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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

The Second Period: Section A (3a-3c)

Teaching aims(教学目标):


2. 能够理解过去进行时态在文章中的运用。

Key points (重点):

1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1) What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

(2) Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his

mom was making sure …2.要求掌握以下词汇:

(1)动词:report, beat, rise (v. & n.)

(2)名词:storm, wind, light, area, wood, window, flashlight, matches, candle


(4) 形容词:asleep, serious, fallen, broken

(5) 介词:against

(6) 词组:die down, fall asleep, break (sth.) apart, bring (sth.) closer together



Teaching steps(教学步骤):

1. Revision(复习)

T: Yesterday, we learnt some important phrases, let’s review them now! Please translate the following expressions.

1.在…时候at the time of

2.等公交wait for the bus

3.(闹钟)响go off

4.洗个热水澡take a hot shower

5.错过公交miss the bus

6.雨下得很大rain heavily

7.接电话pick up / answer the call


Many people were caught in the rainstorm yesterday.




2. Lead-in(新课导入)

T: In summer, there are always storms, right? And the storms always bring us some problems . Look at the pictures on the screen. What can you see?

S1: In the first picture, the wind is strong and the rain is heavy .

T: So what is it?

S1: It is a storm.

T: Yes. What happened to the trees?

S2: Some trees have fallen.

T: Yes. The storm destroyed the trees. And we can say “The storm damaged the trees.” or “The trees are damaged.” However, do you think the storm can be good for us?

(教师引入新课的同时,讲解新词storm和destroy,并补充damage, 它既可以作动词,也可以是名词)

S3: I think the storm can …(让学生自由发挥,老师和其他学生做出适当评价)



3. The 1st reading

T: As the saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.”While the storms can cause lots of damage to the environment, the storm can be good for us. Please read the passage on page 35 quickly to find out how a storm can be good for the people. .




4. The 2nd reading

T: Now we have known the main idea of this passage. Let’s move on to deal with two questions about the content of this passage. Please look at 3a on page 35. First, you have to understand the questions and remember the key words. Then look for the answers from the passage. Please underline the answers in the passage.


T: Are you finished?

S: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s check the answers now. No.1, who would like to have a try? What was the weather like before the heavy rain started?

S1: The strong winds were blowing outside.

T: Is this the correct answer?

S2: Yes. But it is not complete. And black clouds were making the sky very dark.

T: Yes. Very good! There are two points. You have to pay more attention. But where did you find the answer?
