大数据外文翻译参考文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Data Mining and Data PublishingData mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the partyrunning the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy.Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily.Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the informationloss resulting from data modifications, everal extending models are proposed, which are discussed as follows.1.k-Anonymityk-anonymity is one of the most classic models, which technique that prevents joining attacks by generalizing and/or suppressing portions of the released microdata so that no individual can be uniquely distinguished from a group of size k. In the k-anonymous tables, a data set is k-anonymous (k ≥ 1) if each record in the data set is in- distinguishable from at least (k . 1) other records within the same data set. The larger the value of k, the better the privacy is protected. k-anonymity can ensure that individuals cannot be uniquely identified by linking attacks.2. Extending ModelsSince k-anonymity does not provide sufficient protection against attribute disclosure. The notion of l-diversity attempts to solve this problem by requiring that each equivalence class has at least l well-represented value for each sensitive attribute. The technology of l-diversity has some advantages than k-anonymity. Because k-anonymity dataset permits strong attacks due to lack of diversity in the sensitive attributes. In this model, an equivalence class is said to have l-diversity if there are at least l well-represented value for the sensitive attribute. Because there are semantic relationships among the attribute values, and different values have very different levels of sensitivity. Afteranonymization, in any equivalence class, the frequency (in fraction) of a sensitive value is no more than α.3. Related Research AreasSeveral polls show that the public has an in- creased sense of privacy loss. Since data mining is often a key component of information systems, homeland security systems, and monitoring and surveillance systems, it gives a wrong impression that data mining is a technique for privacy intrusion. This lack of trust has become an obstacle to the benefit of the technology. For example, the potentially beneficial data mining re- search project, Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA), was terminated by the US Congress due to its controversial procedures of collecting, sharing, and analyzing the trails left by individuals. Motivated by the privacy concerns on data mining tools, a research area called privacy-reserving data mining (PPDM) emerged in 2000. The initial idea of PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. The solutions were often tightly coupled with the data mining algorithms under consideration. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily tie to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task is sometimes unknown at the time of data publishing. Furthermore, some PPDP solutions emphasize preserving the datatruthfulness at the record level, but PPDM solutions often do not preserve such property. PPDP Differs from PPDM in Several Major Ways as Follows :1) PPDP focuses on techniques for publishing data, not techniques for data mining. In fact, it is expected that standard data mining techniques are applied on the published data. In contrast, the data holder in PPDM needs to randomize the data in such a way that data mining results can be recovered from the randomized data. To do so, the data holder must understand the data mining tasks and algorithms involved. This level of involvement is not expected of the data holder in PPDP who usually is not an expert in data mining.2) Both randomization and encryption do not preserve the truthfulness of values at the record level; therefore, the released data are basically meaningless to the recipients. In such a case, the data holder in PPDM may consider releasing the data mining results rather than the scrambled data.3) PPDP primarily “anonymizes” the data by hiding the identity of record owners, whereas PPDM seeks to directly hide the sensitive data. Excellent surveys and books in randomization and cryptographic techniques for PPDM can be found in the existing literature. A family of research work called privacy-preserving distributed data mining (PPDDM) aims at performing some data mining task on a set of private databasesowned by different parties. It follows the principle of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC), and prohibits any data sharing other than the final data mining result. Clifton et al. present a suite of SMC operations, like secure sum, secure set union, secure size of set intersection, and scalar product, that are useful for many data mining tasks. In contrast, PPDP does not perform the actual data mining task, but concerns with how to publish the data so that the anonymous data are useful for data mining. We can say that PPDP protects privacy at the data level while PPDDM protects privacy at the process level. They address different privacy models and data mining scenarios. In the field of statistical disclosure control (SDC), the research works focus on privacy-preserving publishing methods for statistical tables. SDC focuses on three types of disclosures, namely identity disclosure, attribute disclosure, and inferential disclosure. Identity disclosure occurs if an adversary can identify a respondent from the published data. Revealing that an individual is a respondent of a data collection may or may not violate confidentiality requirements. Attribute disclosure occurs when confidential information about a respondent is revealed and can be attributed to the respondent. Attribute disclosure is the primary concern of most statistical agencies in deciding whether to publish tabular data. Inferential disclosure occurs when individual information can be inferred with high confidence from statistical information of the published data.Some other works of SDC focus on the study of the non-interactive query model, in which the data recipients can submit one query to the system. This type of non-interactive query model may not fully address the information needs of data recipients because, in some cases, it is very difficult for a data recipient to accurately construct a query for a data mining task in one shot. Consequently, there are a series of studies on the interactive query model, in which the data recipients, including adversaries, can submit a sequence of queries based on previously received query results. The database server is responsible to keep track of all queries of each user and determine whether or not the currently received query has violated the privacy requirement with respect to all previous queries. One limitation of any interactive privacy-preserving query system is that it can only answer a sublinear number of queries in total; otherwise, an adversary (or a group of corrupted data recipients) will be able to reconstruct all but 1 . o(1) fraction of the original data, which is a very strong violation of privacy. When the maximum number of queries is reached, the query service must be closed to avoid privacy leak. In the case of the non-interactive query model, the adversary can issue only one query and, therefore, the non-interactive query model cannot achieve the same degree of privacy defined by Introduction the interactive model. One may consider that privacy-reserving data publishing is a special case of the non-interactivequery model.This paper presents a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explains their effects on Data Privacy. k-anonymity is used for security of respondents identity and decreases linking attack in the case of homogeneity attack a simple k-anonymity model fails and we need a concept which prevent from this attack solution is l-diversity. All tuples are arranged in well represented form and adversary will divert to l places or on l sensitive attributes. l-diversity limits in case of background knowledge attack because no one predicts knowledge level of an adversary. It is observe that using generalization and suppression we also apply these techniques on those attributes which doesn’t need th is extent of privacy and this leads to reduce the precision of publishing table. e-NSTAM (extended Sensitive Tuples Anonymity Method) is applied on sensitive tuples only and reduces information loss, this method also fails in the case of multiple sensitive tuples.Generalization with suppression is also the causes of data lose because suppression emphasize on not releasing values which are not suited for k factor. Future works in this front can include defining a new privacy measure along with l-diversity for multiple sensitive attribute and we will focus to generalize attributes without suppression using other techniques which are used to achieve k-anonymity because suppression leads to reduce the precision ofpublishing table.译文:数据挖掘和数据发布数据挖掘中提取出大量有趣的模式从大量的数据或知识。
1. 大数据技术的基本概念和原理
- 大数据定义和特点
- 大数据处理框架和技术架构
2. 大数据技术在商业领域的应用
- 大数据分析与决策支持
- 大数据驱动的营销和销售
3. 大数据技术在科学研究中的应用
- 大数据在生态学、天文学等领域的应用案例
- 大数据分析对科学研究的影响
4. 大数据技术在医疗领域的应用
- 大数据在疾病预测与治疗中的应用
- 大数据对医疗管理和政策制定的影响
5. 大数据技术面临的挑战和解决方案
- 隐私保护和数据安全性
- 大数据分析方法的改进和优化
- [1] 蔡银龙. 大数据技术与应用[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2017.
- [2] 陈立辉, 孙剑平. 大数据:理论与算法[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2015.
- [3] 李明. 大数据时代的隐私保护[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2016.。
APA格式参考文献示例期刊文章1.一位作者写的文章Hu, L. X. [胡莲香]. (2014). 走向大数据知识服务: 大数据时代图书馆服务模式创新. 农业图书情报学刊(2): 173-177.Olsher, D. (2014). Semantically-based priors and nuanced knowledge core for Big Data, Social AI, and language understanding. Neural Networks, 58, 131-147.2.两位作者写的文章Li, J. Z., & Liu, X. M. [李建中, 刘显敏]. (2013). 大数据的一个重要方面: 数据可用性. 计算机研究与发展(6): 1147-1162.Mendel, J. M., & Korjani, M. M. (2014). On establishing nonlinear combinations of variables from small to big data for use in later processing. Information Sciences, 280, 98-110.3. 三位及以上的作者写的文章Weichselbraun, A. et al. (2014). Enriching semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining in big data applications. Knowledge-Based Systems, 69, 78-85.Zhang, P. et al. [张鹏等]. (2013). 云计算环境下适于工作流的数据布局方法. 计算机研究与发展(3): 636-647.专著1.一位作者写的书籍Rossi, P. H. (1989). Down and out in America: The origins of homelessness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Wang, B. B. [王彬彬]. (2002).文坛三户:金庸·王朔·余秋雨——当代三大文学论争辨析. 郑州: 大象出版社.2.两位作者写的书籍Plant, R., & Hoover, K. (2014). Conservative capitalism in Britain and the United States: A critical appraisal. London: Routledge.Yin, D., & Shang, H. [隐地, 尚海]. (2001).到绿光咖啡屋听巴赫读余秋雨. 上海: 上海世界图书出版公司.3. 三位作者写的书籍Chen, W. Z. et al. [陈维政等]. (2006).人力资源管理. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社. Hall, S. et al. (1991). Culture, media, language: Working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79 (Cultural studies Birmingham ). London: Routledge.4. 新版书Kail, R. (1990). Memory development in children (3rd ed.). New York: Freeman.编著1. 一位主编编撰的书籍Loshin, D. (Ed.). (2013a). Big data analytics. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann.Zhong, L. F. [钟兰凤] (编). (2014). 英文科技学术话语研究. 镇江: 江苏大学出版社.2. 两位主编编撰的书籍Hyland, K., & Diani, G. (Eds.). (2009). Academic evaluation: Review genres in university settings. London: Palgrave Macmillan.Zhang, D. L., & Zhang, G. [张德禄, 张国] (编). (2011). 英语文体学教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社.3. 三位及以上主编编撰的书籍Zhang, K. D. et al. [张克定等] (编). (2007). 系统评价功能. 北京: 高等教育出版社.Campbell, C. M. et al. (Eds.). (2003). Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2.New York: Cambridge University Press.4.书中的文章De la Rosa Algarín, A., & Demurjian, S. A. (2014). An approach to facilitate security assurance for information sharing and exchange in big-data applications. In B.Akhgar & H. R. Arabnia (Eds.), Emerging trends in ICT security(pp. 65-83).Boston: Morgan Kaufmann.He, J. M., & Yu, J. P. [何建敏, 于建平]. (2007). 学术论文引言部分的经验功能分析.张克定等. (编). 系统功能评价(pp. 93-101). 北京: 高等教育出版社.翻译的书籍Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The dialogic imagination: Four essays(C. Emerson & M.Holquist, Trans.). Austin: University of Texas Press.Le, D. L. [勒代雷]. (2001).释意学派口笔译理论(刘和平译). 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司.Kontra, M. et al. (2014).语言: 权利和资源(李君, 满文静译). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.Wang, R. D., & Yu, Q. Y. [王仁定, 余秋雨]. (2001).吴越之间——余秋雨眼里的中国文化(彩图本)(梁实秋, 董乐天译). 上海: 上海文化出版社.硕博士论文Huan, C. P. (2015). Journalistic stance in Chinese and Australian hard news.Unpublished doctorial dissertation, Macquarie University, Sydney.Wang, X. Z. [王璇子]. (2014). 功能对等视角下的英语长句翻译.南京大学硕士学位论文.注:1.APA格式参考文献中的文章标题、书籍名称,冒号后第一个单词,括号里第一个单词和专有名词的首字母大写,其余单词首字母均小写。
大数据外文翻译参考文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Data Mining and Data PublishingData mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the partyrunning the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy.Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily.Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the informationloss resulting from data modifications, everal extending models are proposed, which are discussed as follows.1.k-Anonymityk-anonymity is one of the most classic models, which technique that prevents joining attacks by generalizing and/or suppressing portions of the released microdata so that no individual can be uniquely distinguished from a group of size k. In the k-anonymous tables, a data set is k-anonymous (k ≥ 1) if each record in the data set is in- distinguishable from at least (k . 1) other records within the same data set. The larger the value of k, the better the privacy is protected. k-anonymity can ensure that individuals cannot be uniquely identified by linking attacks.2. Extending ModelsSince k-anonymity does not provide sufficient protection against attribute disclosure. The notion of l-diversity attempts to solve this problem by requiring that each equivalence class has at least l well-represented value for each sensitive attribute. The technology of l-diversity has some advantages than k-anonymity. Because k-anonymity dataset permits strong attacks due to lack of diversity in the sensitive attributes. In this model, an equivalence class is said to have l-diversity if there are at least l well-represented value for the sensitive attribute. Because there are semantic relationships among the attribute values, and different values have very different levels of sensitivity. Afteranonymization, in any equivalence class, the frequency (in fraction) of a sensitive value is no more than α.3. Related Research AreasSeveral polls show that the public has an in- creased sense of privacy loss. Since data mining is often a key component of information systems, homeland security systems, and monitoring and surveillance systems, it gives a wrong impression that data mining is a technique for privacy intrusion. This lack of trust has become an obstacle to the benefit of the technology. For example, the potentially beneficial data mining re- search project, Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA), was terminated by the US Congress due to its controversial procedures of collecting, sharing, and analyzing the trails left by individuals. Motivated by the privacy concerns on data mining tools, a research area called privacy-reserving data mining (PPDM) emerged in 2000. The initial idea of PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. The solutions were often tightly coupled with the data mining algorithms under consideration. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily tie to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task is sometimes unknown at the time of data publishing. Furthermore, some PPDP solutions emphasize preserving the datatruthfulness at the record level, but PPDM solutions often do not preserve such property. PPDP Differs from PPDM in Several Major Ways as Follows :1) PPDP focuses on techniques for publishing data, not techniques for data mining. In fact, it is expected that standard data mining techniques are applied on the published data. In contrast, the data holder in PPDM needs to randomize the data in such a way that data mining results can be recovered from the randomized data. To do so, the data holder must understand the data mining tasks and algorithms involved. This level of involvement is not expected of the data holder in PPDP who usually is not an expert in data mining.2) Both randomization and encryption do not preserve the truthfulness of values at the record level; therefore, the released data are basically meaningless to the recipients. In such a case, the data holder in PPDM may consider releasing the data mining results rather than the scrambled data.3) PPDP primarily “anonymizes” the data by hiding the identity of record owners, whereas PPDM seeks to directly hide the sensitive data. Excellent surveys and books in randomization and cryptographic techniques for PPDM can be found in the existing literature. A family of research work called privacy-preserving distributed data mining (PPDDM) aims at performing some data mining task on a set of private databasesowned by different parties. It follows the principle of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC), and prohibits any data sharing other than the final data mining result. Clifton et al. present a suite of SMC operations, like secure sum, secure set union, secure size of set intersection, and scalar product, that are useful for many data mining tasks. In contrast, PPDP does not perform the actual data mining task, but concerns with how to publish the data so that the anonymous data are useful for data mining. We can say that PPDP protects privacy at the data level while PPDDM protects privacy at the process level. They address different privacy models and data mining scenarios. In the field of statistical disclosure control (SDC), the research works focus on privacy-preserving publishing methods for statistical tables. SDC focuses on three types of disclosures, namely identity disclosure, attribute disclosure, and inferential disclosure. Identity disclosure occurs if an adversary can identify a respondent from the published data. Revealing that an individual is a respondent of a data collection may or may not violate confidentiality requirements. Attribute disclosure occurs when confidential information about a respondent is revealed and can be attributed to the respondent. Attribute disclosure is the primary concern of most statistical agencies in deciding whether to publish tabular data. Inferential disclosure occurs when individual information can be inferred with high confidence from statistical information of the published data.Some other works of SDC focus on the study of the non-interactive query model, in which the data recipients can submit one query to the system. This type of non-interactive query model may not fully address the information needs of data recipients because, in some cases, it is very difficult for a data recipient to accurately construct a query for a data mining task in one shot. Consequently, there are a series of studies on the interactive query model, in which the data recipients, including adversaries, can submit a sequence of queries based on previously received query results. The database server is responsible to keep track of all queries of each user and determine whether or not the currently received query has violated the privacy requirement with respect to all previous queries. One limitation of any interactive privacy-preserving query system is that it can only answer a sublinear number of queries in total; otherwise, an adversary (or a group of corrupted data recipients) will be able to reconstruct all but 1 . o(1) fraction of the original data, which is a very strong violation of privacy. When the maximum number of queries is reached, the query service must be closed to avoid privacy leak. In the case of the non-interactive query model, the adversary can issue only one query and, therefore, the non-interactive query model cannot achieve the same degree of privacy defined by Introduction the interactive model. One may consider that privacy-reserving data publishing is a special case of the non-interactivequery model.This paper presents a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explains their effects on Data Privacy. k-anonymity is used for security of respondents identity and decreases linking attack in the case of homogeneity attack a simple k-anonymity model fails and we need a concept which prevent from this attack solution is l-diversity. All tuples are arranged in well represented form and adversary will divert to l places or on l sensitive attributes. l-diversity limits in case of background knowledge attack because no one predicts knowledge level of an adversary. It is observe that using generalization and suppression we also apply these techniques on those attributes which doesn’t need th is extent of privacy and this leads to reduce the precision of publishing table. e-NSTAM (extended Sensitive Tuples Anonymity Method) is applied on sensitive tuples only and reduces information loss, this method also fails in the case of multiple sensitive tuples.Generalization with suppression is also the causes of data lose because suppression emphasize on not releasing values which are not suited for k factor. Future works in this front can include defining a new privacy measure along with l-diversity for multiple sensitive attribute and we will focus to generalize attributes without suppression using other techniques which are used to achieve k-anonymity because suppression leads to reduce the precision ofpublishing table.译文:数据挖掘和数据发布数据挖掘中提取出大量有趣的模式从大量的数据或知识。
4.《Hadoop权威指南》作者:Tom White著,陈涛译。
6.《Spark快速大数据分析》作者:Holden Karau、Andy Konwinski、Patrick Wendell、Matei Zaharia著,贾晓义译。
8.《数据密集型应用系统设计》作者:Martin Kleppmann著,张宏译。
图多处理阶段模型2009 2014 1011 mi血5 ^020图1 IDC全球数拯使用量预测数据挖掘的焦点集中在寻求数据挖掘过程中的可视化方法,使知识发现过程能够被用户理解,便于在知识发现过程中的人机交互;研究在网络环境卜的数据挖掘技术,特别是在In ternet上建立数据挖掘和知识发现((DMKD)服务器,与数据库服务器配合,实现数据挖掘;加强对各种非结构化或半结构化数据的挖掘,如多媒体数据、文本数据和图像数据等。
5.3 对大数据的处理速度挑战数据处理的时效性随着数据规模的小断增大,分析处理的时间相应地越来越长,而大数据条件对信息处理的时效性要求越来越高。
三、朴素贝叶斯算法在大数据中的应用1. 文本分类朴素贝叶斯算法在文本分类任务中具有良好的性能。
2. 垃圾邮件过滤大数据环境下,垃圾邮件的数量巨大,给用户带来了很大的困扰。
3. 用户兴趣模型构建在电子商务等领域,构建用户兴趣模型是一项重要任务。
以下是一些建议,但请注意,这只是一个初步的列表,具体的参考文献可能取决于您感兴趣的具体主题:* 书籍:* "Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think" by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier.* "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide" by Tom White.* "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett.* 期刊论文:* Chen, M., Mao, S., and Liu, Y. (2014). "Big Data: A Survey." Mobile Networks and Applications, 19(2), 171-209.* Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., et al. (2011). "Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity." McKinsey Global Institute.* 技术报告和白皮书:* Dean, J., and Ghemawat, S. (2008). "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters." Google, Inc.* EMC. (2012). "Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data."* 会议论文:* Kambatla, K., Kollias, G., Kumar, V., and Grama, A. (2014). "Trends in Big Data Analytics." Journal of King Saud University -Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering.* 在线资源和指南:* Apache Hadoop Documentation: Hadoop Documentation.* Kaggle Datasets: Kaggle Datasets.确保在引用这些文献时查阅最新版本,以获取最准确和最新的信息。
二、实践背景与目标1. 实践背景随着互联网、物联网、云计算等技术的普及,人类社会产生了海量数据。
2. 实践目标(1)掌握大数据分析的基本方法和技术;(2)运用所学知识对实际数据进行处理和分析;(3)提高团队协作能力和解决问题的能力;(4)培养创新意识和实践能力。
三、实践内容与方法1. 数据采集与预处理(1)数据采集:根据实践需求,我们从互联网上获取了相关数据集,包括电商数据、社交媒体数据、气象数据等;(2)数据预处理:对采集到的数据进行清洗、去重、格式转换等操作,确保数据质量。
2. 数据分析与挖掘(1)数据可视化:利用Python、R等编程语言,对数据进行可视化展示,直观地了解数据特征;(2)统计分析:运用统计方法对数据进行描述性分析,挖掘数据背后的规律;(3)机器学习:运用机器学习方法对数据进行分类、聚类、预测等分析,挖掘数据中的潜在价值。
3. 实践工具与平台(1)编程语言:Python、R;(2)数据库:MySQL、MongoDB;(3)数据分析工具:Jupyter Notebook、RStudio;(4)云计算平台:阿里云、腾讯云。
四、实践成果1. 数据可视化分析通过对电商数据的可视化分析,我们发现了以下规律:(1)消费者购买行为与时间、地区、产品类别等因素密切相关;(2)节假日、促销活动期间,消费者购买意愿明显增强;(3)不同年龄段消费者偏好不同,年轻消费者更倾向于追求时尚、个性化的产品。
2. 社交媒体情感分析利用社交媒体数据,我们对用户评论进行情感分析,发现以下结果:(1)消费者对产品的满意度较高,好评率较高;(2)消费者关注的产品功能主要集中在质量、价格、服务等方面;(3)针对消费者提出的问题,企业应加强售后服务,提高客户满意度。
2、依托GIS平台实现城市空间规划传统城市规划平台多依附于Auto CAD,其具备良好的绘图功能,唯一不足之处是无法对绘制点线面进行数据定义,难以实施与图形相匹配数据分析,通常数据与图像存在关系,应借助其他软件平台实现。
一、关于HDFS的参考文献1. Shvachko, Konstantin, et al. "The hadoop distributed file system." 2010 IEEE 26th symposium on mass storage systems and technologies (MSST). IEEE, 2010.2. Borthakur, Dhruba. "HDFS architecture guide.". Apache Software Foundation (2014).3. Ren, Kui, et al. "Towards high performance and scalable distributed file systems." 2016 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS). IEEE, 2016.4. Matloff, Norman S. "Hadoop and HDFS: Basic concepts." University of California, Davis 2 (2011): 2012.5. White, Tom. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media, 2012.二、关于MapReduce的参考文献1. Dean, Jeffrey, and Sanjay Ghemawat. "MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters." Communications of the ACM 51.1 (2008): 107-113.2. Lin, Jimmy, and Chris Dyer. "Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce." Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies3.1 (2010): 1-177.3. Lammel, Ralf. "Google's MapReduce programming model-revisited." ACM Queue 7.2 (2009): 30-39.4. Heitkoetter, Henning, and Jan Stender. "The MapReduce programming model." Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. 2010.5. Min, Yuting, et al. "Deep mining: a mapreduce optimization framework." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5.9 (2012): 806-817.以上是关于HDFS和MapReduce的部分参考文献,这些文献从不同方面介绍了HDFS和MapReduce的原理、架构和应用。
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[65]汪春雪.计算机网络信息安全及防护策略探究[J].轻纺工业与技术,2020,49(03):151-152. [66]孙爱珍.计算机网络信息安全管理策略探析[J].轻纺工业与技术,2020,49(03):157-158. [67]徐富勇.基于注意力增强网络的场景文字识别[J].现代计算机,2020(09):73-77. [68]张伟.高校公用计算机网络机房的维护技术[J].通讯世界,2020,27(03):167-168. [69]王佳欣.互联网时代出版社运行模式探析[J].科技传播,2020,12(06):28-29. [70]张长华.计算机软件测试技术探讨[J].才智,2020(09):241. [71]田苗苗.大数据环境下计算机网络安全防范方式分析[J].科学技术创新,2020(09):87-88. [72]赵文均.基于SOM和BP网络的K均值聚类算法分析[J].电脑知识与技术,2020,16(09):24-26. [73]尚爱鹏,李鹏飞,钟飞.集群渲染在车辆三维动画制作中的应用[J].电力机车与城轨车辆,2020,43(02):75-77. [74]郝王丽,尉敬涛,韩猛,胡欣宇.基于多尺度特征谷子生长期元素失衡情况识别[J].物联网技术,2020,10(03):33-36+39. [75]陈钦柱,符传福,韩来君.智能电网大数据分析与决策系统的研究[J].电子设计工程,2020,28(06):30-34. [76]姚汝勇,梁芳.论互联网的“底层思维”[J].东南传播,2020(03):27-29. [77]李勇.计算机网络通信安全数据加密技术的应用[J].中国新通信,2020,22(06):17. [78]纪元.基于数据库监控的网络安全系统建设[J].中国新通信,2020,22(06):121. [79]王晓旭.大数据时代网络信息安全及防范措施[J].中国新通信,2020,22(06):131-132. [80]张建忠.谈大数据时代的计算机网络安全及防范措施[J].中国新通信,2020,22(06):142. [81]蒋宏林.大数据时代下计算机网络信息安全问题探讨[J].中国新通信,2020,22(06):145. [82]刘真,王娜娜,王晓东,孙永奇.位置社交网络中谱嵌入增强的兴趣点推荐算法[J].通信学报,2020,41(03):197-206. [83]孟帙颖.新时期计算机网络云计算技术研究[J].电脑编程技巧与维护,2020(03):91-92+105. [84]陈灿,王亚龙,王福鑫,杨鹏,廖群.基于区域卷积神经网络的PCB板检测与识别系统[J].电脑编程技巧与维护,2020(03):119-120+155. [85]马晓辉.大数据技术在计算机网络信息管理中的应用[J].科技风,2020(08):114. [86]陈新元,谢晟祎.结合神经网络的文本降维方法[J].福建轻纺,2020(03):26-28. [87]黄瑾,梅雪,王晓,易辉.基于Relief-LVQ的脑功能网络分类[J].计算机工程与设计,2020,41(03):845-849. [88]韩哲.基于大数据的计算机安全性分析[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):22+171. [89]周挺.人工智能在大数据信息网络技术中的应用及分析[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):33. [90]金雷.计算机电子信息工程技术的应用和安全管理分析[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):66. 计算机网络参考文献四: [91]吴凤侠.浅谈大数据背景下计算机信息安全防护措施[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):78. [92]黄碧媛,陈小宁,郭进.基于神经网络的垃圾分类App研究与设计[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):113. [93]张立国,殷润浩,柯诗怡,张赛儿,黄书桓.基于手势识别的智能车控制算法研究[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):116. [94]曹生岭.浅谈大数据背景下计算机信息安全及防护策略[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):118. [95]赵云.试论高校计算机教育与学生信息素质培养[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):219. [96]李贞妍.基于老电影修复工作的研究[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(03):276. [97]何斌颖.大数据技术在计算机网络信息安全问题中的应用——评《计算机网络信息安全》[J].电镀与精饰,2020,42(03):47. [98]郝俊虎,胡毅,崔宁宁,韩丰羽,徐崇良.GRU-BP在数字化车间关键部件寿命预测中的研究[J].小型微型计算机系统,2020,41(03):637-642. [99]曾义夫,牟其林,周乐,蓝天,刘峤.基于图表示学习的会话感知推荐模型[J].计算机研究与发展,2020,57(03):590-603. [100]刘浩.基于神经网络方法的图像描述研究综述[J].现代计算机,2020(08):100-103. [101]陈珊珊.“互联网+新工匠”培养大学生创新创意能力研究[J].中国成人教育,2020(05):46-49. [102]易锦燕.基于混沌时间序列的企业ERP应用绩效评价研究[J].产业创新研究,2020(05):117-118. [103]于永波.内网局域网安全防护策略探讨[J].网络安全技术与应用,2020(03):19-20. [104]杜倩倩,强彦,李硕,杨晓棠.基于空洞U-Net神经网络的PET图像重建算法[J].太原理工大学学报,2020,51(02):190-197. [105]田俊峰,屈雪晴,何欣枫,李珍.基于哈希图的虚拟机实时迁移方法[J].电子与信息学报,2020,42(03):712-719. [106]贾双成,杨凤萍.基于神经网络的人体动态行为智能识别方法[J].科技通报,2020,36(01):60-63. [107]黄仕靖,陈国华,吴川徽,袁勤俭.基于改进AHP-BP神经网络的科研项目数据库评价指标模型构建[J].情报科学,2020,38(01):140-146. [108]王伟.大数据时代下计算机网络信息安全问题[J].科学大众(科学教育),2019(12):199. [109]刘博.企业计算机网络管理运维要点分析[J].现代商贸工业,2020,41(03):197-198. [110]栾立娟.计算机安全存储中云计算技术的应用分析[J].电脑编程技巧与维护,2019(12):166-168. [111]杨照峰,王蒙蒙,彭统乾.大数据背景下的计算机网络数据库安全问题的相关探讨[J].电脑编程技巧与维护,2019(12):157-159. [112]张婷,姚仿秋.基于异常网络流监控系统的大数据解决方法[J].电子世界,2019(23):167-168. [113]王艳华.大数据挖掘技术在网络安全中的应用与研究[J].电子世界,2019(23):61-62. [114]林宏,张耀文,李雄鸣,原野,胡国领.计算机网络安全系统在气象通信内应用探究[J].中国新通信,2019,21(23):165. [115]肖建超.探索企业计算机网络管理运维的要点[J].产业创新研究,2019(11):219-220. [116]刘树宝.电子信息工程管理中电子计算机技术的应用探究[J].电脑知识与技术,2019,15(32):254-255. [117]郝以庆.计算机网络与多媒体技术在电视台中的应用[J].电声技术,2019,43(11):43-44+65. [118]刘小艮.大数据时代计算机软件技术的应用[J].数字技术与应用,2019,37(10):74-75. 以上就是关于计算机网络参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。
三、课题内容1. 研究大数据技术的发展历程和应用现状2. 选择一个特定的领域,如金融、医疗、电商等,通过案例分析,阐释大数据技术在该领域的应用需求和价值3. 设计并实现一个针对选定领域的大数据技术解决方案,包括数据采集、存储、处理、分析和可视化等环节。
4. 对所设计的大数据技术解决方案进行评估和改进,总结经验和教训。
四、课题要求1. 提出明确的设计目标和解决问题形式2. 通过调研和案例分析,对选定领域的大数据技术应用需求和现状进行深入理解和阐释3. 选择合适的大数据技术工具和平台,进行设计与实现4. 根据案例数据或模拟数据,进行大数据技术解决方案的实际应用和评估5. 撰写毕业设计论文,详细描述课题的研究内容、设计思路和实现成果五、参考文献1. 《大数据时代》2. 《大数据技术与应用》3. 《大规模数据分析技术:MapReduce与Spark实战》4. 《数据挖掘:概念与技术》六、指导教师XXX(联系方式:XXX)七、毕业设计安排1. 课题选择与确定:201X年X月X日2. 开题报告:201X年X月X日3. 中期答辩:201X年X月X日4. 毕业论文初稿:201X年X月X日5. 毕业论文定稿:201X年X月X日6. 毕业设计答辩:201X年X月X日以上为大数据技术专科毕业设计指导书,学生根据该指导书进行研究与撰写。
二、参考文献1. 《信息技术应用与管理》(陈云莉,杨友忠编著)这本书系统地介绍了信息技术的基本知识、应用技巧和管理方法。
2. 《信息技术辅助教学研究》(张三,李四,王五著)该书系统地介绍了信息技术在教学中的应用,包括多媒体课件制作、网络教学评台建设、虚拟实验室应用等方面。
3. 《大数据技术与应用》(刘明著)这本书从大数据的基本概念、技术架构和应用场景等方面进行了系统介绍。
4. 《信息技术与信息系统案例教程》(王麦莉,李白著)该书通过大量实际案例,介绍了信息技术和信息系统在企业管理、电子商务、物流管理等领域的应用。
5. 《网页设计与制作》(李华著)这本书主要介绍了网页设计的基本原理、技术要点和实际操作技巧。
6. 《信息技术专业英语》(赵六著)该书主要介绍了信息技术领域的专业英语词汇和表达方式,包括计算机网络、数据库管理、软件开发等方面的英语表达。
二、国外工业大数据发展现状1.《Big Data and Industry 4.0: The Emergence of a New Trend and its Impacts》论文,作者:Luiz Ferreira、Walid Ben Ahmed、Mohamed Annane,发表于《International Journal of Information Management》2019年第39期,主要介绍了工业大数据和工业4.0的背景及其对企业的影响以及这两个概念的关系。
2.《Big data in manufacturing: A systematic mapping study towards industry 4.0》论文,作者:Marcelo Zappellini、Lucio Mauro Duarte、Lucas M. Geremia,发表于《Journal of Manufacturing Systems》2020年第56期,主要从研究角度对工业大数据在制造业应用的现状进行了梳理,同时对工业4.0背景下的发展趋势进行了探讨。
1. “大数据”与传统统计学——理论、方法和应用。
《统计研究》, 2016
2. 基于大数据的文本分析:方法和应用。
《计算机科学与探索》, 2017
3. 基于深度学习的大数据分析和预测。
《人工智能学报》, 2018
4. 大数据时代的城市规划与管理。
《城市规划学刊》, 2019
5. 基于大数据的金融风险管理模型研究。
《金融研究》, 2020
6. 大数据时代的企业竞争力分析。
《经济管理》, 2021
7. 基于大数据的医疗健康管理与服务。
《中华医学杂志》, 2021
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2.大数据处理技术(1) Hadoop架构。
浅谈数据挖掘技术及其应用舒正渝<1.西北师范大学数信学院计算机系,甘肃兰州730070; 2.兰州理工中等专业学校,甘肃兰州730050)摘要:科技的进步,特别是信息产业的发展,把我们带入了一个崭新的信息时代。
2数据挖掘的定义数据挖掘(Data Mining),又称数据库中的知识发现(Knowledge Discovery in Database,简称KDD),比较公认的定义是由U. M. Fayyad等人提出的:数据挖掘就是从大量的、小完全的、有噪声的、模糊的、随机的数据集中,提取隐含在其中的、人们事先小知道的、但又是潜在的有用的信息和知识的过程,提取的知识表示为概念(Concepts)、规则(Rules)、规律(Regularities)、模式(Patterns)等形式。
3. 1目标定义阶段要求定义出明确的数据挖掘目标。
3. 2数据准备阶段数据准备在整个数据挖掘过程中占的比例最大,通常达到60%左右。
这个阶段又可以进一步划分成三个子步骤:数据选择(DataSelection),数据预处理(Data Processing)和数据变换(Data Transformation)。
数据选择主要指从已存在的数据库或数据仓库中提取相关数据,形成目标数据(Target Data)。
3. 3数据挖掘阶段这一阶段进行实际的挖掘工作。
3. 4结果解释和评估阶段根据最终用户的决策目的对提取的信息进行分析,把最有价值的信息提取出来。