





















01 国内航线船舶货物系固手册编写指南- 钢材运输部分资料

01 国内航线船舶货物系固手册编写指南- 钢材运输部分资料

国内航行船舶货物系固手册编写指南二○一○年月目录1.总则 (1)2.适用范围 (1)3.编写要求 (1)4.主要内容 (2)5.本指南包括的附则 (2)6.定义 (2)1.总则1.1为提高航运公司安全管理水平,保障船舶水上交通安全,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国航运公司安全与防污染管理规定》等法律、行政部门规章,并参考国际海事组织《货物积载和系固安全操作规则》,结合我国实际情况,制定本指南。















中国船级社货物系固手册编制指南 2022

中国船级社货物系固手册编制指南 2022

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船舶货物系固手册二○一五年一月目录1. 总则 (1)适用范围 .............................................................. 1 2.编写要求 .............................................................. 1 3.主要内容 .............................................................. 4. 2本指南包括的附则 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.定义 .6. (2)21.总则1.1为提高航运公司安全管理水平,保障船舶水上交通安全,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国航运公司安全与防污染管理规定》等法律、行政部门规章,并参考国际海事组织《货物积载和系固安全操作规则》,结合我国实际情况,制定本指南。






















国内航行船舶货物系固手册(钢材运输部分)船名(盖章):公司(盖章):编制日期:修改记录船舶资料船舶货舱布置图及相关数据数据位置许用载荷P(t/㎡)舱底板甲板舱盖1号货舱————2号货舱——--目录1总则.............................................................................................‥1 1。

1说明....................................................................................‥ (1)1。

2运输风险 (1)1。

3定义 (1)2系固设备 (2)2.1配备 (2)2.2检查与维护 (2)3积载与系固 (3)3。

1卷材 (3)3。

2管材 (7)3.3板材 (7)3.4线材 (9)3.5型材 (11)3.6金属废料 (12)3.7混合装载 (12)附件1:货物系固设备的检查和维护记录 (13)附件2:系固设备的检查和维护制度 (14)附件3:船上货物系固设备的更新记录 (17)附件4:固定式系固设备布置图及(或)可移动式系固设备示意图 (18)1。











船舶载运重大件货物绑扎系固指导手册1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在提供一份详细的船舶载运重大件货物绑扎系固指导手册。



1.2 文章结构本文分为五个主要部分。






1.3 目的本指导手册旨在为船舶运输行业从业人员提供一份详实可行的参考资料,帮助他们正确、安全地进行船舶载运重大件货物的绑扎与系固操作。





2. 船舶载运重大件货物绑扎系固指导手册2.1 货物绑扎与系固的重要性在船舶上载运重大件货物时,正确的绑扎和系固操作至关重要。




货物系固手册编制指南MSC.1/Circ.1353决议经修订的货物系固手册准备指南1、(略)2、(略)3、本修订后的指南是基于原来MSC/Circ.745附则里的指南并扩展加入了集装箱绑扎的安全通道布置,并参考了修订后的货物积载及系固安全实施规则(CSS Code)。





《货物系固手册编制指南》具体内容前言1、根据1974年SOLAS公约的第VI、VII章和“货物积载及系固安全实施规则”(CSS Code),货物单元包括集装箱都要按照主管机关批准的“货物系固手册”积载和系固并贯穿整个航次。











• 《货物系固手册》为船长和船员提供了正确的货物单元的积载和系固 的指导,在装载单元货物时,有责任对船上所装运的货物单元,按系 固手册的要求进行有效的积载和系固,并确保船上有足够数量的系固 设备和衬垫物;《货物系固手册》的内容不排除运用船员良好的船艺, 也不能替代船员在积载和系固方面的经验做法。
• 《货物系固手册》中包括货物系固装置的检查与维护方法,这些检查 与维护是由船东或船员进行,并应作相应记录;为了修理和更新货物 系固装置,船东或船员应了解货物系固装置的损坏和磨损的极限,货物 系固装置检查与维护的方法可参考供货商的说明和船东的经验。
• 按《系固规则》要求,所有装载除固体和液体散装 货及木材甲板货外的国际航行船舶,自1998年1月1 日起必须随船配备经批准的《货物系固手册》。 《货物系固手册》由船公司根据所属船舶的实际情 况,按SOLAS公约要求编写,由主管机关批准,用 来作为船舶货物系固工作的指南,它也是装载货物
• 对于新船,应根据要求,备全其固定式与便携式系固装置的所有文件 和数据。对于现有船,将不考虑检查其固定式系固装置及其支承结构 的强度,但尽可能提供便携式系固装置的证书。应在《货物系固手册》 中说明:现有固定式、便携式系固装置及其支承结构在实际营运中被 证明是安全有效的,如果他们被良好地维护并用于预定的用途,将不 再提交审批。当在船上增加和更新系固装置时,应具有合适的证书。
• 1)封面、扉页(船舶资料)、说明; • 2)总则:包括编制手册的依据、监督审批的主管机关、适用范围、定 义及其它等; • 3)货物安全积载和系固原则; • 4)船上系固装置及其配置和检修; • 5)标准货物、半标准货物、非标准货物的安全积载和系固的操作指南; • 6)货物系固方案的核查评估等; • 7)附件(记录表式)。 • 所有配备《货物系固手册》的船舶在装载货物单元时,都应按手册的 要求执行。



第 1 章

1.1 缩写与定义 1.1.1 本指南所用缩写如下: (1) IMO:国际海事组织; (2) MSC:国际海事组织的海上安全委员会; (3) DSC:海上安全委员会有关危险货物、固体货物和集装箱的分委员会; (4) SOLAS:国际海上人命安全公约; (5) CSS:国际海事组织的《货物堆装和系固安全实用规则》 ; (6) CSM:货物系固手册; (7) CSAP:货物安全通道布置; (8) IACS:国际船级社协会。 1.1.2 本指南所用定义如下: (1) 货物单元系指车辆(公路车辆,滚装拖车) ,铁路车辆,集装箱,板材,托盘, 便携式容器,可拆集装箱构件,包装单元,成组货,其他货物运输单元如船运 箱盒,件杂货如线材卷,重货如火车头和变压器。不是永久固定在船上的船舶 自带的装载设备或其他部件,也应被视为货物单元; (2) 标准货系指已根据货物单元的特定形式在船上设置了经批准的系固系统的货物; (3) 半标准货系指在船上设置的系固系统仅适应有限变化的货物单元; (4) 非标准货系指需要专门的堆装和系固安排的货物; 1.2 说明 1.2.1 本指南遵照 1974 年 SOLAS 及其修正案(第 6 章第 5 条和第 7 章第 5 条)和 MSC.1/Circ.1353 的要求编制。 1.2.2 本指南主要为船东编制 CSM 提供通用性的指导和方法。 1.2.3 本指南是中国船级社审批 CSM 的依据。 1.2.4 本指南符合 1.3 所述文件的要求。如船旗国政府主管机关另有规定,则系固手 册同时应满足船旗国政府主管机关的规定。 1.3 依据 1.3.1 本指南编写时依据的文件如下: (1) 1974 年 SOLAS 及其修正案,第 6 章货物运输和第 7 章危险货物的运输; (2) 《1966 年国际载重线公约》及其修正案; (3) 《国际海运危险货物规则》 ; (4) MSC.1/Circ.1353《货物系固手册编制指南》 ; (5) A.1048(27)决议《木材甲板货运输船安全实用规则》 ; (6 ) A.714(17)决议《货物堆装和系固安全操作规则》及其修正案,包括: MSC/ Circ.691(第 1 章及附则 5 的修订) 、MSC/Circ.740(附则 12 的修订) 、MSC/ Circ.1026(附 则 13 的修订) 、MSC.1/Circ.1352(新增附则 14 甲板集装箱安全系固作业指南); (7) A.489(XII)决议 《成组货物和其他实物在非分格式集装箱船舶上的安全堆装和系 固》 ; (8) A.533(13)决议《在考虑货物单元和车辆在船舶上的安全堆装和系固问题时应计 及的因素》及其修正案 MSC.1/Circ.1354; (9) A.581(14) 决 议 《 滚 装 船 运 输 道 路 车 辆 系 固 装 置 指 南 》 及 其 修 正 案



货物系固手册CARGO SECURING MANUALXX轮MV. XXX本手册是根据1974年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)及其修正案要求,且按照MSC.1/Circ.1353 (货物系固手册编制指南)的具体要求和格式编制。

This manual was made according to the requirement of SOLAS including its amendments, and format of MSC.1/Circ.1353.编制公司:Company:编制时间Date:批准机构Approved by:批准时间Approval date:船舶信息Information of ship船名Name of Ship:船旗国Flag:船型Type of Ship:船东Owner:船级社Class:IMO No.:垂线间长LBP:型宽Berth:型深Depth吃水Draught:总吨GT:初稳性高度GM0:本手册由ClassIBS验船师贺彤、刘颖钊依照经修订的《货物系固手册编制指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1353)编写。




目录Catalog前言Preamble第一章总则Chapter 1 General1.1定义Definitions1.2手册的准备Preparation of the manual1.3通用信息General information第二章系固设备及其布置Chapter 2 Securing devices and arrangements2.1固定式系固设备Specification for fixed cargo securing devices2.2便携式系固设备Specification for portable cargo securing devices2.3检查和维修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes第三章非标准货与半标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 3 Stowage and securing of non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo 3.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions3.2对作用在货物单元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units3.3在各种货物单元、车辆和堆装区的便携式系固设备的应用Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.4滚装船的附加要求(略)Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.5散货船Bulk carrier第四章集装箱与其他标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 4 Stowage and securing of containers and other standardized cargo4.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions4.2堆装和系固方案Stowage and securing instructions4.3 其他允许的堆装方式other allowable stowage patterns4.4作用在货物单元上的外力Forces acting on cargo units第五章货物安全通道布置CHAPTER 5 Cargo safe access plan(CSAP)附件1:船上货物系固设备的更新记录Annex 1: renewal record of securing devices附件2:船上货物系固设备的检查、保养和维护记录Annex 2: Inspect and maintain record of securing devices前言PREAMBLE1. 根据1974年SOLAS公约的第VI章第5条、第VII章第5条和“货物堆装及系固安全实施规则”(CSS Code),货物单元包括集装箱都要按照主管机关批准的《货物系固手册》堆装和系固并贯穿整个航次。



货物系固手册船名:IMO 号:挂旗国:中国船型:散货船日期:年月2船舶主要信息船名IMO号挂旗国中国呼号官方号/建造方工程号建造日期2011 年注册港籍船型散货船船级社CCS ★CSA Bulk Carrier BC-A CSR,ESP,GRAB(20), Hold 2&4 maybe Empty, Strengthened for Heavy Cargoes, BWMP,Loading Computer S.I.G., In-Water Survey★CSM,AUT-O,SCM总长米垂线间长米型宽米型深米最大型吃水12.8米夏季吃水12.8米总吨位(国际)总吨位32888 净吨位19142 载重吨设计航速(节)14.2压载速度(节)14.47容量(箱)0舱口盖数量 5舱口盖尺寸(长X宽X深)1号舱口盖:18.86m×18.26m×0.90m 2~5号舱口盖:21.32m×18.26m×0.90m货舱数量 5货舱尺寸(长X宽X深)1号舱:27.88m×32.26m×16.76m 2号舱:31.16m×32.26m×16.76m 3号舱:29.52m×32.26m×16.76m 4号舱:31.16m×32.26m×16.76m 5号舱:29.52m×32.26m×16.76m仓容(米3)1号舱:2号舱:3号舱:4号舱:5号舱:克令吊安全工作负荷/ 最大半径/上船台时间年11月29日船东舱底和平底的平面面积(长×宽)3位置1号舱2号舱3号舱4号舱5号舱舱底(米2)大约535.11 大约683.75 大约644.68 大约683.75 大约481.28平底(米2)长×宽;长×(前宽,后宽)米27.88×(10.71,23.82)28.7×23.82427.06×23.82428.7×23.82429.52×(23.824,9.064)设计载重:位置1号货舱2号货舱3号货舱4号货舱5号货舱货舱区域内底板(吨/米2)25 20 25 20 25说明:舱盖和主甲板上不能装载货物GM典型布置装载位置型吃水(m)相应载重量.(tones)排水量GMin mDeparture100﹪ConsumpleArrival 10﹪Consumple钢板卷在各货舱12.765 53975.0 67508.0 8.34 8.51平均数12.8 57081.0 67681.0 2.84 2.96容量数据货舱数据总结装载货物为散装序号货舱位置肋位号容量(米3)横向中心(米)垂向中心(米)1 1号货舱货舱内部183-217 12339.1 160.497 10.099舱口围188-211 670.8 160.95 19.498 Σ183-217 13009.9 160.513 10.5482 2号货舱货舱内部145-183 14634.4 131.341 9.834舱口围151-177 698.9 131.84 19.398 Σ145-183 15333.3 131.364 10.273 3号货舱货舱内部109-145 13954.2 101.001 9.836舱口围114-140 698.9 101.500 19.398 Σ109-145 14553.1 101.025 10.2954 4号货舱货舱内部71-109 14634.4 70.661 9.834舱口围77-103 698.9 71.16 19.398 Σ71-109 15333.3 70.648 10.2705 5号货舱货舱内部35-71 12700.3 41.081 10.217舱口围40-66 704.3 40.82 19.3984Σ35-71 13404.6 41.070 10.693总共----- 71634.2 ------ ------5绪论1、根据2004年生命安全国际公约(SOLAS)修正案第六章/5和第七章/5要求,货物操作手册所包含的信息应满足MSC/745通函的规定。



GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF CARGO SECURING MANUALBulletin No.: 10/1996Date (Y-M-D): 1996-08-08This is further to Ship Safety Bulletin 14/95, which advised of the coming into force of SOLAS CHAPTER VI and VII amendments concerning requirements for an approved "Cargo Securing Manual".The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), at its sixty-sixth session June 1996, approved the attached guidelines. These guidelines are based on provisions contained in the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), as amended. They are of a general nature and intended to provide guidance on the preparation of such Cargo Securing Manuals which are required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than Solid and Liquid Bulk Cargoes.IMO has authorized an implementation period for these SOLAS amendments to come fully into effect, lasting until 31 December 1997. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION MSC/Circ.74513 June 1996 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENTLONDON SE1 7SRTelephone: 0171-735 7011Telefax: 0171-587 3210Telex: 23588 IMOLDN GRef. T3/2.01IMOGUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE CARGO SECURINGMANUAL1 In accordance with regulations VI/5 and VII/6 of SOLAS 1974, as amended, cargo units and cargo transport units shall be loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manualapproved by the Administration, which shall be drawn up to a standard at least equivalent to the guidelines developed by the Organization.2 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixty-sixth session (28 May to 6 June 1996), considered the draft Guidelines for the Preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual (DSC 1/27, annex 11 and DSC/Circ. l) prepared by theSub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC), at its first session (5 to 9 February 1996), and approved the Guidelines as amended and set out in the annex to this circular3 These Guidelines are based on the provisions contained in the annex to MSC/Circ.385 but have been expanded to include the applications explicit to ships which are equipped or adapted for the carriage of freight containers, taking into account the provisions of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), as amended. They are of a general nature and intended to provide guidance on the preparation of such Cargo Securing Manuals which are required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes4 Member Governments are invited to bring these Guidelines to the attention of all parties concerned, with the aim of having Cargo Securing Manuals carried on board ships prepared appropriately and in a consistent manner, and to implement them as soon as possible and, in any case, not later than 31 December 1997.5 This Circular replaces MSC/Circ.385 dated 8 January 1985.***MSC/Circ.745ANNEXGUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE CARGO SECURINGMANUALPREAMBLEIn accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) chapters VI, VII and the Code of Safe Practice for CargoStowage and Securing, cargo units, including containers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration.The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes.The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that Cargo Securing Manuals cover all relevant aspects of cargo stowage and securing and to provide a uniform approach to the preparation of Cargo Securing Manuals, their layout and content. Administrations may continue accepting Cargo Securing Manuals drafted in accordance with MSC/Circ.385 provided that they satisfy the requirements of these guidelines. If necessary, those manuals should be revised explicitly when the ship is intended to carrry containers in a standardized system.It is important that securing devices meet acceptable functional and strength criteria applicable to the ship and its cargo. It is also important that the officers on board are aware of the magnitude and direction of the forces involved and the correct application and limitations of the cargo securing devices. The crew and other persons employed for the securing of cargoes should be instructed in the correct application and use of the cargo securing devices on board the ship.CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL1.1 DefinitionsCargo SecuringDevices are all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units. are all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units.Maximum Securing Load (MSL) is a term used to define the allowable load capacity for a device used to secure cargo to a ship. Safe Working Load (SWL) may be substituted for MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by MSL.Standardized Cargo means cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system based upon cargo units of specific types.Semi-standardized Cargo means cargo for which the ship is provided with a securing system capable of accommodating a limited variety of cargo units, such as vehicles, trailers, etc.Non-standardized Cargo means cargo which requires individual stowage and securing arrangements.1.2 General informationThis chapter should contain the following general statements:.1 "The guidance given herein should by no means rule out the principles of good seamanship, neither can it replace experience in stowage and securing practice."..2 "The information and requirements set forth in this Manual are consistent with the requirements of the vessel's trim and stability booklet, International Load Line Certificate (1966), the hull strength loading manual (if provided) and with the requirements of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code (if applicable)"..3 "This Cargo Securing Manual specifies arrangements and cargo securing devices provided on board the ship for the correct application to and the securing of cargo units, containers, vehicles and other entities, based on transverse, longitudinal and vertical forces which may arise during adverse weather and sea conditions.".4 "It is imperative to the safety of the ship and the protection of the cargo and personnel that the securing of the cargo is carried out properly and that only appropriate securing points or fittings should be used for cargo securing. ".5 "The cargo securing devices mentioned in this manual should be applied so as to be suitable and adapted to the quantity, type of packaging, and physical properties of the cargo to be carried. When new or alternative types of cargo securing devices are introduced, the Cargo Securing Manual should be revised accordingly. Alternative cargo securing devices introduced should not have less strength than the devices being replaced.".6 "There should be a sufficient quantity of reserve cargo securing devices on board the ship. ".7 "Information on the strength and instructions for the use and maintenance of each specific type of cargo securing device, where applicable, is provided in this manual. The cargo securing devices should be maintained in a satisfactory condition. Items wom or darnaged to such an extent that their quality is impaired should be replaced.CHAPTER 2 - SECURING DEVICES AND ARRANGEMENTS2.1 Specification for fixed cargo securing devicesThis sub-chapter should indicate and where necessary illustrate the number, locations, type and MSL of the fixed devices used to secure cargo and should as a minimum contain the following information.1 a list and/or plan of the fixed cargo securing devices, which should be supplemented with appropriate documentation for each type of device as far as practicable. The appropriate documentation should include information as applicable regarding:* Name of manufacturer* Type designation of item with simple sketch for ease of identification* Material(s)* Identification marking* Strength test result or ultimate tensile strength test* result Result of non destructive testing* Maximum Securing Load (MSL);.2 fixed securing devices on bulkheads, web frames, stanchions, etc. and their types (e.g. pad eyes, eyebolts, etc.), where provided, including their MSL;.3 fixed securing devices on decks and their types (e.g. elephant feet fittings, container fittings apertures, etc.) where provided, including their MSL;.4 fixed securing devices on deckheads, where provided, listing their types and MSL; and.5 for existing ships with non-standardized fixed securing devices, the information on MSL and location of securing points is deemed sufficient.2.2 Specification for portable cargo securing devicesThis sub-chapter should describe the number of and the functional and design characteristics of the portable cargo securing devices carried on board the ship, and should be supplemented by suitable drawings or sketches if deemed necessary. It should contain the following information as applicable:.1 a list for the portable securing devices, which should be supplemented with appropriate documentation for each type of devices as far as practicable. The appropriate documentation should include information as applicable regarding:* Name of manufacturer* Type designation of item with simple sketch for ease of identification* Material(s), including minimum safe operational temperature* Identification marking* Strength test result or ultimate tensile strength test result.* Result of non destructive testing* Maximum Securing Load (MSL),.2 container stacking fittings, container deck securing fittings, fittings for interlocking of containers, bridge-fittings, etc., their MSL and use,.3 chains, wire lashings, rods, etc., their MSL and use;.4 tensioners (e.g. turnbuckles, chain tensioners, etc.), their MSL and use;.5 securing gear for cars, if appropriate, and other vehicles, their MSL and use;.6 trestles and jacks, etc., for vehicles (trailers) where provided, including their MSL and use; and.7 anti-skid material (e.g. soft boards) for use with cargo units having low frictional characteristics .2.3 Inspection and maintenance schemesThis sub-chapter should describe inspection and maintenance schemes of the cargo securing devices on board the ship.2.3.1 Regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out under the responsibility of the master. Cargo securing devices inspections as a minimum should include:.1 routine visual examinations of components being utilized; and.2 periodic examinations/re-testing as required by the Administration. When required, the cargo securing devices concemed should be subjected to inspections by the Administration2.3.2 This sub-chapter should document actions to inspect and maintain the ship's cargo securing devices. Entries should be made in a recordbook, which should be kept with the Cargo Securing Manual. This recordbook should contain the following information:.1 procedures for accepting, maintaining and repairing or rejecting cargo securing devices;nnt1.2 record of inspections.2.3.3 This sub-chapter should contain information for the master regarding inspections and adjustment of securing arrangements during the voyage.2.3.4 Computerized maintenance procedures may be referred to in thissub-chapter.CHAPTER 3 - STOWAGE AND SECURING OF NON-STANDARDIZED AND SEMI STANDARDIZED CARGO3.1 Handling and safety instructionsThis sub-chapter should contain:.1 instructions on the proper handling of the securing devices; and.2 safety instructions related to handling of securing devices and to securing and unsecuring of units by ship or shore personnel.3.2 Evaluation of forces acting on cargo unitsThis sub-chapter should contain the following information:.1 tables or diagrams giving a broad outline of the accelerations which can be expected in various positions on board the ship in adverse sea conditions and with a range of applicable metacentric height (GM) values;.2 examples of the forces acting on typical cargo units when subjected to the accelerations referred to in paragraph 3.2.1 and angles of roll and metacentric height (GM) values above which the forces acting on the cargo units exceed the permissible limit for the specified securing arrangements as far as practicable;.3 examples of how to calculate number and strength of portable securing devices required to counteract the forces referred to in 3.2.2 as well as safety factors to be used for different types of portable cargo securing devices. Calculations may be carried out according to Annex 13 to the CSS Code or methods accepted by the Administration;.4 it is recommended that the designer of a Cargo Securing Manual converts the calculation method used into a form suiting the particular ship, its securing devices and the cargo carried. This form may consist of applicable diagrams, tables or calculated examples; and.5 other operational arrangements such as electronic data processing (EDP) or use of a loading computer may be accepted as alternatives to the requirements of the above paragraphs 3.2.1 to 3.2.4, providing that this system contains the same information.3.3 Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.3.1 This sub-chapter should draw the master's attention to the correct application of portable securing devices, taking into account the following factors:.1 duration of the voyage;.2 geographical area of the voyage with particular regard to the minimum safe operational temperature of the portable securing devices;.3 sea conditions which may be expected;.4 dimensions, design and characteristics of the ship;.5 expected static and dynamic forces during the voyage;.6 type and packaging of cargo units including vehicles;.7 intended stowage pattern of the cargo units including vehicles; and.8 mass and dimensions of the cargo units and vehicles.3.3.2 This sub-chapter should describe the application of portable cargo securing devices as to number of lashings and allowable lashing angles. Where necessary, the text should be supplemented by suitable drawings or sketches to facilitate the correct understanding and proper application of the securing devices to various types of cargo and cargo units. It should be pointed out that for certain cargo units and other entities with low friction resistance, it is advisable to place soft boards or other anti-skid material under the cargo to increase friction between the deck and the cargo.3.3.3 This sub-chapter should contain guidance as to the recommended location and method of stowing and securing of containers, trailers and other cargo carrying vehicles, palletized cargoes, unit loads and single cargo items (e.g. woodpulp, paper rolls, etc.), heavy weight cargoes, cars and other vehicles.3.4 Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.4.1 The manual should contain sketches showing the layout of the fixed securing devices with identification of strength (MSL) as well as longitudinal and transverse distances between securing points. In preparing thissub-chapter further guidance should be utilized from IMO Assembly resolutions A.533(13) and A.581(14) as appropriate.3.4.2 In designing securing arrangements for cargo units, including vehicles and containers, on ro-ro passenger ships and specifying minimum strength requirements for securing devices used, forces due to the motion of the ship, angle of heel after damage or flooding and other considerations relevant to the effectiveness of the cargo securing arrangement should be taken into account.3.5 Bulk carriersIf bulk carriers carry cargo units falling within the scope of chapter VV5 or chapter VII/5 of SOLAS Convention, this cargo shall be stowed and secured in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration.CHAPTER 4 - STOWAGE AND SECURING OF CONTAINERS AND OTHER STANDARDIZED CARGO4.1 Handling and safety instructionsThis sub-chapter should contain:.1 instructions on the proper handling of the securing devices; and.2 safety instructions related to handling of securing devices and to securing and unsecuring of containers or other standardized cargo by ship or shore personnel.4.2 Stowage and securing instructionsThis sub-chapter is applicable to any stowage and securing system (i. g. stowage within or without cellguides) for containers and other standardized cargo. On existing ships the relevant documents regarding safe stowage and securing may be integrated into the material used for the preparation of this chapter.4.2.1 Stowage and securing planThis sub-chapter should consist of a comprehensive and understandable plan or set of plans providing the necessary overview on:.1 longitudinal and athwartship views of under deck and on deck stowage locations of containers as appropriate;.2 altemative stowage pattems for containers of different dimensions;.3 maximum stack masses;.4 permissible vertical sequences of masses in stacks;.5 maximum stack heights with respect to approved sight lines; and.6 application of securing devices using suitable symbols with due regard to stowage position, stack mass, sequence of masses in stack and stack height. The symbols used should be consistent throughout the Cargo Securing Manual .4.2.2 Stowage and securing principle on deck and under deckThis sub-chapter should support the interpretation of the stowage and securing plan with regard to container stowage, highlighting:.1 the use of the specified devices; and.2 any guiding or limiting parameters as dimension of containers, maximum stack masses, sequence of masses in stacks, stacks affected by wind load, height of stacks.It should contain specific warnings of possible consequences from misuse of securing devices or misinterpretation of instructions given.4.3 Other allowable stowage patternsThis sub-chapter should provide the necessary information for the master to deal with cargo stowage situations deviating from the general instructions addressed to under sub-chapter 4.2, including appropriate warnings of possible consequences from misuse of securing devices or misinterpretation of instructions given.Information should be provided with regard to,inter alia:.1 altemative vertical sequences of masses in stacks;.2 stacks affected by wind load in the absence of outer stacks;.3 alternative stowage of containers with various dimensions; and.4 permissible reduction of securing effort with regard to lower stacks masses, lesser stack heights or other reasons.4.4 Forces acting on cargo unitsThis sub-chapter should present the distribution of accelerations on which the stowage and securing system is based, and specify the underlying condition ofstability. Information on forces induced by wind and sea on deck cargo should be provided.It should further contain information on the nominal increase of forces or accelerations with an increase of initial stability. Recommendations should be given for reducing the risk of cargo losses from deck stowage by restrictions to stack masses or stack heights, where high initial stability cannot be avoided.。



货物系固手册CARGO SECURING MANUALXX轮MV. XXX本手册是根据1974年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)及其修正案要求,且按照MSC.1/Circ.1353 (货物系固手册编制指南)的具体要求和格式编制。

This manual was made according to the requirement of SOLAS including its amendments, and format of MSC.1/Circ.1353.编制公司:Company:编制时间Date:批准机构Approved by:批准时间Approval date:船舶信息Information of ship船名Name of Ship:船旗国Flag:船型Type of Ship:船东Owner:船级社Class:IMO No.:垂线间长LBP:型宽Berth:型深Depth吃水Draught:总吨GT:初稳性高度GM0:本手册由ClassIBS验船师贺彤、刘颖钊依照经修订的《货物系固手册编制指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1353)编写。




目录Catalog前言Preamble第一章总则Chapter 1 General1.1定义Definitions1.2手册的准备Preparation of the manual1.3通用信息General information第二章系固设备及其布置Chapter 2 Securing devices and arrangements2.1固定式系固设备Specification for fixed cargo securing devices2.2便携式系固设备Specification for portable cargo securing devices2.3检查和维修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes第三章非标准货与半标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 3 Stowage and securing of non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo 3.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions3.2对作用在货物单元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units3.3在各种货物单元、车辆和堆装区的便携式系固设备的应用Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.4滚装船的附加要求(略)Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.5散货船Bulk carrier第四章集装箱与其他标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 4 Stowage and securing of containers and other standardized cargo4.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions4.2堆装和系固方案Stowage and securing instructions4.3 其他允许的堆装方式other allowable stowage patterns4.4作用在货物单元上的外力Forces acting on cargo units第五章货物安全通道布置CHAPTER 5 Cargo safe access plan(CSAP)附件1:船上货物系固设备的更新记录Annex 1: renewal record of securing devices附件2:船上货物系固设备的检查、保养和维护记录Annex 2: Inspect and maintain record of securing devices前言PREAMBLE1. 根据1974年SOLAS公约的第VI章第5条、第VII章第5条和“货物堆装及系固安全实施规则”(CSS Code),货物单元包括集装箱都要按照主管机关批准的《货物系固手册》堆装和系固并贯穿整个航次。






2. 船型要求:1) 典型巴拿马型散货船(70000~76000载重吨级)2)典型杂散货船3)VLCC(30~32万载重吨级原油船)4)灵便型油船(4.8~5万载重吨级油船)5)典型化学品船(2000载重吨以上)6)液化气船(2.5~3万方级液化气船)7)大型矿砂船(20~30万载重吨VLOC)8)车辆滚装船(2000车位或以上滚装船)9) 集装箱船(1800TEU或以上)二)装载手册1.项目内容:装载手册应用通用的国际语言编写,按规范要求,无限航区船舶应为英文编写,装载手册应具备各种规范要求的典型工况,涵盖总纵强度、稳性,空船重量分布、静水力数据、船长操作须知,有关装载限制资料等数据。





国内航行船舶货物系固手册(钢材运输部分)(范本)船名(盖章):_________公司(盖章):_________编制日期:_________修改记录船舶资料船舶货舱布置图及相关数据目录1总则.............................................................................................‥1 1.1说明....................................................................................‥ (1)1.2运输风险 (1)1.3定义 (1)2系固设备 (2)2.1配备 (2)2.2检查与维护 (2)3积载与系固 (3)3.1卷材 (3)3.2管材 (7)3.3板材 (7)3.4线材 (9)3.5型材 (11)3.6金属废料 (12)3.7混合装载 (12)附件1:货物系固设备的检查和维护记录 (13)附件2:系固设备的检查和维护制度 (14)附件3:船上货物系固设备的更新记录 (17)附件4:固定式系固设备布置图及(或)可移动式系固设备示意图 (18)1.总则1.1说明1.1.1本手册不能取代良好船艺及有效积载和系固方面的经验。









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货物系固手册CARGO SECURING MANUALXX轮MV. XXX本手册是根据1974年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)及其修正案要求,且按照MSC.1/Circ.1353 (货物系固手册编制指南)的具体要求和格式编制。

This manual was made according to the requirement of SOLAS including its amendments, and format of MSC.1/Circ.1353.编制公司:Company:编制时间Date:批准机构Approved by:批准时间Approval date:船舶信息Information of ship船名Name of Ship:船旗国Flag:船型Type of Ship:船东Owner:船级社Class:IMO No.:垂线间长LBP:型宽Berth:型深Depth吃水Draught:总吨GT:初稳性高度GM0:本手册由ClassIBS验船师贺彤、颖钊依照经修订的《货物系固手册编制指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1353)编写。




目录Catalog前言Preamble第一章总则Chapter 1 General1.1定义Definitions1.2手册的准备Preparation of the manual1.3通用信息General information第二章系固设备及其布置Chapter 2 Securing devices and arrangements2.1固定式系固设备Specification for fixed cargo securing devices2.2便携式系固设备Specification for portable cargo securing devices2.3检查和维修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes第三章非标准货与半标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 3 Stowage and securing of non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo3.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions3.2对作用在货物单元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units3.3在各种货物单元、车辆和堆装区的便携式系固设备的应用Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.4滚装船的附加要求(略)Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.5散货船Bulk carrier第四章集装箱与其他标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 4 Stowage and securing of containers and other standardized cargo 4.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions4.2堆装和系固方案Stowage and securing instructions4.3 其他允许的堆装方式other allowable stowage patterns4.4作用在货物单元上的外力Forces acting on cargo units第五章货物安全通道布置CHAPTER 5 Cargo safe access plan(CSAP)附件1:船上货物系固设备的更新记录Annex 1: renewal record of securing devices附件2:船上货物系固设备的检查、保养和维护记录Annex 2: Inspect and maintain record of securing devices前言PREAMBLE1. 根据1974年SOLAS公约的第VI章第5条、第VII章第5条和“货物堆装及系固安全实施规则”(CSS Code),货物单元包括集装箱都要按照主管机关批准的《货物系固手册》堆装和系固并贯穿整个航次。

In accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) CVI/R5, CVII/R5 and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including containers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration.2. 装载非固体及非液体货物的所有类型船舶都需要配备《货物系固手册》。

The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes.3.本手册覆盖货物堆装和系固的所有方面,并提供一种一致的方法来准备《货物系固手册》,包括布局及容。


Cargo Securing Manuals cover all relevant aspects of cargo stowage and securing and to provide a uniform approach to the preparation of Cargo Securing Manuals, their layout and content. Administrations may continue accepting Cargo Securing Manuals drafted in accordance with Containers and cargoes (BC) – Cargo Securing Manual (MSC/Circ.385) provided that they satisfy therequirements of these guidelines.4. 如果必要,当船舶计划装载标准集装箱,这些手册应该明确的更新。

If necessary, those manuals should be revised explicitly when the ship is intended to carry containers in a standardized system.5. 重要的是系固设备要满足可接受的功能及强度标准,以适用船舶及其装载的货物。



It is important that securing devices meet acceptable functional and strength criteria applicable to the ship and its cargo. It is also important that the officers on board are aware of the magnitude and direction of the forces involved and the correct application and limitations of the cargo securing devices. The crew and other persons employed for the securing of cargoes should be instructed in the correct application and use of the cargo securing devices on board the ship.6. 本手册第5章只适用于2015年1月1日及以后铺放龙骨或处于类似阶段建造的集装箱船。

Chapter 5 of manual apply for containerships, the keels of which were laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2015;第一章总则CHAPTER 1 GENERAL1.1定义Definitions1.1.1货物系固设备,是指所有用于系固和支持货物单元的固定式和便携式装置。

Cargo securing devices are all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units.1.1.2 最大系固载荷(MSL),是指船上系固设备的许用负荷,就象起重设备和安全工作负荷一样。


Maximum securing load (MSL) is a term used to define the allowable load capacity for a device used to secure cargo to a ship. Safe working load (SWL) may be substituted for MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by1.1.3标准货,是指已根据货物单元的特定形式,在船上设置了经批准的系固系统的货物,如集装箱。
