
1.主要部分(1) 信头信头通常放在信笺上部中央。
注明日期时,需注意以下几点:✧根据作者的风格,日期有许多不同的表示方法,比如:6th April 2009April 6th, 20096 April 2009April 6, 2009前面三种,在月、日和年之间可以用逗号隔开,也可不用。
✧有的月份经常简写,如一月, 二月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月,但是下列月份不能简写,如三月,五月,六月和七月。

外贸函电教程习题答案第二章I Do the multiple-choice questions.CABAD CBAAAII Complete the following letter with words and phrases given in the box.1Through the courtesy of 2 in 3 leading 4 opportunity 5 specializing in6enter into 7 of 8 catalogue 9 upon 10 receivingIII Put the following sentences into Chinese.1我们从驻伦敦商务处获知贵方名称与地址,并获知货方为销售棉织品正寻求中国合作伙伴。
IV Put the following sentences into English.1On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce in London, we learn that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese sewing machines.2We have been doing quite well in our business. We are willing to open a business relation with you. (We would like to enter into business relations with you. / We would like to establish business relations with you.)3In compliance with your request, we send you our brochures together with the latest price list.4It was a pleasure to hear from you that you have marketed the new product.5As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with the EU countries.6We send you by separate airmail a brochure on the various kinds of cars now available for export.7We have been in line of metal and mineral products for years and hope to have a chance of cooperation with you.8We shall be pleased to send you any further information you may need.9We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of various models of air-conditioners in China.10We have been in the line of vehicles and related parts and accessories for many years.V Put the following letter into English.2⑥ Seller's Willing to Establish Business Relations (d)第三章I Do the multiple-choice questions.BCDDD ADDBAII Complete the following letter with words and phrases given in the box.1 inform2 details3 including4 samples5 dealers6. promising market7. moderately priced 8 replying9 discount 10 insurance and freightIII Put the following sentences into Chinese.1我们愉快地随函附上我方第286号询价单,清贵方据此报FoB价。

Unit 21.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。
We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.2.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.3.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。
We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.4.我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present.5.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。
外贸函电6 7单元课后习题谜底

Chapter SixExercises:I. Filling the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. We are pleased to give you this order __for__ the following items __with_ the understanding that they will be supplied __at__ the prices stated in your letter of last week.2. We expect to find a good market ___for__ these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders __with___ you ___in__ the near future.3. Our foreign trade policy is based __on___ equality and mutual benefit.4. Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order ___for__ bamboo ware has been received __with__ thanks.5. We will arrange ___captioned__ the production __on___ receipt of your order.6. Your immediate reply should reach us not later __than___ the end of this month.7. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend ___on__ us to effect delivery well ___within__ your time limit.8. We are sending you our S/C No. 0024 ___in__ duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us ___for__ our file.9. In view of the long-standing business relations __with___ us, we wish to settle this dispute amicably. 10. We require payment by D/P __by__ draft at 60 days’ sight.II. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We hope the goods will be shipped before August.2. We require your immediate execution of our order and notice us a few days before completion.3. We have recorded your order, and are preparing the goods now.4. As we are in urgent need, we’ll highly appreciated if you can make delivery as soon as possible.5. We are pleased to confirm our purchase of 50 MT of peanuts from you.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们欣然向你方再次订购下列家用电器用品。

Unit 1A.1. Dear Madam or Sir:Yours faithfully,2. HKS/sh3. Mr. McDonaldTitanic Cement Inc.200 Lincoln Ave.New York, N.. Y. 10009USADear Mr. McDonald:Subject: L/C No. ND308B.1. Dear JohnYours2.Dear Mr. WangSincerely yoursUnit 2A.1.我们经营的商品包括本国一流拖拉机厂的产品,因此我们有良好条件就贵方提出的商品,向贵方客户提供质量最可靠的商品。
2. 我方希望贵公司能寄来一些贵方有意出售商品的详细信息及价目表。
B.1.Our Rising Sun Brand of electric and electronic products has been awarded the gold prize by our state and won great popularity in markets at home and abroad.2. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.3.Specializing in the import of textiles, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.4. The garments on display at the fair were attractive; their fashionable styles, in particular, interested the visitors very much.5. We should be glad to hear at your earliest convenience the terms and conditions you are prepared to supply.6. We have been in the import and export business for over thirty years and have extensive contacts (connections) throughout Northern China.7. You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is sound.8. The suggestion is made in the interest of all parties concerned.9. We believe, with joint efforts, business between us will be developed to our mutual benefit.10. Considering their financial standing and credit status, we deem it rather wise for you to refrain from having relations with that company.UNIT 3A.1. 我方经由纽约商业联合会得知贵公司的名称和地址。

Chapter SixExercises:I. Filling the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. We are pleased to give you this order __for__ the following items __with_ the understanding that they will be supplied __at__ the prices stated in your letter of last week.2. We expect to find a good market ___for__ these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders __with___ you ___in__ the near future.3. Our foreign trade policy is based __on___ equality and mutual benefit.4. Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order ___for__ bamboo ware has been received __with__ thanks.5. We will arrange ___captioned__ the production __on___ receipt of your order.6. Your immediate reply should reach us not later __than___ the end of this month.7. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend ___on__ us to effect delivery well ___within__ your time limit.8. We are sending you our S/C No. 0024 ___in__ duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us ___for__ our file. 9. In view of the long-standing business relations __with___ us, we wish to settle this dispute amicably.10. We require payment by D/P __by__ draft at 60 days’ sight. II. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We hope the goods will be shipped before August.2. We require your immediate execution of our order and notice us a few days before completion.3. We have recorded your order, and are preparing the goods now.4. As we are in urgent need, we’ll highly appreciated if you can make delivery as soon as possible.5. We are pleased to confirm our purchase of 50 MT of peanuts from you.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们欣然向你方再次订购下列家用电器用品。

外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)名词解释二、Establish business relations建立商务关系Import进口Export出口Importer进口商Exporter出口商Commercial counsellor’s office商务参赞处Chamber of commerce商会Credit standing资讯状况三、Inquiries询价First inquiry初次询价General inquiry一般询价Specific inquiry具体询价Commission佣金Delivery交货Effect delivery装运All necessary information所有必要的信息Delivery date装运期四、Quote报价Offer报盘V oluntary offer主动报盘Free offer虚盘(自由报盘)Firm offer实盘Pro forma invoice形式发票Import licence进口许可证Catalogue目录Under cover随函附上Supply from stock供现货五、Counteroffer还盘Be on the high side偏高Regret遗憾Be in line with与。
相符Reduce减少、降低Make a reduction ofThe prevailing market行市六、Accept接受Acceptance接受Confirmation of order订单的确认Sales contract销售合同Sales confirmation销售确认书Purchase confirmation供货确认书Sign签名Signature签名Counter-signature会签七、Payment terms支付条款Modes of payment支付方式Remittance汇付Telegraphic transfer (T/T)电汇Mail transfer (M/T)信汇Demand draft (D/D)票汇Collection托收Documents against payment (D/P)付款交单Documents against acceptance (D/A)承兑交单八、Kinds of L/C信用证种类Sight L/C即期信用证Term L/C远期信用证Establish L/C开立信用证Amendment to the L/C修改信用证Extension of the L/C展延信用证Check the L/C检查信用证With the terms of contract按合同九、Pack包装Packing requirements包装要求Shipping instructions装运指示Shipping marks唛头Shipping advice装运通知Modes of transportation运输方式Time of shipment装运期Destination目的地Partial shipment分批装运Transshipment转运十、Insurance保险Risk风险Average海损Cover投保Coverage承保范围Open policy预约保单Premium保险费翻译:Chapter Two1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances.2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣One of our customers is interested in your new production.3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea.4.如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。

第二章I. 1. A/B 2. C 3.D 4. A/D 5.D 6. A/B/C/D7. B/D 8. B/C/D 9 B/C 10. A/B/C/DIII.intention, interested in, view, suitable, grateful, have, together with, appre ciate, as, suppliersIV. 1. We have been informed by Jameson Garments (Vancouver) Ltd. tha t you are one of the leading exporters of textiles in Hangzhou and that you wish to extend business to our market.2. We would like to have your lowest quotations for the captioned goods on the terms and conditions listed below:3. Please send me some further information on the features and costs of the Vernard line of Ultrasonic equipment, which you recently advertised in Ele ctronics magazine.4. We are interested in importing Chinese furniture and would be pleased t o receive a copy of your latest catalogue, price list and export terms.5.We would be grateful if you would send us a comprehensive price list, togetherwith some samples, of the goods which you can supply.V. 1.Chinese low-voltage microwave ovens are in great demand in our countr y. We would therefore much appreciate it if you could let us have your comp etitive prices for the models available at present.2. We write to introduce ourselves as a leading importer of surgical instrum ents and are interested in receiving a copy of your latest catalogue for our r eference.3. Specializing in the line of confectionery, we have extensive connections with food stores throughout this country.4. We would be much obliged if you could send us a complete set of leaflets so as togive us a general idea of the export items you handle.5. From Messrs. Brown & Clark of this city, we have learned that you are reg ular suppliers of Chinese kitchenware, for which there is a growing demand here.6. We have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of T ele visionWorld, and would like to have full particulars of your products, including specifications, prices and packing.VII.Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.456 Huqiu RoadSuzhou, ChinaSeptember 10, 199-The Sales ManagerThe Midland Carpet Co. Ltd. 173 Waterloo Street London E.C.4 Britain Dear SirWe have noticed with interest your advertisement in the August issue of The Magic Carpet and feel that the patterns of your carpets may appeal to Chin ese customers, especially the well-to-do newly weds. Therefore, we would li ke to have detailed information about the various types of carpets available at the moment, such as specifications and prices, if possible together with s ample cuttings.As we intend to lay in a stock for the New Year sales, it would be a great hel p to us if we could receive your reply by the end of this month.Yours faithfully签名Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.Import Manager第三章I. 1. A/B/D 2. / 3. A/B/C/D 4. C 5. A/B/D6. B/C7. B8. A/D9. A/B 10. B/CIII. intend, have stocked only, have decided, select, should be obliged, woul d send,have examined, shall contact,IV. 1. We think that when you see our samples, you will agree that the q uality of the material used and the high standard of craftsmanship will appe al to the most selective buyers.2.Though we are at present unable to meet your requirement for the captionedarticles, we shall be only too pleased to revert to the matter once our suppli es arereplenished.3. We should like to draw your attention to our other products such as stain less steelkitchenware, details of which you will find in the catalog, and look forward to yourfirst order.4. At your request, we are now quoting you for 1,000 dozen steel tapes at USD5.--per dz. CFR Lagos.5. We are well aware that our competitors are quoting at considerably lowe r prices,but our products are obviously superior in quality and therefore represent b etter value.V. 1. In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price list have been airmailed separately for your refer ence.2. If, however, you need any other information, please do not hesitate to le t us know. We shall be only too glad to answer further questions from you.3. As you will notice, our prices are quite competitive, and since we carry l argestocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of y our L/C.4. If you can let us have an idea of the quantity you are going to order, we may consider giving you a more favorable discount.5. Though we no longer supply T ype SB-95, we have in stock T ype SB-99, whi ch isboth better in performance and more reasonable in price.VII.Dear Mr. Black,Thank you for your enquiry of August 16 concerning our equipment, whic h you saw at the International Farm Machinery Fair in Bonn.In answer to the specific questions in your letter, first let me say we are willing to consider substantial discount on orders over RMB¥Y1,000,000.With regard to the terms of payment, we would suggest sight L/C for the initialstage. We can fulfill orders within three months, unless there are special specifications, which may take a little longer. We are enclosing our current c atalog and pricelist quoting c.i.f. Bangkok prices, and we think you will find the earth-moving equipment on pp. 101-115 of particular interest for the wo rk you have in mind. If you require any further information, please contact u s and we will be pleased to supply it.Yours sincerelUnit 4I. 1. A/B/C/D 2. A 3. A/B/C/D 4. . C/D b 5. B6. C7. A/D8. B/C 9 B/D 10. A/C/Dpetitive, quoted, case, that, ship, between, a total of, qualify f or, Since,be obligedIV. 1. We are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the u nderstanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the prices nam ed.2.Thank you very much for your Order No. GD34, and we are pleased to encloseour Sales Confirmation No. 9975 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.3. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and can be delivered wel l within your time limit4. While thanking you for your order, we have to explain that our price has increased by 5% owing to a corresponding rise in the prices of raw materials.5. However, in order to finalize the first transaction between us, we are rea dy to allow you a 5% discount if you can increase the quantity to 1,000.V. 1. This is to confirm our telephone discussion this morning. Enclosed is our Order No. CT504 for 1,500 pounds of Longjing Green T ea at 36 pence p er lb CIF London for shipment during June/July.2. As the demand for our laser printers is on the increase, we hope you will act immediately if you are considering placing an order with us.3. Please note that the goods must be in strict conformity with the samples in quality. If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will foll ow.4. Thank you f or your prompt reply to our inquiry of April 22. We are now p leased to order from you 2000 dozen pure silk T-shirts. (For details, please r efer to our enclosed order No. 358.)5. Although our price is a little higher than quotations of other suppliers, the superiorquality of our products more than compensates for the difference in price, a nd it is toyour own advantage to order goods of really good quality.VII.Dear Ms Collins,Thank you very much for your Order No. CS27 for our rotary printing presses Models PM600 and PM800 for November shipment. We wish to inform you tha t we can comply with all your requirements except for PM600, which is unfo rtunately out of stock at the present moment. We, therefore, would like to place before you two alternatives for your consideration.1. As an excellent substitute for PM600, we recommend PM630, which is our latest model (for details, see attached leaflet) and can be shipped together with PM800 in November.2. In case you still prefer PM600, we can ship your order in two lots, i.e. PM 800 inNovember and PM600 in January next year, which is the earliest time we can manage.We look forward to your early decision.Yours sincerelyUnit 5I. 1. B/C/D 2. B/D 3. C4. A/B/C 5. A/B/C6. D7. A/C/D8. B/C9. / 10. DⅢcover, individual, available, suitable for, which, in which, be grateful, so tha t, assure,requireIV.1. We would like you to arrange an all risk open cover policy for our chinaw are ipments which we intend to export over the next three months.2.If you can offer us competitive rates, we will consider further policies with you on other shipments.3. As we now desire to have the shipment insured at your end, we shallbe pleased if you will arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against A ll Risks for 110% of the invoice value.4. As requested, we have covered your order with PICC, and the insurance policy will be sent to you through the bank together with the other sh ipping documents. 5. We had the case opened and the contents examin ed by a local insurance surveyor in the presence of the shipping compan y’s agent.V.1. In the absence of your definite instructions about insurance, we have cov ered yourordered goods against W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value as usual.2. We have noted your request for insurance against War Risk. But, as you k now, ourCIF quotation includes W.P.A. only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra premium will be borne by you.3. If the buyer finds after inspection that the goods are damaged, he has the right tofile a claim with the underwriter against a surveyor’s report within 30 days of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.4. We regret to inform you that of the invoiced 12 laser printers in Case No. 8, five were found upon arrival to be badly damaged.(OR: We wish to inform you that Case No. 8 was invoiced as containing 12 las erprinters, five of which were regrettably found upon arrival to be badly dam aged.)5. The People’s Insurance Company of China is a large state-owned enterpri se, which njoys the reputation of settling claims promptly and equitably and has agencies in the main ports and areas throughout the world.ⅦDear Sir/MadamWe have received your quotation of November 5, which we find quite compe titive.We would be glad if you would cover us against All Risks, warehouse to ware house,to the value of Can$274,895.--, on 15 (fifteen) cases of ceramic handicrafts, fromQingdao to Vancouver by M. V. Seagull.The certificate must reach us by the 17that the latest, since it has to be presented with the other documents to the b ank with which a letter of credit has been opened.We look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerelyUnit 6I. 1. B/D 2. A/B 6. B/D 3. D 4. C 5. B/C 7. A/B/C8. C/D9. B/C/D 10. A/B/C/DIII. to ensure, reach, follows, is wrapped, being packed, separated, to ho ld, are secured, has answered, receivingIV. 1. If cartons are used, please supply each chemical in strong polythen e bags to ensureprotection from damp.2. A light case reinforced by battens would meet your requirements and be much cheaper than a solid wooden case, as the former would be non-return able.3. When the various items of your order are complete in our warehouse, we will pack them into bundles of suitable size for shipment.4. Please make our order up into bales of about 200 kg. each, covered with waterprooffabric and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal bands.5. All polished parts of the machine are to be wrapped and generously padd ed to avoidscratching and knocking against the container.V. 1. Export crates for goods of the type you name are completely enclosed by plywood, and firmly battened.2. Export orders are put up in strong cases, cleated and wire-strapped. Solid packing andstuffing inside the cases gives protection from vibration and jarring.3. All powders are wrapped in polythene bags and then packed in tins, the lids of whichare sealed with adhesive tape.4. Valves and all delicate parts are to be wrapped in soft material and firml y packed incardboard boxes. These in turn are to be packed in cases in such a manner t hat movement insidethe cases is impossible.5.We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking.These must be strictly observed.VII.Dear Mr. MertonWe thank you for you letter of June 26, and would like to confirm that we are still offering our Phoenix range at the prices quoted in our letter of June 15. We are sure that you find these prices quite competitive. Meanwhile, we understand your concern over packing and wish to give you t he following details:Each vase is wrapped in a polybag, and then put in a foamed plastic casing, which is in turn placed in a decorative cardboard box. These boxes are pack ed in specially designed polythene-lined strong cardboard cartons, twelve to a carton, so that no movement inside the cartons is possible.Besides, on the outside of each carton are clearly stencilled in fadeless ink s uch warning marks as “FRAGILE” and “HANDLE WITH CARE”.We hope you will agree that we have taken every possible precaution to ens ure the safe transportation of our products.We look forward to receiving your order.Sincerely yoursUnit 7III. ordered, have been despatched, arranged, (are) numbered, is arriving , sailed, have been handed, opened, will pay, will beIV.1.We are pleased to inform you that your order no. 32 has been despatched, packedin twelve 100 kg. cases, in accordance with your instructions.2. In view of the urgency of the order, we have despatched it today by air, s o that thegoods should reach you tomorrow.3. Our rates are subject to alteration without prior notice, except in the ca se of special contract.4. We have connections throughout the world and as a result of our wide experience we can advise you on suitable packing and method of transport for any country to which you wish to export.5. As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for an e arly delivery.V. 1. We have already executed that part of your order which we c ould supply from stock. The remainder may be subject to a delay of four to six weeks.2. We shall be glad to know frequency of sailings, lowest rates for large shi pments, and groupage rates for small consignments.3. The goods under your order No. 297 have been packed and are ready for despatch,and we would be pleased if you would fill up, sign and return the attached instructions form as soon as possible.4. You can save both time and money by letting us handle all shipping and C ustomsformalities for you.5. T o assist you in introducing our products into your market as early as poss ible, weagree to advance the initial shipment of 1/3 (one third) of the total quantity fromJune/July to April/May. \VII.Dear Mr. ArnoldRe: Order No. 896 S/C No. 980927From your letter of October 20 concerning the captioned S/C, we understan d that instead of the stipulated two equal shipments in January and Februar y, 1999 respectively, you now wish to have 80% of the total quantity shipped in November and the balance in December this year.In reply, we wish to inform you that although we have the required quantity in stock, your request came too late for November shipment, especially bec ause direct sailings for yourport are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened .Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in De cember this year and the balance 20% in January, 1999, provided your L/C re aches us not later than November 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is convenient to you.port are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened .Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in De cember this year and the balance 20% in January, 1999, provided your L/C re aches us not later than November 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is convenient to you.Unit 8I.1. D2. A/C3. B4. B5. C6. A/B/C 7 . A/B/D 8 A/C/D 9. C 10. B/DIII. have given, to open, covering, is stipulated, be shipped, would/will ap preciate, would/will fax, airmail, listed, is / has been effectedV.1. With regard to terms of payment, we regret being unable to consider you r requestfor D/A at 60 days' sight.2. Please let us know upon receipt of this letter what difficulties you actuall y have in opening the L/C.3. However, on going through your L/C No. 123 we regretfully find several cl auses to be amended.4.Much to our regret, we are unable to comply with your request for an exte nsion of our L/C No. 789 because the present import regulations do not per mit any extension of import licence.5. In future we will make delivery on a D/P basis if, by any chance, we are u nable toship your order in time.V.1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit avail able bydraft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipm ent, and allowing transhipment and partial shipments.2. For the time being, therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A in an ytransactions with our buyers abroad.3. Regrettably there is no news from you up to the present moment about y our L/C,which should have reached us by the end of last month.4. Please amend L/C No. 99S086 to read “Transhipment allowed”, and delete theclause about insurance policy as this transaction is concluded on CFR basis.5. As your country has no consulate in this city, it is our practice to have the invoicecertified by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. Plea se amend your L/C accordingly.VII.Dear Sirs,Following the instructions given in your letter of August 12, our manufactu rers have redoubled their efforts to meet your advanced shipment date. We are now pleased to inform you that the goods are ready for shipment.Much to our surprise, however, the covering L/C has not reached us even t o thisday. Please immediately check with your bank to ensure that it reaches us b efore the end of this month. Otherwise, we shall not be able to make delive ry within the time limit agreed upon. In order to avoid possible subsequen t amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accord ance with those of our S/C No. 7890.Sincerely yoursVIII.Dear SirsL/C No. HC-00085933We are pleased to have received the captioned L/C for the 1,000 metric ton s of sweet potato slices. As some of its terms are found to be not in conform ity with S/C stipulations, we hope you will make the following amendments to enable us to effect shipment within the contracted time limit:1. The date and place of expiry should read “December 20, 1998, in Dalian.”2.The amount in figures and words should respectively be “USD185,000” and “Say United States Dollars One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand Only.”3.The wording “with 5% more or less allowed” should be inserted for both amo untand quantity. 4. The insurance clause is to be deleted. 5.The Contract number should be 28KG603.6.We look forward to your early amendments.Yours sincerelyUnit 9I.1. A2. A/B/C/D3. D4. A/B/C5. B6. C/D7. C8. A/D9. A/C/D 10. BIII. have been trading, have been cleared, began, had been established, wou ld be settled, feel, has passed, to be effected, place, are, might be approac hed, hearingIV. 1.Could you tell us whether they can be replied on to settle their accounts pro mptly?2.We have found that this firm has had to be reminded several times to settle their accounts. 3.We are pleased to inform you that we are ready to accept payment by D/P a s a special accommodation during this sales-pushing stage. 4. As it is our us ual practice to make payment by D/P at sight, we would like you to accept t hese terms for this transaction as well as for future business. 5. Much as we would like to have you as one of our customers, we regret our inability to d o business on the basis of D/A.V. 1. Messrs. Schneider & Kern have given us your name as their referee. We would therefore be much obliged if you could provide us with detailed in formation about their credit status. 2.Any information about their financial standing and commercial integrity will bemuch appreciated and treated as confidential. 3. T o meet you half way, we suggest that 40% of the amount be paid by T/T and the balance by irrevocab le L/C at 90 days' sight. 4. In order to pave the way for your sales promotio n, we agree to make an exception and accept payment by 45-day bill of exc hange, documents against payment. 5. We have noted your request for payment by D/A and will revert to the matter with you when circumstances per mit.VII.Dear Mr. Croft,Further to our exchange of faxes on July 8, we are pleased to be able to inf orm you that your request for new payment terms has been accepted, and t hat they will come into effect when you place your next order with us.As we discussed, future transactions will be placed on a D/P basis with paym ent 30 days after sight, and we will ensure delivery to you within two month s of receiving your order.We are looking forward to an early order from you.Yours sincerely。

Chapter SixExercises:I. Filling the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. We are pleased to give you this order __for__ the following items __with_ the understanding that they will be supplied __at__ the prices stated in your letter of last week.2. We expect to find a good market ___for__ these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders __with___ you ___in__ the near future.3. Our foreign trade policy is based __on___ equality and mutual benefit.4. Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order ___for__ bamboo ware has been received __with__ thanks.5. We will arrange ___captioned__ the production __on___ receipt of your order.6. Your immediate reply should reach us not later __than___ the end of this month.7. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend ___on__ us to effect delivery well ___within__ your time limit.8. We are sending you our S/C No. 0024 ___in__ duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us ___for__ our file.9. In view of the long-standing business relations __with___ us, we wish to settle this dispute amicably. 10. We require payment by D/P __by__ draft at 60 days’ sight.II. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We hope the goods will be shipped before August.2. We require your immediate execution of our order and notice us a few days before completion.3. We have recorded your order, and are preparing the goods now.4. As we are in urgent need, we’ll highly appreciated if you can make delivery as soon as possible.5. We are pleased to confirm our purchase of 50 MT of peanuts from you.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们欣然向你方再次订购下列家用电器用品。

Unit 1A.1. Dear Madam or Sir:Yours faithfully,2. HKS/sh3. Mr. McDonaldTitanic Cement Inc.200 Lincoln Ave.New York, N.. Y. 10009USADear Mr. McDonald:Subject: L/C No. ND308B.1. Dear JohnYours2.Dear Mr. WangSincerely yoursUnit 2A.1.我们经营的商品包括本国一流拖拉机厂的产品,因此我们有良好条件就贵方提出的商品,向贵方客户提供质量最可靠的商品。
2. 我方希望贵公司能寄来一些贵方有意出售商品的详细信息及价目表。
B.1.Our Rising Sun Brand of electric and electronic products has been awarded the gold prize by our state and won great popularity in markets at home and abroad.2. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.3.Specializing in the import of textiles, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.4. The garments on display at the fair were attractive; their fashionable styles, in particular, interested the visitors very much.5. We should be glad to hear at your earliest convenience the terms and conditions you are prepared to supply.6. We have been in the import and export business for over thirty years and have extensive contacts (connections) throughout Northern China.7. You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is sound.8. The suggestion is made in the interest of all parties concerned.9. We believe, with joint efforts, business between us will be developed to our mutual benefit.10. Considering their financial standing and credit status, we deem it rather wise for you to refrain from having relations with that company.UNIT 3A.1. 我方经由纽约商业联合会得知贵公司的名称和地址。

选择题第二单元:询价与回复一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York..2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment.3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list.4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good.5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market.6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney.7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities.第三单元:资信调查一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000.3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part.4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase.第四单元:促销1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks..3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in thePrices4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes.第五单元:报盘与还盘1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable.2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market.3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods.4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time.5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side).6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders.7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove).9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need.10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you.第六单元: 订单一、Fill in the blanks with your choices1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on)2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of)3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms)4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as)5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for )6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach)7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that)8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed)第七单元:支付一、单选1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March.2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance ofour draft.3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor.4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”.5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124.第九单元:保险一:选择题1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle.3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun.4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month.5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks.6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight.7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer.8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today.9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim.10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports.完形填空第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.Dear Sir or MadamI am delighted to tell/inform you that we are interested in the drainage system accessories advertised in China Daily.Will you please send us a free copy of the brochure of the latest models of your products? Also, we would like to have a price list.We are looking forward to your prompt reply.第五单元1. 1. We are prepared to give you a quotation which is based on the prevailing market price.2.Our quotation always comes in line with the world market.3.Unless otherwise stated or agree upon, all prices are without any discount.4.We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open subject to reply before 12:00a.m. of march 2.5.We now offer you, without engagement, our various items as follows.6.The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.7.Unless you make a 5% reduction, we will have to decline your offer.8.This offer cannot be repeated. There is every indication that the prices will rise soon.9.So long as you can maintain moderate prices, your products should have a ready sale here.10.In reply to your letter, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.第六单元三、Fill in each blank space with the word that fits naturallyDear sirsFor your first-time order, I want to thank you on behalf of the company. This is your initial order and I know of no greater kick a sales manager can get than the beginning of business with a new customer.The signing of an order is an expression of confidence, and I want you to know that we are fully aware of the responsibility we have for maintaining that confidence.The most important thing to the buyer of any product is the character of the supplying organization; its resources; its facilities; its reputation; and its standards of service.。

Unit2I. Translate the following Chinese into English.1.Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freeman & Co., we learn that you are one of the leading importers of light products in your country.2.We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the export of textiles, and have engaged in this line for many years. Our products have a wonderful favorable reception.3.We are desirous of establishing business relations with your corporation so as to expand the sales of our products at your end.4.If you feel much interest in our business proposal, please send us the samples together with your best terms and conditions.5.All the items listed in our catalogue enclosed are now kept in our stock and ready for immediate shipment.As to our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.III. Write a letter to a foreign company for establishing business relations covering the following contents.Dear Sirs,We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in Beijing and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations.We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference. We are looking forward your prompt reply.Yours sincerely,Unit3I. Translate the following terms and phrases, then make sentences with them.1. financial and business standing财务与贸易状况We would be much obliged if you could provide information, in confidence, on the financial and business standing of the above Company.2. It goes without saying 毫无疑问It goes without saying that any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and you are free from any responsibilities.3. strictly confidential严格保密Any information you provided will be treated as strictly confidential.4. be free from any responsibilities 无需承担任何责任that any information you supply will be treated in the strictest confidence and for which you needn’t take any responsibilities.5. in advance 提前We thank you in advance for you cooperation in this respect.6. financial status财务状况The company’s financial status is in good condition.7. free of charge 免费We provide the above information free of charge, and you are requested to keep it in secret.8. enjoy good reputation 享有良好信誉The company you required enjoys good reputation here.9. small business engagement小额贸易We have done business with them for over 3 years, but all the transactions are small business engagements.10. take any responsibilities 承担责任You needn’t take any responsibilities for the information you give us.11. general financial standing总体财务状况We would be much obliged if you could inform us of the general financial standing on the captioned company.12. be reliable for可靠的In your opinion, are they likely to be reliable for a credit up to USD 6,000, 000?Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.to, for ; on, with ; to, with ,as ; in ; to, in ; in; in ,on; as, on; to ,with ; in, forⅢ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.如能秘密告知我方他们的财务状况与贸易模式,我方将不胜感激。

Unit two1 你方1994年9月2日来函收到。
Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.•textile n. 纺织品adj.纺织的specialize in 擅长于,专攻enter into 开始2 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。
The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you.•in compliance with 顺从,遵照piece goods 匹头, 布匹•be found to someone’s satisfaction 满某人的意3 遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。
希望这些样品能及时到达,并使你满意In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction.•place an order 下订单4 你方9月4号来函收到。

一、单选Unit8 P1301.我们另由航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。
Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date.2. 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。
Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the undermentioned products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties.3. 你11月15日来信收到,谢谢。
While thank you for your letter of Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art. 2112, we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest buyers to make a counter-off.4.关于申请参加广州交易会一事,我们正与有关当局联系。

第二章I. 1. A/B 2. C 3.D 4. A/D 5.D 6. A/B/C/D7. B/D 8. B/C/D 9 B/C 10. A/B/C/DIII.intention, interested in, view, suitable, grateful, have, together with, appreciate, as, supplier sIV. 1. We have been informed by Jameson Garments (Vancouver) Ltd. that you are one o f the leading exporters of textiles in Hangzhou and that you wish to extend business to our market.2. We would like to have your lowest quotations for the captioned goods on the terms and conditions listed below:3. Please send me some further information on the features and costs of the Vernard line of Ultrasonic equipment, which you recently advertised in Electronics magazine.4. We are interested in importing Chinese furniture and would be pleased to receive a copy of your latest catalogue, price list and export terms.5.We would be grateful if you would send us a comprehensive price list, togetherwith some samples, of the goods which you can supply.V. 1.Chinese low-voltage microwave ovens are in great demand in our country. We would t herefore much appreciate it if you could let us have your competitive prices for the models available at present.2. We write to introduce ourselves as a leading importer of surgical instruments and are int erested in receiving a copy of your latest catalogue for our reference.3. Specializing in the line of confectionery, we have extensive connections with food stores throughout this country.4. We would be much obliged if you could send us a complete set of leaflets so as togive us a general idea of the export items you handle.5. From Messrs. Brown & Clark of this city, we have learned that you are regular suppliers of Chinese kitchenware, for which there is a growing demand here.6. We have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of Television World, and would like to have full particulars of your products, including specifications, prices and packing.VII.Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.456 Huqiu RoadSuzhou, ChinaSeptember 10, 199-The Sales ManagerThe Midland Carpet Co. Ltd. 173 Waterloo Street London E.C.4 BritainDear SirWe have noticed with interest your advertisement in the August issue of The Magic Carpet and feel that the patterns of your carpets may appeal to Chinese customers, especially the w ell-to-do newly weds. Therefore, we would like to have detailed information about the vari ous types of carpets available at the moment, such as specifications and prices, if possible t ogether with sample cuttings.As we intend to lay in a stock for the New Year sales, it would be a great help to us if we co uld receive your reply by the end of this month.Yours faithfully签名Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.Import Manager第三章I. 1. A/B/D 2. / 3. A/B/C/D 4. C 5. A/B/D6. B/C7. B8. A/D9. A/B 10. B/CIII. intend, have stocked only, have decided, select, should be obliged, would send,have examined, shall contact,IV. 1. We think that when you see our samples, you will agree that the quality of the ma terial used and the high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.2.Though we are at present unable to meet your requirement for the captioned articles, we shall be only too pleased to revert to the matter once our supplies are replenished.3. We should like to draw your attention to our other products such as stainless steel kitchenware, details of which you will find in the catalog, and look forward to yourfirst order.4. At your request, we are now quoting you for 1,000 dozen steel tapes atUSD5.--per dz. CFR Lagos.5. We are well aware that our competitors are quoting at considerably lower prices,but our products are obviously superior in quality and therefore represent better value. V. 1. In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalogand a price list have been airmailed separately for your reference.2. If, however, you need any other information, please do not hesitate to let us know. We s hall be only too glad to answer further questions from you.3. As you will notice, our prices are quite competitive, and since we carry largestocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C.4. If you can let us have an idea of the quantity you are going to order, we may consider gi ving you a more favorable discount.5. Though we no longer supply Type SB-95, we have in stock Type SB-99, which is both better in performance and more reasonable in price.VII.Dear Mr. Black,Thank you for your enquiry of August 16 concerning our equipment, which you saw at t he International Farm Machinery Fair in Bonn.In answer to the specific questions in your letter, first let me say we are willing to consid er substantial discount on orders over RMB¥Y1,000,000.With regard to the terms of payment, we would suggest sight L/C for the initial stage. We can fulfill orders within three months, unless there are special specifications, whi ch may take a little longer. We are enclosing our current catalog and pricelist quoting c.i.f. Bangkok prices, and we think you will find the earth-moving equipment on pp. 101-115 of particular interest for the work you have in mind. If you require any further information, pl ease contact us and we will be pleased to supply it.Yours sincerelUnit 4I. 1. A/B/C/D 2. A 3. A/B/C/D 4. . C/D b 5. B6. C7. A/D8. B/C 9 B/D 10. A/C/Dpetitive, quoted, case, that, ship, between, a total of, qualify for, Since,be obligedIV. 1. We are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the understanding t hat they will be supplied from current stock at the prices named.2.Thank you very much for your Order No. GD34, and we are pleased to encloseour Sales Confirmation No. 9975 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.3. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and can be delivered well within your t ime limit4. While thanking you for your order, we have to explain that our price has increased by 5 % owing to a corresponding rise in the prices of raw materials.5. However, in order to finalize the first transaction between us, we are ready to allow youa 5% discount if you can increase the quantity to 1,000.V. 1. This is to confirm our telephone discussion this morning. Enclosed is our Order No. CT504 for 1,500 pounds of Longjing Green Tea at 36 pence per lb CIF London for shi pment during June/July.2. As the demand for our laser printers is on the increase, we hope you will act immediatel y if you are considering placing an order with us.3. Please note that the goods must be in strict conformity with the samples in quality. If thi s first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.4. Thank you f or your prompt reply to our inquiry of April 22. We are now pleased to orde r from you 2000 dozen pure silk T-shirts. (For details, please refer to our enclosed order No . 358.)5. Although our price is a little higher than quotations of other suppliers, the superior quality of our products more than compensates for the difference in price, and it is to your own advantage to order goods of really good quality.VII.Dear Ms Collins,Thank you very much for your Order No. CS27 for our rotary printing presses Models PM6 00 and PM800 for November shipment. We wish to inform you that we can comply with all your requirements except for PM600, which is unfortunately out of stock at the present mo ment. We, therefore, would like to place before you two alternatives for your consideration.1. As an excellent substitute for PM600, we recommend PM630, which is our latest model (for details, see attached leaflet) and can be shipped together with PM800 in November.2. In case you still prefer PM600, we can ship your order in two lots, i.e. PM800 in November and PM600 in January next year, which is the earliest time we can manage. We look forward to your early decision.Yours sincerelyUnit 5I. 1. B/C/D 2. B/D 3. C4. A/B/C 5. A/B/C6. D7. A/C/D8. B/C9. / 10. DⅢcover, individual, available, suitable for, which, in which, be grateful, so that, assure, requireIV.1. We would like you to arrange an all risk open cover policy for our chinaware ipments w hich we intend to export over the next three months.2.If you can offer us competitive rates, we will consider further policies with you onother shipments.3. As we now desire to have the shipment insured at your end, we shall be pleased if you will arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against All Risks for 110% of the inv oice value.4. As requested, we have covered your order with PICC, and the insurance policy willbe sent to you through the bank together with the other shipping documents. 5. We had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance surveyor in the presen ce of the shipping company’s agent.V.1. In the absence of your definite instructions about insurance, we have covered your ordered goods against W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value as usual.2. We have noted your request for insurance against War Risk. But, as you know, our CIF quotation includes W.P.A. only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra premium will be borne by you.3. If the buyer finds after inspection that the goods are damaged, he has the right tofile a claim with the underwriter against a surveyor’s report within 30 days of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.4. We regret to inform you that of the invoiced 12 laser printers in Case No. 8, five were fo und upon arrival to be badly damaged.(OR: We wish to inform you that Case No. 8 was invoiced as containing 12 laserprinters, five of which were regrettably found upon arrival to be badly damaged.)5. The People’s Insurance Company of China is a large state-owned enterprise, which njoy s the reputation of settling claims promptly and equitably and has agencies in the main port s and areas throughout the world.ⅦDear Sir/MadamWe have received your quotation of November 5, which we find quite competitive.We would be glad if you would cover us against All Risks, warehouse to warehouse,to the value of Can$274,895.--, on 15 (fifteen) cases of ceramic handicrafts, from Qingdao to Vancouver by M. V. Seagull.The certificate must reach us by the 17that the latest, since it has to be presented with the other documents to the bank with which a letter of credit has been opened.We look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerelyUnit 6I. 1. B/D 2. A/B 6. B/D 3. D 4. C 5. B/C 7. A/B/C8. C/D9. B/C/D 10. A/B/C/DIII. to ensure, reach, follows, is wrapped, being packed, separated, to hold, are secured, has answered, receivingIV. 1. If cartons are used, please supply each chemical in strong polythene bags to ensureprotection from damp.2. A light case reinforced by battens would meet your requirements and be much cheaper t han a solid wooden case, as the former would be non-returnable.3. When the various items of your order are complete in our warehouse, we will pack them into bundles of suitable size for shipment.4. Please make our order up into bales of about 200 kg. each, covered withwaterprooffabric and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal bands.5. All polished parts of the machine are to be wrapped and generously padded to avoid scratching and knocking against the container.V. 1. Export crates for goods of the type you name are completely enclosed by ply wood, and firmly battened.2. Export orders are put up in strong cases, cleated and wire-strapped. Solid packing and stuffing inside the cases gives protection from vibration and jarring.3. All powders are wrapped in polythene bags and then packed in tins, the lids of which are sealed with adhesive tape.4. Valves and all delicate parts are to be wrapped in soft material and firmly packed in cardboard boxes. These in turn are to be packed in cases in such a manner that movement i nsidethe cases is impossible.5.We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking.These must be strictly observed.VII.Dear Mr. MertonWe thank you for you letter of June 26, and would like to confirm that we are still offering our Phoenix range at the prices quoted in our letter of June 15. We are sure that you find the se prices quite competitive.Meanwhile, we understand your concern over packing and wish to give you the following d etails:Each vase is wrapped in a polybag, and then put in a foamed plastic casing, which is in turn placed in a decorative cardboard box. These boxes are packed in specially designed polyth ene-lined strong cardboard cartons, twelve to a carton, so that no movement inside the carto ns is possible.Besides, on the outside of each carton are clearly stencilled in fadeless ink such warning m arks as “FRAGILE” and “HANDLE WITH CARE”.We hope you will agree that we have taken every possible precaution to ensure the safe tran sportation of our products.We look forward to receiving your order.Sincerely yoursUnit 7III. ordered, have been despatched, arranged, (are) numbered, is arriving, sailed, have been handed, opened, will pay, will beIV.1.We are pleased to inform you that your order no. 32 has been despatched, packedin twelve 100 kg. cases, in accordance with your instructions.2. In view of the urgency of the order, we have despatched it today by air, so that the goods should reach you tomorrow.3. Our rates are subject to alteration without prior notice, except in the case of special contr act.4. We have connections throughout the world and as a result of our wide experience we ca n advise you on suitable packing and method of transport for any country to which you wish to export.5. As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for an early delivery.V. 1. We have already executed that part of your order which we could supply fro m stock. The remainder may be subject to a delay of four to six weeks.2. We shall be glad to know frequency of sailings, lowest rates for large shipments, and gro upage rates for small consignments.3. The goods under your order No. 297 have been packed and are ready for despatch, and we would be pleased if you would fill up, sign and return the attachedinstructions form as soon as possible.4. You can save both time and money by letting us handle all shipping and Customs formalities for you.5. To assist you in introducing our products into your market as early as possible, we agree to advance the initial shipment of 1/3 (one third) of the total quantity fromJune/July to April/May. \VII.Dear Mr. ArnoldRe: Order No. 896 S/C No. 980927From your letter of October 20 concerning the captioned S/C, we understand that instead of the stipulated two equal shipments in January and February, 1999 respectively, you now wi sh to have 80% of the total quantity shipped in November and the balance in December this year.In reply, we wish to inform you that although we have the required quantity in stock, your r equest came too late for November shipment, especially because direct sailings for your port are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened. Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in December this ye ar and the balance 20% in January, 1999, provided your L/C reaches us not later than Nove mber 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is convenient to you.port are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened. Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in December this ye ar and the balance 20% in January, 1999, provided your L/C reaches us not later than Nove mber 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is convenient to you.Unit 8I.1. D2. A/C3. B4. B5. C6. A/B/C 7 . A/B/D 8 A/C/D 9. C 10. B/DIII. have given, to open, covering, is stipulated, be shipped, would/will appreciate, would/ will fax, airmail, listed, is / has been effectedV.1. With regard to terms of payment, we regret being unable to consider your requestfor D/A at 60 days' sight.2. Please let us know upon receipt of this letter what difficulties you actually have in openi ng the L/C.3. However, on going through your L/C No. 123 we regretfully find several clauses to be a mended.4.Much to our regret, we are unable to comply with your request for an extension of our L/C No. 789 because the present import regulations do not permit any extension of import lic ence.5. In future we will make delivery on a D/P basis if, by any chance, we are unable toship your order in time.V.1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available bydraft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transhipment and partial shipments.2. For the time being, therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A in any transactions with our buyers abroad.3. Regrettably there is no news from you up to the present moment about your L/C, which should have reached us by the end of last month.4. Please amend L/C No. 99S086 to read “Transhipment allowed”, and delete theclause about insurance policy as this transaction is concluded on CFR basis.5. As your country has no consulate in this city, it is our practice to have the invoice certified by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. Please amend yourL/C accordingly.VII.Dear Sirs,Following the instructions given in your letter of August 12, our manufacturers have redo ubled their efforts to meet your advanced shipment date. We are now pleased to inform you that the goods are ready for shipment.Much to our surprise, however, the covering L/C has not reached us even to thisday. Please immediately check with your bank to ensure that it reaches us before the end of this month. Otherwise, we shall not be able to make delivery within the time limit agreed u pon. In order to avoid possible subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipu lations are in exact accordance with those of our S/C No. 7890.Sincerely yoursVIII.Dear SirsL/C No. HC-00085933We are pleased to have received the captioned L/C for the 1,000 metric tons of sweet potato slices. As some of its terms are found to be not in conformity with S/C stipulations, we hop e you will make the following amendments to enable us to effect shipment within the contr acted time limit:1. The date and place of expiry should read “December 20, 1998, in Dalian.”2.The amount in figures and words should respectively be “USD185,000” and“Say United States Dollars One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand Only.”3.The wording “with 5% more or less allowed” should be inserted for both amountand quantity. 4. The insurance clause is to be deleted. 5.The Contract number should be 28KG603.6.We look forward to your early amendments.Yours sincerelyUnit 9I.1. A2. A/B/C/D3. D4. A/B/C5. B6. C/D7. C8. A/D9. A/C/D 10. BIII. have been trading, have been cleared, began, had been established, would be settled, fee l, has passed, to be effected, place, are, might be approached, hearingIV. 1.Could you tell us whether they can be replied on to settle their accounts promptly?2.We have found that this firm has had to be reminded several times to settle their accounts.3.We are pleased to inform you that we are ready to accept payment by D/P as a special acco mmodation during this sales-pushing stage. 4. As it is our usual practice to make payment by D/P at sight, we would like you to accept these terms for this transaction as well as for f uture business. 5. Much as we would like to have you as one of our customers, we regret o ur inability to do business on the basis of D/A.V. 1. Messrs. Schneider & Kern have given us your name as their referee. We would ther efore be much obliged if you could provide us with detailed information about their credit s tatus. 2.Any information about their financial standing and commercial integrity will bemuch appreciated and treated as confidential. 3. To meet you half way, we suggest that 40 % of the amount be paid by T/T and the balance by irrevocable L/C at 90 days' sight. 4. In order to pave the way for your sales promotion, we agree to make an exception and accept payment by 45-day bill of exchange, documents against payment. 5. We have noted your r equest for payment by D/A and will revert to the matter with you when circumstances perm it.VII.Dear Mr. Croft,Further to our exchange of faxes on July 8, we are pleased to be able to inform you that you r request for new payment terms has been accepted, and that they will come into effect whe n you place your next order with us.As we discussed, future transactions will be placed on a D/P basis with payment 30 days aft er sight, and we will ensure delivery to you within two months of receiving your order. We are looking forward to an early order from you.Yours sincerely。

第二章I. 1. A/B 2. C 3.D 4. A/D 5.D 6. A/B/C/D7. B/D 8. B/C/D 9 B/C 10. A/B/C/DIII.intention, interested in, view, suitable, grateful, have, toge ther with, appreciate, as, suppliersIV. 1. We have been informed by Jameson Garments ( Vancouver) Ltd. that you are one of the leading exporters o f textiles in Hangzhou and that you wish to extend business to our market.2. We would like to have your lowest quotations for the captioned goods on the terms and conditions listed below:3. Please send me some further information on the features and costs of the Vernard line of Ultrasonic equipment, whi ch you recently advertised in Electronics magazine.4. We are interested in importing Chinese furniture and wo uld be pleased to receive a copy of your latest catalogue, price list and export terms.5.We would be grateful if you would send us a comprehensive price list, togetherwith some samples, of the goods which you can supply.V. 1.Chinese low-voltage microwave ovens are in great demandin our country. We would therefore much appreciate it if you could let us have your competitive prices for the model s available at present.2. We write to introduce ourselves as a leading importerof surgical instruments and are interested in receiving a co py of your latest catalogue for our reference.3. Specializing in the line of confectionery, we have exte nsive connections with food stores throughout this country.4. We would be much obliged if you could send us a comp lete set of leaflets so as togive us a general idea of the export items you handle.5. From Messrs. Brown & Clark of this city, we have learned that you are regular suppliers of Chinese kitchenware, f or which there is a growing demand here.6. We have read with interest your advertisement in the l atest issue of TelevisionWorld, and would like to have full particulars of your prod ucts, includingspecifications, prices and packing.VII.Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.456 Huqiu RoadSuzhou, ChinaSeptember 10, 199-The Sales ManagerThe Midland Carpet Co. Ltd. 173 Waterloo Street London E.C.4 BritainDear SirWe have noticed with interest your advertisement in the Augu st issue of The Magic Carpet and feel that the patterns of your carpets may appeal to Chinese customers, especially th e well-to-do newly weds. Therefore, we would like to have d etailed information about the various types of carpets availa ble at the moment, such as specifications and prices, if po ssible together with sample cuttings.As we intend to lay in a stock for the New Year sales, i t would be a great help to us if we could receive your r eply by the end of this month.Yours faithfully签名Huafang Trading Co. Ltd.Import Manager第三章I. 1. A/B/D 2. / 3. A/B/C/D 4. C 5. A/B/D6. B/C7. B8. A/D9. A/B 10. B/CIII. intend, have stocked only, have decided, select, should be obliged, would send,have examined, shall contact,IV. 1. We think that when you see our samples, you will agree that the quality of the material used and t he high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most s elective buyers.2.Though we are at present unable to meet your requirementfor the captionedarticles, we shall be only too pleased to revert to the ma tter once our supplies arereplenished.3. We should like to draw your attention to our other pr oducts such as stainless steelkitchenware, details of which you will find in the catalog, and look forward to yourfirst order.4. At your request, we are now quoting you for 1,000 doz en steel tapes atUSD5.--per dz. CFR Lagos.5. We are well aware that our competitors are quoting at considerably lower prices,but our products are obviously superior in quality and there fore represent better value.V. 1. In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price lis t have been airmailed separately for your reference.2. If, however, you need any other information, please do not hesitate to let us know. We shall be only too glad to answer further questions from you.3. As you will notice, our prices are quite competitive, and since we carry largestocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C.4. If you can let us have an idea of the quantity you are going to order, we may consider giving you a more favo rable discount.5. Though we no longer supply Type SB-95, we have in sto ck Type SB-99, which isboth better in performance and more reasonable in price.VII.Dear Mr. Black,Thank you for your enquiry of August 16 concerning our equipment, which you saw at the International Farm Mac hinery Fair in Bonn.In answer to the specific questions in your letter, first let me say we are willing to consider substantial d iscount on orders over RMB¥Y1,000,000.With regard to the terms of payment, we would sugg est sight L/C for the initialstage. We can fulfill orders within three months, unless t here are special specifications, which may take a little lon ger. We are enclosing our current catalog and pricelist quoting c.i.f. Bangkok prices, and we think you will find t he earth-moving equipment on pp. 101-115 of particular intere st for the work you have in mind. If you require any furt her information, please contact us and we will be pleased t o supply it.Yours sincerelUnit 4I. 1. A/B/C/D 2. A 3. A/B/C/D 4. . C/D b 5. B6. C7. A/D8. B/C 9 B/D 10. A/C/Dpetitive, quoted, case, that, ship, between, a tota l of, qualify for, Since,be obligedIV. 1. We are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the understanding that they will be sup plied from current stock at the prices named.2.Thank you very much for your Order No. GD34, and we are pleased to encloseour Sales Confirmation No. 9975 in duplicate, one copy of w hich please sign and return to us for our file.3. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and can be delivered well within your time limit4. While thanking you for your order, we have to explai n that our price has increased by 5% owing to a correspond ing rise in the prices of raw materials.5. However, in order to finalize the first transaction bet ween us, we are ready to allow you a 5% discount if you can increase the quantity to 1,000.V. 1. This is to confirm our telephone discus sion this morning. Enclosed is our Order No. CT504 for 1,50 0 pounds of Longjing Green Tea at 36 pence per lb CIF Lon don for shipment during June/July.2. As the demand for our laser printers is on the increa se, we hope you will act immediately if you are considering placing an order with us.3. Please note that the goods must be in strict conformit y with the samples in quality. If this first order is sati sfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.4. Thank you f or your prompt reply to our inquiry of A pril 22. We are now pleased to order from you 2000 dozen pure silk T-shirts. (For details, please refer to our enclos ed order No. 358.)5. Although our price is a little higher than quotations of other suppliers, the superiorquality of our products more than compensates for the differ ence in price, and it is toyour own advantage to order goods of really good quality.VII.Dear Ms Collins,Thank you very much for your Order No. CS27 for our rotary printing presses Models PM600 and PM800 for November shipme nt. We wish to inform you that we can comply with all you r requirements except for PM600, which is unfortunately out of stock at the present moment. We, therefore, would like t o place before you two alternatives for your consideration.1. As an excellent substitute for PM600, we recommend PM63 0, which is our latest model (for details, see attached lea flet) and can be shipped together with PM800 in November.2. In case you still prefer PM600, we can ship your orde r in two lots, i.e. PM800 inNovember and PM600 in January next year, which is the earli est time we can manage.We look forward to your early decision.Yours sincerelyUnit 5I. 1. B/C/D 2. B/D 3. C4. A/B/C 5. A/B/C6. D7. A/C/D8. B/C9. / 10. DⅢcover, individual, available, suitable for, which, in which, be grateful, so that, assure,requireIV.1. We would like you to arrange an all risk open cover policy for our chinaware ipments which we intend to export over the next three months.2.If you can offer us competitive rates, we will consider further policies with you on other shipments.3. As we now desire to have the shipment insured atyour end, we shall be pleased if you will arrange to i nsure the goods on our behalf against All Risks for 110 % of the invoice value.4. As requested, we have covered your order with PICC,and the insurance policy will be sent to you through the bank together with the other shipping documents. 5.We had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance surveyor in the presence of the shipping company’s agent.V.1. In the absence of your definite instructions about insu rance, we have covered yourordered goods against W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value as usual.2. We have noted your request for insurance against War R isk. But, as you know, ourCIF quotation includes W.P.A. only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra premium will be borne by you.3. If the buyer finds after inspection that the goods are damaged, he has the right tofile a claim with the underwriter against a surveyor’s repo rt within 30 days of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.4. We regret to inform you that of the invoiced 12 laserprinters in Case No. 8, five were found upon arrival to be badly damaged.(OR: We wish to inform you that Case No. 8 was invoiced a s containing 12 laserprinters, five of which were regrettably found upon arrival to be badly damaged.)5. The People’s Insurance Company of China is a large st ate-owned enterprise, which njoys the reputation of settling claims promptly and equitably and has agencies in the main ports and areas throughout the world.ⅦDear Sir/MadamWe have received your quotation of November 5, which we fin d quite competitive.We would be glad if you would cover us against All Risks, warehouse to warehouse,to the value of Can$274,895.--, on 15 (fifteen) cases of ce ramic handicrafts, fromQingdao to Vancouver by M. V. Seagull.The certificate must reach us by the 17that the latest, since it has to be presented with the other documents to the bank with which a letter of credit has been opened.We look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerelyUnit 6I. 1. B/D 2. A/B 6. B/D 3. D 4. C 5. B/C7. A/B/C8. C/D9. B/C/D 10. A/B/C/DIII. to ensure, reach, follows, is wrapped, being p acked, separated, to hold, are secured, has answered, receivi ngIV. 1. If cartons are used, please supply each c hemical in strong polythene bags to ensureprotection from damp.2. A light case reinforced by battens would meet your req uirements and be much cheaper than a solid wooden case, as the former would be non-returnable.3. When the various items of your order are complete in our warehouse, we will pack them into bundles of suitable s ize for shipment.4. Please make our order up into bales of about 200 kg. each, covered withwaterprooffabric and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal ba nds.5. All polished parts of the machine are to be wrapped a nd generously padded to avoidscratching and knocking against the container.V. 1. Export crates for goods of the type you name are completely enclosed by plywood, and firmly battened.2. Export orders are put up in strong cases, cleated and wire-strapped. Solid packing andstuffing inside the cases gives protection from vibration and jarring.3. All powders are wrapped in polythene bags and then pac ked in tins, the lids of whichare sealed with adhesive tape.4. Valves and all delicate parts are to be wrapped in so ft material and firmly packed incardboard boxes. These in turn are to be packed in cases i n such a manner that movement insidethe cases is impossible.5.We give you on the attached sheet full details regardingpacking and marking.These must be strictly observed.VII.Dear Mr. MertonWe thank you for you letter of June 26, and would like to confirm that we are still offering our Phoenix range at t he prices quoted in our letter of June 15. We are sure th at you find these prices quite competitive.Meanwhile, we understand your concern over packing and wish to give you the following details:Each vase is wrapped in a polybag, and then put in a foam ed plastic casing, which is in turn placed in a decorative cardboard box. These boxes are packed in specially designed polythene-lined strong cardboard cartons, twelve to a carton , so that no movement inside the cartons is possible. Besides, on the outside of each carton are clearly stencille d in fadeless ink such warning marks as “FRAGILE”and “H ANDLE WITH CARE”.We hope you will agree that we have taken every possible p recaution to ensure the safe transportation of our products.We look forward to receiving your order.Sincerely yoursUnit 7III. ordered, have been despatched, arranged, (are) nu mbered, is arriving, sailed, have been handed, opened, will pay, will beIV.1.We are pleased to inform you that your order no. 32 hasbeen despatched, packedin twelve 100 kg. cases, in accordance with your instructi ons.2. In view of the urgency of the order, we have despatch ed it today by air, so that thegoods should reach you tomorrow.3. Our rates are subject to alteration without prior notic e, except in the case of special contract.4. We have connections throughout the world and as a resu lt of our wide experience we can advise you on suitable pa cking and method of transport for any country to which you wish to export.5. As you have been informed in one of our previous lett ers, the users are in urgent need of the machines contracte d and are in fact pressing us for an early delivery.V. 1. We have already executed that part of your order which we could supply from stock. The remainder may be subject to a delay of four to six weeks .2. We shall be glad to know frequency of sailings, lowest rates for large shipments, and groupage rates for small co nsignments.3. The goods under your order No. 297 have been packed a nd are ready for despatch,and we would be pleased if you would fill up, sign and re turn the attachedinstructions form as soon as possible.4. You can save both time and money by letting us handle all shipping and Customsformalities for you.5. To assist you in introducing our products into your ma rket as early as possible, weagree to advance the initial shipment of 1/3 (one third) of the total quantity fromJune/July to April/May. \VII.Dear Mr. ArnoldRe: Order No. 896 S/C No. 980927From your letter of October 20 concerning the captioned S/C, we understand that instead of the stipulated two equal shi pments in January and February, 1999 respectively, you now w ish to have 80% of the total quantity shipped in Novemberand the balance in December this year.In reply, we wish to inform you that although we have the required quantity in stock, your request came too late for November shipment, especially because direct sailings for yo urport are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened.Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in December this year and the balance 20% in Ja nuary, 1999, provided your L/C reaches us not later than No vember 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is conv enient to you.port are few and far between. Besides, the relevant L/C is yet to be opened.Therefore, we would suggest that 80% of the total quantity be shipped in December this year and the balance 20% in Ja nuary, 1999, provided your L/C reaches us not later than No vember 20.Please let us know promptly whether this arrangement is conv enient to you.Unit 8I.1. D2. A/C3. B4. B5. C6. A/B/C 7 . A/B/D 8 A/C/D 9. C 10. B/DIII. have given, to open, covering, is stipulated, be shipped, would/will appreciate, would/will fax, airmail, listed , is / has been effectedV.1. With regard to terms of payment, we regret being unable to consider your requestfor D/A at 60 days' sight.2. Please let us know upon receipt of this letter what dif ficulties you actually have in opening the L/C.3. However, on going through your L/C No. 123 we regretfull y find several clauses to be amended.4.Much to our regret, we are unable to comply with your re quest for an extension of our L/C No. 789 because the pres ent import regulations do not permit any extension of import licence.5. In future we will make delivery on a D/P basis if, by any chance, we are unable toship your order in time.V.1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable lett er of credit available bydraft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, re maining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transhipm ent and partial shipments.2. For the time being, therefore, we regret our inability t o accept D/A in anytransactions with our buyers abroad.3. Regrettably there is no news from you up to the present moment about your L/C,which should have reached us by the end of last month.4. Please amend L/C No. 99S086 to read “Transhipment allowe d”,and delete theclause about insurance policy as this transaction is conclude d on CFR basis.5. As your country has no consulate in this city, it is o ur practice to have the invoicecertified by the China Council for the Promotion of Internat ional Trade. Please amend your L/C accordingly.VII.Dear Sirs,Following the instructions given in your letter of Augu st 12, our manufacturers have redoubled their efforts to mee t your advanced shipment date. We are now pleased to inform you that the goods are ready for shipment.Much to our surprise, however, the covering L/C has no t reached us even to thisday. Please immediately check with your bank to ensure that it reaches us before the end of this month. Otherwise, we shall not be able to make delivery within the time limit agreed upon. In order to avoid possible subsequent am endments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with those of our S/C No. 7890.Sin cerely yoursVIII.Dear SirsL/C No. HC-00085933We are pleased to have received the captioned L/C for the 1,000 metric tons of sweet potato slices. As some of its t erms are found to be not in conformity with S/C stipulation s, we hope you will make the following amendments to enable us to effect shipment within the contracted time limit:1. The date and place of expiry should read “December20, 1998, in Dalian.”2.The amount in figures and words should respectively be “USD 185,000”and“Say United States Dollars One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand Only.”3.The wording “with5% more or less allowed”should be inse rted for both amountand quantity. 4. The insurance clause is to be deleted.5.The Contract number should be 28KG603.6.We look forward to your early amendments.Yours sincerelyUnit 9I.1. A2. A/B/C/D3. D4. A/B/C5. B6. C/D7. C8. A/D9. A/C/D 10. BIII. have been trading, have been cleared, began, had been established, would be settled, feel, has passed, to be effec ted, place, are, might be approached, hearingIV. 1.Could you tell us whether they can be replied on to settle their accounts promptly?2.We have found that this firm has had to be reminded severa l times to settle their accounts. 3.We are pleased to inform you that we are ready to accept payment by D/P as a special accommodation during this sales-pushing stage. 4. As it is our usual practice to make pa yment by D/P at sight, we would like you to accept these terms for this transaction as well as for future business.5. Much as we would like to have you as one of our cus tomers, we regret our inability to do business on the basis of D/A.V. 1. Messrs. Schneider & Kern have given us your n ame as their referee. We would therefore be much obliged if you could provide us with detailed information about their credit status. 2.Any information about their financial standing and commercial integrity will bemuch appreciated and treated as confidential. 3. To meet y ou half way, we suggest that 40% of the amount be paid by T/T and the balance by irrevocable L/C at 90 days' sight.4. In order to pave the way for your sales promotion, we agree to make an exception and accept payment by 45-day bill of exchange, documents against payment.5. We have noted your request for payment by D/A and will revert to t he matter with you when circumstances permit.VII.Dear Mr. Croft,Further to our exchange of faxes on July 8, we are pleased to be able to inform you that your request for new payme nt terms has been accepted, and that they will come into e ffect when you place your next order with us.As we discussed, future transactions will be placed on a D/ P basis with payment 30 days after sight, and we will ensu re delivery to you within two months of receiving your orde r.We are looking forward to an early order from you.Yours sincerely-----精心整理,希望对您有所帮助!。
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Chapter SixExercises:I. Filling the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. We are pleased to give you this order __for__ the following items __with_ the understanding that they will be supplied __at__ the prices stated in your letter of last week.2. We expect to find a good market ___for__ these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders __with___ you ___in__ the near future.3. Our foreign trade policy is based __on___ equality and mutual benefit.4. Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order ___for__ bamboo ware has been received __with__ thanks.5. We will arrange ___captioned__ the production __on___ receipt of your order.6. Your immediate reply should reach us not later __than___ the end of this month.7. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend ___on__ us to effect delivery well ___within__ your time limit.8. We are sending you our S/C No. 0024 ___in__ duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us ___for__ our file.9. In view of the long-standing business relations __with___ us, we wish to settle this dispute amicably. 10. We require payment by D/P __by__ draft at 60 days’ sight.II. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We hope the goods will be shipped before August.2. We require your immediate execution of our order and notice us a few days before completion.3. We have recorded your order, and are preparing the goods now.4. As we are in urgent need, we’ll highly appreciated if you can make delivery as soon as possible.5. We are pleased to confirm our purchase of 50 MT of peanuts from you.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们欣然向你方再次订购下列家用电器用品。
IV. Translate the following expressions into Chinese.counter-signature 会签for our records 供我们记录在案in duplicate 一式两份sales Contract 销售合同shipping advice 装船通知date of sailing 开船日期make delivery 交货placing an order 下订单V. Complete the English contract according to the information given below.2008年10月23日,青岛进出口贸易公司(Qingdao Import and Export Trading Company)和日本KANEBO AGRITECHKK 公司签订第P0825号合同销售100公吨梨,价格为每公吨46美元FOB 青岛,付款采用信用证,用纸箱包装,每纸箱25公斤,于11月15日前运到横宾。
销售合同SALES CONTRACT卖方SELLER:Qingdao Import andExport TradingCompany 编号NO.: P0825日期DATE:Oct. 23,2008地点SIGNEDIN:Qingdao买方BUYER:KANEBO AGRITECHKK买卖双方同意以下条款达成交易:This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.允许With 溢短装,由卖方决定More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers’ option5. 总值Total Value USD 46006. 包装Packing in cartons7. 唛头Shipping Marks8. 装运期及运输方式Time of Shipment &means of Transportation During Nov./Dec. 20089. 装运港及目的地PortofLoading&Destination Port of loading: Qingdao Port of destination: Yokohama10. 保险Cover W.P.A to be covered by the sellerVI. Find out the errors and correct.Dear Sirs,We are very glad to learn that our first shipment is of (改为:to ) your satisfaction and thank you for your repeat order to (改为:fir ) our leather bags.We have booked your order and are now prepared (改为: preparing ) the goods ,which will be delivered according (改为: 加to ) your request. As soon as the covering letter of credit reaches our end, we shall effect immediately (改为:immediate ) shipment.Enclosing (改为: Enclosed ) please find our latest catalogue. Should you be interested in any of our products, please let us know. We assure you ours faithfully,Chapter SevenInsurance for 110%of full invoice value11. 付款方式 Terms of PaymentBy irrevocable L/C to be available bysight draft 12. 备注 RemarksThe Buyer The Seller(signature) (signature)I. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 C C D C C 6-10 D B B A DII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.鉴于我们长期、友好的商务关系,我们破例接受远期付款交单方式付款。
III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.The payment is by confirmed and irrevocable L/C in our favor.2.We regret to inform you that we can not accept your terms of payment.3.In consideration of the small sum of this transaction, we agree to draw on you at sight.4.We believed the cargo arrives at when the port of destination will make your customer to be satisfied. 5.The payment is by L/C opened from 15 days to 20 days before shipment. The L/C remains valid until the 15 days after the time of shipment so that we can prepare all the shipping documents for negotiation with bank.IV. Translate the following letters into English.Dear Sirs,Thank you for your order of July 16. we are very pleased to know you intend to sell our fruit cans in your place. We are grateful for your favor. However, we are regretful that we can not accept your payment by D/A at 60 day’s sight. For we usually require payment by irrevocable sight L/C. we cannot arrange other ways than the usual practice,especially for a new client. We suggest we firstly do business by L/C. we’ll negotiate this problem later.We hope this proposal will meet with your approval and look forward to your early confirmation.Yours faithfully,V. Write the letters with the information given below. Dear Sirs,Contract No. AB167 We refer you 贵方100公吨盘锦大米和300公吨玉米的订单DT132号.we regret to find that we still haven’t收到相关信用证,也未听到贵方任何消息up to the present.Please note that we have agreed that the payment of the above order is to be made by sight L/C and信用证必须在收到我们销货确认后2星期内开出.We are now kindly requesting you to尽快开立以我方为受益人的不可撤销即期信用证so that we can carry out the above order as scheduled.Yours faithfully,1. to your order of No. DT132of 100 MT of Panjin Rice and 300 MT of corn.2. received the relative L/C, neither have we heard any new from you3. the L/C should be opened within 2 weeks after receipt of our sales confirmation.4. expedite the establishment of the irrevocable sight L/C in our favor.VI. Complete the following letters with the words and phrases given below:1. D A E C B2. E A C D B。