丙类三副评估材料问答题航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1. What’s your date of birth?My date of birth is May 1st, 1980.2. What’s your seaman’s book number?My seaman’s book number is A123456.3. Where are you from?I’m from Yantai, China.4. What’s your Captain’s nationality?My Ca ptain’s nationality is China.5. What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety first.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Yantai, Qingdao and Dalian and so on.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is cctv news.8. What is your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is baidu.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Sunday. Because I can have a rest.10. What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite kind of movie is action movie.11. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is light music.12. What is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is Times.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is one million.14. What is the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 跑音特15. What is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is weather.It’s cool in summer and warm in winter.16. What is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is heavy traffic.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is beautiful with population of one million.I t’s famous for apple.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes, we have. Such as typhoon, earthquake, hurricane and so on.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like NBA.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think football is the most popular sport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes, I can. They are head line, stern line, spring line and so on.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。
海运有限公司二、三副上岗考试题姓名职务得分1.根据规定,下列哪些是值班驾驶员港内的值班职责?Ⅰ按时升降国旗、开关灯、显示有关的号灯号型Ⅱ以适当的时间间隔巡视全船Ⅲ监督值班人员坚守岗位Ⅳ掌握全船人员动态( B )A.Ⅰ~ⅢB.Ⅱ~ⅣC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD.Ⅰ~Ⅳ2.有关二副的基本职责下列哪些正确?Ⅰ主管航海仪器和航海图书资料Ⅱ协助船长做好航次计划Ⅲ主管货物装卸Ⅳ开航前备妥需用的航海图书资料( B )A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣC.Ⅰ~ⅢD.Ⅱ~Ⅳ3.三副的基本职责是:Ⅰ管理CO2间Ⅱ靠、离、移泊时在驾驶台当值Ⅲ停泊时编排驾驶员值班表Ⅳ保持全船各种救生信号的有效期(不包括驾驶台的救生信号)( D )A.Ⅰ~ⅢB.Ⅰ~ⅣC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ4.下列有关港内值班驾驶员职责的叙述哪项不确切?( C )A.检查污水沟、压载舱及淡水舱的测量记录B.按船长或大副的指示通知机舱调整压载水C.监收淡水、物料和燃油D.装卸一级危险品、重大件、贵重货物应到现场监督指导5.港内值班时,交班驾驶员应告知接班驾驶员下列哪些内容?Ⅰ船舶吃水、系缆情况Ⅱ大副对积载的要求和装卸进度Ⅲ开工舱口数Ⅳ消防设备的情况( A )A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ6.船舶装卸货物时值班驾驶员的职责有:( D )A.经常与装卸负责人联系解决装卸作业中出现的问题B.装运散装货必须要求港方按规定平舱C.装运集装箱应注意箱子的外表及铅封是否完好D.A、B、C都是7.有关船舶开航前二副应做的工作哪项不正确?( B )A.备足航行所用的文化用品B.检查所有救生信号是否在有效期内C.将开航准备情况向船长报告D.对船舶缺陷的处理符合港口当局的要求8.三副在船舶开航前应作的准备工作包括:(B )Ⅰ检查救生艇属具和备品,保证食品和淡水在有效期内Ⅱ检查船员住所的救生衣、《训练手册》是否齐全Ⅲ检查船舶消防设备和报警系统是否正常Ⅳ检试驾驶台内全部助航仪器是否正常A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅱ~ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ9.二副管理航海图书资料的职责是:( C )Ⅰ负责管理、登记“航海仪器和航海图书资料清册”Ⅱ管理各种航海仪器技术说明书和图纸Ⅲ收到航行通告或警告后,应在最短时间内登记海图卡片并改正Ⅳ负责保管作为海事证明的海图,以备海事调查A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅱ~ⅣC.Ⅰ~ⅢD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ10.下列有关二副在航海仪器管理方面的职责哪项不正确?( D )A.负责向新来的驾驶员介绍所管仪器的操作规程B.负责向大副提出所管仪器、设备的修理、更新、添臵等书面申请C.经常核对装在驾驶台而属于轮机部管理的各种仪表及设备的正确性D.尽可能从公司领取所需海图11.三副管理救生衣的职责是:Ⅰ对全部救生衣编号及分配Ⅱ检查救生衣是否放在指定地点Ⅲ按期对救生衣进行试验Ⅳ驾驶台、机舱、电台应配臵足够数量的救生衣( A )A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ12.下列哪张图表或规章不是由三副布臵或张贴的?( A )A.驾驶台规则B.全船救生消防布臵总图C.救生筏施放示意图D.救生衣穿着示意图13.下列哪项不属于二副职务调动时应交接的内容?( C )A.正在修理或已报修的助航仪器B.本港需申领或外购的海图C.驾驶员技术状况D.收到最新的航行通告情况14.下列有关驾驶台规则的叙述哪项有误?( A )A.驾驶台的各种航海图书资料未经二副同意不得随意携出驾驶台B.操舵室和标准罗经附近不可放臵铁质或磁性物件C.到港前0400~0800班水手应彻底清洁驾驶台D.值班驾驶员有责任维持驾驶台秩序,严格执行驾驶台规则15.《驾驶、轮机联系制度》规定,如因等引航员、候潮、等泊等原因须短时间抛锚时,___应将情况及时通知___。
丙类三副评估材料 问答题
![丙类三副评估材料 问答题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/981881e528ea81c758f578c9.png)
航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1.What’syourdateofbirth?MydateofbirthisMay1st,1980.2.What’syourseaman’sbooknumber?Myseaman’sbooknumberisA123456.3.Whereareyoufrom?I’mfromYantai, China.4.What’syourCaptain’snationality?MyCaptain’snationalityisChina.5.Whatdoyouthinkisthemostimportantthingonboard? Ithinksafetyfirst.6.Whichportsdoyouoftencallat?IoftencallatYantai,QingdaoandDalianandsoon.7.Whatisyour favorite TVprogram? MyfavoriteTVprogramiscctvnews.8.WhatisyourfavoriteWebsite? MyfavoriteWebsiteisbaidu.9.Whatisyourfavoritedayoftheweek?Why? MyfavoritedayoftheweekisSunday.BecauseIcanhavearest.10.Whatisyourfavoritekindofmovie?Myfavoritekindofmovieisactionmovie.11.Whatisyourfavoritekindofmusic? Myfavoritekindofmusicislightmusic.12.Whatisyourfavoritemagazine? MyfavoritemagazineisTimes.13.Whatisthepopulationofyourhometown? Thepopulationofmyhometownisonemillion.14.Whatisthepopulationofyourcountry? Thepopulationofmycountryis1.3billion.跑音特15.Whatisthebestthingaboutyourhometown? Thebestthingaboutmyhometownisweather.It’scoolinsummerandwarminwinter.16.Whatistheworstthingaboutyourhometown? Theworstthingaboutmyhometownisheavytraffic.17.What’syourhometownlike? Myhometownisbeautifulwithpopulationofonemillion.It’sfamousforapple.18.Doyouhavemanydisastersinyourcountrywhicharecausedbyw eather?Yes,wehave.Suchastyphoon,earthquake,hurricaneandsoon.19.WhatsportsdoyouliketowatchonTV?IlikeNBA.20.Whatdoyouthinkisthemostpopularsportintheworld? Ithinkfootballisthemostpopularsport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1.Canyoulistatleastthreemooringlines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes,Ican.Theyareheadline,sternline,springlineandsoo n.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。
海员三副考试题库及答案一、单选题1. 根据《国际海上避碰规则》规定,两艘机动船在相互驶近时,应尽可能早地采取行动,以避免碰撞。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A2. 船舶在能见度不良的情况下航行,应使用安全航速。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A3. 船舶在航行中,发现前方有一艘渔船,应主动避让。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:B4. 船舶在航行中,应保持足够的横距以避免与他船发生碰撞。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A5. 船舶在航行中,应避免在其他船舶的正前方通过。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A二、多选题1. 根据《国际海上避碰规则》,以下哪些情况下船舶应显示舷灯?()A. 长度小于20米的船舶B. 长度大于等于20米且小于50米的船舶C. 长度大于等于50米的船舶D. 所有船舶答案:B, C2. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下应显示雾号?()A. 能见度不良时B. 能见度良好时C. 夜间航行时D. 雾中航行时答案:A, D3. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下应显示尾灯?()A. 长度大于等于20米的船舶B. 长度小于20米的船舶C. 夜间航行时D. 雾中航行时答案:A, C, D4. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下应显示闪光灯?()A. 拖带作业时B. 拖带作业结束时C. 船舶在锚泊时D. 船舶在航行时答案:A, C5. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下应显示环照灯?()A. 船舶在锚泊时B. 船舶在航行时C. 船舶在拖带作业时D. 船舶在雾中航行时答案:A, C三、判断题1. 船舶在航行中,应始终保持对周围环境的警觉,以便及时发现潜在的危险。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A2. 船舶在航行中,应避免在其他船舶的正前方通过,以减少碰撞的风险。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A3. 船舶在航行中,应保持足够的横距以避免与他船发生碰撞。
()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A4. 船舶在航行中,应避免在其他船舶的正横前通过,以减少碰撞的风险。
一类三副理论考试题及答案1. 船舶在海上航行时,遇到紧急情况需要立即采取的措施是什么?A. 继续航行B. 立即减速C. 立即停车D. 立即发出求救信号答案:D2. 根据国际海事组织规定,船舶在何种情况下需要进行海上安全检查?A. 船舶定期检查B. 船舶发生事故C. 船舶在港口停留D. 船舶在海上航行答案:B3. 船舶在航行中遇到恶劣天气,船长应如何操作?A. 继续航行B. 改变航线C. 抛锚等待D. 通知港口答案:B4. 船舶在海上遇到海盗袭击时,应采取哪些措施?A. 与海盗进行谈判B. 立即报警并采取自卫措施C. 尝试与海盗战斗D. 无视海盗答案:B5. 船舶在海上航行时,如何确保船舶的航行安全?A. 保持船舶良好的机械状态B. 严格遵守国际海事法规C. 定期进行安全培训D. 所有选项答案:D6. 船舶在海上航行时,如何防止船舶碰撞?A. 保持船舶在正确的航线上B. 保持船舶良好的机械状态C. 保持与周围船舶的通信畅通D. 所有选项答案:D7. 船舶在海上航行时,如何进行有效的船舶管理?A. 定期检查船舶设备B. 确保船员遵守安全规程C. 进行船舶风险评估D. 所有选项答案:D8. 船舶在海上航行时,如何进行有效的船舶维护?A. 定期进行船舶检查B. 及时维修船舶设备C. 记录船舶维护日志D. 所有选项答案:D9. 船舶在海上航行时,船员应如何进行紧急疏散演练?A. 每年至少进行一次B. 每季度至少进行一次C. 每月至少进行一次D. 每周至少进行一次答案:B10. 船舶在海上航行时,如何确保船员的心理健康?A. 定期进行心理健康培训B. 提供心理咨询服务C. 营造良好的工作氛围D. 所有选项答案:D。
三副考试题一、选择题1. 以下哪项不是船舶三副的基本职责?A. 协助船长管理船舶日常运作B. 负责船上娱乐活动的组织C. 确保船舶安全航行D. 管理船舶的甲板部门2. 海图是用来表示什么信息的?A. 船舶货物清单B. 船舶船员名单C. 海洋和沿海地区的地理信息D. 船舶维修记录3. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,三副应首先执行哪项操作?A. 立即通知船长B. 启动应急发电机C. 检查救生设备D. 所有上述操作4. 船舶的稳性是指什么?A. 船舶在海上航行的速度B. 船舶在海上航行的稳定性C. 船舶载货的能力D. 船舶的航行方向5. 船舶的“GMDSS”代表什么?A. 全球海洋动态监控系统B. 全球船舶动态监控系统C. 全球海上遇险和安全系统D. 全球船舶数据管理系统二、判断题1. 三副在航行期间不需要参与船舶的维修工作。
(错)2. 船舶在海上航行时,三副负责监督船员的日常训练。
(对)3. 船舶的航向是由三副设定的。
(错)4. 三副需要熟悉船舶的消防设备和应急程序。
(对)5. 船舶的海图只能用于导航,不能用于规划航线。
(错)三、简答题1. 请简述三副在船舶进出港时的主要职责。
2. 描述三副在船舶应急情况下的职责。
3. 阐述三副如何确保船舶的海上安全。
船员三副考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 船舶在航行中,三副负责的主要职责不包括以下哪一项?A. 协助船长管理船舶安全B. 负责船舶货物的装卸C. 协助大副进行船舶日常维护D. 管理船舶的消防和救生设备答案:B2. 根据国际海事组织(IMO)的规定,船舶在哪个阶段必须进行消防演习?A. 每次航行前B. 每三个月至少一次C. 每六个月至少一次D. 每年至少一次答案:C3. 船舶在遇到海盗袭击时,三副应立即采取的行动是什么?A. 立即向船长报告情况B. 组织船员进行自卫C. 启动船舶的反海盗预案D. 以上都是答案:D4. 船舶在航行中遇到恶劣天气,三副应如何协助船长?A. 提供气象信息B. 协助调整航向和航速C. 检查船舶的密封性D. 以上都是答案:D5. 船舶在进行货物装卸作业时,三副需要检查哪些安全设备?A. 救生设备B. 消防设备C. 货物装卸设备D. 以上都是答案:D6. 船舶在国际水域遇到紧急情况时,三副应如何协助船长?A. 协助船长与相关国家或组织联系B. 协助船长制定紧急应对措施C. 组织船员进行紧急撤离演练D. 以上都是答案:D7. 船舶在进行日常维护时,三副需要检查哪些设备?A. 导航设备B. 通信设备C. 动力设备D. 以上都是答案:D8. 船舶在航行中遇到船舶碰撞事故,三副应立即采取的行动是什么?A. 立即向船长报告情况B. 组织船员进行应急处置C. 检查船舶的损害情况D. 以上都是答案:D9. 船舶在进行消防演习时,三副需要检查哪些设备?A. 消防泵B. 灭火器C. 消防水带D. 以上都是答案:D10. 船舶在进行救生演习时,三副需要检查哪些设备?A. 救生艇B. 救生筏C. 救生衣D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 船舶在航行中,三副需要负责的安全管理工作包括哪些?A. 船舶的安全航行B. 船舶的消防和救生设备的检查C. 船舶的货物装卸安全D. 船舶的环境保护答案:A、B、C、D2. 船舶在遇到海盗袭击时,三副需要采取的措施包括哪些?A. 立即向船长报告情况B. 启动船舶的反海盗预案C. 组织船员进行自卫D. 与相关国家或组织联系答案:A、B、C、D3. 船舶在进行消防演习时,三副需要检查的设备包括哪些?A. 消防泵B. 灭火器C. 消防水带D. 消防警报系统答案:A、B、C、D4. 船舶在进行救生演习时,三副需要检查的设备包括哪些?A. 救生艇B. 救生筏C. 救生衣D. 救生信号设备答案:A、B、C、D5. 船舶在进行日常维护时,三副需要检查的设备包括哪些?A. 导航设备B. 通信设备C. 动力设备D. 安全设备答案:A、B、C、D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 船舶在航行中,三副不需要负责船舶货物的装卸。
丙类三副评估材料 问答题
![丙类三副评估材料 问答题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/df8cc416bed5b9f3f90f1ca9.png)
航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1. What’s your date of birth?My date of birth is May 1st, 1980.2. What’s your seaman’s book number?My seaman’s book number is A123456.3. Where are you from?I’m from Yantai, China.4. What’s your Captain’s nationality?My Ca ptain’s nationality is China.5. What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety first.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Yantai, Qingdao and Dalian and so on.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is cctv news.8. What is your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is baidu.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Sunday. Because I can have a rest.10. What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite kind of movie is action movie.11. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is light music.12. What is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is Times.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is one million.14. What is the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 跑音特15. What is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is weather.It’s cool in summer and warm in winter.16. What is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is heavy traffic.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is beautiful with population of one million.It’s famous for apple.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes, we have. Such as typhoon, earthquake, hurricane and so on.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like NBA.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think football is the most popular sport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes, I can. They are head line, stern line, spring line and so on.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。
一类三副理论考试题及答案一、选择题1. 船舶航行时,以下哪项操作是正确的?A. 随时保持船速B. 随时保持船向C. 随时调整船速和船向D. 保持船速不变,船向随意答案:C2. 船舶在遇到紧急情况时,应采取以下哪种措施?A. 立即减速B. 立即转向C. 根据情况采取相应措施D. 继续航行答案:C二、判断题1. 船舶在航行中,应始终保持与周围船舶的安全距离。
()答案:正确2. 船舶在航行中,可以随意改变航向或航速。
()答案:错误三、简答题1. 请简述船舶在雾中航行时应注意的事项。
答案:- 保持高度警惕,使用雷达和其他导航设备。
- 减速航行,必要时停航。
- 保持无线电通信畅通,及时接收和传递信息。
- 遵守国际海上避碰规则。
2. 船舶在夜间航行时,应如何使用灯光?答案:- 根据国际海上避碰规则,正确显示本船的灯光信号。
- 保持灯光正常工作,避免灯光故障。
- 注意观察周围船舶的灯光信号,以判断其动态。
作为三副,你应如何处理?答案:- 立即报告船长,并说明情况。
- 使用无线电与不明船只联系,尝试获取其动态信息。
- 减速或采取避让措施,确保本船安全。
- 观察不明船只的动向,做好应急准备。
答案:- 根据天气预报和海况,提前做好航行计划。
- 加强船舶结构和设备的检查,确保其处于良好状态。
- 根据风浪情况,适时调整航速和航向。
- 加强值班,确保船员随时应对突发情况。
- 遵守国际海上避碰规则,与其他船舶保持安全距离。
内河一类船三副考试题库1. 在内河船舶上,三副的职责包括:A. 负责船舶的航行操作B. 负责船舶的货物装卸C. 负责船舶的消防安全D. 负责船舶的伙食管理2. 下列关于船舶助航设备的描述中,正确的是:A. 雷达是船舶助航的最重要设备B. 磁罗经是常用的航向指示器C. 自动识别系统可以替代雷达的功能D. 船舶通信设备不包括VHF无线电设备3. 在船舶交通管理系统中,下列哪项功能不是必要的?A. 船舶自动识别B. 航行日志记录C. 船舶动态监控D. 船员娱乐设施管理4. 关于船舶消防设备的描述中,不正确的是:A. 灭火器是船舶必备的消防设备B. 船舶消防设备应定期进行检查和维护C. 船舶消防演习无需进行定期演练D. 船舶消防设备应符合国际海事组织的相关规定5. 下列关于船舶应急设备的描述中,正确的是:A. 救生艇是船舶必备的应急设备B. 救生筏可以自动充气上浮C. 船舶应急发电机应定期进行启动试验D. 船舶的应急照明设备不包括手电筒6. 关于船舶货舱盖的描述中,错误的是:A. 货舱盖应具有良好的密封性能B. 货舱盖应能承受一定的压力和重量C. 货舱盖可以随意拆卸和更换D. 货舱盖的开启和关闭应方便快捷7. 关于船舶压载水的处理,下列哪项描述是错误的?A. 压载水处理系统可以对压载水进行灭菌和消毒处理B. 处理后的压载水可以满足排放要求,直接排入舷外水域C. 处理压载水的主要目的是防止海洋生物的入侵和传播疾病D. 处理压载水时应考虑环保和经济效益的平衡问题8. 关于船舶保安意识的描述中,不正确的是:A. 船舶保安意识是保障船舶安全的重要因素之一B. 船员应具备良好的船舶保安意识和技能C. 船舶保安意识可以通过培训和教育来提高D. 只要船舶安装了保安设备,就可以忽视船员的保安意识和技能9. 关于船员适任证书的描述中,正确的是:A. 船员适任证书是船员上船工作的必备证书之一B. 船员适任证书可以通过贿赂或欺诈手段获得C. 船员适任证书不需要进行定期的审核和更新D. 船员适任证书可以随意转让或出售给他人使用。
也可能会问及《避碰规则》, 《国际安全管理规则》(ISM )以及《公司安全管理体系》方面的知识和问题。
1. Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience as aseaman?For For example: example: example: I I I graduated graduated graduated from from from Dalian Dalian Dalian Maritime Maritime Maritime University University University in in in July July July 1999. 1999. 1999. Since Since Since April, April, April, 1999, 1999, 1999, I I began my seamen career. I have worked on two ships. On the fist ship, I worked as a deck cadet for 10 months. On the second ship, I worked as a 3/0 for nearly a year. 2. Can you tell me about your last vessel?My last ship was a general cargo sailing globally, but mainly from European ports to the US and Canada port. I worked on that vessel for 13 months as third officer. 3. What are your responsibilities as a Third Officer?(1)To perform sea watches and cargo watch, from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 hours;(2) To assist the Chief Officer in supervising cargo handling operation(3) To mea s ure the draft at the discretion of the Chief Officer or the Master;sure the draft at the discretion of the Chief Officer or the Master;(4) (4) To To To assist the assist the Master Master on on on the the the bridge with bridge with anchoring anchoring and and and mooring mooring mooring and and and unmooring unmooring unmooring operation operation operation is is underway;(5) To inspect communication systems and important items related to the navigational system and other department before leaving port or shifting anchorage;(6) (6) To To To maintain maintain maintain the the the lifesaving lifesaving lifesaving appliances appliances appliances and and and fire fire fire fighting fighting fighting equipment equipment equipment and and and make make make records records records in in in the the maintenance log and inventory book;(7) To do some paper work and other jobs assigned by the Master 4. When do you call the Master to the Bridge?If the master were not in the bridge room, according to some rules and my experience, I would call the master to the bridge under the following circumstances: When I do not know the correct actions to take ;When the giving away vessel does not give away as a rule and cannot get into contact with it;When navigational equipment fails to respond;When receiving the distress call;When navigational marks are missing or in the expected time, and did not see the marks;When the depth sounding do not have expected result;When entry into heavy traffic, low visibility areas;When main engine speed decreases or breakdown;When approaching the poor visibility areas;And when the vessel is in danger and I am not sure how to react. 5. Who is responsible for the LSA and FFE equipment on board a ship?LSA LSA means means means Life Life Life Saving Saving Saving Apparatus; Apparatus; Apparatus; FFE means FFE means Fire Fire Fighting Fighting Fighting Equipment. Equipment. Equipment. The The The Third Third Officer Officer is is responsible for the maintenance of all these apparatus. The maintenance records should be logged. 6. How often and what do you inspect the lifeboats? Usually I inspect and test the important parts of the lifeboat weekly. My checking points include attachment to the hull, lifeline, handrail, the condition of rudder, fuel oil tanks, fresh water, food and so on. After checking, I make records in the maintenance book and log book. 7. What actions should you take while you find fire in the cabin?I should sound the fire alarm first, and then inform the bridge, the engine room and the Master immediately. And I will use the portable fire extinguisher to put out the fire the soonest possible if the the fire fire fire is is is not not not that that that serious. serious. serious. At At At the the the same same same time, time, time, I I I shall shall shall watch watch watch the the the fire fire fire carefully carefully carefully and and and wait wait wait for for for the the firefighting team assistance. When the fire fighting team is in their respective position, I will come to my position on the Fire Muster List. 8. What do you know about the ISM code? What are DOC and SMC?DOC DOC means means means Document Document Document of of of Compliance. Compliance. Compliance. It It It is is is issued issued issued to to to a a a shipping shipping shipping company company company by by by a a a classification classification society or a maritime administration. SMC means Safety Management Certificate. It is issued to a ship by a classification society or a maritime administration. 9. Why must you check the compass error between the gyro and magnetic during the watch? The The duty duty duty officer officer officer should check should check the the difference difference difference between between between the the the two two two compasses compasses compasses at at at least least least every every every hour. If hour. If significant significant error error error between between between magnetic magnetic magnetic and and and gyrocompass gyrocompass gyrocompass is is is found, compasses found, compasses must must be be be adjusted adjusted adjusted and and corrected corrected immediately. immediately. immediately. If If If the the the gyrocompass gyrocompass gyrocompass breaks breaks breaks down, down, down, I I I shall shall shall immediately immediately immediately report report report it it it to to to the the Master. 10. How do you check the ship’s position when you keep the anchor watch and whichway is the best?I can use three ways i.e. Radar fixing, GPS fixing, landmark fixing to get the vessel’s position and define the anchor position. But I think the best way is radar fixing because it is more precise and reliable. reliable. For For For the the the sake sake sake of safety, of safety, instead instead of of of using using using only only only one one one means, means, means, all all all the the the other other other ways ways ways available available should be used. At the same time, lockout is still very important. 11. What preparations should you make in anticipation of the PSC inspection on board the ship?I should check check very carefully very carefully the the FFE FFE FFE and and and LSA LSA LSA to to to make make make sure sure sure they they they function well. function well. I should also make make sure sure sure that that that all all all the the the logs logs logs and and and records records records of of of the the the FFE FFE FFE and and and LSA LSA LSA and and and the the the drills drills drills are are are available available available for for inspection. 12. How do you check the CO2 System?The CO2 system is the fixed fire fighting system. I do the checks according to the checklist. First, First, the the the date date date of of of last last last service, service, service, CO2 CO2 CO2 pipelines pipelines pipelines and and and bottles bottles bottles should should should be be be checked. The checked. The air air blow blow blow test test should be carried out to make sure that the system works well enough. Certificates also need to be checked to make sure they are up-to-date. The weight of the CO2 in the bottles should be tested at regular interval. 13. During cargo watch, what should the Third Officer on duty do?According to the cargo stowage plan, the Third Officer must ensure the safety of the personnel, the cargo and the ship. He should watch and supervise the loading operation and cargo stowing, and report the accident and abnormalities, if any, to the Chief Officer. The Third Officer should keep watch on the weather, the mooring conditions, sea and vicinity condition, and check the draft regularly. All records should be made in the logbook. 14. What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rate on board?According to some rules and regulations, the BAC shall not be more than 0.04% by weight of the blood blood any any any time time time when when when being being being tested. tested. tested. But But But watchkeepers watchkeepers watchkeepers are are are not not not allowed allowed allowed to to to drink drink drink any any any alcoholic alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch. Anyway, I shall refer to the SMS manual of the company to get some more detailed regulation in this regard. 15. When RADAR, ARPA and other positioning systems are in use, d oes the does the useuse of these apparatus relieve your duty of lookout as a watchkeeper?No, No, the working the working of these apparatus apparatus does does does not not not relieve relieve relieve the the the watch watch watch officer officer officer of of of his his his duty duty duty to to to maintain maintain maintain a a proper lookout at all time. You can not depend on the machines too much. Lockout (deck watch) is is always always always very very very important, important, important, especially especially especially in in in some some some passages, passages, passages, inside inside inside the the the port port port and and and in in in some some some dangerous dangerous sailing areas. Delayed actions will possibly give rise to big accidents. 16. When the vessel departs the port, what preparation shall the Master do?(1) He shall make various principal calculations such as the ride, current and the time of sunrise and sunset that are necessary for securing safety during port entry or departure. (2)Check to see that the disembarkation of the visitors and the embarkation or disembarkations of supernumeraries in accordance with the safety management records. (3) Check to see that the deck crew are on board. (4) Prepare and and check check check signal signal signal flags, flags, flags, make sure make sure that that the the the Port Port Port Clearance Clearance Clearance and and and other other other formalities formalities formalities are are well prepared. (5) make sure that the pilotage and tug service are prepared. 17. How often do you check and correct the chronometer (天文钟)?(天文钟)? I shall check and correct it daily. The record of each correction shall be put into the record book. Besides, the chronometer shall be sent ashore for cleaning during each shipyard repair period. 18. When working on the bridge, when do you call the engine room for information?(1) Whenever necessary to ascertain that engine room and bridge clocks are synchronized ;(2) At least one hour before starting or ending a sea passage;(3) As soon as it appears that engine operation maneuvers may be required, with one hour's notice if possible;(4) (4) Whenever Whenever Whenever the the the ship ship ship machinery machinery machinery operation operation operation may may may be be be affected affected affected by by by weather weather weather or or or other other other condition condition changes, such as shallow water approach, concentration of marine life or seaweed, ice in water, or change of trim or draft due to ballasting shifting;(5) One hour before inert gas system operation is required (for tanker); (6) One hour before stea m is required on deck;(7) Whenever the temperature falls to 2 degree centigrade to prevent damage to equipment;(8) At least one hour before the standby generator is required;(9) As soon as an excessive some is to be turned;(10) Whenever the cargo pumps are used;(11) One hour prior to getting underway. 19. When you join a vessel, what should you do first?First, I shall report to the master and familiarize myself with the Emergency Card in the cabin and the Muster Lists, and the crewmen including the master and other officers and seamen on board the the vessel. vessel. vessel. Second, with Second, with accompaniment accompaniment of of of the relieved the relieved the the 3/O, 3/O, 3/O, I shall I shall have have an an an inspection inspection inspection of of those those items items items the the the 3/O 3/O 3/O is is is responsible responsible responsible for. for. I I shall shall shall discuss discuss discuss immediately immediately immediately with with with the the the master master master on on on any any unsatisfactory unsatisfactory conditions, conditions, including equipment malfunctions. I I shall shall also take over all the documents the 2/O shall take care of. Lastly, I shall prepare for getting underway. I shall test the draft of the vessel and report the result to the C/O. A good handover with the relieved 3/O is the very important thing for me. 20. Please tell some parts of a lifeboat in English.For instance, manrope, oars, ration, securing gears, launch tracks, slip gear, sea anchor, sea plug, davit, medicine, axe, provisions, provisions, rat rat guards, lifejackets, lifejacket lights, lifebuoys, thermal protector, protector, radar radar radar reflector, reflector, bailer, hatchets, hatchets, sponges, sponges, sponges, lifeboat lifeboat lifeboat oil oil lamps, lamps, inflatable inflatable life life jacket, jacket, immersion suit, matches, lifesaving signal, survival manual, waterproof electric torch, boathooks, and so on. 21. If ship collision happens when you are on duty, what procedure should you follow up?Firstly, I shall sound the alarm for emergency;Secondly, I shall inform the master immediately;Thirdly, I shall inform the engine room and prepare engine standby;Fourthly, I shal l sound the tanks including ballasting tanks and oil tanks;Fifthly, I shall, at the discretion of the master, report to the head office of ship owner, management company and charter at the discretion of the master. Lastly, Lastly, I I I shall shall shall report report report to to to the the the relative relative relative department department department and and and coastal coastal coastal countries countries countries at at at the the the discretion discretion discretion of of of the the master. 22. When should a turnover/handover watch be deferred or postponed?Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or even postponed: (1) If the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not able to carry out his duties effectively ; (2) when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place. (3) Other critical situations in which the master or Officers concerned believes the handover can not be done immediately.23. Under what conditions should you as officer on watch change the ship's speed?The OOW should not hesitate to use engine to change the sped of the ship. He should change the ship s speed on the following circumstances: (l) when the ship meets restricted visibility ; (2) when the ship is in traffic density area; (3) when the ship is in crossing situation or in close quarter situation. 24. What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected? (1) Call or notify the master; (2) Switch on the navigational lights;(3) Switch on and sound fog signals; (4) Switch on ARPA and Radar;(5) Shift to manual steering for maneuver; (6) post additional lookout;(7) Inform and advise engine room for any emergency maneuvers. 25. What precautionary measures are to be done hours 12 hours before before arrival at or departurefrom any port?I shall test the following before entering or getting underway: (1) Primary and secondary steering gear: (2) Internal control communications and and control control alarm; (3) Standby and emergency generator; (4) storage batteries for emergency lighting. (5) Main propulsion ahead and astern. 26. What should you do in case of steering failure?When When there there there is is is a a a steering steering steering failure, failure, failure, I I I shall shall shall report report report to to to the the the master master master immediately, immediately, immediately, so so so that that that he he he may may may take take whatever whatever actions actions actions are are are required. required. required. At At At the same the same time, time, provided provided provided no further no further incidents incidents occur, occur, occur, hoist hoist hoist the the signals for a vessel not under command. At the same time, inform the engine room and determine the time necessary for repairs, if possible, so that the necessary preparations can be made on the bridge. 27. When is great circle sailing most advantageous? Explain briefly.The shortest distance between two meridians is the arc of the great circle contained between these two points. The advantages obtained from the use of the great circle sailing are greatest in high latitudes, latitudes, where, where, where, there there there is is is a a a large large large difference difference difference of of of longitude longitude longitude between between between the the the points points points of of of departure departure departure and and destination. 28. If a man is overboard, what actions should you take immediately?I I shall shall shall throw throw throw him him him a a a lifebuoy, lifebuoy, lifebuoy, inform inform inform the the the engine engine engine room, room, room, change sailing change sailing course, course, make make make engine engine engine full full astern and steer towards him. Before he is picked up from the water, medical serve is prepared in case he is found to be injured.29. How do you know how many persons a lifeboat is allowed to carry?Usually, number of persons a lifeboat is allowed to carry is marked on each lifeboat's bows and on at least two of the thwarts. 30. In case of steering failure and loss of bridge control, what actions should the officer on duty take?In case of the vessel fall into loss of bridge control which results from trouble in steering system, the Officer of the watch shall take the following measures for the purpose of avoiding the present crisis. (1) When the trouble occurs in auto steering (AUTO) and Hand steering (HAND), turn the system selection switch (SYSTEM SWITCH) to the standby side. (2) (2) When When When the the the steering steering steering is is is still still still impossible impossible impossible by by by the the the measures measures measures of of of above(1), above(1), above(1), turn turn turn the mode the mode selection switch (MODE SWITCH) to non-follow-up (NFU) position to steer the lever. (3) (3) When When When the the the steering steering steering is is is still still still impossible impossible impossible by by by the the the measures measures measures of of of above(2), above(2), above(2), turn turn turn the the the system system system to to emergency steering at local side, together with in use of Telephone, Transceivers, Microphone / Loud speaker and repeater gyro/spare compass, etc. 31. If the ship is sailing in the high density traffic area, what actions will you take if you are on watchkeeping?The OOW must always be aware of the possibility of navigation in congested waters. If the own vessel is expected to navigate such areas, he must take the following actions: (1) early stay away from the congested area, if possible. (2) arrangement of lockout (s). (3) report to the Master. (4) test of manual steering or changeover to manual steering. (5) contact with Engineers, if necessary. (6) if required, reduce down to a safe speed. (7) running in parallel of Power Units of Steering Gears. (8) Note the time of entering and leaving in congested water in the logbook and in the check list. 32. If you do the onboard patrol, what should you pay special attention to during your patrol tour?Usually, there should be an Onboard Patrol Check List. In the checklist, the following items shall be inc luded which shall be paid great attention when the Onboard Patrol is carried out: (1) check for any sign of a fire (2) check for leakage of oil or water , abnormal sound, smell and smoke. ( 3 ) closure of watertight doors. (4) confirmation of Navigation Equipments, Steering Gear and etc. in working order. (5) inspection of lashing conditions of movable articles on board (and stowage condition of cargo if necessary) (6) thorough lighting control. 自我介绍:(your name, age, major, hobby, spare time activity, your plan for the future) (问候)Hello, my name is Lee. Nice to meet you. (个人情况)I am 20 years old. I was born in Zhoushan. My major is navigation technology. I will receive my diploma after my graduation in June. (专业学习情况)In )In the the the past past past year year year at at at the school, the school, I I have have have received received received third third third mate mate mate certificate, certificate, certificate, GMDSS GMDSS certificate and other certificates of proficiency. I have ever got the first-class scholarship. I believe I can be a competent officer in future. (选择职业的理由)I choose this this job, job, job, because because because I I I like like like it it it and and and my my my father father father is is is also also also a seaman. a seaman. He He is is is my my good model. (个性特点)Undoubtedly, )Undoubtedly, I I I am am am still still still a a a college college college student without student without enough working experience, experience, but but but I I have the confidence of my ability. I believe I can get the work to go smoothly. Furthermore, I am a quick learner. I can be familiar with daily work in a short period. I am a cautious person. I can do the work with full attention. I don ’t have bad habits like drinking alcohol or smoking. (结语)I sincerely hope I can be a member of your company. Thank you! OOCL 公司面试问题:1. Please introduce yourself.2. How do you think of the facility in your school? (hospital, LS and FF training center, steering simulator, dining hall, supermarket …) 3. How long will you stay in our company? (as long as I can.) 4. What type of ship do you want to work on? Why? (container ship, oil tanker …) 5. If you can get more salary, are you willing to work on an oil tanker or a chemical carrier? Give some reasons. 6. Can you tell us the difference between the container ship and oil tanker?(container ship is used to carry containers and oil tanker is used to carry oil.) 7. What is the Rule 5 in Colregs? (Look-out) 8. What is ISM code?(International safety management. This code is used for improving safety) 9. What is your favorite subject? Why?(Maritime English) Maritime English 航海英语航海英语Communication English 通信英语通信英语Practical English 实用英语实用英语Mathematics for Navigation 航海数学航海数学Computer Application 计算机应用计算机应用Ship management 船舶管理船舶管理Ship Manoeuvring 船舶操纵船舶操纵Navigational Instruments 航海仪器航海仪器Navigation (science) 航海学航海学Ship structure and equipment 船舶结构与设备船舶结构与设备Meteorology and Oceanography 船舶气象与海洋学船舶气象与海洋学Watch- Keeping & Collision prevention of Ship 船舶值班与避碰船舶值班与避碰Marine radio communication 海上无线电通信海上无线电通信 Ship signals 船舶信号船舶信号Carriage of Goods by Sea 海上货物运输海上货物运输Shipping Business & maritime law 航运业务与海商法航运业务与海商法Seamanship 船艺船艺Seaman’s professional ethics 海员职业道德海员职业道德Proficiency in Life-saving boat& raft training 精通艇筏精通艇筏Proficiency in First Aid 精通急救精通急救Advanced Fire-Fighting 船舶高级消防船舶高级消防OR:1. Introduce yourself. 2. Read one item on the paper and then translate into Chinese 3. Tell me some navigational equipment. (just one) 4. What ’s the use of the equipment you just said? 5. Tell me lifeboat equipment inside the lifeboat. 6. What is the equipment you mentioned used for? 7. What subject have you learnt in the school? 8. What advantage does the subject have to make you become a cadet? 9. Why do you think we should pick you as our cadet? 10. Why do you choose OOCL as your career? 11. Do you have any question? 注意:1. 要据实回答.要据实回答.2. 当你听不懂面试官的提问时,可让对方重复(pardon).如果实在听不懂就直接回答(sorry, I don ’t know), 切不可胡乱回答.如果知道问题的答案,却不知道用英语怎么表达时,可这样说(sorry, I don’t don’t know how to say in English, Can I answer in Chinese know how to say in English, Can I answer in Chinese ?) OOCL 公司概况:公司概况:Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Orient Overseas (International) Limited (OOIL), a public company (0316) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. OOCL is one of the world's largest integrated international container transportation, logistics and terminal companies. As one of Hong Kong's most recognized global brands, OOCL provides customers with fully-integrated logistics and containerized transportation services, with a network that encompasses Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia. OOCL is well respected in the industry with a reputation for providing customer-focused solutions, a quality-through-excellence approach and continual innovation. OOCL pioneered transportation coverage of China and is an industry leader in information technology. 东方海外是香港联交所上市公司 (0316) 东方海外(国际)有限公司 (OOIL) 的全资附属公司,为世界具规模之综合国际货柜运输、物流及码头公司之一亦为香港最为熟悉之环球商标之一,为客户提供全面的物流及运输服务,航线联系亚洲 、欧洲、北美、 地中海、 印度次大陆、中东及澳洲/纽西兰等地。
三副货运考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 根据《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG Code),下列哪项不是危险货物的分类?A. 爆炸品B. 放射性物质C. 腐蚀品D. 食品答案:D2. 国际海事组织(IMO)规定,船舶在装载货物时必须遵守的规则是什么?A. 《国际海运固体散装货物规则》(IMSBC Code)B. 《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG Code)C. 《国际海运安全公约》(SOLAS)D. 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)答案:A3. 船舶在装载货物时,需要考虑货物的哪些特性?A. 重量和体积B. 物理和化学特性C. 包装和标记D. 所有上述选项答案:D4. 根据《国际海运固体散装货物规则》(IMSBC Code),下列哪项不是固体散装货物的分类?A. A类:易流态化货物B. B类:具有化学危险的货物C. C类:易燃货物D. D类:非危险货物答案:C5. 船舶在装载固体散装货物时,需要进行哪些操作?A. 检查货物的包装和标记B. 检查货物的物理和化学特性C. 检查货物的重量和体积D. 所有上述选项答案:D二、多项选择题6. 根据《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG Code),下列哪些是危险货物的分类?A. 爆炸品B. 易燃气体C. 易燃液体D. 食品E. 氧化剂和有机过氧化物答案:A, B, C, E7. 船舶在装载货物时,需要遵守哪些国际公约?A. 《国际海运固体散装货物规则》(IMSBC Code)B. 《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG Code)C. 《国际海运安全公约》(SOLAS)D. 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)E. 《国际劳工组织公约》(ILO)答案:A, B, C, D8. 船舶在装载货物时,需要考虑货物的哪些因素?A. 货物的重量和体积B. 货物的物理和化学特性C. 货物的包装和标记D. 货物的稳定性和安全性E. 货物的运输和储存条件答案:A, B, C, D, E三、判断题9. 船舶在装载货物时,不需要考虑货物的物理和化学特性。
A.驾驶室内 B.罗经甲板(顶甲板)上C.机舱内 D.摇摆中心附近3.以下属甲板室的是______。
A.首楼 B.桥楼C.尾楼 D.桅屋4.以下有关首楼描述正确的是_______。
Ⅰ.减少首部上浪;Ⅱ.改善航行条件;Ⅲ.首楼的舱室可用作储藏室.A.Ⅰ,Ⅱ B.Ⅱ,ⅢC.Ⅰ,Ⅲ D.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ5。
一般用来布置驾驶室及船员居住与生活处所的上层建筑为_______.A.首楼 B.桥楼C.尾楼 D.桅屋6.船上的工作舱室包括______。
A.Ⅰ,Ⅱ B.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,ⅢC.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ D.Ⅰ~Ⅵ7.隔离空舱是专门用来作_______。
A.①② B.②③C.①③ D.①②③8.船舶载重吨位的用途是_______。
①首尖舱;②尾尖舱;③双层底;④深舱;⑤隔离空舱.A.①②③④ B.②③④⑤C.①③④⑤ D.①②④⑤10.液舱是用来装载燃油、淡水、液货、压载水等的舱室.由于液体的密度较大,一般都设在船的低处,其主要目的是_______.A.利于船舶浮性 B.便于货物装卸及使用调配C.便于安全管理 D.有利于船舶稳性11.液舱一般横向的尺寸都较小且对称于船舶纵向中心线布置,其主要目的是_______。
A.1/3、2 B.1/2、1 C.1/2、2D.1/3、16.根据救生艇起落操作规程,下列哪项是错误的?A.港内演习放艇除经船长同意外还需经港口当局批准B.解脱吊艇钩时,尽可能做到前后同时脱钩,防止先脱前钩C.负责检查和指挥放艇的人,应向艇长报告放艇前的准备工作D.救生艇在演习中行驶时,应遵守有关安全航行的规章制度7.按照要求,吊艇索两端应在不超过个月的间隔期内相互调头,在不超过年的间隔期中予以换新。
A.30/5B.24/5 C.30/4 D.24/48.根据SOLAS公约的规定,下列有关防火控制图的提法哪些正确?Ⅰ防火控制图可编印成小册子,每个高级船员一本,并有一本放在船上易于到达的地方Ⅱ防火控制图或小册子的说明应用船旗国官方文字书写并译成英文或法文Ⅲ防火控制图和小册子应与船舶当时的实际情况一致,如有改动,应立即更正Ⅳ应有一套防火控制图的复制品,永久性地置于甲板室内有明显标志的盒子里A.Ⅰ~ⅢB.Ⅱ~ⅣC.Ⅰ~ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ9.根据SOLAS公约的规定,当货船的救生筏存放地点距船首或船尾超过米时,还应配备一具救生筏尽量靠前或靠后放置。
2、举出与三副职务直接相关的公司体系文件:(UK体系文件)答:《消防设备操作和维护须知》MI-0738; 《救生艇操作和维护须知》MI-0739; 《救生消防应急演习要求》MI-0808。
3、现行的74SOLAS公约配套版本应包括那些文本?答:现行的《74国际海上人命安全公约》2009综合文本包括1974年SOLAS公约,1988年SOLAS议定书和其后到2009年7月1日生效的全本修正案的综合文本,以及其后的公约议定书修正:MSC.256(84)、MSC.257(84)、MSC.258(84)、MSC.201(81)、MSC.216(82)、MSC.269(85)、MSC.269(85)、MSC.282(86)、MSC.283(86)、MSC.290(87)、MSC.291(87)、MSC.308(88)、MSC.309(88)、MSC.317(89)、MSC.325(90),国际消防安全系统规则FSS 2007Edilion MSC.339(91),国际救生设备规则LSA2010Edilion MSC.48(66)。
4、五星旗船舶与方便旗船舶消防、救生设备的配备与维护保养应满足那些要求?答:满足74SOLAS 公约及其修正案的要求;满足船旗国主管机关的要求、船级社的要求和公司体系文件的要求。
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特殊安全知识针对与油船化学品船等船舶安全特性和操作的熟悉,针对油船如油安油操,化安化操等4、航行值班期间,须考虑的环境因素有哪些?答:航行值班需考虑海图水深,潮汐、海流、气象、,风流压差,能见度,航道的宽窄,可能影响船舶倾斜,吃水差,水密度和船5、谈谈标准的“航行值班等级表-MANNING LEVEL CHOICE OF ANAVIGATIONAL WATCH”的构成;何为南京油运的航行值班等级表中的LEVEL 1,LEVEL 2,LEVEL 3?抵引航站前是什么航行值班等级?xx航行是什么值班等级?答:航行值班等级表分三个工班时段又分三个等级,我公司的航行值班等级中,LEVEL1是一个驾驶员,一个AB,LEVEL2是一个驾驶员,两个AB,如需要水头瞭头;LEVEL3是一个船长一个驾驶员和一个AB,如果需要大副或水头瞭头。
抵引航站前是LEVEL2航行值班等级,长江航行是LEVEL36、航行值班期间什么情况下须叫船长上驾驶台?,叫船长的联系方式有哪些答:当能见度不良,或有疑问不能确定而影响船舶航行安全时须叫船长上驾驶台,可以通过船上电话,高频,如不能找到,情况紧急可以广播7、什么是雾航二级戒备制度?何为一条线、两个圈、三个“S”?答:当视程大于3海里小于5海里时为雾航二级戒备一条线为定线分道航行中的分隔线;二个圈为使用雷达时的2个警戒圈:5海里减速,2海里停船;三个S为Safe speed,starboard,stop ship10、真实地接受过BTM、BPG的培训吗?如无,自学了吗?答:BTM是驾驶台团队管理,已自学BPG bridge procedure guide 驾驶台程序包括驾驶应配备的出版物和张贴指南,驾驶台值班,瞭望,航行值班,值班日常要求,夜航命令,船长常规命令和特殊命令,助航仪器使用和检查,航行计划,最小富裕水深,最小净空高度,锚泊,靠泊和系泊的值班要求,船舶进出港安全制度等内容。
本人培训了BRM 驾驶台资源管理,是协调和利用驾驶台所有人员的技能,知识,经验和驾驶台内外的相关资源,以保障船舶安全生产和提高船舶营运效益。
“IMO标准海上通信用语”,IMO SMCP比如A。
T叫alfa,brave golf tango等,DISTRESS,urgency,pan I read you,stand by on VHF channel等都为标准海上通信用语14、何为PMU,为什么每班要进行PMU测试?本船雷达如何进行PM测试?简述一下“海浪抑制”、“雨雪干扰”在使用功能上有何不同?答:雷达性能测试,确保雷达性能的良好状态,保证航行安全。
其间包括罗经甲板,驾驶台,海图室,报务区/蓄电池间,机舱/集控室,船尾舵机房,应急发电机室,泵舱,空调室,饮用水舱及加水口,厨房/食品库,危险货品区域,货控室,货物区域,船舶储藏室,油漆间,电瓶间,救生艇筏,消防控制站,CO2间和泡沫间,应急消防泵间,应急逃生口,船员生活区域,首尖舱,左右仓库等19、抛锚期间须测定磁罗经自差吗?,阴天或下雨期间须测定磁xx自差吗?答:抛锚期间可以利用岸标测罗经方位,真方位,和磁罗经方位比对测磁罗经自差,阴天或下雨无须测量,但要标出记录,并比对电磁xx20、何为车钟“STAND BY”、“STANDING BY”指令?何为“回铃”,是标准xx吗?答:是标准车钟令口令,备车。
“STANDING BY”正在备车,尚未备好。