luxurious dressing room with a vanity table full of Chanel products.- Characters:- Queen: A young and confident woman in her early thirties, wearing a beautiful Chanel dress.- Assistant: A loyal and dedicated assistant, always ready to help the Queen.Scene 1: Preparing for a Royal EventQueen: (Sitting at the vanity table, applying makeup) 这个唇膏颜色如何?(How does this lipstick color look?)Queen: 太棒了,谢谢你的建议。
(That's great, thank you for your suggestion.)Scene 2: Choosing the Perfect OutfitAssistant: 女王殿下,我已经为今晚的音乐会准备了几套服装,您想看一下吗?(Your Majesty, I have prepared a few outfits for tonight's concert, would you like to take a look?)Queen: 当然,让我看看。
(Of course, let me have a look.)Assistant: 这件鱼尾裙会让您的身材更加突出,展现出女王的优雅与魅力。
(This mermaid dress will accentuate your figure and showcase the elegance and charm of a queen.)Queen: 我喜欢这个款式,它很适合今晚的场合。

Admired Elle has evil spirit of this beauty - blond hair, white skin, tall and proficient in dress up, like a beautiful barbie doll.Beauty and lively personality, let Elle has become a perfect girl.Her boyfriend arner condition is also good, has a rich background and outstanding appearance.Two people very match, but surprisingly Werner didn't even use Elle as a partner, in his eyes, Elle is just a vase, besides beautiful no director, after he admitted to harvard law school, dumped Elle, and old girlfriend back to the old love.Elle unwilling, one thousand party hundreds also want to go to harvard, because she want to use action to prove herself and she donesnot only have appearance, also want to let her boyfriend come to their senses.With the help of friends and their carefully prepared, Elle smoothly passed the assessment of Harvard University, as a harvard law school students.But surprised Elle harvard study life is very dull, not only do not have boyfriend come to their senses, and the blonde is discrimination everywhere.Positive Elle, no give up in law school.After hard work, Elle not only learned a lot, but also to recognize herself. To everyone's surprise, Elle was witty did a career.。

Group 7:刘雅玲、秦诗雨、蒋惠慈、周洋、高倩影
导演:查理-赫曼 出品:大卫-尼科塞、马克-伊-布赖特 编剧:伊文-阿拉特、丹尼斯-徳瑞克 凯特-康德尔、阿曼达-布朗
里斯-威瑟斯潘、莎丽-菲尔德 鲍勃、鲁克-威尔森、瑞姬娜-金 Let us go to enjoy a part of the film.
Байду номын сангаасynopsis :
本来艾丽和学校里最酷的帅哥沃纳(马修· 戴维斯)拍拖拍 得好好的,一心巴望着嫁给他,作沃纳· 亨廷顿三世夫人, 做梦也想不到沃纳压根就不想娶她,理由竟然是艾丽长得 太漂亮,太金发美女。沃纳来自东海岸一个精英家庭,从 小受的教育就是:头发黄,见识短,金发美女个个头脑空 空。所以,沃纳在进哈佛法学院之后,不但把艾丽甩了, 还和过去预科时的旧女友重修旧好。 艾丽实在是不甘心,使出贴身追击的绝招,跟着沃纳也去 了哈佛法学院。她要做给沃纳看,她不但有美貌,而且有 智慧。不过,哈佛可不是个好玩的地方,艾丽在行的所有 流行玩意这儿都没有,在那些高深莫测的学生精英堆里, 开朗外向的艾丽是个不折不扣的另类,到处碰壁,不断遭 人奚落。在沃纳现任女友的“刺激”下,艾丽开始发愤苦 读。在一系列啼笑皆非的事情发生后,艾丽最后还是有机 会证明自己,为一桩谋杀案的嫌疑犯辩护成功,获得爱情 与事业的双重幸福。
We hope this film is good for you.
Group opinions:
1、The heroine艾丽 is very confident and optimistic.
2、we can do everything if we try our best.

穿PRADA的恶魔The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本Good luck.祝你好运Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton?你好,我约了艾米莉·查尔顿Andrea Sachs? Yes.安吉丽雅·塞克斯?是的Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor.要命,人力部还真会开玩笑Follow me.跟我来Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant...听着,我本来是马琳达第二助手but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first.她首席助手近期晋升所以我现在是首席助手Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying.哦,你给自己找替身但还没找到Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. 马琳达几周内炒了前两个女孩We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand?我们需要能够适应这个高强度工作的员工你明白吗?Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda?当然,马琳达是谁?Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that. 哦,天哪,我会假装你刚没问过我She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend.她是《天桥》杂志主编,是一名传奇人物{\an8}安吉丽雅还以为天桥指时装表演T 字舞台那段走道You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want.只要为她卖命一年之后想去什么杂志社就可以去A million girls would kill for this job.所有女生都会为这份工作发疯的It sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered.听上去很棒我很荣幸能被选中Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine...安吉丽雅,《天桥》是本时尚杂志so an interest in fashion is crucial.热衷于时尚对工作人员非常重要What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion?你认为我对时尚没有兴趣?Oh, my God.我的天哪No! No! No!不!不!不!What's wrong?怎么了?She's on her way. Tell everyone!她要到了,通知大家!She's not supposed to be here until 9:00.她应该九点到的Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk.司机刚用短信通知我她的美容师椎间盘突出God, these people! Who's that?那些人真要命!这是谁啊?That I can't even talk about.我都不想提她All right, everyone! Gird your loins!好了,各位!准备就绪!Did somebody eat an onion bagel?谁吃过洋葱面包圈了?《天桥》普拉达- 著名时尚品牌Sorry, Miranda.对不起,马琳达Move it! Ooh!让开!I don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm an appointment.我不明白为什么确认预约就这么困难?I know. I'm so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night.我知道,对不起,马琳达我昨晚真的去确定预约了Details of your incompetence do not interest me.我对你无能的细节没兴趣Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout.告诉西蒙我不要她为巴西版面选的女孩I asked for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy.我要的是干净、运动型、面带微笑的女孩她挑的是肮脏、疲倦的肥婆And R.S.V.P. Yes to the Michael Kors party.回复麦克·克斯我会去他的聚会I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp.我要司机九点半送到那里九点四十五分再来接我Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time.打电话给“光荣食品”的纳塔丽告诉她第四十遍…No, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote.…不行!我不要杏仁蛋白饼我要大黄水果蛋糕Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight.再打电话给我前夫,提醒他今晚的家长会在达尔顿Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo.打给我丈夫,让他在我和马西莫去过的地方碰面吃晚餐Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers...告诉李查德我看过他送来的女伞兵照片and they're all so deeply unattractive.她们实在太难看了Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper?就不能找个可人又苗条的女伞兵?No. Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really.当然能我能摘星星吗?当然不可能Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try.还有,我要看奈杰尔给格温妮斯挑的第二次封面试镜的衣服I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who's that? 不知她瘦了多少她是谁?Nobody. Um, uh...谁都不是,呃…Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her.人力部送她来做助理我刚对她进行了面试But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it.她根本不行,完全不适合这里Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me...显然我要自己来选你上两次选的人…were completely inadequate.全都不合格So send her in. That's all.让她进来就这样Right.好的She wants to see you. Oh! She does?她要见你哦!是吗?Move!快点!This is foul. Don't let her see it. Go! That's...这太土了,别让她看见,快去!那个…Who are you?你是谁?Uh, my name is Andy Sachs.呃,我叫安迪·塞克斯I recently graduated from Northwestern University.刚从西北大学毕业And what are you doing here?那你在这里做什么?Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant.嗯,我可以做你的助理And, um...还有,呃…Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere...我来纽约想成为一名记者发了不少简历and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke...终于艾丽雅斯·克拉克给了我一个电话and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.让我和人力部的谢瑞见面Basically, it's this or Auto Universe.反正,不是这里就是《机动世界》So you don't read Runway? Uh, no.那么,你没有看过《天桥》?呃,不看And before today, you had never heard of me.直到今天才知道我这个人No.是的And you have no style or sense of fashion.你对时尚即不追求,也没见解Well, um, I think that depends on what you're...这个,我认为这看个人…No, no. That wasn't a question.不,不,我没在问你Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.我曾是西北日报的主编I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists...我,还获得过全国大学记者竞赛的头名with my series on the janitors'union, which exposed the exploitation...连续揭露了校工团的不法剥削…That's all.行了Yeah. You know, okay.好吧,我知道了You're right. I don't fit in here.没错,我不适合这里I am not skinny or glamorous...我不够苗条也不够漂亮and I don't know that much about fashion.也不懂时尚But I'm smart.但我很聪明I learn fast and I will work very hard.我学得很快,我会努力工作的I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth...给格温妮斯找到卡华力的独家设计{\an8}Roberto Cavalli,意大利的知名时尚设计师but the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing...问题是她戴那么大个羽毛头饰…she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget.好像她是在金块酒店唱戏的Thank you for your time.多谢你的宝贵时间Who is that sad little person?那可怜虫是谁?Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about? 我们在制作“麻雀变公主”的节目吗?Brown and Law, please? Thank you.Andrea. Hmm?安吉丽雅嗯?Wait. You got a job at a fashion magazine?慢着,你在时尚杂志社得到份工作?Mm-hmm. What was it, a phone interview?没错什么?靠电话面试?wow. Ow! Don't be a jerk.嘴巴别那么讨厌Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable.马琳达·皮斯利是出了名的女魔头Okay, Doug. How is it that you know who she is and I didn't?道格,为什么你知道她而我不知道?I'm actually a girl. Oh!我其实是个女的哦!That would explain so much. Look, seriously.谜团都解开了喂,认真点Miranda Priestly is a huge deal. I bet a million girls would kill for that job.马琳达·皮斯利是个大人物我打赌女生都会为这工作发疯的Yeah, great. The thing is I'm not one of them.是啊,但问题我不是那些女生Look, you gotta start somewhere, right?但你总要出人头地,是不是?I mean, look at this dump Nate works in.你看笨内特的工作I mean, come on. Paper napkins? Hello.拜托,做纸巾?有没有搞错?Yeah. And Lily, she works at that gallery doing, uh, you know...对哦,莉莉她在画廊里做那个什么…Oh, I'm sorry. What exactly is it that you do anyway?哦,抱歉,你到底是做什么的?Well, lucky for me, I already have my dream job.我很幸运,已经找到了理想工作You're a corporate research analyst!你是个财务研究分析员Oh, you're right. My job sucks. No!没错,这工作很烂不是的!It sucks. I don't... It's boring. It's all right. Breathe.很烂,我…工作很无聊没事的,深呼吸I'm trying. Here. Take a drink.我在努力来,喝一杯I will have a drink. I will have a drink. Ah, yes.我要喝一杯,喝一杯啊,没错I'd like to propose a toast. To jobs that pay the rent. To jobs that pay the rent.为交房租的工作,干一杯为交房租的工作Jobs that pay the rent.为交房租的工作Oh, baby. You should see the way these girls at Runway dress.亲爱的,你该看看《天桥》里面女生的打扮I don't have a thing to wear to work.我都没有像样的衣服穿去上班Come on. You're gonna be answering phones and getting coffee.拜托,你只是去接电话,买咖啡You need a ball gown for that?干那活需要穿晚礼服吗?I think I might.我想我可能需要吧Well, I happen to think you look great always.我认为你穿什么都好看Aww! I think you're full of it.啊,胡说八道Hey. Come on. Let's go home. Yeah.嘿,过来,现在就回家好I can think of something we can do that doesn't require any clothing.有件事我们不穿衣服也能做Really? Mmm.真的?嗯Hello?喂?Andrea, Miranda decided to kill the autumn jacket story for September...安吉丽雅,马琳达决定取消九月的秋季夹克衫报道and she is pulling up the Sedona shoot from October.并提前十月的赛多纳的设计You need to come into the office right this second and pick up her coffee order on the way.你立即回办公室,路上把咖啡也买了Now? Now, get a pen and write this down.现在?没错,再拿纸笔把这个记下来I want one no-foam skimmed latte with an extra shot...我要一份大杯无泡的低脂拿铁咖啡and three drip coffees with room for milk.和三杯冲泡的咖啡,咖啡还要加奶Searing hot. And I mean hot.一定要滚烫的Hello?喂?Where are you? Oh, I'm almost there. Yeah.你在哪儿?我就快到了Shoot! Oh!该死!Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here?为什么我没看到我的咖啡?Has she died or something?她死了还是怎么了?No. God.没有天哪Oh. Bloody time.哦,太慢了I hope you know that this is a very difficult job... Mm-hmm.我希望你知道这是份艰难的活是的For which you are totally wrong.那你就错了And if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block.你的失职会送我上断头台的Now, hang that up. Don't just fling it anywhere.把那挂起来,别随便乱扔Okay. First of all, you and I answer the phones.首先,我和你接听电话The phone must be answered every single time it rings.每次响铃都必须接Calls roll to voice mail, and she gets very upset.如果转入语音信箱,她会很生气If I'm not here... Andrea, Andrea...如果我不在这里,安吉丽雅,安吉丽雅you are chained to that desk.你必须一直呆在桌子旁Well, what if I need to... What? No.好,但如果我要…什么?不行One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener...上次的一个女助理手被开信刀划伤,离开了桌子and Miranda missed Lagerfeld...导致马琳达错过了与拉格费尔德的会面{\an8}拉格费尔德- Karl Otto Lagerfeld,时尚设计师just before he boarded a 17-hour flight to Australia.恰好接着拉格费尔德又去了澳大利亚She now works at TVGuide.现在那个倒霉蛋,她在干电视导购Man the desk at all times. Got it.随时坚守岗位,知道了Uh... Miranda Priestly's office.呃…马琳达·皮斯里办公室No, she's not available.不,她现在没空Who is it?请问是哪位?Yes, I will tell her you called... yet again.是的,我会告诉她你来过电话…好几次了Right. Remember, you and I have totally differentjobs.记住,你我有不同的分工I mean, you get coffee... and you run errands.我是指,你负责咖啡,听候差遣Yet I am in charge of her schedule...我负责她的行程her appointments and her expenses.会议和财务And, um, most importantly, um...还有,最重要的是I get to go with her to Paris for Fashion Week in the fall.我会和她去巴黎的秋季时尚周I get to wear couture. I go to all the shows and all the parties.我会穿大牌设计的服装参加所有的时装表演和聚会I meet all of the designers. It's divine.会见所有设计师太神圣了Okay. Now, stay here. I'm going to the art department to give them the Book.你现在留下来我要把书拿去设计部The... This is the Book.书?就是这本书Now, it is a mock-up of everything...里面包含本期杂志要采用的…in the current issue.…所有设计素材And we deliver it to Miranda's apartment every night, andshe retu...我们每晚都把它送去马琳达的住处然后她再…Don't touch it. She returns it to us in the morning with her notes.别碰她做过笔记后在隔日上午交给我们Now, the second assistant is supposed to do this...现在,应该由第二助理来做这个but Miranda is very private and she does not like strangers in her house.马琳达很注重隐私不喜欢陌生人闯入她的住处So until she decides that you are not a total psycho...直到她确认你不是什么变态…I get the lovely task of waiting around for the Book.先由我负责保管这本书Oh, Emily? What do I do...哦,艾米莉,我该怎么办?Deal with it.把它处理好Hello. Mrs. Priestly's office.你好,皮斯里女士办公室Hmm. That's what I meant. Miranda Priestly's office.嗯,我就那意思,马琳达·皮斯里办公室Um, you know, she is in a meeting. Can I please take a message?呃,她现在开会能为你留个口信吗?Okay. Can you please spell Gabbana?好,请拼一下Gabbana{\an8}Gabbana - Docle & Gabbana,又名D&G,意大利时尚品牌Hello?喂?I guess not.不拼算了I guessed an eight and a half.我猜你穿八点五号鞋Um, uh, that's very nice of you...呃,你真好…but I don't think I need these.但我好象不需要它们Miranda hired me. She knows what I look like.马琳达雇了我,她知道我的样子Do you?你知道吗?Emily.艾米莉Emily?艾米莉?She means you.她叫你呢We just cut on the bias. That's not what I asked you.我们刚才这样斜着剪我要求的不是那样I couldn't have been clearer. There you are, Emily.我说得很清楚了你来了,艾米莉How many times do I have to scream your name? Actually, it's Andy.要我喊你多少遍才够?其实,我是安迪My name is Andy. Andrea, but, uh, everybody calls me Andy.我叫安迪安吉丽雅,但大家都叫我安迪I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein.我需要十到十五条CK 的裙子{\an8}CK - Clavin Klein,美国最顶级时尚品牌What kind of skirts do you... Please bore someone else with your questions.你想要什么样式的…这种无聊的问题你问别人去And make sure we have Pier 59 at 8:00 a.m. Tomorrow.去“五十九号码头”餐厅确认明天八点的座位Remind Jocelyn I need to see a few of those satchels that Marc is doing in the pony.提醒约瑟琳,我要看看马克在手抄里画的背包And then tell Simone I'll takeJackie if Maggie isn't available.告诉西蒙如果杰茜没空就用麦吉Did Demarchelier confirm? D-Did D-Demarchel...迪马休里耶确认了没?迪,迪马休里耶…{\an8}帕特里克·迪马休里耶,著名摄影师Demarchelier. Did he... Get him on the phone.迪马休里耶,他…打电话给他Uh, o... okay.呃,好的And, Emily? Yes?还有,艾米莉?是的?That's all.就这样It's just the cavalier disregard for clear directions...这只是不符合…Do you have Demarchelier?联络上迪马休里耶了吗?Uh, Demarchelier.呃,迪马休里耶Leave it. Do you have...让开你有没有…I have Miranda Priestly calling.马琳达·皮里斯的助理I have Patrick!帕特里克在线Uh, no, she called me in there and-and then she asked me about Pier 59.哦,她叫我进去还有什么五十九号码头And there was something about Simone, Frankie, someone else.还有关于西蒙,弗兰克,还有谁And, um, she needs skirts from Calvin Klein.她要CK 的裙子And, uh, there was something about a pony.还有关于什么小马{\an8}小马和手抄同音Did she say which skirts? No. No.她说要什么裙子了吗?没有Did she say what kind? Color, shape, fabric? I tried to ask her.她说是什么款式的、颜色、形状、材料?我试着问过了You may never ask Miranda anything.你永远不能问马琳达任何问题Right. I will deal with all of this, and you will go to Calvin Klein.好,我处理其它事,你去拿CKEh... Me?呃…我?Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have some prior commitment?不好意思,你还有其它要事吗?Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to?要去“恶心裙子讨论会”吗?Miranda?马琳达?Are you there? I'm about to walk in. I'll call you as soon as...到了没?我正要进去,我马上打电话…Hello? Hi. While you're out...喂?你好你在外面…Miranda needs you to go to Hermes to pick up 25 scarves we ordered for her.马琳达要你去爱玛仕拿她定的二十五条围巾Okay. Cassidy forgot her homework at Dalton. Pick that up. 好的卡西迪巴把作业忘在达尔顿了,你去那取Miranda went out to meet with Meisel, and she will want more Starbucks when she gets back.马琳达去见麦塞尔,她回来时要喝星巴克Hot Starbucks. Can you just repeat that first...要热的你能重复第一件…Hello?喂?Oh, my God.哦,天哪What took you so long? I have to pee!怎么那么久?我要去厕所!What? You haven't peed since I left?什么?从我出去到现在你没去过厕所?No, I haven't. I've been manning the desk, haven't I? I'm bursting.没有我一直坚守岗位,快憋不住了!Oh, hi.哦,嗨You do coat. Do the coat!你挂衣服,挂起来!Okay.好的Now, be prepared. The run-through is at 12:30.准备好,十二点三十分开始挑拔People are panicking, so the phone is going to be ringing off the hook.大家都很惊慌,电话随时都会响起The ru... The run-through. Right.挑…挑拔,好的Yes. Editors bring in options for the shoot, and Miranda chooses.没错,编辑们提出构思马琳达选出好的She chooses every single thing in every single issue.她要精心挑选每一个主题Run-throughs are a huge deal. I don't know why you don't know that, Andrea.挑选是件大事真不懂你怎么会不知道,安吉丽雅Okay. Are you ready? Oh, hi, hi.好了,准备好没?哦,嗨Right. Well, after the loo, Serena and I are going to lunch. 好了,上完厕所塞莉娜和我去吃午饭This is her... the new me. Hi.就是她,新的我嗨Told you. I thought you were kidding.我说吧我以为你开玩笑No, quite serious, yeah. I get 20 minutes for lunch, and you get 15.当然不是我有二十分钟吃午饭,你只有十五分钟When I come back, you can go. Okay.我回来后,你就能去了好的What exactly is she wearing?她穿的是什么啊?Her grandmother's skirt.她外婆的裙子Hmm. Corn chowder.嗯,粟米海鲜汤That's an interesting choice.有趣的口味You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder.你知道这里面有很多脂肪So none of the girls here eat anything?那这里的女孩都不吃东西?Not since two became the new four and zero became the new two.自从二号变成四号还有零号变成二号,就不吃了{\an8}这里的号码指衣服尺寸Well, I'm a six. Which is the new 14.我是六号那就要变成十四号了Oh. Shoot.哦,该死Oh, never mind. I'm sure you have plenty more polyblend where that came from.哦,没关系你一定还有很多其它化纤衣服Okay. You think my clothes are hideous.你觉得我的衣服难看?I get it.我知道了But, you know, I'm not going to be in fashion forever... 但,你知道我不会一直留在时尚界so I don't see the point of changing everything about myself just because I have this job.我不想为了这个工作改变自己Yes, that's true. 真是说对了That's really what this multibillion-dollar industry is all about anyway, isn't it?这个值好几亿的产业就只关心一件事,对不对?Inner beauty.内在美Hello.喂?Right. Come on.好,快来Miranda's pushed the run-through up a half an hour. Mmm!马琳达提前半小时开始了选拔She's always 15 minutes early. Which means?她通常都早到十五分钟意思是?You're already late. Come. Shoot!你迟到了,来该死Excuse me.借过Mr. Ravitz.拉维兹先生Nigel.奈杰尔Issue going well? Oh, yes. Our best September ever.工作顺利吗?哦,是的,至今最成功的一个九月Great. Heard Miranda killed autumn jackets and pulled up the Sedona shoot.很好听说马琳达取消秋季夹克衫选了赛多纳的设计What's that costing me?那要花掉我多少钱?About 300,000.大概三十万Must have been some lousy jackets.那些夹克肯定发霉了Irv Ravitz. Oh, I'm sorry.俄弗·拉维兹哦,对不起This is Andy Sachs, Miranda's new assistant.这位是安迪·塞克斯马琳达的新助理Congratulations, young lady.恭喜你,年轻人A million girls would kill for that job.女生会为这工作发疯的Bye-bye.再见Hmm? Chairman of Elias-Clarke, Irv Ravitz.嗯?艾丽雅斯·克拉克的总裁,俄弗·拉维兹You know what they say? Tiny man, huge ego.知道别人怎么说他的?个子小野心大No. And I've seen all this before.不行,都过时了Theyskens is trying to reinvent the drop waist, so actually it's...瑟斯肯斯尝试重新引进露背款式所以…Where are all the other dresses? We have some right here. 其他裙子呢?这里有一些Stand, watch and listen. And I think it can be very interesting...站着,边看边听我认为这样很时髦…No. No, I just... It's just baffling to me.不,不,我…真搞不懂Why is it so impossible to put together a decent run-through?为什么做个顺利的挑选会这么难You people have had hours and hours to prepare. It's just so confusing to me.你们有这么多时间准备真让我搞不懂Where are the advertisers?广告部的人呢?We have some pieces from Banana Republic. We need more, don't we?我们从巴纳纳拿来这些我们还需要更多,是吗?Oh. This is... This might be... What do you think of... Yeah. 哦,这个,这个可以…你们觉得呢?是啊Well, you know me.哦,你知道我这人Give me a full ballerina skirt and a hint of saloon and I'm on board.一条芭蕾舞裙加一点造型我绝对赞成But do you think it's too much like... Like the Lacroix from July?你不觉得有点太…像七月刊的卡奎I thought that, but no, not with the right accessories. It should work.我想过,但只要找对饰品我就觉得能行Where are the belts for this dre... Why is no one ready?这裙子的腰带呢?就不能都准备好吗?Here. It's a tough call.这里,但有点麻烦They're so different. Hmm.该挑哪个?嗯Something funny?很好笑吗?No. No, no. Nothing's...不,不,没什么You know, it's just that both those belts look exactly the same to me.只是,这两条腰带几乎一模一样You know, I'm still learning about this stuff and, uh...其实,我还在学这东西…呃"This... stuff"?“这…东西”?Oh. Okay. I see.好了,我知道了You think this has nothing to do with you. 你觉得这和你无关?You go to your closet...你去自己的衣橱and you select... I don't know... that lumpy blue sweater, for instance...选择…我不知道…比如你那松垮的蓝色绒线衫because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously...试着告诉世人你的人生重要到to care about what you put on your back.你无法关心自己的穿着But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue.但你要知道那衣服不仅仅是蓝色It's not turquoise. It's not lapis.不是绿色,也不是青色It's actually cerulean.而是天蓝色And you're also blithely unaware of the fact...你还轻率地忽视很多事情that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns.像奥斯卡·德拉伦塔在二零零二年设计过一系列天蓝色的晚礼服And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent... wasn't it...然后,我估计是圣罗兰…是吗?who showed cerulean military jackets?设计出天蓝色的军式夹克衫I think we need a jacket here. Mmm.我认为还需要件外套嗯And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers.之后天蓝色就成了其他八位不同设计师的最爱And then it, uh, filtered down through the department stores...然后放入其名下的商店and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner...最后慢慢掺入可悲的CC{\an8}CC - Casual Corner,提倡舒适的美国中档品牌where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. 才让你从她们的打折货中掏到However, that blue represents millions of dollars...总之,那蓝色值几千万and countless jobs...花费了数不尽的心血and it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice...滑稽的是,你以为是你选择了这个颜色that exempts you from the fashion industry...让自己远离时尚界when, in fact...事实却是…you're wearing a sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room...这屋子里的人帮你从一堆衣服里from a pile of stuff.选了这件绒线衫So then I said, "No, I couldn't see the difference...然后说“不,我看不出有这两条…between the two absolutely identical belts'"...…完全相同的腰带有何区别”and you should have seen the look she gave me!你应该看见当时她看我的眼神I thought the flesh was gonna melt off her face.还以为她脸上的肉要化了一样It's not funny.这不好笑She's not happy unless everyone around her is panicked, nauseous or suicidal.看到别人不安、恶心或者自杀她才会开心And the Clackers just worship her.还有那些嘎嗒子却崇拜她The who? They call them Clackers.什么子?她们叫嘎嗒子The sound that their stilettos make in the marble lobby.高跟鞋接触大理石地面的声音It's like, "Clack, clack, clack. Clack, clack."就像“嘎达,嘎达,嘎达,嘎达”And they all act like they're curing cancer or something.她们的样子好像去医癌症似的The amount of time and energy...花费很大精力和时间在…that these people spend on these insignificant, minute details, and for what?…不重要的会议细节上,然后呢?So that tomorrow they can spend another $300,000 reshooting something...第二天他们就能再花三十万重新拍照片that was probably fine to begin with...或许对不需要那些东西的人来说…to sell people things they don't need!…这好像不算什么God!天哪!I'm not even hungry anymore. What?我都气饱了什么?That is why those girls are so skinny. Oh. No, no, no.怪不得那些女孩那么瘦哦,不,不Give me that. There's, like, eight dollars ofJarlsberg in there.哦,不,给我里面还有八美金的干酪呢You know what?知道吗?我只要忍一年,一年And then I can do what I came to New York to do.之后就能做我来纽约该做的事But I can't let Miranda get to me. I won't.我决不能输给马琳达决不会Easy there, tiger.别太勉强了Oh, good morning, Miranda. Get me Isaac.哦,早上好,马琳达接通埃塞克I don't see my breakfast here. Are my eggs here? Where are my eggs?我没见着我的早饭鸡蛋呢?我要的鸡蛋呢?Excuse me!借过!Pick up the Polaroids from the lingerie shoot.去内衣设计那儿取偏光板Have the brakes checked on my car.去检修刹车Where's that piece of paper I had in my hand yesterday morning?我昨天早上拿到的那份文件呢?The girls need new surfboards or boogie boards or something for spring break.双胞胎需要新的冲浪板或者趴板总之寒假用得着的东西Hello. The twins also need flip-flops.Ow! Oh, my gosh!啊!哦,天哪Pick up my shoes from Blahnik, and then go get Patricia.去布朗尼克取我的鞋,然后去接派奇特{\an8}Monolo Blahnik,高级女鞋品牌Who's that? Good girl! Good girl! Good girl!她是谁?好孩子!好孩子!Get me that little table that I liked at that store on Madison.去买我在曼蒂森看中的那张小圆桌Get us a reservation for dinner tonight at that place that got the good review.为今晚晚餐定一家评价好的餐馆Get me Isaac. Thirty-six thank-you notes delivered today. 接通埃塞克寄出三十六份感谢信Where is everyone? Why is no one working?人都去那儿了?为什么没人在工作?Get me Demarchelier.接通迪马休里耶I have Miranda Priestly calling for... Okay.马琳达·皮斯利的助手好的I have Patrick.帕特里克在线Thank God it's Friday, right?谢天谢地,星期五了At least Miranda will be in Miami, so we don't have to be on call this weekend.马琳达会在迈阿密这周末不用待命了You know, my dad's coming in from Ohio.我父亲从俄亥俄州来看我Yeah, we're gonna go out to dinner, maybe see Chicago.我们出去吃饭,可能去看《芝加哥》{\an8}芝加哥- 著名百老汇歌舞剧You doing anything fun this weekend?这周末有没有安排?Yes.有Yeah, Nate said it was great.是啊,内特说很好He actually... He applied here, but they wanted someone with more experience.他其实应聘过这里但他们需要经验丰富的Here. Huh? What's this?给嗯?是什么?I don't want you to get behind on your rent.我不想你拖房租Dad, how did you... It's...爸,你怎么…只是…I'm gonna kill Mom.我要掐我妈Dad, thank you.谢谢你,爸爸It's really good to see you. You too, honey.真高兴见到你我也是,宝贝So, you want to start grilling me now...你想现在就说正题呢…or should we wait till after dinner?…还是等吃了晚饭后?I thought I'd let you at least enjoy the bread basket first.我想让你吃了早饭再说No, no, no. It's okay. Go right ahead.不,不,没关系现在说吧We're just a little worried, honey.我们只是很担心你,宝贝We get e-mails from you at your office at 2:00 a.m.我们凌晨两点收到你的电子邮件Your pay is terrible. You don't get to write anything.工资低,又不参与文笔工作Hey, that's not fair.嘿,这么说不公平I wrote those e-mails.我写了那些电子邮件的I'm just trying to understand why someone who got accepted to Stanford Law...我试着了解被斯坦福法律系接受的人…turns it down to be a journalist, and now you're not even doing that.…为什么会想做记者更何况你现在还不算是记者Dad, you have to trust me.爸,你要相信我Being Miranda's assistant opens a lot of doors.做马琳达的助理就不用愁将来了Emily is going to Paris with Miranda in a few months...艾米莉要和马琳达去巴黎几个月and she's gonna meet editors and writers from every important magazine.她会遇到著名杂志社的编辑和作者And in a year, that could be me.再过一年,我也能去了All right? Mm-hmm.好吗?嗯Dad, I swear, this is my break.爸,我发誓,这将是我的转折点This is my... my chance.这是我的…机遇This is my boss.是我老板I'm sorry, Dad. I have to take this. Take it. Take it.爸,对不起,我得接这个电话接吧,接吧Hello. Miranda? My flight has been canceled.你好,马琳达我的班机取消了。

律政俏佳人(Legally Blonde)导师:What are you so happy about? You're on trial for murder.被告:Get up.导师:What?被告:You're fired. I have new representation.导师:Who?女主:Excuse you, you're in my way.导师:She's a law student. She can't defend you.大卫:Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling 3.03.女主:See? Thank you, David.法官:Counselors, approach the bench.导师:You're not going up there.女主:- Yes, I am.被告:Maybe you didn't hear me. You're fired.法官:Counselors, now. All of you.女主:Elle Woods, Your Honor.Rule 3.03 of Supreme Judicial Court states that a law student may appear on behalf of a defendant in criminal proceedings.原告律师:Your Honor, I have no problem with this.导师:I do. I'm not allowing it.女主:But you agreed last night. In your office when we were discussing my career.法官:The ruling also states that you need a licensed attorney to supervise you.- Mr. Callahan?导师:That I won't agree to.男主:I'll supervise, Your Honor.法官:Well then , Ms. Woods, proceed.女主:Thank you, Your Honor.导师:Enjoy prison.法官:Mrs. Windham, you do realize what you're doing?被告:Absolutely.朋友1:Oh, my God! There she is!Elle!朋友2:Elle!We came to see your trial!朋友1:Look how cute. There's a judge and everything.朋友2:And jury people.朋友1:V ote for Elle!法官:Ladies, take a seat.女主:Go, girl.路人甲:Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?原告:I do.法官:Be seated.法官:Ms. Woods, you may begin your questioning.女主:First of all I would like to point out that not only is there no proof in this case but there is a complete lack of mens rea(犯罪意图) which by definition tells us there can be no crime without a vicious will.法官:I am aware of the meaning of mens rea. What I'm unaware of is why you're giving me a vocabulary lesson when you should be questioning your witness.女主:Yes, Your Honor.Miss Windham ,when you arrived back at the house was your father there?原告:Not that I saw, but like I said I went straight upstairs to take a shower.女主:And when you came downstairs, what happened?原告:I saw Brooke standing over his body drenched in his blood.女主:But Mrs. Windham didn't have a gun?原告:No. She'd stashed it by then.男主:Move to strike that from the record, Your Honor.It's speculation.法官:So stricken.男主:Go ahead.女主:Miss Windham, did you hear a shot fired?原告:No. I was in the shower.女主:So, sometime in the 20 minutes that you were in the shower, your father was shot.原告:I guess.女主:Your father was shot while you were in the shower but you didn't hear the shot because ... because you were in the shower?原告:I was washing my hair.路人乙:Where is she going with this?男主:Have a little faith, Gerard.女主:Miss Windham , what had you done earlier that day?原告:I got up , got a latter, went to the gym , got a perm, and came home.女主:Where you got in the shower?法官:I believe the witness has made it clear that she was in the shower.女主:Yes, Your Honor.Miss Windham, had you ever gotten a perm before?原告:Yes.女主:How many would you say?原告:Two a year since I was 12.You do the math.女主:A girl in my sorority, Tracy Marcinko, got a perm once. We all tried to talk her out of it. Curls weren't a good look for her.She didn't have your bone structure.But, thankfully, that same day , she entered the Beta Delta Pi wet t-shirt contest where she was completely hosed down from head to toe.原告律师:Objection! Why is this relevant?女主:I have a point, I promise.法官:Then make it.女主:Yes, ma'am.Chutney, why were Tracy Marcinko's curls ruined when she got hosed down?原告:Because they got wet?女主:Exactly. Isn't it the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?原告:yes女主:And wouldn't somebody who's had, say,30 perms in their life be well aware of this rule?And if in fact you weren't washing your hair as I suspect, because your curls are still intact wouldn't you have heard the gunshot?And if in fact you had heard the gunshot Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun before you got downstairs which would mean you would have had to have found Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story plausible. Isn't that right?原告:She's my age! Did she tell you that?How would you feel if your father married someone your age?女主:You, however, had time to hide the gun after you shot your father.原告:I didn't mean to shoot him. I thought it was you walking through the door!法官:Order! Order! ...... Order!女主:Oh, my God.被告:Oh, my God.法官:Oh, my God.Bailiff, take the witness into custody where she will be charged for the murder of Heyworth Windham.In the matter of The State vs. Brooke Windham , this case is dismissed.Mrs. Windham, you are free to go.。

律政俏佳人经典台词Elle WoodsA very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her.Warner Huntington the 3rdElle’s boyfri end, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics.PauletteA woman working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend.VivianWarner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.Brooke Taylor WindhamA successful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.Professor CallahanA lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.EmmettA young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious lookinggirlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the dumb blonde)经典台词:律政俏佳人1A legal education means your will learn to speak in a new language.you will be taught to achive insight into the world around you,and you sharply question what you know. The law is reason freefrom passion. It leaves much room for interpretation, but leavesvery little for self-doubt.On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quotedAristotle," The law is reason free from passion!" Well, no offenceto Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I've come to findthat passion is the key ingredient to the study and practise oflaw, and of life. It's with passion, courage of conviction, strongsense of self that we take our next steps into the world!Remembering the first impressions are not always correct. You mustalways have faith in people. And most importantly, you must havefaith in yourself!Congratulations class of 2004---we did it!律政俏佳人2:I came to Washington to help my dog Bruiser...and somewhere around the way...I learneda really unexpected lesson. I know what you are thinking---Who's this girl? And what could this simple, small-town girl from Bel Air...have to say to all of us? I'll tell you. It's about something that's biggerthan me...or any single act of legislation. This is about amatter that should be at...the highestimportance to every American...My hair.There's this salon in Beverly Hills. It's really fancy and beautiful. It's impossible to get anappointment. Unless you're Julia Roberts or from "Friends"...you can just forget it. But oneday they called me. They had an opening. So I was going to finally ge t the chance...tosit in one of those sacred beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave meBrassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey.The shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...instead o f color-intensive moisturizing shampoo. Finally sylist...gave me a bo b...with bangs. Suffice to say,it was just wrong.All wrong. For me, you know. First I was angry. T hen I realized my angerwas completely misdirected. This wasn't salon' s fault. I had sat th ere and witnessed thisinjustice...and had let it happen. I didn't get involved in the proce ss. I forgot to use myvoice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know t hat one honestvoice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice... or if we let thosewho speak on our promise our voice, then this country... this country is infor a really bad haircut. So speak up, America. Speak up! Speak up fo r the home of thebrave. Speak up for the land of the free gift with purchase.Speak up, America. Speak up! And remember...you're beautiful. Thank y ou.。

==============Legally Blonde==============You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you’ve got the whole movie figu red out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your preconceptions are only half-right. This isn’t a dumb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It’s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods, the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and dumps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon’s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few sur prises along the way. Elle and Vivian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don’t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never dumbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.Some of the material here is throw-away. There’s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap" dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay t rue to Elle’s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting thebiggest laugh in the movie). Essentially, this is Witherspoon’s movie. She’s charming and funny and stays consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie’s restraint.I’m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It’s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that’s far better than most of the comedies around.。

• 从一开始受人排挤,到现在受人欢 从一开始受人排挤, • 你会认为你自己真的错了吗?是不 你会认为你自己真的错了吗? 迎与崇拜。 是开始怀疑自己了呢? 迎与崇拜。一切的艰辛只有她自己 是开始怀疑自己了呢?有人说信任 知道。她说:我们第一天到哈佛, 胜过信仰,你对自己自信一点, 知道。她说:我们第一天到哈佛, 胜过信仰,你对自己自信一点,哪 管什么信仰,连自己都不相信的人, 一名英明的教授引用亚里士多德的 管什么信仰,连自己都不相信的人, 法律是没有激情的理性, 还能有什么信仰呢? 话,法律是没有激情的理性,恕我 还能有什么信仰呢?有什么信仰比 得罪了亚里士多德, 得过相信你自己呢?别人不看好你, 得罪了亚里士多德,可是我在哈佛 得过相信你自己呢?别人不看好你, 别人不相信你的潜力, 多年发现激情是修读和实践法律的 别人不相信你的潜力,你自己难道 关键因素,也是生命要素, 也不相信吗? 关键因素,也是生命要素,要有敢 也不相信吗?你真的那么的一无是 处吗? 于按自己的信念以及坚强的自我意 处吗?你真的相信自己无药可救了 才能令我们踏足世界。记着, 识,才能令我们踏足世界。记着, 吗?你真的相信自己是世界上最大 第一影响不一定是对的, 的笨蛋了吗?如果你这样想的话, 第一影响不一定是对的,你要对人 的笨蛋了吗?如果你这样想的话, 有信心,而最重要的, 那你真的没得救了。 有信心,而最重要的,是你要对自 那你真的没得救了。因为你对自己 己有信心。真的很受启发,一个人, 都失去信心了, 己有信心。真的很受启发,一个人, 都失去信心了,其他的还有要说要 做的可能吗? 做的可能吗? 生下来不是注定你做什么的, 生下来不是注定你做什么的,你只 能做什么? 能做什么? • 成功是努力得到的,幸福是努力争 成功是努力得到的, 也许你, 也许你,他,我,都曾经经历过这 取来的! 取来的! 样的事情, 样的事情,我们去做一件事情的时 等待只会使得自己两手空空, 等待只会使得自己两手空空,不为 别人给你的都是反对的意见, 候,别人给你的都是反对的意见, 别人,就为自己! 别人,就为自己! 别人给你的都是歧视,都是嘲笑, 别人给你的都是歧视,都是嘲笑, 让我们做艾莉伍兹这样的人吧, 让我们做艾莉伍兹这样的人吧,学 几乎没有人支持你, 几乎没有人支持你,每个人都不看 习她,会享受生活,也能迎接挑战, 习她,会享受生活,也能迎接挑战, 好你。这个时候你还会退缩吗? 好你。这个时候你还会退缩吗?你 更重要的是她能发现自己的潜力, 更重要的是她能发现自己的潜力, 还会坚持自己的观点吗?你会吗? 还会坚持自己的观点吗?你会吗? 改变自己的命运! 改变自己的命运!我们每个人都应 你会坚持走下去吗? 你会坚持走下去吗? 该明白命运不是天注定的, 该明白命运不是天注定的,其实它 真的掌握在我们自己的手里! 真的掌握在我们自己的手里!
legally blonde(律政俏佳人)

I can’t believe you’re getting engaged. To be “engaged” is to be officially planning to get married.
He’s proposing – I can’t look like I went on any other date. If a man “proposes” to a woman, he is asking her to marry him.
Let’s all go! Road trip! A much loved expression for a long trip in a car, often done spontaneously or without planning.
You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a lap dance at the final. A “lap dance” is a very sexually suggestive dance, often performed close to naked and right above one seated person. A “final” is short for a final exam , which is the most important test for a class.
What? Practically deformed? If a person is physically “deformed,” they look horrible and abnormal, perhaps because their face or body has been burned or twisted.


律政俏佳人英文作文英文,As a legal secretary, I have watched the movie "Legally Blonde" multiple times and I cannot help but admire the main character, Elle Woods. She may come across as a stereotypical blonde, but she proves that she is more than just a pretty face. Elle is a determined andintelligent woman who works hard to achieve her goals.One of the things I admire about Elle is her ability to use her charm and wit to her advantage. In the movie, sheis able to win over a difficult professor by using her knowledge of hair care products to help him with a legal case. This shows that she is not afraid to use her femininity to get what she wants.Another trait that makes Elle a great role model is her perseverance. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gives up on her dream of becoming a lawyer. She works hard to get into Harvard Law School and proves that she is just as capable as her classmates, if not more so.Overall, Elle Woods is a great example of a strong and determined woman who is not afraid to use her strengths to achieve her goals.中文,作为一名法律秘书,我已经看过电影《律政俏佳人》多次,我不禁佩服主角艾尔·伍兹。

legallyblondeI(律政俏佳人)经典台词第一篇:legally blonde I(律政俏佳人)经典台词legally blonde I SECTION I Elle:Must be strange,having such perfect eyes.Warner:God,you're so wonderful.Elle,thank you.Elle:Here's to us.Warner:To us.Elle.Elle:Yes.Warner:One of the reasons I wanted to tell come here tonight was to discuss our future.Elle:And I am fully amenable to that discussion.Warner:Good.You know how we've been having all kinds of fun lately? Elle:Yeah.Warner:Well,Harvard is gonna be w school is a completely different and I need to be serious.Elle:Of course.Warner:I mean my family expects a lot from me.Elle:Right.Warner:I expect a lot from me.I plan on running for office someday.Elle:Ifully support that.You know that,right? Warner:Absolutely.But the thing is...if I'm going to be a senator by the time I'm thirty I need to stop dicking around.Elle:Warner,I completely agree.Warner:That's why I think it's time for us...Elle,poor bear...Elle:Yes,I do.Warner:I think we should break up.Elle:What? Warner:I've been thinking about it and it's the right thing to do.Elle:So you're breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing.Warner:Proposing?Aha...Elle,if I'm going to be a senator...well,I need to marry a Jakie,not a Marilyn.Elle:You're breaking up with me because I'm tooblonde? Warner:No.That's not entirely true.Elle:Then what?My boobs are too big? Warner:Elle,your boobs are fine.Elle:So when you said that you would always love me...you were just dicking around? Warner:Elle,I do love you.I just can't marry you.You have no idea of the pressure that I am under.My family has five generations of senators.My brother's in the top three at Yale Law.He's just got engaged to a Vandererbilt,for Christ's sake.Badsalad.Sweetie...Pooh bear?It's not like I have a choice here,sweetheart!Ok!You get the car ,I'll get the e on,let me take you home.Elle:No.Warner:Elle,believe me.I never expected to do this but I think it's the right thing.Elle:How can it be the right thing when we're not together? Warner:I have to think of my future and what my family expects of me.Elle:So you're breaking up with me because you're afraid your family won't like me?Everybody likes me.Warner:Well,East Coast people are different.Elle:Because I'm not a Vanderbilt,suddenly I'm white trash?I grew up in Bel Air Water!Across the street from Aaron Spelling!I think most people would agree that's a lot better than some stinky old Vanderbilt!Warner:I told you.I need someone serious.Elle:But I'm seriously in love with you.Isn't that enough? Warner:Pooh bear,just get in the car.Elle:No.Warner:You gonna ruin your shoes.SECTION II Elle:Is everything all right? Callahan:You followed your intuition today and you were right on target.I should have listened.Elle:Thank you.Callahan:About the alibi.Elle:I'm sorry...Callahan:I'm impressed that you took the initiative to go get it.That's what makes a good lawyer.On the top of that,you gained the client's trust and kept it...That's what makes a great lawyer.You're smart,Elle,smarter than most of the guys on my payroll.Elle:Wow...Callahan:I think it's time discuss your career path.Have you thought about where you might be a summer associate? Elle:Oh,I...Not really.I know it's very competitive.Callahan:You know what competition is really about?Don't you? It's about ferocity,carnage.Balancing human intelligence with animal diligence,knowing exactly what you want want and how far you'll go to get it.How far will Elle go? Elle:Are you hitting on me? Callahan:You're a beautiful girl.Elle:So everything you just said...Callahan:I'm a man who knows what hewants.Elle:And I'm a law student who just realized her professor is a pathetic asshole.Callahan:Too bad.I thought you were a law student who wanted to be a lawyer!Vivian:You almost had me fooled.Elle:What? Vivian:Maybe you should sleep with the jury ,too.Then we can win the case.Emmett:Hey...Elle:I'm quitting.Emmett:What? Elle:Law schools was a mistake.Whole internship was a mistake.Emmett:I didn't earn anything.Emmett,Callahan only gave me that internship because he liked the way I looked,which he made clear tonight when he tried to feel me up.Emmett:Callahan did what? Elle:Just forget about it.I'm going back to L.A.No more boring suits.No more pantyhose.No more trying to be something that I'm just...I'm just not.Emmett:What if you're trying to be someboby you are?The hell with Callahan.Stay.Elle:Call me if you're ever in California,OK? SECTION III Professor:Ladies and gentlemen,I present the graduates of Havard Law School...Class of 2004.I am personally very honored to introduced this year's class-elected speaker.After getting off to a quite interesting start here at Havard,she graduates today with an invitation to join one of Boston's most prestigious law firms.I am sure we are going to see great things from dies and gentlemen,Elle Woods.Elle:On our very first day at Harvard,a very wise professor quoted Aristotle,“The law is reason free from passion.”Well,no offense to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life.It is with passion ,courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world remembering that first impressions are not always correct.You must always have faith in people and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.Congraduations,Class of 2004.We did it!第二篇:律政俏佳人台词At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle, “the law is reason free from passion!” Well,no offence to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find: Passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.It is with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world.Remembering the first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.第三篇:律政俏佳人1 台词Here it is!Thanks.Did you guys sign it?Did you sign the card?And five and four and--Hey, girls, sign!All right!Here you go!-Elle's gonna love it!-Thanks.You go, girl!Hi, girls!Here, sign!Thanks!There she is.Thank you.I love that restaurant!I heard Madonnawent into labor there.Oh, gosh!I have to go shopping!I'll see you tonight.Bye.Bruiser, what's this?“Good luck tonight.Elle and Warnerforever.”Oh, that's so cute.Oh, my gosh!You guys are so sweet!But I'm not positiveit'll happen tonight.Hello!He just had lunchwith his grandmother.You know he got the rock.Why else would she have flown infrom Newport?It's not like she'd Fed Exa six-carat diamond.Do you really think?I can't believeyou're getting engaged!Oh, my gosh...you guys have to help mepick out the perfect e on!I think you should gowith the red.It's the color of confidence.I don't understandwhy you're disregarding...your signature color.He's proposing.I can't looklike I would on any other date.This is the date--the night I'll always remember.I want to look special.Bridal.But not like I expect anything.There's nothing I love more...than a dumb blondewith daddy's plastic.Did you seethis one?We just got it in yesterday.Is this low-viscosity rayon?Yes.Of course.With a half-looptop-stitching on the hem?Absolutely.It's one of a kind.It's impossible to usea half-loop top-stitching...on low-viscosity rayon.It would snag the fabric.And you didn't just get it in.I saw it in the June Voguea year ago.So if you're trying to sell itforfull price...you picked the wrong girl.Girls, this is it.In a few hours...I'll be the futureMrs.Warner Huntington lll.Wow.You look so beautiful.So do you.Let's get out of here.Must be strangehaving such perfect eyes.God, you're so wonderful.Elle, thank you.Here's to us.To us.One of the reasons I wantedto come here tonight...was to discuss ourfuture.And I am fully amenableto that discussion.Good.You know howwe've been having...all kinds of fun lately?Well, Harvardis gonna be w school isa completely different world...and I need to be serious.Of course.My family expects a lot from me.-Right.-I expect a lot from me.I plan on runningfor office someday.I fully support that.You know that.Absolutely.But the thing is...if I'm going to be a senatorby the time I'm thirty...I need to stop dicking around.Warner, I completely agree.That's why I thinkit's time for us...Elle, pooh bear...-I do.-I think we should break up.What?I've been thinking,and it's the right thing to do.You're breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing.Proposing?Elle, if I'm going to bea senator...I need to marry a Jackie,not a Marilyn.You're breaking up with mebecause I'm too blonde?No.That's not entirely true.Then what?My boobs are too big?Elle, your boobs are fine.So when you saidthat you would always love me...you were just dicking around?Elle, I do love you.I just can't marry you.You have no ideaof the pressure that I am under.My family hasfive generations of senators.My brother's in the top threeat Yale Law.He just got engaged toa Vanderbilt, forChrist's sake.Bad salad.Sweetie...Pooh bear?It's not like I have a choicehere, sweetheart!You get the car,I'll get the check.I won't be having the salad.Let me take you home.Elle, believe me.I never expected to do this...but I thinkit's the right thing.How can it be the right thingwhen we're not together?I have to think of my future...and what my family expectsof me.So you're breaking up with me...because you're afraidyourfamily won't like me?Everybody likes me.East Coast people are different.Because I'm not a Vanderbilt,suddenly I'm white trash?I grew up in Bel Air!Across the streetfrom Aaron Spelling!Most people would agreethat's a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!I told you.I need someone serious.But I'm seriously in lovewith you.Isn't that enough?Pooh bear, just get in the car.You'll ruin your shoes.Morning, Amy.Elle, it's Amy.I'm having troublewith this whole lip-liner thing.-Sweetie, didn't you hear?-Hear what?It's terrible.He dumped her.Why me?Because you're not gonnaremember anything after tonight.Oh, you're wrong.I will remember, no matter what.And I'm never gonna lose youagain.You couldn't.You're a part of me.I love you.Liar!Honey,you have to leave this room.It's been, like, a week.-So?-Drink this.What always makes usfeel better...no matter what?She had eightgrilled cheese sandwiches.She stuffed themin her mouth all at once.It was so sad.We thought she'd be the firstto walk down the aisle...and now she's totally adrift.Totally.She hasn't conditionedher hair in a week.Maybe she's goingfor the grunge look.And her nailsare full-on chipped.So trailer park.Oh, my God!Do you know who this is?-That's Warner's older brother!-Who?“Third year Yale Law studentPutnam Bowes Huntington lll...”and his fianceeLayne Walker Vanderbilt...“first year Yale Law.”This is the type ofgirlthat Warner wants to marry!This is what I need to becometo be serious!What?Practically deformed?No.A law w school?It's a perfectlyrespectable place, daddy.Honey,you were first runner up...at the Miss Hawaiian Tropicscontest.Why are you gonnathrow that all away?Going to Harvardis the only way...I'll getthe love of my life back.Sweetheart,you don't need law w school is for people...who are boring and uglyand serious.And you, Button,are none of those things.Harvard Law School?That's right.But that's a top three school.Oh, I have a..Yes, but your majoris fashion merchandising.Harvard won't be impressed thatyou aced History of Polka Dots.What are your back-ups?I don't need back-ups.I'm going to Harvard.Well, then, you'll need...excellent recommendationsfrom your professors.And a heckof an admissions essay.Right.And at least a on your LSATs.I once had to judgea tighty-whitey contest...for Lambda Kappa Pi.Trust me, I can handle anything.Thanks!You're welcome.Because I have a metrabolism---I have a really high metrab---It's metabol...Oh, my God.What are you doing?Reading about the LSATs.My cousin had that.Apparently, you geta really bad rash on your...The LSATs are an exam.Girls, I'm going to Harvard!-You mean like on vay-kay?-Let's all go!Road trip!No.I'm goingto Harvard Law School.Why?Elle, now, I knowyou're upset about all this...but can't you just takea Percoset?Once Warner sees meas a serious law student...he'll totally want me back.It's a completely brilliantplan!But isn't it hardto get into law school?I had the highest GPAin Delta Nu.Oh, well.Here, you're gonna need this.Your scrunchy?My lucky scrunchy.It helped me pass Spanish.You passed Spanish becauseyou gave Professor Montoya...a lap dance after the final.Yeah...Iuckily.My name is Elle Woods,and for my admissions essay...I'm gonna tell all of youatHarvard...why I'm gonna makean amazing lawyer.As president of my sorority...I'm skilled at commandingthe attention of a room...and discussingvery important issues.It has come to my attentionthat the maintenance staff...is switching our toilet paperfrom Charmin...to generic.All those opposed to chafingplease say “aye.”A--neither type of opera...or neither type of rapis on sale.B--neither type of jazz...and neither type of operais on sale.C--neither type of operaand neither type of soul--Party!Delta Nu, we love you!I'm able to recallhundreds of important details...at the drop of a hat.Hey, Elle,do you know what happened...on Days of Our Lives yesterday?Why, yes, Margot, I do.Once again, we join Hopein the search for her identity.As you know, she's beenbrainwashed by the evil Stefano.Get set and go!One forty-three.I feel comfortable usinglegal jargon in everyday life.I object!It's here!-What?-It's here!The LSAT scores!It's here!Open the scores!What's the score?-This is so exciting.-Tell us!What is it?One seventy-nine!One seventy-nine!And that's whyyou should vote for me...Elle Woods, future lawyerfor the class of.She does have a.from CULA...and she got a on her LSATs.A fashion major?Well, sir,we've never had one before...and aren't we alwayslooking for diversity?Her list of extracurricularactivities is impressive.She was in a Ricky Martin video.Clearly,she's interested in music.She also designeda line of faux fur panties...for her sorority'scharity project.She's a friend to the animalsas well as a philanthropist.Elle Woods...welcome to Harvard.Bruiser, it's so exciting!Look!Harvard!Are you excited?This is our new housefor the next three years.Are you thirsty?Let's get you some water.Sweetheart,you just look parched.Hey, Brad,check out Malibu Barbie!Where's the beach, honey?Here you go.Goodboy.Warner's gonna beso excited to see you.Guys, this way.-This ain't L.A.!-Come on, Bruiser.Check her out.Look at the way she walks.It's gonna be so exciting.Now, don't be scared.Everyone will love you.Hi.Woods, comma, Elle.Class schedule, map, book list.Wait a second.My social eventscalendar is missing.Your what?Social events--you know, mixers, formals...clambakes, trips to the Cape.Has Warner Huntington lllchecked in yet?Maybe you should checkwith the cruise director...on the Lido deck.Welcome to law school.This is the part wherewe go around in a circle...and everyone says a little bitabout themselves.Let's start with you.My name is David Kidney.I have a mastersin Russian literature...a Ph.D in biochemistry...and for the lasteighteen months...I've been deworming orphansin Somalia.Awesome.What about you?Hey.How you doin'?I'm Enid Wexler.I got a Ph.D.from Berkeleyin women's studies...emphasisin the history of combat...and last year,I single-handedly organized...the march forLesbians Against Drunk Driving.-Killer.-Thanks.Good times.Aaron Mitchell.I graduated first in my classfrom Princeton.I have an l.Q.of...and it's been suggestedthat Stephen Hawking...stolehis Brief History of Time...from my fourth grade paper.Cool.-Me?-Yeah.Hi.I'm Elle Woodsand this is Bruiser Woods...and we're bothGemini vegetarians.I have a bachelor's degreein fashion merchandising...from CULA, and I wasa Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart...president of my sorority,Delta Nu...and last year,I was homecoming queen.Two weeks ago I sawCameron Diaz at Fred Segal...and I talked herout of buying...this truly heinousangora sweater.Whoever said orange was the newpink was seriously disturbed.Wish me luck, Bruiser.This is my first classas a serious law student.I totally look the part.There is no wayshe got in here on her own.I totally forgot you go here.Whatare you talking about?I'm sorry.Are you here to see me?No, silly.I go here.You go where?w school.You got into Harvard Law?What, like it's hard?Oh, my gosh, Warner,it'll be so great.I'm planning this great mixer.You have to help me.I'm thinking likea luau or casino night.It'll be just like senior yearexcept funner.Time to go.I have to go to class...but meet me afteron the benches.All right, bye!A legal educationmeans you will learn...to speak in a new language.You will be taughtto achieve insight...into the world around you...and to sharply questionwhat you know.The seat you have pickedwill be yours...for the next nine monthsof your life.And those of youin the f ront row...beware.“The law is reasonfree from passion.”Does anyone knowwho spoke those immortal words?-Yes?-Aristotle.Are you sure?Would you be willingto stake your life on it?I think so.What about his life?I don't know.Well, I recommendknowing before speaking.The law leaves much roomfor interpretation...but very little for self-doubt.And you were right.And you were right.It was Aristotle.Good job.Now, I assume all of youhave read pages-...and are now well-versedin subject matter jurisdiction.Who can tell us aboutGordon vs.Steele?Let's call on someonefrom the hot zone.Elle Woods?Actually, I wasn't awarethat we had an assignment.Vivian Kensington.Do you think it's acceptablethat Ms.Woods is not prepared?I don't.Would you support my decisionto ask her to leave class...and to returnonly when she is prepared?Absolutely.Now, Ms.Kensington...did diversity jurisdictionexist in this case?No, it did not.Good.How about in the caseof Owens vs.McCullogh?I can't believe that girl.So stupid!Who does she think she is?Excuse me.Are you OK?Do they put you on the spotlike that all the time?The professors?They tend to do that.Socratic method.If you don't know theanswers,they just kick you out?You have Stromwell, huh?Yes!Did she do that to you, too?No.But she did make me cry once.Not in class.I waitedtill I got back to my room...but she'll kick youright in the ball--Or wherever, you know.She's really tough.Great.Don't worry, it gets better.Who else do you have?I have Callahan, Royalton,and Levinthal.Let's see, speak upin Callahan's class.He really likes peoplethat are opinionated.And in Royalton's class...try to get a seat in the back.He spits when he talksabout products liability.And for Levinthal, make sureyou read the footnotes.That's where he getsa lot of his exam questions.Right.Wow.I'm really glad I met you.Are you a third year?-Well---Hey, Elle.Hi!Thanks for all your help.Good luck.So...how was yourfirst class?It was good, exceptforthis horrible preppy girl...who made me look badin front of the professor.But no biggie.You're here now.So, how was your summer?Good.It was good.Did you do anything exciting?Have you met Vivian?Hi.Vivian Kensington.Do you know her?-She's---I'm his fiancee.I'm sorry.I just hallucinated.What?She was my girlfriendin prep school.And, well, we got back togetherthis summer...at my grandmother'sbirthday party.Warner told me all about you.You're famous at our club.But he didn't tell meyou'd be here.Pooh bear,I didn't know she would be here.Excuse me.Oh, thank God!Are you free?It's an emergency.Bad day?You can't even imagine.Spill.I worked so hardto get into law school.I blew off Greek weekto study for the LSATs.I even hired a Coppolato direct my admissions video.All to getmy boyfriend Warner back.And now he's engagedto this awful girl Vivian...so it was all for nothing,and l...I just wish...I just wishI had never gone to Harvard.After you wentto all that trouble.He's engaged!She's gotthe six-carat Harry Winston...on her bony, unpolishedfinger.What am I supposed to do?You're asking the wrong girl.I mean, I'm with my guyeight years...and then one day, it's...“l met someone else.Move out.”Oh, no.That's awful.Dewey kept the trailerand my precious baby Rufus.I didn't even get to throw hima birthday party.What's a girl to do?He's a guywho followed his pecker...to greener pastures...and I'm a middle-agedhigh-school dropout...who's got stretch marksand a fat ass.That's terrible.Yep.Happens every day.So what's this Vivian gotthat you don't have?Three tits?She's from Connecticut.She belongsto his stupid country club.Is she as pretty as you?She could use some mascaraand some serious highlights...but she's not completelyunfortunate looking.Hello, ladies.Hello, ladies.-Hey, there.-How you doing? Sign here.Oh, jeez.Look what I did.-See you later.-Bye-bye, sugar.Aw, shit.Could I have beenany more goddamn spastic?It's OK.Are you sure thisWarner guy is, like, the one?Definitely.I love him.Well, if a girl like youcan't hold on to her man...then there sure as hell isn'tany hope for the rest of us.What are you waiting for?Steal the bastard back.I should warn you (I)should warn you...that in addition to competingagainst each other...for the top gradein this class...you will also be competingfor one of my firm's...highly coveted fourinternship spots next year...where you will get to assiston actual cases.Let the bloodbath begin.Now, let's commencewith our usual torture.Ms.Woods...would you rather have a clientwho committed a crime...malum in seor malum prohibitum?Neither.And why is that?I would rather have a clientwho's innocent.Dare to dream, Ms.Woods.Ms.Kensington,which would you prefer?Malum prohibitum.Because then the clientwould have committed...a regulatory infraction asopposed to a dangerous crime.Well done,Ms.Kensington.You've obviously doneyour homework.Now let us lookat malum prohibitum...a little more closely.It has been said--Yes, Ms.Woods?I changed my mind.I'd pick the dangerous one...'cause I'm not afraidof a challenge.Who is that?Wow.Guys.-Can she play?-Hi!Get outta here.-Hi, everybody.-Elle, what are you doing here?I've come to joinyour study group.Look, I brought sustenance.Who's first?Our group is full.Is this like an RSVP thing?No.It's likea smart people thing.And as Viv said, we're e on, we can make roomfor one more.We've already assignedthe outlines.The answer is no.Oh, OK.I'll just leave, then.Hey, maybethere's, like, a sorority...you could, like,join instead, like?If you had cometo a rush party...I would have at leastbeen nice to you.Is that beforeyou voted against me...and then called me a dykebehind my back?I don't use that word.You must have heard itfrom Vivian.-Hello?-Hey, it's me.It's Elle!Guess whatI'm doing right this second!I don't know.What?I'm picking outmy wedding dress!-What?-Josh proposed!Did you get the rock yet?Almost.Well, hurry up,so you can come home!We miss you!I miss you guys, too.The people here are so vile.Hardly anybody speaks to me--Oh, my God!I almost forgot to tell you!What?I got bangs!My hair is so now.Really?OK, so just listen to me.Keep June st open,you're one of my bridesmaids...and give Warner our love...because I'm getting married!So don't forget.Eight o'clockat Dunston Street.-lt'll be a really nice party.-We'll be there.And don't forgetto bring your own merlot!No way!Is somebody at thisschool actually having a party?Yes...But it's a costume party.You probablywouldn't want to come.I love costume parties.Well, then I guesswe'll see you there.Oh, at Dunston Street.Oh, my God!Thanks for inviting me, girls.This party is superfun.Nice outfit.I like your outfit, too.Except when Idress upas a frigid bitch...I try not to lookso constipated.Oh, she's horrible.You've got the ring, sweetie.-Nice ears.-How you doin'?Warner,the English language...is all aboutsubliminal domination.Take the word semester.A perfect exampleof this school's...discriminatory preferenceof semen to ovaries.That's why I'm petitioningto have next term...be referred toas the winter ovester.-Excuse me.Hey, Warner.-Wow!Don't you look likea walking felony?Thank you.You're so sweet.Are you having fun?I am now.What's with the costume?I just decided to dress up.Really.I feel like we barelyget to see each other...since we've been here.I know.I'm so busy withthese case studies and hypos.I know what you mean.I can't imagine doing...all this and Callahan'sinternship next year.That's gonna be so much.Elle, come on,you'll never get the grades...to qualifyfor one of those spots.You're not smart enough,sweetie.Wait, am I on glue...or did we not get intothe same law school?Yeah, but--But what?We took the same LSATs...and we're takingthe same classes.I know, but come on,Elle, be serious.You can do somethingmore valuable with your time.I'm never going to begood enough for you, am l?-Oh, come on.-Just forget it!I'll show you how valuableElle Woods can be!-Don't ask.-Wasn't gonna.I love that sweater.It's Chanel.Look.Was she carrying books?Thanks.So, you've filed a claim.What next?Ms.Woods?Don't you need to have evidence?Meaning?Meaning you needreasonable belief...that your claim should have,like, evidenciary support?And what kindof evidenciary support...does this case require?All sorts of things--corrupt copswho are wheeling and dealing...And the purposeof diminished capacity is?T o negate mens rea?Are you ready?Yes, you are!Go.You can do this.Listen to me, Dewey.You shut your mouth.No, you shut your big mouth.I'm doing all thetalking.What the hell do you want?We're eating lunch.I just thought that...You just thoughtyou could come here...and show me whatI'm definitely not missing?That's not why I came by.How many timesyou gonna come over here...begging meto take you back, huh?I was...Dewey Newcombe?Who's asking?I'm Elle Woods.Miss Bonifante's attorney.And I'm here to discussthe legal situation at e again?Do you understand whatsubject matter jurisdiction is?-No.-I didn't think so.Well, due to habeas corpus...you and Miss Bonifantehad a common law marriage...which heretoforeentitles her...to what islegally referred to...as equitable divisionof the e again?Due to the fact that you'veretained this residence...Miss Bonifante is entitled...to full canineproperty ownership...and will be enforcingsaid ownership right now.Tell him, Paulette.I'm taking the dog, dumbass!That's awesome!We did it!Come here.Oh, my gosh, did you see him?He's probably stillscratching his head.Which must be a nice vacationfor his balls.Thank you.According toSwinney vs.Neubert...Swinney, who was alsoa private sperm donor...was allowed visitation rightsas long as he came to terms...with the hoursset forth by the parents.So, if we're stickingto past timer wasn't stalking.He was clearly within his rightsto ask for visitation.But Swinney wasa one-time sperm donor...and our defendantwas an habitual sperm donor...who also happens to beharassing the parents...in his quest for visitation.But without this man's sperm...the child in questionwouldn't exist.Now you'rethinking like a lawyer.Yes, Ms.Woods?Although Mr.Huntingtonmakes an excellent point (I)have to wonderif the defendant...kept a thorough recordof every sperm emission...made throughout his life.Interesting.Why do you ask?Unless the defendantattempted to contact...every single。

律师穿着英文作文英文:As a lawyer, I often have to dress professionally for court appearances and meetings with clients. This means wearing a suit and tie or a business dress, along with appropriate shoes and accessories. It's important to look polished and put-together in order to convey a sense of competence and professionalism.However, there are also times when I can dress more casually, such as when I'm working in my office or attending a less formal event. In these situations, I might wear slacks and a button-down shirt or a simple dress. It's still important to look neat and tidy, but I can be a bit more relaxed in my attire.中文:作为一名律师,我经常需要在出庭或与客户会面时穿着正式。

瞧她的首次高消费购物经历Look, her first high-end retail shopping experience,保姆把她带到盖普婴儿商店可是她哭个不停Her nanny tried to take her to Baby Gap but she'd just cry and cry.她三岁时就是职业购物家了She was a professional shopper at age three,还记得她上了 "十七岁" 杂♥志♥的封面吗?Remember when she was on the cover of "Seventeen"?她那时有很大的潜力She had so much potential back then,你瞧她她可能早就是花♥花♥公♥子♥的玩伴女郎了Look at her. She could have been a Playmate by now.哇她是个律师Hello! She's a lawyer.这好多了That's way better.为什么?Why?就是这张There she is!你总是说她的头很适合戴后冠You always said she has the perfect shaped head for a tiara!瞧那只脏狗Look at that slime dog!你们真好帮艾尔的婚礼做这个It was so nice of you to make this for Elle's wedding shower我什么也做不出来I can't scrapbook worth a damn我在社区学院里学过这门课I took a class on it at community college她得了个乙 - 是乙上She got a "B." - PIus!那天她通过了法学院入学考试The day she passed her LSAT!我还误食了些喷射彩带I swallowed some of that Silly String.这不是第一次了It wouldn't be the first time你瞧她在哈佛的第一天Look at that. Her first day at Harvard真不敢相信可敬Unbelievable. Awesome展现自己The Bend and Snap!我很喜欢这样我昨晚裸体这样做了I love that. I did it last night naked你没有 - 有我打破了窗户You did not. - Yes. I busted a window天啊这是布鲁赛的首次亮相Oh, my God, there's Bruiser's first highlights这是她在公♥司♥第一个办公室的钥匙吗?Is this the key to her first office at the firm?是的Yean!记得那个加勒比装潢吗?真是天才的创举Remember that Caribbean decor? It was genius这是她跟国会女议员露德Look, there she is with Congresswoman Rudd...就从那时起她们开始了哈佛女子校友活动when they started the Harvard alumni women's event 是的Yeah.两个优秀的女子That's two kick-ass women我喜欢她们我真的喜欢她们I like them. I really like them第一天他们相遇恩麦特就爱上了她The first day they met! Emmett loves her already从他的眼里能看得出You can see it in his eyes.恩麦特和艾尔Emmett and Elle.他们是现代的罗密欧和茱丽叶They're truly Romeo and Juliet without the dying.波丽Paulette?天啊姑娘们我想是她回来了Oh, my God! Girls, I think it's her.快灭灯Quick! Lights out!好的OK!波丽Paulette?我以为我们九点应该到达电影院I thought we were supposed to be at the movies by 9:00. 惊喜Surprise!我们真让她吃惊了We got her!天啊玛歌♥ 塞琳娜Oh, my God! Margot, Serena,真不敢相信你们飞过来了I cannot believe you guys flew all the way here!没什么大不了的No biggie.恰恰相反很不容易谢谢On the contrary. It's a huge biggie. Thank you.你们是最好的You guys are the best.谈到大事情我们能再看看你的戒指吗?Speaking of biggies, can we see your ring again?不是姐妹会那枚艾尔Not your Delta Nu ring, Elle.你是说这枚?You mean, this one?在无暇和微暇之间Clarity between F.L. and V.V.S.棱面直径不错切割无暇值得保留Nice girdle diameter Cut impeccable. It's a keeper.谢谢Thanks!天啊是恩麦特给的Oh, my gosh, it's from Emmett!那是我和恩麦特在芬威棒球场That's me and Emmett on Fenway baseball field,这个世界上他最喜欢的地方It's his favorite place in the whole world.我爱雪球I love snow globes.我能听到大海I can hear the ocean.听着亲爱的Eell, listen, honey,你现在要嫁做人妇了你需要全新风格的打扮you're a fulI-time bride now, so you'll need a whole new wardrobe.哦我不会辞职的Oh, I'm not quitting my job, you guys你们还记得我们踩飞轮时的感觉吗?Do you guys remember that feeling we used to get during a really intense Spinning class? 那种我们感到自己非常奇特的感觉?That we feel so truly amazing Nabout ourselves?这就是我作律师的感觉我很喜欢That's how I feel being a lawyer. I love it.我马上就要有个年度审查了I have this huge annual review coming up...祝我好运姑娘们好吗?so keep 'em crossed, girls, okay?祝你好运Crossed!恭喜你成功了Congratulations, you did it!用三个错误的答案成功地破坏了With three wrong answers, you've managed to undermine...我们法律体系的整个基础the entire foundation upon which our legal system's built.顺便说声…By the way...我只错了两个it only took me two wrong answers宝贝儿你又改了我的电♥话♥铃♥声♥?Sweetie, you customized my ring? Again?恩麦特你绝不会相信发生了什么事Emmett, you are never going to believe my news!什么?What?芬威棒球场Fenway Park!你我两个戒指和一个最近任命的裁判You, me, two rings, and one recently ordained umpire...就在整个场地上right on the entry field!在场地上你在说什么?Infield. What are you talking about?好吧红短袜的第一个投手Okay. It turns out the starting pitcher for the Red Sox...不幸有个一字眉has an unfortunate unibrow problem,他去找娜迪亚我的上蜡师He goes to Nadia, my waxer...所以球队帮助拉上了关系so the team pulled some strings with the site manager... 我们要在芬威结婚了and we're getting married at Fenway!你是当真吗?Are you serious?我是说你真的想那样做吗?I mean, are you sure this is what you want to do?我可以在任何地方结婚这没什么关系I can married anywhere and it wouldn't matter.你撒谎That's a lie.我要在计分板下结婚了I'm getting married under the Green Monster!只剩下三个月零四天了And in just three months and four days!恩麦特我们有许多要谈的Emmett, we have so much to talk about,我想让我们的朋友都去参加I want everybody who matters to us to be there.我的天啊我差点忘了Oh, my God! I almost forgot!你要我改什么?You want me to what?寻找亲生母亲A biological birth parent search.为你的狗For your dog.为我的美国种吉娃娃布鲁赛·伍兹For my Chihuahua-American Bruiser Woods.几年前我发现它被遗弃I found him abandoned years ago.小姐我是大♥波♥士顿地区薪水最高Miss, I'm the highest-paid most sought after...最受人欢迎的私♥人♥侦♥探♥private investigator in the greater Boston area.这就是我找你的原因That's precisely why we came to you, Detective.快点找到布鲁赛的母亲至关重要It is absolutely vital that we find Bruiser's mother pronto,找它的父亲也许困难点儿你了解狗His father might be more difficult. You know dogs.我可以问一下原因吗?May I ask why?哦当然Oh, Of course.玛莎史都华建议预留4至6周等待宾客回复邀请"Martha Stewart Weddings" recommends a 4 to 6- week window for RSVPs. 没有地址我不能发邀请信and I can't send the invitation without an address.我越早开始写越好And the sooner I get started on the calligraphy the better.你要发婚礼邀请信You want to send an invitation to your wedding...给狗的母亲开玩笑吧?to your dog's mother. And you're serious?如果我不得不邀请我二表弟吃素的教练Detective, if I have to make room for my second cousin's vegan diet coach, 我就会邀请那只一直you better believe I'll make room for the mother of the one loving creature 陪伴我的动物的母亲who's always been there for me.事实上我竟然还没发出邀请In fact, I can't believe I haven't done this sooner!我也这么想I'm thinking the same thing.客户很高兴 - 好The client is thrilled. - Good!你是怎么做成了这笔交易?简直好极了How you seamlessly negotiated that deal? It was simply magnifique.谢谢Thank you.今天有个职工大会孩子 - 好我来祈祷Big staff meeting today, kiddo. - All right. I got my fingers crossed.弥尔顿两杯外加奶泡Milton, two shots, extra foam谢谢 - 不客气Thanks, E.W. - No problem!今天去找他们 - 谢谢Go get 'em today. - Oh, Thanks给你豆奶宝贝儿没有牛奶Soy for you, honey. No dairy谢谢你要打的电♥话♥很多 - 是吗?That's right. Thank you. Your call list is endless. - It is?我们最好现在就开始 - 好的We better get right on it. - Okay!凯文你不该这样Kevin, you shouldn't have!我不知道今天是否能升职I'm not sure they're giving me the promotion today.那只是广为流传的传言It's just a widespread yet credible rumor.这是我和姑娘们给的It's from me and the girls.啊好Oh, right!现在给我刷Now do me.我觉得我是世界上最幸运的姑娘I feel like the Iuckiest girl in the world.我也是 - 是吗?Me, too! - You do?免费刷♥卡♥可能也没有这么快乐I had no idea I could be this happy without accruing credit card debt. 找到了吗?AIready?伍兹小姐甚至怪事也能搞定Well, Miss Woods, even the weird ones get cracked.准备好了吗?You ready?好了Yes!布鲁赛·伍兹Bruiser Woods.见见你母亲meet your mom.布鲁赛你的颧骨Bruiser, your cheekbones.都在这儿了And it's all in there,祝你找到你想找的Good Iuck finding whatever it is you're looking for.天啊她住在波士顿Oh, my God! She's a Bostonian!布鲁赛我们到了Bruiser, we're here!要见到你的生母了你一定很紧张As your adoptive mother, I'm sure you're nervous about meeting your birth mother,可是要听她讲一讲她肯定有自己的原因but hear her out, OK? I'm sure she had her reasons.她住在秘密的凡赛斯智囊团里Bruiser, your mother lives at the top secret Versace think-tank!我说过他们有一个I told you they had one!不女士没有通行证你不能去那No, ma'am. Unless you have a pass, you cannot go up there.幸运的是我总是随身带着Lucky I always keep it on me等等就在这Hold on. It's right here.给你There you go!这是什么?What is it?我的双白金凡赛斯超级贵宾卡It's my double platinum V.V.I.P. Versace Preferred Customer identification card of course. 只发给那些在五大洲购过物的人Available only to those that've shopped on five continents你还可以跟客服部部长贝利联♥系♥If that fails to satisfy you, you can also contact Billy Dailey, head of customer relations你找错了凡赛斯女士You got the wrong VERSACE, lady.是吗?当·凡赛斯不在这?Really? Donatella's not here?布鲁赛你要去哪?Bruiser, where are you going?布鲁赛Bruiser!女士Ma'am!布鲁赛Bruiser?回来你要去哪?Get back here! Where are you going?布鲁赛我不知道你体育这么好Bruiser, I didn't know you were so athletic.怎么啦?What is it?我的天啊Oh, my God!你过来You, come here!来快打开门Come on! Open this door immediately!你是谁?在这做什么?Who are you? What are you doing here?我的狗的母亲在你们这我要把它带走You have my dog's mom, and I need her right now!不行我无权放走笼子里的任何动物Absolutely not. I'm not authorized to release any subjects from their containment units 我甚至没有钥匙I'm not even allowed to have a key不小心吞了一次You swallow the thing one time,从此成了不可信任的吃钥匙怪物and all of a sudden, you're the weird key swallower who can't be trusted.我想你没搞懂我愿意出价钱I don't think you're understanding me. I'm willing to pay for her.它们不卖♥♥ 它们是这个地方的财产These animals aren't for sale, ma'am. They're the legal property of this facility.这是个什么地方?What kind of facility is this?利摩尔先生对不起Mr. Livermore, I'm so sorry!艾尔这个凡赛斯是个化妆品实验厂Elle, this VERSACE is a cosmetic testing facility.啊不 - 布鲁赛的妈妈是个实验品Oh, no! - And poor Bruiser's mom's a test subject there.不我要它马上出来Oh, no. I want her out of there immediately!实验品只能自愿交出Animal test subjects can only be surrendered on a voluntary basis, 他们并不自愿and they're not volunteering.我结束之后他们会求饶的After I get through with them, they'll be begging不仅要带走布鲁赛的妈妈And I'm not just taking Bruiser's mom,还有这个烂地狱里所有的狗I'll bust all those dogs out of that doggie dungeon.科学研究和动物压♥迫♥?"Research Science and Critter Exploitation"?不会吧Oh, no!这个凡赛斯由华贵公♥司♥拥有This VERSACE's owned by the C'est Magnifique Corporation!好极了我们的公♥司♥代表华贵公♥司♥ That's fantastic! Our law firm represents C'est Magnifique我们可以告诉他们来处理此事We can tell them to fix this.我迫不及待把这个介绍给合伙人I can't wait to take this to the partners.好的可是你怎么说服他们呢?Okay, but how are you going to convince them?介绍布鲁赛·伍兹吉娃娃Presenting Bruiser Woods Chihuahua.我是谁?我是从哪里来的?Who am I? Where do I come from?出生后就被遗弃了小时候只有我一个Abandoned at birth, I was on my own at an early age,在比佛利山的街上为生存而搏斗fighting for survival on the streets of Beverly Hills.在破碎的梦中大道上自我挣扎making his way down the boulevard of broken dreams.在好莱坞和威恩耍把戏turning tricks at Hollywood and Vine.即使找到了一个爱我的母亲yet even when I found a loving mother,也撼动不了我心中不得安宁的空虚I couldn't shake this nagging emptiness in my heart.就像是一个空白当我照镜子时…It was like a void. When I looked in the mirror...这是谁在对着看我?who was it that was looking back at me?这就是布鲁赛的问题This is Bruiser's question.在某种程度上我们不都是布鲁赛吗?And in a way, aren't we all Bruisers?我想是的谢谢I think yes. Thank you.伍兹女士这是个律师事务所Ms. Woods, this is a law firm,不是动物权利促进团体not an animal rights advocacy group.我们是律师我们得为公正而战We're lawyers. We have to fight for justice,这个案子绝对不公正And this is definitely unjust!在这个案子里美丽的代价太高了In this case, the cost of beauty is way too high我不敢相信我会这样说可这是事实I can't believe I said that, but it's true.我们所做的是为顾客争得最大利益What we fight for is our clients and their best interests.没错可是做正确的事不就是为大家的最大利益吗?Yes, but isn't doing the right thing in everybody's best interest?我想你把正确的事和法律搞混了I think you're confusing the right thing and the law.你不会认为它们是一回事吧?You didn't think they were the same, did you?我们为啥不回到正题讨论一下你的光明前途?Why don't we get back to business and discuss your very bright future? 对不起我不想打断你可是我…Pardon me, I don't mean to interrupt, but I just...你是说假设华贵遵循法律条文What you're saying is if C'est Magnifique follows the letter of the law即使他们伤害活生生的生物even if it ends up hurting living beings.我们也只管为客户工作?we're just doing our job?对不起布莱恩先生I'm sorry, Mr. Blaine,我想我不能和有这样信念的人共事I don't think I can work with people who believe that.你知道吗?你说得对You know what? You're right谢谢布莱恩先生Thank you, Mr. Blaine你不能跟有这样信念的人一起工作You shouldn't have to work with people who believe that. 没错我就知道你会明白的Absolutely. I knew you would understand.你被解雇了艾尔You're fired, Elle.什么?What?我们这儿只容纳认真做事的律师We only have room for serious lawyers here.你今天就收拾好东西走吧Take the rest of the day to clear out your things.可是秘书们已经送了我气球But the secretarial pool already gave me a balloon.想要的话可以把气球带走Keep the balloon, if you wish.拜托恩麦特走开Please, Emmett, just go away.出来吧宝贝儿Why don't you come on out, sweetie?我知道布鲁赛不会怪你的I know Bruiser doesn't blame you.我是世界上唯一为它说话的人But I'm all he has to speak for him in this world可我让它彻底失望了and I have completely failed him.知道我第一次见你时心里怎么想的吗?You know what I thought the first time I saw you?"天啊那个女人穿了很多粉色?""God, that woman wears a lot of pink"?不我想的是…No. I thought...那个女人真的很特别"That woman is really special.她相信自己会与众不同她一定会的"She believes she can make a difference and she will." 所以…So...出来我们好好谈谈吧come on out and let's talk about it.不No.我们可以过一遍婚礼的细节We could go over some wedding details.怎么样?它会旋转How about that? It revolves.会发光And it illuminates.甚至和红短袜的颜色一样很棒宝贝儿It's even got the Red Sox colors. That's fantastic, honey! 谈到红袜子Speaking of red socks...你不会胆怯了吧?you're not getting old feet, are you?胆怯什么?About what?怎么样?哈佛法律教授How's it going to look? A Harvard law professor跟丢掉第一份工作的律师结婚married to a lawyer who got fired from her first job因为其信念而被解雇Fired for something she believes in.会是这个样子It's going to look like...嗨那是世界上最幸运的家伙Hey, "There goes the Iuckiest guy in the whole world." 谢谢Thanks.天哪Holy crap!太美了It's gorgeous!布料总是合不起来The material keeps falling apart.不No!艾米怎么啦?Amy, is something wrong?你没法在裙子外环上做扇形装饰You can't do a scallop trim on the outer hoop skirt.布料太柔软了合不起来The material's too delicate. It'll just fall apart可是三分之二的家庭试验是可以的But in two out of three home tests it held.我很抱歉艾尔I am so sorry, Elle.没什么我想我不需要扇形裙边No biggie. I guess I don't need a scallop trim on the outer hoop skirt. 我这样很好I'll be fine.我穿不上婚礼氨纶裤套装时What is it that you said back when I couldn't你是怎么对我说的?fit into my white spandex pantsuit for my wedding?如果布料不适合你就别用它If the fabric doesn't work with you, don't work with it.这是我最喜欢的祷文It's one of my favorite mantras.非常对我知道最好的丝绸That is so true, and I know the most perfect organza!或者真正经典的东西比如…Or something really classy like...比如白色皮料like white leather!我去叫给我修车座的伙计I'll call the guy that did my car seats.等等就这样Wait, that's it.别跟布料作对换一下Don't fight the fabric. Change it.好可是白色皮料?OK, but white leather?我不应该跟把布鲁赛的母亲锁起来的法律作对If the law is what's keeping Bruiser's mother locked up,我应该改变它I shouldn't be fighting it, I should be changing it诸位我要使用动物实验化妆品不合法Everybody, I'm going to make animal testing for cosmetics illegal!我知道让狗刷睫毛膏和上腮红不对…I know that making a dog wear mascara and bIush is wrong,但我… - 这不仅仅是布鲁赛妈妈的…But I just... - This isn't just about Bruiser's mom anymore...每天我搽金色冷光胭脂this is about the fact that every day that I put on my Gold Goddess Iuminescent bIush, 一些可怜无辜的动物可能会因此而受到伤害some poor little innocent animal might be suffering for it在涉及到你之前你不知道事情有多糟You don't realize how horrible something is until it happens to you personally.就像喂食母奶Like breastfeeding.如果我想为布鲁赛说话And if I want to give a voice to Bruiser,我得去那个为人♥民♥说话的地方I have to go to the place that gave a voice to the people!天啊Oh, my God!柯梦波丹杂♥志♥总部The headquarters of "Cosmopolitan" magazine!更好的地方女士们…Better! Ladies...我要去华盛顿I'm going to Washington!华盛顿我来了D.C., here I come!如果有人能处理此事那就是你If anybody can handle this, it's you, honey.我收到了姐妹会24小时的住房♥热♥线♥电♥话♥ And I just got a call from the Delta Nu 24-hour housing hotline.你的公♥寓♥都准备好了Your apartment's all set.太好了 - 艾尔Great! - Elle!我的天啊Oh, my God!你看起来像过国♥庆♥节You look like the Fourth of July!让我真想吃热狗Makes me want a hot dog real bad.好吧你得走了亲爱的Yeah, OK. Well. You got to get going, honey.好OK.艾尔你看这个 - 那是什么?Elle, look at this. - What's that?根据动物市场杂♥志♥报导According to "Animal Fair" magazine,你的老板是华盛顿打扮得最好的女人your new boss is the best groomed woman in Washington, 她的小猎犬的名字叫多莉·玛迪逊Her beagle's name is Dolly Madison.也是我奶奶的外号♥which is my grandma's stripper name.这是个好迹象吧?Isn't that a good sign?天啊跟一个杰出的女议员工作Oh, my gosh. A job with a brilliant congresswoman也是哈佛的校友who's also a fellow Harvard alum.你会很顺利的艾尔命中注定的You'll do great, Elle. It's destiny.可是计划世纪婚礼But isn't planning the wedding of the century还要改变法律有点难吧?and changing the law, kind of hard?波丽我教会了布鲁赛网上购物Paulette, I taught Bruiser how to shop online我想我可以应付国会I think I can handle Congress.再见See ya.家甜美的家准备好了吗?好的Home sweet home. You ready? OK欢迎来到威灵顿女士Welcome to the Wellington, ma'am.来这里很高兴It's a thrill to be here!该去立法♥院♥了Time to legislate!不No.太南西了Too Nancy!太希拉里了Too Hillary!太莫妮卡了Too Monica!太好了无以言述Too perfect for words!嗨Hi!早安公务员同事们Good morning, fellow public servants.今天我第一天上班It's my first day.不错的公事包Nice briefcase!谢谢Thank you.嗨Hi!好了我们的议程最后是艾尔.伍兹Okay, Last item on our agenda, Elle Woods.露德的助手提出有关Personal Rudd hire, taking up a bill on化妆业用动物实验的提案animal testing in the cosmetic industry.露德支持那个?I'm sorry, Rudd's backing that?良心的问题无所谓Matter of conscience, whatever!也许会争取更多的女性支持者I mean who knows? Maybe it'll boost our female demographic. 问题是我们现在是爱护动物者The point is we're animal lovers now.如果这对露德很重要该由我来处理吧?If this is so important to Rudd, shouldn't I be handling it?不提摩西No, Timothy,我们有位女士据露德说not when we have a woman who according to Rudd,她是当代最精明的法律和政♥治♥人物is one of the shrewdest legal and political minds of our time.你们好爱国者Hello, patriots!从GUCCI成为上市公♥司♥后I don't think I've been this excited since我还没有这么激动过Gucci became a publicly traded company.天啊国会芭比Oh, my God, it's Capitol Barbie.她闪闪动人She's so shiny!好我该从哪开始?Okay, so where should I start?对不起宝贝儿Excuse me, sweetie?怎么?- 实习指导在那边Yes. - Intern orientation is down the hall216号♥房♥间在217和215之间in Room 216. That's before 217 and after 215.天啊你真好心Oh, my God! That is so sweet of you!你以为我是实习生吗?You think I'm an intern?防皱纹全鲑鱼食谱真的有效That anti-wrinkle all-salmon diet really works.你是谁?Who are you?不好意思… - 艾尔·伍兹欢迎I'm sorry... - Elle Woods, welcome!校友会之后好久没见到你了 - 是啊I haven't seen you since the alumni meeting! - I know!你怎么样?- 很好How are you? - Good!诸位这是艾尔·伍兹This is Elle Woods, everyone.基本上像我首次来华盛顿因此别让她拘束Basically me when I first came to D.C, so make her feel at home. 准备好起跑了吗?You ready to hit the ground running?这是我最舒服的鞋Are these not my comfortable heels?鞋子很棒 - 谢谢很舒服Oh, cute shoes. - Thank you. They are comfy这是布鲁赛Here's Bruiser.欢迎Welcome!你这个小宝贝儿You little sugar!支持她诸位Now back her up, people艾尔这是首都山上最团结的一群所以…Elle, this is the most collaborative bunch on the Hill, so你一安顿下来就跟他们谈策略艾尔So gather them together, talk strategy as soon as you get settled in. And, Elle. 什么?Yes?欢迎来到华盛顿 - 谢谢Welcome to Washington. - Thank you!好的嗯…Okey-dokey. Well...我没听到我的办公室在哪I missed the part about where my office is.书桌The desk.就在那Right here.好的我还需要一个胶水枪All righty. Well. Then I'm going to need a gIue gun,一个粉红色剪刀五码的罗缎some pinking shears, and five yards of grosgrain ribbon.对就这些Yeah, that'll do it.看看你你可以从事婚礼联♥系♥业务了Well, look at you. You can run your wedding coordinator business在立法♥院♥休息的时候during all that legislative downtime.别傻了葛蕾丝Uh, don't be silly, Grace.我是在计划我自己的婚礼This is to pla my own wedding to Emmett.看这是我们他给我订做的See, this is us. He had this made for me.那是他这是我在笑That's him, and that's me smiling.他可以成为我们的一员你来讲我来吐Maybe he'll make one of you and me. You'll be talking and I'll be throwing up.谈到结婚Speaking of nuptials,等我来告诉女议员我被邀参加wait till I tell the congresswoman that I was invited to约翰·麦克肯侄子的婚礼to John McCain's nephew's wedding.他真是个不错的小伙子He's really quite a sweet kid.告诉我提摩西Tell me something, Timothy,把嘴放在你老板的屁♥股♥上呼吸困不困难?is it difficult for you to breathe with your mouth flat against your employer's butt? 不清楚葛蕾丝你的头…I don't know, Grace. Is it difficult to see在少数党秘书大腿中看东西难不难?with your head in the Minority Whip's lap?他是个著名的绅士他太太离开了他It was the distinguished gentlemen from lowa. His wife had recently left him,我们只是交谈 - 是的是的因为…and we just talked. - Right. Right. Because...如果你 "拜访" 过他的地区You know if you did "visit" his district,你应该有了一些…you should've gotten some legislation立法案 - 你怎么会知道你整天在out of it. - How would you even know when you're busy穿着溜冰鞋追逐实习生chasing interns on a skateboard?不好意思 - 我…Excuse me? - And I...谁想谈论动物实验?Who wants to talk animal testing?滚吧布兰妮Write a bill, Britney.我没有车你想让我做…I don't have a car! What do you want me to...叫好杯时间♪ Snap Cup time ♪都围过来♪ Gather ye round ♪朋友和敌人都过来♪ Friends and foes together ♪团结一致♪ United and bound ♪把它传给你的邻座♪ Pass it to your neighbor ♪而不是炸了它♪ Instead of blowing up ♪我们会在叫好杯中♪ And we'll find harmony and love in the ♪找到和谐和爱♪ Snap Cup! ♪别告诉我你们不知道什么是叫好杯Don't tell me you don't know what a Snap Cup is?好我来解释一下OK, I'll explain it.你要写一个匿名表扬条子You are going to write down an anonymous praise note或叫小暖心绒物on a little warm fuzzy.暖心绒物?Warm fuzzy?是的称赞你的同事说好话Yes. Compliments about your co-workers. Just something nice 然后你把它放进神圣的杯子里Then you deposit them in the sacred vessel.这在任何两派环境里都很重要The Snap Cup is essential to any bipartisan environment.想想1998年的春季狂欢Consider 1998 Spring Carnival,三角姐妹会在吻亭计划上The Delta Nus partnered with the Kappa Kappa Gammas与卡帕·嘎莫斯合作on Project Kissing Booth.大问题Big problems!来写吧Go ahead, write用整个舌头或不用舌头So, a whole heated debate transpired over引发了一个热烈的讨论the whole tongue-no tongue policy.你们知道卡帕会站在哪边I think you know what side the Kappas were on.这帮我们除掉了往日的冲突Anyway, it really helped us move past the conflict我想它今天也可以帮助我们and I think it can help us today.我们来试试好吗?So, let's just try this, OK?谢谢莉娜谢谢你Thank you, Reena. Thank you. Thanks for that谢谢你提摩西Thank you, Timothy.好了Okay.现在叫好杯小姐我来朗读So now, the Snap Cup mistress, me, recites.好是我写的Good, I got mine"葛蕾丝总是很自信地说出她的想法""Grace always has the confidence to speak her mind" "另外她穿碳灰色很漂亮""PIus, she looks terrific in charcoal."瞧葛蕾丝的优点And, voila, snaps for Grace!看到没?我们的第一个叫好杯真令人激动Do you see? Our first Snap Cup! This is so exciting!不知道下一个会怎么样?I wonder what'll happen next?好这是…All right, this is...好 "艾尔·伍兹和叫好杯有什么共同点?""What do Elle Woods and the Snap Cup have in common?" 一个谜语真酷我喜欢猜谜Oh, a riddle. That's so cool. I love riddles.他们都…"They're both..."很愚蠢"stupid."好了够了Okay, enough already也许我们应该出席Maybe we can do something actually worthwhile,你要撞击的那个委员会听证like attend the hearing of the committee you need to crack.我亲自带你去I'll take you myself.谢谢葛蕾丝你真大方Thank you, Grace. That's very generous of you.看我想叫好杯真的管用See, I think the Snap Cup really works.哇Wow!早安Good morning这就像是国会频道不过我不感到烦躁This is just like on C-SPAN, except I'm not bored.你走错了房♥间实习生指导在…You're in the wrong room, sweetheart. Intern orientation is in room... 216?我知道谢谢216? Yes, I've heard. Thank you我是艾尔·伍兹不是实习生Hi, I'm Elle Woods. I'm not an intern.罗伯·克勒我也不是Rob Cole. Me, neither.事实上我是女议员露德的新助手Actually, I'm the new legislative aide to Congresswoman Rudd.事实上我是来自德拉瓦的老议员Oh, actually I'm an old congressman from Delaware.我去过那没有购物税这很好先生Oh, I've been to Delaware! No sales tax. That's a good one, sir!委员会呼唤秩序Committee is called to order!欢迎参加特别会议…Welcome to the special meeting of the...对不起抱歉。
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I think you should go with the red.
It's the color of confidence.
I don't understand why you're disregarding...
your signature color.
He's proposing. I can't look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能看着别人约会
This is the date... the night I'll always remember.
I want to look special.
But not like I expect anything.
There's nothing I love more...
than a dumb blonde with daddy's plastic.
Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday.
Is this low-viscosity rayon?
Yes. Of course.
With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem?
Absolutely. It's one of a kind.
It's impossible to use a half-loop top-stitching...
on low-viscosity rayon. Itwould snag the fabric.
And you didn't just get it in.
I saw it in the June V ogue a year ago.
So if you're trying to sell it forfull price...
you picked the wrong girl.
Girls, this is it.
In afew hours...
I'll be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III.