AP 世界历史essay(1)

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Thesis: European colonizers used military power, diseases, and drugs to colonize and bring influences on economy, culture, and politics to America, Africa, and Asia although colonization also brought some drawbacks to colonizers.

Primary sources:

1.Qing Empire, Qing government. Treaty of Nanking. 1842

2.United States, Congress. Declaration of Independence.July 1776.

3.Smith, Mary F. Baba of Karo: A Woman of the Muslim Hausa. Philosophical Library, 1955.

4.Paine, Thomas. Common Sense.W.and T. Bradford,1791.

Secondary sources:

1.Ye ,Shan. “Colonization in North America/ How Europeans manage their colonies?”The Paper,26 Nov.2016,/newsDetail_forward_1528837

2. Canisius, Edgar. A Campaign Amongst Cannibals. R.A.Everett&Co.,190


European colonizers used military power, diseases, and drugs to colonize and bring influences on economy, culture, and politics to America, Africa, and Asia although colonization also brought some drawbacks to colonizers.

In the fifteenth century, after Columbus found the New World, many countries in Europe started to build colonies in American Continent because of abundant natural resources and labour forces. Due to the development of technology, Europeans easily defeated the indigenous people by using guns.Francisco Pizarro leaded only about 180 people to easily conquest Inka Empire in Peru. Moreover, the people in New World didn’t have immunity of diseases, which was possessed by people in Europe. This provided Europeans an advantage to conquer local tribes.

During the process of building colonies, Europeans brought many influences to local people. In economies, colonizers started enslave Amerindians to mine gold and silver, which were abundant in Peru and Mexico. Moreover, colonizers built plantation in Brazil to plant sugar, which was regarded as a kind of precious good in that time. Colonizers gained huge profits by sending these metals back to their homeland and Asia to exchange other goods like porcelain. Colonizers also got profit by selling sugar to their homeland .This provided the finance for the industrial revolution later. In fact, officials who were sent to colony grab the most of benefits.Tomei Sousa, the first governor in Brazil,built the city in Bahia and started the control of the colony. As he didn’t find precious metals in Brazil, he introduced the plantation like sugar in Brazil and made it a plantation later. In culture, the colonizers from Europe brought Christianity to America. More and more churches began to appear on the lands of colonies. Although local people tried to maintain their traditions and continued their beliefs and practices, under the baptism of Christianity and the utilization of encomienda, they finally blended their culture with Christianity.
