PIP #: TR-PI-105Applicable to:GC35PROGRAMMING PLANT AIR LINE PRESSURE CONTROL ON THE GC35 INDICATING PRESSURE TRANSMITTERThe GC35 Digital Pressure Transmitter is compact and flexible with many usages. It can be easily programmed to monitor and control plant air line pressure. The GC 35 can be acquired with many different ranges but for this application a transmitter with 0 to 150 psi range shall be selected, 4-20 mA analog output, and one switch PNP.Figure 1 - GC35 Pressure TransmitterPlant Line Compressor Pressure Control Example:This example demonstrates the control of a plant air line compressor application with a full loaddischarge pressure of 100 psi and an unload discharge pressure of 110 psig by controlling the 4-20 mA output signal with a programmable regulator. Also, to shut down the compressor and activate an audible warning alarm if line pressure exceeds 115 psi by using an external relay normally opened to turn on the audible alarm and normally closed to shut down the compressor.Figure 2 – GC35 Pressure Transducer Installation ExampleInstallation:Connect transmitter, analog output, compressor shutdown and audible warning buzzer switches per application, diagrams below and manual instructions.Figure 3 – GC35 Pressure Transducer WiringFigure 4 – GC35 Pressure Transducer Switch and Analog Output WiringCOMPRESSED AIRPlant Line Compressor Pressure Control Settings Method:Procedure to program the GC35 transmitter to control plant air line pressure. Offset analog output from 0 psi to 100 psi. That, is 66.7 % of full range corresponding to 100 psi (4 mA). Scale down the upper range from 150 psi to 110 psi. 73.3% of full scale is equivalent to 110 psi (20 mA). Subsequently, set switches set point and dead bands.GC35 Transmitter Function Setting Method:∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to walk through the menu.∙ Continue to step-1 after power-on message.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return tomeasuring mode.Step 1∙ CAP To select hysteresis (HYS) or Window comparator (yin). ∙ Select HYS to control analog output. ∙ Press UP or Down arrow to display HYS.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ oPC To select switch type (NPN or PNP).∙ It is a matter of preference. PNP switch shall be used for thisapplication.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to display PNP.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ FiL To enter filter selection. Filter selection, there are five filterselections (F1 to F5).∙ Use the filter function to improve analog output and difficult to readdisplay if pressure oscillates.∙ Press UP or Down arrow until F1 is displayed (pressure fluctuation isnot anticipated).∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ ECo To turn ON or OFF power saver.∙ Press Up or Down arrow until EoF is displayed (power saver off). ∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ LrG To select ring LED light. There are two options Lr0 to turn off ringlight or Lr1 to turn on ring light.∙ Press Up or Down arrow until Lr1 is display.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 6∙ Uni To select units (arbitrary or psi).∙ Press Up or Down arrow until PSI is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 7∙ A-L To enter analog output zero reference corresponding to 4 mA. ∙ The operational range is from 100 to 110 psi. Therefore, set 100 psias the zero reference 4 mA analog output (66.7% of full range). ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 66.7 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 8∙ A-H To enter span analog output reference corresponding to 20 mA. ∙ The operational range is from 100 to 110 psi. Therefore, set 110 psias the span 20 mA analog output (73.3% of full range). ∙ Press UP or Down arrow until 73.3 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.GC35 Transmitter Switch Set Point and Dead Band Settings Method:∙ Press and hold MODE button less than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to move to the next step.∙ Continue to step-1 after once in program mode.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return to measuring mode.Step 1∙ US1 To select in use (USE) or not in use (noU).∙ Press UP or Down until USE is displayed to configure output switch. ∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ A1 To enter output 1 switch set point. ∙ Set switch to change state at 115 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 115.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ B1 To enter dead band.∙ Set 5 psi dead band to deactivate at 110 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 5.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ On1 To delay switch turn on.∙ Delay switch turn on shall not be used for this application. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ OF1 To delay switch turn off.∙ Delay switch turn off shall not be used for this application. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 6∙ SAv To save set point, dead band, and on/off time delay. ∙Set point, dead band, and on/off time delay can be stored onstorage S-1 or S-2 (save set point, dead band, and on/off time delay on S1).∙ Press UP or Down arrow until S-1 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step7∙Lod To load set point, dead band, and on/off time delay.∙Load set point, dead band, and on/off time delay can store onstorage L-1 or L-2 (load set point, dead band, and on/off timedelayonL1).∙Press UP or Down arrow until L-1 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step8∙LoP Loop check mode allows program and analog output verificationwith the transmitter pressurized or non-pressurized. It simulates theprocess and allows for troubleshooting.∙Press Up or Down arrow to simulate pressure values.∙After verification press and hold MODE button for more than threeseconds to return to measuring mode.Function Verification:The GC35 loop-check allows program, switch and analog output verification with the transmitterpressurized or non-pressurized.Analog Output Test:Confirm analog output wiring per figure 3 and 4 diagrams or installation and maintenance instructions.Analog output can be tested during loop check mode or measurement mode. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressure to test the analog output (see results below for reference).∙Connect amp-meter per manual instructionsor diagram above.∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 100.0 isdisplayed or apply 100 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (4.00 mA).∙100 psi corresponds to 0% FS analog signal(4 mA at 100 psi).Switching Verification:Ensure switch wiring per figure 3 and 4 diagrams or installation & maintenance instructions. Switch verification can be tested during measurement mode or loop check. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressures (see results below for reference).∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 105.0 isdisplayed or apply 105 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (12.00 mA).∙105 psi corresponds to 50% FS analog signal(12 mA at 105 psi).∙Press the Up arrow until 110.0 is displayedor apply 110 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (20.0 mA).∙110 psi corresponds to 100% FS analogsignal (20 mA at 110 psi).∙ A 290 ohms resistor shall be use as theswitch load to verify switch. Wire switch permanual instructions or figure above.∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 100.0 isdisplayed or apply 100 psi.∙Switch is in normal state (OFF)∙Place voltmeter leads across resistor and verify voltage reading (0 V dc).∙Press the Up arrow until 115.0 is displayed or increase pressure up to 115 psi.∙Switch turns ON.∙Verify voltmeter reading (28 VDC).∙External relay energizes.∙Relay normally closed switch opens - compressor shuts down.∙Relay normally open closes - audible alarm turns ON.∙Press the Down arrow until 110.0 is displayed or decrease pressure to 110 psi. ∙Verify voltage reading (0 V dc).∙Switch changes to normal state (OFF).。
网址: 西人马联合测控( 泉州 )科技有限公司电话:400-678-5081Model:TYZV26产品号工作压力TYZV26-500-000-230TYZV26-1000-000-230TYZV26-2500-000-230TYZV26-5000-000-210TYZV26-5000-000-230TYZV26-7500-000-210TYZV26-7500-000-230TYZV26-10-000-010TYZV26-10-000-0301、综合精度包括在25℃下测试的压力非线性、压力迟滞和重复性。
-500~500 Pa d-1000~1000 Pa d -2500~2500 Pa d 0 ~ 5 kPa d -5~5 kPa d0 ~7.5 kPa d-7.5 ~7.5 kPa d 0~10 kPa d-10~10 kPa d ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS ±0.25%FS±2%FS ±2%FS ±2%FS ±1%FS ±1%FS ±1%FS ±1%FS ±1%FS ±1%FS±0.5%FS ±0.5%FS ±0.5%FS±0.35%FS ±0.35%FS ±0.35%FS ±0.35%FS ±0.35%FS ±0.35%FS -20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃-20℃~85℃长期稳定性3总误差带2综合精度1温度补偿其他TYZV26工作介质工作温度存储温度非导电气体和非导电液体-40℃~+85℃-40~+125℃零位输出满量程输出输出响应时间输出分辨率输出分辨率0.49V 3.99V I 2C0.03%FS 16位0.5V 4VI 2C1ms0.51V 4.01V I 2C2msSize(Unit: mm)产品特性自带校准及温度补偿 模拟数字双输出用于呼吸机、麻醉机、制氧机和其它体外诊断设备,也可用于HVAC针脚定义1234接地端电源端SDA SCL 引脚5678N/C输出端N/C N/C 引脚定义定义。
Rolls-Royce 连续气动压力监测系统 - CPM 系统说明书
Cylinder Pressure Monitoring (CPM) For peak performance and improved reliabilityOptimizing equipment reliability and lifecycle costs are key requirements for operating a power plant profitably. That’s why, in addition to developing new products that meet improved performance targets, we also focus on optimizing the performance of our legacy equipment operating in the field-generator sets that are built to run for decades. For you that means continuous improvements, and genuine confidence that your equipment will always achieve its full potential.Available for all medium speed gas engines from Rolls-Royce, the continuous cylinder pressure monitoring (CPM) system stabilizes engine performance, significantly improving its reliability while also protecting it from excessive stress. The Otto-cycle combustion process used in medium speed gas engines allows for minor variance in firing pressures without any noticeable consequences for the operation. However, optimizing the engine’s combustion pressure levels with CPM results in exceptionally smooth and stable operation. This is achieved through continuous alignment of the combustion pressures thanks to an automatic monitoring and adjustment process.A wide range of real-time combustion data iscontinuously monitored by sensors installed in each combustion chamber. This data is analysed and used as a basis for optimization, including adjustment of the ignition angle, to ensure automatic alignment of firing pressures across all cylinders. As a result,Improve equipment reliability by aligning cylinder pressures Protect your equipment and reducelifecycle costsequipment efficiency and fuel consumption are optimized. Operational experience with CPM has shown a reduction in fuel consumption of up to 2% depending on the current tuning of the engine. Smoother operation increases overall equipment safety and component life. And protecting it from excessive vibrations due to misfiring, knocking and mechanical or thermal overload helps improve its reliability while reducing unscheduled stops.As a result of the stabilized combustion pressures, emissions are contained at the design level. Emissions and efficiency can be further optimized with an automatic NOx control upgrade (if not already fitted) available for gas engines.In addition to the peak firing pressure control, CPM also includes the following protection and monitoring functions:• High pressure detection • Knock detection • Misfire detection• Detection of thermal overload in cylinders • Condition monitoring of the cylindersAll the above functions are shown on the CPM touch screen with an indication of the affected cylinder(s).An intelligent system for smootherengine operationApplicable installationsOperation and maintenanceAll CPM system alarms are displayed on the CPM touch screen, and can also be integrated in the plant’s SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition).As the CPM is an automated system, special attention is not necessary to keep it functioning properly. To ensure prompt detection of performance issues or other irregularities requiring attention, a simple daily monitoring routine is all that’s required.The intelligent system simplifies daily operation and provides increased visibility into the condition of the systems combustion components, helping you time service activities appropriately and avoid unscheduled stops.By measuring all cylinder pressures simultaneously, CPM enables the engine tuning process to be completed more quickly after service, reducing plant downtime significantly.In addition to normal spread variance in firing pressure, increased instability comes from several other factors. Over time, minor drifting of gas valves, spark plugs, pre-chamber valves and other combustion components may occur.Additionally, the manual demands of traditional measurement of cylinder pressure, when combined with any deviation from original factory settings, will affect the engine’s performance and stability.Manual ignition tuning is generally done after every main overhaul, whereas CPM continuously makes the adjustments automatically, in parallel on all cylinders, ensuring a more accurate result.© Bergen Engines AS 2017The information in this document is the property of Bergen Engines AS and may not be copied, or communicated to a third party, or used, for any purpose other than for which it is supplied without the expressed written consent of Bergen Engines AS.Bergen Engines ASA Rolls-Royce Power Systems CompanyPO Box 329 Sentrum, N-5804 Bergen, Norway /bergen ******************************。
SICK, Inc. 高温应用下压力传感器和开关安装指南说明书
Extend Pressure Measurement into High Temperature ApplicationsIntroductionMeasurement of pressure plays a central role in many areas of a plant, in the manufacturing industry, in machine tooling, in process engineering, and in the manufacture and processing of food andbeverages. Pressure measurement in industrial applications typically occurs with the help of pressure transmitters and switches. Pressure transmitters deliver a continuous current or voltage signal proportional to the pressure applied. Pressure switches are used to monitor pressure. Electronic pressure switches are characterized by their digital switching outputs, which are activated or deactivated when the defined, programmable threshold levels have been reached.Monitoring, measuring, and controlling pressure can be tricky if the process temperature exceeds the limits of the pressure instrumentation, such as pressure transmitters and switches. It is possible to obtain an accurate pressure measurement using standard pressure transmitters in these high temperature applications. The trick is to ensure that the process is cooled before reaching the pressure measuring device.There are generally two different methods used to protect the pressure transmitter and/or the pressure switch from high temperatures. These two proven methods are done through the use of coolingelements and standoff piping. Provided below are guidelines on how to protect the pressure devices from extreme temperatures using cooling elements and standoff piping.Cooling ElementsA cooling element is an accessory that puts some distance between the transmitter and the heat of the process. There are often times “fins” that allow for air circulation for betterheat dissipation. Cooling elements are designed to cool the process to a temperature that is within the specifications of the pressure transmitter.Cooling elements are a great way to protect the transmitter from high temperature processes. Cooling elements act as a heat sink, which cools the process before it reaches the transmitter.Cooling elements can extend the maximum process temperature of pressure transmitters from 185 °F (85 °C) up to 392 °F (200 °C).Figure 1: Cooling element.Figure 2: Cooling element attached to PBS Pressure Transmitter, Switch, and Display.Cooling elements from SICK provide heat protection as shown in the tables below. For the PBS electronic pressure switch, pressure transmitter and display; cooling elements can protect within the following guidelines:Chart 1: Temperature range of PBS pressure transmitter, switch, and display when installed with a cooling element (°F).PBS maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 185 °F.For the PBS electronic pressure switch, pressure transmitter and display; cooling elements can protect within the following guidelines:Chart 2: Temperature range of PBS pressure transmitter, switch, and display when installed with a cooling element (°C).PBS maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 85 °C.Chart 3: Temperature range of PFT pressure transmitter when installed with a cooling element (°F).PFT maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 212 °F.For the PFT pressure transmitter; cooling elements can protect within the following guidelines:Chart 4:Temperature range of PFT pressure transmitter when installed with a cooling element (°C).PFT maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 100 °C.Chart 5: Temperature range of PBT pressure transmitter when installed with a cooling element (°F).PBT maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 176 °F.For the PBT pressure transmitter; cooling elements can protect within the following guidelines:Chart 6: Temperature range of PBT pressure transmitter when installed with a cooling element (°C).PBT maximum process temperature when installed without a cooling element is 80 °C.If cooling elements do not provide enough cooling to meet the application, standoff piping / impulse lines may be used.Standoff PipingUsing standoff piping (otherwise known as impulse lines) cools the process before it comes in contact with the pressure transmitter. Standoff piping may also allow the user to relocate the transmitter to a more convenient location for maintenance.Impulse line lengths are calculated using a general rule of thumb. For every 100 °F that the temperature needs to drop, users need to have 1 foot of impulse lines. For instance the maximum process temperature specification of the PBS pressure transmitter, switch, and display is 185 ° F (85 °C). If the process temperature is 585 °F, the process would have to be cooled 400 °F to be within the transmitter specification (585 - 185 = 400). Where 585 is the process temperature in °F, 180 is the maximum process temperature of the PBS, and 400 is the decrease in the temperate required for the transmitter. Dropping the process temperature by 400 °F is easily done using a minimum of 4 feet of impulse lines. This is a general rule of thumb, assuming a 68 °F (20 °C) ambient temperature. For higher ambient temperatures, longer impulse lines are required. For lower ambient temperatures, shorter impulse lines are required. Also, most users add a little more pipe length for added peace of mind.If the impulse lines are too long, other problems may present themselves:•Damping of the pressure signal•Blockage of the pressure signal•Leakage at couplingsTherefore, a balance between just long enough and too long must be achieved. Piping diameters should be as follows:Type of measured fluidImpulse Line Length0-52.5 ft (0-16 m) 52.5-148 ft (16-45 m) 148-295 ft (45-90 m)Water/steam and dryair/gas0.27-0.35 in (7-9 mm) 0.4 in (10 mm) 0.51 in (13 mm) Wet air/wet gas 0.51 in (13 mm) 0.51 in (13 mm) 0.51 in (13 mm) Oils of low mediumviscosity0.51 in (13 mm) 0.75 in (19 mm) 0.98 in (25 mm) Very dirty fluids 0.98 in (25 mm) 0.98 in (25 mm) 1.50 in (38 mm)Table 1: Impulse line diameters from ISO2186:1973Type of metered fluid Impulse Line Length0-52.5 ft (0-16 m) 52.5-148 ft (16-45 m) Water/steam and dry air/gas0.27-0.35 in (7-9 mm) 0.4 in (10 mm) Wet air/wet gas 0.51 in (13 mm) 0.51 in (13 mm) Oils of low medium viscosity0.51 in (13 mm) 0.75 in (19 mm) Very dirty fluids0.98 in (25 mm)0.98 in (25 mm)Table 2: Impulse line diameters from ISO/CD 2186:2004Gas ApplicationsMount hardware upward to allow moisture to drain out and not fill the impulse piping:• Slope impulse piping at least one inch per foot(8 centimeters per meter) downward from the transmitter toward the process connection.Liquid ApplicationsMount hardware downward to allow the escape of trapped vapor in the impulse piping:• Slope impulse piping at least one inch per foot(8 centimeters per meter) upward from the transmitter toward the process connection. • Vent all gas from the liquid piping legs.• Prevent sediment deposits in the impulse piping.ConclusionThere are generally two different methods used to protect the pressure transmitter and/or the pressure switch from high temperatures. These two proven methods are cooling elements and standoff piping. Some of the time a combination of both methods is used to give the engineer added peace of mind. By using either method, a standard pressure transmitter and/or pressure switch may be used in high temperature applications.Figure 4: Mounting hardware for liquid applications.Figure 3: Mounting hardware for gas applications.。
维萨拉 DRYCAP 传感器技术系列产品说明书
无论您的应用范围是什么,您都会从维萨拉产品组合中找到适合的露点仪。所有维 萨拉传感器均能耐受污染物,如水溅、环境湿度、压缩机油和化学杂质。
Optimal measurement range for each product
手Ha持nd式-露he点ld和de温w度p仪oi表nt and temperature meter
参考编号 B212711ZH-A ©Vaisala 2023
维萨拉是一家环境和测量技术领域的设备生产商。凭借将近 90 年的经验,维萨拉为世界更美好而进行观测。我们是客户的可靠合 作伙伴,能够提供观测和测量产品及服务。维萨拉总部位于芬兰,在全球拥有超过 2,000 名专业人员,公司在纳斯达克赫尔辛基证 券交易所上市。
• 维萨拉第一台将露点和压力测量 相结合的变送器
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威卡(WIKA)F2822型拉 压力传感器操作说明说明书
拉/压力传感器(轮辐式),F2822型示例:型号F28222A D P R 1X 914113.01 07/2021 C N威卡(WIKA )操作说明,F2822型© 07/2021 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG 保留所有权利。
WIKA ®是威卡(WIKA )在各个国家的注册商标。
在开始任何工作之前,请仔细阅读操作说明!请妥善保管以备后用!型号F2822操作说明页码 3 - 203威卡(WIKA )操作说明,F2822型A D P R 1X 914113.01 07/2021 C N目录1. 一般信息 42. 设计与功能 52.1 型号F2822概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.2 描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.3 供货范围........................53. 安全 63.1 符号说明........................63.2 预期用途........................63.3 不当使用........................73.4 操作人员责任 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73.5 人员资质........................83.6 个人防护设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83.7 标签/安全标识......................94. 运输、包装和储存 104.1 运输 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2 包装和储存 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105. 调试、运行 115.1 调试前注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.2 安装说明.......................115.3 拉/压力传感器安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.4 电气连接.......................145.5 连接放大器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145.6 引脚分配 型号F2822. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146. 故障 157. 维护和清洁 167.1 维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167.2 清洁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167.3 再校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168. 拆卸、返修和处置 178.1 拆卸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178.2 返修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178.3 处置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179. 规格 189.1 认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1910. 附件 19附件:欧盟符合性声明 204威卡(WIKA )操作说明,F2822型A D P R 1X 914113.01 07/2021 C N1. 一般信息■操作说明中描述的拉/压力传感器均采用先进的技术进行设计和制造。
-1-传感器说明用于微型皮拉尼真空计的热导式传感器 MTCS2305MTCS2305 微型皮拉尼装置和传感器为TO5-4封装,以带或不带硅盖的传感器的压力响应为示例特性•扩展测量范围10-5~ 1000 mbar•MEMS 微机械硅传感器,传感器的几何结构与传感器电阻完美匹配•< 0.1 cm 3的超小传感器气体体积•皮拉尼微导线到墙的距离由硅微机械调节,下限为10 µm (MTCS2305-10) 或 20 µm (MTCS2305-20) ,具有优异的传感器重复性•采用具有大集成电阻(如250 Ohms)和小加热质量的MEMS 硅传感器,具有超低运行功耗(< 5 mA @ 5V )•超快响应时间< 30 ms ,电子带宽 >100 Hz•由于相似的加热电阻和参考电阻,在微型结构的铂镍薄膜工艺中轻松实现了温度补偿•不受安装位置影响•尺寸小,抗冲击能力强 (>1000 G) •采用金触点,耐腐蚀性气体,如氢气,MTCS2305压力计根据皮拉尼原理采用热导率测量,是专用MEMS装置,为小型TO39封装。
此MEMS 结构结合了用于电源和温度分析的简单CMOS标准集成电路,适用于要求超低功耗、出色信噪比以及耐腐蚀气体的尺寸关键真空OEM传感解决方案。
硅皮拉尼真空计 MTCS2305 特性传感器有3项可选的封装选项:-仅传感芯片,实现空气中微型热线(MTCS2305-0)-带硅盖的传感芯片 (MTCS2305-20),在20 um(或10 um)的冷热部分之间创造一个间隙。
这种小间隙提高了皮拉尼原理在100 – 1000 mbar压力下的灵敏度。
Pressure signal of miniature Pirani sensor MTCS2303 using aconstant temperature interface0.000010.00010.0010.010.11101001000Pressure (Torr)S i g n a l (V )-2-MTCS2305 传感器电气特性(电气特性在室温 25°C 下测得,见MTCS 数据表获取更多细节 ) 符号 Min Typical Max 单位 Rm 220 240 270 Ω Rt 480 540 600 Ω2.1 ~ 2.4-α0.0045 0.0050 0.0055 /°K 1020200um测量电阻 Rm 参考电阻 Rt Rt/Rm 热系数冷热部分之间的气隙传感器封装信息MTCS 传感器封装在 TO5-4 金属头内,有3根隔离引线和1根接地引线 (TO39 型)封装尺寸: (带或不带金属盖交付) 9.1 mm 7.6mm1.76 mm 外直径 Ext D: 内直径 Int D:总厚度 Ltot: 边框厚度 l: 0.50 mm邦定:铝线, 30 um 直径安装原理和暴露在真空中的元件:-芯片用环氧树脂胶粘合(120°C ,80分钟固化,超低脱气)-暴露在真空中的材料:金或铝、体硅、二氧化硅、氮化硅、熔融石英订购信息型号:MTCS2305-0 MTCS2305-10 MTCS2305-20说明:仅单个传感芯片,无硅帽或硅盖,TO5-4封装传感芯片,带10um 气隙盖,TO5-4封装 传感器芯片,带20um 气隙盖,TO5-4封装应用微型皮拉尼装置和传感器的应用包括泄露检测、推进、半导体制造(例如,溅射室),冻结干燥器、真空肉类包装机、真空镀膜和负载锁。
汽车专业英语AA- arm (悬架)A[v]形臂,=wishboneabbreviation(s) 缩略语ability 能力.性能,本领absolute 绝对的.纯粹的.无条件的absolute pressure sensor 绝对压力传感器absorber ①减振(震]器.阻尼[缓冲]器②吸声层.吸收器(剂) absorption ①吸收,(取,附)accelerating 加速[快](的)accelerating ability 加速能力acceleration ①加速(过程.作用)②加速度acceleration cable 加速踏板拉索.节气门拉索acceleration capability 加速性能acceleration—dependent 与加速相[有]关的,依赖[靠]加速的acceleration enrichment (混合气)加速加浓air baffle ①挡风板,折流板②(风冷发动机)导风板air bag或airbag 安全气囊air—bag assembly 安全气囊组件[总成]air bag module ①同上②安全气囊控制模块air bellow (波纹式)空气箱[弹簧]air bellows (空气悬架)空气弹簧(气囊)air bleed 放气(孔)air bleeder 放气阀[装置]air brake 气压制动(器)air brake cylinder 气压制动缸,制动气室air brake(braking) system 气压制动系air cell 空(蓄]气室air cell chamber (柴油机)空气室燃烧室air chamber 空气腔[室]air charge 空气充入,进气air charge temperature 进气温度air cleaner 空气滤清器air-cleaner cover 空气滤清器盖air compressor 空气压缩机,空压机air conditioner 空调装置[器],空调air conditioning ①同上②空气调节air control ①空气调节[控制]②(压缩空气)气动控制[操纵]③(客厢通风)风量[空气]调节杆,风量[向]控制air-controlled 压缩空气操纵[驱动]的,气[风]动的air control valve 空气控制阀air-cooled 空气冷却的,风冷的air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却,风冷air cushion 气垫,安全气囊air cutoff valve (二次)空气切断阀air damper ①空气阻尼[减振]器,气动缓冲器②空气活[节气]门,风门air dam skirt ①(汽车空气动力学)阻风[扰流]板②导流板[罩],阻风板,风挡air deficiency (进气系统)空气不足air deflector ①导流板,气流(偏)导板②(货车驾驶室)导风板,导流罩air density 空气密度air director 导风罩air distribution 空气(风量]分配air door ①空气阀门(闸板]②(客厢通风)风门,空气节气门air drier 空气干燥器[剂]air-driven 气(压驱)动的,风动的air-dry 气[风]干的air duct 风管,空气(导,输送)管air-fast 不透[通]气的,密封的air filter 空气滤清器airflow ①(空)气流②空气流量air flow meter(sensor)空气流量计air/fuel (进气系统)空气/燃油air-fuel mixture (进气系统)空气、燃油混合气[物],(可燃)混合气air/fuel ratio 空燃比air funnel ①空气道②(连续燃油喷射)空气漏斗⑧(进气系统)进气喇叭口[状管]air gap ①气隙②(火花塞)跳火间隙air gauge 气压表air horn ①气喇叭②(化油器)上盖,进气(喇叭)口(=air inlet)air-hydraulic 气动液压的air injection ①空气喷射②(排放控制系)二次空气喷射air injection diverter 二次空气喷射分流器air injection pump (二次)空气喷射泵air injection reactor 二次空气喷射反应器air inlet ①空气进口[孔]②进气air intake ①进气②空气吸入孔,进气管air intake door (空调)空气进气节气门air intake heater 进气加[预]热器air intake system 进气系统airless injection 机械压力喷射air lever (通风/控制器)空气[风门]控制杆air management 空气管理air mass (进气系统)空气质量,进气质量air—mass flow 进气质量流量air mass meter(sensor)质量型空气流量计air(-)meter 空气流量计air mixture door (空调器)空气混合风门air—out 出气[风],出气[风]口air outlet ①空气出口,出气口②空气排(流,放]出air—over hydraulic ①气动-液压系统(俗称气顶油)②气动液压的air over hydraulic brake system 气动液压[气顶油]制动系air—powered (压缩)空气驱动的,气动的air pressure 气压,大气压力air pressure horn 气喇叭airproof 密封的,气密的,不漏气的air rate 空气流量air reservoir 储[贮]气筒,空气储存容器air shield=air deflectorangular velocity 角速度annular groove 环(形)槽annular opening[orifice] 环形孔[口]annulus ①内齿轮,(齿)圈,(行星齿轮系)内齿圈[环]②环形物,环形套筒antenna 天线anti-dazzle 【动,名】防眩(目)antidazzle cap (前照灯)遮光帽[罩],防眩(目)灯罩anti-dive (制动时)防俯冲[点头](装置)antifreeze ①防冻(的)②防冻剂,不冻液antifreezing fluid 防冻液antifriction bearing 滚动轴承antiglare 防眩光的,遮光的anti-interference 防[抗]干扰(的)antiknock ①抗爆燃(的)②抗爆(燃)剂antiknock additive[agent] (汽油)抗爆添加剂antiknock quality (汽油)抗爆性[等级]ANTI LOCK (显示器用字符)防抱死制动anti-lock brake 防抱死制动系统,ABSanti-lock brake[braking] system 同上antiroll(ing) ①横向稳定的,防侧倾(的)②抗滚(动)(的),抗倾翻(的) anti-roll (车辆转弯时)抗[防]侧倾anti(-)roll bar (悬架)横向稳定杆anti(-)roll bar link 横向稳定杆铰接(头)antirust 防锈(的),耐锈[蚀](的)antiskid ①防滑移的②(制动系)防(车轮)抱死的antiskid system (制动系)防抱死系统antislip 防滑(转)anti-slip control 驱动防滑[牵引力]控制系统anti-slip regulation 同上antisplash 防溅污的,挡泥[溅]的anti-squat (车辆)防尾部下沉,防后坐anti squeal 消声(的)anti-theft (汽车)防盗(装置)anti-theft alarm 防盗报警(装置)aperture 孔,洞,隙缝A pillar (车身)前柱,A柱appearance 外观[貌,形],外表appliance 用[器]具,设备,仪表,附件applicable ①适用的②适当(合]的application ①应用,运用②作用,施加application force 作用[施加]力application of brakes 制动application pressure (制动蹄)作用压力application time 作用时间apply 【动】①应用,实施,运用②施加,作用 (力,载荷) appointments 装置,设备approach angle 接近角approx.=approximateapproximate 近似(的),大约(的),左右apron (围)裙,(防护)挡板,裙[盖]板arbor (心,枢,主)轴,(刀)杆,芯骨arc ①电弧,弧光②弧形的arch ①拱(形,顶),弓形②(车身)轮室[罩]arched tire 拱形[超宽断面]轮胎area ①地区,区域,领域,范围,场地②面积areometer 液体密度[比重]计arm ①臂,(手)柄,杆,(条,轮)辐②指针,指示器③支[托]架,扶[靠]手armature 电枢armature coil[winding] 电枢线圈[绕组]armored hose 铠装软管arm rest (内部设施)肘靠arm support (内部设施)肘靠,放手垫arrangement ①排列,布[配]置②装置[备],设备arrow 箭(头),指针articulate 【动】①用关节相连,铰(链)接(合),活动连接②铰链的,曲柄的,活节的articulated ①铰接的,铰链连接的,有关节的②摆动的,回转的articulated vehicle 铰接式车辆,带半挂车的牵引车ash 灰,粉尘,尘埃ash tray(case) 烟灰盒[缸]aspect angle 视界[线]角aspect ratio (轮胎)高宽比assemble 【动】装配,安[总]装,组[配]合assembled 装配式(的),安装的,组合的assembled camshaft 组合式凸轮轴assembled crankshaft 装配式曲轴assembly ①装配,组[总,安]装②总成,组(合)件assembly&disassembly 装配和拆卸,组装和分解assembly drawing 装配[组装,总]图assembly instructions 装配指南[规程],安装说明(书)assembly line data link 汇编行数据通信链路assist 【动,名】①帮[协,辅]助,促使②加速[助推](器),辅助装置③助手assistant ①助剂,辅助物②辅[补]助的assistant driver seat (货车)副驾驶座椅assist grip (车内)扶手,拉手assist handle (客车)扶手assist spring 辅助[副钢板]弹簧,副簧assist strap (客车)吊带,拉手assist type ①辅助装置型式②(制动系)助力(器)型式asymmetric(al) 不[非]对称的,不平衡的atmospheric(al) ①大气(中)的②空气的.常[气]压的atmospheric pressure 大气压力,气压atmospheric suspended 大气悬浮式(参阅 air suspended type②)attach 【动】①附着[加,属],连接②固定,吊[悬]挂attached 附上…的,连接的,固定的attachment ①附着,连接,固定②附着物,附[配]件attemperator 温度调节器,恒[节]温器Audi (德)奥迪(汽车,公司)(大众的子公司)audio system 音响系统authorized 允许的,特约的,指[规]定的authorized axle load (底盘)允许轴荷载authorized service shop 特约维修站authorized workshop 特约修理厂auto ①自动的②汽车auto- 【词头】①自[本]身(的)②同源(的)③自动(的)auto accessories 汽车附件[属装置]auto antenna ①汽车天线②自动天线autobulb 汽车灯泡autoignition ①(汽油机)自动[积燃]点火,自燃②(柴油机)压燃automaker 汽车制造商[厂]automatic ①自动(化,操作)的②自动装置automatic air conditioner 自动空调器automatic brake (制动系)自动制动器automatic compensation ①自动补偿[平衡]②(间隙)自动调整automatic control 自动控制automatic gearbox 自动变速器automatic heater 自动加热[取暖]器automatic locking differential 自动锁止式差速器automatic ride control 行驶平顺性自动控制automatic shift 自动换档[变速]automatic stability control 加速防滑[牵引力]控制系统(=traction control system)automatic timing ①自动调节配气相位②自动正时[提前]automatic transaxle 自动变速驱动桥automatic transmission 自动变速器automatic transmission fluid 自动变速器液automobile 汽车(尤指私人乘用车)automobile technique 汽车技术automotive equipment 汽车装[设]备automotive parts 汽车零(部)件,汽车配件Automotive Service Excellence/ASE (美国)汽车维修技能鉴定协会(汽车维修技师的技能鉴定组织)automotive stabilization system 汽车稳定系统auto(-)parts 汽车零部[配]件autoshift (自动变速器)自动换档autothermic piston 防热膨胀活塞auto tire 汽车轮胎auto-truck 货车,载货汽车,卡车auxiliary ①辅助的②附件,辅助设备auxiliary air ①二次空气②辅助空气auxiliary brake ①(行车制动器)辅助制动(器),缓速器②驻车制动器auxiliary chamber 副燃烧室auxiliary device 辅助装置[设备]average ①平均的,普通的②平均(数,值)average braking (制动系)中等制动average consumption ①平均消耗(量)②(发动机)平均耗油量[率] awning 篷awning pipe 篷杆axial 轴向[线]的,轴流式的axial ball bearing 轴向推力球轴承axial bearing 轴向推力轴承axial clearance 轴向间隙axial flow 轴流(式),轴向气流[流动]axial line 轴线axial play 轴向间隙axial runout 轴向偏摆[跳动]axis ①(旋转物体所绕以旋转的)轴②轴线, 坐标轴(线)axis of rotation 旋转轴axle ①(车辆)车桥,轴②心捧,(轴)杆③半轴axle air vent 桥壳通气(阀,口)axle arm (悬架)车桥(定位,控制)臂axle base (底盘)轴距,前后桥距axle bearing ①半轴轴承②轴支承[座]axle body[box] (底盘)轴身,车桥壳axle bracket (底盘)车桥支座[托架]axle case[casing] 桥壳,半轴轴壳axle end ①轴端②(非转向和非驱动桥)车桥轴颈[枢轴]③半轴轴端④半轴轴颈axle housing (车)桥壳axle load (底盘)车桥[轴]载荷axle nut 半轴螺母axle ratio 主传动比,驱动桥速比axle shaft (车桥)半轴,驱动轴axle side shake 车轴横向振动axle sleeve ①轴壳②半轴套管axle spindle 车轴轴颈axle spread 轴距axle tube 半轴套管,驱动桥壳管==================================================================== ==========Bbabbit metal 巴氏合金babbit(t) 巴氏[巴比特]合金(的)back ①背(面,部),后部②(座椅)靠背backbone ①构架,骨架,主干,脊骨[柱]②(底盘/车架)脊骨[中梁]型③(人体)脊骨back door (车身)后背门back engine (车辆)后置发动机back fire (内燃机)回火,放炮backfiring 同上backing.①背衬,衬(垫,板,底,里) ②底座 [板],基础,垫片[板]③支架[承]靠背④倒车,向后行驶,倒转back lamp 尾[后]灯backlash 间[游,齿]隙back light ①尾灯②(车身)后窗玻璃backlite (车身)后窗(玻璃)(=backlight)back mirror 后视镜back panel ①(货车驾驶室)后围板②(车身后端)后板[壁]back plate ①(离合器)盖②底[基础]板,背(面)板③(车身/驾驶室)后围板④(鼓式制动器)底板,(盘式制动器制动衬块)背板back-play 游隙,空隙backpressure ①背压②反压(力)back pressure transducer 背压[排气压力]传感器backrest (座椅)靠背back side panel 后侧板back tilt adjuster 靠背倾角调节器back(-)up ①(车辆)倒车②备件③(作)备件用的,备用的④备用功能,失效保护功能back-up buzzer 倒车报警器back-up fuse 备用熔断器(丝)backup lamp(light) 倒车灯backup power 备用电源back-up ring (密封件)挡环[圈]back valve 背压阀back view 后[背]视图back wall ①(客车)后围②后板baffle ①隔[挡,阻,防护]板②导流[向]板③【动】阻碍[止],阻断,挡回baffle plate ①隔板,挡板②(液力变矩器) 导流叶片③(油底壳)稳定板,机油挡板bag 袋,气囊baggage 行李baggage compartment (车身)行李箱baggage holder[rack] 行李架balance 平衡,均衡,均势balance bar 平衡杆balance block 平衡块balanced 平衡的,处于平衡状态的balancer ①平衡器[重,锤,杆,装置],配重②(车间/车轮)动平衡机[装置] balance weight 平衡质量,平衡配重[置]balancing 平[均]衡,补偿ball 球(状物),滚珠ball-and-cage constant velocity joint 球笼式等角速万向节ball-and-nut steering gear 球和螺母[循环球]转向器ball-and-socket 球窝[支承]式的,球节的ball-and-socket joint 球接头,球(窝)关节ballast ①镇定物,平稳[衡]器②(电气)镇流器(电阻]③(前照灯)控制器[机构] ballast resistance 镇流[平稳]电阻ballast resistor ①(点火系)附加电阻②镇[稳]流电阻器ballast weight 平衡重,压舱[载]重(物)ball bearing 球[滚珠]轴承ball-bearing race 球轴承座圈ball cup 球(头)座ball head 球头(轴)bellows ①波纹管[筒],伸缩软管②橡胶气囊belt ①带,皮带②(轮胎)带束层belt anchorage 安全带锚[固]定belt drive 带传动beltline (车身)腰线belt pulley (传动)带轮belt tension 带张力[挠度]belt tensioner 带张紧器bench ①(客厢)长条座椅,长凳②(工作)台,架,座,(试验)台架bench seat 长条座椅bend ①弯曲②弯管[头],弯曲物bendable 可挠[能弯]曲的bending 弯[挠]曲(度),扭弯Bendix drive (起动机)惯性式离合器bent 弯曲[挠曲,弓形]的Benz (德)奔驰(汽车,公司)berth (货车驾驶室)卧铺bevel ①斜角[面,齿],(斜)边,坡口②倾斜的,斜角的,圆锥的beveled=bevelledbevel epicyclic hub reductor 行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器bevel gear ①锥齿轮②锥齿轮传动bevelled ①倾斜的,有斜面的,切有倒角的②锥[楔]形的,(活塞环)锥面的bezel ①装饰圈[环],(仪表)框(架),玻璃框②(前照灯)装饰圈,边框③照明刻度盘④斜刃面,斜肋[散热片]bias ①偏差[离,移,置,压,流,向]②偏斜[动]的bias(-)belted tire 带束斜交轮胎bias ply (轮胎)斜交帘布层bias tire 斜交(帘线)轮胎big end (连杆)大头bi-level (空调出风)双向bilge 弯[拱,凸,挠]度bimetallic 双金属的bimetallic vacuum switching valve 双金属真空开关阀bind 【动】捆,绑,扎binding ①(车身)压条②结[粘,胶]合③扎线,包带④粘合的,捆扎的black 黑色black oil 黑油,齿轮油black smoke (排气)黑烟bladder accumulator 囊式蓄压[能]器blade ①叶(片)②刀(片,刃,口),刃③(插头和插座式连接器)插片④(刮水器)刮片blade element[insert] (刮水器)橡胶刮片blade ring 叶片圈[环]blade socket 片式插座blade terminal 接线片,片式插头blade wheel 叶轮,(叶轮泵)转子blast 【动,名】①(车间)喷[吹]洗,喷砂[丸]②鼓[吹,送,通]风bleed 【动】放[漏]出,泄漏,放(油,气,水)bleed air (液压系统)放出空气bleeder ①放气装置[螺钉]②放水[油]阀bleed(er)screw 放气[泄]螺钉bleeder valve 放泄[水,油,气]阀bleed hole ①放气孔②溢流孔bleeding ①(液压系统)放气③渗漏bleeding valve 放泄阀,溢流阀blending 混合blending box (供暖装置)混合室blending door (供暖装置)混合风[闸]门blind ①盲的,单凭仪表操纵的②封闭的,堵死的,不通的③帘,幕,百叶窗,挡板④嵌[镶]入的,埋头的⑤【动】使目眩blind hole 不通孔,盲孔blinding ①眩目的②模糊[不清晰](的)blind nut 闷盖[盲]螺母blister ①气[水]泡②局部隆起,起泡block ①块(体,材,料,形),方[垫,滑]块②部分,区(段,组,间)③单元,部件④(气)缸体⑤阻塞[断]block diagram (方)框图blocking 阻塞[断],闭[封,联]锁,中[截]断blocking device 锁定装置blocking element 闭锁元件blocking ring (同步器)锁环blow 1.【名】①吹(风),喷②打(击)③(熔断器)烧[熔]断2.【动】①吹[鼓,送]风,充气②(熔断器)烧断,熔化blow back 【动】(发动机)反冲[转]blow-back (发动机)反冲[转],回火blow-by (活塞环)窜[漏]气,不密封blow(-)by gas (活塞环)漏[窜]气blower 鼓风机,风扇blower unit 鼓风机(装置)blow hole ①气孔②气眼,砂眼blowing ①吹风[气],鼓风②漏气,起泡,喷出③发[着]火④(熔断器)熔断blown (熔断器)熔断的blow off 【动】放,排(出)blow out 【动】①熔断③爆破,漏气blowout ①爆裂,爆破②熔断blue 蓝色blue smoke (排放)蓝烟board ①板,台②管理局[机构]③车载(的)bob weight 配重,平衡锤body ①车身,(货车)车厢,货箱②车[机]身,机[外]壳③(活塞)裙部④(人)身体body accessories 车身附件body care 车身维护[护理,美容]body cavity 车身空腔body-chassis unit 承载式车身body door 车门body electrics 车身电气设备body gate (车辆)①车身盖[活门]②货箱(活动)栏板body member ①(车辆)车身组成部分,车身元[部,构)件②(车辆/粱)车身梁[构架]body rail (车辆)车身梁[构架]body shell ①(乘用车)车身本体(不含附件及装饰件、未涂漆的车身,俗称“白车身”)②(货车)驾驶室本体body skeleton 车身骨架body skirt 车身裙部body structure ①车身结构②=body shellbody wax 车身抛光蜡bodywork 车身(制造,修理)bolster ①(牵引车)鞍座(装置)②承[垫]枕,垫木[块,板]③(车架)横[承]梁,(货箱)横梁bolt 螺栓bolted 用螺栓固定[连接]的bond ①胶(粘)剂,腔水②(焊接)熔合区③【名,动】粘[胶,焊]接,结合bonded (被)粘结[连接]的bonding ①粘[胶]接,结[耦,接]合②粘结料[剂]bonnet 罩,盖boost 【动,名】①(发动机)增[升]压,加大功率②助推,加[快]速③加强,提[升]高,增加[强]④(低频)放大,增强booster. 助[加]力器boot ①(车身)行李箱②(客货两用车)行李舱,货舱③罩.防尘套.(橡皮)套管boot box ①(车身)行李箱盒[隔间]②(内部设施)行李箱盆形衬箱,行李箱内护套boot dish 同上“②”bore ①孔,腔,膛.洞②孔[口,内]径bore diameter ①孔径②缸径bore×stroke 缸径×行程Bosch 波许[博世]公司boss ①轮毂②套筒③(铸件等的)凸起部[台,座]bottom ①底(部).下部,末端②基础,根基③(连杆)大头bottom dead center [centre] 下止点bottom end ①下端,底部②(连杆)大头③(活塞行程)下止点bouncing 振[跳,颤,摇]动boundary friction 边界摩檫bow ①弓(形物).弧,拱②弓形部分③(车顶/车身)弓形杆.篷弓[杆]bowl 碗.杯.盘box ①箱.盒.匣,接线盒②外壳.套.罩box body (载货汽车)厢式车厢[货箱]box section 箱形截面,封闭式断面box spanner 套筒扳手box-type 箱形的.盒式的brace 支撑件.支柱[杆].拉杆[条].系杆braced 加强的.撑[拉]牢的.支撑的braced(-tread)tire 带束层轮胎brace panel 加强[固]板bracing ①撑[拉]条.支柱(撑],撑[系]杆.加强肋②加固.支撑.加劲③(货物)系紧bracket 支[托.悬,轴承]架.支柱braided strap 编织带[电缆]brake ①制动器②制动,刹车brake action 制动(作用)brake activation [actuation] 操纵[施加]制动brake adjuster 制动器(间隙)调节器brake anchor plate ①制动器底板②制动蹄支承盘brake application (施加)制动brake arm 制动杆brake assembly 制动器总成brake assist 辅助制动装置brake back(ing) plate 制动器底板brake balance 制动力平衡(分配)brake band 制动带brake boost (制动系)制动助力brake booster 制动助力器brake bottom plate 制动底板brake cable 制动拉索brake caliper [calliper] 制动钳brake-caliper frame 制动钳框架brake cam 制动(操纵)凸轮brake chamber (气压制动系)制动(气)室brake circuit (制动系)制动回路brake clearance 制动器间隙brake control ①制动操纵[控制]②制动驱动机构brake cup 制动器皮碗[圈]brake cylinder 制动缸braked axle 有制动器的车桥brake disk 制动盘brake dive (车辆)制动点头brake drum 制动鼓braked wheel 有制动器的车轮brake fade 制动衰减,制动器逐渐失灵brake failure 制动失效brake fault 制动故障[损坏]brake feel(ing) 制动感(觉)brake fluid 制动液.刹车油brake-fluid level (制动液罐)制动液面[位] brake grinder 制动片磨削机brake hop 制动时车轮的垂直振[跳]动brake horsepower (发动机)制动[有效]功率[马力] brake hose 制动软管brake judder 制动器颤抖[抖动]brake lever ①制动拉杆②制动拉杆手柄brake line(pipe) 制动管路brake lining 制动衬片,制动蹄(摩擦)片Brake light switch煞车灯开关brake master cylinder 制动主缸(总泵)brake oil 制动液[油]brake pad (盘式制动器)制动衬块brake pedal 制动踏板brake-pedal cup 制动踏板密封罩brake performance 制动性能brake pipe 制动管brake plate (自动变速器)制动片brake plunger (自动变速器)制动器活塞brake power ①制动力②有效功率brake pressure ①制动气压②制动压力brake pull rod (鼓式制动器)制动拉杆brake release 制动(器)释放brake reservoir 制动液储罐brake response 制动反应[灵敏度]brake rod 制动拉[传动]杆brake rotor 制动盘(=brake disk)brake servo ①制动助力[伺服]②制动助[加]力器brake shoe 制动蹄brake shoe anchor(pin) 制动蹄支承销braking ability 制动性(能)braking action (车辆)制动作用braking distance 制动距离braking drag 制动拖滞braking failure 制动失效braking skid 制动滑移braking swerve 制动甩尾braking system 制动系(=brake system)braking test 制动试验brass drift 黄铜冲子break 【动,名】①断口,破裂[碎,损].断开[路].折断②中断.间歇[断]breakage ①破坏,裂口,破损处②(电气)断路.断线.击穿.故障breakdown ①击穿②破[损]坏.断裂.崩溃,熔[折]断③故障,运转失灵④减速,下降,制动breaker ①(轮胎)缓冲层②断电[路]器breakerless 无触点的break-in ①走合.磨合,试车②闯入[的行为]break-in alarm 闯入[撬门]报警装置breaking-in 走[磨.跑]合试车.试运转breaking-in period 走[磨]合期break of plies (轮胎)帘布层断裂break-out (轮胎)①断裂.破裂②爆破[胎]break out box ①断开检测盒(用于检测电脑)②(测量时用)接线盒breather 通风器[装置,管.孔]breather pipe 通气[风]管breather valve 呼吸[通气]阀bridge ①桥(粱)②电桥.桥路.③(蓄电池)连接条bridge piece ①(配气机构)横臂②连接弯管bridging ①(电气)桥[跨,搭]接.②(火花塞)搭桥现象.(间隙)短路brighten 【动】使亮或较亮.抛光.打磨brightener 抛光剂.光亮剂.上光蜡bright luster 镜面光泽broad beam (前照灯)宽光束broadside impact (车辆)侧部[面]碰撞broad-slotted 宽槽的broad track 宽轮距broken ①破碎的.打破[碎]的②折断的,破裂的broken tread (轮胎)断续花纹bronze 青铜brown 棕色brush 刷(子).电刷brush carrier[holder] (电)刷架brush lead ①电刷移前②电刷引线汽配英文速查词典-Bbrushless 无(电)刷的bubble 气[水]泡bucket 斗(状物)bucket seat 斗式座椅bucket tappet (配气机构)筒[杯]式挺柱bucking ①顶[抖]撞,反作用②(汽车等)猛烈开动buckle ①(安全带)带扣,插扣(座)②系紧接头,拉紧套筒③曲皱,纵向弯曲,变形buckle anchorage (安全带)插扣固[锚]定(器)buckle button (安全带)插扣按钮buckle latch (安全带)带扣舌簧[掣子]buffer 减振器,缓冲器[垫]buffering 缓冲(作用),减振,阻尼buffer spring 缓冲[减振]弹簧buffer stopper (悬架)缓冲块buffing paste 抛光膏[剂]buffing wax 抛光蜡Buick (GM公司)别克(部,汽车)build up 【动】①增强[高]②装配,安装③造[做,建]成④组合[成]⑤堆焊,熔接[敷]⑥添加燃料build-up ①隆起,形成,构成,产[发]生②(压力)提高,增大,上升build up welding 堆焊built-in 内装的[式],埋入[头]的built-in hydrometer 埋[置]入式液体密度计built-up ①组合的,组装(成)的②可分解的,可折卸[开]的bulb ①灯泡,白炽灯(泡)②(小)球,球状物bulb holder 灯(泡)座bulge ①【动】凸[鼓]起,膨胀②凸突部分③膨胀bulletin 公[通,简]报,报[公]告bump ①撞(击),冲撞②(车辆)颠簸行驶③【动】碰(撞),撞击bumper ①(车身)保险杠②(悬架)缓冲块,(橡胶)限位块bumper arm 保险杠托[支]架bumper bar[beam] 保险杠杆[主体]bumper bow 保险杠弓形件bumper bracket 保险杠托[支]架bumper clamp 保险杠夹持装置bumper corner 保险杠拐[包]角(可拆下的左侧或右侧一段弧形保险杠) bumper cover 保险杠外套[罩]bumper fascia 保险杠面板[饰带]bumper holder 保险杠托架[支架,支座]bumper housing 缓冲壳体bumper mounting 保险杠安装[固定]bumper pad 保险杠镶条bumper rail 保险杠杆[中段]bumper rubber 保险杠橡胶嵌条bumper shock 保险杠缓冲器bumper stay 保险杠托架bumping ①碰撞,撞击,冲撞②颠簸,摇[震]动③造成凹凸bump stroke (悬架弹簧)压缩行程bump toe-in (车轮)前束改变burn 【动】①燃烧,点着②烧焦,烧毁burnishing powder 抛光粉burn off 【动】烧掉[去,毁,损,坏]burn—off temperature (火花塞)自净温度burn oil 烧机油burnt 烧坏(毁]的,过烧的burnt gas 废气,排气,燃烧的气态产物burnt valve 烧蚀的气门bus ①客车②总线,母线bush(ing) 衬套[瓦],轴承套,套筒,轴衬butterfly nut 蝶形螺母button ①(旋,电)钮,按钮(开关),(电,按)键②钮扣状物,球形把[捏]手button cell 钮扣电池button head (螺钉)圆头buzz ①【动】发嗡嗡声②嗡嗡声buzzer 蜂鸣器bypass 旁路,旁通,旁(通)管,分[侧,回]路bypass air (进气系统)旁通空气bypass valve 旁通阀==================================================================== ======Ccab ①(货车)驾驶室②【俗语】出租汽车cab-behind-engine 长头驾驶室(的)cab body 驾驶室本体cab-forward type 前置式驾驶室的,平头的cabin ①(乘用车)客厢,车内②(货车)驾驶室(=cab)carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon fiber[fibre] 碳(素)纤维carbon-fouled 积碳‘污染[堵塞]的carbonization 结焦,形成积碳carbon knock 积碳(引起的)爆燃carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carburation 汽化(作用),雾化carburetor 化油器(=carburettor)carcass ①骨架,构架②壳体③机壳,定子④(轮胎)胎体cardan 万向节[轴],万向接头cardan drive 万向节传动(装置)cardan joint (十字轴)万向节cardan shaft[spider] 万向节传动轴cardan universal joint (十字轴)万向节cargo ①货物②荷重,载荷cargo-bus 客货两用车cargo floor 货箱底板carpet 地毯,毡层carpeted 铺有地毯的carpeting 地毯carriage ①车辆②车[支,托]架③底座[盘],承重装置④滑座[鞍],(机床的)拖板,机器的滑动部分⑤运输carrier ①(货运)运载工具[装置],搬运汽车②托[支.悬,车]架底盘,承重构件③行路装置④(催化剂)载体,床car salon 汽车展览会,车展cartridge fuse 管式熔断器,熔丝管case (外,机)壳,壳体,箱case extension 外壳的伸出部分,延伸外壳case ground 外壳接地[搭铁]caster ①(前轮)主销后倾(角)②(机器/家具)小脚[自位]轮caster action (转向轮)主销后倾的回正[稳定]作用caster angle (转向节主销)后倾角caster effect 主销后倾稳定效应cast-in-block 整体铸造的casting ①铸造(法),浇铸②铸件③铸塑cast iron 铸铁,生铁castle nut 槽顶[开槽]螺母cat 【俗语】催化转化器catalyst 催化剂catalytic(al) 催化的,起触媒作用的catalytic bed 催化剂载体[床]catalytic converter 催化转化器catalytic convertor 同上catalytic trap oxidizer (柴油机)催化-捕捉式氧化器(把排气中的炭微粒过滤并烧去)catch 1.【名】①掣[制,卡]子,定位器,(抓)爪,抓钩,簧舌②(门锁/车身)门闩,门锁撞销[钩]2.【动】①捕捉②锁[卡,挡]住,锁定catch bolt (门锁)掣子销,撞销(装在车身柱上的门锁定位件,=lock striker) catcher ①抓器[爪],捕捉器②收集器③(行程)限制器category ①种类,类别,等级②范畴,类型caution ①小心,注意,谨慎②警告,告诫caution plate 警告[注意]事项牌caution signal 警告标志[信号]cavity (空)腔,空穴,气孔,凹处cavity sealant (车身)空腔密封胶[剂],空腔浸渍剂ceiling (车身/客厢)顶篷,车顶内衬ceiling lamp[light] (车内照明)顶灯cell ①(蓄)电池,单格电池②小室,箱,舱,单元cell pole (蓄电池)单格电池端子[极桩]cellular 蜂窝[网眼]状的,多孔的cellular radiator 蜂窝式散热器center 中心[央,部]center airbag sensor assembly 安全气囊中央传感器组件center air outlet[vent] (客厢/通风)中间出风口,仪表板处通风口center bolt 中心螺栓center-bolt filter 中心螺栓式滤清器center console (客厢)①中间副仪表板,中间(落地)操纵台②中间通道罩center console box (车身内)中间(落地)操纵台center drive shaft 中间驱动轴(前轮驱动车,指与差速器结合的那半根驱动轴)center electrode 中央[心]电极center highmounted stop lamp[light] (车后)中央高位制动灯,第三制动灯center hole 中心孔centering ①定(中)心,对中②中心校正[调整],对准中心(调整),找中centering ball 定心钢球center line 中心线,轴线center mount ①中间支架[支承,支座,轴承]②(车轮)中心安装[固定] center of gravity 重[质]心center of mass 质心center pillar (车身)中柱,B柱charging efficiency 充气[电]效率charging system 充电系(统)charging valve 充[注]入阀chart 图表,曲线图,略[草]图chassis ①(车辆)底盘②底板[座]③机架[壳],框[车]架chassis and cab 带驾驶室底盘chassis cowl 带车头底盘check 1.【名】①检查[验],校[核]对②制止,控[抑]制,止[制]动器③(车身/车门)限位器2.【动】①检查[验],校验[核]②抑[控]制,制止check connector 诊断插座,检查插接器check engine 检查发动机checking ①检查②裂纹check mode 检查[测试]模式(=test mode)check nut 锁紧[抑止,防松]螺母check valve 单向阀,止回阀,(喷油泵)出油阀check-valve carrier[holder] (喷油泵)出油阀(压)紧座Chevrolet (GM公司)雪佛兰(汽车,部)Chevrolet trucks (GM公司)雪佛兰货车部child-proof door lock 儿童安全门锁child restraint 幼童坐篮chisel 錾(子),凿(子)choke ①阻塞,节流,扼止②(进气系统)阻风门③扼流(线)圈,扼[抗]流器choked ①阻[堵]塞的②(发动机)节流的chrome/Cr 铬,Crchromed 镀铬的churning ①(机油)搅拌[动]②(减振器油)发泡,起泡沫cigar(ette)lighter 点烟器circle ①圆(形物),圆周②周期,循环circlet 小圈[环],锁环circlip 弹性挡圈,开口弹簧环圈circlip pliers 挡圈钳circuit 电[回,线,环]路circuit breaker 电路断电器circular 圆[环]形的circulation 循环[环流,流通](量)circumference ①圆周(长),周围②周界,圆周线circumferential ①圆周[形]的②周(围,边,缘)的city beam (前照灯)近光(光束)city cycle 市区循环city truck 市内挨户送货货车claim ①【动】要求,声称,索赔②(专利)权利clamp ①夹,卡箍,夹紧装置②线夹⑧压板clamping bolt 夹[拉,系]紧螺栓clasp ①扣子[钩,环],扣紧物,钩环②【动】扣住[紧],钩住class 种,(门)类,类别,等级claw ①爪(形器具),钩,钳,卡爪[子]②耳,把手,凸起(部) claw clutch 爪形[牙嵌,齿式]离合器,牙嵌联轴节,牙嵌套。
贝露夫品牌的 BCW F03EA85-XXSFNC-EP00、3-GZ01 电容传感器说明书
1) Sensing surface, 2) Housing, 03) Fixation, 4) Measuring length min., 05) name plateDisplay/OperationFunction indicator no Power indicatornoElectrical connectionCable diameter D 2.9 mm Cable length L 0.3 mConnectionBinder 719, 3-pin Number of conductors 3Short-circuit protectionyesElectrical dataNo-load current Io max. at Ue 8 mA Operating voltage Ub 4...8 VDC Rated insulation voltage Ui 75 V DC Rated operating voltage Ue DC 8 V Ripple max. (% of Ue) 5 %Switching frequency 50 Hz Utilization categoryDC -13Environmental conditionsAmbient temperature 0...60 °C Contamination scale 2IP ratingIP64 Connector IP40Storage temperature-20...40 °CFunctional safetyMTTF (40 °C)472 aGeneral dataApproval/ConformityCE cULus WEEE Basic standard IEC 60947-5-7Scope of deliveryShort guide Sealing tapeSensitivity adjustable on base unit SeriesF03MaterialHousing materialPET PA Material jacketTPUMaterial sensing surface3M VHB 5925Mechanical dataDimension 33 x 2 x 850 mmInstallation flush with container outer wall Mounting Self-adhesive 2-hole screw mount Weight43 gOutput/InterfaceInterfaceSpecial interfaceRange/DistanceMeasuring range850 mmNon-linearity max.±8 %FS Repeat accuracy2 %FSRemarksThe product may only be used such that when there is a malfunction or total failure there is no risk to life and limb, machines or other high value equipment.Malfunctions possible in the range of the working frequency 0.6y...30 MHz Non-linearity / accuracy within 10...90% of measuring range: 4%For further information about the MTTF and B10d see MTTF / B10d certificateIndication of the MTTF- / B10d value does not represent a binding composition and/or life expectancy assurance; these are simply experiential values with no warranty implications. These declared values also do not extend the expiration period for defect claims or affect it in any way.Connector DrawingsWiring DiagramsTechnical Drawings。
开关的保护:标准的PVS系列开关可以为绝大多数应用提供优质长寿命 的保护。开关具有防水保护,开关的浸润部分采用防腐材料构成,膜 片通常采用VITON® KAPTON®或EPDM膜片,能满足苛刻的行业应 用。外壳可选用钢铁,黄铜或不锈钢材质。
机械寿命: 1,000,000次
1 2 3
公共端 常闭 常开
调压塞 上盖 密封圈
微动开关 顶杆
限位器 外壳
调节头 弹簧 微动开关外壳
托盘 压盖 缓冲垫 膜片
BPA系列 结构示意图
上海办事处:18930221175 (江楠)Q:2244983398
MVA/MVF 真 空 开 关
.79 1.799.9 19.9
1.29 13.22.99 32.9
2810 Blue RidgCe B29lv6d9.6 West Union, SC 29696
*不适用于 MPA/MVA