VS2015正式版安装教程介绍 纽约时间7⽉20⽇,微软发布了vs 2015 正式版,换算到我们的北京时间就是晚上了,今天回到家⾥,就下下来了,装上去试试,看是怎么样的感觉。
安装 我们从安装的⼀步步来,图如下:⼀、功能勾选:windows和web开发相关。
五、安装:.Net Framework4.6这个安装的时间⽐较长,为什么。
?六、安装:Build tools 语⾔包七、安装:shell这个以后⽤处很⼤,配置ssh等都得需要。
⼋、安装:sql 20142014加⼊了很多内存数据库的应⽤,还有其他的。
⼗⼀、安装:核⼼简体中⽂为什么不是核⼼-中⽂包⼗⼆、安装:其他功能,简体中⽂⼗三、安装:Enterprise 2015开始主要的功能安装了。
⼗五、安装:windows phone sdk 8.0从这个应该可以看出,原来wp 8.0的开发还是存在,以后win mobile 10的开发,还不是很清楚。
⼗七、安装:SSDT系统服务描述符表⼗⼋、安装:EF 6.13ef都出到6.13啦,好久没碰了。
⼗九、安装:Azuremobile first,cloud first,以后是微软发展的重点。
Navisworks 2015 产品的系统要求
Autodesk Navisworks 2015 产品的系统要求Autodesk Navisworks 2015单独安装要求Microsoft ® Windows ® 8。
1、Microsoft ® Windows ® 8 (64 位)或Microsoft Windows 7 (64 位)(Service Pack 1) Home Basic、Home Premium、Professional、Enterprise 或Ultimate (推荐)Intel ® Pentium ® 4 或AMD Athlon ™3。
0 GHz (或更高),采用SSE2 技术2 GB RAM (最低要求)15 GB 可用磁盘空间用于安装支持Direct3D ® 和OpenGL ® 的图形卡(使用Shader Model 2)(最低要求)1,280 x 800 VGA 真彩色)(1,920 x 1,080 显示器和32 位视频显示适配器,建议使用)的显示Microsoft 鼠标兼容型指针设备Microsoft Internet Explorer ® 8。
0 或更高版本Autodesk Navisworks 2015展开要求管理映像的位置的硬件和软件需求10 GB 的硬盘空间客户端计算机的硬件和软件要求Microsoft ® Windows ® 8。
1、Microsoft ® Windows ® 8 (64 位)或Microsoft Windows 7 (64 位)(Service Pack 1) Home Basic、Home Premium、Professional、Enterprise 或Ultimate (推荐)Intel ® Pentium ® 4 或AMD Athlon ™3。
3ds max2015安装图解及破解步骤
3ds max2015安装图解及破解步骤工具/原料∙win7以上系统∙3ds max2015源程序∙x-force2015破解工具方法/步骤1. 1近日Autodesk 公司宣布一个重量级的消息,就是向全球学生教师和教育机构提供全功能「教育版」免费正版软件下载!其中包括旗下的 3DMax、Maya、AutoCAD 等知名的重量级产品以及 123D、Sketchbook、Alias、Inventor、Navisworks、Revit、InfraWorks360、Fusion360 在内的所有软件……这对于Autodesk、教育行业和师生来说都是一件大好事。
2. 2首先你下载的是Autodesk_3ds_Max_2015_EFGJKS_Win_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe文件,这是一个压缩文件,先解压最后得到安装程序,运行Setup.exe文件,出现下图,选择语言中文,然后点击安装3. 3许可协议界面选择国家或地区为china,下面选择“我接受”,下一步4. 4在出现的产品信息界面输入产品序列号和密钥066-66666666,128G1,下一步。
5. 5选择产品的安装位置,本人喜欢把软件安装在c盘,这里默认。
然后点击“安装”6. 6耐心等待软件的安装过程,没事的童鞋可以欣赏一下过渡图片,3ds max2015的渲染图比之前的版本都真实多了,看来Autodesk公司在新版本上面是花足了功夫,这对于三维设计者来说无疑是天大的好事7.7 经过漫长的安装过程,终于安装完成,汗!8.8之后就是破解,打开桌面上3ds max2015快捷图标,弹出界面,点“我同意”。
10.10开始破解3ds max2015,运行x-force2015注册机,win64位的右键使用管理员权限运行xf-adsk2015_x64.exe。
Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise安装方法
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 with update简体中文企业版安装Visual Studio前请注意备份重要文件,安装该软件可能会出现未知情况。
ed2k://|file|cn_visual_studio_enterprise_2015_with_update_2_x86_x64_dvd_8510289 .iso|7633639424|E0AFC01631C37BD3046EDBBC30FAB8CC|/一:使用解压缩软件解压安装软件二:运行镜像文件中的程序“vs_enterprise.exe”三:安装所需组件(等待时间较长)四:断开网络,激活软件Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 简体中文企业版企业版激活密钥:HM6NR-QXX7C-DFW2Y-8B82K-WTYJV一、支持的操作系统1、64位和32位的win7sp1、win8、win8.1、win102、64位Windows Server 2008r2sp1\2012\2012r2二、硬件要求1.6 GHz或更快的处理器1 GB RAM(如果在虚拟机上运行,则为1.5 GB)20 GB 可用硬盘空间5400 RPM 硬盘驱动器与DirectX 9 兼容的视频卡,其显示分辨率为1024 x 768 或更高三、其他要求:Internet Explorer 10(vs2015需要配合ie10才能成功安装)需要KB2883200(可通过Windows 更新获得)对于Windows Phone 开发:Windows Phone 8.0 开发需要Windows 8.1 (x64) 或更高版本Windows Phone 8.1 开发需要Windows 8.1 (x86) 或更高版本Windows 10Mobile 开发需要Windows 10(X86)或更高版本对于Windows Mobile 仿真程序、Windows 8.1 (x64) Professional 版或更高版本,以及支持客户端Hyper-V 和二级地址转换(SLAT) 的处理器visual studio 2015功能概述一、开发环境Visual Studio将软件开发项目中涉及的所有任务合并到一个集成开发环境中,同时提供创新功能,使您能够更高效地开发任何应用程序。
Revit2015 安装说明
三、输入序列号和安装密匙:Autodesk系列软件2015版本可以使用的序列号: 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666Autodesk Revit 2015Product Key:829G1 – Revit 20151.选择安装2.接受协议3.输入序列号和密匙,也可勾选网络激活四、设置安装路径以及检查安装条件是否符合1.在左边蓝色感叹号中将鼠标移动过去会有相应的提示,如果您下载的是我的离线安装包则出现蓝色感叹号,这里只需要直接安装即可,如果是出现黄色感叹号,则是提示您的安装包并非离线安装包会进行在线下载,如果出现红色感叹号,证明不满足安装需求,请根据提示,满足后再进行安装。
二、 激活:1.出现一下窗框,勾选后并同意2.安装完成后,第一次打开软件会有点慢,出现激活画面。
也希望能够帮助到有需要的朋友们!1、安装之前⾸先下载VS2015,下载地址:中⽂专业版激活秘钥:HMGNV-WCYXV-X7G9W-YCX63-B98R2中⽂企业版激活秘钥:HM6NR-QXX7C-DFW2Y-8B82K-WTYJV·科普:IOS:苹果公司开发的移动操作系统,全称:iPhone Operating System; iso:符合ISO 9660标准的光盘镜像⽂件格式,⽂件扩展名通常为iso;2、下载完成后将镜像⽂件解压,解压后双击打开vs_enterprise安装VS2015中⽂企业版。
5、安装功能组件的页⾯:Win7或win8安装时可能会出现安装包丢失或损坏的情况:Win7或Win8上上安装VS2015报“安装包丢失或损坏”问题的解决办法:原因:microsoft root certificate authority 2010、microsoftroot certificate authority 2011证书未安装,导致⽂件校验未通过,下载并安装这两个证书即可。
SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2015 -2016 安装说明书
SOLIDWORKS® Education Edition 2015-2016Installation InstructionsPreparation•These installation instructions apply to SolidNetWork (SNL), floating licenses of:o SOLIDWORKS Education Edition products: CAD, Electrical and Composer•Before proceeding with your SOLIDWORKS installation, please do the following:o Verify that your systems (license server and client machines) meet the criteria specified in /System_Requirements.•SOLIDWORKS 2015-2016 Education and Student products are designed for use on Windows® 7 (64-bit only) and Windows 8 operating systems ONLY. They will not work on Windows XP or Vista.o Uninstall any alpha, beta, or pre-release versions of the SOLIDWORKS software.o Back up all SOLIDWORKS files you have created and wish to continue using (e.g. parts, assemblies, and drawings, document templates, sheet formats, library features, form tools,Toolbox parts (as applicable)) before upgrading to SOLIDWORKS.o Please note: files you open and save in SOLIDWORKS 2015 cannot be opened in earlier versions.•To minimize disk space consumed, please consider uninstalling your older SOLIDWORKS products and using a new installation of the new SOLIDWORKS product (Education Edition users may wish to keep an older version).If you uninstall the older version, please be sure to also uninstall Simulation products, along with older versions of eDrawings®, and other products, etc.•You must transfer your license before upgrading your SNL Server (or if you wish to move your SNL server license to a new computer), please be sure to transfer your license before uninstalling the software. Please do this as follows:o Open SolidWorks SolidNetWork License Manager (on your license server machine), go to Server Administration tab.o Under License Information select Modifyo New screen select Transfer a software license and click Next.o Select the license you are transferring and click Nexto Select Finish after license has been transferred.Installation• Locate your Serial Number(s) from your product package or email from DS-SOLIDWORKS or yourschool. If you cannot find or you have misplaced your number, contact your local educational reseller to obtain one.• Serial numbers vary by product type:o SOLIDWORKS Education Edition, the number typically begins with 9710 (Network)Installation and Licensing ProcessYou are ready to begin your installation of theSOLIDWORKS ® Education Edition! Network Users OnlySection 2Section 1 Ver. 1Steps for Section 1: NETWORK INSTALLATION1.Remove previous SolidNetWork (SNL) License Managers(be sure to transfer your server license first, as noted above)2.Remove previous SOLIDWORKS software3.Install 2015 SolidNetWork (SNL) License Manager4.Activate your 2015 SNL Manager5.Install SOLIDWORKS software on individual clientsSection 1 | SOLIDWORKS® Education Edition SNL Manager Installation (Network)Note:If you are installing SOLIDWORKS on a Network with Restricted Rights, please go to the Customer Portal for additional documentation or contact your local reseller for assistance.This step is only for users who are on NETWORK. If you purchased a Standalone license, please proceed to Section 2 of the installation process.Note:•All previous SOLIDWORKS License Managers must be removed from your computer before beginning the installation of the new SOLIDWORKS License Manager (i.e. 2014 must be removed before installing 2015).•The SOLIDWORKS License Manager must be installed on the machine that will be used to distribute SOLIDWORKS licenses on your network.•The SOLIDWORKS License Manager for 2015 will license all SOLIDWORKS EDU Edition applications, including SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Sustainability, eDrawings and PhotoView 360, etc.Remove previous SolidNetWork License Managers (SNL) Please note, the 2015 SNL Manager is required to run SOLIDWORKS 2015 software. It can be used to manage older versions of SOLIDWORKS. For a complete list of requirements for SOLIDWORKS SNL and SOLIDWORKS Electrical Servers, please visit: /systemrequirements1.Stop the Licensing Service on the hostmachine using Windows Task Manager asfollows:With the SolidNetWork license managerrunning, open the Windows TaskManager.On the Applications tab, browse to theSolidNetWork license manager then right-mouse-click and select Go to Process.Then select End Process to stop theprocess(see image for Windows 7).unch Add/Remove Programs and uninstall the previous version of the SolidWorks SolidNetWork LicenseManager.Access Add/Removeprograms from Start >Control Panel > Add/RemovePrograms. Locate theSOLIDWORKS SolidNetWorkLicense Manager and selectRemove.-Once the remove option isselected you will beprompted to confirm theproducts to uninstall.-The product will thenuninstall. A progress only boxwill appear.-After the product uninstall is complete, close the Add/Remove programs window and launch Windows Explorer.Locate the folder where the licensemanager was previously installed anddelete it.By default the license manager isinstalled to: C:\ProgramFiles\SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWorkLicense Manager.Remove previous SOLIDWORKS Software from client machines1.If required, uninstall SOLIDWORKS using Add/Remove Programs.2.If required, delete SOLIDWORKS folders located in C:\Program Files\SolidWorks CorpBegin 2015 SolidNetWork License (SNL) Manager Install1.Insert your 2015 SOLIDWORKS DVD in your local DVD Drive to begin the software installation process. If SOLIDWORKS Master Setup does not come up automatically, select My Computer and double click the DVD drive, this is generally your D: drive. You may also launch the Installation Manager downloaded from the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal by browsing to your download and select “setup.exe”.Note: Once DVD is placed in your local DVD Drive, the SOLIDWORKS 2015 Installation Manager will appear. Select Server products and then select “Install SolidNetWork License Manager (distributed licensing) on this computer.”Select Next.2.The next screen will prompt you for your SOLIDWORKS and associated products serial number. Enteryour product serial number. Select Next.3.Confirm the Summary page and click “Install Now”.Note: Server Installation Progress will appear. Once done checking for Updates, the SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager Setup will appear. Click Next.4.After the installation is complete there will be a confirmation of the successful install. Oncecompleted the Installation Manager confirms the product(s) are installed correctly.5.Select Finish and close the Installation Manager.This completes the installation of the SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager. Please tell us your installation experience, the following Survey will be displayed in your Internet Browser. Thank you for your feedback.Activate 2015 SolidNetWork (SNL) LicenseBeginning with SOLIDWORKS 2010 release, a new licensing method has been introduced for network licenses. The new process will require internet connectivity to ‘activate’ the license on the SOLIDWORKS server.What does this mean for the user? The end user will no longer need a license file or existing dongle. The dongle must be returned to your value added reseller.1.To activate the newly installed software go to: Start > All programs > SOLIDWORKS 2015 > SOLIDWORKSLicense Manager > SolidNetWork License Manger.A server information dialog will appear that will allow you to choose the license server port(s) and applyan options file if desired. It is recommended that you select the option for firewall in use on this server.Select Next to continue.Note: You will need to add exceptions in your firewall software, example shown is Windows® 7 Firewall settings on the next page. For Windows 7, go to Windows 7 settings.For Windows® 7 Firewall1.Add program exceptions to the Windows 7 Firewall.In SNL Server setup, change image to show that the Windows firewall option is selected.2.Please go to Control Panel and select System and Security3.Allow programs through the firewall.4.Click “allow another program”And Browse to the folder where you installed the SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager.Add both executables: Lmgrde.exe and sw_d.exeWhen lmgrd.exe is added successful to the exceptions list, it will appear as ‘Acresso Software Inc.’ in the list of Allowed programs and features:For Windows 7 FirewallWhen sw_d is allowed successfully, it will as sw_dn in the allowed programs list.SolidNetWork License (SNL) InstallThe SOLIDWORKS Product Activation window willappear and you will be required to provide an email to associate to the activation. Enter an email address and select Next.Note: If you do not have internet access (or email),please contact your Value Added Reseller.The product will now activate via internet.After a successful activation there will be a succeeded message which will show all the products associatedwith your serial number.Select Finish, completing activation. The license managerwill appear and you can close it out to complete the activation process.SolidNetWork License (SNL) Install is complete.NOTE: You have now finished installing the SOLIDWORKS License Manager.•You must now go to your client computers and proceed as follows on steps.•Before beginning the installation process, please be sure to close out of all SOLIDWORKS programs currently open on your computer.•You can also install SOLIDWORKS on your server machine. Follow the instructions in the next section.Section 2 | SOLIDWORKS® Education Edition Installation(Client installation)Note: for SOLIDWORKS Network installations, the software does not get installed on the network machine (License Server) by default. Normally SOLIDWORKS should be installed on the user machines (Client). Before beginning the installation process, please be sure to close out of all SOLIDWORKS programs currently open on your computer.1.On the CLIENT Machine Insert DVD or launch the Installation Manager downloaded from the SOLIDWORKSCustomer Portal. Select Individual (on this computer). Click Next in lower right corner.2.For new installation enter your serial number below (24 digits). Click Next.Note: the message in the center of the window under the green bar, “Connecting to SOLIDWORKS” will appear. You may see a screen stating that a newer version is available, ALWAYS select continue installing from DVD and click Next.3.After you have clicked Next, the SOLIDWORKS 2015 Installation Manager will guide you through theinstallation. Accept Defaults on the screen (DO NOT change anything) Click Install Now to continueinstallation.Optional: if you have purchased a license for a SOLIDWORKS Electrical products and have entered a serial number (separate Serial Number for Student products only) you will also see the following information (default selections shown).Expand the ‘Electrical Options’ as desired to check values and setting (default values shown below).Return ‘Back to Summary’ then select “Next” to start the installation.Note: For the client installation of a network license, you will be asked for your license server name as below. Please enter your license server and the port number that you specified in the server setup steps. The default******************************************************“OK”4. Installation is Complete! Confirm if you would like to tell us your installation experience in a survey or participate in the Customer Experience program, then click Finish.Note: Depending upon your computer configuration you may or may not need to restart your computer.For client installation of a network license, your SOLIDWORKS is ready now since your network license server has been activated in Section 1 and your client SOLIDWORKS is connected with your license server.====================================================================================For STANDALONE license installation, when you start SOLIDWORKS Education Edition for the first time, the SOLIDWORKS Product Activation dialog will appear to guide you through the activation process. Click Next, to continue with activation. (Please refer to the separate SOLIDWORKS Education Edition Standalone license installations for more detail.To activate you SOLIDWORKS product you must enter a serial number from SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS Product Activation will help you collect the information necessary to activate your product.Choose which method for how you would like to activate. Enter your email address and then click Next.Now you are done registering your SOLIDWORKS Education Edition. Click Finish.You can now run your SOLIDWORKS® Education Edition license!。
(1)solidworks2015 下载后有两个 ISO 文件,如图 1:
图 1 solidworks2015 下载的 ISO 文件
(2)把两个文件分别解压,如图 2:
图2 解压(3)解压后形成两个文件夹,如图 3:
图3 解压后形成的两个文件夹2.移除旧授权
(1)打开“_SolidSQUAD_”文件夹,如图 4:
图 4 打开_SolidSQUAD_文件夹
(2)运行里面的“SW2010-2015.Activator.GUI.SSQ.exe”文件,如图 5:
图5 授权对话框
(3)勾选“Delete all activations and exit”,然后勾选上面的所有版本,然后单击“Activate!”按钮,如图 6:
图6 授权对话框
(4)移除完毕后会有一个提示,单击“OK”按钮,如图 7:
图7 授权移除后的提示3.开始安装
使⽤InstallShield2015LimitedEdition的免费安装跟进⾏VS应⽤程序打包点击第⼀个选项(新安装的InstallShield插件),设置好名字(这⾥是TestInstallShield),点击确定:Project Assistant界⾯如下:⼆、打包过程按照Project Assistant的引导界⾯从左往右操作就好了:(⼀)Application Information:Application Information 中填写公司名称、产品名称、版本号、⽹址的信息。
Application Information 左侧窗⼝点击 General Information:(1)General -> Setup Language:设置安装语⾔(2)General -> INSTALLDIR:设置安装路径(3)General -> Fast Install:根据需要配置以便加速安装速度a、No system restore point is saved for this installation:没有为这个程序保存系统恢复点b、Perform only File Costing and skip checking other costs:仅执⾏⽂件花费和跳过检查其他成本c、Reduce the frequency of progress messages:降低进度条信息的频率(4)Summary Information Stream -> Require Administrative Privileges:设置管理员权限将该项设为“Yes”。
(5)Add or Remove Programs -> Disable Change Button, Disable Remove Button, Disable Repair Button,这三个⾄少要有⼀个选为“NO”,全部设为“YES”的话,则在控制⾯板中,对应的软件没有“更改/删除”的按钮可以点击,即在这⾥就卸载不了软件了。
若没有自动填充请输入序列号:0000000000003486Q5HF FG98或0001 000107360361JK3Q HDJ3
11.勾选activate solidworks2015的所有选项,点击Activate,点击OK
SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM 2015安装指南说明书
安装指南SOLIDWORKS ENTERPRISE PDM 2015目录法律通告 (7)1SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM安装指南 (10)2安装概述 (11)必要的安装组件 (11)可选性安装组件 (12)Enterprise PDM调用情形 (12)系统要求 (14)安装摘要 (15)安装帮助 (15)3安装和配置SQL Server (16)SQL Server2014支持 (16)安装SQL Server2014 (16)安装SQL Server2014之前 (17)执行SQL Server2014安装 (17)安装SQL Server2014之后 (20)验证SQL Server2014的安装是否正确 (20)升级到SQL Server2014 (21)向SQL Server2014升级 (21)升级到SQL Server2014之后 (23)安装SQL Server2012 (23)在安装SQL Server2012之前 (23)执行SQL Server2012安装 (23)安装SQL Server2012之后 (27)验证SQL Server2012的安装是否正确 (27)升级到SQL Server2012 (27)执行SQL Server2012升级 (27)升级到SQL Server2012之后 (29)SQL Server疑难解答 (29)客户端不能处理文件库 (29)Enterprise PDM管理功能失效 (30)Enterprise PDM无法连接到服务器 (30)更改Enterprise PDM使用的SQL Server登录帐户 (31)创建新的SQL登录帐户 (31)对Enterprise PDM存档使用新的SQL登录名 (31)向SQL用户授予访问现有Enterprise PDM文件库数据库的db_owner权限 (32)SQL权限不足 (33)4安装SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM (34)启动Enterprise PDM的安装 (34)安装SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM数据库服务器 (36)安装数据库服务器之前 (36)执行数据库服务器安装 (37)安装SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM存档服务器 (37)安装存档服务器之前 (38)执行存档服务器安装 (39)为客户端/服务器通信打开端口 (42)在WAN环境中添加存档服务器 (43)安装和配置SolidNetWork许可 (44)安装SolidNetWork许可管理器。
Solidworks2015安装图文教程1、解压文件(1)solidworks2015下载后有两个ISO文件,如图1:图1 solidworks2015下载的ISO文件(2)把两个文件分别解压,如图2:图2 解压(3)解压后形成两个文件夹,如图3:图3 解压后形成的两个文件夹2、移除旧版本的授权(1)打开“_SolidSQUAD_”文件夹,如图4:图4 _SolidSQUAD_文件夹(2)运行里面的“SW2010-2015.Activator.GUI.SSQ.exe”文件,如图5:图5 授权对话框(3)勾选“Delete all activations and exit”,然后勾选上面的所有版本,然后单击“Activate!”按钮,如图6:图6 授权对话框(4)移除完毕后会有一个提示,单击“OK”按钮,如图7:图7 授权移除后的提示3、安装Solidworks2015(1)打开“Solidworks_2015_SP0_Full_DVD1”文件夹,运行“Setup.exe”文件,如图8:图8 Solidworks_2015_SP0_Full_DVD1文件夹(2)进入欢迎界面,选择“单机安装”,然后单击”下一步“,如图9:图9 欢迎界面(3)打开“_SolidSQUAD_”文件夹,并打开里面的“readme.txt”文件,把序列号填入对应的位置,注意最后一项“solidworks workgroup PDM”是需要单独破解的,就不要勾选了,如图10:图10 填写序列号界面(4)断开网络,然后单击下一步,会弹出一个网络连接的提示,单击“取消”按钮,如图11:图11 网络连接提示(5)安装选项,选择“生成solidworks 2015 SP0的新安装”,然后单击“下一步”,如图12:图12 安装选项(6)进入“摘要”界面,单击产品右侧的“更改”按钮,如图13所示:图13 “摘要”界面(7)根据自已的需要选择产品,如果您不太明白,就不用做调整了,注意最后面一项“语言”中确认选中了“简体中文”,然后单击“返回到摘要”按钮,如图14:图14 产品选择(8)在“下载选项”中取消“为将来的service pack使用后台下载程序”的勾选,然后单击“返回到摘要”按钮,如图15:图15 下载选项(9)在“安装位置”选项中,根据您的实际情况,单击“浏览”按钮选择合适的安装位置,然后单击“返回到摘要”按钮,如图16:图16 安装位置(10)在“Toolbox选项”中选择“创建新的2015 Toolbox”,并单击“浏览”按钮选择位置,然后单击“返回到摘要”按钮,如图17:图17 Toolbox选项(11)勾选“我接受Solidworks条款”,然后单击“现在安装”按钮,如图18:图18 摘要对话框(12)安装过程中会提示您关闭正在运行的程序,能关闭的尽可能关闭,实在关闭不了的就选择“忽略”,如图19:图19 要求关闭正在运行的程序(13)安装中……图20 安装中(14)安装进行到约50%左右时,会提示插入第二张盘,单击击“浏览”按钮,定位到“Solidworks_2015_SP0_Full_DVD2”,然后单击“确定”,安装继续进行,如图21所示:图21 插入第2张盘的提示(15)安装完成,单击“完成”按钮退出,如图22所示:图22 安装完成(16)可能会提示您重新启动计算机,按要求重新启动就可以了。
Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Service Pack 2 用户指南说明书
Autodesk® Navisworks® 2015 Service Pack 2 Guide to features and enhancementsJuly 2014Please send feedback on this guide to: **************************************ContentsAutodesk® Navisworks® 2015 Service Pack 2 (1)Guide to features and enhancements (1)July 2014 (1)Contents (2)Introduction (3)Installation (4)Primary issues resolved by the Service Pack (5)Heartbleed (5)Appending Files (5)AutoCAD (5)Autodesk Rendering (5)Batch Utility (6)Location Settings (6)Quantification (6)Rendering in Cloud (7)Reality Capture (7)Revit (7)Roamer (8)2IntroductionThanks for downloading Autodesk® Navisworks® 2015 Service Pack 2. This document provides a quick summary of the new features and enhancements that are included in our Service Pack.Please remember to fully review the Installation Readme document before installing the Service Pack.We want to express our appreciation to all our customers who identified the issues we have addressed in this Service Pack release. Their reports gave us the opportunity to improve the product and to provide you with the best solution. We also thank you for your continued business, and for your feedback about this release.Many thanks,The Navisworks Team3InstallationWe strongly recommend that you read the Installation Readme document before you apply the Autodesk Navisworks Service Pack 2 to your product.During installation, you may be prompted for the original installation media or a network image. In order to apply this Service Pack, you must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall products.4Primary issues resolved by the Service PackAutodesk Navisworks Service Pack 2 provides the following fixes and enhancements: HeartbleedThis Service Pack addresses Heartbleed vulnerability - a security bug in the open-source OpenSSL cryptography library. Heartbleed is registered in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures system as CVE-2014-0160. For more information, please visit the CVE dictionary at .Appending FilesResolved an issue opening and appending multiple files in a single operation.AutoCADResolved an issue where point cloud data referenced in DWGs saved from AutoCAD 2015 do not get rendered in Navisworks.Autodesk Rendering▪Resolved an issue where items are no longer displayed in the scene after performing a Ray Trace and switching between Shaded and Full render modes.▪Resolved an issue where items are no longer displayed in the scene after performing a Ray Trace and switching between lighting modes.▪Resolved an issue where the redraw performance is degraded when working with the Autodesk rendering system.▪Resolved an issue where the rename operation fails after editing a material and then changing the name as a single activity.▪Resolved an issue where opening an FBX model with an embedded web light and switching to Full lighting could cause an application crash.▪Resolved and issue where image export can result in blank images when working in GUI disabled mode of Navisworks▪Resolved a CER when performing a render of materials referencing a texture in a Tiff file.▪Resolved an issue where the Autodesk Rendering window is available for the user to make changes during a Ray Trace render.▪Resolved an issue where a high level of exposure is applied to items in the scene when switching the render style whilst performing a Ray Trace.▪Resolved a CER when renaming a material a couple of times in succession and assigning the material to favorites.5▪Resolved an issue where the material library is cleared from the library panel on selecting any object in the scene.▪Resolved a CER when performing a Ray Trace with full render and then switching to shaded.▪Resolved an issue where switching between saved viewpoints whilst performing a RayTrace caused a CER.▪Resolved an issue where under certain circumstances items disappear from the scene when performing a Ray Trace in shaded mode.▪Resolved an issue around performing successive Ray Trace operations with hidden items.▪Resolved an issue where the color of items in the scene can change on rotating the view under OGS rendering.▪Resolved an issue with the output of performing a Ray Trace with a model transparency override applied.▪Resolved an issue around the rendering of the sun and sky when the models coordinate system has Z up and any attempt is made to adjust North from the default position ▪Resolved an issue where rendering under full lighting after switching from no lights gives incorrect results.Batch UtilityResolved an issue where the Batch Utility is no longer functional if the user deletes the last working folders.Location SettingsResolved an issue where the Global Option Location settings as set during a standard installation or as a deployment weren’t loading as expected.Quantification▪Resolved an issue around the use of the right mouse click event when working with the quick box tool.▪Resolved an issue where Takeoff 2D auto tools can't use the Delete key to delete selected markups.▪Improved logic around item creation in the item catalog▪Added the ability to cancel part of the creation of polyline and Area definition.6▪Resolved some issues around copying and pasting between groups into other groups and undo operations.▪Enhanced the erase tool to allow mouse drag as well as mouse click.▪The Takeoff color is now reflected on the same model item on other sheets.▪Added the ability to use formulas that contain just numeric calculations (for example, 1+34+10) to enable the use of set numbers in lieu of properties.▪Resolved performance issues around importing a catalog after project setup.▪Resolved an issue with using the space bar to zoom whilst using the Erase tool.▪Made some cosmetic changes to ensure consistency of backgrounds when selecting and erasing.▪Resolved an issue where it was not possible to erase a vertex when a backout had 4 or more vertices.▪Resolved an issue when adding a string variable into a non-object table in the default configuration.▪Resolved a CER when clicking yes on the "save changes" dialog while the workbook context menu is displayed and a file was downgraded to a 2014 NWD file in the samesession.▪Resolved an issue where the user had to specify “=” to have the value treated as a number when using comparison operators.▪Resolved a CER when using the right arrow key to multi-select data cells.▪Resolved a performance issue around the paste operation in the global properties mapping user interface.▪Resolved an issue where the Quick Box selection rendering is not cleared on closing a model.Rendering in CloudResolved a CER when performing a Render in Cloud operation when using the OpenGL driver.Reality CaptureResolved a CER enabling stereo mode if working with a ReCap model.RevitResolved an issue where all of the views in the project file need to be regenerated before exporting NWC.7RoamerEnhanced the About Box to be more specific about what you have installed, i.e. Service Pack 2. Resolved an issue when using the command line no GUI option to open a NWD file with a database element embedded.8。
1. 打开浏览器,访问Visual Studio官方网站。
3. 在网站上搜索并找到Visual Studio 2015的下载链接。
4. 点击下载链接,开始下载安装程序。
5. 下载完成后,双击运行安装程序。
6. 在安装程序中选择安装位置和组件。
7. 点击下一步,开始安装。
8. 等待安装程序完成安装过程。
9. 安装完成后,打开Visual Studio 2015。
10. 根据需要进行配置和设置,例如选择个人首选项、主题和键盘快捷方式。
11. 创建新项目或打开已有项目进行开发。
12. 在开发过程中,可以根据需要安装额外的插件或扩展来增强开发环境的功能和效果。
Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Service Pack 1 安装说明书
Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Service Pack 1Thank you for downloading Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Service Pack 1This readme contains the latest information about the installation and use of the service pack. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply the service pack to your product. For reference, you should save this document to your hard drive or print a copy.1Installation InformationWho Should Install This Service Pack?You can apply the appropriate service pack to the following Autodesk products running on all supported operating systems and languages.▪Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2015▪Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2015▪Autodesk Navisworks Simulate 2015NOTE:Standard Windows Installer command line switches can be used to configure how the service pack is installed.Supported Operating Systems64-bit:Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate, Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional, Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Premium, Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Basic, Microsoft® Windows Vista® Enterprise service pack 2 (SP2) or later, Microsoft® Windows Vista® Ultimate service pack 2 (SP2) or later, Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium service pack 2 (SP2) or later, Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Basic service pack 2 (SP2) or later, Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional service pack 2 (SP2) or later.22Installing the Service PackYou have three options:a.To install the service pack on an individual computer with Autodesk Navisworks 2015products already installedb.To install the service pack on an individual computer when installing an AutodeskNavisworks 2015 productc.To install the service pack when creating an Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Deployment3To install the service pack on an individual computer with Autodesk Navisworks 2015 products already installed1.Download the service pack for the appropriate product and save it to any folder.2.Find the folder where you saved it and double-click the appropriate file:▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Freedom_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Simulate_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Manage_64bit.mspTo install the service pack on an individual computer when installing an Autodesk Navisworks 2015 product1.Download the service pack for the appropriate product and save it to any folder.2.Install the product as detailed in the Autodesk Navisworks Installation Guide.3.On the Configure Installation page, select the products to install.4.Click the product name to open the configuration panel.5.Select Include Service Pack(s) from local drive of network.6.Click Add.7.Find the folder where you saved the service pack and double-click theappropriate file:▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Freedom_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Simulate_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Manage_64bit.msp8.Click the product name to close the configuration panel and continue with thestandard product installation procedure.NOTE You can include service packs for as many products as required on theConfigure Installation page.To install the service pack when creating an Autodesk Navisworks 2015 Deployment1.Download the service pack for the appropriate product and save it to any folder.42.Create a deployment as detailed in the Autodesk Navisworks Installation Guide.3.On the Configure Installation page, select the products to deploy.4.Click the product name to open the configuration panel.5.Select Include Service Pack(s) from local drive of network.6.Click Add.7.Find the folder where you saved the service pack and double-click theappropriate file:▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Freedom_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Simulate_64bit.msp▪Autodesk_Navisworks_2015_Service_Pack_1_Multilingual_Manage_64bit.msp8.Select to Append or Merge the service pack(s).▪Append - the service pack can be uninstalled if required (recommended)▪Merge - the service pack cannot be uninstalled9.Click the product name to close the configuration panel and continue with thestandard product installation procedure.NOTE: You can include service packs for as many products as required on theConfigure Installation page.5。
solidworks2015安装破解帮助说明1. Mount DVD1 into virtual drive and run "Setup.exe"2. Input next serial numbers:SolidWorks > 9000 0000 0016 9675 P4DF 35DDSW Simulation > 9000 0000 0001 8043 TB9T SGD9SW Motion > 9000 0000 0002 7942 9KW4 9FBCSW Flow Simulation > 9000 0000 0003 3107 V8F3 PG44SW Composer > 9000 0000 0021 4754 DCB4 HC3JSW ComposerPlayer > 9000 0000 0022 1655 536J H9KHSW Electrical 2D > 9000 0000 0000 1616 MDZ8 R8J2SW Plastics > 9000 0100 0000 6563 49GC HFDHSW Inspection > 9000 0000 0042 5948 N5Y7 H39DSW MBD > 9000 0000 0040 3494 S4V6 M5553. Wnen you get warning "Your serial number does not entitle you to SOLIDWORKS.." ckick "NEXT". At "Roducts" tab click "CHANGE" > "Select different packages or products" > tick "Also show products that are not part of this package" > "OK"4. Select SW modules and supported languages that you want to install5. At setup when asked for DVD2 mount into virtual drive DVD2 and continue setup6. After finish of setup run "SW2010-2015.Activator.GUI.SSQ.exe", on "General" tab select SW products that you want to activate and click "Activate!"7. Wait for Activator message "All done! Enjoy" and click OK to close ActivatorTo install Workgroup PDM Server:1. Install IIS full configuration if you plan using Web Portal2. Install PDM Server3. If your computer is not connected to Internet, use arbitrary email and SW serial to get a key from PDMWorks keygen4. If installing Web Portal, leave license string from Workgroup PDM Viewer empty5. When installation completes, apply a fix inside keygen (PDMWorksKeyGen.exe)6. Reboot your computer7. Enjoy!Cracked by Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ)。
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5.点击【更改】更改软件的解压目录,建议解压到除C盘之外的磁盘,可以在D 盘或其它盘里面新建一个【Navisworks】的文件夹,然后点击【确定】。
22.把【申请号】复制到注册机里面的【Request】中(记得删除原【Request】中的内容),先点击【Patch】弹出对话框后再点击确定,再点击【Generate】后复制【Activeation】中生成的激活码,然后粘贴激活码至【我具有Autodesk 提供的激活码】方框中。