2-6 过点A作侧垂线AB,实长为20,点B 在A的右方;作铅 垂线AC,点C 在H 面上;作正平线AD,实长为20, α=45°,点D 在A的左下方。 答案
2-6 过点A作侧垂线AB,实长为20,点B 在A的右方;作铅 垂线AC,点C 在H 面上;作正平线AD,实长为20, α=45°,点D 在A的左下方。 解题指导
25 30
2-4 判别A、B、C 三点的相对位置,完成其三面投影。
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2-4 判别A、B、C 三点的相对位置,完成其三面投影。 答案
2-4 判别A、B、C 三点的相对位置,完成其三面投影。 解题指导
2-5 完成A、B、C、D 四点的三面投影,判别各重影点的 可见性。
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-1 已知A(30,20,15)、B(20,30,0)、C(0, 0,25)三点坐标,求作其三面投影。 答案
2-1 已知A(30,20,15)、B(20,30,0)、C(0, 0,25)三点坐标,求作其三面投影。 解题指导
2-2 已知A、B、C 三点的两面投影,求其第三面投影。
2-11 判别直线AB是否与直线CD平行;AB是否与直 线EF相交。 解题指导
因为AD 与BC是交叉两直线,所以AB 与CD不平行。 因为11b’ 与21f’ 不平行,所以AB 与EF 不相交。 返回题目
2-12 判别交叉两直线AB、CD上重影点的可见性。
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-12 判别交叉两直线AB、CD上重影点的可见性。 答案
教材第二章部分习题参考解答Word版教材第二章部分习题参考解答一、单选题1. B2. A3. C4. B5. D6. C二、填空题1.值指针2.(38,56,25,60,42,74)3. O(n) O(1)4. O(1) O(n)5. i-1 i+16. p->next a[p].next7. 表头8.前驱后继9.表尾表头10.HL->next==NULL HL->next==HL11. a[i].next=a[1].next; a[1].next=i;12. i=a[1].next; a[1].next=a[i].next;13. p=a[i].next; a[i].next=a[p].next; i=p;14. a[j].next=a[i].next; a[i].next=j;三、普通题第1小题1. (79, 62, 34, 57, 26, 48)2. (26, 34, 48, 57, 62, 79)3. (48, 56, 57, 62, 79, 34)4. (56, 57, 79, 34)5. (26, 34, 39, 48, 57, 62)第2小题分析:为了排版方便,假定采用以下输出格式表示单链表示意图:每个括号内的数据表示一个元素结点,其中第一个数据为元素值,第二个数据为后继结点的指针,第一个元素结点前的数值为表头指针。
1. (7(79,6), (62,5), (34,4), (57,3), (26,2), (48,0))2. (3(26,5), (34,2), (48,4), (57,6), (62,7), (79,0))3. (2(48,8), (56,4), (57,6), (62,7), (79,5), (34,0))4. (8(56,4), (57,7), (79,5), (34,0))第3小题1. ElemType DMValue(List& L)//从线性表中删除具有最小值的元素并由函数返回,空出的位置//由最后一个元素填补,若线性表为空则显示出错信息并退出运行。
2-2 已知A、B、C 三点的两面投影,求其第三面投影。 答案
2-2 已知A、B、C 三点的两面投影,求其第三面投影。 解题指导
2-3 已知点A到V面的距离为25mm,点B到H面距离为 30mm,点C到V面和H面距离相等,补全A、B、C三点的二面 投影。
2-12 判别交叉两直线AB、CD上重影点的可见性。 解题指导
2-13 求点C 到直线AB 的距离。
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-13 求点C 到直线AB 的距离。 答案
实长 c’d’
2-13 求点C 到直线AB 的距离。 解题指导
实长 c’d’
2-16 完成平面的水平投影。 解题指导
2-17 包含直线AB作正垂面P和铅垂面Q。
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-17 包含直线AB作正垂面P和铅垂面Q。 答案
2-17 包含直线AB作正垂面P和铅垂面Q。 解题指导
2-18 包含点A作水平面P 和铅垂面Q,平面Q 对V 面 倾角β=30°。
2-20 判断点F 和直线DE是否在平面△ABC上。 解题指导 点F 和直线DE 都 不在平面△ABC上。
2-21 完成五边形平面ABCDE 的水平投影。
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-21 完成五边形平面ABCDE 的水平投影。 答案
2-21 完成五边形平面ABCDE 的水平投影。 解题指导
答案 解题指导 返回目录
2-8 已知直线AB的实长为50mm,求a‘b’。 答案
2.1 一元线性回归模型有哪些基本假定?答:1. 解释变量 1x , ,2x ,p x 是非随机变量,观测值,1i x ,,2 i x ip x 是常数。
2. 等方差及不相关的假定条件为⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≠=====j i n j i j i n i E j i i ,0),,2,1,(,),cov(,,2,1,0)(2 σεεε 这个条件称为高斯-马尔柯夫(Gauss-Markov)条件,简称G-M 条件。
3. 正态分布的假定条件为⎩⎨⎧=相互独立n i n i N εεεσε,,,,,2,1),,0(~212 在此条件下便可得到关于回归系数的最小二乘估计及2σ估计的进一步结果,如它们分别是回归系数的最及2σ的最小方差无偏估计等,并且可以作回归的显著性检验及区间估计。
4. 通常为了便于数学上的处理,还要求,p n >及样本容量的个数要多于解释变量的个数。
1. 如何根据样本),,2,1)(;,,,(21n i y x x x i ip i i =求出p ββββ,,,,210 及方差2σ的估计;2. 对回归方程及回归系数的种种假设进行检验;3. 如何根据回归方程进行预测和控制,以及如何进行实际问题的结构分析。
2.2 考虑过原点的线性回归模型 n i x y i i i ,,2,1,1 =+=εβ误差n εεε,,,21 仍满足基本假定。
答:∑∑==-=-=ni ni i i i x y y E y Q 1121121)())(()(ββ∑∑∑===+-=--=∂∂n i n i ni i i i i i i x y x x x y Q111211122)(2βββ 令,01=∂∂βQ即∑∑===-n i ni i i i x y x 11210β 解得,ˆ1211∑∑===ni ini i i xyx β即1ˆβ的最小二乘估计为.ˆ1211∑∑===ni ini ii xyx β2.3 证明: Q (β,β1)= ∑(y i-β0-β1x i)2因为Q (∧β0,∧β1)=min Q (β0,β1 )而Q (β0,β1) 非负且在R 2上可导,当Q 取得最小值时,有即-2∑(y i -∧β0-∧β1x i )=0 -2∑(y i-∧β0-∧β1x i ) x i=0又∵e i =yi -( ∧β0+∧β1x i )= yi -∧β0-∧β1x i ∴∑e i =0,∑e i x i =0(即残差的期望为0,残差以变量x 的加权平均值为零)2.4 解:参数β0,β1的最小二乘估计与最大似然估计在εi~N(0, 2 ) i=1,2,……n 的条件下等价。
得 111003(cos30cos150)
328 nC/mSρ=.E..
(1) 3129100001(368)102222SSSzzzzEeeeeρρρεεεε.=..+=.+.×........
0.510 (10812)10]
92.4777.6794.37 kOxyzxyzxyzqqErrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeεε.
2.-第二章课后习题及答案第二章1. (Q2) For a communication session betweena pair of processes, which process is theclient and which is the server?Answer: The process which initiates the communication is the client; the process that waits to be contacted is the server. .2. (Q3) What is the difference between network architecture and application architecture?Answer: Network architecture refers to the organization of the communication process into layers (e.g., the five-layer Internet architecture). Application architecture, on the other hand, is designed by an application developer and dictates the broad structure of the application (e.g., client-server or P2P)3. (Q4) What information is used by a processrunning on one host to identify a process running on another host?Answer: The IP address of the destination host and the port number of the destination socket.4. (Q6) Referring to Figure 2.4, we see thatnone of the application listed in Figure2.4 requires both no data loss and timing.Can you conceive of an application that requires no data loss and that is also highly time-sensitive?Answer: There are no good example of an application that requires no data loss and timing. If you know of one, send an e-mail to the authorsheader line to force a response message with the 304 Not Modified status code.Answer: Issued the following command (in Windows command prompt) followed by the HTTP GET message to the “” web server:> telnet 80Since the index.html page in this web server was not modified since Fri, 18 May 2007 09:23:34 GMT, the following output was displayed when the above commands were issued on Sat, 19 May 2007. Note that the first 4 lines are the GET message and header lines input by the user and the next 4 lines (starting from HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified) is the response from the web server.8. (Q14) Consider an e-commerce site thatwants to keep a purchase record for each of its customers. Describe how this can be done with cookies.Answer: When the user first visits the site, the site returns a cookie number.This cookie number is stored on the user’s host and is managed by the browser.During each subsequent visit (and purchase), the browser sends the cookie number back to the site. Thus the site knows when this user (more precisely, this browser) is visiting the site.9. (Q15) Suppose Alice, with a Web-basede-mail account (such as Hotmail or gmail), sends a message to Bob, who accesses his mail from his mail server using POP3.Discuss how the message gets from Alice’s host to Bob’s host. Be sure to list theseries of application-layer protocols that are used to move the message between the two hosts.Answer: Message is sent from Alice’s host to her mail server over HTTP. Alice’s mail server then sends the message to Bob’s mail server over SMTP. Bob then transfers the message from his mail server to his host over POP3.10. (Q10) Recall that TCP can be enhancedwith SSL to provide process-to-process security services, including encryption.Does SSL operate at the transport layer or the application layer? If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, what does the developer have to do?Answer: SSL operates at the application layer. The SSL socket takes unencrypteddata from the application layer, encrypts it and then passes it to the TCP socket. If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, she has to include the SSL code in the application.11. (Q16) Print out the header of an e-mailmessage you have recently received. How many Received: header lines are there?Analyze each of the header lines in the message.Answer: from (EHLO ) Received:( bywith SMTP; Sat, 19 May 200716:53:51 -0700from ([]) by Received: with MicrosoftSMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Sat, 19 May 2007 16:52:42 -0700Received: from mail pickup service by with MicrosoftSMTPSVC; Sat,19 May 200716:52:41 -0700Message-ID:<BAY130-F26D9E35BF59E0D18A819AFB9310@p hx.gbl>Received: from byby130fd.bay130.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Sat, 19 May 200723:52:36 GMTFrom: "prithula dhungel"<prithuladhungel@>To: prithula@Bcc:Subject: Test mailDate: Sat, 19 May 2007 23:52:36 +0000Mime-Version:1.0Content-Type: Text/html; format=flowedReturn-Path: prithuladhungel@Figure: A sample mail message headerReceived: This header field indicates the sequence in which the SMTP servers send and receive the mail message including the respective timestamps.In this example there are 4 “Received:”header lines. This means the mail message passed through 5 different SMTP servers before being delivered to the receiver’s mail box. The last (forth) “Received:” header indicate s the mail message flow from the SMTP server of the sender to the second SMTP server in the chain of servers. The sender’s SMTP server is at address and the second SMTP server in the chain is . The third “Received:” header indicates the mail message flow from the second SMTPserver in the chain to the third server, and so on.Finally, the first “Received:” header indicates the flow of the mail message from the forth SMTP server to the last SMTP server (i.e. the re ceiver’s mail server) in the chain.Message-id: The message has been given this numberBAY130-F26D9E35BF59E0D18A819AFB9310@ph x.gbl(by. Message-id is a unique string assigned by the mail system when the message is first created.From: This indicates the email address of the sender of the mail. In the given example, the sender is prithuladhungel@To: This field indicates the email address of the receiver of the mail. In the example, the receiver is prithula@Subject: This gives the subject of the mail (if any specified by the sender). In the example, the subject specified by the sender is “Test mail”Date: The date and time when the mail was sent by the sender. In the example, the sender sent the mail on 19th May 2007, at time 23:52:36 GMT.Mime-version: MIME version used for the mail. In the example, it is 1.0.Content-type: The type of content in the body of the mail message. In the example, it is “text/html”.Return-Path: This specifies the emailaddress to which the mail will be sent if thereceiver of this mail wants to reply to the sender. This is also used by the sender’s mail server for bouncing back undeliverable mail messages of mailer-daemonerror messages. In the example, the return path is“prithuladhungel@”.12. (Q18) Is it possible for anorganization’s Web server and ma il server to have exactly the same alias fora hostname (for example, )? Whatwould be the type for the RR that contains the hostname of the mail server?Answer: Yes an organization’s mail server and Web server can have the same alias for a host name. The MX record is used to map the mail server’s host name to its IP address.13. (Q19) Why is it said that FTP sends control information “out-of-band”?Answer: FTP uses two parallel TCP connections, one connection for sending control information (such as a request to transfer a file) and another connection for actually transferring the file. Because the control information is not sent over the same connection that the file is sent over, FTP sends control information out of band.14. (P6) Consider an HTTP client that wantsto retrieve a Web document at a given URL.The IP address of the HTTP server is initially unknown. What transport and application-layer protocols besides HTTP are needed in this scenario?Answer:Application layer protocols: DNS and HTTPTransport layer protocols: UDP for DNS;TCP for HTTP15. (P9) Consider Figure2.12, for whichthere is an institutional network connected to the Internet. Suppose that the average object size is 900,000 bits and that the average request rate from th e institution’s browsers to the origin servers is 10 requests per second.Also suppose that the amount of time it takes from when the router on the Internet side of the access link forwards an HTTP request until it receives the response is two seconds on average (see Section 2.2.5). Model the total average response times as the sum of the averageaccess delay (that is, the delay from Internet router to institution router) and the average Internet delay. For the average access delay, use △/(1-△β), where △ is the average time required to send an object over the access link and β is the arrival rate of objects to the access link.a. Find the total average response time.b. Now suppose a cache is installed in theinstitutional LAN. Suppose the hit rate is 0.6. Find the total response time.Answer:a.T he time to transmit an object of sizeL over a link or rate R is L/R. The average time is the average size of the object divided by R:Δ= (900,000 bits)/(1,500,000 bits/sec) = 0.6 secThe traffic intensity on the link is (1.5requests/sec)(0.6 sec/request) = 0.9. Thus, the average access delay is (0.6 sec)/(1 - 0.9) = 6 seconds. The total average response time is therefore 6 sec + 2 sec = 8 sec.b.T he traffic intensity on the access linkis reduced by 40% since the 40% of the requests are satisfied within the institutional network. Thus the average access delay is (0.6 sec)/[1 –(0.6)(0.9)] = 1.2 seconds. The responsetime is approximately zero if the request is satisfied by the cache (which happens with probability 0.4); the average response time is 1.2 sec + 2 sec = 3.2 sec for cache misses (which happens 60% of the time). So the average response time is (0.4)(0 sec) +(0.6)(3.2 sec) = 1.92 seconds. Thus theaverage response time is reduced from 8 sec to 1.92 sec.16. (P12) What is the difference betweenMAIL FROM: in SMTP and From: in the mail message itself?Answer: The MAIL FROM: in SMTP is a message from the SMTP client that identifies the sender of the mail message to the SMTP server. The From: on the mail message itself is NOT an SMTP message, but rather is just a line in the body of the mail message.17. (P16) Consider distributing a file of F= 5 Gbits to N peers. The server has an upload rate of u= 20 Mbps, and each peers=1 Mbps and an has a download rate of diupload rate of u. For N = 10, 100, and 1,000 and u = 100 Kbps, 250 Kbps, and 500 Kbps, prepare a chart giving the minimumdistribution time for each of the combinations of N and u for both client-server distribution and P2P distribution.Answer: For calculating the minimum distribution time for client-server distribution, we use the following formula:D cs = max {NF/u s , F/d min }Similarly, for calculating the minimum distribution time for P2P distribution, we use the following formula:D P2P = max{F/u s ,F/d min ,NF/( u s +∑u i n i=1 )}Where,F = 5 Gbits = 5 * 1024 Mbitsu s = 20 Mbpsd min = d i = 1 MbpsClient Server:N10 100 1000200 Kbps 10240 51200 512000u 600 Kbps 10240 51200 512000 1Mbps 10240 51200 512000Peer to Peer:N10 100 1000200 Kbps 10240 25904.3 47559.33 U 600 Kbps 10240 13029.6 16899.641 Mbps 10240 10240 10240。
工程经济学_洪军主编 高等教育出版社 第2章课后习题参考解答
![工程经济学_洪军主编 高等教育出版社 第2章课后习题参考解答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4a27c3047cd184254b35353f.png)
2-10 某设备价值100万元,估计可使用10年, 残值为20万元。试分别用平均年限法、双倍余 额递减法和年数总和法计算各年的折旧额L=20万元,N=10年, 则年折旧额为: D=(VK-VL)/N=(100-20)/10=8(万元)
l = {[2(VK-VL)/N*VK] /N*VK} × 100% ={2(100-20)/10*100} × 100%=16% 第1年折旧额: 100×16%=16(万元) 第2年折旧额:(100-16)×16%=13.44(万元) 第3年折旧额:(100-16-13.44)×16%=11.29(万元) 第4年折旧额: 9.48(万元) 第5年折旧额: 7.966(万元) 第6年折旧额: 6.692(万元) 第7年折旧额: 5.621(万元) 第8年折旧额: 4.722(万元) 最后两年(第9、10年)折旧额为:2.3945(万元)
• • • • • • • • •
(3)年数总和法: 折旧年限10年,年数总和=1+2+…+10= 55 故各年的折旧率分别为:10/55、9/55、…、1/55 • 第1年折旧额:(100–20)×10/5 = 14.55(万元) • 第2年折旧额:(100–20)×9/55 = 13.09(万元) • 第3年折旧额:(100–20)×8/55 =11.64(万元) • 第4年折旧额:(100–20)×7/55 = 10.18(万元) • 第5年折旧额:(100–20)×6/55 = 8.73(万元) • 第6年折旧额:(100–20)×5/55 = 7.27(万元) • 第7年折旧额:(100–20)×4/55 = 5.82(万元) • 第8年折旧额:(100–20)×3/55 = 4.36(万元) • 第9年折旧额:(100–20)×2/55 = 2.91(万元) • 第10年折旧额:(100–20)×1/55 = 1.45(万元)
2.需求函数(demand function)是指用来表示一种商品的需求数量和影响该需求数量的各种因素之间相关关系的数学表达式。
4.供给函数(supply function)是指用来表示一种商品的供给数量和影响该供给数量的各种因素之间相关关系的数学表达式。
6.均衡价格(equilibrium price)是指商品的市场需求量和市场供给量相等时候的价格。
7.均衡数量(equilibrium quantity)是指在均衡价格水平下相等的供求数量。
8.均衡点(equilibrium point)是指一种商品的市场需求曲线和市场供给曲线的交点。
9.需求量的变动(variation of demand quantity)是指仅仅因价格因素的变动而引起的需求数量的变动,是一种需求曲线上的运动。
10.需求的变动(variation of demand)是指由于价格以外的因素的变动而引起的需求数量的变动,是一种需求曲线的移动。
11.供给量的变动(variation of supply quantity)是指仅仅因价格因素的变动而引起的供给数量的变动,是一种供给曲线上的移动。
12.供给的变动(variation of supply)是指由于价格以外的因素的变动而引起的供给数量的变动,是一种供给曲线的移动。
13.经济模型(economic model)是指用来研究经济事物的有关经济变量之间相互关系的理论结构。
∑∑ ij
i =1 j =1
∑1 / i(i + 1)
i =1
k −1
| 找到 nk-1 多项式的下界
上式, A = a k −1 + a k − 2 + ... + a ⇒ A ≥ 0 因此,
a k n k + a k −1 n k −1 + ... + a 0 ≥ a k n k − An k −1 a k n k − An k −1 ≥ C1 n k ⇐ (a k − C1 )n k ≥ An k −1 ⇐ (a k − C1 )n ≥ A ⇐ n≥ A A ∧ a k − C1 > 0 ⇐ n ≥ ∧ 0 < C1 < a k a k − C1 a k − C1
4. 计算增长次数(即写出下列和的 Θ( g (n)) ) a. 解: a.
∑ (i
i =0
n −1
+ 1)
∑ lg i
n −1
∑ (i + 1)2
i =2
i −1
∑∑ (i + j )
i =0 j =0
n −1 i −1
∑ (i
i =0 n −1 i =0
n −1
+ 1) ≥ ∑ i 2 =
湘教版八年级下册数学第2章 四边形含答案
![湘教版八年级下册数学第2章 四边形含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3624ee1846a561252d380eb6294dd88d0d23d1f.png)
湘教版八年级下册数学第2章四边形含答案一、单选题(共15题,共计45分)1、下列说法错误的是()A.两组对边分别相等的四边形是平行四边形B.对角线相等的平行四边形是矩形 C.一个角是直角的四边形是矩形 D.对角线互相平分且垂直的四边形是菱形2、下列四个标志中.既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A. B. C. D.3、如图,在△ABC中,点D是边BC上的点(与B,C两点不重合),过点D作DE ∥AC,DF∥AB,分别交AB,AC于E,F两点,下列说法正确的是( )A.若AD⊥BC,则四边形AEDF是矩形B.若BD=CD,则四边形AEDF是菱形 C.若AD垂直平分BC,则四边形AEDF是矩形 D.若AD平分∠BAC,则四边形AEDF是菱形4、某平行四边形的对角线长为x,y,一边长为6,则x与y的值可能是()A.4和7B.5和7C.5和8D.4和175、随着我国经济快速发展,轿车进入百姓家庭,下列汽车标志,其中是中心对称图案的是()A. B. C. D.6、如图,已知矩形一条直线将该矩形分割成两个多边形(含三角形),若这两个多边形的内角和分别为和则不可能是().A. B. C. D.7、如图,在四边形中,对角线,相交于点,且,,下列结论不一定成立的是()A. B. C. D.8、如图,把一个长方形纸片沿折叠后,点D、C分别落在、的位置,若,则等于()A. B. C. D.9、下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A. B. C. D.10、如图,在▭ABCD 中,BF 平分∠ABC 交 AD 于点 F,CE 平分∠BCD 交 AD 于点 E.若AB=6,EF=2,则 BC 的长为()</div>A.6B.8C.10D.1211、若平面上A、B两点到直线l的距离分别为m,n(m>n),则线段AB的中点到l的距离为()A.m﹣nB.C.D. 或12、已知正多边形的每个内角均为108°,则这个正多边形的边数为()A.3B.4C.5D.613、如图,在△ABC中,∠C=60°,∠B=50°,D是BC上一点,DE⊥AB于点E,DF⊥AC于点F,则∠EDF的度数为()A.90°B.100°C.110°D.120°14、若一个多边形共有十四条对角线,则它是()A.六边形B.七边形C.八边形D.九边形15、一个等边三角形的边长为4,那么这个三角形的一条中位线长为()A.2B.4C.6D.8二、填空题(共10题,共计30分)16、在矩形ABCD中,AB=1,BG、DH分别平分∠ABC、∠ADC,交AD、BC于点G、H.要使四边形BHDG为菱形,则AD的长为________ .17、如图,点P是矩形的对角线上一点,过点P作分别交、于E、F,连接,.若,.则图中阴形部分的面积为________.18、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,四边形和四边形都是正方形,点在轴的正半轴上,点在边上,反比例函数的图象过点、.若,则的值为________.19、如图,8块相同的长方形地砖拼成一个长方形,每块长方形地砖的长和宽分别是x厘米和y厘米,列方程组得________.20、如图,在中,,,以为边在外作正方形,、交于点O,则线段的最大值为________.21、如图,长方形ABCD中,AB=12, BC= 15,E是BC上一点,且BE=3,F 为AB上一个动点,连接EF,将EF绕着点E顺时针旋转45°,到EG的位置,连接CG,则CG的最小值为________ .22、如图,小明将一张正方形包装纸,剪成图1所示形状,用它包在一个棱长为10dm的正方体的表面(不考虑接缝),如图2所示.小明所用正方形包装纸的边长至少为________ dm23、一个矩形的周长为16,面积为14,则该矩形的对角线长为________.24、如图,在中,AD平分,按如下步骤作图:第一步,分别以点A、D为圆心,以大于的长为半径在AD两侧作弧,交于两点M、N;第二步,连接MN分别交AB、AC于点E、F;第三步,连接DE、DF.若,,,求BD的长是________.25、如图,将矩形纸片ABCD沿直线EF折叠.使点C落在AD边的中点H处,点B落在点G处,其中AB=9,BC=6,则CF的长为________。
(b) n 4 , Pl 5 , Ph 1,
F 3n Pl Ph 3 4 2 5 11 1
A 处为虚约束。机构原动件数为 1,等于机构自由度,故机构运动 确定。
(c) n 9 , Pl 12 , Ph 2 , F 3n 2Pl Ph 3 9 2 12 2 1
第Байду номын сангаас2 章习题解答
2.1 请绘出题 2.1 图所示机构的运动简图。 解:机构的运动简图分别为
题图 2-1
2.2 指出题 2.2 图中运动机构的复合铰链、局部自由度和虚约束,并计算这些机构自由度, 并判断它们是否具有确定的运动(其中箭头所示的为原动件)。 解:
(a) n 9 , Pl 12 , Ph 2 , F 3n Pl Ph 3 9 212 1 2 1
A 处为复合铰链、齿轮 2 为虚约束,机构原动件数为 1,小于 机构自由度,故机构运动不确定。
(f) n 3 , Pl 4 , Ph 0 F 3n Pl Ph 3 3 2 4 1 0 1
AB 杆可以认为是虚约束,机构原动件数为 1,等于机构自由 度,故机构运动确定。
M 处为复合铰链,C 处为局部自由度,G 处为虚约束
(d) n 9 , Pl 13 , Ph 0 , F 3n Pl Ph 3 9 213 1 0 1
无复合铰链、局部自由度、虚约束等特殊情况,机构原动件数 为 1,等于机构自由度,故机构运动确定。
(e) n 4 , Pl 4 , Ph 2 , F 3n Pl Ph 3 4 2 4 1 2 2
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(1)下列(C)不是sql 数据库文件的后缀。
A..mdf B..ldf C..tif D..ndf
(2)SQL Server数据库对象中最基本的是(B)。
A. 程序运行过程
B. 程序的执行结果
C. 对数据的更新操作
D. 数据操作
(4)Master数据库是SQL Server系统最重要的数据库,如果该数据库被损坏,SQL Server 将无法正常工作。
该数据库记录了SQL Server系统的所有(D)。
A. 系统设置信息
B. 用户信息
C. 对数据库操作的信息
D. 系统信息
(5)SQL Server中组成数据库的文件有(B)类型。
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. Windows
B. SQL Server
C. U盘
D. 企业管理器
A. 数据库完全备份
B. 数据库差异份
C. 事务日志备份
D. 文件或文件组备份
(9)下列文件中不属于SQL Server数据库文件的是()。
A.device_data.MDF B.device_log.LDF
C.device_mdf.DAT D.device_data.NDF
(10)SQL Server 对象的完整名称不包括下面()。
(3)SQL Server的(逻辑组件)通常被称为数据库对象。
(6)SQL Server中(数据存储)的基本单位是页,一页的大小为8 千字节(KB )。
(7)现有数据库Archive和Art,要求使用下面的语句删除这两个数据库:DROP DATEBASE Archive(Art)。