
软件测试工作流程英语作文Software Testing Workflow。
Software testing is a crucial part of the software development process. It ensures that the software is of high quality and meets the user's requirements. In this article, we will discuss the software testing workflow.1. Test Planning。
Test planning is the first step in the software testing workflow. It involves defining the scope of the testing, identifying the testing objectives, and creating a test plan. The test plan includes the testing strategy, testing schedule, testing resources, and testing tools. The test plan is reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.2. Test Design。
Test design involves creating the test cases. The testcases are based on the requirements and specifications of the software. The test cases cover the different scenarios and use cases of the software. The test cases are reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.3. Test Execution。

data definition C-use pair:数据定义C-use使用对
data definition P-use coverage:数据定义P-use覆盖
data definition P-use pair:数据定义P-use使用对
data definition:数据定义
data definition-use coverage:数据定义使用覆盖
data definition-use pair :数据定义使用对
data definition-use testing:数据定义使用测试
Check In :检入
Check Out :检出
Closeout : 收尾
code audit :代码审计
Code coverage : 代码覆盖
Code Inspection:代码检视
Core team : 核心小组
corrective maintenance:故障检修
correctness :正确性
coverage :覆盖率
coverage item:覆盖项
Beta testing : β测试
Black Box Testing:黑盒测试
Blocking bug : 阻碍性错误
Bottom-up testing : 自底向上测试
boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖
boundary value testing:边界值测试
Bug bash : 错误大扫除
bug fix : 错误修正
Bug report : 错误报告

UAT测试计划UAT Testing Plan1. IntroductionThe purpose of this User Acceptance Testing (UAT) plan is to outline the approach, scope, and objectives of the UAT phase for the project. This document will provide details on the resources required, the testing activities to be conducted, and the schedule for UAT.2. ScopeThe scope of UAT includes the testing of all functionality and features of the system from a user's perspective. This includes but is not limited to:- Testing all user workflows and scenarios- Ensuring the system meets the user requirements- Verifying the user interface design and usability- Identifying any defects or issues that may affect the user experience3. Test EnvironmentThe test environment for UAT should be an accurate representation of the production environment. This includes the following:- Hardware: Ensure that the UAT environment has similar hardware specifications to the production environment.- Software: Install all necessary software applications, including the latest version of the system under test.- Data: Populate the UAT environment with realistic and representative data to support UAT activities.4. Roles and Responsibilities- Business Analyst: Responsible for gathering and documenting user requirements, managing user expectations, and facilitating UAT activities.- Test Lead: Responsible for developing the UAT test plan, coordinating UAT test activities, and managing test resources.- Business Users: Responsible for executing UAT test scripts, identifying any issues or defects, and providing feedback on the system.5. UAT Test Cases and ScriptsTest cases and scripts should be developed based on the user requirements and expected user workflows. Each test case should include the following details:- Test case ID- Test case description- Test data- Expected result6. Test Execution- Test Execution: Business users will execute the assigned test cases and scripts, following the defined test procedures.- Defect Reporting: Business users should report any defects or issues encountered during the test execution using the designated defect-tracking system.- All identified defects have been resolved or closed.- The system meets all user requirements and performs as expected.- Business users have provided sign-off indicating their acceptance and satisfaction with the system.8. UAT Sign-off- Review and analyze the overall UAT results.- Evaluate the success criteria and determine whether they have been met.- Obtain sign-off from the business users indicating their acceptance and satisfaction with the system.- Regular meetings with business users to discuss UAT progress, any issues encountered, and any additional support or training required.10. UAT Acceptance CriteriaThe UAT acceptance criteria should be defined and agreedupon by all stakeholders before the start of UAT. These criteria should clearly state what constitutes acceptance of the system and what will trigger a retest or a rejection.11. UAT Exit Criteria12. UAT ScheduleThe UAT schedule should be developed and shared with all stakeholders in advance. It should include key dates, milestones, and dependencies to ensure proper planning and coordination.13. UAT Risks and MitigationIdentify and assess any potential risks that may impact the UAT phase and develop appropriate mitigation strategies to minimize their impact.14. UAT Checklist15. UAT ResourcesIdentify the resources required for UAT, including the number of business users needed, hardware and software requirements, and any additional support or training required.16. Conclusion。

一、选择适合的测试工具1.1 功能测试工具功能测试工具是自动化测试方案的核心组成部分。
在选择功能测试工具时,需要考虑以下几个方面:- 支持的编程语言:根据项目的需求和开发团队的技术栈,选择支持的编程语言。
- 支持的操作系统和浏览器:根据软件的目标平台,选择功能测试工具支持的操作系统和浏览器。
- 社区支持和文档资料:选择功能测试工具时,考虑社区的活跃程度和文档的丰富程度。
1.2 性能测试工具性能测试工具用于评估软件在不同负载下的性能表现。
在选择性能测试工具时,需要考虑以下几个方面:- 支持的协议和技术:根据软件的特点和需求,选择支持的协议和技术。
- 负载模型和脚本编写:选择性能测试工具时,考虑负载模型的灵活性和脚本编写的便捷性。
- 监控和分析功能:性能测试工具应该提供实时监控和分析功能,帮助开发团队发现性能瓶颈和优化方向。
1.3 安全测试工具安全测试工具用于评估软件的安全性和漏洞。
在选择安全测试工具时,需要考虑以下几个方面:- 支持的漏洞类型:根据软件的特点和需求,选择支持的漏洞类型。

具体的测试目标包括:1. 验证软件的基本功能是否符合需求;2. 检测软件的性能是否满足预期;3. 检查软件的兼容性和可移植性;4. 进行回归测试,确保软件的修改不会对原有功能造成影响。
三、测试环境1. 硬件环境:- 操作系统:Windows 10- 处理器:Intel Core i7 3.0GHz- 内存:8GB- 存储:256GB SSD2. 软件环境:- 开辟工具:Visual Studio 2022- 测试框架:Selenium WebDriver- 编程语言:C#四、测试用例设计在进行自动化测试之前,需要先设计测试用例。
以下是几个示例测试用例:1. 登录功能测试- 输入正确的用户名和密码,验证是否成功登录;- 输入错误的用户名和密码,验证是否提示登录失败;- 输入为空的用户名和密码,验证是否提示输入不能为空;- 输入非法字符的用户名和密码,验证是否能正确处理。
2. 注册功能测试- 输入有效的用户名和密码,验证是否成功注册;- 输入已存在的用户名,验证是否提示用户名已存在;- 输入非法字符的用户名和密码,验证是否能正确处理;- 输入不符合要求的密码,验证是否提示密码强度不够。
3. 商品搜索功能测试- 输入关键字进行搜索,验证搜索结果是否正确;- 输入不存在的关键字进行搜索,验证是否提示无结果;- 输入特殊字符进行搜索,验证是否能正确处理;- 输入空格进行搜索,验证是否能正确处理。

1. 测试环境准备
- 安装和配置测试工具(如Selenium、Appium等)
- 准备测试数据和测试用例
- 确保测试环境与生产环境一致
2. 功能测试用例编写
- 根据需求文档和设计规范,编写UI功能测试用例
- 涵盖各种正常和异常场景
- 确保测试用例的可维护性和可重用性
3. 自动化脚本开发
- 选择合适的编程语言(如Java、Python等)
- 使用测试框架(如TestNG、Pytest等)开发自动化脚本 - 实现页面对象模型(POM)设计模式,提高脚本的可维护性 - 集成持续集成工具(如Jenkins)实现自动化执行
4. 执行自动化测试
- 建立测试执行计划和策略
- 在不同的环境(开发、测试、生产等)中执行自动化测试 - 生成详细的测试报告,包括测试覆盖率、缺陷等
5. 缺陷管理和追踪
- 记录和分析测试中发现的缺陷
- 与开发人员协作,确保缺陷得到修复和回归测试
- 建立缺陷跟踪机制,避免遗漏
6. 持续优化和维护
- 根据项目进展,持续优化和扩展自动化测试覆盖范围
- 审查和重构自动化脚本,提高其可维护性
- 跟踪新的测试工具和技术,持续改进测试流程
7. 培训和知识共享
- 为测试人员提供相关的培训,提高自动化测试技能
- 建立知识共享机制,促进团队协作和经验传递

其主要目的包括:1. 提高测试的覆盖率:通过自动执行大量的测试用例,可以覆盖更多的功能和场景,发现更多的缺陷。
2. 减少测试的工作量:自动化测试可以减少测试人员的重复劳动,提高测试的效率。
3. 提高测试的准确性:自动化测试可以消除人为因素的影响,减少测试的误差,提高测试的准确性和一致性。
4. 提高测试的可重复性:自动化测试可以重复执行相同的测试用例,确保测试结果的一致性。
三、自动化测试方案的步骤1. 确定测试目标和范围:根据项目需求和测试计划,确定需要进行自动化测试的功能和场景。
2. 选择自动化测试工具:根据项目的需求和技术栈,选择适合的自动化测试工具,如Selenium、Appium等。
3. 设计测试用例:根据测试目标和范围,设计相应的测试用例,包括正向测试、边界测试、异常测试等。
4. 编写测试脚本:使用选择的自动化测试工具,编写测试脚本,实现测试用例的自动化执行。
5. 执行测试脚本:使用自动化测试工具,执行编写好的测试脚本,生成测试报告和日志。
6. 分析测试结果:根据测试报告和日志,分析测试结果,发现并记录测试中的缺陷和问题。
7. 修复缺陷和问题:将发现的缺陷和问题反馈给开辟人员,协助其进行修复。
8. 重复执行测试:在缺陷修复后,重新执行测试脚本,验证修复的效果。
9. 生成测试文档:根据测试结果和测试过程中的经验,生成相应的测试文档,包括测试计划、测试用例、测试报告等。

Testing PlanIntroductionThe purpose of this document is to outline the testing plan for the project. The objective of testing is to ensure that the software meets the requirements, is free of defects, and performs as expected.ScopeThe testing plan covers all aspects of the software development life cycle, including functional testing, system testing, performance testing, and regression testing.Test ObjectivesThe key objectives of the testing plan are as follows:1.To verify that the software meets the functionalrequirements.2.To ensure that the software works as expected in different environments.3.To evaluate the performance of the software under different circumstances.4.To identify and fix any defects or bugs in the software.5.To ensure that the software is reliable and stable.Testing ApproachThe testing approach will consist of the following phases:1.Requirement analysis: In this phase, the testing team will thoroughly analyze the requirements to understand the scope and functionality of the software.2.Test planning: Based on the requirements analysis, the testing team will develop a test plan which includes test objectives, test cases, test data, and test environment setup.3.Test case development: The testing team will create test cases and test scenarios based on the requirements. These test cases will cover all aspects of the software’s functionality.4.Test execution: In this phase, the test cases will be executed and the results will be recorded. Any defects or bugs found during this phase will be logged and reported.5.Defect tracking and resolution: The defects identified during the test execution phase will be logged and tracked until they are resolved. The testing team will work closely with the development team to fix the defects.6.Retesting and regression testing: After the defects are resolved, the affected areas will be retested to ensure that the fixes have been implemented correctly. Additionally, regression testing will be performed to ensure that existing functionality has not been affected by the fixes.7.Test completion: Once all the test cases have been executedand the defects have been resolved, the testing team will conduct a final round of testing to ensure that the software is ready for release.Test EnvironmentThe test environment will consist of the following components: •Hardware: The software will be tested on different hardware configurations to ensure compatibility and performance.•Software: The software will be tested on different operating systems and browser combinations to ensure compatibility.•Test tools: Various test tools will be used for test case management, defect tracking, and automated testing.Test DeliverablesThe following deliverables will be produced during the testing process:•Test plan: A document outlining the overall testing approach, objectives, and scope.•Test cases: A collection of test cases that will be executed to verify the software’s functionality.•Test reports: Detled reports that summarize the test results, including any defects or bugs found.•Defect log: A log that tracks and documents all reported defects, including their status and resolution.Testing TimelineThe testing activities will be conducted in parallel with the development activities. The testing timeline will be as follows: •Requirement analysis and test planning: 1 week•Test case development: 2 weeks•Test execution and defect tracking: 3 weeks•Retesting and regression testing: 1 week•Final testing and test reports: 1 weekConclusionThe testing plan outlines the approach, objectives, and scope of the testing activities for the project. By following this plan, the development team can ensure that the software meets the requirements and performs as expected. Regular communication and collaboration between the development and testing teams are crucial for the success of the testing process.。
测试方法及测试战略英文版Test Strategy

1. Access Testing 2. Function Validation 3. Role Validation
Testing Management
Testing Management Tool(for example HPQC)
Volvo Group IT 6 May 2018
Test Pattern with Test Data
• Report demonstration by each test pattern • Report data limitation by each test pattern
Volvo Group IT 5 May 2018
Priority & Severity
Volvo Group IT 3 May 2018
Testing Stages
Owner Performer Testing Category
Unit Test
Functional Test
E2E Test
Business User
Tester, Automation Tool
Company Logo
UDBI Testing Strategy
Data Flow Overview General Testing Stages Testing Stages for Prototype Stage
Volvo Group IT 2 May 2018
General View of Data Flow

plc控制系统测试计划和方案English Answer:PLC Control System Testing Plan and Approach.Introduction:A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) control system is widely used in industrial automation to control and monitor various processes. Testing the PLC control system iscrucial to ensure its reliability, functionality, and safety. This article presents a testing plan and approach for a PLC control system.Testing Objectives:1. Functional Testing: Validate that the PLC control system performs all the intended functions accurately and reliably.2. Performance Testing: Assess the system's performance under different load conditions to ensure it meets the required specifications.3. Safety Testing: Verify that the control system operates safely and follows all safety protocols.4. Integration Testing: Test the compatibility and interaction between the PLC control system and other components or subsystems.5. Reliability Testing: Evaluate the system'sreliability by subjecting it to various stress tests and analyzing its failure points.Testing Phases:1. Test Planning: Define the scope, objectives, and testing requirements. Identify the test environment and resources needed.2. Test Design: Develop test cases, test scenarios, andtest scripts based on the system requirements and specifications.3. Test Execution: Execute the test cases and record the test results. Monitor the system's behavior and performance during the tests.4. Test Evaluation: Analyze the test results, identify any defects or issues, and prioritize them based on their severity.5. Test Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the testing activities, results, and recommendations for improvements.Testing Techniques:1. Black Box Testing: Validate the system's functionality without considering its internal structure. Focus on inputs and outputs.2. White Box Testing: Test the internal structure andlogic of the control system. Verify the correctness of the program code.3. Regression Testing: Re-test the system after making any changes or modifications to ensure that existing functionalities are not affected.4. Stress Testing: Subject the control system toextreme conditions to evaluate its performance and identify any failure points.5. Security Testing: Assess the system's vulnerabilityto unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.Test Environment:1. Hardware: Include the necessary PLC devices, sensors, actuators, and other components required for testing.2. Software: Install the PLC programming software and any other software tools needed for testing and debugging.3. Simulation: Use simulation tools to create virtual environments and simulate real-world scenarios for testing purposes.Conclusion:A well-defined testing plan and approach are essential for ensuring the reliability, functionality, and safety of a PLC control system. By following the testing phases, techniques, and using appropriate test environments, the control system can be thoroughly tested and any issues or defects can be identified and addressed promptly.中文回答:PLC控制系统测试计划和方案。

小薇企业信息化网站自动化测试计划(第一组)目录1.目标..................................................................................2.测试对象..........................................................................3.测试通过标准..................................................................4.测试挂起及恢复标准......................................................5.测试任务安排..................................................................5.1 功能性测试.................................................................5.1.1 方法和标准.....................................................................5.1.2 时间安排........................................................................5.1.4 风险和假设....................................................................5.1.5 角色和职责.....................................................................5.2 安全性测试....................................................................5.2.1 方法和标准........................................................................5.3界面测试..........................................................................5.3.1 方法和标准.........................................................................5.4 易用性测试......................................................................5.4.1 方法和标准...........................................................................5.5 性能测试..........................................................................5.5.1 方法和标准.........................................................................6.组织形式 .............................................................................7.测试进度................................................................................8.质量目标................................................................................1.目标本次自动化测试需要完成的目标如下:A.根据自动化测试小组讨论结果,对可自动化的模块及其手工测试用例进行自动化测试。

<<P ROJECT N AME-I NSTITUTION N AME>>Test PlanDocument Change HistoryVersion Number Date Contributor Description V1.0 What changes (additions anddeletions) were made for thisversion?** Note to Document Author –Red and blue text (with the exception of the title and document name above) in this document is directed at the template user to describe processes, build standards and help build the document from the template. All such red and blue text should be removed before submitting any formal documentation, including both draft and/or final, deliverables. ****Updated April 27, 2022Table of Contents1INTRODUCTION (3)1.1S COPE (3)1.1.1In Scope (3)1.1.2Out of Scope (3)1.2Q UALITY O BJECTIVE (3)1.2.1Primary Objective (3)1.2.2Secondary Objective (4)1.3R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (4)1.3.1Developer (4)1.3.2Adopter (4)1.3.3Testing Process Management Team (4)1.4A SSUMPTIONS FOR T EST E XECUTION (5)1.5C ONSTRAINTS FOR T EST E XECUTION (5)1.6D EFINITIONS (6)2TEST METHODOLOGY (6)2.1P URPOSE (6)2.1.1Overview (6)2.1.2Usability Testing (6)2.1.3Unit Testing (Multiple) (7)2.1.4Iteration/Regression Testing (7)2.1.5Final release Testing (7)2.1.6Testing completeness Criteria (8)2.2T EST L EVELS (8)2.2.1Build Tests (8) 1 - Build Acceptance Tests (8) 2 - Smoke Tests (8) 2a - Bug Regression Testing (8)2.2.2Milestone Tests (8) 3 - Critical Path Tests (8)2.2.3Release Tests (9) 4 - Standard Tests (9) 5 - Suggested Test (9)2.3B UG R EGRESSION (9)2.4B UG T RIAGE (9)2.5S USPENSION C RITERIA AND R ESUMPTION R EQUIREMENTS (10)2.6T EST C OMPLETENESS (10)2.6.1Standard Conditions: (10)2.6.2Bug Reporting & Triage Conditions: (10)3TEST DELIVERABLES (11)3.1D ELIVERABLES M ATRIX (11)3.2D OCUMENTS (12)3.2.1Test Approach Document (12)3.2.2Test Plan (12)3.2.3Test Schedule (12)3.2.4Test Specifications (13)3.2.5Requirements Traceability Matrix (13)3.3D EFECT T RACKING &D EBUGGING (13)3.3.1Testing Workflow (13)3.3.2Defect reporting using G FORGE (14)3.4R EPORTS (16)3.4.1Testing status reports (16)3.4.2Phase Completion Reports (16)3.4.3Test Final Report - Sign-Off (16)3.5R ESPONSIBILITY M ATRIX (16)4RESOURCE & ENVIRONMENT NEEDS (16)4.1T ESTING T OOLS (16)4.1.1Tracking Tools (16) Management (17)4.2T EST E NVIRONMENT (17)4.2.1Hardware (17)4.2.2Software (17)4.3B UG S EVERITY AND P RIORITY D EFINITION (17)4.3.1Severity List (17)4.3.2Priority List (18)4.4B UG R EPORTING (18)5TERMS/ACRONYMS (18)1IntroductionThis test approach document describes the appropriate strategies, process, workflows and methodologies used to plan, organize, execute and manage testing of software projects within caBIG.1.1 ScopeDescribe the current test approach scope based on your role and project objectives.1.1.1In ScopeThe caBIG <workspace name> <system name>Test Plan defines the unit, integration, system, regression, and Client Acceptance testing approach. The test scope includes the following:•Testing of all functional, application performance, security and use casesrequirements listed in the Use Case document.•Quality requirements and fit metrics<system name>.•End-to-end testing and testing of interfaces of all systems that interact withthe <system name>.1.1.2Out of ScopeThe following are considered out of scope for caBIG <workspace name> <system name> system Test Plan and testing scope:•Functional requirements testing for systems outside <application name>•Testing of Business SOPs, disaster recovery and Business Continuity Plan.1.2Quality Objective1.2.1Primary ObjectiveA primary objective of testing application systems is to: assure that the system meets the full requirements, including quality requirements (AKA: Non-functional requirements) and fit metrics for each quality requirement and satisfies the use case scenarios and maintain the quality of the product. At the end of the project development cycle, the user should find that the project has met or exceeded all of their expectations as detailed in the requirements. Any changes, additions, or deletions to the requirements document, Functional Specification, or Design Specification will be documented and tested at the highest level of quality allowed within the remaining time of the project and within the ability of the test team.1.2.2Secondary ObjectiveThe secondary objective of testing application systems will be to: identify and expose all issues and associated risks, communicate all known issues to the project team, and ensure that all issues are addressed in an appropriate matter before release. As an objective, this requires careful and methodical testing of the application to first ensure all areas of the system are scrutinized and, consequently, all issues (bugs) found are dealt with appropriately.•1.3Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and responsibilities may differ based on the actual SOW. Below listed functions are for testing phase.1.3.1DeveloperAn NCI-designated Cancer Center selected and funded by NCICB to participate in a specific Workspace to undertake software or solution development activities. Responsible to:(a) Develop the system/application(b) Develop Use cases and requirements in collaboration with the Adopters(c) Conduct Unit, system, regression and integration testing(d) Support user acceptance testing1.3.2AdopterAn NCI-designated Cancer Center selected and funded by NCICB to undertake formal adoption, testing, validation, and application of products or solutions developed by Workspace Developers. Responsible to:(a) Contribute to Use case, requirement development through review(b) Contribute to develop and execution of the development test scripts throughreview(c) Conduct Full User Acceptance, regression, and end-to-end testing; thisincludes identifying testing scenarios, building the test scripts, executing scriptsand reporting test results1.3.3Testing Process Management TeamInclude NCI, BAH and Cancer Center Leads allocated to the <workspace name>. Group responsible to manage the entire testing process, workflow and quality management with activities and responsibilities to:(a) Monitor and manage testing integrity and Support testing activities(b) Coordinate activities across cancer centersAdd more as appropriate to testing scope1.4Assumptions for Test ExecutionBelow are some minimum assumptions (in black) that has be completed with some examples (in red). Any example may be used if deemed appropriate for the particular project. New assumptions may also be added that are reasoned to be suitable to the project.•For User Acceptance testing, the Developer team has completed unit,system and integration testing and met all the Requirement’s(including quality requirements) based on Requirement TraceabilityMatrix.•User Acceptance testing will be conducted by End-users•Test results will be reported on daily basis using Gforge. Failed scripts anddefect list from Gforge with evidence will be sent to Developer directly.•Use cases have been developed by Adopters for User Acceptance testing.Use cases are approved by test lead.•Test scripts are developed and approved.•Test Team will support and provide appropriate guidance to Adopters andDevelopers to conduct testing•Major dependencies should be reported immediately after the testing kickoffmeeting.1.5 Constraints for Test ExecutionBelow are some minimum assumptions (in black) followed by example constraints (red). Any example may be used if deemed appropriate for the particular project. New constraints may also be added that are reasoned to be suitable to the project.•Adopters should clearly understand on test procedures and recording adefect or enhancement. Testing Process Management Team willschedule a teleconference with Developers and Adopters to train andaddress any testing related issues.•Developer will receive consolidated list of request for test environment set up,user accounts set up, data set (actual and mock data), defect list, etc.through GForge after the initial Adopter testing kick off meeting.•Developer will support ongoing testing activities based on priorities••Test scripts must be approved by Test Lead prior test execution•Test scripts, test environment and dependencies should be addressed duringtesting kickoff meeting in presence of a SME and request list shouldbe submitted within 3 days of the kickoff meeting•The Developer cannot execute the User Acceptance and End to End testscripts. After debugging, the developer can conduct their internal test,but no results from that test can be recorded / reported.•Adopters are responsible to identify dependencies between test scripts andsubmit clear request to set up test environment1.6DefinitionsBugs: Any error or defect that cause the software/application or hardware to malfunction. Thatis also included in the requirements and does not meet the required workflow, process or function point.Enhancement:1) Any alteration or modification to the existing system for better workflow and process.2) An error or defect that causes the software/application or hardware to malfunction.Where 1) and 2) is NOT included in the requirements can be categorized as an enhancement. Enhancement can be added as a new requirement after appropriate Change Management process.2Test Methodology2.1Purpose2.1.1OverviewThe below list is not intended to limit the extent of the test plan and can be modified to become suitable for the particular project.The purpose of the Test Plan is to achieve the following:•Define testing strategies for each area and sub-area to include all the functional and quality (non-functional) requirements.•Divide Design Spec into testable areas and sub-areas (do not confuse with more detailed test spec). Be sure to also identify and include areas that are to be omitted (not tested) also. •Define bug-tracking procedures.•Identify testing risks.•Identify required resources and related information.•Provide testing Schedule.2.1.2Usability TestingThe purpose of usability testing is to ensure that the new components and features will function in a manner that is acceptable to the customer.Development will typically create a non-functioning prototype of the UI components to evaluate the proposed design. Usability testing can be coordinated by testing, but actual testing must beperformed by non-testers (as close to end-users as possible). Testing will review the findings and provide the project team with its evaluation of the impact these changes will have on the testing process and to the project as a whole.2.1.3Unit Testing (Multiple)Unit Testing is conducted by the Developer during code development process to ensure that proper functionality and code coverage have been achieved by each developer both during coding and in preparation for acceptance into iterations testing.The following are the example areas of the project must be unit-tested and signed-off before being passed on to regression Testing:•Databases, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Tables, and Indexes•NT Services•Database conversion•.OCX, .DLL, .EXE and other binary formatted executables2.1.4Iteration/Regression TestingDuring the repeated cycles of identifying bugs and taking receipt of new builds (containing bug fix code changes), there are several processes which are common to this phase across all projects. These include the various types of tests: functionality, performance, stress, configuration, etc. There is also the process of communicating results from testing and ensuring that new drops/iterations contain stable fixes (regression). The project should plan for a minimum of 2-3 cycles of testing (drops/iterations of new builds).At each iteration, a debriefing should be held. Specifically, the report must show that to the best degree achievable during the iteration testing phase, all identified severity 1 and severity 2 bugs have been communicated and addressed. At a minimum, all priority 1 and priority 2 bugs should be resolved prior to entering the beta phase.Below are examples. Any example may be used if deemed appropriate for the particular project. New content may also be added that are reasoned to be suitable to the project. Important deliverables required for acceptance into Final Release testing include: •Application SETUP.EXE•Installation instructions•All documentation (beta test scripts, manuals or training guides, etc.)2.1.5Final release TestingTesting team with end-users participates in this milestone process as well by providing confirmation feedback on new issues uncovered, and input based on identical or similar issues detected earlier. The intention is to verify that the product is ready for distribution, acceptable to the customer and iron out potential operational issues.Assuming critical bugs are resolved during previous iterations testing- Throughout the Final Release test cycle, bug fixes will be focused on minor and trivial bugs (severity 3 and 4). Testing will continue its process of verifying the stability of the application through regression testing (existing known bugs, as well as existing test cases).The milestone target of this phase is to establish that the application under test has reached a level of stability, appropriate for its usage (number users, etc.), that it can be released to the end users and caBIG community.2.1.6Testing completeness CriteriaRelease for production can occur only after the successful completion of the application under test throughout all of the phases and milestones previously discussed above.The milestone target is to place the release/app (build) into production after it has been shown that the app has reached a level of stability that meets or exceeds the client expectations as defined in the Requirements, Functional Spec., and caBIG Production Standards.2.2Test LevelsTesting of an application can be broken down into three primary categories and several sub-levels. The three primary categories include tests conducted every build (Build Tests), tests conducted every major milestone (Milestone Tests), and tests conducted at least once every project release cycle (Release Tests). The test categories and test levels are defined below: 2.2.1Build Tests2.2.1.1Level 1 - Build Acceptance TestsBuild Acceptance Tests should take less than 2-3 hours to complete (15 minutes is typical). These test cases simply ensure that the application can be built and installed successfully. Other related test cases ensure that adopters received the proper Development Release Document plus other build related information (drop point, etc.). The objective is to determine if further testing is possible. If any Level 1 test case fails, the build is returned to developers un-tested. 2 - Smoke TestsSmoke Tests should be automated and take less than 2-3 hours (20 minutes is typical). These tests cases verify the major functionality a high level.The objective is to determine if further testing is possible. These test cases should emphasize breadth more than depth. All components should be touched, and every major feature should be tested briefly by the Smoke Test. If any Level 2 test case fails, the build is returned to developers un-tested. 2a - Bug Regression TestingEvery bug that was “Open” during the previous build, but marked as “Fixed, Needs Re-Testing” for the current build under test, will need to be regressed, or re-tested. Once the smoke test is completed, all resolved bugs need to be regressed. It should take between 5 minutes to 1 hour to regress most bugs.2.2.2Milestone Tests2.2.2.1Level 3 - Critical Path TestsCritical Path test cases are targeted on features and functionality that the user will see and use every day.Critical Path test cases must pass by the end of every 2-3 Build Test Cycles. They do not need to be tested every drop, but must be tested at least once per milestone. Thus, the Critical Path test cases must all be executed at least once during the Iteration cycle, and once during theFinal Release cycle.2.2.3Release Tests2.2.3.1Level 4 - Standard TestsTest Cases that need to be run at least once during the entire test cycle for this release. These cases are run once, not repeated as are the test cases in previous levels. Functional Testingand Detailed Design Testing (Functional Spec and Design Spec Test Cases, respectively). These can be tested multiple times for each Milestone Test Cycle (Iteration, Final Release, etc.). Standard test cases usually include Installation, Data, GUI, and other test areas. 5 - Suggested TestThese are Test Cases that would be nice to execute, but may be omitted due to time constraints.Most Performance and Stress Test Cases are classic examples of Suggested test cases (although some should be considered standard test cases). Other examples of suggested test cases include WAN, LAN, Network, and Load testing.2.3Bug RegressionBug Regression will be a central tenant throughout all testing phases.All bugs that are resolved as “Fixed, Needs Re-Testing” will be regressed when Testing team is notified of the new drop containing the fixes. When a bug passes regression it will be considered “Closed, Fixed”. If a bug fails regression, adopters testing team will notify development team by entering notes into GForge. When a Severity 1 bug fails regression, adopters Testing team should also put out an immediate email to development. The Test Lead will be responsible for tracking and reporting to development and product managementthe status of regression testing.2.4Bug TriageBug Triages will be held throughout all phases of the development cycle. Bug triages will bethe responsibility of the Test Lead. Triages will be held on a regular basis with the time frame being determined by the bug find rate and project schedules.Thus, it would be typical to hold few triages during the Planning phase, then maybe one triage per week during the Design phase, ramping up to twice per week during the latter stages ofthe Development phase. Then, the Stabilization phase should see a substantial reduction inthe number of new bugs found, thus a few triages per week would be the maximum (to dealwith status on existing bugs).The Test Lead, Product Manager, and Development Lead should all be involved in these triage meetings. The Test Lead will provide required documentation and reports on bugs for all attendees. The purpose of the triage is to determine the type of resolution for each bug and to prioritize and determine a schedule for all “To Be Fixed Bugs’. Development w ill then assignthe bugs to the appropriate person for fixing and report the resolution of each bug back into the GForge bug tracker system. The Test Lead will be responsible for tracking and reporting onthe status of all bug resolutions.2.5Suspension Criteria and Resumption RequirementsThis section should be defined to list criteria’s and resumption requirements should certain degree and pre-defined levels of test objectives and goals are not met.Please see example below:- Testing will be suspended on the affected software module when Smoke Test (Level 1) or Critical Path (Level 2) test case bugs are discovered after the 3rd iteration.- Testing will be suspended if there is critical scope change that impacts the Critical PathA bug report should be filed by Development team. After fixing the bug, Development team will follow the drop criteria (described above) to provide its latest drop for additional Testing. At that time, adopters will regress the bug, and if passes, continue testing the module.2.6Test CompletenessTesting will be considered complete when the following conditions have been met:2.6.1Standard Conditions:•When Adopters and Developers, agree that testing is complete, the app is stable, and agree that the application meets functional requirements.•Script execution of all test cases in all areas have passed.•Automated test cases have in all areas have passed.•All priority 1 and 2 bugs have been resolved and closed.•NCI approves the test completion•Each test area has been signed off as completed by the Test Lead.•50% of all resolved severity 1 and 2 bugs have been successfully re-regressed as final validation.•Ad hoc testing in all areas has been completed.2.6.2Bug Reporting & Triage Conditions:Please add Bug reporting and triage conditions that will be submitted and evaluated to measure the current status.•Bug find rate indicates a decreasing trend prior to Zero Bug Rate (no new Sev. 1/2/3 bugs found).•Bug find rate remains at 0 new bugs found (Severity 1/2/3) despite a constant test effort across 3 or more days.•Bug severity distribution has changed to a steady decrease in Sev. 1 and 2 bugs discovered. •No ‘Must Fix’ bugs remaining prior despite sustained testing.3Test DeliverablesTesting will provide specific deliverables during the project. These deliverables fall into three basic categories: Documents, Test Cases / Bug Write-ups, and Reports. Here is a diagram indicating the dependencies of the various deliverables:As the diagram above shows, there is a progression from one deliverable to the next. Each deliverable has its own dependencies, without which it is not possible to fully complete the deliverable.The following page contains a matrix depicting all of the deliverables that Testing will use. 3.1Deliverables MatrixBelow is the list of artifacts that are process driven and should be produced during the testing lifecycle. Certain deliverables should be delivered as part of test validation, you may add to the below list of deliverables that support the overall objectives and to maintain the quality.This matrix should be updated routinely throughout the project development cycle in you project specific Test Plan.3.2Documents3.2.1Test Approach DocumentThe Test Approach document is derived from the Project Plan, Requirements and Functional Specification documents. This document defines the overall test approach to be taken for the project. The Standard Test Approach document that you are currently reading is a boilerplate from which the more specific project Test Approach document can be extracted.When this document is completed, the Test Lead will distribute it to the Product Manager, Development Lead, User Representative, Program Manager, and others as needed for review and sign-off.3.2.2Test PlanThe Test Plan is derived from the Test Approach, Requirements, Functional Specs, and detailed Design Specs. The Test Plan identifies the details of the test approach, identifying the associated test case areas within the specific product for this release cycle.The purpose of the Test Plan document is to:•Specify the approach that Testing will use to test the product, and the deliverables (extract from the Test Approach).•Break the product down into distinct areas and identify features of the product that are to be tested.•Specify the procedures to be used for testing sign-off and product release.•Indicate the tools used to test the product.•List the resource and scheduling plans.•Indicate the contact persons responsible for various areas of the project.•Identify risks and contingency plans that may impact the testing of the product.•Specify bug management procedures for the project.•Specify criteria for acceptance of development drops to testing (of builds).3.2.3Test ScheduleThis section is not vital to the document as a whole and can be modified or deleted if needed by the author.The Test Schedule is the responsibility of the Test Lead (or Department Scheduler, if one exists) and will be based on information from the Project Scheduler (done by Product Manager). The project specific Test Schedule may be done in MS Project.3.2.4Test SpecificationsA Test Specification document is derived from the Test Plan as well as the Requirements, Functional Spec., and Design Spec documents. It provides specifications for the constructionof Test Cases and includes list(s) of test case areas and test objectives for each of the components to be tested as identified in the project’s Test Plan.3.2.5Requirements Traceability MatrixA Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) which is used to link the test scenarios to the requirements and use cases is a required part of the Test Plan documentation for all projects. Requirements traceability is defined as the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both a forward and backward direction (i.e. from its origins, through its development and specification, to its subsequent deployment and use, and through periods of ongoing refinement and iteration in any of these phases). 1Attached is a sample basic RTM which could provide a starting point for this documentation. The important thing is to choose a template or document basis that achieves thorough traceability throughout the life of the project.C:\Documents andSettings\523217\My Doc3.3Defect Tracking & Debugging3.3.1Testing WorkflowThe below workflow illustrates the testing workflow process for Developers and Adopters for User Acceptance and End to End testing.Pl. note the yellow highlighted process where the Adopter is required to directly send defect list with evidence to the Developer. Similarly, Developer is required to confirm directly with the Adopter after bug fixes along with updating on the Bugzilla.1 .au/info_requirements_traceability.php3.3.2Defect reporting using G FORGEALL defects should be logged using ‘G FORGE’, to address and debug defects. Adopters are also requested to send a daily defect report to the developer. Developers will update the defect list on G Forge and notify the requestor after the defect has been resolved.Developers and Adopters are required to request an account on G Forge for the relative workspace. Debugging should be based on Priority – High > Medium > Low, these priorities are set by the Adopters and are based on how critical is the test script in terms of dependency and mainly based on use case scenario.Below screen shot displays ‘Add new Defect’ screen, fields marked with ( * ) are mandatory fields and Adopters should also upload the evidence file for all the defects listed.All High priority defects should be addressed within 1 day of the request and resolved/closed within 2 days of the initial requestAll Medium priority defects should be addressed within 2 days of the request andresolved/closed within 4 days of the initial requestAll Low priority defects should be resolved/closed no later than 5 days of the initial request.G Forge URL - User may either search for workspace or select from list of recent project from the bottom right side of the window. E.g. searching for ‘caties’.At the workspace, the user can request Administrators to setup their user account for that workspace.After login, user can select ‘Tracker’ tab to ‘Submit New’ defect. Us er can add defect info. As shown in below screen.。

控制计划(中英⽂标准模板)Techniquece47±10-300mm(0.02)深度尺Depth Gages⾸末检1件、巡检5件、⾃检5件first and end inspection 1pcs,inspection 5pcs,self-inspection 5pcs⾸末检1次、巡检每2⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection 1,inspection every 2hrs,self-inspection every hrs标识、隔离、检查模具Identification ,Separate ,Checkthe die B-1压⼒Pressure◇上缸Cylinder 15(+1,0)Mpa下缸Undercylinder9(+1,0)Mpa⽬视Visual1每班Every shift调整设备、上报Adjustment equipment ,reportingφ142.5(+0.2,-0.3)0-150mm(0.02)游标卡尺A-3◇47±10-300mm(0.02)深度尺Depth Gages⾸末检1件、巡检5件、⾃检5件first and end inspection 1pcs,inspection 5pcs,self-inspection 5pcs⾸末检1次、巡检每2⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection 1,inspection every 2hrs,self-inspectionevery hrs标识、隔离、检查模具Identification ,Separate ,Checkthe die B-1压⼒Pressure◇上缸Cylinder 15(+1,0)Mpa下缸Undercylinder9(+1,0)Mpa⽬视Visual1每班Every shift调整设备、上报Adjustment equipment ,reportingφ214±0.50-300mm(0.02)游标卡尺Calipers6×φ8.7±0.250-150mm(0.02)游标卡尺Calipers A-4◇HDJ-H0001检具Gage⾸末检1件、巡检5件、⾃检5件first and end inspection 1pcs,inspection 5pcs,self-inspection 5pcs末检1次、巡检每2⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection 1,inspection every 2hrs,self-inspectionevery hrsφ205±0.750-300mm(0.02)游标卡尺Calipers 深度Depth检验记录Inspection record50整形ShapingJY32-315/315T油压机Hydraulic Press 直径Diameter ⾸末检1件、巡检3件、⾃检3件first and end inspection 1pcs,inspection 3pcs,self-inspection 3pcs ⾸末检1次、巡检每4⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection 1,inspection every 4hrs,self-inspectionevery hrs 检验记录Inspection recordHD134-H014/整形模Shaping Die⾼度Height检验记录Inspection record标识、隔离、检查模具Identification ,Separate ,CheckHD146-H011/切边冲孔模Trimming and Punching die位置度Location degreeJA21-160/160T冲床Presses深度Depth直径Diameter 检验记录Inspection record标识、隔离、检查模具Identification ,Separate ,Checkthe die40冲压拉深成形Punch冲压切边冲孔Trimming and PunchingJB21-160B-SM/160T冲床直径Diameter⾸末检1件、巡检3件、⾃检3件first and endinspection⾸末检1次、巡检每4⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection60⾸末检1件、巡检3件、⾃检3件first and end inspection 1pcs,inspection3pcs,self-inspection 3pcs⾸末检1次、巡检每4⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection 1,inspection every 4hrs,self-inspection every hrsTechnique ce10(+2,0)0-300mm(0.02)⾼度尺Height Gages85°±0.5°0-360°(2′)万能⾓度尺Universal angle rulerA-5◇⾸末检、巡检0-10mm(0.01)百分表/⾃检 0-1mm塞尺First and endinspection 0-10mm(0.01) Dialindicator/Self-inspection 0-1mmFeeler⾸末检1件、巡检5件(X-R图)、⾃检5件first and endinspection1pcs,inspection 5pcs(X-R末检1次、巡检每2⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and end inspection1,inspection every2hrs,self-inspection everyhrsφ4(+2,-1)0-150mm(0.02)游标卡尺Calipers1±0.250-300mm(0.02)⾼度尺Height Gages90⽆油污No dirt⽬测Visual全检Fullinspection每批per lot检验记录Inspectionrecord标识、隔离、退货Identification , Separate ,Reject 喷塑⽓压Spraypressure0.4-0.5MPa喷塑电压Spray voltage50-60KV烘烤温度Bakingtemperature180-200℃烘烤时间Baking time30-40min⽆漏喷No leakage jet⽬测equipment ,reporting100喷塑SprayXNG-36-1B/粉末喷涂⽣产线Powder coatingproduction lines⽬测Visual1产线外观Appearance全检Fullinspectionper lot70冲压翻边成形FlangingJB21-160B-SM/160T冲床Presses件、⾃检3件first and endinspection1pcs,inspection3pcs,self-inspection 3pcs时、⾃检每1⼩时first and endinspection1,inspection every4hrs,self-inspectionevery hrs80冲压压字Pressure logoJA21-160/160T冲床Presses孔径diameter I.D.⾸末检1件、巡检3件、⾃检3件first and endinspection1pcs,inspection3pcs,self-Separate ,Checkthe die⾓度AngleHD124-H008/翻边模Flanging die平⾯度Flatness⾼度Height标识、隔离、检查模具Identification , Separate ,Checkthe die HD150-H006/压字模Pressure logodie(E32629-3)HD150-H005/压字模Pressure logodie(E32629-1)⾼度Height检验记录Inspectionrecord⾸末检1次、巡检每4⼩时、⾃检每1⼩时first and endinspection1,inspection every4hrs,self-inspectionevery hrs检验记录Inspectionrecord外观Appearance外协镀锌Outsourcing galvanized检验记录Inspectionrecord每班Every shift检验记录Inspectionrecord台⾯,上⾯压5kg物体)/0.15mm feeler ( cover flat on the marble countertops, pressure 5kg objects above )盐雾试验≥1000⼩时/Salt spray test≥1000hrs盐雾腐蚀试验机/Salt spray corrosiontest machine3每季度Each quarter盐雾试验报告Salt spray testreport110丝印完整Full screen⽬测Visual全检Fullinspection每批per lot检验记录Inspectionrecord标识、隔离、退货Identification ,Separate ,Reject A-3◇47±10-300mm(0.02)深度尺Depth Gages10A-4◇HDJ-H0001检具Gage10A-5◇0.15mm塞尺(端盖平放在⼤理⽯台⾯,上⾯压5kg物体)/0.15mm feeler (cover flat on themarble countertops, pressure 5kg objectsPackaging Specifications点数Counting2箱2 box标识、隔离、返⼯Identification , Separate ,Rework清晰Clear⽬测Visual包装规范Packaging Specifications⽬测Visual物资发货单Material Invoice点数Counting标识、隔离、返⼯Identification , Separate ,Rework 平⾯度Flatness防腐蚀性能Corrosion100喷塑SprayXNG-36-1B/粉末喷涂⽣产线Powder coating production lines全检Fullinspection每批per lot外协丝印Outsourcing Screen外观Appearance检验记录InspectionrecordSampling inspection and packaging 标识、隔离、处理Identification ,Separate ,Dealwith位置度Location degree平⾯度Flatness数量Quantity每批per lot检验记录Inspectionrecord标识Label标识、隔离、返⼯Identification ,Separate ,Rework包装Package数量Quantity130⼊库&出货Warehousing & shipping全检Fullinspection每批per lot物资发货单Material Invoice。
UFT One测试自动化解决方案说明书

Case Study Large FinancialServices Institution UFT One introduces the power of AI to increase test coverage by 50%.Leveraging QA Engineers More Effectively This large organization liaises with hundreds of financial institutions to safeguard monetary and financial stability. A CRM application is used to collect data for vital quarterly report -ing. Because financial data is very sensitive, testing is a key part of the application life -cycle. For many years, the organization used OpenT ext™ UFT One for this purpose, as its Test Automation Specialist explains: “In the early days, over 15 years ago, there wasn’t re -ally a Quality Assurance (QA) team to speak of, but clearly this function has become much more important over time. In recent years we moved to an agile development model with a continuous testing and release cycle. UFT One performed great but creating and maintaining test scripts still required specialist test team support. With over 40 QA testers in the orga -nization, we felt it would be helpful if they could be more autonomous in the testing effort.”Because financial reporting occurs during a very specific timeframe, it is key that the system is prepared for an increased number of users. T o further streamline the testing ef -fort, OpenText™ ALM/Quality Center and LoadRunner Enterprise were introduced as test repository and volume and load testing solutions. UFT One AI Capability Increases T est Coverage by 50%The team was delighted to discover that the next UFT One version included AI-powered intelligent test automation, aimed at reducing functional test creation time and maintenance while boosting test coverage and resilience. “In the past we used descriptive program -ming when creating test scripts,” says the T estAutomation Specialist. “This was complex as objects kept changing and we were managingso many screens. AI means that test cases are based entirely on what you see on the screen, i.e., if a tick box is called ‘username’ that is ex -actly how it appears on the test script. This was a total revelation for us and our QA teams as no specific scripting experience is required tocreate tests.”At a Glance ■ Industry Finance ■ Location Europe ■ Challenge Empower QA teams and introduce more test coverage and automation to increase software quality ■ Products and Services UFT One ■ Success Highlights +50% more test coverage for increased software quality +T est maintenance improved by 25% +80% faster test framework creation +Empowered QA teams with intuitive AI-driven testing“As a result of introducing UFT One with AI, our test coverage has increased by 50 percent which has increased the quality we deliver to our users. Similarly, our script maintenance is reduced by 25 percent. This has been a real game-changer for us.”TEST AUTOMATION SPECIALISTLarge Financial Services InstitutionWith excellent support from OpenText™ AI testing experts, the test automation team fo-cused on creating a UFT One AI-driven test framework and saw the benefit straightaway: “When we created the initial test framework, it took us eight months in total,” comments the T est Automation Specialist. “With the new ver-sion of UFT One we leveraged the AI assistant function to convert all tests scripts to AI and create a new framework within just six weeks, an 80 percent time gain. After a comprehensive demo, we handed this to our QA colleagues who were immediately able to create their own AI test cases.”What the testers see on the screen is exactly what they interact with, so even for entirely new screens QA engineers can very simply create a test script. “As a result of introducing UFT One with AI, our test coverage has increased by 50 percent which has increased the quality we deliver to our users,” says the T est Automation Specialist. “Similarly, our script maintenance is reduced by 25 percent. This has been a realgame-changer for us.”RPA Leverages UFT Scriptsto Automate OperationsThere is a drive towards further automation inthe organization. OpenT ext™ Robotic ProcessAutomation (RPA) has been implemented to re-duce manual workload, such as data entry andvalidation, and add more value to the human ef-fort. The latest version of RPA uploads UFT OneAI-based scripts to automatically execute setsof workflows in the production environment.The Test Automation Specialist concludes:“After introducing UFT One with AI we have no-ticed a significant reduction in the reliance onthe test automation team to fix any issues. Thisis because the QA teams have perfect visibilityand can address any problems they encounter.We have increased our software quality as aresult and are excited about the potential thatRPA offers us for the future.”Learn more at/opentext268-000422-001 | O | 06/23 | © 2023 Open T ext。

软件测试计划英文模版Software Testing Plan Template。
1. Introduction。
Software testing is a crucial phase in the software development life cycle (SDLC) that ensures the quality and reliability of a software product. A well-defined software testing plan is essential to guide the testing process and ensure that all aspects of the software are thoroughly tested. This document presents a template for creating a comprehensive software testing plan.2. Objectives。
The primary objectives of the software testing plan are as follows:To identify the scope and objectives of the testing activities.To define the roles and responsibilities of the testing team.To establish the testing approach and methodologies.To outline the test deliverables and schedule.To identify the test environment and required resources.To define the test criteria and exit criteria.To identify the risks and mitigation strategies.To ensure effective communication and reporting.3. Scope。

希望这个资料能带给你帮助Actual Fix Time 实际修改时间Assigned To 被分配给Closed in Version 被关闭的版本Closing Date 关闭日期Defect ID 缺陷编号Description 描述Detected By 被(谁)发现Detected in Version 被发现的版本Detected on Date 被发现的日期Estimated Fix Time 估计修改的时间Modified 修正Planned Closing Version计划关闭的版本Priority 优先级Project 项目R&D Comments 研发人员备注Reproducible 可重现Severity 严重程度Status 状态Summary 概要Creation Date 创建日期Description 描述Designer 设计人员Estimated DevTime 估计设计和生成测试的时间Execution Status 执行状态Modified 修正Path 路径Status 状态Steps 步骤Template 模版Test Name 测试名称Type 类型Actual 实际结果Description 描述Exec Date 执行日期Exec Time 执行时间Expected 期望结果Source Test 测试资料Status 状态Step Name 步骤名称Duration 执行的期限Exec Date 执行日期Exec Time 执行时间Host 主机Operating System 操作系统OS Build Number 操作系统生成的编号OS Service Pack 操作系统的服务软件包Run Name 执行名称Run VC Status 执行 VC 的状态Run VC User 执行 VC 的用户Run VC Version 执行 VC 的版本Status 状态Test Version 测试版本Tester 测试员Attachment 附件Author 作者Cover Status 覆盖状态Creation Date 创建日期Creation Time 创建时间Description 描述Modified 修正Name 名称Priority 优先级Product 产品ReqID 需求编号Reviewed 被检查Type 类型Exec Date 执行日期Modified 被修正Planned Exec Date 计划执行的日期Planned Exec Time 计划执行的时间Planned Host Name 计划执行的主机名称Responsible Tester 负责测试的人员Status 状态Test Version 测试的版本Tester 测试员Time 时间Close Date 关闭日期Description 描述Modified 修正Open Date 开放日期Status 状态Test Set 测试集合Acceptance testing(验收测试),系统开发生命周期方法论的一个阶段,这时相关的用户和/或独立测试人员根据测试计划和结果对系统进行测试和接收。

软件测试计划模板-英⽂版Software Test Plan (STP)Template1. INTRODUCTIONThe Introduction section of the Software Test Plan (STP) provides an overview of the project and the product test strategy, a list of testing deliverables, the plan for development and evolution of the STP, reference material, and agency definitions and acronyms used in the STP.The Software Test Plan (STP) is designed to prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of all testing activities. The plan must identify the items to be tested, the features to be tested, the types of testing to be performed, the personnel responsible for testing, the resources and schedule required to complete testing, and the risksassociated with the plan.1.1 Objectives(Describe, at a high level, the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of thetesting activities. Provide a concise summary of the test plan objectives, theproducts to be delivered, major work activities, major work products, majormilestones, required resources, and master high-level schedules, budget, andeffort requirements.)1.2 Testing StrategyTesting is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differencesbetween existing and required conditions and to evaluate the features of thesoftware item. (This may appear as a specific document (such as a TestSpecification), or it may be part of the organization's standard test approach. Foreach level of testing, there should be a test plan and an appropriate set ofdeliverables. The test strategy should be clearly defined and the Software TestPlan acts as the high-level test plan. Specific testing activities will have their owntest plan. Refer to section 5 of this document for a detailed list of specific test plans.)Specific test plan components include:Purpose for this level of test,Items to be tested,Features to be tested,Features not to be tested,Management and technical approach,Pass / Fail criteria,Individual roles and responsibilities,Milestones,Schedules, andRisk assumptions and constraints.1.3 Scope(Specify the plans for producing both scheduled and unscheduled updates to the Software Test Plan (change management). Methods for distribution of updates shall be specified along with version control and configuration management requirements must be defined.)Testing will be performed at several points in the life cycle as the product is constructed. Testing is a very 'dependent' activity. As a result, test planningis a continuing activity performed throughout the system development life cycle. Test plans must be developed for each level of product testing.1.4 Reference Material(Provide a complete list of all documents and other sources referenced in the Software Test Plan. Reference to the following documents (when they exist) is required for the high-level test plan:Project authorization,Project plan,Quality assurance plan,Configuration management plan,Organization policies and procedures, andRelevant standards.)1.5 Definitions and Acronyms(Specify definitions of all terms and agency acronyms required to properly interpret the Software Test Plan. Reference may be made to the Glossary of Termson the IRMC web page.)2. TEST ITEMS(Specify the test items included in the plan. Supply references to the following itemdocumentation:Requirements specification,Design specification,Users guide,Operations guide,Installation guide,Features (availability, response time),Defect removal procedures, andVerification and validation plans.)2.1 Program Modules(Outline testing to be performed by the developer for each module being built.)2.2 Job Control Procedures(Describe testing to be performed on job control language (JCL), productionscheduling and control, calls, and job sequencing.)2.3 User Procedures(Describe the testing to be performed on all user documentation to ensure thatit is correct, complete, and comprehensive.)2.4 Operator Procedures(Describe the testing procedures to ensure that the application can be run andsupported in a production environment (include Help Desk procedures)). 3. FEATURES TO BE TESTED(Identify all software features and combinations of software features to be tested. Identify the test design specifications associated with each feature and each combination of features.) 4. FEATURES NOT TO BE TESTED(Identify all features and specific combinations of features that will not be tested along with the reasons.)5. APPROACH(Describe the overall approaches to testing. The approach should be described in sufficient detail to permit identification of the major testing tasks and estimation of the time required to do each task. Identify the types of testing to be performed along with the methods and criteria to be used in performing test activities. Describe the specific methods and procedures for each type of testing. Define the detailed criteria for evaluating the test results.)(For each level of testing there should be a test plan and the appropriate set of deliverables.Identify the inputs required for each type of test. Specify the source of the input. Also, identify the outputs from each type of testing and specify the purpose and format for each test output.Specify the minimum degree of comprehensiveness desired. Identify the techniques that will be used to judge the comprehensiveness of the testing effort. Specify any additionalcompletion criteria (e.g., error frequency). The techniques to be used to trace requirements should also be specified.)5.1 Component Testing(Testing conducted to verify the implementation of the design for one softwareelement (e.g., unit, module) or a collection of software elements. Sometimes calledunit testing. The purpose of component testing is to ensure that the program logicis complete and correct and ensuring that the component works as designed.)5.2 Integration Testing(Testing conducted in which software elements, hardware elements, or both arecombined and tested until the entire system has been integrated. The purpose ofintegration testing is to ensure that design objectives are met and ensures that thesoftware, as a complete entity, complies with operational requirements.Integration testing is also called System Testing.)5.3 Conversion Testing(Testing to ensure that all data elements and historical data is converted from anold system format to the new system format.)5.4 Job Stream Testing(Testing to ensure that the application operates in the production environment.)5.5 Interface Testing(Testing done to ensure that the application operates efficiently and effectivelyoutside the application boundary with all interface systems.)5.6 Security Testing(Testing done to ensure that the application systems control and auditabilityfeatures of the application are functional.)5.7 Recovery Testing(Testing done to ensure that application restart and backup and recovery facilities operate as designed.)5.8 Performance Testing(Testing done to ensure that that the application performs to customerexpectations (response time, availability, portability, and scalability)).5.9 Regression Testing(Testing done to ensure that that applied changes to the application have notadversely affected previously tested functionality.)5.10 Acceptance Testing(Testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies the acceptancecriteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept thesystem. Acceptance testing ensures that customer requirements' objectives are met and that all components are correctly included in a customer package.)5.11 Beta Testing(Testing, done by the customer, using a pre-release version of the product toverify and validate that the system meets business functional requirements. The purpose of beta testing is to detect application faults, failures, and defects.)6. PASS / FAIL CRITERIA(Specify the criteria to be used to determine whether each item has passed or failed testing.)6.1 Suspension Criteria(Specify the criteria used to suspend all or a portion of the testing activity on test items associated with the plan.)6.2 Resumption Criteria(Specify the conditions that need to be met to resume testing activities after suspension. Specify the test items that must be repeated when testing is resumed.) 6.3 Approval Criteria(Specify the conditions that need to be met to approve test results. Define theformal testing approval process.)7. TESTING PROCESS(Identify the methods and criteria used in performing test activities. Define the specific methods and procedures for each type of test. Define the detailed criteria for evaluating test results.)7.1 Test Deliverables(Identify the deliverable documents from the test process. Test input and outputdata should be identified as deliverables. Testing report logs, test incident reports, test summary reports, and metrics' reports must be considered testing deliverables.)7.2 Testing Tasks(Identify the set of tasks necessary to prepare for and perform testing activities. Identify all intertask dependencies and any specific skills required.)7.3 Responsibilities(Identify the groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, witnessing, checking, and resolving test activities. These groups may include the developers, testers, operations staff, technical support staff, data administration staff, and the user staff.)7.4 Resources(Identify the resources allocated for the performance of testing tasks. Identify the organizational elements or individuals responsible for performing testing activities. Assign specific responsibilities. Specify resources by category. Ifautomated tools are to be used in testing, specify the source of the tools,availability, and the usage requirements.)7.5 Schedule(Identify the high level schedule for each testing task. Establish specificmilestones for initiating and completing each type of test activity, for thedevelopment of a comprehensive plan, for the receipt of each test input, and forthe delivery of test output. Estimate the time required to do each test activity.)(When planning and scheduling testing activities, it must be recognized that thetesting process is iterative based on the testing task dependencies.)8. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS(Specify both the necessary and desired properties of the test environment including the physical characteristics, communications, mode of usage, and testing supplies. Also provide the levels of security required to perform test activities. Identify special test tools needed and other testing needs (space, machine time, and stationary supplies. Identify the source of all needs that is not currently available to the test group.)8.1 Hardware(Identify the computer hardware and network requirements needed to completetest activities.)8.2 Software(Identify the software requirements needed to complete testing activities.)8.3 Security(Identify the testing environment security and asset protection requirements.)8.4 Tools(Identify the special software tools, techniques, and methodologies employed inthe testing efforts. The purpose and use of each tool shall be described. Plans forthe acquisition, training, support, and qualification for each tool or technique.)8.5 Publications(Identify the documents and publications that are required to support testingactivities.)8.6 Risks and Assumptions(Identify significant constraints on testing such as test item availability, testresource availability, and time constraints. Identify the risks and assumptionsassociated with testing tasks including schedule, resources, approach anddocumentation. Specify a contingency plan for each risk factor.)(Identify the software test plan change management process. Define the change initiation, change review, and change authorization process.)10. PLAN APPROVALS(Identify the plan approvers. List the name, signature and date of plan approval.)。

二、测试目标1. 提高测试效率:通过自动化测试方案,减少手动测试的工作量,提高测试速度和效率。
2. 降低测试成本:自动化测试可以节省人力资源,减少测试周期,降低测试成本。
3. 提高测试覆盖率:自动化测试方案能够对软件的各个功能模块进行全面覆盖,发现潜在的缺陷。
三、测试工具选择根据项目的需求和特点,我们选择以下自动化测试工具:1. Selenium WebDriver:用于Web应用程序的自动化测试,支持多种浏览器。
2. Appium:用于移动应用程序的自动化测试,支持iOS和Android平台。
3. JUnit/TestNG:用于编写和执行测试用例。
4. Jenkins:用于持续集成和自动化构建。
5. Apache JMeter:用于性能和负载测试。
四、测试策略1. 确定测试范围:根据项目需求和功能模块,确定需要进行自动化测试的范围。
2. 制定测试计划:根据测试范围和时间要求,制定详细的测试计划,包括测试目标、测试环境、测试资源、测试进度等。
3. 设计测试用例:根据需求文档和功能模块,设计详细的测试用例,包括正常流程、异常流程、边界条件等。
4. 编写测试脚本:使用Selenium WebDriver和Appium编写测试脚本,覆盖测试用例中的各个步骤和验证点。
5. 执行测试脚本:使用JUnit/TestNG执行测试脚本,生成测试报告并记录测试结果。
6. 进行回归测试:在每次软件更新后,执行自动化测试脚本进行回归测试,确保新功能不影响原有功能的正常运行。
7. 进行性能测试:使用Apache JMeter进行性能和负载测试,模拟多用户并发访问,评估系统的性能指标。
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1. Introduction
This document provides a detailed plan for the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of system testing activities for the system Test phase of the Web Tour App Test project. It defines the business functions and the business processes to be tested, the testing activities to be performed, and the risks and mitigation plan associated with the System Test phase.
1.1 Background
The main content is testing on Login Module, Register Module, Book Tickets Module, Cancelling Tickets Module, and Exit Module.
1.2 Objectives
∙Login Module No Bug
∙Register Module No Bug
∙Book Tickets Module No Bug
∙Cancelling Tickets Module No Bug
∙Exit Module No Bug
1.3 Scope
1.4 Out of Scope
1.5 Abbreviations, Acronyms and Definitions
∙QC = Quality Control:
∙QTP = Quick Test Professional
∙LR = Load Runner
1.6 Test Environment
1.7 Environment Diagram
∙Test environment name: Manual Function Test
∙Test Locations: Chongqing
1.8 Hardware/Software Requirements
The hardware requirements for this test phase are as follows:
The software requirements for this test phase are as follows:
2. Test Data Requirements
3. Resources, Roles and Responsibilities 1.9 Organization
1.10 Roles and Responsibilities
1.11 Skill Requirement and Training plan
∙QC Training
∙QTP Training
∙LR Training
∙System Testing Training
4. Test Case & Test Log
∙Please Click Test Case and Test Log.xls!
5. Defect Logging and Tracking
∙No Defect
6. Test Exit Criteria
7. Risks Management。