Chapter11 使用类
有机化学课件——Chapter 11 含氮和含磷有机化合物
![有机化学课件——Chapter 11 含氮和含磷有机化合物](
C6H5NH3+ · Cl氯化苯铵
(C2H5NH3+)2 · SO42硫酸二乙铵
(CH3)3N+CH2C6H5 · Br- [(C2H5)2NH2+]2 · SO42溴化三甲基苄铵 硫酸二(二乙铵)
??? ???
C4H9N+ · OH四丁基氢氧化铵
(C2H5)2NH2+ · HSO4硫酸氢二乙铵
有机化学课件 22 第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
N上的未共用电子对能接受一个质子,能与大多数的无机酸成 盐,所以胺具有碱性.
NH2 + HCl
+NH Cl 3
碱性强弱顺序: 脂肪胺 > NH3 > 芳香胺 pKb 3—4.5 4.75 9—10
在脂肪胺中: RNH2 < R2NH > R3N 一级 二级 三级
(2) 与羰基化合物缩合
O + R C R'(H)
第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
硝基是强吸电子基, 当其与苯环直接相连时, 使芳环上的亲电取代 反应活性降低, 以致不能进行(如F-C反应). 但在卤代芳烃卤原子(如-Cl)的邻、对位引入-NO2时,卤原子的 反应活性增加,易于发生亲核取代反应.
有机化学课件 25 第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
R 2N - + H +
数据仓库 Chapter 11 维度建模:高级专题
![数据仓库 Chapter 11 维度建模:高级专题](
用新的值覆盖维度表中的旧数值 属性的旧值不需要保留 对维度表没有其他修改 维度表种的键或任何其他键值均不受影响 这类修改是最容易实施的
键重构 3315 K1235
之前 客户键 客户名称 客户代码 婚姻 地址 省 PC. 3315 Susane Lee K1235 Single XMU,Xiamen Fujian 361005
客户代码:K1235 客户名称:Susan Lee
3315 Susan Lee K1235 Single XMU,Xiamen Fujian 361005
键重构 3315 3316 8800 之前 客户键 客户名称 客户代码 婚姻 地址 省 PC. 第2类修改 K12356 客户代码:K1235 婚姻:Married 地址:NWPU,xian 省:Shaanxi PC.710072 8800 Susan Lee K1235 Married NWPU,Xian Shaanxi 710072 2000.11.1后
他们通常与源系统的临时修改相关 需要利用新旧属性的值跟踪历史数据 新旧两个值用于比较改变所带来的效果 他们提供了前向和后向的跟踪能力 对受影响的属性,在维度表中加入“旧的”字段 将“现有”字段的值赋给“旧的”字段 将新值赋给“现有”字段 加入一个“现有”有效日期 记录的键不受影响 不需要增加新的维度表记录 现有的查询可以无缝转移到“现有”的值 所有使用到“旧的”值的查询需要作相应的修改 这种技术对一次只做一个临时修改适用(修改多了???) 如果还有后续的修改,则需要使用更复杂的技术
chapter11.language acquisition
![chapter11.language acquisition](
The one-word or holophrastic stage
Characterized by speech in which single terms are uttered for everyday objects. Already extending their use Most verbs and nouns, infrequent function words
Pre-language stages
Cooing:3months old the first recognizalble sounds with velar consonants such as [k] [g] as well as high vowels such as [i] [u] Babbling:6months old fricatives, nasals, syllable type sounds 9months old recognizable intonation patterns,combination 10-11months old use vocalizations to express emotions and emphasis
Imitation and practice alone cannot explain some of the forms created by children.
Children appear to pick out patterns and then generalize or overgeneralize them to new contexts. They create new forms or new uses of words.
Chapter 11 Language Acquisition
服务营销第八版英文教辅 CHAPTER 11
![服务营销第八版英文教辅 CHAPTER 11](
• Service firms are characterized by a distinctive culture of service leadership, and role modeling by its top management.
describe determinants of a climate for service. • Explain qualities of effective leaders in service organizations. • Understand different leadership styles, importae Personnel As Source Of Customer Loyalty And Competitive Advantage
Importance of Service Employees:
– Is a core part of the product – Is the service firm – Is the brand – Affects sales – Is a key driver of customer loyalty – Determines productivity
Service-Profit Chain
It demonstrates the chain of relationships among:
(1)employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity;
金融风险管理课程Chapter 11练习答案
![金融风险管理课程Chapter 11练习答案](
Chapter 1110. Metrobank offers one-year loans with a 9 percent stated or base rate, charges a 0.25 percentloan origination fee, imposes a 10 percent compensating balance requirement, and must pay a 6 percent reserve requirement to the Federal Reserve. The loans typically are repaid at maturity.a. If the risk premium for a given customer is 2.5 percent, what is the simple promisedinterest return on the loan?The simple promised interest return on the loan is BR + m = 0.09 + 0.025 = 0.115 or 11.5 percent.b. What is the contractually promised gross return on the loan per dollar lent?percentRR b m BR f k 97.121906.01175.011)]06.01(1.0[1)025.009.0(0025.011)]1([1)(1=-+=---+++=---+++=σc. Which of the fee items has the greatest impact on the gross return?The compensating balance has the strongest effect on the gross return on the loan.Without the compensating balance, the gross return would equal 11.75 percent, a reduction of 1.22 percent. Without the origination fee, the gross return would be 12.69 percent, a reduction of only 0.28 percent. Eliminating the reserve requirement would cause the gross return to increase to 13.06 percent, an increase of 0.09 percent.24. Assume a one-year T-Bill is currently yielding 5.5 percent, and a AAA-rated discount bond with similar maturity is yielding 8.5 percent.a. If the expected recovery from collateral in the event of default is 50 percent of principaland interest, what is the probability of repayment of the AAA-rated bond? What is the probability of default?p(1 + k) + γ (1 - p)(1 + k) = 1+I. Solve for the probability of repayment (p):percent or k i p 47.949447.05.015.0085.1055.1111=--=--++=γγTherefore the probability of default is 1.0 - .9447 = 0.0553 or 5.53 percent.b. What is the probability of repayment of the AAA-rated bond if the expected recoveryfrom collateral in the case of default is 94.47 percent of principal and interest? What is the probability of default?percent or k i p 00.505000.09447.019447.0085.1055.1111=--=--++=γγTherefore the probability of default is 1.0 – 0.5000 = 0.5000 or 50.00 percent.c. What is the relationship between the probability of default and the proportion of principal and interest that may be recovered in the case of default on the loan?The proportion of the loan’s principal and interest that is collectible on default is a perfect substitute for the probability of repayment should such defaults occur.32. A bank is planning to make a loan of $5,000,000 to a firm in the steel industry. It expectsto charge a servicing fee of 50 basis points. The loan has a maturity of 8 years and a duration of 7.5 years. The cost of funds (the RAROC benchmark) for the bank is 10 percent. Assume the bank has estimated the maximum change in the risk premium on the steel manufacturing sector to be approximately 4.2 percent, based on two years of historical data. The current market interest rate for loans in this sector is 12 percent.a. Using the RAROC model, determine whether the bank should make the loan?RAROC = Fees and interest earned on loan/ Loan or capital riskLoan risk, or ∆LN = -D LN *LN *(∆R/(1 + R) = = -7.5 * $5m * (.042/1.12) = -$1,406,250 Expected interest = 0.12 x $5,000,000 = $600,000Servicing fees = 0.0050 x $5,000,000 = $25,000Less cost of funds = 0.10 x $5,000,000 = -$500,000Net interest and fee income = $125,000RAROC = $125,000/1,406,250 = 8.89 percent. Since RAROC is lower than the cost of funds to the bank, the bank should not make the loan.b. What should be the duration in order for this loan to be approved?For RAROC to be 10 percent, loan risk should be:$125,000/∆LN = 0.10 ⇒ ∆LN = 125,000 / 0.10 = $1,250,000⇒ -D LN * LN * (∆R/(1 + R)) = 1,250,000D LN= 1,250,000/(5,000,000 * (0.042/1.12)) = 6.67 years.Thus, this loan can be made if the duration is reduced to 6.67 years from 7.5 years. The duration can be reduced.c. Assuming that duration cannot be changed, how much additional interest and feeincome would be necessary to make the loan acceptable?Necessary RAROC = Income/Risk ⇒ Income = RAROC * Risk= $1,406,250 *0.10 = $140,625Therefore, additional income = $140,625 - $125,000 = $15,625.d. Given the proposed income stream and the negotiated duration, what adjustment in therisk premium would be necessary to make the loan acceptable?$125,000/0.10 = $1,250,000 ⇒-$1,250,000 = -7.5*$5,000,000*(∆R/1.12)Thus ∆R = 1.12(-$1,250,000)/(-7.5*$5,000,000) = 0.0373。
2.计算精度法。这种方法以简单随机抽样为基点, 2.计算精度法。这种方法以简单随机抽样为基点, 以最大允许误差为目标,通过总体方差,置信度 要求和最大允许误差(精度)之间的关系,推导 出必要的调查单位数目。公式为: x=t• x=t• 所以,必要调查单位数目:
n= t2 δN
2 N△x t2δ2 +
常用的统计量有样本均值、样本方差等 常用的统计量有样本均值、样本方差等 样本均值: 样本均值: x=
1 n
1 n-1
∑ xi
i=1 n
样本方差: 样本方差:s²=
2 ∑ (xi – x)
2 ∑ (xi – x)
样本标准差: 样本标准差:s=
统计中,一般用希腊字母或其他大写字母表示参 数;用罗马字母或其他小写字母表示统计量. 数;用罗马字母或其他小写字母表示统计量.
允许误差以符号 表示 δ 其计算公式: x=t•μ =t• μ= n t :代表概率度,是指扩大或缩小,抽样误 代表概率度,是指扩大或缩小,抽样误 差范围的倍数。 μ:代表抽样误差 代表抽样误差 σ²: 为总体方法 也就是说:允许误差 等于 t倍抽样误 差μ
(一).点值估计值的计算 ).点值估计值的计算
点值估计是直接以样本指标作为总体指标的估计值, 点值估计是直接以样本指标作为总体指标的估计值, 不考虑抽样误差,仅作近似的估计. 不考虑抽样误差,仅作近似的估计.
电子课件 [数学物理方法与仿真(第3版)][杨华军][电子教案(PPT版本)]chapter11
![电子课件 [数学物理方法与仿真(第3版)][杨华军][电子教案(PPT版本)]chapter11](
11.3.2 达朗贝尔公式的物理意义 由上面的讨论我们得到了自由弦振动泛定方程 的通解(11.3.4)为
u(x,t) F1(x at) F2(x at)
即定解问题的解可以表示为两个函数 F1(x at), F2(x at) 之 和,而这两个函数的具体形式完全由初始条件来确 定.为了阐述达朗贝尔公式的物理意义, 实际上只需 阐明这两个函数 F1(x at), F2(x at) 的物理意义就行了.
u(x,t) 1 [(x at) (x at)] 1
( )d
2a xat
当函数(x) 是二次连续函数,函数 (x) 是一次连续可微
a x,0)
0, 0 x x,ut x,0
u0,t 0
(13.4.4) (13.4.5) (13.4.6)
由于端点固定,所以有u(0,t) 0. 为了使用无界的达
处理,即必须把 u(x,t) 、 (x) 和(x) 延拓到整个无界区
u(x, y) F(y x)
a2F(y x) bF(y x) cF(y x) 0
F(x x) 0
a2 b c 0
(i) b2 4ac 0,对应于双曲型方程,式(11.2.3)有两
Java题库——Chapter11继承和多态1)Analyze the following code:public class Test {public static void main(String[ ] args) {B b = new B();b.m(5);System.out.println("i is " + b.i);}}class A {int i;public void m(int i) {this.i = i;}}class B extends A {public void m(String s) {}}A)The program has a compilation error, because m is overridden with a different signature in B.B)The method m is not overridden in B. B inherits the method m from A and defines an overloaded method m in B.C)The program has a runtime error on b.i, because i is not accessible from b.D)The program has a compilation error, because b.m(5) cannot be invoked since the method m(int) is hidden in B. B中没有重写⽅法m。
2)Analyze the following code.// Program 1public class Test {public static void main(String[ ] args) {Object a1 = new A();Object a2 = new A();System.out.println(((A)a1).equals((A)a2));}}class A {int x;public boolean equals(A a) {return this.x == a.x;}}// Program 2public class Test {public static void main(String[ ] args) {A a1 = new A();A a2 = new A();System.out.println(a1.equals(a2));}}class A {int x;public boolean equals(A a) {return this.x == a.x;}}A)Program 1 displays true and Program 2 displays trueB)Program 1 displays false and Program 2 displays trueC)Program 1 displays false and Program 2 displays falseD)Program 1 displays true and Program 2 displays false3)Invoking ________ removes all elements in an ArrayList x. 3) _______A)x.clear() B)x.delete() C)x.remove() D)x.empty() E)x.clean()4)Analyze the following code:Cylinder cy = new Cylinder(1, 1);Circle c = cy; 4) _______A)The code has a runtime error. B)The code has a compile error. C)The code is fine.5)Which of the following statements are true? (Choose all that apply.) 5) _______A)Overloading a method is to provide more than one method with the same name but with different signatures to distinguish them.B)A private method cannot be overridden. If a method defined in a subclass is private in its superclass, the two methods are completely unrelated.C)It is a compilation error if two methods differ only in return type in the same class.D)A static method cannot be overridden. If a static method defined in the superclass is redefined in a subclass, the method defined in the superclass is hidden.E)To override a method, the method must be defined in the subclass using the same signature and compatible return type as in its superclass.1、重载⼀个⽅法是提供多个具有相同名称但具有不同签名的⽅法来区分它们。
语言学教案 Chapter 11
![语言学教案 Chapter 11](
little variation in degree of success or route target language competence
L2 learners vary in overall success and route L2 learners may be content with less than target language competence or more concerned with fluency than accuracy common, plus backsliding (i.e. return to earlier stages of development
7. Instruction not needed 8. Negative evidence correction not found and not necessary
Similarities between L2 learning and L1 acquisition? A continuing theme has been whether people acquire a second language in the same way as a first. If the L2 stages outlined above are also followed by L1 children, both groups are probably using the same learning process. The L2 sequence for English grammatical morphemes was similar, though not identical, to that found in L1 acquisition by Brown (1972), the greatest differences being the irregular past tense 三门峡职业技术学院 新编简明英语语言学教案 0398-2183570
商务英语综合教程chapter (11)
![商务英语综合教程chapter (11)](
Ⅱ.Language Points (语言要点)
(Teachers should note that here we only give you some of the language points, you may add some by yourself.)
1. International payments and settlements are a financial activity conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them. 国际支付与结算是各个国家之间进行的一项金融活动, 它涉及一个国家向另一个国家支付款项或转移资金,以 结清、了结、清偿各国在政治、经济、文化往来过程中 所产生的欠账、债务、债权等。 1) 本句是一个结构比较简单的主从复合句,在主句的主谓
结构是:International payments and settlements are a financial activity… (国际支付与结算是一项金融活 动。) 2) 过去分词短语conducted among different countries作后 置定语修饰activity各国之间进行的(一项金融活动)。 conducted 此处译为“进行的”或“执行的”。 3) In which 引导的是定语从句,其意为:它涉及一个国家 向另一个国家支付款项和转移资金。 4) in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. 以清偿 (各国的)欠账、债务、债权等
曼昆经济学原理Chapter11公共物品和共有资源 中英文笔记
![曼昆经济学原理Chapter11公共物品和共有资源 中英文笔记](
Chapter 11 Public Goods And Common Resources 公共物品和共有资源·本章问题:公共物品和共有资源的定义为什么私人市场不能生产公共物品我们经济中的一些重要的公共物品为什么公共物品的成本—收益分析既是必要的又是困难的为什么人们往往会过多的使用共有资源我们经济中一些重要的共有资源§1. 不同类型的物品The Different Kinds of Goods一.根据两个特点来分类1.排他性Excludability:可以阻止其他人享用该物品the property of a good whereby a person can be prevented from using it2.竞争性Rivalry:某人对该物品的使用减少其他人对该物品的享受。
the property of a good whereby one person’s use diminishes other people’s use 二.四类物品Four Types of Goods1.私人物品Private Goods:既有排他性,又有竞争性both excludable and rival.2.公共物品Public Goods:既无排他性,又无竞争性neither excludable nor rival3.共有资源Common Resources:有竞争性,无排他性rival but not excludable4.自然垄断Natural Monopolies:有排他性,无竞争性excludable but not rival§2. 公共物品Public Goods一.搭便车问题The Free-Rider Problem1.搭便车者a free-rider:从一种物品中获益,但却避免了为此支付的人a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it2.结论:由于公共物品没有排他性,搭便车者问题就阻碍了私人市场提供公共物品。
Chapter 11(Power Interface)
![Chapter 11(Power Interface)](
11.1 Drive Ability
Sinking and sourcing current
Chip outputs are often said to 'sink' or 'source'
current. The terms refer to the direction of the current at the chip's output. If the chip is sinking current it is flowing into the output. This means that a device connected between the positive supply (+Vs) and the chip output will be switched on when the output is low (0V).
11.3 Switching Power Interface
Ratio of current transmission is : Ic : IF For 4N25, Ic : IF ≥20%; For 4N33, Ic : IF ≥500%; When transmitting pulse signals, the delay time is different for 4N25 and 4N33. For 4N25, turn on delay is 2.8μs, turn off delay is 4.5μs. For 4N33, turn on delay is 0.6μs, turn off delay is 45μs.
MCS-51 has four parallel dual ports. Port 0 can drive
當太陽、月球與 地球成一直線時,即 新月(New Moon)及滿 月(Full Moon)時因其 兩作用力相生,致使 其高潮較平均高潮為 高,低潮比平均低潮 為低之情形,此時稱 為大潮(Spring Tide)。
May 16 h.m. ft. Cm. F 0119 -0.4 -11
0737 0.7 22 1340 -1.0 -32 2046 0.9 26
May 16 h.m. ft. Cm. F 0119 -0.4 -11
0737 0.7 22 1340 -1.0 -32 2046 0.9 26
落潮期(Duration of Fall):0737~1340 = 06h03m (06h00m) 距最近高潮時間(Time from the Nearest HW):
印度大潮低潮面(Indian Spring Low Water; I.S.L.W.):用以測量印度水域之基準面。
正常最低低潮(Lowest Normal Low Water; L.N.L.W.):為每月之最低低潮的平均。
最低低潮(Lowest Low Water; L.L.W.):為所有 觀測之水位中最低者。
平均大潮高潮 平均高潮
平均潮面或半潮面 平均低潮
平均大潮高高潮 平均高高潮 平均小潮高潮
平均小潮低潮 平均低低潮 平均大潮低低潮
水深部份: 我國海圖是以大約最低低潮面
(Approximate Lowest Low Water)為主,但由於 我國部份海域之測量資料來源不同,故所採之 基準亦不一致,因此,部份海圖有採M.L.W.S 為基準者。
Chapter 11 整合的心理治疗
![Chapter 11 整合的心理治疗](
一个跨理论的模型:改变阶段模型(stages of change model) 1. Prochaska & DiClemente于1984年提出一个改变的阶段模型用于理解人们发生改变的过程。 由于改变的动机很重要,因此该模型与Miller & Rollnick提出的动机面谈(motivational interviewing)有机地结合起来。 2. 人们自发的改变:在整个一生人们都会在没有治疗或没有专业人士的帮助下经验行为上 的改变、或者作出改变。当一个人与某种内在价值、重要的事物、所珍惜的事物联系起来 的时候,建设性的行为改变就会发生。 需要专业人士帮助的改变:由专业人士提供治疗使行为改变,这要求专业人士了解行为 改变的过程。 Prochaska & DiClemente提出的改变阶段模型就是服务这个目的。 3. 改变过程模型包括于跨理论模型,它牵涉:决策平衡(decisional balance),探讨做出改变 的好的方面和不好的方面(the pros and cons of making a change);自我效能(self-efficacy), 个体对自己作出改变的能力的理解和信念;改变过程,由明显的、不明显的活动构成,如 意识提升、社会和自我解放、自我再评价等。不管人们是否受到治疗,改变过程包括五个 阶段:前沉思阶段、思考阶段、准备阶段、行动、维持阶段(precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance)。
1. 目前有400多个心理治疗理论。最关键、基本的心理治疗理论是:心理动力、认知-行 为主义、人本主义-存在主义、超个人心理治疗(psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-existential, transpersonal psychotherapy)。 导致质疑:有没有一个理论掌握理解所有人的行为的关键?什么构成有效的心理治疗? 2. 有经验的心理治疗师发现没有哪一个理论可以单独回答人的行为的所有问题、特定理 论只对特定类型的来访者有用,在适宜的历史条件下,关于理论之间的关系或整合的问 题就发展成一个区别性的概念系统,即心理治疗整合。 A common explanation of psychotherapy integration as a theoretical concept is the use of multiple models and approaches to provide clients with an enhanced, but efficient, form of counseling and psychotherapy.(对作为一个理论概念的心理整合的通常解释是:使用多种模 式和方法为来访者提供改善的、有效的咨询和治疗形式) 3. 1932年一个叫French的心理学家就提出可以结合巴甫洛夫的理论与弗洛伊德的理论。 1970s寻找心理治疗中根本的有效性因素形成主流。1980S的特征是不同理论之间的对话 在会议、杂志、出版物等中出现;建立了Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration; 出版杂志Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
• 人工神经网络
– 由节点相互连接而成,相当于人脑的神经元细胞 – 输入/输出节点:和外部环境连接,负责输入输
出信息 – 隐藏节点:位于网络内部 – 输入节点的输出是隐藏节点的输入 – 隐藏节点的输出是输出节点的输入
常用的游戏AI技术 • 有限状态机示意图
– 初始状态S0沿a,b,c边转换为3种不同状态
• 模糊逻辑
– 采用多值逻辑,不同于计算机的二值逻辑 – 元素属于集合的观念模糊化,存在既非完全属于
某集合,又非完全不属于某集合的元素 – “属于”的概念量化,不同元素对同一集合有不
• 人工神经网络
– 每个神经元是一个处理单元 – 接收的信息(x0, x1,•••, xn)通过(W0,W1,•••,Wm)
表示互联强度 – 以点积的形式合成输入,并与设定阈值比较
• 遗传算法
– 类似于大自然优胜劣汰的机制 – 使用适者生存原理、基因遗传原理模拟生物进化
过程 – 通过随机选择、杂交、突变对程序、算法和其他
Root Child1
GChild1 GChild2
二维游戏寻路技术 • 局部择优搜索法
• 永远沿着具有最小目标函数值的路径进行搜索 • 不一定能够找到目标 • 可能得到局部最优解,而不是全局最优
• A*算法的估价函数
– f’(n) = g’(n) + h’(n) – f’(n):节点n的估价函数 – g’(n):起点到节点n的最短路径代价 – h’(n):节点n到目标节点的启发式估计代价 – 采用估价函数能找到最短路径,称有可采纳性
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●性质:一种形式的C++多态●作用:允许将标准C++运算符作用于类对象(注释:C++中的运算符已经被重载过,如:“*”——用于地址得到存储与该地址中的值——用于两个数字表示乘积)●举例:数组相加不重载(逐个相加):for(inti = 0; i<= 20; i++)evening[i] = sam[i] +janet[i];重载(相加):evening = sam + janet;●格式:operator op( argument-list)✧Time示例◆Time源代码求和功能:sum函数Time Time::Sum(const Time & t) const{Time sum;sum.minutes = minutes + t.minutes;sum.hours = hours + t.hours + sum.minutes / 60;sum.minutes %= 60;return sum;}Main函数中:Total = coding.Sum(fixing);◆添加加法运算符在类中添加:Timeoperator+(const Time & t) const;在函数的实现中添加:Time Time::operator+(const Time & t) const//返回类型为Time类{Time sum;//定义一个Time类型的对象sum.minutes = minutes + t.minutes;sum.hours = hours + t.hours + sum.minutes / 60;sum.minutes %= 60;return sum;}在主函数中:两Time类相加由原来的调用sum函数变为直接使用“+”运算符total = coding + fixing;◆重载限制可重载的运算符:重载的限制1)重载后的运算符至少有一个操作数是用户定义的类型,而不是标准C++中已有的运算符功能e.g.不能将“-”重载为预算两数之和2)运算符重载后需符合原句法规则e.g.不能将“%”只作用于一个操作数;不能改变运算符的优先级3)不能创建新的运算符4)不能重载的运算符✗Sizeof✗. :成员运算符✗.* :成员指针运算符✗:::作用域解析运算符✗?::条件运算符✗typeid✗const_cast✗dynamic_cast✗reinterpret_cast✗static_cast5)能通过成员函数重载的运算符✓=✓()✓[]✓->◆其他重载运算符在类中:Time operator-(const Time & t) constTime operator*(double n) const在函数实现中:Time Time::operator+(const Time & t) const{Time diff;int tot1, tot2;tot1 = t.minutes + 60 * t.hours;tot2 = minutes + 60 * hours;diff.minutes = (tot2 – tot1) % 60;diff.hours = (tot2 – tot1) / 60;return diff;}Time Time::operator*(double mult) const{Time result;long totalminutes = hours * mult * 60 + minutes * mult;result.hours = totalminutes / 60;result.minutes = totalminutes % 60;return diff;}在main函数中:直接使用重载后的运算符II.友元函数1.友元函数的定义●指某些虽然不是类成员却能够访问类的所有成员的函数。
2.友元函数的性质●与类成员有相同的访问权限3.创建友元●第一步:将函数原型放在类的声明中,并在之前加上friendfriend Time operator*(double m, const Time & t);●第二步:编写函数定义不是成员函数,所以不使用Time::限定符定义中不使用关键字friendTime operator*(double m, const Time & t){Time result;long totalminutes = t.hours * mult * 60 + t.minutes * minutes * mult;result.hours = totalminutes / 60;result.minutes = totalminutes % 60;return result;}●第三部:调用过程A = 2.75 * B; // allowedA = operator*(2.75, B);4.常用的友元:重载<<运算符✶<<可被重载:a)最初,<<是C和C++中的位运算符,将值中的位置左移b)ostream类重载后,转化为输出工具,cout为ostream对象,可识别所有C++基本类型c)对于上述C++每种基本类型,ostream类都包含相应重载的operator<<();eg. 对于int,double,等等●<<的第一种重载版本void operator<<(ostream&os, const Time & t)⏹注释:cout<< trip中,cout 是一个ostream类,trip是一个Time类,所以在重载的函数中参数分别是一个ostream对象和一个Time对象。
{os<<t.hours<< “ hours , ” <<t.minutes<< “ minutes, ”;}●<<的第二种重载版本✶出现问题:eg. cout<< “Trip time: ” << trip << “ (Tuseday)\n”;//不能执行即不能连续输出。
✶解决原理:使用cout<< x要求<<左侧为一个ostream对象,上操作满足要求,若cout<< x << y,则要求输出语句也为一个ostream对象,所以将ostream类中operator<<()函数实现返回为一个指向ostream对象的引用。
ostream operator<<(ostreamos, const Time & t){os<<t.hours<< “ hours , ” <<t.minutes<< “ minutes, ”;return os;}⏹注释:以cout<< “Trip time: ” << trip << “ (Tuseday)\n”; 为例,将这条语句分成多步:a)cout<< “Trip time: ” 将显示字符串,但其返回值为cout,即原语句等价于cout<<trip << “ (Tuseday)\n”;b)cout<<trip 程序使用<<的Time声明显示trip值,再次返回coutc)cout<<“ (Tuseday)\n”; 显示字符串结束运行III.成员函数&非成员函数1.成员函数/非成员函数的定义●成员函数:是程序算法的实现部分,类的成员函数描述的是类的行为,是对封装的数据进行操作的方法。
●非成员函数:非成员函数就是没有在类里定义的函数多用于面向过程2.重载运算符的说明●很多运算符可以选择使用成员函数或非成员函数进行重载,一般而言,非成员函数应是友元函数eg. 可以在类中声明:Time operator+(const Time & t) cosnt;也可以使用如下原型:friend Time operator+(const Time &t1, const Time & t2);⏹注释:若上述两种原型都声明,则对于T1 = T2 + T3,将任意转化为:T1 = T2.operator+(T3);T1 = operator+(T2, T3);IV.矢量类1.矢量类的定义2.Vector示例3.使用状态成员4.为Vector类重载算术运算符5.对实现的说明6.使用vector类模拟随机漫步V.类的自动转换&强制类型转换1.转换函数2.转换函数和友元函数。