
合作原则 Cooperative Principle(一)量的准则 Maxim of Quantity(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。
Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange;(2)所说之话不应包含超出需要的信息。
Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.For example,1. Earl: I just want to look nice for my son when he comes in.Max: What I am going to meet your kidEarl: Well, one of them.Max:“One of them” How many do you haveEarl: So farMax: Oh, Earl, I love you.Earl: This is my son, Darius. He is the Chrysler salesman in all of Detroit. And he is my very favorite if he is the one I’m thinking of.(From Bankruptcy Sisters)Analyze: This is a scene of Bankruptcy Sisters, Earl only told he dressed so decently to meet his son, but didn’t say clearly if Max would meet his son together, that`s why Max felt puzzled and asked him how many of his sons; then Earl answered “So far” , until the last sentence he did tell the purpose for meeting his son and add another unnecessary message “ if he is the one I’m thinking of.” Because of the hiatus or the redundancy of their conversation, makes the audiences fall into a reverie and sets a humorous comedy atmosphere.2. Caroline: Oh my God! Is he your fatherMax: Yes, he is my father. And my mother is a piece of chalk.(From BankruptcySisters)Analyze: This is a conversation between Caroline and Max. Caroline asked if the man came into the cafe was Max’s father, Max answer “Yes” but add one more sentence “And my mother is piece of chalk.” which indicated the man was not Max ‘s father at all. Obviously, though this situation is typical message redundancy, it helps the listeners to understand the speaker’s real meaning and humor.3.柳小姐之夫:老婆,请问一下你会不会打我柳小姐:我干嘛要打你啊你又没做错事。

关键词:合作原则;礼貌原则;老友记中图分类号:H03 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)02-0195-02 一、引言《老友记》又名《六人行》是美国NBC电视台从1994年开播到2004年结束,连续播出十年的一部情景喜剧,剧中主要讲述了六个朋友,三男三女,Ross, Chandler, Joey, Monica,Phoebe, Rachel,在这十年间的生活,工作,爱情。
并且引入了四条准则: 数量准则: 1.使所说的话正好满足当前交谈所需要的信息 2.所说的话不要多于需要的信息质量准则: 所说的话要求真实1.不要说自知是虚假的话 2.不要说缺乏足够证据的话关系准则: 要有关联方式准则: 要清晰 1.避免晦涩 2.避免歧义 3.要简练 4.要有序下面我们就以剧中的台词为例,看一下违反这些准则所产生的效果例1.Monica: There's nothing totell~ He's just some guy I work with~ Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy~ There's gottabe something wrong with him~ Chandler: All right Joey,更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~be nice. So does he have a hump, A hump and a hairpiece,Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk, (They all stare, bemused.)Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh~ Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going outto dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me.这是几位朋友之间的对话,Joey 询问Monica 和她出去的男人是谁,Monica 只告诉Joey 他是个一起工作的人,而Chandler 就问那个人是不是驼背,是不是戴假发,言外之意,那个男人是不是秃顶,这就违反了合作原则中量的原则,即所说的话不应超出需要的信息,对于问话者来说,只需回答那个男人是谁,没有必要问他是不是驼背或者秃顶。

1. 战国时期的合纵连横:这是战国时期各国为了达到称霸的目的而互相勾结、联合的事例。
2. 三国时期的赤壁之战:这是孙权、刘备联军在赤壁大破曹操大军的著名战役。
3. 近代的国共合作与抗日战争:国共合作是中国共产党和中国国民党在抗日战争期间建立的合作关系。

一:违反数量准则1.A: When are you going to the airport?B: Sometime this morning.B的回答违反了数量原则,因为在他的回答中,他给A 提供的信息少于A 所希望他提供的信息。
2.Wife: When did you come back last night?Husband: Around midnight. The meeting was too long.妻子问丈夫回来的时间,而丈夫不但回答了回来的时间,还补充说会议开太久了,为自己午夜才回家找个合适的理由。
3.A: Where does Mr. Smith live?B: Somewhere in the town.B明白A想知道Smith先生的具体住址并想去拜访他,但他也知道Smith先生不愿意让A去他那里,所以只好违反数量准则给B以含糊的回答。
4.A: What do you think of Mark?B: His flat-mate is a wonderful cook.B对Mark没有好感,但又不好直说,更不想违反质量准则去说假话,所以故意违反了数量准则,没有给A以足够的信息,而A从B答非所问的回答中也可知道B 对Mark评价不高。
5.A: What are you reading?B: A book.从B违反数量准则的回答可以推知,他正在安心读书,不想别人打搅自己。
二:违反质量准则1.A: I might win the lottery.B: Yes, and pigs might fly.对话中B没有直接告诉A他不同意A的看法,而是说出猪可能会飞,这句明显违反质量准则的话,讥讽A的异想天开,让A得出结论他不可能赢得大奖。

1. 在企业合作中,合作伙伴之间存在不平等的力量关系时,合作伙伴可能会利用自己的优势来占据更多的利益,导致另一方的失败。
2. 在团队合作中,某些成员可能不遵守团队规则或缺乏责任心,导致整个团队的失败。
3. 在政治和国际合作中,一国可能会故意破坏另一国的合作,以获取自己的政治和经济利益。
4. 在个人关系中,合作伙伴可能会互相攀比或怀有嫉妒心理,破坏合作关系,导致失败。
5. 在跨学科和跨领域的合作中,各方可能难以理解彼此的专业术语和概念,导致误解和合作失败。

1. 窃取他人创意:在创意产业中,窃取他人的创意是一种常见的违反合作原则的行为。
2. 搭便车行为:搭便车行为指的是在合作中只享受合作的成果而不付出自己的努力。
3. 恶意竞争:恶意竞争是指在合作中,出于个人利益的考虑,采取不正当手段去攫取更多的利益。
4. 不守信用:在合作中,信用是非常重要的。
5. 不尊重他人:在合作中,尊重他人是非常重要的。
6. 不善于沟通:在合作中,沟通是非常重要的。
7. 不合理的期望:在合作中,有些人会有不合理的期望,例如过高的收益要求、过分的控制欲等。
8. 不分享信息:在合作中,分享信息是非常重要的。
9. 拖延时间:在合作中,拖延时间是一种常见的行为。
10. 不尊重合作伙伴的意见:在合作中,每个人都应该尊重他人的意见。

1. 数量准则例子:当别人问你“吃了没”,如果你明明没吃却说“吃了”,这可就违背了数量准则呀!这就好像人家问你有几个苹果,你说有一堆,但实际上就只有一个,是不是很奇怪呢?
2. 质量准则例子:要是有人跟你说他能飞,可你明明知道人根本不可能飞呀,这就是没有遵循质量准则嘛!就如同说兔子能像马一样奔跑,这不是在开玩笑嘛!
3. 关联准则例子:大家在聊天,突然有人说起毫不相干的话题,比如正说着电影呢,他来一句今天天气真好,这不是完全不关联嘛,就好像在赛跑的时候突然说起了做饭,多离谱呀!
4. 方式准则例子:说话含含糊糊,让人摸不着头脑,就不符合方式准则啦!就好像指着一个东西,却不明确说这是什么,让人使劲儿猜,多让人着急啊!
5. 数量准则另一个例子:朋友问你要几个气球,你说要很多很多,却不说具体数字,这不是让人抓狂吗?这就好似你只说想要一堆糖果,但不告诉人到底是多少呀!
6. 质量准则再一个例子:如果有人说自己有超能力,可平时一点迹象都没有,这不就是没遵循质量准则咯!简直就是说自己能隐身,实际却一直在大家面前晃悠,这不是瞎扯嘛!

1. 不尊重他人意见在许多合作场合,我们常常会碰到一些人并不尊重他人的意见,他们总是以自己的想法为中心,对他人的意见置之不理。
2. 打断他人发言在交流和合作中,有些人习惯性地打断他人的发言,表现出一种目中无人的态度。

违反合作原则的例子一、违反“量的准则”1.《老友记》Joey: You need anything. You can always come to Joey. I and Chandler live right across the hall and he is away a lot.Monica: Joey, stopping hitting on her. It’s her wedding day.Joey: What. Like there is a rule or something.Background: Rachel runs away from her wedding and finds Monica for a shelterAnalysis: The words of Joey violate the maxim of quantity. He gives more information than is required. The aim Joey says Chandler is away a lot is to imply Rachel she can find him at any time and nobody will disturb them.2.《老友记》Joey: I think we got a bookcase here.Chandler: It’s a beautiful thing.Joey: What’s that?Chandler: I would have to say that is an L-shaped bracket.Joey: Which goes where?Chandler: I have no idea.Background: Joey and Chandler help Ross to assemble the new bookshelf. After they finish the work, Joey finds a part redundant.Analysis: The answer of Chandler violates the maxim of quantity. He does not give a definite answer of Joey’s question. The less of information shows Chandler also has no idea of the redundant part.3.《破产姐妹》Cat Owner: Hi. Excuse me. Would it be okay if I put this flier next to your window?Caroline: Sure.Cat Owner: We lost our cat, Jinxy, like a week ago in this neighborhood. (She shows the picture) Have you seen her?Caroline: No. I haven’t seen a cay in a long time. I was just saying to her yesterday, “I haven’t seen a cat in a long time.”Max: Um, how come you didn’t have a collar on her? And, where’s her name tag? Even my mother had an I.D. tag on me. Well, it was a flea collar, but… Why did it so long to put the signs up?Cat Owner: Um, what’s happening?Background: Max and Caroline take a pet cat for a wild cat and set it free. However, the cat owner comes to their shop to find the cat.Analysis: The answer of Max and Caroline violates the maxim of quantity. They give quite more information to cover up their guilty conscience.4.《破产姐妹》Max: Earl, I have something new I want you to try.Earl: That’s the exact same sentence that got me hooked on cocaine in the 80s. Max: It’s my new cupcake flavor. Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can’t help but love. I am calling it “The Earl”.Analysis: The words of Max violate the maxim of quantity. She only tells Earl to try something new which does not give Earl enough information about what it is. Thus Earl ridicules himself about the reason of hooking on cocaine. Then Max names the dark chocolate cake after Earl which imply Earl’s skin color and his good popularity.5.《生活大爆炸》Lenard: What are you talking about?Sheldon: Einstein.Lenard: Yeah, I am going to need a little more.Sheldon: Albert Einstein.Background: Sheldon is researching the problem of grapheme. And he decides to do a large number of experiments. He tells Lenard about his idea of solving this problem.Analysis: The answer of Sheldon violates the maxim of quantity. Lenard hopes Sheldon to tell more information about his idea such as the theory of Einstein. However, two of Sheldon’s answers are both the name of Einstein. He gives quite little information and misunderstands the meaning of Lenard’s question which makes the dialogue quite humorous.二、违反“质的准则”1.《老友记》Monica: Ross, are you ok? Do you want me to stay?Ross: That’ll be good.Monica: Really?Ross: No! Go on! It’s Paul, the wine guy!Background:Monica has a data with Paul, but she really worries her brother Ross who was divorced lately. So she asks Paul whether he needs her company. Analysis:The words of Ross violate the maxim of quality. Actually, he hopes Monica to have a data with Paul. However, in order to play a joke with his sister, he says it will be good if Monica stay to accompany him.2.《老友记》Monica: How did you get through it?Paul: He may try accidently break something valuable of hers. Say her …Monica: Leg?Paul: That’s one way of doing it. Me, I went for thewatch.Analysis:The words of Monica violate the maxim of quality. Actually she knows it is impossible for Paul to break her leg. Her use of exaggeration makesthe dialogue more humorous.3.《老友记》Chandler: What is it? Dis she left you? Did she left for another woman that likes women?Ross: A little louder, Please. Because, I think there is a man on the 12th floor in coma who didn’t quite hear you.Background:Ross is hurt so he goes to the hospital with the company of Chandler and Joey. In the corridor, Chandler talks about Ross’s ex-wife loudly. Analysis: The words of Ross violate the maxim of quality. “A litter louder” is an irony. And the man in 12th is also fictitious. The aim of Ross is to complain about Joey’s behavior.4.《老友记》Rachel: Guess what?Ross: You got a job?Rachel: Are you kidding? I’m trained for nothing.Rachel: I was laughed out of 12 interviews today.Chandler: Yet you are surprisingly upbeat.Rachel: You would be too, if you found John and David boots on sale, 50% off. Chandler: How well you know me?Analysis: The words of Chandler violate the maxim of quality. Actually he has no interest in John and David boots. But, he does not want Rachel feels disappointed. So he uses an irony.5.《破产姐妹》Max: I want to go back there and see for myself.Receptionist: Family members only.Max: Well, I’m his daughter.Receptionist: Oh, really? It says here he’s 75 years old.Max: Well, he started late.Receptionist: And African American.Max: He started late with a honkey. I’m one of those combo babies. Here, you need proof? My last name is Black. See, Max Black. He is black. I am Black. It’d be dumb if we were n’t related.Background: Earl suffers a sudden heart attack and is set to the hospital. In order to know Earl’s health condition, Max wants to visit Earl.Analysis: All the words of Max violate the maxim of quality. The reason Max tells the lies is that she wants to prove herself is the daughter of Earl so that she can get the qualification to visit Earl.三、违反“关系准则”1.《老友记》Rachel: Come on, you guys. Is this really necessary? I can stop charging any time.Monica: You can’t live off your parents your whole life.Rachel: I know that. That’s why l was getting married.Analysis:The answer of Rachel violates the maxim of relation. The aim of Monica is to persuade Rachel to be dependent from her parents and find a job. However, Rachel only wants to get married and depend on her husband. The thought is entirely against the intention of Monica. Rachel’s answer actually has no relation with Monica’s words.2.《老友记》Joey: Ross, let me ask you one question. She got the future, the stereo, the good TV, what did you get?Ross: You guys.Analysis:The answer of Ross violates the maxim of relation. Joey asks Ross what householdgoods he has got when he divorced. However, Ross gives an irrelevant answer which shows us that he does not want to answer this question.3.《破产姐妹》Oleg:I have Valentine gift I want to give you.Sophie: Oh, hepatitis C?Oleg: Happy Valentine’s Day. (He lacks out a box of chocolates from his coat) Analysis: The words of Sophie violate the maxim of relation. Hepatitis C infects through blood and sex. So Sophie’s words imply that she has no interest in Oleg. And she does not want to accept Oleg’s gift or have a Valentine’s Day with him.4.《破产姐妹》Max: Hey, I am sleeping at Dick’s house tonight.Caroline: Dick’s house? You mean your boyfriend’s dumpster?Max: Yeah, so I need a, uh…Caroline: Tetanus shot? Higher standards?Max: No, a condom.Analysis:The words of Caroline violate the maxim of relation. Max will have a sleep at her boyfriend’s house. So she wants to ask Caroline for some contraceptive. However, Caroline forestalls Max’s words and asks Max whether she wants Tetanus shot which imply how dirty Dick’s house is. It is a show of humorous.5.《生活大爆炸》Penny: Sheldon, I am sorry about your ham burger okay? I just don’t want to be a waitress for the rest of my life.Sheldon: Cheese burger. I get cheese burger.Analysis: The words of Sheldon violate the maxim of relation. Penny only wants to emphasize that she does not want to be a waitress forever. So she tells Sheldon that she may be has no chance to sever him ham burger. However, Sheldon does not understand Penny’s key point. He only cares about the mistake between ham burger and cheese burger. His answer entirely has no relation with what Penny really want to express.四、违反“方式准则”1.《老友记》Rachel: Hello, Paul!Joey: Good morning, Paul!Chandler: Paul, is it?Background: It is the second time for these three people to meet Paul. Monica has already introduced Paul to them last time.Analysis:The reaction of Chandler violates the maxim of manner. He uses a rhetorical question instead of the brief words to greet Paul. It is impossible for Chandler to remember such a simple name: Paul. He is deliberate. So we can infer that Chandler does not appreciate Paul. He opposes Monica to fall in love with Paul.2.《老友记》Rachel: Isn’t this amazing? I’ve never made coffee before in my life. Chandler: That is amazing.Joey: Congratulations.Rachel: You know. I figure, if I can make coffee, there isn’t anything I can’t do. Chandler: I think it is if I can invade Poland, there isn’t anything I can’t do. Joey: Listen, while you are on a roll, if you feel like you got make like a Western omelet or something…(Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace and pour it into a plant pot) Although actually I am really not that hungry…Background: It is the first time for Rachel to make coffee. Joey and Chandler are both happy with her progress.Analysis:The reaction of Joey violates the maxim of manner. The sentence “Actually I am really not that hungry”hints that the coffee made by Rachel is not delicious.3.《破产姐妹》Max: Welcome to the Williamsburg Dinner. My name’s Max.The customer: Uh, I have been out of town all summer, anything new?Max: Anything new? Let’s see. Well, Facebook went public, and Edward Snowden went private. Kim and Kanye had a baby, so now there’s anotherKardashian to not keep up with. Paula Deen id out, gay marriage is in, and a teacher in California is out for letting her student get in it. Justin Bieber got a hit and run, Chris Brown got a hit and run, Rihana got a hit and still did n’t run…Egypt went crazy, Amanda Bynes get crazier, and the NSA cheeks our phones like a crazy ex-girlfriend. Oh, and Texas hates women, Florida hates blacks, and everybody hates everything with the exception of Angelina Jolie, who is totally awesome.Analysis:The sentence “anything new”violates the maxim of manner. It is ambiguity. According to the customer, “anything new”means “Do you have some new dishes introduced?” However, “anything new” can also be understood as “Are there any fresh news?” Max deliberately misunderstands the customer’s meaning to show her humor.4.《生活大爆炸》Leonard: What do you mean he is getting deported?Sheldon: I believe it means that the U.S. government is going to expel him from the country. He could then either return to his native India, immigrate to another country that’s willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate. Personally, I choose pirate.Analysis: The answer of Sheldon violates the maxim of manner. The purpose of Leonard is only to care about their friend Raj who is extremely worried to be expelled from the USA because of the failure of the experiment. Sheldon wants to show his intelligence, so he answers Leonard quite a lot of nonsense. His words are actually wordy.5.《生活大爆炸》Sheldon: What the hell do you mean “dead end”?Dennis: I mean, the whole landscape of false vacuums in string theory could be as large as ten to the five hundredth power. In addition, ooh, look, chocolate milk!Analysis:Dennis’s reaction of chocolate milk violates the maxim of manner. Dennis is a 15-year-old brilliant scientist. When he points out the problem of the string theory, he is attracted by the chocolate milk. So he does not have interest to continue the topic of string theory. His words are suddenly out of coherent that make other people at a loss.。


关于格赖斯合作原则的违反摘要: 格赖斯提出了著名的会话含义理论,并且列举出了四个具体的准则。
关键词: 格赖斯合作原则会话含义违反牛津大学哲学家格赖斯提出了语用学中一个重要的理论――会话含义理论。
例如,A:Do you love me?B:I like you.在这段对话中,我们可以得知B并不爱A,又不想直接拒绝伤害到A,而A也能理解B的用意。
这个原则就叫合作原则(Cooperation Principle),简写为CP。
”为了进一步具体说明CP,格赖斯引入了下面四条准则:1.量的准则(Maxim of Quantity):A.所说的话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息;B.所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息。
2.质的准则(Maxim of Quality),所说的话要力求真实:A.不要说自知是虚假的话;B.不要说缺乏足够证据的话。
3.关系准则(Maxim of Relevance),要有关联。
4.方式准则(Maxim of Manner),要清晰:A.避免晦涩;B.避免歧义;C.要简练(避免�嗦);D.要有序。
notes-合作原则 的违反-

以上规约常常被违反,正是由于违反这些准则才产生了会话含义, 但这不等于说,凡是违反这些准则都会产生会话含义,我们需要 区别违反准则的不同情况。违反准则的四种情况: ① 说话人根本就不愿意遵循合作原则,不论你说什么、问什么, 他都不愿意接过舌头。“无可奉告”、“我不想谈”。(这种违 反准则的情况不会产生会话含义,只是表明听话人不愿继续进行 交际而已) ②在日常生活中人们有时会说谎,也就是说一些自己明明知道是 不真实的话。 如:当别人邀请你但你不想接受但又不想冒犯对方时,你可能说 “对不起,我已有别的安排”或“对不起,进来身体不太好”。 (两种情况)
③说话人面临着一种冲突,为了维护一条准则,他不 得不违反另一条准则,这种冲突常常发生在数量准则 和质量准则之间。 如:A: Where dose X live? B: Somewhere in the suburbs of the city. (B违反了数量准则,为了遵循质量准则) ④说话人公然地不执行某一条准则,也就是说话人知 道自己违反了一条准则,同时他还想让听话人知道他 违反了一条准则(flouting蔑视)

以下是 7 条关于合作原则的四个准则违反的例子:
1. 数量准则的违反:你看,比如说咱约好一起做蛋糕,需要三个鸡蛋,你却给我拿来了五个,这不是多了嘛,这不就是违反了数量准则嘛!
2. 质量准则的违反:哎呀呀,上次那事儿,他明明不知道具体情况,还在那瞎说一通,就像没见过世面一样,这不就是没说真话嘛,这质量准则就被他给打破了呀!
3. 关联准则的违反:嘿,我们在讨论晚上吃啥,你突然说火星上有没有生命,这跟吃饭有啥关系呀,这不是明显违反关联准则了嘛!
4. 方式准则的违反:你知道吗,有的人说话含糊其辞的,问他到底啥意思,他也不说清楚,绕来绕去,这不是绕圈子嘛,这就是对方式准则的公然践踏呀!
5. 数量准则违反:就说那次分配任务,该做两件事就够了,他非得整出四件来,这不是画蛇添足嘛,妥妥的违反数量准则啊!
6. 质量准则违反:咋能这样呢,她明明不懂却装作很懂,这不就是在欺骗大家嘛,质量准则都被她玩坏了呀!
7. 关联准则违反:咱正说着项目的进度呢,他可好,开始讲他的旅游经历了,这完全不搭边呀,这可不是违反关联准则了嘛!

《生活大爆炸》中违反合作原则语例(一)违反质量原则的例子:1)自知虚假Leonard: where are you gonna live?Sheldon: until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends.Howard: Bye.Rajesh: Well… But you can’t stay with me. I have a teeny – tiny apartment.Sheldon: Excuse me, but isn’t hosting guests an aspect of manushaya yajna, one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu householder?Rajesh: I hate trains.Sheldon: Don’t be ridiculous. You l ove trains.Rajesh: Yes, I do. Come on. See you later, Leonard.Leonard: Well, I’ve dated plenty of women. There was Joyce Kim, Leslie Winkle…Sheldon: Notify the editors of the Oxford English dictionary. They word “plenty”has been redefined to mean “two”.---第二季2集Leonard: Are you drinking whisky?Sheldon: Indeed, if I’m to participate in the social convention that is the stag night, then I must embrace all its components: including tobacco, swear words, and yes, alcohol. Jeepers, that’s yucky!Leonard: whoa. It’s a little early to start dropping J---bombs, don’t you think?---第五季22集P: Oh, yeah, a lot of people think I'm a water sign. Okay, let's see, what else? Oh, I'm a vegetarian. No, except for fish, and the occasional steak. I love steak.S: Well, that's interesting. Leonard can't process corn.——第一季第1集L: I love cheesecake.S: You're lactose intolerant.L: I don't eat it, I just think it's a good idea.——第一季第1集Penny: Leonard? Ah? Was this supposed to be a date?Leonard: This? No. No, of course not. This was just you and mehanging out with a bunch ofwho didn't show up 'cause of work and a colonoscopy.——第一季第3集2)没有证据Sheldon: Oh, Penny.Dr. Gablehauser: You need to get that, Dr. Cooper?Sheldon: God, no.Leslie: Well, don’t turn it off. You might miss your call from the Nobel committee letting you know you’ve been nominated as dumb – ass laureate of the year.Sheldon: Oh, yeah, well, you wouldn’t even be nominated.(二)违反数量原则的例子:P: This looks like some serious stuff. Leonard, did you do this?S: Actually, that's my work.P: Wow.S: Yeah, well, it's just some quantum mechanics...with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part's just a joke. It's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.——第一季第1集1)信息量不足Sheldon: But returning to your key conundrum, perhaps you should call a locksmith and have him open the door for you.Penny: I did. He said he’ll get here when he gets here.Sheldon: And you’re frustrated because he phrased his reply in the form of a meaningless tautology?2)信息量过多L: -Excuse me.Doctor: -Hang on.L: One across is Aegean, eight down is Nabokov. Twenty-six across is MCM. Fourteen down is--. Move your finger. --phylum, which makes 1 4 across Port-au-Prince. See, Papa Doc's capital idea, that's Port-au-Prince. Haiti.Doctor: -Can I help you?——第一季第1集L: Um, is this the high-IQ sperm bank?Doctor: If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't be here.——第一季第1集L: Anyway......we brought home lndian food......and I know that moving can be stressful......and I find that when I'm undergoing stress......that good food and company can have a comforting effect.Also, curry's a natural laxative and I don't have to tell you that, you know......a clean colon is just one less thing to worry about.S: Leonard, I'm no expert, but in the context of a lunch invitation...you might wanna skip the reference to bowel movements.P: Oh, you're inviting me over to eat?L: Uh, yes.P: Oh, that's so nice. I'd love to.L: Great.——第一季第1集S: Penny.P: yeah?S: That's where I sit.P: So sit next to me.S: No, I sit there.P: What's the difference?S: What's the difference? -Here we go. In winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm...yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's in a cross breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, discouraging conversation...nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. I could go on, but I think I've made my point.——第一季第1集P: Me? Okay. I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.S: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion...that the sun's position relative to arbitrary constellations...at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.——第一季第1集P: Is that crazy?S: yes.L: No, it's not crazy. It's a--It's a paradox. Paradoxes are part of nature. I mean, think about light.If you look at Huygens, light is a wave, as confirmed by the double-slit experiments. But then, along comes Albert Einstein...and discovers that light behaves like particles too. Well, I didn't make it worse.——第一季第1集P: Hello.W: Enchant? mademoiselle. Howard Wolowitz, CalTech Department of Applied Physics. You may be familiar with some of my work. It's currently orbiting Jupiter's largest moon...taking high-resolution digital photographs.P: Penny. I work at The Cheesecake Factory.——第一季第1集S: I really think we should examine the chain of causality here.L: Must we?S: Event A: A beautiful woman stands naked in our shower. Event B: We drive halfway across town to retrieve a television set...from the aforementioned woman's ex-boyfriend. Query: On what plane of existence is there even a semi-rational link...between these events?L: She asked me to do her a favor, Sheldon.——第一季第1集Penny:Hey, guys.Leonard: Oh, Hey, Penny. This just arrived, we just brought this up... just now.Penny:Great. Was it hard getting it up the stairs?Leonard: No.第一季第2集L: Sheldon!Sheldon: Shh, Shh, shh. Penny's sleeping.Leonard: Are you insane? You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of the night and clean.Sheldon: I had no choice. I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and immediately adjacent to the hallway was... this.Leonard: Do you realize that if Penny wakes up, there is no reasonable explanation as to why we're here.Sheldon: I just gave you a reasonable explanation.Leonard: No, no, you gave me an explanation. Its reasonableness will be determined by a jury of your peers.Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous. I have no peers.第一季第1集(数量和关系)Sheldon: Hello. Looking out at your fresh young faces, I remember when I was deciding my academic future as a lowly graduate student. Of course, I was 14. And I’d already achieved more than most of you could ever hope to, despite my 9:00 bedtime. Now, there may be one or two of you in this room who has what it takes to succeed in theoretical physics. Although, it’s more likely that you’ll spend your scientific careers teaching fifth grades how to make papier mache volcanoes with baking – doda lava.Leonard: So Penny’s a little messy.Sheldon: A little messy? The Mandelbrot set of complex numbers is a little messy. This is chaos. Excuse me. Explain to me an organization system, where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I’m just inferring this is a couch. Because the evidence suggests the coffee is having a tiny garage sale.---第一季2集Leonard: What are you talking about?Sheldon: Einstein.Leonard: Yeah. I’m going to need a little more.Sheldon: Albert Einstein.---第三季14集Leonard: Uh...If you don't have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?Penny:A marathon? Wow. How many Superman movies are there?Sheldon: You're kidding, right?Penny:I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that?One(其他人齐声说)Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.Penny:Yes, I know, men can't fly.Sheldon: No, no. Let's assume that they can. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately slice into three equal pieces.Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.Sheldon: In what space, sir? In what space? She's two feet above the ground. Frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement. It'd be a more merciful death.Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption that Superman's flight is a feat of strength.Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself?It is well established that Superman's flight is a feat of strength. It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings, an ability he derives from exposure to Earth's yellow sun.Howard:And you don't have a problem with that? How does he fly at night?Sheldon: Oh, a combination of the moon's solar reflection and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.Penny:I'm just gonna go wash up.第一季第2集Leonard: Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them?Sheldon: No.Leonard: Well, they don't. Hard as it may be for you to believe, most people don't sort their breakfast cereal numerically by fiber content.第一季第2集Leonard:Uh... no.Penny:Oh, hey,Leonard:Good afternoon, penny. So, hi... hey.Uh...I was wondering if you had plans for dinner.Penny: Uh, you mean dinner tonight?Leonard: There is an inherent ambiguity in the word "dinner”.Technically it refers to the largest meal of the day whenever it's consumed. So to clarify here, by dinner I mean supper.Penny: Supper?Leonard: Or dinner. I was thinking 6:30 if you can go. Or a different time.——第一季第3集(三)违反方式原则的例子:1) 因表达晦涩S: If a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either is observed...it will not go through both. If unobserved, it will. If it's observed after it left the plane, before it hits its target...it will not have gone through both slits.L: -Agreed. What's your point?S: There's no point, I just think it's a good idea for a T-shirt.---第一季1集Sheldon: Baby wipe?Penny: Why do you have … ?Sheldon: I’ll tell you why. I had to sanitize my hands because the university replaced the paper towels in the rest rooms with hot – air blowers.Penny: Oh, I thought the blowers were more sanitary.Sheldon: Hot – air blowers are incubators and spewers of baxteria and pestilence. Frankly, it’d be more hygienie if they just had a plague – infested gibbon sneeze my hands dry.Leonard: Any way, I was thinking more of a bio-social exploration with a neuro---chemical overlay.Leslie: wait, are you asking me our?Leonard: I was going to characterize it as the modification of our college---slash---friendship paradigm with the addition of a date like component.---第一季3集Amy: Sheldon, you’re ruining girlfriendship---boyfriendship sng---along night.Sheldon: I’m sorry. I’m looking for a barber and I’m running out of time. My hair is growing at the rate of 4.6 yoctometers per fermtosecond. I mean, if you’re quiet, you can hear it.---第五季18集2)因歧义Penny: What’s AFK?Sheldon: AFK. Away from keyboard.Penny: Oh, I see.Sheldon: What does that stand for?Penny: Oh, I see.Sheldon: Yes, but what does it stand for?3)因冗长Penny: Sheldon, may I ask you a question?Sheldon: I would prefer that you not, but I won’t go so far as to forbid it.Penny: All right. I heard “yes”, so … okay, here’s my question: Has Leonard ever dated, you know, a regular girl?(Leonard starts to read the letter.)Penny,just as Oppenheimer came regret to his contribution to the first atomic bomb,so too I regret my participation, at least error in judgment. The hallmark of the great human experiment is the willingness to recognize one's mistakes. Some mistakes,such as Madam Curie discovered radium,turned out to have great scientific potential, even though she would later die a slow, death from radiation poisoning. Another example, from the field of Ebola research...——第一季第2集Sheldon:Okay, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you.You did not ask her out.Leonard:You're right. I didn't ask her out. I should ask her out.Sheldon:No, no, now that was not my … My point was don't buy a cat.——第一季第3集4)没有条理(orderly)或关系L: Come on, you know how it is with breakups.S: No, I don't, and neither do you.——第一季第1集S: You're not done with her, are you?L: Our babies will be smart and beautiful.S: Not to mention imaginary.——第一季第1集Sheldon: What the hell do you mean “dead end”?Dennis: I mean, the whole landscape of false vacuums in string theory could be as large as ten to the five hundreds power. In addition, ooh, look, chocolate milk!---第一季12集Penny:You know, where I come from, if someone comes into your house at night, you shoot. Okay? And you don't shoot to wound. I mean, all right, my sister shot her husband, but it was an accident, they were drunk. Wait, what was I saying?——第一季第2集P: Anyways, I'm also writing a screenplay.It's about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from Lincoln, Nebraska......to be an actress and winds up a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory.L: So it's based on your life.P: No, I'm from Omaha.——第一季第1集S: I know. And I do yearn for faster downloads. There's some poor woman who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm. What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use...a differential to solve for the area under a curve?L: -I'm sure she'll still love him.S: -I wouldn't.第一季第1集L: And she's not a lady, she's just a new neighbor.W: Hang on, there really is a lady here? Uh-huh. -And you want us out...because you're anticipating coitus?L: I'm not anticipating coitus.W: So she's available for coitus?L: Can we please just stop saying "coitus"?S: Technically, that would be coitus interruptus.——第一季第1集(四)违反关系原则的例子:Sheldon: Thank you for driving me to work.Penny: You know this is my day off, Sheldon.Sheldon: Oh, good, I’m not keeping you from anything.P: Participate in the what?L: I think what Sheldon's trying to say...is that Sagittarius wouldn't have been our firstguess.——第一季第1集P’s ex-boyfriend: Yeah?L: I'm Leonard, this is Sheldon.S: From the intercom.P’s ex-boyfriend: How the hell did you get in the building?L: We're scientists.S: Tell him about our lQ.——第一季第1集Leonard: For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign?Leonard: No, I do not have a sarcasm sign.——第一季第2集Penny:You came into my apartment last night while I was sleeping?!Leonard: Yes, but only to clean.Sheldon: Really more to organize. You're not actually dirty, per se.——第一季第2集Penny:Do you understand how creepy this is?Leonard: Oh, yes, we discussed it at length last night.Penny:In my apartment, while I was sleeping?!Sheldon: And snoring. And that's probably just a sinus infection. But it could be sleep apnea. You might want to see an otolaryngologist. The throat doctor.——第一季第2集Penny:And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?Sheldon: Depending on the depth, that's either a... proctologist or a general surgeon.——第一季第2集Penny: so did I win or not?Leonard: did you have fun? Because if you had fun, then you are, you are a winner. That’s that---that’s what chess is all about.---第五季18集P: So, what do you guys do for fun around here?S: Well, today we tried masturbating for money.——第一季第1集。

【事例三:印度尼西亚排华事件】印度尼西亚排华事件是指 1998 年印度尼西亚发生的针对华人的暴力事件。


合作原则 Cooperative Principle(一)量的准则 Maxim of Quantity(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。
Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange;(2)所说之话不应包含超出需要的信息。
Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.For example,1. Earl: I just want to look nice for my son when he comes in.Max: What I am going to meet your kidEarl: Well, one of them.Max:“One of them” How many do you haveEarl: So farMax: Oh, Earl, I love you.Earl: This is my son, Darius. He is the Chrysler salesman in all of Detroit. And he is my very favorite if he is the one I’m thinking of.(From Bankruptcy Sisters)Analyze: This is a scene of Bankruptcy Sisters, Earl only told he dressed so decently to meet his son, but didn’t say clearly if Max would meet his son together, that`s why Max felt puzzled and asked him how many of his sons; then Earl answered “So far” , until the last sentence he did tell the purpose for meetinghis son and add another unnecessary message “ if he is the one I’m thinking of.” Because of the hiatus or t he redundancy of their conversation, makes the audiences fall into a reverie and sets a humorous comedy atmosphere.2. Caroline: Oh my God! Is he your fatherMax: Yes, he is my father. And my mother is a piece of chalk.(From BankruptcySisters)Analyze: This is a conversation between Caroline and Max. Caroline asked if the man came into the cafe was Max’s father, Max answer “Yes” but add one more sentence “And my mother is piece of chalk.” which indicated the man was not Max ‘s father at all. Obviously, t hough this situation is typical message redundancy, it helps the listeners to understand the speaker’s real meaning and humor.3.柳小姐之夫:老婆,请问一下你会不会打我柳小姐:我干嘛要打你啊你又没做错事。


三、合作问题的具体表现1. 缺乏沟通和协调:各部门之间缺乏有效的沟通和协调机制,导致信息不畅通,工作重复或遗漏。
2. 利益冲突和争执:由于各部门追求自身利益,导致合作时出现争执和冲突。
3. 缺乏团队意识和协作精神:各部门在合作中缺乏团队意识和协作精神,只注重自身利益而忽视整体利益。
四、合作问题的影响1. 业绩下滑:由于合作问题导致工作效率低下,产品质量下降,客户满意度下降等,最终导致业绩下滑。
2. 内外部关系紧张:由于合作问题导致内部各部门之间关系紧张,外部客户和合作伙伴也会对企业的合作能力和信誉产生质疑,进一步影响企业的发展。
3. 员工士气低下:长期存在合作问题会导致员工士气低下,工作积极性下降,员工流失等问题。
五、解决合作问题的建议1. 加强沟通和协调:建立跨部门沟通和协调机制,确保信息畅通,工作协同。
2. 强调团队合作和协作精神:通过团队建设和培训,加强员工的团队合作意识和协作能力。
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关键词:会话;合作原则;违反中图分类号:f123.16 文献标识码:a文章编号:cn43-1027/f(2009)3-180-02作者:湖南对外经济贸易职业学院;湖南,长沙,410008 manshand.)man:ouch!hey!yousaidyourdogdoesntbite.woman:hedoesnt,bu tthatsnotmydog.在这个对话中,女人没有提供足够的信息。
41father:howdidyoudoyourhistoryexam?tom:oh,notatallwell,th eyaskedmethingsthathap-penedbeforeiwasborn.父亲需要的回答仅仅是/考得不好0,而tom给了过量的信息。
如:11a:itsrathercoldtoday,isntit?b:buttheweathermansaiditwouldbewarm.hemusttakehisreading inabathroom!.a和b在谈论当天的天气。
2.driver:(beingstoppedbytrafficpolicebecauseoftrave-lingat130milesperhour)sorry,officer.wasidrivingtoofast? policeman:no,sir.youwereflyingtoolow.在这个对话中,警察的话表面上违反了质的准则,说了反语。
31aandbareclassmates.a:doyouwanttogohikingwithusthissunday?b:oh,ihavetogotosc hoolthissunday.事实上a和b都知道礼拜天是不用上课的,也就是说b礼拜天不用去学校。
如:1.(awomanissittingonaparkbenchandadoglyingbe-sideher.amancomesalongandsitsdownonthebench)man:doesy ourdogbite?woman:no.(nhe综合/181会话中出现的某些修辞手法,如隐喻、夸张、缓叙等都可以看作是对质的准则的违反。
如:41a:tomisaverybravesoldier,isnthe?b:yes,heisalioninbattle. tom当然不是一头狮子,这是一个隐喻。
21a:mr.whiteisanoldbag. (thereisamomentofappalledsilence)b:theweatherhasbeenquitedelightfulthiswinter,hasntit?在这个对话中,a是想说mr.white的坏话,而b说的是天气,他的反应跟a说的内容毫不相关。
3.awomanwalkedintoadrycleanersinbrooklyn.howmuchwouldy ouchargetopressthissuit?sheinquired.fourdollars.youmustcraz y,explainedthewoman,inlosan-geles,icangetitdonefortwobuck.isthatso?andhowmuchisthepla nefare?该妇女说的是干洗店开的价格太高,而店员却问机票要多少,表面上违反了关系准则,她的隐含意义可能是/如果你觉得太贵,可以去别的地方0。
41jane:shallwegoshoppingtomorrow?betty:myparentsarecomi ngtomorrow.在这个对话中,betty没有回答去还是不去,而是说她父母会来,表面上违反了关系准则。
31a:doyouhavetheoxfordadvancedleanersdictionaryofcurrente nglishwithchinesetradition?b:yes,buticantlendittoyourightnow.imtransla-ting.a:imnotborrowingit,iwaswonderingifyoumightneedtobuyacopy.很显然a违反了方式准则,所以造成了b的误会。
4.anelderwomanenteredachemistshopandasked:whatdoyouha veforgray-hair?greatrespect,madam.re-pliedthesalesman.老太太说/grayhair就是指白头发,而店员理解为老人,所以他回答/尊敬0。