算 机的配合应用,实现了分析设计及实施 控 制,但 时变、多输出多输入及非线 性等 较为 复 杂 的系统 控 制内容 使古典 控 制 理 论 呈现 出 局 限 性,而 最 优 控 制 方 法 在 该 阶 段中 提 出,使现代 控制 理论更为完善。第三个 阶段 是 2 0 世 纪70 年代到目前为止的大系统 控制 理 论 及智 能 控 制 理 论 时 期,其 中大 系 统 控 制 理 论 是 控 制 理 论 就 广度 上 的 扩展,利 用 控制及信息的相关观点进行大系统其结构 方 案 及 总体 设 计,进 行 的 是 分 解 方 法 及 协 调 处 理 的 相 关 基础 性 技 术 理 论 的 研 究;智 能 控制理论是控制理论 就深度 上的 扩展, 进 行人类 智 能 化 活 动、控 制 信息传 递 的 规 律 等 的 研 究,并 就 仿 智 能 化 的工 程 控 制系 统及信息处理系统等进行研制。
2 控制理论与控制工程的的应用 在 进入 21世 纪以来,以计算 机技术、通
信技术及控制技术为典型代表的IT产业的 发展及普及中,核心是计算 机 技 术,关 键 是 通信 技术,而基础是控制技术,使得控制学 科 逐 渐 的发 展 成 为 基 础 性 的 科 学,控 制系 统与控制工程中的系统结 构、系统 稳定、反 馈 调 节 及智 能 系 统 的 相 关 思 想 及 理 论,在自 然 学 科下 的多种 科 学 领 域 获 取 广 泛 应 用的 同 时,在 人 文 等 学 科 中也 有 着广 泛 的应 用 体 现,基于该现 象,某些专家甚至指出控制理 论 与 控 制 工 程已 不 再 是 单 纯 的 学 科,已 逐 渐的发展成为较为全面和系统的世界观、 方 法 论。控 制 理 论 与 控 制 工 程 所具 有 的显 著 特点 是,某 些 基 本 的 概 念同 时具 有 着 普 适性及独特 性 [2]。在控制理论与控制工程的 应 用念 的应 用,在 当前 社 会 的发 展中 系 统 问 题已 变得 非 常 重要 和 突出,尤 其 是 全 社 会 范围内所 进行 的复 杂 性 系统 及 复 杂 性 科 学 课 题 的 研 究 及 应 用,这 是 控 制 理 论 在 现代 科 学中应 用的 必 然 发 展,应 用 控 制 理 论 不 仅要 进 行 结 构及性 质 的 分 析,还 要 进 行系 统 运 行 状 态 的 调 控;其 次 是反馈 概 念 的应 用,这 是 控 制 理 论 区 别 于其 他 的 学 科及 控 制理论的应用区别于其他的理论应用的关 键,反馈 使 得 控 制系统 在 较 大 的 程 度 上 具 备人类 智 能 的 诸多 特点,可 以实 现 控 制系 统 在实 际 的应 用 过 程中结 构、参 数 及 扰 动 等 因素 的 不 确 定 性 给 控 制系统 造 成 的 影 响, 例 如 远 距离 通 讯设 备、进 行 隧 道 扫 描 的显 微 镜 等 具 体 的工 程设 备。
控制工程6(英文)The Design of Feedback Control Systems
![控制工程6(英文)The Design of Feedback Control Systems](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2f49a1880b4e767f5acfcea6.png)
Design procedure
1 Evaluate the uncompensated system phase margin when the error constants are satisfied.
2 Allowing for a small amount of safety, determine the necessary additional phase lead, m
3 Evaluate a from
a a
1 1
4 Evaluate 10loga and determine the frequency where the uncompensated magnitude curve is 10loga dB. This frequency is the new 0-dB crossover frequency and m .
(1/ a) .
Design example
A lead compensator for a type-2 system
K1 s2
The specification for the system are
Settling time T s 4
System damping constant 0.45
3.Determine the frequency where the phase margin
1s 1s
R 2 C a n d ( R 1 R 2 )/R 2
10.4 Phase-lead design using Bode diagram
Design principle
If the phase margin is not sufficient, phase lead can be added to the phase-angle curve of the system by placing the Gc( j) in a suitable location. To obtain maximum additional phase lead, we desire to place the network so that the frequency m is located at the frequency where the magnitude of compensated curve crosses the 0-dB axis.
Reading Material 2Shear Force And Bending Moment In BeamsLet us now consider,as an example ,a cantilever beam acted upon by an inclined load P at its free end [Fig.1.5(a)]. If we cut through the beam at a cross section mn and isolate the left-hand part of the beam as free body [Fig.1.5(b)] ,we see that the action of the removed part of the beam (that is ,the right-hand part) upon the left-hand part must be such as to hold the left-hand part in equilibrium. The distribution of stresses over the cross section mn is not known at this stage in our study ,but we do know that the resultant of these stresses must be such as to equilibrate the load P.It is convenient to resolve the resultant into an axial force N acting normal to the cross section and passing through the centroid of the cross section,a shear force V acting parallel to the cross section, and a bending moment M acting in the plane of the beam.The axial force ,shear force, and bending moment acting a across section of a beam are known as stress resultants. For a statically determinate beam,the stress resultants can be determined from equations of equilibrium. Thus ,for the cantilever beam pictured in Fig.1.5,we may write three equations of statics for the free-body diagram shown in the second part of the figure. From summations of force in the horizontal and vertical directions we find ,respectively,N=P cosβV=P sinβN=P cosβV=P sinβAnd,from a summation of moments about an axis through the centroid of cross sectionmn ,we obtain:M=Px sinβWhere x is the distance from the free and to section mn,thus, through the use of a free-body diagram and equations of static equilibrium,we are able to calculate the stress resultants without difficulty. The stresses in the beam due to the axial force N acting alone have been discussed in the text of Unit.2;now we will see how to obtain the stresses associated with bending moment M and the shear force V.The stress resultants N,V and M will be assumed to be positive when they act in the directions shown in Fig.1.5(b).this sign convention is only useful,however ,when we are discussing the equilibrium of the left-hand part of the beam. If the right-hand part of the beam is considered, we will find that the stress resultants have the same magnitudes but opposite directions [see Fig.1.5(a)] . Therefore,we must recognize that the algebraic sign of a stress resultant does not depend upon its direction in space, such as to the left or to the right, but rather it depends upon its direction in space ,such as to the left or to the right, but rather it depends upon its direction with respect to the material against which it acts. To illustrate this fact, the sign conventions for N, V and M are repeated in FIig1.6, where the stress resultants are shown acting on an element of the beam.We see that a positive axial force is directed away from the surface upon which it acts(tension) , a positive shear force acts clockwise about the surface upon which it acts ,and a positive bending moment is one that compresses the upper part of the beam.ExampleA simple beam AB carries two loads,a concentrated force P and a couple M O ,acting as shown in Fig.1.7(a). Find the shear force and bending moment in the beam at cross sections located as follows; (a) a small distance to the left of the middle of the beam and (b) a small distance to the right of the middle of the beam.SolutionThe first step in the analysis of this beam is to find the reactions R A and R B .taking moments about ends A and B gives two equations of equilibrium, from which we findR A =4P 3—L M O R B =4P + L M O Next ,the beam is cut at a cross section just to the middle, and a free-body diagram is drawn of either half of the beam. In this example we choose the left -hand half of the beam, and the corresponding diagram is shown in Fig.1.7(b) .The force P and the reaction R A appear in this diagram as also do the unknown shear force V and bending moment M, both of which are shown in their positive directions ,The couple M O does not appear in the figure because the beam is cut to the left of the point where M O is applied. A summation of forces in the vertical direction givesV= R A —P= —4P —L M O Which shows that the shear force is negative; hence ,it acts in the opposite direction to that assumed in Fig.1.7(b). Taking moments about an axis through the cross section where the beam is cut [Fig.1.7(b)] gives M =2L R A —4PL =8PL —2M O Depending upon the relative magnitudes of the terms in this equation, we see that the bending moment M may be either positive or negative.To obtain the stress resultants at a cross section just to the right of the middle, we cut the beam at that section and again draw an appropriate free-body diagram [Fig.1.7(c)] . The only difference between this diagram and the former one is that the couple M O now acts on the part of the beam to the left of the cut section. Again summing forces in the vertical direction, and also taking moments about an axis through the cut section,we obtainV=—4P —L M O M = 8PL +2M OWe see from these results that the shear force does not change when the cut section is shifted from left to right of the couple MO,but the bending moment increase algebraically by an amount equalto MO.阅读材料2横梁的剪切力和弯矩现在让我们细想,例如,图1.5(a)所示的悬臂梁的自由端受到一个倾斜的载荷P的作用。
1.In a work cycle of the engine ,each piston goes through four-stroke processes:intakestroke ,compression stroke ;power stroke and exhaust stroke.这种内燃机每完成•个工作循环活塞需要经历四个冲程-■进气冲程,压缩冲程,作功冲程和排气冲程2.This terrific push against the piston forces it downward ,and a power impulse is transmitted through the connecting rod to the throw on the crankshaft.上述压力作用快速推动活塞,迫使其向下运动,同时通过连杆将力传递给曲轴的曲柄。
3.Valve mechanism of an internal combustion engine provides timely admission of the fresh charge into the cylinders and exhaust of spent gases from them. 一个内燃机的配气机构主要是适时地吸入新鲜混合气到气缸,并且及时地从气缸中排除尾气4.Valve mechanism includes valve group and valve driving group.The valve group includes valve, valve seat ,valve guide and valve spring.The valve driving group includes camshaft,lifter,pushrod,rocker arm,timing gear and so on.配气机构包括气门组和气门传动组气门组包括气门,气门座,气门导管和气门弹簧。
控制工程英语介绍English:"Control engineering, also known as control systems engineering, is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, analysis, and application of systems to maintain desired levels of performance and stability. This field combines knowledge from various disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and engineering to create automated systems that can regulate or guide processes efficiently. Control systems can be found in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and robotics, where precise control of variables such as temperature, pressure, speed, or position is essential.The fundamental concept in control engineering is feedback, which involves monitoring the output of a system and using it to adjust the input for desired outcomes. There are two primary types of control systems: open-loop and closed-loop (also known as feedback control systems). In an open-loop system, the input is not adjusted based onthe output, while in a closed-loop system, the system continuously monitors and adjusts itself based on feedback.Control engineers use various mathematical and computational techniques to model systems and design controllers. These techniques include linear and nonlinear control theories, state-space representation, frequency domain analysis, and digital control methods. With the rise of smart technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT), control engineering plays an increasingly vital role in the development of intelligent, interconnected systems.As a discipline, control engineering offers the potential to improve efficiency, safety, and reliability across numerous sectors. For instance, in manufacturing, control systems can optimize production processes and improve product quality. In transportation, they contribute to the development of autonomous vehicles and traffic management systems. In the energy sector, control engineering can enhance the integration of renewable energy sources and grid stability. Thus, control engineering is a crucial field that drives innovation and advancements in modern technology."中文翻译:"控制工程,也称为控制系统工程,是工程学的一个分支,涉及设计、分析和应用系统以保持所需的性能和稳定性水平。
Applied Program: Control and SystemsMy strong interest in the major of Automatic Control traces to a simple but inspiring experiment of the inverted pendulum, which I accomplished as an undergraduate student. The pendulum is a pole attached to a moving cart. Whereas a normal pendulum heads down, an inverted pendulum is an actively balanced standing pole. It may be stabilized by oscillating the support rapidly up and down. If the oscillation is sufficiently strong in terms of its acceleration and amplitude, the inverted pendulum can recover from perturbations in a strikingly counterintuitive manner. I was fascinated by the gadget, though lifeless, but it even could perform such an accurate control of balance that could only be completed by an acrobat in my imagination.After seven years of studying as an undergraduate and then a graduate student of this discipline, I gradually perceive Automatic Control based on the stage of rational knowledge. The immense application of automatic control systems in the fields of industrial production and social life also further assure my determination of devoting in this domain. Meanwhile, the development of Automatic Control in China is enslaved to many factors, for example, lack of consciousness of combining theories and practices, and backwardness of actual conditions for production and experiment, etc, making China lag behind the western developed countries in this aspect. Therefore, I resolve on applying for admission to x x x University, an institution of international reputation, so as to study classic Automatic Control theories that have a close relationship with production and social life.In order to substantiate my requisite qualifications for the advanced Ph.D. program at your distinguished university, I would like to refer to the systematic professional trainings received in Electrical Engineering Department of University of xx. My curriculum contains core courses like Fundamentals of Automatic Control, Theory of Linear System, Computer-based Measurement and Control, and Neural Network, etc. I also self-studied two important books by Prof. E. O. Dobelin from Ohio State University—Measurement Systems Application and Design, and Control System Principle and Design. While doing fruitful coursework, I have independently conducted in-depth logical thinking. For instance, in the class of Neural Network, what has triggered my further pondering is that, the complicated control of human beings towards themselves is based on intuition instead of sophisticated models, thus this discipline focuses on simulation and investigation of the mechanism of the human brain.Furthermore, I have great interest in the basic disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, and Electronics, that help the learning of Automatic Control theories. The construction of sophisticated mathematical models is dependent on Mathematics, and I have attained “A”s in the final examinations of Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics, and Stochastic Process. Physics being my strong point, I was a top student in Physical Theories and Physical Experiment. I also performed well in most of the electronic courses. I believe a firm knowledge background will definitely contribute to my future study and research.As I delved further into my studies, I found my focus on theories hampered my development of hands-on abilities. I had to spend considerably more time on an experiment than averagestudents. To change this, I gave myself extra tasks for practice to improve. I designed the circuits of a radio and independently completed all the steps of welding and testing. I also produced an electronic mosquito-killing device using 555 chips. All my efforts paid off—I was the first to finish all experiment items satisfactorily in the final exam for the Circuit Practice Course!I have developed my spirit of scientific exploration and innovative capabilities from past experiences. In my graduation project of the undergraduate program, I solved the airplane attitude error problem that can be met when traditional analog fuel quantity indicating system executed sophisticated measurement by adopting software algorithm. The proposed method, which is similar to a virtual instrument, has some extent of practical significance and applicative value to the development of fuel measurement solutions. The thesis concerning this problem, xx, has been published in Journal of xx. In the graduation project of my Master’s program, I creatively applied the object-oriented methodology into the domain of test system, forming the totally new concept of signal-oriented test program development that greatly improved the transferability of test program and the inter-conversion of hardware. The software platform based on this concept has received widespread positive feedbacks from customers. The thesis, xx, will be published soon. During my master’s program, I also had the important experience of participating in development the MIS for xx Grain Bureau in which I constructed the database for the system.As the saying goes, human beings’ aspiration for challenging their ignorance is the source for the scientific development. After graduation, I have been working with Delphi Automotive Systems, where I am responsible, as product/application engineer, for the technical support of five major categories of sensors in the engine management system—oxygen sensor, coolant temperature sensor, manifold absolute pressure and temperature sensor, crank sensor and cam sensor. My professional experience has allowed me to gain comparative perspectives of the discrepant technological levels between the United States and China in Automatic Control System. At present, China has been unable to produce its own EMS systems and the field is entirely dominated by foreign products. Hence, it is necessary for me to pursue high-level education abroad.Xx University boasts of a strong scientific research infrastructure, rationalized curriculum design, and well-established academic environment. The Sino-US IC Programming Double Master’s Degree training program, showing close ties between your university and xx, also leads to my particular affections towards your university. Your curriculum emphasizes engineering concepts and designs in the varied and rapidly expanding disciplines within the field of electrical and computer engineering. Students receive the counsel and guidance from faculty, student advisor and graduate coordinator and can choose their elective program centered on their own special interests.Among a broad range of electives as offered by your Ph.D. program, I am particularly interested in Systems and Control. Specially, I am interested in advanced digital signal and image processing, image-based tracking and guidance systems, control of teleoperated vehicles. With my accumulated knowledge in mathematics, control theory and computerscience, I am well-prepared for your challenging program. In my study plan, I will first focus on the learning of Automatic Control theories, such as Control System and Signal Processing; then I will grasp methods that effect control through studying courses like Software Tech, etc, to have an in-depth understanding of complete control systems; last but not the least, I will choose subjects in biomedicine such as biosignal processing, bioelectrical engineering, and medical instrument design and carry out researches to realize the technological application in Biomedical Engineering.After receiving advanced professional knowledge based on the first-class educational resources and technological advantages in the US, I will come back to China and work with institutions as a teacher. On the effective technological platform of universities and institutions, I will further investigate the professional subjects, and transform technologies into productivities by means of cooperating with enterprises or independently starting up a business, to contribute to the development of Automatic Control Systems in China.。
控制科学与工程复试英文自我介绍(中英文版)**English Version:**Good morning/afternoon, esteemed professors.My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today as a candidate for the interview in the field of Control Science and Engineering.I completed my undergraduate studies at [University Name], where I majored in [Your Major].During my time there, I developed a strong interest in control theory and its applications.I was particularly fascinated by the way control systems could optimize the performance of various processes and machines.To deepen my understanding of this field, I actively participated in various research projects led by my professors.One of the projects I was involved in focused on the development of a fuzzy logic controller for a temperature regulation system.This experience enhanced my practical skills and allowed me to gain hands-on experience in control system design and implementation.Furthermore, I have also taken the initiative to broaden my knowledge by attending seminars and workshops related to control science and engineering.These events have not only enriched my theoretical understanding but also provided me with valuableopportunities to network with professionals in the field.In addition to my academic achievements, I have developed strong communication and teamwork skills through my involvement in various student organizations and extracurricular activities.These skills have proven essential in collaborative research settings and will undoubtedly contribute to my success in your esteemed program.I am genuinely passionate about pursuing a career in control science and engineering, and I believe that the graduate program at your esteemed university will equip me with the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to this field.I am eager to learn from renowned professors and collaborate with fellow students who share the same passion.In conclusion, I am confident that my academic background, research experience, and personal attributes make me a suitable candidate for the Control Science and Engineering program.I am excited about the opportunity to further my studies and contribute to the advancement of this fascinating field.Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of joining your esteemed program.**中文版本:**早上/下午好,尊敬的教授们。
hazards. So it is necessary of personal experience and expert advice to make up for the weakness. Personal experience and expert advice include past performances, professional education and training, and communication with policy makers, facility owners and users. For years, personal experience and expert advice have been widely used in managing risk and have proved to be very useful and practicable. During the process of designing Shanghai Pudong Airport in 1959, a coastologist, after careful investigation and scientific analyses, came up with the suggestion that the airport should be built on the sea beach instead of behind the sea wall. Later this suggestion proved to be practicable and saved 360 million yuan. With the emergence of now computer based tools new methods of managing risk are continuously coming out of universities and research laboratories into general application. To achieve better safety and more benefits at reasonable costs people should also improve their self-qualities continuously to keep up with the technique development. In addition, both the government and the public should not only adopt risk-based approach but also be fully prepared to deal effectively with potentially severe risks. Taking these measures can not only help to identify weakness earlier, but also help to respond more correctly to new hazards or increasing risks. These will mean safety and benefit to be achieved. 1. What is the nature of risk according to the text? A. A danger or something that may have a bad result. B. The degree of safety and risk. C. Hazardous conditions that probably cause loss of property, or even loss of life. D. All of the above. 2. What does risk management deal with? A. It deals with the problem of balancing risk and benefit. B. It uses high tech to minimize risks. C. It aims to allocate resources reasonably so as to reduce risk to the minimum. D. Its main task is to collect adequate data and analyse the data. 3. What are the main sources of information? A. Expert advice. B. Government. C. Personal experience. D. All of the above. 4. To attain safety and obtain more benefits, people should . A. Continuously improve themselves to keep up with the technical development B. Consult experts from time to time. C. Adopt a risk-based approach D. Respond quickly and correctly to hazards and risks. (2) What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good deal depends, of course, on the meaning of “future”. If one is thinking in terms of science fiction and the space age, it is at least possible 第3页
1.1performance性能、运行Process plant过程系统,加工厂Process control过程控制Reference参考、基准operating conditions运行条件,操作条件Disturbance干扰,扰动Automatic control 自动控制Manual control手动控制,人工控制Perfect control完美控制,无差控制Feedback control反馈控制Set point设定值,给定值Controlled variable 被控变量带搅拌加热器stirred-tank heater密度 density比热容specific heat capacity热容heat capacity热损失heat loss负反馈negative feedback正反馈positive feedback前馈控制策略feedforward control strategy控制器controller1.2Stability 稳定性Sensitivity灵敏度Actuator执行器Sensor传感器Transducer变换器,传感器Linear quadratic regulator (LQR)线性二次型调节器Linear quadratic线性二次型Controller控制器Simulation模拟,仿真Temperature温度Flow rate 流量,流速Pressure 压力Concentration浓度Level液面,水平幅值magnitude相角phase闭环closed-loop开环open-loop可编程逻辑控制器programmable logic controller模型model黑箱black box经验模型empirical modeling比例proportional比例和微分proportional plus derivative比例加积分proportional plus integral1.3Oscillatory振动的damp阻尼,衰减unstable 不稳定的Complex number 复数Manipulated variable操纵变量Load variable负载变量error误差,偏差Process transfer function过程传递函数Pole-zero cancellation零极点对消Self-regulating自整定判据criterion拉氏变换Laplace transformation零点zero极点pole特征方程characteristic equation系数coefficient偏差变量error variable比较器comparator伺服问题servo problem给定变化set point variation负载变化load variation1.4design 设计decision 决策methodology方法学,方法论productivity生产(能)力,生产率investment投资Fundamental基础(的)evaluating评估,评测benefit 受益,好处Distillation column精馏塔,蒸馏塔,分馏塔Overhead 开销,开支Process dynamic工艺动态,过程动态Manipulatable input可操纵输入Observable output 可观测输出Measurable disturbance可测量扰动控制系统设计control system design设计模型 design model炼油oil refining化工chemical engineering电力electric power造纸 paper making, papermanufacture水泥cement纺织spinning塑料plastic钢铁steel航空航天aeronautics and aerospace再沸器reboiler1.5setting 设置tuning 调节,整定Trial and error 试差法,试凑法guideline 方针Averaging control 均匀控制,平均调节Residence time 滞留时间eliminate 消除,排除Ultimate gain 临界增益Time-consuming 耗时的Continuous cycling method连续周期法,等幅振荡法Decay ratio衰减比Process reaction curve method过程响应曲线法Ziegler-Nichols tuningZiegler-Nichols 整定流量控制flow control液面控制level control压力控制pressure control温度控制temperature control成分控制composition control临界增益法ultimate gain method临界周期ultimate period超调overshoot热交换器heat exchanger化学反应器chemical reactor汽化器vaporizer2.1atmospheric pressure大气压absolute pressure 绝压gauge pressure表压differential pressure差压total vacuum绝对真空diaphragm膜片capsule 膜盒bellow波纹管Bourdon tube波登管silicon diaphragm 硅膜片英制British unit公制metric unit, SI unit扩散硅压力传感器diffused siliconpressure sensor压力传感器pressure sensor差压变送器differential pressuretransmitter压力传感元件pressure sensorelement波登管压力表Bourdon tube pressuregauge2.2level measurement液面测量container容器interface 界面buoyancy 浮力immersed浸入的radium 镭capacitive probe 电容电极nonconductive不导电的dielectric constant 介电常数sight glass玻璃液面计float浮标,浮体level formula液面公式密度density浮力式液面计float sensor浮球float标尺scale电位计potentiometer导电电极conductive probe超声波ultrasonics张力式仪表tension type instrument 应变仪strain gauge荷重传感器load sensor2.3flow rate 流速accounting统计,计算laminar flow层流energy losses能量损失total flow 总体流量pressure energy压力能kinetic energy动能potential energy 势能restriction限制,约束orifice plate孔板Venturi tube文丘里管flow nozzle测流嘴elbow 弯管流量计rotameter 转子流量计mass flow质量流量雷诺数Reynolds number流型flow patterns伯努利方程Bernoulli equation流速flow rate湍流turbulent flow黏度viscosity能量守恒energy conservation摩擦力friction参考点reference point重力加速度acceleration of gravity 连续性方程continuity equation2.4sphere范围,球体fundamental standard基本标准absolute standard 绝对标准thermoelectric effect热电势效应resistance change 电阻变化thermography热像仪thermal expansion 热膨胀,热胀resonant frequency 谐振频率fiber optic光纤acoustic thermometry声温测量colour change颜色变化expensive昂贵的ceramic beaded陶制珠状的junction 接触点,接触端热电偶thermocouple热电阻thermal resistance冰点freezing point沸点oiling point固态solid液态liquid国际实际温标International Practical Temperature物理原理physical principle电动势electromotive force不锈钢stainless steel接地的grounded 隔离isolated2.5control valve控制阀valve position阀门位置electric motor actuator电机执行器damper 阻尼器variable speed pump可变速泵diaphragm area 薄膜面积pneumatic pressure 气动压力fail-safe action安全-失效作用air-to-open气开式packing box friction密封盒摩擦力hysteresis迟滞converters转换器gear ratio 齿轮比控制性能control performance最终控制元件final control element控制器输出controller output阀驱动器valve actuator气动pneumatic电动electric液动hydraulic弹簧圈spring coil不灵敏区insensitive zone死区dead zone电磁阀solenoid valve阀特性valve characteristic。
Personal Introduction for Postgraduate Entrance Examination inControl EngineeringGood morning/afternoon, esteemed professors and examiners. It's a great honor to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is [Your Name], and I am applying for the postgraduate program in Control Engineering.I graduated from [Your University] with a Bachelor's degree in [Your Major], where I developed a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. During my undergraduate studies, I particularly excelled in courses related to control theory, system analysis, and signal processing, which sparked my interest in pursuing a career in Control Engineering.In addition to academic pursuits, I have also gained practical experience through various projects and internships. For instance, I worked on a project where we designed and implemented a control system for a robotic arm. This experience not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, but also taught me the importance of teamwork and problem-solving skills.Moreover, I believe that my strong analytical skills, coupled with my passion for innovation and continuous learning, make me a suitable candidate for this program. I am eager to delve deeper into the field of Control Engineering and contribute to advancements in this exciting area.In conclusion, I am confident that my academic background, practical experience, and enthusiasm for Control Engineering will enable me to succeed in your esteemed program. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with the esteemed faculty and peers at your institution. Thank you for considering my application.。
控制工程复试英语自我介绍英文回答:Good morning, professors. My name is [Your Name]. I am very honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today.I am from [Your Country], and I have a bachelor's degree in control engineering from [Your University]. I have always been fascinated by the field of control engineering, and I am particularly interested in the design and analysis of control systems.During my undergraduate studies, I took a variety of courses in control engineering, including linear control systems, nonlinear control systems, and digital control systems. I also participated in several research projects, which gave me the opportunity to apply my knowledge of control engineering to real-world problems.I am particularly interested in the application of control engineering to autonomous vehicles. I believe that autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize the way we travel, and I am excited to be a part of this revolution.I am also interested in the application of control engineering to renewable energy systems. I believe that renewable energy is the key to a sustainable future, and I am eager to contribute my skills to the development of renewable energy technologies.I am a hard worker and I am always willing to learn new things. I am also a team player and I am always willing to help others. I am confident that I have the skills and the motivation to succeed in your graduate program.Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.中文回答:各位教授,大家好!我叫[您的姓名]。
be designed within the digitized world of virtual reality. Complex programs were used to
Ⅰ.Explain the following terms and give each an example(20%)
It looks as if it came straight from the set of Star Wars. It has four—wheel drive and rises above rocky surfaces. It lowers and raises its nose when going up and down hills. And when it comes to a river ,it turns amphibious: two hydro jets power it along by blasting water under its body. There is room for two passengers and a driver, who sit inside a glass bubble operating electronic, aircraft-type controls . A vehicle so daring on land and water needs windscreen wipers—but doesn’t have any. Water molecules are disintegrated on the screen’s
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1、the original system step response diagram, The root locus diagram and Bode diagram.
The transfer function of controlled object is:
G s=
Simulation with matlab: clear
Figure 1 Step Response Diagram We can find:
×100%=16.7% Overshoot:σ=0.7−0.6
Adjustment time:t s=4.5s
Figure 2 Root Locus Plot Diagram
Figure 3 Bode diagram
2、PID parameter tuning
It can be seen from Figure 2 that the root trajectory of the system has two branches that are routed through the imaginary axis. According to the characteristics of the system stability, it can be known that the system is unstable when the trajectories are distributed in the right half of the complex plane The system is stable if distributed over the left half plane. The point at which the root trajectory intersects the imaginary axis is the critical stability of the system, and the value of K is the critical ratio of the amplitude of the amplitude. From the root trajectory curve of the system, we can see that the open-loop gain of the intersection of the root locus and the imaginary axis is K =4. At this time, the integral time constant and the differential time constant are obtained. The amplitude curve is plotted by matlab. The program and result are as follows:
Figure 4 Step Response Diagram
Calculate the PID parameters and simulate them Using empirical formula :
k d k i k T T T T 125.0,
The Simulink model of PID:
Figure 5 Step Response Diagram
The PID parameter :
s T s T K d i p 3.0,
The transfer function of the PID regulator is:
s s s s s s G p 833
After adding the PID regulator, the open-loop transfer function of the system is:
s s s s s s s G
Using Matlab to simulate and analyze the effect of PID control, procedures and results are as follows:
Figure 6 Step Response Diagram
Secondary tuning of PID parameters: The PID parameter :
s T s T K d i p 4.0,
The output response curve is:
Figure 6 Step Response Diagram
As we can see,
σ=0;t s=2.3s;e ss=0
For the original control system,the overshoot is very large compare with the step signals,just as the settling time is too long.While the overshoot of the system with step response has been reduced to 6% and it also eliminate steady-state error after adding the PID controller.What’s more, system settling time change into 2.3s.Therefore,it will be the small overshoot and short settling time with the PID controller.。