香港中文大学数学课程-现代数学奠基(MATH1050) 额外练习 (二)

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MATH1050B/C Further Exercise2Due date:20-2-2017

1.Let P,Q,R be statements.Consider each of the pairs of statements below.Determine whether the statements are

logically equivalent.Justify your answer by drawing an appropriate truth table.








2.Let P,Q,R be statements.Consider each of the statements below.Determine whether it is a tautology or a

contradiction or a contingent statement.Justify your answer by drawing an appropriate truth table.








3.Let C={0,1,1,2,3,3,4},D={0,1,{1,2,3},{{3},4}}.Consider each of the sets below.List every element of

the set concerned,each element exactly once.You are not required to justify your answer.








4.Let C={{0,1},{1},{1,2,3},{3,4}},D={{0,1,1},{1,2,3},{{3},{4}}}.

Consider each of the sets below.List every element of the set concerned,each element exactly once.You are not required to justify your answer.


5.Let M={m,a,r,c,u,s},T={t,u,l,l,i,u,s},C={c,i,c,e,r,o}.

(a)How many elements are there in the set C?

(b)How many elements are there in the set M∪T?

(c)How many elements are there in the set(M∪T)\C?

(d)How many elements are there in the set{(M∪T)\C}?

(e)How many elements are there in the set({M}∪{T})\{C}?

(f)How many elements are there in the set{M∪T}\{C}?

(g)List every element of the set M∩C,each element exactly once.

(h)List every element of the set P(M∩C),each element exactly once.

6.Let A={x∈R:x2−2x−3≤0},B={x∈R:−1≤x≤3}.Prove‘fromfirst principles’that A=B.

7.Let A={n∈Z:n≡1(mod3)},B={n∈Z:n≡4(mod9)}.

(a)Prove‘fromfirst principles’that B⊂A.

(b)♦Is it true that A⊂/B?Justify your answer.

8.Let A={x∈Z:x=k4for some k∈Z},B={x∈Z:x=k2for some k∈Z}.

(a)Prove that A⊂B.

(b)♦Is it true that B⊂/A?Justify your answer.

9.♦Let A={x∈R:x2−x≥0},B={x∈R:x≤0},C={x∈R:x≥1}.Prove‘fromfirst principles’that


10.Let A={x∈Q:x=r3for some r∈Q},B={x∈Q:x=r9for some r∈Q},C={x∈Z:x=

r3for some r∈Q},D={x∈Q:x=r3for some r∈Z}.

(a)Is A a subset of Q?Is Q a subset of A?Justify your answer.

(b)Is A a subset of B?Is B a subset of A?Justify your answer.

(c)Is A a subset of C?Is C a subset of A?Justify your answer.

(d)Is A a subset of D?Is D a subset of A?Justify your answer.

11.To handle this question,you may make use of what you have learnt in‘linear algebra’and/or‘coordinate geometry’

and/or‘vector geometry’.

(a)Let A={p∈R3:There exist some x,y,z∈R such that p=(x,y,z)and4x+2y+z=0},B={q∈R3:

There exist some s,t∈R such that q=(s,t,−4s−2t)}.

Prove‘fromfirst principles’that A=B.

Remark.What are A,B really?

(b)Let A={p∈R3:There exist some x,y,z∈R such that p=(x,y,z)and2x+y−z=0and x−2y+z=0},

B={q∈R3:There exists some t∈R such that q=(t,3t,5t)}.

Prove‘fromfirst principles’that A=B.

Remark.What are A,B really?

12.♣To handle this question,you may make use of what you have learnt in‘linear algebra’and/or‘coordinate geometry’

and/or‘vector geometry’.


S={p∈R3:There exist some x,y,z∈R such that p=(x,y,z)and x2+y2+z2=1},

H={p∈R3:There exist some x,y,z∈R such that p=(x,y,z)and x2+y2−z2=1},

C={p∈R3:There exist some x,y,z∈R such that p=(x,y,z)and x2+y2=1},

Γ={q∈R3:There exist someθ∈R such that q=(cos(θ),sin(θ),0)}.

(a)Prove‘fromfirst principles’thatΓis a subset of each of S,H,C.

(b)Prove‘fromfirst principles’that each of S∩H,H∩C,C∩S is a subset ofΓ.

(c)Deduce thatΓ=S∩H=H∩C=C∩S.

Remark.What are S,H,C,Γreally?Make use of what you have learnt in coordinate geometry.

13.♦In this question,you may use of the following statements without proof:

(♯)Let a,b be two objects(not necessarily distinct).{a}={b}iffa=b.

(♭)Let a,b,c be three objects(not necessarily distinct).{a,b}={c}iffa=b=c.


Let A={∅},B={{∅}},C={∅,{∅,{∅}}},D={∅,{{∅}}}.For each of the following statements,determine whether it is true or false.Prove your answer in each case.
