参考答案Chapter 1 The Basics of E-CommerceI. Fill in the blanks in each of the followingtransaction.2.E-commerce is ubiquitous, meaning that is it available just about everywhere, at all times. creates a marketspace where consumers can auction or sell goods directly to other consumers.rmation richness refers to the complexity and content of a message.5.The phenomenon that market middlemen disappear is called disintermediationrefers primarily to the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the control of the firm.refers to the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business.8.Most successful e-commerce firms will adopt mixed "clicks and bricks” strategies, combining traditional sales channels such as physical stores and printed catalogs with online efforts.9.The stock market crash of dot-com companies led to a sobering reassessment of the prospects for e-commerce and the methods of achieving business success.II. Answer the following questions1.What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business?E-commerce involves: digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Digitally enabled transactions include all those transactions mediated by digital technology, meaning, for the most part, transactions that occur over the Internet and the Web. Commercial transactions involve the exchange of value (e.g. money) across organizational or individual boundaries in return for products or services.E-business refers primarily to the: digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the control of the firm. For the most part, e-business does not involve commercial transactions across organizational boundaries where value is exchanged.2.What are some of the unique features of e-commerce technology?There are seven features of e-commerce technology that are unique to this medium.E-commerce technology:• is ubiquitous, meaning that is it available just about everywhere, at all times, making it possible to shop from your desktop, at home, at work, or even from your car.•has global reach, permitting commercial transactions to cross cultural and national boundariesfar more conveniently and cost effectively than is true in traditional commerce.•operates according to universal standards shared by all nations around the world. In contrast, most traditional commerce technologies differ from one nation to the next.•provides information richness, which refers to the complexity and content of a message. It enables an online merchant to deliver to an audience of millions marketing messages withtext, video, and audio, in a way not possible with traditional commerce technologies such asradio, television, or magazines.•is interactive, meaning it allows for two-way communication between merchant and consumer and enables the merchant to engage a consumer in ways similar to a face-to- faceexperience, but on a much more massive, global scale.•increases information density (the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants). The Internet reduces information collection, storage, processing, andcommunication costs while increasing the currency, accuracy, and timeliness of information.•permits personalization and customization: merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person's name, interests, and past purchases.Because of the increase in information density, a great deal of information about theconsumer's past purchases and behavior can be stored and used by online merchants. Theresult is a level of personalization and customization unthinkable with existing commercetechnologies.3.How many major types of e-commerce are discussed by the author and what are these?There are five major types of e-commerce:•B2C involves businesses selling to consumers and is the type of e-commerce that most consumers are likely to encounter. In 2001, consumers will spend about $65 billion in B2Ctransactions.•B2B e-commerce involves businesses selling to other businesses and is the largest form of e-commerce, with an estimated $700 billion in transactions occurring in 2001.•C2C is a means for consumers to sell to each other. In C2C e-commerce, the consumer prepares the product for market, places the product for auction or sale, and relies on themarket maker to provide catalog, search engine, and transaction clearing capabilities so thatproducts can be easily displayed, discovered, and paid for.•P2P technology enables Internet users to share files and computer resources directly without having to go through a central Web server. Music and file sharing services, such as Gnutella,are a prime example of this type of e-commerce, because consumers can transfer files directlyto other consumers without a central server involved.•M-commerce involves the use of wireless digital devices to enable transactions on the Web.4.How do you understand the visions and forces behind the E-commerce I era?The E-commerce I era was a period of explosive growth in e-commerce, beginning in 1995 withthe first widespread use of the Web to advertise products and ending in 2000 with the collapse in stock market valuations for ventures. Among the visions for e-commerce expressed during the period were the following:•For computer scientists, e-commerce was part of their vision of a universal communications and computing environment that everyone on earth could access with cheap, inexpensivecomputers.•For economists, e-commerce raised the realistic prospect of a perfect Bertrand market— a market where price, cost, and quality information is equally distributed 一and friction- freecommerce.•For entrepreneurs and their financial backers, e-commerce represented an extraordinary opportunity to earn far above normal returns on investment.Overall, the E-commerce I period was driven largely by visions of profiting from new technology, with the emphasis on quickly achieving very high market visibility.The source of financing was venture capital funds. The ideology of the period emphasized the ungoverned "Wild West” character of the Web, and the feeling that governments and courts could not possibly limit or regulate the Internet, that traditional corporations were too slow and bureaucratic, too stuck in the old ways of doing business to "get it," that is, to be competitive in e-commerce.5.How do you understand the successes and failures of E-commerce I.E-commerce during the E-commerce I era has been :• a technological success, with the digital infrastructure created during the period solid enough to sustain significant growth in e-commerce during the next decade.• a mixed business success, with significant revenue growth and customer usage, but low profit margins.E-commerce during the E-commerce I era has not:•fulfilled economists' visions of the perfect Betrand market and friction-free commerce•fulfilled the visions of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists for first mover advantages, low customer acquisition and retention costs, and low costs of doing business.6.Identify several factors that will define the E-commerce II era.Factors that will define e-commerce over the next five years include the following:•E-commerce technology will continue to propagate through all commercial activity, with overall revenues from e-commerce, the number of products and services sold over the Web,and the amount of Web traffic all rising.•E-commerce prices will rise to cover the real costs of doing business on the Web.•E-commerce margins and profits will rise to levels more typical of all retailers.•Traditional well-endowed and experienced Fortune 500 companies will play a growing and more dominant role.•The number of successful pure online companies will continue to decline and most successful e-commerce firms will adopt a mixed u clicks and bricks,, strategy.•Regulation of e-commerce and the Web by government will grow both in the United States and worldwide.7.Describe the major themes underlying the study of e-commerce.E-commerce involves three broad interrelated themes:•Technology'. To understand e-commerce, you need a basic understanding of the information technologies upon which it is built, including the Internet and the World Wide Web, and ahost of complimentary technologies—personal computers, local area networks, client/servercomputing, packet-switched communications, protocols such as TCP/IP, Web servers, HTML, and relational databases, among others.•Business'. While technology provides the infrastructure, it is the business applications ——the potential for extraordinary returns on investment一that create the interest and excitementin e-commerce. New technologies present businesses and entrepreneurs with new ways oforganizing production and transacting business. Therefore, you also need to understand somekey business concepts such as electronic markets, information goods, business models, firmand industry value chains, industry structure, and consumer behavior in electronic markets •Society: Understanding the pressures that global e-commerce places on contemporary society is critical to being successful in the e-commerce marketplace. The primary societal issues areintellectual property, individual privacy, and public policy.8.Identify the major academic disciplines contributing to e-commerce research.There are two primary approaches to e-commerce: technical and behavioral. Each of these approaches is represented by several academic disciplines.On the technical side:•Computer scientists are interested in e-commerce as an application of Internet technology.•Management scientists are primarily interested in building mathematical models of business processes and optimizing them to learn how businesses can exploit the Internet to improvetheir business operations.•Information systems professionals are interested in e-commerce because of its implications for firm and industry value chains, industry structure, and corporate strategy.•Economists have focused on consumer behavior at Web sites, and on the features of digital electronic markets.On the behavioral side:•Sociologists have focused on studies of Internet usage, the role of social inequality in skewing Internet benefits, and the use of the Web as a personal and group communications tool.•Finance and accounting scholars have focused on e-commerce firm valuation and accounting practices.•Management scholars have focused on entrepreneurial behavior and the challenges faced by young firms who are required to develop organizational structures in short time spans.•Marketing scholars have focused on consumer response to online marketing and advertising campaigns, and the ability of firms to brand, segment markets, target audiences, and positionproducts to achieve higher returns on investment.Chapter 2 The Internet and World Wide Web: E-CommerceInfrastructureI. Answer the following questions1.Discuss the origins of the Internet.The Internet has evolved from a collection of mainframe computers located on a few U.S. college campuses to an interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers worldwide.2.Relate the key technology concepts behind the Internet.The Internet's three key technology components are:•Packet switching, which slices digital messages into packets, routes the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembles the packets once they arrive attheir destination.•TCP/IP. TCP establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers and handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, as well as their reassembly at the receiving end. IPprovides the addressing scheme, enabling messages to arrive at the proper destination computer.•Client/server technology, which makes it possible for large amounts of information to be stored on Web servers and shared with individual users on their client computers.3.Please Describe the role of Internet protocols and utility programs.Internet protocols and utility programs make the following Internet services possible:•HTTP delivers requested Web pages, allowing users to view them.•STMP and POP enable mail to be routed to a mail server and then picked up by the recipient's server, while IMAP enables mail to be sorted before being downloaded by the recipient.•FTP is used to transfer files from servers to clients and vice versa.•SSL ensures that information transmissions are encrypted.•Telnet is a utility program that enables work to be done remotely.•Finger is a utility program that allows you to find out who is logged onto a remote network.•Ping is a utility program that allows users to verify a connection between client and server.•Tracert lets you track the route a message takes from a client to a remote computer.4.What are the main structural elements of Internet today?The main structural elements of the Internet are:•The backbone, which is composed primarily of high-bandwidth fiber optic cable operated by a variety of providers.•NAPs and MAEs, which are hubs that use high-speed switching computers to connect the backbone with regional and local networks.•Campus networks, which are local area networks operating within a single organization that connect directly to regional networks.•Internet Service Providers,which deal with the “last mile" of service to homes and offices. ISPs offer a variety of types of service, ranging from dial-up service to broadband DSL, cable modem, T1 and T3lines, and satellite link service.5.What are the limitations of today's Internet?To envision what the Internet of tomorrow—Internet II— will look like, we must first look at the limitations of today's Internet.•Bandwidth limitations: Today's Internet is slow and incapable of effectively sharing and displaying large files, such as video and voice files.•Quality of service limitations: Data packets don't all arrive in the correct order, at the same moment, causing latency; latency creates jerkiness in video files and voice messages.•Network architecture limitations'. Servers can't keep up with demand. Future improvements to Internet infrastructure will improve the way servers process requests for information, thus improving overallspeed.•Language development limitations: The nature of HTML restricts the quality of "rich" information that can be shared online. Future languages will enable improved display and viewing of video and graphics.6.Please describe the potential capabilities of Internet ILInternet II is a consortium working together to develop and test new technologies for potential use on the Internet. Internet II participants are working in a number of areas, including•advanced network infrastructure;•new networking capabilities;•middleware; and•advanced applications that incorporate audio and video to create new services.In addition to the Internet II project, other groups are working to expand Internet bandwidth via improvements to fiber optic technologies and through photonics technologies such as Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing, optical and fiber switches, optical switching components, optical integrated circuits, and optical networks. Wireless Web and 3G technologies will provide users of cellular phones and PDAs with increased access to the Internet and its various services. The increased bandwidth and expanded connections of the Internet II era will result in a number of benefits, including•IP multicasting, which will enable more efficient delivery of data;•latency solutions such as diffserve (differentiated quality of service), which assigns levels of priority to packets based on the type of data being transmitted;•guaranteed service levels;•lower error rates; and•declining costs.7.How does World Wide Web work?The Web was developed during 1989- 1991 by Dr. Tim Berners-Lee, who created a computer program that allowed formatted pages stored on the Internet to be linked using keywords (hyperlinks). In 1993, Marc Andreesen created the first graphical Web browser, which made it possible to view documents on the Web graphically and created the possibility of universal computing. The key concepts you need to understand how the Web works arethe following:•Hypertext, which is a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another and that also link pages to other objects.•HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), which is the protocol used to transmit Web pages over the Internet.•URLs (uniform resource locators), which are the addresses at which Web pages can be found.•HTML, which is the programming language used to create most Web pages and which provides designers with a fixed set of tags that are used to format a Web page•XML, which is a newer markup language that allows designers to describe data and information.•Web server software, which is software that enables a computer to deliver Web pages written in HTML to client machines that request this service by sending an HTTP request. Web server softwarealso provides security services, FTP, search engine, and data capture services. The term Web server also is used to refer to the physical computer that runs the Web server software.•Web clients, which are computing devices attached to the Internet that are capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages.•Web browsers, which display Web pages and also have added features such as email and newsgroups.8.Please Describe how Internet and Web features and services support e-commerce.Together, the Internet and the Web make e-commerce possible by allowing computer users to access product and service information and to complete purchases online. Some of the specific features that support e-commerce include:•Electronic mail (e-mail), which uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one Internet user to another. E-mail is used in e-commerce as a marketing and customer support tool.•Search engines, which identify Web pages that match a query submitted by a user. Search engines assist users in locating Web pages related to items they may want to buy.•Intelligent agents or software robots, which are software programs that gather and/or filter information on a specific topic and then provide a list of results for the users.•Instant messaging, which allows messages to be sent between two users almost instantly, allowing parties to engage in a two-way conversation. In e-commerce, companies are using instant messaging asa customer support tool.•Chat, which allows two or more users to communicate via computer in real time (simultaneously) and is being used in e-commerce as a community-building tool.•Music, video, and other standard files (such as photos, etc.), which are used in e-commerce as digital content that may be sold and as marketing tools.•Streaming media, which enables music, video, and other large files to be sent to users in chunks so that when received and played, the file comes through uninterrupted. Like standard digital files, streamingmedia may be sold as digital content and used as a marketing tool.•Cookies, which are small text files that allow a Web site to store information about a user, and are used by e-commerce as a marketing tool. Cookies allow Web sites to personalize the site to the user and alsopermit customization and market segmentation.The Internet II infrastructure will permit the rapid deployment of new services and greatly expand e- commerce opportunities. Emerging services include:•Internet telephony, which uses VOIP to transmit audio communication over the Internet;•digital libraries, which will allow distribution of software applications by ASPs to increase;•distributed storage, which will allow ASPs to store data on multiple servers;•distance learning through videoconferencing that will permit real-time two-way communication;•digital video networks that will be able to deliver better-than-broadcast quality video over the Internet;•high-quality video teleconferencing;•tele-immersion (the merger of virtual reality and video conferencing); and•m-commerce applications.II. Fill in the blanks in each of the following1.The basic building blocks of the Internet are: pecket-switching hardware, client/server computing,and a communications protocol called TCP/IP.2.Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into parcels called "packets," sending thepackets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination.3.IP addresses are 32-bit numbers that appear as a series of four separate numbers marked off byperiods.4.IP addresses can be represented by a natural language convention called domain names.5.An intranet is a TCP/IP network located within a single organization for purposes ofcommunications and information processing.6.Extranets are formed when firms permit outsiders to access their internal TCP/IP networks.7.The primary purpose of Web browsers is to display Web pages.8.Cookies are a tool used by Web sites to store information about a user.Chapter 3 EDII. Answer the following questions1.EDI is described as the interchange of structured data according to agreed message standards between computer systems, by electronic means.2.The benefits of EDI are as follows:•EDI enables companies to send and receive large amounts of routine transaction information quickly around the globe.•There are very few errors in the transferred data as a result of computer-to-computer data transfer.•Information can flow among several trading partners consistently and freely.•Companies can access partners5 databases to retrieve and store standard transactions.•EDI fosters thru (and strategic) partnership relationships since it involves a commitment to a long-term investment and the refinement of the system over time.•EDI creates a complete paperless TPS environment, saving money and increasing efficiency.•Payment collection can be shortened by several weeks.•Data may be entered offline, in a batch mode, without tying up ports to the mainframe.•When an EDI document is received, the data may be used immediately.•Sales information is delivered to manufactures, shippers, and warehouses almost in real time.•EDI can save a considerable amount of money.3.EDI may seem difficult to distinguish from electronic mail (e-mail) as both involve the transmission of electronic messages between computer systems. What differentiates EDI from e- mail is the internal structure and content of the data message. The content of an e-mail message is not intended to be processed in any way by the receiving system, whereas EDI messages are intended for and are therefore structured for automatic processing.4.The major factors that have limited the use of traditional EDI are:•Significant initial investment is needed, and ongoing operating costs are high.•Business processes must be restructured to fit EDI requirements.• A long start-up time is needed.•Use of expensive, private VANs is necessary.•There are multiple EDI standards, so one company may have to use several standards.•An EDI cannot support dynamic trading in marketplaces.•The system is complex.• A converter is required to translate business transactions to EDI code.•The system is inflexible; it is difficult to make quick changes, such as adding business partners.5.There are several reasons for firms to create EDI ability over the Internet:•The Internet is a publicly accessible network with few geographical constraints.•The global nature of the Internet offers the potential to reach the widest possible number of trading partners of any viable alternative currently available.•Using the Internet can cut communication costs by over 50 percent.•Using the Internet to exchange EDI transactions is consistent with the growing interest of business in delivering an ever-increasing variety of products and services electronically,particularly through the Web.•Internet-based EDI can complement or replace many current EDI applications.•Internet tools such as browsers and search engines are very user friendly, and most users today know how to use them.•Internet-based EDI has several functionalities not provided by traditional EDI, which include collaboration, workflow, and search engines.II. Write an Abstract of Section 3.3 in about 200 words.Abstract-In traditional business environments, many inter-company processes (such as buying and billing) are performed using paper documents, such as purchase orders and invoices. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) allows companies to exchange these documents in a structured and computer-processable format. This helps to automate and streamline business by eliminating or simplifying clerical tasks, speeding information transfer, reducing data errors, and eliminating business processes. Although EDI has been successfully employed in specific industries (such as retail) and in some large enterprises, it has not been widely adopted. The primary barriers to widespread acceptance of EDI are the costs of implementation and the costs of communication, which is frequently done using Value-Added Networks (VANs). These costs are generally too high for companies that do not conduct large numbers of EDI transactions.In this paper, we introduce a Web-based Internet EDI model that provides valued-added functions traditionally provided by EDI over VANs. In this model, users conduct business transactions using Java-capable browsers instead of traditional EDI software, eliminating the costs of VANs and EDI-related applications. The proposed model is especially suitable for medium- and small-size firms that exchange business documents but can not afford to do EDI using VANs.Chapter 4 Online Moneary TransactionsI. State whether the following are true or false. If the answer is false, explain why.l.True. 2.True. 3.False. Only participating stores accept eCash. The customer, merchant and bank must all be able to use the eCash system. 4. False. eCharge is a micropayments system that automatically places charges on your home phone bill. 5.True.1 .Micropayments 5. Instabuy9. CashRegis 4. Merchant account 8. virtualII. Define the following termsa)Digital Cash is similar to regular cash, except that it is electronic. Consumers can store digital cashsecurely within a bank account or digital wallet and use it to make purchases over the Web.b)Peer-to-peer payment is often used within auction and bartering sites. It allows users to buy and sellproducts and services on an e-commerce site.c)Wells Fargo is a traditional bank that has established a strong presence on the Web. They are one ofthe first major banks to do this.d)An E-wallet gives an online consumer the ability to make purchases quickly and securely bytransferring personal and payment information directly onto the site without making the user fill out lengthy registration forms.Micropayments are small sums of money that are used to make purchases on the Web. Micropayments benefit merchants by preventing fees associated with small credit card purchases.f)Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment allows companies to present clients, bills over the Web.Clients can review their bills and make payments securely from any computer.g) A merchant account enables an online merchant to accept credit card payment on their Web site.h)Smart cards are designed to facilitate purchases over the Web. Many include a digital wallet thatstores the smart card holder's personal information.III. Fill in the blanks in each of the following2.Smart cards3.E-wallet6. Peer-to-peer7. ISP10.Electronic Commerce Modeling Language (ECML)Chapter 5 E-Business ModelsI. a) True b) False. This is the concept of a true auction, c) False. A reserve price is the lowest price a seller will accept in an auction, d) True e) False. The name-your price model allows customers to get a lower price by clearing the price with a number of vendors. This does not involve an auction, f) False. Brick-and-mortar business are offline businesses. This term is often associated with companies who have both and online and offline presence, g) False. Web-based training is currently used by organizations around the world, h) True i) True j) TrueII.a) Brick-and-mortar b) Demand sensitive pricing model c) shopping cart d) auction e) vertical, horizontal f) community g) reverse auctions h) B2B exchanges i) online trading j) comparison shopping。
电子商务概论(第4版) 课后习题及答案
电子商务概论(第4版) 课后习题及答案电子商务概论(第4版)课后习题及答案第一章电子商务简介1. 电子商务的定义电子商务是利用互联网和信息技术,实现商品、服务和资金的交换和传递的商务活动。
2. 电子商务的特点a. 全球化:互联网使得商务活动跨越国界,实现全球范围内的交易。
b. 实时性:互联网的快速传输特性,使得交易可以实时完成。
c. 个性化:互联网提供了个性化的服务和定制化的产品选择。
d. 互动性:互联网平台为买家和卖家提供了交流和互动的机会。
e. 一体化:互联网将商务活动整合为一个完整的流程,从采购到付款到物流。
3. 电子商务的分类a. B2C(Business-to-Consumer):企业向消费者销售商品和服务。
b. B2B(Business-to-Business):企业向企业销售商品和服务。
c. C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer):消费者之间直接进行交易。
d. C2B(Consumer-to-Business):消费者向企业提供商品和服务。
第二章电子商务基础知识1. 电子商务平台的建设电子商务平台包括网上商城、电子支付系统、物流管理系统、客户关系管理系统等。
2. 电子商务中的支付方式a. 在线支付:包括信用卡支付、第三方支付平台等。
b. 货到付款:在商品送达时现金支付。
c. 银行转账:将款项直接转移到卖方账户。
3. 电子商务的风险与安全a. 交易安全风险:包括支付风险、信息泄露风险等。
b. 网络攻击风险:包括计算机病毒、黑客攻击等。
c. 法律合规风险:包括合同纠纷、知识产权侵权等。
第三章电子商务的法律与伦理1. 电子商务中的法律问题a. 合同法:合同的成立、履行和解除。
b. 电子签名法:互联网上签署的电子文档的法律效力。
c. 消费者权益保护法:保护消费者的合法权益。
2. 电子商务的伦理问题a. 网络欺诈:虚假宣传、虚假商品等。
b. 私人信息保护:个人隐私信息是否会被滥用。
《电子商务概论》课后习题答案(注:本答案大都为参考答案,仅供参考)第一章电子商务概述一、选择题1.电子商务的核心是(D )。
A.计算机技术B.数据库技术 C.网络D.商务2.电子数据交换的简称是(B )。
A.EB B.EDI C.NET D.EC3.生产类企业上网采购是一种典型的(B )电子商务活动。
A.B2C方式B.B2B方式C.C2C方式D.B2G方式4.企业资源计划简称为(B )。
A.CRM B.ERP C.SCM D.MIS5.(ABC )是电子商务概念模型的组成要素。
A.交易主体B.电子市场C.交易事物D.交易手段6.按商业活动运作方式分类,电子商务可以分为(AD )。
A.直接电子商务B.B2B电子商务C.B2C电子商务D.间接电子商务E.C2C电子商务7.电子商务任何一笔交易都包括(ABD )等基本的流。
A.物资流 B.资金流C.产业流D.现金流8.电子商务框架结构包括(ABCF )层,其中电子支付属于( C )层。
单选1.According to a recent report, ____ that Americans consume does not vary greatly from year to year.A)the number of sugar B)a number of sugarC)the amount of sugar D)an amount of sugar2.My dentist appointment is on Friday, ______.A)fifth October B)five OctoberC)the fifth of October D)the five of October3.Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at ______.A)the two gate B)gate two C)the gate two D)second gate4.That kind of shoes are______ expensive for me.A)more B)far more C)far too D)much5.The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen ______ delicious.A)smells B)is smelling C)has smelled D)has been smelling6.It has been ______ for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.A)arranged B)organized C)settled D)adapted7.There is very______hope that she will pass the exam.A)few B)much C)little D)any8.She ________ large profits from her unique invention.A)reaped B)gathered C)rewarded D)built9.Get me a hammer from the kitchen, ______.A)will you B)would you C)shall you D)do you10.Teachers all ________ the student to enter the competition.A)cheered B)animated C)encouraged D)heartened11.Although the wines vary, the______ is quite good.A)medium B)usual C)average D)ordinary12.________ of a newspaper nor the number of pages in an edition has ever been standardized.A)The page size is neither B)The page size, neitherC)Neither is the page size D)Neither the page size13.He______ his first book to his mother.A)committed B)dedicated C)assigned D)appointed14.One warning______ to stop her doing it.A)suffered B)sufficed(足够) C)suggested D)provided15.How I wish to ______ in your sufferings.A)enter B)contribute C)participate D)provide16.We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly______. A)flexible B)elastic C)supple D)compliant17.It is because English is useful______.A)why we study it hard B)that we study it hardC)what we study hard D)which we study hard18.The plane is______ to take off at 4.A)enlisted B)enrolled C)prompted D)scheduled19._______ in my present work, I would be quite willing to do what you ask me to. A)Were I not engaged B)I were not engagedC)Engaged I were not D)Were not I engaged20.He ______ that we should probably have rain.A)observed(观测) B)beheld(看见) C)examined D)followed21.A poor memory ______ her efforts to become an actress.A)encouraged B)accomplished C)frustrated(阻挠)D)develop 22.The officer ________ his orders to the men by radio.A)reported B)transmitted(传达) C)communicated(传输/传达)D)exchanged 23.They have got into______ troubles.A)monetary B)affluent C)financial D)miserable24.Churchill(丘吉尔) was______ as the Chancellor of the university.A)established(建立) B)placed C)launched D)installed(任命)25.This substance reacts ________ as fast as the other one.A)one-tenths B)first-ten C)one-ten D)one-tenth26.It is important for university to keep ______ with the changes in science and technology.A)step B)stage C)pace D)space27.It''s______ by coach from Melbourne to Sydney.A. a nine hour''s journeyB. a nine hour journeyC. a nine hours'' journeyD. a nine-hours journey28. They got there ______ we by 20 minutes.A. more early asB. earlier thanC. as early asD. more earlier than29. Those who don’t work hard at English ought to______.A. criticizeB. be criticizedC. have been criticizedD. be criticizing30. If you______ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy now.A. hadn’t watchedB. didn’t watchC. haven’t watchedD. wouldn’t have watched31. Weather ______ , we’ll go sightseeing.A. permittedB. is permittedC. permittingD. is permitting32. There are ______ opportunities for employment in the rural area.A. lessB. littleC. smallD. fewer33. A ___ ___ component(成分) of any democracy(民主) is a free labor movement.A. vital(极重要的)B. visual(看得见的)C. sole(唯一的)D. singleCCBCA ACAAC ADBBC ABDAA CBCDD CCBBA CDA翻译句子(1)Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides your company with new ways of better understanding and serving your customer.客户关系管理(CRM)为您的公司提供新的方式以更好的理解和服务你的客户(2)This service, known as Information Desk, along with other new Web-based information delivery services, has enabled the company and its direct, indirect and channel customers to work together more efficiently.这种被称为“信息桌面”的服务,以及其他以网络为基础提供信息的新的服务,使得公司和它的直接、间接和渠道的客户更有效地合作(3) As a result of getting confidential documents faster, three-fourths of Intel's direct customer engineers shaved a week or more off their product development cycle.更快了解机密文件的结果是:英特尔公司四分之三的直接客户工程师将其产品研发周期缩短了一周或更多(4) Over the last few years the Internet has evolved from being a scientific network only, to a platform that is enabling a new generation of businesses.在过去的几年中,因特网已经从一个仅用于科研的网络发展成了一个使新一代商务模式成为可能的平台(5) The e-business in the title is not the same as IBM is seeing it, it is much more, as you will discover by reading this book, therefore the "B" in e-business not written in capital letters as in IBM's ease.标题中的e-business与IBM所理解的并不一样,当你读完这本书你就会发现其内涵要丰富得多,所以,e-business中的字,字母B并没有像IBM一样大写(6) Once you have this data gathered, business intelligence applications let you analyze the information to help you optimize your Web site一旦你收集了这些数据,智能商务软件将帮你进行分析以是你的网站最佳化(7) Track Web hits or transactions against fluctuations in your offline sales channels, for example, or see what happens to order volumes at the beginning of a fiscal quarter when many departments have new budgets to work with.例如,将你的网站的成功点击率或交易量与你的线下销售波形图进行比较,或者当许多部门在一个季度开始做新的预算时,了解一下订单的数量(8) You can glean trends during peak traffic periods that result in server overloads, or identify search criteria that consistently fail to deliver anticipated content.在最高流量的时段,你可以了解一下是什么导致了服务器超载,或者确认哪些搜索标准总是不能达到预期的搜索结果(9)Executives who have successfully led change efforts advocate in-person discussions and meetings as the most effective communication vehicles.曾经成功领导了变革的决策者们主张将亲自参加讨论和会议作为最有效的沟通方式(10) Continuous innovation, a critical element of e-business strategy, is at the mercy of an organization's communication structure.不断地变革——,电子商务战略中最关键的因素,完全取决于机构的沟通体系1.贸易,商业 merce2. 紧缩v. deflate3. 命令的,权威 adj. & n. injunctive 4. 拥抱,包含 v.embrace 6. 垂直的,直立的adj. vertical7.参与,参加v. participate 8.可用的,可获得的adj. available9.自动化,自动n. automation 10. 包含, 牵涉 v. involve11. 地方, 位置 n. location 13. 单独的, 个人的 adj. individual14. 服从, 顺从, 提交 v. submit 15. 投资n. investment16. 基本的, 基础的, 主要的 adj. foundational17. 分配, 分布, 分发 v. distribute 23. 基金, 经费 n. fund25.预置, 初始化n. initialization 3. 顾问 n. consultant8. 本质,精髓,精华 n. essence 9. 放弃,遗弃 v. abandon1. retrieval technologies检索技术2. value chain _价值链3. direct billing直接结算4. supply chains供应链5. global marketplace全球市场6. tangible benefit有形效益7. virtual private network (VPN)虚拟专用网8. frequently asked questions (FAQ) 常见问题 EDI电子数据交换5. privacy policy隐私策略6. dispute resolution调解纠纷、争端解决7. business process re-engineering (BPR)业务流程再造8. return on investment投资报酬9. search engines搜索引擎10. shopping cart购物车 11. online marketing在线营销12. DigiCash电子现金13. cross-sell交叉销售14. text documents文本文件完形填空(1)Several regions in the world are subject 1 storms which are so severe that they 2 damage on a tremendous scale. The regions are all located on the edges of great oceans. The 3 term for such severe storms is "cyclone". The term "hurricane" is 4 for storms that occur in the North Atlantic Ocean.Cyclones(龙卷风) and hurricanes(飓风) differ in one curious 5 : in a cyclone, the wind circulates in a clockwise direction; in a hurricane, the wind direction is counter-clockwise. 6 cyclones and hurricanes have one ominous similarity. 7 the damage they cause on land and at sea, they are identical.Australia undergoes a number of cyclones every year along its northern coast, which faces Indonesia. The cyclones 8mainly in December and January, the summer months in the southern hemisphere.Usually the Australian cyclones don't cause great damage because Australia's northern territory has vast empty regions that are virtually 9 .There are few coastal cities. When a cyclone 10 move inland from the sea, it usually blows itself out without striking any inhabited area.1.A)to B)for C)of D)on2.A)make B)cause C)happen D)suffer3.A)full B)common C)ordinary D)general4.A)made B)called C)meant D)defined5.A)way B)manner C)angle D)feature6.A)However B)And C)But D)Then7.A)In that B)In terms of C)Except for D)Along with8.A)occur B)rise C)raise D)foster9.A)populated B)deserted C)unpopulated D)undeserved10.A)could B)does C)would D)shouldABDDA CBACB(2)Human beings act in a different way from 1 of animals just because they canspeak while animals cannot. Even the cleverest animals cannot do things which to us seem very 2 and which small children, as soon as they learn to talk, would be able to do.A German scientist, who 3 experiments for many years with big apes(猿), found that his apes could use his sticks(棍) as tools to pull down bananas which they could not 4 . But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the banana and the stick were in view at the same time. If the banana was in front of them and the stick was behind them, they could not use the stick. They could not keep the banana 5 enough in mind to look around and then pick up the stick and use it.The 6 for this is clear. We have words for banana and stick which help use to think about these things when they are not in 7 . Even a small child knowing the words "banana" and "stick" has an idea of their relationship and is able to think "stick" together with "banana" and to remember this long enough to pick the stick 8 behind and use it on the banana.9 to speak, animals cannot keep their knowledge of things for long. That is why they often interrupt one line of action to do something else and later forget it completely. Human beings, on the other hand, use 10 and are able to do one thing continuously.1.A)that B)this C)way D)eat2.A)honest B)foolish C)simple D)evident3.A)carried B)dealt C)developed D)performed4.A)get B)reach C)eat D)take5.A)clear B)alive C)long D)complete6.A)answer B)truth C)reason D)cause7.A)vision B)mind C)thought D)sight8.A)from B)in C)at D)around9.A)incapable B)unable C)unwilling D)hard10.A)knowledge B)language C)expressions D)mindACDBC CDABB(3)It is not surprising that people 1 ever associate Britain with wine and ill fact it may astonish you to learn that grapes are grown in the open air in England and nearly 200,000 2 were sold in 1975. There is nothing very new in growing grapes in Britain, 3 the climate. The Romans planted the first vines about AD 300 and 4 a long time people always drank home-produced wines. What destroyed the English wine industry was not5 a change in the climate as the fact that an English King, Henry II, inherited the Bordeaux area of France as part of his dominions6the twelfth century and the imported wine provided7 of competition. The English wine industry did not disappear, however,8the sixteenth century, when the monks, who had been the main producers in the meantime, had their estates taken away by Henry VIII. The new owners let the vineyards die out. But now English people, probably9their memories of holidays by the Mediterranean, drink more wine than ever and the new industry is now developing 10a modest but consistent rate.1.A)hardly B)almost C)nearly D)seldom2.A)bottles of wine B)bottles of wines C)wine bottles D)of wine bottles 3.A)although B)whatever C)in spite of D)however4.A)during B)from C)since D)for5.A)enough B)such C)too much D)so much6.A)on B)during C)for D)since7.A)much B)many C)a great deal D)a large number8.A)as long as B)as far as C)since D)until9.A)because B)for C)because of D)due10.A)in B)by C)at D)onAACDDBCDCC阅读理解答案:(1)CAA (3)ABC (4)ADB (5)BAC (6)CCAD (7)ABAD1 CAB 2CCDD 3ABC 4 ADB 5 BAC 6BCAD 7ABADPassage 1People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A are called senior citizens. Life for these people is different from that for younger Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no longer work full time. Also it is unusual for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren. Grandparents tend to live in their own houses or apartments away from their families.For many senior citizens, the years after 65 are not enjoyable. They feel unproductive when they no longer work. Their lives lose meaning. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health as they grow older. If they live in big cities, they often worry about their safety.Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. They associate with their fellow senior citizens who have common interests and equal free time. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. Some senior citizens continue to work beyond retirement age. Many find new careers and professional opportunities after they retire.The number of senior citizens in the U.S.A is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. The average life span for Americans in now more than 74 years. Because of their larger numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country both politically and economically. Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.1.Many senior citizen ________.A)are enjoyable B)live together with their familiesC)feel unproductive, lonely and unsafe D)feel safe in big cities 2.Senior citizens are gaining social influence because ________.A)the number of senior citizens is growing and because senior citizens are more activeB)senior citizens have experienceC)their average life span is longerD)they do more work now3.Implied but not stated: ________.A)Most of American senior citizens have lived a lonely and unhappy life. B)They have played an important part in society.C)Like young people, senior citizens can still enjoy everything they like.D)Their average lifespan is becoming longer and longer.Passage 2The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul's and the Guildhall among them.Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect, wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow; but he did build more than fifty churches, among them new St Paul's.The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.4.The fire began in______.A)a hotel B)the palaceC)Pudding Lane D)Thames Street5.It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that______.A)some people lost their lives B)the birds in the sky were killed by the fireC)many famous buildings were destroyed D)the King's bakery wasburned down6.Why did the writer cite Samuel Pepys? ______A)Because Pepys was among those putting out the fireB)Because Pepys also wrote about the fireC)To show that poor people suffered mostD)To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire7.How was the fire put out according to the text? ______.A)The king and his soldiers came to helpB)All the wooden houses in the city were destroyedC)People managed to get enough water from the riverD)Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled downPassage 3Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified as belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before. A composer organizes his melodies (旋律) and rhythms and combines sounds to create harmony. He may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, the final result will not be to standard.Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. There may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may confuse unrelated feelings, it may not express any important feeling at all, or it may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly.Good music will stand the test of time. It will not go out of fashion but will continue to be enjoyed and respected long after it is first introduced. It will gain a kind of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly. In pop music, where the general rule seems to be "the newer the better", the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.1.A piece of original music ______.A)has a personal style B)sounds very familiar to our earsC)is one whose style you cannot recognize D)cannot be recognized as belonging to any composer2.Good music is ______.A)well-organized tunes B)the proper expression of feelingsC)an expression of mixed feelings D)exaggeration of some feelings3.The passage is concerned with ______.A)how to compose music B)how to enjoy musicC)how to judge music D)how to perform musicPassage 4Shopping-bag ladies don't beg publicly, but they do not refuse what is offered. Once a shopping-bag lady appears where you live, it is as hard to pass her by without giving her some money as it is to pay no attention to the collection box in church. And although you may not like it, if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night, it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is to do with a lost dog.Most shopping-bag ladies seem to be between the ages of 40 and 65. They wear layers of clothes even in summer time, with newspapers filled between the layers as something against bad weather.No one knows how many shopping-bag ladies there are in New York. The number is going up. Some persons and researchers spend a great deal of time taking care of or observing shopping-bag ladies and doing what they can to better the life lady hermits(隐士) who're down.1.Shopping-bag ladies are ______.A)lady beggars B)ladies who sell shopping-bagsC)ladies who make shopping-bags D)Those who go hungry 2.They fill newspapers between the layers of their clothes because ______.A)they are so poor B)they have no place to put themC)they want to hide them D)they have to use them to keep the cold out3.Which of the following statements is NOT true.A)There are more and more shopping-bag ladies in the United States .B)Shopping-bag ladies appear only in New York.C)Some people are helping shopping-bag ladies.D)Some people are engaged in their research on these shopping-bag ladies. Passage 5The Internet will play a central role in conducting international trade beyond the year 2000. The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) recently announced a plan to assist developing countries develop a capacity for e-commerce and e-business. The spin off from this decision can pay huge dividends to offshore companies that position themselves on-line right now to supply goods and services to the coming global Internet trading market.E-business will help you get set up and operate with a minimum of effort and at reasonable prices.E-business Incorporated works with international companies to set up a web-office, or CyberSuite as its own domain accessible over the Internet via its owndomain name or from the e-business Cyberspace Station.If you are a supplier, your CyberSuite would have a showroom where visitors —especially wholesale importers and distributors — can examine images, drawings or listings of what you have to offer. If you are a buyer, your web-office can include a notice board listing products or services or agreements you are looking for and a bidding gallery where suppliers can post bids and link you to their sites to examine products. Trading partners can make purchases, send invoices, hold business meetings, track shipments, and work out potential trade agreements within the E-business Cyberspace Station. E-business seminars and conferences will introduce new potential trade partners to each other.Orders placed on the site are sent immediately to manufacturers and any suppliers integrated into the trade process. For example, established trading partners might include an importer ordering large shipments from a manufacturer and suppliers of parts or raw materials in other countries. By electronically notifying the whole trade net at the same time, each partner is able to trim supply and demand to "just in time" delivery of goods or services. The savings of doing business this way can be substantial — even without the tax advantages.1.E-business Incorporated can help a company to______.A)set up a web-office free of charge B)build a Cybersuite as its domainC)get its own domain name D)have its web site accessible via its own domain name2.In a Cybersuite, a supplier can ______.A)exhibit its products and services B)find more images and drawingsC)get many lists of products D)bid for a certain product or service3.The passage mainly tells about ______.A)the benefits brought by e-business B)how to do e-commerce via InternetC)a project by WTCA D)how to find trade partners via InternetPassage 6For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - and other creatures - learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective reward, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological (生理的) "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink of some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" thebabies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on" a display of lights - and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many three turns to one side.Papousek's light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would "smile and bubble" when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.4.According to the author, babies learn to do things which ______.A)are directly related to pleasure B)will meet their physical needsC)will bring them a feeling of success D)will satisfy their curiosity 5.Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby ______.A)would make learned responses when it saw the milkB)would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drinkC)would continue the simple movements without being given milkD)would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink6.In Papousek's experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to______.A)have the lights turned on B)be rewarded with milk C)please their parents D)be praised7.The babies would "smile and bubble" at the lights because ______.A)the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"B)the sight of the lights was interestingC)they need not turn back to watch the lightsD)they succeeded in "switching on" the lightsPassage 7The digital revolution, as exemplified by the Internet and electronic commerce, has shaken marketing practices to their core. In a recent paper, Wharton's Jerry Wind, director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, and co-author Vijay Mahajan, a marketing professor at the College of Business Administration of the University of Texas at Austin, examine the impact of digital marketing on concepts like pricing, when customers can propose their own prices (), or buyersand sellers can haggle independently in auctions ().The paper provides an overview of some of the emerging realties and new rules of marketing in a digital world, and outlines what the new discipline of marketing may look like in the early part of the new century.To begin with, say the authors, the rapid-fire growth of the Internet is helping to drive changes. "It is not just our computers that are being reprogrammed; it is customers themselves, " says Wind. "These emerging cyber consumers are like an alien race that have landed in the midst of our markets. They have different expectations and different relationships with companies from which they purchase products and services. "For one thing, cyber consumers expect to be able to customize everything —from the products and services they buy and the information they seek, to the price they are willing to pay. And with digital technology opening new channels for gaining information, they are more knowledgeable and demanding than previous consumers.Digital customers can also sort products based on any desired attribute, price, nutritional value, or functionality, and they can easily obtain third-party endorsements and evaluations, tapping the experience of other users. "Companies that cannot meet their demands and expectations will be at a loss, " says Wind.4.The passage was most likely to be taken from ________.A)an overview of a paper B)an introduction to a book C)a book on digital revolution D)a paper discussing digital revolution5.From the third paragraph, we can infer that ________.A)the customers are also reprogrammed by computersB)e-business companies need be more knowledgeable about cyber consumers C)cyber consumers are a group of strange peopleD)cyber consumers came from outer space6.Compared with traditional customers, the emerging cyber consumers ________. A)are more difficult to satisfy B)have less knowledge about businessC)have more problems with prices D)are less willing to buy products and services7.In the last paragraph, what Wind said means ________.A)digital consumers' decision to buy depends largely on others' evaluationB)it will be more and more difficult for companies to earn profit in e-businessC)most of the companies in e-business are at a lossD)companies should try their best to meet the digital consumers' demands and expectations。
电子商务英语答案Answers of Unit OneText AⅠ.Review the questions 略Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text1. frequently2. perspectives3. emerging; exchanging; information4. globalization; productivity; competitive5. employment; commercial6. replace7. people; policy; technical; protocolsⅢ. Translate the following passage into Chinese1. 电子商务是一个刚出现的概念,即通过计算机网络,包括了互联网,来描述买卖过程或产品、服务和信息的交易。
2. EC的应用有许多,例如:家庭银行、在网上商店购物、购买股票、寻找工作、网上拍卖以及利用电子手段在研究和项目开发方面进行合作。
Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English1. Some people think that EC is just another overused and discarded buzzword.2. The term electronic commerce is restricting, however, and does not fully encompass the truenature of the many types of information exchanges occurring via telecommunication devices. 3. There are more non-enterprise organizations, such as academic institutions, non-profitorganizations, religious organizations, social organizations and the governments, employing variety of E-Commerce to reduce the costs and improve the operation.4. The definition of E-Business is broader than that of E-Commerce, which electronicallyinvolves the interaction of all information.Text BⅠ.True or FalseF F T F F T F F T FⅡ. Put in the missing information based on the text1. complicated2. communication; information3. wiring4. Wireless5. separate6. digital; analog7. social; teleconferencing; telecommunications8. ubiquity; convenience9. retail; auctions 10. hierarchical; relational; network; objectSkills of Understanding1. Despite the fact that cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market. Ford,General Motors and Chrysler are hiring more workers than ever before.2. It is difficult for adult learners to come to classes to study at a fixed time. 3. Traffic congestion results in adverse effects.Skills of Translation1. 每个人的生活都有甜蜜和苦涩。
电子商务概论课后习题及参考答案第一章电子商务的定义与分类一、选择题1. 电子商务的定义是()。
a. 在互联网上进行商业活动并进行企业资源的管理b. 在互联网上进行线上购物c. 在互联网上进行广告宣传d. 在互联网上进行社交媒体活动答案:a2. 以下不属于电子商务的分类是()。
a. B2B电子商务b. B2C电子商务c. C2C电子商务d. D2D电子商务答案:d3. 电子商务的特点不包括()。
a. 信息化b. 互动性c. 匿名性d. 地域限制答案:d二、简答题1. 请简述电子商务定义中的“企业资源的管理”是指什么?答案:电子商务不仅仅是在互联网上进行商业活动,也包括了企业资源的管理。
2. 电子商务的分类有哪些?分别简要介绍一下。
答案:电子商务的分类包括B2B电子商务、B2C电子商务、C2C 电子商务和C2B电子商务。
- B2B电子商务指的是企业之间的电子商务活动,即商家与商家之间的在线交易。
- B2C电子商务指的是企业与消费者之间的电子商务活动,即商家向消费者销售商品和服务。
- C2C电子商务指的是消费者之间的电子商务活动,即消费者与消费者之间的在线交易。
- C2B电子商务指的是消费者对企业的电子商务活动,即消费者主动向企业提供产品或服务或参与营销活动。
第二章电子商务的商业模式与应用一、选择题1. 电子商务商业模式的核心是()。
a. 互联网技术b. 销售产品c. 创造价值d. 广告宣传答案:c2. 在B2B电子商务的商业模式中,供应链管理指的是()。
a. 企业与消费者之间的交易管理b. 企业与企业之间的交易管理c. 企业内部的资源管理d. 企业的广告宣传方式答案:b3. 以下不属于电子商务应用领域的是()。
Part 2.2 eBay PlatformWarming-up ActivitiesListening参考答案及译文:1.revenue译文:得益于其成熟的非广告运营模式,它在收入多元化的基础上享有广告定价优势。
5.delivery译文:乐天将主要精力放在了物流运输网络上,去年推出了“One Delivery”计划。
New Core VocabulariesTask1 Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in Brackets.参考答案1.Take the goods back to your retailer who will refund you the purchase price.2.We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.Task2 Match the English words in the left column with the English explanation in the right column.参考答案1.plastic 2.fabricTask3 Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in Brackets.参考答案You can get a $1000 cash advance for your trip from the financial department.Exercises1. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in the brackets into English.参考答案1. by reducing the price by 5%.译文:让我们各让一步,价格降低5%。
电子商务专业英语(第二版)参考答案(不放在书内)Unit 1[Ex 1]1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F 11. T 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T 21. T 22. T 23. F 24. F 25. T 26. T 27. F 28. f 29. F 30. T 31. T 32. T 33. F 34. T[Ex 2]1. Electronic2. Communication3. Subset4. Business-to-Business5. Customer6. C2C7. C2B8. Bidirectional9. G2C 10. Employees[Ex 3]Part A. 1. D 2. H 3. A 4. F 5. B 6. G 7. C 8. EPart B 1. intranet 2. Integration 3. Branding 4. Supplier 5. flat fee 6. auction7. Consumer 8. marketing[Ex 4]1. focuses2. facilitate3. encompass4. bidding5. empowers/has empowered/empowered6. is transmitted7. to promote8. offer[Ex 5]公司(纳斯达克挂牌AMZN)是总部在美国华盛顿州西雅图的一家电子商务公司。
Jeff Bezos在1994年创建了该公司,并在1995年上线交易。
《电子商务概论》课后习题及参考答案第一章电子商务概述一、判断题1、网络商务信息就是指通过计算机传输的商务信息,包括文字、数据、表格、图形、影像、声音以及内容能够被人工或计算机察知的符号系统( √)2、电子商务的核心就是人。
( √)3、电子商务就是一种以消费者为导向,强调个性化的营销方式。
( ×)二、选择题(包括单选题与多选题)1、下列关于电子商务与传统商务的描述,正确的就是( A )A、传统商务受到地域的限制,通常其贸易伙伴就是固定的,而电子商务充分利用Internet,其贸易伙伴可以不受地域的限制,选择范围很大B、随着计算机网络技术的发展,电子商务将完全取代传统商务C、客户服务职能采用传统的服务形式,电子商务在这一方面还无能为力D、客服购买的任何产品都只能通过人工送达2、电子商务以满足企业、商人与顾客的需要为目的,增加(BCD),改善服务质量,降低交易费用。
A、交易时间B、贸易机会C、市场范围D、服务传递速度3、电子商务实质上形成了一个( ABC )的市场交换场所。
( ×)2、制约电子商务发展的瓶颈环节就是电子支付。
( ×)二、选择题(包括单选题与多选题)1、企业进行电子报关属于电子商务的( C )模式。
A、B2CB、C2CC、B2GD、B2B2、网上采购中,( A )为卖方与买方提供了一个快速寻找机会、快速匹配业务与快速交易的电子商务社区。
电子商务英语unit2课后练习题2.11、An established business will be able to ( )A focus on integration between the physical store and the online storeB operate solely on the internetC demonstrate its market analysisD seek funding2、A pure player will use its business plans to ( )A operate solely on the internetB demonstrate its market analysis and seek fundingC reflect their different needsD look at adding an online component3、A good business plan generally does not involve()A an executive summary and a market analysisB a description of the company and its managementC a marketing and sales strategyD consumers’ requests and necessary advertisement4、An executive summary does not consist of ()A names of founders and functionsB summary of company growthC banking relationships and current investorsD the buying habits and preferences of your target market5、()will be done in a market analysis。
第一章测试1【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotacharacteristicofaperfectcompetitivemarket?A.Itishighlyregulated.B.Price,cost,andqualityinformationareequallydistributed.C.Anearlyinfinitesetofsupplierscompeteagainstoneanother.D.Customershaveaccesstoallrelevantinformationworldwide.2【单选题】(2分)Allofthefollowingwerevisionsofe-commerceexpressedduringtheearlyyearsofe-commerc eexcept:A.disintermediation.B.anearlyperfectinformationmarketspace.C.friction-freecommerce.D.fastfolloweradvantage.3【多选题】(2分)TheReinventionperiodischaracterizedby_________.A.viralmarketingB.disintermediationC.user-generatedcontentD.localeconomy4【单选题】(2分)Theearlyyearsofe-commerceareconsidered:A.aneconomist'sdreamcometrue,whereforabrieftime,consumershadaccesstoallrelevantmarketinformationa ndtransactioncostsplummeted.B. astunningtechnologicalsuccessastheInternetandtheWebincreasedfromafewthousandtobillionsofe-comm ercetransactionsperyear.C.adramaticbusinesssuccessas85%ofdot-comsformedsince1995becameflourishingbusinesses.D. themostpromisingtimeinhistoryforthesuccessfulimplementationoffirstmoveradvantages.5【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingreferstoanydisparityinrelevantmarketinformationamongpartiesinatr ansaction?A.imperfectcompetitionB.dynamicpricingC.informationasymmetryD.unfaircompetitiveadvantage6【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueaboutthetraditionaltradeoffbetweentherichnessan dreachofamarketingmessagepriortothedevelopmentoftheWeb?A.Thesmallertheaudiencereached,thelessrichthemessage.B.Marketingmessageshadlittlerichness.C.Richnesswasunrelatedtoreach.D.Thelargertheaudiencereached,thelessrichthemessage.7【单选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingisnotauniquefeatureofe-commercetechnology?A.socialtechnologyB.informationasymmetryC.interactivityD.richness8【单选题】(2分)E-commerceisavailablejustabouteverywhereandanytime.Thisisknownas:A.ubiquity.B.reach.C.richness.D.informationdensity.9【判断题】(2分) Interactivitythatenablesproductcustomizationaltersindustrystructurebydecreasingthethr eatofsubstitutes.A.对B.错10【判断题】(2分) Costtransparencyreferstotheeasewithwhichconsumerscanfindoutthevarietyofpricesina marketA.对B.错11【多选题】(2分)Theuniquefeaturesofe-commercetechnologyinclude:A.UbiquityB.SpecificstandardsC.GlobalReachD.Richness12【多选题】(2分)Thegrowthofsociale-commerceisdrivenby_________.A.sharingofproducts,services,andcontentonsocialaccountsB.networknotificationC.integratedsocialcommercetoolsD.socialsign-on13【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisaleadingplatformforsociale-commerce?A.AmazonB.WikipediaC.FacebookD.eBay14【单选题】(2分)Whichtypeofe-commercegeneratedthelargestrevenue?A.M-commerceB.B2CC.B2BD.C2C15【多选题】(2分)Economistsearlyvisionsaboute-commerceinclude_________A.ConsumersarenotpricesensitiveB.InformationasymmetrywouldbegreatlyreducedC.anearlyperfectcompetitiveD.disintermediation第二章测试1【判断题】(2分)Ane-commercebusinessmodelaimstouseandleveragetheuniquequalitiesoftheInternet,th eWeb,andthemobileplatform.A.对B.错2【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisanexampleoftheaffiliaterevenuemodel?A.JDB.QQmusicC.eBayD.Amazon3【单选题】(2分) Assumeyouareanalyzingthemarketopportunityofadistancelearningcompany,Learnmore. com,thatcreateseducationcoursesdeliveredovertheInternetfortheFortune1000corporate market.Assumethattheoverallsizeofthedistancelearningmarketis$25billion.Theoverallm arketcanbebrokendownintothreemajormarketsegments:Corporate,College,andElement ary/HighSchool,eachofwhichaccountsforathirdofthemarket.WithintheCorporatemarket,t herearetwomarketniches:Fortune1000,whichaccountsfor60%ofthemarket,andallothers, whichtogetheraccountfor40%'srealisticmarketoppor tunity,approximately?A.$5billionB.$6.6billionC.$165billionD.$25billion4【单选题】(2分) AllofthefollowingcanbeconsideredadirectorindirectcompetitorofAmazonexcept:A.Priceline.B.eBay.C.Apple'siTunesStore.D.Walmart.5【单选题】(2分) Allofthefollowingmayleadtoacompetitiveadvantageexcept:A.fewerproducts.B.lessexpensivesuppliers.C.betteremployees.D.superiorproducts.6【判断题】(2分) Thesinglemostimportantelementofabusinessmodelisthemanagementteamresponsiblefo rmakingthemodelwork.A.错B.对7【判断题】(2分)Cooperationwithkeyopinionleaders(KOL)hasbecomethemostpopularmarketingstrategyf orsocialmediaplatformsandadvertisersinChina.A.错B.对8【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisanexampleofacompanyusingthecontentprovidermodel?A.DellB.eBayC.NetflixD.Priceline9【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotavariationofthee-tailerbusinessmodel?A.bricks-and-clicksB.virtualmerchantC.manufacturer-directD.marketcreator10【多选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingbelongtomajortypesofe-tailers?A.virtualmerchantB.bricks-and-clicksC.CommunityprovidersD.manufacturer-direct11【多选题】(2分)Serviceproviderstrade_________forrevenue.A.CapabilitiesB.KnowledgeC.ExpertiseD.Products12【判断题】(2分)On-demandservicecompaniesarecharacterizedbythefreesharingofresourcesbetweenth ecompanyandconsumers.A.错B.对13【单选题】(2分)A______isadigitalnetworkdesignedtocoordinatetheflowofcommunicationsamongfirmse ngagedinbusinesstogether.A.industryconsortiaB.privateindustrialnetworkC.exchangeD.e-distributor14【多选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingcompaniesareexamplesofindustryconsortia?A.GraingerB.BoschC.AribaD.Schaeffler15【多选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingaretrueforWalmart’snetwork?A.monitorthesalesoftheirgoodsB.monitortheactualinventoryleveloftheirgoodsC.ItisoneofthelargestprivateindustrialnetworksintheworldD.Noneoftheabove第三章测试1【判断题】(2分) AroughlyequalpercentageofmenandwomenusetheInternettoday.A.对B.错2【多选题】(2分)Consumerbehavioristhestudyofhowindividuals,groups,andorganizations_______goods, services,ideas,orexperiencestosatisfytheirneedsandwants.A.BuyB.UseC.SelectD.Disposeof3【判断题】(2分)ChineseSingles’DayshoppingfestivalisasuccessfulapplicationofFOMO.A.错B.对4【多选题】(2分)Aconsumer’sbuyingbehaviorisinfluencedbyindependentdemographicvariableswhichincl ude__________.A.CulturalfactorsB.MarketingcampaignsC.SocialfactorsD.Psychologicalfactors5【单选题】(2分)______occurswhenacompetitorclicksonsearchengineresultsandads,forcingtheadvertis ertopayfortheclickeventhoughtheclickisnotjustified.A.BiddingprocessB.LinkfarmC.AdBlockingD.Clickfraud6【多选题】(2分)Howcanabusinessoptimizeitswebsite?A.updatecontentfrequentlyB.makeahighbidintheSEMauctionC.designthesitetobeeasilyrecognizedandreadbythesearchengineD.CarefullychoosekeywordsusedontheWebpages7【多选题】(2分)Both________and_________arethemainthingsthatdetermineyourperformanceintheauc tion.A.TopicofyourwebsiteB.ThemaximumCPCC.QualityscoreD.Brand8【判断题】(2分)Organicsearchresultsdependsonabiasedalgorithm.A.对B.错9【判断题】(2分)AmazonAssociatesProgramisaprivateindustrialnetworks.A.错B.对10【判断题】(2分)Contextadvertisingisbasedonapay-per-clickbasis.A.错B.对11【单选题】(2分) Advertisingnetworksallowadvertiserstargetspecificcustomersbasedontheprofileoftheau dienceviewingthecontent.Thisiscalled__________.A.contextadvertisingB.personalizedadvertisingC.viraladvertisingD.seachengineoptimization12【单选题】(2分) WhichofthefollowingisNOToneofadvertisingnetworks’functions?A.Designadvertisement.B.Handlethemoneyinvolved.C.Createanetworkofbothpublishersandadvertisersandplacerelevant/personalizedadsonpublishers.D.Collectandsharedatawithbusinesses.13【判断题】(2分) RichMediaAdsarealsotheleasteffectiveandthelowestcostformofonlinemarketing.A.对B.错14【判断题】(2分) RichMediaAdsarefarmoreeffectivethansimplebannerads.A.对B.错15【判断题】(2分)Comparedwithotheradformats,sponsorshipsarenotinanovertlycommercialmanner.A.错B.对第四章测试1【多选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingaresocialmarketingplayers?A.TikTok(抖音)B.TaobaoC.PinterestD.RED(小红书)2【判断题】(2分) Socialmarketingstrengthensthebrandanddrivessalesbyhavingconversationwithcustome rs.A.对B.错3【多选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingistheonlineversionofword-of-mouthadvertising?A.LocalmarketingB.SearchenginemarketingC.MobilemarketingD.Viralmarketing4【多选题】(2分)Themovie NeZha appliedthefollowingviralmarketingstrategies:______.A.ManystarsalsoforwardedpostsaboutthemovieandevencosplayedNeZha.B.therearenumerousmomentsinthemoviethatweredeeplyresonant.C.GoodqualityofthemovieledtopositivecommentsonDoubanD.createdpostsonWeibowithkeyswordssuchas“国漫崛起”,“东方神话IP”whicharousedaudience’spatriotics entiment.5【单选题】(2分)________referstoamoreorlessstablegroupoffanswhoareengagedandcommunicatingwit honeanotheroverasubstantialperiodoftime.A.fanacquisitionB.communityC.amplificationD.barndstrength6【多选题】(2分) Marketershaveanumberoftacticstobuildcommunities,includingA.insideinformationonnewproductsB.freegiftsforbringinginnewmembers.C.pricediscountforloyaltyD.guidanceandrecommendationsforcustomers7【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisthemostpopularuseformobiledevices?A.performingtasks,suchasfinancesB.shoppingC.socializingD.entertainment8【单选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingisthesecond-mostpopularmobilemarketingformat?A.mobilemessagingB.displayadvertisingC.searchengineadvertisingD.videoadvertising9【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingaccountsforthemostmobileadspending?A.SMStextmessagesB.searchengineadvertisingC.displayadsD.videoads10【判断题】(2分) Chinesepeopleprimarilyusemobiledevicesforshoppingorbuying.A.对B.错11【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisthemostpopularmobilemarketingformat?A.displayadvertisingB.searchengineadvertisingC.videoadvertisingD.mobilemessaging12【判断题】(2分) Displayadvertisinghasthelargestsizeofmobilemarketingexpenditures.A.对B.错13【单选题】(2分)Friend-finderservices答案thequestionof__________.A.Whereareyou?Where’sthecrowd?B.Whereismychild?C.What'sthebestrestaurantintheneighborhood?D.HowamIdoinginjogging?14【判断题】(2分) Localmarketingisbasedonthemarketingtheory—demographicsegmentation.A.错B.对15【多选题】(2分) TheGPSreceiversinthesmartphonesalongwithothertechniques,meantthatauser’slocatio ncouldbefairlywellknownby_________.A.MarketersB.serviceprovidersC.telecomcarriersD.cellphonemanufacturers第五章测试1【单选题】(2分) Virtualmerchantsfacepotentiallylargecostsforallofthefollowingexcept:A.buildingandmaintainingawebsite.B.buildinganorderfulfillmentinfrastructure.C.developingabrandname.D.buildingandmaintainingphysicalstores.2【判断题】(2分)Manufacturer-directfirmsaresingle-channelmanufacturers.A.对B.错3【多选题】(2分)Manufacturer-directmodelhasfollowingadvantages___________.A.createchannelconflictsB. eliminatetheneedtosupportawholesaleandretailsalesnetwork,C.givethefirmcompletecontroloveritscustomerdatabase.D.simplifythecompany’soperations4【多选题】(2分)__________haveanetworkofphysicalstoresastheirprimaryretailchannel,butalsohaveonli neofferings.A.virtualmerchantsB.bricks-and-clickscompaniesC.manufacture-directcompaniesD.omini-channelmerchants5【多选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingaretrueforbigdataandpowerfulanalyticsprograms?A.recommendproductsbeforetheyaskB.IntendtomakeconsumersallintobigspendersC.makepossiblepredictivemarketingD.tosendpersonalizedmessagestocustomers6【判断题】(2分) StitchFixonlyreliesonbigdatatoclothingitemsandaccessoriesforcusomers.A.错B.对7【判断题】(2分) MassiveandwellservedSMEmarketisonedrivingforceofFintechinChina.A.对B.错8【判断题】(2分)Antchecklater(花呗)givescreditratingstousersbyleveragingusers’merchantdataontheplat form.A.错B.对9【判断题】(2分)Payment/remittanceshasthelargestsizeofFintechservices.A.错B.对10【判断题】(2分)Antchecklater(花呗)isavirtualcreditcardtypeofproductthatfacilitatescreditpayments.A.对B.错11【单选题】(2分)Purchaseofalltravelelementsare_________offeredbyonlinetravelsites.A.commerceB.customerserviceC.contentD.community12【多选题】(2分)Consumers’travelrequirementsinclude_________.A.paymentB.comparisonshoppingC.researchingD.planningE.reserving13【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotamajortrendintheonlinerecruitmentservicesindustry?A.socialrecruitingB.MillennialsandGenXprimarilyusemobiledevicestosearchforjobsC.disintermediationD.useofbigdatatechnologiesinthehiringprocess14【判断题】(2分)“Passivetalent”referstopeoplewhoarenotactivelylookingforanewjob.A.错B.对15【判断题】(2分) Sharingeconomybusinessmodelhasnonegativeoutcomes.A.对B.错第六章测试1【单选题】(2分)WhatdoesALaCartemean?A.payandacquireallthecontentB.payforwhatyouuseC.allyoucaneatD. basicservicesarefreebutmoreadvancedfeaturesmustbepaidfor.2【多选题】(2分) WhichoneistrueforFreemium?A.payandacquireallthecontentB.moreadvancedfeaturesmustbepaidfor.C.payforwhatyouuseD.basicservicesareprovidedfreeofcharge3【判断题】(2分)There’snothingcontradictoryaboutallthreemodels:subscription,ALaCarteandfreemium.A.对B.错4【单选题】(2分)__________referstotheconvergenceofdesign,production,anddistributionofthecontent.A.contentconvergenceB.mediaconvergenceC.technologicalconvergenceD.industrystructureconvergence5【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotanexampleofindustrystructureconvergence?A.Apple’sdevelopmentoftheiPadB.Amazon’screationofAmazonBooksPublishingC.AT&T’sacquisitionofTimeWarnerD.Verizon’sacquisitionofYahoo6【单选题】(2分) WhichofthefollowingtypesofonlinecontentisconsumedbythelowestpercentageofInternet users?A.e-booksB.digitalaudioC.videoD.magazines7【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotanadvantagethatpuredigitalnewssiteshaveoverprintnewspape rs?A.Theycantakeadvantageofnewertechnologiesforproducingthenews.B.Theyhavealowercoststructure.C.Theyofferhigherqualityjournalism.D. Theycancreatenewworkflowsandbusinessprocessesthataremoretimelyandefficient.8【多选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingaretrueforPrint-centricperiod?A.Thetechnologyplatformwasthedesktoporlaptopplatform.B.Thetoppriorityisproducingthemostengaging,continuallyupdateddigitaleditionC.TherewerenochanceforthemtohaveanyinteractionsD.Newspapersadoptedmultimediaelementssuchasvideo,addedmoreinteractiveelementslikecrosswordpuzzl esandcontests9【判断题】(2分)“Contentisking”meansowninghigh-qualitycontentprovidesagoldenopportunitytogenerate revenue.A.对B.错10【判断题】(2分)Inthetraditionalprocess,pricesdeterminedlargelybytheauthor.A.对B.错11【多选题】(2分)Amazon’sdigitalecosystemsbroughtunprecedentedchangetoonlinebookintermsof_____ ______.A.MarketingB.ContentC.PublishingD.AuthorshipE.Readership12【单选题】(2分)________wassuedbytheJusticeDepartmentforviolatingantitrustlawsinconnectionwithe-books.A.AmazonB.Barnes&NobleC.AppleD.Google13【单选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingstatementsisnottrueaboutOTT?A.TouseOTTservices,consumersmustpurchaseabundleofchannels.B.OTTentertainmentservicesareathreattocable/satellitetelevisiondeliverysystems.C.OTTservicesincludetheabilitytodownloadcontentafterpurchaseorrental,aswellassubscriptionstreamingan d“live”TVservic es.D.OTTenablesautomaticadvertisingtransactions.14【判断题】(2分) Streaminghasreplaceddownloadingasthepreferredconsumerviewingplatformforhomeen tertainmentcontent.A.对B.错15【多选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingaretrueforOTTadvertising?A.ItallowstheadvertiserstoreachtherightaudienceattherighttimeB.Commercialsarebasedonherlocation,interestanddemographicsC.ItputsmoreattentiononthecontentD.OTTadvertisingisoftenboughtandsoldprogrammatically第七章测试1【多选题】(2分) Socialnetworksattractpeoplewithsharedinterests,suchas________.A.sportsB.vacationsC.hobbiesD.religion2【单选题】(2分)Doubanisanexampleofa(n)________socialnetwork.A.affinity-basedB.practice-basedC.generalD.interest-based3【判断题】(2分)WithAPItechnology,Facebookopensupitsplatformandgivesotherappsorwebsitestheacce sstoitsdata.A.错B.对4【多选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingaretrueforgeneralcommunity?A.Facebookisworld’smostpopularonlinesocialnetworkwiththelargestnumberofmonthlyactiveusers.B.Typicalexamplesincludefacebook,QQzone,Douban.C. Thebusinessmodelofgeneralcommunitiesistypicallyadvertisingsupportedbysellinggoods.D.Thepurposeofthegeneralcommunityistoattractlargeenoughaudience.5【单选题】(2分)Awebsitedesignedaroundacommunityofmemberswhoself-identifywithademographicorg eographiccategoryisclassifiedasa(n):A.sponsoredcommunity.B.interest-basedsocialnetwork.C.practicenetwork.D.affinitycommunity.6【单选题】(2分)爸妈网is____________designedtoattractparentsbyofferingdiscussionandservicesthatf ocusonEnglisheducationforearlychildhood.A.PracticenetworkB.Interest-basedsocialnetworkC.GeneralcommunityD.Affinitycommunity7【判断题】(2分)Sponsoredcommunitiesareallnon-profitonlinecommunitiesforthepurposeofpursuingorga nizationalgoals.A.对B.错8【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingistheexampleofsponsoredcommunity?A.B.水木社区C.ResearchGateD.Douban9【单选题】(2分)ResearchGateisa__________forscientistsandresearcherstosharepapers,askand答案q uestions,andfindcollaborators.A.PracticenetworkB.Interest-basedsocialnetworkC.AffinitycommunityD.Generalcommunity10【多选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingaregoalsofsponsoredcommunities?A.TodevelopinternalsocialnetworksB.ToshareknowledgeC.TosellgoodsD.Toincreasetheinformationavailabletoitsmembers11【判断题】(2分) SocialmediainfluencerisalsocalledInternetcelebrity.A.对B.错12【多选题】(2分) Inwhatwayscaninfluencersturnthetrafficintorealcash?A.showingadvertisementsB.postingviralvideosonvideohostingcommunitiesC.directingtheirfanstoonlineshopsD.receivingvirtualgifts13【多选题】(2分) WhichofthefollowingaretrueforthesocialmediainfluencerLiJiaqi(李佳琦)?A.Themediahasdubbedhimthe"LipstickKing".B.Hehasnotcooperatedwithcelebrities.C.HeisaChinesefoodandcountry-lifeblogger.D.Hegivesasubjectivecommentontheproducts,notjustbragging.Hisfansreallyappreciatehissincerity.14【判断题】(2分)Socialnetworksalsopresentenormousrisksforindividuals,communities,firms,andevenfors ocietyasawhole.A.错B.对15【多选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingaretrueforFacebook’sCambridgeAnalyticadatascandal?A.Facebookpaidarecord-breaking5billiondollarsfine,byfarthelargestpenaltyeverimposedonacompanyforviol atingconsumers'privacyrights.B.FacebookhadeverdemandedthattheydeleteallofthedatathattheyhadobtainedinviolationofFacebook'srules.C.CambridgeAnalyticawasabletogetaccesstoinformationofasmanyas50millionpeople.D. CambridgeAnalyticaonlycollectedthepersonalinformationofpeoplewhoagreedtotakethesurvey.第八章测试1【单选题】(2分)WhatarethebenefitsforB2BE-commerceA.VisibilitycanbefullyrealizedB.IncreaseproductionflexibilityC.DecreaseproductcycletimeD.Increaseopportunitiesforcollaboratingwithsuppliersanddistributors2【多选题】(2分)WhichofthefollowingaretrueforB2BE-commerce?A.CreategreaterpricetransparencyB.LowersearchcostsforbuyersC.manyFortune1000supplychainsarerisky,vulnerable,andsociallyandenvironmentallyunsustainableD.Lowertransactioncosts3【单选题】(2分)________purchasinginvolvesthepurchaseofgoodsbasedonimmediateneedsinlargermar ketplacesthatinvolvemanysuppliers.A.VerticalB.SpotC.BulkD.Indirect4【判断题】(2分)MROgoodsarealsoknownasdirectgoods.A.错。
三、问答题1、 E-Commerce和 E-Business 的差别在哪里答:E-Commerce是实现整个贸易过程中各贸易活动的电子化,从涵盖范围方面能够定义为:交易各方以电子交易方式而不是经过当面互换或直接面谈方式进行的任何形式的商业交易;从技术方面能够定义为: E― Commerce是一种多技术的会合体,包含互换数据、获取数据以及自动捕捉数据等。
E-Commerce E-Business 是利用网络实现全部商务活动业务流程的电子化,不单包含了面向外面的全部业务流程,还包含了公司内部的业务流程,如公司资源计划、管理信息系统、客户关系管理、供给链管理、人力资源管理、网上市场调研、战略管理及财务管理等。
E-Commerce集中于电子交易,重申公司与外面的交易和合作,而 E-Business 则把涵盖范围扩大到公司外面。
项目4 电子商务的业务流程及主要环节项目习题一、填空题1.在电子商务活动中,出现了一种新的支付方式——网上支付,随之而来出现了一种新的货币形式——电子现钞。
Part 6.1 Overview of Cross-border E-commerce PaymentWarming-up ActivitiesListening参考答案及译文:1.accumulates译文:外国公司可以通过营业额来付款,这意味着一旦公司的营业额累计达到5000美元(下限),支付宝就会立即把钱转至该公司的支付账户。
New Core VocabulariesTask1 Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in Brackets.参考答案1.The service of intermediary is available during the contract period.2.It is of great urgency to establish perfect authentication system.Task2 Match the English words in the left column with the English explanation in the right column.参考答案1. circulation 2. decryptTask3 Match the English words in the left column with the English explanation in the right column.参考答案1.The storage of personal digital certificate is an important part of information security system.2.These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing temperature1. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in the brackets into English.参考答案1. a 1% commission is given to our agent译文:一般情况下,我们给代理商1%的佣金。
英语电子商务英语50题1. In e-commerce, a “cart” is used to ______.A. make paymentsB. store selected itemsC. compare pricesD. receive discounts答案:B。
选项A“make payments”表示付款;选项C“compare prices”表示比较价格;选项D“receive discounts”表示获得折扣。
2. Which of the following is NOT a common payment method in e-commerce?A. Credit cardB. Cash on deliveryC. Personal checkD. Barter答案:D。
选项A 信用卡、选项B 货到付款、选项C 个人支票都是常见的支付方式。
3. When shopping online, “product reviews” help customers ______.A. find similar productsB. decide whether to buyC. contact the sellerD. get free shipping答案:B。
选项A 找到类似产品;选项C 联系卖家;选项D 获得免费送货,均不是“product reviews”的主要作用。
4. In e-commerce, “inventory” refers to ______.A. customer ordersB. available goodsC. shipping costsD. marketing strategies答案:B。
电子商务(英文版)课后作业及答案Chapter1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce1、One definition :Electronic CommerceThe The electronic electronic electronic commerce commerce commerce is is is used used used in in in its its its broadest broadest broadest sense sense sense and and and includes includes includes all all business activities that use Internet technologies. 2、Three important thinking points :Business Models, Revenue Models, Business ProcessBusiness Business model model model is is is a a a set set set of of of processes processes processes that that that combine combine combine to to to achieve achieve achieve a a a company’s company’s primary goal which is typical to yield a profit. Revenue Models is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers. The idea is helpful for classifying revenue-generating activities for communication and analysis purposes. Business processes include purchasing raw materials or goods for resale, converting materials and labor into finished goods, managing transportation and logistics, hiring and training employees, managing the finances of the business, and many other activities.3、Three theoretical points: Value chains, Strategic alliance and SWOTValue chains is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to unit undertakes to design, produce, design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or service it sells. Strategic alliance is the relationship that companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relation with other companies and individuals based on shared purpose. SWOT analysis is including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It’s It’s one one one popular popular popular technique technique for for analyzing analyzing analyzing and and and evaluating evaluating evaluating business business business opportunities. opportunities. The analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Then the analyst reviews the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the threats posed by environment. Chapter2 Technology I nfrastructure: Infrastructure: T heThe Internet and the World Wide Web 1、P92 Review Questions 5P57 P57 Intranet Intranet Intranet and and and Internet Internet Internet compared, compared, compared, it it it can can can be be be said said said that that that the the the Internet Internet Internet is is is a a worldwide network and intranet is the implementation of Internet technology in the in-house, it can with little cost and time will enterprise internal information from from a a a large large large number number number of of of resources, resources, resources, reasonable reasonable reasonable transfer transfer transfer to to to everyone. everyone. everyone. Intranet Intranet Intranet for for enterprise provides a can make full use of the communication lines, economic and effective effective to to to establish establish establish intranet intranet intranet scheme scheme scheme and and and Intranet Intranet Intranet applications, applications, applications, enterprises enterprises enterprises can can effectively carry on financial management, supply chain management, inventory management, customer relationship management and so on. Chapter3 Selling o non the Web: Revenue Models and Building a Web Presence P174 Review Questions 3P158 Channel Channel conflict conflict conflict refers to refers to the activities that a member of a channel channel is is engaged in or is not conducive to the organization to achieve its own goals, and then all kinds of contradictions and disputes. Distribution channel channel design is design is the channel members in different angles, different interests and different methods and so so on, on, on, under under under the the the influence influence influence of of of many many many factors; factors; factors; therefore, therefore, therefore, the the the channel channel channel conflict conflict conflict is is inevitable. To To resolve resolve resolve conflicts conflicts conflicts through through through persuasion persuasion persuasion is is is to to to use use use leadership. leadership. leadership. In In In essence, essence, persuasion persuasion is is is the opportunity to the opportunity to c ommunicate with the channel communicate with the channel members of the conflict, which emphasizes the influence of the behavior rather than the information sharing, but also in order to reduce the conflict caused by the division of labor. The goal of the negotiation is to stop the conflict between members. Compromise may avoid conflict, but it can't solve the root cause of the conflict. exist, it will eventually lead to conflict. In As long as the pressure continues to fact, negotiation is a method of channel members to bargain. In the course of the negotiations, each member will give up some things to avoid the conflict, but the use of negotiation or persuasion to see members of the communication skills. In fact, when the conflict is resolved by the above method, each member needs to form an independent strategy to ensure that the problem can be solved. Chapter4 Marketing on the Web1、Two Market Strategies (Web Market Segmentation)4Cs of MarketingAimed at consumer demand. We must first understand (NEED CONSUMER'S) A imed at consumer demand. We must first understand study and analyze the needs and desires of consumers, rather than to consider what companies can produce products. (COST) The cost that the consumer is willing to pay. First of all, we should understand consumers to meet the needs and desires are willing to pay much money, rather than to make the price of the product, that is, to the consumers to how much money. (CONVENIENCE) Consumer convenience. Products should be taken into account how to facilitate the use of consumers. (COMMUNICATION) Communication with consumers. To the consumer as the center of the implementation of marketing communication is very important, through interaction, communication and other means, the enterprise internal and external marketing integration, the customers and the interests of both sides of the enterprise together.4Ps of MarketingPRODUCT: pay attention to the development of the functional requirements of the product has a unique selling point, the functional requirements of the product in the first place. PRICE: according to the different market positioning, the development of different pricing strategies, product pricing is based on the company's brand strategy, focusing on the gold content of the brand. (PLACE)Distribution: enterprises do not directly to consumers, but to pay attention to the cultivation of the dealer and the establishment of sales network, business and consumer contact is through the distributors to carry out. PROMOTION: enterprises focus on changing the sales behavior to stimulate the consumer, in order to promote the growth of consumer spending in the short term, to attract other brands of consumers or lead to advance consumption to promote sales growth. Market SegmentationNetwork market segmentation refers to enterprises on the basis of investigation and study, according to the network consumer desire to buy, purchase motivation and habits of different, the network marketing is divided into different types of groups, each consumer group constitutes the enterprise of a market segment. Funnel modelThe five tier of the funnel corresponds to each link of the enterprise's search marketing, which reflects the number and loss of customers from the display, click, access, and consultation until the order process is generated. From the maximum amount of the show to the minimum order quantity, this layer of the process of narrowing that there are customers for a variety of reasons to leave, to lose interest in the business or to give up. 2、Several Market TechniquesWeb AdvertisementsWeb Advertisement typesW eb advertising (including Banner, Button, huge vertical edges, etc.) Text link advertising Email advertising Button advertising Sponsorship Advertising combined with content Interstitial ads Home page advertisement Keyword advertising E-mail MarketingIt is a kind of network marketing means to transfer value information to target users through email, under the premise of user's prior permission. Email marketing has three basic elements: user license, e-mail delivery of information, information on the value of the user. Three factors, the lack of a, can not be called effective Email marketing. Email marketing is a direct way to communicate with customers by e-mail. At the same time, it is also widely used in the field of network marketing. E-mail marketing is one of the oldest online marketing practices, it can be said that email marketing than the vast majority of Web site promotion and Internet marketing practices are to be old. Technology-enabled customer relationshipClickstreamClick stream analysisClick stream the concept of pay more attention to the users browse the web site of the entire process, the web log records the user clicks as is figure of "point", and click stream is more like the "point" string together to form the "line." Can also be the point that is the site of the Page, and the line is to visit the site of the Session. So click on the flow of data is collected by the site log, which can contain more information than the web site log, so as to make the results based on click stream data more abundant and efficient. Searching engine positioning and domain names promotionpaid search engine placementIt is through the search engine optimization, search engine rankings and research key words popularity and relevance in the search engine results page to obtain a higher ranking of marketing tools. Search engine optimization of website ranking is very important, because search engine in by crawler or spider) program to collect web data, according to the complex algorithm (each search engine ranking algorithm and method is not the same) to determine the page for a search term correlation and decide the ranking of. When the customer in the search engine to find related products or services, it is through the professional search engine optimization page usually can get a higher ranking. 3、Online brandingAffiliate marketing 关联营销Affiliate marketing is a built in mutually beneficial mutual benefit based on marketing, in cross marketing (cross marketing is refers to the time, money, ideas, activities or presentation space resources integration, for any business to provide a channel for the low cost and to contact more potential customers a marketing method) based on, will be what things, products and brand marketing for relevance, to achieve deep multi guide. At the same time, the related marketing is also a new, low-cost, enterprise in the website to improve the income of marketing methods. Affiliate marketing is sometimes called tying marketing, the current association of sales in many stores have started to use the. Viral Marketing Strategies 病毒营销Viral marketing is refers to the through similar pathology and computer virus transmission modes, namely self-replicating viral propagation process, using existing social networks to enhance brand awareness or to other marketing purposes. Viral marketing is started by the information source, relying on user spontaneous word-of-mouth publicity; achieve a fast roll snowball communication effect. It describes a information transfer strategy, economics known for viral marketing, because this strategy like a virus, transmit information to thousands, hundreds of audience by rapid replication. 。
Chapter 11.Describe three factors that would cause a company to continue doing business intraditional ways and avoid electronic commerce.Traditional commerce is a better way to sell the items or services when personal selling skills are a factor, as in commercial real estate sales; or when the condition of the products is difficult to determine without making a personal inspection, as in the purchases of high-fashion clothing, antiques, or perishable food products.2.What are transaction costs and why are they important?Transaction costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-sale transaction.6.How might a manager use SWOT analysis to identify new applications for electroniccommerce in their strategic business units?In SWOT analysis you list strengths and weaknesses of the business unit and then identify opportunities presented by the markets of the business unit and threats posed by the competitors of the business unit. This is accomplished by analyzing all the business operations into value adding activities and supporting activities.7.In about 200 words, explain the difference between language translation and languagelocalization.Language translation is the process of restating some text written in one language in a different language. In other words, to translate is examine some original text, written in what is called the source language, and to write a corresponding text in different language, called the target language, with the goal of preserving the tone and meaning of the original text.Language localization is a translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in addition to local dialect variations in the language. The cultural element is very important since it can affect—and sometimes completely change—the user’s interpretation of text.8.In a paragraph, describe the advantages of a flat-rate telecommunications access systemfor countries that want to encourage electronic commerce.In a flat-rate access system, the consumer or business pays one monthly fee for unlimited telephone line usage. Although many factors contributed to the rapid rise of U.S. electronic commerce, many industry analysts agree that flat-rate access has been one of the most important factors. As more European telecommunications providers have begun to offer flat-rate access, electronic commerce in those countries has increased dramatically.1.You have decided to buy a new laser printer for your home office. List specific activitiesthat you must undertake as you gather information about printer capabilities andfeatures. Use the CompUSA, , Office Depot, OfficeMax, and Staples Web sites to gather information. Write a short summary of the process you undertook so that others who plan to undertake a similar task can use your information.Answers will vary, but should include the following:∙Identify a search engine∙Visit Websites for information on features, attributes and benefits∙Interrogate Websites for additional information∙Place an order∙Inquire about shipping/payment terms2.Choose one of the Web sites listed in the previous question and identify three ways inwhich the company has reduced its transaction costs by using a Web site to provideinformation about printers. List these three transaction cost reduction elements and write a paragraph in which you discuss one transaction cost reduction opportunity that you believe the company missed.Answers will vary, but may include the following:∙Description of the item∙Employees no longer have to search for prices∙Delivery optionsStaples could include informational links such as: laser printer buying guide or laser printer maintenance.Chapter 21.What were the main forces that led to the commercialization of the Internet?Summarize your answer in about 100 words.The Internet was born out of the need for the U.S. government, specifically the Defense Department, to communicate with its weapons installation distributions all over the world.This idea, in the hands of researchers and scientists evolved even further allowing those researchers the capability to communicate with their colleagues at other universities. As personal computers became more popular and affordable, companies increasingly wanted to construct their own networks. This all led to the dramatic increase in business activity, but the commercialization of the Internet was really spurred by the emergence of the World Wide Web. The software that allowed computers to communicate while on the Internet is still the largest category of traffic today.2.Describe in two paragraphs the origins of HTML. Explain how markup tags workin HTML, and describe the role of at least one person involved with HTML’sdevelopment.SGML is a software language for describing electronic documents and how they should be formatted as well as displayed. This language is the precursor of HTML, which is used by all documents on the Web. Robert Calliau and Tim Berners-Lee independently invented HTML at the CERN research center in Switzerland. HTML’s document type definition is easier for users to learn and use for describing formatting and displaying electronic documents by Meta tag codes.3.In about 200 words, compare the POP e-mail protocol to the IMAP e-mail protocol.Describe situations in which you would prefer to use one protocol or the other andexplain the reasons for your preference.A POP message can tell the e-mail computer to send mail to the user’s computer and to dele teit from the e-mail computer; to send mail to the user’s computer and do not delete it; or simply to ask whether new mail has arrived. IMAP protocol performs the same basic functions as POP, but includes additional features that can instruct the e-mail server to send only selected messages to the client instead of all messages. It also allows the user to view only the headers and the e-mail sender’s name before deciding to download the entire message. One would choose IMAP if they have a need for a more robust system that allows them to access their email from different computers at different times.1.Bridgewater Engineering Company (BECO), a privately held machine shop, makesindustrial-quality, heavy-duty machinery for assembly lines in other factories. It sells its presses, grinders, and milling equipment using a few inside salespeople and telephones.This traditional approach worked well during the company’s start-up years, but BECO is getting a lot of competition from abroad. Because you worked for the company during the summers of your college years, BECO’s president, Tom Dalton, knows you andrealizes that you are Web savvy. He wants to form close relationships with the steelcompanies and small parts manufacturers that are BECO’s suppliers so that h e can tap into their ordering systems and request supplies when he needs them. Tom wants you to investigate how he can use the Internet to set up such electronic relationships. Use the Web and the links in the Online Companion to locate information about extranets and VPNs. Write a report that briefly describes how companies use extranets to link their systems with those of their suppliers, then write an evaluation of at least two companies (using information you have gathered in your Web searches) that could help develop an extranet that would work for Tom. Close the report with an overview of how BECO could use VPN technologies in this type of extranet. The three parts of your reportshould total about 700 words.Responses can vary significantly in this exercise. Any recommendation for systems development should include the infrastructure required to support a supply-chain management extranet, as well as the costs and the anticipated benefits. The infrastructure for a private network requires a TCP/IP network, Web authoring software, and a firewall server. The benefits include lower communication costs, and more timely and accessible information, as well as convenient use.2.Frieda Bannister is the IT manager for the State of Iowa’s Department of Transport ation(DOT). She is interested in finding ways to reduce the costs of operating the DOT’svehicle repair facilities. These facilities purchase replacement parts and repair supplies for all of the state’s cars, trucks, construction machinery, and road maint enanceequipment. Frieda has read about XML and thinks that it might help the DOT send orders to its many suppliers throughout the country more efficiently. Use the Online Companion links, the Web, and your library to conduct research on the use of XML in state, local, and federal government operations. Provide Frieda with a report of about 1000 words that includes sections that discuss what XML is and explain why XML shows promise for the ordering application Frieda envisions. Your report should also identify other DOT business processes or activities that might benefit from using XML. Thereport should also include a summary of the main disadvantages of using XML today for integrating business transactions. End the report with a brief summary of how the W3C Semantic Web project results might help the DOT operate more efficiently in the future.Responses should include the following points:▪XML uses markup tags to describe the meaning or semantics of the text.▪XML records are embedded in HTML documents.▪With XML, tags can be created that identify all the record details for the ordering application that Frieda envisions.▪The extensibility of XML is also its weakness. Sharing data across organizations means that the organizations must use the same tag na mes. For example, Frieda’s organizationmight create a tag called "PurchaseOrderNumber", and one of her suppliers might call the same item "OrderNum".▪The W3C Semantic Web will allow XML tags to be read by software agents, which will result in better, less-timely searching on the Web for information. This would allow theDOT to research pricing, availability, etc. of parts from suppliers.Chapter 31.Write a paragraph in which you describe the conditions under which a Web site canhope to become profitable if it relies exclusively on advertising revenue. In a secondparagraph, provide an example of a company not mentioned in the chapter that is using the advertising-supported model and that is likely to be successful in the long run.Explain why you think it will succeed.A Web site that relies exclusively on advertising revenues must contend with two majorproblems. First, no consensus has emerged on how to measure and charge for site views and the second problem is that very few Web sites have sufficient numbers of visitors to interest large advertisers. To be successful using the advertising-supported revenue model exclusively,a Web site must be large search engine, because they generate sufficient traffic to be profitable.Another alternative is to become a site that targets niche markets, for example employment-advertising sites.2.Describe two possible service-for-fee offerings that might become available tousers of Internet-enabled wireless devices (such as PDAs or mobile phones) in the near future. Write one paragraph for each service in which you outline the profit potential and risk of losses for each.Two possible fee-for-service offerings that might become available are medical and legal services. The profit potential for these services would be higher than the traditional brick and mortar services offered. There are limitations placed on these services because of licensure issues and dispensing legal and medical advice over the Internet is still a major hurdle. As technology and the Internet mature, it will be possible to offer these services offer the Internet.3.In two paragraphs, explain why a customer-centric Web site design is soimportant, yet is so difficult to accomplish.An important part of a successful electronic business operation is a Web site that meets the needs of potential customers. It is a significant challenge however, to design an effective website that introduces the company to different audiences (shareholders, the financial community, suppliers, potential alliance partners, potential customers, current customers and so on) with very different interests.4.Many real estate agents today have Web sites that list the properties they have for sale.These agents also advertise the properties in classified newspaper ads and sometimes in television ads. Write three paragraphs in which you briefly describe the things that realestate agents can best accomplish through (1) their Web sites, (2) mass media advertising, and (3) personal contact.Responses may be similar to the following:Web sites: Offer mortgage loan seekers online credit review and decisions within minutes.Mass media advertising: Offer property listings.Personal contact: Provide more detailed information about the property and about obtaining mortgages,1.Evaluate the usability of two Web sites that sell large-screen televisions. A list of links tocompanies that sell this product is included in the Online Companion for this exercise, but you may use other sites if you wish. In your evaluation, compare the sites on how easy it is to learn about the product and purchase the product. Your report shouldinclude a section of about 200 words in which you describe the criteria you used in your evaluation, a section of about 300 words that summarizes your findings, and a section of about 100 words in which you present your conclusion.Criteria that can be used to evaluate the Web sites include:∙Clarity of product information∙Prices relative to other online merchants∙Overall look and design∙Charges stated clearly before order submission∙Variety of shipping options∙Shipping chargesChapter 41.In about 600 words, explain the differences between customer acquisition and retentionand outline two marketing strategies that would help a company accomplish each ofthese two objectives. Be sure to present facts and logical arguments that support the use of each strategy for each objective.Customer retention is about making sure existing customers keep buying from you. On the Net, customer retention also means making sure your site visitors keep returning. Customer acquisition implies attracting new visitors to your Web site.2.Select a retail store with which you are familiar that has a Web site on which it sellsproducts or services similar to those it sells in its physical retail stores. Explore the Web site and examine it carefully for features that indicate the level of service it provides.Using your experience in the physical store and your review of the Web site, write a200-word evaluation of the company’s touchpoint consiste ncy.Responses will vary but a review should consider the following:The goal of providing the same quality of service is known as touchpoint consistency. The five levels are: awareness (customers who recognize the name of the company or its products), exploration (potential customers learning more about a company’s products and services), familiarity (customers who have completed several transactions and are aware of company policies), commitment (customers with preferences for the product; these customers are loyal and are willing to tell other potential customers), and separation (customers that are leaving, or separating, from the company for any reason).3.Many people have strong negative reactions to pop-up, pop-behind, interstitial, and richmedia ads. Write a 200-word letter to the editor of an Internet industry magazine inwhich you explain, from the advertiser’s viewpoint, why these ads can be effectiveadvertising media.Responses will vary, but the students might discuss how pop-behind ads remain visible after the browser has closed and keeps that information fresh in the user’s mind. In addition, a good point to bring up is that unlike pop-up ads, they do not cover the browser window.1.Visit the RedEnvelope Web site to examine how that company implements occasionsegmentation. Write a report of no more than 200 words in which you describe two clear examples of occasion segmentation on the site.Answers will vary, but Red Envelope has a section that displays various holidays, such as spring, Easter, and birthdays. Students should discuss the details of these different occasions.2.Marti Baron operates a small Web business, The Cannonball, that sells parts, repair kits,books, and accessories to hobbyists who restore antique model trains. Many model train hobbyists and collectors have created Web sites on which they share photos and other information about model trains. Marti is interested in creating an affiliate marketing program that would allow those hobbyists to place links on their sites to TheCannonball and be rewarded with commissions on sales that result from visitorsfollowing those links. Examine the services offered by Be Free, Commission Junction, LinkShare, and any other affiliate program brokers you can find on the Web.Recomme nd at least one affiliate program broker that would be a good fit for Marti’s business. In about 500 words, explain your recommendation. Be sure to consider thecharacteristics of Marti’s business in your analysis.The students should search different program brokers and try to find one that already deals in hobbies and collectibles. Be Free would be a good fit, since it caters to smaller businesses and is scalable as well.。
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Chapter 11.Describe three factors that would cause a company to continue doing business intraditional ways and avoid electronic commerce.Traditional commerce is a better way to sell the items or services when personal selling skills are a factor, as in commercial real estate sales; or when the condition of the products is difficult to determine without making a personal inspection, as in the purchases of high-fashion clothing, antiques, or perishable food products.2.What are transaction costs and why are they important?Transaction costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-sale transaction.6.How might a manager use SWOT analysis to identify new applications for electroniccommerce in their strategic business units?In SWOT analysis you list strengths and weaknesses of the business unit and then identify opportunities presented by the markets of the business unit and threats posed by the competitors of the business unit. This is accomplished by analyzing all the business operations into value adding activities and supporting activities.7.In about 200 words, explain the difference between language translation and languagelocalization.Language translation is the process of restating some text written in one language in a different language. In other words, to translate is examine some original text, written in what is called the source language, and to write a corresponding text in different language, called the target language, with the goal of preserving the tone and meaning of the original text.Language localization is a translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in addition to local dialect variations in the language. The cultural element is very important since it can affect—and sometimes completely change—the user’s interpretation of text.8.In a paragraph, describe the advantages of a flat-rate telecommunications access systemfor countries that want to encourage electronic commerce.In a flat-rate access system, the consumer or business pays one monthly fee for unlimited telephone line usage. Although many factors contributed to the rapid rise of U.S. electronic commerce, many industry analysts agree that flat-rate access has been one of the most important factors. As more European telecommunications providers have begun to offer flat-rate access, electronic commerce in those countries has increased dramatically.1.You have decided to buy a new laser printer for your home office. List specific activitiesthat you must undertake as you gather information about printer capabilities andfeatures. Use the CompUSA, , Office Depot, OfficeMax, and Staples Web sites to gather information. Write a short summary of the process you undertook so that others who plan to undertake a similar task can use your information.Answers will vary, but should include the following:∙Identify a search engine∙Visit Websites for information on features, attributes and benefits∙Interrogate Websites for additional information∙Place an order∙Inquire about shipping/payment terms2.Choose one of the Web sites listed in the previous question and identify three ways inwhich the company has reduced its transaction costs by using a Web site to provideinformation about printers. List these three transaction cost reduction elements and write a paragraph in which you discuss one transaction cost reduction opportunity that you believe the company missed.Answers will vary, but may include the following:∙Description of the item∙Employees no longer have to search for prices∙Delivery optionsStaples could include informational links such as: laser printer buying guide or laser printer maintenance.Chapter 21.What were the main forces that led to the commercialization of the Internet?Summarize your answer in about 100 words.The Internet was born out of the need for the U.S. government, specifically the Defense Department, to communicate with its weapons installation distributions all over the world.This idea, in the hands of researchers and scientists evolved even further allowing those researchers the capability to communicate with their colleagues at other universities. As personal computers became more popular and affordable, companies increasingly wanted to construct their own networks. This all led to the dramatic increase in business activity, but the commercialization of the Internet was really spurred by the emergence of the World Wide Web. The software that allowed computers to communicate while on the Internet is still the largest category of traffic today.2.Describe in two paragraphs the origins of HTML. Explain how markup tags workin HTML, and describe the role of at least one person involved with HTML’sdevelopment.SGML is a software language for describing electronic documents and how they should be formatted as well as displayed. This language is the precursor of HTML, which is used by all documents on the Web. Robert Calliau and Tim Berners-Lee independently invented HTML at the CERN research center in Switzerland. HTML’s document type definition is easier for users to learn and use for describing formatting and displaying electronic documents by Meta tag codes.3.In about 200 words, compare the POP e-mail protocol to the IMAP e-mail protocol.Describe situations in which you would prefer to use one protocol or the other andexplain the reasons for your preference.A POP message can tell the e-mail computer to send mail to the user’s computer and to dele teit from the e-mail computer; to send mail to the user’s computer and do not delete it; or simply to ask whether new mail has arrived. IMAP protocol performs the same basic functions as POP, but includes additional features that can instruct the e-mail server to send only selected messages to the client instead of all messages. It also allows the user to view only the headers and the e-mail sender’s name before deciding to download the entire message. One would choose IMAP if they have a need for a more robust system that allows them to access their email from different computers at different times.1.Bridgewater Engineering Company (BECO), a privately held machine shop, makesindustrial-quality, heavy-duty machinery for assembly lines in other factories. It sells its presses, grinders, and milling equipment using a few inside salespeople and telephones.This traditional approach worked well during the company’s start-up years, but BECO is getting a lot of competition from abroad. Because you worked for the company during the summers of your college years, BECO’s president, Tom Dalton, knows you andrealizes that you are Web savvy. He wants to form close relationships with the steelcompanies and small parts manufacturers that are BECO’s suppliers so that h e can tap into their ordering systems and request supplies when he needs them. Tom wants you to investigate how he can use the Internet to set up such electronic relationships. Use the Web and the links in the Online Companion to locate information about extranets and VPNs. Write a report that briefly describes how companies use extranets to link their systems with those of their suppliers, then write an evaluation of at least two companies (using information you have gathered in your Web searches) that could help develop an extranet that would work for Tom. Close the report with an overview of how BECO could use VPN technologies in this type of extranet. The three parts of your reportshould total about 700 words.Responses can vary significantly in this exercise. Any recommendation for systems development should include the infrastructure required to support a supply-chain management extranet, as well as the costs and the anticipated benefits. The infrastructure for a private network requires a TCP/IP network, Web authoring software, and a firewall server. The benefits include lower communication costs, and more timely and accessible information, as well as convenient use.2.Frieda Bannister is the IT manager for the State of Iowa’s Department of Transport ation(DOT). She is interested in finding ways to reduce the costs of operating the DOT’svehicle repair facilities. These facilities purchase replacement parts and repair supplies for all of the state’s cars, trucks, construction machinery, and road maint enanceequipment. Frieda has read about XML and thinks that it might help the DOT send orders to its many suppliers throughout the country more efficiently. Use the Online Companion links, the Web, and your library to conduct research on the use of XML in state, local, and federal government operations. Provide Frieda with a report of about 1000 words that includes sections that discuss what XML is and explain why XML shows promise for the ordering application Frieda envisions. Your report should also identify other DOT business processes or activities that might benefit from using XML. Thereport should also include a summary of the main disadvantages of using XML today for integrating business transactions. End the report with a brief summary of how the W3C Semantic Web project results might help the DOT operate more efficiently in the future.Responses should include the following points:▪XML uses markup tags to describe the meaning or semantics of the text.▪XML records are embedded in HTML documents.▪With XML, tags can be created that identify all the record details for the ordering application that Frieda envisions.▪The extensibility of XML is also its weakness. Sharing data across organizations means that the organizations must use the same tag na mes. For example, Frieda’s organizationmight create a tag called "PurchaseOrderNumber", and one of her suppliers might call the same item "OrderNum".▪The W3C Semantic Web will allow XML tags to be read by software agents, which will result in better, less-timely searching on the Web for information. This would allow theDOT to research pricing, availability, etc. of parts from suppliers.Chapter 31.Write a paragraph in which you describe the conditions under which a Web site canhope to become profitable if it relies exclusively on advertising revenue. In a secondparagraph, provide an example of a company not mentioned in the chapter that is using the advertising-supported model and that is likely to be successful in the long run.Explain why you think it will succeed.A Web site that relies exclusively on advertising revenues must contend with two majorproblems. First, no consensus has emerged on how to measure and charge for site views and the second problem is that very few Web sites have sufficient numbers of visitors to interest large advertisers. To be successful using the advertising-supported revenue model exclusively,a Web site must be large search engine, because they generate sufficient traffic to be profitable.Another alternative is to become a site that targets niche markets, for example employment-advertising sites.2.Describe two possible service-for-fee offerings that might become available tousers of Internet-enabled wireless devices (such as PDAs or mobile phones) in the near future. Write one paragraph for each service in which you outline the profit potential and risk of losses for each.Two possible fee-for-service offerings that might become available are medical and legal services. The profit potential for these services would be higher than the traditional brick and mortar services offered. There are limitations placed on these services because of licensure issues and dispensing legal and medical advice over the Internet is still a major hurdle. As technology and the Internet mature, it will be possible to offer these services offer the Internet.3.In two paragraphs, explain why a customer-centric Web site design is soimportant, yet is so difficult to accomplish.An important part of a successful electronic business operation is a Web site that meets the needs of potential customers. It is a significant challenge however, to design an effective website that introduces the company to different audiences (shareholders, the financial community, suppliers, potential alliance partners, potential customers, current customers and so on) with very different interests.4.Many real estate agents today have Web sites that list the properties they have for sale.These agents also advertise the properties in classified newspaper ads and sometimes in television ads. Write three paragraphs in which you briefly describe the things that realestate agents can best accomplish through (1) their Web sites, (2) mass media advertising, and (3) personal contact.Responses may be similar to the following:Web sites: Offer mortgage loan seekers online credit review and decisions within minutes.Mass media advertising: Offer property listings.Personal contact: Provide more detailed information about the property and about obtaining mortgages,1.Evaluate the usability of two Web sites that sell large-screen televisions. A list of links tocompanies that sell this product is included in the Online Companion for this exercise, but you may use other sites if you wish. In your evaluation, compare the sites on how easy it is to learn about the product and purchase the product. Your report shouldinclude a section of about 200 words in which you describe the criteria you used in your evaluation, a section of about 300 words that summarizes your findings, and a section of about 100 words in which you present your conclusion.Criteria that can be used to evaluate the Web sites include:∙Clarity of product information∙Prices relative to other online merchants∙Overall look and design∙Charges stated clearly before order submission∙Variety of shipping options∙Shipping chargesChapter 41.In about 600 words, explain the differences between customer acquisition and retentionand outline two marketing strategies that would help a company accomplish each ofthese two objectives. Be sure to present facts and logical arguments that support the use of each strategy for each objective.Customer retention is about making sure existing customers keep buying from you. On the Net, customer retention also means making sure your site visitors keep returning. Customer acquisition implies attracting new visitors to your Web site.2.Select a retail store with which you are familiar that has a Web site on which it sellsproducts or services similar to those it sells in its physical retail stores. Explore the Web site and examine it carefully for features that indicate the level of service it provides.Using your experience in the physical store and your review of the Web site, write a200-word evaluation of the company’s touchpoint consiste ncy.Responses will vary but a review should consider the following:The goal of providing the same quality of service is known as touchpoint consistency. The five levels are: awareness (customers who recognize the name of the company or its products), exploration (potential customers learning more about a company’s products and services), familiarity (customers who have completed several transactions and are aware of company policies), commitment (customers with preferences for the product; these customers are loyal and are willing to tell other potential customers), and separation (customers that are leaving, or separating, from the company for any reason).3.Many people have strong negative reactions to pop-up, pop-behind, interstitial, and richmedia ads. Write a 200-word letter to the editor of an Internet industry magazine inwhich you explain, from the advertiser’s viewpoint, why these ads can be effectiveadvertising media.Responses will vary, but the students might discuss how pop-behind ads remain visible after the browser has closed and keeps that information fresh in the user’s mind. In addition, a good point to bring up is that unlike pop-up ads, they do not cover the browser window.1.Visit the RedEnvelope Web site to examine how that company implements occasionsegmentation. Write a report of no more than 200 words in which you describe two clear examples of occasion segmentation on the site.Answers will vary, but Red Envelope has a section that displays various holidays, such as spring, Easter, and birthdays. Students should discuss the details of these different occasions.2.Marti Baron operates a small Web business, The Cannonball, that sells parts, repair kits,books, and accessories to hobbyists who restore antique model trains. Many model train hobbyists and collectors have created Web sites on which they share photos and other information about model trains. Marti is interested in creating an affiliate marketing program that would allow those hobbyists to place links on their sites to TheCannonball and be rewarded with commissions on sales that result from visitorsfollowing those links. Examine the services offered by Be Free, Commission Junction, LinkShare, and any other affiliate program brokers you can find on the Web.Recomme nd at least one affiliate program broker that would be a good fit for Marti’s business. In about 500 words, explain your recommendation. Be sure to consider thecharacteristics of Marti’s business in your analysis.The students should search different program brokers and try to find one that already deals in hobbies and collectibles. Be Free would be a good fit, since it caters to smaller businesses and is scalable as well.。