跨文化交际 课件 Unit Two Culture Shock
跨文化交际 全套课件
• 3.in the west ,if you were invited to have a meal at someone’s home, there will often be only one or two dishes.Even it was a formal dinner, it would usually be just three courses:soup, main dish, and desert. But in China,an informal dinner would have four dishes and a soup; a a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.
• 1.There are at least two or more people.
• 2.There must be some contact between communicators.
• 3.There must be a language shared by communicators.
• 4.an exchange of information has taken place.
• Activity 2 meanings in communication
• Utterance meaning :what it normally means
• Speakers meaning:the speaker has intended to convey by way of utterance meaning .
• 5.Many people feel religious belief are very personal and they may not feel; comfortable to tell someone they hardly know.
Unit 2
Daily Communication (I)
Learn the differnces of addressing people and greeting between Chinese and western culture.
Close Relationship/ Informal Situation
Surname+Title Surname+Title
Given Name
Title+Surname Given Name Given Name
How to express fu +title?
Business visiting:
arrange a time in advance some straight to the point
Social visiting:
more flexible
I’m coming to see you this afternoon.
Some suitable expressions:
Decide the following addresses are right or not.
He Xiangu
Andrew Lቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱwis
He xiansheng He Xiangu Xiangu Gu He jingli He tongzhi He xiaozhang He laoshi He yisheng
Unit 2
Daily Communication (I)
Learn the differnces of addressing people and greeting between Chinese and western culture.
Close Relationship/ Informal Situation
Surname+Title Surname+Title
Given Name
Title+Surname Given Name Given Name
How to express fu +title?
Business visiting:
arrange a time in advance some straight to the point
Social visiting:
more flexible
I’m coming to see you this afternoon.
Some suitable expressions:
Decide the following addresses are right or not.
He Xiangu
Andrew Lቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱwis
He xiansheng He Xiangu Xiangu Gu He jingli He tongzhi He xiaozhang He laoshi He yisheng
跨文化交际 第二课PPT课件
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
后来“文化”一词被日语借入,到近代作为英 语culture的对译词。再后来“文化”作为日语借词 又被现代汉语吸收,于是“文化”就同英语的 culture有了直接的词源关系,并衍生出“文明”、 “教育”等含义。
文化离不开 人,是某一 群体的生活 方式。
“由人们为了使自己的活动方式被社会的其他成员所接受、所 必须知晓和相信的一切组成。作为人们不得不学习的一种有别 于生物遗传的东西,文化必须由学习的终端产品‘知识’组 成”。民族内部的规范
的活动而表现出来的一种思维和行为方式,一种使这个民族不 同于其他任何民族的方式”。民族之间的差异
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
3.观念的整合性 整个民族文化有一个或少数几个由价值选择结果为出
发点的“文化内核”,这样的文化内核就像遗传因子一 样无所不在地渗入该民族的所有文化细胞之中,发挥着 整合文化的潜在作用,从而使整个文化产生一种保守性、 内聚性、排异性和对外来文化要素的同化力。文化的整 合性是一种文化得以自我完善和形成独特面貌的动力。
亚文化:指不同地区、不同民族、不同职业、不同社会团体、不同文 化层次,甚至不同年龄段的人群特有的文化特征。亚文化既有主导文 化的基本共性,又有自己的独特个性。这些亚文化个性表现在生活习 性、言谈举止、行为方式、交际规则,甚至思维方式等各方面。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
说服派更适合解释宏观上大众传播的形式,而共享 派更符合人际传播的形式。
二、交流的类型及模式 交流通常可以分为大众传播、组织交流和人际交流三个层次
Intercultural Communication
Chapter 4
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
▪ “Culture Shock”, first identified in 1958 by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg, is a long term psychological stress that all human beings experience when they move to a
2. Symptoms of culture shock
▪ a. physical symptoms over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin
The first stage of initial contact, sometimes called the “honeymoon” stage or initial euphoria [ju:'fɔ:riə] (幸福 愉快感), is where everything is new and exciting. -- eager to please s and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances [nju:'ɑ:ns] (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.
Chapter 4
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
▪ “Culture Shock”, first identified in 1958 by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg, is a long term psychological stress that all human beings experience when they move to a
2. Symptoms of culture shock
▪ a. physical symptoms over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin
The first stage of initial contact, sometimes called the “honeymoon” stage or initial euphoria [ju:'fɔ:riə] (幸福 愉快感), is where everything is new and exciting. -- eager to please s and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances [nju:'ɑ:ns] (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.
首先,定势和归类有一定的联 系,是过分简单化的归类。 其次,定势有不可避免性 再者,定势具有稳定性和延续 性。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
在文化学研究领域,通常把文化分为主流文化和亚文化。 也就是说,文化的概念具有层次性,一种整体文化中往往包含 了各种不同的次范畴“变体”,形成某种文化圈内的亚文化圈。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
后来“文化”一词被日语借入,到近代作为英 语culture的对译词。再后来“文化”作为日语借词 又被现代汉语吸收,于是“文化”就同英语的 culture有了直接的词源关系,并衍生出“文明”、 “教育”等含义。
文化离不开 人,是某一 群体的生活 方式。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
一 关于文化的概念 二 关于交际的概念 三 关于语言的概念
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
一 关于文化的概念
第一节 文化、交际和语言
euphoria 过度兴奋的情绪
utopia 乌托邦(理想中最完美的地方) ecstasy 狂喜
fantasy 幻想,空想 pervade 蔓延,渗透
scoff at 嘲弄 national 国民
outburst 突发,爆发
expatriate 侨民
snapshot 快照,快拍
Four phases of cultural adaptation
Predeparture Stage Before entering the host cultrue, you feel
excited and face the future with optimism. Stage one: everything is beautiful
Comprehension question
Question 1: What are the terms that can be applied to the
concept of “culture shock”?
Terms that can be applied to theconcept of―culture shock are culture stress, adaptation, transition shock, adjustment, socialization, and so on.
Question 7:
What do you think of the author‟s suggestion of using the native language to compliment people inthe host culture?
③ 王福祥、吴汉樱编,《文化与语言》(外语教 学与研究出版社,1994)。
出版学术专著 发表相关论文 召开学术研讨会
尔滨成立,此后,每两年召开一次全国性 会议。
第二讲 跨文化交际与跨文化交际学
一、跨文化交际(intercultural communication)
交际是一个(或多个人)对另一个人(或 多个人)的行为或行为遗迹作出了反应。
格林教授和夫人鞠躬 敬请赐复。
Director of the Institute of Atomic Energy requests the pleasure of the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Dickens at a dinner party
in honor of Mr. Liu Wenling senior engineer of the Institute of Atomic Energy
中国文化中称呼“姓+职务”这种类型的,有 些翻译成英文不宜直译,如主任、局长、科长、 老师等。
对于教师的称呼很多,主要有三种: Sir./Ms.;
Mr./Ms.+姓;直呼其名。 不能是“姓+teacher”,也不能是直呼别人
跨文化交际(culture shock文化休克) Practice Englishppt课件
The girl belongs to the stage of Honeymoon Phase she is extremely curious about the new culture,new environment, the new foods, the pace of the life, the people's habits and so on .
3 Factors Affecting Acculturation
Factors Affecting Acculturation
Host Environment
Personal Communication
Social Communication
Cultural Differences in Verbal Communication
Cultural differences on lexical (字面上的) level
The two boys,one German and one American, did not speak a word to the girl on their own initiative,Every time they answered her with only one or two words.They knew the meaning of “fishing” and laughed at the girl.
the girl was so eager to talk with foreigners that she sat on the steps of the foreign students’ residence to do that .
3 Factors Affecting Acculturation
Factors Affecting Acculturation
Host Environment
Personal Communication
Social Communication
Cultural Differences in Verbal Communication
Cultural differences on lexical (字面上的) level
The two boys,one German and one American, did not speak a word to the girl on their own initiative,Every time they answered her with only one or two words.They knew the meaning of “fishing” and laughed at the girl.
the girl was so eager to talk with foreigners that she sat on the steps of the foreign students’ residence to do that .
Culture Shock跨文化交际2
(跨文化适应指人们不断提高自己 的适应能力,以期达到新文化环境 的需要。)
Honeymoon phase
Reverse culture shock
Rejection phase
Regression phase Kalvero Oberg
The first 3 stages
Level 1
Cultural differences are exotic
More negative attitudes towards the new culture
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Take energy to express frustration and anger
Reject the new culture
and escape
Practicing English
One night a Chinese student majoring in English sat on the steps of the foreign students’ residence and talked with 2 young male foreign students, one German and one American. They did not speak a word to her on their own initiative, but she asked many questions to get a conversation started. Every time they answered her with only one or two
Become more optimistic
Improve in their language skills
Honeymoon phase
Reverse culture shock
Rejection phase
Regression phase Kalvero Oberg
The first 3 stages
Level 1
Cultural differences are exotic
More negative attitudes towards the new culture
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Take energy to express frustration and anger
Reject the new culture
and escape
Practicing English
One night a Chinese student majoring in English sat on the steps of the foreign students’ residence and talked with 2 young male foreign students, one German and one American. They did not speak a word to her on their own initiative, but she asked many questions to get a conversation started. Every time they answered her with only one or two
Become more optimistic
Improve in their language skills
❖ Some people in many parts of the world put dogs in their ovens, but people in the United States put them on their couches and beds. Why?
❖ Some people in Iran pray five times each day while sitting on the floor, but some people in Las Vegas sit up all night in front of video poker machines. Why?
Warm-up Case
❖ Fish Is Fish
Learning Objectives
❖ Define the term of culture ❖ Describe the characteristics of culture ❖ Understand the nature of culture ❖ Be aware of cultural differences
Learning Culture through
❖ "One does not make the wind blow but is blown by it."
❖ "Order is half of life."
❖ "The mouth maintains silence in order to hear the heart talk."
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.
❖ Some people in many parts of the world put dogs in their ovens, but people in the United States put them on their couches and beds. Why?
❖ Some people in Iran pray five times each day while sitting on the floor, but some people in Las Vegas sit up all night in front of video poker machines. Why?
Warm-up Case
❖ Fish Is Fish
Learning Objectives
❖ Define the term of culture ❖ Describe the characteristics of culture ❖ Understand the nature of culture ❖ Be aware of cultural differences
Learning Culture through
❖ "One does not make the wind blow but is blown by it."
❖ "Order is half of life."
❖ "The mouth maintains silence in order to hear the heart talk."
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.
Key Terms
The Adaptation Stage 适应阶段 适应阶段是指“外乡人”的沮丧、烦恼和焦虑消失了 的阶段。他们基本上适应了新的文化环境,适应了当 地的风俗习惯,能与当地人和平相处。 The Reverse Culture Shock 逆向文化冲击 逆向文化冲击是指归国者归国初期表现出对自己祖国 环境的种种不适应状况。
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
Learning Objectives In this chapter, you should be able to Basic knowledge about culture shock. The elements that cause culture shock. The five stages of culture shock. How do the people feel and react when they are experiencing culture shock. How to alleviate culture shock.
Comprehension Questions
initial enchantment fascination cordial superficial embrace invariably idiosyncrasies competent overwhelmed adj. 最初的;字首的 n. 魔法;着迷 n. 魅力;入迷 adj. 兴奋的;热忱的 adj. 表面的;肤浅的 vt. 包含;信奉 adv. 不变地;总是 n. 气质;风格 adj. 能干的;足够的 adj. 压倒性的, 无法抵抗的
Chapter 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication
(2) How do you think of “self-reliance”?
• The American Creed is something of a doubleedged sword: it fosters a high sense of personal responsibility, independent initiative, and voluntarism ; it also encourages self-serving behavior, atomism, and a disregard for communal good. More specifically, its emphasis on individualism threatens traditional forms of community morality, and thus has historically promoted a particularly virulent strain of greedy behavior”
• Play a role • To feel an obligation toward
Chapter 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication
(2) How do you think of “self-reliance”?
• The American Creed is something of a doubleedged sword: it fosters a high sense of personal responsibility, independent initiative, and voluntarism ; it also encourages self-serving behavior, atomism, and a disregard for communal good. More specifically, its emphasis on individualism threatens traditional forms of community morality, and thus has historically promoted a particularly virulent strain of greedy behavior”
• Play a role • To feel an obligation toward
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Unit Two
学习重点 教学内容 案例分析 资源导航 历年试题 试题答案
Culture Shock
culture shock? Theories of Values on Individual Culture and collectivist culture Hospitality Politeness Privacy Adjustment & Acculturation Acculturation
This word means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. 对客人的热诚慷慨的接待或安排
The following table shows some different responses to different ways of hospitality:
understand cross-cultural differences in approaches to hospitality,modesty, privacy, and politeness appreciate how differences in cultural values shape behavior identify and avoid taboo subjects in Western cultures avoid pitfalls in cross-cultural communication; and adjust more smoothly to a new cultural environment.
3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. Because of their independence, Individualists give little thought to the evaluations of others; they are willing to, and indeed encouraged to , express themselves freely. Collectivists, on the other hand, care very much what others in their group think and do not like to be the targets of scrutiny and criticism. Therefore, the free and easy openness of individualists can be distressing too collectivists.
4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal
bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. As a result of all of these beliefs, individualists do not see the world in terms of duty toward in-group members. The foreigners' lack of hospitality is partially due to his belief that guests are independent entities who can make their own decisions; once having offered food or drink, it is not necessary to go any further. No special duty is owned to in-group members, and the role of host is not a privileged one.
பைடு நூலகம்
教学内容five basic themes in individualist culture:
1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the politeness with which foreigners treat out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. The reason might be that individualists tend to believe in equality; their communication norms stress equal treatment of subordinate and superior. friend and stranger. In contrast, collectivists' communication norms often stress deference; a clear demarcation is made between one's treatment of those above and below one in the social hierarchy. Clearly, to a collectivist, the way individualists treat strangers will seem unusual and unnecessarily polite.
教学内容Theories of Values on Individual Culture and collectivist culture
1) Individual Culture (believed in liberalism): a culture that scores high on individualism. The individual human being is seen as having intrinsic worth, and individuals tend to define themselves by the extent to which they are different from, rather than similar to other. People are encouraged to display selfconfidence and assertiveness, disclosure of personal thoughts and feelings.
教学内容 culture shock
This is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. It is the trauma of bewilderment which people find themselves in when they are isolated in an alien culture. 文化冲击指在大量地收到一种异文化的信息之 后,尤其身处异国,不同程度地产生的一种心理 反应。这是因为失去自己原有熟悉的社会信号和 符号,对于对方的社会符号不熟悉,而产生的深 度焦虑症。
Collectivist culture (believed in Confucianism): a culture that places little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. The survival of the group is more important that of any individual member. Going one's own way is not valued; instead uniformity and conformity are stressed. People in collectivist cultures define themselves in terms of hose qualities that stress identity as a group member.
2 ) There is a desire for independence and separateness, found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to children. The reason might be that individualists value separateness and independence; the basic unit in an individualist culture is the autonomous self, not the group. Individualist need to be different from rather than the same as others, and they have a strong need for a 'back region' where they can escape from public scrutiny. This is so basic to the culture that it is part of childrearing practices. Naturally. to a collectivist, this attitude seems unusually selfish and unsociable.
学习重点 教学内容 案例分析 资源导航 历年试题 试题答案
Culture Shock
culture shock? Theories of Values on Individual Culture and collectivist culture Hospitality Politeness Privacy Adjustment & Acculturation Acculturation
This word means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. 对客人的热诚慷慨的接待或安排
The following table shows some different responses to different ways of hospitality:
understand cross-cultural differences in approaches to hospitality,modesty, privacy, and politeness appreciate how differences in cultural values shape behavior identify and avoid taboo subjects in Western cultures avoid pitfalls in cross-cultural communication; and adjust more smoothly to a new cultural environment.
3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. Because of their independence, Individualists give little thought to the evaluations of others; they are willing to, and indeed encouraged to , express themselves freely. Collectivists, on the other hand, care very much what others in their group think and do not like to be the targets of scrutiny and criticism. Therefore, the free and easy openness of individualists can be distressing too collectivists.
4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal
bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. As a result of all of these beliefs, individualists do not see the world in terms of duty toward in-group members. The foreigners' lack of hospitality is partially due to his belief that guests are independent entities who can make their own decisions; once having offered food or drink, it is not necessary to go any further. No special duty is owned to in-group members, and the role of host is not a privileged one.
பைடு நூலகம்
教学内容five basic themes in individualist culture:
1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the politeness with which foreigners treat out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. The reason might be that individualists tend to believe in equality; their communication norms stress equal treatment of subordinate and superior. friend and stranger. In contrast, collectivists' communication norms often stress deference; a clear demarcation is made between one's treatment of those above and below one in the social hierarchy. Clearly, to a collectivist, the way individualists treat strangers will seem unusual and unnecessarily polite.
教学内容Theories of Values on Individual Culture and collectivist culture
1) Individual Culture (believed in liberalism): a culture that scores high on individualism. The individual human being is seen as having intrinsic worth, and individuals tend to define themselves by the extent to which they are different from, rather than similar to other. People are encouraged to display selfconfidence and assertiveness, disclosure of personal thoughts and feelings.
教学内容 culture shock
This is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. It is the trauma of bewilderment which people find themselves in when they are isolated in an alien culture. 文化冲击指在大量地收到一种异文化的信息之 后,尤其身处异国,不同程度地产生的一种心理 反应。这是因为失去自己原有熟悉的社会信号和 符号,对于对方的社会符号不熟悉,而产生的深 度焦虑症。
Collectivist culture (believed in Confucianism): a culture that places little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. The survival of the group is more important that of any individual member. Going one's own way is not valued; instead uniformity and conformity are stressed. People in collectivist cultures define themselves in terms of hose qualities that stress identity as a group member.
2 ) There is a desire for independence and separateness, found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to children. The reason might be that individualists value separateness and independence; the basic unit in an individualist culture is the autonomous self, not the group. Individualist need to be different from rather than the same as others, and they have a strong need for a 'back region' where they can escape from public scrutiny. This is so basic to the culture that it is part of childrearing practices. Naturally. to a collectivist, this attitude seems unusually selfish and unsociable.