
西方文化概论考试题一、选择题1. 西方文化的起源可以追溯到以下哪个时期?A. 古希腊时期B. 文艺复兴时期C. 工业革命时期D. 当代现代化时期2. 哪位希腊哲学家被认为是西方文化的奠基人?A. 亚里士多德B. 柏拉图C. 西塞罗D. 苏格拉底3. 文艺复兴运动是在哪个国家兴起的?A. 法国B. 英国C. 意大利D. 德国4. 哪本书是英国文艺复兴时期最重要的著作之一?A. 《圣经》B. 《简·爱》C. 《哈姆雷特》D. 《唐吉诃德》5. 哪位科学家被称为现代物理学之父?A. 牛顿B. 达尔文C. 哥白尼D. 欧几里德二、判断题判断下列说法是否正确,正确的在括号内写“√”,错误的写“×”。
1. (√)《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚的作品,属于英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。
2. (×)文艺复兴运动对欧洲其他国家的文化影响不大,主要局限于意大利地区。
3. (√)工业革命对西方社会产生了巨大的影响,使之从传统农业社会转变为现代工业社会。
4. (×)西方文化的核心是个人主义和自由,与集体主义和权威主义完全不同。
5. (√)西方文化中的人文主义强调人的尊严和价值,提倡人类的自由发展和个体意识的觉醒。
三、问答题1. 请简要介绍西方文化的主要特点和价值观。
2. 西方文化中的哪些艺术形式对世界产生了深远的影响?西方文化中的艺术形式包括文学、音乐、绘画、雕塑、戏剧和电影等。

1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses, they are_excellence of taste 、human knowledge, belief, and behavior 、The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices _.2.Characteristics of Culture are _based on symbols 、shared、learned、_adaptive_____.3.The origins of Western culture ——“three pillars” are_ ancient Greece、_theRoman Empire 、Catholic and Protestant Christianity __.4.Greece is a country in _southeastern_____ Europe.5.the civilization of ancient Greece(古希腊) is generally considered the cradle(摇篮)of Western civilization.6.Classical Greek Athenian philosophers are__ Socrates、Plato、_Aristotle_(亚里士多德)__.7.Principle Figures in Greek mythology are __Gods、Mortals、Heroes____.8.The Olympians refers to the __twelve(12)__ major gods and goddesses dwellingon Mount Olympus.9.Following the Age of Discovery, through _Europe’s expansion(传教士)__ and___colonization___, Christianity spread to the Americas and the rest of the world.10.Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization atleast since the _ 4th ___ century..11.God is usually held to have the properties of holiness, justice , omnipotence,omniscience, omnibenevolence, omnipresence and immortality.12.God is believed to be transcendent, meaning that he is outside space and outside___time____, and therefore eternal and unable to be changed by earthly forces or anything else within his creation.13.The account of Adam and Eve is in the Book of __ Genesis____.14.Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of _ the Tree of theKnowledge of Good and Evil___, which gave them the ability to judge and know good from evil for themselves.15.In Christian theology, the death of Jesus on the cross is the __ antidote__ to thesin of Adam.16.Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and "true __God__ andtrue ___man__".17.According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was conceived by the __Holy Spirit __ and born from the __Virgin Mary_.18.According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified, died a physical death,buried within a tomb, and rose from the dead ____three ___ days later.19.___Jesus Christ__________ is the belief that one can be saved (rescued) from sinand eternal death.20.The three principal traditions within Christianity are___ Protestantism___, ___Roman Catholicism ___ and __ Eastern Orthodoxy___.21.__ Protestantism__ is associated with the belief that the ____ Bible_________ isthe final source of authority for Christians.22._Trinity ___ refers to the teaching that the one God comprises three distinct,eternally co-existing persons; ___the Father ___, ___the Son ___, and ____the Holy Spirit____.23.Christianity regards_ the Bible___, a collection of canonical books in two parts:the Old Testament and the New Testament, as authoritative. It is believed by Christians to have been written by __human authors___________under the inspiration of ________Holy Spirit_____, and therefore for many it is held to be the inerrant word of __salvation___________.24.The Old Test ament is about _god and the laws of god _, and the New Testamentis about _ the life and teachings of Jesus, the letters of the Apostle Paul and other disciples to the early church and the Book of Revelation_. The Word “Testament” means “_ covenant OR agreement_”.25.The Torah, or "Instruction," is also known as the " __Five Books___" of Moses:____Genesis____, ____Exodus___, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.26.The Torah contains the ten ___commandments__, of God, revealed at Mount___Sinai__.27.Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and arerewarded either with eternal ___ life __or eternal ___damnation___.28.Christians believe that the second coming of Christ will occur __the Day ofJudgment_.29.In Christianity, _a sacrament_ is the ritual act, with the use of water, by whichone is admitted as a full member of the Christian Church.30.The __Crucifix__ is a cross with a representation of _Jesus'bodysalvation____________, or corpus. It is a principal symbol of the Christianreligion.31._Zeus_ is the god of sky, the supreme god, and the father of both gods and men.32._Hera_ is the queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriageand family, the protectress of married women and their legal children.33._Poseidon_ is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, and the god of earthquakesand tsunamis.34._Hades_ is the god of the underworld._Athena__ is the goddess of war, wisdomand handicraft.35._Aphrodite_ is the goddess of love and beauty.36._Apollo_____ is the sun god, the god of music, and a god of prophecy.37._Artemis_____ is the moon goddess, the goddess of childbirth, of nature, and ofthe harvest, the goddess of hunting, and the protectress of huntsmen.38._hephaestus_____ is the god of fire, the patron god of metal-smiths.39._Hermes_____ is the messenger of gods, a messenger god, the god of roads anddoor ways, the protector of travelers, and the guide for the dead to Hades.40._Hestia_____ is goddess of the hearth, the goddess of home and family, and aguardian of homes.41._Dionysus_____ is the god of wine and ecstasy.42.__The Iliad____, an epic poem by Greek poet Homer, tells the story of theTrojan War.43.At Olympia, the Olympic Games were celebrated in __zeus___ h onor everyfourth year.44._Odyssey____ is a story after the Trojan War. Odysseus returned to his faithfulwife, Penelope, Agamemnon returned to be murdered by his faithless wife,Clytemnestra, and her lover.45.The idiom “Pandora’s box” means _the fountainhead of all evils. _46.The idiom “Sisyphean task” sugge sts _everlasting fruitless hard labor_____.47.“The golden apple” refers to _the things that give rise to conflicts andstrife____.48.“Achilles’s heel” refers to _the only part of the body that remainsvulnerable_____.49.“Trojan horse” means _a trap intended to undermine an enemy, orsubversion from inside_____.50.Jesus Christ's traditional birthday is celebrated as _Christmas Day_____.51.In Christianity, baptism__ is for the majority the rite of admission (oradoption), almost invariably with the use of water, into the Christian Churchgenerally and also membership of a particular church tradition.52._Scouting__ is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supportingyoung people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society.53.Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding __vows_ by thecouple, presentation of a gift (offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader.54._The gr oom’s family_____ will pay the rehearsal feast and other accessories.55._The bride’s family_____ will pay the wedding fees.56.Modern wedding customs and traditions can be dated back to_ the MiddleAge_____.57.Modern _Valentine's Day __symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves,and the figure of the winged Cupid.58._Passover___ celebrates the Exodus, the freedom from slavery of the Children ofIsrael from ancient Egypt that followed the Ten Plagues.59._Easter egg __ is widely used as a symbol of the start of new life, just as new lifeemerges from an egg when the chick hatches out.60._Halloween_is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31.61._Carnival__ typically involves a public celebration or parade combining someelements of a circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up ormasquerade during the celebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life. 62.Westerners are in such a contradiction that they believe in both the science and_the God_____.63.Superstition is a belief in _supernatural __causality: that one event leads to thecause of another without any process in the physical world linking the two events.64.In western superstitions, _Black Friday, the 13th, Walk under a Ladder, Breaka Mirror, Black Cats____ can’t bring good luck.65.Vampire___ are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on thelife essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless ofwhether they are undead or a living person.66.A good building should satisfy the 3 principles: _Durability, Utility,Beauty_____67.Structuralism, a modern intellectual movement that analyses cultural phenomenaaccording to principles derived from _linguistics_, emphasizing the systematic _interrelationships_ among the elements of any human activity, and thus the abstract codes and conventions governing the social production of meanings. 68._Deconstruction_ is a term introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida inhis 1967 book Of Grammatology..69.Psychoanalysis is a psychological and psychotherapeutic_ theory _ conceived inthe late 19th and early 20th centuries by Austrian neurologist _Sigmund Freud_.。


••••••••••••••当前位置:›西方文化导论课后复习题西方文化导论课后复习题1.Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as those in religion, philosophy, literature and science.Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age,and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology ,Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC-547 BC) who believed that the material world originated in water,The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, Plato established the Academy - the first Greek institution of higher learning.Literary representation centred round the two epicpoems of the Iliad and the Odyssey。
2 What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western Civilization as a whole? Give examples.Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western Civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on Western Civilization. The second significant influence was that of philosophy,give sound guidance to later year people to improve and change the world outside themselves。
西方文化导论 复习题

西方文化导论Cultural terms1.Mount Olympus2.Triumvirate3.Pulitzer4.Jacob’s Ladder5.Hesychasm6.asceticism7.Immanuel Kant8.impressionism9.the Apollonian style and the Dionysian style10.Lost Generation11.Oedipus Complex12.performance artQuestions1.What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western Civilization as ahole? Give examples.2.In what sense do you think Roman culture owed its accomplishments to the benefits obtainedfrom Greek culture? Give examples.3.Say something about Judaism and The Old Testament.4.What are the basic differences between Christianity and Judaism?5.Cite some facts to manifest the cultural achievements of the Byzantine Empire.6.What are the major features and achievements of the Renaissance? Give examples.7.Give an account of the settings and general features of the Enlightenment.8.What do you think of the similarities and dissimilarities between realism and naturalism?9.Say something about the features and contributions of utilitarianism, utopian socialism andclassical economics.10.Try to work out the modernists influence on Chinese literature by selecting one or two figuresfor illustration.11.Give a general survey of the intellectual and ideological developments in Europe by focusingon one or two theoretical schools in the following list: positivism, pragmatism, intuitionalism, psychoanalysis, existentialism, logical atomism, logical positivism and naturalist philosophy.12.Try to recall how Chinese popular culture came into fashion in the last two or three decadeswith the introduction of Western pop music and art.。

1.Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as those in religion, philosophy, literature and science.Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age,and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology ,Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC-547 BC) who believed that the material world originated in water,The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, Plato established the Academy - the first Greek institution of higher learning.Literary representation centred round the two epic poems of the Iliad and the Odyssey。
2 What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western Civilization as a whole? Give examples.Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western Civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on Western Civilization. The second significant influence was that of philosophy,give sound guidance to later year people to improve and change the world outside themselves。

《西方文化导论》综合复习第一章西方文化的起源一、填空1 、希腊历史的第一页是 ___非洲_____ 文明的历史。
爱琴海文明指的是爱琴海地区的青铜文化,先后形成了两大中心: ________ 和 ________ ,因此又通称克里特岛—迈锡尼文化。
2 、公元前 ________ 年期间,是克里特文化最为繁盛的时代。
克里特文化的中心是 ________ ,传说中的 ________ 国王建立了海上霸权,控制了整个爱琴海地区。
克里特的文字经历了象形文字和线形文字两大发展阶段,在它的繁盛期,线形文字全岛通用,这种文字又称 ________ ,以区别迈锡尼的 ________ 。
3 、迈锡尼文化以 ________ 而得名,但它实际上是希腊本土文化青铜文化的通称,是 ________ 的继续,只不过又加上了希腊民族文化的一些要素。
4 、荷马时代的艺术主要表现为 ________ ,陶器表面多用 ________ 来装饰,所以荷马时代的考古文化通称为 ________ 风格文化。
5 、爱琴海文明经历了一个盛极而衰的过程。
随着希腊文化中心的北移,希腊文化也越来越摆脱了 ________ 和 ________ 文明的巨大影响,形成了具有特色的希腊民族文化。
奠定了日后 ________ 的根基。
二、名词解释1 、迈锡尼文化2 、荷马史诗三、问答题:1 、荷马史诗的成就是什么?第二章希腊古典时代的文化一、填空1 、在古希腊史上,通常把公元前 8 世纪—前 6 世纪称为 ________ ,这是古希腊文化发展和形成的重要时期;公元前 6 世纪以后直至马其顿征服希腊,称为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化发展的鼎盛时期;古典时代以后到奥古斯都打败安东尼这一时期,为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化广泛传播于 _______ 、________ 、 ________ 三大洲许多地区的时代,同时也是希腊文化没落的时代。

西方文化概论期末复习资料古希腊文化(de)特征主要有五方面:(1)古希腊(de)一个重要(de)美学思想就是和谐是美.神只是理想化了(de)人.(2) 人文主义.希腊人重视个人价值,追求自由,享乐 .(3) 理性主义. 希腊人是奔放(de)理性色彩还是比较突出(de)(4) 悲剧性. 自身(de)追求与命运(de)矛盾,就形成悲剧.(5) 雄伟性.这点是上面一点(de)延续.悲剧不是侧重写悲,而是写悲壮雄伟.希腊(de)史诗戏剧大多体现英雄主义色彩,抒情性较强.语言高亢,句式短促.宗教改革运动(de)原因:(1)四分五裂(de)政治局面严重阻碍德国经济(de)发展(根本原因)(2)罗马教廷对德意志(de)政治控制和经济搜刮(主要原因)(3)马丁·路德立志改革(主观原因)(4)教皇兜售赎罪券,马丁·路德发表“九十五条论纲”(直接原因)宗教改革(de)出现(de)主要派别:路德教派、加尔文派、英国国教宗教改革(de)历史作用:第一,打击了西欧(de)封建势力,有利于资本主义(de)发展.第二,打击了天主教会在欧洲(de)神权统治,促进了西欧民族意识和民族国家发展.第三,否定了罗马天主教会(de)权威,解放了思想,为资本主义(de)兴起和发展奠定了基础.第四,形成新教派,出现新(de)宗教分布格局.人文主义(de)基本内容是提倡“人道”,反对“神道”;提倡个性解放,反对宗教桎梏和禁欲主义;肯定人性和人(de)价值,要求享受人世(de)欢乐,提倡人(de)个性解放和自由平等,要求把人从宗教束缚中解放出来主要精神实质:人性(de)解放地理大发现是指15~18世纪,欧洲航海者开辟新航路和“发现”新大陆(de)通称,它是地理学发展史中(de)重大事件.推动了人类文明(de)发展①将世界市场连接成一个整体,新航路即世界市场联系之路;②证明了“地圆学说”正确性,冲击了神学理论,推动了自然科学(de)发展,思想震撼;③世界各大洲(de)孤立状态被打破,人类文明交流之路.同时也带来罪恶殖民掠夺,加速西欧原始积累,而导致亚非拉(de)贫困落后,最终落后于西方,血与火(de)争夺. 客观上也刺激了商品经济(de)发展.历史意义:对欧洲:空前(de)思想解放运动,进一步解放思想,冲击封建统治及其思想基础,是资产阶级政权(de)思想基础;为法国大革命作充分准备.对世界:鼓舞殖民地半殖民地人民争取民族独立(de)斗争;成为精神武器,在人类发展进程中发挥重要作用局限性:启蒙主义者(de)唯物主义是不彻底(de)机械唯物主义,其社会史观也没跳出唯心主义(de)范畴,过分强调思想意识(de)力量,不相信人民群众(de)革命力量.他们以为提倡科学、文化、教育就可以改造社会.他们在对民众进行启蒙(de)同时,也把希望寄托在教育统治者上面.他们幻想统治者一旦接受了启蒙思想,成为“开明君主”,便会实行开明政治.关于宗教问题,他们尽管谴责宗教迷信和教会(de)罪恶,但并不都是从根本上否定宗教(de)作用,有(de)信奉自然神论,有(de)主张建立“理性宗教”.他们标榜(de)“理性王国”,实质上是“资产阶级理想化(de)王国”.启蒙思想家从未否定私有制,相反,他们把它看成是不可动摇(de)原则,甚至是人权(de)一部分.他们为之斗争(de)自由、平等实际上也只是资产阶级(de)自由、平等.因此,“理性王国”(de)华美约言最终变成了一纸空文.、希腊文化(de)基本特点是和谐之美,它作为西方文化(de)摇篮,将一切矛盾(de)东西都融为一体,灵与肉、理想与现实等矛盾尚未发展到对立(de)程度,因此希腊文化具有一种原始(de)或童稚(de)美感.B、罗马文化对希腊文化多有模仿,但是罗马文化却具有独特(de)文化精神,它把希腊文化(de)和谐之美片面地推向了物质主义、功利主义(de)极端,虽然罗马人建立了强大(de)国家和较为完善(de)法律体系,但是在精神方面却极为贫乏;A、希腊文化(de)基本特点是和谐之美,它作为西方文化(de)摇篮,将一切矛盾(de)东西都融为一体,灵与肉、理想与现实等矛盾尚未发展到对立(de)程度,因此希腊文化具有一种原始(de)或童稚(de)美感.B、罗马文化对希腊文化多有模仿,但是罗马文化却具有独特(de)文化精神,它把希腊文化(de)和谐之美片面地推向了物质主义、功利主义(de)极端,虽然罗马人建立了强大(de)国家和较为完善(de)法律体系,但是在精神方面却极为贫乏;论述题:A、文艺复兴是14-16世纪发生于南部欧洲拉丁语世界、特别是意大利地区(de)一场思想解放运动,它以复兴古典文化为旗帜,主张恢复自然人性(de)尊严和感性享乐(de)权利,它(de)基本特点是用人性(de)东西来取代神性(de)东西,用世俗生活来取代基督教(de)天国理想.在文艺复兴运动中产生了一批专门研究“人文学”(de)学者和艺术家,这些人被称为人文主义者,他们以文学艺术作品为表现手段,充分讴歌了人间生活和自然人性之美,揭露了罗马天主教会和神职人员(de)腐败虚伪.最重要(de)人文主义者彼特拉克、薄伽丘、达·芬奇、拉斐尔、米开朗琪罗等人.B、宗教改革是16世纪发生于北部欧洲即日耳曼语世界中(de)一场文化变革运动,它(de)原因是非常复杂(de),既有虔诚质朴(de)德国基督教徒对罗马天主教会腐败虚伪行径(de)道德愤慨,也有北方日耳曼民族与南方拉丁民族之间由来已久(de)政治、经济矛盾.宗教改革(de)主要目(de)是为了纯洁信仰和重建道德,但是它同时也导致了民族国家(de)崛起和世俗经济(de)发展.宗教改革运动产生了路德宗、安立甘宗和加尔文宗等三大主流教派.C、文艺复兴运动弘扬了人性(de)尊严,试图用感性(de)成份来充实基督教信仰,但是这场运动(de)结果却主要局限于文学艺术领域,其影响层面也仅限于感性方面;宗教改革运动则具有更加深远(de)历史影响,它导致了罗马天主教会一统天下格局(de)分裂,客观上促进了民族国家(de)崛起和世俗经济(de)发展,并且把宗教信仰与世俗生活有效地结合起来,为资本主义(de)发展奠定了必要(de)文化基础1、为资产阶级取得统治地位做了思想和理论(de)准备.2、为法国大革命做了充分(de)思想准备. 3、启迪了人们(de)思想,动摇了封建统治.4、激励了中日等亚洲国家仁人志士为改造旧社会而斗争.5、使民主共和(de)思想深入人心沉重打击了天主教在欧洲(de)神权统治,促进了欧洲民族意识(de)高涨和民族国家(de)发展. 2在宗教改革运动中,天主教会被剥夺(de)财产很大一部分落到新兴资产阶级手里,促进了资本主义(de)发展. 3否定了罗马天主教会(de)权威, 解放了人们(de)思想, 为资本主义(de)兴起和发展奠定了基础.文艺复兴打破了宗教神秘主义一统天下(de)局面,有力地推动和影响了宗教改革运动,并为这个运动提供了重要(de)助力. b打破了以神学为核心(de)经院哲学统一(de)局面,为以后(de)思想解放进步扫清了道路,使各种世俗哲学兴起. c. 否定了封建特权d. 破除迷信,解放思想.文艺复兴恢复了理性、尊严和思索(de)价值. 这种求实态度、思维方式和科学方法为17到19世纪(de)自然科学(de)大发展打下了坚实(de)基础. e. 文艺复兴时期创造出大量富有魅力(de)精湛(de)艺术品及文学杰作,成为人类艺术宝库中无价(de)瑰宝.为基督教会在精神上(de)全面控制提供了最合适(de)土壤,帝国权威逐渐被教会权威所取代;基督教会为日耳曼蛮族提供了拉丁文化(de)各项成果,日耳曼民族改信基督教,促进氏族融合;法兰克人对基督教(de)推崇促进了基督教(de)发展,组建成为不可小看(de)政治力量,为后来(de)(de)教俗执政埋下伏笔;北非经过几次斗争后脱离基督教融入伊斯兰教,加强了教会(de)权威性.A、希腊文化(de)基本特点是和谐之美,它作为西方文化(de)摇篮,将一切矛盾(de)东西都融为一体,灵与肉、理想与现实等矛盾尚未发展到对立(de)程度,因此希腊文化具有一种原始(de)或童稚(de)美感.B、罗马文化对希腊文化多有模仿,但是罗马文化却具有独特(de)文化精神,它把希腊文化(de)和谐之美片面地推向了物质主义、功利主义(de)极端,虽然罗马人建立了强大(de)国家和较为完善(de)法律体系,但是在精神方面却极为贫乏;C、基督教文化是以一种否定(de)方式从罗马文化中成长起来(de),它(de)文化精神与罗马文化形成了鲜明(de)对照,即以一种唯灵主义和彼岸主义与罗马文化相对立.但是在中世纪基督教文化中,这种唯灵主义(de)理想并未能真正落实到教会实践中,其结果导致了基督教理想与现实之间(de)二元分裂和普遍虚伪,最终引发了宗教改革运动;D、罗马文化和基督教文化可以看作是对希腊文化(de)两种截然相反(de)片面发展,到了近代,西方文化才走向了一个历史(de)合题,即试图在一个新(de)起点上将三种文化辩证地统一起来.A、新教(de)三大主流教派分别是德国(de)路德宗、英国(de)安立甘宗和瑞士(de)加尔文宗;B、路德率先发起宗教改革,打破了罗马天主教一统天下(de)格局.路德通过“因信称义”思想倡导了一种精神上(de)自由,把信仰变成了个人(de)事情;C、安立甘宗(de)改革是由英国国王从上至下地进行(de),它把国王(de)权力提升到罗马教会之上,促进了英国民族国家(de)崛起和立宪政治(de)发展,并且通过教产还俗推动了英国资本主义原始积累(de)发展;D、加尔文宗改革(de)最重要(de)意义在于,通过“天职”观念使得日常工作获得了一种宗教意义,从而为资本主义经济发展提供了一种合理主义根据;E、新教三大主流教派(de)上述改革在思想、政治和经济等各个方面改变了中世纪基督教文化(de)基本状态,客观上导致了西方社会(de)彻底更新和资本主义文化(de)产生.犹太教(de)一神教与罗马思想之间存在不可调和(de)冲突,这就为基督教(de)诞生创造了条件.起初,罗马人严酷迫害基督教,强调博爱、平等、反抗压迫,故其势力不降反增,并最终成为罗马国教.在罗马(de)推广下,基督教遍布欧洲,进而同政权相结合,十分强调本教(de)一统性,残酷(de)迫害异教异端.随着罗马与君士坦丁堡两大基督教中心(de)不断斗争,到1054年欧洲(de)基督教分裂为东西两派.这一时期,基督教强调教会(de)神圣性和权力,基督教(de)衰落和腐败成为必然.故而从16世纪掀起了宗教改革运动,最终出现了多种多样(de)新教派,呈现出普世化、自立性和开放型(de)特点. 从这样(de)发展历程中不难发现,基督教(de)教义存在着许多矛盾. 基督教宣扬博爱、平等,却在实际上造成了更严重(de)屠杀和压迫.与此同时,一神论必然最终要和政权相结合才有滋生蔓延(de)市场.当和政权结合起来时,基督教俨然成为了肮脏(de)政治斗争(de)华丽外衣,从而堂而皇之(de)促成欧洲(de)混战,创制了比之前罗马文化时代更加残酷(de)迫害手段,为封建势力压迫人民提供了思想枷锁. 起初基督教被利用作为反抗罗马残暴统治(de)工具,是广大苦难民众(de)要求.但是,基督教(de)一神论和排斥异教使得其自身倾向于集权,最终审判思想使得基督教文化必然(de)赞成独裁专制.恰恰是原罪说从思想上镇压了反抗基督教势力(de)一切力量. 基督教信奉禁欲主义,同时强调教会权力.实际高级教职人员过着声色犬马(de)生活.这根源于一神论和天使说.作为上帝(de)代言人,高级教职人员顺理成章(de)有权享乐.这最终导致其衰落和腐败. 基督教文化作为唯心主义世界观,对世界(de)严重歪曲是最主要(de)内在矛盾.基督教从一出生就沦落为斗争、纷乱、屠杀、压迫、剥削(de)工具,同时愚化了百姓阻碍了其他文化(de)发展.没有自己(de)独立(de)文化根基A、罗马文化对希腊文化(de)模仿--公元前2世纪以后,罗马人在文学艺术、哲学、宗教、科学、建筑等各方面模仿希腊人,同时也把绚丽多彩(de)希腊文化功利化和粗鄙化了.B、罗马(de)英雄主义、功利主义和享乐主义--对国家(de)忠诚、对荣誉(de)重视、对利益(de)向往、对肉欲(de)放纵.1),她在罗马神话中被称为(维纳斯)、(克洛诺斯)、(宙斯),,美神是(阿佛洛狄忒),酒神是(狄奥尼索斯)2.关于希腊神话与传说(de)最着名(de)(伊利亚特)和(奥德修记),(de)则是赫西俄德(de)(神谱)3.希腊神话主要是(地中海)世界神话与北方印欧语世界神话融合(de)结果,在“黑暗时代“末期杂乱无章(de)希腊神话传说进行编撰整理工作(de)两位重要人物是荷马和(赫西俄德). 希腊悲剧(de)命运主题典型地表现在(俄狄浦斯)杀父娶母(de)悲剧故事中.4. 在希腊神话中,真正具有形而上学意义(de)决定性力量是潜藏在诸神背后(de)(命运)5.以克洛诺斯为首(de)老一辈神族是(提坦)神族,以宙斯为首(de)新一代希腊神族是(奥林匹斯)神族;与希腊正统宗教相对立(de)希腊民间神秘祭叫做(奥尔弗斯).6.西方(de)历史之父是(希罗多德),悲剧之父是(埃斯库罗斯),哲学之父是(泰勒斯),雅典民主制(de)杰出领袖是(伯里克利)希腊最杰出(de)唯心主义哲学家是(柏拉图).他(de)哲学体系通常生活痛苦无法忍受时,就会有一位犹太人宣布自己就是众所期待(de)弥赛亚,领导犹太人进行反抗运动.。

Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(5) The first Olympiad began in the ____ period of the Golden Age.
A. archaic
B. central
A. Ancient European culture
B. Ancient Greek culture
C. Ancient Chinese culture
D. Ancient Egyptian culture
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (2) Greek culture can date back to____.
Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as those in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of
Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.

Chapter One Greek CultureI. Fill in the blanks:1. 1.European culture is made up of many elements, two of these elements are considered to be more enduring and they are the Greco-Roman(希腊罗马的)element and the Judeo-Christian (犹太教与基督教的)element.2. 2.Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century.3. 3.In the second half of the 4th century B. C., all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon.4. 4.In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.5. 5.Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games have become the world’s foremost amateur sports competition.6. 6.Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the author of their epics.7.7.The Homer's epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey .8.8.The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy.9.9.The Odyssey deals with the return of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his home, island of Ithaca.10.10.The representation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.(公民大会)11.11.Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar.12.12.Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.13.13.Pindar is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympic odes.14.14.The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.15.15.Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon.16.16.Sophocles wrote such tragic plays as Oedipus the King(《俄狄浦斯王》), Electra(《伊莱克特拉》(谋杀其母及其情人者), and Antigone.Oedipus complex(恋母情结)and Electra complex(恋父情结) derived from Sophocles’ plays.17.17.Euripides (欧里庇得斯) wrote mainly about women in such plays as Andromache, Medea, and Trojan Women.edy also flourished in the 5th century B. C.. Its best writer was Aristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.19.19.Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays".20.20.Herodotus(希罗多德)is often called “Father of History”. He wro te about the wars between Greeks and Persians.21.21.Thucydides(修西得底斯)described the war between Athens and Sparta and between Athens and Syracuse, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily.22.22.Pythagoras(毕达哥拉斯)was a bold thinker who had the idea that all things were numbers.23.23.Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.24.24.Heracleitus(赫拉克利特) believed fire to the primary element of the universe, out of which everything else had arisen.25.25.The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.26.26.In the 4th century B. C., four schools of philosophers often argued with each other, they are the Cynics(犬儒学派), the Sceptics(怀疑论学派), the Epicureans (伊壁鸠鲁学派), and the Stoics(斯多葛学派).27.27.Euclid(欧几里得) is well-known for his Elements《几何原本》, a textbook of geometry.28.28.To illustrate the principle of the level, Archimedes is said to have told the king, “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”29.29.Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric (多利安式)style which is also called the masculine style; the Ionic(爱奥尼亚式)style which is also called the feminine style; and a later style that is called the Corinthian(科林斯式)style.30.30.The Acropolis at Athens(雅典卫城)and the Parthenon(万神殿) are the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 years.II. Multiple choices:1. 1.Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B. C.?A. Greek CultureB. Roman CultureC. Egyptian CultureD. Chinese Culture2. 2.In _______ the Roman conquered Greece.A. 1200B.C. B. 700 B. C. C. 146 B.C.D. The 5th century3. 3.Which of the following works described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?A. Oedipus the KingB. IliadC. OdysseyD. Antigone4. 4.Which of the following is NOT the plays written by Aeschylus?A. AntigoneB. AgamemnonC. PersiansD. Prometheus Bound5. 5.Which of the following is NOT the plays written by Sophocles?A. ElectraB. AntigoneC. Trojan WomanD. Oedipus the King6. 6.Which of the following is the play written by Euripides?A. AntigoneB. PersiansC. ElectraD. Medea7.7.Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist of ancient Greece?A. AristophanesB. EuripidesC. SophoclesD. Aeschylus8.8.Who ever said that “You can not step twice into the same river.”?A. PythagorasB. HeracleitusC. AristotleD. Plato9.9.Who was the founder of scientific mathematics?A. HeracleitusB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Pythagoras10.10.Who is chiefly noted for his doctrine that “man is the measure of all things”?A. ProtagorasB. PythagorasC. PyrrhonD. EpicurusChapter Two Roman CultureI. Fill in the blanks:1. 1.The burning of Corinth in 146 B. C. marked Roman conquest of Greece, which was then reduced to a province of the Roman Empire.2. 2.The Roman writer Horace said: “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”.(大意是:征服者反而被被征服者所征服。
西方文化概论-Chapter 1 -7 (复习题)

1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellenceof taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning. The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.2.Some historians believe the West originated in the northern and easternMediterranean with ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Over time, their associated empires grew first to the east and south, conquering and absorbing many older great civilizations; later, they grew to the north and west to include Western Europe.3.Western culture is a term used to generally refer to most of the cultures ofEuropean origin and most of their descendants.4.Foundations of Western Culture are: ancient Greece (concretely Greekphilosophy), the Roman Empire (specifically Roman law), Catholic and Protestant Christianity.5.Western culture originates from 2 ancient cultures: Hellenistic culture (emphasizing rationality)and Hebraic culture (emphasizing virtue & discipline)6. 3 most noted achievements of ancient Greeks: Mythology; Architecture;philosophy.7.Greek Mythology, set of diverse traditional tales told by the ancient Greeksabout the exploits of gods and heroes and their relations with ordinary mortals.8.The Greek gods resembled human beings in their form and in their emotions.9.The Olympians refers to the twelve major gods and godd esses dwelling onMount Olympus.10.Zeus is the god of gods, the god of sky, the supreme god, the father of bothgods and men.11.Hermes (Mercury) is god of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods.12.Apollo is the sun god, the god of music, a god of prophecy.13.Dionysus is god of wine and ecstasy.14.Hephaestus is god of fire; celestial blacksmith.15.Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft.16.Hera is queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriage andfamily, the protectress of married women and their legal children.17.Poseid on is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, the god of earthquakesand tsunamis.18.Had es is god of the und erworl d.19.Two of the most important of the semi historical myths involve the searchfor the Golden Fleece and the quest that led to the Trojan War.20.Aphrodite is the godd ess of l ove and beauty, the protectress of sailors.21.Heracles is a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, stepson ofAmphitryon and great-grandson of Perseus, the greatest of the Greek heroes.22.The ancient Greek Olympic games was a religious rather than secular festival,celebrating the gods in general and Zeus in particular.23.The idiom “Pandora’s box” means the fountainhead of all evils.24.The idiom “Cupid’s arrow” signifies the magic power of love.25.“Tantalus’s torture” means permanent frustration by the sight of somethingdesired but inaccessible. It also means eternal thirst and hunger.26.The idiom “Sisyphean task” suggests everlasting fruitless hard labor.27.“The golden fleece” means very valuable thing which is rare an d verydifficult to get.28.“Golden touch” therefore refers to the magic power to change cheap metalsinto gold, or worthless junks into treasures.29.“The golden apple” or “the apple of discord” refers to the things that giverise to conflicts and strife.30.“A chilles’s heel” refers to the only part of the body that remains vulnerable.31.“Trojan horse”, or “the wooden horse” means a trap intended to underminean enemy, or subversion from inside.32.The term “Oedipus complex” was chosen by Sigmund Freud to designate ason’s feeling of love toward his mother and jealous hatred toward his father.33.“Narcissistic (personality) disorder” or “narcissism”, means the indulgencein self-admiration.34.“The sword of Damocles” on one hand signifies the impending danger, andon the other hand, indicates the precariousness of power and rank.35.Constellations: Aries (the Ram)白羊座, Taurus (the Bull)金牛座, Gemini (theTwins)双子座, Cancer (the Crab) 巨蟹座, Leo(the Lion)狮子座, Virgo (the Virgin)处女座, Libra (the Scales)天秤座, Scorpio (the Scorpion)天蝎座, Sagittarius (the Archer)射手座, Capricorn (the Goat)摩羯座, Aquarius (the Water Carrier)水瓶座, Pisces (the Fishes)双鱼座.36.Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are Classical Greek philosophers.37.Western culture originates from the Hebraic-Christian culture that isund oubtedly embodied in and found ed upon the Holy Bibl e.38.Christianity was the inheritor and the reformer of Judaism, and so theChristian Bibl e includ es the Ol d Testament and the New Testament.39.The Old Testament is the coll ection of books written prior to the life of Jesusbut accepted by Christians as scripture.40.The Torah, or "Instruction," is also known as the "Five Books" of Moses,includ es Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.41.The Torah contains the ten commandments, of God, reveal ed at Mount Sinai.42.Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings ofJesus as presented in the New Testament.43.God is the eternal being who created the universe and all there is have theproperties of holiness, justice, omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevol ence, omnipresence and immortality.44.Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel ("good news").45.The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God andthe Messiah (Christ).46.Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnation and "true God andtrue man" (or both fully divine and fully human).47.Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born from the Virgin Mary.48.The Eucharist (called Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper) is the part ofliturgical worship that consists of a consecrated meal, usually bread and wine.49.Christianity was l egalized in the 4th century, when Constantine I issued anedict of tol eration in 313. From at l east the 4th century, Christianity has played a prominent rol e in the shaping of Western civilization.50.Christianity may be broadly represented as being divid ed into five maingroupings: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthod oxy, Oriental Orthod oxy, Protestantism, Restorationism.51.Food is important to keep traditions alive as they are part of our history andour culture.52.The multitud es of food styl es of the Western society mainly result from thehistory, heritage, and geographical differences.53.A full course dinner usually consists of multipl e dishes. Usually it is mad e upof three or four courses, such as appetizer, main course and d essert.54.At the end of the meal, napkin shoul d be l eft semi-fold ed at the l eft sid e of theplate.55.Celebrating birthdays became popular almost universally because birthdaysgive peopl e a reason to gather in friendly groups, share food, and enjoy kinship.56.In many portions of the worl d an individual's birthday is cel ebrated by a partywhere a specially mad e cake, usually d ecorated with l ettering and the person's age, is presented. The cake is traditionally stud d ed with the same number of lit candl es as the age of the individual.57.Religious symbolism suggests that lighting candl es opens a channel forprayers to the unseen worl d above. This concept has been borrowed to convey the id ea that blowing out birthday candl es sends a birthday wish to heaven.58.Baptism is consid ered to be a form of rebirth—"by water and the Spirit"—thenakedness of baptism (the second birth) parall eled the condition of one's original birth.59.The removal of cl othing represented the "image of putting off the ol d manwith his d eeds, so the stripping of the body before for baptism represented taking off the trappings of sinful self, so that the "new man," which is given by Jesus, can be put on.60.Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worl dwid e youth movementwith the stated aim of supporting young peopl e in their physical, mental and spiritual d evelopment, that they may play constructive rol es in society.61.If the coupl e of l overs are going into marriage, the man shoul d make aproposal by giving an engagement ring to the woman.62.The marriage will be recognized by: a marriage license and wed dingceremony.63.The reason why brid esmaids and groomsmen are need is that the evil spiritswoul d be confused by so many similarly dressed peopl e.64.A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying or remembering the life ofa person who has died.65.A funeral may take place at either a funeral home or church.66.Funeral services commonly includ e prayers; readings from a sacred text;hymns (sung either by the attend ees or a hired vocalist); and words of comfort by the cl ergy. Frequently, a relative or cl ose friend will be asked to give a eul ogy颂歌, which d etails happy memories and accomplishments; often commenting on the d eceased's flaws, especially at l ength, is consid ered impolite.67.Festivals are precious human heritage that links to religion, customs, historyand peopl e’s lifestyl es. Festivals, of many types, serve to meet specific needs, as well as to provid e entertainment.68.Though festivals many have religious origins, others involve seasonal changeor have some cultural significance.69.New Year’s Day is universally cel ebrated on the first day of the calendar,January 1.70.Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries around the worl d, it is thefirst day of the lunar calendar.71.Valentine's Day is a holiday cel ebrated on February 14(in most countries).Love and affection are celebrated between l overs by sending greeting cards andgifts, dating.72.Mod ern Valentine's Day symbols includ e the heart-shaped outline, d oves, andthe figure of the winged Cupid.73.Passover is a Jewish holiday and festival. It commemorates the story of theExodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. 74.Easter is the central feast in the Christian liturgical year, celebrating theresurrection of Jesus. According to the Canonical gospels, Jesus rose from thed ead on the third day after his crucifixion. His resurrection is celebrated onEaster Day or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday) .75.Easter egg is seen by foll owers of Christianity as a symbol of resurrection:whil e being d ormant it contains a new life sealed within it.76.Mother's Day is a cel ebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood,maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It originated from an ancient Greek ritual which was to respect the Mother of Gods, Hera.77.Halloween is a yearly holiday observed around the worl d on October 31, thenight before All Saints’ Day, much like Day of the Dead celebrations.78.The American Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family feast with a traditionalturkey dinner, usually in the mid-afternoon. Typical Thanksgiving food also includ es sweet potatoes, pumpkins, cranberries, and fruit salads.79.Carnival typically involves a public cel ebration or parad e combining someelements of a circus, mask and public street party. Peopl e often dress up or masquerad e during the cel ebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life.80.The three very important European Film Festivals are Venice Film Festival,Cannes Film Festival, and Berlin International Film Festival.81.The Gold en Lion is award ed to the best film at Venice Film Festival.82.The Gold en Palm is the highest prize award ed at The Cannes InternationalFilm Festival.83.The Gol d en Bear is the highest prize award ed for the best film at the BerlinInternational Film Festival.1。

而是通过一种外在的、经过思考的“约”的形式确定的关系, 是通过犹太民族选择了上帝、上帝选择了犹太民族这样一种双向选择而确定下来的关系。
“应许之地” (Promised Land)和“上帝选民"(the Chosen People)观念3.末世论“弥赛亚救世”5、犹太人的“律法”1 .“摩西十诫” 2.安息日与犹太饮食法律法表达了保持犹太民族纯洁性,维持共同体文化,强化犹太人的身份认同感。

西方文化导论 考试复习

西方文化导论选择题10道填空题10道概念题4道问答题2道(课后题)一、概念题1.Da VinciLeonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote". Marco Rosci points out, however, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed wereunusual for his time.2. ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.3.black humorThe definition of black humor is problematic; it has been argued that it corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor; and that, as humor has been defined since Freud as a comedic act that anesthetizes an emotion, all humor is "black humor," and that there is no such thing as "non-black humor".二、填空题1. Pindar is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympic odes.2. The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.3. Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians andAgamemnon.4. Euripides(欧里庇得斯) wrote mainly about women in such plays as Andromache, Medea, and Trojan Women.5. Comedy also flourished in the 5th century B. C.. Its best writer was Aristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.6. Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays".7.Herodotus(希罗多德)is often called “Father of History”. He wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians.8. Thucydides(修西得底斯) described the war between Athens and Sparta and between Athens and Syracuse, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily.9.Pythagoras(毕达哥拉斯) was a bold thinker who had the idea that all things were numbers.10. Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.11. She-wolf is the statue which illustrates the legend of creation of Roman.12. The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.13. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” is said by Julius Caesar.14. Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem for the Passover, but was betrayed by Judas.15. In 313 the Edict of Milan(米兰敕令)was issued byConstantine I and granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal.16. In 392 A.D, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religions of the empire and outlawed all other religions.17.Charlemagne,who temporarily restored order in western and central Europe, was perhaps the most important figure of the medieval period.18. Charlemagne was crowed “Emperor of the Romans” by the Pope in 800.19. The Summa Theologica(《神学大全》) by St. Thomas Aquinas (forms an enormous system and sums up all the knowledge of medieval theology.20. In 18th-century England, two writers must be mentioned as far as the periodical essay is concerned: Addison and Steele.21. Both Addison and Steele contributed to The Tatler and The Spectator, two series of periodical essays.22. In 1492the Moors(摩尔人) that had ruled Spain for four centuries were driven out from their last stronghold.23. In 1492Columbus discovered American and claimed America for Spain.24. The most important contributions to the musical world byBeethoven were in those musical forms associated with the growth of the sonata).25. Swan Lake was composed by Tchaikovsky.三、选择题1. Where did the Renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture?A. in Greece and RomeB. in Florence and VeniceC. in Milan and FlorenceD. in Italy and Germany2. When did the Renaissance reach its height with its center moving to Milan, then to Rome, and created High Renaissance?A. in the 11th centuryB. in the 15th century thC. in the 16 centuryD. in the 17th century3. Which of the following works is written by Boccaccio?A. DecameronB. CanzoniersC. DavidD. Moses4. Which of the following High Renaissance artists is the father of the modern mode of painting?A. RaphaelB. TitianC. da VinciD. Michelangelo5. Which of the following High Renaissance artists was best known for his Madonna (Virgin Mary)?A. TitianB. da VinciC. MichelangeloD. Raphael6. Who took up the translation of the Bible into English for the first time?A. Jan HusB. John WyliffC. Martin LutherD. John Calvin9. Who is the author Institutes of the Christian Religion?A. John WycliffB. Jan HusC. John CalvinD. Erasmus10. By which year the Moslems had taken over the last Christian stronghold and won the crusades and ruled all the territory in Palestine that the crusaders had fought to control?A. 1270B. 1254C. 1096D. 129111. Which of the following was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by the Pope in 800? A. St. Thomas Aquinas B. Charlemagne C. Constantine D. King James12. Who was the ruler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and contributed greatly to the medieval European culture?A. Charles IB. Constantine IC. Alfred the GreatD. Charles the Great13. Does Song of Roland belong to which country’s epic?A. EnglishB. GermanicC. HebrewD. French14. Who is the author of the Opus Maius(《新工具论》)?A. Roger BaconB. Dante AlighieriC. ChaucerD. St. Thomas Aquinas15. Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist of ancient Greece? A. Aristophanes B. Euripides C. Sophocles D. Aeschylus。
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《西方文化导论》综合复习第一章西方文化的起源一、填空1 、希腊历史的第一页是___非洲_____ 文明的历史。
爱琴海文明指的是爱琴海地区的青铜文化,先后形成了两大中心:________ 和________ ,因此又通称克里特岛- 迈锡尼文化。
2 、公元前________ 年期间,是克里特文化最为繁盛的时代。
克里特文化的中心是________ ,传说中的________ 国王建立了海上霸权,控制了整个爱琴海地区。
克里特的文字经历了象形文字和线形文字两大发展阶段,在它的繁盛期,线形文字全岛通用,这种文字又称________ ,以区别迈锡尼的________ 。
3 、迈锡尼文化以________ 而得名,但它实际上是希腊本土文化青铜文化的通称,是________ 的继续,只不过又加上了希腊民族文化的一些要素。
4 、荷马时代的艺术主要表现为________ ,陶器表面多用________ 来装饰,所以荷马时代的考古文化通称为________ 风格文化。
5 、爱琴海文明经历了一个盛极而衰的过程。
随着希腊文化中心的北移,希腊文化也越来越摆脱了________ 和________ 文明的巨大影响,形成了具有特色的希腊民族文化。
奠定了日后________ 的根基。
二、名词解释1 、迈锡尼文化2 、荷马史诗三、问答题:1 、荷马史诗的成就是什么?第二章希腊古典时代的文化一、填空1 、在古希腊史上,通常把公元前8 世纪- 前6 世纪称为________ ,这是古希腊文化发展和形成的重要时期;公元前6 世纪以后直至马其顿征服希腊,称为________ ,是上古希腊文化发展的鼎盛时期;古典时代以后到奥古斯都打败安东尼这一时期,为________ ,是上古希腊文化广泛传播于_______ 、________ 、________ 三大洲许多地区的时代,同时也是希腊文化没落的时代。
2 、希腊人信奉的新神是从_______ 开始的, 神宫建在_______ 山上,娶其姐_______ 为后,有智慧女神_______ ,太阳神________ ,爱神_______ 。
希腊宗教是多神教,最重要的特点是神人_______ ;另一个特点是没有庞大的______ 阶层。
3 、古典时代的希腊文化在很大程度上应该说是________ 的文化,文学主要是戏剧,有________ 与________ ,起源于________ 的祭奠仪式。
4 、_______ 是希腊悲剧之父,代表作有________ ;_______ 被人们称作戏剧的荷马,代表作有________ ;________ 的剧作标志着旧日戏剧的结束,________ 是他描写妇女悲剧中最重要的一部。
________ 被誉为希腊喜剧之父。
5 、希腊的建筑主要有三种形式:________ 、________ 和________ 。
雅典最宏伟的建筑就是雅典卫城顶上为女神雅典娜建的________ 。
古希腊三大雕刻家是________ 、________ 、_______ 。
他们的代表作分别是_______ 、_______ 、_______ 。
6 、在古希腊哲学中苏格拉底与他的弟子________ 及再传弟子________ 奠定了后世西方哲学的基础。
7 、古希腊的医学之父是________ ,首倡体液学说,对医学贡献最大的是" ________ ",至今仍被奉为国际医务道德准则。
历史之父是________ 代表作是________ ,________ 也是这一时期的杰出历史学家,其代表作有________ 。
________ 是古希腊科学的集大成者。
二、问答题? 希腊神话的内容与特点是什么?? 古希腊宗教的特点是什么?3 、古风时代的希腊文学与艺术。
第三章希腊化时代的文化一、填空1 、希腊化是________ 、________ 甚至________ 以及其他东方文化与希腊文化相互交汇、融合的产物。
它不仅首次沟通了________ 文明发祥地,而且还揭开了________ 大陆间人类文化大交流、大汇合的序幕。
2 、希腊化时代的文学主要包括诗歌、戏剧和散文三大类。
抒情诗人________ 以描写西西里优美风光和淳朴乡民而知名,被称为________ 。
新喜剧作家中最有成就的是雅典的________ 。
3 、希腊化时代的雕刻艺术主要集中于________ 、小亚西亚的________ 和爱琴海的________ 的三个中心地区。
4 、爱琴海的罗得斯岛,在希腊化时期出现了一个著名的雕刻学派-- ________ ,________ 是罗得斯雕刻大师________ 等人的作品;________ 是公元前3 世纪雕刻家卡瑞斯的作品,因其宏大壮丽被誉为古代世界七大奇迹之一;19 世纪在爱琴海南部的米洛岛上发现的________ ,被认为在雕刻艺术上达到了古希腊艺术的极至。
5 、________ 城的建筑反映了希腊化时代城市建筑的先进水平,最负盛名的是王宫________ (又称博学园),是当时最大的学术中心,藏书机构。
________ 高约135 公尺,雄伟壮丽,被列为世界七大奇观。
6 、犬儒学派最早的领导人是________ ,主张人要自然地生活;伊壁鸠鲁学派是当时影响最大的哲学派别,创始人就是________ 。
斯多噶学派的创始人是出身于塞浦路斯岛的________ ;怀疑论学派的创始人为________ 。
7 、希腊化时代的科学技术有了显著的进步,一方面是出现了一批卓越的科学家,另一方面希腊的自然科学已逐步发展到理论化阶段。
这一时代被誉为西方历史上" ________ "。
天文学方面________ 提出了太阳中心说;数学家有________ 撰写了《几何原本》;________ 是希腊化时代伟大的数学家和力学家。
________ 在他的《地理学概论》一书中,第一次使用了"地理学"这个名词。
二、名词解释1 、希腊化2 、犬儒学派3 、伊壁鸠鲁学派三、问答题1 、希腊化时代有什么重要特征?2 、希腊化时代的宗教特点。
第四章罗马时期的文化一、填空1 、奥古斯都时期罗马文学的发展已臻颠峰,产生了________ 、________ 、________ 等伟大诗人。
维吉尔的代表作是________ ;贺拉西继承亚里斯多德的现实主义传统,代表作________ 在西方文艺理论史上占有重要地位;奥维德的代表作________ 讲述了数百个神话故事;修辞大师________ 撰写了《修辞学教程》。
小说作为一种新的文学样式也开始出现了,代表作是北非作家________ 的拉丁文学名著________ 。
2 、罗马哲学的主要功绩在于对希腊哲学的继承和发扬,哲学家卢克莱修的________ 成了研究希腊罗马原子论的重要著作,对近代唯物主义和自然科学的发展产生了深远的影响;________ 则是古代罗马唯心主义哲学的代表。
3 、公元前450 年________ ,是罗马的第一部成文法。
一系列立法活动使罗马公民内部达到"人人平等",调整了罗马社会的阶级关系;从内容和涉及范围来看,公元前 3 世纪中叶以前的罗马法律全都属于________ ,之后与________ 并行而治,成为罗马法的两大体系。
4 、罗马帝国最著名的神庙是________ ;最大、最著名的剧场是________ 大剧场,已具现代体育场的雏形,达到了力与美的高度统一。
5 、罗马的农业科学非常发达,早在公元前 2 世纪中期,就出现了第一部农学专著________ ,作者是当时著名的监察官老家图;在罗马自然科学领域成就最高的是________ ,著作是《自然史》37 卷;医学家_______ 是古典医学的集大成者。
二、名词解释1 、新柏拉图主义2 、罗马法3 、《查士丁尼民法大全》三、问答题1 、罗马时期的文学发展经历了哪三个阶段?2 、维吉尔、贺拉西、奥维德的文学成就有哪些?3 、罗马时期的建筑和雕刻艺术的成就有哪些?第五章西方封建文化的兴起和发展一、填空1 、根据西方史学的分期方法,从公元____5__ 世纪西罗马帝国灭亡至公元__15____ 世纪西欧文艺复兴时期约1000 年左右的时间被称为___中世纪_____ 或中古时代。
2 、教父哲学在形成和发展过程中的主要代表人物有__安瑟伦_____ 、___托马斯安奎_____ 和___查士丁_____ ,其中最有名的是生于北非的__奥古斯丁______ ,他的哲学神学思想在5-6 世纪的西方基督教世界占据了主导地位。
3 、经院哲学虽然是西方的正统官方哲学,但自从它诞生之日起,其内部就存在着____唯名论___ 与____唯实论____ 之间的斗争,前者属于____新柏拉图主义哲学____ ,后者则属于__唯物主义______ 。
4 、中世纪前期,西欧文化教育事业主要由教会负责,教会管辖的教育机构有三种:__修道院学校______ 、__主教学校______ 和___唐区学校_____ 。
5 、骑士制度起源于_8世纪的法兰克王国_______ ,盛行于11-14 世纪,特别是11-13 世纪下半叶的长达200 年的___十字军_____ 东侵期间。
骑士教育是封建主阶级的一种特殊形式的家庭教育,大体可分为三个阶段:__侍童阶段______ 、__护卫阶段______ 和__骑士阶段______ 。
6 、___大学____ 是中世纪欧洲留给人类的最为重要的文化遗产之一。
中世纪最早的大学是意大利教授医学的____萨来诺医学院____ 大学,另一所是以研究和传播罗马法而闻名的____波隆那____ 大学。
12 世纪中叶法国的___巴黎大学_____ 、英国___牛津大学_____ 已初具雏形。
7 、在中世纪的西欧,与其他各个文化领域的情形一样,文学领域也是教会力图占领的阵地,___古言_____ 是正统的官方文学。
在教会文学的夹缝中,__英雄史诗______ 、___骑士文学_____ 和城市文学等世俗形式先后发展起来。
8 、中世纪的著名的英雄史诗有盎格鲁撒克逊人的____贝奥武甫______ 、法国的___罗兰之歌____ 、西班牙的___熙德之歌____ 和德国的__尼伯龙根之歌。
9 、骑士文学可分为两种,即___骑士抒情诗_____ 和__骑士叙事诗______ 。
骑士抒情诗的中心在法国南部的___普罗旺斯_____ ,主题是讴歌骑士之爱,其中以__破晓歌北方______ 最为著名。
骑士传奇的中心在法国__北方______ ,主题是骑士为了爱情、荣誉或宗教而表现出一种冒险游侠的精神,以描写__亚瑟和他的圆桌骑士的故事______ 故事的作品数量最多。