
(5分)A. There is a kite near the window.B. I have a pen and two erasers in my pencil box.C. Dad,I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?D. Sarah is my good friend. I love her very much.E. Put your pencil on your English book.F. Look!My glasses are on the table.G. Is the cat on the fridge?1. ________2.________3.________4.________5.________三、听选图片。
(10分)( ) 1. A. It’s nice. B. They are red. C. It has two doors.( ) 2. A. Help yourself. B. The window is big. C. OK.( ) 3. A. It’s on the bed. B. It’s my dog. C. Yes,I have a cute dog.( ) 4. A. OK. Here you are. B. I can use the knife. C. Dinner is ready.( ) 5. A. I can’t find my keys. B. I have two new keys. C. They are in the door.五、听短文,判断句子正误。

2017年新人教版英语四年级上册期末考试卷班级姓名☹♓♦♦♏⏹♓⏹♑ ☐♋❒♦(听力部分)一、听一听,选一选:选出你所听到的句子正确答语,把序号写到括号里。
☎ ✆ ✌ ✡♏♦ ♦♒♏ ♓♦ ✡♏♦ ♒♏ ♓♦ ✡♏♦ ♓♦ ♓♦☎ ✆ ✌ ✋♦❼♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♎♏♦ ❆♒♏⍓❼❒♏ ◆⏹♎♏❒ ⍓☐◆❒ ♌♋♑ ✋⏹ ⍓☐◆❒ ☐♏⏹♍♓●♍♋♦♏☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♐♓♦♒ ✋ ●♓♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♐♓♦♒ ✋❼♎ ●♓♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♐♓♦♒☎ ✆ ✌ ☟♏❒ ⏹♋❍♏❼♦ ☹♓●⍓ ⍓ ⏹♋❍♏❼♦ ☺♋♍ ☟♓♦ ⏹♋❍♏❼♦ ❆☐❍☎ ✆ ✌ ♒♏ ♓♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♓♦♍♒♏⏹ ♒♏ ●♓♏♦ ❍◆♦♓♍ ♒♏❼♦ ♋ ♎☐♍♦☐❒二、☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏☎听录音 选出您所听到的单词✆☎ ✆ ✌ ♦♒♏❒♏∙∙∙ ∙ ♦♒☐∙∙ ∙∙∙ ♦♒♋♦☎ ✆ ✌ ♐☐❒♦⍓ ♐♓♐♦⍓ ♦♒♓❒♦⍓☎ ✆ ✌ ⏹☐♦♏ ⏹◆❒♦♏ ⏹☐☐♎●♏♦☎ ✆ ✌ ♦♋●● ♌♋●● ♐●☐☐❒☎ ✆ ✌ ♌♋♦♒❒☐☐❍ ♌♏♎❒☐☐❍ ♍●♋♦♦❒☐☐❍三、☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏☎听录音 选择正确的答语✆☎ ✆ ✌✋♦❼♦ ⏹♏♋❒ ♦♒♏ ♎☐☐❒∙∙∙ ∙ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋ ☐♓♍♦◆❒♏☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ♦♏♏ ∙∙ ∙ ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ☎ ✆ ✌ ✋♦❼♦ ♌●♋♍ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♓♦♏∙∙ ∙ ✋♦❼♦ ⍓♏●●☐♦☎ ✆ ✌ ☟♏❒ ⏹♋❍♏ ♓♦ ✌❍⍓ ☟♓♦ ⏹♋❍♏ ♓♦ ☪♒♋⏹♑ ♏⏹♑☎ ✆ ✌ ✋❼♎ ●♓♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♐♓♦♒ ♋⏹♎ ♌❒♏♋♎ ✋ ●♓♏ ♐♓♦♒四、☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ⏹◆❍♌♏❒☎根据录音顺序用 ⑤ 给下列活动标序号✆☎ ✆ ♋♦♍♒ ❆✞☎ ✆ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♦☐ ❍◆♦♓♍☎ ✆ ☐♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♎☐☐❒☎ ✆ ✌♍♦ ●♓♏ ♋ ♎❒♓❖♏❒☎ ✆ ◆♦ ⍓☐◆❒ ☐♏⏹♍♓● ♓⏹ ⍓☐◆❒ ♎♏♦五、☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♓❒♍●♏☎听一听 圈一圈✆ ☟☐♦ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♦♦☐❒⍓♌☐☐♦ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♒♋❖♏✍✋ ♒♋❖♏ ☎♦♦♏⏹♦⍓ ♦♒♓❒♦⍓✆ ♒♏ ♒♋♦ ☎●☐⏹♑ ♒♋♓❒ ♦♒☐❒♦ ♒♋♓❒✆ ♋⏹♎ ♌♓♑ ♏⍓♏♦ ☝☐ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ☎●♓❖♓⏹♑ ❒☐☐❍ ♌♋♦♒❒☐☐❍✆ ♋♦♍♒ ❆✞ ♒♋♦❼♦ ⍓☐◆❒ ❍☐♦♒♏❒✍♒♏ ♓♦ ☎♐♋❒❍♏❒ ♎❒♓❖♏❒✆ ♒♋♦ ♦☐◆●♎ ●♓♏ ♐☐❒ ♌❒♏♋♐♋♦♦✍✋❼♎ ●♓♏ ♦♦☐ ♏♑♑♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦☐❍♏ ☎❍♓● ♦♋♦♏❒✆六、☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♦❒♓♦♏☎听一听 写一写✆ ✋❼♎ ●♓♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒♓♍ ♏⏹ ♐☐❒ ♎♓⏹⏹♏❒ ⍓ ♐♋♦♒♏❒ ♓♦ ♋ ☟♏❼♦ ♦♋●● ☟♏ ●♓♏♦ ♦☐☐❒♦♦ ♏●♍☐❍♏ ♦☐ ❍⍓ ✋♦❼♦ ⏹♓♍♏ ♓♏ ♓♦ ♋ ✌❍⍓ ♓♦ ♋ ♑♓❒● ❒ ☹♓⏹ ♓♦ ❍⍓ ☜⏹♑●♓♦♒ ❒♓♦♓⏹♑ ☐♋❒♦(笔试部分)七、读一读,写一写:根据句子上下文的意思和所给的图片在句子的空格中填上适当的单词,将句子补充完整。

(每小题1分,共10分)()1.A. bedroom B. bathroom()2.A. clean B. Chinese()3.A.chicken B. beef()4.A. forty B. four()5.A: spoon B: school()6.A. kitchen B. teacher()7.A: music B: milk()8.A: vegetable B: noodles()9.A: classroom B: home()10.A: brother B: mother二、根据听到的内容,判断下列图意是否与录音相符,如相符请打☺, 否则打☹.(每小题1分,共10分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )三、根据听到的内容,选择正确的图片完成句子。
(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. I can use ______.A. B.( ) 2. This is my_______.A. B.( ) 3. I’d like some _______ .A. B.( ) 4. My family has ______ members.A. B.( ) 5. My father is a ______ .A. B.四、情景反应。
(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. A. She is in the study. B. She’s a baseball player.( ) 2. A. I like sports. B. I’d like some rice and vegetables.( ) 3. A. Near the phone B. Thank you.()4.A.Thiry. B.Sure . Here you are.()5.A.She’s a doctor. B. Yes, she is.笔试部分(60分)五、按字母表的顺序默写字母Hh--Qq.(10分)六、选出不同类的单词.(每小题1分,共10分)()1. A: rice B: soup C: light D: bread()2. A: thin B: long C: short D: small()3. A: thirty B: twenty C: pencil D: fifty()4. A: picture B: door C: window D: wall()5. A: spoon B: water C: plate D: fork()6. A. kitchen B. vegetable C. noodles D. bread()7. A. aunt B. sister C. uncle D. chopsticks ()8. puter B. floor C. colour D. fan()9. A. science B. phone C. shelf D. fridge()10. A.strong B. fifty C. quiet D. thin七、选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里。

(10分)( ) 1. A bread B red C read ( ) 2.A roomB homeC classroom.( ) 3. A father B brother C farmer ( ) 4. A board B bed C door ( ) 5. A four B fridge C phone ( ) 6. A bread B red C read ( ) 7. A room B home C classroom.( ) 8.A fatherB brotherC farmer( ) 9. A board B bed C light ( ) 10.A fourB fridgeC phone二、听音,标号。
(5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、选出你所听到句子的正确答案,将其标号写在题前的括号内。
(10分)( ) 1 A He’s a teacher. B Yes,she is. C Yes,she’s my teacher.( ) 2、A My name is Tom . B Her name is Sarah. C This is sarah.( ) 3、A I like green. B It’s a book . C It’s green.( ) 4、A It’s a schoolbag. B Somebooks and pens. C It’s red.( ) 5、A There are 4. B T hey’re in theroom. C They are 9.四.听音,判断。
(5分)( ) 1.My friend likes science. ( ) 2. Let me clean the window.( ) 3. My classroom is small. ( ) 4.I’d like some milk and bread for breakfast.( ) 5.My aunt is a teacher. 笔试部分(70分)五、根据汉语提示补全单词。

2017年人教版四年级上册英语期末试卷Listening Part (听力部分)isten :md i'tioow.听录音.选择正确的选项.()l. A, window B, |jierure ()3* 代亠wall B. tall ()A. tabl€B, plionc ()7, A. cundv R. cousin(> % A. M)up B.毎poon } 2t A. notebook B. hock )A. shoe B. glasses )6. A. l)€cf B・ bowl)A. driver B, Ixrmer)10. A. friemdly R* fridge二、Listen and chonsc,听录音,逸择正确的图片・■Listen and choos<,听录音施出你所听到的旬子. L Ar Lets cknn the cbk»iroonit B. Lcfs clttin th« window2. A. What's in your clas^room«H« What colour is it? 四* Listen and uhome*听问句鼻选择正确的答语* ()I . A + Three* R. No, (hank«・()—T T <I like some dee.KI canchaps licks.()5. A. No, she hift B ・ No, they autht. Tlicy*rc Irt the dvon ()4. A. Many dtsks mill cluirs. B. It's blue and white.()5. A, An En^l^h book And E m^llti book. K His n^nic Zhnii^ Petig.Writing Pirn (笔试部分)3. A. ItS blue and white.4. A. He hits ^la.^es -5. X. Whtii \ hi 驚 name?鼠 ** h Ei 号 your uncle?7, A.【ran UM ? chopsticks ・ M A. Whert are rhe beys? 9. A. Re A nur^e.10. k. Tt\ near rhe window. It\ near the window. B. Hh shots art blue B. What's lor dinner? B. K thh v (*ur aunf? R+ 1 can use spoon.. R, Are they on the table? Fi. She K a doctor.IL Ho k ttU and ittrnng.Read and wrice. ft®划變字塔的发音嫌律.选择正确的同类单词写在四线搐里kniti* 卩业dvu cal name入Sok跡ildwz•盾图,找出相唾的单词4把单词的竝号填祀图下的18号里。

(5分)A. There is a kite near the window.B. I have a pen and two erasers in my pencil box.C. Dad, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?D. Sarah is my good friend. I love her very much.E. Put your pencil on your English book.F. Look! My glasses are on the table.G. Is the cat on the fridge?1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________三、听选图片。
(10分)( ) 1. A. It’s nice. B. They are red. C. It has two doors.( ) 2. A. Help yourself. B. The window is big. C. OK.( ) 3. A. It’s on the bed. B. It’s my dog. C. Yes, I have a cute dog.( ) 4. A. OK. Here you are. B. I can use the knife. C. Dinner is ready.( ) 5. A. I can’t find my keys. B. I have two new keys. C. They are in the door.五、听短文,判断句子正误。

2013新版pep 英语四年级上册期末试卷四年级 英 语听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
(10分)( )1. A. bread B. red C. read ( )2. A. room B. home C. classroom. ( )3. A. father B. brother C. farmer ( )4. A. board B. bed C. door ( )5. A. four B. fridge C. phone ( )6. A. bread B. red C. read ( )7. A. room B. home C. classroom. ( )8. A. father B. brother C. farmer ( )9. A. board B. bed C. light ( )10. A. four B. fridge C. phone二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
(10分)( )1. A. He’s a teacher. B. Yes ,she is. C. Yes ,she’s my teacher. ( )2. A. My name is Tom. B. Her name is Sarah. C. This is sarah. ( )3.A. I like green. B. It’s a book . C. It’s green. ( )4.A. It’s a schoolbag . B. Some books and pens. C. It’s red. ( )5.A. There are 4. B. They’re in the room. C. They are 9. 三、听录音,判断对错。
(10分)( )1. My friend likes science. ( )2. Let me clean the window. ( )3. My classroom is small.( )4. I’d like some milk and bread for breakfast. ( )5. My aunt is a teacher.笔试部分(70分)一、选出不同类的单词。

( ) 1. A. door B. doctor C. farmer( ) 2. A. knife B. noodles C. fork( ) 3. A. bedroom B. schoolbag C. bathroom( ) 4. A. Chinese B. chopsticks C. English( ) 5. A. strong B. quiet C. soup二、从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。
( ) 1. A. cake B. dad C. name( ) 2. A. like B. kite C. big( ) 3. A. duck B. use C. cute( ) 4. A. nose B. box C. home( ) 5. A. she B. we C. red三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。
1.( ) 2 .( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )6.( )7.( )8.( )9.( ) 10.( )A. kitchenB. spoonC. classroomD. floorE. candyF. vegetablesG. computerH. pictureI. doctorJ. shoes四、单项选择。
( ) 1. --- _____________ --- Some books and a pencil box.A. Where is it?B. What’s this?C. What’s in it?( ) 2. My friend ______ short. She ______ long hair.A. has, isB. is, hasC. is, is( ) 3. --- ___________ is it ? ----It’s blue and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. Where( ) 4. ---____ this your father? ---Yes he is?A. AreB. IsC. Am( ) 5. --What would you like ____ dinner? –I’d like some beef and noodles.A. atB. inC. for五、给下列图片选择对应的句子。

新人教PEP版四年级上册小学英语期末试卷(含听力音频)4.The c__________ XXX.5.I need a s__________ to open the bottle.八、选择填空。
(10分)1.—What’s your name?__________.A。
I’m fine。
thank you。
My name is Amy。
I am.2.I have a __________。
It’s black and white.A。
dog B。
cat C。
bird3.—__________ is your English teacher?Mr。
Who B。
What C。
Where4.—__________ is the weather like today?It’XXX.A。
What B。
How C。
Where5.—What’s this in English?It’s a __________.A。
pen B。
book C。
pencil6.We have a new __________。
It’s big and nice.A。
house B。
car C。
bike7.—What’s your favourite __________?I XXX.A。
food B。
colour C。
sport8.—__________ is your birthday?It’XXX.A。
What B。
Where C。
When9.—Can I have some water。
you can。
you can’t。
here you are.10.—__________ is the time?It’s half past eight.A。
What B。
How C。

○…………密…………封…………线…座位号: 新人教PEP 版小学英语四年级上册期末测试卷(四)听力部分 (40分)一、听录音,将单词的序号按听到的顺序写到题前括号内。
(5分) ( ) 1. A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin ( ) 2. A. wall B. bowl C. job ( ) 3. A. fridge B. find C. phone ( ) 4. A. kitchen B. chicken C. Chinese ( ) 5. A. forkB. farmerC. her二、听录音,选出符合所听内容的图片。
(5分)( ) 1. A. B.( )2. A. B.( )3. A. B.不…………要………答…………题………级:( )4. A. B.( )5. A. B.三、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是(T)否(F)相符。
(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,根据短文内容在正确的食物下面打“√”。
(10分) 1. Turn on the ____________ . 2. My ____________ is heavy.3. I have some ____________ in the box.4. Look at that ____________.5. I can use ____________.…○…………密…………封…………线…………内…………不………座位号: 姓名: 笔试部分(60分)六、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
(5分) ( )1. A. name B. make C. bag ( )2. A. nine B. six C. rice ( )3. A. dog B. notebook C. nose ( )4. A. excuse B. use C. duck ( )5. A. bedroomB. pencilC . new七、读一读,根据句意、首字母及图片提示写出单词。

(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,( )1. A. either B.eye( )2. A. help B.hungry( )3. A. like B.mon key( )4. A. many B. .much( )5. A. fourtee n B.fiftee n( )6. A. swim B.skate( )7. A. very B.umbrella( )8. A. red B.robot( )9. A. she B.he( )10. A. anything else B. a sn ack bar计10分)C. elepha ntC. butC. pandaC. makeC. thirteenC. jumpC.yeahC. orangeC. theyC. a cup of tea()()()()(听两遍,共8题,每小题1 分,( ) ( )( )每小题1分,计6三、听录音,判断。
相符的打“/,不相符的打“X(听两遍,共6题,¥1O( )( ) ( )(听三遍,共 5题,每小题 2 分,计 10分)B. Yes, it is. B. How nice! B. It 's fourteen B. No, she can 't.B. No, thanks. (听三遍,共 6 空,C. Yes, I am. C. Here you are. C. Fourteen yuan. C.No, he can 't. C. Ten, please. 1 分,计 6 分 )1. A: Look at _____ doll.B: _________ eyes are ________ . 2. A: What would you like? B: I 'd like some ________ . A: Anything _________ ? B: A cup of _________ .笔试部分( 60 分)六、 找出不是同一类的单词。
人教版PEP小学英语 四年级上册2017-2018年度学年期末试卷含答案和听力

(1×10=10分)()1. A. Zz B. Aa C. Vv()2. A. Gg B. Tt C. Dd()3. A. CVT B. CBA C. CEO()4. A. floor B. four C. fruit()5. A. green B. good C. goose()6. A. happy B. hungry C. heavy()7. A.Chinese B. chopsticks C. chair()8. A. people B. picture C. puppy()9. A. twenty B. twelve C. thirty()10. A. plane B. plate C. cake二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
(2×5=10分)( ) 1.A.The fat cat is on the bed. B. The fat cat is under the bed.C. The fat cat is near the bed.( ) 2.A.My uncle is an English teacher.B.My uncle has an English teacher.C.My uncle is read an English teacher.( ) 3.A.There are four people in my family.B. There are five members in my family.C. There are four members in my family.( )4. A. What’s in your bedroom? B. What’s in your bathroom?C. What’s in your classroom?( )5. A. She has a small nose and a big mouth.B. She has a big nose and a small mouth.C. She has a big mouth and a small nose.三、听录音,选择最合适的答句。
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记得书写时一定要做到标准、规范、美观、大方哟!相信你的试卷能给人赏心悦目的感觉!Listening part(听力部分)一、听一听,选一选:选出你所听到的句子正确答语,把序号写到括号里。
( ) 1. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is.( ) 2. A. It’s on the desk. B. They’re under your bag. C. In your pencil-case. ( ) 3. A. I have some fish. B. I like some fish. C. I’d like some fish. ( ) 4. A. Her name’s Lily. B. My name’s Jack. C. His name’s Tom. ( ) 5. A. She is in the kitchen. B. She likes music. C. She’s a doctor.二、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出您所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. where B. who C. what( ) 2. A. forty B. fifty C. thirty( ) 3. A. nose B. nurse C. noodles( ) 4. A. wall B. ball C. floor( ) 5. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. classroom三、Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答语)( ) 1. A.It’s near the door. B. There is a picture.( ) 2. A. I can see 9. B. I have 9.( ) 3. A. It’s black an d white. B. It’s yellow( ) 4. A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is Zhang Peng.( ) 5. A. I’d like some fish and bread. B. I like fish.四、Listen and number(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3…, 给下列活动标序号)( ) 1. Watch TV .( ) 2. Listen to music.( ) 3. Open the door.( ) 4. Act like a driver.( ) 5. Put your pencil in your desk.五、Listen and circle(听一听, 圈一圈)1. —How many story-books do you have?—I have (twenty thirty).2. She has (long hair short hair) and big eyes.3. Go to the (living room bathroom). Watch TV .4. —What’s your mother?—She is (farmer driver).5. —What would like for breakfast?—I’d like two eggs and some (milk water).六、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写)1. I’d like some and chicken for dinner.2. My father is a . He’s tall. He likes sports.3. Welcome to my . It’s nice.4. Mike is a . Amy is a girl.5. Mr Lin is my English .Writing part (笔试部分)docto r boy teach er ricehome七、读一读,写一写:根据句子上下文的意思和所给的图片在句子的空格中填上适当的单词,将句子补充完整。
1.I have a friend. He is a .2.Look, this is my .3.There are two on the desk.4.My brother is , he likes .八、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词) ( ) 1. A. study B. kitchen C. sofa( ) 2. A. sister B. brother C. fish( ) 3. A. vegetable B. noodles C. shelf( ) 4. A. strong B. sports C. quiet( ) 5. A.window B. wall C. water九、choose and write(用所给单词填空,每个单词只用一次)Who What Where How how many1.2. is his name?3. are you?4. people are there in your family?5. is your seat?十、Read and choose the right answer(单项选择)( ) 1. —We have a new computer. —Really? .A. Let’s go and have a look.B. Let’s go to school.C. Let’s go to the classroom.( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag? —.A. It’s a panda.B.It’s yellow.C. It’s a panda. It’s on the desk. ( ) 3. —How many notebook do you have? — I have (52).A. fifteenB.fifty-twoC. fifty( ) 4. —What is your pen? —It’s red.A.doB. niceC. colour( ) 5. She long hair, big eyes and ears.A.hasB. haveC. is( ) 6. —Who are they? —They are my .A. motherB. fatherC. parents( ) 7. What would you like dinner?A. toB.onC. for( ) 8. What you like for dinner?A. areB. doC. would( ) 9. Everything ready.A.atB.isC. are( ) 10. Are they near the phone?A. No, they aren’t.B. Yes,there is.C. No, there isn’t.十一、Read and find(读一读, 找答语)( ) 1. Let’s sweep the floor. ( ) 2.May I have a look? ( ) 3.Where is my book? ( ) 4. Who’s this girl?( ) 5. How old is your father? A.36.B.She’s my friend, Amy.C.It’s in the schoolbag.D. OK.E.Sure. Here you are.十二、Read and Write “T” or “F”(读短文, 判断正“T”误“F”)Hello! Come and meet my family. This is my father. He is a doctor. He likes painting. This is my mother. She is a doctor, too. She has long red hair. That woman is my aunt. She has short hair and big eyes. The big boy is my brother. Helikes music.( ) 1. There are four people in my family.( ) 2. My aunt has long red hair.( ) 3. My mother is a doctor.( ) 4. My father likes painting.( ) 5. My brother is a driver.听力原材料一、Listen and choose1.B2.B3.C4.A5. C二、Listen and choose1. who2. thirty3. nurse4. floor5. classroom三、Listen and choose1. Where is my seat?2. How many books do you have?3.What colour is it?4.What’s his name?5.What would you like for lunch?四、Listen and number1. Open the door.2. Put your pencil in your desk.3. Listen to music.4. Watch TV.5. Act like a driver五、Listen and circle1. —How many story-books do you have?—I have twenty.2. She has long hairand big eyes.3. Go to the living room. Watch TV.4. —What’s your mother?—She is driver.5. —What would like for breakfast?—I’d like two eggs and some milk.六、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写)1. I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner.2. My father is a doctor. He’s tall. He likes sports.3. Welcome to my home. It’s nice.4. Mike is a boy. Amy is a girl.5. Mr Lin is my English teacher.。