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9.1 被动语态的概念与构成形式

语态(voice)是一种表示主语与谓语之间的主动或被动关系的动词形式,英语中分主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)两种。前者表示主语是动作的执行者;后者表示主语是动作的接受者。英语动词的主动语态无语法标记,被动语态则有语法标记,一般是由助动词be的某一形式+及物动词的过去分词构成。试比较下列两组主被动句:Chicago Bulls beat Los Angles Lakers again.

Los Angles Lakers was beaten again by Chicago Bulls.

Millions of people play basketball in China.

Basketball is played by Millions of people in China.


1. 一般现在时,如:

All the wild animals in this area are protected.

Such matters are often discussed at our weekly meeting.

2. 一般过去时,如:

The football match was played last Saturday.

The bridge was built in 1950s.

3. 一般将来时,如:

Y ou’ll be greeted at the airport.

These questions won’t be answered at the press conference.

4. 过去将来时,如:

In the letter he told us that his books would be published soon.

5. 现在完成时,如:

So far the museum has been visited by millions of people.

Y our proposal has been considered.

6. 过去完成时,如:

It is reported that by the end of last year, most of the snakes in that area had been killed.

When I saw him, he was busy repairing the type that had been taken down from the car.

7. 将来完成时,如:

Don’t worry. By the time you need it again, the machine will have been repaired.

8. 现在进行时,如:

The case is being investigated.

The machine is being checked by some engineers.

9. 过去进行时,如:

When you called, your proposal was being discussed.


Hundreds of people got killed each day in the civil war.

The boy got hurt in the leg.


The brake should be checked again.

The scope of responsibilities must be clarified.

Be careful, or you might be criticized again for making the same mistakes.

What’s done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。

9.2 主动语态变被动语态

1. SVO 即“主语+谓语+宾语”句型,其变法是:将主动句中的宾语变为被动语句的主语(若为代词,则须将代词有宾格形式变为主格形式);将谓语动词由主动语态变为被动语态形式;再加上by+主动句中的主语(若为代词,则须将代词由主格形式变为宾格形式)。如:

Shakespeare wrote the play Hamlet.

→The play Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

→The pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians.

值得注意的是,by 短语(说明动作执行者)如果表达的内容不含新信息,则可省略,有时加上该短语反而有画蛇添足之嫌。如:

People speak Cantonese in Guangdong.

→*Cantonese is spoken in Guangdong by people.(有“在别的地方不是人在说广东话”之嫌)

→√Cantonese is spoken in Guangdong.

The workers built this building last year.

→*This building was built by the workers last year. (毋须说明)

→√This building was built last year.


The students built the playground last year.

→√The playground was built by the students last year.

→* The playground was built last year. (需说明,因为建操场本不是学生的事。)

The PLA men built the house in 1976.

→√The house was built by the PLA men in 1976.

→* The house was built in 1976. (建房本不是解放军的工作,故需说明)

2. SVOO即“主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语”句型,其变化是:将间接宾语提前,做被动句的主语,直接宾语不变(该宾语称为保留宾语“retained object”);当然,也可以将直接宾语提前做被动句的主语,这时,须在间接宾语前加上介词to或for。如:The sent me a Christmas gift.

→I was sent a Christmas gift.

→A Christmas gift was sent to me.

My father bought me a new bicycle.

→I was bought a new bicycle.

→A new bicycle was bought for me.

He asked us a strange question.

→We were asked a strange question.

→A strange question was asked.

3. SVOC即“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”句型,其变化是:将宾语提前做被动句的主语,宾语补足语不变。如:

They elected Mary monitor.
