妙文翻译公司翻译样稿中国汽车工业大事记1901: 欧洲和美国第一批汽车进入中国1913: 进口福特汽车公司T型轿车1920: 中国2000英里的马路上行驶着7000辆汽车和600辆卡车,主要从美国进口亨利.福特红河工厂培训中国学生1923: 100名中国学生在底特律学习与工作1929: 通用汽车公司在中国建立销售站,20世纪20年代到30年代,通用每年向中国销售10000到15000辆别克福特在爱尔兰的工厂向中国出口拖拉机1936: 梅赛德斯-奔驰在上海建立工厂生产公共汽车和卡车1949: 共产党击败国民党,成立中华人民共和国1950: 中国借助苏联的帮助筹建汽车厂1953: 中华人民共和国第一家第一汽车制造厂(一汽)成立,根据苏联ZIS 150模型,生产4吨解放牌卡车1958: 一汽模仿梅赛德斯-奔驰220开始生产红旗牌轿车上海汽车组装厂(上海汽车工业集团的前身)成立1964: 中国拥有147家工厂,生产卡车、汽车、摩托车和汽车零部件1966: 文化大革命开始1967: 为防备可能的入侵,中国在湖北偏远山区建立东风汽车厂(第二汽车厂)1972: 美国总统尼克松访华1976: 中国有1500多家汽车及其零部件制造厂1983: 美国汽车公司与北京汽车工业联合成立中国第一家汽车合资企业-北京吉普1984: 大众汽车与上汽成立合资公司-上海大众1985: 北京吉普开始生产吉普-切诺基1986: 天津汽车厂开始生产大发查拉得-一款颜色永远不变的红色夏利主要为出租车1988: 政治领导推出“三大,三小”术语描述中国汽车工业结构。
第一梯队为第一汽车制造厂、东风和上汽,第一梯队为北京吉普、广州标致和天津汽车厂1991: 大众与一汽成立合资企业。
1991年中国客运汽车总生产量为81055辆1992: 东风雪铁龙汽车公司生产ZX富康客用汽车1994: 中国日报(中国政府机关报)报告中国效率低下的汽车制造厂将在“竞争面前萎缩”宝马开始向中国出口汽车1995: 福特持有江铃摩托车公司20%的股份轻骑销量达到125万辆1996: 奥迪加入一汽-大众合资企业,持有10%股份1997: 标致从遇到麻烦的广州标致撤资1998: 中国选择本田(而非通用欧宝)接管标致撤出的工厂,但是通用击败福特取得与上海汽车合资的批准,投资16亿美元上海开始制造别克新世纪、此后增加别克GL8微型车、赛欧(基于欧宝可赛)、SR-V、君威和凯越1999: 北京第一个实行标准排放政策一汽-大众开始生产奥迪 A6.2000: 丰田获得与大发长期合作伙伴-天津汽车夏利建立合资企业的许可。
中国的汽车工业相对于欧美国家起步晚,根据各个时间段比较明显的特点, 其发展历史可以分为以下几个阶段: 1901~1950年汽车输入阶段;1950~1958年 汽车初创阶段; 1958~1987年汽车成长阶段;1987年至今汽车高速发展阶段。
1. 1897年兰索姆·E·奥兹(Ransom E. Olds) 投资50,000美元,筹办了奥兹莫比汽车公 司。此公司成为通用汽车集团内历史最悠 久的组成部分。同年,该厂出产了第一辆 奥兹莫比牌汽车。
2. 1899年奥兹莫比汽车公司与奥兹汽油发动 机厂合并,成立了奥兹汽车生产厂。在底 特律杰佛逊大道东,奥兹建立了美国第一 家专营汽车制造的厂家。 在德国,亚当·欧宝的第一辆汽车,“欧 宝专利车系-Lutzmann”汽车问世。
2. 1838年,英国发明家亨纳特发明 了世界第一台内燃机点火装置, 该发明被称为“世界汽车发展史 上的一场革命”
3. 1877年,罗孚公司成立
4. 1904年,劳斯莱斯汽车公司成立, 1907年生产“幻影”
5. 1919年,宾利汽车公司成立
6. 美洲豹,陆虎,罗孚,劳斯莱斯, 宾利,莲花,迷你,阿斯顿•马 丁,沃克斯豪尔等品牌相继出售
• 回忆一下
1. 1867年德国工程师奥托研制成功世界上第一台往复活塞式四冲程发动机, 并于1885年宣布放弃专利,任何人都可以根据需要随意制作
2. 1885年德国人卡尔•本茨购买了奥托的内燃机的专利,并将一个内燃机和 加速器安装在一辆三轮马车上。1886年1月29日德国曼海姆专利局批准卡 尔•本茨为在1885年研制成功的第一辆单缸三轮汽车申请的专利,专利证 书号位37435,从而获得了世界第一辆汽车的发明权。这一天被大多数成 为现代汽车诞生日
目前这两个车展已成为几乎全球汽车厂商心目中的A 级车展。
( 1 0 月 8 日 )唐 山 爱信 齿 轮 有 限 责 任 公 司 在唐 山 市 正 式成立
(1 0 E J 6 El
, ”
8 日)
汽 车企
业 形 成 产 品 自主 开 发 能 力 研 讨 会 在 张海 召 开
及产 品 目录 》正 式公 布
L ! U T: ‘
T ●0
(1 0 月 9 日) 中国 建 设 银 行 推 出汽 车 消 费 贷 款 业 务
“ , ” 。 ,
f 1 O 月 1 2 E1) 上 汽 集 团 第
亚 新 科 集 团燃 油 系统 北 京
工 厂 获 得 福特 Q 1 奖 。
款 自主 品牌 中高 级 轿 车定 名 为 荣威 (R O E W E )
技 术 与市 场
A PT (No 1 8
200 8
m o ra
b ili a
f 3 0th A
n n iv e r s a r y o
f C h in
e s e
t o In d
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& O pe
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1th W
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中 国 汽车 工 业 改革 开 放 3 0 年 历 年 大 事 记 (第4 1 周 )
compare appearance speed control
future cars
more fashion,cool,strange high-speed like planes computer control,safer
present cars
nomal,single general speed not snsitive enough
The first gasoline car
October 1885 , Carl Benz , designed and manufactured a gasoline loading three-wheel car . (1885年10月,奔驰发明 了世界上第一台由汽油引 擎机发动的三轮车)
After the 20th century , cars no longer just the Europeans dominated , Ford , invented Ford "T" car , which built water production line ,starting a new car period. (20世纪后,汽车不再只是欧洲人主 导,美国福特公司推出T型车并且发 明了流水线生产方式,将汽车行业领 入新时代。)
service function
more humanzied design multifunctional
more defects single
less accident
中国汽车工业发展中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料外文翻译外文翻译The mercerized and internationalized backgroundAt present,under the mercerized and internationalized background,how to strengthen the independent development ability of our country’s auto industry has become the urgent problem to be solved.This article,by referring to the experience of developed countries of automobile industry in implementing the industrial policy and comparing the two regulations made in 1994 and 2OO4 about independent intellectual property right in the industrial policy,has put forward policy recommendations of supporting independent development of our country’s auto industry.A brand based on market is promises for a product's capability, quality and service. Up to now, well-known automobile brands are accounting for two percent of two hundred far famed brands in all country. Meanwhile, after going into WTO, a great set of foreign automobile enterprises possessing good quality, favorable capability, knight service will enter into our country and bring a fire-new idea of brand for our domestic consumers. No doubt, that will not only greatly impact on our domestic automobile enterprises, which don't have the capability of independent exploitation and the consciousness of brand cultivation, but also affect development of automobile industry. So, during the crucial period, our country needs urgently brands of great competitive power, which can drive and prompt development of automobile industry.The paper, starting with the analysis of brand and combiningwith the theory of strategy management, regarding carmakers as object, depicts development panorama of domestic automobile industry and provides some simple thoughts about breeding and developing automobile brand in our country, through studying studying problems relating to automobile brand. It is the primary studying intention that upgrades core competency Of domestic automobile enterprises and impels development of automobile industry, recurring to putting forward some related tactics of breeding and developing automobile brand in our country. The paper's meaning consists two points: the first, it makes enterprises attach importance to automobile brand in consciousness and know it afresh;the second, it advances some operational tactics by demonstration analysis, which can be used for reference by enterprises and industry.Research methods used in the paper are primarily demonstration analysis and comparison analysis. Anticipative research fruits of the paper involve: (1) seedtime and actuality analysis of automobile brand in our country; (2) mode-comparison of automobile brand in different countries;(America, German, Japan, Korea); (3) key factors of affecting our automobile brand development;(4) tactics and countermeasures of cultivating automobile brand. Innovations of the paper rest with:(1) research content, i.e. havinga all-around research of breeding automobile brand and coming into being strategy system;(2) research purpose, i.e studying how to forge competitive automobile brand can drive industry development; (3) research angle, i.e. knowing and analyzing automobile industry in virtue of brand.Referred to the main indexes about evaluating national competitive ability, which is the commonly used method in the international society, this thesis aims at analyzing and evaluating the international competitive ability of Chinese automobile industry in a scientific and objective way. Compared with those industries in some developed countries, domestic automobile industry is relatively frail and has a very long way to go. This thesis illustrates the history of Chinese automobile industry ever since the foundation of new China, analyzes in detail its important role in national economy, and the opportunities and threats it meets after china entrance WTO. This thesis draws a whole picture about domestic automobile industry from three aspects: products, corporations and industries. Considering the history and actuality of domestic automobile industry, this thesis collects and analyzes groups of data about automobile industry both from domestic and international. A lot of work was made in quantitative and qualitative analysis from all sides. Based on this, this thesis drew a conclusion about evaluating the international competitive ability of Chinese automobile industry, found out the advantages and disadvantages about this industry. In the end of this thesis, some ideas and advice are put forward.Welfare Evaluation of Trade Protection--The automobile industry of post world war 2 in JapanSocial welfare is one of the key standards in evaluating the effects of government policies for both economists and government. In this thesis, having compared and analyzed trade protectionists, i.e. quota, tariff and other non-tariff barriers in their effects on social welfare, specific evaluation and suggestion are given in the case of the autoindustry protection in post World War 2 Japan, so to shedlight on the auto protection policies should be taken in China today. Here, consumer’ surplus and Ohyama Welfare Standard are selected in evaluating social welfare.The automobile industry in Post World War 2 in Japan is picked for two reasons. Firstly, the auto industry in China today is in a very similar situation as that of Japan used to be while Japan was a new member of GATT. Secondly, regarded as one of the most successfully developed industries under protection, the auto industry in Japan has some precious experiences worth studying.The article has four chapters. In chapter1,the definition of social welfare is given, and the necessary and sufficient condition for Pareto optimality, the Mashallian Consumer Surplus, Hicksian consumer surplus and Ohyama Social Welfare Standard are discussed in detail the auto industry. In Chapter 2, according the scale and protection on Japan from 1945-1979 is divided into four periods: government domination period, Quota Period and low-tariff Periods: government domination period, Quota Period, High-tariff Period and low-tariff Period, where the protect policies are evaluated respectively by their effects on social welfare. Chapter 3 explores the US-Japan trade friction in auto industry in 1980s and sheds light on the choice of various protectionists from the perspective of Political Economics. Chapter 4 concludes the whole thesis discussing some specific protection policies of Japan and drawing suggestion for China to effectively protect its own auto industry.Mini-car industry development in China is a successful example in the condition of Chinese market economy, it's always one of the important factor that propel the steady increase of auto market of China. Through about two decade development,the total amount of mini-car increased from 0.06% to 26.4% of total amount of auto all over the country now and the amount of produce and sale are up to 540,000 units. According to the challenge principle of "who is the best who is the winner" in the market, the number of the mini-car manufacturer decreased from early over one hundred to recent five.In this article,base on extensive data collecting and investigation, the mini-car developing and competing status of China, as well as the developing status (including enterprise, production ,market ,product, etc.) of Liuzhou Wuling Motors which is one of the five mini-car manufacturer are deeply analysed and studied .This article also discussed the competing environment that Liuzhou Wuling Motors faced, then provided the developing strategies.Since the later part of 1990, the economic benefits of CITIC Zhongyuan AutomobileCompany have been declining rapidly and the production management has also been on a sticky wicket, showing difference with an overall upward tendency to the corresponding period of the National Automobile Industry, which impelled this writer to make deeply careful researches on the strategy of development for the company.By reviewing the past of CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company, analyzing the influences on international & domestic external environments ever since China' s enter into WTO, analyzing the markets of the main products and the competitive opponents and analyzing the internal conditions such as the main problems faced by the company, this writer has separately made researches and probed into the strategies of development for CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company and the subordinatecompanies-Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co.,Ltd and Zhengzhou Light Truck Factory invested by CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company so as to try to find a feasible road which enables the cc叩any to break away from the disadvantageous situation and develop continuously as soon asPossible.With the entrance of 90th century, the international situation of automobile industry changed greatly. Due to the production surplus of international automobile industry, different countries competed fiercely to obtain the automobile market. Many companies adjust their developing strategy and speed the course of globalization to realize the scale-economy and get the new market. Merging and recombining become the symbol of automobile industry globalization.China, the biggest automobile consuming market in the world, has become the main field of many countries contesting. The Chinese automobile industry has developed for half century. Although china has get great achievements, as for scale or technique, China still drop behind. So how to improve the international situation and realize the modernization of China automobile industry is a basic mission.With the entrance of WTO, Chinese automobile industry faces three challenges: the first, after China entrances WTO, the government trade protection will be canceled. The second, with the economic development and standard of living improved, how to enlarge the consumer demanding? The third, with the automobile industry globalization, how to compete or cooperate with the MNC and build our effective developing strategy? And then we can develop our own auto industry and realize modernization. In the three challenges, the former two is normaland we can get many experiences from other countries. But the third is a real challenge. Other automobile developed countries have not faced this kind of situation. Expect for exactly estimation, we still need great innovation spirit.In the situation of entrance of WTO and globalization of automobile industrial competition, we try to analysis the Chinese automobile industry status quo, including the analysis of industrial structure, market analysis. Through the analysis we try to find out the questions in development strategy, government decision and enterprise management. Then we will analysis the questions and give the reasons. At the same time, we will the introduce the typical representatives of automobile developed countries and new developing countries about their developing strategy, including America, Japan, South Korea, and Mexico. We will conclude the advantages and experiences of above countries. On the base of that, we will combine the situation of Chinese automobile industry and the effecting analyzing of Chinese entrance of WTO. Then we will give out the advantages and potential advantages of Chinese automobile industry and bring forward the basic strategy of Chinese automobile industrial development. At last, we will give some advises about the developing strategy of Chinese automobile industry. These tactics include industrial policy improving, technique improving, competitive improving and cluster developing of Chinese automobile industry and technique innovation. This dissertation just discusses the Chinese automobile from a few tangles. It is not perfect, so I hope teachers can give me advice.Automobile industry is a traditional pillar industry in our country. Having developed 50 years, now the industry is still backward in products in comparison with that of westerndeveloped countries. Facing to economy globalization, someone has suggested that China should give up automobile industry and import the products from other countries directly, which can avoid wasting resources. This kind of viewpoint is lack of foresight. Automobile industry belongs to high and new-technology industries. Meanwhile, China has its large automobile market. Developing automobile industry will not only improve engineering level, but also drive other relevant industries. In addition, after China joining WTO (World Trade Organization), the automobile market will become a part of international market step by step. Basing on domestic market, we will develop our own intellectual property. At the same time, aiming at the demands of some developing countries, we will develop overseas markets. In this way, domestic automobile industry will be growing fast.In order to develop the automobile industry, we should find its disadvantages, get over influence of various disadvantages, seize every good chance, and exert our advantages. In this thesis, first, we stress on the impacts of economy globalization and WTO on Chinese automobile industry. Second, the thesis discusses many influence factors for developing Chinese automobile industry. Finally, the thesis analyzesopportunity, challenge and strategy of Chinese automobile industry.The course of the development of the automobile industry all over the world indicates that the automobile industry is very important to the national economy. The increasing proportion of distribution cost to sale price on the international automobile market shows that marketing plays an increasing role in raising the competitiveness of automakers. The trend of the international automobile market demonstrates thatAsia-especially china-will be the fastest growing market in the world. Although the national automobile industry has developed greatly in the past 50 years, it is still far behind the foreign competitors, especially in marketing after longtime ignoring marketing, domestic automarkers are lack of direct selling experience.In this thesis, the author analysed the 4P of marketing of the Chinese and foreign automarkers as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese automobile industry and made some suggestions on how to improve the competitiveness of automobile enterprises after studied the management and administration of them.In order to convey the opinion systematically so that it may become more practicable, the construction of the thesis is arranged like this:Chapter One: Introduction. In this part, the author introduced the background, the focal point and the aim of writing the paper. The author also emphasized the importance of automobile industry to the national economy and the importance of marketing to automobile enterprises.Chapter Two: The author described the present automobile industry and the market all over the world through some examples. The influence on the national automobile industry after China joined WTO and the strategy for the development of the industry are given in this part as wellChapter Three: Close analysis and explanations of the strategy for price, products, patens and channels of distribution, and sales promotion are given after introduced the marketing strategy of automobile enterprises in both China and foreign countries.Chapter Four: The problems that exist in management and administration of national automobile industry are researched and the disparities in competitiveness between Chinese and foreign automobile industry are revealed. Reasons of these problems and disparities are also applied.Chapter Five: Conclusion proposals were put forward for improving the management and administration of automobile enterprises in China: adjust the concept of management, emphasize the importance of market segmentation and the study of consumer psychologyand consumer’s behavior, sensitiveness the reaction to market and extend the scope of service. Great importance is attached to the foundation and management of customer relationship.China's automotive industry has passed almost half a century and has evolved many basic circumstances and features of its own which will be the starting point or base for its further development. Full understanding of those circumstance and features is the prerequisite for us to analyze and study.In order to develop our automotive industry under new situation, we not only must roundly and objectively analyze the problems in us, but also must fully and correctly understand our actual and potential strengths. We should clearly recognize that although our automotive industry, which has experienced nearly fifty years of development including twenty years of reform and opening, has a long way to go comparing with the world level, it possesses many rare giant actual and potential strengths.After entering WTO our automotive industry has entered upon a new phase to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals under the background of globalization, and it will haveto join the integration tide of global economy gradually. The trends of world automotive industry and the strategies of multi-nationals in China certainly will directly influence the strategic pattern of our automotive industry, and therefore they are the important part of the external environment of our automotive industry needed special attention. Great changes have taken place in the development conditions of our automotive industry since we entered WTO. At the end of protection interim period to automotive industry, the comprehensive effects of WTO including tariff concession, quota cancel, service trade opening and foreign capital policy regulation will display. The medium and high-class car and key components will come under obvious attack depends on not only the reduction of the protection degree, but also the increase of our international competitive power.Japan and Korea are all latecoming developed countries of automotive industry. After entering GATT, they persevered in adopting the vigorous policies to foster and train the self-developing capability and enhance the international competitive power. Then their automotive industry received unprecedented fast development and drove the whole national economy to be powerful and prosperous to a miracle. Although the international environment has been totally different and different countries differ greatly in their conditions, the experiences of Japan and Korea automotive industry during that period and driving effects of their automotive industry to their national economy will still be special historic significance to our automotive industry.Entering WTO let us enter upon a new e to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals featuring foreign companies but national treatment and domestic market but internationalcompetition. That is a severe challenge as well as a rare opportunity to our automotive industry. The great country and its big market are the most important strength of us. To take full advantage of the strength of great country and big market under the opening and competition environment should be the starting point for the development train of thought of our automotive industry under new economic background.Economic globalization droved by trade liberalization, investment liberalization and finance liberalization has been international background of our lives. Trade liberalization provides a more open and more liberal environment for the development of international trade. It is not only one of subject of modern international economic development, but also the trend of China's adjustment of her trade policy. Under economic globalization, advantage gained by a country depends on the magnitude of her international competitive power of industry. As China as concerned, the influence factors and basic status of her international competitive power of industry have their own characteristics.This paper analyses the international competitive power of China's industry under the background of trade liberalization. Firstly, it explains the historical and current background of the subject, presents the thinking way, the analysis methods, the frame and the innovation of this paper. Secondly, the theories about trade liberalization and international competitive power of industry are presented, the author simply describes the process and the achievements of trade liberalization and introduces something about trade liberalization in China, illustrates mainly the concept, the meaning, the correlative theoretical basis and the measure methods of the international competitive power ofindustry. Then, in the fourth chapter, Taking example for China's automobile industry, the paper analyses the international competitive power of automobile industry under the background of trade liberalization, It carries out some quantitative analysis by using some indexes based on the imports and exports data, assesses the economic benefits since 1992 by means of the model of the maximizing deviations method. Analyses the structure of automobile industry from the perspectives of industry concentration, etc. Lastly the author makes a conclusion that the international competitive power of auto-industry basically presents an increasing trend along with the trade。
我国汽车的发展史英语短文The development history of the automobile in China can be divided into several stages. The first stage (-1978 to 1953) was the basic establishment stage of the Chinese auto industry. During this period, the auto industry was formed mainly rely on medium-sized cargo trucks and the tentatively production system of related industries. The establishment of the Changchun Vehicle Manufacturing Factory in Jilin Province in July 1953 marked the beginning of the Chinese auto industry. Beijings, the motor repair shoppers of place at single an shied automobile repair factory developed for modeling the automobile factories of automobile Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, etc.. During this period, two vehicle manufacturing factories were especially built, and "the Cultural Revolution" became the production base of 2.5 tons and 5 tons of cargo trucks. At the same time, a batch of automobile factories such as the automobile factory of Shanxi and the automobile factory of Sichuan were also built.The second stage (1979-1993) was the fast developing stage of the auto industry. The auto industry began to exchange and cooperate with the outside world, actively introducing foreign capital and technology. In 1987, the State Council determined to accelerateand develop the car industry, and determined the "three big" and "three small" production bases of cars. After this, two minicar production bases were defined again. Automobile production scales expanded rapidly, and the output increased relatively fast. The product structure was improved significantly. The overall engineering level of the auto industry was improved.The third stage (so far 1994) is the stage when the auto industry began to enter a stable developing stage. In July 1994, the State Council issued the "auto industry industrial policy" formally, which was significant to guide and standardize the Chinese industrial development of automobiles. The auto industry found the factory, and the momentum of repeated projects was contained. The economic benefits of the scale began to present. The product structure was further improved. The structure of the automobile consumer market changed greatly. The focus of competition for automobile enterprises began to turn to product level, performance and quality competition. Consumption credit system of automobile was implemented with installment payment and purchase of cars as the core.In general, the development history of the automobile in China is a process of gradual improvement and innovation. With thecontinuous progress of science and technology, the future development of the automobile industry in China。
(1 2 月 1 8 日) 中国 兵 器 工 业 总 公 司 民 品 投 资项 目— —
北 方奔驰 重型 汽 车技术改 造项 目通 过 国 家验 收 , 形
成 了年产6 0 0 0 辆的能力 。
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(1 2 月 1 8 日)四 川 丰 田汽 车 有限公 司在成都举行 开 业及 奠基典礼。 这是 当 时 日本 丰 田在 我 国 唯 一 的整车合资项 目。
2 0 0 8 — 50 cNo 2 3 )A DT 技 术 与 市蛹
I ● T .TT .’
(1 2 月 1 7 日)上 海 通 用 汽 车有 限公 司 的第二 个产 品 , 别克G L8 公务商务旅 行 车下线 。
(1 2 月 1 5 日)沈 阳 金 杯通 用 汽 车有 限公 司 生产 的雪 佛兰 开 拓者S U V 休闲 车下 线。
(1 2 月 2 1 日)东风 汽 车公 司 与 台湾裕 隆公 司在 人 民大 会堂 举行 合作 签字 仪式 , 双 方将在汽车销售服务领 域 展 开 广 泛 合 作 。.
一 +
(1 2 月 1 7 日)重 型 汽 车 工 业 联营公 司与奥地 利斯 泰 尔公 司 签订重 型汽 车制 造技术转让 合同 一
f 1 2 月 1 7 日)奥地 利 斯 泰 尔 公 司与中国汽车工 业 进 出口 公 司 、 重型 汽车工 业 联营公 司签署一 项 为 期 十年的重型 汽车技术
f 12 月 2 0 日)上 海汽 车 工 业 (集 团)总 公 司 、 通 用 汽 车 (中国)公 司 、 上 海通 用汽 车 有 限公 司 共 同 出资9 亿 元 人 ’ 民币收购 山东烟台车身有 限公 司 .
1978-2008 改革开放30年 中国汽车工业大事记
![1978-2008 改革开放30年 中国汽车工业大事记](
专题22 中国汽车工业迎来里程碑式发展-2024届高中英语时文阅读外刊精选精练(解析版)
![专题22 中国汽车工业迎来里程碑式发展-2024届高中英语时文阅读外刊精选精练(解析版)](
高中英语时文阅读外刊精选精练专题22中国汽车工业迎来里程碑式发展【原文·外刊阅读】Chinese auto industry hits milestones in 2023, in vivid show of high-quality development(文章来源:Global Times)China's vehicle industry reached milestones in 2023, with record production and sales, according to industry data released on Thursday, paving the way for the country to potentially become the world's largest car exporter.The momentous development of China's auto industry is a vivid display of not only the success of China's industrial upgrading, but also the country's vast potential for high-quality development, experts noted. It also offered a powerful rebuttal to narratives of "China economy collapsing" or "China peaking," which are prevalent in the Western world, they said.China's car output exceeded 30.16 million units in 2023, up 11.6 percent year-on-year, and sales exceeded 30.09 million units, up 12 percent, according to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM). Both output and sales set new records, according to the CAAM.Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, said that the record numbers were a milestone for the Chinese auto industry, but more importantly, underscored vast potential."The total output and sales figures set new records and also represented the new space for development, which has increased our expectations for market growth and the potential for promoting consumption," Cui told the Global Times on Thursday.Also crucially, China's auto exports hit 4.91 million, up a whopping 58 percent year-on-year, the CAAM data showed. With such robust figures, China is expected to become the world's biggest car exporter. "It took China 55 years to increase the number of automobile exports from one to 1 million. In 2021, they exceeded 2 million, and in 2023, they reached 4.91 million, approaching 5 million," Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president andsecretary-general of the CAAM, was quoted by China Media Group as saying.Since its start in 1953, China's auto industry has achieved one milestone after another. In 1956, China's first domestically made Jiefang truck rolled off the production line, ending the long history of China being unable tomake cars. In 2009, output and sales both exceeded 10 million for the first time, surpassing the US to be the world's biggest car producer and seller, a title China has held for 15 years.Before 2023, Japan was the world's biggest auto exporter, but data during the year showed that China had overtaken Japan to become the world's top car exporter. With an impressive number of 4.91 million in car exports for the full year, many believe that China surpassed Japan in 2023. Li Yong, a senior research fellow at the China Association of International Trade, said that the record production and sales figures also represented a milestone for China's entire manufacturing industry."The development of the auto industry is a crucial indicator of a country's manufacturing capabilities and its overall strength," Li told the Global Times on Thursday, noting that the rise of China's auto industry is a microcosm of the rise of China's advanced manufacturing industry and its overall national strength. More than just record production and sales numbers, China's auto industry is steadily rising to the top in terms of technologies, particularly in the new-energy vehicle (NEV) industry, experts noted.In 2023, China exported 1.203 million NEVs, up 77.6 percent year-on-year, according to the CAAM. China became the world's largest source for patents in the area of electric vehicle powertrain batteries in the second quarter of 2023, according to GlobalData, an industry data provider.In September, Chinese NEV makers dominated an auto show in Munich, Germany, drawing global headlines. In the fourth quarter of 2023, Chinese carmaker BYD Co overtook US-based Tesla Inc to become the world's biggest electric carmaker. The rise of the NEV industry is a microcosm of the achievements made in China's upgrade of its vast manufacturing industry, export sector and domestic market - all crucial to China's high-quality development, experts said.Li said that China's robust NEV sector also propelled the country's pursuit of renewable energies and green development, and supported the upgrade of China's export industry."NEVs became one of the top 'new three items' of China's exports, with the other two being batteries and solar panels. It also highlighted China's booming digital economy and high-quality development," Li said.【原创·阅读理解】1.What milestones did China's vehicle industry achieve in 2023, according to the industry data released on Thursday?A. Record production and sales.B. Becoming the world's largest car producer.C. Overtaking the US as the world's biggest car exporter.D. Achieving breakthroughs in electric vehicle technologies.【答案】A【解析】根据文章,中国汽车工业在2023年取得了生产和销售的历史性成就,创下了记录。
附录2 中国汽车工业50年大事记
![附录2 中国汽车工业50年大事记](
C-E Translation1
![C-E Translation1](
This year’s 10 Millionth Auto Made in Changchun No. 1 Auto PlantFrom China Economic Net, October 20中国经济网10月20日讯(原文1)今天随着一辆金橙色解放J6驶下生产线,今年的第1000万辆汽车在长春一汽诞生,中国成为继美国、日本之后全球第三个汽车年产超千万两的国家。
With a bright orange-colored Jiefang J6 truck -the 10 millionth automobile manufactured in China this year-rolling down the assembly line in Changchun-based No. 1 Auto Plant, China has become the third country after the United States and Japan to boast an annual auto output of over 10 mollion units.新中国的汽车工业是从零开始的,1953年一汽在长春奠基,拉开了中国汽车工业建设的大幕。
The auto industry of the People’s Republic of China started from scratch. In 1953, the foundation stone of No. 1 Auto Plant in China was laid in Changchun, thus lifting the curtain on the building of China’s auto industry. Two years later, the first Jiefang truck was successfully trial-produced; in July the following year,Jiefang trucks officially rolled down the assembly line.In 1958, the national annual auto output exceeded 10,000 units; in 1971, 100,000 units; nine years latter, 200,000 units; still eight years latter, 600,000 units.改革开放以后,在汽车行业中计划经济统治市场的局面逐渐被打破。
Should China Encourage Private Car ?Background: China’s auto industry has a shorter history comparing with foreign countries. In the past, the foundation of auto industry was very poor in China. Our country also tried to seek a better way to develop our auto industry, but things went not very well. Auto industry was developing slowly.Since China had the entry to WTO, the leader of China allowed the foreign coordations to invest our domestic auto industry. The auto industry of China has been in a rapid development still now, it also benefits from our national policy and people’s living level, so China has also been a large manufacturing market of automobiles, China also is the largest auto market in the world. More and more people afford to buy cars than before.Referring to the present situation, including, economy, environment and people’s needs, we have different arguments.First argument; we should encourage private car, because auto industry is one of the most important industries, which plays a great role in our national economy, encourage private car is to benefit a lot of industries and provide jobs for people. A set of data tells the truth, China auto market has a great increasing in 2010, the quatity of sales will reach 17 million, China auto industry produces take up 5 percent of whole GDP, XINHUA news report ,therefore it promotes our development of economy, it improves our living level a lot, and it has been the innovation in the history of transportation. It makes our society so convenient and efficient.The high speed development of China’s auto industry is closely related to a certain period of government advocating. Automobiles have been purchased by individual family. The ownership of private cars has reached a high point. Various problems happen, the problems of serious traffic and the environmental pollution have begun to be considered by people.Second argument; we should not encourage private car. Because car exhausts have been the main pollution of the environment, as the LEGAL DAILY report, The vehicle emissions 5143.3 pollutants tons in 2009, it is threating the residents of big cities and automobile’s using of energy is increasing up day by day. The taffic problem are becoming more and more serious, so the private car should be limited.As all considered ,here are some suggestions. For the country ; The leader of our country should take reform measures to change present situation, for example ,protecting independent property right; providing economic aids to domestic enterprises; limiting the purchasing of private cars; taking in advanced technology to release the exhausts. The appearance of these problems doesn’t mean that our country would stop developing our industry, on the contrary, China should explore a right way to encourage our auto industry, and call on the public to support domestic enterprises.For the public; we also can encourage our friends to take public bus instead of driving private car, because we can do something we can to release the pressure of traffic, also we reduce the gas of car to protect our environment. As we consider that driving car can save our time on the way, though it is several minutes’ walk. In fact, it is not convenient to drive a car, also it make the traffic more badly. However, we also consider that driving car can show our power, position and identity. We don’t think too much just ourselves, we are not qualified citizens.China government should give some opportunities to domestic enterprises and provide a good environment for them. We can’t rely on foreign companies and technology. We should have our own brand to compete in the world market. We must have a definite goal, we aim to develop economy and create a better life for people, we need protect environment, not just widening the uses of cars. Realizing our purpose to develop our industry is the first step. Only do this can we make the industry stronger.。
简述中国汽车工业简史——蒸汽汽车的起因1478年,意大利科学家、发明家列奥纳多·迪·皮耶罗·达·芬奇(Leonardo di ser Pi ero da Vinci)第一次提出了具有自推进功能的汽车设计。
1765年,詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt)改进了蒸汽机设计,制造了第一台有实用价值的蒸汽机,推动了机械工业社会的发展。
汽车成型期(1885-1913)——燃机—发动机发展-底盘发展-材料发展1885年,德国发明家卡尔·奔驰(Bar iF riedriBhAenz)设计和制造了世界上第一辆能实际应用的燃机驱动的马车是三轮汽车。
Germany Hans Hochu 's Clockwork Car
In 1649, a German watchmaker Hans Hochu(汉斯·郝丘) made a clockwork car. But the speed of this car less than 1.6km / h, and after a distance of 230m, it must be rolled steel strip once.
1964年,国家确定在三线建设 以生产越野汽车为主的第二汽 车制造厂、四川和陕西汽车制 造厂。一个崭新的大型汽车制 造厂在湖北省十堰市兴建和投 产,当时主要生产中型载货汽 车和越野汽车。
Second Automobile Works
Construction Site in 1967
Leonardo da Vinci's Design
15 century
the famous Italian artist, scientist, technician Da Vinci (达芬奇)had designed: with the horizontal rotation of a toothed disc, it transfers the force to the axle with wheels connected to through the clockwork power, The car can go forward. But Da Vinci's work is limited to theoretical assumptions.
1769 瓦特
Steam Car
In 1801, Richard Trewick (理查德·特雷威蒂)made the first British steam car. Two years later, he made a similar shape of the public carriage of the steam car. This bus can take 8 people, with speed of 9.6km / h.
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妙文翻译公司翻译样稿中国汽车工业大事记1901: 欧洲和美国第一批汽车进入中国1913: 进口福特汽车公司T型轿车1920: 中国2000英里的马路上行驶着7000辆汽车和600辆卡车,主要从美国进口亨利.福特红河工厂培训中国学生1923: 100名中国学生在底特律学习与工作1929: 通用汽车公司在中国建立销售站,20世纪20年代到30年代,通用每年向中国销售10000到15000辆别克福特在爱尔兰的工厂向中国出口拖拉机1936: 梅赛德斯-奔驰在上海建立工厂生产公共汽车和卡车1949: 共产党击败国民党,成立中华人民共和国1950: 中国借助苏联的帮助筹建汽车厂1953: 中华人民共和国第一家第一汽车制造厂(一汽)成立,根据苏联ZIS 150模型,生产4吨解放牌卡车1958: 一汽模仿梅赛德斯-奔驰220开始生产红旗牌轿车上海汽车组装厂(上海汽车工业集团的前身)成立1964: 中国拥有147家工厂,生产卡车、汽车、摩托车和汽车零部件1966: 文化大革命开始1967: 为防备可能的入侵,中国在湖北偏远山区建立东风汽车厂(第二汽车厂)1972: 美国总统尼克松访华1976: 中国有1500多家汽车及其零部件制造厂1983: 美国汽车公司与北京汽车工业联合成立中国第一家汽车合资企业-北京吉普1984: 大众汽车与上汽成立合资公司-上海大众1985: 北京吉普开始生产吉普-切诺基1986: 天津汽车厂开始生产大发查拉得-一款颜色永远不变的红色夏利主要为出租车1988: 政治领导推出“三大,三小”术语描述中国汽车工业结构。
第一梯队为第一汽车制造厂、东风和上汽,第一梯队为北京吉普、广州标致和天津汽车厂1991: 大众与一汽成立合资企业。
1991年中国客运汽车总生产量为81055辆1992: 东风雪铁龙汽车公司生产ZX富康客用汽车1994: 中国日报(中国政府机关报)报告中国效率低下的汽车制造厂将在“竞争面前萎缩”宝马开始向中国出口汽车1995: 福特持有江铃摩托车公司20%的股份轻骑销量达到125万辆1996: 奥迪加入一汽-大众合资企业,持有10%股份1997: 标致从遇到麻烦的广州标致撤资1998: 中国选择本田(而非通用欧宝)接管标致撤出的工厂,但是通用击败福特取得与上海汽车合资的批准,投资16亿美元上海开始制造别克新世纪、此后增加别克GL8微型车、赛欧(基于欧宝可赛)、SR-V、君威和凯越1999: 北京第一个实行标准排放政策一汽-大众开始生产奥迪 A6.2000: 丰田获得与大发长期合作伙伴-天津汽车夏利建立合资企业的许可。
2002年开始生产丰田威驰2001: 福特汽车与长安集团成立长安福特,各持一半股份。
2003年1月开始生产福特嘉年华汽车宝马和华晨集团成立华晨(中国),生产宝马3和5系列中国加入WTO2002: 1月,中国削减关税,到2006年中期最终减少25%。
与标致雪铁龙签定协议后,神龙汽车有限公司(DCAC)更名为东风标致雪铁龙汽车公司( DPCA)以增加DCAC的产量,有4个新车型,并重新将标致品牌引进中国。
2003: 大众汽车在中国销售的大众品牌的汽车比德国还多。
日产向东风汽车投资10亿美元建立合资企业,双方投资额各占50% 。
2004: 国家发展和改革委员会正式宣布中国新的汽车产业政策。
2005: 激烈的竞争导致价格急剧下降,主要是在经济与中间环节的利润下降。
2006: 支持收购环境友好型和小排量汽车的财政措施。
Chinese Auto Industry Milestones1901: First automobiles arrive in China from Europe and the US.1913: Ford Motor Corporation imports the Model T.1920: China’s 2,000 miles of highway hand le 7,000 cars and 600 trucks, mainly American imports.Henry Ford offers to train Chinese students at the automaker’s Rouge plant. 1923: 100 Chinese students are studying and working in Detroit.1929: General Motors Corporation establishes a sales outpost. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, GM sold 10,000 to 15,000 Buicks a year in China. Ford imports tractorsbuilt in Ireland.1936: Mercedes-Benz establishes plant in Shanghai to build buses and trucks.1949: Communists defeat the Nationalists and establish t he People’s Republic of China. 1950: China requests help from the Soviet Union for planning an auto factory.1953: First Auto Works (FAW) is created as the first automaker of the PRC, producing the 4-ton Jiefang (Liberation) truck, which is based on the Soviet ZIS 150 model.1958: FAW begins production of the Hongqi (Red Flag) sedan, modeled on the Daimler-Benz 220.The Shanghai Automobile Assembly Plant, predecessor of Shanghai AutomotiveIndustry Group Corporation (SAIC), is formed.1964: China has 417 factories producing trucks, cars, motorcycles and auto parts.1966: The Cultural Revolution begins.1967: To guard it against possible invasion, China locates Dongfeng Motors (Second Auto Works) in the remote, mountainous province of Hubei.1972: U.S. President Nixon visits China.1976: More than 1,500 auto and parts makers, are operating in China.1983: American Motors and Beijing Automotive Industry form Beijing Jeep, China's first Sino-foreign joint venture in the auto industry.1984: Shanghai Volkswagen is created as a joint venture between VW and SAIC.1985: Beijing Jeep begins producing the Jeep Cherokee.1986: Tianjin Automotive begins production of the Daihatsu Charade as the Xiali.Invariably red, it becomes a staple of taxi fleets.1988: P olitical leaders introduce the term “Big 3, Little 3” to describe their vision of the auto industry’s structure, referring to their target number of first-tier (First AutoWorks, Dongfeng and Shanghai Automotive) and second-tier (Beijing Jeep,Guangzhou Peugeot and Tianjin Automotive) manufacturers.1991: Volkswagen and FAW form a joint venture. By 2003 it builds the Jetta, Bora and Golf. China's total 1991 passenger car production: 81,055 units.1992: Dongfeng Citroen Automobile Company (DCAC) formed to manufacture the ZX Fukang passenger car.1994: The China Daily, considered an official organ of the government, reports that inefficient automakers will be allowed "to wither in the face of competition."BMW starts exporting cars to China.1995: Ford acquires 20% of Jiangling Motors Corporation.Light vehicle sales reach 1.25 million units.1996: Audi joins the FAW-VW joint venture as a 10 percent shareholder.1997: Peugeot withdraws from troubled Guangzhou Peugeot.1998: China picks Honda over GM’s Opel to take over the plant from which Peugeot withdrew, but GM beats out Ford for approval to build cars with ShanghaiAutomotive with a US$1.6 billion investment.Shanghai GM begins to build the Buick New Century, later adding the Buick GL8minivan, Sail (based on the Opel Corsa), SR-V, Regal and Excelle.1999: Beijing becomes the first city to implement the standard emission policy.FAW-VW starts producing the Audi A6.2000: Toyota obtains permission for a joint venture with Tianjin Automobile Xiali, the long-time partner of Daihatsu. Production of the Toyota Vios begins in 2002.2001: Ford Motor and the Chang'an Group form Chang’an Ford, a 50-50 JV. Fiesta production begins in January 2003.BMW and the Brilliance Group form Brilliance China to produ ce BMW’s Series 3and 5.China enters the WTO.2002: January 1, China reduces import tariffs, eventually decreasing to 25% by mid-2006.Price war breaks out as inventories grow. FAW acquires Tianjin Automotive.FAW and Toyota agree to build 200,000 to 300,000 Toyota vehicles a year by2010. Beijing Hyundai Motor joins Hyundai and Beijing Automotive. SAICacquires a 10% stake in Korea's GM Daewoo, its first investment outside China.SAIC and GM form GM-Wuling Automotive and acquire Yantai Bodyshop Corp.DCAC is renamed Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile (DPCA) following anagreement with PSA Peugeot-Citroen to increase DCAC’s production, incorporatefour new car models and reintroduce the Peugeot brand in China.FAW and Toyota join forces to produce high-end sedans, mini-cars, andmiddle-to-high-end SUVs. The new JV plans to produce 300,000-400,000 units by2010.Dongfeng and Nissan form a 50-50 JV, Dongfeng Motor Co. Ltd.2003: VW sells more VW-branded autos in China than in Germany. BMW and Brilliance Automotive agree to build Series 3 and 5 cars. Nissan invests US$1billion for a 50% joint venture with Dongfeng Motors. DaimlerChrysler andBeijing Automotive agree to build the Mercedes E and C-class models.Chery signs agreement with SKT Co. to set up a manufacturing plant in Iran withan initial production capacity of 30,000 units, representing the first Chinese-madecar to be assembled overseas.Cumulative foreign direct investment in China’s automobile industry reachesUS$30 billion.2004: The State Development and Reform Commission formally announces China's new automotive industry policy.VW, GM, Toyota and Ford receive approval to offer auto-financing services inChina.2005: Intense competition leads to significant price reduction, mainly in the economy and middle segments.Domestic car manufacturers reach 15 % market share.2006: Fiscal measures to support the acquisition of environment friendly and small displacement vehicles.New policy requires that all motor vehicles be covered by a third-party insurance.Chrysler and Chery enter a joint-venture to produce and export small carsChina becomes the Second largest car manufacturer after the U.S., outpacingJapan.妙文上海翻译公司版权所有。