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构成:引言段 + 主体段 + 结论段


组成:开头句(Opening sentence)+ 中心论点步



I、Opening sentence 五种方法:



题目 1:Many schools demand the students to wear uniforms. Some people think that such a practice can undermine their personality and individuality. 范文:

The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear

school uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many people.


Be of great concern for many parents


Be of great importance to many scientists


Be of great significance to both A and B

…对于 A 和 B 都是非常重要的

题目 2.:人类如何定义和追求幸福,这样的问题引起公众广泛的


The question of how human beings can define and pursue happiness is a matter of much contention among the general public.


The question of _____________ has been widely debate in the

world of politics.


套路:Although it is + 副词 + 过去分词+ that ….,this is …....

题目1:The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life.

范文 1:

Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a

healthy lifestyle and proper conduct are no longer to young people’s

needs today, this is actually not the case.

题目 2:越来越少人照看年老的亲属,而是把他们送到专业人士那边去。

范文2:Although many people subscribe to the belief that their old relatives can be taken better care of in a nursing home, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. From my point of view,

it is the younger family members who should really be responsible for

looking after these old people during the rest of their lives.



Although it is commonly believed that …, this is actually not the case.


误观念。Although many people sub scribe to the belief that …., this is in

fact a common misconception that we need to clear up.


Although conventional wisdom has it that…., the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that.


subscribe to 订阅、同意、预

订 conventional wisdom大众




题目 1:Some people support the development in agriculture, such as farming industry and the scientific creation of new types of fruit and vegetables. Others oppose this development.Discuss both views and state your opinion.


Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural development,where industrial technologies are being employed and new varieties of crops are being created. Yet, opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions. From my opinion of views, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the bigger picture.


Recent decades have witnessed an increase awareness of


understand the bigger picture 了解事物的全貌

题目2:With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close they used to be.

范文 2:

Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern
