

英国学者任香港大学校长 系该校第2位洋人校长

英国学者任香港大学校长 系该校第2位洋人校长

DD 武汉学车 英国学者任香港大学校长系该校第2位洋人校长南都讯作为港校翘楚的香港大学,经过近两年的严谨遴选,终于觅得新校长人选,唯一候选人马斐森在昨日连续三场与教职员、学生及校友首度会面后,下午获得校务委员会的一致通过,正式被任命接替徐立之成为港大校长,成为港大41年来,自戴义安后的第二位非华人校长。

DD 武汉学车 现年54岁的马斐森是英国布里斯托大学医科及牙科学院院长,港大现任校长徐立之不再续任,任期至明年2月底,新校长遴选程序历时近两年。


DD 武汉学车 昨日上午,马斐森到港大与教职员、学生及校友进行了三场首度会面。



对于外界的各种质疑,马斐森表示,明白个人有不足DD 武汉学车 之处,但认为其善沟通、学习能力强的优点足以弥补。



南都訊作為港校翹楚的香港大學,經過近兩年的嚴謹遴選,終於覓得新校長人選,唯一候選人馬斐森在昨日連續三場與教職員、學生及校友首度會面後,下午獲得校DD 武汉学车 務委員會的一致通過,正式被任命接替徐立之成為港大校長,成為港大41年來,自戴義安後的第二位非華人校長。




个人简历Resume个人基本信息:Personal Information姓:XXX 名:×××Family Name: Given Name:民族:汉Nation:Han性别:男Sex: Male出生年月:×××Birthday:政治面貌:党员Political affiliation: Party Number 户籍:×××Provice:学历:××Education Background:身体状况:良好Healthy: Good毕业院校:××××University:专业:××××××Professional:联系电话:×××××Mobile:邮箱:E-mail:××××@联系地址:上海市闵行区Address:Minhang Area, Shanghai邮政编码:200240Zip code:200240教育经历:××~××:Educational Background:在××大学攻读××学士学位; ××~××Major: ××Graduate school: ×× UniversityDegree: Bachelor在××大学攻读××硕士学位,研究方向××××××。

Major: ×× Graduate school: ××Degree: Master专业基础:《C语言程序设计》、《汇编语言程序设计》、《数据结构》、《操作系统》、《数据库》、《编译原理》、《计算机网络》、《计算机组成》、《WEB程序设计》、《计算机图形学》、《软件工程》、《算法分析与设计》、《组合数学》及《数据挖掘》等Major Course:”Data Structure”, ”OperationSystem”, ”Database”, ”Compiler ConstructionPrinciples”, ”Programming in C”, ”Computer Networks”, ”WEB Programming”, ”Computer Graphics”, ”SoftwareEnginee ring”, ”Algorithm analysis and design”, ”Data Mining”,” Introductory Combinatorics” etc.研究方向: 1、××××; 2、××××;Reasearch Fields: 1、××××; 2、××××;英语能力:English Skills:1、通过国家CET 6考试;2、具有不错的英语读写能力,可以很熟练地阅读英文材料;3、具有一定的口语听说能力。



---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------完美的英文简历怎么写1.Ioffermorethantwentyyearsofprogressivelyresponsibleexperi enceinsales,culminating*inmymostrecentpositionofDirectorofSalesandPrici ngwitha$50million,20-storechain.我有二十年职位逐步递增的销售经验,直至当上了一个具有5000万美元资本的20家连锁店的销售主管。

而且我的能力不局限于此2.Ifyourcompanyislookingforaself-motivatedpersonwhocanwork wellwithpeople,graspandexpandonnewideas,andachieveset*objectives,thenIfeelwehavegoodreasontomeet. 如果贵公司正在寻找一位自觉性高,合作性强,能理解并拓展新思路,实现即定目标的员工,我想我们有必要面谈一次。

3.IwillcallyounextMondaytoscheduleamutually*convenienttime tomeet.我将在下周一打电话与您确定双方都合适的会面时间。

4.IfeelthatIhavethequalificationsnecessarytoeffectivelyhan dletheresponsibilitiesofthepositionadvertised*.1 / 9我自信有资格承担广告上所描述的和职位相关的职责。

5.Myexperienceinthepastthreeyearsrangedfromcomputerlabassi stanttoinstallationspecialisttotroubleshooterworkingwithadi versegroupofpeopleandwinningaccoladesformytechnicalandpeopl eskills.在过去的三年中,我当过计算机实验室助教,做过安装师,也专门从事解决疑难问题,与各种各样的人群一起工作,并因为技术和人际关系好赢得了赞誉。



张勇︱+1 ***.***.****教育背景2006.9 - 至今清华大学北京金融管理学学士(于2年时间内完成3年制高强度课程),拟于2009年以一等学历证书(= GPA:3.6+/4.0)毕业●主修金融学/经济学;辅修管理科学●代表学校领导五人团队参与瑞信国际集团国际商业策划竞赛北部地区决赛●领导的社会企业义工筹款募捐活动被学校提名表扬并多次在校刊转载●清华大学无国界志愿者组织协会创办人,金融投资协会执行负责人2007.1 - 2007.2香港大学(国际交换生项目)香港●与来自香港金融机构的总裁进行座谈会,深入了解香港资本市场及行业情况●完成10个论题的课时,内容涉及投资银行、咨询、领导力、创业精神等工作经验2007.1 – 2007.3 美国万通金融集团资产管理部国际实习习生●对各项投资(涉及多个行业)进行产业链/投资可行性分析;对目标公司进行财务/商业模型评估并提供建议●多渠道获取信息,每周参与投资报告会议,并独立为未上市/上市公司准备投资分析报告●在路演及投资会议前,对提案进行书面材料的整理,为客户提供行业调研及资本市场分析●与客户及投资委员会商订多种债务与股权法律文书的结构化条款,包括高杠杆高收益贷款,过渡贷款,认股权证,以及优先股事宜●偕同同事为公司的亚洲发展战略提出微调建议,其中70%被采纳●进行财务与会计领域的调研,提出了有关几大主要行业的跨行业多元化投资组合的建议●准备投资备忘录,并作为团队成员参与了股份首次公开发行计划书的起草过程●对保险业有了深入的了解(从呈递到报价);对关键性盈利成果指标进行了分析; 通过在多个会场进行会议筹备提高了组织能力2006.9 - 2006.10波士顿咨询公司暑假咨询助理●为奥运会最大食品服务商提供采购策略优化服务,并为其在大中华区多个供应商间作出筛选和供应链预测●配合采购部门与客户接洽和沟通,组织策划公司与专家访谈会面;辅助CCFA食品安检部门完成调查研究报告●为国内某房地产开发商作投资标准,风险和回报分析;并针对该项目参与商业技能培训(Excel,PPT等)●在公司岗前培训(为期两周)和在职培训中,多方面加强了在项目预算(M8 40),演讲,时间管理和图表制作技能方面的锻炼;同时,对企业运作商业智能软件如FileNet, Cognos等的实操能力也在工作中得到实质性提高●参与了为期六周的制药业客户项目,期间接受全程指导课外活动2006.9 –至今中港实习生协会上海校友事务及发展委员会执行委员会主席●搭建世界领先金融集团与中国精英学生之间的桥梁●与财富500强金融集团建立伙伴关系,为中港校友提供见习机会●整合校友网络与企业资源以举办国际性会议2007.9 –至今无国界者组织映秀四川执行委员会外联事务处副主席●在伙伴公司的支持下,赴四川映秀参加“回报社会”志愿者活动,深入地震灾区走访受灾家庭●定期探访居民,协助他们心灵重建及家园重建外●联同四川的社工学生共同开展灾区的社区工作,包括为灾民提供心理辅导、家庭探访、举办活动以协助建立社区的关怀网路。



个人资料name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区county 县nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话sex 性别male 男female 女height 身高weight 体重marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数none 无street 街lane 胡同,巷road 路district 区house number 门牌health 健康状况health condition 健康状况blood type 血型short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视color-blind 色盲ID card No.身份证号码date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事secretary general 秘书长society 学会association 协会research society 研究会教育程度education 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)president 校长vice-president 副校长dean 院长assistant dean 副院长academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of studies 教务长dean of students 教导主任dean of students 教导主任teacher 教师probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor (Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国学生undergraduate 大学肄业生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生freshman 大学一年级学生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生工作经历accomplish 完成(任务等)achievements 工作成就,业绩adapted to 适应于adept in 善于administer 管理advanced worker 先进工作者analyze 分析appointed 被任命的assist 辅助authorized 委任的;核准的be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为behave 表现breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决break the record 打破记录business background 工作经历business experience 工作经历business history 工作经历conduct 经营,处理control 控制cost 成本;费用create 创造decrease 减少demonstrate 证明,示范design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番duties职责earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除employment experience工作经历employment record 工作经历employment 工作enlarge 扩大enliven 搞活enrich 使丰富establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价excellent League member 优秀团员excellent Party member 优秀党员execute 实行,实施expand 推广;扩大expedite 加快;促进experience 经历exploit开发(资源,产品)export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵implement 完成,实施import 进口improve 改进,提高increase 增加influence 影响initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装integrate 使结合;使一体化introduce 采用,引进invent 发明invest 投资job title 职位justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)lead 领导lengthen 延长lessen 减少(生产成本)level 水平localize 使地方化maintain 保持;维修make 制造manage 管理,经营manufacture 制造mastered 精通的modernize 使现代化motivate 促进,激发negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名的;被任命的occupational history 工作经历operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)organize 组织originate 创始,发明overcome 克服(困难等)participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行plan 计划position 职位professional history 职业经历professional 职业经历profit 利润promote 生产,制造promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)receive 收到,得到,接受recognize 认清(职责等)recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的recover恢复;弥补rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增reduce 减少,降低(成本等)refine 精练,精制reform 改革regenerate 更新,使更生registered 已注册的regularize 使系统化regulate 控制(费用等)rehandle 重铸;重新处理rehash以新形式处理(旧材料)reinforce 加强reckon计算(成本等)renew 重建,换新renovate 革新;修理repair 修复,修补replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究resolve 解决responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业set 创造(纪录等)settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低......效能show 显示,表明significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简solve 解决sort out 清理specific experience 具体经历speed up 加速sponsor 主办spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格streamline 把......设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固study研究succeed 成功supervise 监督,管理supply 供给,满足(需要) systematize 使系统化target 目标,指标test 试验,检验top 头等的,最高的total 总数,总额translate 翻译,转化travel 旅行unify 使成一体,统一use 使用,运用useful 有用的utilize 利用valuable 有价值的vivify 使活跃well-trained 训练有素的work experience 工作经历work history 工作经历work 工作,起作用working model 劳动模范worth 使......钱的,有......价值的个人品质able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的其它内容objective 目标career objective 职业目标employment objective 工作目标position wanted 希望职位job objective 工作目标position applied for 申请职位position sought 谋求职位position desired 希望职位for more specialized work 为更专门的工作for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会sought a better job 找到了更好的工作to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作。



英语简历中怎样地道形容自己1、Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

2、Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

3、Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

4、A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

5、A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

6、Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

7、Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

8、Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。

9、Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

10、Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

11、Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

12、Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

13、Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。



蔡元培英文简介Cai Yuanpei was an influential Chinese educator, philosopher, and politician. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in modern Chinese education and was instrumental in the development of the Chinese educational system in the early 20th century. This essay will provide a comprehensive overview of Cai Yuanpei's life, contributions, and impact on Chinese society.Cai Yuanpei was born on January 4, 1868, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China. He came from a prestigious family and received a traditional Confucian education in his early years. However, he soon became dissatisfied with the rigid and outdated education system and sought to reform it.In 1896, Cai Yuanpei went to study in Japan, where he was exposed to Western philosophy and modern educational theories. He was deeply influenced by the ideas of John Dewey and other progressive thinkers, which advocated a more student-centered and practical approach to education. Upon his return to China, Cai Yuanpei became a strong advocate of educational reform.In 1917, Cai Yuanpei was appointed as the president of Peking University, a position he held for a decade. Under his leadership, Peking University underwent significant changes and became a leading institution of higher learning in China. Cai Yuanpei introduced a wide range of reforms, including the establishment of new departments, the recruitment of prominent scholars, and the promotion of academic freedom.One of the most significant contributions of Cai Yuanpei was hisemphasis on the holistic development of students. He believed that education should not only focus on the acquisition of knowledge but also on the cultivation of moral character and social responsibility. Cai Yuanpei advocated for a well-rounded education that combined academic excellence with physical and artistic pursuits.Cai Yuanpei also played a crucial role in promoting women's education in China. He believed that women should have equal access to education and actively supported the establishment of women's colleges and schools. He believed that educating women was essential for the social progress and modernization of China.In addition to his contributions to education, Cai Yuanpei was also involved in politics. He was a prominent member of the Chinese Democratic Party and served as the Minister of Education in the first Nationalist government of China. However, he resigned from his post in 1928 due to political disagreements.After leaving politics, Cai Yuanpei continued to be actively involved in public affairs and social issues. He was a strong advocate for democracy, human rights, and social justice. He spoke out against government corruption and the abuse of power, often risking his own safety and reputation.Cai Yuanpei's influence and impact on Chinese society cannot be overstated. His educational reforms laid the foundation for modern Chinese education and continue to shape the educational landscape in China today. His emphasis on the importance of a well-rounded education and the development of moral character has had a lastingimpact on generations of students.Furthermore, Cai Yuanpei's commitment to social justice and democracy inspired many Chinese intellectuals and activists. His courage and dedication to the values of freedom and equality made him a symbol of progressive thought and social change.Cai Yuanpei passed away on March 5, 1940, but his legacy continues to be celebrated and remembered in China. He is revered as a visionary educator, philosopher, and politician who dedicated his life to the betterment of Chinese society. His ideas and principles continue to inspire educators, students, and activists around the world.Cai Yuanpei's impact on Chinese society extends beyond his contributions to education and politics. He was also a prominent advocate for cultural and intellectual freedom, and his efforts in this regard had a profound influence on Chinese society.One of Cai Yuanpei's most significant achievements was his role in promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity in China. During his tenure as the president of Peking University, he actively encouraged the study of foreign languages and cultures. He believed that a broad understanding of different cultures was essential for fostering global cooperation and mutual understanding.Cai Yuanpei also sought to preserve and promote China's rich cultural heritage. He established the Institute of Chinese Classics at Peking University, which focused on the study and preservation of ancient Chinese texts. He recognized the importance of understanding and appreciating traditional Chinese culture andbelieved that it should be integrated into modern education.In addition to his efforts to promote cultural diversity, Cai Yuanpei was a staunch advocate for intellectual freedom and academic autonomy. He firmly believed in the principle of academic freedom, which allowed scholars to pursue their research and express their ideas without fear of censorship or reprisal. Under his leadership, Peking University became a bastion of intellectual freedom, attracting scholars and students from all over China.Cai Yuanpei's commitment to intellectual freedom often put him at odds with the conservative forces in Chinese society. He faced significant opposition from traditionalists and political conservatives who perceived his reforms as a threat to their power and influence. However, Cai Yuanpei remained steadfast in his convictions and continued to champion freedom of thought and expression.Furthermore, Cai Yuanpei's advocacy for intellectual freedom had a ripple effect beyond the confines of academia. It inspired a new generation of intellectuals and writers who sought to challenge traditional norms and push the boundaries of artistic and intellectual expression. Cai Yuanpei's support for progressive literature and the arts paved the way for the emergence of the New Culture Movement in the 1910s and 1920s.The New Culture Movement was a transformative intellectual and cultural movement that aimed to modernize China by embracing Western values and ideas. It called for the abandonment of traditional Confucian values and the adoption of new, progressiveideas. Cai Yuanpei played a crucial role in fueling this movement by providing a platform for intellectual discourse and encouraging young intellectuals to challenge established norms.Cai Yuanpei's impact on Chinese society and culture was not limited to his role as an educator and intellectual. He was also a prominent humanist and social activist who dedicated himself to the pursuit of social justice and equality.Throughout his life, Cai Yuanpei spoke out against social inequality and injustice. He was deeply concerned about the plight of the poor and marginalized in Chinese society and actively advocated for their rights and well-being. He believed that a just society should ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of social background or economic status.Cai Yuanpei's commitment to social justice was particularly evident in his advocacy for women's rights. He recognized that the emancipation of women was crucial for the progress and modernization of Chinese society. He actively supported the establishment of women's colleges and schools and called for gender equality in education and the workforce.Cai Yuanpei's tireless efforts in promoting social justice and equality earned him the admiration and respect of many Chinese intellectuals and activists. He was seen as a champion of the underprivileged and a voice for the voiceless. His commitment to social justice and equality continues to inspire activists and social reformers in China and beyond.In conclusion, Cai Yuanpei's contributions to Chinese society are multifaceted and far-reaching. As an educator, philosopher, and politician, he played a pivotal role in the development of modern Chinese education and the promotion of intellectual freedom. His commitment to cultural diversity, intellectual freedom, and social justice continue to shape Chinese society and inspire generations of individuals committed to positive change. Cai Yuanpei's legacy serves as a testament to the power of education and activism in bringing about social transformation.。



• 段崇智重视国际化战略,积极引进国际优质教育资源,
• 香港中文大学的留学生比例逐年提高,成为了一所国际
• 段崇智在光纤通信、量子通信等领域取得了显著成果,
• 段崇智担任校长期间,积极引进优秀人才,推动学校的研究水平不断提高
• 香港中文大学在世界大学排名中的排名逐年上升,学术声誉得到了显著提高
• 段崇智积极推动学校与业界的合作,建立了多个联合研究中心和实验室
• 这些合作不仅提高了学校的研究水平,也为香港产业的发展提供了技术支持
• 段崇智重视国际化战略,积极引进国际优质教育资源,提高学校的国际影响力
• 香港中文大学的留学生比例逐年提高,成为了一所国际化程度很高的大学

• 他在光纤通信、量子通信等领域已经

校长个人简历精选 校长英文

校长个人简历精选 校长英文




ETH Zurich 校长 Ralph Eichler 简介说明书

ETH Zurich 校长 Ralph Eichler 简介说明书

S h o r t B i o g r a p h i e s(in alphabetical order)Prof. Dr. Ralph EichlerPresidentETH ZurichRalph Eichler (1947) holds a doctorate in physics from ETHZurich. After various positions in research at the StanfordUniversity in California, at DESY, the German electron syn-chrotron, the Institute for Medium Energy Physics at ETHZurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), he became aprofessor of physics at ETH Zurich in 1989. After returning to DESY as director of international collaboration, Prof. Eichler then took over some leading positions at PSI, for instance the function of Deputy Director from 1998 to 2002 and the one of Director from 2002 to 2007. In September 2007, Ralph Eichler was appointed President of ETH Zurich.Prof. Eichler serves also as a member of the board of directors at Belenos Clean Power Holding AG, Biel, and at Venture Incubator AG, Zug. Additional affiliations include membership in the Senate of Germany’s Helmholtz Association and the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW).Dr. Michel DespontManager Nanofabrication, IBM Research – ZurichDr. Despont received a Ph.D. in physics from the Institute ofMicrotechnology, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, in1996 with a dissertation on the microfabrication of electronmicrolenses for a miniaturized electron microscope. After apostdoctoral fellowship at IBM Research – Zurich in 1996,where he worked on cantilever-based sensors and pio-neered the process development of an ultra-thick, high-aspect-ratio UV resist called SU-8, he spent one year as a visiting scientist at the Seiko Instrument Research Laboratory in Japan. Since returning to IBM Research – Zurich his work has focused on the development of micro- and nanomechanical devices as well as on 3-D microdevice integration for system on chip (SOC) applications. In 2005, he was appointed manager and he is currently leading the nanofabrication group. He holds more than 30 patents, authored four book chapters and more than 100 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Despont is a senior member of the IEEE society and he is a member of the International Steering Committee of the Micro and Nanoengineering conference (MNE).Dr. Roland GermannManager Nanocenter Operations,IBM Research – ZurichDr. Germann studied physics at the University of Stuttgart,Germany, where he received a Ph.D. degree in 1990. Hisdissertation deals with dry etching of III-V semiconductorsfor the fabrication of nanostructures and DFB lasers, andwith the optical and electrical characterization of dry-etching-induced damage.In 1990, he joined the IBM Research - Zurich as a Research Staff Member to work on the development of semiconductor lasers for optical data communication and storage applications. Since 1994 his work has been focused on the development of process technology for SiON-based planar optical waveguide circuits. From 2003 – 2008 he managed the ‘Advanced Functional Materials’ group, which explored novel materials for future CMOS generations, such as high-k gate dielectrics and high-mobility semiconductors. In his current role as Manager Nanocenter Operations, which he assumed in 2008, he is responsible for the planning, installation and operation of the clean room within the new Nanotech Center. He is a member of the German Physical Society.Dr. Matthias KaiserswerthDirector and Vice President, IBM Research – ZurichIn June 2006 Matthias Kaiserswerth was named director ofIBM Research – Zurich, one of nine IBM Research labsworldwide. Since January 2006 Dr. Kaiserswerth has beenleading the IBM Research Strategy in Systems Mana-gement and Compliance, coordinating the research workacross IBM's global research laboratories. From 2002 untilthe end of 2005 he was the Managing Director of an IBMIntegrated Account.In 2000, Dr. Kaiserswerth became the director of IBM's laboratory in Zurich. He was responsible for some researchers in the field of physical sciences, communications technology, and computer science. Additional responsibilities were for the IBM Zurich Industry Solutions Lab where IBM hosts customers to meet with its researchers to discuss future technology and emerging business trends.From 1997 through 1999, Dr. Kaiserswerth was on assignment at the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, where he led thenetworking software and security research. In addition, he was responsible for setting IBM Research's global security research strategy and starting IBM efforts in the emerging field of privacy technology research.From 1988 through 1997 he worked as a Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich on various research projects ranging from high-performance communication systems to message brokering in a medical environment. He worked on smart cards and Java security, which lead to the OpenCard industry standard for using smart cards in a Java environment and Visa's Java Card Price Breakthrough program based on the IBM Zurich Research JCOP platform.Dr. Kaiserswerth received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and from Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, respectively. He is also a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Europe.Dr. Kaiserswerth maintains a blog at /Dr. John E. Kelly IIISenior Vice President and Director of IBM ResearchDr. John E. Kelly III is IBM senior vice president and directorof Research. In this position he directs the worldwideoperations of IBM Research, with approximately 3,000technical employees at nine laboratories, in seven countriesaround the world, and helps guide IBM’s overall technicalstrategy. Dr. Kelly’s top priority as head of IBM Research isto stimulate innovation in key areas of information tech-nology, and quickly bring those innovations into the marketplace to sustain and grow IBM’s existing business, to create the new businesses of IBM’s future, and to apply these innovations to help our clients succeed. Dr. Kelly also leads IBM’s worldwide intellectual property efforts. IBM has led the world in U.S. patents for 18 consecutive years, generating nearly 5900 patents in 2010, and driving over $1B per year income from its intellectual property.Dr. Kelly joined IBM in 1980 and held numerous management and technical positions within IBM. Dr. Kelly received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from Union College in 1976. He received a Master of Science degree in physics from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1978 and his Doctorate in materials engineering from RPI in 1980. In 2004, he received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from The Graduate School at Union College.Dr. Kelly is on the Board of Governors of The IBM Academy of Technology; a board member and former chairman of the Semiconductor Industry Association; a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and on The Board of Trustees ofUnion College. Dr. Kelly has received numerous technical and business leadership awards, including the Semiconductor Industry’s highest honor, the Robert E. Noyce Award.Dr. Emanuel LörtscherResearch Staff Member, Nanoscale Electronics andNoisefree-Labs Project Leader,IBM Research - ZurichDr. Emanuel Lörtscher joined IBM Research - Zurich as a fulltime staff member in the science and technology depart-ment in October 2008. Previously, he was a post-doctoralresearcher for eighteen months and prior to that a PhDstudent at IBM.He is currently conducting research in the area of molecular electronics and semiconducting nanowires and he is the project leader for the “noisefree” labs in the Nanotechnology Center. Before joining IBM, Dr. Lörtscher studied at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich) where he received a degree in physics in March 2003.His diploma thesis is titled Absolute Quantum Efficiency of Photoluminescence of Thin Organic Layers and Magnetic Field Effects of Organic Light-Emitting Devices. After graduating he completed his PhD thesis entitled Charge-Carrier Transport Measurements through Single Molecules under Prof. Dr. Ch. Schönenberger at the University of Basel, where he graduated Summa cum laude.Prof. Hyung Gyu ParkAssistant Professor for Energy Technology, Instituteof Energy TechnologyETH ZurichProf. Hyung Gyu Park joined ETH Zurich in April, 2009, asan Assistant Professor of Energy Technology in theDepartment of Mechanical and Process Engineering.He was born in 1973 in Seoul, Korea. After an earlierpreparation of science in Seoul Science High School, he entered Seoul National University in 1992 and received B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1998 and 2000, respectively, including 2 years of military service. His M.S. thesis was about the numerical treatment of axisymmetric flows in Cartesian coordinate system, motivated by Hemodynamics simulation of an artery.After working another year in SNU Institute of Advanced Machinery and Design, he went to University of California Berkeley, U.S., and worked on two research topics under the financial support from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): (1) microfluidic fuel processor for a micro fuel cell system and (2) mass transport in carbon nanotubes (CNT). Since this time, his research on mass transport in carbon nanotubes has received academic spotlight in the forms of a cover article of Science in May 2006, the feature article of National Geographic in March 2010, and the Editor’s Choice Award from R&D Magazine in November 2010. Upon receiving his Ph.D. in 2007, he joined LLNL as a postdoctoral research staff member and carried out research projects in the fields of CNT nanofluidics and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, etc.Prof. Dr. Dimos PoulikakosProfessor of ThermodynamicsETH ZurichProfessor Dimos Poulikakos holds the Chair ofThermodynamics at ETH Zurich, where in 1996 he foundedthe Laboratory of Thermodynamics in EmergingTechnologies in the Institute of Energy Technology. From1999 until 2001 he was also the Head of the Institute ofEnergy Technology. He was a Member of the Research Commission of ETH (2001-2005) and the Vice Chair and then Chair of the Leonard Euler Center in Switzerland, the Swiss Branch of ERCOFTAC (2002-2005). He served as the Vice President of Research of ETH Zurich in the period 2005-2007.Currently, Professor Poulikakos is the ETH coordinator of the IBM-ETH Zurich Nanoscale Exploratory Technologies Laboratory (NETL), a unique private-public partnership in nanotechnology at the interface of basic research and future oriented applications. His current research is in the area of interfacial and transport pheno-mena and energy, in emerging technologies and materials including the physics at micro- and nanoscales, with specific applications in novel electronics nano-manufacturing and cooling for energy efficient high performance computing, as well as micro- and nanoscale energy conversion (fuel cells, solar cells, thermoelectric materials).Furthermore, Professor Poulikakos was a Russell S. Springer Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of California at Berkeley (2003) and the Hawkins Memorial Lecturer of Purdue University (2004). In 2008 he was a visiting Fellow at Oxford University and a distinguished visitor at the University of Tokyo. He has received numerous international awards for his research accomplish-ments and he is a member of the Swiss National Academy of Engineering (SATW).Dr. Paul SeidlerCoordinator for the Nanotechnology Center,IBM Research - ZurichPaul Seidler received a B.S. in Chemistry from the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Chemistryfrom the University of California at Berkeley in 1985. Hethen joined Exxon Corporate Research as a Post DoctoralFellow, where he continued working until 1988 on funda-mental chemical and physical studies aimed at the activationof saturated hydrocarbons.He then moved to the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member in the Physical Sciences Department, where he carried out a variety of scientific studies related to semiconductor processing technology. After serving a year as Technical Assistant to the Vice President, Systems, Technology and Science for the IBM Research Division, he moved to the IBM Research - Zurich to manage the Display Technology group.Dr. Seidler subsequently became manager of the Science & Technology Department at the IBM Zurich Re-search Laboratory, overseeing research in the areas of semi-conductor technology, thermal packaging, optical communications, storage technology, advanced materials processing and characterization, micromechanics, magnetism and spintronics, biotechnology, and the physics of nanoscale systems.Dr. Seidler assumed his present position in 2008.Prof. Dr. Roland SiegwartVice President Research and Corporate RelationsETH ZurichRoland Siegwart (1959) is full professor of autonomoussystems at ETH Zurich since July 2006 and Vice PresidentResearch and Corporate Relations as of January 2010. Hereceived his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 1983and his Doctoral Degree in 1989 from ETH Zurich.After a one year stay as postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, USA, he returned to Switzerland and worked from 1991 to 1996 part time as R&D director at MECOS Traxler AG in addition to his role as lecturer and deputy head at the Institute of Robotics, ETH Zurich. In 1996 he was offered a professorship in autonomous microsystems and robots at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)where he also acted as a member of the direction of the School of Engineering (2002-06) and founding chairman of the Space Center EPFL. Roland Siegwart is a board member of the European Network of Robotics (EURON) after serving as Vice President for Technical Activities for a couple of years (2004/05) and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2006/07). Recently, Prof. Siegwart has been appointed as member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.Prof. Dr. Andreas StemmerChair of NanotechnologyETH ZurichAndreas Stemmer earned his diploma in physics at theUniversity of Basel in 1986. He continued his studies inmolecular biology at the M.E. Müller Institute of the Bio-center at the University of Basel and received certificationfrom the Swiss Commission for Molecular Biology (SKMB).In 1990 he earned his doctorate in biophysics.After conducting research as Visiting Scientist (1990-92) at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, he was Assistant Scientist (1992-95) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, USA. In 1995 he was elected Assistant Professor of Nanotechnology at ETH Zürich, Associate Professor in 2001 and Professor of Nanotechnology in 2004.Prof. Dr. Vanessa WoodHead of Laboratory for NanoelectronicsETH ZurichVanessa Wood joined the Department of InformationTechnology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich inJanuary 2011, where she leads the Laboratory for Nano-electronics. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcherwith Professors Yet-Ming Chiang and Craig Carter in theDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, where she studied nano-structured colloidal suspensions for energy storage applications. She also holds MS and PhD degrees from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, during which she investigated colloidal nanocrystals for use in optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and solar cells.B i o g r a p h i e s o f D r s.G e r d K.B i n n i g a n d H e i n r i c h R o h r e r1986 Nobel Prize Winners and IBM FellowsDrs. Gerd K. Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986 for their work in scanning tunneling microscopy. They were recognized for developing the powerful microscopy technique, which can form an image of individual atoms on a metal or semiconductor surface by scanning the tip of a needle over the surface at a height of only a few atomic diameters. They shared the award with German scientist Ernst Ruska, designer of the first electron microscope.Gerd K. Binnig was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on July 20, 1947, Dr. Binnig was educated at J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1973 and his doctorate degree in 1978. That year he joined a physics research group at IBM Research – Zurich. Dr. Binnig was assigned to IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., from 1985 to 1986, and was a visiting professor at nearby Stanford University from 1987 to 1988. Dr. Binnig was appointed an IBM Fellow in 1987 and remained a research staff member at IBM Research – Zurich until his retirement from IBM in 2003.Heinrich Rohrer was born in Buchs, Switzerland, on June 6, 1933, Dr. Rohrer was educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1955 and his doctorate degree in 1960. After post-doctoral work at the Swiss Federal Institute and Rutgers University in the United States, Dr. Rohrer joined IBM's newly formed IBM Research Laboratory in Rüschlikon near Zurich, studying, among other things, Kondo materials and antiferromagnets before turning his attention to scanning tunneling microscopy. Dr. Rohrer was appointed an IBM Fellow in 1986, and was manager of the physical sciences department at IBM Research – Zurich from 1986 to 1988. Heinrich Rohrer retired from IBM in 1997.IBM's highest technical honor is the designation of IBM Fellow. Fellows are selected for sustained and distinguished technical achievements in engineering, programming and technology. Since the program began in 1962, only 231 people have been designated IBM Fellows. Fellows are granted a wide sphere of independence in the pursuit of their research.。

【精品文档】如何写英文简历中的个人能力-实用word文档 (4页)

【精品文档】如何写英文简历中的个人能力-实用word文档 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==如何写英文简历中的个人能力英文简历每一项我们都要用心去撰写的,下面是小编搜集整理的如何写英文简历中的个人能力,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!1. I have just left school, but have a good knoledge of English.本人虽刚离开校门,但对英文颇有基础。

2. I have a good knowledge of bookkeeping by double-entry.本人对联单记帐十分熟练。

3. I have a fair knowledge of shorthand, and can write ninety words per minute.本人熟悉速记,每分钟速度90字。

4. I am able to take dictation in English and trancribe them rapidly into Chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其改写成中文。

5. I have received a good education, and know English, Spanish and shorthand.我曾接受良好的教育,熟悉英语、西班牙语以及速记。

6. I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language.我是一个优秀的会计员,同时深信对英文颇为熟练。

7. I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words English.本人能速记,每分钟速度为120字,英文打字则每分钟55字。







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2.replying to your advertisement into- days issue of the(newspaper),i wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm.拜读贵公司在今日(报纸)上广告,特此备函应征贵公司该职位。

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4.i wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping fromthe(newspaper)of november 12.谨随函附上十一月十二日xx报贵公司聘请广告,我愿应招此职位。 answer to your advertisement into- days newspaper for a secretary,i wish to tender my services.阁下在今日xx报上刊登聘请秘书广告,本人获悉,特此应招。



港大校长徐立之在香港大学百年校庆典礼的致辞Speech at the HKU Centenary Ceremonyby Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor of HKUAugust 18,2011港大校长徐立之在香港大学百年校庆典礼上的致辞2011年8月18日Vice Premier Mr Li Keqiang,Minister of Education Mr Yuan Guiren,Mr Chancellor,Distinguished Guests,Members of the HKU Family,Ladies and Gentlemen:尊敬的李克强副总理,袁贵仁部长,校监先生,各位来宾,各位香港大学大家庭的成员:Good morning!早安!And, on behalf of The University of Hong Kong, I would like to welcome you to the University this morning and, at the same time,thank you for coming to celebrate with us the University’s Centenary.我谨代表香港大学欢迎各位莅临本校,并多谢大家出席今天的百周年校庆典礼。

The last century has witnessed tremendous changes in Hong Kong,China and around the world, be it technological,economical,social or political.回顾过去一个世纪,香港大学见证了香港、中国、以至全球,在科技、经济、社会和政治方面翻天覆地的转变。

The University has also moved with the times over the past 100 years and evolved from an institute with only three areas of studies to a comprehensive university of many disciplines. As members of the international academe, we share the global challenges at the forefront of higher education developments.在过去这一百年,香港大学与时并进,由一所只有三个学院的教育机构,发展成为今日设有多元学科的综合型大学。



马化腾英文简介Ma Huateng, more commonly known as Pony Ma, is a prominent Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and CEO of Tencent Holdings Limited, one of the largest and most valuable technology companies in the world. Born on October 29, 1971, in Dongfang, Hainan province, China, Ma has come a long way from his modest beginnings to become one of the most influential figures in the global tech industry.Ma was the son of a port worker and grew up in a family with limited financial resources. However, from a young age, he displayed an exceptional talent for mathematics and computer science. After completing his schooling, he went on to study computer science at Shenzhen University, where he earned his bachelor's degree in 1993. It was during this time that Ma developed a keen interest in the internet and its potential for transforming the world.In 1998, Ma co-founded Tencent alongside his friend Zhang Zhidong and launched its flagship product, QQ, an instant messaging software. QQ quickly gained popularity among Chinese internet users and became one of the most widely used communication platforms in the country. This early success laid the foundation for Tencent's future growth and Ma's rise to prominence.Under Ma's leadership, Tencent expanded its product portfolio to include a wide range of digital services, such as social media, online gaming, e-commerce, and mobile payment. Some of Tencent's most popular platforms include WeChat, the largestsocial media app in China, and Honor of Kings, one of the world's highest-grossing games. Tencent's success has made Ma one of the wealthiest individuals in China, with an estimated net worth of over $70 billion.Aside from his business achievements, Ma is also known for his philanthropic endeavors. In 2006, he established the Tencent Foundation, which focuses on supporting education, environmental conservation, and disaster relief efforts. Through the foundation, Ma has donated large sums of money to various causes and has made significant contributions to improving the lives of those in need. In recognition of his philanthropy, Ma was listed as one of the top 10 philanthropists in China by Forbes in 2018.Ma's leadership and entrepreneurial vision have earned him numerous accolades throughout his career. He has been named one of the world's most influential people by Time magazine and Forbes, and he has received prestigious awards such as the Nikkei Asia Prize for Economic and Business Innovation. Despite his success, Ma remains humble and down-to-earth, often emphasizing the importance of teamwork and innovation in achieving success. Looking to the future, Ma is committed to driving innovation and continuing to expand Tencent's footprint globally. He believes in the power of technology to improve people's lives and is dedicated to creating products and services that make a positive impact on society. With his visionary leadership and determination, Ma is expected to make further contributions to the technology industry and inspire future generations of entrepreneurs.In conclusion, Ma Huateng, or Pony Ma, is a pioneering entrepreneur who has played a pivotal role in shaping the global tech industry. From humble beginnings to building one of the most valuable technology companies in the world, Ma's journey has been nothing short of remarkable. His business acumen, philanthropy, and visionary leadership have earned him widespread recognition and respect. As he continues to lead Tencent into the future, Ma remains an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and a driving force in the world of technology.继续从马化腾作为创业家和领导者的角度,以及腾讯在技术创新和社会责任方面的影响力展开:作为创业家,马化腾具有敏锐的商业眼光和创新思维。

金耀基 人物简介、学术观点

金耀基 人物简介、学术观点

互动百科金耀基,SBS,JP(Prof. Yeo-Chi King, Ambrose,1935年2月14日-),浙江天台县人。




金耀基, SBS, JP(英文名:Yeo-Chi King, Ambrose,1935年2月14日-),浙江天台县人。




历任香港中文大学新亚书院院长(1977-1984),The China Quarterl y编委会委员(1982-1992),香港中文大学社会学系讲座教授(1983-),University of Heidelberg访问教授(1985),University of Wisconsin访问教授(1986),香港中文大学副校长(1989 -2002),蒋经国国际学术交流基金会顾问委员会委员(1989-),蒋经国国际学术交流基金会董事会董事(1995-),香港研究资助局委员(1996 -2002),香港中文大学校长(2002-),1990年夏参加台湾“国是会议”,旋任“总统府国家统一委员会”研究员。



1998 年,获香港特区政府颁授银紫荆星章。



Good morning! It is a great honor to stand here today and have the opportunity to address you as a candidate for the position of University President. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me, and I am committed to serving this esteemed institution to the best of my abilities.First and foremost, let me express my sincere appreciation to the members of the search committee for inviting me to this extraordinary gathering. I am deeply honored to be considered for this prestigious role, and I am eager to contribute to the continued growth and success of our beloved university.As we gather here today, I want to take a moment to reflect on the rich history and distinguished reputation of our university. Over the years, we have produced countless leaders, innovators, and scholars who have made significant contributions to society. This legacy is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and vision of our faculty, staff, and students.As we look to the future, I believe it is essential to build upon this foundation and continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and excellence. In order to achieve this, I am proposing a comprehensive vision for our university that focuses on four key pillars: academic excellence, student success, community engagement, and sustainability.The first pillar is academic excellence. We must strive to provide our students with the highest quality education, ensuring that they receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their personal and professional lives. To achieve this, I propose thefollowing initiatives:1. Invest in our faculty: We must attract and retain top-tier faculty members who are committed to teaching, research, and service. By providing competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits, andopportunities for professional development, we can ensure that our faculty remains at the forefront of their respective fields.2. Enhance our curriculum: We must continuously review and update our curriculum to ensure that it remains relevant and meets the evolving needs of our students. This includes offering interdisciplinary programs, integrating technology into our teaching methods, and promoting aculture of innovation and critical thinking.3. Foster a culture of research: We must encourage our students and faculty to engage in cutting-edge research that addresses the most pressing challenges facing society. By providing the necessary resources and support, we can foster a vibrant research environment that produces groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.The second pillar is student success. We must prioritize the well-being and success of our students, ensuring that they have the resources and support they need to thrive both academically and personally. To achieve this, I propose the following initiatives:1. Expand support services: We must enhance our counseling, tutoring,and career services to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to succeed. This includes establishing a comprehensive mental health program and providing scholarships and financial aid to those in need.2. Promote student engagement: We must encourage our students to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations that foster leadership, teamwork, and personal growth. By providing opportunities for students to engage with their peers and the community, we can help them develop the skills and experiences they need to succeed in the real world.3. Enhance campus life: We must create a vibrant and inclusive campus environment that celebrates diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. This includes implementing policies that promote gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and accessibility for all students.The third pillar is community engagement. We must actively engage with our local and global communities, using our resources and expertise toaddress social, economic, and environmental challenges. To achieve this, I propose the following initiatives:1. Collaborate with industry and government: We must establish partnerships with local businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to create opportunities for our students and faculty to engage in real-world projects and internships. This will not only enhance our curriculum but also provide valuable experience for our students.2. Promote service learning: We must encourage our students to participate in service learning initiatives that allow them to apply their knowledge and skills to address community needs. By doing so, we can foster a sense of social responsibility and empower our students to become agents of positive change.3. Develop international partnerships: We must strengthen our ties with universities and institutions around the world, promoting global understanding and collaboration. By offering study abroad programs, student exchange opportunities, and international research collaborations, we can prepare our students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.The fourth and final pillar is sustainability. We must prioritize environmental stewardship and sustainability in all aspects of our operations, ensuring that we leave a positive legacy for future generations. To achieve this, I propose the following initiatives:1. Implement green initiatives: We must invest in renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, and sustainable transportation options to reduce our carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability.2. Educate and engage the community: We must raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and engage our students, faculty, and staff in sustainable practices. This includes offering sustainability-focused courses, organizing campus clean-up events, and promoting recycling and conservation efforts.3. Support sustainable research: We must encourage our faculty and students to engage in research that addresses environmental challenges and promotes sustainable solutions. By supporting interdisciplinary research projects and funding sustainable initiatives, we can contribute to a more sustainable future.In conclusion, I am confident that by focusing on these four pillars of academic excellence, student success, community engagement, and sustainability, we can continue to build upon the legacy of our university and position it as a leader in higher education. I am committed to working tirelessly to achieve these goals, and I am confident that together, we can create a brighter future for our students, faculty, staff, and the community at large.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as your University President and help shape the future of our great institution. Thank you.。



香港中文大学非牛人的中英简历第一篇:香港中文大学非牛人的中英简历##########+852-********######*********************Education:2007.09-2011.06 The Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong λBachelor of Business Administration, major in Economics.λ Admitted through China National College Entrance Exams, ranked 8th in province.2008.07–2008.09 University of California, Los Angeles(Summer Section)Los AngelesExperiences:2011.09-2012.02 Prudential Financial GroupFinancial consultantHong Kong λProvided a wide range of financial consulting services and products to suit for clients from different sectors in HongKong and Great China.Maintained customer relationship.2010.06-2010.07 KPMGAuditorShenyangλAssisted the audit team in editing audit file, processing and analyzing data, sending confirmation letters, etc.λλ Got a full-time offer due to excellent performance.Provided in-house equities research including writing qualitative analysis as well as quantitative forecasting analysison a variety of domestic and international large-cap public companies for investment management and mutual fund subsidiary.2009.06-2009.07 GUOTAI JUNAN SecuritiesResearch AssistantShenzhen2008.05-2008.06 Bank of ChinaSummer InternBeijingλPresented, sold, and provided sales referrals for various bank products and services, such as credit cards, specialchecking plans, etc.λResponsible to 30+ customer inquiries, both over the phone and in person.Scholarships & Awards:2009.04 Scholarship of ‘Cheng She’(only 3 candidates among the whole college).λ This scholarship is awarded to the students who achieve balance development.2008.12 Scholarship of a investigation tour named “Investigation of Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai”λ This scholarship covered all the expenses during the trip, which is about 5000 HKD.2007.09 Full scholarship of 500,000 HKD offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.λThis scholarship is awarded to the students who ranked top in the College Entrance Exams.ExtracurricularActivities:2009.12-2011.06 China Trade Society of CUHKvice presidentλPlanned and executed academic-related activities such as theme exhibition, annual seminars.λIncreased society members from 100+ to 400+ in one year.λ Held inter-university exchange trip to Shanghai expo successfully.103 members participated.2009.01-2011.06 Basketball(Women)Team of CUHKteam leader 2008.10-2009.04CUHK Toastmaster Clubpresident λThe first president from mainland China ever.Increased mainland member from zero to 80+λParticipated inter-university impromptu speech contest anized weekly meeting for 52 times.Other:Native in Mandarin, and Fluent English and Cantonese skills.IELTS:7 Proficient in Word,Excel,PowerPoint, Stata, E-Views.Certificationof IIQE 1.3.5 and HKSI paper 1.############ 聯繫方式:008###8709131##ningji####**************教育背景:香港中文大學本科經濟學專業2007.09-2011.05美國加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校暑期課程2008.07-2008.09實習/工作經驗:英國保誠集團理財策劃師中國香港|2011.08-2012.02 λ接受專業化投資理論培訓,提供客戶諮詢,介紹公司理財產品。

香港大学现任校长辞职 将任英国爱丁堡大学校长

香港大学现任校长辞职 将任英国爱丁堡大学校长




中国香港大学2日公布,现任校长马斐森(Peter Mathieson)以个人理由辞职,他将于2018年1月离任。








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PETER WILLIAM MATHIESONSummaryBorn 1959, UK. Qualified in Medicine (with 1st class Honours) London University 1983; Member, Royal College of Physicians (London) 1986; PhD, University of Cambridge 1992; Fellow, Royal College of Physicians (London) 1998; elected Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences 1999.Since Summer 2008: Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Professor of Medicine, University of Bristol. Previously Head of University Department, Clinical Science at North Bristol 2007-8 after being Deputy Head of Department 2003-2007. Therefore ten years’ experience of senior university management. Director of Research & Development, North Bristol NHS Trust 2007-8, giving direct experience of senior NHS management. Since 2008, member of University Planning & Resources Committee, University of Bristol’s main strategic decision-making body.May 2012 – date: Director of Bristol Health Partners, after chairing forerunner group BRIG-H from 2008 – 2012. Responsible for shared strategic planning of research & innovation between the 2 universities and 4 NHS Trusts in the Bristol area, widely acknowledged to have transformed working relationships between the constituent organisations.May 2012- date: Chair of INSPIRE scheme of Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust, aimed at stimulating and supporting an interest in research and academic careers amongst medical and dental students across the UK.Jan 2013-date: co-chair of the Academy of Medical Sciences Academic Careers Committee (a new committee to advise the Academy on both non-clinical and clinical academic career issues);I am the clinical co-chair, Professor Anne Ridley is the non-clinical co-chair.2007-2010 President of UK Renal Association, elected by membership in open competition. 2010-2012 Immediate Past-President, Chair of Renal Registry Management Board and of Royal College of Physicians’ Joint Specialty Committee for Renal Medicine. Trustee 2007-12.2007-2011 Chair of Academic subcommittee of Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians’ Training Board; member of Academic Committee, Royal College of Physicians, London and of Clinical Academic Careers Committee, Academy of Medical Sciences.2003-2007: Chair of Research Grants Committee of Kidney Research UK.2000-2003 Chair of UK Renal Association Clinical Trials Committee; member from 1996-2007. 1998-2012, National coordinator of MRC-funded multicentre clinical trial of immunosuppression for progressive membranous nephropathy.1995-date, Professor of Renal Medicine, Head of Academic Renal Unit and consultant nephrologist in busy regional renal and transplant unit.International rolesSince 1999, regular contributor to education in East Africa, especially Mbarara, Uganda where I have taught undergraduate & postgraduate medicine on 10 visits since 1999. For International Society of Nephrology, I have organised & participated in educational seminars in Rwanda (3 times), Uganda (3 times), Kenya (twice), Tanzania (once) and Burundi (once, being the only French-speaking member of the 4 person group). Since 2004, member of International Society of Nephrology COMGAN committee for Africa.Since 2001, frequently an invited member of international scientific committees, organising for example the 2001 International Congress of Immunology, Sweden (only UK member); 2004 International Society of Nephrology Conference on Prevention of Progression of Renal Disease, Hong Kong; 2005 International Congress of Nephrology, Singapore (only UK member). Annually, I have been an invited abstract selector, speaker and chair at numerous international conferences in Europe and USA.External examiner for Third Professional examinations in Medicine (Final MB), Chinese University of Hong Kong, April & Dec 2004 and Overseas Examiner in Medicine for 2004 Licensing Examination of the Medical Council of Hong Kong, Nov 2004. External examiner for Nephrology specialist exit examination, Malaysian Ministry of Health, Kuala Lumpur, 2007. External examiner, Medical Sciences, University of Mauritius, 2009, 2011 and 2012.March 2013: invited by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong as member of the Health Sciences Panel in Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014.National (including UK government links) roles2003: invited advisor to UK Ministry of Defence on a confidential clinical governance issue. 2003-2007: Chair of Research Grants Committee of Kidney Research UK, responsible for peer review and allocation of research funding UK-wide in areas of interest to the charity. Throughout this period, also a member of the charity’s Clinical & Research Strategy Committee. 2003-2008: member of Clinical Sciences sectional committee of Academy of Medical Sciences, responsible for selecting suitable new Fellows of the Academy from the large numbers of UK-wide (and sometimes international) nominees.2007-2010, whilst President of the UK Renal Association, national representative of my specialty including monthly dialogue with the National Clinical Director (“Tsar”) giving input into Department of Health policy in England. In 2008-9, invited member of a series of roundtable discussions on Work and Health for the Department of Work & Pensions.2007-2012, Trustee of the Renal Association, our UK-wide specialty professional society. Under my elected Presidency (2007-2010) the Association’s membership increased by 20% to over 1100, we moved to wholly electronic committees, invited Executive-level representation from the devolved nations and held our 3 most successful annual conferences ever, enjoying a period of unprecedented financial security. As Immediate Past-President (2010-2012) I remained a Trustee and member of Executive as well as Chair of Renal Registry Management Board during the most challenging period in its history, responsible for finance and governance of UK Renal Registry, an internationally-admired electronic powerhouse that collects data on every patient receiving renal replacement therapy (dialysis or a transplant) in the UK.2007-2011: Academy of Medical Sciences’ representative on Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians' Training Board and Chair of Academic Subcommittee thereof, giving me UK-wide responsibility for leadership and regulation of clinical academic careers. Also a member of the Royal College of Physicians Academic Committee for same period.2010-2012: Chair of Royal College of Physicians’ Joint Specialty Committee for Renal Medicine, giving me UK-wide responsibility for oversight of training, education and service delivery in my clinical specialty.2012: Invited member Dept of Health advisory group on clinical research excess treatment costs. May 2012- date: Chair of INSPIRE scheme of Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust. Jan 2013-date: co-chair of the Academy of Medical Sciences Academic Careers Committee. Feb 2013: Invited member of external review panel, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast.Key achievements in medical research, teaching and management241 publications (160 original articles, 29 invited reviews, 16 editorials, 1 book, 4 guest editorships, 15 book chapters, 16 letters), 95 on clinical topics, 146 on laboratory research. Top papers include Lancet 2013;381:744-751, New England Journal of Medicine 2011;364:616-626, Cell Metabolism 2010;12:329-40, New England Journal of Medicine 2009;361:1953-1962, Transplantation 2007;83:1635-1638, Diabetes 2007;56:1127-1135, Diabetes 2005;54:3095-3102, Science 1999;286:1647, Science 1999;284:1431, Genomics 1996;31:111-114, Transplantation 1995;60:1342-1346. Journal of Experimental Medicine 1993;177:1827-1831, Journal of Experimental Medicine 1993;177:1309-1316, New England Journal of Medicine 1990;323:250-254, Lancet 1988;ii:869-872, as well as 14 papers in the top journal in my specialty Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 5 papers in American Journal of Pathology and 21 papers in American Journal of Physiology.Clinical interests: nephrotic syndrome in developed and developing world, autoimmune renal disease (glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus etc.). Clinical trials. Research interests: Causes and consequences of proteinuria; human glomerular cell biology, gene expression and regulation in renal cells and lymphocytes, modes of action of immunotherapeutic agents. Total research grant income £6,830,949 of which £6,400,149 obtained whilst in Bristol. Sources include Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, National Kidney Research Fund, Children Nationwide, Starfish Trust. MRC programme grant 2005, renewed 2008, European Commission (EU FP7). International research reputation. Supervised 15 postgraduate research degrees (14 PhD, 1MD); 1 PhD currently in progress. Prizes/Awards: 1980-3: eight undergraduate prizes. 1992: Voted "Teacher of the Year" by Cambridge medical students. 1997: Milne-Muehrcke award “most promising young researcher” (UK Renal Association/National Kidney Foundation USA). 2004: Renal Association Lockwood Award (contribution to academic renal medicine). Renal Association: Osman lecturer 2006, de Wardener lecturer 2012. South African Renal Society: Janet Halkett Memorial Lecture 2009. Voted “top teacher” by Foundation doctors at University Hospitals Bristol 2011-12. Teaching: lectures to undergraduate medical & dental students, postgraduates, nurses, lay audiences; bedside teaching of medical students, MRCP candidates. Since 2001, annual teaching of general internal medicine to medical students and postgraduates in Mbarara, SW Uganda. Examinations: 32 postgraduate theses since 1995 (24 PhD, 7 MD, 1MSc). Medical and dental student examinations in Bristol annually; examiner, Membership of Royal College of Physicians 2003-8. Invited external examiner: Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong 2004; Nephrology exit exam, Malaysia 2007; Medical Sciences, University of Mauritius 2009-12. Clinical academic careers: 1 of the original 6 “Clinical Research Champions” in the UK-wide scheme supported by Medical Research Society and Academy of Medical Sciences. 2007-11: chair, Academic & Research subcommittee of Joint Royal Colleges’ Physicians Training Board, member, Clinical Academic Careers committee of Academy of Medical Sciences. From May 2012, chair of INSPIRE scheme of Academy of Medical Sciences & Wellcome Trust. From January 2013, co-chair of the Academy of Medical Sciences Academic Careers Committee. Management: Dean of Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (the largest of the 6 Faculties of the University of Bristol with over 900 staff, around 2700 students and an annual budget of£75million) since October 2008. The Faculty had a £3million deficit in 2009 and returned surpluses of £3million in 2010 & 2011 and £1 million in 2012 & 2013. 2008-2012 Chair of Bristol Research & Innovation Group for Health (BRIG-H), concerned with coordinated research & development (R&D) strategy across universities and NHS Trusts in Bristol, member of Bristol R&D leadership group. BRIG-H evolved into Bristol Health Partners from early 2012 and in May 2012 I was appointed as its first Director. Head of Academic Renal Unit since 1995, Member of Renal Management Team since 1995. Previously, Head of Department of Clinical Science North Bristol 2007-8, having been Deputy Head of Department from the department’s inception in 2003. Member of North Bristol NHS Trust Management Team 2007-8.Mission statement:My aim is to promote excellence in teaching and research, both personally and for the institutions that employ me. I have aimed to champion clinical academic careers in the UK and internationally. I will continue to do my best to assist Uganda and other parts of the developing world in any way that I can. I strive to find time to be an effective and supportive husband and father.Career aimsrecognise that I may not be able to maintain involvement in biomedical research and training. I offer leadership experience, research and teaching track record, commitment to the developing world, experience in the strategic leadership of academic career development and in peer review and research funding allocation. My communication skills, my capacity for hard work, my integrity and my strategic vision are in my view my greatest assets.EDUCATION:1970-1977: Humphry Davy Grammar School, Penzance, Cornwall. (Head Boy 1977).1978-1983: Read Medicine at The London Hospital Medical College, London E1.QUALIFICATIONS, DEGREES, FELLOWSHIPS:June 1983 : M.B., B.S. (Hons.), University of LondonFebruary 1985 : M.R.C.P. Part I, Royal College of Physicians (London) February 1986 : M.R.C.P. Part II, Royal College of Physicians (London)March 1992 : Ph.D, University of CambridgeMay 1998 : F.R.C.P., Royal College of Physicians (London)April 1999 : Fellow of the Academy of Medical SciencesCURRENT POSTS:: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Bristol;Professor of Medicine, University of Bristol, and Honorary ConsultantNephrologist, North Bristol NHS Trust.1.5.12 - : Director of Bristol Health PartnersPREVIOUS POSTS (most recent first):1:7:08 – 30:09:08 : Professor of Medicine, University of Bristol, and Honorary ConsultantNephrologist, North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol.1:10:95 – 30:06:08 : Professor of Renal Medicine, University of Bristol & Honorary Consultant Nephrologist, North Bristol NHS Trust (formerly Southmead NHS Trust), Bristol.1:8:91 - 30:9:95 : Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellow, Department ofMedicine, University of Cambridge; and Honorary Senior Registrar inNephrology, East Anglian Regional Health Authority.and 1:9:92 - 30:9:95 : Director of Studies for Clinical Medicine, Christ's College, Cambridge1:8:88 - 31:7:91 : Medical Research Council Training Fellow, Office of the RegiusProfessor of Physic (Prof. D.K. Peters), University of Cambridge & Hon.Senior Registrar in Nephrology East Anglian Regional Health Authority.1:8:87 - 31:7:88 : Registrar, Renal Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12.1:8:86 - 31:7:87 : Registrar in General Medicine, Ashford General Hospital, Ashford,Middlesex.1:2:86 - 31:7:86 : SHO in Neurology, National Hospital, Queen Square, London WC1. 1:8:85 - 31:1:86 : RMO in Cardiology, National Heart Hospital, London W1.1:2:85 - 31:7:85 : SHO in Thoracic Medicine, Brompton Hospital, London SW3.1:8:84 - 31:1:85 : SHO in Medicine (Endocrinology), Hammersmith Hospital, LondonW12.1:2:84 - 31:7:84 : HS in General & Vascular Surgery, Harold Wood Hospital, Essex.1:11:83 - 31:1:84 : HP to Medical Unit (Prof. R.D.Cohen), London Hospital, London E1. 1:8:83 - 31:10:83 : HP to Renal Unit, London Hospital, Whitechapel, London E1.UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS:June 1982: M.B., B.S. Part IV (Pathology)June 1983: M.B., B.S. Part V (Medicine)M.B., B.S. Part VII (Surgery)M.B., B.S. Part VIII (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)PRIZES:June 1980: Buxton Prize in Anatomy & Physiology (M.B., B.S. Part II)Sept 1981: James Anderson Prize in Clinical Medicine & SurgerySept 1981: Arthur Burrows Prize in DermatologyMay 1983: Andrew Clark Prize in Clinical MedicineMay 1983: Francis Hocking Prize in Medicine & SurgeryJune 1983: Harvey Minasian Prize in General SurgeryJune 1983: H.L.B. Haking Prize in Clinical Obstetrics & GynaecologyJune 1983: I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Prize in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Dec 1992: Voted "Teacher of the Year" by Cambridge medical studentsOct 1997: Milne-Muehrcke award for “most promising young researcher” from UK Renal Association and National Kidney Foundation of USA Sept 2004: UK Renal Association Lockwood Award(for contribution to academic renal medicine)October 2011: Honorary life member, Australian & New Zealand Society of Nephrology February 2013: Voted “top teacher” 2011-12 by Foundation doctors at UniversityHospitals Bristol.PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS:Fellow of: Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal College of Physicians (London).Member of: Association of Physicians, Renal Association, Medical Pilgrims, British Medical Association, Medical Research Society, American Society of Nephrology.。
