




相信上过课的童鞋应该都知道如何应付,当然,写作得分的差别除了看写作思路以外,还要看语言表达,所以建议大家平时要多做阅读积累以及坚持摘抄!6月4日托福写作真题题目:The most important thing the government should do to improve the health care is to clean up the environment.为改善医疗保健,政府应做的最重要事情是清洁环境。

题目解析:本题中同样有the most important的绝对化词,能够削弱它,再给出其他的方案。

Thesis: DisagreeMain idea 1:诚然,清洁环境是改善医疗保健的一个重要方面。

Supporting ideas:很多疾病都是由污染的(contaminated)环境所引起的,排入空气和水中的污染物可能会严重危害人的生命(severely threathen human life)。


Main idea 2:政府还需要完善医疗保健体系(a sound health care system)。

Supporting ideas:建设更强大的医护人员队伍(medical staff),建起更发达的医疗组织,以满足人们日益增长的医疗需求(the increasing health demand)。

政府还应给重大医学研究提供资金支持(render financial support),鼓励医学专家在治疗绝症上获得更多突破(make more breakthroughs)。

Main idea 3:政府还需要改善基础设施(infrastructure)。






独立写作:Do you prefer to be in a large class or a small class?名师点评综合写作:阅读:认为在网上买药不好1. 网上的药品缺少官方保证(official assurance),存在潜在风险。

2. 可能存在没有说明的副作用(side effects)。

3. 因为药品的来源不一的问题,所以没有办法保证质量。

听力:反驳1. 人们有权在网上购买且药品的质量不错。

2. 药品的信息可以从网上的数据库中获取。

3. 可以选择药品的供应商是本地的。

独立写作:解题思路:in a small class1. First, students can have a better learning experience. As we know,in a small class,usually less than six students,teachers can adjust materials and teaching methods more easily according to students’ aptitude and need. +具体论证2. Second,students’ expression ab ility and independent thinking ability will be improved. The less knowledge learners in the class, the more opportunities they will be asked to express their own opinions clearly about the same topic. While, when engaged in the large class, some students will be passed overdue to the limited class time, thus their presentations skills will never be improved, never to say thinking independence. +具体论证让步段:承认在大班学习的好处,比如可以聆听到不同的声音(hear different voices),学生的视野会得到相应的拓宽。



(完整word版)2019年托福独立口语真题汇总(更新至10.13),推荐文档If you and your friends have different opinions, will you still be friends?2019.1.12Do you agree or disagree? People should not interrupt others when they are giving opinions.2019.1.13Do you agree or disagree? The school is thinking about getting “the study hall” to fill in the schedule of the students. The study hall is the free class time for students to relax or study what they like.2019.1.26Which university would you choose?1. provide specialized courses from the beginning2. take the courses that including several fields at first and then choose your specialization.2019.2.23Do you agree or disagree? There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children’s grades without their permission.2019.2.24Do you agree or disagree? Children can have a pet at home.2019.3.3Do you agree or disagree? We should be completely honest and open to our close friends.2019.3.9Some peo ple like to keep old things, while others don’t. which one do you prefer?It is better to praise children’ good behavior or criticize their bad behavior.2019.3.30some people think they should earn mathematics in school, while others think they should learn mathematics at work. Which one do you prefer?2019.3.31Do you agree or disagree? When you visit a new country, It is better to understand local culture and traditions.2019.4.13people in the past prefer board game or card game, while people nowadays prefer playing cellphones or computer games. which one do you prefer?2019.4.14some people like to make plans in advance when they decide to travel. While others prefer to make decisions when they are travelling. Which do you prefer?2019.5.4Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who di you think should receive the scholarship? Students with high academic performance or students that need financial aids?2019.5.11Do you agree or disagree? Children can learn valuable things from playing video games.2019.5.18Which teacher’s cou rses would you like to take? A teacher who is humorous in class or serious in class.2019.5.19Do you agree or disagree? Schools should no longer ask students to do experiments, but show students the videos ofexperiments.2019.5.26Some people believe that humorous attitude is much better in solving conflicts; others believe in taking seriousness. Which do you prefer?2019.6.1Do you agree or disagree? Students in the first two years should live in dormitories on campus.2019.6.15Do you agree or disagree? Animals have rights as humans and should be treated like humans.2019.6.16If you have a misunderstanding with your friends, do you prefer talking it out in public place or in private place.2019.6.29Do you agree or disagree? Some people sell gifts their friends gave them or give them to others.2019.7.6/7Students should choose the courses by themselves or should take the courses chosen by their professors?2019.7.13Some people prefer doing difficult things first, while other people prefer doing easy things first. Which one do you prefer?2019.7.28Do you agree or disagree? celebrities are more competent to do charity because they are rich and powerful.2019.8.10Do you agree or disagree? Children should learn at an early age to be independent.2019.8.24/25Do you agree or disagree? Workers shouldn’t send private messages or emails during the working hours.2019.9.1(重复2017.4.1.)A college of high academic level with high tuition and a college of low academic level with low tuition. Which one will you choose? Why?2019.9.7Do you agree or disagree? Historic sites should have preserved only for researchers and scientist, no access to the general public.2019.9.21上午Do you agree or disagree? the school is considering closing the computer lab because every student has a laptop.2019.9.21下午Some people prefer to communicate by talking face to face, while others prefer to communicate by sending email. Which way do you prefer and why?2019.9.22Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?2019.10.12(重复2016.4.9)Version1:Some people spend their vacation visiting just one place. Others prefer to spend their vacation visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount o time in each. Which do you prefer and why?Version2:If you are going to travel to a new country for a week, do you prefer to travel to a major city in the country or to several different places?2019.10.12下午should we work in a company with high salary but very strict and controversial?2019.10.13Do you agree or disagree? Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery.。




上午场:Integrated WritingReading觉得Guillemots 的几个特点一点都不独特,但是听力说这几个特点还是很独特的。

1.阅读认为special colors and patterns;但是听力说guillemots和其他的鸟类住在一起,这个颜色和图案会帮助它们识别自己的蛋;2.阅读觉得蛋的表面很rough;但是听力认为这个鸟的蛋表面是脏,雨水会把他冲刷干净;3.阅读认为蛋的形状不能阻止guillemot的蛋掉下石头;但是听力说蛋的形状让雏鸟keep warm,可以躲避严寒天气;Independent WritingThere are many news stories about current event that helps people take a break from reading or listening to the news for a few days or weeks. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is beneficial to stop reading and listening to the news for a few days or weeks. use details and examples to illustrate. DO NOT USE memoried examples.题目长的千万要注意,他是有特定背景的,这样具体的场景更加考验考生的理解能力和思维表达能力,所以写作固然是没有修改样式和考试方式,但是写作的题目难度是提高了不少;立场:在关于一些让人休闲和娱乐的时事新闻和故事如此多的时候,几天和几周停止看这些新闻是好的;知识/思维:一直看类似的新闻,会让自己的思维方式固定,不能灵活多变接受新的变化,所以停下来不看这些新闻一小段时间,让人们的脑子放空这样可以多方位思考;效率:停下来不看这些新闻一小段时间,会把时间省下来专注到自己的生活和工作,才能不分心,这样加快效率;个性:一直贪图新鲜和轻松看时事新闻,会让人称沉浸在放松的状态下,这样在后面的工作学习中会养成不良好的习惯,但是停下来会意识到自己的问题,去培养良好习惯;下午场:Integrated Writing关于应不应该被保护Prairie dogs;Independent Writing选一个活动对14-18岁的年轻人最有益gaining working experience/play sports/play music instrument。



2019.11.9托福考题回忆整理答案仅供参考Reading-Day Length and Flowering Plants(16年6月18日考题;植物生长受到光照影响,喜光和厌光)-Megafauna Extinction(18年7月8日考题,基本套路,基本套路:人类过度捕杀;气候变化;小型动物对大型动物的优势)-How Aquatic Insects Remain Unseenby Predators(16年3月19日考题;研究人员的试验目的是验证“透明的幽蚊幼虫不会被捕猎者发现,而深色的幽蚊幼虫会被捕猎者发现且吃掉”;试验步骤是将透明的和不透明的幽蚊幼虫放在同一池子,观察捕猎的鱼对它们的袭击情况是否有差异,结果确实有差异,但存在问题,有可能是不透明的幼虫比透明的幼虫更活跃,是否是活跃度的差异而非体色差别吸引了捕猎者?进一步对比试验表明,当把透明的幼虫涂上颜色和天然有色的幼虫放在一起,鱼攻击这两种幼虫的比例仍然是一样的,由此证明只是体色差别影响了捕猎者对幽蚊幼虫的攻击。


)-The Collapse of Copan(17年5月20日考题;第一段讲了Mayan的Copan衰落的第一个原因是国王从commerce过度索取,第二段讲了贸易的兴衰对于其影响,第三段讲了干旱的问题)-农业起源(农业的发展是人类史上的一大进步。

农业出现之前的时代称为PaleolithicAge,出现之后的时代称为Neolithic Age,人们从以收集和打猎为生转变为开始驯化作物和野生动物。







独立写作考题:Some people like to travel to popular but crowded places such as historical sites and memorials,while others choose places with fewer tourists. Which one do you prefer?题目分析本次考试是旅游类话题,这也是今年第2次考查该话题。

今年第一次考查的题目为:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to travel abroad to visit different countries when you are younger rather than when you are older.本次虽然是一个新题,但是难度系数不高——因为旅游话题贴近生活,毕竟在节假日的时候,均有过旅行的经历,当然,更多的还是去了人山人海的地方,最后发现,还不如静静地在家......言归正传,本次考题虽然简单,但是也凸显了我们之前提过的一个破题方法——关注题目中的相关修饰语,因为有的修饰语可以给我们带来相关的展开思路。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children (aged from 5 to 8 years old)should study a foreign language.对于这个题目,希望大家在审题的过程中,一定要学会关注题目中的相关修饰语,比如形容词,副词,介词短语等等。

在阅读做题的过程中,学生们往往会忽略这些词语,因为这些修饰语不会改变句子的核心意思;但是,有的时候,往往这些修饰语会给我们带来一些价值比较高的理由,比如刚才这个题目中的括号修饰语就可以关注一下“aged from 5 to 8”我们可以根据这个修饰语思考一下这个年龄段的孩子有什么特点,然后看下这些特点是否有助于学习a foreign language,这样思考的话,理由很快会想出来。



2019.5.19 Do you agree or disagree? Schools should no longer ask students to do experiments, but show students the videos of experiments.
2019.5.26 Some people believe that humorous attitude is much better in solving conflicts; others believe in taking seriousness. Which do you prefer?
2019.6.1 Do you agree or disagree? Students in the first two years should live in dormitories on campus.
2019.6.15 Do you agree or disagree? Animals have rights as humans and should be treated like humans.
2019.1.5 If you and your friends have different opinions, will you still be friends?
2019.1.12 Do you agree or disagree? People should not interrupt others when they are giving opinions.
2019.3.30 some people think they should earn mathematics in school, while others think they should learn mathematics at work. Which one do you prefer?





独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A university should offer students a public speaking course and require all students to take this course to graduate. (重复2017年10月29日考题)二、名师点评综合写作:阅读:1. 入侵植物。

Cattail这种植物入侵了这片区域,抢夺营养,破坏了环境;2. 干燥化。

水位的下降导致了植物的死亡,有些地方直接变成了灰尘;3. 汞过量。


听力:反对1. Invasive的起因是化肥的大量使用,最近的很多 farmer都换成了低盐的化肥,以后这个问题就解决;2. 这主要是因为排水系统在雨季把洪水导离人口密集的城市,但这套系统也把湿地的水抽走了,只要撤掉一些管道就行;3. 汞主要是因为燃煤,一些煤里面含有过量的汞,很多工厂现在已经采用了低汞的煤,这个问题也解决。

独立写作:本题是典型的利弊分析题型,任选取一方充分论证即可,以下是笔者给出的一个参考答案:Position: I disagree with the decision that the university will choose public speaking as the requirement for all students.Reason 1: First of all, for the college students, it is wiser to focus more on academic study rather than speech ability. (对于大学生来说,学习知识比提升演讲能力要更加重要)As we all know,it is the best time for college students to devote themselves into academic study, since they are at the peak of their learning capacity. (由于大学生正处于学习能力的顶峰时期,所以应该把握好这个黄金时期。




一、考题解析综合写作:用bacteria清除oil spills is problematic独立写作:在charitable organization捐钱的时候,应该由人们自己决定钱最终要捐给谁,还是有慈善组织决定。

二、名师点评综合写作:阅读:1. 这些bacteria清除完之后会继续生长在这片区域,从而dominate this area;2. 要用一些nutrient去生长这些bacteria,nutrients会吸引其它物种,从而bacteria无法得到,最终造成ecosystem unbalance;3. 有了这个新方法的话,一些公司就不会重视oil spills问题,从而oil spill will become more frequent。

听力反驳:1. 这些bacteria已经进化出只吃这些油,所以在清除完它们之后就会死;2. 虽说会造成一些unbalance,但是这个是目前最好的方法,因为用传统的方法周期太长,而且无法完全清除掉oil spill。

就算新方法会有unbalance,这个unbalance以后会逐渐变得平衡;3. 公司仍然会重视oil spill所带来的影响,因为会影响他们的指出,比如海洋修复费用,和tourism所带来的利润。


独立写作:选择的立场:由慈善机构决定1. 慈善机构做出的决定会更加专业(charity foundations are more professional)。


(they have direct access to many data and statistics that are not accessible to the general public)2. 慈善机构决定可以避免出现贪污腐败的现象(avoid cases of corruption)。




综合写作探测火星,飞船在赤道着陆好还是极地着陆更好?阅读:1.赤道温度适宜,极地太冷2.赤道的自转速度可以作为动力能源利于发射3.赤道的阳光可以看清surface听力反驳:1.重要的不是温度而是温度变化,出道的温度变化大对器材有害2.极地可以用当地的冰融化的水是fuel3.阳光太足有害眼睛,极地可以做ice shell保护独立写作与2017年11月4日的题目相似!High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18)spend most of class time lecturing (speaking)while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?立场:discussion and projects- students involved in and exchange ideas好1-知识理解深刻:经过分享和讨论会主动去思考知识点,14-18岁的高中生融入自己的理解,这样对知识的理解更加深刻,但是老师一直只灌输成年人的理论知识让学生更加匪夷所思;2-增加学习兴趣:在课上学生可以自由讨论,对于14-16岁的学生来说,轻松的上课氛围,在一个自由的氛围中会非常有兴趣和别人分享意见;但是一味听老师讲会让这些teenagers感到很无趣;3-加强课堂效率:14-16岁的孩子更愿意和同龄人讨论,这样老师更加能看出上课学生们是否真正理解知识点,而光老师是讲解无法知道学生的接受情况;。



综合写作话题分类生物考题回忆1-总论点:想eat more healthy 到底要不要摄入gluten2-阅读部分分论点一stive system cannot adapt.人们的消化系统不能适应gluten分论点二:Stomach pain and fatigue.分论点三:阅读 gluten导致 blood-sugar,这个东西和memory skill 有关3-听力部分总论点:gluten 有助于身体健康分论点一:虽然gluten is new,但是digestive system 可以释放bacteria 有益细菌,可以经过一段时间适应食物,包括gluten,让gluten 快速适应分论点二:实验中,用的是两种bread,gluten不是唯一的因素,里面还有carbohydrate,所以也可能是carbohydrate cause stomach pain and fatigue,所以可能是A而不是gluten导致胃病。

分论点三:造成risk of memory 是因为levels of blood 的升高,而gluten 只会造成 levels of blood temporary 升高,然后回到averagelevel ,那些好几年都是high level of blood 才会导致memory risk,所以他们是没有关系的而且不同gluten,一个人的blood sugar 以及一些问题都不会改善,所以gluten 和以上那些疾病是没有关系的。


参考范文The article discusses that the gluten cannot be conducive to a healthier diet, while the lecture disputes this idea with the following proofs.First, the writer in the reading passage holds that digestive system cannot adapt the gluten. However, the professor disagrees with it, because although the gluten is new, the probiotics released by the digestive system can help the system to adapt the new foods, including the gluten.In addition, in the material, the writer believes that stomach pain and fatigue. While in the lecture, the speaker deems that the idea in the passage does not hold the water. In the experiment, there are two kinds of bread, including both gluten and carbohydrate. As a result, it is the carbohydrate that causes stomach pain and fatigue rather than the gluten.Finally, it is depicted in the material that the gluten leads to the blood sugar, which is related with memory skill. On the contrary, the professor holds that this is not true. Levels of blood increasing may cause the risk of memory. However, the gluten can only result in the rise of levels of blood, leading to the memory risk. As a consequence, they have nothing to do with each other, and the gluten is not associated with the diseases above. 话题分类教育类考题回忆Some first year college students do not have good study habits. Some people believe that colleges should provide all of the first year students with a required course to develop their good study habits. Other people believe that providing this kind of course is unnecessary. What is your opinion and why?解题思路agree:1.可以促使大一学生更好地适应大学生活。




1)Agree/disagree的题目特点:Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement?Itis often not a good thing to move to a new town or a new county because of thelost of old friends.Usespecific reasons and examples to support your opinion.这类题目包括三部分的要求:①是否同意以下观点(文章要表明观点);②题目的主要内容要表达出来(切题);③文章要解释原因,并且有充分的论据支撑。

2)prefer类型的题目特点:Somepeople think to watch a movie in a cinema (theater) is better, but others thinkat home is better, which one do you prefer?这样的题目其实是一种对比的类型,想要突出自身的正确性的话,可以从突出自身有点出发,或者是突出对方的缺点。













2019年12月14日托福听力真题回忆及参考答案C1-工作得学分听力内容女生想找Nathan问一下自己无法参加在art museum当志愿者的第二个training session,因为这跟她的考试时间冲突。


女生说是教授要求这样可以给额外的学分,有两个要求:一是在这里做志愿者(没说一定要做tour guide),二是说写一篇论文。

最后employee建议女生在art museum的gift shop工作,急需文员,而且还会有报酬。

C2-转校生选课听力内容学生找教授,他转学过来,怕学English 120课程太难。

C3-修改简历听力内容学生找career advisor改简历。



L1-文艺复兴时期的duke们的家庭艺术展室听力内容讲的是城堡既是住宅也是政府办公场所某duke家里有土豪studio 豪华书房,里面都是高级艺术品。


最后说studio又是展示艺术的也是私人办公场所,能进他studio 工作的都是厉害人。





2019年12月14日托福口语真题回忆及范文解析T1Some people think that risk-taking activity such as rock-climbing and skydiving requires a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why.T2校报建议学校里的电脑维修点营业时间延长至晚上9点。



2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试真题解析作为托福改版后的首场大陆考试,上周六的这场考试可以说是新版本的风向标了,很多考生都觉得难哭了。



2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试写作真题回顾一、2019年8月10日托福考试综合写作阅读:The Everglades的生态系统面临着三个严重的问题。


阅读:The Everglades这个地区生态系统的三个问题1.外来物种入侵(the spread of invasive animals)2.水资源减少引起干枯(drying)3.high levels of mercury 对物种造成损害听力:解决阅读提出的三个问题1.限制农民使用造成入侵animals大规模生长的肥料(肥料给invasive animals提供了nutrients)。

2.减少造成水量减少的water channels(以前这个地区经常有洪水,water channels是为了用来排水)。



参考范文:The lectur e raises three solutions to the Everglades’ ecosystem problems in the reading passage.First, the reading points out that the Everglades is faced with the spread of invasive animals. Nevertheless, the listening addresses this concern by offering a solution, which is to restrict farmers to use fertilizers. This is because fertilizers provide invasive species with nutrients, and are seemed to be the culprit of making them spread on a large scale. Hence, keeping the usage of fertilizers on a tight rein makes sense.Second, while the reading contends that the decline in water resource and the subsequent drying issue is quite alarming in the Everglades, the lecture claims that it can be tackled by decreasing the number of water channels, which were used to drain flood water because the flood damage was serious. However, considering less water in this region now, these water channels should be reduced.Third, despite the concern from the reading that high levels of mercury pose threats to species in this area, the lecture argues that we can use coal with lower levels of mercury to deal with this problem.二、2019年8月10日托福考试独立写作(重复2017年10月29日真题)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should offer students a public speaking course and require all students to take this course to graduate. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.话题分类:教育类解题思路:利弊类题目,将自己的观点写清楚、写完整、写地道即可参考范文:It is my conviction that a public speaking course ought to be set as a must-have one for all university students before they graduate.At first glance, requiring every student facing his/her graduation to attend this course will increase their burden. It does not take a leap of the imagination to see how busy students who will graduate soon are. They have a lot to cope with, ranging from their academic tasks, like writing papers, to their preparation for a job, such as working as an intern. In this case, an additional course perhaps will be the last straw, considering that taking this course may be time-consuming and distracting for students at this turning point. In other words, they have to devoteextra time and energy to learning public speaking, which explains why some may blame this course for students’ excessive pressure.A closer look, however, suggests that attending the public speaking course effectively paves the way for students’ future career. Today, it is not uncommon that in the work place, many people’s career is be deviled by lacking skills ofeffectively expressing themselves, which adversely affects their work performance and dents their confidence. Worse still, for the same reason, some may even have difficulty in seeking employment. It justifies why the public speaking course is a boon to students, and why it is never premature to arm college students for job interviews or securing a place in the intense competition. Apparently, in the public speaking course, students can master tactics of making their voice heard; meanwhile, timid ones have opportunities to challenge themselves by speaking in public, which may encourage them to break through their reserve. To illustrate, I used to be a coward when it comes to giving my opinion, let alone a public speech. However, this is no longer the case since I attended a public speaking course in my college life, which did quell my fear of expressing myself in front of many people, thus making me self-assured and further enabling me to perform outstandingly in the job interview. Moreover, what we have learned in this course will continue to work when we expect to climb up to the top of our profession. This is because someone adept at delivering a speech publicly may attract more attention and gain more opportunities. Therefore, if the university makes the public speaking coursecompulsory, it will contribute to students’ competitive edge in the cut-throat competition.Conclusively, the importance of public speaking cannot be overstated, and requiring all to take the public speaking course before their graduation from college is advisable.2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试口语真题回顾去掉了之前的Task1和Task5,现在的Task1直接就是是否同意的二选一题目。



If you and your friends have different opinions, will you still be friends?2019.1.12Do you agree or disagree? People should not interrupt others when they are giving opinions.2019.1.13Do you agree or disagree? The school is thinking about getting “the study hall” to fill in the schedule of the students. The study hall is the free class time for students to relax or study what they like.2019.1.26Which university would you choose?1. provide specialized courses from the beginning2. take the courses that including several fields at first and then choose your specialization.2019.2.23Do you agree or disagree? There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children’s grades without their permission.2019.2.24Do you agree or disagree? Children can have a pet at home.2019.3.3Do you agree or disagree? We should be completely honest and open to our close friends.2019.3.9Some people like to keep old things, while others don’t. which one do you prefer?It is better to praise children’ good behavior or criticize their bad behavior.2019.3.30some people think they should earn mathematics in school, while others think they should learn mathematics at work. Which one do you prefer?2019.3.31Do you agree or disagree? When you visit a new country, It is better to understand local culture and traditions.2019.4.13people in the past prefer board game or card game, while people nowadays prefer playing cellphones or computer games. which one do you prefer?2019.4.14some people like to make plans in advance when they decide to travel. While others prefer to make decisions when they are travelling. Which do you prefer?2019.5.4Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who di you think should receive the scholarship? Students with high academic performance or students that need financial aids?2019.5.11Do you agree or disagree? Children can learn valuable things from playing video games.2019.5.18Which teacher’s cou rses would you like to take? A teacher who is humorous in class or serious in class.2019.5.19Do you agree or disagree? Schools should no longer ask students to do experiments, but show students the videos of experiments.2019.5.26Some people believe that humorous attitude is much better in solving conflicts; others believe in taking seriousness. Which do you prefer?2019.6.1Do you agree or disagree? Students in the first two years should live in dormitories on campus.2019.6.15Do you agree or disagree? Animals have rights as humans and should be treated like humans.2019.6.16If you have a misunderstanding with your friends, do you prefer talking it out in public place or in private place.2019.6.29Do you agree or disagree? Some people sell gifts their friends gave them or give them to others.2019.7.6/7Students should choose the courses by themselves or should take the courses chosen by their professors?2019.7.13Some people prefer doing difficult things first, while other people prefer doing easy things first. Which one do you prefer?2019.7.28Do you agree or disagree? celebrities are more competent to do charity because they are rich and powerful.2019.8.10Do you agree or disagree? Children should learn at an early age to be independent.2019.8.24/25Do you agree or disagree? Workers shouldn’t send private messages or emails during the working hours.2019.9.1(重复2017.4.1.)A college of high academic level with high tuition and a college of low academic level with low tuition. Which one will you choose? Why?2019.9.7Do you agree or disagree? Historic sites should have preserved only for researchers and scientist, no access to the general public.2019.9.21上午Do you agree or disagree? the school is considering closing the computer lab because every student has a laptop.2019.9.21下午Some people prefer to communicate by talking face to face, while others prefer to communicate by sending email. Which way do you prefer and why?2019.9.22Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?2019.10.12(重复2016.4.9)Version1:Some people spend their vacation visiting just one place. Others prefer to spend their vacation visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount o time in each. Which do you prefer and why?Version2:If you are going to travel to a new country for a week, do you prefer to travel to a major city in the country or to several different places?2019.10.12下午should we work in a company with high salary but very strict and controversial?2019.10.13Do you agree or disagree? Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery.。


High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.
Do you agree or disagree? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age.
Help young students in nearby primary school,
Help people to find new houses for rent;
Help old people for caring them in daily life.
Agree or disagree: it is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose touch with old friends.
In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens.
Do you agree or disagree? Getting advice from people who are older than you is more valuable than from people of your age.




小作文阅读:bird feeders对鸟有害1.鸟类大量聚集在一起会增加眼病的概率2.增加危险:bird feeder一般设置在家附近,会被家猫等predators捕食,以及逃避时看不到窗户和车窗撞到而死亡3.影响migration:因为有了食物鸟就不migration了或者delay migration,或者会让她们没法mate。


2.鸟类从feeder中获取影响,是他们stronger and healthier,更好的养育下一代。



大作文今天的大作文题目真的太长了!几乎占了一面!又长又具体!所以这类题目很难用百搭理由去套!可以写一下让步段!题目:如果你是一个刚开始找工作的人,以下哪点更能帮助你找到一个successful job。

ng your friends包括现实中和网上的朋友ing letters to the companyfor companies advertisements on newspaper立场:sending letters主体段一:效率sending letters 可以让HR更直接的看到你是谁、你能为公司做什么,省去了面试时看简历、提问的时间(因为面试都是有时间限制的),在之后的面试中可以花更多时间让HR全面了解你,拿到offer 的几率更大。

主体段二:asking friends 不靠谱朋友可能并没有在他推荐给你的公司工作过,会出现不靠谱的情况。





小作文-natural gas
阅读:natural gas好
1.的确清洁的很好,但是太难用了,natural gas 已经是化石燃料中挺不错的了(比coal强)
听力:natural gas不好
1.有污染,greenhouse gas(应该用更好的清洁能源:太阳能和风能)
2.在开采中有toxic wasterwater,会污染河流和饮用水
题目:要不要去了解名人的politocal views
立场:我们不需要去了解名人的political views
1.个性:不了解名人的views 有助于培养你独立思考的能力,从而培养独立的个性;面对一件国家大事或政治话题,没有别人的views 干扰你,你可以有自己的思考,然后形成你自己的一些political views。


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(00-01)(00-08) 45) Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. 很多学生选择国外读书。

(00-05) 63) Some people think that they can learn
better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that
it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer?Use specific reasons to develop your essay. 有人喜欢自己学习,有人喜欢跟老师学。

(00-10)3) It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个大型购物中心。


(01-01) 89) People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies)make a person an adult? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. 童年和成人之间有差异。

(01-05)1) A company has announced that it wishes to
build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain
your position.一个公司要在你家附近建一个大工厂。


(01-08) 19) If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.如果你能够发明一件新的东西,你
(01-10)(05-01) 73) It is generally agreed that
society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you
think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons
to support your answer. 比较艺术家和科学家对社会的贡献,在你
(20xx/1/19)155) How do movies or television influence people‘s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 电影电视如何影响人们的行为?
(02——05) 173) When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.当人们移居到另外一个国家时候,有些人决定入乡

(02-08) 132) Do you agree or disagree with the
following statement? People are never satisfied with what。
