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误解某人have a misunderstanding of


对某人的态度the attitude to/towards …

听从指令follow the instructions

厌烦某事be bored with

采访这件事cover the events

科学技术science and technology

用某种方法with the method of in a…way 描述某人give a description of

助理经理assistant manager

搬到新房move into a new house

阅读理解reading comprehension

鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do…

流利的英语fluent English

对某事失望be disappointed with…

根本不像nothing like


靠自己by oneself

课后活动after-class activities

离很远be far away from

有乐趣作某事have fun in doing

换句话In other words

盼望look forward to


写下write down

取得更快的进步make rapid progress

对某人友好be friendly with…

真的吗?Oh, really?

怎么回事?How was it?

听起来爽。Sounds cool.

你好How are you going?

作某时你介意吗?Would you mind doing/if…?

我认为…不...I don’t think…

比大两倍be twice bigger than…

是三倍be three times the size of…be three times as big as…


There are twice as many students in our school this year as there were last year. 他对乘客的态度根本不是一个司机的态度。

His attitude to the passengers was not that of a driver’s.

Unit 2

赞同某人观点agree with one’s idea

符合This is true of …

准时上课be on time for lessons

避免做…avoid doing…

总是上课迟到keep coming to class late

承认喜欢他admit liking him

科学实验scientific experiments

在…有问题have problems with sth

讲…笑话tell jokes

使某人感到乐趣be fun with

变得厌烦get bored

对…有选择have choices about…

很放松be relaxed with …

承认做过某事admit having done/doning


给试卷打分grade the papers

选某人为校长choose sb as / to be / headmaster

在…与..相似be similar to …in …

在正式的场合on a formal occasion

对…耐心be patient with

对..严肃/认真be serious about

对..紧张/ 胆怯be nervous about sth / doing sth.

对人/事严格be strict with sb. / in sth.

精力充沛be full of energy

给..留下印象make an impression on

大声讲/唱/笑talk / speak / sing / laugh loud

支付…费用pay for the expenses

走近come up to sb

由…决定…It is up to sb to do…

替我问候…give my respects to…


I loved him __D_I met him.

A. for the first time

B. on the first time

C. at the moment

D. the first time

Unit 3

在一幢五层公寓楼的三楼on the third floor of a five-storey apartment block 离…五十英里远fifty miles away from

由…制成be made of be made from

把…做成/塑造成make … out of

被制成…be made into

他离开家六年了It is/has been six years since he left his hometown.

他不学英语十年了It is/has been ten years since he studied English.

这是我第一次来你的家乡This is the first t ime (that) I’ve visited your hometown.
