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海康威视公司作为国内主要的安防产品生产厂商之一 ,经过 8 年的经营运作已经成功的树立了良好的企业形象和知名品牌。随着我国安防产业的不断发展壮 大,在激烈的市场竞争环境下,公司必须依靠优秀的品牌、可靠的产品、完善的 渠道和忠实的顾客,才能占领市场赢得可持续发展。

本文综合运用了 4P(即产品、价格、促销、渠道)营销理论,STP 营销理论(即市场细分、目标市场和市场定位)等相关营销理论,通过理论与实践结合的分析 方法,从产品、价格、促销、渠道四方面的策略出发,对海康威视公司产品市场 营销策略进行分析研究。结合工作实践,首先对海康威视公司的内外部环境分析 和产业前景分析,明确企业的优劣势。在此基础上,对产品的市场现状进行仔细 分析,分别对公司的几类产品进行评估,进行市场细分,确定各类产品的目标市 场。根据目标市场的顾客需求和市场竞争情况,找出海床公司在营销方面存在的 问题,并制定出新的营销策略,提出切实可行的实施保障措施,从而提升海康威 视公司的营销实力,促使企业在激烈的市场竞争中始终保持领先优势。本文在研 究该企业市场营销策略时, 运用了 PESTN 环境分析、SWOT 矩阵分析、波特五种力量图等模型工具,采用定性和定量相结合的分析方法,提出切实可行的营销管 理解决方案,以期海康威视公司能逐步扩大市场,实现企业发展战略。本文认为 海康威视公司市场营销策略的实施是一项长期而系统的工程,在其营销过程中, 一要始终抓住不断变化的市场需求,二要注重可持续发展,不断进行营销创新。

本文运用了相关市场营销理论,结合安防市场的特殊性及其现状和发展趋势,提出了品牌战略建设、准确产品定位、针对顾客需求、完善销售渠道的具体 措施。这对于在众多安防品牌群雄逐胧的态势下,一个国产品牌如何战胖国内外知名品牌的激励竞争,赢得市场辉煌具有重大的实践意义。




As a main producer of security equipment in china, hikvision company build up good corporation by eight years successful management. Under the competitive market, only relying on excellent product, perfect place, and reliable client can the company occupancy the market and get_continuable development.

This thesis is concerned with the m keting strategy of hikvision company by using_the marketing theory of 4P (product, Price, Promotion, Place) and the STP(market subdivides, target market and market localization). Firstly, this thesis analyses the exterior and inner environment faced by the hikvision company, and presents the advantages

and disadvantages of this company. Based on these, this thesis discusses

the product in detail and presents the target market of the product, then according to the requirement and competition of market, finds the marketing problems existing in this company. To improve the marketing strength of hikvision company and keep the competition advantages of

this company, the thesis gives corresponding marketing strategy and tangible steps. On the study of the marketing of this company, this thesis

use the technology with the method of PEST 、SWOT and Five Power Model, and combines the qualitative analysis with the quantitative analysis. The execution of the marketing strategy of hikvision company is

a systemic _and long-term project which needs to control the changes of

. market all the time and makes strategy innovation continually.

The research of this thesis combines the particularity, actuality and

「development of security equipment market, presenting some effective measures, including, breed tactic, product orientation, and satisfying requirement of customer. The research of this thesis has great significance on

the question that how the homemade product wins the market in the competition with other famous overseas competitors.

【K e y Wo r d s 】: hikvision company, product, marketing strategy, research 【Research Type】:Application research
