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Unit 1

1-5ADCBB 6-10ACBBC 11-15ACACA 16-20DABCB 21-25ACBBA 26-30FFFFT 31-35ABDAC 36-40:AABBC 41.Seven.42.Yes,it is. 43.Three tickets. 44. No,he doesn't.

45.She is a gatekeeper at the cinema. 46.once 47. Internet 48. active 49. junk. 50.differences 51.take 52.hardly 53.visiting54.goes55.exercises56.try57.to play58.went59.gave 60. cleaning 书面表达

Mary has a good lifestyle. She does homework 2 hours a day. She watches TV only on weekends. And she piays sports three times a week . She goes shopping once a month. Oh,she sleeps 9-10hours.She practices English every morning and every night.Ithink her healthy lifestyle helps her to keep in good health.Good studying habits helps her get good grades. Exercise helps her to study better.

Unit 2

1—5DDCCB 6—10DABAB 11—15ABBAB 16—20AACAB 21-25 AADBB26-30BDBAB 31-35BBCDA 36-40ABAAB41.一些老鼠这样说,另一些那样说。42.This is a good idea.

43.mouse 44.speaknothing45.C46.improve, 47.thirsty, 48.differences 49.dentist, 50.Although 51,talking,52.Spring53.weather54.like55.windy56.summer57.swim58.hot.59.snows.60.white 书面表达

Dear Mr.Wu,

I write to you to have two days’ sick leave. I cann’t go to school today.

I went to Xiaoyaojing Park yesterday. It was windy, I didn’t wear my coat. I had a bad cold, I had a headache and a fever, the doctor asked me to stay in bed for two days, I’m worrying about my study .Could you please help me with my English? Thanks a lot.



Unit 3

1—5ACCCC6—10BDBCA11—15DCCAA 16—20CACBD 21-25BCDAA 26-30DCAAC 31-35DAABC 36-40BCBAD 41.famous 42.tourists 43.forget 44. relax 45.dressed 46.taking 47.making 48.exciting 49.needs 50.told 51.fishing 52.camping 53.riding 54.spending 55.wants 56.生火;害怕57. potatoes ;hot dogs 58. Go hiking 59.To cook their dinner 60. No. 书面表达

Summer vacation is coming. We have different plans for it. Some of my classmates will go to some places of interest. Some are not going out. Instead, they are going to do some reading and prepare for the future studies. Some want to do more sports to keep fit. I plan to go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games.

Unit 4


31-35CCBBA 36-0ABABC41; easily 42, should 43, information 44, outstanding 45, pianist 46, rode47, playing 48, kind 49, popular 50, twice 51 going 52 buy 53 harder 54,teacher 55grow 56,在世界上的其他地方事情就不一样57,在中国,这要取决于你住在哪里。58Three.North America,China,Japan. 59 Most students take trains.Others walk or ride bikes.60,By boat.


Dear jack,

I’m so glad to learn that you will come to Wuhu during the summer vacation. I have planned a one-day trip for you. In the morning, I’m going to show you around Jiuzi Square and the Mirror Lake Park. We can take a walk and enjoy the beautiful views there. Going boating on the Mirror Lake can also be a good choice. Beside, we can do some shopping in the Walking Street. In the afternoon, we’ll climb Zheshan, and take some photos while visiting Wuhu Yangzi River Bridge. I’m sure you’ll enjoy Chinese food in the Food Street. Let’s have a talk about our school life when having dinner together. Are you pleased with my plan? I hope you will have a wonderful time in Wuhu.

Looking forward to meeting you!


Li Ming

Unit 5

1-5 BBDDB 6-10 DCABC 11-15 DAABB16-20 ACDBC 21-25 BACCB 26-30 BABDD 31-35 BBCDC 36-40DCBCB 41. free 42.inviting 43. weekend 44.test 45concert 46. invitation 47. sorry 48. party 49.study50 dentist 51.babysit 52.has 53 day 54. with 55. Soon 56.但是他妈妈认为它们对他的健康没好处。57.我生日时,给我一大盒巧克力吧。58. on weekends.59. Because tomorrow is his birthday and he can get chocolates. 60. Yes, he can. 书面表达:

I have a best friend. His name is Lilei.He lives in Beijing.He will hold a birthday party on 15th, October. I will go to his birthday part y. I will go there by train .Because I think it is very interesting. There are so many interesting places in Beijing.After the party,I will visit the Great Wall, Summer palace and so on.I will have great fun in Beijing.

Unit 6

1-5 CBCBC 6-10 DABAB 11-15 BAAAB 16-20 DACAC 21-25 BDCAB 26-30 BDADC 31-35 DAABC 36-40CBBCC 41 friendship ugh rmation 44.Though 45.necessary 46.all 47.earth 48.much 49 turns 50. day 51.night 52.noon 53evening 54.only 55.nearest 56. Yes, they do.57. Thank you. 58 No, it isn’t. Because they don’t talk about the date or time. 59. They just show they’re trying to be friendly. 60 Sure, that would be great./ OK, thank you.

书面表达:My Best Friend and I

Linda is my best friend. We are like each other very much. We both have big eyes,
