

国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库答案(第二版)单项选择Section11.The orange is too high onthe tree . It’s out of myreach(伸出手).I needsomeone to help me.2.The city is named afterfamous president. (这个城市是着名的总统名字命名的) named after短语”命名”3.It took millions of peopleseveral years to build theGreat Wall.4.I have alwaysconsidered(考虑过的/认为) you my best friend.5.If I take this medicinetwice a day, it should cure(治愈)my cold.. 如果我服用此药,一天两次,就应该治愈我的感冒6.It is considerate of youto turn down the radiowhile your sister is stillill in bed. 这是体贴你调低收音机,你的妹妹还在床上生病。
7.It’s not quite certain肯定that he will bepresent at the meeting. 这不是肯定的是,他将出席会议8.It was natural (自然)thathe count(计算)the daysbefore going home.9.when she saw the clouds(乌去密布) she went back tohouse to fetch(取) herumbrella(伞).10.The metals which we find inthe earth include(包括)iron , lead and copper. 在我们地球上发现金属包括有铁,铅和铜11.Your hair needs to becut(剪) ;would you like meto do it for you..12.It was difficult难toguess猜测what herreaction反应 to the news消息 would be.13.Contrary相反to yourprediction预言, theylost the game..14.We say that a person hasgood manners if he or sheis polite , kind andhelpful to others. 我们说一个人具有良好的风度,如果他或她是有礼貌,善良和乐于助人。

国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库答案第二版单项选择Section11.The orange is too high onthe tree . It’s out of myreach伸出手.I need someone to help me.2.The city is named afterfamous president. 这个城市是着名的总统名字命名的named after短语”命名”3.It took millions of peopleseveral years to build the Great Wall.4.I have always considered考虑过的/认为 you my best friend.5.If I take this medicinetwice a day; it should cure治愈my cold.. 如果我服用此药;一天两次;就应该治愈我的感冒6.It is considerate of youto turn down the radio while your sister is still ill in bed. 这是体贴你调低收音机;你的妹妹还在床上生病..7.It’s not quite certain肯定that he will bepresent at the meeting. 这不是肯定的是;他将出席会议8.It was natural 自然thathe count计算the daysbefore going home.9.when she saw the clouds乌去密布 she went back tohouse to fetch取herumbrella伞.10.The metals which we find inthe earth include包括iron ; lead and copper. 在我们地球上发现金属包括有铁;铅和铜11.Your hair needs to be cut剪 ;would you like me to doit for you..12.It was difficult难toguess猜测what herreaction反应 to the news消息 would be.13.Contrary相反to yourprediction预言; theylost the game..14.We say that a person hasgood manners if he or sheis polite ; kind andhelpful to others. 我们说一个人具有良好的风度;如果他或她是有礼貌;善良和乐于助人..15.He is always kind ; nevercruel ;either to people orto animals. 他总是仁慈;从来没有残忍;不管是人或动物16.we should be careful仔细when we are doing ourexercises.练习17.The tallest hat帽子 wouldmake him so tall thatpeople would stop callinghim a little man. 高顶帽子令他非常高大;人们将停止称他是小个人..18.Everyone seemed似乎toturn变成 a blind失明 eyeto the rubbish 垃圾on the floor. 每个人都似乎在地板上又视而不见垃圾19.If you have a house full ofchildren an rubbish垃圾;you will next keep it clean清扫20.You are very lucky幸运;because you have a chance机会 to study at college大学21.IwhenI lived生活.22.Xiao wang always comes upwith提出wonderful极好ideas.23.Considering考虑到hisage年龄; he is unable to take the job.24.It is impossible to know inadvance预先what will happen.25.Although尽管 many youngpeople are keen热心;渴望; heprefers宁愿 to stay andwork in his own country.26.The doctor haswarned警告thatsmoking will affect影响his health; but johny justwon’t listen27.haveyour cat repairedat oncefor professor’s 教授lecture演讲28.This is the very house inwhich Mr.Zhou once 曾经lived居住.29.The old photohischildhood儿童时代 in thecountryside农村30.He slipped and broke hisleg. As a result 因此hewould have to away fromschool for two weeks. 他滑倒摔断了腿..因此;他将不得不从学校离开了两个星期Section21.Peter’slatest book is sogood that着作是太好;超越所有的赞扬2.His failure topay hisdebts confirmed证实thathe was not to be trusted.他没有支付他的债务证实他们的怀疑;他不值得信任3.Sorry; I took your pen by;我误拿了你的笔4.Thetheir interests兴趣.5.I longfor渴望anseeing you. 我渴望见到你一个机会6.We have lessons every dayexcept 除外on Sunday7.Failure失败tocommunicate沟通resultedin导致 the high divorcerate. 不沟通导致离婚率高8.I am glad to have beengiven已获得 acountry. 我很高兴能有更改访问贵国9.Ruth finally最后managed达成 to find what she was looking for露丝才找到她一直在寻找10.The local 地方government政府 will offer提供 us what we need. 当地政府将为我们提供我们所需要的11.Theroom became completely当蜡烛熄灭时12.Pollution is said to cause使 many people to suffercancer癌. 污染是说令许多人患上癌症13.The doctor said he wouldtry his best to relieve减轻 her of her pain痛苦.医生说;他将尽最大努力;以减轻她的痛苦14.Do you enjoy reading aboutthe adventures冒险of thein the African forests非洲丛林15.It is impolite无礼tostare盯着at somebody orhim这是不礼貌地盯着别人;或者不断地跟他走16.We entered the museum justto find只是为了找 ashelter避难所from ashower阵雨. 我们走进博物馆只是为了找到避雨的所..17.Baby-sitting保姆is partof an off-camp job. 保姆是场外阵营工作的一部分18.Please speak loudly andclearly to make yourselfheard and understood.请大声说话;显然使自己听到和理解..19.Smallpox天花left留下lasting持久 scars 疤痕onGeorge Washington’s noseand cheeks脸颊 but mostartists艺术家 kindly亲切left out遗漏thepockmarks痘痕whenpainting画 his portraits画像. 天花离开乔治华盛顿的鼻子和脸颊;但大多数的艺术家请留下了凹坑时画的肖像持久的伤疤.20.Handwriting is how youpresent现在 yourself onpaper.21.It is a Japanese custom风俗\习惯to take offone’s shoes beforeentering a house.22.You may ask your teacher incase of difficulty在生活上遇到困难时你可能会问你的老师23.The young girl made up hermind to get rid of摆脱 her这位年轻的姑娘下了决心摆脱她的坏习惯24.It was in Greece希腊 thatOlympic competitions started.正是在希腊的奥林匹克竞赛开始25.It seems似乎that hisopinions看法 are always different不同from his girl-friend. They don’t get along相处融洽well..26.The price of houses isgoing up while that of cars has been brought down only to about 80 thousand yuan在房屋价格在不断攀升;而汽车;已降至仅约8.0万元k easily goes bad in hotweather. You’d better put it into the refrigerator冰箱28.Mr. White was madechairman主席of the committee委员会; who was in charge of负责the project项目.29.Her husband wasn’tcontent with满足于whathe gained and wanted to getmore. 她的丈夫并不满足于他所获得的;并希望得到更多的30.When Tom woke up he was inthe hospital; but hedidn’t know how that hadcome about发生造成的. 当汤姆醒来时;他在医院里;但他不知道怎样发生的Section31.John’s sudden突然的death死亡was a greatblow打击to his motherand it took her a long timeto get over自……中恢复过来the grief悲痛.2.Unless除非 you go by依照nature自然; you are sureto be punished处罚 by it.3.His heart stopped beating跳动 just when we reachedthe hospital.4.–look The flowers in thegarden are growing成长lovely可爱.-How I wish I had a smallpiece of ground士地 whenI could plan打算someflowers of my own5.H is parents couldn’t getthrough打通 to him on thetelephone ; so theydecided决定 to go to hisschool and see what’swrong.错误.6.–Mum; why do you alwaysmake me drink a cup offresh新鲜 milk every dayTo get为了 enough足够protein蛋白质andnutrition营养 as you are.7.Selecting选择 a mobile移动 phone for personal个人use is no easy task工作because technology科技is changing变化gorapidly迅速. 选择供个人使用的移动电话是不容易的;因为技术迅速改变去8.With the gas cut off ; Icouldn’t cook dinner煤气切断;我不能做饭9.–Would you mind介意 if Iused your dictionary字典-Go ahead继续10.She took a glance一瞥;一眼at her watch and saw that it was already lunch time.11.Grown-ups成年人shouldbe responsible负责for their own behavior行为.成年人应该对自己行为的负责12.By improving改进hislearning habits习惯an average均分/平均水平student can be a top one.13.When you meet with aproblem; find a way to solve解答 it.14.The kitten小猫 climbed爬the tree and couldn’t get down下来15.If you check检查yourpaper carefully ; somegrammar 语法mistakes错误can be avoided避免.16.The city Zhangjiakou wasextensively广阔的damaged被损坏in theearth-quake地震17.The case手提箱contained包含 a lot of things;including包括 asecond-hand watch.二手手表18.Do you enjoy listening torecords录音I findrecords are often as goodas和…几乎一样or betterthan an actual真实performance演奏.19.The high school graduated毕了业300 students thissummer夏季20.–I suppose料想 you havegot the post职位.-You have guessed猜对 it.21.You’re too weak虚弱.It’s good for you to haveplenty大量 of exercise运动.22.We will have plenty of大量time to go to therailway铁路 station站.Take it easy23.She was caughtcatch抓住的过去式 spitting吐出;喷溅物in public公众and fined罚款 ten yuan on the spot现场.24.When the bike was repaired ;it looked as good as和…几乎一样 new25.The custom风俗goes backto可以追溯到the 12th26.We haven’t found themissing不见的 wallet皮夹.Let’s go through详细检查the room again.27.How is Mary getting on with继续干her study geton with sth继续28.We should pay给予moreattention注意to; forit has become a social 社会problem问题.29.His father is very busyevery day. He can’t help怨the rapid快速pace步子 ofmodern现代life生活.the pace of life生活节奏30.After my mother finishedcleaning up the house ; shewent on read接着读today’s newspaper.Section41.With the help of thepoliceman; the parents gotin touch with和……取得联系their lost失去 child2.Intelligent聪明的 peoplecan always come up with提出good solutions解决方案 to problems.3.If anyone ever catchessight看见 of the mugger行凶抢劫的路贼 anywhere;please call the police atonce.4.Where shall I get off thetrai n我在哪里下火车5.Every evening after supper晚餐; my parents would goout for a walk. 我的父母就出去散步6.Johnson hascome down 败落since his business生意failed失败.7.I f you don’t give up放弃smoking you’ll neverget better.8.With the countrypopulation人口growingfast; the government政府has taken the birth出生control 控制policy政策.9.–“It’s alreadymidnight午夜. Why not goto bed’-‘There’s still too muchhousework to do.’10.An average平均 Japanesehas 30.6 square平方meters米living space.日本人的平均居住面积30.6平方米11.The building of the bridgehas been held up by theheavy rain. 大桥的建设已被搁置的大雨12.Do you know when and wherethe sports meeting was tobe held举行.13.You had better not drinkwater that is not boiled煮沸.14.The woman I came across 碰到yesterday is Mrs.Black.15.Work is often considered认为 to be most importantthing in our life; but infact事实 there are manyother things moreimportant than it. 工作通常被认为是最重要的东西在我们的生活;但其实还有很多比它更重要的其他东西..16.T om’s mother is seriously严重 ill. He is going tothe hospital to see her.17.No matter what you do; youshould put your mind 专心into it. 不管你做什么;你应该专心18.George left leave离开的过去式in such这样的 a hurry匆忙 that I hardly几乎had time to thank him. 乔治离开这么着急;我几乎没有时间来感谢他19.借 me your dictionary for several days20.store. 我碰巧看到他的百货公司21.May we have the pleasure荣幸of your companyfor dinner宴会我们有成为你宴会同伴这个荣幸吗22.I’m sorry; sir. There’snoavailable有空的 now.23.Although she was disabled伤残的 when she was onlysix years of age; yet she; forwhich herof her.24.It’s a nice spring day春天. Mrs. White puts on穿上 her coat外套; goesout and shuts关上thedoor.25.Their voices声音 are soalike相像than I oftenmistake Tom forhisbrother Jim on the phone.26.It was so quiet安静 atnight. We listened收听carefully but heard 听到nothing.27.They fell in love with eachother; however . After afew months; they realizedthe did not have much incommon共有的.他们爱上了对方;但是..几个月后;他们认识到没有有许多共同点28.Although my friendsdisliked不喜欢 Jenny; Ihercoming with us. 虽然我的朋友不喜欢珍妮;我坚持要她跟我们一起..29.The photo hanging悬挂onthe wall is taken by myfather.30.Can you tell me who canbest handle处理theproblem 你能告诉我谁能够更好的处理这个问题Section51.Such customs were handeddown流传下来from fatherto son. 这种习俗流传从父亲传给儿子2.My brother was such ahandsome英俊young manthat many girls like him.3.Nearly all weather occurs出现 in the lowest layer层 of the atmosphere大气.几乎所有的天气出现在大气的最底层4.The thief小偷brokeintobreak into闯入the store and helped himself to a lot of money. 小偷闯入商店;偷走很多钱..5.After the lecture演讲;the studentsit had a heated热烈的discussion讨论 on it.6.To be honest; I didn’tagree with what you said.老实说;我不同意你说7.It has been raining for aweek. I8.The terrorists threatened威胁to blow up the building if their demands要求 were not met. 恐怖分子威胁要炸毁建筑物;如果他们的要求得不到满足9.–W hat’s the matter要紧-The shoes don’t fit符合properly完全. They arehurting伤害 my feet.10.The government is tryingbest to improve thehousing. 政府正在努力尽力改善住房11.Where is my pocketcomputer 哪里是我的掌上电脑 ..Here it is. 在这里12.He is the candidate候选人to carry out实行;执行;实现;完成the plan.13.Hundreds of studentsattended参加 the party聚会 last night昨晚.14.I’m going to have my carrepaired tomorrowmorning.15.Mary’s parents couldn’thelp worrying 担心abouther. 玛丽的父母不禁担心她16.I heard her talking aboutMrs . Handerson whom I hadnever heard of. 我听到她谈起那个我从来没有听说过的汉德森..17.She held back hold back隐瞒 ; not knowing what todo or say.18.All those expensive昂贵shoes are made by hand手工制成.19.Remember to turn off thegas when you go on holiday.记住要关掉煤气当你去度假20.What is the price of thatT-shirt21.The soldier士兵 was badly严重 hurt伤痛.这名士兵受重伤22.If Mary is aware of all thedangers危险; she shouldchange her mind想法. beaware of意识到23.He hurried to the railwaystation in the hope ofcatching the early train.in the hope of希望;怀着......的希望24.The studentstheexperiment实验again;but they didn’t lose heart失去信心.25.Have you heard about听说Mr.JohnsonYes; I read about him in a newspaper.26.She likes wearing boots athome; for they are very comfortable舒适. 她喜欢在家里穿着靴子;因为它们穿着很舒服27.That is a building aboutthirty feet英尺high. 这是一个大约30英尺高的建筑28.The plane was arriving inhalf an hour.飞机半小时内到达..29.How about staying at homeif we weet with stormy暴风雨day30.If you were in my position位置; you have some idea how I feel. 如果你站在我的角度;你会体会我的一些感受Section61. There were quantities ofrain last year. quantitiesof大量的2.Poor贫穷quality 质量goods货物won’t sell 出售easily.3.Don’t quarrel吵架 aboutsmall things.4.No one questioned怀疑histheory理论学说foralmost几乎 800 years. 近800年没有人质疑的他的理论5.There are quite a few相当多的 new magazines杂志and books in thebookstore.6.I was learning my lessonson the radio when shecalled me up.7.The rains have startedearly this summer.8.He roserise起身early thenest day ; finding theriver河had risen升起one foot英尺.9.The weather was rather相当 worse恶劣 than we hadexpected期待\预期.rather than胜于10.I would rather havenoodles面条than11.John wants to see youtoday.I would rather he cametomorrow than today. 我宁愿她明天来而不是今天12.For what reason原因 didshe quarrel with you. 原因是什么;她没有与你吵架13.I received receive 收到;接到the invitation邀请tothe conference会议; buthave no idea if I shouldaccept接受 it . 我收到的邀请参加会议;但不知道我是否应该接受14.I recognized认识; 认出;辨认him the moment瞬间 Isaw him.15.What I have to say refersto涉及all of you. 我要说的事和你们大家都有关16.I tried to remember to put记得把everything in goodI sometimes有时forgot todo so忘记了.17.I cans still remember uswalking hand in hand through the street together. 我还记得我们一起携手走在街上18.Now repeat重复the wordsand phrases 短语exactly正确的;严密的 as you hear them. 现在重复的单词和短语完全按照您听见他们19.The manager will reply to回复all the letters that have been sent to him. 经理会回答所有已发送给他的信20.He shows no respect尊敬for at this rules规则. 他表明;对此规则不尊重21.On her way to Wuhan onbusiness ; a pickpocket扒手robbed her of hermoney.一名扒手扒手抢走了她的钱财22.The roofs屋顶of thecottages村舍\小别墅 werecovered隐蔽 with leaves树叶.23.We have run out of sugar糖. Ask Miss Hones to lendus some.我们已经用完了糖..请吴霍内斯借给我们一些24.She is afraid担心25.I ran across her in thepublic library yesterday.昨天我在公共图书馆runacross偶然碰见她26.How about JimHe came home with safely平安.27.The students and teachersin the school salute敬礼the flag 旗every Mondaymorning.28.One day ; walking along thesands沙滩towards hisboat小船\小艇; Crusoe sawin the sand沙子 the mark痕迹of a man’s foot.29.The broadcast广播camefrom America by satellite卫星 and was heard at thesame time in Europe. 来自美国的卫星广播同一时间在欧洲听到30.Your answer satisfied满意 her so much that she wasvery satisfied with you.Section71.The policeman saved thechildren from the fire火.2.Our neighbors邻居 alwaysmake a noise噪声;scolding责骂theirchildren.3.There are two score二十eggs in the basket.4. I have been to Beijingscores of5.It was a good game; and atthe end the score得分 was Argentina阿根廷3;Germany德国 2.6.The policeman searched搜索 the prisoner战俘;囚徒to see if he had a gun枪.7.Soldiers士兵 hurried insearch of the building ;but they found nothing in it.8.The boy seated就座的there is my younger brother.9.I t seems that he hasformed 成形a good idea. 10.The ticket票 cost花费 somuch but were sold outquickly.11.The doctor sent for派人去叫will arrive in no time.12.The sentence宣判 was 10years in prison监狱 and afine罚款 of $1000.13.Oceania 大洋洲isseparate分开的 landmass陆地板块; but it isseparated分开from Asia亚洲 by very shallow浅的water.14.The two sisters shared分享 one bed for the night.15.I had my shoes shined擦亮just before I came.16.He shot开枪shoot 的过去式及过去分词at the bird ;but it flew away飞走.17.It is four years since theleft home.18.Why must19.making fun乐趣of yourdisabled伤残 neighbour邻居20.The eggs laid产 by the henwere laid放置in thefridge电冰箱.21.It is personal个人 taste嗜好whether you likewestern西方 classic传统music or Chinese folk民间music.22.Since you have to stay home;why don’t you do someshopping 既然你呆在家里;你为什么不作一些购物吗23.The sea was smooth平滑. ”Smooth” here means意味calm平静.24.Mr. Jones’ newjobsmoothed away his worry25.You should not make so manymistakes.26.-Do you like these shoes-No; show me some others.27.No sooner had I got homethan it began to rain. no28.The sound声音of voices噪音which we had heardcame from the television电视set .29.Mr. Black ;can you spare抽出 a minute for me I have something important to tell you.30.In order to improve提高he practiced练习talking to others in English. 为了提高自己的英语口语;他练习用英语交谈别人..31.They went on with theexperiment实验in spite of her so much that she was very in spite ofwith you.Section81.The man came here监视us. “Spy on “ here means watch监视.2.I t’s starting to rain; wehad better hurry home. 下起雨来;我们最好赶快回家..3.The soldiers士兵werestationed驻扎at theborder边界.4.The salesman 售货员scolded责骂thegirlcaught stealing 偷窃andstopped at thesupermarket超市to buysome bread 面包andthewent tolittle girl from school;6.Our ship sailed航行through the strait海峡between the two islands岛 and went straight一直to Rome罗马withoutstaying in paris. 径直到罗马没有在巴黎逗留7.She is very strict严谨的with herself in her work.8.He has been studying theproblem in his study for along time.9.We were talking on thephone; when ;all along 一Which ofcan’t be usedhere10.She can’t eat much忍受 stomachaches胃痛.11.Their actions行动suggested表明that heshouldn’t be a bad man;and I suggested建议 thatwe should let him go. 他们的行动表明;他不应该是一个坏人;我建议我们应该让他去12.The suggestion建议 thatwe should have anothertalk with them was of novalue价值. 有人建议;我们应该有另一个与他们会谈是没有任何价值13.-Isn’t Jane here yet-No. Much to my surprise令人惊讶; she is late. 这不是简吗 ;没有..令我惊讶的是;她是太晚了..14. The film star stood there;surrounded by 被…环绕着 a lot of people.15. When I arrived ; my friendswere already seated at table . We had a big dinner 宴会.16. If the streets had beenclearly 明朗的marked 记号; it would not have taken us so long to his house. 如果街道已明确标记;它是不会花了我们这么多的时间到他家17. Take your time. There is nohurry at all. 利用时间..不用着急的18. Peoplethroughout 全部 thebe called on被要求做某事;义不容辞own freedom 自由.全国人民都要求采取行动为自己争取自由的斗争19. We took up a grammar语法 lesson after we had a PE 体育 class.20. Mother had a taste味道 of the soup 汤 to see if it was tasty 美味.21. The team is the best in thecountry. And now the team are training 训练 hard for the coming 就要来的 Asian 亚洲 Games.22. Don’t make fun of her;John. Can’t you see she is in tears 泪水23. Whocan tell what willhappen in the future 未来24. He lay躺 lie 的过去式awake 醒 all night;thinking over 思考 the problem.25.The traveler in the desertfelt thirsty 口渴的. That is to say; the traveler in忍受 thirst 口渴. 在沙漠旅行的旅客感到口渴..这就是说;在沙漠旅行的旅客从渴26. We thoughtthink 的过去式she was going to die; but the medicine pulled her through .old and it is high time he bought a new28. We shouldn’t lose heartin time of difficulties. 我们不应该在困难时候失去信心29. The train is timed同步的;定时的to arrive at 6 o’clock.30. Itwas raining hardoutside and John was too anxious 渴望的\急切的to go .Section91.His total income of a yearis $500. His yearly income totals $500. It reached a total of $500 a year. 他一年总收入为500元..他的年收入总额为500..它达到了500元;每年总计..2.Teachers are trained培养in师范学院.3.The naughty顽皮boy i stroublesome麻烦的 ; and he is a great trouble烦恼 to his parents.4.Never trouble troubleuntil trouble troublesyou. 不要自找麻烦;除非麻烦来找你5.The sick病态的boymustn’t be left aloneleave alone让…独自呆着;不管all night and we should take our turn我们轮流 at sitting up. sit up.迟睡;熬夜生病的孩子不能独自一整夜;我们应该轮流熬夜6.There are various不同的techniques技术 that haveto be learnt要学会 beforeone can do this jobproperly完全.7.I never expected 期待youto turn up出现;at themeeting; I thought youwere abroad往国外. 我没想到你把出席会议;我还以为你去了国外..8.These words are wrongly错误地spelled拼写; that’sto say; he spelled thewords wrong错误.9.These masterpieces杰作;名着这些音乐的杰作可以经得起时间的考验10.The young man hasconquered克服 his fear害怕 of failure失败 and ismaking great steps步伐 inhis work.11.students; the teacherentered the classroom.12.You may have difficulty inlearning English at thebeginning.13.Anybody who has broken违犯the law法律won’tescape逃避beingpunished处罚. 如果谁违反法律将无法逃脱被惩罚14.Since由于 the boss of thedepartment部门wasn’tin ; we decided to have ameetinganother day.投入himself to teaching formany years.16.As a result结果是; hesucceeded成功reachingthe castle城堡enter it . 他成功地达到了城堡;但未能找到办法进17. Her deeds值得 being praised . 她的事迹是值得被赞扬18. The girl would rather stayalone 独自 in the classroom than play with her classmates 同学 outsides 外面.forward to meetingthe greatwriter.20. Jimmy is the oldest boy andis taller than any other boy is the class.21. Onceyou understand the sentence ; you will find he passage 通过 quite 相当 easy to grasp 掌握. 一旦你理解了句子;你会发现他很容易掌握通过22. Only when the rain stoppeddid the sports meeting start again.23. I prefer 宁愿 staying at home to playing outside.24. Myfamily bought asecond-hand car at the price of 500 dollars.25. There is no easymethod方法 to physics 物理学.26. She changes her mind soconstantly 经常地 that no one wants to work with her .27.and we’ll see Chinesepeoplehaveachieved 取得 a28. Theywere listening tolight 轻的music when a thunder 打雷 came down.29. Chinese brown medicine haslittle side 侧面旁边effect 结果; 效果; 作用; 影响. 中医药几乎没有副作用30. If a person is exposed暴露 to constant 持续的 noise 噪声 ; he maygradually 逐渐的a loss of hearing. 如果一个人暴露于持续的噪音;他可能会逐渐患上了听力损失Section10合成 fibers 纤维 produced 生产 in that big plant account for占 one third ofall the fibers turned out in the area 地区\领域have only 100 words in which to sum up hisspeech 讲话. 你只有100个字来概括他的讲话3.The jury 陪审团 must weigh 权衡考虑the evidence 证据 before they reach averdict 判决. 陪审团必须权衡证据;才会做出判决4.Scientists 科学家 have spent years researching 研究 in to the effects 影响\作用of certain 某些chemicals 化学药品 on the human 人类 brain 头脑 with no result 结果. 科学家们多年来一直在研究人脑的某些化学物质的影响没有结果..5.The firm 公司 will have toproduction if it is to defeat击败itscompetitors 竞争者. 该公司将不得不加紧生产;如果它要战胜它的竞争对手6.You’ll never finish that job unless you forget everything else and getdown to it. 你永远也不会完成这项任务;除非你忘了一切;着手进行7.The American company whosechemical 化学药品 factory 工厂 in India exploded 爆破了的 will have to compensate 补偿 the loss of human lives. 美国公司在印度的化学工厂爆炸将不得不弥补的人命损失8.Many new opportunities 机会 will be opened up in the future for those with a university 大学education 教育.9.The manager promised 答应 to keep me informed of how our business was going on. 经理答应让我了解我们生意的进展情况10. John regretted 后悔 notgoing to the meeting last week. 约翰后悔上周没有去参加会议11. The above上述 mentioned论及 reactions 反应 are bound 必定的 to proceed 进行\发生 smoothly 平稳\顺利. 上述反应是必然的顺利进行12. The meetingdrew to a closelate in the afternoon. 13. From his appearance外表we may safely 确实地 conclude 推断 that he is a heavy 重的\大量的smoker. 从他的外表我们可以得出结论;他是一个烟鬼14. Someone must have left thetap on ;for the water was running over and flooding 淹没 the bath-room. 有人忘了关浴室的水龙头种植 and care 照料 fortreesinproportion to the manybenefits 受益 they give us.16. Whatever无论怎样 youdecide to take up ; you should try to make it asuccess. 无论你决定采取行动;你应该尽量做到一个成功17.I am tired厌倦of yourstupid乏味 conversation交谈.18.The appearance出现 of thebook has marked标志 a new era时代 in the history of the question. 该书的出现;标志着这个问题的历史新时代19.The shopkeeper店主isfacing面对fierce激烈competition竞争from supermarkets. 店主是面对超级市场的激烈竞争20.They are building therailway in association联合 with another company.21.the outing until next week; when they won’t be so busy.学生们将推迟至下周郊游时;他们不会这么忙22.I found the little boysitting on the steps台阶;crying bitterly悲痛.23.In his speech言谈\说话 hereferred提到 to the greathelp thatthe clubsupporters支持者. 他在讲话中提到了很大的帮助;社团收到来自支持者24.Carbon isan element元素 ;碳是元素;而二氧化碳是一种化合物25.When I arrived in thiscountry; I had to startlearning the language fromnone一点也不.26.After being rescued 营救from the wrecked破坏 ship;the people agreed thatthey had much to bethankful for 感谢. 有很多要感谢的27.His ambition雄心\野心had always been to becomean architect建筑师. 他的雄心一直是成为一名建筑师28.This new method 方法notonly saves time but alsosaves energy能量byoperating运行\工作ontwo batteries电池instead of four. 这种新方法不仅节省时间;而且还节省了两个而不是四个电池经营能源29.He was very near-sighted近视; almost几乎helpless无助的withoutglasses眼镜.30.Despite尽管all theheated激烈的arguments争论they had; theyremained仍然是 the bestof friends throughout全部their lives. 尽管他们有激烈的争论;他们仍然是最好的朋友一生Section111.He said the situation情形there was not so bad as had been painted描述. 他说;那里的情况并非如所描述的那么坏2.If it wasn’t an accident意外 ; he must have done it on purpose打算;决心.3.When Tom was doing hisFrench translation翻译;he left blanks空白for all the words he did not know. 汤姆在做他的法语翻译4.But; because Barbary isall that matters要紧/有关系 to me for the time; I don’t suggest 建议going away离开. that's all that matters to me.所有时间;巴巴拉就是我的一切;5.You can consult商量/请教dictionaries字典; or maps地图 to find out what you wish希望 to know.6.The elephant fell into thetrap陷井 the hunters猎人had set for it. 大象掉进了猎人为它设置的陷阱fallinto落入7.He said it in such clearterms that nobody was inany doubt怀疑 about whatwas meantmean用意. 他说得这样清楚;没有人在任何被怀疑是什么意思8.Although her marriage结婚wasvery unhappy;herchildren.9.These envelops信封 are sosmall that letters have tobe folded折叠起来several 几times 次beforethey can be put inside.10.It is forecast 预测thatheavy rains arethreatening危险的toflood淹没the area in a fewdays. 据预测;几天之内暴雨有淹没该地区的威胁.11.Einstein was amathematical genius. 爱因斯坦是数学天才12.deliver发表 aseries系列 of lectures演讲 which she prepared准备over here. 然后;她又回到1提供了一系列的讲座;她准备在这里..13.TheSmiths are tooshould let them see more ofthe world.14.In hisboyhood; he wastoread and write. 在他的少年时代;他缓慢学习阅读和书写15.cliff because itsbrakes刹车 failed. 巴士。

Section 4 (第四节)1. With the help of the policeman ,the parents got in touch with their lost child by accident .译文:在警察的帮助下,父母与他们意外丢失的孩子联系上了。
2. Intelligent people can always come up with good solution to problems.译文:聪明的人总是能想出解决问题的好方法。
(come up 想出,提出)3. If anyone ever catches sight of the mugger anywhere, please call the police at the once.译文:如果任何人在任何地方发现了抢劫犯,请打电话给警察。
4. Where shall I get off the train?译文:我应该在哪儿下(火)车?5. Every evening after supper, my parents would go out for a walk .译文:每天晚上晚饭后,我的父母都会出去散步。
(go out出去for a walk散步)6. Johnson has come down in the world since his business failed .译文:自从约翰逊生意失败后,他就从上层社会下落了。
(生意失败,家道中落)7. If you don’t give up smoking you’ll never get better .译文:如果你放弃吸烟,你永远也不会变得更好。
(give up smoking 戒烟)8. With the country’s population growing fast, the government has taken the birth control policy. 译文:随着国家人口快速增长,政府采取了计划生育政策。

(×)17.按Print Screen键和按住ALT键再按Ptint Screen的作用都是将当前屏幕上显示的信号复制到剪贴板。


1. 负责电力设备的维护和保养,包括发电机、变压器、电缆线路等设备的巡检、维修、故障排除和备品备件的管理。
2. 负责电力系统的日常运维工作,包括电力调度、智能电网监控、设备巡视等,确保电力系统的安全运行。
3. 负责电力设备的安装和调试工作,包括发电机、变电站等设备的安装调试,确保设备的正常运行。
4. 负责电力系统的故障诊断和处理,包括对发电机、变压器、电缆线路等设备故障进行分析、判断和处理。
5. 参与电力工程的规划和设计,包括电力系统的布置、容量计算与配电,为公司的供电工作提供技术支持。
6. 负责电力设备的节能和优化工作,包括能源管理、负荷调整和设备改造等,提高供电效率和降低能耗。
7. 参与电力设备选型和采购工作,包括对电力设备市场的调研和分析,为供电公司选购适合的设备提供技术支持。
8. 负责电力设备的技术培训工作,包括向供电公司员工进行电力设备的操作和维护方法的培训,提高员工的技术水平和工作效率。
9. 参与电力设备的技术改进和创新工作,包括对新技术、新产品的研究和应用,为供电公司的发展提供技术支持。

补全短文Passage 1 Functions of power transmission CEADBThe function of 1 is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange;;;A. step-down substations and connected transmission equipmentB. power network operationC. power transmissionD. transmission at high voltageE. power networksPassage 2 Substation misoperation and its preventing CEABDThe misopemtion that can lead to 1 mainly are:①on-load switching of isolating switch;A. preventing the misoperation in substationB. the closing of grounding switch with power onC. accidents in the electrical operation of the substationD. the persons from illegal entering the lived bayE. the grounding wire closing the grounding switch with power onPassage 3A brief introduction on the development of supercritical boilers and their main advantages BDEACIn 1 such as ,Japan and European countries,the supercritical;;;A. good homogenization of distributionB. some advanced countriesC. whole process management is strengthenedD. great advantages oil economy and environmental protectionE. subcritical once-through boilerPassage 4 Steam generation and use BEADCSteam is one of man’s dependable servants More and more in the background,;;;A. first generating steamB. an electrically heated homeC. use of steam for electric power generationD. the new generating capacity being installedE. the fuel is uranium and the heat is suppliedPassage 5 Circuit breaker BDAECCircuit breakers are automatically operated high voltage or high current switches.;;;A· to perform any switching operation after long periodsB. to control electrical power networksC. of the circuit breakerD. to switch the current which can be from a few amperesE. of the highest importance for high reliabilityPassage 6 The ratio of distance to height of pumped-storage power plant BDACE For pumped-storage power plant, generally the ratio of distance to height l, ;;;A. is most economicB. is used to evaluate topographic condition of power plantC. is not desirableD. is the ratio of horizontal distance between upper and low reservoirE. is the bestPassage 7 Fuel cells BAECDFuel cells are devices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-rich compounds and oxygen are supplied to ;;;A . further development is under wayB. there is no storage capacity in a fuel cellC. many cells are operated in series to obtain voltagesD. supply alternating current from fuel cellsE. as they are being developed there have been some applicationsPassage 8 Substations pace into the Digital Age CAEBDSubstations constitute the main part of power transmission and distribution in a power grid. ;;;A. substation automation technology has reached a certain levelB. simulation training technology for substation operationC. composed of a large number of primary and secondary equipmentsD. a full-digital automation systemE. all of which has become an indisputable factPassage 9 Overcoming the Problem of Waste CADEBMany large cities are anything but beautiful Streets are littered with trash. In this trash, however, 1 ;;;A. there is no time to be lostB. building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dreamC. there is still something that can be usefulD. it can be put to use againE. more and more machines are designed for this purposePassage 10 Hibernation EBDACThe weather in winter. Call be very cold. Some animals sleep during the winter, ;;;A. So they don’t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animalsB. We call this kind of sleep in wintertime “hibernation’’C. As it gets warmer and warmer in spring,the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for foodD. Hibernating animals don’t need to eat much because they don’t moveE. They can sleep for a long timePassage 11 Satellites BDACEThe body that is neatest to the Earth is the moon. 1. This satellite is ;;;A. The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravityB. It circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the EarthC. To get out into space we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pullD. A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a circleE. Artificial satellite can be used for various purposesPassage 12 Secondary equipment in power system BDEACThe secondary equipments in power system are 1, measuring,regulating,;;;A. 5A rated current of the current transformer secondary windingB. the equipments that provide protecting,monitoringC. 50V rated voltage of PT secondary sideD. the equipments that send the command signalsE. current values in secondary systemPassage 13 Switching overvoltage EABCDA sudden change in the configuration of transmission network caused 1 or by the appearance of a fault can;;;;A. determine the insulation requirements of transmission linesB. the cost of transmission and 1ine failure rateC. at both opening and closing of circuit breakersD. by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in 500kV systemE. by the operation of a circuit breakerPassage 14 Transmission line and distribution line ADBCEThe high voltage power line through which power is 1 is called power transmission line. ;;;A. transmitted from power plant’s step-up substation to step-down substationB. the overhead transmission lineC. lightning frequently happening and heavy rainingD. the power line that transmits the power from step-down substationE. 1arge spanning line sectionPassage 15 Transformer insulation CEABDThe insulation of a transformer can be categorized into internal insulation and external insulation. ;;;A. The main insulation materials inside transformer are transformer oilB. The degradation of insulating properties of insulation materials under long period of influenceC. The internal insulation refers to the insulation of various parts inside the oil tankD.If the winding temperature is within the scope of 80~140 o CE. The main insulation refers to the insulation between windings and grounding parts and the insulation between windingsPassage 16 The electricity market BDAECThe aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring various parties more;;;A. to agree on the price and quantity to be tradedB. a wholesale marketC. to register as a market customerD. a retail marketE. to choose electricity suppliersPassage 17 Electric power CBDAEElectric power is a most convenient,clean,safe,and useful form of energy which supplies ;;;A. its growth rateB. its unavailabilityC. the lack of electricity a blackoutD. social disorder, and even national tragedyE. high electric power consumption per capitaPassage 18 Copyright piracy BDAECThere are numerous examples of what has become known as copyright piracy. ;;;A. new chemicalsB. the research and developmentC. physical propertyD. the fake and real itemsE. the intellectual propertyPassage 19 Electrical energy DEBACElectrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge. ;;;A. Alternating currentB. electrical energyC. Electrical potentialD. static electricityE. electrical chargePassage 20 Solar energy ADBCEMany people think of alternative solar energy as a new technology, ;;;A. sustainableB. inefficientC. the collected energy is used to heat a fluidD. the best known is photovoltaic cellsE. efficientPassage 21 Electrical energy conservation CDEABElectrical energy conservation refers to the process of reducing energy used through various means. ;;;A. turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winterB. looking for other opportunities for electrical energy conservation in the homeC. reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at homeD. making use of alternative clean energy sourcesE. contributing to climate change。

专业技术人员电力英语和计算机水平考试报名须知Prepared on 21 November 2021根据《国网人才评价中心关于申报评定专业技术资格的规定》(人才中心[2017]99号),自2017年起,将外语及计算机能力作为评定专业技术资格的水平能力标准之一,不再作为申报的必要条件,通过考试者可在专业技术资格评定业绩积分中获得相应的积分,外语合格积4分,计算机合格积8分。
电力英语《合格证书》A级有效期四年(截止日为取证的第4年年底),适用于申报正、副高级和中级专业技术资格中积分; B级有效期三年(截止日为取证的第3年年底)适用于申报副高级、中级专业技术资格中积分; C级有效期三年(截止日为取证的第3年年底),适用于申报中级专业技术资格中积分。

这有助于避免因为双方对工作内容和福利期望不一致而导致面试者最终放弃 job offer 的情况。


模拟试题一Part I.单选30%1. There’s something wrong with the thermometer. Don’t worry . I’ll make it works ..2. Now people can learn huge amounts of information from the computer..3. The expert you saw at the liaison meeting is a friend of mine ..4. You have worked more carefully this week; for there are few mistakes in your calculation ..5. Although the three workers got very tired in repairing the boiler; none of them would give it up..6. Now computers can work out problems much faster than human beings..7. There is too much cream on the cake..8. Don’t worry. It is not difficult for us to treat the fault..9. Ms; Chang doesn’t look well today . What is wrong with her10. I’d like to lend you my electrical engineering handbook; but you’d better not lend it to others..11. I think English is quite different from Chinese..12. — Excuse me; is this the way to Shanghai power Company—No; I’m afraid it isn’t .. You’ve got the wrong road..13. —Can you tell me where Shanghai power Company is—sure; go down the street and turn left at the first crossing..14. My wife is always busy with the housework ..15. Engineer Zhou has learned English for five years ..16. It is true that light travels faster than sound ..17. The old man was so exited that he could hardly believe his eyes. The underlined part meansalmost not ..18. —How can I get to your office—You can take a taxi instead of walking there ..19. Technicians are interested in the interesting introduction of advanced technology ..20. Would you mind me using your calculator for a while21. pumps are widely used in coal-fired power plant to transport carious liquids ..22. The thermocouple thermometers are used for temperature measurement ..23. When we run a plastic comb through our dry hair the comb and the hair may have staticelectricity ..24. Do not touch anything that runs electricity with your wet hands..25. The sun is one of thousands of stars in the sky..26. The equipment in substations protecting against direct thunder strikes is called lightning arrestor ..27. The power transformer is used to change the voltage of the power grid for the purpose of powertransmission ..28. According to distribution equipment location ;it can be divided into indoor power distributionequipment and outdoor ones ..29. The control panel of the steam turbine must be kept clean every day ..30. In respect of environment protection the emission of dust; NO x;SO x etc must be limited..Part II. 判断15%Passage 1Electricity in a remote location might be provided by a simple distribution grid linking a central generator to homes;The traditional paradigm for moving…31. In developed countries; 在发达国家…… B. Wrong32. Usually the generating plants are …通常发电厂…… B.Wrong33. The transmission network can move the power are …传输网络可以移动的功率是… A.Right34. In the substation…在变电站 A.Right35. At the service location ;…在服务位置…… B.WrongPassage 2Thomas Edison was a great inventor. A hundred years ago; he stood by a strange machine and said the following words; “May had a little lamb .” Then he was surprised by something . that is; the machine talked.36.phonograph 留声机was invented two hundred years ago. 留声机是200年前发明的B. Wrong37.The computes was a great invention …计算是一项伟大的发明…… B. Wrong38.Nylon greatly influenced the type of clothes . 尼龙对衣服的类型产生了很大的影响 A. Right39.The inventions for getting over illness …战胜疾病的发明…… B. Wrong40.Thomas Edison was a great doctor . 托马斯爱迪生是一个伟大的医生 B. Wrong Part Ⅲ. 补全短文15%Passage 1Advanced Distribution Automation is a term coined by the IntelliGrid project in North America to describe the extension of intelligent control over electrical power grid functions to the distribution level and beyond. It is related to distribution automation that can be enabled via the smart grid.41is typicallyseparated logically into transmission systems and 42.Electric power transmission systems typically operate above 110kV;whereas Electricity distribution systems operate43.Normally; electric utilities with SCADA systems have extensive control over transmission-level equipment;and increasing control over distribution-level equipment via distribution automation.However;they often are unable44 such as Distributed energy resources;buildings;and homes. It may be advantageous to extend control networks to these systems4541 B. The electrical power grid. 较低的电压42 E. Distribution systems 电力电网43 A. At lower voltages 因为一些原因44 D. To control smaller entities. 控制较小的实体45 C. For a number of reasons 配电系统本题“Advanced Distribution Automation is a term coined”先进的配电自动化是一个术语……答题顺序B E A D CPassage 2Temperature; pressure; specific volume; enthalpy and entropy are the most commonly used 46 in the thermodynamics.Heat expansion refers to the phenomenon that most of the substances will increase in size with47 in the absence of 48.There are three basic types of 49 ;namely ; conduction; convection and radiation.The first law of thermodynamics goes like this: the heat input to a thermodynamic system is equal to the sum of the increase in 50 of the system and the work done to the outside.46 C. parameters of the medium 介质参数47 B. the rise in temperature 温度上升48 E. external forces 外部力量49 A. heat transfer 热量的传递50 D. internal energy 内部能量本题“Temperature; pressure”温度、压力….的答题顺序是C B E A DPart . IV阅读理解40%Passage 1Everybody in the city uses mobile phones today. But do you know a mobile phone is actually a small radio无线电装置One radio send s a person’s voice over long distance to another radio. The voice sentby the rado is called a signal信号…..51. Mobile phones used to be powerful enough to send a person’s voice to faraway places.强大到可以将一个人的声音发送到遥远的地方..52. What do we learn from the article about today’s mobile phones They are small and easy to use. 它们是小的和易于使用的..53. Which of the following translations of the messages is NOT correct Will I C U B4 2moro-will I see you after tomorrow我将C U B4 2moro 明天以后我能看见你吗54. Why does the writer write this article To introduce how mobile phones works and how it is used.作者为什么要写这篇文章介绍手机是如何工作的;以及它是如何使用的..55. Which of the following is true according to the article Today sending short messages is a popular way of using mobile phones.今天发送短信是一种流行的使用手机的方式..本题“Everybody in the city uses mobile phones today.”今天城市的每个人都使用手机..答题顺序是CCBCCPassage 2In our country; the power grid standard frequency is 50Hz. For the power grid with a capacity of 3 000MW and above; the allowable deviation is ±0.2Hz;for the power grid with a capacity under 3 000MW. The allowable deviation is ±0.5Hz. ……56. In our country; for the power grid with a capacity of 3 000MW and above; the allowable frequency deviation is: ±0.2Hz在我国;对于一个容量3 000MW及以上的电网;频率偏差允许±0.2Hz57. In the power grid with a capacity less than 3 000MW; the deviation between electric clock and standard clock GPS should not be larger than:±60s在容量小于3 000MW的电网;电时钟与标准时钟GPS之间的偏差不应大于:±60s58. The running of electric clock can reflect the variation of power grid frequency; as the motive part of the electric clock is an AC single-phase synchronous motor.电时钟的运行可以反映电网频率的变化;作为电时钟的驱动部分是一个交流单相同步电动机..59. In the power grid with a capacity of 3 000MW and above; the accidental frequency is:Over or under 50±0.2Hz.在电网容量3 000MW以上;意外的频率在50±0.2Hz上下..60. The primary frequency regulation power plant undertakes the frequency regulation of the power grid; and keeps the frequency within: 50±0.1Hz.一次调频电厂承担电网频率调节;使频率保持在50±0.1Hz..本题“In our country; the power grid standard frequency is 50Hz.”在我国;电网频率为50Hz的标准..的答题顺序为BBDACPassage 3All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind…….61.the sun is the sources of all of the following EXCEPT atomic power太阳是以下除了原子能的来源..62.Radiant energy is stored as carbon compounds by plants辐射能以植物的碳化合物储存63.The sun’s energy provides us with all EXCEPT water太阳的能量为我们提供了除水以外的一切64.The largest part of the light energy directed towards the earth is absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere朝向地球的光能量的最大部分被地球的大气层吸收..65.Of the sun’s total output of radiant energy ;the earth receives a very small portion 太阳输出的总辐射能;地球接收了非常小的部分本题“All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun地球表面上所有有用的能量都来自太阳的活动”的答题顺序是CACBDPassage4The market is a concept .If you are growing tomatoes in you backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to you neighbor and some to the manager of the local market.66.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage B. what’s the market以下哪一项将是这篇文章的最佳标题B.什么是市场67.All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT C.attending a night school下列所有的行为都是为市场的生产;除了C.上夜校..68.You are buying from the market when you D.dine at a restaurant 当你D.在一家餐馆用餐时;你是购自于市场..69.The word “real ”in the last paragraph may most probably mean D.concrete 在最后一段中的“真实”一词;最有可能的意思是“D.具体的”..70.In what way is the market very real for each person or businessmen who is making and selling something A.It tells you what to produce市场以什么方式非常真实告诉每个人或商人;是谁在制造和销售的东西A它告诉你生产什么..本题“The market is a concept市场是一个概念”的答题顺序为BCDDA模拟试卷二Part I.单选30%1. Mr. Chen missed the bus; so he failed to get to his office on time. The underlined part means wasn’table to.2. Last night I didn’t leave the laboratory until the test ended.3. How magnificent the Changjiang Bridge is4. It’ s important for us to keep the air clean.5. This hydraulic power station was built 50 years ago.6. I’ll visit my friend and stay with him for some time next week.7. The coordination meeting for the transmission line construction is held once a week.8. By the year 2000; the had worked in the power station for twenty years .9. Next week I will fly to U.S.A to attend an important meeting.10. “Welcome to Beijing”; Mr. Li said to the foreign friends.11. There have been great changes in Shanghai since 1978.12. The government didn’t allow them to build that factory so as not to make the water dirty.13. Many problems were talked about yesterday.14. He left his mobile phone in the meeting room yesterday.15. All the desks in the room are covered with dust.16. From then on; she was never late for going to office. The underlined part means after that.17. Look at the lady at the door; could you tell me who she is18. Which is heavier; iron of copper19. China is famous for the great wall.20. This chimney is as high as that one.21.You are not allowed to fly kite near the power line; It’s dangerous.22. The instrumental panel of the generator must be kept clean every day.23. The power plant was built in 1990.24. The repairing of the switchgear must be finished in two hours.25. The steam turbine parameters should match with that of the boiler.26. A generator is a machine to convert mechanical energy into electric energy.27. In the past decade; the installed capacity of generating units in China has been doubled.28. A co-generation power plant not only generates electricity but also supplies steam to heat users.29. The basic types of heat transfer is conduction; convection an radiation.30. In centigrade temperature scale; the ice point water is defined as 0℃ ; the boiling point is 100℃. Part II. 判断15%Passage1Nuclear power’s核能danger to health ;safety ;and even to life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.31.The mystery about nuclear radiation may …关于核辐射的秘密…... A.right32. We cannot sense radio activity …我们无法感觉到无线电活动…… B.wrong33. Common radio waves …普通的无线电波……. A.right34. Even at the lowest levels; …即使是在最低的水平…… B.wrong35. Victims of nuclear radiation …核辐射的受害者…… A.rightPassage2When you think about 当你思考the growth of human population over the last century or so; it is all too easy to imagine it merely as an increase in the number of humans. But as we multiply; so do all the things associated with us; including our livestock. At present; there are about 1.5 billion cattle and domestic buffolo and about 1.7 billion sheep and goats. With pigs and poultry; they form a critical part of our enormous biological footprint upon this planet.36. With the increase of human population over the last century;…随着上个世纪人口的增加…B.wrong37. It was not until the publication of a new report; …直到公布了一个新的报告…… B.wrong38. Rain forests 雨林are decreasing as a result of expanding grazing land. A.right39. The global 全球livestock contribute more to the global warming than transportation. A.right40. According 根据to the passage; the only solution to global warming is reducing cars. B.wrong Part Ⅲ. 补全短文15%Passage 1 Solar energy太阳能Solar energy is lauded as an inexhaustible fuel source that is pollution and often noise free. The technology isalso versatile. For example; solar cells generate energy for far-out places 41.like satellites in Earth orbit andcabins deep in the Rocky Mountains as easily as they can power downtown 42.buildings and futuristic cars.But solar energy doesn't work at night without a storage device 43.such as batteries; and cloudy weather can make the technology unreliable during the day. Solar technologies are also very expensive and require a lot of land area 44.to collect the sun's energy at rates useful to lots of people.Despite the drawbacks; solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15 years; thanks to rapidly falling prices and gains in efficiency. Japan; Germany; and the 45.United Statesare major markets forsolar cells. With tax incentives; solar electricity can often pay for itself in five to ten years.41 C. like satellites in Earth orbit 像地球轨道上的卫星42 A. buildings and futuristic cars 建筑和未来的汽车43 B. such as batteries 例如电池44 D. to collect the sun's energy 收集太阳的能量45 E. United States 美国Passage 2 According to the mode of energy conversion根据能量转换模式According to the mode of energy conversion; power pants can be classified into fossil-fired; hydraulic; 46nuclear; wind; solar; geothermal; tide power plants; and so on.A power plant transforms primary energy source into electric power and 47supplies power to users.A co-generation plant is the power plant that not only generates electricity but also 48supplies steam to the user.Normally; in selecting the site of a new power plant; following factors should be fully considered: Power net plan for medium and long term; 49 Fuel supply and ash disposal; Transportation condition; Water sources; Local natural condition and environmental protection.According to the common stipulation for a newly scheduled power plant; the total capacity in a 50 newly scheduled power plant is in the range of 1 200 MW to 3 600ME; the number of units should not exceed six and the ranks of capacity should not exceed two.46B. nuclear; wind; solar 核能;风能;太阳能47C. supplies power to users 向用户供电48A. supplies steam to the user 向用户提供蒸汽49D. Fuel supply and ash disposal 燃料供应和煤灰处理50E. newly scheduled power plant 新建发电厂Part . IV阅读理解40%Passage 1 Nowadays more and more people have their own cars 现在越来越多的人有了自己的汽车Nowadays more and more people have their own cars. Cities are full of ears. Therefore parking becomes a big problem. So is the traffic around the city. Some changes may take place in the future; For example; some51. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems we have with cars today以下哪一个不是我们今天的汽车的问题之一Money52. According to the article; if we have little cars in the future; 根据文章;如果我们在未来有小型汽车The streets will be less crowded 街道将不那么拥挤.53. Little cars are more suitable for daily life. 小型汽车更适合日常生活54. A little car is likely to be one third the size of today’s car.小型汽车很可能是今天的三分之一辆车的尺寸..55. Large cars and little cars can be used for different purposes in the future.大型汽车和小型汽车在未来可以用于不同的用途Passage 2 The transmission and transformation of the electric power network 电网的传输与改造The transmission and transformation of the electric power network is completed by step-up substations; step-down substations and connected transmission equipment. The transmission equipment mainly consists of56. The function of transmission is to send the electric power.传输的功能是发送电力57. In our country; what voltage class’s power network is called the high voltage networks 110kv and 220kv 在我国;什么电压等级的电网被称为高压电网110kv及220kv58. In our country; the specified rated standard voltages is the line voltage effective value.在我国;指定的额定标准电压是线路电压的有效值..59. What is the meaning of “UHV” The ultra-high voltage.记住单词的首字母UHV就行了..60. In our country; the voltage of the DC ultra-high voltage power network is DC ±800kv and above.在我国;对直流特高压电网的电压是直流±800kV或以上Passage 3 The science of meteorology is concerned 有关气象科学The science of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure ;sate and behaviour of the atmosphere.61.Which of the following is the best title for the passage Approaches to the Science of Meteorology.下面哪一篇是文章的最佳题目气象科学方法..62.The predictions of synoptic meteorologists are directly based on the preparation and study of weather maps. 气象学家预测天气是直接基于气象地图的制备和研究..63.Which of the following is not referred to be the author as a field whose needs are served by weather forecasting Sports64.The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to greater protection ofhuman life and property.作者暗示;提高天气预报的准确性将导致更大的保护人类的生命和财产..65.In the last sentence of the passage ;the phrase “these tools” refers to mathematics and physics在文章的最后一句话中;“这些工具”是指数学和物理学Passage 4 As we have seen 正如我们所看到的As we have seen; the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease-especially66.Today medical care is placing more stress on removing people’s bad living habits.今天的医疗保健正越来越强调消除人们的不良生活习惯67.In the first paragraph; people are reminded that good health is more than not being ill.在第一段;人们被提醒健康不仅仅是不生病..68.Traditionally; a person is considered” well” if he is free from any kind of disease.传统上;一个人被认为是“健康的”;如果他没有任何类型的疾病..69.According to the author; the true meaning of “wellness” is for people to strive to maintain the best possible health.根据作者的观点;“健康”的真正含义是为人们努力保持尽可能的健康..70.According to what the author advocates; which of the following groups of people would be considered healthy People who try to be as healthy as possible; regardless of their limitations.根据作者的主张;以下哪一组人会被认为是健康的试着尽可能健康的人;不管他们的局限性..模拟试题三Part1 单选30%1. The synthetic fibers produced in that big plant account for one third of all the fibers turned out in thearea.2. You have only 100 words in which to sum up his speech.3. The jury must weigh the evidence before they reach a verdict.4. Scientists have spent years researching into the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain withno result.5. The firm will have to stop up production if it is to defeat its competitors.6. You’ll never finish that job unless you forget everything else and get down to it.7. The American company whose chemical factory in India exploded will have to compensate for theloss of human lives.8. Many new opportunities will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.9. The manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on.10. John regretted not going to the meeting last week.11. The above mentioned reactions are bound to proceed smoothly.12. The meeting drew to a close late in the afternoon.13. From his appearance we may safely conclude that he is heavy smoker.14. Someone must have left the tap on; for the water was running over and flooding the bath0room.15. We plant and care for trees in proportion the many benefits they give us.16. Whatever you decide to take up; you should try to make it a success.17. I am tired of your stupid conversation.18. The shopkeeper of the book has marked a new era in the history of the question.19. The shopkeeper is facing fierce competition from supermarkets.20. They are building the railway in association with another company.21. I found the little boy sitting on the steps; crying bitterly.22. The students will put off the outing until next week; when they won’t be so busy.23. In his speech he referred to the great help that the club received from supporters.24. Carbon is an element; while carbon dioxide is a compound.25. When I arrived in this country; I had to start learning the language from scratch.26. After being rescued from the wrecked shop; the people agreed that they had much to be thankful for.27. His ambition had always been to become an architect.28. This new method not only saves time but also saves energy by operating on two batteries instead offour.29. He was very near-sighted; almost helpless without glasses.30. Despite all the heated arguments they had; they remained the best of friends throughout their lives. Part II. 判断15%Passage1The electric power industry电力工业The electric power industry is commonly split up into four processes. These are electricity generation such as a power station; electric power transmission; electricity distribution and electricity retailing. In many countries; electric power companies own the whole infrastructure from generating stations to transmission and distribution infrastructure.1. Electric power companies only own the infrastructure of generating stations. B. Wrong 错电力公司只拥有发电站的基础设施2. Electric power industry is generally government-owned and operated. A. Right 对电力行业一般是国有经营3. When electric provision is deregulated; customers of electricity prefer more costly green electricity.如果放开对电力供应的限制;客户更喜欢使用绿色电力.. A. Right 对4. All forms of electricity generation have both advantages and disadvantages. A. Right 对各种形式的发电既有优点也有缺点..5. Renewable energy and distributed generation are not viable in economic terms. B. Wrong 错在经济术语中;可再生能源和分布式发电是不可行的..Passage 2The communications explosion is on the scale of the rail; automobile or telephone revolution. Very soon you’ll be able to record your entire life electronically-anything a microphone or a camera can sense you’ll be31. By saying that he takes may images of his children; the author wants to display the influence ofcommunications on life 通过说他需要孩子的影像;作者想展示通讯对生活的影响..32. The author most probably thinks the communications dust is amazing.作者最有可能认为垃圾信息是惊人的33. Which of the following statements abut the low-orbit satellites is true The low-orbit satellites wouldreplace towers and poles functionally.下列哪项关于低轨道卫星是真的低轨道卫星将在功能上取代塔和基点..34. According to the passage; an optical-fiber audio-video link can enable us to talk and see each otherno matter where we are.根据文章;光纤音视频链接可以使我们说话和看到对方;无论我们在哪里.. 35. The phrase “each one” can be best replaced by each car.短语“每一个”可以最好的取代每辆车Part Ⅲ. 补全短文15%Passage 1The most important pumps in a power plant are feed-water pumps and condensate pumps; etc.The role of feed-water pump in a power plant is that 41it must be located at 0.5~0.8m below the hot-well from de-aerator water storage tank to boiler. To meet the demand of parameter design of thermodynamic system and to simplify the system; a part of the feed water is extracted from an intermediate stage of the pump for temperature reduction of superheated steam.Following methods are used popularly for the speed regulation of feed-water pump: 42Motor frequency conversion speed regulation; Hydraulic coupling speed regulation and speed regulation by a small turbine.The principle of disposition for boiler feed-water pumps: three sets of feed-water pumps are equipped; 43three sets of motor-driven pumps are acceptable. Another one for standby. Generally; two steam-driven pumps and one motor-driven pump are provided; also; 44two of them are for normal operation.Role of a condensate pump in a power plant:it pressurizes the water from the hot well of condenser and transports it to de-aerator via low pressure heater.The demand on the mounting position of condensate pump: 45it pressurizes and transports the higher temperature de-aerated water to avoid vaporization inside the condensate pump.41 B. it must be located at 0.5~0.8m below the hot-well 给水泵必须位于0.5~0.8m下面的热井42 D. Motor frequency conversion speed regulation 电动机变频调速43 A. three sets of motor-driven pumps are acceptable 三台电动泵是可以接受的44 C. two of them are for normal operation 其中两个是正常运行的45 E. it pressurizes and transports the higher temperature de-aerated waterPassage 2Automatic regulation of boiler drum water level means that by the feed water automatic regulator; 46the drum level is kept within a set range. The feed-water auto-regulator has three input signals: drum level; steam flow and feed water flow. When the boiler takes a load less than 30% of the rated one; only the drum level signal is available. 47It is a one element regulating system at that time. The feed water automatic regulation for a once-through boiler keep the transition zone outlet steam temperature less-superheated within allowable range; and makes the deed-water flow match with the steam flow and keep steady.The steam temperature automatic outlet steam temperature and the reheater outlet steam temperature within allowable fluctuation around the rated value. 48The superheater outlet steam temperature is regulated by the injection of desuperheating water.The reheater outlet steam temperature can be regulated by adjusting the flue gas dampers or by adjusting the tilting angle of the burners; if necessary; 49a small quantity of water spraying can be adopted. For the once-through boiler; we must keep the fuel water ratio of the boiler to control superheater outlet temperature to insure the required stability of mid-point temperature. Additionally. 50by the water spraying. We can perform the regulation of the superheater outlet temperature.46 C. the drum level is kept within a set range. 汽包液位保持在一个设定范围内47 E. It is a one element regulating system at that time 它是当时的一个一元调节系统48 B. The superheater outlet steam temperature is regulated by the injection of desuperheating water过热器出口蒸汽温度的调节减少温水注入49 A. a small quantity of water spraying can be adopted 可以采用少量的喷水量50 D. by the water spraying 通过喷水Part . IV阅读理解40%Passage 1A friend of mine; in response to a conversation we were having about the injustice of life; asked me the question: “Who said life was going to be fair; or that it was even meant to be fair” Her question was good one.51. The author thought of his friend’s question as a good one because like his friend; he also thought life was unfair.像他的朋友一样;他也认为生活是不公平的52. Surrendering to the fact that life isn’t fair will make us know it’s our duty to perfect things.臣服于不公平的现实生活;会让我们知道我们的责任是不断完善..53. The second paragraph of the passage mainly discusses it’s nice to accept the injustice of life文章的第二段主要讨论了接受生活的不公是很好的54. In the last paragraph; “this very basic fact” refers to the fact that life isn’t and won’t be fair.在最后一段;“这个很基本的事实”是指生活不是也不会是公平的55. From the passage; we can learn that the author’s attitude to life is positive.从文中;我们可以了解到作者的生活态度是积极的Passage 2 North Africa 北非The cause of the decline of North Africa is popularly attributed to climatic changes; the theory being that the area became hotter and drier and the people were forced to abandon a thriving civilization. However;56. What do people usually think contributed to the decline of North Africa Climatic factors.气候因素57. The main idea of this passage is climatic changes coupled with forest abuse result in the decrease of forests in North Africa.这篇文章的主要思想是气候变化;再加上滥用森林导致北非的森林减少..58.Which of the following is the ultimate reason for the decline of tropical rain forests Human abuse of forests. 以下哪一个是热带雨林下降的根本原因人类滥用森林59. Increase in the temperature of tropical soil may lead to the loss of organic nitrogen in it.热带土壤温度的上升可能会导致土壤中有机氮的流失..。

国家电网专业技术人员电力英语水平考试(英语单项选择)第3节Section 3 (第三节)1. John sudden death was a great blow to his mother send it took her a long time to get over the grief.译文:约翰的突然去世对他的母亲来说是一个巨大的打击,她花了很长时间才克服悲伤。
2. Unless you go by nature ,you are sure to be punished by it.译文:如果你不遵循自然(的规律),你肯定会受到它的惩罚。
3. His heart stopped beating just when we reached the hospital.译文:当我们到达医院时,他的心脏停止了跳动。
4. –Look! The flowers in the garden are growing lovely.–How wish I had a small piece of ground when I could plant some flowers of my own!译文:看!花园里的花越来越可爱了。
我多么希望我有一小块土地,当我可以种一些我自己的花!5. His parents couldn’t get through to him on the telephone,so they decided to go to his school and see what’s wrong.译文:他的父母不能打通电话找到他,所以他们决定去他的学校,看看有什么不对的。
6. —Mum, why do you always make me drink a cup of fresh milk every day?—To get enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.译文:——妈妈,你为什么总是让我每天喝一杯新鲜的牛奶?——要获得足够的蛋白质和营养,因为你正在成长。
国家电网公司 深入推进职业技能鉴定和技能人才培养

电网公 司 技 术 能手 荣 誉 称号 , 6 获 1人 得 省 级 技 术 能 手 荣 誉 称 号 , 8 人 获 27 得 网省 公 司技 术 能 手 荣誉 称 号 , 前 提
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国 家 电 网 公 司
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电力计算机水平考试教程习题第四版单项选择题计算机基础知识1、最能准确反映计算机主要功能的是计算机是一种信息处理机..2、世界上第一台计算机诞生在1946..3、世界上第一台计算机是ENIAC..4、计算机问世至今历四代;而划分四代的主要依据则是计算机的构成原件..5、当前的计算机一般称为第四代计算机;它所采用的电子逻辑器件是大规模集成电路或超大规模集成电路..6、在当今的信息时代;计算机的应用领域无处不在;但其应用最早的领域是科学计算..7、计算机辅助设计的英语缩写是CAD..8、英文缩写CAI的中文意思是计算机辅助教学..9、我们常用的个人计算机又称PC机;属于微型机..10、2013年6月;我国研究的“天河二号”超级计算机以每秒33.86千万亿次的浮点运算速度;成为全球最快的超级计算机;“天河二号”高性能计算机属于巨型机..11、在计算机内部;数据采用表示二进制..12、二进制数转换为十进制数237.13、二进制数转换为八进制数是355.14、用一个字节最多能编出256个不同的码..15、能够反映计算机储存容量的基本单位是字节..16、计算机内部信息的表示机存储往往采用二进制形式;采用这种形式的最主要原因是与逻辑电路硬件相适应..17、64位计算机中的64是指该计算机能同时处理64位二进制数..18、一台计算机的内存容量为512MB;其中的512MB是指51210241024字节..19、微型计算机中普遍使用的字符编码是ASCII码..20、已知字母“A”的二进制ASCII编码为”1000001“;则字母”B”的十进制ASCII编码为66..21、储存一个汉字的所需的字节数是2..22、一个完整的计算机系统通常包括硬件系统和软件系统..23、我们通常所说的“裸机”是指计算机仅有硬件系统..24、世界上首次提出存储程序计算机体系结构的是冯.诺依曼..25、下列叙述正确的是冯.诺依曼提出的计算机体系结构奠定了现代计算机的结构理论基础..26、计算机硬件系统的组成部件主要包括运算器、储存器、输入设备、输出设备和控制器..27、计算机中;运算器的主要功能是完成算术和逻辑运算..28、控制计算机各部分进行各种操作;并协调各部分的工作的部件是控制器..29、我们通常所说的I/O设备是指输入输出设备..30、下列设备中;属于输出设备的是打印机..31、显示器属于计算机的输出设备..32、中央处理器分为运算器和控制器..33、随机储存器的英文缩写RAM..34、我们通常所说某台PC机的内存容量为128MB;这里的128MB指的是RAM的存储容量..35、下列设备中;既是输入设备又是输出设备的是硬盘..36、计算机在工作过程中电源突然中断;则RAM中的信息将全部丢失;再次通电后也无法恢复..37、CACHE代表的是高速缓存器..38、计算机存储单元中存储的内容可以是数据和指令..39、计算机有多种技术指标;其中决定计算机的计算精度的是字长..40、计算机软件包括程序、数据、有关文档资料..41、下列叙述中;属RAM特点的是可随机读写数据;断电后数据全部丢失..42、微型计算机中配置CACHE是为了解决CPU与内存储器之间速度不匹配问题..43、操作系统的主要功能是控制和管理计算机系统软、硬件资源..44、计算机能够储存并直接处理执行的语言是机器语言..45、计算机指令是由操作码和地址码两部分组成..46、计算机病毒可以使整个计算机瘫痪;危害极大..计算机病毒是人为编制的特殊程序..47、下列四项中;不属于计算机病毒特征的是免疫性..48、下列关于计算机病毒的叙述中;有错误的是计算机病毒是一个标记或一个命令..49、关于计算机软件的叙述;错误的是软件借来复制也不损害他人利益..50、计算机软件的着作权属于软件开发者..WIN7操作系统1、以下方法不能打开“开始”菜单的是按ALT+TAB键..2、windoWord 2007 系统无法正常启动时;用户在重新启动计算机时按F8键;可以采用“安全模式”启动计算机..3、为了便于用户打开某些常用的程序;可以将该程序添加到固定程序列表中;方法是在应用程序图标上单击鼠标右键;在弹出的快捷菜单中选择附到开始菜单..4、打开多个应用程序窗口后;用户可以单击任务栏上代表应用程序的小按钮在多个应用程序之间切换;也可使用Alt+Tab键进行切换..5、在windows7中;要将打开的多个窗口堆置显示;应执行的操作是用鼠标右键单击任务栏空白位置处;在弹出的快捷菜单中选择相应的命令..6、在windows7中;要使用户文件不被其他用户更改;将文件的属性设置为只读..7、在windows7中;可以使用Alt+F4组合关闭应用程序..8、启动“磁盘清理程序”的方法是单击“开始”菜单中的“所有程序〡附件〡系统工具-磁盘清理”..9、若要使用记事本应用程序创建一个新文档;可在窗口中单击“文件”菜单中的新建命令..10、图案和墙纸都能作为屏幕的背景..11、将鼠标指针移至标题栏上并拖拽;即可移动窗口位置..12、当用户运行多个应用程序之后;这些应用程序将以按钮形式显示在任务栏..13、如用户在一段时间内;既没有按键盘;也没有移动鼠标windows7将启动并执行屏幕保护程序..14、选定某个文件;然后Delete按键;即可将该文件放入回收站..15、以下关于windows7快捷方式的说法正确的是一个对象可以有多个快捷方式..16、要选定多个连续文件或文件夹的操作方式是先单击第一项;按住shift键然后再单击最后一项..17、以下关于windows7窗口的说法;不正确的是可以移动窗口;但不能改变窗口的大小..18 、windows7是多任务操作系统;其含义是指可同时运行多个程序..19、windows7磁盘碎片整理工具不能实现的功能是恢复错误的文件碎片..20、在windows7中;下列文件名不合法的是A<>b..21、在windows7中;可以使用Ctrl+Space组合键;在中英文输入法之间进行切换..22、要把当前活动窗口的内容复制粘贴到剪贴板中;可按的键是Alt+PrintScreen..23、在windows7操作系统中;将打开窗口拖动到屏幕顶端;窗口会最大化..24、在windows7操作系统中;显示桌面的快捷键是Win+D..25、在windows7操作系统中;打开外接显示设置窗口的快捷键是Win+P..26、在windows7中个性化设置不包括“计算机”图标样式..27、下列关于windows7菜单说法中;不正确的是用灰色字符显示的菜单选项;表示相应的程序被破坏..28、在windows7操作系统中;复制命令的快捷键是Ctrl+C..29、在windows7操作系统中;显示3D桌面效果的快捷键是Win+Tab.30、文件的类型可以根据文件的扩展名来识别..31、库可以提供包含多个文件夹的统一视图..32、windows7中;“显示桌面”按钮在桌面右下角..33、删除在windows7桌面上某个应用程序的快捷方式图标;意味着只删除了图标;对应的应用程序被保留..34、用户打开多个窗口;并对多个窗口进行排列;以下排列方式错误的是横排显示窗口..35、在windows7中个性化设置包括主题、桌面背景、屏保程序..36、使用windows7的备份功能所创建的系统镜像不可以保存在内存..37、在windows7操作系统中;不属于默认库的是电影..38、在磁盘属性对话框中的常规选项卡里;用户可以修改磁盘分区名称..39、在windows7操作系统中;自定义DPI设置窗口;最大可以将文字放大至300%..40、在windows7操作系统中;应用程序窗口最小化后程序转为后台运行..41、以下网络位置中;不可以在windows7里进行设置的是小区网络..42、windows7系统菜单类型不包括工作菜单..43、通过“关机“按钮;用户可以选择的操作包括关机、重新启动、休眠..44、对于删除文件;以下描述错误的是用Shift+Delete组合键删除的文件可以恢复..45、对用户账户描述正确的是“标准用户”可以重新设置自己账户密码..46、下列连接无线网络描述错误的是连接无线网络无需输入密码..47、在windows7操作系统中;为结束陷入死循环的程序;应首先按Ctrl+Shift+Esc键;启动任务管理器..48、“开始“菜单包括固定程序列表、常用程序列表、所有程序列表等几部分组成..49、在windows7操作系统中;“回收站”是硬盘上的一块区域..50、以下关于“任务栏”的描述错误的是“开始”按钮位于任务栏右侧..文字处理软件软件word20071、Word 2007默认的文件扩展名是docx2、在Word 2007中;下列关于“撤销”操作说法正确的是可用撤销用户的多次操作3、在Word 2007中;若将文本内容设置为楷体、四号、蓝色;则首先应该执行的操作是选定文本内容4、在Word 2007中;以下单击offic按钮----“另存为”的命令5、在Word 2007中;要使文档的标题----居中6、在Word 2007种;关于文档窗口说法正确可以----但只有一个是活动窗口7、在Word 2007中;分页符说法正确在文档中定位----Ctrl+Enter组合键---手工分页符8、在Word 2007编辑文档过程中按回车生成段落标记9、在Word 2007中;不能单击07;打开o7;单击w o√d选项----保存10、在Word 2007编辑过程中按Backspace可删除插入点11、在Word 2007编辑中;复制文本的快捷键Ctrl+C12、在Word 2007中;使用审阅----统计文档字数13、在Word 2007中;使用页面布局------插入人工分页符14、在Word 2007编辑中;将鼠标----三击鼠标左键;会选择整篇文档15、在Word 2007中;若将表格中----单元格内容将保留2个单元格中的内容16、在Word 2007中;使用窗口右下角显示比例----显示大小----17、在Word 2007中;若在打印对话框----输入1;3-5;10-12表示打印输出1、3至5以及10至12页18、在Word 2007中;要用矩形工具画出正方形应同时按下Shift19、在Word 2007中插入图片----选择高级来更改图片插入的默认版式20、在Word 2007中;关于查找和替换正确的利用查找和替换----全部删除21、在Word 2007编辑中单击插入----强行分页22、在Word 2007编辑中;将鼠标移至文档最左侧----双击鼠标左键;将选择文档一个段落23、在Word 2007编辑中;将鼠标指向某段----三击鼠标左键;将文档一个段落24、在Word 2007编辑中;单击页面布局----强行分页25、在Word 2007中;不能保存文档使用快捷键Ctrl+O;快速保存文档26、在Word 2007中使用普通视图----并将其删除27、在退出Word 2007时;若正在编辑的文档尚未存盘;系统会弹出----退出Word 200728、在Word 2007中选定图片后按Ctrl拖动图片的尺寸空点29、在Word 2007中;使用图片工具中格式选项卡大小组的工具可改变选定图片的高度及宽度值30、在Word 2007中;使用图片工具中格式选项卡调整组的工具;可该片图片对比度31、在Word 2007中;快速打印使用Ctrl+P32、在Word 2007中;使用插入选项卡文本组中工具;可绘制文本框33、在Word 2007编辑状态下使用插入可设置首字下沉34、在Word 2007编辑中;页眉页脚说法错的是不能为首页指定不同的页眉与页脚35、在Word 2007编辑中;粘贴Ctrl+V36、在Word 2007中;单击页面布局选项卡页面背景组的水印37、在Word 2007中;对插入文档中图片不能进行操作的是修改图片中的图形38、在Word 2007中;使用插入可在文档中插入页眉39、在Word 2007中;使用绘图工具中格式选项卡排列组的按钮可将选定的形状至于顶层40、在Word 2007中;单击插入符号可在文档中插入公式41、若要将选定的文本字形----I按钮工具42、在Word 2007中;当前文档文件名会显示在标题栏43、在Word 2007中打印及打印预览文档;说法不正确的在同一页上;可同时设置纵向和横向打印44、在Word 2007中对图片设置衬于文字下方----可形成水印效果45、在Word 2007中;关于替换不正确的至替换文字;不能替换格式46、在Word 2007中;下列说法不正确按Ctrl----缩进值47、在Word 2007中;将选定的段落格式----执行的操作双击开始--格式刷48、在Word 2007中分栏操作说法正确可将选定段落分为指定宽度的两栏49、在Word 2007中;一下选定----布局----属性----50、在Word 2007中;关于表格操作不正确可利用公式计算----升序排列电子表格Excel20071、Excel 2007默认工作薄名是Bool1.xlsx2、在Excel 2007中的名称框输入下面A2&A6不能选定A2至A6五个单元格3、在Excel 2007的A1、B1单元格输入5、6----则C14、在像Excel 2007输入公式时;编辑栏上√是确认输入5、在Excel 2007中要将已输入数据----空单元格;应先选定该单元格;再单击开始----删除----全部清除6、在Excel 2007中;要用图表显示某个数据----比例关系;最好选饼图7、在Excel表A1:A3个单元格----公式为=A1+A2;其值为VALUS8、在Excel 2007表A1:A3个单元格----公式为AVERAGEA1:A3;其值为39、Excel 2007快速访问工具栏----默认3个按钮---不显示新建10、在Excel 2007中;单元格A9绝对引用应写为$A$911、选定单元格B3;输入公式-AVE√AGE8;2;"11"结果为712、在A1单元格输入公式=MAX-1;0;TRUE结果为113、在Excel 2007中;用D$1引用----单元格的混合引用14、若在A2单元中输入“=5=5”结果为TRUE15、已知某个单元格格式-----保留2位----输入66----内容为编辑框显示为66%;单元格显示为66.00%16、在Excel 2007中;如果输入日期或数值;默认对其方式是右对齐17、以下表示单元格宽度不够的是18、Excel 2007图标的显着特点是工作表中的数据变化时;图表随之改变19、在自动换行功能未设置时;可按Alt+Enter来强制换行20、在Excel 2007中按F1可显示有关帮助资料21、如果想在单元格中输入一个编号100024;应先输入'22、对数据进行分类汇总前;首先应进行排序操作23、下列各项中;不能调整列宽的在列标上双击鼠标以调整列宽24、关于高级筛选;下列说法错误的不需要写筛选条件25、如果在某单元格内输入公式“=4+4/2^2“则得到的结果为526、下列关于行高与列宽调整说法错误的不可以批量调整27、下列说法正确的进行筛选前;无需对表格先进性排序28、在Excel 2007中区域A1:A10中输入由1到10、步长为1的数列;可在单元格A1中输入数字1;然后按住Ctrl键用鼠标拖动A1单元格的填充柄到A10单元格即可..29、Excel包含四种运算符:算数运算符、比较运算符、文本运算符和引用运算符..其中符号“:”属于引用运算符30、在E单元格中输入公式时;输入的首字符必须为=31、已知单元格A1、B1、C1、A2、B2、C2中----公式=A1+$B$1+C1----D2结果为1232、已知单元格A1、B1、C1、A2、B2、C2中----公式=A1+B1-C1----D2结果为033、在Excel 2007中;单元格和区域可引用;引用作用在于标识34、选定单元格并按Eelete键;删除了单元格的内容35、要选定不相邻的单元格区域;在操作鼠标同时按Ctrl36、用预置小数位数输入数据时;设定小数位数是2;输入56789表示56789.0037、在单元格输入当前日期Ctrl+38、在降序中; 空白单元格行被放置在排序数据清单的最后39、在Excel 2007中;同时选定三个表;并在表1的A1单元格中输入数据9;说法正确的2和3工作表中A1单元格内容是940、折线图比较适合反映数据岁时间推移的变化趋势41、设A1单元格中公式为=D2$E3----则A1中的公示调整为=D2$F442、下面单击编辑框;在快捷菜单中选择相应命令方法不能将字段添加到数据透视表中..43、下面将字段从一个编辑框拖动到另外一个编辑框方法不能将字段从数据透视表中删除44、数据透视表的字段是数据源中的列45、在Excel 2007中;A1、A2单元格内容分别是1、2;在A3单元格中输入 =A1&A2;则A3单元格的内容为1246、在Excel中;为了描述一段时间内的数据变化和显示各项之间的比较情况一般应选择柱形图47、在一季度工作表中汇总前3章工作表----描述错误的勾选合并计算对话框中标签位置组中的首行和最左列48、在Excel 2007中;同一工作薄不同工作表之间单元格的引用需要在工作表名称后使用限定符号49、在Excel 2007中;执行一次排序时;最多能设任意多个关键字段50、下列双击数据系列线不可打开添加趋势线格式对话框幻灯片软件PowerPoint20071、PowerPoint 2007运行在Windows环境下..2、PowerPoint 2007演示文稿的扩展名默认为pptx..3、在PowerPoint 2007中选择不连续的多张幻灯片;借助Ctrl键..4、在PowerPoint 2007中;插入幻灯片的操作不能在幻灯片放映视图下进行..5、在PowerPoint 2007;选一个自选图形;打开设置图片格式对话框;不能改变自选图形的形状..6、在PowerPoint 2007的浏览视图方式下;用鼠标右键单击某张幻灯片的缩略图;在弹出的快捷菜单中选择新建幻灯片命令;则新幻灯片插入到当前幻灯片之后..7、PowerPoint 2007的浏览视图方式下;按住Ctrl键的同时拖动某张幻灯片;执行的是复制操作..8、PowerPoint 2007提供了多种模板;它包含了相应的配色方案、母版和字体样式等;可供用户快速生成风格统一的演示稿..9、在PowerPoint 2007的空白幻灯片中不能直接插入文字..10、PowerPoint 2007的视图包括普通视图、备注页视图、幻灯片浏览视图、幻灯片放映视图..11、在动画选项卡切换到此幻灯片组中;切换速度下拉列表用来设置幻灯片的换片速度..12、下列关于幻灯片切换说法错误的是选中某张幻灯片后;在动画选项卡切换到幻灯片组中;选择向下擦除;可改变全部幻灯片的切换效果..13、供演讲者查阅以及播放演示文稿时对各幻灯片加以说明的是备注窗格..14、下列在幻灯片中插入图片的操作过程正确的是1、打开幻灯片;2执行插入来自文件的图片的命令;3、选择并确定想要插入的图片;4、调整被插入的图片的大小、位置等..15、对于一个已经完成的、不需要修改和重新设计的演示文稿;可以存储为幻灯片放映方式类型;其文件扩展名为ppsx..16、在PowerPoint 2007中;不能插入新幻灯片的操作是单击Office按钮;在弹出的Office 菜单中选择新建命令..17、PowerPoint 2007中;演示文稿是由幻灯片组合而成的..18、PowerPoint 2007中在展台浏览放映类型是必须循环放映;按ESC键终止..19、PowerPoint 2007的各种视图中;显示单个幻灯片以进行演讲提示文本编辑的视图是幻灯片放映视图..20、PowerPoint 2007中;下列说法错误的是幻灯片的版式是指视图的预览模式..21、不属于普通视图下PPT工作界面组成部分的是切换窗口..22、关于放映幻灯片说法正确的是将某张幻灯片设置为隐藏后;在全屏放映幻灯片时将不显示此幻灯片..23、在PowerPoint 2007中设置幻灯片放映时的换页效果为垂直百叶窗;应使用的选项卡是动画..24、PowerPoint 2007中超级链接的作用是实现幻灯片内容的跳转..25、若在没有安装PowerPoint 2007的计算机上播放幻灯片;应单击Office按钮;在弹出的Office菜单中选择发布-CD数据包..26、PowerPoint 2007打印演示文稿时;如果打印内容是讲义;最多在一页纸上可以打印9张讲义..27、PowerPoint 2007中放映幻灯片的快捷键为F5..28、在PowerPoint 2007中;若为幻灯片中的对象设置飞入效果;应通过动画选项卡进行操作..29、出入SmartArt图形后;选择图形;并选择SmartArt工具下的设计选项卡;在SmartArt样式组中应用一中样式..30、插入SmartArt图形后;选择形状;按一次Enter键;光标会定位于形状中;此时可以在形状中输入文字..31、在自定义动画窗格中;不能执行的操作是设置对象动画的声音..32、PowerPoint 2007插入一张新的幻灯片快捷键是Ctrl+M..33、PowerPoint 2007创建新演示文稿的快捷键是Ctrl+N..34、在PowerPoint 2007中;母版可以实现的是统一改变字体设置、统一添加相同的对象、统一修改项目符号..35、幻灯片的自定义动画不包括幻灯片切换效果..36、PowerPoint 2007在插入选项卡中;单击剪贴画按钮可以选择PPT自带的图片..37、PowerPoint 2007中;打印内容不可以是母版..38、幻灯片浏览视图下不能修改幻灯片内容..39、在PowerPoint 2007中;说法错误的是演示文稿也称为幻灯片..40、在幻灯片母版视图方式下;不能执行的操作是可以修改幻灯片的版式..41、PowerPoint 2007模板文件的扩展名为potx..42、在PowerPoint 2007;不属于文本占位符的是图表..43、在PowerPoint 2007中;单击插入选项卡文本组中的艺术字按钮;可在当前幻灯片中插入艺术字..44、在PowerPoint 2007中;在插入选项卡中通过插图组中的形状按钮;可以绘制一些简单的形状..45、对PowerPoint 2007演示文稿进行拼写检查;应使用审阅选项卡校队组中的拼写检查按钮..46、在PowerPoint 2007中;使用母版可以为幻灯片建立统一的外观..47、PowerPoint 2007中可以链接的有本文档中的幻灯片、外部文档、网站、E-mail地址..48、在PowerPoint 2007功能区中;通过视图选项卡可以进入母版编辑的功能..49、PowerPoint 2007中最大的亮点是SmartArt功能..50、垂直框列表SmartArt默认行数为3..若要垂直框列表行数变为4;则应单击SmartArt工具设计选项卡创建图形中的添加形状下位按钮进行操作..网络基础知识1、Internet的基本结构与技术起源于ARPANET2、计算机网络中;所有的计算机都连接到一个中心节点上;一个网张节点需要传输数据;首先传输到中心节点上;然后由中心节点转发到目的节点;这种连接结构被称为星型结构..3、单位内部的一个计算机网络系统;属于LAN..4、局域网与广域网的互联通过路由器设备实现..5、IPV4地址由32位二进制数值组成..6、关于服务;以下说法正确的是服务采用的主要传输协议是HTTP;服务以超文本方式组织网络多媒体信息;用户访问Web服务器不需要知道服务器的URL地址..7、IP地址为;该主机所在的网络地址是192.168.1.08、局域网的英文缩写为LAN9、以下协议中;用于电子邮件Email传输控制的协议是SMTP..10、标准B类的地址使用16位二进制数表于主机号..11、在Internet域名体系中;各级域名间用圆点分开;级别按照从右到左从高到低的方式分多层排列..12、服务器与客户机之间通信使用的传输协议是HTTP13、Internet服务提供者的英文简写是ISP14、以下不属于网络操作系统的软件是DOS15、将一个局域网连入Internet;首选的设备是路由器..16、以下传输介质性能最好的是光纤..17、超文本的含义是该文本中含有链接到其他文本的链接点..18、某用户的电子邮箱地址是;该邮箱的用户名为Internet.Test19、对于主机域名来说;其中For.表示主机名..20、双绞线传输介质是把两根导线绞在一起;这样可以减少信号之间的相互串扰..21、传输介质是通信网络中发送方和接收方之间的物理通路..22、IP地址是合法的..23、网络带宽一般单位为b/s..24、地址是B类地址..25、在Internet域名系统中;通常表示商业组织..26、以下服务器中;用于地址解析的是DNS服务器27、网卡的基本功能包括数据缓存、通信服务和数据转换..28、网络协议主要要素为语法、语义、时序..29、计算机网络的主要功能是资源共享..30、按覆盖的地理范围进行分类;计算机网络可以分为局域网、广域网与城域网三类..31、下面属于防火墙技术的是状态监视技术;包过滤技术;应用代理技术..32、下列IP地址中;属于B类IP地址的是33、按加密算法可以将数据加密分为对称密钥加密和非对称密钥加密..34、在目前的Internet网络中;IP地址仍由四个字节组成;为了书写和阅读方便;字节和字节之间采用了.符号分隔..35、在使用IE浏览器浏览网页时;若要禁止执行JavaScript;可在IE浏览器中禁止脚本..36、数据加密是将明文变成密文37、在计算机网络中有一些计算机专门用来解析域名的被称为DNS38、HTML是超文本标识语言..39、以下“统一资源定位器”写法完全正确的是40、Internet通过很多称之为路由器的专用计算机将全球各种网络互相连在一起来..41、防火墙通常使用的安全控制手段主要有包过滤、状态检测、代理服务..42、对局域网来说;网络控制核心是网络互联设备..43、IE的收藏夹中存放的是用户增加的地址..44、在局域网中运行网络操作系统的设备是网络服务器..45、若要在电子邮件中传送一个文件;可借助电子邮件中附件功能..46、即World Wild Web;称之为万维网..47、Web上每一个页都有一个独立的地址;这些地址称作统一资源定位器;即URL48、采用双绞线进行局域网数据传输;节点之间双绞线的最大长度不能超过100米..49、数字签名技术可以防止信息收发双方的抵赖..50、下列叙述中正确的是数据签名可以对发送者身分进行认证;可以保证信息在传输过程中的完整性;可以防止交易中的抵赖发生..判断题计算机基础知识1、信息技术具有数字化、网络化、高速化、智能化等特点..√2、世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于1946年;名称缩写为EDVAC..〤3、计算机发展年代的划分标准是根据其采用CPU来划分的..〤4、第二代计算机的主要电子逻辑元件的电子管..〤5、四位二进制数对应一位八进制数..〤6、十六进制数是由0;1;2;..........;13;14;15这十六种数码组成..〤7、1110101.111B=F5..EH..√8、文字、图形、图像、声音等信息;在计算机中都被转换成二进制数进行处理..√9、一个完成的计算机系统应包括系统软件和应用软件..〤10、美籍匈牙利数学家冯.诺依曼提出的计算机的基本工作原理是储存程序和程序控制..√11、计算机的高级语言可以分为解释型和编译型两大类..√12、计算机软件系统分为操作系统和应用软件两大部分..〤13、计算机硬件由主机、控制器、运算器、存储器和输出设备五大部件组成..〤14、计算机中对数据进行加工与处理的部件;通常称为运算器..√15、CPU不能直接访问外储存器..√16、安装在主机箱外部的存储器叫外部存储器;简称外存..〤17、计算机硬件系统中最核心的部件是CPU..√18、字节是计算机中信息储存的基本单位..√19、字长是指CPU在一次操作中能处理的最小数据单位;它体现了一条指令所能处理数据的能力..〤20、计算机断电后;RAM中的程序及数据不会丢失..〤21、汇编语言和机器语言都属于低级语言;之所以称为低级语言是因为用它们编写的程序可以。

专业技术人员电力英语和计算机水平考试报名须知Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】根据《国网人才评价中心关于申报评定专业技术资格的规定》(人才中心[2017]99号),自2017年起,将外语及计算机能力作为评定专业技术资格的水平能力标准之一,不再作为申报的必要条件,通过考试者可在专业技术资格评定业绩积分中获得相应的积分,外语合格积4分,计算机合格积8分。
电力英语《合格证书》A级有效期四年(截止日为取证的第4年年底),适用于申报正、副高级和中级专业技术资格中积分; B级有效期三年(截止日为取证的第3年年底)适用于申报副高级、中级专业技术资格中积分; C级有效期三年(截止日为取证的第3年年底),适用于申报中级专业技术资格中积分。


工作职责1. 参与电力工程项目的规划和设计,根据项目需求制定相应的技术方案。
2. 负责电力设备的选型和采购工作,确保设备的质量和性能符合项目要求。
3. 指导和监督电力设备的安装和调试工作,确保设备的正确安装和运行。
4. 负责电力系统的运行与维护,及时发现并解决电力故障和问题。
5. 开展电力工程技术研究,探索新的电力技术和工程应用。
6. 参与电力工程项目的进度控制和成本控制,确保项目按时完成并控制成本。
7. 协调与其他相关部门和供应商的工作,确保项目进展顺利。
8. 编制相关的技术文档和报告,记录工程实施过程和技术问题的解决方案。
职位要求1. 本科及以上学历,电力工程或相关专业背景。
2. 具备扎实的电力工程知识和技术能力,熟悉电力设备和系统的运行原理。
3. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够与不同部门和供应商进行有效的协调。
4. 具备独立解决问题的能力,能够在工程实施过程中快速应对和解决技术问题。
5. 熟悉相关的电力工程标准和法规,能够合规开展工程项目。
6. 具备较强的研究能力和持续研究的意愿,能够不断更新电力工程技术知识。
---Job Responsibilities of Power Engineering TechniciansJob OverviewJob Responsibilities1. Participate in the planning and design of power engineering projects, and develop corresponding technical solutions based on project requirements.2. Responsible for equipment selection and procurement in power engineering projects, ensuring that the quality and performance of the equipment meet project requirements.4. Responsible for the operation and maintenance of power systems, promptly identifying and resolving power failures and issues.5. Conduct research on power engineering technology, exploring new power technologies and engineering applications.7. Coordinate with other departments and suppliers to ensure smooth project progress.8. Prepare relevant technical documents and reports, documenting the implementation process and technical problem-solving solutions.Job Requirements1. Bachelor's degree or above in power engineering or related fields.2. Solid knowledge and technical skills in power engineering, familiar with the operating principles of power equipment and systems.4. Ability to independently solve problems and quickly respond to and resolve technical issues during project implementation.6. Strong learning ability and willingness to continuously update power engineering technical knowledge.The above are the job responsibilities of power engineering technicians, which we hope will be helpful to you.。
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