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百病皆由脾胃衰而生也。All diseases are caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.

膀胱储存和排泄尿液是在肾的气化作用下完成的。The bladder stores and discharge urine through the function of qi transformation of the kidney.

表寒证是寒邪侵袭肌表所表现的证候Exterior cold syndrome is caused by invasion of pathogenic cold into the superficies.

不同的疾病可因相同的病机而出现相同的证。Different diseases may demonstrate the same syndrome because of the similarity in pathogenesis.


藏象学说在中医学理论体系中占有极其重要的地位。The theory of visceral manifestation plays an important role in the theoretical system of TCM.

常色是指人在正常生理状态下的面部色泽 Normal complexion refers to the facial colors under physiological conditions.

除少数药单独使用外,多数都是配合起来使用的Most herbs have to be used in combination except a few special ones.

从色泽的明暗,可以辨别病情的阴阳属性。The manifestations of complexion can tell whether a disease pertains to yin or yang in nature.


胆的主要生理功能是贮存和排泄胆汁。The main physiological function of the gallbladder is to store and excrete bile.

胆排泄胆汁于小肠以助消化食物The gallbladder excretes bile to promote the small intestine to digest food

胆汁由肝之精气所化生。Bile is transformed from the essence in the liver.

当脏腑发生病变的时,也会通过经脉反映于体表Similarly pathological changes of the viscera can manifest over the surface of the body through meridians.同样的,

得神是精充气足神旺的表现“With spirit” is a manifestation of sufficient essence, abundant qi, and full vitality.

地区气候的差异在一定程度上也影响着人体的生理活动。Regional differences, to some extent, influences the physiological activities of the human body.

毒性剧烈的药物用量过多就会发生副作用或中毒Overuse of herbs with acute toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication.


肺的病变多见于鼻喉的症候。The pathological changes of the lung are mainly manifested in the nose and throat.

肺的呼吸功能健全与否,直接影响着宗气的生成。The respiratory function of the lung directly influences the production of thoracic qi.

肺失于宣散,即可以出现呼吸不利、胸闷、咳喘的病理现象。Failure of the lung to disperse inevitably leads to dyspnea, chest oppression, cough and panting.


肝藏血以济心。The liver stores blood to complement the liver.

肝的主要生理功能是主疏泄和主藏血。The main physiological function of the liver is to control free flow of qi and store blood.

肝主升而归属于木。The liver pertains to wood because it controls elevation.

功能属于阳,物质属于阴。Functions pertain to yang while substances to yin.

光面舌主要是由于胃阴枯竭、胃气大伤所致Mirror-like tongue is primarily caused by

depletion of stomach yin and impairment of stomach qi.


寒性药物具有清热、泻火、解毒的作用Cold-natured herbs have the function of clearing away heat, purging fire, and removing toxins.

寒证是感受寒邪或阴盛阳虚所表现的证候Cold syndrome is usually caused by cold attack or predominance of yin and decline of yang.

患者若有啄雀或屋漏脉象,说明病情危重Sparrow-pecking pulse and roof-leaking pulse indicate unfavorable prognosis.

火热之邪最易迫津外泄,耗伤人体阴液。 Pathogenic fire-heat tends to consume the body fluid and leads to deficiency of it.


基本原则是补其不足,泻其有余。The basic therapeutic principle is to supplement insufficiency and reduce excess.治疗的

疾病反映于脉象的变化叫做病脉The variation of pulse that reflects the state of a disease is known as morbid pulse.

假神是垂危患者出现精神暂时好转的假象。“False spirit” is a false manifestation of temporary vitality during the critical stage of a disease.

介于温凉之间的药物为平性药Mild-natured herbs fall in between cool-natured herbs and warm-natured herbs.

金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.

津液的代谢过程完全依赖于气的推动,气化作用。Metabolism of fluid depends on qi to promote and transform.

经络是运行全身气血的通道Meridians are the pathways for qi to circulate in the whole body.

经脉中的气血运行是循环贯注的,如环无端。Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles.


苦味药有燥湿和泻下的作用Herbs bitter in flavor have the function of drying dampness and promoting defecation.

M麻黄与石膏配伍,重在清散郁热The compatibility of Mahuang and Shigao aims to clear away and disperse stagnated heat.

脉分为三个部分,即寸、关、尺。The pulse is divided into three parts known as cun, guan and chi.

脉浮主表证,脉沉主里证Floating pulse indicates exterior syndrome while sunken pulse shows interior syndrome.

脉是血液运行的通道。The vessels are the passages in which blood flows.

脉象沉滑,表明有消化不良A sunken-slippery pulse indicates indigestion.

脉象浮芤,表明有出血A floating –hollow pulse indicates bleeding.

脉象浮濡,表明有中暑A floating –soggy pulse indicates sunstroke.

脉诊非常复杂,形成了一个独特的诊法体系Pulse-taking is so complicated that it has developed into a unique diagnostic system.

脉诊是中医的一种非常神奇而典型的诊法。Pulse-taking is a miraculous and typical Chinese diagnostic method.

没有阴也就无以言阳,没有阳也就无以言阴。Yin cannot exist alone without yang and
