Coordinator 或Router 不能大于模块间组网的最大距离。
演示与测试 当通过调试软件向网络中其中任意一个模块的串口发送数据时,你可
以在网络中其它所有模块的串口上接收到相同的数据,这表明ZigBee 网络 运行正常。 注意事项
基于ZigBee 的原因,每次向串口发送的数据长度不要多于70 个字节。 过快地通过串口向模块发送数据可能会造成数据丢失。 Zigbee网络
ZigBee 无线模块使用说明书 一、 概述
该模块是一款基于 ZigBee 标准协议的微功率无线数传模块。基于该模块 开发的无线产品可用于各种智能仪表;家庭智能控制装置;安防、报警;酒店、 机房设备无线监控,门禁系统,人员定位;交通、路灯控制;物流、有源 RFID、 POS 系统,无线手持终端;工业遥控、遥测,自动化数据采集;无线传感网络 等。 Zigbee微功率无线数传模块特点 开放频段,无需申请频点,载频频率2.4GHz; 高抗干扰能力和低误码率,基于O-QPSK 的调制方式,采用高效前向纠
ADC 输入第 0 通道,和通用 Pin19
ADC 输入第 1 通道,和通用 Pin18
ADC 输入第 2 通道串口支持 Pin17
UART 和 SPI 两种模式
ADC 输入第 3 通道串口支持 Pin16
UART 和 SPI 两种模式
调制方式 工作频率 发射功率 传输距离 接收灵敏度 发射电流
O-QPSK 2.40~2.4835GHz
≧18dBm 700m -94dBm
知易科技-Zigbee低功耗传感器产品功能定义知易科技-Zigbee 低功耗传感器产品功能定义一、Zigbee无线按键(On/Off Switch)1,组网长按FAC_RST按键大于6s,直到LED指示灯闪烁,闪烁3次后模块进入出厂状态,此时可对模块进行组网操作。
2,恢复出厂设置若模块已经加入过网络,长按FAC_RST按键大于6s,直到LED 指示灯闪烁,闪烁3次后模块退网操作成功,恢复到出厂状态3,心跳功能默认心跳时间设置为两小时,心跳内容上传电池电量(支持网关配置电池电量上报周期)4,网络状态维护当父节点丢失会重新找网,第一次找网时间1分钟,如果入网失败则5分钟后重试,再次为30、60、120、360、720分钟,以后一直为720分钟一次,直到加入网络后下次断线又从1分钟开始当有按键动作时(单击,双击,长按)会执行一次找网,断电再上电也会执行一次找网5,模块功能按键单击发送toggle 指令,按键双击发送on 指令,长按发送off 指令二、Zigbee温湿度传感器(Temperature Sensor)1,组网长按FAC_RST按键大于6s,直到LED指示灯闪烁,闪烁3次后模块进入出厂状态,此时可对模块进行组网操作。
2,恢复出厂设置若模块已经加入过网络,长按FAC_RST按键大于6s,直到LED 指示灯闪烁,闪烁3次后模块退网操作成功,恢复到出厂状态3,心跳功能默认心跳时间设置为两小时,心跳内容上传电池电量(支持网关配置电池电量上报周期)4,网络状态维护当父节点丢失会重新找网,第一次找网时间1分钟,如果入网失败则5分钟后重试,再次为30、60、120、360、720分钟,以后一直为720分钟一次,直到加入网络后下次断线又从1分钟开始当有温湿度变化上报时会执行一次找网,断电再上电也会执行一次找网5,模块功能模块默认10s检测一次温湿度传感器值,当检测到温度变化超过0.5℃,模块会上报温湿度数据到网关三、Zigbee门磁传感器(IAS Zone / Contact Switch)1,组网长按FAC_RST按键大于6s,直到LED指示灯闪烁,闪烁3次后模块进入出厂状态,此时可对模块进行组网操作。
Zigbee 开关控制器一,产品参数:输入输出:85-265V 50/60Hz最大负载:250V / 10A无线标准:IEEE 802.15.4外壳材料:V0级阻燃材料外壳尺寸:92.8*44.2*23.6mm二,产品特点:1, 无需购买其他公司Zigbee hub 直接支持亚马逊智能音箱语音配对控制和Alexa App 控制2, 支持接入三星SmartThings hub ,或者其他公司Zigbee HA hub三,可连接电灯,插座,风扇,电机,冰箱,洗衣机,热水器等功率低于2200W 的电器AC 85-265V零线火线四,安装说明(图片在资料中):线径 : 20-12 AWG剥线长度 : 8-10mm接线方法:对准连接器孔径直接插入即可如果是硬电线,可以剥线8-10mm ,然后直接插入火线和零线的孔里,如果是软线可以用VE1008接线端子,软线塞到端子里用斜口钳压几下,也可以用螺丝刀用力按压控制器正面的小孔然后直接把软线塞入火线和零线的孔里。
各类电气设备五,产品配置说明:1,Work with Amazon Alexa(图片在资料中)Echo Plus(model:ZE39KL)Echo Show (2nd Gen) (model:DW84JL)Echo Plus (2nd Gen) (model:L9D29R)操作步骤1)确认Zigbee OnOff Controller红色指示灯处于闪烁状态,如果指示灯常亮,长按侧面按键(控制器侧面小孔),直到指示灯处于闪烁状态或者Zigbee OnOff Controller断电然后上电3-8s,重复五次,此时重新进入配置状态2)Ask, “Alexa, discover my devices."3)等待Zigbee OnOff Controller指示灯常亮,此时设备已经连接到echo plus或者第二代echo show4)Ask, “Alexa, turn off first light." 这样就可以把控制器断开,5)可以使用Amazon Alexa App修改添加group,routines或者修改设备名称比如bedroom light 或者office switch2,Work with Samsung SmartThings hub and Amazon Alexa (图片在资料中)操作步骤1)确认Zigbee OnOff Controller红色指示灯处于闪烁状态,如果指示灯常亮,长按侧面按键(控制器侧面小孔),直到指示灯处于闪烁状态或者Zigbee OnOff Controller断电然后上电3-8s,重复五次,此时重新进入配置状态2)打开SmartThings App添加设备,指示灯常亮,此时设备已经加入SmartThings hub,如果网关不能识别设备类型请参照SmartTings Config.pdf文档3)使用Amazon Alexa App或者网页,Enable SmartThings Skill4)ask, “Alexa, discover my devices."可以将设备加入Amazon Smart Home5)可以使用SmartThings App或者Amazon Alexa App修改添加group,routines或者修改设备名称,bedroom light 或者office switch6)最后可以使用音箱或者Amazon Alexa App,或者SmartThings App控制设备六,SmartThings App和Amazon Alexa App操作说明(添加device,group,routines)1,Amazon Alexa App1)在Alexa App界面右上方点击+号,可以添加设备和group,如下图示,设备列表界面可以控制或者修改设备类型和名称Alexa App设备列表界面2)在Alexa App上的Smart Home主界面可以很方便的操作设备Alexa App Smart Home主界面1)在Alexa App上的Routines界面,可以对一些设备和事件进行设置(比如,Ask, “Alexa, good morning."此时打开卧室灯,打开窗帘等,然后预报天气,交通状况以及待办事项等)Alexa App Routines界面2,SmartThings App1)在SmartThings App设备列表界面右上方点击+号,可以添加或者修改设备SmartThings App设备列表界面2)在SmartThings App上的Smart Home主界面可以加入把常用的设备和场景SmartThings App Smart Home主界面3)在SmartThings App上的Routines界面,可以对一些设备和触发条件进行设置SmartThings App Routines界面。
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介...................................................................................................................1
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. 1
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介
AW516X 系列 ZigBee 无线模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于 NXP JN5168 芯片开 发的低功耗、高性能 ZigBee 模块。工作于标准 ISM 频段(2.4-2.5GHz),完美支持 FastZigBee、 ZLG NET、IEEE802.15.4、JenNet-IP、ZigBee Light Link、ZigBee Smart Energy、RF4CE、 ZigBee-PRO 等协议,可快速应用于工业控制、工业数据采集、农业控制、矿区人员定位、 智能家居,智能遥控器等场合。
Hale Waihona Puke 修订历史版本 V1.00
日期 2016-02-18
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
原因 创建文档
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. i
FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee
Zigbee模块型号:DRF1605H,主要功能:串口(UART)转Zigbee无线数据透明传输(与DRF1605 PIN脚完全兼容,传输距离1.6公里)(模块出厂默认设置为Router,用户可自行切换为Coordiantor)Zigbee模块主要特点自动组网:所有的模块上电即自动组网,网络内模块如掉电,网络具自我修复功能数据传输:通过串口即可在任意节点间进行数据传播:1,数据透明传输:Coordinator从串口收到的数据会自动发给所有的节点;某个节点从串口收到的数据会自动发送给Coordinator;2,指令方式,任意节点间数据传输:数据传输的格式为:0xFD(数据传输命令)+ 0x0A(数据长度)+ 0x73 0x79(目标地址)+ 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x10(数据,共0x0A Bytes)。
简单易用:用户不用考虑ZigBee协议,像使用串口线一样使用无线模块该模块可配合USB底板使用,无需外部供电,USB口供电及数据传输(USB转串口),强烈建议购买DRF1605H Zigbee模块时,购买至少1片USB底板,以便于调试及配置模块。
DRF1605H的管脚间距是标准的2.54或2.54*n,所以可以直接插在万用板上使用,便于开发(PIN 脚与DRF1605完全兼容,下图为DRF1605实拍照片)。
DRF1605H与MCU很方便的连接,全面支持51,ARM,X86,MIPS....等内核MCU,只要MCU有串口即可:Zigbee模块参数输入电压标准:DC 3.3V,范围:2.6V-3.6V温度范围-40℃~85℃净重7.4g串口速率38400bps(默认),可设置9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps无线频率 2.4G(2460MHz),用户可通过串口指令更改频道(2405MHz – 2480MHz,步长:5MHz)无线协议Zigbee2007传输距离可视,开阔,传输距离1600米工作电流发射:120mA(最大),80MA(平均),接收:45mA(最大)待机:40MA(最大)接收灵敏度-110 dBm主芯片CC2530F256,256KFLASH,TI公司最新一代ZigBee SOC芯片可配置节点可配置为Coordinator,Router出厂默认值为:Router,PAN ID=0x199B,频道=22(2460MHz)接口UART 3.3V TX – RX内置RS485方向控制,可直接驱动RS485芯片可直接驱动RS232芯片可直接驱动USB转RS232芯片Zigbee模块引脚定义及尺寸Zigbee模块的组网Zigbee网络通常由三种节点构成:Coordinator:用来创建一个Zigbee网络,并为最初加入网络的节点分配地址,每个Zigbee网络需要且只需要一个Coordinator;Router:也称为Zigbee全功能节点,可以转发数据,起到路由的作用,也可以收发数据,当成一个数据节点,还能保持网络,为后加入的节点分配地址;End Device:终端节点,通常定义为电池供电的低功耗设备,通常只周期性发送数据,不接收数据。
Zigbee简介:Zigbee网络通常由三种节点构成:z协调器(Coordinator):用来创建一个Zigbee网络,并为最初加入网络的节点分配地址,每个Zigbee网络需要且只需要一个Coordinator.z路由器(Router):也称为Zigbee全功能节点,可以转发数据,起到路由的作用,也可以收发数据,当成一个数据节点,还能保持网络,为后加入的节点分配地址.z终端节点(End Device):通常定义为电池供电的低功耗设备,通常只周期性发送数据。
注意:三种Zigbee节点的P ANID在相同的情况下,可以组网并且互相通讯(上电即组网,不需要人为干预)。
这样可以通过P ANID区分zigbee网络,在同一个区域内,可以同时并存多个zigbee网络,互相不会干扰。
管脚定义:z P1.5:休眠键,输入脚,p1.5拉高时,休眠有效。
模块如果是Cornidator、Router 时此脚无效,只有模块是Enddevice时,此脚才有效,如果不需要休眠功能,则此脚与GND连接。
z p1.7:Set键,输入脚,p1.7拉高时候,设置功能有效,平时模块处于数据收发状态时,此引脚应为低电平,具体设置功能见下节z p2.0 网络连接状态灯,输出脚,模块如果是Router或Enddevice时,此按键表明当前模块是否入网,高电平表明入网,低电平表明没有入网。
z p0.2:Rx,与外置MCU的Tx连接z P0.3:Tx,与外置MCU的Rx连接z GND:电源地z VCC:电源3.3V用户在使用时候,可以根据自己需要选择引脚。
1-9 ZigBee单火开关模块使用说明书
![1-9 ZigBee单火开关模块使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d02809b50912a216147929d2.png)
支持两种类型面板:类型1:输出为常闭或常开(普通翘板式面板)类型2:按下闭合,松手断开(回弹式面板)负载类型表(量产版参数待定)负载类型最小负载功率最大负载功率白帜灯/卤素灯20W300WLED灯12W200W萤光灯14W300W节能灯7W200W如果负载功率小于最小负载功率或灯光负载工作异常,请增加功率稳定器配件,功率稳定器使用方法与负载并联使用,接线如下图:技术规格工作电压AC230V50HZ负载类型请参考负载类型表产品尺寸48*46*18mm工作温度负20~40℃工作湿度5-95%无线频率 2.4GHz无线距离模块通信距离100m指示灯状态备注:模块指示灯上电联网后常亮,有控制信号触发闪烁一次APP删除设备后模块进入快闪模式,任意按键(模块复位按键或者按键面板)可以进入联网慢闪模式设备连接与安装警告:为了您的人身安全,请找专业电工安装步骤三A:设备接线(一路灯光)步骤三B:设备接线(两路灯光)步骤四:接通照明电源(请确保线路无短路及接错)步骤五:配置并添加设备●配置设备模块功能a.配置模块开关回路:模块的回路功能切换需要在设备入网之前配置设置完成。
2.4G无线模块WLT2408NZ产品数据手册编号:DSWLT01003 更新日期:2012/04/26 版本:V1.03产品概述WLT2408NZ模块是广州晓网电子出品的WLT系列ZigBee数据传输模块,具备最大8dBm 输出功率,视距传输距离可达500米(@5dbi天线),工作频段2.380GHz~2.500Ghz,除标准ZigBee的16个通道外,还有9个扩展频段,可以有效避开WIFI、蓝牙等其他2.4G信号干扰。
基本参数产品图片输出功率:供电电压:天线接口:数字接口:视距传输距离:功耗:休眠电流工作温度:存储温度:尺寸:-50~+8dBm1.9~3.3VSMA,U.FLUART,GPIO,AD500米@5dbi天线发送峰值电流46.3mA,接收时36.4mA <1uA-40℃至+85℃-40℃至+105℃16×23mm公司简介广州晓网电子科技有限公司是一家专门从事无线通讯方案设计、生产及服务的公司,公司拥有一流的设计团队,运用先进的工作方法,集合无线设计经验,公司拥有业界实用的各种模块,也为客户提供客制化服务。
订货信息WLT2408NZ-S SMA形式天线接头WLT2408NZ-U U.FL形式天线接头WLT2408NZ SDK 无线模块评估板套件,包含两个评估板,搭载的模块为WLT2408NZ-S。
产品命名规则图1-1 产品命名规则例如:WLT2408NZ-S表示晓网电子模块类的产品,频段为2.4GHz,理论输出功率为﹢8dBm(实际输出为﹢7.7dBm),超小封装,调制方式为ZigBee,外置SMA头的模块。
发送: A7 A1 A2 A3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
A7:第一个字节不能是 FE,FD 或 FC A7 A1 A2 A3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10:数据
接收: A7 A1 A2 A3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
(同时 PAN ID 改为默认值:19 9B)
52 6F 75 74 65 3B 00 19
11 FC 00 91 0B CB EB XY
如果是 Coordinator,返回: 43 6F 6F 72 64 69 如果是 Router,返回: 52 6F 75 74 65 72
功能 传输数据到指定地址
返回 无返回 接收端接收到同样的内容,并在最后 增加来源地址(2 Bytes)
需重启? 否
备注: 6, 点对点传输适合于 Zigbee 网络内任何二点之间的数据传输; 7, 接收方知道数据来源的地址(增加最后 2 个字节); 8, 数据包长度最大 36 字节(数据区长度 32 字节); 9, 目标地址 = FF FF,则广播发送,网络内的每一个节点均能收到; 10, Coordinator 的地址永远是 00 00
XX = 11:设定为 Channel 17,频率:2435MHz
00 00 02 00 11
XX = 12:设定为 Channel 18,频率:2440MHz
00 00 04 00 12
XX = 13:设定为 Channel 19,频率:2445MHz
00 00 08 00 13
XX = 14:设定为 Channel 20,频率:2450MHz
Enphase Zigbee 范围测试用户手册说明书
![Enphase Zigbee 范围测试用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9dc36fac162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77d941d.png)
Zigbee Range Test user manual IntroductionThe Enphase Zigbee Range Test allows installers to test the quality of Zigbee RF link between any two locations. If conducted in advance of installing the actual Enphase Energy System equipment, it can ensure that the Zigbee network is properly formed when the equipment is installed and has an acceptable RF link quality. If the Range Test finds that the quality of RF link with selected equipment locations is not sufficient, it prompts the userto rerun the test with a Zigbee Wireless Range Extender (ZWRE). It is a simple procedure which is guided by the Enphase Installer App step by step. An alternative range extension method based on Wired USB Extender (WUE) is also described in the user guide.This user guide should be read along with the following supporting documents:• Designing an Enphase Zigbee network tech brief• Zigbee range extension FAQ• Zigbee Wireless Range Extender data sheet• Zigbee Wireless Range Extender installation guide• Zigbee Wired USB Extender installation guideThe North American version of Zigbee Wireless Range Extender can be purchased here. The user guide is organized as follows:Section I: Ordering & assembling Range Test nodesSection II: Preparing for Range TestSection III: Conducting Range TestSection IV: Range Test pass criteriaSection V: Selecting the right Range ExtenderSection VI: ConclusionsSection I: Ordering and assembling RangeTest nodesTwo Range Test nodes are required to conduct a Range Test. An assembled Range Test note is shown below:Range Test Zigbee Dongle:The NA version of Range Test Zigbee dongle can be bought from Enphase Store: Comms-kit-01. For EMEA, use COMMS-KIT-EU-01. Open the Communications kit enclosure to extract the Range Test Zigbee dongle. The barcode on the Communications kit should be peeled off and placed on the Range Test Zigbee dongle. One Communications kit each is required for each of the two nodes.Stick Velcro on wall at equipment location Attach Range Test nodeon wallUSB Adapter, power bank, and Velcro:Here are the links and quantities needed for two nodes:USB C to USB 3 Adapter: Quantity - 1 (there are two adapters in the package)Power bank: Quantity – 2Velcro: Quantity – 1 sheetRange Test node assembly:Charge the power bank overnight in case it has low charge. Insert the USB C to USB 3 adapter in the USB C power port of the power bank. Insert the Zigbee dongle at the other end of the USB adapter. The blue light in the Zigbee dongle should light up and stay “ON”. Attach Velcro hook to the rear side of the power bank.Section II: Preparing for Range TestAt the site, determine the best location for IQ Gateway (either standalone or inside IQ combiner), IQ System Controller, and IQ Batteries. For good RF quality without range extension, it is recommended that all equipment be installed 40 feet within lineof sight.At the selected locations for equipment, stick a Velcro loop on the wall as shown in the figure below. Range Test node can be attached to the Velcro loop. Please ensure that the Velcro loop is not attached on the surface of an existing metal enclosure as presence of a metal backplane can affect the Range Test results.Section III: Conducting Range TestSelect Range TestSave test dongle serial#’s in Installer App andassign to the two nodesrespectivelyBegin Range TestGo to next stepScan Range Test donglesOverview of Range TestprocessBegin comm betweendongles and phoneover BluetoothNode 2 being configured Select options based onsite specificsBegin Range TestBegin configuration ofnodes 1 and 2Node 1 being configuredRange Test ongoing Range Test failed. Retry if test results marginal,otherwise go to next stepwith ZWREFind location of ZWREPlace node 1 at ZWRE location and node 2 at IQ Gateway location Run Range Test between ZWRE and IQ Gateway Run Range Test between ZWRE and IQ Battery. If test fails considera different ZWRE location,or a Wired USB ExtenderSection IV: Range Test pass criteriaRange Test measures Zigbee RF quality using two metrics. Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and Packet Error Rate (PER). The Transmitter (TX) in each Zigbee device has an ability to transmit RF power at +19dBm or 79mW in North America and +8dBm or 6.3mW in Europe. All devices have a Receiver (RX) sensitivity of -102dBm.The total RF budget is the difference in TX power and RX sensitivity.RF signals attenuate as one goes further from the TX location or if there are any kind of obstruction between the TX and RX. Besides distance and obstructions, there are other sources of errors that affect RF link quality. This includes noise and interference from any transmitter that is emitting RF power close to the same frequency band, people walking by or obstructing objects such as cars, environmental conditions, as well as multipath effects.To account for these sources of errors, the Range Test pass/fail criteria is more stringent than implied by the RX sensitivity of -102dBm. The table below shows the criteria used for passing/failing Range Test.Section V: Selecting the right Range ExtenderRange extension is recommended whenever the Range Test fails. It is very important to select the right Range Extender based on the results of Range Test and specific details of location of equipment at a site. Enphase has considered two types of range extension.Zigbee Wireless Range Extender (ZWRE)Wired USB Extender (WUE)The ZWRE works as a repeater and provides a path for a “hop” between the equipment. Since the “hop” can reduce the effective distance between Zigbee nodes by a factor of 2, ZWRE can be expected to have a theoretical RSSI improvement of ~6dBm. More than one ZWREs is not recommended as there is diminishing return in tradeoff between RSSI improvement and increase in latency.The ZWRE can also be very effective if the direct path between Zigbee nodes has obstructions such as walls, but the ZWRE can provide an alternative path without these obstructions. One example could be sites where the equipment is located on perpendicular walls and do not have line of sight. In these cases, if an appropriate location of ZWRE can be found, then the ZWRE can have a direct line of sight will all the equipment, thereby providing a “hop” with a significantly better RF link quality.In sites where the IQ Gateway is located far from the IQ Batteries and IQ System Controller, the WUE can be very effective. In WUE, a USB over ethernet receive/transmit pair is used to relocate the Communications kit close to location of IQ Batteries.The following steps are recommended during Range Test:Step 1: Perform Range Test during planning/design phase or before installation. If all the equipment is co-located and is within line of sight, range extension is not needed.Step 2: If Step 1 fails, continue Range Test to check suitability of ZWRE.Step 3: If Step 2 fails, repeat Range Test to check suitability of WUE. Use of WUE is recommended if the IQ System Controller and the IQ Batteries are co-located and the IQ Gateway is far from them.Step 4: If Steps 1-3 fail, choose a different equipment location and repeat Range TestSection VI: ConclusionsEnphase Energy System communication between the IQ Gateway, IQ System Controller, and IQ Batteries is based on a high performing Zigbee mesh network. However often extraneous factors such as environmental conditions, other sources of RF noise and changes in sites conditions due to human or vehicular movements are not considered.The Enphase Range Test provides a tool to installers to ensure that equipment is installed with the right method of range extension while accounting for unpredictable site conditions. By ensuring adequate RF link quality, a robust RF network will be formed under all conditions.。
2,PIN 脚及模块尺寸: (顶视图,单位:mm)
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地址:深圳市宝安区宝安大道卡罗大厦 2A 栋 505-506 室
ZigBee 模块用户手册 –DRF 系列
右边 2 个 NC 脚,可用来固定模块。
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地址:深圳市宝安区宝安大道卡罗大厦 2A 栋 505-506 室
ZigBee 模块用户手册 –DRF 系列
1,电气参数: 输入电压 温度范围 串口速率 无线频率 无线协议 传输距离 工作电流 接收灵敏度 主芯片 可配置节点 接口 标准:DC 3.3V,范围:2.6V ~ 3.6V -400C ~ 850C 38400bps(默认) ,可设置 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps 2.4G(2460MHz), 用户可通过串口指令更改频道(2405MHz – 2480MHz,步长: 5MHz) Zigbee2007 可视,开阔, 传输距离 1600 米 (使用 IPEX 外接 2dBm 天线) 可视,开阔, 传输距离 400 米, (使用贴片天线) 发射:120mA(最大) ,80MA(平均) 待机:40MA(最大) -110dBm CC2530F256,256KFLASH,TI 公司最新一代 ZigBee SOC 芯片 可配置为 Coordinator,Router 出厂默认值为:Router,PAN ID=0x199B,频道=22(2460MHz) UART 3.3V TX – RX 内置 RS485 方向控制,可直接驱动 RS485 芯片 可直接驱动 RS232 芯片 可直接驱动 USB 转 RS232 芯片 接收:45mA(最大)
涂鸦智能 Zigbee 网关硬件设计指导手册说明书
![涂鸦智能 Zigbee 网关硬件设计指导手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dfa1c36f4a73f242336c1eb91a37f111f0850d75.png)
无线Zigbee网关硬件设计指导手册网关>免开发方案>无线Zigbee网关方案文档版本:20200618目录目录1产品概述11.1功能 (1)1.2框图 (2)2原理图设计32.1WIFI模块设计 (3)2.2Zigbee模块设计 (6)2.3电源设计 (9)2.4ESD设计 (9)3布局走线设计指导103.1PCB布局参考 (10)3.2天线设计要求 (11)1产品概述TYGWZW-01N是由杭州涂鸦信息技术有限公司开发的一款超小型智能Zigbee网关产品方案。
1.1功能1.1.1WIFI模块•涂鸦WIFI模块WRG1•主芯片瑞昱RTL8711AM,处理器ARM-Coetex M3,主频166MHz•SDRAM2MB,FLASH4MB•WIFI协议802.11b/g/n,HT20/HT40•发射功率:802.11b模式下20dBm•接收灵敏度:802.11b模式下-93dBm•支持WPA/WPA2安全模式•板载天线和外接IPEX天线•封装尺寸19±0.25mm(W)×25.7±0.25mm(L)×3.6±0.2mm(H)1.1.2Zigbee模块•涂鸦ZIGBEE模块TYZS3_NS•主芯片芯科EFR32MG13P732F512GM48-C,处理器ARM Cortex-M4,主频40MHz •RAM64KB,FLASH512KB•Zigbee协议802.15.4•发射功率最大19dBm,常规10dBm•接收灵敏度250Kbps@OQPSK模式下-101dBm•子设备最大连接数:50•支持硬件加密,支持AES128/256•内置板载PCB天线,天线增益2.2dBi•封装尺寸16±0.35mm(W)×24±0.35mm(L)×2.6±0.1mm(H)1.1.3电源•5V/1A输入•MICRO USB电源接口•3.3V LDO为WIFI模块,ZIGBEE模块供电•增加自恢复保险丝预防短路•ESD器件预防静电浪涌1.1.4按键和指示灯•一个功能按键,用于配网和复位•红色指示灯,用于WIFI状态指示•蓝色指示灯,用于ZIGBEE状态指示1.2框图2原理图设计2.1WIFI模块设计WIFI模块WRG1为网关的主机芯片,通过串口与Zigbee模块进行通信,其接口信号如下:引脚序号引脚丝印IO类型功能1GND P电源参考地2SWD_TMS I/O用作JLink烧录脚3E_2I NC4SWD_CLK I/O用作JLink烧录脚5I2C2_SDA I/O NC6I2C2_SCL I/O NC7ADC AI NC8EN P模块使能脚,高电平正常工作,低电平关闭模块,模块内部已经上拉9GND P电源参考地10Rts I/O主机流控发送请求脚,对接Zigbee模块CTS11Rx I/O主机串口接收,对接Zigbee模块TX12Cts I/O主机流控发送允许脚,对接Zigbee模块RTS13Tx I/O主机串口发送,对接Zigbee模块RX引脚序号引脚丝印IO类型功能14C_3I/O GPIOC_3,对接Zigbee模块,预留功能15C_2I/O GPIOC_2,对接Zigbee模块,预留功能16GND P电源参考地17 3.3V P模块的电源引脚(3.3V)18C_1I/O LED2控制脚,WIFI指示灯19C_0I/O LED1控制脚,ZIGBEE指示灯20I2C1_SDA I/O GPIOC_4,预留,可以NC21I2C1_SCL I/O GPIOC_5,预留,可以NC22Log_Tx I/O GPIOB_0,Log Tx,串口打印信息引脚,不能接高电平23Log_Rx I/O GPIOB_1,Log Rx,串口打印信息引脚24I2C3_SCL In GPIOB_2,按键控制引脚•WRG1原理图及引脚分布•WRG1模块输入电源为3.3V,电源输入端增加0.1uF电容。
- Turn off the traditional switch to light the lamps, the wireless switch cannot control the lamps.
Replace the battery
1. Remove switch frame and panel with hand or screwdriver. 2. Remove 4 screws with screwdriver, take off the battery cover; 3. Replace the old battery with the new one, pay attention to the positive and
Input Neutral wire(BU)
Brown wire(BN) Red wire(RD) Blue wire(BU)
Live wire(BN) Output
Neutral wire(BU)
a. The integrated load of the wireless receiver is 1000W.
Based on radio frequency (RF) and energy harvesting technology, wireless switch does neither needs external power supply to control. When pressing the button, the mechanical energy automatically converts into electrical energy. Meanwhile the switch will send out radio signals to control the receiver on/off.
串口线和ZIGBEE连接时对应的点:2口:tx; 3口:rx 5口:GND继电器Vin1连接12伏电源GND2连接地D+5连接智能终端的RS485的左边D-6连接智能终端的RS485的右边使用智能终端的使用:1) 连接电源:PWR:左黑右红,红为5伏电源,黑为底线2)串口线连接PC,进行配置查询:AT+AA_BASE_ADDRESS=1返回结果,0,硬件地址设置地址:AT+AA_BASE_ADDRESS=0,A1108 注意:1108为自己设定的硬件地址(0——F)查询:AT+R_AA_Z_NODE返回结果AT+AA_Z_NODE=C 注:C为协调器设置信道:AT+AA_Z_CHANNEL=11 注:11为自行设定的信道(值为11-26)设组网地址:AT+AA_Z_PAN_ID=1105 注:1105为自行设定的组网地址自此,智能终端设置完成设置ZIGBEE连接电源连接串口线,设置235,黑的是5,黄的是2,绿的是3通过串口线连接PC,进行设置:查询硬件地址:AT+AZ_BASE_ADDRESS=1返回结果0,Z硬件地址设置硬件地址:AT+AZ_BASE_ADDRESS=0,Z1109 注:1109为自行设定的硬件地址(这个地址必须区别于智能终端的硬件地址)设置工作模式:AT+AZ_BASE_WORKMODE=0,2设置为路由器:AT+AZ_Z_NODE=R设置信道:AT+AZ_Z_CHANNEL=11 注:11为上述设置的信道AT+AZ_Z_PAN_ID=1105 注:1105为上述设置的组网地址设置工作模式:AT+AZ_BASE_WORKMODE=0,2将门磁连上:门磁的两头分别连接ZIGBEE的GND和IN两口关于继电器1)继电器就是一个开关2)一个继电器有四对:第一队:AG,A1,A2,;第二队:10,11,12;第三队:13,14,15;第四对:16,17,18。
ZigBee 无线人体红外探测器 使用说明书
![ZigBee 无线人体红外探测器 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69a26a6742323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0fa.png)
4 in 1 Universal Zigbee LED Controller70110009-AFunction introductionImportant: Read All Instructions Prior to Installation • DO NOT install with power applied to device. • DO NOT expose the device to moisture.Safety & WarningsOperation1.Do wiring according to connection diagram correctly.2.This ZigBee device is a wireless receiver that communicates with a variety of ZigBee compatiblesystems. This receiver receives and is controlled by wireless radio signals from the compatible ZigBee system.Note: 1) Directly TouchLink (both not added to a ZigBee network), each device can link with 1 remote. 2) TouchLink after both added to a ZigBee network, each device can link with max. 30 remotes. 3) To control by both hub and remote, add remote and device to hub network first then TouchLink. 4) After TouchLink, the device can be controlled by the linked remotes.Step 1: Remove the device from previous zigbee network if it has already been added to , otherwise pairing will fail . Please refer to the part "Factory Reset Manually ".Step 2: From your ZigBee Controller or hub interface, choose to add lighting device and enter Pairing mode as instructed by the controller.4 modes are available, factory default is RGB+CCT modeLED indicator, stays solid on when power on the controller, turns off after added to a zigbee hub, indicates (same Input VoltageRemarksOutput Current12-48VDCConstant voltageOutput Power Product DataSize(LxWxH)170x59x29mm Ambient Temperature -20℃ ~ +50℃Max. Casing Temperature75℃Max. 8A/CH@12V/24VMax. 6A/CH@36V Max. 4A/CH@48VMax. 96W/CH@12V Max. 192W/CH@24V Max. 216W/CH@36V Max. 192W/CH@48VMax. 20AConnector Current RatingWire Size0.05-3.3mm (12-30AWG)• 4 in 1 universal Zigbee LED controller based on latest ZigBee 3.0 protocol• 4 different device modes DIM , CCT , RGBW and RGB+CCT in 1 controller, and selectable by dial switch • Enables to control ON/OFF, light intensity, color temperature, RGB color of connected LED lights• Can directly pair to a compatible ZigBee remote via Touchlink • Supports self-forming zigbee network without coordinator • Supports find and bind mode to bind a ZigBee remote• Supports zigbee green power and can bind max. 20 zigbee green power switches • Compatible with universal Zigbee gateway or hub products • Compatible with universal Zigbee remotes • Waterproof grade: IP203) Under RGB+CCT mode, RGB channels and tunable white channels are controlled separately, they can not be turned on and controlled at the same time.1) Under RGBW mode, W channel can be turned on through Gateway’s color temperature control interface which will mix RGB channels as 1 channel white and then make color tuning with the 4th channel white. Once turned on, the brightness of white channel will be controlled together with RGB channels.2) Under RGBW mode, W channel can be controlled separately from RGB channels through RGBW zigbee remote or touch panel’s W button, please refer to their manuals.3. Zigbee Network Pairing through Coordinator or Hub (Added to a Zigbee Network )Step 3: power on the device, it will be set into network pairing mode (connected light flashes twice slowly), the network pairing mode will last until the device is added to a zigbee network.4. TouchLink to a Zigbee RemoteStep 1: Method 1: Short press “Prog” button 4 times (or reset power of the device 4 times) to start Touchlink commissioning immediately under any circumstances, 180S timeout, once time out, repeat this step.Method 2: Add the device to a Zigbee network, then it will be set into Touchlink commissioning immediately,5. Removed from a Zigbee Network through Coordinator or Hub Interface From your ZigBee controller or hub interface, choose to delete or resetthe lighting device as instructed. The connected light blinks 3 times to indicate successful reset.6. Factory Reset ManuallyStep 1: Short press “Prog.” key for 5 times continuously or reset power of the device for 5 times continuously if 7. Factory Reset through a Zigbee Remote (Touch Reset)Note : Make sure the device already added to a network, the remote added to the same one or not added to any network..8. Find and Bind Modeto find and bind initiator, please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel manual .Step 3: There shall be indication on the remote or touch panel that it bind the device successfully and can control it then .Step 1: Short press “Prog.” button 3 times (Or reset power of the device (initiator node) 3 times) to start Find and 9. Learning to a Zigbee Green Power SwitchStep 1: Short press “Prog.” button 4 times (Or reset power of the device 4 times) to start Learning to GP switch 10. Delete Learning to a Zigbee Green Power SwitchStep 1: Short press “Prog.” button 3 times (Or reset power of the device 3 times) to start delete Learning to GP switch mode (connected light flashes slowly), 180 seconds timeout, repeat this step.Note : Make sure the device and the remote or touch panel already added to the same Zigbee hub.Note: All configuration parameters will be reset after the device is reset or removed from the network.11. Setup a Zigbee Network & Add Other Devices to the Network (No Coordinator Required)Step 2: Set another device or remote or touch panel into network pairing mode and pair to the network, refer to their manuals .Step 3: Pair more devices and remotes to the network as you would like, refer to their manuals.Step 4: Bind the added devices and remotes through Touchlink so that the devices can be controlled by the remotes, refer to their manuals.Step 1: Short press “Prog.” button 4 times (Or reset power of the device 4 times) to enable the device to setup a Note: 1) Each added device can link and be controlled by max. 30 added remotes. 2) Each added remote can link and control max. 30 added devices.13. OTAThe device supports firmware updating through OTA, and will acquire new firmware from zigbee controller or hub every 10 minutes automatically.12.ZigBee Clusters the device supports are as follows:Input Clusters• 0x0000: Basic • 0x0003: Identify • 0x0004: Groups • 0x0005: Scenes • 0x0006: On/off • 0x0008: Level Control • 0x0300: Color Control • 0x0b05: Diagnostics Output Clusters • 0x0019: OTAProduct Dimension170 mm59 m m29 m mWiring Diagram RGB+CCT ModeNote : please make sure the dial switches are at position for RGB+CCT mode as shown in above diagram.1) When total load of each receiver is not over 20A2) When total load of each receiver is over 20ARGBW Mode1) When total load of each receiver is not over 20ANote : please make sure the dial switches are at position for RGBW mode as shown in above diagram.2) When total load of each receiver is over 20ACCT Mode1) When total load of each receiver is not over 20A2) When total load of each receiver is over 20ANote : please make sure the dial switches are at position for CCT mode as shown in above diagram.DIM Mode1) When total load of each receiver is not over 20ANote : please make sure the dial switches are at position for DIM mode as shown in above diagram.。
ZigBee TM-Pulse Signal DetectorUser ManualPulse Signal DetectorModel:Z801TXBCompatible with ZigBee Home Automation Profile201040210FW V3.1HW V4.3/V4.4Model:Z801TXBSignal1 Signal2 Signal3 Signal4 Signal5 Back View Status(LED1) Network(LED2) GNDBinding Key Battery CompartmentIntroductionNETVOX Z801TXB is a alarm event reporting device.It acts as an end device in the ZigBee Home Automation Profile network.It allows you to attach up to five security zone sensors.When signal from the sensor is detected the device sends a warning message to its enrolled security center(CIE device)in the network to notify the user.To know more about CIE device please consult your supplier.What is ZigBee?ZigBee is a short range wireless transmission technology which defined for a minimum complexity,low power consumption,low data rate,cost effective wireless solution.ZigBee lies in between wireless markup technology and Bluetooth.ZigBee is based on IEEE802.15.4standard,the mutual co-ordination between thousands of sensors to exchange data.Sensor to sensor or node-to-node communication is achieved through relays of control data between devices with only a fraction of energy use which denoted for highly transmission efficiency.Note:Wireless communication,in some real use cases,can be limited by the signal blockage.Please consult your service provider or place of purchase.Product Specification✓IEEE802.15.4compliant✓ 2.4GHz ISM band(total16channels)✓Either5-12V DC power supplied or3V battery powered✓Power consumption:35mA✓Standby consumption:13uA✓Built-in metal antenna✓Transmit up to183meters in radius range@optimum condition✓Simple setup and configurationSetting up the Z801TXB and networkHere are the summarized steps(1)Startup and network association(2)Enroll Z801TXB to a security central(CIE).(4)It is ready to be used.S tep1.Startup and Network AssociationTo allow Z801TXB to function,it must first join to a ZigBee network.When it is givenpowered it will automatically start searching for an existed network.So before you givepower to Z801TXB make sure it is within the wireless coverage distance(~70meters orless)and make sure first you have the permit-join feature enabled either on acoordinator or a router device in the network so that Z801TXB will join to the networkthrough it then give power to Z801TXB and it will join into the network by itself.*On how to enable permit-join please refer to the router or coordinator device user manualNetwork association operation:Step1:Make sure you have opened up permit-join function(valid for60seconds)of acoordinator or a router.Step2:Give power to Z801TXB device(refer to How to power up the device)The device will start to search for the network within reach.Step3:The network status indicator on the Z801TXB will flash5times when it finds thenetwork otherwise the indicator stays unchanged.If it failed to join,press binding key orpower cycle the device for another join attempt.Notes:a.By default the network does not allow any devices to join,it is done this way to preventany potential unauthorized device join attempt.Make sure Z801TXB must be withinthe coverage area.You must enable permit join feature on a router or a coordinatoralready in the network so that Z801TXB is permitted to join when the channel isautomatically searched.b.On how to enable permit-join feature please refer to the coordinator or the router usermanual.How to power up the deviceThe device comes in two types of supplied voltage,3VDC and5VDC.For3VDC device,you will use2AAA size batteries.Open up the battery compartment and insert the battery.For5VDC device,you will use a5VDC power supply connection.Fix the5VDC wire into the +5V connection port.S tep2.Automatic Zone Registration(enrollment)Soon after the network join,the next step is to enroll itself into security system to validatezone alarm feature to report an event.10seconds following successful network join,thedevice will do auto registration to CIE system.So make sure you have at least oneavailable CIE device in the network.Operation:If CIE device registration is successful,it flashes6times.If any of the5signals failed to enroll,it flashes2times.Applying manual enrollment when automatic enrolment failed:Short press binding key forthe status indicator flashes once.The enrollment process will start.Assigning Z801TXB to a preferred CIE systemZ801TXB can be manually enrolled to a preferred CIE device via external applicationsoftware such as Netvox’s ZiG-BUTLER PC based software or any other3rd party device.For ZiG-BUTLER user,please refer to ZiG-BUTLER section in this manual.If registration is successful,it flashes6times.If registration table is full and unable to enroll,it flashes4times.If CIE is not existed and failed to enroll,it flashes2times .How to useWhen the device has successfully joined to the network and has enrolled to a CIE device, the device is ready to be used.When Z801TXB detects signal from the sensor head or heads,it will trigger an event reporting message to the CIE device for a corresponding alarm to notify the user.Overcoming a sleeping deviceThe Z801TXB is a battery powered device and is designed to quickly enter sleep mode when idle to save power.Sometimes during system setup you would want to retrieve information(i.e.IEEE address,short address)from the device so you need to press key to allow the device to enter wake mode to stay connected.Operation:Hold press binding key for3seconds status indicator flashes once and network indicator flashes5times.The device should automatically announce information to the air.The device would stay awake for a while but short.Restore to factory settingZ801TXB is capable of storing and saving includes network routing information.If you wish to remove Z801TXB from the network,you would need to clear it to join to a new network by simply reset the device to restore to the factory setting.Operation:1.Remove the power then hold on to the binding key.Note:make sure that the power is fully drained:leave the power out for30seconds or press the binding key twice for fast power release.2.Press and hold the binding key and then give power to Z801TXB.Release the key.You will see the status LED flashes quickly indicating restore to factory setting is successful.Now if you wish Z801TXB to join to a new network please power cycle the device again to put the device into search for a network mode(refer to network association in this manual).Battery disposalThis device uses AAA size battery.When the battery is bellowing2.4V DC,the device will not work and the status indicator will steadily flash to notify the user to replace it.Warning:Do not cast battery into the fire.The battery may be explosive and may cause injuries.InstallationSensor connectionConnect the sensor cable into the signal input ports.One sensor to one signal port configuration.Also connect the sensor’s negative cable to the common ground port.Since Z801TXB can be triggered by signal change,Z801TXB sensor selection must be those that give either open or close circuit configuration.You may program the device so that it may trigger either by an open or a close state of the sensor at the time of device factory default.Operation:To program Z801TXB to trigger the alarm by a close circuit sensor type:1.Restored the device to factory default setting.(Refer to restore device to factory setting section in this manual)2.Select a preferred S port and leave it as an open circuit.3.Then power cycle the device.The device regards open circuit as a normal status and therefore will not trigger the alarm.To program Z801TXB to trigger the alarm by an open circuit sensor type:1.Restored the device to factory default setting.(Refer to restore device to factory setting section in this manual)2.Select a preferred S port and connect the sensor in such a way that it is a close circuit.3.Then power cycle the device.The device regards a short circuit as a normal status and therefore will not trigger the alarm.Potential Device CustomizingDepends on which two model of Z801TXB purchased.It comes with either3or5sensor connection ports.To specify ZigBee zone type given in HA Profile for your needs,at your next purchase order Netvox offers to re-write the zone type for each of these ports.Write to us and list out which S port to be which of the12available HA Profile zone types in the table bellow.Note that if you have only3ports then you are only to have3zone types. One zone type per each port.Same thing goes to5ports Z801TXB.0x00:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_STANDARD_CIE=0x0000,0x01:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_MOTION_SENSOR=0x000D,0x02:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_CONTACT_SWITCH=0x0015,0x03:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_FIRE_SENSOR=0x0028,0x04:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_WATER_SENSOR=0x002A,0x05:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_GAS_SENSOR=0x002B,0x06:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_PERSONAL_EMERGENCY_DEVICE=0x002C, 0x07:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_VIBRATION_MOVEMENT_SENSOR=0x002D, 0x08:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL=0x010F,0x09:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_KEY_FOB=0x0115,0x0A:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_KEYPAD=0x021D,0x0B:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_STANDARD_WARNING_DEVICE=0x0225By default,all the ports are shipped as0x02:EMBER_ZCL_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_CONTACT_SWITCH=0x0015Clusters of Home Automation for Z801TXBHome Automation device feature is defined by the endpoint which contains functional clusters.Table1lists clusters for the endpoint of Z801TXB1)End Point(s):0x01、0x02、0x03、0x04、0x052)Device ID:IAS Zone(0x0402)3)EndPoint Cluster IDCluster ID for Z801TXBServer side Client sideEP:0x01(Device ID:0x0402)IAS Zone(0x0500)None Basic(0x0000)Identify(0x0003)OptionalPower configuration(0x0001)None Attributes of the Basic InformationIdentifier Name Type RangeAccess Default Mandatory/Optional0x0000ZCLVersion Unsigned8-bitinteger 0x00–0xffReadonly0x03M0x0001ApplicationVersion Unsigned8-bitinteger 0x00–0xffReadonly0x1F O0x0002StackVersion Unsigned8-bitinteger 0x00–0xffReadonly0x2F O0x0003HWVersion Unsigned8-bitinteger 0x00–0xffReadonly0x2B O0x0004ManufacturerName Characterstring0–32bytesReadonlynetvox O0x0005ModelIdentifier Character0–32Read Z801TXBE3E OIdentifier Name Type RangeAccess Default Mandatory/Optional string bytes only D0x0006DateCode Characterstring 0–16bytesReadonly20140210O0x0007PowerSource8-bitEnumeration 0x00–0xffReadonly03M0x0010LocationDescription Characterstring0–16bytesRead/write--------O0x0011PhysicalEnvironment8-bitEnumeration0x00–0xffRead/write0x00O0x0012DeviceEnabled Boolean0x00–0x01Read/write0x01MImportant Maintenance InstructionsAs the device is not water proof it is recommended to keep the device in a dry place. Liquid and heavy moisture contains minerals that may oxidize the electronic circuitry.In case of liquid spill,please leave the device to completely dry before storing or using.∙Do not use or store the device in a dusty area.Dust may cause electronic parts to destroy.∙Do not use or store the device in an over heated place.Store in a hotter temperature than the suggested maximum temperature may shorten the life span of the device;and may damage the battery and causing the housing to deform.∙Do not use or store the device in a very cold place than the suggested minimum temperature.The water can be condensed inside the device when moving to an area that is higher in temperature.This can severely damage the PCB board and circuitry.This may shorten the life span of the device;damage the battery and cause the housing to deform.∙Do not throw or strongly vibrate the device.This may damage connectivity of the electronic parts and other sensitive components on the PCB board.∙Do not use any strong chemical or washing to cleanse the device.∙Do not use any coloring materials on any removable parts which my cause poor connections and may keep the device from function properly.All the above applies to the purchased products,battery and other packaged items.If any unusable or damaged items are found please return the product to your nearest authorized repairing center.。
Nordtronic Zigbee Wireless Switch说明书
![Nordtronic Zigbee Wireless Switch说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5609dcd1dc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb760b3879.png)
Zigbee98426061 06-2020Find the updated manual on our website - With reservation for typing errorsNor d tronic A/S | Fla d e Engvej 4 | DK - 9900 Fre d erikshavn | Denmark | CVR: 29808708 | Tel: +45 70209531 | www.nor dOperation1. T his Zigbee RGB+CCT remote is a wireless transmitter that communicates with a variety of Zigbee compatible systems. This transmitter sends wireless radio signals that are used to remotely control a compatible system.2. T his Zigbee remote supports 1 group for binding max. 30 light-ing devices and enables to control both RGB and CCT Zigbee lighting devices.3. Touchlink to a Zigbee lighting device.ON/OFF button, click to turn ON/OFF all, press and hold down to search and pair to Zigbee network or factory reset the switchNote 1: T ouchlink each remote can link with 30 devices Note 2: A fter Touchlink, the remote can control the linkedlighting devicesNote: This remote supports 1 group for binding max. 30 lighting devices.Front sideBack sidePress and hold Immediately the device and the light connected to the device will blink twiceclick to get 100% WW, 100% CW one by oneCR2430 battery›››››56 mmRoHS4. Reset factory settings manuallyStep 1:tor turns onNote: All configuration parameters will be reset after the remote is reset or removed from the network.Immediately98426061 06-2020Find the updated manual on our website - With reservation for typing errorsNor d tronic A/S | Fla d e Engvej 4 | DK - 9900 Fre d erikshavn | Denmark | CVR: 29808708 | Tel: +45 70209531 | www.nor dZigbeeNote: Each remote can bind max. 30 lighting devices.5. Remove a Touchlink paired Zigbee lighting device10. S etup a network and add devices to the network(No coordinator or Hub Required)11. How to check whether the remote belongs to a network or not12. Battery power monitor functionThe remote will report battery power value to the coordinator under following situations:6. Factory reset a lighting device (Touch reset)7. Find and bind a Zigbee lighting device8. Find and unbind a Zigbee lighting device9. Clear all find and bind mode paired lighting devicesStep 1: bind mode on the(initiator node) and enable it to find and manualStep 1: bind mode on the(initiator node) and enable it to find and manualStep 6: Add more remotes to the network as you would like.Step 7: Factory reset the lighting devices that you would like to add to the network, refer to their manuals.Step 8: Touchlink to pair the added remotes and lighting devices you would like to add, the devices will be added to the network through Touchlink, refer to their manuals.Short press any button, indicator blinking means the remote has already been added to a network. No blinking of indicator means the remote does not belong to any network.• When powered on.• When short pressing down both brightness button and RGB button simultaneously.• When operating the switch to send data packets (over 4 hours since last operation).• When added to the network by a coordinator.Step 2: tor turns onStep 2: tor turns onStep 1: tor turns onLED indicator turns onPress and hold Short press Press and hold Short press 5 Immediately Set another Immediately RoHS。
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2,机械参数 (顶视图,单位:mm)
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地址:深圳市宝安区宝安大道卡罗大厦 2A 栋 505-506 室
ZigBee 模块用户手册 –DRF 系列
3,内部结构及管脚: (顶视图)
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地址:深圳市宝安区宝安大道卡罗大厦 2A 栋 505-506 室
ZigBee 模块用户手册 –DRF 系列
1,电气参数: 输入电压 温度范围 串口速率 无线频率 无线协议 传输距离 工作电流 接收灵敏度 主芯片 可配置节点 接口 标准:DC 3.3V,范围:2.6V ~ 3.6V -400C ~ 850C 38400bps(默认) ,可设置 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps 2.4G(2460MHz), 用户可通过串口指令更改频道(2405MHz – 2480MHz,步长: 5MHz) Zigbee2007 可视,开阔, 传输距离 1600 米 发射:120mA(最大) ,80MA(平均) 待机:40MA(最大) -110dBm CC2530F256,256KFLASH,TI 公司最新一代 ZigBee SOC 芯片 可配置为 Coordinator,Router 出厂默认值为:Router,PAN ID=0x199B,频道=22(2460MHz) UART 3.3V TX – RX 内置 RS485 方向控制,可直接驱动 RS485 芯片 可直接驱动 RS232 芯片 可直接驱动 USB 转 RS232 芯片 接收:45mA(最大)
ZigBee 模块用户手册 –DRF 系列
5,连接 DRF1605H 与 DRF1605 的管脚完全兼容,可连接至 USB 底板,RS485 底板,RS232 底板。 客户无需更改任何设计,直接可以使用 DRF1605H 替换 DRF1605
与 RS232 底板配合使用
与 RS485 底板配合使用
与 USB 底板配合使用
第 3 页 共 3 页
地址:深圳市宝安区宝安大道卡罗大厦 2A 栋