The merchant of venice之人物剖析
• Why Venice:
–Renowned for wealth and cultural diversity –Cosmopolitan market –Religious tolerance or lack thereof –True “slice of life” setting
• The Jew: –Business people who find laws necessary –Money and possessions are evidence of a successful life –Contracts are just business no matter what is involved –One either fulfills the contract or doesn’t, the reasons are of no matter
• Shylock is condemned to be without society
• He cannot associate with other Jews • The Christians won’t really accept him
• They are imposing a penalty worse than losing all his money
• Heroine – Portia, disguises herself as man; teaches men about love (women’s concern), also about law (men’s concern) • Clown – Lancelot Gobbo, plays trick on father • Villain – Shylock, personal grudge, not Machiavellian
要是一个犹太人欺侮了一个基督徒, 那基督徒怎样表现他 的谦逊? 报仇。
要是一个基督徒欺侮了一个犹太人, 那么照着基 督徒的榜 样, 那犹太人应该怎样表现他的宽容? 报仇。
你们已经把残虐的手段教给我, 我一定会 照着你们的教训 实行, 而且还要加倍奉敬哩。
第四幕 第一场 法庭
夏洛克(对着围观的公爵们):你们买了许多奴隶, 把他们 当作驴狗骡马一样看待 , 叫他们做种种卑贱的工作, 因为他 们是你 们出钱买来的。我可不可以对你们说, 让他们自 由, 叫他们跟你们的子女结婚? 为什么他们要在 重担之下流着血 汗? 让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软, 让他们的舌头也 尝尝你们所吃的东西吧。
夏洛克:只因为我 是一个犹太人。难道犹太人没有眼睛 吗? 难道犹 太人没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、 没有血 气吗? 同样的武器可以 伤害他, 同样的医药可以 疗治他, 冬天同样会冷, 夏天同样会热, 就像一个基督徒一 样吗? 你们要 是用刀剑刺我们, 我们不是也会出血的吗? 你们 要是挠我们的痒, 我们不是也会笑起来的吗? 你 们要是用 毒药谋害我们, 我们不是也会死的吗? 那么要是你们欺侮 了我们, 我们难道不会复仇吗?
The Merchant of Venice
创作背景 夏洛克人物形象 鲍西亚人物形象 人文主义思想
《威尼斯商人》是英国著名喜剧巨匠威廉·莎士比 亚 发表于 1596 年的作品,其创作背景是: 英国资本主 义经济迅速发展,专制王朝执行了有利于工商业发展 的 政策,得到新兴资产阶级的支持,王室和资产阶级 之间 形成了暂时的联盟。这时期莎氏初到伦敦,受国 内爱国 情绪的感染及文艺复兴时期人文主义思潮的影 响。在 女王伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国出现了经济 繁荣和政 治安定的局面。
沙威其实在“悲惨世界”中,是用来反衬完人冉阿让的. 沙威不是坏人,他只是有个很不幸的身世,而这一生又从未像冉阿让般经历被饶恕被接纳。
“悲惨世界”,是以对卞福汝主教的描述开始的,卞福汝的人道精神与爱的社会实践,简直到了无与伦比的完美地步=================================================== =在我读过的外国名着中,我最喜爱《悲惨世界》。
”(民族的冲突,宗教信仰的冲突多么尖锐!更是一个弱势民族对于自己尊严的捍卫!) 从夏洛克的回应中,不难看出其也有自尊的一面,潜台词:你们看不起我,我还看不起你们呢!他对尊严越是捍卫,疼痛感和屈辱感就越强烈。
The Merchant of Venice
制作人:初二(12)班 梁锐彬
在安东尼奥身 上发生了一些 什么事呢?
安东尼奥到底 是个怎么样的 人呢?
安东尼奥曾多次借钱给巴萨尼奥,但 都给巴萨尼奥挥霍完了。但是,安东 尼奥仍然愿意借钱给巴萨尼奥。
安东尼奥是个重友情的人,更是个宽 容的人。
安东尼奥面对夏洛克的“玩笑”,不但 愿意签约,还“要对人家说这个犹太人 心肠倒不坏呢”。
1. 安东尼奥在面对商船全部触礁沉没, 以及夏洛克阴谋得逞后得意洋洋的模 样时,逆来顺受。
2. 在濒临死亡的时候,安东尼奥临危不 惧。
3. 安东尼奥视死如归的友情,为朋友借钱并死而无怨 2. 对不良念头无戒备之心,性格单纯 3. 视死如归,临危不惧
摘要: 历来人们都认为夏洛克是一个吝啬、残酷、歹毒的“吸血鬼”, 应该受到谴责、讽刺和嘲笑。
分析夏洛克生存的环境和时代特征, 就会发现夏洛克还是一个勤劳的商人、敢爱敢恨的父亲。
关键词:《威尼斯商人》; 夏洛克; 吝啬; 善良《威尼斯商人》是唯一一部入选中学语文课本的莎士比亚作品, 这个剧本通过“一磅肉”的故事歌颂了青年男女之间的真诚友谊和爱情, 谴责了高利贷者的贪婪和残忍。
商人安东尼奥是被作者理想化的人物形象, 对于犹太人夏洛克, 一直以来, 则被认为是一个吝啬、自私、心胸狭隘的小丑。
这似乎成了公论, 正如剧种人物葛莱西安诺所说:“万恶不赦的狗, 看你死后不下地狱! 让你这种东西活在世上, 真是公道不生眼睛。
你简直使我的信仰发生动摇, 相信起毕达哥拉斯所说的畜生的灵魂可以转生人体的议论来了; 你的前生一定是一头豺狼, 因为吃了人给人捉住吊死, 你那凶恶的灵魂就从绞架上逃了出来, 钻进了你那老娘肮脏的胎里, 因为你的性情正象豺狼一样残暴贪婪。
”然而夏洛克果真如此形象吗?仔细研读这部戏剧,我们可以发现其实夏洛克才是悲剧性的人物, 是比安东尼奥更值得同情的人物。
为此我们必须深入夏洛克的不为人知的内心世界, 考察夏洛克生存的环境和时代特征。
我们来看看犹太民族的状况, 犹太人是一个长期遭受苦难的民族, 从历史上、宗教上、经济上的状况进行分析, 再联系剧中的有关情节,可以看出流落到欧洲的犹太人的悲惨境遇。
夏洛克在威尼斯所遭受的屈辱, 只是其中的一个反映, 而且他还是极少数富裕犹太人中的一个代表, 还有大量生活在社会底层的犹太人, 其状况可想而知。
在剧中借钱和法庭斗争两个关键部分, 夏洛克有大段道白, 道出了整个犹太民族宗教上受压迫、经济上受排挤打击、种族上受歧视的状况。
我们也能想到他悲剧结局的必然性, 他虽然据理力争, 毕竟势单力薄, 最终以悲剧结局收场,在基督教社会统治下, 他是个“犹太人”,“异教徒”, 他只能成为一个牺牲品。
关键词:人物分析;人文主义思想;个性解放;女性意识AbstractAs we known that the merchant of V enice is one of Shakespeare‟s most important works. It is a comedy. The theme of this play is to extol kindheartedness, friendship and love. And also it reflects the conflicts between the capitalists and usurers at the beginning of the capitalist society. And it expresses the author‟s humanist idea on money, law and religion in capitalist society. This thesis analyzes the main figures in the play by using independent and contrast ways. It shows the heavily flavor of humanism at the beginning of capitalist society; and expresses some thoughts for society and human being. The thesis also makes a hard criticism to Shylock, who is a representative of feudalism, and puts a heavy humanism on Portia. It displays the thoughts of feudalism personality liberation, and stressing the great breakthrough of woman‟s status and feminine consciousness in Elizabethan era.Key Words:Character analyzing; humanism; personality liberation; women consciousnessIntroductionThe Merchant of Venice is one of the Shakespeare‟s famous comedies in his early time. It‟s theme is to extol kindness, friendship and love. It is the mirror of the contradiction between business bourgeois and usurer at the beginning of the Capitalist society. It‟s also expressed the author‟s humanism ideas on money, law and religion in this society. There, we mention Humanism--the main distinguishing feature of that period, also the brightness characteristic which is shown from the important role in this play.In this thesis, the author introduces the background of the play firstly. Reading the play, we can know that the social background in the play is according with the real society. We know at that time, the society was under the leadership of Elizabeth who was the symbol of power in England. Next the thesis gives an introduction of the main figures in the play. Antonio is rich and kindhearted. From him we can see the spirit of humanism. Portia plays the most important part in the play. The thesis talks about her character, her hobbies, and her attitude of love and the inner meaning-humanism of this figure. She is the center of all these figures the play refers to. Humanism is an ideological weapon for capitalism to fight the feudalism combat, and also it is the core idea of capitalism advanced-literature in Renaissance, and its combat refers to the ideal of Feudalism in Middle Age, especially the religion belief of Catholics. After that, the thesis gives more details about the information mentioned above. Then the thesis compares the figures to give a highlight of the humanism spirit.Ⅰ. Social Background of the Play the Merchant of VeniceAs is known, England is a developed country. Today, it also obtains very important status in the world. It is very necessary to talk about the history of the growth of capitalism in England, especially in 16th century.A. The Social Information in Elizabeth ThroneHenry VIII died in 1547 and his nine-year-old son succeeded him. The son was known in history, Edward Ⅵ. The boy-king‟s reign was a time of extreme Protestantism, for the Regency Council for him consisted almost entirely of the protestant faction. Edward Ⅵdied in 1553. only 15years old. Then his half-sister, Mary, a Catholic, became Queen. The new Queen came to the throne at the age of twenty-five. After the coronation, her parliament passed the necessary legislation to abolish the papal supremacy over the church, and gave Elizabeth all the powers over the church which her father had held, though with the more modest title of “Supreme Government” of the Church of England instead of “Supreme Head” Elizabeth died on 24 March, 1603 at the age of sixty-nine. Her forty-four-year reign had not only ensured the triumph of Protestantism in Britain and in Northern Europe, but had greatly increased the wealth, power and prestige of England. Her na vy triumphed over the great Armada of the king of Spain; her sailors‟ circum navigated the world, and established a colony on the North American continent which they named Virginia after their virgin queen. At home, the merchants were prosperous; the common people enjoyed a higher standard of living than in most other European countries, and her reign was also full of achievements in literature and other arts. After all, Elizabeth I was one of the most successful despots to govern England in English history. ①(李超, 邓兴义:34-37)B. Special Social Background Reflecting in the Merchant of VeniceThe Merchant of Venice is one of the famous comedy plays written by Shakespeare in his early time. The theme of this play is to extol kindness, friendship and love. It is the mirror of the contradiction between business bourgeois and usurer at the beginning of capitalist society. It‟s also expressed the author‟s humanism ideas on money, law and religion in this society. There, we mention Humanism--the main distinguishing feature of that period, also the brightness characteristic which is shown from the important roles in this play. But, what is “humanism”? Humanism is the ideological weapon of bourgeois to fight feudalism at Renaissance, is also the core idea of the bourgeois‟ advanced-literature in this time. Be directed against the world outlook of Medieval feudalism is the spearhead of struggle, especially the religion belief of Catholicism. Church refers to God as the centre of cosmos. At the heart of the Renaissance philosophy is the assertion of the greatness of man. And the elements of Humanism are to establish the central status of human, their dignity and value, to advocate the spirit of rationalism and science and to protest the supreme role of God admired in Middle Ages.Shakespeare was a man of the late Renaissance who gave the fullest expression to humanist ideas. The Merchant of Venice is one of the important works which finished in the First Flowering period of English Literature. In this play, heroes and heroines fight for their own ideas and mould their own life according to their own free will and bring us into happy and ideal world with singing, dancing, harmony with nature and freedom from the vices of the world.Ⅱ. Analyzing the Heroes in the PlayIn this play, Shakespeare portrays many roles. The proportion that male figures taking is much more notable than female‟s. So, it's necessary to narrate and displ ay their nature character and symbol.A. AntonioAlthough the play‟s title refers to him, Antonio is a rather lackluster character. He emerges in ActⅠ, sceneⅠas a hopeless depressive, someone who cannot name the source of his melancholy and who, throughout the course of the play, devolves into a self-pitying lump, unable to muster the energy required to defend himself against execution. Antonio never names the cause of his melancholy, but the evidence seems to point to his being in love, and the most likely object of his affection is Bassanio.Antonio has risked the entirety of his fortune on oversea trading ventures, yet he agrees to guarantee the potentially lethal loan Bassanio secures from Shylock. He is willing to offer up a pound of flesh, signifying a union that grotesquely alludes to the rite of marriage, where two partners become “one flesh”. Further evidence of the nature of Antonio‟s feelings for Bassanio appears later in the play, when Antonio‟s proclamat ions resonate with the hyperbole and self-satisfaction of a doomed lover‟s declaration: “pray God Bassanio come/ To see me pay his debt, and then I care not”②(Act Ⅲ, Scene III, 35-36) without a mate, he is indeed the “tainted wether”—or castrated ram—of the flock, and he will likely return to his favorite pastime of moping about the streets of Venice②(Act Ⅳ, Scene I, 113). After all, he has effectively disabled himself from pursuing hid hobby—abusing Shylock—by insisting that the Jew convert to Christianity. Although a 16th century audience might have seen this demand as merciful, as Shylock is saving himself from eternal damnation by converting, we are less likely to be convinced. Not only does Antonio‟s reputation as an anti-Semite precede him, but the only instance in the play when he breaks out of his doldrums in his “storm” against Shylock②(ActⅠ, Scene III, 132). In this play, Antonio proves his character is melancholy, cruelty and some seldom saying—homosexual.B. BassanioIt is said Middle Ages is th e most deathly stillness period in Europe. It also can be seemed it‟s the time that west Europe‟s culture and literature go to grave. As to the pillar of spirit, there is nothing except a total series of religious doctrine. In this environment, people used compliment and boast words to exchange their minds and thoughts. In that society, everyone remain under artificial mask wandered in different kinds of occasion. An absolutely undisguised money relationship makes the true human nature into ash during the masks scraped each other. Bassanio, a noble who is neatly dressed, whose speech and deportment is natural and graceful, gradually becomes a declining aristocrat by spending without restraint. He is a handsome and intelligent young man. But living in such a society, what his every day‟s schedule is to squander money on different meeting and use blandishment speech to talk with other aristocrat. His property is limitation. Once he runs behind his expenses, he will ask his best friend—the wealth merchant in Venice—Antonio for money. From the context, it seems he never returned what he borrowed. To be such a man who wants of lofty aspiration. Maybe the best method frees himself from poverty is to get a profitable marriage. And we mostly can make sure; to obtain money is more important than to marry Portia. This can be improved in later—he gives his bride‟s ring to the clerk. Although his lover has declared that if he loses her ring, she will never pardon him.C. ShylockShylock in this play is the antagonist. He is the model of usurer. Most people read him as a bogeyman, a clownish Jewish stereotype. He is selfish, curtly, avaricious and niggard. Once he hasthe chance to revenge his foe. He will try his best to make the other into deathtrap. In the court, he is clam and wisdom, even fights for several Christian‟s joint attack. But most of his speech is coarse, and sometimes “mean”. All of this makes people take unkindly to him. But with the several aspects sagacious with Antonio, it makes him be a mult-personality figure. Being a pagan who lives in Christian society he has strong emotion on racial constriction and the enthusiasm of raising Jewish people‟s status. Living in this soci ety, he suffers too much public humiliation and oppression as he says in the following:“He hath disgraced me, and hinder‟d me half a million; laught at my loss, mockt at my gains, scorn‟d my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what‟s his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal‟d by the same means, warm‟d and cool‟d by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laught? If you porion us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?” ②(Act ⅢSceneⅠ50-63)His frequently mentions of the cruelty he has endured at Christian hands make it hard for us to label him a natural born monster. Shylock argues that Jews are humans and calls his quest for vengeance the product of lessons taught to him by the cruelty of Venice citizens. In such condition, his “malicious” is much more reasonable.Besides the facial of Shylock‟s malignance, actually, he is a person whose sense of decency has been fractured by the persecution he endures. Comparatively, those kindness and wisdom Christian, in fact, have another hideous feature. So, in my mind, Shylock is a man who is worth sympathizing.III. Analyzing the Central Character in the Novel--PortiaThe girl embodies the virtues that are typical for Shakespeare‟s heroines--it has no surprise that she emerges as the antidote to Shylock‟s malice. She is the pretty-witted aristocrat young girl. She is enthusiasm and graceful; resourceful and humorous; wealthy and beautiful. She is the perfect female who glitters the humanism ideal in her life. This is Portia.A. The Essential Nature of PortiaAt the beginning of the play, however, we do not see Portia‟s potential for initiative and resourcefulness, as she is a near prisoner, feeling herself absolutely bound to follow her father‟s dying wishes. This open appearance, however, proves to be a revealing introduction to Portia, who emerges as that rarest of combinations--a free spirit who abides rigidly by rules. When Bassanio asks Belmont to choose his chest, she proves herself to be highly resourceful, begging the man she lo ves to stay a while before picking a chest, and finding loophole in the will‟s provision that we never thought possible. Also, in her defeat of Shylock, she prevails by applying a more rigid standard than Shylock, agreeing that he can get a pound of flesh, but adding that it does not to allow for any loss of blood. Anybody can break the rules, but Portia‟s effectiveness comes from her ability to make the law work for her. After depriving Bassanio of his ring, she stops the prank before it goes far, and she even insinuates that she has been unfaithful. These entire can proves Portia‟s wit, resource, and humorB. The Humanism Spirit Shown by PortiaPortia is the main character in this play. She embodies the virtues that are typical for Shakespeare‟s heroines. Being a wealth young girl, she is beautiful, gentle and tender, and full ofstratagems. She lives in Belmont--a peaceful world, and recruits the newest ideological trends. So, her mind is equipped by humanism. She is a cute girl, even her father‟s behest; she would like to abide by. Humanism has several contents. One of them is the Rationalism object to Obscurantism. It advocates treasuring people intelligent. And it is said the most reason of people is dignity depending on the power of rational. Rational is human‟s nature, science is the source of joyful. So, when Bassanio arrives, Portia use her resourceful mind to call his attention to pick the correct chest.I pray you, tarry: pause a day or twoBefore you hazard; for, in choosing wrong,I lost your company: therefore, forbear a while. ②(Act ⅢSceneⅡ1-5)……Before you venture for me. I could teach youHow to choose right……The seeming truth which cunning times put onTo entrap the wisest. Therefore, thou gaudy gold,Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;Nor none of thee, thou stale and common drudge,Tween man and man: but thou, thou meager lead,Which rather threatenest than dost promise aught,Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence;And here choose I: ---Joy be the consequence! ②(Act ⅢSceneⅡ100-107)This is the evidence that Portia never resigns herself to her fate. In order to peruse her own happiness and love, she makes use of her wisdom obeyed her father‟s will as well as marry with the Mr. Right. This is one aspect. The other one is that when she argued with Shylock to act defense as a means of attack on the court, and consolidate at every step. Shylock thought he encountered bosom friend at beginning. And later, suddenly he realized he has lost his preponderance. Portia‟s brilliance talent and Shylock‟s weakened defense, both make people cannot help laughing. Considered her attitude towards love and the performance she acts on court. There is no doubt that she is a remarkable humanist.C. Portia--a Self-conscious FemalePortia is a beautiful, dignity and wealth girl. And the most important thing is she obtains strongly female self-consciousness. She knows what is she needs, and try her best to pursue. She has an insight into the world which she exists—the code of ethics, the value…, she knows what‟s the role she plays. So, she can vacillate freely in the male society, gets her goal and not to go against the rules. In this play, it seems she just does two things: help her to choose a husband; help her husband to rescue Antonio. Both of them have fully demonstrated her intelligence, and reveal her anti-tradition figure. It‟s the time when she chooses her hus band to show her ability to suit male society. Portia not only has the female self-consciousness, but also understands thoroughly what is the status and role woman obtains in male society. She knows the method which keeps away from conflicts. To her husband, she is an angle: sheepish, tender and obedient. When Bassanio chooses the correct casket, she immediately says she is an “unwise, lack-education girl”. Is she really so humble? No. Portia knows very clearly that man dislikes woman is more sensibleand prior than men themselves. So she makes her modest on purpose. But at the same she would like to show her important role when she gives her ring to Bassanio, she says:Myself and what is mine to you and yoursIs now converted: but now I was the lordOf this fair mansion, master of my servants,Queen O‟er myself; and even now, but now,This house, these servants, and this same myself,Are yours, my lord: I give them with this ring;Which when you part from, lose, or give away,Let it persage the ruin of your love,And be my vantage to exclaim on you.②The aim to be said like that is to remind Bassanio she is the very one that‟s thereal master in her family. In other words, she is the protagonist in the play, and the male is the costar who stands on the pasive, subordinary rim, and they always do as one is told. This figure-portray denied the traditon gender relationship makes female go from “rim” to “center”, from “object” to “subject”. It’s to deny the traditio nal female conception. And on the other hand, all of those shows Portia is a personality liberation woman.D. An Explanation on Portia Masquerading as ManThe period when the Merchant of Venice was created was called Shakespeare‟s comedy period. During this period Shakespeare shaped humanities and the arts. British Queen Elizabeth I is in the heyday of the rule, monarchy solid and economic prosperity. Shakespeare in the social reality of the ideals of humanism will be achieved confidence, optimism works filled with forthright and bright colors. There is an idiom said “British is the paradise for woman, and the hell for steed” , which means British female enjoy more free than male, and usually male should adhere to their wife. And the fact related to this is woman benefited more education, especially humanism. Most of Shakespeare‟s heroines have been considered the model of Queen Elizabeth.③In the Merchant of Venice, Portia is a miss in a noble family. She is bored with spoon. Her nature is lovely, smart, and witty and evens some naughty. Her homeland is splendid and luxurious. Having some propriety status, Portia worries about nothing, and even late when she chooses her husband, she doesn‟t think it‟s necessary to choose someone who have the equal socioeconomic status. This is one reason why Portia would show her heart to Bassanio--a declining noble. Absorbing the latest ideology, her ideological level has been improved very high. She is intelligent and resourceful. When she has known her husband‟s best friend have been accused. In her mind, a good idea has been emerged prior to go to court and fight against Shylock.But there is the key problem--why does Portia masquerade as man? Wouldn‟t she go to the court with her own dress? Why should she disguise herself as a black-robed judge? These are the complicated questions in the context. In my opinion, there are three reasons to explain this phenomenon.It is the fact that woman‟s status has been improved a lot, especially at Elizabeth‟srealm. There is another important factor about Shakespeare‟s comedy is “heroes in dress” as one says: “British are the paradise for woman and the hell for steed”. In Shakespeare‟s comedy, female not only is the protagonist, but also holds the thread of details, and very erudite. Portia dresses in black robe, the first function is to pile comedy effect on, and throws the comedy atmosphere intosharp relief. The second function is the following: because humanism consists that the world they inhabit is not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voice their beliefs that man does not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but has the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. And advocate that woman should be treated equal to man. Human is bored equal.④Shakespeare creates Portia, and gives her the endowment to dress up as man. And by using her unruly female speech, the function is to emphasize woman should be treated equally to man. Even sometimes woman is much more excellent than man. Maybe this is the Shakespeare‟s (as a humanist) expectation. The last but not the least function is: although woman‟s status has been promoted, and the humanism ideological wave is sticking strongly out at the feudalism. Males and females treated differently have deep roots in everybody‟s mind, including females themselves. Portia is clever enough. But she still is a people in the world. She also must obey the rules of convention. Some critics say:“When Elizabeth Ⅰ, ruled the realm, the majority of woman found their access to the public sphere decreasing, as the economic roles they played in the late medieval period contracted. Recurrent inflation, land shortages and poverty combined to create a …crisis of order‟, though it developed new, and in some cases quite subtle, tactics for enforcing the subordination of woman. Although the protestant belief in the spiritual equality of men and women according some women greater spiritual dignity and power, and fostered as well a more …companionate‟ and affectionate mode of marriage, th ese gains did not translate into economic, political, or social equality”⑤( Susan Amussen, 1988 and Merry E.Weisner, 1993)At the back of Portia‟s immortality, the play shows us the woman‟s bitter which they have beard so long. As an excellent girl, she ca n‟t enter court naturally, instead she masquerades as man. To establish the central status of human, their dignity and value; to advocate the love and equality; and of these are just to work for the expectation and demand of man, there is no business of woman. Above all, there is the plot that Portia masquerades as man in the play.IV. A Comparative Study of Characteristic DifferencesAs we know, this comedy is very light and joyful. Also its theme is very clean. But many criticisms have analyzed the figure s in different angles. So it‟s inevitable to make a comparison among the roles.A. Portia and JessicaBoth of them are the important roles in this play. And both have a wealth father. The basic difference is Portia living in Belmont, a peaceful, quiet place. And Jessica lives in Venice, which is a city full of pedal, bourgeoisie and smell of money. As we say…circumstance creates human‟ Portia is witty, brave, and humorous, and there is always a clever maid for company. They enjoy themselves and live a very happy life. By contrast, Jessica, a lonely girl, because of her father‟s niggard and heartless, she has no friend. What she does everyday is just stay at home where is a place called …gloomy jail‟. She can‟t go out to have a play; even can‟t open the windo w to have a breath. Her father always worry someone will steal their money and jewels. Shylock is the awful father to her. She never dears to say no to her father. So, when she encounters her love---a Christian young man, Lorenzo. She has nothing to do just packs some money and elopes with him: Jessica: Alack, what heinous sin is it in meTo be ashamed to be my father‟s child!But though I am a daughter to his blood.I am not to his manners. Oh, Lorenzo,If thou keep promise, I will end this strife,Become a Christian and thy loving wife!②( Act II ,Scene III, P64, 15-22)Here, we can say, the two girls have courage to pursue their own happiness. But Portia‟s happiness is hinge on her wit. Although she is bound to her dead father‟s will. She still helps Bass anio to choose the correct chest with her wit. To audience, it‟s more gratification to be accepted. And it‟s a pity for Jessica to choose the elopement for their love.B. Portia and ShylockPortia is a humanist and she is the embodiment of kind, clever, and bravery. She is the person who is leading the trend of society, also we call her “trend—setter”. By contrast, Shylock stands for usurer who is ignorant and backward. Absolutely, they are run in the opposite direction. This is the knot that they will conflict directly. The wonderful performance of their conflicts is shown on Scene Ⅳ—the struggle on court. The way that Portia crosses sword with Shylock is similar to Duke with he. Both persuade him first. The little difference is Duke has no alternative and Portia has a well-thought-out plan. She wins the case with her wit. We can‟t hold ourselves to think Shylock is defeated by a girl who is as old as his daughter. At that time, he has just lost his daughter. What a pity it is! And at last, Shylock loses all he has—wealth, daughter and religion. At that moment, Shylock‟s misfortunes tend to make him a more sympathetic figure than a comic one. “When you lost something, another one is retuning to you.” Maybe that is the true mighty of Shakespeare.C. Antonio and BassanioOne is the rich merchant of Venice. He is the representative figure of growing bourgeois. He is ostentatious and is generous in aiding needy people. He always lends his money to other without interest. So he obtains much good praise. The other one is a profligate son of the rich. He is the embodiment of powerful noble. Except Usurer and Feudalism, they are the dazzling figure in commercialized society. One obtains numerous money; the other has admirable class status. They are the bosom friend in reality. “Money” and “power” work quite well between their friendships. They are Antonio and Bassanio. We nearly can awaken there are some intimate relationship from their name. No matter if it‟s the planned on purp ose by author. Both they are very young and handsome. They always have some special smell scattered from their body that you can strike in their every breath. Is it purity kindness or bewitching eye light? Their friendship has been established firmly. Antonio helps Bassanio over his economic collapse. In turn, Bassanio usually listen to Antonio‟s innermost feeling and the hitch on business. Before Portia goes up to the stage, they just like a pairs of “sweet lover”. But they aren‟t lover, and not a combined community. Antonio is a merchant and he has worried so many affairs about his business. Maybe the only entertainment item is to scold every unmoral action acted by Shylock and to excoriate his curtness, selfishness, stinginess and berate. What these all would happen like that, the reason just because Shylock is Jew. They are the conflicts of two opposite ideas, identification, convention and religions.Bassanio although is a noble, actually he is a declining aristocrat. He has squandered his money at different meeting, gathering and on woman. Not to speak so tactful, he is a playboy who never plans to get a job or doing some business. Instead, he would like to life his head from a profitable marriage. When he borrows money from Antonio as chip to pursuing Portia. Antonio says:I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;。
《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)500字观后感
《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)500字观后感《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚的喜剧之一,以其复杂的人物关系、深刻的社会观察和对人性的探讨而闻名。
《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)1000字观后感
《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)1000字观后感《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚的一部深具戏剧性和思考性的作品,通过对复杂人际关系、文化冲突、信仰、仇恨以及爱情等多个层面的描绘,呈现了一个充满人性考验和社会问题的世界。
外国戏剧《推销员之死》人物分析分析《推销员之死》外国戏剧中的威利——09广告学李琼200903113021 《推销员之死》是典型的现实主义悲剧,现实主义悲剧是社会的悲剧,所以从剧中的主角威利·洛曼的悲剧中我们可以看见一个社会的悲剧。
威利是个巡回推销员,就像他的名字Lowman 所暗示,他属于社会的低层人物,没有固定工资,只领佣金。
The Interpretation of Shylock in The Merchant of Venic eName:李娅Class: Literature (3)[ My own views: revenge spirit and the suggestion to Chinese] Abstract:The Merchant of Venic e was the masterpiece of William Shakespeare, who was the greatest of all English authors and especially a feeble representative of English drama in 16th and 17th century England. In this work Shakespeare gave a vivid picture of the Jews in Christian society. The Merchant of Venice is one of the four comedies written by William Shakespeare and Shylock is the most characteristic person shaped in this comedy.I will address myself to three parts in this paper: the social background of the work, character analysis of Shylock and appreciative remarks about Shylock. In this paper,I’d like to focus on analyzing character of Shylock from the suffering of Jews and his revenge spirit.Key words: Jews victim tragic character revenge spiritI. The social background of the workThe Merchant of Venic e was written by Shakespeare at the end few years of the 1590s. During theses years,British social contradictions gradually sharpen up.Shakespeare began to feel the contradictions between his humanistic ideals and British reality, so the later comedies that he wrote after 1596 were converted to enrich with both optimistic cadence and social satire factors.The Merchant of Venic is one of the most outstanding comedies of Shakespeare which were enriched with social satire. The author’s creative attitude towards the works became to change because that British social contradictions gradually sharpen up.At that time,the oppressions that Jews were suffering in British, no less than that Jews suffered in any other countries in Europe. From 1290.Jews began to be expelled from British and until 1649 in which the British Commonwealth was established ,this injunction was abolished . Jews lived in British at that time lived a difficult life. They were suppressed seriously by Christian ,so they dared to allocate asset in case their assert being expropriated and they have to make living by lending out money at an exorbitant rate of interest. We all know The Merchant of Venic e was created in 1596 and Shylock is a typical affronted Jew in this play.The readers of The Merchant of Venic e often regard Shylock as a gainful,greedy and cruelmoney-lender and conspue him. How many of us really know the social background? So before I analysis the character,I’d like to emerge the social background. I hold Shylock is a creation of circumstance.II. Analyzing character of ShylockA.Generally speaking,Shylock always left a cruel, greedy and gainful money-lender image to the readers of The Merchant of Venice.1).Shylock is a representative of the cruel and avaricious money-lenders .In the play,Shylock doesn't demand more than several times payments, but a useless piece of flesh. From it case we can see that Shylock has a strong sense of revenge ,which means once he catched a chance,he will insanely revenge to anyone who adverse to him. Setting traps to Antonio step by step,he just wants a useless piece of flesh. Except that flesh,what else could he get? While Shylock said it’s a super fishing bait. How cold and heartless he is!2).Moreover, Shylock is more of a miser than a beast. He lets a treacherous lackey guarding the door, but feel little secure. Even his servants ran to his enemy because of too much hunger.Likewise ,by the end,when Shylock failed to the court , he wants to three times payments back, which revealed his natural greed and the true face of an avaricious miser again.B. He is a pitiful victim,in other words,Shylock is a creation of circumstance.1).From objective perspective,Shylock has reasonable and complex motivations to the Antonio’s revenge.In fact ,Antonio is a obstacle both for Shylock’s fortune seeking and for his own source of income,Shylock must chase Antonio out of his sight .2). He is an affronted Jew who suffered much in the hands of the Christians. At that time, Shylock dared to allocate asset in case his assert being expropriated and he had to make living by lending out money at an exorbitant rate of interest. I sympathy for his racial oppression and humiliation.3).At the ending of The Merchant of Venice, all the characters got a happy ending except Shylock. I can not say that Shylock is not the tragic character in the comedy. It seems that a series of misfortunes happened to him,from his servants run away to his enemy,then his daughter eloped with her lover carrying Shylock’s property, at the ending even lost his own part of the surplus property. He played a double penalty and nearly all the evils and misfortunes concentrate on one character--- Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.C.Shylock is a brave avenger who was trying his best to support an oppressed nation’s dignity. Even though he failed to challenge that society, I admire his revenge spirit very much.1).He is a fair-and-square avenger because it is allowed for him to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body at his age in British. At that time,the contract is legal, while default is illegal. The default debtor would have been severely punished. Ancient Rome in the " law of the twelve tables " provides that creditors have the right to sell the debtor as slavery, even a number of creditors could cut the debtor into several pieces. In contrast, Shylock asked for a pound of flesh is not the most cruel.2). He is a brave and ambitious avenger. For an individual, Shylock is a single Jew who get bullied and insulted from Antonio and other Christians. He was leading an unhappy life but how about his clansmen? All of the Jews suffered much in the hands of Christians. He is not a coward but chose to react back to these Christians. It is he a brave Jew who want to work off all the Jews national humiliation.Nowadays ,we Chinese are living in a democratic society and our citizens don’t have to worry about being suppressed or humiliated . However,the history of national humiliation that we should never forget. I guess every Chinese know “Nanking Massacre”,in which is was Japanese who committed mass murder,looting, rapes and other war crimes,even totally killed a number of thirty thousand Chinese in Nanjing capital. While the Japanese leaders refuse to confess their sins by distorting the criminal history in Japanese text book and pretend that they did nothing to Chinese. And what is more,the hateful Japanese want to plunder the Diaoyu Islands from China to Japan. When the “Diaoyu Islands Event” occurred,I can say few Chinese did reaction for defenc e. Does our Chinese become dumb to ever national humiliation? Definitely, “No” .If every Chinese could have the revenge spirit as Shylock did,China would rapidly become powerful around the world. So, I’d like to say that please all the Chinese people it’s time for us to take up our weapons with the wisdom of our mind to fight against bravely. Starting from refusing to buy Japanese production. We do have revenge spirit. Please remember “to survive in every folder, and develop in the face of adversity.”III.Appreciative remarks about ShylockShakespeare is a dramatic genius in the character shaping of Shylock. Before he wrote The Merchant of Venice,another dramatist ---Christopher Marlowe had written The Jew of Malta in which the hero also is a Jew named Barabas who is a worst villain and can do anything for the sake of purpose. While in Marlowe’s work, Malta doesn’t have antagonistand just the audience who out of the play could condemn him. Compared with two characters Malta with Shylock, Shakespeare sharped the character more complete and more real than real. In The Merchant of Venice, Shylock is a wise,cautious and eloquent Jew who made a fortune by lending out money at an exorbitant rate of interest,which let the Christians have reason to hate Shylock.Moreover, to the Elizabethan public,Shylock was simply a despised creature,a Jew and a usurer,and his miserliness and his “eagerness to dig for another the pit into which he himself falls”seemed “not terrible but ludicrous.” Yet at same time I feel that Shakespeare himself did not completely share the prejudices of his age,for he showed that Shylock’s hardness and cruelty were the result of his passionate nature and of the abnormality of his position in society. So that in spite of everything,he has come to appear in the eyes of later times as a sort of tragic symbol of the degradation and vengefulness of an oppressed race. IV. ConclusionThe Merchant of Venice gave a vivid picture of British society in 16th and 17th century. The hero---Shylock is a gainful money lender and a greedy miser, but he is more a pitiful Jew and a brave avenger. In chapter I, I mentioned “The social background of the work” help to analyze character combined with the work’s historical information. Next,in chapter II, I focused on “C haracter analysis of Shylock”,which is the main part of this paper. Finally, I addressed the “appreciative remarks about Shylock”and gave my views about Shakespearean characterization. Especially, the sober suggestion that I’d like to emphasize is that our Chinese really need to strengthen our “revenge spirit”to fight against any nation who injured us or who is going to depress us. We Chinese are not vulnerable or feeble.Bibliography:1)吴伟仁英国文学史及选读-第一册北京外语教学与研究出版社19882) 赵友斌莎士比亚悲喜剧著名独白欣赏电子科技大学出版社20083)莎士比亚莎士比亚丛书-四大喜剧(梁实秋译)中国广播电视出版社20014)莎士比亚威廉-莎士比亚的威尼斯商人(Laura Lippman著、彭卓瑞译)外语教学与研究出版社1997。
Themerchantofvenice之人物剖析The Merchant of V eniceThe book i would like to talk about is the merchant of venice. The book is a dramatic work which is written by shakespear, an english famous writer. Shakespear is a very famous drama writer in the 16th century, he has written a lot of famous dramatic works, such as romeo and juliet, hamlet,authailo and so on.This book talks about something happens between merchants in venice. The drama begins with antonio helps bassanio borrow money from shylock and then brings out other stories. Bassanio, a merchant who is poor ,first wants to borrow money from his friend antonio, also a merchant in venice. As all the money of antonio's has been put on the ships which sails abroad, when bassanio asks antonio for help,antonio decides to help bassanio to borrow money from a jewish rich man, shylock. Shylock is a man who loves his nation very much. He is very rich and always gains profits from people who borrow his money. Bassanio and antonio are charistans, and antonio looks down upon shylock, for shylock does not believe christa ,meanwhile, shylock is a little mean and loves money very much. As a man who really hates jewish so much,antonio does many harms to shylock before. This time, to borrow the money for bassanio, antonio promises to shylock that he will pay the money back in three months,or he will be willing to do anything that shylock asks him to do. Antonio firmly believes he will pay the money back in time because his ships which contain all his property will come back in a short time. However, the limited time that he promises has already arrived but something unexpected happens, his property is lost, he can not pay the debt back. So shylock trieshis best to retaliate antonio. Bassanio, who has borrowed the money and has been to belmonte to persue his dream to marry portia, a very beautiful and rich lady. In balmonte, bassanio gets the admission to marry portia with his intelligence. When having achieved his dream, bassanio hears the news that antonio is going to be punished by shylock. So he asks his wife for letting him to return to venice to rescue his friend. During the period of rescuing antonio, portia is so brilliant that she helps make antonio safe and make shylock fail completely. Meanwhile, shylock loses most of his money. At the end, bassanio and portia have a happy ending.The drama, in my opinion, mainly reflects three aspects, the good friendship between bassanio and antonio, the conflicts between jewish and the english people who are against jewish, the intelligence of portia and the romantic relationship between her and bassanio. Some of the characters in the drama are worthy to talk about.First, i think, as one of the main characters of the book, shylock has many characteristics that worth discussing. As a jewish, he is very innocent in some ways. At that time, the jewish's position in english people's eyes is really very very low, it is really hard for shylock to live in that environment. He is always reviled and insulted by antonio and other english men. And it is why shylock hates antonio and other english merchants so much. When bassanio asks him to borrow some money and invites him to have a meal with them, shylock refuses immediately, and says he could not bear the so-called christan's beliefs. Secondly, shylck is also a man who loves money so much. He gains interests by lending money to other english merchants. He is rich enough, but he is mean to others, no matter it is his daughter or hisservant. He always values every opportunity to get profit. He says antonio is a fool, because antonio never asks for extra money when he lends money to others, and he lowers the interests in providing a loan. From some aspects, shylock loves his money more than his daughter jessica. When jessica steals some jewels and money from shylock and leaves with lorenzo, the man that jessica loves. Shylock cries for his jewels first, butnot wanting to find his daughter back as soon as he can. When news comes that jessica spends 80 pounds during one night, he is only sad for his money, instead of worrying whether his daughter is alright or not outside. Thirdly, shylock is intelligent in one way. When referring to asking for interests, he uses a literary quotation to illustrate that getting profits by lending money to others is proper. Fourthly, shylock is also a man who will relatiate back when others insult him whenever there's a chance. He has been insulted a lot by antonio before, and when antonio can not pay the money back to him in time, he makes the most of the opportunity to make reprisals to antonio. In fact, from it, it also concludes shylock is a little cruel. When bassanio and the duke or other people asks him to excuse antonio, he doesn't agree and is determined to get a pound of man's flesh from antonio, instead of getting his 3,000 pounds back.In the drama,shylock is not good enough, but in the end, he lives a miserable life.While antonio, the merchant of venice, i think he has different opinions to different people. He is very friendly to his friends and other christans. When bassanio asks him for borrowing money but has no enough money, he should be will to sacrifice everything to borrow money for him, even his reputation. He never asks for repays when he helps others. Whenhe can't pay the money back for bassanio, he is willing to be punished by shylock, and decides not to tell it to bassanio. But on the other hand, he looks down upon to jewish, such as shylock. He always considers shylock as a bad man, whenever he sees shylock, he would call him cut-throat dog and misbeliever. Even when he and bassanio ask shylock for borrowing money, he is still spurns on him. What's more, i think antonio is a little arrogant, after he seals to the bond with shylock, he tells bassanio that he will not forfeit it and he will have thrice times the value of 3,000 pounds in two months. He says it so definitely, he is a little over-confident.As for bassanio, he is kind to others and also treats his friends very well. He is also very brilliant when he chooses the chest that can enable him to marry poetia. When he decides to choose one of the three chests,the gold, the silver and the leaden, he says the appearance of objects is always not in keeping with the fact of the objects, most people are usually taken in by the appearance. He doesn't choose the gold and the silver, but the leaden. Absolutely, he wins. To rescue antonio, he is willing to do anything, even loses his life. But, in some aspects, i think he doesn't keep prose. He promises to portia that he will keep the ring no matter what happens. However, he breaks his promise to give the ring to the justice who in fact is portia.Portia, the beautiful and smart lady. In the drama, she pursues for freedom to marry a man who she really loves. She never minds whether bassanio is rich or not, she shows her virtuous when bassanio decides to return venice to rescue antonio. What's more, she is so brilliant that after bassanio leaves for venice, she goes to help in secret. When dealing with the case of shylock and antonio, she dresses up as a judge and succeedsin rescuing antonio and makes him sefe without anything. She also makes shylock lose most of his property and fail completely. On the other hand, she is also romantic to her husband, she is so considerate to his husband.Though in the appearance, the book exposes the stingy and ruthless of shylock. In fact, we can also learn something in the deep of these characters. I think the reason why shylock is so bad is that, he is forced to be so. Living in the background which all the people hates the jewish, is a hard job. He is a pathetic man, he is betrayed by his own daughter and his servant, besides, he is forced to lose most of his money, lives painfully and lonely. Though it considers antonio as a kind person, he also shows his bad behaviors, he treats jewish so badly and at the end of the drama, he forces shylock to believe chtistan. The book makes portia nearly a perfect person, but she also has herdefect, she shows no forgiveness to shylock when judging the case.As a whole, we can learns that no one is perfect enough. He may behave well in some aspects, but he may also have some qualities that are not well.。
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to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology38 从自然主义角度解读《人鼠之间》中的美国梦(开题报告+论文)39 比较《简.爱》中女性“陈规形象”与《飘》中女性“新形象”40 中美基础教育对比研究41 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究42 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素43 透过《丛林》看美国梦的破灭44 英语歌曲在英语教学中的应用45 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响46 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格47 On Morality in Shakespeare’s Macbeth48 《绿色山墙的安妮》女主人公的人物性格分析49 英语新闻标题的语言特点及翻译50 不做房间里的天使——解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识51 (日语系毕业论文)义务教育的发展—就择校问题进行的探讨52 艾米莉.狄金森死亡诗歌中的性别歧义及其原因探析53 浅析中世纪欧洲基督教婚姻伦理观54 从国外汽车商标翻译看中国品牌国际化55 论汉英外贸合同翻译的得体性56 功能目的论视角下汉语商标的英译策略57 中美幽默的比较58 浅谈中国经济发展中的问题59 中式英语与标准英语的差别60 中英姓名文化内涵的探究61 “It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究62 浅析《蝇王》中的人性黑暗63 A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth’s Nature Poem and One by Tao Y uanming64 The Pursuit and Disillusionment of the American Dream—On Martin Eden65 佛罗多与亚拉冈:悲剧虚构型模式中的低模仿英雄与喜剧虚构型模式中的高模仿英雄66 从成长教育理论视角解读奥利弗退斯特的生活经历67 商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译68 论英汉翻译过程69 中英广告中的双关语探析70 通过阅读提高大学生的英语写作能力71 《荆棘鸟》中主要女主人公爱情观比较72 论《傲慢与偏见》中反讽的艺术效果73 英语习语陷阱及其学习策略74 中国大学机构名称汉英翻译策略研究75 An Analy sis of Jennie’s Tragedy in Jennie Gerhardt76 中西社交礼仪的比较与融合77 文化差异对商务谈判的影响及策略78 从中美商务谈判语言看中美文化差异79 从英语口语与书面语的不同谈如何正确使用英语口语80 从中英广告词中分析概念隐喻81 对张爱玲与简.奥斯汀作品的比较性研究82 母语在中学英语教学中的作用83 我对直译和意译的看法84 文化与幽默欣赏85 剖析《哈克贝利芬历险记》中对自由的追求86 自然观的演变——《自然》与《走出去思考》之对比分析87 论《红字》中海斯特的女性主义88 中英姓名的文化内涵89 对英语政治新闻的批评性话语分析90 英语流行语的文化内涵91 中美非言语交际中的时空观差异92 It的用法与翻译93 分析阿加莎克里斯蒂在其侦探小说《阳光下的罪恶》中的写作手法94 英语新闻标题中隐喻的应用与翻译95 论中美商务沟通中的跨文化意识96 试析《道连.格雷的画像》中的伦理冲突97 浅论中西文化差异及其对翻译策略的影响98 Love and Death in The A wakening99 当爱遇见不爱——浅析《马可百万》中的三对情爱关系100 《雾都孤儿》中的反犹主义101 On Sister Carrie’s Broken American Dream from the Perspective of Psychology 102 论汉语缩略语的英译103 论学生角色在中学英语课堂中的转换104 英语商业广告中幽默的语用分析105 东西方文化中团队意识的差别106 中美学生对待教师的礼貌言行的对比分析107 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利留给世人的礼物108 哥特文化--十字架背后的光109 从目的论角度看英语新闻标题的翻译110 从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性111 浅析《还乡》中爱格敦荒原的象征意义112 从《马丁.伊登》分析杰克.伦敦的“超人”思想113 跨文化交际中的体态语114 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象115 《宠儿》的黑人女性主义解读(开题报告+论)116 《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的形象分析117 论《红字》的模糊性118 A Comparative Study of Inversion between English and Chinese119 浅谈马克吐温《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的地方特色120 通过《蝇王》看人性121 《傲慢与偏见》与《劝导》中婚姻模式的对比研究122 论广告定位中的文化冲突及对策123 Aesthetic Arts in Allan Poe’s Poetry—An Analysis of Israfel and Annabel Lee 124 英汉亲属称呼语与中西家庭教育模式差异125 中西方生死观之比较126 交际法在中学英语教学中的运用127 从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧128 On Human Nature in Frankenstein129 从文化视角看《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的无辜130 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运131 高中生英语阅读策略的使用对阅读能力的影响研究132 从合作原则看《傲慢与偏见》中的会话含义133 从女性主义看《兔子,跑吧》中女性形象134 爱伦.坡的《乌鸦》中的浪漫主义分析135 归化和异化翻译策略的研究136 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析137 英语政治委婉语的语用功能138 浅谈一些英美文学作品中的猫形象139 英语委婉语的内涵140 商务英语信函中的礼貌原则141 汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究142 Euphemism in English advertisements143 礼貌策略的英汉对比研究—以《傲慢与偏见》及其译本为例144 清教思想在《失乐园》中的体现145 On the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation146 论《追风筝的人》中“风筝”的象征意义147 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究148 中国菜名英译的恰当方法149 A Comparative Study of the Character of Tess and Jane Eyre150 On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Multinational Corporations151 情景法在新概念英语教学中的应用——以杭州新东方为例152 模糊数词在英语习语中的构成形式及其修辞功能153 Approaches to the Limits of Translatability for English Palindromes154 《飘》中斯嘉丽人物性格分析155 论女性主义对翻译标准的影响156 颜色词的中英对比翻译157 从奥巴马访华报道看中美媒体报道差异158 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现159 论《简爱》中话语的人际意义160 英语广告中的礼貌原则161 有效的英语新闻结构分析162 英语委婉语教学模式探究163 从《美国的悲剧》解析美国梦164 “生活大爆炸”中美式幽默的翻译方法研究165 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究166 从隐喻视角解析《黄墙纸》的疯癫意象167 浅析清教思想在霍桑《红字》中的体现168 从跨文化角度看文化空缺翻译169 商务谈判中的礼貌策略研究170 英汉思维模式差异的对比研究171 论《永别了,武器》的写作风格172 从社会语言学角度解读《蜗居》对话折射的生存焦虑173 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》看基督教对美国黑奴的精神救赎174 试论英语学习中的动机175 从《道连.格雷的画像》透析王尔德的艺术人生观176 Discussing the history of basketball and current situation of America from the perspective of culture177 分析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的个性特点178 A Brave Call for Peace--An Analysis of the Relationship between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley and Its Tragic Ending in A Farewell to Arms179 浅析英语外加状语的语用功能180 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义181 影响二语习得的因素--案例研究182 从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异183 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略184 浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度185 从心理学角度看哈克贝利.费恩的性格186 马丁伊登的自杀根由187 突破桎梏——《紫色》的生态女权主义视角解读188 论《莎乐美》中的唯美主义189 跨文化交际中恭维语的语用失误及其文化透视190 论隐喻的本质与功能191 非言语交际在中西文化中的差异192 On the Gothic Feature of Edg ar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat193 《喜宴》中反映出的中西文化差异194 An Analysis of Space in In the Heart of the Country195 The Influence of the Current American Marital Status on the Christian Views of Marriage 196 爱恨共辉煌——浅析《呼啸山庄》中的男主人公197 Translation Strategies of Two-part Allegorical Sayings198 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的伊莱扎人物形象分析199 文化导入与英语阅读能力的提高200 英语电影片名翻译策略研究下面是诗情画意的句子欣赏,不需要的朋友可以编辑删除!!谢谢1. 染火枫林,琼壶歌月,长歌倚楼。
venice merchant
1.具有自我意识的新女性 1.具有自我意识的新女性
选匣择婿 法庭辩论
“一个活着的女儿的意志,却要被一个死 了的父亲的遗嘱所钳制” 对传统父权观进行挑战 对封建贵族态度 对传统“门当户对”观念的颠覆
摩洛哥亲王 “您必须信任命运,或者死了心放弃选择 的尝试,或者当您开始选择以前,先立下 个誓言,要是选的不对,终生不再向任何 女子求婚。” 体现了鲍西亚对摩洛哥亲王的蔑视和孤傲 体现了她作为一个新女性向男性展开的无 声的挑战和嘲讽
在当时男权社会,女性没有自主选择婚姻 的权利和自由,女性地位是一种从属地位, 始终不能和男子平起平坐。然而鲍西亚却 能一反传统,不甘于成为命运的奴隶,而 是主动地去尽可能的向自我的理想靠近, 具有强烈的女性自我意识。 具有强烈的女性自我意识。
才貌双全、敢想敢为、果敢正义、挺身而 出 强烈自我意识和自主精神的反传统的新女 性形象 性形象
Thank you!
2.不彻底的觉醒者 2.不彻底的觉醒者
对父权的妥协 对巴赛尼奥的自我贬低 法庭辩论乔装男性对女性自我身份的否定
“我但愿我有无比的贤德、美貌、财产和 亲友,好让我在您心目中占据一个很高的 位置。” “她有一颗柔顺的心灵,愿意把它奉献给 您,听从您的指导,把您当做她的主人, 她的君王和她的统治者。我自己以及我所 有的一切,现在都变成您的了…….” 有的一切,现在都变成您的了…….”
在莎士比亚笔下,鲍西亚美丽、善良、机智、自 信、富有才华和胆识,正体现了莎士比亚从男性 视角自发塑造的理想中的资产阶级新女性。作为 新女性的鲍西亚,具有一定的叛逆性格,不甘于 被命运摆布,做逆来顺受的“家庭天使” 被命运摆布,做逆来顺受的“家庭天使”。在一 定程度上体现了莎士比亚对人文主义的追求,然 而从女性主义的视角来分析,在男性为中心的社 会里,鲍西亚绝非真正具有女性自我意识,而是 甘于向父权制社会妥协的不完美的新女性。
16威尼斯商人概述《16威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)是英国著名作家威廉·莎士比亚创作的一部喜剧剧作。
关键词:阿瑟·密勒;推销员之死;犹太身份;人物;类型An Analysis of the Creation of the Characters in Death of a SalesmanAbstract: Death of the Salesman was acknowledged as the greatest work of Arthur Miller, the most outstanding American playwright. It shocked the American theater when it made a debut in New York in 1949. Because of this play, Arthur Miller not only won the Pulitzer and the New York Drama Critic’s Award, but also since that he had been acknowledged as one of three most outstanding dramatists in America, along with Tennessee Williams and Eugene O’Neill.There is no doubt that Death of the Salesman is the work at the summit of his art creation. Most critics viewed this play on whether a common man can become a tragic hero, but a few explored Arthur Miller’s family background. But this thesis analyzes the main characters from the angle of the family of the author. And it critically looks at the author’s family background and the social situation at that time, especially the great recession in America in order to analyze precisely author’s building of the main characters.This thesis thoroughly introduces the backgrounds of author’s family and the American society, meanwhile, it comprehensively analyze the main characters’ creation. Then it finds out the hero is created by mixing many images, containing both fictions and realities. Besides it studies the wife Linda, two sons, Biff and Happy. Then it discovers a close link between Miller’s family, American society and the building of those characters. These backgrounds influenced author’s cognition with art, which also can be seen on these characters.Key words: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman,Jewish identity, characters, type An Analysis of the Creation of the Characters in Death of a SalesmanChapter One Arthur Miller and His Death of A SalesmanArthur Miller is acknowledged by the world as a social dramatist and a moralist. Death of a Salesman’s great success helped Arthur Miller to reach the pinnacle of his art career. There is no doubt that Willy Loman, the character derives from an old Jewish salesman for whom Miller felt sympathy in the 1930s. Miller noticed that man’s action in the past accounts for his condition at present from this aging salesman. Therefore, Miller had started to hold things together and to view how things connected.Death of a Salesman is not set during the Depression, but the economic disaster casts a shadow on it and its hero Willy Loman who is frustrated by his failure. Arthur Miller describes Willy Loman as a radical who totally absorbs everything which the society imposes on him without considering the other coin of the system, the danger side. To be a radical is his fate to become a victim when during the Depression. While unluckily, the similarity permeates every corner in the society. And Loman is not the only person who is abnormal in modern commercial and industrial society but so do the majority of citizens in America.As an immigrant and Jewish family, it is inevitable that family background would be intertwined with nation dream. Moreover, these characters reflected some observation in Miller’s Jewish-American experience.This thesis intends to analyze the construction of some of the main characters in Death of a Salesman. This thesis adopts the method of character presentation bycollecting writing materials both fro m author’s life experience and his observation of modern capitalistic American society.Chapter Two An Anlaysis of Willy LomanWilly Loman is one of millions of American who are deceived by a hollow dream that being liked is normally equal to being a successful person. While unfortunately, Will Loman fails to achieve material success under this hollow dream imposed on America. Eventually, Willy Loman loses himself and confuses the whole life, and he tries to find his problems by looking back on his old time. The Death of a Salesman talks about a story which shows Willy’s last twenty-four hours.2.1 Molding Willy Loman from Miller’s FamilyThrough Willy’s sixty-three years, readers can associate Willy’s life with “Miller’s personal life” easily. Willy Loman reflects Arthur Miller’s observation of his contemporaries and his life experiences.2.2 A Character Modeled on Miller’s fatherWilly Loman is similar to Miller’s father to some degree. Miller’s grandfather dreamed to be wealthy inspired by the American dream at his middle age, he came to America alone without taking his family, because he can’t afford any more tickets. So Miller’s father was left behind in his hometown until ticket came to him when several months passed by. The same incident happens to Willy and his elder brother Ben in 1890. Moreover, the setting of Loman’s broken house resembles the Miller’s shabby house where they had to move in due to the impact of the Great Depression. Moreover, “carpentry, he said, was his oldest hobby-he had started a t the age of five” (Carlisle and Styron 85). He also “built a ten-by-twelve studio near my first house in Connecticut where I intended to write a play about a salesman in 1948. ” (Miller,Timebends 121)Willy Loman also likes hand works. Biff once says, “there’s more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made, ” Furthermore, it’s a significant connection between that Miller proclaimed that he hated to live in a hotel and the job of traveling salesman which Miller always knew well. These examples directly prove that the source of Death of a Salesman is Arthur Miller’s life experience.2.3 A Model Derived from Manny NewmanManny Newman, Miller’s uncle, and also a salesman, is the most important person who leaded Miller to create Death of a Sa lesman. Roudane argues that “it was Manny Newman, especially, who entranced Miller for years, and whose contradictions shaped Miller’s conception of Willy Loman and his family” (Roudane, “Poetics of Arthur Miller” 68) Manny Newman was exactly a model to pi cture the hero, Willy Loman. He said, in his autobiography, Timebends, “Manny Newman was cute and ugly, a Pan risen out the earth, a bantam with a lisp, a lumpy. ”To the point of psychological statuses, Willy and Manny both like to compete, especially with their families. Miller described that Manny who liked competing at all times, at all things, and at every moment. Even from Miller’s childhood, Manny started to compare his two sons with Miller and Miller’s brother. Manny always viewed the Miller and Mil ler’s brother as his sons’ competitors. In the similar way, Willy sees Charley and his son, Bernard, as lifelong enemies from his sense of inferiority, and Willy always insults kind Charley in order to demonstrate that he is smarter than Charley.Willy tries his best to make himself look more talented and more intelligent than Charley, but he always insults himself firstly. Another obvious proof which can be found in his slogan also shows Willy’ sense of competition: A man who is incapable of handling tools can’t be called a man. So Willy of cause slights Charley because he can’t work with his hands. Moreover, Willy taunts Bernard and describes him as “anemic” . Willy competes at all things, and all times. He is duplicated from Manny.Compared to Willy, Manny was described by Miller as an isolated and ridiculous person whose inner sadness brought to unpredictable manipulation fact and his absurd behavior. Willy’s manipulations, lies, exaggerations and absurdities of facts are deeply influenced by the characte ristics of his job. Put differently, Willy totally accepts “the theory” of “sale” and the superficial values inculcated by salesmanship have a debilitating effect upon his character” (Spindler 205). As a salesman, Willy has no choice but to exaggerate the values of products. In addition, the salesman has to cheat, and to lie just for persuading the customers to purchase their products; and all thesebad qualities exists on Willy. ultimately, these bad qualities reformed Willy’ s personalities; then, duplicity, self- cheating and fantasy become his nature because what is most important to persuade his buyers is the personal attractiveness. For this reason, he always educates his sons “the relation between success and personality” (Schlueter 145)Besides, this hollow dream accounts for Willy’s tragedy. Arthur Miller mentioned that both his uncles, Lee Balsam and Manny Newman were salesmen. And Miller pictured one of Manny’ friends, who had the same profession that was a traveling salesman had the characteristics of “a kind of intrepid valor that withstood the inevitable putdowns, the scoreless attempt to sell” (Miller, Timebends 123).Willy, like Manny, is a sad man. Before Willy steps on the stage, we can see that Willy is extremely exhausted. The great sadness arises from his dread that he would leave his two beloved sons nothing and the pressure from his sale job that he can no longer deal with well and he complains about himself.Miller didn’t know the reason of Manny’s suicide until one day he confronted Man ny’s son, Abby. Abby told that his father wanted to leave them-two boys a business. Then Miller realized a fact that weather Manny struggled or suicide is for his two boys. And Willy Loman lives his life based on this identical course.Suddenly, Miller fou nd it meaningful in Manny’s life. He wished to leave his sons a family business so that his son can work together. Although Manny was dishonest and liked boasting on everything, he struggled on the goal of business because of love for his sons.As those me ntioned above, the character, Willy is modeled on Miller’s uncle, Manny.Chapter three An Analysis of Other Main Characters3.1 Linda, A Character Built from Miller’s MotherLinda, wife of Willy Loman, is a model of a devoted, loving, selfless and dependen t wife. Linda stands by her husband’s side no matter what he suffers. Willy finds his wife as his foundation and support. And Jeffrey D.Mason points out in his “Paper Dolls”, “is for Willy, as a flag for a nation, the emblem of ideals thatinspire action”(107). Moreover, Jan Balakian states, “Without her family, Linda would have no purpose; her identity is her family” (123).3.1.1 Linda, A Supportive and Patient WifeWe can find out that “Linda is there to support Willy in the begin of the stage direction, to participate vicariously in his dreams without being a subject in her own right without having a vision that is distinct from his false one” (Balakian 118), She is dependent and yielding Linda shares Willy’s hollow dream, but she “lacks the temperament to utter and follow to their end” (Salesman 131)In Linda’s long suffering marriage, she has never denied Willy’s ideas or decision, and she knows his husband would never allow her to do so. So she used to give up her own opinion. While she wants to assist her husband, there is limited thing she can do. Thence, Linda only can do the sustaining job from her good heart. “the illusion because that is the only way Willy can be sustained”(Roudane, “An Interview” 370). Linda is so inevitable for Willy. Arthur Mi ller once in his interview mentioned that he can’t imagine another woman can influence Willy like linda has made on.3.1.2 A Woman Molded on Miller’s Own MotherIn a long suffering marriage, Linda, the submissive wife has only one concentration---Willy. Li nda is depicted on Miller’s mother, Augusta Barnett. Miller has mentioned about his mother that she was devoted to her husband and adored him very much. His mother was a teacher in old time, but under the customs, she was forced to quit her job after she married Isadore Miller.Linda as well as Augusta Barnett is traditional Jewish women, for these two women, family duties are always their top priority. Lois Gordon has suggested, “Linda, as the eternal wife and mother, the fixed point of affection both given and received, the woman who suffers and endures, is, in ways the earth mother who embodied the play’s ultimate moral values---love”(232). Linda and Miller’s mother are passive and subordinated wives who provide endless support for their husbands and families.All in all, the character, Linda, is rooted in the image of Augusta Barnett, ArthurMiller described her as a very kind and warm Jewish mother. And Linda is also a very traditional Jewish woman. She inspires her husband in her adoring and in her “vi tal lies” (Roudane, “An Interview with Arthur Miller” 370) to sustain Willy’s illusion. Linda is a so dutiful and nice wife, and she sacrifices all to love and assist Willy and tries her best to hold her family together.3.2 Biff, An Autobiographic Character of Young MillerBiff, the elder son in this family, is thirty-four-year old already, lingering in the west without a satisfied job. At his teens, he possesses the personal charm because he was a sport start and a school hero. As Phelp suggested, he is “an outstanding success in all areas except academics; a gifted athlete, he is popular with both sexes, admired by friends and family, and destined---seemingly---for greatness” (10) Biff is really outstanding in high school.3.2.1 Undergoing The Same SufferingAfter graduating from high school, Biff wastes lots of his time on looking for a fitting job. But he few satisfies on what he have taken. He had at least changed twenty different job but without a good ending.Although he tries desperately to live his life at the level of his father’s expectation towards to him. But he fails over and over again. Finally, he lost himself in New York.Miller suffered awful experience just same as Biff’s experience in business world, in seeking an enjoyable job after graduation. Miller changed many jobs such as a delivery boy for a bakery, a salesman in his father’s factory, a steamfitter in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, a waiter, a singer in the Brooklyn radio station, a warehouse clerk, a truck driver, and a radio playwright for the local station. And Miller comments on the jobs he had taken “hating” just like Biff’s reaction toward his jobs.Miller was Jewish, and because of that, he was thought by most people of being supposed to be good at doing business,but he didn’t do it well just like Biff ’dilemma in business field.3.2.2 Refusing to Follow Their Father’s FootstepWilly as well as Miller’s father wishes his sons to follow his footsteps. They tryto teach their sons in accordance with their expectation, Biff comes back home from New York, immediately is Willy eager to persuade his son to take a salesman job. Bigsby indicated in his book “there is something very recognizable in Willy’ s desire to pass something to his sons. Miller’s own father had immigrant’s desire to see his children make their mark.” (Bigsby, Modern American Drama 88-89). But the sons doesn’t like their father’s “goodness”. Biff left for the west and Miller thought that it is requirement for a playwright to refuse the business world, if he wants to be writer.In addition, Biff finds out his father’s affair. He changes his view toward to his father who he admire and regard him as a “a liar” and a “phony little fake”. Walter Wager has indicated “the shock which shatter Miller’s dramatic cosmos always begins with the father’s inability to enact the role of moral authority the son assigns to him”(139). Many critics have connected Oliver’s fountain pen and the collapse of the ideal father to explain how Biff achieves his self-realization from psychoanalysis. Arthur Miller suggested that “on the psychological front the play spawned a small hill of doctoral these explaining its Freudian symbolism, and there were innumerable letters asking if I were aware that the fountain pen which Biff steals is a phallic symbol” (Introduction 28).Moreover, Kay Stanton explained the way that Biff obtains his self-realization and self-assertion through omitting his father in psychological term. She suggests that Biff’s behavior (stolen fountain pen) is“a preparation for and rehea rsal of the theft of his father’s Phallus, ” (139)That is to say, Biff is not his father’s puppet any more, and he start to become himself and know well about himself. Moreover, he become dare to deny his father’s word and his ideas on how to achieve material success in the business world, which has bothered him for a long time. Biff is the only person in his family who faces the truth of own life.Miller suffered the similar disillusionment like Biff does and his destruction was due to the bad situation o f family economy during the Depression. Miller’s father succeeded in business world. Miler was proud of and respected his father when he was a child. Miller said about his father, was “in his full power and she content with amixture of glories, her admiration making him proud and strong, his strength keeping her safe”(Miller, Timebends 18). But Miller’s father failed in the Depression.The collision was represented by the Depression between Miller and his father. Miller no longer treated his father as a super hero after the Great Depression. While Miller started to fancy Marxism which he thought as a revolution. The suffering experience during the Depression led him to the same situation of disillusion of the perfect father.As these mentioned above, the character, Biff, is rooted in the image of young Arthur Miller. Biff and Miller share the similar suffering. They abandon the school pursuit. Moreover, they refuse their father’s masks and reject to follow the father’s footsteps. They undergo the father-son disillusion, but later, they find their position in the world; to some degree both of them know themselves. Biff’ image is derived from real experience in Miller’s youth.3.3 Happy, A Character Shaped from Miller’s Brother KermitHappy, second son of Willy, is always ignored by his parents since he is a child, he has tried to obtain their attention. Happy tries hard to be favored in accordance with his father’s indoctrination of success. He completely agrees with his father’s idea about the connection between success and being popular and well-liked. But he never complete Willy’s self-recognition, then he lives in the way which Willy approve of.3.3.1 A Character Captured in His Father’s DreamsCompared to Biff, Happy follows Willy’s foostep. He was eager t o seek for success in the business field. He keeps his father’s duplicate in actions the thoughts. Happy is just a assistance, but he likes to boast his achievement on his job. Biff is stuck in his father’s illusive dream, Roudane indicates that “mirror er rors must be heaped upon large sins. Extending a terrible replicating process and ensuring that a tragic parental heritage will be passed on to all descendants”(Bigsby, “Poetic of Arthur Miller” 69)Lots of critics accepted the idea that Happy is totally captured in his father’ values. He “achieves the things Willy wants for his boys-a steady job, the social life of a popular single man ,a car, and his own expensive apartment” (William17).Unlike his elder brother, Biff, Happy put himself on the way pursuing he illusion that his father have imposed on him since he was a little boy. Moreover he either never gets self-recognition. He never knows who he is and it’s definite for him to repeat Willy’s fate.3.3.2 A Man Choosing to Follow His Father’s FootstepsBiff finally gives up on realizing his father’s illusion and turns to face the reality; hence he becomes a true man rather than a replica under the shadow of his father. He follows his father’s footstep to look for success in the business field. Their choi ce are simillar between the Loman brothers’ and the Miller Brothers’. Miller and kermit Miller, like Biff, refused his father’s dream of success in the business world. In contrast to Miller’s choice, Kermit, decided to follow his father’s step in the famil y business.Kermit was the elder brother in Miller’s family, and it is responsibility for he that family business which was a soon-to-fall business in the Great Depression. Miller wrote:“By the fall of 1932 it was no longer possible in our house to disgui se our fears. Producing even the fifty-dollar-a-month mortage payment was becoming a strain, and my brother had had to drop out of NYU to assist my father in another of his soon-to-fail coat business. ” (Miller,Timebends 108-109)Kermit as well as Happy fo llows their father’s footsteps to pursue the success in business world. In addition, they have the similar thoughts and actions.Miller chose the quite different paths from his elder brother, Kermit for his live. After graduating from senior high school, Miller satisfied himself by finding a enjoyable job in the auto-parts warehouse, and Miller described his brother’s reaction, “Kermit, always romantic about business, thought I had taken a fabulous step forward in being employed by such a fine company” (Timebends 217) Moreover, Miller’s father started to support Miller to be a playwright since Miller won the Hopwood Award. But meanwhile Miller admitted his guilty that he had left behind all the family affair to Kermit.Miller didn’t follow his father’s illus ion; he rejected the business world like Biff; while, Kermit shouldered the family burden and made it to be lifetime career. Obviously,The character, Happy, is drawn on the image of Kermit, Miller’s elder brother.Chapter Four CONCLUSIONArthur Miller, one of the greatest playwright in 20th century. He viewed himself as a moral writer, which also an expectation on himself throughout his writing career. He wished his works created for some particular condition of incidents and periods. He uncovered the exquisite relationships which was easy to ignored to society. Arthur Miller, as a moral dramatist, had collected his writing materials both from his experience and his observation.These above chapters well presents that the main characters in Death of a salesm an are derived from Arthur Miller’s life experience and family members. But in the same time, there are still several question needed to be resolved: Dose Arthur Miller stand for the majority in American society? Can this play reflect the American universal values?Willy Loman’s life can be surely relevant to many people’s life who live at the same era. Willy Loman’s shortcoming is that he accept all the popular values in society. Willy Loman, as a salesman, made the most foolish thing is that he deeply believes in advertisement. Arthur Miller, like many salesman, cheats on customers by exaggerating the funciton of the production which he sales.Willy’s tragedy started when he obsessed with the hollow dream, the illusion. He chose the wrong dream and never correct it and he even was never aware of its error. He doesn’t work excellent in his career, and he is not a suitable person for business at all. He is good at manual work, but he entered the business field. There is only one person, Biff Loman realized that he is not suitable for the business world and chooses a another way for his life.In fact, Death of a Salesman is a great play. From its debut to now, it frequently arouse people’s emotional reactions. So that is why Death of a Salesman remains unshakable.References:[1]Bigsby, C.W.E. “Arthur Miller” A Critical introduction to twentieth-Century American Drama 2: Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee. (1984)[2]Carlisle, Olga & Rose Styron. The Art of the Theatre, An Inteview. Conversations with Arthur Miller. ED. Matthew C. Roudane. Jackson: University of Mississippi, 1987.85-111.[3] Mason, Jeffery D. Paper Dolls, Feminist Rereading of Modern American Drama. Rutherford:Farleigh Dickinson UP, 1989,103-15.[4]Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Rpt. In Arthur Miller’s Collected plays. New York:Viking Press, 1981,130-222.---.Introduction. Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays. New York:Viking Press, 1981.3-55.--- Timebends:A Life. London: Minerva,1978.[5]Phelps,H.C. The Fat Lcan Years of Biff and Bernard:An Overlooked Parallelism in Death of a Salesman. Contemporary Literature25.4(1995) :9-11.[6]Spindler, Michael. American Literature and Social Change:William Dean Howells to Arthur Miller. Bloomington:Indiana UP,1983.[7]William, Raymond, Arthur Miller:An Overview. Modern Critical View of Arthur Miller. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.7-16.。
《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的伊莱扎人物形象分析最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 初中英语词汇教学的有效方法2 Gone with the Wind: From Novel to Film3 网络广告在中国营销中存在的弊端45 《老人与海》中词语修辞格的运用6 On the Differences of Rules for Eye Contact Between the East and the West7 英语动词时态的认知及隐喻概念研究8 英汉动物习语的隐喻认知分析9 On the Translation of Children’s Literature in the Light of the Skopostheory:A Case Study of The dventures of Tom Sawyer10 电影《八月迷情》与小说《雾都孤儿》的对比11 英汉委婉语比较研究12 《绝望的主妇》中的中产阶级女性独立意识的研究13 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现14 《名利场》利蓓加.夏泼和《简.爱》简.爱的对比研究15 非语言交际在跨文化商务交际中的功能及运用16 背诵在英语学习中的作用17 从空间语言的角度分析中美隐私观念的差异18 批评与重新解读《日瓦戈医生》19 高中英语词汇教学中文化意识的培养20 交际法在中国英语教学中的应用21 从《老友记》看美国幽默22 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融23 王尔德童话中的美学观和内在矛盾24 从美学角度评张培基先生所译散文“巷”25 O n Differences Between Chinese and American Polite Expressions from Politeness Principle26 从颜色词的翻译看中西文化差异27 论狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想28 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的成长三部曲29 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例30 论《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女地位问题31 电影英文片名汉译的原则32 从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金.奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越33 从饮食的角度看中西文化差异34 浅谈《竞选州长》中的幽默与讽刺35 试从大卫.科波菲尔分析狄更斯的人道主义精神36 从《基督山伯爵》看亚历山大.大仲马的金钱观37 T he Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology38 从自然主义角度解读《人鼠之间》中的美国梦(开题报告+论文)39 比较《简.爱》中女性“陈规形象”与《飘》中女性“新形象”40 中美基础教育对比研究41 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究42 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素43 透过《丛林》看美国梦的破灭44 英语歌曲在英语教学中的应用45 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响46 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格47 O n Morality in Shakespeare’s Macbeth48 《绿色山墙的安妮》女主人公的人物性格分析49 英语新闻标题的语言特点及翻译50 不做房间里的天使——解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识51 (日语系毕业论文)义务教育的发展—就择校问题进行的探讨52 艾米莉.狄金森死亡诗歌中的性别歧义及其原因探析53 浅析中世纪欧洲基督教婚姻伦理观54 从国外汽车商标翻译看中国品牌国际化55 论汉英外贸合同翻译的得体性56 功能目的论视角下汉语商标的英译策略57 中美幽默的比较58 浅谈中国经济发展中的问题59 中式英语与标准英语的差别60 中英姓名文化内涵的探究61 “It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究62 浅析《蝇王》中的人性黑暗63 A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth’s情爱关系100 《雾都孤儿》中的反犹主义101 On Sister Carrie’s Broken American Dream from the Perspective of Psychology102 论汉语缩略语的英译103 论学生角色在中学英语课堂中的转换104 英语商业广告中幽默的语用分析105 东西方文化中团队意识的差别106 中美学生对待教师的礼貌言行的对比分析107 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利留给世人的礼物108 哥特文化--十字架背后的光109 从目的论角度看英语新闻标题的翻译110 从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性111 浅析《还乡》中爱格敦荒原的象征意义112 从《马丁.伊登》分析杰克.伦敦的“超人”思想113 跨文化交际中的体态语114 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象115 《宠儿》的黑人女性主义解读(开题报告+论)116 《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的形象分析117 论《红字》的模糊性118 A Comparative Study of Inversion between English and Chinese119 浅谈马克吐温《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的地方特色120 通过《蝇王》看人性121 《傲慢与偏见》与《劝导》中婚姻模式的对比研究122 论广告定位中的文化冲突及对策123 Aesthetic Arts in Allan Poe’s Poetry—An Analysis of Israfel and Annabel Lee124 英汉亲属称呼语与中西家庭教育模式差异125 中西方生死观之比较126 交际法在中学英语教学中的运用127 从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧128 On Human Nature in Frankenstein129 从文化视角看《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的无辜130 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运131 高中生英语阅读策略的使用对阅读能力的影响研究132 从合作原则看《傲慢与偏见》中的会话含义133 从女性主义看《兔子,跑吧》中女性形象134 爱伦.坡的《乌鸦》中的浪漫主义分析135 归化和异化翻译策略的研究136 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析137 英语政治委婉语的语用功能138 浅谈一些英美文学作品中的猫形象139 英语委婉语的内涵140 商务英语信函中的礼貌原则141 汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究142 Euphemism in English advertisements143 礼貌策略的英汉对比研究—以《傲慢与偏见》及其译本为例144 清教思想在《失乐园》中的体现145 On the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation146 论《追风筝的人》中“风筝”的象征意义147 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究148 中国菜名英译的恰当方法149 A Comparative Study of the Character of Tess and Jane Eyre150 On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the MultinationalCorporations151 情景法在新概念英语教学中的应用——以杭州新东方为例152 模糊数词在英语习语中的构成形式及其修辞功能153 Approaches to the Limits of Translatability for English Palindromes154 《飘》中斯嘉丽人物性格分析155 论女性主义对翻译标准的影响156 颜色词的中英对比翻译157 从奥巴马访华报道看中美媒体报道差异158 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现159 论《简爱》中话语的人际意义160 英语广告中的礼貌原则161 有效的英语新闻结构分析162 英语委婉语教学模式探究163 从《美国的悲剧》解析美国梦164 “生活大爆炸”中美式幽默的翻译方法研究165 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究166 从隐喻视角解析《黄墙纸》的疯癫意象167 浅析清教思想在霍桑《红字》中的体现168 从跨文化角度看文化空缺翻译169 商务谈判中的礼貌策略研究170 英汉思维模式差异的对比研究171 论《永别了,武器》的写作风格172 从社会语言学角度解读《蜗居》对话折射的生存焦虑173 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》看基督教对美国黑奴的精神救赎174 试论英语学习中的动机175 从《道连.格雷的画像》透析王尔德的艺术人生观176 Discussing the history of basketball and current situation of America from the perspective of culture177 分析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的个性特点178 A Brave Call for Peace--An Analysis of the Relationship between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley and Its Tragic Ending in A Farewell to Arms179 浅析英语外加状语的语用功能180 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义181 影响二语习得的因素--案例研究182 从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异183 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略184 浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度185 从心理学角度看哈克贝利.费恩的性格186 马丁伊登的自杀根由187 突破桎梏——《紫色》的生态女权主义视角解读188 论《莎乐美》中的唯美主义189 跨文化交际中恭维语的语用失误及其文化透视190 论隐喻的本质与功能191 非言语交际在中西文化中的差异192 On the Gothic Feature of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat193 《喜宴》中反映出的中西文化差异194 An Analysis of Space in In the Heart of the Country195 The Influence of the Current American Marital Status on the Christian Views of Marriage196 爱恨共辉煌——浅析《呼啸山庄》中的男主人公197 Translation Strategies of Two-part Allegorical Sayings198 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的伊莱扎人物形象分析199 文化导入与英语阅读能力的提高200 英语电影片名翻译策略研究。
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The Merchant of V eniceThe book i would like to talk about is the merchant of venice. The book is a dramatic work which is written by shakespear, an english famous writer. Shakespear is a very famous drama writer in the 16th century, he has written a lot of famous dramatic works, such as romeo and juliet, hamlet,authailo and so on.This book talks about something happens between merchants in venice. The drama begins with antonio helps bassanio borrow money from shylock and then brings out other stories. Bassanio, a merchant who is poor ,first wants to borrow money from his friend antonio, also a merchant in venice. As all the money of antonio's has been put on the ships which sails abroad, when bassanio asks antonio for help,antonio decides to help bassanio to borrow money from a jewish rich man, shylock. Shylock is a man who loves his nation very much. He is very rich and always gains profits from people who borrow his money. Bassanio and antonio are charistans, and antonio looks down upon shylock, for shylock does not believe christa ,meanwhile, shylock is a little mean and loves money very much. As a man who really hates jewish so much,antonio does many harms to shylock before. This time, to borrow the money for bassanio, antonio promises to shylock that he will pay the money back in three months,or he will be willing to do anything that shylock asks him to do. Antonio firmly believes he will pay the money back in time because his ships which contain all his property will come back in a short time. However, the limited time that he promises has already arrived but something unexpected happens, his property is lost, he can not pay the debt back. So shylock tries his best to retaliate antonio. Bassanio, who has borrowed the money and has been to belmonte to persue his dream to marry portia, a very beautiful and rich lady. In balmonte, bassanio gets the admission to marry portia with his intelligence. When having achieved his dream, bassanio hears the news that antonio is going to be punished by shylock. So he asks his wife for letting him to return to venice to rescue his friend. During the period of rescuing antonio, portia is so brilliant that she helps make antonio safe and make shylock fail completely. Meanwhile, shylock loses most of his money. At the end, bassanio and portia have a happy ending.The drama, in my opinion, mainly reflects three aspects, the good friendship between bassanio and antonio, the conflicts between jewish and the english people who are against jewish, the intelligence of portia and the romantic relationship between her and bassanio. Some of the characters in the drama are worthy to talk about.First, i think, as one of the main characters of the book, shylock has many characteristics that worth discussing. As a jewish, he is very innocent in some ways. At that time, the jewish's position in english people's eyes is really very very low, it is really hard for shylock to live in that environment. He is always reviled and insulted by antonio and other english men. And it is why shylock hates antonio and other english merchants so much. When bassanio asks him to borrow some money and invites him to have a meal with them, shylock refuses immediately, and says he could not bear the so-called christan's beliefs. Secondly, shylck is also a man who loves money so much. He gains interests by lending money to other english merchants. He is rich enough, but he is mean to others, no matter it is his daughter or his servant. He always values every opportunity to get profit. He says antonio is a fool, because antonio never asks for extra money when he lends money to others, and he lowers the interests in providing a loan. From some aspects, shylock loves his money more than his daughter jessica. When jessica steals some jewels and money from shylock and leaves with lorenzo, the man that jessica loves. Shylock cries for his jewels first, butnot wanting to find his daughter back as soon as he can. When news comes that jessica spends 80 pounds during one night, he is only sad for his money, instead of worrying whether his daughter is alright or not outside. Thirdly, shylock is intelligent in one way. When referring to asking for interests, he uses a literary quotation to illustrate that getting profits by lending money to others is proper. Fourthly, shylock is also a man who will relatiate back when others insult him whenever there's a chance. He has been insulted a lot by antonio before, and when antonio can not pay the money back to him in time, he makes the most of the opportunity to make reprisals to antonio. In fact, from it, it also concludes shylock is a little cruel. When bassanio and the duke or other people asks him to excuse antonio, he doesn't agree and is determined to get a pound of man's flesh from antonio, instead of getting his 3,000 pounds back.In the drama,shylock is not good enough, but in the end, he lives a miserable life.While antonio, the merchant of venice, i think he has different opinions to different people. He is very friendly to his friends and other christans. When bassanio asks him for borrowing money but has no enough money, he should be will to sacrifice everything to borrow money for him, even his reputation. He never asks for repays when he helps others. When he can't pay the money back for bassanio, he is willing to be punished by shylock, and decides not to tell it to bassanio. But on the other hand, he looks down upon to jewish, such as shylock. He always considers shylock as a bad man, whenever he sees shylock, he would call him cut-throat dog and misbeliever. Even when he and bassanio ask shylock for borrowing money, he is still spurns on him. What's more, i think antonio is a little arrogant, after he seals to the bond with shylock, he tells bassanio that he will not forfeit it and he will have thrice times the value of 3,000 pounds in two months. He says it so definitely, he is a little over-confident.As for bassanio, he is kind to others and also treats his friends very well. He is also very brilliant when he chooses the chest that can enable him to marry poetia. When he decides to choose one of the three chests,the gold, the silver and the leaden, he says the appearance of objects is always not in keeping with the fact of the objects, most people are usually taken in by the appearance. He doesn't choose the gold and the silver, but the leaden. Absolutely, he wins. To rescue antonio, he is willing to do anything, even loses his life. But, in some aspects, i think he doesn't keep prose. He promises to portia that he will keep the ring no matter what happens. However, he breaks his promise to give the ring to the justice who in fact is portia.Portia, the beautiful and smart lady. In the drama, she pursues for freedom to marry a man who she really loves. She never minds whether bassanio is rich or not, she shows her virtuous when bassanio decides to return venice to rescue antonio. What's more, she is so brilliant that after bassanio leaves for venice, she goes to help in secret. When dealing with the case of shylock and antonio, she dresses up as a judge and succeeds in rescuing antonio and makes him sefe without anything. She also makes shylock lose most of his property and fail completely. On the other hand, she is also romantic to her husband, she is so considerate to his husband.Though in the appearance, the book exposes the stingy and ruthless of shylock. In fact, we can also learn something in the deep of these characters. I think the reason why shylock is so bad is that, he is forced to be so. Living in the background which all the people hates the jewish, is a hard job. He is a pathetic man, he is betrayed by his own daughter and his servant, besides, he is forced to lose most of his money, lives painfully and lonely. Though it considers antonio as a kind person, he also shows his bad behaviors, he treats jewish so badly and at the end of the drama, he forces shylock to believe chtistan. The book makes portia nearly a perfect person, but she also has herdefect, she shows no forgiveness to shylock when judging the case.As a whole, we can learns that no one is perfect enough. He may behave well in some aspects, but he may also have some qualities that are not well.。