信号分析基础The Fundamentals of Signal Analysis

2. 频域有限信号 在频率区间(f1,f2 )内有定义,其外恒等于零
第一节 信号类型
(四) 连续时间信号与离散时间信号 1. 连续时间信号:在全部时间点上有定义。
() arctan(Im[H ( j)]/ Re[H ( j)])
第二节 系统
试验求传递函数原理 依次用不同频率fi旳简谐信号去鼓励被测系统,同步 测出鼓励和系统旳稳态输出旳幅值、相位,得到幅值 比Ai、相位差φi,绘制得到系统旳幅频和相频特征曲线。
根据:频率保持性 若 x(t)=Asin(ωt+φx) 则 y(t)=Bsin(ωt+φy)
f (t) (t t0 ) f (t0 ) (t t0 )
f (t) (t)dt f (0)
(t) (t
t0 )dt
(t0 )
第一节 信号类型
f (t) (t) f ( ) (t )d f (t)
x2 (t) d
x2 rms
第三节 信号时域分析
lim 1 T T
x(t) d t

第二章 信号分析基础1、信号分析中常用函数包括:δ函数、sinc(t)函数、复指数函数e st① δ函数具有“抽样(乘积)、筛选(积分)、卷积”特性,其拉氏变换和傅氏变换的值均为1。
② 卷积特性的表达式为)()()()()(t f d t f t t f =-=*⎰+∞∞-ττδτδ,τ为两信号之间的时差。
③ sinc(t)函数又称为闸门函数、滤波函数或内插函数,分别对应其用处:闸门(或抽样)、低通滤波、采样信号复原时sinc(t)函数叠加构成非采样点波形。
④ 复指数函数e st 中出现的“负频率”是与负指数相关联的,是数学运算的结果,并无确切的物理含义。
3、信号的时域统计分析:均值x μ、均方值ψ2x 、方差σ2x 。
三者具有如下关系:2x2x 2x μσψ+= 式中,ψ2x (又称平均功率,平均能量的一种表达)表达了信号的强度; σ2x 描述了信号的波动量; μ2x 描述了信号的静态量。
5、相关函数的性质:① 自相关函数R x (τ)是τ的偶函数,满足:)()(ττ-=x x R R 。
② 互相关函数R xy (τ)是τ的非奇非偶函数,满足:)()(ττ-=yx xy R R 。
③ 当τ=0时,自相关函数具有最大值。
对于功率信号,若均值μx =0,则在τ=0点处,有ψ2x =σ2x =R x (τ)。
④ 周期信号的R x (τ)仍然是与原信号同频率的周期信号,但不具有原信号的相位信息。
⑤ 两周期信号(同频)的R xy (τ)仍然是与原信号同频率的周期信号,但保留了原信号的相位信息。
⑥ 两个不同频的周期信号互不相关,其互相关函数R xy (τ)=0。
⑦ 随机信号的R x (τ)将随|τ|值增大而很快趋于0。
有限带宽白噪声信号的R x (τ)是一个sinc(τ)型函数,即可说明。

二、能量信号与功率信号 1. 能量信号
有限信号。满足条件: 有限信号。满足条件:
第三章 信号分析基础 3-1 信号的分类
定义:在所分析的区间(-∞ 能量为有限值的信号称为能量信号, 定义:在所分析的区间 ∞,∞), 能量为有限值的信号称为能量信号,又称为能量
(3—2) )
能量的解释:对于电信号,通常是电压或电流, 能量的解释:对于电信号,通常是电压或电流,在已知时间(t1 , t 2 ) 内消耗在电阻
为了深入了解信号的物理实质,应将其分类, 不同的类型有不同的特点, 为了深入了解信号的物理实质,应将其分类 不同的类型有不同的特点, 采用不同的方法进行研究。下面讨论几种比较常见的分类方法。 采用不同的方法进行研究。下面讨论几种比较常见的分类方法。
1. 确定性信号 特征:可以用明确的数学关系式描述的信号称为确定性信号。 特征:可以用明确的数学关系式描述的信号称为确定性信号。 分类:可分为周期信号、非周期信号与准周期信号。 分类:可分为周期信号、非周期信号与准周期信号。 周期信号 (1) 周期信号:是经过一定时间可以重复出现的信号,满足条件 ) 周期信号:是经过一定时间可以重复出现的信号,
第三章 信号分析基础 3-1 信号的分类
非周期信号:无周期性,有时具有瞬变性,但可用数学关系式描述。 (2 )非周期信号:无周期性,有时具有瞬变性,但可用数学关系式描述 。 如图3 1所示, 如图3(a) 锤子敲击力;(b) 承载缆绳断裂时的应力;(c) 热电偶插入炉中时的温度变化 锤子敲击力; 承载缆绳断裂时的应力;
第三章 信号分析基础 3-1 信号的分类
三、时限与频限信号 说明:时间有限信号的频谱, 说明 : 时间有限信号的频谱 , 在频率轴上可以延伸 至无限远。 由时、 频域对称性可推论, 至无限远 。 由时 、 频域对称性可推论 , 一个具有有 限带宽的信号, 必然在时间轴上延伸至无限远处 。 限带宽的信号 , 必然在时间轴上延伸至无限远处。 显然, 一个信号不能够在时域和频域都是有限的。 显然, 一个信号不能够在时域和频域都是有限的。 定理:一个严格的频域有限信号, 定理 : 一个严格的频域有限信号 , 不能同时又是时 间有限信号,反之亦然。 间有限信号,反之亦然。

机械系统中,回转体不平衡引起的振动,往往也是一种周期性运动。 例如,下图是某钢厂减速机上测得的振动信号波形(测点3),可以近似的 看作为周期信号:
非周期信号是不会重复出现的信号。例如,锤子的敲击力;承载缆 绳断裂时应力变化;热电偶插入加热炉中温度的变化过程等,这些信号 都属于瞬变非周期信号,并且可用数学关系式描述。例如,下图是单自 由度振动模型在脉冲力作用下的响应。
准周期信号是周期与非周期的边缘情况,是由有限个周期信号合成 的,但各周期信号的频率相互间不是公倍关系,其合成信号不满足周期 条件,例如 是两个正弦信号的合成,其频率比不是有理数,不成谐波关 系。下面是其信号波形:
周期信号是经过一定时间可以重复出现的信号,满足条件: x ( t ) = x ( t + nT )
式中,T——周期,T=2π/ω0;ω0——基频;n=0,±1, …。 例如,下面是一个50Hz正弦波信号10sin(2*3.14*50*t)的波形,信号
2.1.5 物理可实现信号
物理可实现信号又称为单边信号,满足条件:t<0时,x(t) = 0, 即在时刻小于零的一侧全为零,信号完全由时刻大于零的一侧确定。
在实际中出现的信号,大量的是物理可实现信号,因为这种信号反 映了物理上的因果律.实际中所能测得的信号,许多都是由一个激发脉 冲作用于一个物理系统之后所输出的信号.例如,切削过程,可以把机 床、刀具、工件构成的工艺系统作为一个物理系统,把工件上的硬质点 或切削刀具上积屑瘤的突变等,作为振源脉冲,仅仅在该脉冲作用于系 统之后,振动传感器才有描述刀具振动的输出。

• 当Δt无限趋小而成为dτ时,上式中不连续变量kΔt成了连
s ht d
• 作为时间函数的激励和响应,可通过傅立叶 变换将时间变量变换为频率变量去进行分析, 这种利用信号频率特性的方法称为频域分析 法。频域是最常用的一种变换域。
③两信号错开一个时间间隔0处相关程 度有可能最高,它反映两信号x(t)、y(t) 之间主传输通道的滞后时间。
影像相关是利用互相 关函数,评价两块影 像的相似性以确定同 名点 。
目 标 区
互相 关函 数
搜 索 区
相似程 度
函数值。 lim f (t ) lim f (t )
• 测试技术中的周期信号,大都满足该条件。
• 根据傅立叶变换原理,通常任何信号都可表示成各种频率成 分的正弦波之和。
• 对于任何一个周期为T、且定义在区间(- T/2, T/2)内的周 期信号f(t),都可以用上述区间内的三角傅立叶级数表示:
R( ) lim 1
x(t)x(t )dt
T 2T T
lim 1
x(t )x(t)dt
T 2T T
1 2T
x(t)x(t )dt
lim 1
x(t)x(t )dt R( )
第二章 信号分析基础

则信号的能量是有限的,并称之为能量有限信号,简称为能量 信号。如矩形脉冲信号、指数衰减信号等。 (2)功率信号 但它在有限区间( t1,t2)的平均功率是有限的,即 若信号在区间( –∞,∞)的能量是无限的,即
1 t2 t1
t tx2dt x2 t dt
一 二 三 四 五 六
信号的分类 信号的描述 信号的时域统计分析 信号的幅值域分析 信号的频域描述(分析) 相关分析
信号是信息的载体,是随时间变化的物理量 数学上常用函数 x(t)或序列 x(n)表示 确定性信号 随机信号(非确定性信号) 例如: x(t)=Asin(t) 详解
均值表达了信号变化的中心趋势, 或称之为直流分量。
2.均方值 2 2 信号x(t)的均方值E[x (t)],记为 x 其表达式为
1 E x (t ) lim T T
2 2
T 0
x 2 (t )dt
T 1 其实他表示了信号的平均功率,是信号强度的体现 x x 2 (t )dt T 0
所谓时域描述是把信号随时间变化的规律用数学表 达式x=f(t) 、图形或表格表示,它的基本可视表现形 式是时域波形图,反映信号的幅值随时间变化的特征。
图2-1 四个测试信号的波形
anx ( n)0n0n
所谓频域描述,是通过对时域信号 进行数学处理(即频谱分析),把时域 信号转换成以频率为自变量的信号形式 。这种形式的信号,反映了信号的频率 组成及各频率成分的幅值大小和相位关 系
( t ) lim x ( t ) ( t ) lim x ( t ) lim x ( t ) dt x 1 i 1 x 1 i 1 n 本课程对随机信号的讨论仅限于各态历经过程的范围。

信号分析方法概述通信的基础理论就是信号分析的两种方法:1 就是将信号描述成时间的函数,2就是将信号描述成频率的函数。

X(t)= sin(2πnft)
傅里叶 变换
信号频谱X(f)代表了信号 在不同频率分量成分的大 小,能够提供比时域信号 波形更直观,丰富的信息。
时域分析只能反映信号的幅值随时间的变化 情况,除单频率分量的简谐波外,很难明确揭示 信号的频率组成和各频率分量大小。
2.1 信号的分类与描述
3 时限与频限信号 a) 时域有限信号 在时间段 (t1,t2)内有定义,其外恒等于零.
b) 频域有限信号
在 频 率 区 间 (f1, f2 )内 有 定 义, 其 外 恒 等 于
2.1 信号的分类与描述 4 连续时间信号与离散时间信号 a) 连续时间信号:在所有时间点上有定义
为深入了解信号的物理实质,将其进行分类研究 是非常必要的,从不同角度观察信号,可分为: 1 从信号描述上分
2 从信号的幅值和能量上 --能量信号与功率信号;
3 从分析域上 --时域与频域;
第二章、信号分析基础 4 从连续性
✓ 若独立变量和幅值均取连续值的信号称为模 拟信号,若独立变量和幅值均取离散值的信 号称为离散信号,时间和幅值均述和频域描述
✓ 直接观测或记录到的信号,一般是以时间为独立 变量的,称其为信号的时域描述(直观)。

Sx ( f )
j 2f d Rx ( ) e
Rx (0)
S x
f e
j 2f
当τ =0
S ( f )df
S( f )
F( f )
( f nf1 )
维纳钦 欣定理
1 R( )
E2 ( f f1 ) ( f f1 ) S( f ) 4
R( ) S ( f )e j 2f df
E 2 j 2f1 j 2f1 E 2 [e e ] cos2f1 4 2
XT ( f )
xT (t )e
j 2ft
2 T 2
xT (t )e j 2ft dt
xT (t )
X T ( f )e
j 2ft
1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 j 2ft dt x ( t ) dt x ( t ) dt x ( t ) X ( f ) e df T T T T T T T 2 T 2 T 2 T T T
例:求周期余弦的功率谱 S ( f ) 和自相关 R ( ) f (t ) f (t ) E cos 2f t
E2 2
第2次课- 第1章 信号分析基础

第1章 信号分析基础
了解信号分类方法 掌握信号时域波形分析方法 掌握信号的频域分析方法
第1章 信号分析基础
引言 信号的分类 信号的描述方式 周期信号及其频谱 业大学机电学院
因此 ➢ 信号是信息的载体,信息是信号的内容。
➢ 依靠信号实现电、光、声、力、温度、压力、流量等的传 输电信号易于变换、处理和传输,非电信号 电信号。
意义:信号的分析与处理不考虑信号的具体物理性质,将 其抽象为变量之间的函数关系,利用数学知识上加以分析 研究,进而得出具有普遍意义的结论。
1 ) 周期信 号 谐波信号——频率单一的正、余弦信号
一般周期信号——由多个乃至无穷多个频率成分(频率不 同的谐波分量)叠加所组成,叠加后存在公共周期。 如周期 方波、周期三角波等。
1 3
1 5
心电图, 就是利用仪 器从人体上 获得的心脏 跳动的数据 ,通常显示 在仪器上供 医生诊断之 用,或记录 在纸上作为 病人病例记 录。
第1章 信号分析基础
飞机上的黑匣子,就是将各种传感器采集下来的有关飞机 飞行状态、发动机工作状态等数据记录下来,以备将来分析 事故之用。

⎟⎞ ⎠
(3 ) f 3 (k ) =
⎜⎛ ⎝
1 5
⎟⎞ ⎠
解: (3 ) f 3 (k ) =
⎜⎛ ⎝
1 5
⎟⎞ ⎠
= 10 π
三、实信号和复信号 实信号: 函数(或序列)值均为实数的信号为实信 号,如,正、余弦信号,单边实指数信号等。
主要内容: §1.1.1 信号的概念 §1.1.2 信号的分类
信号——是消息的表现形式,常可表示为时间的函数 各种传输信号的方法:烽火、鼓声、旗语、电信号 电信号传输优点:远距离、快速、高可靠性
复信号:函数(或序列)值为复数的信号为复信号, 最常用的是复指数信号。
f ( t ) = e st (−∞ < t < ∞), s = σ + jω
∴ f (t ) = eσt ⋅ e jωt = eσt ⋅ (cos ω t + j sin ω t )
= eσt ⋅ cos ω t + je σt ⋅ sin ω t
本书只讨论 Tk = t k +1 − tk = T 为常数的情况.
则义离,表散示信为号f只(kT在) 均简匀记离为散: 时f (k刻) t =L−2T,−T,0,T,2TL有定
这样的离散信号也常称为序列。 序列 f (k)的数学表示式可写成闭合形式,亦可分别列出。
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The Fundamentals of Signal AnalysisApplication Note 243Table of ContentsChapter 1Introduction4 Chapter 2The Time, Frequency and Modal Domains:5Chapter 3Understanding Dynamic Signal Analysis25Chapter 4Using Dynamic Signal Analyzers49Appendix A The Fourier Transform: A Mathematical Background63 Appendix B Bibliography66 Index67Chapter 1 IntroductionThe analysis of electrical signals is a fundamental problem for many engineers and scientists. Even if the immediate problemis not electrical, the basic param-eters of interest are often changed into electrical signals by means of transducers. Common transducers include accelerometers and load cells in mechanical work, EEG electrodes and blood pressure probes in biology and medicine, and pH and conductivity probes in chemistry. The rewards for trans-forming physical parameters to electrical signals are great, as many instruments are available for the analysis of electrical sig-nals in the time, frequency and modal domains. The powerful measurement and analysis capa-bilities of these instruments can lead to rapid understanding of the system under study.This note is a primer for those who are unfamiliar with the advantages of analysis in the frequency and modal domains and with the class of analyzers we call Dynamic Signal Analyzers. In Chapter 2 we develop the con-cepts of the time, frequency and modal domains and show why these different ways of lookingat a problem often lend their own unique insights. We then intro-duce classes of instrumentation available for analysis in these domains.Because of the tutorial nature ofthis note, we will not attempt toshow detailed solutions for themultitude of measurement prob-lems which can be solved byDynamic Signal Analysis. Instead,we will concentrate on the fea-tures of Dynamic Signal Analysis,how these features are used in awide range of applications andthe benefits to be gained fromusing Dynamic Signal Analysis.Those who desire more detailson specific applications shouldlook to Appendix B. It containsabstracts of Hewlett-PackardApplication Notes on a widerange of related subjects. Thesecan be obtained free of chargefrom your local HP field engineeror representative.In Chapter 3 we develop theproperties of one of these classesof analyzers, Dynamic SignalAnalyzers. These instruments areparticularly appropriate for theanalysis of signals in the rangeof a few millihertz to about ahundred kilohertz.Chapter 4 shows the benefits ofDynamic Signal Analysis in a widerange of measurement situations.The powerful analysis tools ofDynamic Signal Analysis areintroduced as needed in eachmeasurement situation.This note avoids the use of rigor-ous mathematics and insteaddepends on heuristic arguments.We have found in over a decadeof teaching this material that sucharguments lead to a better under-standing of the basic processesinvolved in the various domainsand in Dynamic Signal Analysis.Equally important, this heuristicinstruction leads to better instru-ment operators who can intelli-gently use these analyzers tosolve complicated measurementproblems with accuracy andease*.*A more rigorous mathematical justificationfor the arguments developed in the maintext can be found in Appendix A.Chapter 2The Time, Frequency and Modal Domains:Section 1:The Time DomainThe traditional way of observing signals is to view them in the time domain. The time domain is a record of what happened to a parameter of the system versus time. For instance, Figure 2.1shows a simple spring-mass system where we have attached a pen to the mass and pulled a piece of paper past the pen at a constant rate. The resulting graph is a record of the displacement of the mass versus time, a time do-main view of displacement.Such direct recording schemes are sometimes used, but it usually is much more practical to convert the parameter of interest to an electrical signal using a trans-ducer. Transducers are commonly available to change a wide variety of parameters to electrical sig-nals. Microphones, accelerom-eters, load cells, conductivity and pressure probes are just a few examples.This electrical signal, which represents a parameter of thesystem, can be recorded on a strip chart recorder as in Figure 2.2. We can adjust the gain of the system to calibrate our measurement.Then we can reproduce exactly the results of our simple direct recording system in Figure 2.1.Why should we use this indirect approach? One reason is that we are not always measuring dis-placement. We then must convert the desired parameter to thedisplacement of the recorder ually, the easiest way to do this is through the intermediary of electronics. However, even when measuring displacement we would normally use an indirect approach. Why? Primarily be-cause the system in Figure 2.1 is hopelessly ideal. The mass must be large enough and the spring stiff enough so that the pen s mass and drag on the paper willA matter of PerspectiveIn this chapter we introduce the concepts of the time, frequency and modal domains. These three ways of looking at a problem are interchangeable; that is, no infor-mation is lost in changing from one domain to another. The advantage in introducing these three domains is that of a change of perspective . By changing per-spective from the time domain,the solution to difficult problems can often become quite clear in the frequency or modal domains.After developing the concepts of each domain, we will introduce the types of instrumentation avail-able. The merits of each generic instrument type are discussed to give the reader an appreciation of the advantages and disadvantagesof each approach.Figure 2.2Indirect recording of displacement.Figure 2.1Direct record-ing of displace-ment - a timedomain view.not affect the results appreciably. Also the deflection of the mass must be large enough to give a usable result, otherwise a me-chanical lever system to amplify the motion would have to be added with its attendant mass and friction.With the indirect system a trans-ducer can usually be selected which will not significantly affect the measurement. This can go to the extreme of commercially available displacement transduc-ers which do not even contact the mass. The pen deflection can be easily set to any desired valueby controlling the gain of the electronic amplifiers.This indirect system works well until our measured parameter be-gins to change rapidly. Because of the mass of the pen and recorder mechanism and the power limita-tions of its drive, the pen can only move at finite velocity. If the mea-sured parameter changes faster, the output of the recorder will be in error. A common way to reduce this problem is to eliminate the pen and record on a photosensi-Figure 2.3Simplifiedoscillographoperation.Figure 2.4Simplifiedoscilloscopeoperation(Horizontaldeflectioncircuitsomitted forclarity).tive paper by deflecting a lightbeam. Such a device is calledan oscillograph. Since it is onlynecessary to move a small,light-weight mirror through avery small angle, the oscillographcan respond much faster than astrip chart recorder.Another common device for dis-playing signals in the time domainis the oscilloscope. Here anelectron beam is moved usingelectric fields. The electron beamis made visible by a screen ofphosphorescent material. It iscapable of accurately displayingsignals that vary even more rap-idly than the oscillograph canhandle. This is because it is onlynecessary to move an electronbeam, not a mirror.The strip chart, oscillograph andoscilloscope all show displace-ment versus time. We say thatchanges in this displacement rep-resent the variation of some pa-rameter versus time. We will nowlook at another way of represent-ing the variation of a parameter.Section 2: The Frequency DomainIt was shown over one hundred years ago by Baron Jean Baptiste Fourier that any waveform that exists in the real world can be generated by adding up sine waves. We have illustrated this in Figure 2.5 for a simple waveform composed of two sine waves. Bypicking the amplitudes, frequen-cies and phases of these sine waves correctly, we can generate a waveform identical to our desired signal.Conversely, we can break down our real world signal into these same sine waves. It can be shown that this combination of sine waves is unique; any real world signal can be represented by only one combination of sine waves. Figure 2.6a is a three dimensional graph of this addition of sine waves. Two of the axes are time and amplitude, familiar from the time domain. The third axis is frequency which allows us to visually separate the sine waves which add to give us our complex waveform. If we view this three dimensional graph along the frequency axis we get the viewin Figure 2.6b. This is the time domain view of the sine waves. Adding them together at each instant of time gives the original waveform.Figure 2.6The relationshipbetween the timeand frequencydomains.a) Threedimensionalcoordinatesshowing time,frequency andamplitudeb) Timedomain viewc) Frequencydomain viewFigure 2.5Any realwaveformcan beproducedby addingsine wavestogether.However, if we view our graphalong the time axis as in Figure2.6c, we get a totally differentpicture. Here we have axes ofamplitude versus frequency, whatis commonly called the frequencydomain. Every sine wave weseparated from the input appearsas a vertical line. Its height repre-sents its amplitude and its posi-tion represents its frequency.Since we know that each linerepresents a sine wave, we haveuniquely characterized our inputsignal in the frequency domain*.This frequency domain represen-tation of our signal is called thespectrum of the signal. Each sinewave line of the spectrum iscalled a component of thetotal signal.*Actually, we have lost the phaseinformation of the sine waves. Howwe get this will be discussed in Chapter 3.The Need for DecibelsSince one of the major uses of the frequency domain is to resolve small signals in thepresence of large ones, let us now address the problem of how we can see both large and small signals on our display simultaneously.Suppose we wish to measure a distortion component that is 0.1% of the signal. If we set the fundamental to full scale on a four inch (10 cm) screen, the harmonic would be only four thousandths of an inch. (.1mm) tall. Obviously, we could barely see such a signal, much less measure it accurately. Yet many analyzers are available with the ability to measure signals even smaller than this.Since we want to be able to see all the components easily at the same time, the only answer is to change our amplitude scale. A logarithmic scale would compress our large signal amplitude and expand the small ones, allowing all components to be displayed at the same time.Alexander Graham Bell discovered that the human ear responded logarithmically to power difference and invented a unit, the Bel, to help him measure the ability of people to hear. One tenth of a Bel, the deciBel (dB) is the most common unit used in the frequency domain today. A table of the relationship between volts, power and dB is given in Figure 2.8. From the table we can see that our 0.1% distortion component example is 60 dB below the fundamental. If we had an 80 dB display as in Figure 2.9, the distortion component would occupy 1/4 of the screen, not 1/1000 as in a linear display.Figure 2.8The relation-ship between decibels, power and voltage.Figure 2.9Small signalscan be measured with a logarithmicamplitude scale.Figure 2.7Small signals are not hidden in the frequencydomain.a) Time Domain - small signal not visibleb) Frequency Domain - small signal easily resolvedIt is very important to understand that we have neither gained nor lost information, we are just representing it differently. We are looking at the same three-dimensional graph from different angles. This different perspective can be very useful.Why the Frequency Domain?Suppose we wish to measure the level of distortion in an audio os-cillator. Or we might be trying to detect the first sounds of a bear-ing failing on a noisy machine. In each case, we are trying to detect a small sine wave in the presence of large signals. Figure 2.7a shows a time domain waveform which seems to be a single sine wave. But Figure 2.7b shows in the frequency domain that the same signal is composed of a large sine wave and significant other sine wave components (distortion components). When these components are separated in the frequency domain, thesmall components are easy to see because they are not masked by larger ones.The frequency domain s useful-ness is not restricted to electron-ics or mechanics. All fields of science and engineering have measurements like these where large signals mask others in the time domain. The frequency domain provides a useful tool in analyzing these small but important effects.The Frequency Domain:A Natural DomainAt first the frequency domain may seem strange and unfamiliar, yet it is an important part of everyday life. Your ear-brain combination is an excellent frequency domain analyzer. The ear-brain splits the audio spectrum into many narrow bands and determines the power present in each band. It can easily pick small sounds out of loud background noise thanks in partto its frequency domain capabil-ity. A doctor listens to your heart and breathing for any unusual sounds. He is listening forfrequencies which will tell him something is wrong. An experi-enced mechanic can do the same thing with a machine. Using a screwdriver as a stethoscope,he can hear when a bearing is failing because of the frequencies it produces.So we see that the frequency domain is not at all uncommon. We are just not used to seeing it in graphical form. But this graphi-cal presentation is really not any stranger than saying that the temperature changed with time like the displacement of a lineon a graph.Spectrum ExamplesLet us now look at a few common signals in both the time and fre-quency domains. In Figure 2.10a, we see that the spectrum of a sine wave is just a single line. We expect this from the way we con-structed the frequency domain. The square wave in Figure 2.10b is made up of an infinite number of sine waves, all harmonically related. The lowest frequency present is the reciprocal of the square wave period. These two examples illustrate a property of the frequency transform: a signal which is periodic and exists for all time has a discrete frequency spectrum. This is in contrast to the transient signal in Figure2.10c which has a continuous Figure 2.10Frequencyspectrum ex-amples.fore, require infinite energy togenerate a true impulse. Never-theless, it is possible to generatean approximation to an impulsewhich has a fairly flat spectrumover the desired frequency rangeof interest. We will find signalswith a flat spectrum useful in ournext subject, network analysis. spectrum. This means that thesine waves that make up thissignal are spaced infinitesimallyclose together.Another signal of interest is theimpulse shown in Figure 2.10d.The frequency spectrum of animpulse is flat, i.e., there is energyat all frequencies. It would, there-Network AnalysisIf the frequency domain were restricted to the analysis of signal spectrums, it would certainly not be such a common engineering tool. However, the frequency domain is also widely used in analyzing the behavior of net-works (network analysis) andin design work.Network analysis is the general engineering problem of determin-ing how a network will respond to an input*. For instance, we might wish to determine how a structure will behave in high winds. Or we might want to know how effective a sound absorbing wall we are planning on purchas-ing would be in reducing machin-ery noise. Or perhaps we are interested in the effects of a tube of saline solution on the transmis-sion of blood pressure waveforms from an artery to a monitor.All of these problems and many more are examples of network analysis. As you can see a net-work can be any system at all. One-port network analysis is the variation of one parameter with respect to another, both measured at the same point (port) of the network. The impedance or compliance of the electronic or mechanical networks shown in Figure 2.11 are typical examples of one-port network analysis.Figure 2.11 One-port network analysisexamples.*Network Analysis is sometimes called Stimulus/Response Testing. The input is then known as the stimulus or excitation and the output is called the response.Two-port analysis gives the re-sponse at a second port due to an input at the first port. We are gen-erally interested in the transmis-sion and rejection of signals and in insuring the integrity of signal transmission. The concept of two-port analysis can be extended to any number of inputs and outputs. This is called N-port analysis, a subject we will use in modal analysis later in this chapter.We have deliberately defined net-work analysis in a very general way. It applies to all networks with no limitations. If we place one condition on our network, linearity, we find that network analysis becomes a very powerful tool.Figure 2.12Two-portnetworkanalysis.1Figure 2.14Non-linearsystemexample.Figure 2.15Examples ofnon-linearities.Figure 2.13Linear network.When we say a network is linear, we mean it behaves like the net-work in Figure 2.13. Suppose one input causes an output A and a second input applied at the same port causes an output B. If we apply both inputs at the same time to a linear network, the output will be the sum of the individual outputs, A + B.At first glance it might seem that all networks would behave in this fashion. A counter example, a non-linear network, is shownin Figure 2.14. Suppose that the first input is a force that varies in a sinusoidal manner. We pick its amplitude to ensure that the displacement is small enough so that the oscillating mass does not quite hit the stops. If we add a second identical input, the mass would now hit the stops. Instead of a sine wave with twice the amplitude, the output is clipped as shown in Figure 2.14b.This spring-mass system with stops illustrates an important principal: no real system is completely linear. A system may be approximately linear over a wide range of signals, but eventu-ally the assumption of linearity breaks down. Our spring-mass system is linear before it hits the stops. Likewise a linear electronic amplifier clips when the output voltage approaches the internal supply voltage. A spring may com-press linearly until the coils start pressing against each other.Figure 2.16A positioningsystem.Other forms of non-linearities arealso often present. Hysteresis (orbacklash) is usually present ingear trains, loosely riveted jointsand in magnetic devices. Some-times the non-linearities are lessabrupt and are smooth, but non-linear, curves. The torque versusrpm of an engine or the operatingcurves of a transistor are twoexamples that can be consideredlinear over only small portions oftheir operating regions.The important point is not that allsystems are nonlinear; it is thatmost systems can be approxi-mated as linear systems. Oftena large engineering effort is spentin making the system as linear aspractical. This is done for tworeasons. First, it is often a designgoal for the output of a networkto be a scaled, linear version ofthe input. A strip chart recorderis a good example. The electronicamplifier and pen motor mustboth be designed to ensure thatthe deflection across the paperis linear with the applied voltage.The second reason why systemsare linearized is to reduce theproblem of nonlinear instability.One example would be the posi-tioning system shown in Figure2.16. The actual position is com-pared to the desired position andthe error is integrated and appliedto the motor. If the gear trainhas no backlash, it is a straightforward problem to design thissystem to the desired specifica-tions of positioning accuracy andresponse time.However, if the gear train has ex-cessive backlash, the motor willhunt causing the positioningsystem to oscillate around thedesired position. The solutionis either to reduce the loop gainand therefore reduce the overallperformance of the system, or toreduce the backlash in the geartrain. Often, reducing the back-lash is the only way to meet theperformance specifications.Analysis of Linear NetworksAs we have seen, many systems are designed to be reasonably lin-ear to meet design specifications. This has a fortuitous side benefit when attempting to analyze networks*.Recall that an real signal canbe considered to be a sum of sine waves. Also, recall that the response of a linear network is the sum of the responses to each component of the input. There-fore, if we knew the response of the network to each of the sine wave components of the input spectrum, we could predict the output.It is easy to show that the steady-state response of a linear network to a sine wave input is a sine wave of the same frequency. As shown in Figure 2.17, the ampli-tude of the output sine wave is proportional to the input ampli-tude. Its phase is shifted by an amount which depends only on the frequency of the sine wave. As we vary the frequency of the sine wave input, the amplitude propor-tionality factor (gain) changes as does the phase of the output.If we divide the output of the*We will discuss the analysis of networks which have not been linearized in Chapter 3, Section 6.Figure 2.17 Linear network response to asine wave input.Figure 2.18 The frequency response of anetwork.network by the input, we get a normalized result called the fre-quency response of the network. As shown in Figure 2.18, the fre-quency response is the gain (or loss) and phase shift of the net-work as a function of frequency. Because the network is linear, the frequency response is indepen-dent of the input amplitude; the frequency response is a property of a linear network, not depen-dent on the stimulus.The frequency response of a net-work will generally fall into one of three categories; low pass, high pass, bandpass or a combination of these. As the names suggest, their frequency responses have relatively high gain in a band of frequencies, allowing these fre-quencies to pass through the network. Other frequencies suffer a relatively high loss and are rejected by the network. To see what this means in terms of the response of a filter to an input, let us look at the bandpassfilter case.Figure 2.19 Three classes of frequencyresponse.In Figure 2.20, we put a square wave into a bandpass filter. We recall from Figure 2.10 that a square wave is composed of harmonically related sine waves. The frequency response of our example network is shown in Figure 2.20b. Because the filter is narrow, it will pass only one com-ponent of the square wave. There-fore, the steady-state response of this bandpass filter is a sine wave.Notice how easy it is to predict the output of any network from its frequency response. The spectrum of the input signal is multiplied by the frequency re-sponse of the network to deter-mine the components that appear in the output spectrum. This fre-quency domain output can then be transformed back to the time domain.In contrast, it is very difficult to compute in the time domain the output of any but the simplest networks. A complicated integral must be evaluated which often can only be done numerically on a digital computer*. If we computed the network response by both evaluating the time domain inte-gral and by transforming to the frequency domain and back, we would get the same results. How-ever, it is usually easier to com-pute the output by transforming to the frequency domain. Transient ResponseUp to this point we have only discussed the steady-state re-sponse to a signal. By steady-state we mean the output after any transient responses caused by applying the input have died out. However, the frequency response of a network also contains all the Figure 2.20 Bandpass filter response to a square waveinput.Figure 2.21 Time response of bandpassfilters.* This operation is called convolution.information necessary to predict the transient response of the net-work to any signal.Let us look qualitatively at the transient response of a bandpass filter. If a resonance is narrow compared to its frequency, then it is said to be a high Q reso-nance*. Figure 2.21a shows a high Q filter frequency response. It has a transient response which dies out very slowly. A time re-sponse which decays slowly is said to be lightly damped. Figure 2.21b shows a low Q resonance. It has a transient response which dies out quickly. This illustrates a general principle: signals which are broad in one domain are narrow in the other. Narrow, selective filters have very long response times, a fact we will find important in the next section. Section 3: Instrumentation for the Frequency DomainJust as the time domain canbe measured with strip chart recorders, oscillographs or oscilloscopes, the frequency domain is usually measured with spectrum and network analyzers. Spectrum analyzers are instru-ments which are optimized to characterize signals. They intro-duce very little distortion and few spurious signals. This insures that the signals on the display are truly part of the input signal spectrum, not signals introduced by the analyzer.Figure 2.22Parallel filteranalyzer.Network analyzers are optimizedto give accurate amplitude andphase measurements over awide range of network gains andlosses. This design differencemeans that these two traditionalinstrument families are notinterchangeable.** A spectrumanalyzer can not be used as anetwork analyzer because it doesnot measure amplitude accuratelyand cannot measure phase. A net-work analyzer would make a verypoor spectrum analyzer becausespurious responses limit itsdynamic range.In this section we will develop theproperties of several types ofanalyzers in these two categories.The Parallel-FilterSpectrum AnalyzerAs we developed in Section 2 ofthis chapter, electronic filters canbe built which pass a narrow bandof frequencies. If we were to adda meter to the output of such abandpass filter, we could measurethe power in the portion of thespectrum passed by the filter. InFigure 2.22a we have done thisfor a bank of filters, each tuned toa different frequency. If the centerfrequencies of these filters arechosen so that the filters overlapproperly, the spectrum coveredby the filters can be completelycharacterized as in Figure 2.22b.*Q is usually defined as:Q =Center Frequency of Resonance**Dynamic Signal Analyzers are an exception to this rule, they can act as both network and spectrum analyzers.。