英文口语例文mobile phone disease

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With the development of science and technology, the communication between people is becoming more and more convenient especially regarding the convenience brought by the mobile phone. Mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century, which could have an enormous impact on the people’s life, especially that of the college students. Every coin has its both sides. Besides the convenience brought by it, the mobile phone is also affecting the college students’ life negatively, presenting a kind of disease—mobile phone addiction, to some extend. This thesis takes the Trade English majored students as the objects of the survey. By digging into the problem and finding out the causes, we could seek ways to cope with the challenge.

Key words: mobile phone, addiction, dependence, college students

The Mobile Phone Addiction of Trade English Majored Students in GDUT

1. Introduction

As the communication tools and mobile network develop rapidly, with its portable and wireless Internet, the mobile ph one becomes the main medium of the online communication and entertainment anywhere, as well as a necessary tool of peo ple's lives, especially that of the college students. As the social interactive software such as Microblog and Wechat, has beco me part of the students’ lives, the degree of dependence on the mobile phone is increasing. According to a research, the degr ee of dependence on mobile phones among college students in our country increases at a rate of 16.8% a year, and some coll ege students even suffer from mobile phone addiction with a syptom of focusing too much attention on the mobile phone, re sulting in negative responses psychologically and physically if the mobile phone isn’t around. The situation of mobile phone addiction could be caused by both of the external and internal factors. For the sake of the students’ psychological and physi cal health, the countermeasures toward the mobile phone addiction must be found.

In this thesis,the “simulacrum theory”and supports from psychological study have been applied.

Jean Baudrillard has built his whole post-1970s theory of media effects and culture around his own notion of the simul acrum. He has set up a coordinate system for postmodern culture, and he examines the historical pedigree of "simulation", a nd then put forward the theory of "The Three Orders of Simulacra”—in such order, the first stage is Counterfeit, the second is Production, and the third is Simulation. He argues that in the third stage, called “simulation”, in a postmodern culture do minated by TV, films, news media, and the Internet, the whole idea of a true or a false copy of

something has been destroyed: all we have now are simulations of reality, which aren't any more or less "real" than the realit y they simulate. In our culture, claims Baudrillard, we take "maps" of reality like television, film, etc. as more real than our actual lives - these "simulacra" (hyperreal copies) precede our lives. We communicate by e-mail, and relate to video game c haracters better than our own friends and family. We have entered an era where third-order simulacra dominates our lives w here the image has lost any connection to real things.

Supports from psychology study for research have begun since the 1960s, originating from the background where peop le are living with the stress on physical and mental health, including the following supports from psychology study: emotion support, approach support, intelligence support, evaluation support.

By the research method of designed questionnaires and structured interviews, there are 200 respondents, including 180 girls and 20 boys regarding the gender, 50 students from each grade—freshman, sophomore, junior and senior when regardi ng the grades.

According to the research, recently all the Trade English majored students have mobile phones of their own, and some students even have more than a mobile phone. In the meantime, in college students' life, the mobile phone is much more tha n playing the role of communication tools, for some respondents said they use mobile phones to play QQ, MSN, Wechat an
