企业所得税汇算清缴申报表A类 英文版

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Calculation on total profit
Calculation on taxable income
Calculation on the tax payable
Tax Return Form for the Yearly Prepayment of Enterprise Income Tax of the People's Republic of China (Type A) Items I. Operating income(attached formA101010\101020\103000) Less:Operating cost (attached formA102010\102020\103000) Business tax and surcharges Sales expenses (attached formA104000) Adminisstrative expenses (attached formA104000) Financial expenses (attached formA104000) Loss from asset devaluation Plus:Gains on the changes in the fair value Income from investment II.Operating profit(1-2-3-4-5-6-7+8+9) Plus:Non-operating income (attached formA101010\101020\103000) Less:Non-operating expenses (attached formA102010\102020\103000) III. Total profit(10+11-12) Less:Oversea income(attached formA108010) Plus:Tax Adjustment Increasing(attached formA105000) Less:Tax Adjusment Decreasing(attached formA105000) Less:Adjustment for tax exemption/reduction of income/collectively deductions(attached formA107010) Plus:Foreign Taxable Income to Cover the Territory of Loss(attached formA108000) IV. Income after tax adjustment(13-14+15-16-17+18) Less:Tax-exempt income(attached formA107020) Less:Deduction of taxable income(attached formA107030) Less:Prior year deficiency(attached formA106000) V. Taxable income(19-20-21-22) Tax rate(25%) VI. Tax payable(23×24) Less:Tax-free Tax Payable(attached formA107040) Less:Deductable Tax Payable(attached formA107050) VII. Tax Payable after adjustment(25-26-27) Plus:Oversea Tax Payable(attached formA108000) Less:Deductable Oversea Tax Payable(attached formA108000) VIII. Actual Tax Payable(28+29-30) Less:Prepaid income tax in current year IX. Final Tax Payable(31-32) Including:Income tax allocation by head institution(attached formA109000) Collective allocation of income tax by financial department (attached formA109000) Independent operation department of head institution should share income tax(attached formA109000) Prior Year Overpaid Tax Deducted in Current Year Prior Year Tax Payable Paid in Current Year
Tax Return Form for the Yearly Prepayment of Enterprise Income Tax of the People's Repub (Type A) Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Calculation
ublic of China Amount