
ARD2 系列智能电动机保护器安装使用说明书目录一、概述⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯1二、品型号⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯2三、通用技指⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯3四、外型尺寸及安装⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯3五、示与用程⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯9六、接方式⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯13七、通⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯15八、系用方案⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯28九、保功能明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯32十、注意事⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯37十一、范例⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯38上海安科瑞电气有限公司一、概述ARD2系列智能电动机保护器(以下简称保护器),采用最新的单片机技术,具有抗干扰能力强、工作稳定可靠、数字化、智能化、网络化等特点。
保护器能对电动机运行过程中出现的起动超时、过载、断相、不平衡、欠载、剩余电流(接地/ 漏电)、堵转、过压、欠压等多种情况进行保护,并设有SOE故障事件记录功能,方便现场维护人员查找故障原因。
本保护器具有RS485远程通讯接口, 4 ~ 20mA模拟量输出,方便与 PLC、PC等控制机组成网络系统。
二、产品型号ARD2—/附加功能(表2)起动方式:A—直接起动额定电流(表1)设计序列号企业代号:安科瑞电气有限公司表 1互感器额定电流互感器匝数整定电流 Is范电动机功率(A)(一次)围( A)(kW)1~~ 3251~253~ 12 100125~ 10012~55250163~ 25030~ 1328001250800132440~~表2附加功能代号附加功能代号远程起动Q4~20mA模拟量输出M 报警J 4 路开关量输入K通讯接口C SOE事件记录SR漏电保护L三、通用技术指标表 4技术参数技术指标保护器辅助电源AC220V/AC380V,功耗 8VA电机额定工作电压AC380V, 50Hz6.3A( 1.6A-6.3A )采用小型专用电流25A( 6.3A-25A )互感器测量模块电动机额定工作电流100A(25A-100A)250A(63A-250A)采用专用电流互感800A( 250A-800A)器继电器输出 3 路, AC250V、3A; DC30V、3A ;开关量输入 4 路,光电隔离通讯RS485 Modbus协议SOE事件记录容量8 个事件记录工作温度:-10 o C~55o C环境贮存温度-20 o C~65o C相对湿度5﹪~ 95﹪不结露海拔≤2000m污染等级 2 级防护等级IP20四、外形尺寸及安装4. 1 外形及安装开孔尺寸正视图盘面开孔主体部分侧视图互感器部分( 1~ 100A)互感器部分( 100~ 250A)互感器部分( 250~ 800A、零序互感器)安装方法主体部分安装互感器部分(~ 100A)安装安装连线拆卸连线250A以上互感器接线五、显示与用户编程显示说明表 5序号名称状态功能说明1 A 相 LED指示灯亮该指示灯亮则表明11 显示的为 A 相电流2 B 相 LED指示灯亮该指示灯则表明11 显示的为 B 相电流3 C 相 LED指示灯亮该指示灯亮则表明11 显示的为 C 相电流4运行 LED指示灯亮该指示灯亮则表明电动机正在运行5脱扣 LED指示灯亮该指示灯亮则表明保护器脱扣继电器已动作6报警 LED指示灯亮该指示灯亮则表明保护器报警继电器已动作7确定按键按下选择操作功能或返回上级菜单8左方向键按下察看事件或数字量减或移位9右方向键按下察看显示数据或数字量增10取消 / 复位键按下退出菜单或取消操作或将保护器复位11 4 位 LED数码管0000显示测量数值注A、 B、 C相指示灯全亮指示灯全亮则表明 11 显示的为三相平均电流用户编程按保护器上的“确定”键,至显示“P001”,按“”键和“”键用于菜单的选择,到相应的菜单序号后,按“确定”键,进入值域的设置,按“”键进行数据位的选择,按“”键用于数字的增加,所需参数设置完毕后,按“确定”键进行保存,再按“取消”键退出菜单。

1、设备结构示意图AMR-B系列电动执行器主要组成部件: 1、封闭式电机; 2、偏心行星齿轮机构;3、独立电气接线盒;4、不带离合器的手轮操作机构; 5、电气综合控制单元。

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1SAA941001-0102 1SAA941001-3901 1SAA941001-0203
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Ambient Air Temperature
Ambient Air Temperature Compensation Maximum Operating Altitude Permissible Resistance to Shock acc. to IEC 60068-2-27 Resistance to Vibrations acc. to IEC 60068-2-6 RoHS Status
Flexible with Insulated Ferrule 2x 0.75 ... 1.5 mm² Flexible 1/2x 0.75 ... 1 mm² Flexible 1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm² Rigid 1/2x 0.75 ... 4 mm²
Flexible with Ferrule 1/2x 0.75 ... 4 mm² Flexible with Insulated Ferrule 1/2x 0.75 ... 4 mm²

该控制器对所有系统参数及可选控制功能均可通过中文液晶设置菜单进行现场设置及更改, 485通讯接口,可实现三遥功能。
二、电气性能及功能1工作电源:交流型:AC230V(±20%),50HZ2 环境温度: -10°C~70°C3 电源Ⅰ/电源Ⅱ电压检测•单相或三相 AC230V/380V•±1%精度4 可任意选电源I或电源II为首选电源5.可选择自动返回(自投自复)、故障返回(互为备用)、复位返回(自投不自复)6.可选择控制器为市电/市电或市电/油机工作模式7 火灾报警信号联动---转换到零位(DC24V输入)8.过流跳闸自动报警9.转换开关位置信号采集(有源AC110-280V)10.可编程输出: 负载在电源Ⅰ负载在电源Ⅱ电源Ⅰ正常电源Ⅱ正常双电源正常启动油机( 230V 5A )11 转换控制输出•转换位置Ⅰ输出 ( 常开230V 5A )•切换位置Ⅱ输出 ( 常开230V 5A )•切换位置0输出 ( 常开230V 5A )12.RS232/485通讯接口•可遥控、遥测、遥信13.转换延迟--由位置I转到位置II的延迟0-255秒14.返回延迟--由位置II转到位置I的延迟0-255秒15.冷机延迟--在市电/油机模式开关返回到位置I后停止油机运行延迟0-255秒16.转换到中间位延迟0-11秒注:若将可编程输出设置成(启动油机)则控制器为市电/油机工作模式三、操作及显示液晶屏自动循环显示如下内容第一行第二行第一行显示内容•电源I正常•电源II正常•电源I故障•电源II故障•自动工作方式•手动---位置I•手动---位置II•手动---位置O•遥控---位置I•遥控---位置II•位置II >位置I•位置I >位置II•跳闸或接线故障--------开关过流跳闸或位置返馈线联接错误•火警联动-----------------接收到火警联动信号•转换延迟XXX秒-----主电源转换到备用电源的延迟•返回延迟XXX秒-----备电源转换到主电源的延迟•冷机延迟XXX秒-----油机/市电工作模式,转换开关返回到市电取消启动油机信号注. 当电源I或电源II失电时转换到位置O功能无效第二行显示内容•第一路相电压/线电压 PI XXXV XXXV XXXV•第二路相电压/线电压 PII XXXV XXXV XXXV•电源I断相•电源II断相四、控制器遥测-遥信-遥控功能通过计算机通讯接口可进行远端遥控及电量采集。

保护控制器操作使⽤⽅法(精)六、保护控制器操作使⽤⽅法1.⾯板及按键说明 1.1显⽰窗第⼀显⽰窗在参数设定状态下显⽰设定参数;第⼆、第三、第四显⽰窗在运⾏状态下分别显⽰三相电流和三相电压。
1.5参数设置⽅法①设置键,不松开,直到显⽰0A 。
②按键进⼊修改状态,在、键的配合下将数值修改为1111 ③按键,完成密码设置。
* 以符号形式表⽰参数值的参数,在修改时,闪烁位应处于末位。
099 AM5 系列微机保护测控装置操作说明书V1.4

AM5 系列 微机保护测控装置
操作说明书 V1.4
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第一章 装置介绍............................................................................................................................. 1 1 概述....................................................................................................................................... 1 2 特点....................................................................................................................................... 1 3 装置功能对照表................................................................................................................... 2 4 装置选型表........................................................................................................................... 3
ABB 新一代电机控制与保护设备说明书

We keep your motors runningABB’s new control and protection devicesABB control and protection devicesfor applications up to 18.5 kW / 20 Hp2 2CDC003012B0201One familyABB’s new generation of modular motor control and protection devices for applications up to 18.5 kW/400 V forms one power-ful family. Innovatively designed, it offers you more than just state-of-the-art technology from one of the world’s leading manufacturers of power engineering and automation technology components. We think you’ll agree that ABB’s new line makes it easier than ever before to maximise your productivity, increase efficiency and achieve greater flexibility in your appli-cations. Welcome to the next generation in motor control and protection.45 mm standard housing widthThis cutting edge new product family integrates seamlessly into your applications by offering a standardised 45 mm colour-coordinated housing across the range in combination with optimal performance. Our system not only fits in perfectly with your design, but also helps you to simplify planning and reduce costs by featuring a set of common accessories through the range.Reliability and Energy efficiencyElectronic devices mean more than simply being significantly more reliable than legacy mechanical systems. ABB’s engineers have managed to come up with a revolutionary starter solution that achieves less resistance per phase, a reduction in thermal load, lower energy consumption and is up to a third lighter than comparable electromechanical devices on the market – a com-bination that not only helps to protect the environment, but also reduces your energy costs.SustainabilityProtecting the environment has long been at the top of ABB’s list of priorities. For this reason we have been manufacturing our device components from recyclable raw materials for many years already. The new generation of motor control and protection devices takes the essential matter of environmental compatibility a step further and is compliant with European RoHS directives.Unique AC/DC contactor coilABB’s engineers have built on the success of our larger contac-tors by integrating an AC/DC coil into our new compact range of motor control and protection devices. Having reduced the number of contactor types by an impressive 90%, you now only need one contactor for a wide range of both AC and DC control voltages, giving you more flexibility and taking the worry out of even your most difficult applications.Your advantages at a glance:- One family for increased productivity- 45 mm standard housing width for seamless integration- Increased reliability through electronic devices- Sustainable energy-efficiency- Unique AC/DC contactor coil for more flexibility2CDC003012B0201 34 2CDC003012B0201Simplicity for your designCompact design – more environmentally friendlyWe took time out to listen to our customers’ needs and inte-grated this wealth of experience into a state-of-the-art com-pact, modular design. Our new 45 mm housings are up to a third narrower than existing products on the market, saving you space and enabling you to reduce the overall dimensions of your panel without compromising on performance. This slim-line design also utilises fewer raw materials in the manu-facturing process and optimises heat dissipation, further reducing your carbon footprint.Accessories – interchangeable and easyABB’s motor control and protection range offers you a whole host of accessories for practically any requirement. This seamless range of snap-on accessories can be applied uni-versally throughout the entire family of devices.Our new contactors offer unique and groundbreaking flexibility in terms of mounting options. Accessories can be mounted to the left, right, top or bottom in order to fit your requirements,providing you with greater flexibility in terms of engineering and utilisation than ever before – and that means no more wonder-ing whether your accessories will be compatible or whether they are going to fit your panel.Flexibility for your applicationOur engineers have taken modularity and uniformity to the next level in terms of flexibility and practicality for your appli-cations. This approach offers you huge benefits in the field.Thanks to the unique contactor coil that covers both AC and DC control voltages in compact size, it has never been easier to interchange contactors. Forget about checking dimensions and control supply modes – now you can simply plug in a replacement module from our range and you’re ready to er-friendly modular engineeringABB’s exciting new family of modular, integrated motor control and protection devices takes you to the next level in terms of productivity. This homogenous line of manual motor starters,contactors, overload relays and soft starters for applications up to 18.5 kW/400 V has been designed with your precise needs in mind. We think you’ll agree that there is no better way to maximise your productivity, increase efficiency, and achieve greater flexibility.2CDC003012B0201 5Your advantages at a glance:- Flexibility for your application- User-friendly modular engineering- Compact design – more environmentally friendly - Accessories – interchangeable and easy6 2CDC003012B0201Availability by designImproved logistics and stock controlIn terms of accessories, our new range couldn’t be morestraightforward. This is because ABB’s engineers have devel-oped all of the components that make up the product line to use the same standardised set of accessories. The MS132family also facilitates the reduction of your warehousing and logistical requirements by making use of the same accessories for both the MS116 and the MS132, or through the assimilation of AC and DC control supply modes into a single line of con-tactors.Fewer production shortagesABB’s engineers have spent a great deal of time out in the field listening to your needs. The outcome of this research is a range that has been especially tailored to help you avoid production shortages. Innovative features such as our standardised 45 mm housing take the guesswork out of maintenance and help you keep downtimes to an absolute minimum – genuine compatibility that you can depend on, day in, day out.Reduced inventory of partsABB’s new range makes managing your inventory easier than ever before. Conceived with simplicity in mind, our engineers have made it possible to integrate the entire family into just a few components. That not only simplifies the ordering process,but also reduces the logistical complexity of your inventory,making ordering your stock a snap.Greater exchangeabilityABB has designed its innovative new range with exchangeability in mind. For example, our range of standard-width 45 mm contactors features just 4 coils covering nominal voltages from 24 to 500 V 50/60 Hz and 20 to 500 V DC. This facilitates planning and enables you to be more flexible – which, in turn, reduces costs and simultaneously increases availability.Reduced weight – reduced fuel expenditureOur new family of motor control and protection devices has been developed right from the drawing-board stage to be up to a third lighter than comparable devices on the market, making the storage and transport of our products more simple and more economical. This substantial reduction in weight is another key component in our drive to reduce environmental impact by helping to decrease fuel expenditure and increasesustainability.- Reduced inventory of parts- Greater exchangeability- Reduced weight – reduced fuel expenditure- Improved logistics and stock control- Fewer production shortages2CDC003012B0201 78 2CDC003012B0201Safety through reliabilityMaximum dependability under the toughest conditions Our new family of motor control and protection devices has been created with the twin pillars of application-reliability and user-safety at the very forefront of the design.Typical local problems such as poor network quality won’t affect our contactors at all. They are not only completelychatter-proof and hum-free, but voltage drops and sags/dips are now a thing of the past. Moreover, the contactors arecompatible with most PLC outputs and offer built-in coil surge suppression.Safer installation – safer operationOur engineers have integrated a host of new features to make your job easier, safer and more straightforward than ever before. For example, our new AC/DC contactors combine both control supply modes in a single unit, eliminating the risk of errors. A vastly reduced total number of modules improves clarity when selecting, ordering and installing your equipment. Our innovative touch-safe features protect you against accidental contact during operation by means of protective covers.Ultimate reliability in harsh environmentsABB’s new line of industrial motor control and protection devices has been developed for deployment in the toughest of industrial scenarios where absolute reliability is a require-ment, not an option. For example, you can use ABB’s new contactors under even the harshest of ambient conditions ranging from -40 °C up to +70 °C, testimony to just how ready for the challenge this feature-rich industrial product line is.Lower resistance – lower energy consumptionWhen we challenged ABB’s design engineers to produce a concept to gear the innovative new range of devices towards lower power utilisation, they certainly didn’t disappoint. The resulting revolutionary design is a circuit that achieves less resistance per phase, a reduction in thermal load and lower energy consumption – a combination that not only helps toprotect the environment, but also reduces your energy costs.2CDC003012B0201 9Your advantages at a glance:- Ultimate reliability in harsh environments- Lower resistance – lower energy consumption- Maximum dependability under the toughest conditions - Safer installation – safer operation through features such as our AC/DC compatible coil and protective covers10 2CDC003012B0201The next generation: product overviewContactors- 2 frame sizes in 45 mm width from 4 to 18.5 kW 400 V AC-3 and up to 50 A AC-1- Unique contactor whatever the AC or DC control supply mode - E xtended coil operating limits to manage large voltage variations - O nly 4 coils with wide voltage range covering voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC - Built-in surge protection -F rom 30% up to 80% of reduction of AC pull-in coil consumption- Direct control by PLC-output 24 V DC 500 mA - Low AC and DC holding consumptions - E xtended features with AF..Z type: voltage sag & dips with-stand in the control supplyMain benefits-G reater product availability, reduction of stocks and increased inventory turnover- Simplified design with an unique AC/DC contactor frame size - N o interface relay coupled with PLC and no extra surge suppressor required anymore - R educed panel consumption, less fans, smaller control transformers- Improved operational reliability of customer equipmentsManual Motor Starters- One product family up to 32 A in 45 mm:- MS116: 12 setting ranges from 0.1 to 16 A - MS132: 15 setting ranges from 0.1 to 32 A - Overload protection - Trip class 10/10- Phase loss sensitivity- Temperature compensated - Short-circuit protection- MS116: I cs up to 50 kA at 400 V - MS132: I cs up to 100 kA at 400 V - ON/OFF switch functionality - Disconnect functionMain benefits- MS132: Clear position of the handle ON/OFF/TRIPPED - MS132: Magnetic tripping optically signaled on the front - Ambient air temperature for operation: -25 °C to +55 °C/+60 °C- One range of common accessories for MS116 and MS132ContactorsAF09-30-10, AF12-30-10, AF16-30-10, AF26-30-00, AF30-30-00, AF38-30-00Manual Motor StartersMS116-6.3, MS132-10, MS132-32Contactor AccessoriesOverload relays- Thermal overload relays – TF range up to 38 A- Overload protection trip class 10- Temperature compensation from -25 … +60 °C- Electronic overload relays – EF19/EF45 up to 45 A- Overload protection trip class 10E, 20E, 30E selectable - Temperature compensation from -25 … +70 °C- Phase loss sensitivity- Automatic- or manual reset selectable- Adjustable setting current for overload protection- STOP- and Test function- Sealable operating elementsOther accessories- O ne mechanical and electrical interlock set up to 50 % less wiring and requiring no extra width- L arge choice and flexible use of common front or side mounted 1-pole, 2-pole and 4-pole auxiliary contact blocks - F ree access to coil supply with coil terminal blocks removable on the top, bottom or on the front face- All connection accessories to realize your startersMain benefits- Safety requirements covered through mechanically linked contacts, mirror contacts, sealable protection covers- Flexible for equipment design and manufacture- Quick mounting, secure connection with less wiring of accessories to the contactor- Buy just for the exact auxiliary contact configuration you use - Limited inventory with common accessories throughout the range- A ll direct on-line starters in 45 mm width and reversing starters in 90 mm width Soft Starters- 45 mm standard case width- Three frame sizes from 1.5 up to 18.5 kW- Motor voltage 208...600 V- Supply voltage 24 V DC or 100...240 V AC- Rail or screw mount- Integrated bypass contact- Temperature compensation -25 °C to +60 °CMain benefits- Reduced voltage start- Field bus compatible with field bus plug accessory- Compact design 45 mm width for up to 18.5 kW- Run signal relay included- Top of ramp signal relay available from PSR25- 10 starts per hour and up to 20 starts per hour with addition of cooling fan- Reduces mechanical stress- Reduces power and control wiring (when compared with star-delta starter)Soft StartersPSR9-600-70, PSR25-600-70, PSR 37-600-70Contactor with accessories incl. TOL2CDC003012B0201 11ABB FranceAutomation Products Division 10, rue Ampère Z.I. - B.P . 114 F-69685 Chassieu cedex / FranceABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH Eppelheimer Straße 82D-69123 Heidelberg / GermanyABB AB/ Cewe-Control Motorgränd 20S-721 61 Västerås / SwedenYou can find the address of your local sales organisation on the ABB home page/contacts -> Low Voltage productsContact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document. We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG. Copyright© 2009 ABB All rights reservedO r d e r N u m b e r 2C D C 003 012 B 0201 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (01/10)/lowvoltage。

M1V1 低压无刷驱动器使用手册1.0-20141029系统上电前请仔细阅读手册深圳市利泰尔科技有限公司一、主要特点●9.5VDC~60VDC直流供电 ● 启停及转向控制 ● 过流、堵转保护 ● 测速信号输出 ● 故障报警输出 ● 外部模拟量调速 ● 制动快速停机 ● 拨码开关速度选择二、性能指标电气性能(环境温度 Tj=25℃时)供电电源 直流9.5VDC~60VDC额定功率 最大500W(依所选电机确定)额定转速 依所选电机确定(1对极,最大转速160000RPM) 额定转矩 依所选电机确定调速范围4对极50RPM~额定转速(出厂值3000RPM)速度变动率对负荷 ±1% 以下(额定转速)速度变动率对电压 ±1% 以下(电源电压±10%,额定转速无负载) 速度变动率对温度 ±2% 以下(25℃~40℃额定转速无负载)绝缘电阻 在常温常压下>100MΩ 绝缘强度在常温常压下0.5KV,1分钟三、安装尺寸:四、驱动器与无刷电机接线图五、接口及控制信号端子标记端子定义GND、V+驱动器直流电源输入端子,DC9.5V~60V功率端子 MA、MB、MC 与电机连接线。
务必将驱动器的MA、MB、MC 对应连接。
霍尔端子 +15V、GND、 HA、HB、HC 电机霍尔信号端子。
务必将驱动器的+15V、GND、HA、HB、HC 端子与电机的+15V、GND、HA、HB、HC 对应连接,错误的连接将导致电机工作异常,甚至损坏驱动器和电机。
另外霍尔信号电源+15V、GND 除说明书中明确所述用途之外,不得作为它用GND GNDF/R 电机正/反控制端子 EN 电机运行/停止控制端子 BK 制动控制端子 SV 外部模拟量调速端子。

5.7 250A 电流互感器外形尺寸..................................................................................................................................................12 5.7 800A 外置电流互感器外形尺寸..........................................................................................................................................13 5.8 漏电流互感器外形尺寸.......................................................................................................................................................13 5.9 显示模块外形尺寸...............................................................................................................................................................14 6 操作指南....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.1 90L 显示模块面板................................................................................................................................................................15 6.2 显示操作说明........................................................................................................................................................................ 15 6.3 面板设置信息及菜单概述...................................................................................................................................................16 7 保护功能.....................................................................................................................................................................................24 7.1 过载保护................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 7.2 断相/不平衡保护.................................................................................................................................................................. 25 7.3 剩余电流保护(接地/漏电).............................................................................................................................................. 25 7.4 堵转保护................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 7.5 阻塞保护................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 7.6 欠载(欠流)保护...............................................................................................................................................................26 7.7 起动超时保护........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 7.8 欠压保护...............................................................................................................................................................................26 7.9 过压保护...............................................................................................................................................................................26 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 8 欠功率保护.........................................................................................................................................................................26 相序保护.............................................................................................................................................................................26 外部故障保护.....................................................................................................................................................................26 温度保护.............................................................................................................................................................................26

1.3技术特点本装置具有如下主要技术特点:a)集保护、测量、信号等功能于一体;b)具有接地保护、过流保护、过压保护、低压保护、堵转保护、适合增安电机的TE 保护、缺相保护、逆序保护、过热保护、不平衡保护、启动时间过长保护、轻载保护共12种保护。
g)保护原理成熟可靠,能够经历长时间的现场运行考验;h)大屏幕LCD汉字显示,全中文菜单操作;二、主要技术参数2.1工作电源a)额定电源电压:220V,允许偏差:直流 -20 %~+10 %。
交流 -15 %~+10 %b)直流电源纹波系数:不大于5%。
c)额定频率:50Hz ,允许偏差:-5%~+5%;2.2交流回路a)交流电流:1~75KW电机使用我公司的CT1-CT7(根据电动机功率选配),大于75KW则需外配互感器和我公司提供的互感器配合使用。
沈阳新维自动化 AMDG-□ D1系列电动机保护器 说明书

13.9、AMDG-□/D1 系列电动机保护器13.9.1、4-20mA模拟量输出AMDG-□/D1 系列电动机保护器有3路与A、B、C相电流成比例、1路与电压成比例的4-20mA 模拟量输出,这4路模拟量与采集、保护电路及DSP相隔离。
4-20mA输出,表示的A、B、C相电流范围由参数C设置,C参数值以C4C3C2C1四位十进制数表示, C2是C参数右边数第二位十进制数,C2是4-20mA输出电流范围设置位,C2 = 0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8,对应的4-20mA输出表示A、B、C相电流分别是电动机保护器额定值的1、1.5、2、2.5、3、3.5、4、4.5、5倍。
0.I2C2=0对应的4-20mA表示的电流范围 C2=2对应的4-20mA表示的电流范围在上图中,I1表示A、B、C相电流(电动机保护器额定值的倍数),I2表示4-20mA模拟量输出值(mA)。
C2 = 0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8,对应的4-20mA输出表示A、B、C相电流(电动机保护器额定值的倍数)如下表。
C2 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 11 0 0.375 0.75 1.125 1.52 0 0.5 1 1.5 23 0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.54 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 35 0 0.875 1.75 2.625 3.56 0 1 2 3 47 0 1.125 2.25 3.375 4.58 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5电压的4-20mA模拟量,表示的电压范围是不受C2影响的。

1:产品概述1.1 产品简介本产品是一种电动机控制器,用于控制电动机的启动、停止和运行等操作。
1.2 产品特点(产品的特点,如输入电压范围、输出功率、工作温度等)2:安装与连接在安装和连接控制器时,请严格按照以下步骤进行操作:2.1 安装步骤(详细描述如何正确安装电动机控制器,包括所需工具和注意事项)2.2 连接步骤(详细描述如何正确连接控制器和电动机以及其他外部设备,包括接线方式和注意事项)3:控制器参数设置为了满足不同的电动机工作需求,控制器提供了一些可调参数,用户可以根据需求进行设置。
3.1 参数说明(详细介绍每个可调参数的含义和取值范围)3.2 参数设置方法(描述如何进入参数设置界面并设置各个参数的方法)4:控制器运行与调试在正式使用控制器之前,请先进行以下的运行和调试工作。
4.1 运行测试(描述如何进行控制器的运行测试,包括启动、停止、调速等操作)4.2 故障排除(可能出现的故障现象和排除方法)5:安全使用和维护为了确保用户的人身安全和设备正常工作,请用户遵守以下安全使用和维护规定。
5.1 安全使用(一些安全使用规定,如禁止在潮湿环境下使用、禁止超负荷运行等)5.2 维护注意事项(一些维护注意事项,如定期清洁、定期检查电气连接等)6:附件本文档附带以下附件(附件名称和内容),请查看相应附件以获取更详细的信息。
7:法律名词及注释7.1 电动机电动机,指将电能转化为机械能的装置。
7.2 控制器控制器,用于对电动机进行启动、停止和调速等操作的设备。

Cutler-Hammer D1-1M 电机控制组装-AMPGARD中高压启动器系列产品说明书

May 2001Cutler-HammerDescriptionThe AMPGARD medium voltage starter fami-ly provides flexibility never before available. Rated at 2200-7200 volts, up to 8000 hp, they are the first starters designed as integrated, complete units precisely matched to motor ratings, and engineered to provide compo-nent-to-component circuitry and front acces-sibility of all components and terminals.AMPGARD starters are used in a variety of in-dustrial process applications, such as Pulp & Paper, Petro-Chemical, HVAC (chillers), where proper control and protection of the motor and system are critical to the user. AMPGARD has been the industry leader in MV Motor Control for over 50 years in these applications and our starters have been de-signed with that experience behind them.FeaturesPersonnel safety : Positive mechanical isolat-ing switch with visible disconnect completely grounds and isolates the starter from the line connectors with a mechanically driven isolat-ing shutter, leaving no exposed high voltage. Medium voltage door is mechanically locked closed with the disconnect; low voltage sec-tion has separate door and is segregated from the medium voltage section.Ease of installation: Current limiting fuses, contactor assembly and isolating switch as-sembly are easily removed from the enclo-sure; line and load terminals are completely accessible from the front.Ease of maintenance: All components are front accessible, facilitating routine inspec-tion or parts replacement.Simplicity of design: Component-to-component design eliminates half of the electrical connections.Vacuum Contactor: The Type SL and SJ vacu-um contactors were designed and engineered specifically for use in AMPGARD starters. They are self-supporting, compact, drawout (or fixed design) three-pole contactors. The SL400 contactor utilizes a Solid-State Control board, allowing the user maximum flexibility to change control voltage and drop-out times in the field simply by adjusting DIP switch set-tings. To permit application matching of the starter to the motor rating, the SL400 contac-tor is availabile for 2200 through 7200 volts at ratings of 200 and 400 amperes (the 400 am-pere rating is for both open and enclosed ap-plications, further increasing flexibility with the highest rated 400A contactor available) and contactor interruption ratings of 8500A,allowing for higher levels of coordination with power fuses.The SJ800 contactor is also available applica-ble on systems from 2200 through 7200 volts. The 400 ampere SL contactor is available in both slide-out (fixed) and roll-out configura-tions. The 800 ampere contactor is availablein the roll-out design only.Description PageGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-1Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-1Personal Safety Features . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-2Component-to-Component Circuitry. . . .D1-3SL400 Ampere Slide-Out Contactor . . . .D1-4SL 400 Ampere Roll-Out Contactor. . . . .D1-5LFR Non-Loadbreak Isolating Switch . . .D1-6Current Limiting Fuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-7Contactor-Fuse Coordination. . . . . . . . . .D1-8Protection Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-9Low Voltage Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-10Main Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-11UL/CSA Certification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-11Incoming Line Arrangements . . . . . . . . .D1-12Drawout Potential Transformers. . . . . . .D1-12LBS Loadbreak Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-12Main Breaker AMPGARD ா(MBA) . . . . . .D1-13Synchronous Motor Control . . . . . . . . . .D1-15Solid State Reduced Voltage Starter. . . .D1-16Wiring Diagram Full Voltage . . . . . . . . . .D1-18Wiring Diagram Reduced VoltageAutotransformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-19 Layout Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-20Full Voltage – Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-20Primary Reactor Reduced Voltage. . . . . .D1-21Autotransformer Reduced Voltage . . . . .D1-22Synchronous Brush TypeMark V Solid State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-23Incoming Line/PT Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-24Main and Tie LBS Switch Layouts. . . . . .D1-25Main Breaker AMPGARD ா (MBA) . . . . . .D1-26 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-28Starter Application Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-28400 Ampere SL Contactor . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-28800 Ampere SL Contactor . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-29LBS Switch Ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-30Main Breaker AMPGARD ா (MBA) . . . . . .D1-30 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-31General DescriptionBCS Switchgear Inc.Cutler-HammerMay 2001Shutter Mechanism and Finger Barrier Isolation of Incoming Line Bus (Shown with Isolation Switch Removed)Personal Safety FeaturesOne of the most important considerations indesigning the AMPGARD Starter was person-nel safety. The result is an extensive system of interlocks and other safety features. InterlocksInterlocking on AMPGARD Starters includes: ● Isolating switch handle housing extendsover medium-voltage door when handle is in ON or OFF position, preventing door from being opened. ● Position for optional key interlocks. ● When door is open, detent prevents oper-ating handle from being moved inadvert-ently to OFF or ON position. ● When contactor is energized, isolatingswitch cannot be opened or closed.Other Safety FeaturesIn addition to the interlock system, AMP-GARD Starters include many other features designed to protect operating personnel. These features include:● Provision for three padlocks on isolating switch handle in OFF position. ● Operating handle must be rotated 90° to the horizontal service position in order to open main door, assuring complete isola-tion from the main power source. ● Shutter barrier between line terminals and fuse stabs are mechanically driven in both directions. (See Photo) ● Distinctive marking on back of switch as-sembly appears when shutter barrier is in position and starter is completely isolated from the line. ● Visible grounding clips provide a positive ground of the starter and main fuses to a grounding bus when the isolating switch is opened. ● High and low voltage circuits are compart-mentalized and isolated from each other.● Illustrated selected safety features, oper-ating instructions and renewal parts infor-mation are permanently mounted inside main enclosure door. ● The Drawout Isolation Switch is easily removed by loosening two bolts in the front casting. The shutter is mechanically interlocked when the switch is withdrawn.Distinctive Marking When Shutter is in Closed PositionMotion of ShutterGeneral DescriptionMay 2001Cutler-HammerComponent-to-Component CircuitryAll major components of AMPGARD starters — mechanical isolating switch, vacuum con-tactor, current transformers and controltransformer — were designed specifically to function together as an integrated starter unit.One of the most important design features, however, is the component-to-component circuit concept employed to eliminate 50% of the current carrying junctions.The flow of power through a vacuum-break controller can be traced by referring to the lower portion of this figure where the starter is shown in the energized position. The line stab assembly mounted at the back of the en-closure also serves as the starter line termi-nals (1). The stabs themselves are engaged by the fuse jaws (2) of the isolating switch which is mounted on rails at the top of the en-closure. The line ferrules (3) of the current-limiting motor-starting power fuses (4), clip into the fuse jaws, and the load ferrules (5) fit into the fuse holders (6) which are part of the contactor line terminals. Power flow through the contactor is from the load ferrules of the power fuse, through the shunts (7), and the vacuum interrupters (bottles) of the contactor (8), to the contactor load terminals (9).Spring loaded contact jaws mounted on the contactor load terminals plug into the lower stab assembly (10), providing a convenient connection through the current transformers to the motor load terminals mounted on the left hand side wall of the enclosure.Section View of 400 Ampere Two-High StartersGeneral DescriptionBCS Switchgear Inc.Cutler-HammerMay 2001Vacuum ContactorThe Type SL Vacuum Contactor wasdesigned and engineered specifically for use in AMPGARD Starters. It is a self-supporting, compact, draw-out, three-pole, Dc Magnet closed contactor. To permit application matching of the starter to the motor rating, the SL Contactor is available for 2200 through 7200 volts at ratings of 400 and 800 amperes. The 400 Amp contactor is available in both the standard slide-out configuration and the optional roll-out design. The 800-Amp con-tactor is available in the roll-out design only. DesignThe Type SL Vacuum Contactor is a highly versatile, low-chop contactor that has been designed and tested to withstand 60 kV BIL. The contactor complies in all respects with published NEMA Industrial Control standards and is a CSA recognized component. The SL is designed for starting and controlling 3-phase, 50/60 hertz ac motors up to 2500, 5000, and 7200 volt systems.The type SL Vacuum Contactor has field se-lectable settings for cost voltage, AC/DC, and coil drop-out time.The Type SL accommodates mechanicalinterlocks between itself and other contactorsType SL 400 Ampere Vacuum Contactor Slide-Outand the isolating switch. These time proven interlocks provide unmatched safety and ser-vice protection.The Type SL Vacuum Contactor consists of a molded chassis with crossbar, magnet, and vacuum interrupters. The contactor is easily positioned into the starter and long-life vacu-um bottles provide many operations with a minimal maintenance program. The contac-tor employs special main contact materials that exhibit an extremely low chopping cur-rent which minimizes switching surge. Surge protection is therefore not required due to the use of the vacuum contactor. Surge suppres-sion may be required, however, for reasons other than the vacuum contactor.The contactor design incorporates fuse clamps for the load side of the current limit-ing fuses and provides for connection to the high- voltage side of the control power trans-former. CPTs of up to 2 kVA capacity are mounted on the contactor. The contactor op-erating coil has a built-in full wave silicone rectifier which supplies dc power for quiet operation and allows for proper contactor-fuse coordination.MaintenanceEase of maintenance is one of the outstand-ing features of the Cutler-Hammer VacuumContactor line. A simple go/no go gauge for checking contact wear is included with each contactor. It is not necessary to draw-out the contactor to check for contact wear or to replace the main operating coil or electrical interlocks mounted on the contactor. All are front accessible. The vacuum contactors are also much lighter than the previous genera-tion airbreak contactors, which allows for easier insertion and removal from the starter structure.400 Ampere Slide-OutThe slide-out version of the SLContactor is supplied as standard for those applications requiring a 400-Amp Contactor. The contac-tor slides into the AMPGARD structure on steel rails. Medium-voltage cables connect the contactor load terminals to the lug land-ings for the motor load cables. A 3-phase cur-rent transformer and, when required, 3-phase potential transformer and ground fault zero sequence current transformer, are mounted on the contactor. A pull apart terminal block connects the contactor to the low-voltage control panel.The contactor is easily removed from the structure by removing three bolts securing the load cables, one bolt in each of the two mounting rails and one bolt connecting the isolating switch interlock arm.General DescriptionZero SequenceGround Fault Transformer (When Specified)3-Phase Current TransformerFront ViewRear ViewTest Receptacle and PlugPull ApartTerminal Blocks to Works in the drawer Control PanelConnection to Isolating Switch Electrical InterlockMounting For LoadSide Main Power Fuses400 Ampere Vacuum Bottles rated 7200 VoltsStep Down Control TransformerMay 2001Cutler-HammerType SL 400 Ampere Vacuum Contactor Roll-Out with Wheels and Load Fingers400-Amp Roll-OutA roll-out version of the 400-Amp Contactor is an available option. The roll-out contactor is mounted on wheels and simply rolls into the AMPGARD structures. Contactor load fingers engage a load stab as the contactor is insert-ed into the structure. The contactor is latched in position and it can easily be removed by re-leasing the latch mechanism. This allows the contactor to be removed from the starter without disconnecting any medium-voltage cables.The 400A roll-out contactor is electrically and mechanically interchangeable with the previ-ous generation 2500/5000V, 400-ampere air-break contactor and SJ Vacuum Contactor.800-Amp Roll-OutThe 800 ampere Vacuum Contactor is avail-able in a roll-out design only. It has the same basic features as the 400-amp roll-out.All AMPGARD Medium-Voltage Contactors are also available with a mechanical latch at-tachment (mechanically latched versus mag-netically held closed). The latched design is used on applications where the contactor must remain closed through a voltage dip or voltage failure. The contactor is opened(tripped) by energizing a separate electrically operated solenoid with either one or two op-erating trip coils of different voltages.Reversing, reduced-voltage and multi-speed contactors are also available.800-Ampere Vacuum Contactor 7200-Volt MaximumRoll-Out with Wheels and Load FingersGeneral DescriptionFront ViewRear ViewStep Down Control TransformerTest Receptacle and PlugMechanical Interlock Interface to Isolation Switchmechanical isolation switch)Latch mechanism visual check to ensure contactor completely rolled inSelf-aligning contactor load fingers400 Ampere Vacuum BottlesMolded base to ensure propermechanical alignmentRoll-out WheelsPhase BarriersCutler-HammerMay 2001Type LFR Mechanical Non-Loadbreak Isolating SwitchLFR Isolation SwitchThe LFR draw-out, light weight, three-pole, manually operated isolating switch is mount-ed on slide rails in the top of the enclosure. It may be easily removed by loosening two bolts in the front casting.The component-to-component circuitry con-cept utilizes the current limiting fuses as part of the isolating switch. The switch fuse jaw is constructed so that firm pressure is applied to the fuse ferrule when the switch is in the ON position, yet also allows the fuse to be easily removed or inserted when the switch is open.A positive mechanical interlock between the isolating switch and contactor prevents the isolating switch from being opened when the contactor is closed and from being closed if the contactor is closed.The isolating switch handle is designed to break off if the operator uses too much force in trying to open the non-loadbreak isolating switch when the contactor is closed.To operate the isolating switch, the operating handle is moved through a 180° vertical arc from the ON to the OFF position. In the ON and OFF position a portion of the handle housing extends over the starter high-voltage door, preventing the door from being opened. From the OFF position, the handle must be rotated 90° counterclockwise to a horizontal service position which allows the high-voltage door to be opened. When the high-voltage door is open, a door interlock prevents the handle from being inadvertently returned to the OFF position. From the hori-zontal service position, the handle cannot be moved to the ON position without first mov-ing to the vertical OFF position.When the operating handle is moved from ON to OFF, copper fingers are withdrawn from incoming line stabs. As the fingers with-draw, they automatically tilt up so they are visible above the top of the fuses when viewed from the front, and simultaneously grounded. At the same time as the fingers are withdrawn, a mechanically-driven insulating shutter moves across the back barrier to pre-vent front access to the line connections. As the shutter slides into position, distinctive markings appear on the back barrier, making it easier to check the position of the fuses and barriers. Refer to page D1-2.400 Ampere Isolation Switch Mechanical InterlockInterface to Roll-OutContactorIsolation Switch LineFingersFront View Rear ViewSliding Tray Interlocks toOperate Shutter Mechanism800 Ampere Isolation SwitchGeneral DescriptionMay 2001Cutler-HammerON PositionOFF PositionHandle Being Moved to Horizontal Service PositionHandle In Horizontal Service PositionBlown Fuse IndicatorDouble Barrel Fuses Used for 800 Amp StartersControl Transformer Primary FusesGeneral Description。

目 录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术参数 (2)三、型号规格 (3)四、执行机构外形及安装尺寸 (7)五、执行机构的接线 (15)六、开箱和产品的陈套性 (20)七、运输和贮存 (20)八、质量承诺 (20)一、概述AI、MI系列智能型电动执行机构是在引进产品ROTORK A、M系列电动执行机构的基础上,采用当今最先进的超大规模数字集成电路研制而成的新一代智能化、数字化、中/英文菜单显示、遥控操作的电动执行机构。
本产品执行的标准代号及名称:Q/YXBM 233 -2004《ID系列智能型电动执行机构》。
菜单式操作,凸现了调试简单、操作方便的优点非侵入式设计——采用双密封结构、无贯通轴设计,无需打开电气端盖即可通过遥控器进行设定和调试,是防护等级IP68的绝对保证2、AI、MI智能型电动执行机构的功能:遥控器设定功能执行机构阀位指示显示功能行程限位保护功能力矩限位保护功能状态指示触点功能1)中途限位 4)执行器正在运行 7)远程控制 10)手轮操作中 13)行程中力矩跳断 2)执行器正在打开 5)就地停止 8)开阀联锁 11)开阀力矩跳断3)执行器正在关闭 6)就地控制 9)关阀联锁 12)关阀力矩跳断阀门报警功能控制系统报警指示1)过力矩报警功能 2)堵转报警功能 a 、关方向过力矩 a 、关方向堵转 b 、开方向过力矩 b 、开方向堵转 c 、全方向过力矩 c 、全方向堵转1)紧急事件(ESD)报警 2)断信号报警执行机构报警指示1)电机过热报警 3)内电源故障报警 5)内部系统故障报警 7)就地接线故障报警 2)电池电量过低报警 4)电源缺相报警 6)阀位信号掉失保护 瞬间反向保护功能就地控制电动/自保持选择功能触点方式选择功能外部联锁设置功能条件控制设置功能两线控制设置功能力矩旁路设置功能ESD超越保护功能中断设置功能附加指示触点功能3、AI、MI智能型电动执行机构的工作原理:AI、MI系列多转式智能型电动执行机构由三相异步电动机驱动,通过蜗轮蜗杆减速,带动空心输出轴转动输出转矩。

电机智能保护控制器说明书一、控制接线图表1 QQ1245246431.三相电机输入接线端子。
从左往右分别为:电源(+12V), 地(GND),运行控制信号,故障反馈信号。
Eaton Moeller PKZM01电机保护电路保护器说明说明书

Eaton 283383Eaton Moeller® series PKZM01 Motor-protective circuit-breaker, 660 V 690 V: 15 kW, Ir= 16 - 20 A, IP20 PKZM01-20General specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZM01 Motor-protective circuit-breaker283383401508283383193 mm 90 mm 45 mm 0.299 kgCSA-C22.2 No. 60947-4-1-14 UL 60947-4-1 UL File No.: E36332 CSA File No.: 165628 CE CSAUL Category Control No.: NLRV CSA Class No.: 3211-05 VDE 0660 IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 60947-4-1 UL CSA ULProduct NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications20 A2 x (1 - 6) mm², ferrule to DIN 462281 x (1 - 6) mm², ferrule to DIN 46228Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.25 °C9 kWMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.20 A (3 contacts in series), DC-5 up to 250V20 A, AC-3 up to 440 V10 mm40 °C50 kAMeets the product standard's requirements.40 °C310 A eaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-characteristic-curve-008.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-pkz-characteristic-curve-003.epsDA-DC-00004884.pdfDA-DC-00004914.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm01-3d-drawing.epsETN.PKZM01-20IL03402034ZIL03407011ZIL122012ZUIL122023ZUDA-CS-pkzm01DA-CD-pkzm01Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Terminal capacity (flexible with ferrule)10.11 Short-circuit ratingAmbient operating temperature (enclosed) - minRated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.2.5 LiftingSwitching capacityStripping length (main cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - maxRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 400 V AC Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Ambient storage temperature - minAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - max 10.8 Connections for external conductors Characteristic curve Declarations of conformity DibujoseCAD model Instrucciones de instalaciónManuales y guías de uso mCAD modelIs the panel builder's responsibility.Assigned motor power at 575/600 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase15 HPProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact when actuated from front (EN 50274)Actuator typePush buttonRated operational power at AC-3, 440 V, 50 Hz11 kWAmbient operating temperature - max55 °CRated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz5.5 kWAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase1.5 HPClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78Device constructionBuilt-in device fixed built-in techniqueFeaturesPhase-failure sensitivity (according to IEC/EN 60947-4-1, VDE 0660 Part 102)Lifespan, electrical50,000 operations (at 400V, AC-3)Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 WElectrical connection type of main circuitScrew connection10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesThree-poleAmbient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to beevaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionCan be snapped on to IEC/EN 60715 top-hat rail with 7.5 or15 mm height.Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)20 ATripping characteristicOverload trigger: tripping class 10 AShort-circuit releaseBasic device fixed 15.5 x Iu, Trip Blocks± 20% tolerance, Trip blocks310 A, Irm, Setting range max.10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid1.94 WOperating frequency25 Operations/hProduct categoryMotor protective circuit breakerOverload release current setting - min16 AEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid5.82 WHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WAssigned motor power at 200/208 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase5 HPRated operational current (Ie)20 ASuitable forAlso motors with efficiency class IE3Branch circuit: Manual type E if used with terminal, or suitable for group installations, (UL/CSA)Internal resistance5 mΩTemperature compensation≤ 0.25 %/K, residual error for T > 40°-5 - 40 °C to IEC/EN 60947, VDE 0660-25 - 55 °C, Operating rangeTerminal capacity (solid)1 x (1 - 6) mm²2 x (1 - 6) mm²Rated frequency - min50 HzShort-circuit current60 kA DC, up to 250 V DC, Main conducting pathsPower loss5.82 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical50,000 Operations (Main conducting paths)Terminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)18 - 10Overload release current setting - max20 A10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionTerminals: IP00IP20Rated frequency - max60 HzSwitch off techniqueThermomagneticAmbient storage temperature - max80 °CAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - min 310 APollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)6000 V ACConnectionScrew terminals10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsPhase failure sensitiveMotor protectionTightening torque1.7 Nm, Screw terminals, Main cableRated operational voltage (Ue) - min690 VAssigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase3 HP10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Todos los derechos reservados. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia25 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 10 ms690 V Max. 2000 mShock resistanceRated operational voltage (Ue) - max Altitude。
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A M R-D1系列电动机保护控制器用户手册VER: 2.2上海埃盟机电科技有限公司二〇一二年二月十日目录一.总介.....................................................................- 3 -1.1总体概述 (3)1.2功能概述 (3)1.3性能概述 (4)1.4工作环境 (4)1.5符号对照表 (4)1.6外形安装尺寸 (5)二.技术参数.................................................................- 6 -2.1测量 (6)2.2保护 (6)2.3保护技术特性 (8)2.4上电自起动功能 (15)2.5欠压重起动功能 (15)2.6失压重起动功能 (15)三.参数设置及应用..........................................................- 15 -3.1AMR-D1面板 (15)3.2端子 (16)3.3AMR-D1X显示模块显示模块 (16)3.4参数设置及功能应用 (17)附录A......................................................................- 37 -M ODBUS协议简述 (37)通讯应用格式说明 (38)AMR-D1系列通讯地址表 (41)一.总介1.1 总体概述AMR-D1系列电动机管理控制器,是按IEC 国际标准开发的智能化、网络化、数字化低压电动机保护控制器;其改变了传统的电动机保护与控制模式,取代了热继电器,电流互感器,中间继电器,变送器等常规电器元件,在全面实现保护、测量、控制一体化的同时,将先进的网络通讯技术和分布式智能技术溶入MCC 控制中心中;从而为工业生产过程控制提供了科学有效的现场级保护、测控单元。
¾具有过负载、电流不平衡、接地/漏电、欠电流、堵转、欠压、过压、欠功率、启动加速超时等多种数字式保护功能,满足直接启动,双向启动、星/三角启动等启动方式;¾丰富的记录功能,可记录多次故障发生时参数瞬时值,指导故障分析;¾保护功能配置灵活,方便用户兼顾安全生产和连续生产的平衡;¾保护控制模块与显示操作单元采用分体安装结构,安装/维护极为灵活;¾实现电动机回路的三相电流、接地电流等多种电参数的测量;¾可与RTU、PLC 及多种微机工控组态软件(iFIX、WinCC、Intouch、组态王、MCGS)实现网络通讯,构成分布式综合电力监控系统。
1.2 功能概述模拟量输出一路4~20MA信号输出 ■三相电流■接地电流■电流不平衡率■热容量■三相电压■频率■测量功能漏电电流■有功功率■功率因数■电能■定值设定各种保护定值查询、整定■故障信息实时查询故障/报警信息■■启动参数设定控制权限、启动等参数查询、整定系统参数设定地址、波特率、电机额定值等参■数查询、整定注:在不选配显示模块的情况下,DI/DO 状态、测量功能、定值设定、故障信息、管理信息、启动参数、系统参数的查询或设定可以通过RS-485 串行通讯接口由计算机来进行。
1.3 性能概述¾额定工作电源:85~265V AC¾额定电压:AC380V, 50HZ¾额定电流: 2A,6.3A,25A,63A ,100A自带电流互感器250A,500A,800A采用外置电流互感器¾输出节点额定容量:AC250V/5A; DC30V/5A¾开关量输入:内部24V电源,光藕隔离1.4 工作环境¾周围环境温度不高于60℃,不低于-25℃;¾污染等级2级;¾安装类别Ⅲ。
1.5 符号对照表符号 含义I n控制器额定电流,对应所配电机的最大额定电流I g控制器输出触点的额定工作电流IΔnm外加漏电互感器的额定电流I r控制器的各种保护电流整定值I q控制器接地电流整定值IΔn控制器漏电动作电流整定值t r控制器整定时间I r1电机额定电流I r2堵转过流保护设定电流I r3欠载保护设定电流I r4缺相或不平衡设定电流Un 电动机额定电压P n电动机额定功率U s控制器工作电压U r1欠压保护设定值U r2过电压保护设定值U r3欠电压重起动保护设定值t 故障延时动作时间I 实际线路电流I m控制器最大分断电流P r欠功率保护设定值K过载曲线速率Kc 接地/漏电保护特性剪切系数Cc 电机热容量1.6 外形安装尺寸二.技术参数2.1 测量项目 范围 精度10% I n~120% I n±1%电流120% I n~800% I n±2%接地电流 10% I r1~100% I r1±2%漏电电流 10% I r1~100% I r1±2%电压 50%Ue~150%Ue±1%频率 45Hz~65Hz ±0.05Hz功率因数 -1~1±1%功率 0~1000KW ±5%电能 0~65535kWh ±5%2.2 保护功能 项目 内容2A,6.3A,25A,63A,100A自带互感器 控制器额定电流 In250A,500A,800A采用外置互感器漏电互感器额定值IΔn1000 mA电机额定电流 I r12A(0.5A~2A);6.3A(2A~6.3A);25A(6.3A~25A);63A(25A~63A);100A(63A~100A);250A(100A~250A);500A(250A~500A) ;800A(500A~800A)电机额定电压 Un 380V 控制器工作电源85~265V AC不动作特性 <105% I r1,2h 内不动作 动作特性 >120% I r1,1h 内延时动作曲线速率K 10 16 24 40 60 80 100 130 180 280 400 600800 1000 1200 1300 冷热曲线比 20%~100% 冷却时间 5~1080min 起动允许热容 方式一、二 故障复位方式 手动/自动 过载保护执行方式跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 100% I r1~允许分断电流+OFF 延时时间整定范围 0.5~50S 堵转保护执行方式 跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 (20%~100%)I r1 +OFF 延时时间整定范围 0.5~50S 欠载保护执行方式 跳闸/报警 动作值整定范围 5%~60%+OFF 延时时间整定范围 0.1~50S 缺相保护 或不平衡保护执行方式 跳闸/报警 起动加速超时 执行方式 跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 30% I r1~100% I r1 +OFF; 起动延时时间 1~60S 运行延时时间 1~60S 剪切系数 1.5~6+OFF 接地保护执行方式跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 10% I Δm ~100% I Δm +OFF 起动延时时间 1~60S 运行延时时间 1~60S 剪切系数 1.5~6+OFF *漏电保护执行方式跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 (45%~95%)Un +OFF 延时时间整定范围 0.1S~50S *欠电压保护 执行方式跳闸/报警动作值整定范围 (105%~150%)Un +OFF 延时时间整定范围 0.1S~50S *过电压保护 执行方式跳闸/报警 执行方式跳闸/报警 *外部故障延时时间整定范围 0.1S~60S 故障允许分断电流整定范围6~10 I r1 +OFF执行方式 跳闸/报警 动作值整定范围 20%~95% Pn +OFF *欠功率保护 延时时间整定范围1~60S *相序保护 保护设置使能/禁止 tE 时间设定tEp(7倍额定电流时允许堵转时间) 1.0~15.0 S+OFF*tE 时间保护执行方式跳闸/报警注:*为增选功能,订货时需注明;0FF 表示功能关闭。
2.3 保护技术特性AMR-D1通过对电机的三相电流、三相电压、漏电电流及接触器状态的实时监测,实现对电机的完善保护。
2.3.1 反时限过载保护过载保护反映定子、转子绕组的平均发热状况,防止电动机过热。
过载保护需设定如下参数: 电机额定电流I r12A(0.5A~2A);6.3A(2A~6.3A);25A(6.3A~25A);63A(25A~63A);100A(63A~100A);250A(100A~250A);500A(250A~500A) 800A(500A~800A)曲线速率K 10 16 24 40 60 80 100 130 180 280 400 600 800 1000 1200 1300 冷热曲线比 20%~100% 冷却时间 5~1080 分钟 起动允许热容 方式一、二 故障复位方式 手动/自动 保护动作方式跳闸/报警2.3.1.1过载动作特性曲线当电机在过负载故障运行时,控制器根据电机的发热特性,计算电机的热容量I 2t,对电机进行保护.其延时特性如下:22log ( 1.151.15e N K N t ×−=其中N=I/Ir1,K 为曲线速率,t 为实际动作时间。
I 为实际电流,Ir1为电机额定电流。
其中:N=I/Ir1K 与曲线号对应的曲线系数。
t 实际动作时间。
控制器对电机的热容以百分数计,最大值为100%。 电机稳态热容1(100%)T r ICc K I =− 其中:Cc---热容量。
I---电机实际运行电流 I r1 ---电机额定电流K T ---电机冷热态曲线比例,其选择的范围为20%~100% 选择的原则为:*100%电机热态允许堵转时间电机冷态允许堵转时间2.3.1.3 电机的冷却特性当电机从运行进入停车时或运行中电机运行电流下降时,控制器根据电机的冷却特性控制电机的冷却:/t T CH Cc C e −=×其中: Cc---当前热容.Cc H --停车前电机热容或电机运行电流下降时刻的热容,如电机因为过载故障过作则此值为100%.T-----设定的冷却时间/5. t-----已经过去的冷却时间.例: 电机因过载故障过作,设定冷却时间为30分钟,则热容冷却到15%的时间为: 15=100* e -t/(30/5)则 t=-ln(15/100)*6 =11.38 (分钟)。