培生i朗文-kids corner-备课宝典





培生朗文分级阅读(Bright Readers)系列是一套适合6-12岁儿童有效提升英语综合能力的分级课程。


培生朗文分级阅读(Bright Readers)每个课程都从阅读进阶和心智成长两个维度展开,不仅有丰富的情境语言、易于理解的图画和引人入胜的情节,而且更加符合儿童经验和心理机制。



kids corner课程指导建议

kids corner课程指导建议

Kids Corner教学指导建议一课时建议主教材单元分配概览:具体课时建议如下:●预备单元:每单元4课时完成●主单元:每单元6课时完成●复习+能力检测+语言运用单元:共4课时完成●配套故事:每个故事4课时完成全册共计64课时完成,每课时45分钟(不包含课件休息时间)二具体每册每单元每模块课时安排建议Kids Corner 第1册课时安排Kids Corner 第2册课时安排Kids Corner Level 1Unit1 My Family课时:第1课时教学模块:Song教学内容:学生用书P38教学目标:整体感知歌曲内容,能跟随录音跟唱本单元歌曲;能介绍家庭成员并回答相关问题;教学模块: Dialog 1教学内容:学生用书P38教学目标:能看懂听懂故事内容;能掌握句型who’s that? Who’s this? That is… This is ….教学模块: Word family 1教学内容:学生用书P 39教学目标:能看图说出单词;对father, mother, brother, sister 等单词识记。

教学模块: Dialog 2教学内容:学生用书P 40教学目标:能熟练运用本课句型进行问答;熟练部分五官单词及形容五官的用法;教学模块:Word family 2教学内容:学生用书P 40教学目标:对big/small eyes, long/short hair, big/small ears词组整体输入教学模块:Practice 2教学内容:学生用书P 41教学目标: 对课件呈现录音内容,进行顺序排列;跟着课件说唱Chant.教学模块:Language Summary教学内容:学生用书P 42教学目标: 掌握本单元的重点语法和句型及相应的单词.教学模块:Action教学内容:学生用书P 42教学目标:能听懂指示用语show me your fingers, Count the ducks,做出相应的动作课时:第6课时教学模块:Phonics & Rhyme教学内容:学生用书P 43教学目标: 掌握short-a的发音及相对应的单词发音。



《培生幼儿英语第二辑预备级》这本书为3-5岁的幼儿提供了一个优质的英 语学习平台。通过与日常生活紧密相关的内容,渐进式的学习方式,以及互动式 的辅助工具,这本书能够全面激发孩子们的学习潜能。作为家长,我深信这本书 将对孩子们的英语学习产生积极的影响。
《培生幼儿英语第二辑预备级》是培生教育集团专为3-6岁儿童设计的一套 预备级英语教材。通过对该套教材的目录进行深入分析,我们可以了解到其内容 组织架构和课程设计的用心之处。
为了方便家长和教师指导,本书还配备了丰富的教辅资源,包括教师用书、学生用书、教学PPT 等,为教学提供了全方位的支持。本书还特别注重家园共育,鼓励家长积极参与孩子的英语学习 过程,共同营造良好的英语学习环境。
《培生幼儿英语第二辑预备级》以其生动的内容、有趣的形式、科学的编排,成为幼儿英语启蒙 的优秀教材。它不仅能激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培养其初步的英语能力,更能为他们的全面发 展打下坚实的基础。
在内容上,本书遵循幼儿身心发展的特点,注重难度的梯度设计。每个单元都分为故事时间、歌 曲时间、游戏时间三个部分,让幼儿在听故事、唱歌、玩游戏的过程中自然习得英语。其中, “故事时间”选取了一些生动有趣的英文故事,让幼儿在听故事的同时学习新词汇和句型;“歌 曲时间”则通过悦耳的英文歌曲,让幼儿在愉快的氛围中巩固所学知识;“游戏时间”更是设计 了各种丰富多彩的互动游戏,让幼儿在玩中学,提高其英语应用能力。
相比其他同类型的书籍,这本书呈现了60%的新知识,包括新单词、新词组、 新句型。这种渐进式的学习方式,有助于孩子们逐步拓宽英语知识面,稳步提升 英语水平。对于家长们来说,这也是一个值得欣慰的事情。通过这种方式,孩子 们不仅能够掌握基础的英语知识,还能够培养他们的英语思维和表达能力。



Student Book 在上下文中学习数学
Maths in context
useful examples
Student Book 与生活相联系
Maths in life
Student Book
relevant to students’ everyday life
Student Book 精美插图
beautiful illustrations
Student Book 数学不是枯燥的
Maths is fun
培生教育朗文品牌 能够在双语教学方面为您做什么?
您长久的教学伙伴ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
培生教育 Pearson Education
•培生集团成员 •全球最大教育出版集团 •教育内容与解决方案提供商 •朗文是旗下品牌 •帮助老师教学帮助学生学习

小学数学 ① 香港小学数学1-6 Longman Primary Math 一年4册(ABCD) 适合比较成熟的双语课程 教师支持:教师用书、电子书、课件光盘、题库 ② 新加坡小学数学活动1-6 Math In Action 一年2册(AB) 适合活动与拓展双语课程 教师支持:教师用书

简版MLI-ODI 课程介绍-培生朗文1

简版MLI-ODI 课程介绍-培生朗文1

Penguin • 企鹅阅读 Group
朗 文-全球英语学习的伙伴 Pearson Longman
英语学习辞典最权威 、最畅销 拥有全球最好的英语语料库和作者资源 为英语教育领域提供优质资源 全球英语学习的伙伴 在56个国家、地区以17种语言出版教育资源
For the teacher
• • • • • • • Teacher’s Edition Active Teach(电子互动课件) Class Audio Picture Cards Posters Puppet Big Book
Welcome to Longman
Repetition + Consolidation With the Online World 数字化学习
Key Features
• • • • • • • • • Student Book comes with a CD-ROM and Student Access Code to the Online World 学生用书自带CD-ROM(互动练习光盘)+ 学生在线互动学习世界的账号 Home-School Link invites children to share what they have learned at home 家-校连接功能 A Story in every unit consolidates vocabulary and grammar of the unit. Children see how the language is used in context 故事型教学特色,加强词汇与语法教学 Characters come to life in the Online World, where children practice their new language through variety of interactive activities! 教材人物来自学生的在线互动学习世界,在这个世界里,孩子们通过完成各种互动游戏, 和任务练习新学习的英语语言!加强听力与口语教学! A simple cross-curricular lesson makes the critical connection between English and other content areas, and introduces the connection across the curriculum 简单的跨学科课程设计,为孩子们建立各种学科的基础知识; The I Can Checkbox give children the chance to evaluate their own progress and feel successful 每个单元的“I Can Checkbox” 给孩子自我检测,自我激励 Values lesson teach students to build up correct values, and outstand personal skill 智能教学教导学生正向价值观,培养突出的个人技能

朗文 ODI 少儿英语教材 教学大纲 1级

朗文 ODI 少儿英语教材 教学大纲 1级
Hello. I’m Mandy. Goodbye.
1 My birthday
Colors: pink, purple, orange, brown, black, whi e, gray Numbers: eleven, welve, hir een, four een, fif een
S ruc ures
Where’s Ri a? She’s in he ki chen. Where are Waldo and Zak? They’re in he bedroom. There’s a lamp on he desk. There are wo ki ens under he sofa.
Wha ’s his? I ’s a book. I ’s red. I ’s a red book. Are hey blue? Yes, hey are. / No, hey aren’ . Wha color are hey? They’re whi e.
Values: Work hard a school.
S ruc ures
Wha ’s your name? My name is Millie. How old are you? I’m seven. Is i purple? Yes, i is. / No, i isn’ . Wha color is i ? I ’s pink.
2 At school
Cross-curricular: Science: Ligh and shadows
Phonics: qu, x, y, z, zz quiz, quick, box, axi, yes, yell, zap, zip, buzz, fizz


Hello,boys and girls. I’m…
Say“Hello/Hi to your classmates.
Lead in
Kids Corner Level1
Starter1Hello Tinky!
Warm up
Everyone,listen,Look carefully!
☆参考游戏:Make friends
☆I say the letter,you say the Phonics.
☆Who can introduce yourself?
练习Hello,Hi. I’m…
















后来我就找了一家有朗文教材的少儿英语,这是一家线上的少儿英语,价格方面也挺实惠的,外教老师也是欧美的,还挺不错,Hello Kid少儿英语,是固定欧美外教老师一对一教学模式,老师100%来自欧美国家,并且持有TESOL/TEFL证书的,采用的正是ESL课程模式,沉浸式英语教学,老师全程英语教学,欧美老师发音纯正标准。

培生幼儿英语 基础级

培生幼儿英语 基础级

《培生幼儿英语:基础级》是一套由培生教育集团专为3-6岁幼儿设计的英语 教材。该套教材以幼儿为中心,通过丰富的活动和游戏,帮助幼儿建立英语学习 的兴趣和信心。在本书中,我们将对《培生幼儿英语:基础级》的目录进行详细 分析,探究其设计理念和特点。
从整体结构上看,《培生幼儿英语:基础级》的目录设计十分清晰,按照单 元和课时的形式进行划分。每个单元都有一个主题,如“我的家庭”、“我的学 校”等,每个单元包含若干个课时,每个课时都有相应的活动和游戏,使幼儿在 玩中学,学中玩。
该套教材的目录还注重了趣味性和互动性。每个课时的活动和游戏都设计得 十分有趣,能够吸引幼儿的兴趣和注意力。这些活动和游戏还注重了互动性,让 幼儿能够与教师、家长或其他小朋友进行互动,共同学习英语。
《培生幼儿英语:基础级》的目录设计理念先进、结构清晰、内容丰富、注 重全面训练和趣味性、互动性。
01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 阅读感受 06 作者简介
儿童 单词
《培生幼儿英语:基础级》是培生教育集团专为3-6岁儿童设计的一套英语分级读物。本书通过 精美的插图和生动的文字,激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立英语学习的自信心。
使用这本书的过程中,最让我印象深刻的是它那丰富多样的内容。从基本的 颜色、数字到动物、植物,再到日常生活中的各种事物,这本书几乎涵盖了孩子 生活中可能遇到的所有事物。这种全方位的学习方式,让孩子在学习英语的同时, 也对这个世界有了更深入的了解。



培生幼儿英语点读资源Pearson Kids' English E-Learning Resources.In the fast-paced world of technology and digitization, e-learning resources have become an integral part of education, especially for young learners. Pearson, aleading educational publisher, has been providing quality educational resources for decades, including a comprehensive range of English learning materials for preschoolers.About Pearson Kids' English.Pearson Kids' English is a comprehensive program designed to introduce young children to the basics of the English language. The program focuses on developing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through engagingand interactive content. The materials are designed to capture the attention of preschoolers, making learning fun and exciting.Features of Pearson Kids' English E-Learning Resources.1. Interactive Content: Pearson Kids' English e-learning resources are highly interactive, featuring animations, games, and other engaging activities. This interactive content keeps children engaged and motivated, making learning more effective.2. Adaptive Learning: These resources are designed with adaptive learning technology, which tailors the learning experience to the individual child's needs and abilities. This ensures that children are challenged appropriately and progress at their own pace.3. Multimodal Learning: Pearson Kids' English e-learning resources utilize a multimodal approach, combining visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learning methods. This variety of learning modalities helps children develop their language skills through different senses and activities.4. Curriculum Alignment: The program aligns withinternational education standards and curriculum frameworks, ensuring that children are prepared for further education.5. Parental Support: Pearson Kids' English provides parental support and resources, enabling parents to play an active role in their child's learning process. Thissupports a collaborative approach to education, where parents and teachers work together to support children's development.Benefits of Pearson Kids' English E-Learning Resources.1. Convenience: E-learning resources provide convenient access to learning materials anytime, anywhere. Childrencan learn at their own pace and schedule, fitting learning into their daily routine.2. Personalized Learning: Adaptive learning technology ensures personalized learning experiences, catering to each child's unique needs and abilities. This personalization helps children develop their skills effectively and efficiently.3. Engagement: Interactive content and engagingactivities keep children engaged and interested in learning. This engagement fosters a positive learning attitude and increases motivation to learn.4. Progress Monitoring: E-learning resources often provide progress monitoring tools, allowing parents and teachers to track children's progress and identify areasfor improvement. This feedback loop supports effective learning and development.5. Collaborative Learning: Pearson Kids' English encourages collaborative learning by providingopportunities for children to interact and cooperate with peers. This collaboration fosters social skills and teamwork, essential for overall development.Conclusion.Pearson Kids' English e-learning resources provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience forpreschoolers. The interactive content, adaptive learning technology, and multimodal approach support effective language development and prepare children for further education. With convenient access and personalized learning experiences, these resources empower children to develop their English skills while fostering a positive learning attitude.。



Chapter 3My toysTeaching Aims :Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know the things in English: a ball, a car, a bus,a doll, a teddy bear .2. Let the Ss know the numbers.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading andwriting.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.Aims of the emotion:arouse the Ss interests of English.the Ss know English is a tool of communication.Key points:1.To make the Ss learn how to say the things in English .2.To make the Ss learn numbers.Difficult points:1. Make the Ss distinguish ball and doll.2. Enable to make the right pronunciation of some words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Process and method:提出问题法(Question -Answer activity)小组合作法(Group work)直接教学法(Direct Method)互动式教学法(Interactive Learning)听说教学法(Audio-Lingual Method)沟通式教学法(Communicative Language Teaching)字母拼读法(Phonics)电脑辅助教学法(CAI)The 1st PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:teach pupils some new words and expressions .introduce pupils to the numbers 1 to 10 and different toy names.encourage pupils to talk about the quantity of different toys.the Ss know and learn the phonics.Aims of the abilities:train the Ss abilities of introducing things .develop the Ss abilities of listening,speaking ,reading and writing.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.the Ss know and learn the phonics.Aims of the emotion:the Ss introduce things be polite and friendly to each other.the Ss know English is a tool of communication.Key points:provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics.interpret and use simple given information through processes oractivities :labelling,matching,sequencing,describing,classfying;and to follow instructionsDifficult points:1. Enable to make the right pronunciation of those things.the Ss know and learn the phonics.the Ss make the right pronunciation of some new words. Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 2nd PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. Let the Ss know how to say toys in English.the Ss know and learn the phonics.the Ss know and use the expressions .Aims of the abilities:train the Ss abilities of how to communicate with people .develop the Ss abilities of listening,speaking ,reading and writing.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions. Aims of the emotion:the Ss to know how to introduce things to each other.the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:make the Ss learn how to communicate with people in English.learn the letters and some extra words. (includinglistening,speaking ,reading and spelling)the Ss know and learn the phonics.Difficult points:1. Enable to make the right pronunciation and their phonetic symbols.the Ss know some rules in handwriting of the new words.the Ss know and learn the phonics.the Ss make the right pronunciation of some new words and remember them.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:Type : stories Teaching aims:a. To develop pupil ’s reading skills and stimulate their critical thinking abilityb. To interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities to follow simple instructionsc. To teach the consonant sounds/b/ and /p/ for the letters b and p respectivelyImportant point:To recognise some obvious features of the English Language in simplespoken and written texts and apply this awareness to one ’s initial learning and use of the language.Difficult points:a. To introduce pupils to simple reading skills.b. To teach the consonant sound /b/and/p/ for the letter b and p.Resources checklist:CD , super E-book:Type : stories and phonics Teaching aims:a. To provide or find out present simple information on familiar topics.b. To interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities to follow simple instructions.c. To recognize some obvious features of the English language in simple spoken and written text such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English ; and apply this awareness to one’s initial learning and use of the language.Important point:a. To get the new expressions and use them correctlyb. To learn the phonics.Difficult points:c. To introduce pupils to simple reading skills.d.To teach the consonant sound /b/ and /p/for the letter b and p.Resources checklist: CD , super E-book:Type: Conversations Teaching aims:To get pupils to practise talking about other people ’s toys.Important points:a. Let Ss practise talking about other people ’s toys.b . Let Ss know the differences between have and has .Difficult point:Use have and has accurately Resources checklist:CD, Super E-Book:Type: SongTeaching aims:To enable pupils to enjoy and appreciate the English Language through singing a simple English song.Important points:a.Let Ss sing this song correctly.b.Let Ss have the right pronunciation.Difficult point:Sing this song correctly. Resources checklist:Super E-Book:Chapter 4 My pencil caseTeaching Aims :Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Process and method:提出问题法(Question ---Answer activity)独立完成法(Individuals)小组合作法(Group work)直接教学法(Direct Method)互动式教学法(Interactive Learning)情境教学法(Situational Language Teaching)听说教学法(Audio-Lingual Method)肢体反应教学法(Total Physical Response)沟通式教学法(Communicative Language Teaching)自然教学法(Natural Approach)字母拼读法(Phonics)歌谣韵文教学法(Songs & Rhymes Teaching)电脑辅助教学法(CAI)The 1st PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 2nd PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics. Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 3rd PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 4th PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 5th Period Teaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 6th PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To make the students know what the teacher say .2. Let the Ss know a general idea of the pencil casemake the Ss learn pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,pencil casemake the Ss sing some simple songs and chants.learn some extra words and pictures. (including listening,speaking ,reading and writing) the Ss know and learn the phonics.make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.Aims of the abilities:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Enable to make the right pronunciation of the text.9. Point and say. (show me your finger)Aims of the emotion:1. Enable the Ss to help each other.2. Enable the Ss be polite and friendly to each other.3. To arouse the Ss interests of English.Key points:1. To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing.2. To make the Ss know some new words and some useful expressions.3. Let the Ss know and learn the phonics.4. Make the Ss distinguish their pencil case and pen ,pencil, ruler ,eraser, sharpener,ect.5. Point and say.(show me your finger)Difficult points:1.Enable to make the right pronunciation of some simple words.the Ss know some rules in handwriting .the Ss know and learn the phonics.Resources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:Lesson 5 we can do it ! Teaching aims:*Knowledge and ability:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can you … ?c. Receptive: fast, find, help, late, sad.d. Vocabulary: can, climb, draw, jump, read, run, sing, skip, swim, walk, write, english.* Process and method:a. Question ---Answer activityb. Individuals--- Pair workc. Repetition.d. Group work* Emotional attitude and value:The theme of this chapter is talking about one’s ability. Pupils learn to talk about their physical ability. They talk about what they can and cannot do. They also find out what their classmates can and cannot do.*Important points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can you … ?*Difficult points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can you … ?The 1st PeriodType : conversations, personal descriptionsTeaching aims:a.To teach pupils to talk about their ablity using modals.b.To encourage pupils to ask and answer questions about each other’s ability. Important points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. I can…I can’t…Difficult point:New wordsResources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 2nd PeriodType : conversations, personal descriptionsTeaching aims:a. To teach pupils to talk about their ablity using modals.b.To encourage pupils to ask and answer questions about each other’s ability. Important points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can you … ?Yes, I can. No, I can’t.Difficult point:Key sentence structureResources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 3rd Period Type : conversations, personal descriptionsTeaching aim:a.To get pupils to practise talking about what other people can and cannot do. Important points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can she/he … ?Yes, she/he can. No, she/he can’t.Difficult point:Phrase: read a book, write a story, sing a song, climb a treeResources checklist:CD , super E-book:The 4th PeriodType : storyTeaching aims:a. To develop pupils’ reading skills and stimulate their critical thinking ability. Important points:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. new words: run, jump, walk, help, late,sad,high, fast.Difficult point:new words:run, jump,walk,help, late,sad,high, fastResources checklist:CD , super E-book :The 5th PeriodType : story and phonics Teaching aims:To teach the consonant sound /k/ for the letters c and k. Important points:a. the consonant sound /k/ for the letters c and k. b . new words:run, jump,walk,help, late,sad,high, fast. Difficult point:new words:run, jump,walk,help, late,sad,high, fast Resources checklist: CD , super E-book :The 6th PeriodType : tables, personal descriptionsTeaching aim:To encourage pupils to talk about their abilities through a fun game.. Important point:To enable pupils to enhance the learned knowledge through a fun game. Difficult point:a. Modals (ability): can /can’tb. Modals (seek information): can she/he … ?Yes, she/he can. No, she/hecan’t Resources checklist:Coins/ counters:Lesson 6 Look at me !Teaching aims:*Knowledge and ability:a. Personal pronouns: I ,he ,sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .c. Formulaic expressions ( introduce others /greetings)d. Vocabulary: ear(s), eye(s), nose, mouth, hair, big, small, long, short, tall, short, fat, thin* Process and method:a. Question ---Answer activityb. Individuals--- Pair workc. Repetition.d. Group work* Emotional attitude and value:The theme of this chapter is talking about physical characteristics. Pupils learn to describe their faces and parts of the body. They talk about other people’s physical characteristics and ability. They also introduce their friends to the teacher bu describing their appearance and what they can do.*Important points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .c. Formulaic expressions (introduce others /greetings)*Difficult points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .The 1st PeriodType : conversationsTeaching aims:c.To teach pupils different adjectives to describe people’s appearance.d.To encourage pupils to talk about their physical characteristics.e.To obtain and provide information in simple classroom situations and through activitiessuch as interactive games and role-play.f.To provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics. Important points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .Difficult points:adjectivesResources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 2nd PeriodType : conversationsTeaching aims:a.To develop pupil’s reading skills and stimulate their critical thinking ability.b.To teach the consonant sounds /m/and/n/ for the letters m and n respectively.c.To interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities such aslabeling,matching, sequencing, describing, classifying; and to follow simple instructions.d.To recognize some obvious features of the English Language in simple spoken and writtentexts such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabeticscript and the sound patterns of English; and apply this awareness to one’s initial learningand use of the language.Important points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .Difficult pointsadjectivesResources checklist:Flash card , CD , super E-book:The 3rd PeriodType : storysTeaching aims:a. To provide or find out present simple information on familiar topics.b.To interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities such aslabeling, matching, sequencing, classifying; and to follow simple instructions.c. To recognize some obvious features of the English language in simple spoken and writtentext such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English ; and apply this awareness to one’s initial learning and use of the language.Important points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .Difficult point:c.To introduce pupils to simple reading skills.d.To teach the story and act out the story. Resources checklist:CD , super E-book:The 4th PeriodType : storysTeaching aims:a. To provide or find out present simple information on familiar topics.b.To interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities such aslabeling, matching, sequencing, classifying; and to follow simple instructions.c. To recognize some obvious features of the English language in simple spoken and writtentext such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English ; and apply this awareness to one’s initial learning and use of the language.Important points:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: I am fat. I have big eyes .Difficult point:e.To introduce pupils to simple reading skills.f.To teach the consonant sound /m /and/n/ for the letter m,n.Resources checklist:CD , super E-book:The 5th PeriodType : conversationsTeaching aims:To obtain and provide information in simple classroom situations and through activities such as interactive games and role-play.Important points:To get pupils to practice using greeting expressions and to introduce family members to each other.Difficult point:a. Personal pronouns: he /sheb. Demonstrative adjectives: He /She has ….He/She can….Resources checklist:CD , super E-book:The 6th PeriodType : songsTeaching aims:a. To recognize some obvious features of the English Language in simple spoken and written texts such as the direction of writing in English, the characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English; and apply this awareness to one’s initial learning and use of the language.b To develop an awareness and an enjoyment of the basic sound patterns of English in imaginative texts through activities such as participating in action rhymes, singing songs and choral speaking Important points:To enable pupils to enjoy and appreciate the English Language through singing a simple English song.Difficult point:People’s appearanceResources checklist:CD , super E-book:。



科普:几种常见的分级读物对比,牛津树分级阅读的书很多,比较火的有牛津阅读树,RAZ系列,培生系列,海尼曼系列,兰登系列,I can read 系列,国家地理,图书馆系列等等,这些分级读物有什么特点,应该如何选择,今天这篇是对这几套分级的通识性讲解。

牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree很多人直接会把牛津树叫做ORT,是英国牛津大学出版的一套有主干、有分支的分级读物。


null•树干被纵向一分为二,一半是Non-Fiction(非小说类,也就是社科类、自然科学类),一半是Fiction(小说类)即是我们熟悉的Chip、Biff& Kipper一家的故事,也是我们家目前最主力使用的分级绘本,包括很多英语培训机构都在使用这套书,作为判断学生英文阅读水平的依据。

•树干被横向一分为二,下一半是正常的Oxford Reading Tree (stage1-stage 9),上一半是Oxford Treetops (stage 10-stage 16)。



null国内正式引进的都是从这里面精选的部分,如《丽声》《典范英语》等null图片来自其中,Read at home (也被译作Helping your child to read )系列就是下面这套书,共分为6阶,是围绕着主人公的故事展开的。




朗文少儿英语基础级2A 课程计划目标目标单元单元 课次课次重点词汇重点词汇重点句型重点句型歌曲童谣歌曲童谣小故事小故事 Unit 1 This Is My Class第一次课第一次课颜色单词颜色单词What ’s your favorite color? My favorite color is … Come Together第二次课第二次课Page 4-6 What is he/she doing? What are they doing? .Color song第三次课第三次课 One, two, I’m tying my shoeMary Has a Little LambUnit 2 On the Playgroun d第四次课第四次课操场物品操场物品What do you do on the playground ?Oh, she is swinging on theswing, I look at the playground.第五次课第五次课Page 14-16 How many …?Jump under the tree 第六次课第六次课MosquitoSong第七次课第七次课表示房间单词表示房间单词 Father isreading in the livingWhere is father? Come to my houseUnit 3 This Is Our Houseroom. 第八次课第八次课房间物品单词房间物品单词There be句型句型第九次课第九次课 The Three BearsUnit 4 My Communi ty第十次课第十次课 表示地点单词表示地点单词Hippity hop tothe video shop第十一次课第十一次课between, next to Where is the toyshop?Where is the toy shop?第十二次课第十二次课 School Trip Unit 5 Workers第十四次课第十四次课表示星期和表示职业的单词When does …wor k? …works on …Sneeze Song第十五次课第十五次课The SingingCatRevision第十六次课第十六次课复习1-2单元单元第十七次课第十七次课 复习3-5单元单元 第十八次课第十八次课期终考试期终考试 结课式结课式。



培生幼儿英语学习计划Penguin Kids English (PKE) is a comprehensive English language program designed for young children, aged 2 to 8, to learn English in a fun and interactive way. The PKE program focuses on developing the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing –through a combination of songs, games, stories, and activities. This learning plan outlines the goals, objectives, content, and activities for a 12-week PKE course for young learners. The course aims to provide young children with a supportive and engaging learning environment where they can develop their English language skills and grow their confidence in using English.Week 1-2: Introduction to EnglishGoals:- Introduce young learners to the English language and the PKE program- Familiarize children with basic English greetings, expressions, and vocabulary- Develop children's listening and speaking skills through simple songs and games Objectives:- Children will be able to recognize and greet others in English- Children will be able to identify basic English vocabulary (e.g. colors, numbers, animals) - Children will be able to respond to simple questions and instructions in English Content and Activities:- Welcome song and circle time- Greetings and introductions- Basic vocabulary introduction (e.g. colors, numbers, animals)- Simple games and activities to practice greetings and vocabulary- Storytelling and role-playing activitiesWeek 3-4: Phonics and SpellingGoals:- Introduce children to the English alphabet and phonics- Develop children's understanding of letter sounds and basic spelling rules- Practice listening and pronunciation skills through phonics songs and activitiesObjectives:- Children will be able to recognize and name all 26 letters of the English alphabet- Children will be able to identify and pronounce basic phonics sounds- Children will be able to spell and read simple words using phonics rulesContent and Activities:- Alphabet song and alphabet recognition activities- Phonics songs and sound recognition activities- Spelling games and activities using simple CVC words- Reading simple phonics-based stories and books- Writing and spelling practiceWeek 5-6: Vocabulary BuildingGoals:- Expand children's English vocabulary through thematic units (e.g. family, food, animals) - Introduce new vocabulary through songs, stories, and interactive activities- Develop children's speaking and listening skills through vocabulary practice Objectives:- Children will be able to recognize and use vocabulary related to different themes- Children will be able to describe and talk about familiar topics using new vocabulary- Children will be able to follow simple instructions and directions in EnglishContent and Activities:- Thematic vocabulary introduction (e.g. family, food, animals)- Songs, rhymes, and stories related to each theme- Vocabulary games and activities (e.g. memory games, flashcards)- Role-playing and pretend play activities to practice new vocabulary- Listening and speaking activities related to the themesWeek 7-8: Speaking and CommunicationGoals:- Encourage children to express themselves in English and communicate with others- Develop children's ability to hold simple conversations and express their thoughts and feelings- Foster confidence in using English for real-life communication situations Objectives:- Children will be able to engage in simple conversations with their peers and teachers- Children will be able to express their likes, dislikes, and feelings in English- Children will be able to ask and answer basic questions in EnglishContent and Activities:- Pair and group activities to encourage conversation and communication- Role-playing and drama activities to practice real-life situations (e.g. shopping, playing at the park)- Show and tell activities where children can share their interests and experiences- Storytelling and creative writing activities to encourage self-expression- Interactive games and activities to practice speaking and communication skillsWeek 9-10: Reading and ComprehensionGoals:- Develop children's reading skills and comprehension abilities in English- Encourage a love for reading through engaging and age-appropriate texts- Improve children's vocabulary and language skills through readingObjectives:- Children will be able to read and understand simple sentences and stories in English- Children will be able to identify main ideas and details in a story- Children will be able to infer and make predictions based on the textContent and Activities:- Guided reading sessions with age-appropriate books and stories- Reading comprehension activities (e.g. sequencing, matching pictures to text)- Read-aloud sessions with the teacher and peers- Story mapping and retelling activities- Creative writing and drawing activities based on the stories readWeek 11-12: Review and CelebrationGoals:- Review and consolidate the language skills and content learned throughout the course- Provide opportunities for children to showcase their progress and achievements- Celebrate and encourage children's love for English language learningObjectives:- Children will be able to demonstrate their language skills through various activities- Children will be able to reflect on their learning and share their experiences- Children will feel proud of their achievements and progress in learning English Content and Activities:- Review games and activities covering all language skills- Showcase of children's work and projects from the course- Certificate ceremony and celebration- Feedback and reflection session for children to share their thoughts and experiences- Fun and engaging activities to celebrate the end of the courseConclusionThe 12-week PKE course provides young learners with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience to develop their English language skills. Through a combination of songs, games, stories, and interactive activities, children have the opportunity to practice and improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in English. The course aims to create a supportive and fun learning environment where children can explore and express themselves in English, while building their confidence and love for the language. With a focus on developing communication and comprehension skills, the PKE course aims to lay a strong foundation for young learners to continue their English language learning journey with confidence and enthusiasm.。

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激发学生的学习主动性 自觉性和想象力为目标 描述图片,添表格等
教师编排故事表演 学生自编对话 采用对比法、实践法, 让学生从中获得成就感

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ资料

歌曲? 单词? 对话? 发音? 字母?
WLPPP五环教法 教学反思
备学生 年级 年龄特点
形象思维特别发达 模仿能力强 注意力容易分散 认识力和想象力 增强,更愿意了 解事物本身 有一定的预感及 分析综合能力
直观性以及实践性 实物、图片、TPR、
1、2 年级 3、4 年级 5、6 年级
5 mins 20 mins 15 mins
备课流程 E- Book
WLPPP五环教学 教学反思
或许教育界多的是不懂装懂的人,这些人教过几年书、打 出几个响亮的口号、架设专属网站,然后到处巡回演讲。 也或许这个快餐社会总认为可以用简单的方案解决复杂的 问题。但我希望读者们明白,真正的卓越是靠牺牲、错误 、以及大量的努力挣来的。毕竟,成功无快捷方式。我们 可以做得更好! 绝对不要忘了:孩子们一直看着你,他们以你为榜样。你 要他们做到的事情,自己要先做到。我要我的学生和气待 人、认真勤勉,那么我最好就是他们所认识的人之中最和 气待人、最认真勤勉的一个。别想愚弄小孩,他们很聪明 ,一定会识破的。
• 简案

备课流程 E- Book
WLPPP五环教法 教学反思
Warm-up Lead-in
Presentation Practice Production
Warm-up Lead-in
关于i 朗文 Kids Corner
P· K
6 8
单元 / 级
48 个话题 64 课时 / 级
700 个单词
180 个句型
备课流程 E- Book
最近我听到一位老师这么吹嘘“我的学生只跟我看电影。 他们说,要是我不在,电影就没意思了。”他忘了一件事 :老师可以带班级,但决定这个班级优秀或平庸的,是班 上的学生。
TPR 多媒体 表演 竞赛
听? 说?
备课流程 E- Book
WLPPP五环教法 教学反思
备课流程 E- Book
WLPPP五环教法 教学反思